Survey Report: Comm LCAP Survey VIEWED 76 STARTED 52 COMPLETED 26 COMPLETION RATE 50% DROP OUTS 26 TIME TO COMPLETE 10 mins Tell us about you. Mark all that apply: Community Member : 28.95% Parent of student(s) in the NHUHSD : 57.89% NHUHSD Student : 13.16% Answ er 1. Parent of student(s) in the NHUHSD 2. NHUHSD Student 3. Community Member Total Count Percent 22 57.89% 5 13.16% 11 28.95% 38 100% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% What school does your student(s) attend? Tsurai High School : 4.55% Pacific Coast High School : 4.55% McKinleyville High School : 13.64% Arcata High School : 77.27% Answ er 1. Arcata High School Count Percent 17 77.27% 2. Mc Kinleyville High Sc hool 3 13.64% 3. Six Rivers Charter High Sc hool 0 0.00% 4. Pac ific Coast High School 1 4.55% 5. Tsurai High Sc hool 1 4.55% 6. Community Day School 0 0.00% 22 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% What school do you attend? Six Rivers Charter High School : 33.33% Arcata High School : 33.33% McKinleyville High School : 33.33% Answ er Count Percent 1. Arcata High School 1 33.33% 2. Mc Kinleyville High Sc hool 1 33.33% 3. Six Rivers Charter High Sc hool 1 33.33% 4. Pac ific Coast High School 0 0.00% 5. Tsurai High Sc hool 0 0.00% 6. Community Day School 0 0.00% 3 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% What grade level is your student(s) in? 12th : 13.64% 9th : 22.73% 11th : 27.27% 10th : 36.36% Answ er Count Percent 1. 9th 5 22.73% 2. 10th 8 36.36% 3. 11th 6 27.27% 4. 12th 3 13.64% Total 22 100% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% What grade are you in? 11th : 50.00% Answ er 10th : 50.00% Count Percent 1. 9th 0 0.00% 2. 10th 1 50.00% 3. 11th 1 50.00% 4. 12th 0 0.00% Total 2 100% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% After high school, is your student planning on entering: Trade School : 5.00% 2-year college or university : 15.00% 4-year college or university : 80.00% Answ er 1. 4-year college or univ ersity Count Percent 16 80.00% 2. 2-year c ollege or university 3 15.00% 3. Trade School 1 5.00% 4. Workforce 0 0.00% 20 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% After high school, do you plan on entering: 2-year college or university : 50.00% Answ er 4-year college or university : 50.00% Count Percent 1. 4-year college or univ ersity 1 50.00% 2. 2-year c ollege or university 1 50.00% 3. Trade School 0 0.00% 4. Workforce 0 0.00% 2 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Does the school help increase student achievement (test scores, college and career readiness, English Learner reclassification)? Strongly disagree : 4.55% Disagree : 9.09% Strongly agree : 22.73% Not sure : 4.55% Agree : 59.09% Answ er 1. Strongly agree Count Percent 5 22.73% 13 59.09% 3. Not sure 1 4.55% 4. Disagree 2 9.09% 5. Strongly disagree 1 4.55% 22 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Does the school focus on improving student attendance? Strongly disagree : 4.55% Strongly agree : 13.64% Disagree : 9.09% Agree : 31.82% Not sure : 40.91% Answ er Count Percent 1. Strongly agree 3 13.64% 2. Agree 7 31.82% 3. Not sure 9 40.91% 4. Disagree 2 9.09% 5. Strongly disagree 1 4.55% 22 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Students and parents receive accurate, clear, and timely advice from school staff on choosing appropriate courses. Disagree : 23.81% Strongly agree : 23.81% Not sure : 9.52% Agree : 42.86% Answ er Count Percent 1. Strongly agree 5 23.81% 2. Agree 9 42.86% 3. Not sure 2 9.52% 4. Disagree 5 23.81% 0 0.00% 21 100% 5. Strongly disagree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Teachers utilize strategies and resources that actively engage students in learning. Strongly disagree : 4.55% Not sure : 18.18% Strongly agree : 27.27% Agree : 50.00% Answ er 1. Strongly agree Count Percent 6 27.27% 11 50.00% 3. Not sure 4 18.18% 4. Disagree 0 0.00% 5. Strongly disagree 1 4.55% 22 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Students have access and opportunity to participate in core subjects that prepare them for college (i.e., English, Math, Social Science, Science, Visual & Preforming Arts, Health, PE, and career technical education). Agree : 45.45% Strongly agree : 54.55% Count Percent 1. Strongly agree Answ er 12 54.55% 2. Agree 10 45.45% 3. Not sure 0 0.00% 4. Disagree 0 0.00% 5. Strongly disagree 0 0.00% 22 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% The school seeks parent and student input and encourages participation. Strongly agree : 9.52% Disagree : 23.81% Not sure : 9.52% Agree : 57.14% Answ er 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree Count Percent 2 9.52% 12 57.14% 3. Not sure 2 9.52% 4. Disagree 5 23.81% 0 0.00% 21 100% 5. Strongly disagree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% I participate informal events for parent programs (i.e., Back to School Night, Orientations, Report Card Nights). No, i do not participate : 19.05% Yes, as a student I participate : 4.76% Yes, as a parent I participate : 76.19% Answ er Count Percent 1. Yes, as a parent I participate 16 76.19% 2. Yes, as a student I partic ipate 1 4.76% 3. No, i do not participate 4 19.05% 21 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% I feel valued as a parent at the school. Strongly disagree : 5.00% Strongly agree : 10.00% Disagree : 10.00% Not sure : 15.00% Agree : 60.00% Answ er 1. Strongly agree Count Percent 2 10.00% 12 60.00% 3. Not sure 3 15.00% 4. Disagree 2 10.00% 5. Strongly disagree 1 5.00% 20 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% I am familiar with the majority of programs and opportunities available for students at the school. Disagree : 10.00% Strongly agree : 25.00% Not sure : 25.00% Agree : 40.00% Answ er Count Percent 1. Strongly agree 5 25.00% 2. Agree 8 40.00% 3. Not sure 5 25.00% 4. Disagree 2 10.00% 5. Strongly disagree 0 0.00% 20 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% A positive school climate is maintained (school safety, school connectedness) Not sure : 21.05% Strongly agree : 36.84% Agree : 42.11% Answ er Count Percent 1. Strongly agree 7 36.84% 2. Agree 8 42.11% 3. Not sure 4 21.05% 4. Disagree 0 0.00% 5. Strongly disagree 0 0.00% 19 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Students have a sense of belonging at their school. Strongly disagree : 5.26% Strongly agree : 15.79% Not sure : 5.26% Agree : 73.68% Answ er 1. Strongly agree Count Percent 3 15.79% 14 73.68% 3. Not sure 1 5.26% 4. Disagree 0 0.00% 5. Strongly disagree 1 5.26% 19 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Classroom environment is conducive to and supportive of learning. Strongly disagree : 5.26% Strongly agree : 21.05% Not sure : 26.32% Agree : 47.37% Answ er Count Percent 1. Strongly agree 4 21.05% 2. Agree 9 47.37% 3. Not sure 5 26.32% 4. Disagree 0 0.00% 5. Strongly disagree 1 5.26% 19 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Students have access to appropriate and adequate health, support services (nurse, psychologist, etc) required to ensure their success. Strongly disagree : 5.56% Disagree : 5.56% Strongly agree : 16.67% Not sure : 38.89% Agree : 33.33% Answ er Count Percent 1. Strongly agree 3 16.67% 2. Agree 6 33.33% 3. Not sure 7 38.89% 4. Disagree 1 5.56% 5. Strongly disagree 1 5.56% 18 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Please rate your level of interest in the following enrichment opportunities: Music : 1.74 | 43% Field Trips/Overseas Trips : 1.89 | 47% Athletics : 1.89 | 47% Student Assemblies : 2.79 | 69% Access to Libraries : 1.63 | 40% Access to Technology : 1.21 | 30% Question Count Score 1. Music 19 1.74 2. Athletics 19 1.89 3. Acc ess to Libraries 19 1.63 4. Acc ess to Technology 19 1.21 5. Student Assemblies 19 2.79 6. Field Trips/Overseas Trips 19 1.89 Av erage 1.86 High Interest Strong Interest Low Interest No Interest Music Low Interest : 21.05% High Interest : 47.37% Strong Interest : 31.58% Count Percent 1. High Interest Answ er 9 47.37% 2. Strong Interest 6 31.58% 3. Low Interest 4 21.05% 4. No Interest 0 0.00% 19 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Athletics Low Interest : 31.58% High Interest : 42.11% Strong Interest : 26.32% Answ er Count Percent 1. High Interest 8 42.11% 2. Strong Interest 5 26.32% 3. Low Interest 6 31.58% 4. No Interest 0 0.00% 19 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Access to Libraries Low Interest : 15.79% High Interest : 52.63% Strong Interest : 31.58% Answ er Count Percent 10 52.63% 2. Strong Interest 6 31.58% 3. Low Interest 3 15.79% 4. No Interest 0 0.00% 19 100% 1. High Interest Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Access to Technology Strong Interest : 21.05% High Interest : 78.95% Answ er Count Percent 15 78.95% 2. Strong Interest 4 21.05% 3. Low Interest 0 0.00% 4. No Interest 0 0.00% 19 100% 1. High Interest Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Student Assemblies High Interest : 10.53% No Interest : 21.05% Strong Interest : 21.05% Low Interest : 47.37% Answ er Count Percent 1. High Interest 2 10.53% 2. Strong Interest 4 21.05% 3. Low Interest 9 47.37% 4. No Interest 4 21.05% 19 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Field Trips/Overseas Trips Low Interest : 21.05% High Interest : 31.58% Strong Interest : 47.37% Answ er Count Percent 1. High Interest 6 31.58% 2. Strong Interest 9 47.37% 3. Low Interest 4 21.05% 4. No Interest 0 0.00% 19 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Teachers are highly qualified. Not sure : 16.67% Strongly agree : 50.00% Agree : 33.33% Answ er Count Percent 1. Strongly agree 9 50.00% 2. Agree 6 33.33% 3. Not sure 3 16.67% 4. Disagree 0 0.00% 5. Strongly disagree 0 0.00% 18 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Teachers use a variety of assessments to grade students. Strongly agree : 15.79% Not sure : 26.32% Agree : 57.89% Answ er 1. Strongly agree Count Percent 3 15.79% 11 57.89% 3. Not sure 5 26.32% 4. Disagree 0 0.00% 5. Strongly disagree 0 0.00% 19 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Teachers utilize strategies and resources, including technology that actively engages students and learning. Not sure : 16.67% Strongly agree : 16.67% Agree : 66.67% Answ er 1. Strongly agree Count Percent 3 16.67% 12 66.67% 3. Not sure 3 16.67% 4. Disagree 0 0.00% 5. Strongly disagree 0 0.00% 18 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Students have access to standards-aligned textbooks and instructional materials. Not sure : 21.05% Strongly agree : 21.05% Agree : 57.89% Answ er 1. Strongly agree Count Percent 4 21.05% 11 57.89% 3. Not sure 4 21.05% 4. Disagree 0 0.00% 5. Strongly disagree 0 0.00% 19 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Students have access to a wide range of supplemental resources (i.e., guest speakers, Internet, library, and field trips). Disagree : 10.53% Strongly agree : 10.53% Not sure : 21.05% Agree : 57.89% Answ er 1. Strongly agree Count Percent 2 10.53% 11 57.89% 3. Not sure 4 21.05% 4. Disagree 2 10.53% 5. Strongly disagree 0 0.00% 19 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% School facilities are well maintained and in good repair. Disagree : 11.11% Strongly agree : 16.67% Not sure : 16.67% Agree : 55.56% Answ er 1. Strongly agree Count Percent 3 16.67% 10 55.56% 3. Not sure 3 16.67% 4. Disagree 2 11.11% 5. Strongly disagree 0 0.00% 18 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Please rate your level of satisfaction with home-to-school bus transportation with NHUHSD: Meets : 27.78% Does not meet : 5.56% Do not participate : 66.67% Answ er Count Percent 1. Exceeds 0 0.00% 2. Meets 5 27.78% 3. Does not meet 4. Do not participate Total 1 5.56% 12 66.67% 18 100% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% If you DO NOT use NHUHSD transportation, please tell us why you choose NOT to participate: Convenience : 25.00% Do not live within attendance area with bus route : 31.25% Stop locations : 6.25% Friends : 6.25% Live within walking distance : 31.25% Answ er Count Percent 1. Convenienc e 4 25.00% 2. Length of ride 0 0.00% 3. Stop locations 1 6.25% 4. Friends 1 6.25% 5. Liv e w ithin w alking distance 5 31.25% 5 31.25% 16 100% 6. Do not live within attendance area with bus route Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% If you DO participate, but the transportation program DOES NOT meet your satisfaction, please tell us why: Other options : 100.00% Answ er Count Percent 1. Convenienc e 0 0.00% 2. Length of Ride 0 0.00% 3. Stop locations 0 0.00% 4. Friends 0 0.00% 5. Other options 1 100.00% 1 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% If no home-to-school transportation were provided, would this be a hardship for you? Yes : 25.00% No : 75.00% Answ er 1. Yes 2. No Total Count Percent 4 25.00% 12 75.00% 16 100% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% In which school lunch program do you participate: Full pay : 5.56% Free/Reduced : 11.11% Do not participate : 83.33% Answ er Count 1. Full pay 1 5.56% 2. Free/Reduc ed 2 11.11% 15 83.33% 18 100% 3. Do not participate Total Percent 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% If you do participate in the school lunch program, please rate your level of satisfaction: Meets : 7.69% Does not meet : 15.38% N/A : 76.92% Answ er Count Percent 1. Exceeds 0 0.00% 2. Meets 1 7.69% 3. Does not meet 2 15.38% 4. N/A 10 76.92% Total 13 100% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% If you do participate in the school lunch program, but the program DOES NOT meet your satisfaction, please tell us why: Quality of Food : 100.00% Answ er Count Percent 1. Cost 0 0.00% 2. Portion size 0 0.00% 3. Pre-ordering process 0 0.00% 4. Prefer home packed lunch 0 0.00% 5. Taste of food 0 0.00% 6. Quality of Food 4 100.00% 4 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% If you DO NOT participate in the school lunch program, please tell us why: Cost : 6.25% Quality of food : 37.50% Prefer home packed lunch : 43.75% Taste of food : 12.50% Answ er Count Percent 1. Cost 1 6.25% 2. Portion size 0 0.00% 3. Pre-ordering process 0 0.00% 4. Prefer home packed lunch 7 43.75% 5. Taste of food 2 12.50% 6. Quality of food 6 37.50% 16 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% What are the current strengths of technology for our students and our teachers? 10278502 12/18/2013 10882129 02/11/2014 Required technology class in the freshman year. 10888061 02/11/2014 10888191 02/11/2014 10888760 02/11/2014 Sufficient student access to library computers; abundant ac cess to new c omputers in journalism c lass; adequate provision of science lab equipment and materials. 10905597 02/12/2014 10917130 02/13/2014 10929953 02/14/2014 PASS is great!! 10930545 02/14/2014 10942394 02/16/2014 1 23 1 Students have access to moderately up-to-date technology. What are the current areas of concern with regards to technology for our students and for our teachers? 10278502 12/18/2013 10882129 02/11/2014 Some teachers do not use email for contact. Not all teachers allow work to be done on the computer due to conc erns about cheating. It would be nic e to figure out how to acc ept typewritten work and know that it had been completed by the student who says s/he did it. 10888061 02/11/2014 Google Apps for Education! 10888191 02/11/2014 10888760 02/11/2014 Need for replacement of updated computers (and programs) for use on the mobile c lassroom c art. 10905597 02/12/2014 10917130 02/13/2014 10929953 02/14/2014 c omputer access after school for homework assignments is unavailable 10930545 02/14/2014 10942394 02/16/2014 1 23 1 There needs to be more of a connection to college. Suggest more dual enrollment c ourses and creating opportunities for HS students to visit CR & HSU for hands on experienc es with tec hnology. What systems, devices, and/or upgrades in technology would you like at school that do not currently exist? 10278502 12/18/2013 10882129 02/11/2014 10888061 02/11/2014 10888191 02/11/2014 10888760 02/11/2014 Language listening labs for foreign language classes. 10905597 02/12/2014 10917130 02/13/2014 10929953 02/14/2014 10930545 02/14/2014 10942394 02/16/2014 1 23 1 More dual enrollment courses to provide college level technology training. What services are in place in the district that you value? 10278502 12/18/2013 10882129 02/11/2014 Music , lab science, AP offerings 10888061 02/11/2014 10888191 02/11/2014 10888760 02/11/2014 Computerized telephonic school event alert system; telephonic student attendanc e (absence and/or tardiness) alert to parents 10905597 02/12/2014 10917130 02/13/2014 10929953 02/14/2014 the bus service we value greatly, it would be nice if the buses gave the kids just a little more time after sc hool to get on 10930545 02/14/2014 10942394 02/16/2014 1 23 1 The sc hool is not so big that students get lost. There is a good sense of belonging. What services would you like to see made available? 10278502 12/18/2013 10882129 02/11/2014 Fully fund the career and college center so more can be done. I think Jim Ritter's work this year is good, but it would be nice if he didn't have to add in fundraising to his list of things to do. 10888061 02/11/2014 10888191 02/11/2014 10888760 02/11/2014 Comprehensive and up-to-date track and cross country team policies, prac tic e agenda, and meet schedules on the school website. 10905597 02/12/2014 10917130 02/13/2014 Quality food at cafeteria so kids that have to eat there are not stigmatised. 10929953 02/14/2014 10930545 02/14/2014 10942394 02/16/2014 1 23 1 More high school/college dual enrollment courses. These courses would go far in getting high sc hool students jump started on c ollege course work. Also, it helps kids who are unsure of c ollege to see that they can do it. What skills do you feel students need to be successful after high school? 10278502 12/18/2013 10882129 02/11/2014 Writing skills, critical thinking skills, understanding hard work and c ommitment to a project. Many students seem unprepared for the demands of c ollege. 10888061 02/11/2014 10888191 02/11/2014 10888760 02/11/2014 Critic al research, thinking, and presentation (spoken, written, and c omputer-based communication) skills. 10905597 02/12/2014 10917130 02/13/2014 A hunger for learning. 10929953 02/14/2014 how to make good decisions 10930545 02/14/2014 10942394 02/16/2014 1 23 1 Share This Report: Kids need more dual enrollment courses to feel ready to take on college level classes.