Survey Report: Staff LCAP Survey VIEWED 78 STARTED 53 COMPLETED 26 COMPLETION RATE 49% DROP OUTS 27 TIME TO COMPLETE 33 mins 2. My current position(s) is: (Choose all that apply) Non-Classroom Certificated : 3.12% Classified Employee : 6.25% Administrator : 15.62% Teacher : 75.00% Answ er Count Percent 1. Teacher 24 75.00% 2. Administrator 5 15.62% 3. Classified Employee 2 6.25% 4. Non-Classroom Certificated 1 3.12% 32 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 3. I work at the following school site(s): (Choose all that apply) Other : 4.17% Community Day School : 6.25% Tsurai High School : 10.42% Arcata High School : 35.42% Pacific Coast High School : 4.17% Six Rivers Charter High School : 8.33% McKinleyville High School : 31.25% Answ er Count Percent 1. Arcata High School 17 35.42% 2. Mc Kinleyville High Sc hool 15 31.25% 3. Six Rivers Charter High Sc hool 4 8.33% 4. Pac ific Coast High School 2 4.17% 5. Tsurai High Sc hool 5 10.42% 6. Community Day School 3 6.25% 7. Other 2 4.17% 48 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 5. Northern Humboldt makes sure teachers are properly assigned and fully credentialed? Disagree : 4.00% Agree : 40.00% Strongly Agree : 56.00% Answ er Count Percent 1. Strongly Agree 14 56.00% 2. Agree 10 40.00% 3. Disagree 1 4.00% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 25 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 6. Northern Humboldt provides students with access to standards-aligned instructional materials? Strongly Agree : 36.00% Agree : 64.00% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 9 36.00% 16 64.00% 3. Disagree 0 0.00% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 25 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 7. Northern Humboldt ensures students receive instruction that is aligned to state standards? Strongly Agree : 28.00% Agree : 72.00% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 7 28.00% 18 72.00% 3. Disagree 0 0.00% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 25 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 8. Northern Humboldt keeps facilities in good repair? Disagree : 4.00% Strongly Agree : 48.00% Agree : 48.00% Answ er Count Percent 1. Strongly Agree 12 48.00% 2. Agree 12 48.00% 3. Disagree 1 4.00% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 25 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 9. What do you do in your current position to accomplish Priority#1? 10803368 02/04/2014 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Use standard-based materials to tutor students for exit exam. Support two classroom teac hers as they present standard-based lessons to students in their English c lassrooms. 10899490 02/12/2014 In reporting to CALPADS, I review the reports to be sure teac hers are highly qualified. As a teacher, I review standards, but my instruc tion is not as driven by standards as it c ould be. 10900545 02/12/2014 try to make sure that students are able to receive needed materials to recover defic ient units to get to grade level and or graduate early 10902123 02/12/2014 provide students with academic materials needed to return to grade level or graduate early. 10902120 02/12/2014 Content area training, colllegial collaboration, preparation for implementation of the common core 1 234 1 10. What activities, practices or services does the district currently provide to accomplish Priority #1? 10803368 02/04/2014 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Departmental meetings to coordinate curriculum so that it aligns with standards for all classes. Maintenance of facilities ac complished by good fiduc iary prac tic es and exc ellent staff. Lesson plans take standards into account across the school. 10899490 02/12/2014 The district ensures the excellent maintenance of facilities, ensures teachers are highly qualified and allow teachers to purc hase materials that are aligned to standards. Teac hers are enc ouraged, but not required to teach to the standards. A performance based c ompensation system is the only way non-core teachers are acc ountable to teac h to the standards. CST results hold the core teachers accountable to teaching to the standards. 10900545 02/12/2014 upon request, acquire materials needed to ensure that our students are able to ac hieve their ac ademic goals 10902123 02/12/2014 provide a well maintained room, adequate instructional materials to meet student needs. 10902120 02/12/2014 Staff PD, excellent facilities maintenance 1 234 1 11. What services could the district/school offer to better achieve Priority #1? 10803368 02/04/2014 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Additional Title 1 hours for instructional aide/tutorial support for students who are not able to keep up with demands of the standards yet who are not identified as spec ial educ ation students--this group of students usually numbers around 60 to 70 each grading term (students who receive two or more D's and F's). Core Support c lasses only partially address this pool of students. These students are mostly in beginning-level courses and are also identified as Title 1 students. 10899490 02/12/2014 The PBCS will sunset. Having an accountability system for the non-c ore teachers to teach state standards that is sustainable would help the distric t better achieve Priority #1. 10900545 02/12/2014 find some source of revenue to afford new technological equipment for all the students in the distric t 10902123 02/12/2014 find a revenue source which will help keep technology current. realize that some of the student population needs a higher teac her to student ratio than the state reimburses the school district. 10902120 02/12/2014 Full time nurses 1 234 1 13. Northern Humboldt is implementing the Common Core academic standards? Strongly Disagree : 4.35% Strongly Agree : 13.04% Disagree : 17.39% Agree : 65.22% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 3 13.04% 15 65.22% 3. Disagree 4 17.39% 4. Strongly Disagree 1 4.35% 23 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 14. What do you do in your current position to accomplish Priority #2? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Assist two teachers in implementing classroom lessons that deliver Common Core standards. Tutor students in a pull-out program to help them learn standards-based lessons. 10899490 02/12/2014 Educating CTE teachers about the common core standards. Teaching independent study c ourses, I have not actually taught the c ommon c ore standards in my classes as of yet. 10902123 02/12/2014 prepare students to succeed in common core testing 10902120 02/12/2014 PD, collegial collaboration 10927285 02/14/2014 I'm learning what I can about Common Core but there are gaps. 10928261 02/14/2014 c ollaboration w/ collegues attempt to order aligned materials help students with spec ific standards skills 1 234 1 15. What activities, practices or services does the district currently provide to accomplish Priority #2? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Lessons in the classroom, tutorials, departmental coordination, workshop attendance. 10899490 02/12/2014 The plac ement of the instructional coaches positions will greatly assist the district in teaching common core. Also, providing the struc ture to train the ICs and then to provide time for the ICs to train teachers is pivotal. 10902123 02/12/2014 providing thrive activities to help prepare teachers to understand common c ore standards 10902120 02/12/2014 Staff PD, collegial teaching team 10927285 02/14/2014 THRIVE mostly Instructional coaches will hopefully help with a lot of this 10928261 02/14/2014 provide inservices for CCSS faculty info for new assessments coming up dept c ollaboration 1 234 1 16. What services could the district/school offer to better achieve Priority #2? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Additional training for support personnel as to the content of Common Core. 10899490 02/12/2014 Administer the CAASPP in the best possible environment for succ ess consistently, then help to use the data to drive improvements in the common core implementation. (See above question for more.) 10902123 02/12/2014 more curriculum materials 10902120 02/12/2014 ??? 10927285 02/14/2014 Disseminate info as you receive it so we can all be as up to date as possible. The district can't assume we all have time to do the researc h on our own. 10928261 02/14/2014 ? 1 234 1 18. Students in Northern Humboldt have access to and enroll in core subjects of study including English, mathematics, social science, science, visual and performing arts, health, physical education, and career and technical education? Agree : 43.48% Strongly Agree : 56.52% Count Percent 1. Strongly Agree Answ er 13 56.52% 2. Agree 10 43.48% 3. Disagree 0 0.00% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 23 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 19. What do you do in your current position to accomplish Priority #7? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Instructional aide in English courses (2). Tutor CAHSEE test-takers in English and Math using standards-based prep books. 10899490 02/12/2014 I teac h in CTE. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 meet with students on an individual basis to ensure their academic needs are being met. 10927285 02/14/2014 I try to help my students pick classes that are best for them. 10928261 02/14/2014 c redit analysis w/ students/families 4-year plans credit recovery remediation/address academic gap areas teac hing study skills match interests/aptitudes to course choic es help students think about life after high school coordinate w/ admin & academic counselors 1 234 1 20. What activities, practices or services does the district currently provide to accomplish Priority #7? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Classes in these subjects. Extra-curriculars such as dramatic produc tions, scienc e and history and tech and fine arts and industrial arts fairs, field trips. 10899490 02/12/2014 Many c ourse offerings are available throughout NHUHSD. 10902120 02/12/2014 An alternate schedule could allow students more flexibility in choosing their c ourses 10902123 02/12/2014 thrive observations 10927285 02/14/2014 A wide variety of classes are offered, especially for relatively small sc hools/towns. AAI is freakin amazing. We could use more Career/Tec h but the teac hers we have are good, we just need more. 10928261 02/14/2014 academic counselors AAI, arts nights, arts projects, theatre/music c hoices shop programs TPP high level academic courses 1 234 1 21. What services could the district/school offer to better achieve Priority #7? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Additional funding and support for the extra-curriculars. Make sure tech equipment and staffing is amply funded and equipment is regularly upgraded or replac ed, as well as being acc essible to all, so that students and staff aren't frustrated by slow or inadequate equipment. District should pay for advanc ed students to participate in advanc ed plac ement tests and c ourses and other opportunities for students who are capable of advanc ed studies beyond what the school c an offer on a mass basis. These students deserve funding and support every bit as much as the special education students on the other end of the ac hievement scale. Develop Gifted and Talented program. 10899490 02/12/2014 An alternative schedule to allow students to take more of the amazing variety of course available. Such a sc hedule would ideally be agreed upon district wide due to traveling teac hers and students. 10902120 02/12/2014 This is mostly a money issue 10902123 02/12/2014 more curriculum, time for collaboration with colleagues 10927285 02/14/2014 More career/tech teachers. Students shouldn't be turned away from that program because of scheduling c onflicts. 10928261 02/14/2014 *MANY students need intro/pre-/remedial courses in G.Ed as prerequisite for CP/higher level ac ademic courses - address gaps, support students who don't know how to "do sc hool" (never gained academic language/habits before high school) *offer study skills c ourses open to ALL students (like SRCHS does) *consistent inclusion support for mainstreamed students 1 234 1 23. Northern Humboldt reaches out to parents for consulation over spending decisions - especially as it relates to educationally disadvantaged students? Strongly Disagree : 4.76% Strongly Agree : 9.52% Disagree : 47.62% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Disagree 4. Strongly Disagree Total Agree : 38.10% Count Percent 2 9.52% 8 38.10% 10 47.62% 1 4.76% 21 100% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 24. What do you do in your current position to accomplish Priority #3? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Have attended Site Council meetings to share with parents and students there about the Title 1 program. 10899490 02/12/2014 Nothing. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 c ontac t parents as needed. send home transcripts every six weeks. 10927285 02/14/2014 I serve on the PAC which involves parents in spending decisions. 10928261 02/14/2014 Comment - I don't know about question above, except that we have public school board mtgs I don't discuss $ w/ families - just point them to resources 1 234 1 25. What activities, practices or services does the district currently provide to accomplish Priority#3? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Site Council, School Board meetings, Title 1 parent meeting, newsletters and website. 10899490 02/12/2014 Site council, public board meetings and IEP meetings where parents have input in servic es provided to students. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 school outreach phone service and mailings. 10927285 02/14/2014 I'm not sure about the district as a whole. 10928261 02/14/2014 Changing Tides? 1 234 1 26. What services could the district/school offer to better achieve Priority #3? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 LCAP meeting. 10899490 02/12/2014 Inviting parental participation in LCAP development. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 inc lude all sites for emergency phone calls to parents 10927285 02/14/2014 Get the word out, I work here and have no idea if parents are involved in the district spending as a whole. I don't think teachers even have a big say in spending in the distrc it. 10928261 02/14/2014 ? 1 234 1 28. Northern Humboldt consistently tracks and monitors attendance including chronic absenteeism? Strongly Disagree : 4.55% Disagree : 4.55% Strongly Agree : 22.73% Agree : 68.18% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 5 22.73% 15 68.18% 3. Disagree 1 4.55% 4. Strongly Disagree 1 4.55% 22 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 29. Northern Humboldt tracks and measures dropout rates? Disagree : 4.55% Strongly Agree : 18.18% Agree : 77.27% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 4 18.18% 17 77.27% 3. Disagree 1 4.55% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 22 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 30. Northern Humboldt tracks and measures graduation rates? Strongly Agree : 40.91% Agree : 59.09% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 9 40.91% 13 59.09% 3. Disagree 0 0.00% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 22 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 31. Northern Humboldt tracks and measures suspension and expulsion rates? Disagree : 9.09% Strongly Agree : 22.73% Agree : 68.18% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 5 22.73% 15 68.18% 3. Disagree 2 9.09% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 22 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 32. Northern Humboldt students feel safe and connected to school? Strongly Agree : 27.27% Agree : 72.73% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 6 27.27% 16 72.73% 3. Disagree 0 0.00% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 22 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 33. What do you do in your current position to accomplish Priority #5? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Substitute for Attendance Office secretaries who track attendance. 10899490 02/12/2014 I gather and analyze this data for the district. As a teacher, I take attendance regularly and I reac h out to students individually to help them feel safe at school. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 keep trac k of our transient population. make phone calls home on a daily basis for attendanc e purposes. 10927285 02/14/2014 Build positive relationships with students. Discuss chronic absenteeism with students and guardians. Take attendanc e every day. 10928261 02/14/2014 attendance recording, documenting calls from parents/guardians, encourage students to attend & to exhibit professional/work environment habits/respect, promote a sense of belonging to school/program, calling/letters/texts to families to encourage attendance & completion of diploma requirements info to families about GED, profic ienc y, Adult Ed. etc . as requested 1 23 1 34. What activities, practices or services does the district currently provide to accomplish Priority #5? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Data analysis by Suzie McCray and others. 10899490 02/12/2014 Counselors help with the graduation and drop outs, keeping the drop out rates as low as possible. The Crisis Counselors play a c ritical role in helping students feel safe. Teac hers take attendance and make connections with students. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 mailings home, participation in the school attendance review board, sheriff home wellness visits 10927285 02/14/2014 They track the data. They're measuring, but are they actually using that data to make change? That, I'm unsure about . 10928261 02/14/2014 all of the above + SARB process, home visits, Welfare Check requests, Healthy Kids' Survey, nurses & c ounselors, Parent Project... 1 23 1 35. What services could the district/school offer to better achieve Priority #5? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Publish the data so that staff and the community are more aware of what is being tracked and analyzed. (The last component of the question is not really quantifiable, but the first three are.) 10899490 02/12/2014 The area that can be improved in this priority is attendance. Some teachers do not c onsistently record attendanc e. Providing more acc ountability for teachers in this area would help provide more accurate attendance history. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 a truant officer or school resource officer may be a valuable asset. 10927285 02/14/2014 More transparency with these rates. Working with families to improve attendanc e. Following through when students aren't attending. Some students should have been SARBed a long time ago and are slipping through the cracks. Some admin are looking for a reason to suspend/expel some students. 10928261 02/14/2014 *more nurse availability *more counseling availability *SROs!!! oh my goodness we need them! *more supports/connections w/ Gillian Wadsworth/diversion & probation, CMH *Independent Study option for seniors credit deficient/can't get down to E'ka Adult Ed? *c ollaboration w/ community to inc rease substance abuse awareness, family supports 1 23 1 37. Northern Humboldt's schools measure "school climate" which would include actions such as pupil suspension and expulsion rates? Disagree : 20.00% Strongly Agree : 20.00% Agree : 60.00% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 4 20.00% 12 60.00% 3. Disagree 4 20.00% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 20 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 38. What do you do in your current position to accomplish Priority #6? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Coordinate with teachers and support staff as to how to assist students whose behavior and ac hievement does not align with a positive school climate. 10899490 02/12/2014 I extrac t data from SchoolMaster to place into CALPADS in this area. I also work with the secretaries to be sure we are reporting the data properly in Sc hoolMaster and thus in CALPADS. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 keep trac k of student infractions. notification to parents. provide a safe learning environment for students. 10927285 02/14/2014 I know of no measures. I always had trouble getting timely information when my students were suspended. 10928261 02/14/2014 CPI/deescalation techniques to avoid suspensions collaboration w/ support staff & admin doc umentation 1 23 1 39. What activities, practices or services does the district currently provide to accomplish Priority #6? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Attendance Office data input and administrative and technic al analysis of data. 10899490 02/12/2014 The Deans and Asst. Principals who work with discipline make the determination on students who are suspended and/or eligible for expulsion. This paperwork is then inputted by the secretaries. The Crisis Counselors work with the students to help them be suc c essful on c ampus. Spec ifically, the Crisis Counselors work with students on suspended expulsion c ontrac ts. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 keep trac k of student infractions. notification to parents. provide a safe learning environment for students. 10927285 02/14/2014 They have data, not sure what they do with that. 10928261 02/14/2014 above, + CALPADS & SEIS & Schoolmaster reporting... 1 23 1 40. What services could the district/school offer to better achieve Priority #6? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 A sc hool climate survey mid-year each year. 10899490 02/12/2014 We need to enter the suspended-expulsions differently in SchoolMaster. CALPADS is counting them all as expulsions. ~Suzie 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 less students per teacher. more outreach fot the overall student population. a sc hool resourc e offic er for each c omprehensive campus. a full time nurse for each comprehensive c ampus. 10927285 02/14/2014 Transparent documentation so all teachers know what's really going on. Be c onsistent and don't target students who don't perform as well or don't have involved parents. 10928261 02/14/2014 more buy-in/staff collaboration to utilize CPI-type techniques to avoid suspensions 1 23 1 42. Northern Humboldt uses performance on standardized tests to measure student achievement? Strongly Agree : 19.05% Agree : 80.95% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 4 19.05% 17 80.95% 3. Disagree 0 0.00% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 21 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 43. Northern Humboldt uses percentage of students who are college and career ready to measure student achievement? Strongly Agree : 10.00% Disagree : 15.00% Agree : 75.00% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 2 10.00% 15 75.00% 3. Disagree 3 15.00% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 20 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 44. Northern Humboldt uses English Learner proficiency to measure student achievement? Strongly Agree : 4.76% Disagree : 28.57% Agree : 66.67% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 1 4.76% 14 66.67% 3. Disagree 6 28.57% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 21 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 45. Northern Humboldt uses student achievement data to measure performance of socioeconomically disadvantaged students? Disagree : 14.29% Strongly Agree : 14.29% Agree : 71.43% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 3 14.29% 15 71.43% 3. Disagree 3 14.29% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 21 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 46. Northern Humboldt uses student achievement data to measure performance of students with disabilities? Strongly Agree : 14.29% Disagree : 19.05% Agree : 66.67% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 3 14.29% 14 66.67% 3. Disagree 4 19.05% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 21 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 47. What do you do in your current position to accomplish Priority #4? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Use standardized tests (STAR) as one qualifier for Title 1. 10899490 02/12/2014 As the Technology Coordinator for THRIVE, I help teachers identify SED, SWD, and EL students. I also help teachers see their growth between loc al assessment pre/post tests. I have guided teachers in Data Teams to analyze this data and set goals. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 getting students ready for the comprehensive high school or graduation. 10927285 02/14/2014 10928261 02/14/2014 1 23 1 assessments/direct work w/ students record-keeping helping students set & meet individual goals adjust materials/supports to inc rease achievement MMARS data review PASS chec ks encourage students to self-check achievement 48. What activities, practices or services does the district currently provide to accomplish Priority #4? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Data analysis by tech staff and administration. 10899490 02/12/2014 We are using local assessments to measure growth the knowledge of standards. Teac hers c an see the special populations in their c lasses, but I am not sure they are actually doing anything with this information. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 well maintained facility, books and supplies, and a safe learning environment. 10927285 02/14/2014 10928261 02/14/2014 1 23 1 all above + CALPADS, SchoolMaster reports... & ? 49. What services could the district/school offer to better achieve Priority #4? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Publish the data more widely. 10899490 02/12/2014 Sustaining the local assessments beyond the funding of THRIVE would benefit this distric t in this priority. Providing a struc ture for data teams as part of the sustained local assessments would be beneficial as well. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 an expanded food service may help to ensure that students are ready to work in an educational environment instead of wondering when they will eat again. 10927285 02/14/2014 10928261 02/14/2014 1 23 1 *using data to target remediation & intervention needs *provide multiple means to remediate/intervene to inc rease student succ ess, ie Study Skills, pre-algebra/foundations, Basic English 1... 51. Northern Humboldt reports student outcomes in core curriculum areas? Disagree : 9.52% Strongly Agree : 28.57% Agree : 61.90% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 6 28.57% 13 61.90% 3. Disagree 2 9.52% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 21 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 52. Northern Humboldt reports pass rates on advanced placement, SAT, and ACT tests? Strongly Agree : 19.05% Disagree : 28.57% Agree : 52.38% Answ er 1. Strongly Agree Count Percent 4 19.05% 11 52.38% 3. Disagree 6 28.57% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 21 100% 2. Agree Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 53. Northern Humboldt reports performance outcomes on local assessments? Strongly Agree : 23.81% Disagree : 33.33% Agree : 42.86% Answ er Count Percent 1. Strongly Agree 5 23.81% 2. Agree 9 42.86% 3. Disagree 7 33.33% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00% 21 100% Total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 54. What do you do in your current position to accomplish Priority #8? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Provide grade and GPA data each term to administration, counselors, support staff, and some teac hers for Title 1 students. 10899490 02/12/2014 As the Technology Coordinator, I am looking at the standards progress reports for the local assessments. We do a good job in this as, as required by THRIVE. Between the LAs and the CSTs, we report on core outcomes. The other tests (e.g. ACT, SAT, AP) is available, but not widely used to my knowledge among the teachers to adjust teac hing practic es. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 mail home transcripts every six weeks. continually informing students on cahsee results and preparation. 10927285 02/14/2014 10928261 02/14/2014 1 23 1 PASS, progress reports, CAHSEE report review, gradebook... 55. What activities, practices or services does the district currently provide to accomplish Priority #8? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Report c ards, newspaper articles, reports to educational agencies. 10899490 02/12/2014 The requirements of the THRIVE grant covers this priority. 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 10927285 02/14/2014 10928261 02/14/2014 1 23 1 56. What services could the district/school offer to better achieve Priority #8? 10803678 02/04/2014 10814129 02/05/2014 10815719 02/05/2014 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Additional publishing of outcomes in various appropriate venues. 10899490 02/12/2014 Keep the local assessments, collegial observations and data teams going beyond the funding of THRIVE! 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 10927285 02/14/2014 They report this to whom? 10928261 02/14/2014 ? 1 23 1 58. What are the current strengths of technology for our students and our staff? 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 New c omputers in library. New laptops. 10899490 02/12/2014 We are able to provide more devices for students. Students are savy with smart phones. Staff is savy with SchoolMaster gradebook, Illuminate, email, projecting PowerPoints and video from the Internet. 10902120 02/12/2014 students have considerable access to technology 10902123 02/12/2014 acc ess to computers. 10927285 02/14/2014 We're getting more technology, that's good. Keith is awesome. 10928261 02/14/2014 Many c lassrooms have computers, some have projectors/doc ument cameras, Google ac counts for students have been helpful (& Google drive for doc s)... 10929562 02/14/2014 use of google platform, increased number of computers available, PASS, webpage 10930344 02/14/2014 Great team of tech support guys. Great tech teachers. 10933011 02/14/2014 1 23 1 59. What are the current areas of concern with regards to technology for our students and for our staff? 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Not enough copiers, limited access to copies. Bulbs in overheads should be paid for by the sc hool, not by the teac hers. Not enough tech staff. 10899490 02/12/2014 The CAASPP will require a heighten use of technology, whic h we are not yet ready. 10902120 02/12/2014 age of equipment 10902123 02/12/2014 update technology for all sites. programs available for students needing remediation. 10927285 02/14/2014 We keep getting more technology without training. Our distric t has turned down good technology because they didn't want to pay for training the staff to use it. That's not ok. 10928261 02/14/2014 All rooms need at least one solid workstation for student use Good usable equip for staff in their classrooms Doc ument cameras in more classrooms 10929562 02/14/2014 still need training in some areas, not a fan of schoolmaster grade platform 10930344 02/14/2014 lousy teaching of technology to the teachers. 10933011 02/14/2014 sped students assistive technology....need computerized curriculum 1 23 1 60. What systems, devices, and/or upgrades in technology would you like at school that do not currently exist? 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Additional tech personnel. 10899490 02/12/2014 I would love to see one-to-one computing. 10902120 02/12/2014 more mobile labs 10902123 02/12/2014 programs for students needing remediation or who may be english language learners. 10927285 02/14/2014 10928261 02/14/2014 software for remediation/credit recovery (post-Plato) 10929562 02/14/2014 not a fan of schoolmaster grade platform 10930344 02/14/2014 Unsure. I guess a language lab would be great if the technology were there. The old fashioned sort of language lab was actually far superior than that of today's world. 10933011 02/14/2014 speed reliability 1 23 1 61. Do you have any other comments you would like to make regarding technology? 10826666 02/06/2014 10898373 02/12/2014 Make sure upgrades happen more quickly than they have in recent years so that students are not using machines that are out of date and so slow that they waste instructional time (art room computers at MHS, for example). 10899490 02/12/2014 We have made improvements for sure, but there is always room for more! 10902120 02/12/2014 10902123 02/12/2014 allow students more academic flexibility to take technology and hrop c lasses. 10927285 02/14/2014 10928261 02/14/2014 glad that tech open houses have happened - I think more staff c ould take advantage of them Alt schools need new websites somehow - they have no offic ial web manager 10929562 02/14/2014 10930344 02/14/2014 I think giving the students laptops is a lousy idea since they c annot be trusted with mere textbooks. So, I am happy that we have not adopted this policy yet. 10933011 02/14/2014 room for improvement 1 23 1 Share This Report: