NORTHERN HUMBOLDT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD Tuesday, December 8, 2015 McKinleyville High School Library CLOSED SESSION 5:30 pm MINUTES 1.0 CLOSED SESSION Board members present: Brian Lovell, Dana Silvernale and Colleen Toste. Others present: Chris Hartley, Superintendent; Dave Lonn, Executive Director; Cindy Vickers, Director of Fiscal Services; AHS Administrator Dave Navarre; MHS Administrator Roger Macdonald; SRCHS Administrator Nic Collart ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION DURING THIS MEETING TO CONSIDER AND/ORTAKE ACTION UPON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONSENT ITEMS (Indicated by [X]: 1.1 With respect to every item of business discussed in closed session pursuant to Education Code Section 48918(c): [X] CONSIDERATION OF STUDENT EXPULSION A. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 23/2015-16 B. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 24/2015-16 C. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 25/2015-16 D. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 26/2015-16 E. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 27/2015-16 F. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 28/2015-16 G. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 29/2015-16 H. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 30/2015-16 I. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 31/2015-16 J. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 32/2015-16 K. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 33/2015-16 L. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 34/2015-16 M. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 35/2015-16 N. Review terms of Stipulation Expulsion Agreement for Student # 36/2015-16 1.2 With respect to every item of business discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 3549.1: [X ] COLLECTIVE BARGAINING SESSION 1.3 With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.95: [X] LIABILITY CLAIMS – Keenan Claim No. 517166 1.4 [X] PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT 2.0 RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 2.1 It was moved by Dana Silvernale and seconded by Brian Lovell to approve the terms of Item 1.1. Stipulated Expulsion Agreements 23/2015-16-36/2015-16 Motion carried, 3-0-2. 2.2 Closed Session adjourned until after Organizational Meeting NHUHSD Governing Board Minutes December 8, 2015 page 2 ORGANIZATIONAL BOARD MEETING 6:00 pm MINUTES 1.0 OPEN SESSION Board members present: Brian Gerving, Jennifer Knight, Brian Lovell, Dana Silvernale and Colleen Toste. Others present: Chris Hartley, Superintendent; Dave Lonn, Executive Director; Cindy Vickers, Director of Fiscal Services; AHS Administrator Dave Navarre; MHS Administrator Roger Macdonald; SRCHS Administrator Nic Collart; Student Board Representative Jayclyn Dean; Tim Allen, Camilla Barrett, Sarina Benavides-Garb, Lynn DeMello, Doug Johnson, Lisa Johnson, Sue Moore, and Tammy Pires 2.0 AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS 2.1 Carlston Family Foundation Presentation by Director: Tim Allen - Award Recipient: Danielle Lehman Executive Director of Carlston Family Foundation Tim Allen shared some background information on how the Carlstron Family Foundation was created. AHS teacher Danielle Lehman was nominated by a student a few years ago. After receiving the nomination, Mr. Allen interviewed other fellow students and colleagues. He then observed Ms. Lehman in the classroom and spoke with her. Mr. Allen shared some of the comments that students made about Ms. Lehman. Ms. Lehman is the second teacher from the Northern Humboldt Union High School District to have been selected for an award. The Foundation chooses five high school teachers each year to give awards of $20,000 too. 3.0 ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS 3.1 Swearing in of New Board Members Superintendent Chris Hartley swore in Brian Gerving and Jennifer Knight. 3.2 Election of President of the Board of Trustees Dr. Hartley opened up nominations for President. It was moved by Brian Lovell and seconded by Dana Silvernale to nominate Colleen Toste as President for the upcoming year. No other nominations were received. Motion carried, 4-0-1 (Toste abstained) NHUHSD Governing Board Minutes December 8, 2015 page 3 ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS continued 3.3 Election of Clerk of the Board of Trustees Colleen Toste opened up nominations for Clerk It was moved by Colleen Toste and seconded by Brian Gerving to nominate Brian Lovell as Clerk for the upcoming year. No other nominations were received. Motion carried, 4-0-1 (Brian Lovell abstained) 3.4 Establish Day, Time, and Board Packet Distribution for Board Meetings It was moved by Brian Lovell and seconded by Dana Silvernale to continue Board meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. Regular meeting time will continue at 6 pm. The Board also moved to have electronic packets available and only make paper copies available upon request. Motion carried, 5-0-0. 4.0 3.5 Appoint Board member to be a voting representative for the NHUHSD on the County Committee on School District Organization It was moved by Colleen Toste and seconded by Brian Gerving to nominate Brian Lovell as the voting representative for the NHUHSD on the County Committee on School District Organization. Motion carried, 5-0-0. 3.6 Appoint two Board members to serve on the NHUHSD Athletic Committee It was moved by Brian Lovell and seconded by Dana Silvernale to nominate Brian Gerving and Jennifer Knight to serve on the NHUHSD Athletic Committee. Motion carried, 5-0-0. PUBLIC COMMENTS 4.1 District Employees No comments 4.2 Non-Agenda Items No comments 4.3 Agenda Items Individuals will have an opportunity to speak on items on the agenda before Board discussion on that item. Individual speakers shall be allowed three minutes to address the Board on each agenda or non-agenda item. The Board shall limit the total time for public input on each item to twenty minutes. NHUHSD Governing Board Minutes December 8, 2015 page 4 5.0 CONSENT AGENDA Notice to the Public All matters listed under this category are considered to be routine by the Governing Board and will be enacted by one motion on a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. However, if discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. 5.1 Approval of Minutes of November 10, 2015, Regular Meeting 5.2 Approval of Minutes of December 1, 2015, Special Meeting 5.3 Approval of warrants 5.4 Approval of ASB warrants 5.5 Receive and file monthly financial report It was moved by Dana Silvernale and seconded by Brian Lovell to approve the Consent Agenda AYES NOES ABSENT Brian Gerving Jennifer Knight Brian Lovell Dana Silvernale Colleen Toste Motion carried, 5-0-0. 6.0 INFORMATION ITEMS 6.1 Student Board Representatives MHS Student Representative Jayclyn Dean shared an update on Cross Country going to State. Morgan Coonfield qualified to go to the National event in Portland in which she came in 33rd place. The Tip-Off Tournament was last week. This was a lot of fun for students and visiting players. First place went to Heritage High School. Jayclyn shared that Thanksgiving Break was a relief for everyone. There was a Smoke-Out Pledge on campus the week before the break. Lastly, Winter Express is taking place this week. High school students buddy up to help the elementary school students participate in the event. 6.2 Bond Update Executive Director Dave Lonn shared that the AHS Fine Arts project continues to move along. Punch lists are getting worked on. There are some items that need to be in place (fire alarms, ADA accessibility, and electricity) in order to begin moving in classrooms. 6.3 LCAP Dr. Hartley spoke about the Stakeholders meeting that was held on December 1, 2015. There was great discussion and presentations. There will be another meeting in the Spring as we continue moving forward with our plan. 6.4 Board of Trustee’s Calendar – Draft Dr. Hartley shared a drafted calendar with the Board that outlines for them what occurs monthly. If Board members have any additions, they are to contact Dr. Hartley. Dana Silvernale would like to add Study Sessions for goal review, progress and new goals setting on there. NHUHSD Governing Board Minutes December 8, 2015 page 5 7.0 PUBLIC HEARING AND DISCUSSION 7.1 Public comments on the NHUHSD and CSEA Public Disclosure Summary No comments 7.2 First reading of Board Policy 5141.31, Immunizations Dr. Hartley shared some background information on Items 7.2-7.5. These items are updated by CSBA and sent to districts. There is new law put into place on immunizations: 1. Parents opting out must submit a statement or physicians notice to school by January 1, 2016; 2. Includes language for students with IEP’s to opt out; and 3. Independent Study students do not have to meet the immunization requirements. No public comments. 7.3 First reading of Administrative Regulation 5141.31, Immunizations No comments 7.4 First reading of Board Policy 5145.3, Nondiscrimination/Harassment No comments 7.5 First reading of Administrative Regulation 5145.3, Nondiscrimination/Harassment Dr. Hartley shared that this AR helps the districts with pro-active strategies. Dr. Hartley shared that at a state conference he attended this was a hot topic. There were many resources and advice made available. There is now a complaint process included in the policy. Transgender language is now included in the policy from AB 1266. No public comments. 7.6 First reading of Administrative Regulation 5112.2, Exclusions from Attendance Dr. Hartley shared that this policy includes the attendance language that comes from the new immunization laws. No public comments. 7.7 First reading of Administrative Regulation 6173, Education for Homeless Children Dr. Hartley shared that this new law (AB 1806) allows students who qualify as homeless to only have to meet the state graduation requirements during their fourth year of high school. This allows districts to help students transition on to a college or the work force so that they do not feel that they have to drop out and not obtain a diploma. No public comments. NHUHSD Governing Board Minutes December 8, 2015 page 6 8.0 ACTION ITEMS 8.1 Approval of Changes in Certificated and Classified Personnel It was moved by Brian Lovell and seconded by Dana Silvernale to approve changes in Certificated and Classified Personnel Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.2 Recommend approval of new course: AP Spanish Literature and Culture (Spanish VI) MHS Spanish teacher Sarina Benavides-Garb shared some information on the new course. This course is needed as we have more freshmen coming in at Spanish 3 level and wanting to progress throughout high school. Students will be eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy award. It was moved by Brian Gerving and seconded by Jennifer Knight to approve new course: AP Spanish Literature and Culture (Spanish VI) Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.3 Recommend approval of new course: Integrated Math II A MHS Math Teacher Camilla Barrett spoke about the new course. This course would be more of an introductory level for students who are not quite ready for the transition from Integrated Math I to Math II. It was moved by Jennifer Knight and seconded by Brian Lovell to approve new course: Integrated Math II A Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.4 Recommend approval of Madrigal Choir students traveling to New Orleans, April 13 – April 18, 2016. Mr. Navarre shared that Cassie Moulton has met with parents and after discussion they decided to travel to San Francisco in preparation of saving to fundraise for New York next year. This request is no longer needed. No action needed. 8.5 Recommend approval of First Interim Report Director of Fiscal Services Cindy Vickers shared how the budget is going as of First Interim. It was moved by Brian Lovell and seconded by Dana Silvernale to approve First Interim Report with a positive certification. Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.6 Recommend approval of the Successor Settlement Agreement and Tentative Agreement between NHUHSD and CSEA for the 2015-16 school year It was moved by Dana Silvernale and seconded by Brian Lovell to approve the Successor Settlement Agreement and Tentative Agreement between NHUHSD and CSEA for the 201516 school year Motion carried, 5-0-0 NHUHSD Governing Board Minutes December 8, 2015 page 7 ACTION ITEMS continued 8.7 Recommend approval of Reclassification/Upgrade Committee Recommendation to move Records Clerk to Attendance Secretary from range 29 to range 31 along with revised job description It was moved by Brian Gerving and seconded by Dana Silvernale to approve the Reclassification/Upgrade Committee Recommendation to move Records Clerk to Attendance Secretary from range 29 to range 31 along with revised job description Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.8 Recommend approval of the Measure Q Oversight Committee 2014-15 Annual Report It was moved by Brian Lovell and seconded by Brian Gerving to approve the Measure Q Oversight Committee 2014-15 Annual Report Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.9 Recommend approval of Mark Gorge serving as the AHS Community Member on the NHUHSD Athletic Advisory Committee It was moved by Dana Silvernale and seconded by Brian Gerving to approve Mark Gorge serving as the AHS Community Member on the NHUHSD Athletic Advisory Committee Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.10 Recommend approval of Eric Tripp serving as the MHS Community Member on the NHUHSD Athletic Advisory Committee It was moved by Dana Silvernale and seconded by Brian Lovell to approve Eric Tripp serving as the MHS Community Member on the NHUHSD Athletic Advisory Committee Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.11 Recommend approval of the 2015-16 Transportation Services Agreement between NHUHSD and Arcata School District “After School Program” It was moved by Jennifer Knight and seconded by Dana Silvernale to approve 2015-16 Transportation Services Agreement between NHUHSD and Arcata School District “After School Program” Motion carried, 4-0-1 (Brian Lovell abstained) 8.12 Recommend approval of the 2015-16 Maintenance Services Agreement between NHUHSD and Mattole Unified School District It was moved by Dana Silvernale and seconded by Brian Lovell to approve the 2015-16 Maintenance Services Agreement between NHUHSD and Mattole Unified School District Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.13 Recommend Rejection of Claim No. 517166 It was moved by Brian Lovell and seconded by Brian Gerving to reject Claim No. 517166 Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.14 Recommend approval of Administrative Regulation 5112.2, Exclusions from Attendance It was moved by Brian Lovell and seconded by Dana Silvernale to approve Administrative Regulation 5112.2, Exclusions from Attendance Motion carried, 5-0-0 NHUHSD Governing Board Minutes December 8, 2015 page 8 ACTION ITEMS continued 8.15 Recommend approval of Administrative Regulation 6173, Education for Homeless Children It was moved by Jennifer Knight and seconded by Brian Gerving to approve Administrative Regulation 6173, Education for Homeless Children Motion carried, 5-0-0 8.16 Recommend approval annual review of Complaints Concerning District Employees, Board Policy 1312.1, Administrative Regulation 1312.1, and Exhibits (1) and (2) 1312.1 (no changes) See Item 8.20 8.17 Recommend approval annual review of Probationary/Permanent Status, Board Policy 4116 and Administrative Regulation 4116 (no changes) See Item 8.20 8.18 Recommend approval annual review of School Attendance Boundaries, Board Policy 5116 and Administrative Regulation 5116 (no changes) See Item 8.20 8.19 Recommend approval annual review of Interdistrict Attendance, Board Policy 5117 and Administrative Regulation 5117 (no changes) See Item 8.20 8.20 Recommend approval annual review of Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities, Board Policy 6145 and Administrative Regulation 6145 (no changes) It was moved by Brian Lovell and seconded by Dana Silvernale to approve Item 8.16-8.20 Motion carried, 5-0-0 9.0 COMMUNICATIONS 10.0 ANNOUNCEMENTS 10.1 Regular Board Meeting, January 12, 2016, 6 pm, Arcata High School Library. Please note location changes. 10.2 Save the Date: February 27, 2016 – HCOE CSBA Presentation from 9 am – 3 pm 11.0 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11.1 Board Study Session Topics: Special Education Alternative Education Measure Q Career Education Board Calendar Goals NHUHSD Governing Board Minutes December 8, 2015 page 9 12.0 COMMENTS FROM SCHOOL SITE PRINCIPALS SRCHS Principal Nic Collart welcomed Jennifer and Brian to the Board. Nic shared that as part of Senior Project, the students put together a canned food drive. Over 96 students have already gathered over 500 cans. AHS Principal Dave Navarre gave an update on events at AHS. There have been numerous activities on campus: Toys for Tots, Coats for Cold, and Blood Drive. The Blood Ddrive had over 150 donors which is a record for the county. Mr. Navarre spoke about all the new teachers he has on campus serving in leadership roles and what an outstanding job they are doing. MHS Principal Roger Macdonald shared that he is looking forward to working with the new board members. Roger shared that student organizations are stepping up to help community members who are less fortunate during the holiday season. He spoke about some of the activities taking place at MHS. 13.0 COMMENTS FROM DIRECTOR OF FISCAL SERVICES Cindy Vickers welcomed the new board members and extended an invitation to anyone who would like to meet with her to learn more about the budget. 14.0 COMMENTS FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dave Lonn welcomed new board members. Mr. Lonn wished everyone a happy holiday season. 15.0 COMMENTS FROM SUPERINTENDENT Chris Hartley welcomed the new board members. Dr. Hartley also wished everyone a happy holiday. 16.0 COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BOARD Brian Lovell welcomed Jennifer and Brian. Brian suggested the new Board members take Ms. Vickers up on her offer. It was a great opportunity when he came on Board. Jennifer Knight thanked everyone and shared her excitement to be here. Brian Gerving thanked everyone for the warm welcome. Brian wished everyone a great holiday season. Dana Silvernale expressed how impressed she is with the vast board experience that we have on our Board. Colleen Toste thanked everyone for their support this evening. Thanked both new Board members for coming so prepared and with great questions to their first meeting. 17.0 ADJOURNMENT TO CONTINUE CLOSED SESSION at 7:54 pm NHUHSD Governing Board Minutes December 8, 2015 page 10 18.0 RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 18.1 No other action was taken 19.0 ADJOURNMENT at 8:30 pm Respectfully Submitted, CHRIS HARTLEY, Secretary Board of Trustees NOTICE: All meetings are being tape recorded. Any writing, not exempt from public disclosure under Government Code Section 6253.5, 6254, 6254.3, 6254.7, 6254.15, 6254.16, or 6254.22, which is distributed to all or a majority of the members of the governing board by any person in connection with a matter subject to discussion or consideration at an open meeting of the board is available for public inspection at the Arcata High School and McKinleyville High School Libraries or the District Office. Please call Tammy Pires. Superintendent’s Secretary at (707) 839-6481 if you have any questions. In compliance with Government Code section 54954.2(a) Northern Humboldt Union High School District will, on request make agendas available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Individuals who need this agenda in an alternative format or who need a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact, Tammy Pires, Superintendent's Secretary at (707) 839-6481.