Curriculum Vitae Mei-Mei Akwai Ellerman I: Affiliations

Curriculum Vitae
Mei-Mei Akwai Ellerman
I: Affiliations:
II: Other Qualifications:
Resident Scholar, WSRC, Brandeis University
Research Associate, Dept Eastern Lang. and Lit., Wellesley
Visiting Scholar, WSRC, Brandeis University
Visiting Scholar, Wellesley Centers for Research
On Women
Master of Usui Reiki (2003) and of Karuna Reiki (2004)
Worked primarily with cancer patients.
III: Work in Progress:
Circles of Healing, Circles of Love: A Labyrinthine Journey in Search of Connections. A
memoir on the 27-year-long search for the author’s biological roots [final revision].
In Pursuit of Images and Shadows: A Chinese Adopted Daughter Ventures into her
Mother’s Past. A cultural biography inspired by a rich collection of letters, photographs,
and stories. The outcome of years of world-wide travel, documenting over a hundred and
fifty years of my adoptive family’s history [work in progress].
Sweeping up the Heart: The Wisdom of Our Grieving. Two pieces in an anthology on loss
and grieving, a collective work by 8 Brandeis WSRC scholars. (as co-editor with Lois
Isenman will be submitting the anthology to The South Street Journal)
The Meeting Place, a piece on Memory and Place, to be submitted to The South Street
IV: Presentations:
March 8, 2013: Weston High School, Presentation on the Impact of the Fundraiser
for Polaris Project" organized by Michiko Kurata's Senior students' three-hour-long
basketball tournament.
Feb. 14, 2013: Weston High School, Presentation on "Global Human Trafficking and
the National and International Role of Polaris Project," for Michiko Kurata's World
History class [all seniors]. The class had narrowed down its choice of the beneficiary
of their yearly fundraiser to the Heiffer Project or Polaris. I was most gratified when
they picked Polaris, though not surprised as the students asked dozens of questions
and were clearly enthusiastic.
October 6 and 7, 2013: Latchis Theater, Brattleboro, Vt. , Introduction to Human
Traffciking and to the documentary "Not My Life," followed by spirited Q & A
sessions. At the end of two events, representatives of schools, churches and other
organizations offered to help promote a major fundraising event for Polaris project in
September of 2013, using the film as the main attraction.
May 24, 2012
March 29, 2012
March 8, 2012
March 7, 2012
March 6, 2012
March 10, 2011
April 21, 2010
Feb. 28, 2009
“Adoption and Issues of Identity,” Cambridge Adult
“Memoir as Process: Four Writers’ Perspectives on Truth,
Honesty, Privacy and Memory,” Panel with Frinde Meher,
Mary Mason, Nancer Ballard.
League of Women Voters, Acton. “Introduction to
Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery and opening
remarks on documentary film, Not My Life,” followed by
Introduction to “Readings by Hubert Prolongeau and Tobe
Levin” from Undoing FGM. Pierre Foldes, The Surgeon
Who Restores the Clitoris.
Short Presentation to the WSRC Board of Directors on my
memoir Circles of Healing, Circles of Love.
Moderated panel sponsored by GaIDI on “Microfinance:
Does It Work?” Speakers, Steve Atlas, Kim Wilson, Janina
Matuszeski, Marcia Odell.
Moderated Panel sponsored by GaIDI on “Sex, Labor &
Pornography.” Speakers, Katherine Chon, Gail Dines, MeiMei Ellerman.
“Abolition in the 21st Century,” with Katherine Chon, First
Parish, Concord, MA.
April 20, 2008
St. Anne's in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Lincoln, MA,
Presentation on Polaris Project:"Our Vision: A World
Without Slavery."
April 2, 2008
Weston High School Career Day, Weston, MA. "An
Introduction to Human Trafficking. How to Take Action."
March 20, 2008
Family Justice Center, Boston Human
Trafficking Task Force, Boston, MA "Update on the
National Human Trafficking Hotline and Resource
February 6, 2008
Wellesley Middle School (320 7th grade Soc. Stud.
students), Wellesley, MA. "Modern Day Slavery in the
August 10-Sept 29,07
In preparation for the Polaris Vermont Freedom Walk,
numerous presentations at schools, churches, theaters, and
Introductions to films on human trafficking followed by
October 17, 2007
Barefoot Books, Cambridge, MA. Reading of
"Motherbridge of Love,' with Xinran and Jennifer JueSteuck (founder of Chinese Adoptee Links International).
March 10, 2007
All Saints Episcopal Parish, Boston Chapter of the
Companions, Brookline. Two-part event: Presentation and
Discussion on “Trafficking in Women.”
December 7th, 2007
16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence, The Gender
Working Group, Heller School. Introduction and
discussion of film, “Lilya 4-Ever”
October 19, 2007
Theological Opportunities Program, Harvard Divinity
School, "Female Lives Endangered: The Explosion of
'Trafficking in Women.” Identified as WSRC scholar.
October 16, 2007
Wellesley Congregational Church, Women’s Group from
the Wellesley Congregational Church and Saint Andrew’s
Church. “Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking”.
Identified as WSRC scholar.
May, 2006
Organized three major fund-raising events for Polaris
Project that involved reaching out to over 100 people.
May, 2006
Harvard School of Public Health, Sex Trafficking: A
Domestic and International Scourge; Impact, Trends and
Health Consequences.
May, 2006
Brandeis WSRC, “Cuba Day”, participant in a panel on
music, health care, Jewish Community and
intergenerational relationships. Accounts based on the
experiences of a group of scholars who traveled t Cuba for
purposes of research.
April, 2006
Phillips Andover, gave a presentation, Slavery was not
Abolished 150 Years Ago.
March, 2006
Introduced film, Lilya-4Ever and led discussion at BU,
Women’s Studies Program.
March, 2006
Attended three day International Human Rights Film
Festival at Brown University; gave a presentation on
Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery, and introduced
March, 2006
Gave a one hour live interview on “Trafficking in persons”
for "Spherio: The local voice of our hemisphere," a
weekly show on the MIT radio station WMBR 88.1 during
International Women’s Week.
March, 2006
Trip (11 days) to Cuba with a group of Brandeis WSRC
scholars to do research on the Cuban health system.
February, 2006
Presentation on Modern Day Slavery at MIT following
a performance of the Vagina Monologues. Polaris Project
Boston was chosen as one of the two recipients of the
proceeds from the VM performances.
February, 2006
Introduction and discussion of film, Lilya-4Ever,Brandeis
University for Russian week.
January, 2006
Joint panel presentation with Louise Lopman, “Global
Women Taking Action, in connection with exhibition,
“Geobodies, A Question of Borders.”
October, 2005
Organized first Vermont Freedom Walk to raise
awareness of modern-day slavery and to honor the
Underground Railroad, as part of a National Polaris
September 2005
Presentation at the Wellesley Free Library: "Modern Day
Slavery and the Movement to End It."
June, 2005
Presentation at the Bement School, Deerfield, MA, for the
dedication of the Grace Bement reading room: “Memories of
My Grandmother.”
June, 2005,
Testimony of Mei-Mei Akwai Ellerman of Wellesley, MA,
before the Massachusetts Joint Judiciary Committee Hearing
on the Human Rights for All, Bill (HB706).
May, 2005
Lecture for the Wellesley Department of East Asian
Languages and Literatures: “In Pursuit of Images and
Shadows: From Banishment to Emancipation A Portrait of
My Chinese Grandmother, Akwai Yang (1866-1942).”
April, 2005
Participated in a panel highlighting International Violence
Against Women for "Take Back the Night" week, Harvard
May, 2004
Brandeis WSRC, In Pursuit of Images and Shadows: The
Life and and Loves of James Frederick Oiesen (1857-1928),
Commissioner in the Imperial Maritime Customs and Danish
Ambassador to China.
Lesley University Seminar Series, Terrific Women,
Lecture and Discussion on :“From Banishment to
Emancipation,” and selected stories from The Good Women
of China by Xinran.
December, 2003
7th International Conference of the Global Forum, Geneva,
Switzerland, Discussion on Domestic and International
Human Trafficking.
November, 2003
Lesley University Seminar Series, Multiple Perspectives on
Womanhood, Lecture, Reading, and Discussion: An
Introduction to Memoir Writing.
Organized and ran an interactive Workshop for the 25th
Anniversary Conference of Brandeis Univ. Women’s Studies
Program. Topic: Modern Day Slavery: Sex Trafficking in
Women and Children.
October, 2003
Lesley University Seminar Series, Multiple Perspectives on
Womanhood, The Mothers in Us: Telling Experiences and
Making Connections, co-taught with Ruth Nemzoff, Nurit
Eini-Pindyck and Marcie Tyre.
May, 2003
Panel Presentation, Narratives of Mothering, Growth:
A Two Way Process, ARM Conference, Toronto, Canada
(via video).
May, 2003
Lecture for the LLL Club (an organization of Male
Entrepreneurs), Natick, In Pursuit of Images and Shadows:
A Journey into My Adoptive Mother’s Past.
March, 2003
Presentation at the Wellesley Kiwanis Club, An Overview of
the Sex Trafficking Industry of Women and Children in the
United States.
February, 2003
Brandeis WSRC: In Pursuit of Images and Shadows:
My Third Trip To China. New Discoveries and Connections
to my Adoptive Family’s Past.
November 12, 2003
Lecture for the French House of Wellesley College,
In Pursuit of Images and Shadows: Paris in the Late 1920s.
April, 2002
Wellesley College, Lecture: In Search of Roots: A Chinese
Daughter Unveils her Adoptive Family’s Past.
March, 2002
Wellesley Centers for Women, Luncheon Seminar, Lecture,
In Pursuit of Images and Shadows, From Shanghai to
Bangkok and Beyond.
Orchard Cove, Lecture, In Pursuit of Images and Shadows
A Chinese Daughter Journeys into her Adoptive Mother’s
National Writers Union Book Proposal Workshop,
Presentation and Discussion of Book Proposal.
August, 2002
Leland and Gray High School, Townshend, Vt. Lecture:
In Search of Roots: A Chinese Daughter’s Search for her
Mothers’ Pasts.
V: Publications:
September 2010-Present
May 2011
May 2009
Weekly Blog for Chinese
Book Review, “The Great Race,” Barefoot Books,
Cambridge, MA
“The Freckle,” Adoption Today
May 2007
Snapshots of Some Highlights of a Six Week Stay in Beijing.
Brandeis Gender and Development Forum, B-Gad.
May, 2003
Translation of “Madame Rose,” in the Journal of Women’s
History, from French into English, for Paula DoressWorters.
VI: Committees:
GaIDI [Chair]
Leave of absence Fall; Spring Diversity Committee
Diversity Committee
Events Committee and Ad hoc Listserv Committee
Renewal Committee and Policy Committee
VII: Conferences:
April 26-27, 2007
Suffolk University Law School, Centennial Conference on
Human Rights. Two-day event. Spoke on issues of Child
Sex Trafficking in the US and Japan, and Strategies and
Remedies with regard to topic, “Hidden Epidemic: Child
Sex Trafficking.” Other participants were all prominent
leaders in the national and international movement against
human trafficking.
Was included in list of faculty and bibliography in book,
Hidden Epidemic: Child Sex Trafficking.
VIII: Conferences attended:
March, 2012
Feb. 2012
June 2010
May 2010
April 2010
Feb. 2009
May 2008
May 2007
April, 2006
Attended 3 day annual international conference of Asian
Studies Association, York Univ., Toronto
BITAHR 3 day Film Forum on Sex Trafficking, Boston
International Conference on “Stop the Culture of
Pornography, Wheelock, Boston
International Conference on Adoption, M.I.T., Boston
Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism, B.U., Boston
BITAHR 3 day Film Forum on Sex Trafficking,
Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism, Boston
Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism, Boston
Attended three day Global Philanthropy Forum,
Washington, DC; connected with William Clinton, Ted
Turner, Peter Gabriel and the CEOs of numerous
foundations. Also attended a dinner hosted by Lifetime
Television “In honor of the advocates and Members of
Congress who worked to pass the Violence Against
Women Act and supporting legislation” (Polaris played a
major role in helping to broaden and pass the Trafficking
Victims Reauthorization Protection Act (TVRPA)
IX: Events Coordinated:
March 2013
Screening of documentary on worldwide child trafficking,
Not My Life, by Robert Bilheimer for GaIDI, WSRC and
Brandeis Community
March 2012
“Readings by Hubert Prolongeau and Tobe
Levin” from Undoing FGM. Pierre Foldes, The Surgeon
Who Restores the Clitoris.
April 2008
GaIDI panel on: Risky Traditions: Sex, Gender, and Health
Across Cultures
May, 2007
Testified at the State House for the Senate Hearing on
Massachusetts Senate Bill #97, to introduce a state bill on
September 2007
Organized 2nd Polaris Vermont Freedom Walk
October 2005
Organized 1st Polaris Vermont Freedom Walk to raise
Awareness Modern Day Slavery and to honor the
Underground Railroad (ten mile walk from Townshend to
Grafton, Vt)
May 2005
Organized and co-hosted with Marcie Tyre the first major
Polaris Project Fundraiser in Massachusetts, to raise
awareness of Human Trafficking and Polaris'
mission to abolish it.
Annual Mother’s Day Celebration (May)
Nepali Craft Fair (2005, 2006), Lectures featuring Prof.
Prabha Thacker, founder and president of Manushi, Nepal,
Anuradha Koirala, founder and head of Maiti Nepal, Derek
Ellerman, founder and Co-Executive Director of Polaris
Project, and Marcia Odell, Director of the Women’s
Empowerment Program, Nepal.
X: Awards:
March 2012
Selected as 1 of 4 “Remarkable Women” for the Campaign
“The Power of Touch, launched for Adea, Boston
Selected as “Unsung Heroine” of the community of
Wellesley by the Massachusetts Commission on the Status
of Women
Club of Budapest Award, Women’s Empowerment
Program, Nepal, directed by Marcia Odell.
XI: Memberships on Boards and Committees:
Member of Board of Directors, Global Generations, G2
Member of Board of Directors, Chinese Adoptee Links
International (CAL)
Representative of Polaris Project Boston, Member of the
Polaris Development Advisory Committee
Member of the Polaris Development Committee
Director of Polaris Development Advisory Committee
Coordinator of the Polaris Vermont Freedom Walk
Member of the National Board of Directors, Polaris Project
Member of the International Board of the AG Bell
Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
XII: Interviews:
March 21, 2013: Two hour interview wih Marguerite Bouvard for her book in progress,
"Modern Heroes and Heroines."
March 15th, 2013: Live interview with Vidya Sri on the intersection between human
trafficking and forced marriage.
March 1, 2013: Responded to a detailed and in depth questionnaire compiled by Vidya
Sri, survivor and Founder and Director of Gangashrakti, on "A Potential Framework for
Impact and Accountability" regarding the issue of Forced Marriage. My answers will be
included in Vidya's forthcoming study on "Forced Marriage" for the Urban Institute in
Washington, DC.
October 3, 2012: Full page interview for The Commons [leading Vermont newspaper]
with Olga Peters, on Modern-day Slavery and documentary film on global child
trafficking, Not My Life, by Robert Bilheimer.
The Beacon, Acton, Small Army for Adea Power of Touch Campaign, Brandeis Hoot,
Brandeis Justice, Wellesley Townsman (four interviews),The Vermont Observer, The
Message of the Week (Vermont), Brattleboro Reformer (Vermont), Rutland Herald
(Vermont), Boston Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, China Women’s News, The China
Media LLC, Corriere della Sera (Italy), BornholmsTielde (Denmark), Boston Globe.
Filmed Interviews:
Interview by Karma Kitaj for Alivelihood, Brookline Cable
One hour interview by documentary filmmaker Linda
Goldstein Knowlton [Somewhere In Between, Whale
Rider] as Board member of Chinese Adoptee Links
Worked with Rachel Clarkson, first year SID student at
Heller, as unofficial advisor on her practicum project for
2013-14 on human trafficking. Appointed by Kelley Ready.
Worked via email with two students on the issue of
violence against women, mainly by providing information
on trafficking and sexual harassment. To be continued next
Established direct contact for three SID Heller students
with the Polaris Project Fellowship program and arranged
for in person meeting. Two out of three will be applying for
a one to two session fellowship. Also spent time meeting
individually with the students to discuss their interests and
give them further background in human trafficking fall and
spring semesters.