1 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) LACREEK COLLEGE CENTER COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2015-2016 OLC Strategic Goal I: Foster Wolakolkiciyapi by incorporation Lakota spirituality, culture, and language acquisition throughout the college and within the communities it serves. College Center Strategic Goal I: Provide a nurturing environment where Lakota values can be exemplified. College Center Strategic Objective: College Centers provide a nurturing environment where Lakota values can be exemplified. Strategies Welcome Back and Encouragement Lunch in the fall and spring with traditional blessing of students Tipi Raising Measuring Tools Expected Results Activities form Survey Sign in sheet Providing information to students. Flyers put up and handed out. One lunch each semester with 35 participants. Activities Form One ceremony with 15 expected participants Sign in sheet Information provided Flyers handed out and put up Seeking permission from the city council. Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) Monthly Story Telling by an Elder in the community Activities Form Posters/Flyers Sign in sheet Surveys 10 – 20 participants from the student body and their families. Positive Indian Parenting Classes Sign in sheet 6 sessions and 5 – 10 participants per session Activities Form Information provided Traditional Meal Nursing Home Christmas Care Package (Cultural tradition of giving without material gain and honoring the elders in the community). Flyers put up and handed out Sign in sheet Activities Form Surveys Information provided. Sign in sheet Surveys Activities Form Purchasing of the gifts and donating them. College center students and staff (10 – 20 participants.) 7 – 10 participants 2 3 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) LACREEK COLLEGE CENTER COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2015-2016 OLC Strategic Goal II: Provide student support services to facilitate persistence, retention, and completion of students educational goals. College Center Strategic Goal II The College Center staff will foster student preparedness, academic planning, and involvement in the life of the college. College Center Strategic Objective: Counselors use an individualized approach to increase recruitment, retention, persistence, and completion by 1%. Strategies Student Orientation for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 Measuring Tools Expected Results Activities Form At least 25% of students Sign in sheet Survey Financial Aid workshops (FAFSA, Scholarships, Higher Ed) Fall and Spring as necessary Number of students completing applications Sign in sheet Activities Form At least 50% of the students Recruitment: increase recruitment rate by 1%. Enumeration fliers Recruitment one early entry student from local high school. Jump Start Program Distribute 100% of brochures and fliers produced. Enumeration Brochures 1 float in the Bennett County Fair Posters hung up in the community for preregistration New students from the staff Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) effort of recruitment during the Bennett County Fair. Increase retention rate by 1%. Utilize the Faculty Alert system to target at risk students Enumeration of the student plans completed. 100% students status sheets completed Enumeration on log sheet of the Early Alert sheet Decrease the number of Faculty Early Alert. Set up a degree plan with all students Enumeration of the student plans completed. 100% new and returning students AY 2015-16 Enumeration Increase persistence rate students status by 1%. Conduct sheets critical review of program status sheets in order to streamline and strengthen plans of study. Conduct critical review of program status sheets in order to streamline and strengthen plans of study. Increase completion by 1%. Create individual plans for students struggling in their classes. 100% of individual plans for students struggling in their classes. Enumeration of the student referral for services 4 5 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) LACREEK COLLEGE CENTER COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2015-2016 OLC Strategic Goal III: OLC will provide learning experiences that foster student preparedness, academic success, and involvement in the life of the college. College Center Strategic Goal: provides access to a diverse set of information resources to support students’ achievement of their learning outcomes. College Center Strategic Objective: College centers hold a variety of orientations and workshops for students Strategies Student Orientation each semester Fall 15 and Spring 16 Measuring Tools Student survey Activities Form Expected Results 1 orientation each semester with several new and returning students attending. Sign in sheet Organize academic and/or college success workshops based on student needs To provide information to students of upcoming activities and other events Activities Form Sign in sheet Provide information to students. 1 Higher Ed/ scholarship/ FAFSA workshop with 10 expected participants. Workshops as requested by students 1 Praxis Webinar with 5 expected participants. 100% Feedback results Actual Results Improvements to Strategy 6 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) LACREEK COLLEGE CENTER COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2015-2016 OLC Strategic Goal IV: Provide information and develop collaboration with internal and external stakeholders in the OLC served communities. College Center Strategic Goal IV: OLC supports student research that strengthens nation building. College Center Strategic Objective: College centers develop and maintain partnership for student wellness and development Strategies Measuring Tools Provide students the opportunity to participate in the governance system Sign in sheet Organize and partner with external interested groups to provide wellness (physical, mental, spiritual) opportunities for students to achieve their learning outcomes. Sign in sheet Activities Form Providing information Activities Form Providing information Expected Results 1 monthly meeting with 5 students on governance and student Organization 1 six-part parenting class focusing on traditional parenting methods with 5 – 10 participants expected. Health and wellness workshops (healthy living habits, mental wellness) Actual Results Improvements to Strategy 7 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) PRESIDENT'S OFFICE LaCreek College Center 2015-2016 Budget PERSONNEL Director Tutor/Counselor Temp. Janitor Office Assistant Fringe Workshops Staff Travel Adjunct Travel Supplies Repair & Maintenance Phone Disposal Service Water Electric Propane Local Board Stipends Total Projected Requested Modification Total Justification