PA ASS S CR REE EK CO OLLE EGE E CEN C NTE ER AN NNU UAL LR REPOR RT 2014 2 4-20 015 5 1 OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE Pass Creek College Center Annual Report Year: 2014‐2015 1. Describe your unit’s/department’s Mission or Purpose. Mission: The Pass Creek College Center is committed to meeting students’ academic needs so they can become an integral part of the professional workforce. Vision: The Pass Creek College Center strives to meet the educational needs of its community by providing the highest quality of education for the students in attaining a degree in higher education. 2. 2014‐2015 Budget: $223,456.00 3. Personnel Data: Name Title Years of Service Leslie Heathershaw Center Director 1.5 years Angela Martinez Office Assistant/Janitor 6 years Sandra Shot With Arrow GED Tutor/Counselor 2 years Curtis Conroy Janitor/Driver 8 months 4. Personnel Changes. In the 2014‐2015 academic year, Leslie Heathershaw was Acting Director until July of 2014 when she was hired full‐time. Curtis Conroy was hired as the new Janitor/Van Driver in October and Angela Martinez was moved to a full time Office Assistant. 5. Local Board Name Title Sharlene May Phoebe Tallman Lucy Cottier Caroline Richards President Board of Trustees Member Vice President Secretary 2 6. Student Org Name Mercy Washington Beulah High Bear Tyler Dubray Zoey Shaw Title President Vice President/Secretary Student Senate Student Representative 7. Describe any special accomplishments of your staff. The PCCC staff is committed to furthering their own higher education. This year Angela Martinez, Office Assistant, earned 6 credit hours towards her degree in Social Work. Angela’s goal is to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. Sandra Shot with Arrow, Counselor/Tutor received the Tutor of the Year award and received her AA degree in Office Technology. 8. Describe your unit’s Professional Development Activities. Sandra Shot with Arrow attended COABE training in Denver, CO in April of this year and also took college courses. Angela Martinez also took college courses. No other Professional Development activities were provided. 9. Describe your unit’s Professional Development Needs. Our new van driver, Curtis Conroy needs transportation training. He has been studying to take his CDL, and was unsuccessful in his first attempt. 10. List the number of customer service concerns/complaints you have received for the year. Summer Fall Spring Total Concerns received 0 7 3 10 Complaints received 0 0 1 1 11. Describe four most common customer service concerns/complaint and how you addressed them. The most common customer service concerns were academic in that students couldn’t get the courses they needed and that they were having problems with the instructor. One complaint was concerning staff but this was due to the students’ personal health problem. 3 12. List the number of individuals you have served for the academic year (dependent upon the purpose of your unit). Academic year # served Summer Fall Spring Total # students 0 33 36 69 # faculty 0 8 8 16 # staff 3 4 4 11 # community members 20 150 150 320 In the Fall 2014 semester, PCCC had 2 new freshman and 31 returning students, with 27 students persisting and 6 students stopping out. Of these 6 stop-outs, 2 students were due to personal problems, 2 due to employment, and 2 due to health reasons. In the Spring 2015 semester, PCCC had 2 new freshman, 2 transfer students and 32 returning students. We served a total of 69 students, 320 community members this academic year. Four staff members were maintained throughout the academic year and eight faculty members instructed 10 courses each semester. 13. Course Schedule report. Fall 2014 Course Schedule: COURSE SECTION COURSE NAME TIME INSTRUCTOR ROOM # CS 103 10 PC ETHICS IN THE WORKPLACE W 5:00 – 8:00 PM RED FOX SANCHEZ 107 ENGL 103 05 PC FR. ENGLISH II W 5:00 – 8:00 PM PAULA NELSON 108 T 12:30 – 3:30 PM JUDITH GRAHAM 107 T 5:00 – 8:00 PM ROBERT TWO CROW 108 LIT 203 07 PC LPSY 323 09 PC INTRO TO LITERATURE NATIVE AM. PSYCHOLOGY MATH 083 03 PC BASIC MATH I M 5:00 – 8:00 PM THEDNA ZIMIGA COMPUTER LAB MATH 093 04 PC BASIC MATH II M 5:00 – 8:00 PM THEDNA ZIMIGA COMPUTER LAB MATH 103 08 PC ELEMENTRY ALGEBRA T 5:00 – 8:00 PM JOSEPH BUSH 107 RW 083 01 PC BASIC ENGLISH I M 1:00 – 4:00 PM JULIE JONES COMPUTER LAB RW 093 02 PC BASIC ENGLISH II M 1:00 – 4:00 PM JULIE JONES COMPUTER LAB SOSC 103 06 PC INTRO TO SOCIAL SCIENCE T 1:00 – 4:00 PM SAMUEL SANDERS (PICTEL) DISTANCE LEARNING LAB 4 Spring 2015 Course Sch hedule: COURSE SSECTION COURSE NAM ME TIME INSTRUCTOR ROOM # Math 083 Basic Math h I M 5:0 00 – 8:00 PM M Angella Sam COMPUTER R LAB Math 093 Basic Math II M 5:0 00 – 8:00 PM M Angella Sam COMPUTER R LAB RW 0 083 BASIC ENGLISSH I M 1:0 00 – 4:00 PM M JULIA JONES COMPUTER R LAB RW 0 093 BASIC ENGLIS B SH II M 1:0 00 – 4:00 PM M JULIA JONES COMPUTER R LAB LAK 1 103 LAKOTA LANG. I T 1:0 00 – 4:00 PM WARREN N YELLOW HA AIR 107 OED 103 BA ASIC COMPUTERS T 5:0 00 – 8:00 PM JOSHEPPH BUSH COMPUTER R LAB 00 – 4:00 PM M W 1:0 MUAL SAM SAUN NDERS PICTEL RO OOM 00 – 8:00 PM M W 5:0 JEFFERYY JONES 108 PSY 1 103 ENG 103 GENERAL PSYCHOLOG GY FRESHMAN N ENGLISH II BIO 1 103 HUMAN BIOLO H OGY M 5:0 00 – 8:00 PM M CARLA A WITT 107 OMATH H 113 OCCUPATION NAL MATH W 5:0 00 – 8:00 PM M THERESA STRU UFFERT 107 5 14. Describe number of activities you held within your department. Table 46. Activities at Pass Creek College Center. College Center Description of activity Pass Creek College Center Welcome Back/Encouragement Ceremony – August 29, 2014 Wellness Day - September 16, 2014 Encouragement /Wellness Day – November 13, 2014 Zombie Walk – October 30, 2014 Indian Taco Fundraiser – October 10, 2014 Thanksgiving Dinner/Encouragement Ceremony – November 25, 2014 Student Org Meetings X 5 Pass Creek Pow Wow Booth Fundraiser – July 2014 End of the Year Student/XMAS Dinner – Dec. 12, 2014 End of the Year – Student Bowling – December 12, 2014 Menudo Sale – Fundraiser – December 5, 2015 Welcome Back/Student Orientation – February 6, 2015 Financial Literacy – March 19, 2015 Indian Taco Sale – March 19, 2015 Flee Market – March 27, 2015 Tipi Raising/Cultural Workshop, April 10, 2015 PCCC Career Day – April 30, 2015 Flee Market/Indian Taco Sale – May 8, 2015 End of the Year Dinner/Honoring of the Graduates Total Participants # participat ed 16 Student Org. Sponsored 15 27 X X 96 30 25 X X 25 50 X (x5) X 20 X 11 X 50 12 X 9 30 5 28 21 60 31 X X X X 561 19 Center by Sponsored X X X X X X 4 District center Pass Creek Total Number Overall Student Other Participants Org. Center Activities Totals Sponsored Sponsored 4 561 19 4 4 561 19 4 6 Table 19. Lakota Ceremonies held at Pass Creek College Center College Date Type of activity Participants Center Pass Creek # served August 29, 2014 Welcome Back/Encouragement Ceremony Students and Staff 16 November 25, 2014 Encouragement Ceremony/Thanksgiving Dinner Students and Staff 25 February 6, 2015 Welcome Back/Encouragement Ceremony Students and Staff 12 April 10, 2015 Tipi Raising/Cultural Workshop Students and Staff 28 Total 81 15. Describe your unit’s most significant accomplishments. Our biggest accomplishment this year is in our advising and tracking our data. We have been able to show what amazing tasks that our staff provide for our students. (See table below). District Centers Pass Creek Academic advising Fall 2014 New student 60 Existing student 278 Academic advising Spring 2015 New student 73 Existing student 329 Academic advising Total New student 133 Existing student 607 District Centers Pass Creek Academic advising Fall 2013 New student 8 Existing student 37 Academic advising Spring 2014 New student 32 Existing student 146 Academic advising Total New student 40 Existing student 183 7 16. Describe your unit’s Significant Challenges. Provide data that supports the challenge identified. One of our biggest challenges is finding instructors for our district center. Our center has to resort to finding adjunct instructors that are qualified to teach our courses and with little pay. Our adjuncts complain that the pay isn’t worth the amount of work required as an instructor but they continue as they are committed to the students of OLC. Another struggle is getting the student the courses that they need here in our small center. The higher level courses are only taught in the larger centers and the students are required to travel. This year in the spring semester we were provided a new transportation van to transport students. This resolved travel issues for some of the students but not all. 17. Describe your unit’s Critical Needs. I believe one of our biggest critical need is professional development for our staff. As new staff members in our position we need conflict resolution, stress management, counseling and advising training. Another critical need is finding mental health and disability resources for our students. 18. Describe how you plan to address the challenges during the upcoming year. Keeping our students interest in activities is always a challenge, and we plan to recruit more and advertise more with our activities. Our student organization dwindles towards the end of the semester which makes fundraising difficult and the staff end up doing most of the work. Also, we plan to continue to use our data to help our students be successful and to guide our center and staff. 19. If applicable, how did you address the HLC identified needs of persistence, retention, graduation, and long range planning. The staff at the PCCC have learned to track data and keep binders of everything we do. We also have done a better job with student status sheets and in providing the courses needed by our students. We’re doing a better job of prepping our students to take the accuplacer and students are testing more accurately. We are dedicated to continue this in the long range and to meet the needs of our community and students. 8