A Software Model and Specification Language for Non-WIMP User Interfaces Abstract

A Software Model and Specification Language for Non-WIMP User Interfaces
Robert J.K. Jacob
Leonidas Deligiannidis
Stephen Morrison
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Tufts University
Medford, Mass.
We present a software model and language for describing and programming the fine-grained
aspects of interaction in a non-WIMP user interface, such as a virtual environment. Our approach
is based on our view that the essence of a non-WIMP dialogue is a set of continuous
relationships—most of which are temporary. The model combines a data-flow or constraint-like
component for the continuous relationships with an event-based component for discrete
interactions, which can enable or disable individual continuous relationships. To demonstrate our
approach, we present the PMIW user interface management system for non-WIMP interactions,
a set of examples running under it, a visual editor for our user interface description language, and
a discussion of our implementation and our restricted use of constraints for a performance-driven
interactive situation. Our goal is to provide a model and language that captures the formal
structure of non-WIMP interactions in the way that various previous techniques have captured
command-based, textual, and event-based styles and to suggest that using it need not
compromise real-time performance.
CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.2 [Software Engineering]: Tools and
Techniques—user interfaces; H.1.2 [Models and Principles]: User/Machine Systems—human
-2factors; H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces; I.3.7 [Computer
Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism—virtual reality; F.3.1 [Logics and
Meanings of Programs]: Specifying and Verifying and Reasoning about Programs—
specification techniques
General Terms: Human Factors, Languages, Design
Additional Key Words and Phrases: User interface management system (UIMS), interaction
techniques, specification language, state transition diagram, virtual reality, non-WIMP interface,
“Non-WIMP” user interfaces, such as virtual environments, are characterized by parallel,
continuous interactions with the user. However, most current user interface description
languages (UIDLs) and software systems are based on serial, discrete, token-based models. This
paper proposes and tests a two-component model for describing and programming the finegrained aspects of non-WIMP interaction. The model combines a data-flow or constraint-like
component for the continuous relationships with an event-based component for discrete
interactions, which can enable or disable individual continuous relationships. Its key ingredients
are the separation of non-WIMP interaction into two components and the framework it provides
for communication between the two.
As will be seen in the paper, our model abstracts away many of the details of specific
input devices and treats them only in terms of the discrete events they produce and the
continuous values they provide. It thus provides a high-level framework that can reduce the
current difficulties of integrating novel devices into virtual reality applications, provided the
-3devices can be fit into our model of discrete events and/or continuous variables. Thus far we
have not found one that does not fit. It will also be seen, particularly in our first example, that the
model is applicable for describing elements of WIMP-style user interfaces that have continuous
inputs and outputs, such as a scrollbar or slider.
This paper discusses our model and our implementation of it as follows:
Our software model for capturing non-WIMP style interactions (Section 2), as first
introduced in[35]
A user interface description language that embodies it (Section 3)
A programming environment we have developed for this language (Section 4)
Some examples to illustrate the expressiveness or usefulness of the language for
describing non-WIMP interactions (Section 5)
Implementation issues and our use of constraints in virtual environments and similar
high-performance interactive situations (Section 6).
1.1. Background
“Non-WIMP” user interfaces provide “non-command,” parallel, continuous, multi-mode
interaction—in contrast to current GUI or WIMP (Window, Icon, Menu, Pointer) style
interfaces[19]. This interaction style can be seen most clearly in virtual reality interfaces, but its
fundamental characteristics are common to a more general class of emerging user-computer
environments, including new types of games, musical accompaniment systems, intelligent agent
interfaces, interactive entertainment media, pen-based interfaces, eye movement-based
-4interfaces, and ubiquitous computing[33, 47]. They share a higher degree of interactivity than
previous interfaces: continuous input/output exchanges occurring in parallel, rather than one
single-thread, discrete-event dialogue.
Our goal is to develop and implement a model and abstraction that captures the formal
structure of non-WIMP interaction in the way that existing techniques have captured commandbased, textual, and event-based interaction. Most current (WIMP) user interfaces are inherently
serial, turn-taking (“ping-pong style”) dialogues with a single input/output stream. Even where
there are several devices, the input is treated conceptually as a single multiplexed stream, and
interaction proceeds in half-duplex, alternating between user and computer. Users do not, for
example, meaningfully move a mouse while typing characters; they do one at a time. Non-WIMP
interfaces are instead characterized by continuous interaction between user and computer via
several parallel, asynchronous channels or devices.
Because interaction with the new systems can draw on the user's existing skills for
interacting with the real world, they offer the promise of interfaces that are easier to learn and to
use. However, they are currently making interfaces more difficult to build. Advances in user
interface design and technology have outpaced advances in models, languages, and user interface
software tools. The result is that, today: previous generation command language interfaces can
now be specified and implemented very effectively; current generation direct manipulation or
WIMP interfaces are now moderately well served by user interface software tools; and the
emerging concurrent, continuous, multi-mode non-WIMP interfaces are hardly handled at all.
Most of today's examples of non-WIMP interfaces, such as virtual reality systems, have of
necessity been designed and implemented with event-based models more suited to previous
interface styles. Because those models fail to capture continuous, parallel interaction explicitly,
-5the interfaces have required considerable ad-hoc, low-level programming approaches. While
some of these are very inventive, they have made such systems difficult to develop, share, and
reuse. We seek techniques and abstractions for describing and implementing these interfaces at a
higher level, closer to the point of view of the user and the dialogue, rather than to the exigencies
of the implementation.
1.2. Specifying the New Interfaces
It is not difficult to see why current specification languages and user interface
management systems (UIMSs) have not been applicable to non-WIMP interaction. Consider the
characteristics of current vs. non-WIMP interfaces:
Single-thread input/output vs. parallel, asynchronous, but interrelated dialogues
Discrete tokens vs. continuous and discrete inputs and responses
Precise tokens vs. probabilistic input, which may be difficult to tokenize
Sequence, not time, is meaningful vs. real-time requirements, deadline-based
Explicit user commands vs. passive (“non command-based”) monitoring of the user.
On each of these counts, the characteristic of the traditional interaction styles corresponds to a
characteristic of non-interactive programming languages processed by compilers. Indeed, much
of current UIMS technology is built around compiler technology—processing of a single stream
of discrete tokens via a single BNF (Backus-Naur Form) or ATN (Augmented Transition
Network) syntax specification. Non-WIMP interfaces violate each of these assumptions and thus
are not well served by compiler-based approaches.
-6For example, current UIMS technology typically handles multiple input devices by
serializing all their inputs into one common stream. This is well suited to conventional dialogue
styles but is less appropriate for styles where the inputs are logically parallel (that is, where the
user thinks of what he or she is doing as two simultaneous actions). Parallel dialogues could still
be programmed within the old model, but it would be preferable to be able to describe and
program them in terms of logically concurrent (but sometimes interrelated) inputs, rather than a
single serialized token stream. In a similar vein, it could be said that parallel processes can be
programmed by explicitly time slicing each process. But it is unusual today to write parallel
processes with explicit time slicing. Instead we write our parallel programs on top of the process
abstraction, assuming parallelism. A separate layer then handles the transformation onto a single
physical processor.
We seek similar kinds of abstractions for user interface software. Our model combines
the applicable aspects of constraint-based and event-based user interface description languages
into a framework intended to match the fine-grained properties of non-WIMP dialogues. Existing
techniques could have been extended in various ad-hoc ways to describe the unusual aspects of
non-WIMP dialogues. However, the real problem is not just to find some way to describe the
user interface (since, after all, nearly any programming language could do that), but to find a
language that captures the user's view of non-WIMP interaction as perspicuously as possible.
1.3. Underlying Properties of Non-WIMP Interactions
To proceed, we need to identify the basic structure of non-WIMP interaction as the user
sees it. What is the essence of the sequence of interactions in a non-WIMP interface? We posit
that it is a set of continuous relationships, most of which are temporary.
-7For example, in a virtual environment, a user may be able to grasp, move, and release an
object. The hand position and object position are thus related by a continuous function (say, an
identity mapping between the two 3-D positions)—but only while the user is grasping the object.
A scrollbar in a conventional graphical user interface can also be viewed this way. The y
coordinate of the mouse and the region of the file being displayed are related by a continuous
function (a linear scaling function, from 1-D to 1-D), but only while the mouse button is held
down (after having first been pressed within the scrollbar handle). The continuous relationship
ceases when the user releases the mouse button.
Some continuous relationships are permanent. In a conventional physical control panel,
the rotational position of each knob is permanently connected to some variable by a continuous
function (typically a linear function, mapping 1-D rotational position to 1-D). In a cockpit flight
simulator, the position of the throttle lever and the setting of the throttle parameter are
permanently connected by a continuous function.
The essence of these interfaces is, then, a set of continuous relationships some of which
are permanent and some of which are engaged and disengaged from time to time. These
relationships accept continuous input from the user and typically produce continuous responses
or inputs to the system. The actions that engage or disengage them are typically discrete
(pressing a mouse button over a widget, grasping an object).
Most current specification models are based on tokens or events. Their top-down,
triggered quality makes them easy to program. But we have seen that events are the wrong model
for describing some of the interactions we need; they are more perspicuously described as
-8declarative relationships among continuous variables. Non-WIMP interface styles tend to have
more of these kinds of interactions.
Therefore, we need to address the continuous aspect of the interface explicitly in our
specification model. Continuous inputs have often been treated by quantizing them into a stream
of “change-value” or “motion” events and then handling them as discrete tokens. Instead we
want to describe continuous user interaction as a first-class element of our model. We describe
these types of relationships with a data-flow graph, which connects continuous input variables to
continuous application (semantic) data and, ultimately, to continuous outputs, through a network
of functions and intermediate variables. The result resembles a plugboard or wiring diagram or a
set of one-way constraints. Such a model also supports parallel interaction implicitly, because it
is simply a declarative specification of a set of relationships that are in principle maintained
simultaneously. (Maintaining them all on a single processor within required time constraints is
an issue for the implementation and is discussed below, but it should not arise at this level of the
Note that trying to describe the whole interface in purely continuous terms or purely
discrete terms would be entirely possible, but inappropriate. For example:
In the extreme, all physical actions can be viewed as continuous, but we quantize them in
order to obtain discrete inputs. For example, the pressing of a keyboard key is a
continuous action in space. We quantize it into two states (up and down), but there is a
continuum of underlying states, we have simply grouped them so that those above some
point are considered “up” and those below, “down.” We could thus view a keyboard
interface in continuous terms. However, we claim that the user model of keyboard input
is as a discrete operation; the user thinks simply of pressing a key or not pressing it.
Similarly, continuous actions could be viewed as discrete. All continuous inputs must
ultimately be quantized in order to pass them to a digital computer. The dragging of a
mouse is transmitted to the computer as a sequence of discrete moves over discrete pixel
positions and, in typical window systems, processed as a sequence of individual discrete
events. However, again, we claim that the user model of such input is a smooth,
continuous action; the user does not think of generating individual “motion” events, but
rather of making a continuous gesture.
Non-WIMP interactions (as well as some dragging interactions in WIMP interfaces, see Section
3.1) convey a sense of continuous interaction to the user, and our concern is capturing this
continuous quality directly in the UIDL. At the implementation level, the hardware inputs and
outputs are still realized as a series of discrete events. For example, grasping an object and
moving it in 3-space appears to be a continuous interaction and ought to be specified that way in
the UIDL; but, to the underlying software, it is ultimately implemented as a discrete series of
input events.
This leads to a two-part model of user interaction. One part is a graph of functional
relationships among continuous variables. Only a few of these relationships are typically active
at one moment. The other part is a set of discrete event handlers. These event handlers can,
among other actions, cause specific continuous relationships to be activated or deactivated. A
key issue is how the continuous and discrete domains are connected, since a modern user
interface will typically use both. The main connection between the two in our model is the way
in which discrete events can activate or deactivate the continuous relationships.
Purely discrete controls (such as pushbuttons, toggle switches, menu picks) also fit into
this framework. They are described by traditional discrete techniques, such as state diagrams and
- 10 are covered by the discrete event handler part of our model. That part serves both to engage and
disengage the continuous relationships as well as to handle the truly discrete interactions.
Our contribution, then, is a model for combining data-flow or constraint-like continuous
relationships and token-based event handlers. Its goal is to provide a language that integrates the
two components and maps closely to the user's view of the fine-grained interaction in a nonWIMP interface. Our model and language are intended to be independent of the choice of
constraint solving mechanism used to implement it. In fact, we have built several different
solvers and can use them interchangeably, as discussed in Section 6. The model, UIDL, and
examples given from here through Section 5 are intended not to depend on the solver (but see
Section 5.5 for discussion of one potential type of solver dependency at the UIDL level).
The basic model is:
A set of continuous user interface Variables, some of which are directly connected to
input devices, some to outputs, and some to application semantics. Some variables are
also used for communication within the user interface model (within or between the
continuous and discrete components); and some variables are simply interior nodes of the
graph containing intermediate results.
A set of Links, which contain functions that map from continuous variables to other
continuous variables. A link may be operative at all times or may be associated with a
Condition, which allows it to be turned on and off in response to other user inputs. This
ability to enable and disable portions of the data-flow graph in response to user inputs is a
key feature of the model.
A set of EventHandlers, which respond to discrete input events. The responses may
include producing outputs, setting syntactic-level variables, making procedure calls to the
- 11 application semantics, and setting or clearing the conditions, which are used to enable
and disable groups of links.
The model is cast in an object-oriented framework. Link, Variable, and EventHandler
each have a separate class hierarchy. Their fundamental properties, along with the basic
operation of the software framework (the user interface management system) are encapsulated
into the three base classes; subclasses allow the specifier to define particular kinds of Links,
Variables, and EventHandlers as needed. While Links and Variables are connected to each other
in a graph for input and output, they comprise two disjoint trees for inheritance; this enhances the
expressive power of the model.
The model provides for communication between its discrete (event handlers) and
continuous (links and variables) portions in several ways:
As described, communication from discrete to continuous occurs through the setting and
clearing of Conditions, which effectively re-wire the data-flow graph.
In some situations, there are analogue data coming in, being processed, recognized, then
turned into a discrete event. This is handled by a communication path from continuous to
discrete by allowing a link to generate tokens which are then processed by the event
handlers. A link function might generate a token in response to one of its input variables
crossing a threshold. Or it might generate a token when some complex function of its
inputs becomes true. For example, if the inputs were all the parameters of the user's
fingers, a link function might attempt to recognize a particular hand posture and fire a
token when it was recognized.
- 12 •
Finally, as with augmented transition networks and other similar schemes, we provide the
ability for continuous and discrete components to set and test arbitrary user interface
variables, which are accessible to both components.
A further refinement expresses the event handlers as individual state transition diagrams.
Such state diagram-based event handlers may be intermixed with other, arbitrary forms of event
handlers. Using state diagram event handlers also leads to another method of integrating the
continuous and discrete components. Imagine that each state in the state transition diagram had
an entire data-flow graph associated with it. When the system enters that state, it begins
executing that data-flow graph and continues until it changes to another state. The state diagram
can then be viewed as a set of transitions between whole data-flow graphs. We have already
provided the ability to enable and disable sets of links in a data-flow graph by explicit action. If
we associate such sets with states, we can automatically enable and disable the links belonging to
a state whenever that state is entered or exited. This is simply a shorthand for setting and clearing
the conditions with explicit actions, but it provides a particularly apt description of moded
continuous operations (such as grab, drag, and release) and will be the basis for an alternate form
of our user interface description language.
We have developed a language based on this model and are implementing it in several
forms. The main form of the language is a visual one, for which we show an interactive graphical
editor in Section 4. The language can also be used in an SGML-based text form (Section 4.2),
which is intended both for user input and as an intermediate language for use by our graphical
tools, or directly as a set of C++ classes.
- 13 3.1. Expository Example
To introduce the elements of the graphical version of our language, we begin by
considering a simplified slider widget from a conventional WIMP interface. If the user presses
the mouse button down on the slider handle, the slider will begin following the y coordinate of
the mouse, scaled appropriately. It will follow the mouse continuously, truncated to lie within the
vertical range of the slider area, directly setting its associated semantic-level application variable
as it moves.
We view this as a functional relationship between the y coordinate of the mouse and the
position of the slider handle, two continuous variables (disregarding their ultimate realizations in
pixel units). This relationship is temporary, however; it is only enabled while the user is dragging
the slider with the mouse button down. Therefore, we provide event handlers in the form of a
state transition diagram to process button-down and button-up events and enable and disable the
continuous relationship.
Figure 1 shows the specification of this simple slider in our visual notation, running on
our graphical editor, VRED. The upper portion of the screen shows the continuous portion of the
specification using ovals to represent variables, rectangles for links, and arrows for data flows.
The name of each variable is shown under its oval, and, below that, in upper case letters, its kind.
The kind can be one of: INPUT, OUTPUT, SEM, SYNT, CONST, or INT to indicate its role
in the user interface as, respectively: an actual device input, a variable that affects the display
directly, semantic data shared with the application, syntactic data shared among components
within the user interface, a constant, or a random interior node of the graph. The name of each
link is shown under its rectangle and, below that, in upper case letters, the name of the condition
under which it will be activated or else ALWAYS, meaning it is always active.
- 14 The lower portion shows the event handler in the form of a state diagram, with states
represented as circles and transitions as arrows; further details of this state diagram notation itself
are found in[30, 31]. The state diagram shows, inside each state, in upper case letters, the name
of a condition that is activated when this state is entered; names in lower case letters are just state
names not associated with conditions. Each arc has a token and, optionally, a Boolean expression
that must be true to take this transition and an action that will be executed if the transition is
Figure 1. Specification of a simple slider, running in the VRED editor, to illustrate our graphical
notation. The upper half of the screen shows the continuous portion of the specification, using
ovals to represent variables, rectangles for links, and arrows for data flows. The lower portion
shows the event handler in the form of a state diagram, with states represented as circles and
transitions as arrows.
- 15 There is additional information, such as the types of each of the variables, the different
input and output slots of each link in case it has more than one, and the body of the link itself
(which is usually written as several lines of C++ code to be evaluated on demand). This
information is entered and viewed through dialogue boxes for each link, variable, flow state, and
transition. The layout of the elements on the screen is at the user's discretion, much like the
arrangement of white space in a conventional programming language. Only the topology or
connectivity of the elements in the diagram is meaningful to the run-time system.
The continuous relationship for this slider is divided into two parts. The relationship
between the mouse position and the value variable in the application semantics is temporary,
while dragging; the relationship between value and the displayed slider handle is permanent.
Because value is a variable shared with the semantic level of the system, it might also be
changed by the application or by function keys or other input, and the slider handle would still
respond. The variable mouse is an input variable, which always gives the current location of the
mouse; handlepos is an output variable, which controls where the slider handle is drawn on the
display. The underlying user interface management system will automatically keep the mouse
variable updated based on mouse inputs and the position of the slider handle updated based on
changes in handlepos. The link mousetoval contains a simple scaling and truncating function
that relates the mouse position to the value of the controlled variable; the link is associated with
the condition name DRAGGING, so that it can be enabled and disabled by the state transition
diagram. The link valtoscrn scales the variable value back to the screen position of the slider
handle; it is always enabled.
The discrete portion of this specification is given in the form of a state transition diagram,
although any other form of event handler specification may be used interchangeably in the
- 16 underlying system. In the start state (st) it accepts a MOUSEDN token that occurs while the
mouse is within the slider handle and makes a transition to a new state, in which the
DRAGGING condition is enabled. As long as the state diagram remains in this state, the
mousetoval link is enabled, and the mouse is connected to the slider handle, without the need for
any further explicit specification. The MOUSEUP token will then trigger a transition to the
initial state, causing the DRAGGING condition to be disabled and hence the mousetoval
relationship to cease being maintained automatically. (The condition names like DRAGGING
provide a layer of indirection that is useful when a single condition controls a set of links; in this
example there is only one conditional link, mousetoval. A link can also be associated with more
than one condition; it would then be enabled when any of those conditions was enabled.) This
very simple example illustrates the use of separate continuous and discrete specifications and the
way in which the enabling and disabling of the continuous relationships by the state diagram
provides the connection between the two. Abowd[1] and Carr[4, 5] also present specifications of
sliders which separate their continuous and discrete aspects in different ways (see Section 7), and
the Kaleidoscope constraint language[15] can support temporary constraints roughly similar to
the one in this example.
Figure 2 shows an alternative form of the visual language. (Unlike Figure 1, a visual
editor for this form is not implemented; Figures 2 and 3 are illustrations to describe this
language, rather than editor screendumps.) This form of the language unifies the two components
into a single representation by considering each state in the state transition diagram to have an
entire data-flow graph associated with it. When the system enters a state, it begins executing that
data-flow graph and continues until it reaches another state. The state diagram can then be
viewed as a set of transitions between whole data-flow graphs. As noted previously, this provides
- 17 a particularly apt description of moded continuous operations like engaging, dragging, and
releasing the slider handle. The nested diagram approach follows that of Citrin[7], although in
this case it is confined to two levels, and each level has a different syntax. One obvious
drawback of this type of language is that it is difficult to scale the graphical representation to fit a
more complex interface into a single static image. For interactive use, a zoomable editor would
address this problem, as would rapid continuous zooming, such as provided by the PAD++
system[2], or head-coupled zooming, as in the pre-screen projection technique[25]. Figure 3
shows the interface from Figure 2, zoomed in on the first state, with its enclosed data-flow
diagram now visible for editing.
Figure 2. The same slider as in Figure 1, illustrating an alternate form of our graphical notation.
Here, the large circles represent states, and the arrows between them represent transitions. Each
state contains a data-flow graph showing the data flows that are operational while the system is
in that state.
- 18 -
Figure 3. The example interface from Figure 2 after zooming in to edit the data-flow graph
within one of the states.
4.1 The VRED Editor
The VRED editor provides a visual programming environment for our language. It
implements both a data flow graph editor (also called a plugboard for its similarity to a digital
logic prototyping bench) and a state diagram editor. Simple forms and menus are provided for
the programmer to facilitate the entry of text based information such as element names and
programmer annotations. Figure 1 as well as the UIDL figures below are all screendumps from
the VRED editor, showing its base screen. The plugboard editor is the upper of the two drawing
areas. Variables are represented by ellipses, links by rectangles, and data flows by arrows. Each
flow also has three small rectangular handles for controlling the curvature of the arc. The first
and third handle serve as smooth anchor points for splines while the middle handle is capable of
- 19 generating a cusp in the arc. The state diagram editor is the lower of the two drawing areas.
States are represented by circles (with resizing handles), and transitions by arcs, labeled with
their tokens, conditions, or actions.
A dialogue box can be brought up for a selected variable, link, flow, state, or transition.
For a link, the dialogue box allows the user to enter a C++ code fragment as the link body; this
becomes the body of the Evaluate() method. For a state transition, the dialogue box allows an
optional Boolean condition (in the form of a C++ expression that returns true or false) and/or an
optional action to be taken if the transition is made (as a C++ code fragment). New variables,
links, flows, states, and transitions are added with menu commands and given placements (or
routings, for arcs), which may be modified by dragging. When a new data flow is created, the
user is prompted to select the start and end nodes node for the data flow. If one of these is a link
with more than one input or output slot, a dialogue box will ask the user which of those slots the
flow should be attached to. A smart delete facility automatically eliminates dangling elements.
4.2 Text Language
While the main form of our language is a visual one, Figure 4 shows its text-based form.
We also use this form for dumping and restoring the information from the graphical editor and
for interoperating with other tools. The language uses SGML for its meta-syntax in order to
avoid introducing yet another incompatible meta-syntax into the world, since it is reasonably
human-readable, and is increasingly supported by parsing and editing tools. Figure 4 illustrates
the SGML-based intermediate language by showing the same example as Figure 1 in that form.
It defines the variables, links, data flows between them, and state diagram(s) that make up the
interface in a fairly straightforward way. Figure 4 also shows some of the information that is
entered via dialogue boxes and therefore not visible in the other figures. If the kind attribute of a
- 20 link is “custom”, then the body of its Evaluate() routine is given in C++ directly, between the
<body> and </body> delimiters. The kind field can also be the name of a predefined link,
chosen from a library of links that perform common mathematical and geometric operations; in
that case the <body> element would be absent. The actual contents inside a variable can be of
various data types, as this example shows. The state transition diagram portion is expressed as a
list of transitions from each state, similar to[30, 31]. This form of our language is translated into
C++ code which is loaded along with base classes to implement the interface. The language also
allows an optional <render> tag, not shown here, which can retain layout information generated
and used only by the graphical editor; it does not affect the meaning of the non-visual language.
<def_system> slider1.UID
<def_var type=Pos kind=INPUT> mouse
<def_var type=float kind=SEM> value
<def_var type=Area kind=OUTPUT> handlepos
<def_link kind=custom enableflag=DRAGGING> mousetoval
<in type=Pos> src
<out type=float> dst
dst->SetI (Scale (0.250 - src->GetI().y, 0., 0.050, 0., 100.));
<def_link kind=custom enableflag=ALWAYS> valtoscrn
<in type=float> src
<out type=Area> dst
dst->SetI (Area ((dst->GetI()).x,
0.250 - Scale (src->GetI(), 0., 100., 0., 0.050),
(dst->GetI()).w, (dst->GetI()).h));
<source> mouse
<destination> mousetoval.src
- 21 -
<source> mousetoval.dst
<destination> value
<source> value
<destination> valtoscrn.src
<source> valtoscrn.dst
<destination> handlepos
<def_state> st
<transition token=MOUSEDN condition=Inside(mouse,handlepos)> DRAGGING
<def_state> DRAGGING
<transition token=MOUSEUP> st
Figure 4. Specification of the slider from Figure 1, illustrating the SGML-based intermediate
language, which is used both for saving and restoring files and can be input by the user.
Our UIMS can also be used simply as a set of C++ classes (Link, Variable, etc.). This
provides an object-oriented implementation of the underlying user interface management system.
It can be used to build interfaces directly in C++ by subclassing to define the links needed for a
particular interface and writing C++ code for their Evaluate() methods. Each form of the
language, graphical, SGML, and C++, is ultimately translated into this C++ code, which runs on
our PMIW user interface software testbed. The editor dumps the UIDL in its SGML-based text
form. That form can be translated into C++ code that uses our UIMS classes and which can then
be compiled and run directly. (Translation from SGML to C++ was formerly automatic, but at
this writing it requires manual intervention, since we have updated the language but have not
updated the translator to correspond; the examples below were generated, dumped, and then
- 22 manually edited before compiling.) Our overall UIMS design is intended not to preclude runtime editing of the UIDL, though the current implementation requires a compile cycle after a
change in the UIDL. The run-time UIMS actually allows adding links, variables, states, and
transitions at any point during execution (and deleting them provided they are not currently in
5.1. Grabbing an Object
Figure 5 shows the UIDL for a common, very simple interaction in VR: grabbing and
dragging a (weird-looking) object with the hand in 3-D. Figure 6 shows the object and the hand
cursor running under our PMIW system. The diamond-shaped cursor is permanently attached to
the user's hand. The user can grab the object by holding Button 1 down (for simplicity,
regardless of where the cursor is at the time; this is refined in the next example). While the
button is held, the object position follows the cursor position; when the button is released, that
relationship ceases, though the cursor continues following the user's hand.
- 23 -
Figure 5. Grabbing and dragging an object with the hand in 3-D, a common, simple interaction
in virtual reality. The user can grab the object by holding Button 1 down (for simplicity,
regardless of where the cursor is at the time; see Figure 7). While the button is held, the object
position follows the cursor position because the DRAGGING condition is enabled. When the
button is released, that relationship ceases, though the cursor continues following the user's hand.
- 24 -
Figure 6. The object and hand cursor of Figure 5, running under our PMIW user interface
management system. The diamond-shaped cursor is permanently attached to the user's hand; the
other object can be grabbed and moved in 3-D.
The UIDL for this, in Figure 5, is quite straightforward. The hand (that is, the INPUT
variable polhemus1, the first of the four Polhemus sensors) controls cursorpos, the position of
the cursor, at all times; the link cursor is enabled ALWAYS. The cursor position, in turn,
controls the position posn of the object with an identity function, but only when the condition
DRAGGING is engaged. The condition is engaged by pressing Button 1, which causes a state
transition and disengaged by releasing Button 1, which causes another transition.
- 25 It is worthwhile to note how this and subsequent examples do not require the user to write
code for maintaining the relationships defined in the links nor for responding to change-value
events. Because we use constraints, the user simply provides a declarative specification of the
desired relationship and, if applicable, indicates how it will be turned on and off.
5.2. Arm
Figure 7 shows the UIDL for a simple movable arm, attached to a base column, and
Figure 8 shows its appearance. The user can grab the arm and move it in three dimensions. The
left end is always constrained to be fixed to the base column, as if it were attached by a doublyhinged joint, while the rest of the arm can pivot to follow the user's hand cursor. Linkc1
performs the calculations to relate the hand cursor position to the Performer rotation matrix for
the movable portion of the arm. This link is active only while the user is grasping the arm; when
the user lets go of the arm, the link ceases to operate and the arm remains where it was left. The
state diagram shows the state change that occurs when the user grabs the arm (it activates the
link) and releases the arm (deactivates the link). Unlike the simplified example in Figure 5, here
the user must press the button while the hand cursor is touching the arm segment.
- 26 -
Figure 7. A simple movable arm, attached to a base column. The state diagram shows the state
change that occurs when the user grabs the arm (it activates condition GRASPED1) and releases
the arm (deactivates it). Linkc1 relates the hand cursor position to the arm position continuously
and is active only while the user is grasping the arm.
- 27 -
Figure 8. The arm specified in Figure 7, running on our system. The user can grab the arm and
move it in three dimensions. The left end is always constrained to be fixed to the base column, as
if it were attached by a doubly-hinged joint, while the rest of the arm pivots to follow the user's
hand cursor.
The pivot1 variable is a constant that contains information about the size and shape of the
arm; it was generated along with the initial geometry specification for the arm. Variable rot1 is
the transform matrix that rotates the movable portion of the arm to follow the hand cursor. It is
tagged as an OUTPUT variable because its value is directly reflected in the appearance of the
screen—not necessarily because it is a sink in the data-flow graph (as will be seen in subsequent
- 28 examples). The UIMS automatically obtains updated values of all output variables and
periodically redisplays the scene using their values. That relationship between an output variable
and its screen display is not represented in the visual language, but it can only be a very simple,
straightforward relationship (anything more complicated should first be calculated via
appropriate links and variables and then fed to a simple output variable). In this example, rot1 is
simply the value of the actual 4 x 4 transform matrix contained in a DCS node of our Performer
scene graph.
Although they are all shown as simple data flows, the variables in this diagram may be of
different data types. For example, polhemus1 and cursorpos are 3-D vectors giving (x,y,z)
position as in Figure 5, and rot1 and pivot1 are 4 x 4 transform matrices. These types match the
corresponding slots in the links to which they are connected. The variable type information and
the names and types of the input and output slots in the links are entered and displayed in pop-up
dialogue boxes in the editor, described in Section 4.1.
5.3. More Complex Arm
Figure 9 shows a two-jointed arm, to give a more interesting use of the links and
variables; Figure 10 shows its appearance. To reduce clutter, polhemus1 and cursor are not
shown in Figure 9. As discussed below, they would be a candidate for encapsulation in a separate
interaction object. The user can grab and move the first (proximal) segment of the arm as in the
previous example. The second (distal) segment is attached by a hinge to the tip of the proximal
segment. The user can grab the distal segment and rotate it with respect to its joint at the tip of
the proximal segment. Linkc1 is active when the hand cursor is controlling the rotation of the
proximal segment of the arm (GRASPED1 condition), and linkc2 is active when the hand
controls the distal segment (GRASPED2). The diagram should clearly show that, depending on
- 29 the state, the hand position controls rot1 at some times and rot2 at other times. Calculating the
rotation of the distal segment of the arm requires knowledge of the rotation of the proximal
portion of the arm. Note how rot1 is therefore no longer a sink in the graph, but it is still an
OUTPUT variable from our point of view because its value directly drives an element of the
graphic display.
Figure 9. A two-jointed arm, using more links and variables. Here, linkc1 is active when the
hand cursor is controlling the rotation of the proximal segment of the arm (GRASPED1
condition), and linkc2 is active when the hand controls the distal segment (GRASPED2). The
figure should show that, depending on the state, the hand position sometimes controls rot1 and
sometimes rot2. (To reduce clutter, polhemus1 and cursor are not shown in this and subsequent
figures; they would be the same as in Figure 7.)
- 30 -
Figure 10. The arm specified in Figure 9. The user can grab and move the first (proximal)
segment of the arm as in the previous example. The second (distal) segment is attached by a
hinge to the tip of the proximal segment. The user can grab the distal segment and rotate it with
respect to its joint at the tip of the proximal segment.
The UIDL in Figure 11 gives the same behavior as that of Figure 9 but adds two new
unused variables to the graph (and stretches the limit of what can be seen on a single screen; the
sub-assembly mechanism discussed below would be called for here). The new variables, tip1
and tip2, are 3-D vectors that present the absolute location of the tips of this object's proximal
and distal segments, respectively. This object makes them available for the use of other user
- 31 interface objects, though they have no direct bearing its own visual appearance or calculations.
The links that calculate these variables are always active; that is, the variables are, conceptually,
always kept up to date. However if no other links in the user interface use them, our UIMS will
not devote any resources to recalculating them until they are requested. The next example makes
use of these “exported” variables.
Figure 11. This object gives the same behavior as that of Figure 9 but also exports two
additional variables, tip1 and tip2, which are 3-D vectors giving the absolute location of the tips
of this object's proximal and distal segments, respectively. They are made available for the use of
other user interface objects, as seen in Figure 12, but have no direct bearing the visual
appearance or calculations of this object. (This figure obviously stretches the limit of what can be
seen on the screen; the sub-assembly mechanism discussed in Section 8 is called for here.)
- 32 5.4. World of Arms
Note that the position input to the simple arm of Figure 7, cursorpos, is simply a 3-D
position vector in world coordinates. It need not be generated by the hand cursor. For example, it
could be the tip position variable produced by yet another arm. In that way, we could create an
arm that tries, within the constraint of the joint at its base, to point to the tip of a different arm.
We have used this in order to create a more complex world, for investigating performance, as
discussed in Section 6.6.
Figure 12 shows a virtual world with two instances of the two-jointed arms, each exactly
like the UIDL in Figure 11. Each can be grabbed and released separately, using the hand cursor,
and each generates its own rotations and its own tip1 and tip2 variables. We then provide a
collection of 24 single-jointed arms in the background. Each of them has a link that takes one of
the tips of the foreground arms as its input position variable instead of cursorpos. Half of the
background arms point to tips of the rightmost foreground arm; the others point to the arm in the
lower center foreground. Alternating background arms point to the proximal tip of their
foreground arm, or to its distal tip. This could be seen by minute examination of Figure 12, but it
is immediately apparent when one of the arm segments moves in the live application.
- 33 -
Figure 12. A world containing two instances of Figure 11 and 24 of Figure 7, with the input
position variable slots of the latter set to point to the tips of the former. The two foreground arms
can be grabbed and released separately, using the hand cursor, and each generates its own
rotations and its own tip1 and tip2 variables. Each of the 24 single-jointed arms in the
background takes one of the tips of the foreground arms as its input position variable instead of
cursorpos. Some of the background arms point to tips of one of the foreground arms, some to
the other. Alternating background arms point to the proximal tip of their foreground arm, or to its
distal tip.
The world shown in Figure 12 was created simply by instantiating two of Figure 11 and
24 of Figure 7 and changing the input position variable pointers of the latter. In addition, the
background arms were modified to add an extra feature that is not apparent from the
- 34 screendump. Each of the background arms has a state diagram that allows its linkc1 to be turned
on or off with a different keyboard key, color-coded to the colors of the base columns of the
arms. This is helpful for demonstrating the performance of our system, since turning the arms on
and off can be done while a foreground arm segment is moving, and it substantially changes the
number of constraints to be solved without changing the amount of rendering to be done.
5.5. Virtual Environment
Figure 13 shows a more complex example of a small virtual world, containing various
objects and widgets that the user can manipulate. Each object was specified individually in our
UIDL and then loaded all together into the main program. Some of these objects have been
described above: the cube cursor for the hand position at the upper right (Figure 5); a singlejointed arm in the foreground, far left (Figure 7); a two-jointed arm in the foreground (Figure
11); two more single-jointed arms (Figure 7) that point to two different parts of the two-jointed
arm; and various grabbable objects, including the cylinders, cones, arrows, and most of the
spheres visible on the display (Figure 5, with different geometry but identical UIDL). Some
additional objects are introduced and discussed here: the large throwable ball at the center right
of the display; the orbiting pyramid near the top of the display; and the 3-D slider, seen head-on
in the lower foreground center. As we saw with the interconnected arms, objects can share
constraint graph variables so that, for example, one object can control another. In this example,
two of the single-jointed arms are connected to points on the two-jointed arm, and the slider is
connected to control the speed of the orbiting pyramid.
The 3-D slider highlights (by changing color) when the user's 3-D cursor touches it, and
it further highlights (by extending its handle outward) when the user engages it and drags the
handle. The UIDL for this is a straightforward extension of Figure 1. Its state diagram keeps
- 35 track of the four possible highlighting states as well as turning the dragging on and off; the actual
dragging is handled by the data flow graph, just as in Figure 1.
Figure 13. Screendump from a more complex virtual world, including cube cursor for the hand
position at the upper right; single-jointed arm in the foreground, far left; two-jointed arm in the
foreground; two single-jointed arms that point to different parts of the two-jointed arm;
grabbable cylinders, cones, arrows, and spheres; a throwable ball, center right; 3-D Slider, lower
foreground center, viewed head-on; and an orbiting pyramid near the top.
The large sphere is a throwable ball; the user can not only drag it but also toss it into the
air. Once thrown, the object maintains its course and speed, without friction or gravity; the user
can catch it and throw it again. The pyramid near the top of the frame orbits around the user. Its
- 36 speed is continuously adjustable, controlled by the slider in the foreground. The orbiting pyramid
and the throwable ball are simple examples of physical simulations, introduced here in order to
discuss this topic. In both cases, the output variable we send to the graphics system must be the
location of the object, not its speed or direction, but our user controls are in terms of speed and
direction. Our links must thus perform the calculations to convert the available data into a
location, in one of two ways. The Toss object illustrates the easier case, where the location of the
object is a simple function of the current clock time and the position, velocity, and time at the
moment it was tossed. From those inputs, we can always calculate the current location anew,
without any need for integrating over other history data. If CPU time becomes scarce and we can
only evaluate this link occasionally, the motion of the ball will become jerky, but its speed will
be correct; that is, it will always jump to the correct position for the current time, as is usually the
preferred degradation strategy in a virtual environment[17, 52].
The orbiting object is an example of the more difficult case, because its current location
depends on integrating over the entire history of the previous settings of the slider that controls
its speed. Unlike the ball, we cannot calculate its correct location from time plus initial position
and velocity without this history. This provides us an example of one potential dependency on
the choice of constraint solver used. A data-driven or forward-chaining solver, run at frequent
intervals, will handle this situation without special provision. A demand-driven or lazy
evaluation solver may not, particularly if the user looks away from the pyramid, so its output is
not requested for some time period. At the UIDL level, we handle this by tagging those
constraints that need this special forward-chaining treatment as instances of the subclass
LinkStep. We discuss LinkStep further in Section 6.4, but note that it is a no-op unless demanddriven evaluation is being used.
- 37 Figure 14 shows the UIDL for the orbiting object. The link linkrot is a subclass of
LinkStep (though the graphical notation does not reveal this). It reads the current value of
speed, the SYNT variable that is exported by the slider object, along with the current time,
obtained from the timer input variable, which is connected to the system clock (see Section
6.2.5). The linkrot link contains internal variables that accumulate the inputs and integrate them
over time, continuously generating an up-to-date rotation matrix, rot, which gives the transform
to the correct current location for the orbiting pyramid.
Figure 14. Specification for the orbiting pyramid, visible near the top of Figure 13. The speed
variable is exported by the slider; the timer variable is connected to the system clock; and the
rot variable contains a transform to the current location for the pyramid. This object has no
discrete component.
- 38 Figure 15 shows the UIDL for the Toss example; it also shows an additional use of
LinkStep. This example shows two distinct modes, one (TOSSING) while the ball is flying
through the air and the other (DRAGGING) while the user is grasping it with the hand cursor.
While TOSSING, we can simply calculate the position (posn) of the ball anew at any time, from
the current time (timer) and the initial conditions when it was last tossed (initPos, initTime, and
velocity); forward chaining with LinkStep is thus not necessary during TOSSING. However, we
also need to measure the velocity of the ball at the moment it is tossed, just before we make the
transition from DRAGGING to TOSSING. The Polhemus sensor measures the hand position not
its velocity. Therefore, whenever the user is DRAGGING the ball, we use a LinkStep (called
savelast) to save the last two positions of the user's hand and their timestamps (in the four
variables, last1Pos, last2Pos, last1Time, and last2Time, which are shared between the
plugboard and the state transitions, and used to communicate between them). At the moment the
user tosses the object, the state transition calls the StartToss() action, which uses those most
recent two saved positions and times to determine and set the initial conditions for the next toss
(in initPos, initTime, and velocity, which are also shared between the plugboard and the state
Finally, not explicitly visible is the PMIW object that takes head position and orientation
from the Polhemus sensor and controls viewpoint. It uses a simple set of links and variables to do
this job, in the obvious way. This object is normally Update()d out of the usual sequence, at the
last moment before rendering, as described in Section 6.3. It can also be interchanged with a
mouse-driven viewpoint controller, simply by instantiating that object instead. Both produce the
same output variables for viewpoint.
- 39 -
Figure 15. Specification for the throwable ball, visible in the center right of Figure 13. This
interaction reveals two distinct modes, one (TOSSING) while the ball is flying through the air
and the other (DRAGGING) while the user is grasping it with the hand cursor. While
TOSSING, we continuously calculate the position (posn) from the current time (timer) and the
initial conditions when it was last tossed (initPos, initTime, and velocity). While DRAGGING,
we update the position of the ball based on the hand cursor. We also need to measure the velocity
of the ball at the moment it is tossed. To do this, the savelast link saves the last two positions of
the user's hand and their timestamps (in variables, last1Pos, last2Pos, last1Time, and
last2Time); the state transition action, StartToss(), then uses them to determine the initial
conditions for the next toss.
5.6. Interaction Techniques in Virtual Reality
In addition to those presented above, we have experimented by sketching UIDL
specifications for other interaction techniques in virtual reality and, thus far, they have turned out
to be surprisingly straightforward in our UIDL, like the examples shown above. The geometrical
- 40 calculations themselves within a link may be complex, but the interaction sequence or syntax,
that is, what input actions cause what results, are thus far easy to express. Most grabbing or
dragging interactions resemble the examples above. Some menu or selection interactions are
almost entirely discrete, represented by the state transition diagram portion of the UIDL.
Figure 16 sketches the UIDL for one of the more innovative interaction techniques for
VR, the daisy menu, a new type of 3-D menu developed by Jiandong Liang and Mark Green[39].
(We have not implemented the graphics for this object, just the UIDL shown in Figure 16.) This
menu pops up a sphere containing the command icons around the position of the Polhemus
sensor held in the user's hand. “These primitives [i.e., the menu command items] can be chosen
from the shell of a 3-D spherical menu, called a daisy, using the bat [a Polhemus sensor with 3
buttons attached].... Primitives are selected by rotating the menu until the desired primitive enters
a selection cone that always faces the user.”[20] The state transition diagram shows how the
menu is activated and deactivated by Button 3. While it is activated, the links shown in the figure
are all enabled, causing the sphere and the highlighted selection cone to move. The data-flow
diagram shows clearly how the menu sphere and the selection cone both follow the position of
the bat in the user's hand (identity1 and identity2). However sphere also rotates with the bat
(identity3), but the cone does not, it just keeps pointing toward the eye (calcvector).
- 41 -
Figure 16. Specification of a 3-D “daisy menu” developed by Jiandong Liang and Mark Green
for selecting commands in VR. The menu pops up a sphere containing the command icons
around the position of the Polhemus sensor held in the user's hand. The state transition diagram
shows how the links are all activated and deactivated by Button 3. The data-flow diagram shows
that the menu sphere and the selection cone both follow the position of the user's hand (identity1
and identity2). However sphere also rotates with the hand (identity3), but the cone does not, it
just keeps pointing toward the eye (calcvector).
The action for the BUTTON3DN transition would be:
Show daisy and selection cone;
For BUTTON3UP transition, it is:
- 42 If (intersection of cone and daisy covers a menu item) {
Select that item;
Hide daisy and selection cone;
Even the daisy menu is fairly straightforward in our UIDL. This may reflect the power of
our approach, but it also reflects the relative infancy of this area of non-WIMP interaction
techniques. While WIMP interfaces seem to have stabilized around a set of standard widgets, to
the point where developing new interaction techniques or widgets is a rare activity, non-WIMP
interfaces are a long way from this type of codification. They provide a far richer range of
mechanisms to engage and communicate with the user, and the search for the right set of
interaction techniques in this realm has just begun[24, 60]. For this reason, languages to enhance
programming of WIMP widgets are not a major practical concern, since so few genuinely new
widgets are developed. (This may be a cause-and-effect problem: Programming new widgets
with current tools is much more difficult than plugging in existing widgets, creating an incentive
to make do with existing ones.) We believe there will be a growing need for usable languages to
help facilitate inventing and experimenting with new interaction techniques for virtual
6.1. UIMS Implementation
The software for our PMIW user interface management system is written in C++ for
Unix. We use Silicon Graphics Performer software[51] for graphics and rendering (but not for
input). PMIW is separated into portions dependent on and independent of the SGI Performer 3-D
graphics system; the latter can be run on other flavors of Unix, by providing different means of
- 43 drawing output on the screen. For example, the simple slider in Figure 1 uses X graphics only
and runs on Sun Unix. We use the MR toolkit[52] for communicating with the Polhemus tracker.
Our main loop reads X window input (from a conventional X window or a Performer
GLX window) and then input from our own additional devices, dispatches the inputs (either to
the plugboard as changes in its input variables or to the event handler as tokens), allows the
plugboard to recalculate as needed, propagates changes in output variables to the Performer
scene graph data, reads the head tracker, and then calls Performer to render the scene graph. The
state diagram interpreter is based on one developed in previous work[31, 32]. The constraint
solvers are discussed in this section.
The constraint solver is required because the system is implemented on a conventional
digital computer with serial input devices, where all inputs, processing, and outputs are
ultimately discrete, not continuous. Our goal is to provide a model that allows the user interface
designer to think of continuous variables and a language that allows the designer to program
them as though they were continuous—because we posit that the user and designer will think of
some aspects of the interaction as continuous. Our runtime system ultimately merges the
continuous and event-based portions of the specification and runs them in discrete steps in a
single thread main loop, which includes the constraint solver. The point is that the user interface
specifier need not be concerned with this level (as long as we can provide sufficiently good
6.2. Fundamental Classes
Our runtime UIMS functionality is encapsulated in a set of base classes. These are
described here, along with lists of the principal methods of their public interfaces. The discrete
event handler is contained in the EventHandler class; the plugboard or constraint solver is
- 44 contained in the Variable, Link, and Condition classes; the connection from input devices to
events and plugboard variables is contained in DeviceBase; and the connection from output
variables to the screen is provided (by the user) in the IO (interaction object) class.
6.2.1. Variable
Variable (kind)
GetE ()
SetE (value)
GetI ()
SetI (value)
These are the nodes in the plugboard; they represent continuous user interface Variables,
some of which are directly connected to input devices or outputs. The Variable class provides a
container for holding a value, with code for determining when it needs recalculation.
Access to the value of a Variable is different depending on whether you are calling from
inside a constraint solver (that is, from within the Evaluate() routine of a Link) or not. GetE()
returns the value of the variable, and SetE(value) sets it. Inside the solver (that is, within the
body of the Evaluate() routines), GetI and SetI are used instead. The external routine (GetE)
always returns an up to date value, recalculated if necessary (but subject to the time management
degradation features). The internal routine (GetI) simply accesses the value field without
triggering further calculation; it is only used within a recalculation cycle.
Internally, the implementation of Variable is divided into a VariableBase class
containing common routines and a template for instantiating classes to hold different data types,
- 45 such as Variable<int> and Variable<float> or aggregate data types such as Variable<pfVec3>
and Variable<pfMatrix>
The kind tag in the constructor indicates how this variable is used. It is currently mainly
for documentation; the system makes limited use of this information. The choices are:
INPUT: Input coming directly from a device
OUTPUT: Output destined for a device (or for the Performer scene graph)
SEM: Semantic data, that is, data shared with the application or semantic layer, outside of
the UIMS
SYNT: Syntactic data, that is data used within the UIMS to keep track of state or other
user interface information
INT: Other intermediate node in plugboard
CONST: Constant data (could be semantic, syntactic, or intermediate).
6.2.2. Link
Enable ()
Disable ()
static Recalc ()
abstract Evaluate ()
A Link is a part of a plugboard; it connects the nodes (Variables) and contains a function
that maps from one or more variables to one or more other variables. The base constructor adds
- 46 the Link to the plugboard by adding each instance of any of its subclasses to a (static, class
variable) list of all Links to be evaluated when the solver is run. The base destructor removes it
from this list.
A library of common, specific kinds of Links is provided. For others, the user subclasses
Link and overloads Evaluate(). The Evaluate routine accesses Variables in the plugboard via
GetI() and SetI(). This syntactic sourness can be avoided by using the overloadings we provide
for “=” and “*” for Variables or by using the SHADOW precompiler, mentioned in Section 6.7.
A Link may be Enable()d or Disable()d by calling the respective methods; this is usually done
via a Condition, described in the next section.
Implementation is divided into the LinkBase class, which contains the basic functionality
of Links, irrespective of the solver used, and Link, which adds a specific solver implementation.
The solver is triggered by calling GetE on a Variable. For a forward-chaining solver, this causes
a complete recalculation of all dirty nodes in the graph (via the static method Link::Recalc). For
a backward-chaining solver, only those Links needed to satisfy the particular GetE request are
recalculated, and there would be no Link::Recalc method.
6.2.3. Condition
Add (link)
Enable ()
Disable ()
Condition is one of the principal communication paths from the discrete to the
continuous portion of the UIDL, it effectively re-wires the data-flow graph in response to user
inputs. A Link may be associated with one or more Boolean flags or Conditions, which allow
- 47 groups of Links to be turned on and off (usually in response to state transitions). A link may
belong to any number of such groups, or none. Links may be added to a Condition with the Add
method (or optionally in the Condition constructor). The Condition may then be Enable()d or
Disable()d via the corresponding methods. Enable and Disable are not normally called by the
user. Instead, a state in a state transition diagram may be associated with a Condition. Whenever
the state diagram interpreter enters or exits that state, it will make the corresponding Enable() or
Disable() call automatically.
6.2.4. EventHandler
static IH (token)
SendTok (token)
IhIo (token)
Each object that can receive tokens from discrete inputs inherits from this class. The
UIMS sends each token to EventHandler::IH, which dispatches it to the IhIo methods of its
individual instances. The user supplies an IhIo method for each instance, to receive tokens and
respond to them. The responses may include making state transitions, setting syntactic-level
variables, or making procedure calls to the application semantics. If the EventHandler is defined
by a state machine, a precompiler generates the body of the IhIo method from the state transition
diagram[30, 31]. Each EventHandler object remembers its state in its state transition diagram as
an instance variable. Finally, EventHandlers, Links, and other objects can generate their own
tokens by calling SendTok.
6.2.5. DeviceBase
Read ()
- 48 Dispatch ()
Subclasses of this class receive inputs and dispatch them to EventHandlers and/or input
Variables, as discussed in more detail in Section 6.3. Subclasses are provided for
DeviceXWindow (reads mouse and keyboard events for regular X windows or Performer GLX
windows, which share the same input mechanism), DevicePolhemus, and DeviceEye (ISCAN
eye tracker over serial port). A DeviceTimer is also provided to feed the current time (read from
the system clock) into the plugboard.
6.2.5. Interaction Object (IO)
static UpdateAll ()
abstract Update ()
Objects that produce output Variables that must be propagated to the scene graph inherit
from IO and supply the body of the Update method. The IO constructor maintains a list of all
instances of its subclasses created; the IO::UpdateAll() static method then Update()s each of
6.3. Connecting with Inputs and Outputs
Our constraint solvers receive input variables, process the constraints as needed, and
ultimately generate output variables. We discuss here how the input variables are connected to
the actual input devices and how the output variables are connected to outputs to the screen.
These aspects are outside the UIDL and hence not visible to the user interface designer; they
- 49 appear as basic capabilities hard-coded into the UIMS. There is also provision for extending the
UIMS to include additional devices, by subclassing DeviceBase.
Each input device (including input half of a window) is encapsulated in a subclass of
DeviceBase. While our current input devices all communicate serially, some of them are fed into
the UIMS as discrete events and others as continuous variables. Each of the subclasses of
DeviceBase provides a Read() method and a Dispatch() method; the separation is to
accommodate unusual devices that might require scheduling reading and dispatching separately.
Read() is optional; it does any required periodic servicing of the device that might be needed.
For example, if device streams data continuously, this routine could drain the serial port input
queue and stash the data away for us to use later. Dispatch() then processes the input. It may
read all the device data, just the latest value of the device data, or use data saved by Read(). If
the input generates an event (keyboard key, mouse button), Dispatch simply converts it to a
Token and calls EventHandler::IH(token), which processes the event synchronously as it is
called. If, however, the input is destined for a continuous variable (mouse position, Polhemus
position, eye point of regard), Dispatch takes the input and sends it to the SetE() method of the
corresponding input variable. It follows that the mapping of input device data to our input
Variables is coded in these Dispatch methods. Performing the SetE sets dirty flags as needed,
but does not cause any other calculation until later, when the constraint solver is run. As noted in
Section 6.4, there is also a provision for designated Links to be reevaluated for every new input
The other half of the interface to the outside world connects our continuous variables to
outputs on the screen or head-mounted display (these are our only output devices at present).
Under Performer, this means each of our output variables ultimately controls some data element
- 50 in the Performer scene graph. Again, since the underlying output hardware is digital, a
continuous variable must ultimately be read out at a discrete time and sent to the frame buffer.
Unlike the input variables, which are permanently connected to their corresponding hardware
devices, the output variables differ for each application. For example, the Grab object (Figure 5)
outputs the 3-D position of the grabbed object in world coordinates; Arm2 (Figure 9) produces a
4x4 rotation matrix for each of its two movable joints. For each object with output variables, the
user must thus provide an Update() routine, which takes the values of its variables and sets the
corresponding pieces of data in the Performer scene graph. Under our approach, this code should
simply GetE() the variable and copy its value into the appropriate element of the scene graph (to
which it has retained a pointer). If more substantial calculation were needed, it ought to be done
in a link, where we can manage and schedule execution; the Update() simply copies the data to
its final destination. Objects that need to be Update()d are all subclasses of IO, as described
All that now remains is for the main loop to perform the following steps repeatedly. Each
step is described in English and also shown in C++ below:
Call the Read() and then Dispatch() methods for each of the input devices you are using.
Three devices are shown here: XWindow, for mouse and keyboard events; eye tracker,
which includes the Polhemus data; and timer, a pseudo-device that reads the system
clock. (See Section 6.4 for special callback argument to deviceEye->Dispatch):
pfwindow-> GetDeviceXWindow()-> Read ()
deviceEye-> Read ()
deviceTimer-> Read ()
pfwindow-> GetDeviceXWindow()-> Dispatch ()
deviceEye-> Dispatch (&LinkStep::Step)
- 51 deviceTimer-> Dispatch ()
Process any LinkSteps specially (see Section 6.4). This iterates over all instances of
LinkStep and allows them to recalculate as needed:
LinkStep::Step ()
Update() all the IOs. This iterates over all instances of IO and calls the Update method.
These in turn trigger recalculation as a side effect:
IO::UpdateAll ()
Update the head position just before rendering the frame:
pfSync ()
headCoupler-> UpdateManual ()
pfFrame ()
Observe that the Update() routines will call GetE() for any variables they need to output; this
triggers the constraint solver to do its work. The main loop is written to run no more than once
per video frame (via the pfSync() and pfFrame() calls), but may well run less frequently. As
discussed below, there is also a special provision for LinkSteps that should be evaluated more
frequently than once per frame (those that accumulate input history from streaming input
- 52 6.4. Constraints
We find thus far that constraints are indeed a good element of a UIDL for virtual reality
and other non-WIMP interfaces—with the following modifications:
They are restricted to simple one-way, non-ambiguous constraints, that is, the constraint
graph is simultaneously solvable. (We will consider cases where, for execution speed, we
do not solve it all; but given enough execution time the constraints are written so that
they could all be satisfied simultaneously.)
Constraints are permitted to be temporary, that is, there is an efficient mechanism for
turning constraints on and off, and it can be triggered by the discrete user interface.
The constraint specification is combined with an additional mechanism for discrete
interactions and incorporated into our overall UIDL.
While we introduced the plugboard constraint graph for its expressive power in
describing parallel, continuous interaction, we found that, although constraints are often viewed
as introducing performance penalties compared to conventional coding, our approach provides
leverage for improving performance or interactive responsiveness. This is because our
constraint-based formalism allows a separation of concerns between the desired interactive
behavior and the implementation mechanism. The user interface designer can thereby
concentrate on and express the former, in a high-level, declarative, continuous-oriented way,
while the underlying runtime system can perform optimization, tradeoffs, and conversion into
discrete steps independently, beneath the level of the UIDL. One could thus tailor the response
speeds of different elements of the user interface (specifically, the individual constraints in the
- 53 constraint graph) within the available computing resources from moment to moment[58]. All this
would be specified separately from the user interface description; the UIDL need only describe
the desired behavior (i.e., the behavior if infinite computing resources were available). By the
same token, because the Links and Variables that comprise the continuous portion of our system
are only a declarative specification of the desired user interface behavior, a run-time constraint
solver is required to implement the interface.
The language described up to this point is intended to be independent of the particular
constraint solver used, and we see our principal contribution as this model and language, rather
than as introducing a new constraint solver into the world. The semantics of our UIDL make
relatively modest demands on a constraint solver: a set of non-ambiguous one-way constraints,
executed once per video frame, or less frequently if necessary. We have therefore implemented
several quite different constraint solvers. We will discuss some of them briefly here, but since we
intend the language to work with other solvers as well, the details of our current solvers are not
an integral ingredient of our approach. They implement the same semantics, but have different
real-time performance characteristics. They are each implemented as alternate definitions for the
Link and Variable subclasses, derived from the common LinkBase and VariableBase classes.
The examples here can run on any of them, with no changes to the UIDL or to any other code
shown here, except for actually loading the subclasses that contain the desired solver. Note that
the tagging of certain links as LinkStep (Section 5.5) provides extra runtime information for
backward chaining solvers, and is a no-op for forward chaining ones.
Our first implementation is a correct but simple-minded forward-chaining constraint
solver. Whenever the value of a variable is requested, it performs a complete recalculation of all
dirty nodes in the graph. Setting a variable to a new value sets its dirty flag, indicating that links
- 54 that depend on this variable must be recalculated. Recalculation iterates until all flags are cleared
(or a maximum count is reached, to break infinite cycles). Of course, if several variables are
requested in succession, and the inputs have not changed, only one full recalculation would be
executed, because it would have cleared the dirty flags.
Our next solver is LoVe a backward-chaining system, using incremental, lazy evaluation.
Its algorithm is based on that of Hudson's Eval/Vite system[26, 28]. This is an optimal algorithm,
which evaluates the minimal set of links for each request. LoVe accepts cyclic graphs, i.e., one
can define a relationship x = x' + 4 where x' is the previous value of x. When the value of a
variable is requested, LoVe recursively finds all the links that need to be re-evaluated and
evaluates them in the correct order (so that each link is evaluated at most once). Because the
algorithm is incremental, there may be some links that don't need to be re-evaluated because their
dependencies are up-to-date. As LoVe finds links to be re-evaluated, it also marks them as
visited so that it will know when a cycle exists in the graph, and cease recursion. The algorithm
clears the dirty flag of the variables that depend on each link that is re-evaluated, to record the
fact that these variables are now up to date. LoVe adds some new aspects to the algorithm of
Eval/Vite, which are specific to our application, such as the ability to turn Conditions on or off
without reinitializing and a set of hooks to accommodate time management features. LoVe is set
up to allow its user to change the constraint graph at run time via Conditions, thereby redefining
the relationships of the variables and modifying the behavior of the system dynamically. When it
is done, the algorithm and the data structure remain intact; there is thus no penalty for changing
the graph as often as desired at run-time.
Despite the performance benefits of a demand-driven solver, there are a few cases where
a formula is easier, or simply becomes possible, to express if a forward-chaining solver could be
- 55 assumed. With lazy evaluation, we cannot be sure that a particular output variable will be
calculated on every frame, and, therefore, that those constraints that feed it directly or indirectly
will be evaluated every frame. We have seen examples of cases where it is more straightforward
to express an algorithm if we can assume that certain constraints are called fairly regularly,
regardless of the state of the demand-driven solver. As mentioned in Section 5.5, we support this
by defining the LinkStep subclass; instances of this subclass are called more regularly than
ordinary links, that is, regardless of whether the solver needs their output. There are three
situations where this is necessary:
Input history-dependent calculations, such as the Orbit example in Section 5.5.
Simulations. For example, a simple physical simulation involving colliding objects is
often easier to write if you do not have to predict ahead when the moving objects are
going to touch, but just write code to step through the simulation at a fixed time step.
Recognizer links, which scan the input stream for patterns (gestures, eye fixations) and
fire tokens when they are recognized.
As seen in the main loop above, LinkSteps are evaluated explicitly once on each cycle.
Finally, we allow for LinkStep processing that should be done more often than once per
frame. Links that process streaming input and search it for patterns (such as gesture or eye
fixation recognizers) or accumulate input history should be executed for every new input value
that is handled. They are handled by the optional callback argument to Dispatch (note the call to
deviceEye->Dispatch(&LinkStep::Step) above. Dispatch then calls the given routine on every
new input value it handles; LinkStep::Step() evaluates the LinkStep links as needed for it.
- 56 We are also experimenting with DLoVe, a solver that distributes the constraint solving
workload over several computers to improve speed. As with the other solvers, it is designed to
provide identical semantics but use parallel processing to improve performance.
Finally, the SHADOW system[41, 42] incorporates its own solver along similar lines,
along with features for time management and runtime decimation of link bodies.
6.5. Multi-user Interfaces
The principal use of the distributed constraint solver, DLoVe, is to exploit the
computational power of additional workstations to solve the Links and Variables faster.
However, it can also be used to support multi-user, collaborative virtual worlds. Using DLoVe,
the dataflow graph (that is, all Links, Variables, and Conditions) is automatically shared among
all workstations. Updates made on one workstation will (eventually) be seen by all of them. This
makes it easy to implement a multi-user interface. The UIDL consists of a single set of state
diagrams and dataflow graphs, which together describe what happens in response to inputs from
users on all of the devices and workstations.
From the interface designer's point of view, the only difference is that the UIDL for a
meaningful multi-user interface will typically need to refer to inputs from the different users
individually. A mouse or Polhemus on one workstation must thus be named differently from
those on another; the UIDL may refer to either or both as required to describe a two-person
interaction. The UIDL code for multi-user interfaces should refer to the mouse of each user
specifically. In some cases, the users may have different roles in the collaborative interaction
(pitcher vs. catcher). To accommodate this, the (shared) dataflow graph thus contains an array of
Variables, mice[0..N], one for the mouse of each workstation, and the tokens for mouse buttons
on the different mice are named LEFTDN_1, LEFTDN_2, etc. For example, we have developed
- 57 two-person versions of both Grab and Toss. In the Grab example, the state transition diagram is
written so that while one user is dragging the object, the other user can grab it away. The state
diagram keeps track of whose turn it is. For variety, in the two-person Toss example, when one
user is dragging the object, the other user cannot grab it away. One user can throw the object and
either can then catch it. These were simple extensions of the UIDL shown in Figures 5 and 15.
No other special coding was required, other than handling the multiple input devices as described
above and launching the distributed version of the system on at least two workstations.
(Additional workstations may participate in the calculation workload, but this UIDL calls for
only two mice, so any other mice would be ignored.)
6.6. Performance
Many non-WIMP interfaces must meet severe performance requirements in order to
maintain their perceptual illusions. For virtual reality, in particular, these requirements are the
driving force behind the design of most current implementations[51]. We want to introduce
higher level, cleaner user interface description languages into this field, but we must not
compromise performance. We claim that our underlying model contains nothing that adversely
impacts run-time performance—all penalties are paid at compile-time—because the links or
constraints are one-way and the event handler technology is straightforward. Keeping the model
conceptually simple leaves some degrees of freedom available to our run-time system to manage
CPU resources in a specialized way tuned to the peculiarities of a video-driven VR system. The
simple homogeneous system of links also allows us to build optimized constraint systems
underneath it, providing the same semantics and incorporating optimizations invisible at the
UIDL level, as seen here. We thus try to separate the concerns of interface modeling and runtime optimization. We obtained a rough subjective impression of performance under LoVe by
- 58 modifying the world in Figure 12 to increase the complexity of its constraint graph, by making
each arm point to its immediate neighbor in a chain instead of to one of the foreground arms.
Running on an SGI Indigo2 Extreme workstation with a single 200 MHZ IP22 CPU, running
IRIX 5.3 and Performer 1.2 and our non-distributed LoVe solver, we grasp one of the foreground
arms with the cursor (attached to the mouse) and move it rapidly. We found that the frame rate
(reported by pfDrawChanStats() call to Performer) varied between 24 and 36 Hz., and the
subjective effect was of very rapid response. This rate was maintained with the input cursor
stationary or moving rapidly and with some Conditions turned off or all turned on. The response
to turning a Condition on or off seems subjectively instantaneous.
6.7. SHADOW: Scaling Up to Larger Worlds
We are developing a more ambitious system based on this approach[41, 42]. SHADOW
uses the same two-part model, combining one-way constraints for its continuous part with state
transition diagrams for its discrete part. It adds further enhancements to the UIDL, particularly in
the area of specifying a hierarchy of objects within other objects. It allows entire subsystems
defined in their own UIDL specifications to be plugged into a larger constraint graph and
activated or deactivated by its event handler. We have demonstrated its scalability by developing
a nontrivial “rookery” VR world with it. This fairly complex world of penguins and ice floes
required 24 visual program diagrams and a total of 4000 lines of C++ code in our language. Each
diagram is a relatively simple, self-contained specification, containing an average of 2.3 states,
1.9 state transitions, and 4.1 constraints. Of the 4000 lines of code, 2000 were array initialization
for the vertices of the graphic objects (which would normally have been generated with a 3-D
modeling tool) and 1000 were library modules for device and window handling (which would
not be written anew for another world). The remaining 1000 lines of “real” code were contained
- 59 in relatively small, self-contained modules (average procedure body = 24.5 lines, average
constraint body = 11.7 lines), and had an average Cyclomatic Complexity measure of 3.0 (where
a lower value indicates better code maintainability, and values under 10 to 20 are generally
considered good).
The contribution our model makes for non-WIMP interaction is its separation of the
interaction into two components, continuous and discrete, and its framework for communication
between the two spheres—more than the internals of the two components themselves, which
draw on existing techniques. We first separate non-WIMP interaction into continuous and
discrete components, then, within each of the two spheres, we build on different threads of
previous user interface software research. The discrete component draws on research in eventdriven user interface management systems[48]. The continuous component is similar to a dataflow graph or a set of one-way constraints between actual inputs and outputs and draws on
research in constraint systems[26, 28]. The model provides the ability to “re-wire” the graph
from within the dialogue.
A variety of specification languages for describing WIMP and other previous generations
of user interfaces has been developed, and user interface management systems have been built
based up on them[45], using approaches such as BNF or other grammar-based specifications[4850, 53], state transition diagrams[29, 46], event handlers[13, 21], declarative specifications[48],
frames[57], and others[14, 18, 36, 43, 54, 61]. For example, although BNF had been a good
match for programming languages or batch command interfaces, interactive, moded graphical
interfaces were perhaps better captured by state transition diagram-based approaches[30]; and
modern modeless WIMP interfaces fit a coroutine-based model[32].
- 60 In the continuous domain, several researchers are using constraints for 2-D graphical
interfaces[22, 23, 27, 44, 59]. Kaleidoscope[15] is a constraint-based language motivated by 2-D
WIMP interfaces, and it explicitly supports temporary constraints. The CONDOR system uses a
constraint or data-flow model to describe interactive 3-D graphics[37]. TBAG also uses
constraints effectively for graphics and animation in the interface[11]. Gleicher provides
constraints that are turned on and off by events[16]. Other recent work in 3-D interfaces uses a
continuous approach[55] or a discrete, but data-driven approach[3]. Mackinlay, Card, and
Robertson address the description of interfaces by continuous models by discussing interface
syntax as a set of connections between the ranges and domains of input devices and intermediate
While their focus is on widgets found in current WIMP interfaces, Abowd[1] and Carr[4,
5] both present specification languages that separate the discrete and continuous spheres along
the same lines as this model. Both approaches support the separation of interaction into
continuous and discrete as a natural and desirable model for specifying modern interactive
interfaces. Carr provides an expressive graphical syntax for specifying this type of behavior, with
different types of connections for transmitting events or value changes. Abowd provides an
elegant formal specification language for describing this type of behavior, and uses the
specification of a slider as a key example. He strongly emphasizes the difference between
discrete and continuous, which he calls event and status, and aptly refers to temporary,
continuous relationships as interstitial behavior, i.e., occurring in the interstices between discrete
events. Kearney and Cremer[9, 10] also use an approach that combines discrete events with
continuous data flows to program a sophisticated virtual environment automobile driving
- 61 Other work from the formal specifications area is also relevant, such as that of Sufrin and
He[56]; and Zave and Jackson[62], who provide a formal basis for combining multiple
specification techniques to describe a single system in a coherent way. Myers' Interactors[34]
also combine discrete state changes with what might be viewed as continuous actions. The
continuous actions are handled as sequences of state transitions by providing a transition from a
state back to itself, which accepts a “mouse-motion” or “value-changed” input token. Hill[21]
and Chatty[6] have both provided UIDLs that handle parallel input from multiple input devices,
particularly suited to two-handed input; their approaches are both based on discrete events.
Software architectures for virtual reality interfaces have been developed by Feiner and
colleagues[12] and by Pausch and colleagues[8]. Green and colleagues developed a toolkit for
building virtual reality systems[52]. Most of this work has thus far concentrated on the
architecture or toolkit level, rather the user interface description language. Lewis, Koved, and
Ling, addressed non-WIMP interfaces with one of the first UIMSs for virtual reality, using
concurrent event-based dialogues[38].
We have presented a software model for describing and programming the fine-grained
aspects of non-WIMP style interactions (Section 2) and a UIDL that embodies it (3). It is based
on the notion that the essence of a non-WIMP dialogue is a set of continuous relationships, most
of which are temporary. The underlying model combines a data-flow or constraint-like
component for the continuous relationships with an event-based component for discrete
interactions, which can enable or disable individual continuous relationships. The language thus
separates non-WIMP interaction into two components and provides a framework for connecting
the two. To exercise our new model, we have then presented:
- 62 •
The VRED visual editor for this language (Section 4)
Some simple examples, running under our PMIW UIMS, to illustrate the applicability of
the language for describing non-WIMP interactions (5)
Our use of constraints in a performance-driven interactive situation and our LoVe and
DLoVe constraint systems (6).
Software for virtual environments usually uses one or both of two models: event queues
or device polling. Our constraint- or plugboard-based model is slightly different from both of
these. Writing a constraint or data-flow graph is different in a small but important way from
writing code that says “Whenever variable X changes, do the following calculations.” Instead,
the constraint expresses something closer to: “Try to maintain the following relationship to input
X, whenever you have time, doing the best you can.” The distinction becomes meaningful when
the system is short on time, which is often the case in a virtual environment. We believe this is
closer to the user's view of the situation and closer to what the programmer would like to
express. Experience with our examples showed the straightforwardness of this declarative
specification. The interface designer writes no code to maintain the relationship or handle the
change-value events, but simply declares a relationship and then turns it on or off as desired. Our
restricted use of such declarative specification does not hurt performance; in fact, it makes
possible introducing time management and optimization designed specifically for the needs of a
video-driven virtual environment.
Finally, we note some areas of non-WIMP interfaces that our language specifically does
not address, and how they would be connected to this work:
- 63 •
3-D Modeling: We treat this as a separate issue, to be done offline from our system and
imported into it (specifically, we can import into Performer from DXF, Open Inventor
which is similar to VRML, and a variety of other formats). Figure 5 shows an example of
this process using an object that we modeled in IRIS Inventor 1.0 and then imported.
Figure 13 makes clear that our research focuses on interactive behavior, rather than
attractive graphical appearance!
Animation: Our UIDL is not an animation language; it is a language for interaction with
the user. These two aspects of the interface would be integrated by having the underlying
animation system provide parameters or “levers” that the user's inputs can control. Our
system then connects user actions to changes in these animation parameters or levers via
variables in our graph or actions taken on state transitions. A user interaction might
thereby start or stop an animation, change its acceleration, path, or destination. PMIW
provides the user interface to the “levers;” the animation software provides the levers.
Physical Modeling: Many VR systems include extensive geometric and physical models
and simulations, in contrast to typical WIMP applications. Most systems also require
some capabilities that do not mimic the real world and cannot be described simply by
their physical properties. There are usually ways to fly or teleport, to issue commands,
create and delete objects, search and navigate, or other facilities beyond the physical
world analogy. These behaviors are where our UIDL will be most useful, since they
cannot be described by relying only on the real-world analogy. We therefore view
physical modeling in a similar way to animation. That is, there might be an underlying
physics engine or simulation engine with controllable parameters, and we provide the
means for the user's inputs to control parameters of the physical simulation. (Our data-
- 64 flow language might also be good for the sort of ad-hoc, purpose-built physical models as
are found in many VR systems today.) In the future, we envisage a more general, separate
system for handling physical simulation in much the same way that rendering 3-D
geometry is now usually handled by a separate graphics system. Our UIDL will specify
the aspects of the interface that do not follow directly from physical laws (fly, teleport,
delete, pop-up a menu) and turn them into inputs to the simulation system; the normal
action of the simulation will handle those aspects that follow directly from physical laws.
Sub-Assemblies: Our current system will obviously explode with complexity as we build
bigger worlds; Figure 11 is already too cluttered. To address this, PMIW is designed to
allow higher-level sub-assemblies to be defined in a straightforward way. Any set of links
and variables can be packaged into a single component, with some of its inputs and
outputs exposed and others encapsulated internally, much as an electronic sub-assembly
encapsulates a set of components and provides a reduced set of input and output pins.
This is currently available in our system, but not yet accessible from the editor. Note that
such encapsulation has no bearing on run-time operation. At run time, the components
are exploded back into their individual links and variables and executed by the constraint
system; the higher level encapsulations have no performance impact. The Polhemus-tocursor function that appears in some of the figures is an example of a simple candidate
for such an assembly. In fact, we have implemented it as a plug-compatible module
which can be replaced by one that lets a moded mouse control the 3-D position of the
cursor instead; both export the same cursorpos variable and thus can be used
- 65 Our goal is to provide a model and abstraction that captures the formal structure of nonWIMP dialogues in the way that various previous techniques have captured command-based,
textual, and event-based dialogues. We seek to bring higher level, cleaner user interface
description language constructs to the problem of building of non-WIMP interfaces. We have
demonstrated how such a language can be used and implemented and shown that it need not
compromise real-time performance.
We thank Alan Bryant, David Copithorne, Ying Huang, Konstantina Kakavouli, Hansung
Kim, Quan Lin, George Mills, Eric Reuss, Vildan Tanriverdi, and Daniel Xi, who worked with
us; they are students and recent alumni of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department at Tufts. And we thank Linda Sibert and James Templeman of the Naval Research
Laboratory for valuable discussions about these issues.
This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant IRI-9625573, Office of
Naval Research Grant N00014-95-1-1099, and Naval Research Laboratory Grant N00014-95-1G014. We gratefully acknowledge their support.
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