1 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE CHEYENNE RIVER COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal VII: OLC administration, faculty, staff and students will be active in the OLC community through programs, individual participation, and collaborations. College Center Strategic Goal I: Assist in the matters which best suit staff and faculty to lead to more positive roles within the unit and for the student body as well. College Center Strategic Objective 1: The unit would like to provide a more positive and cultural atmosphere for students and visitors in order to enhance the educational experience this college center provides. Strategies Objective 1.1: Determine the importance of culturally based activities. Objective 1.2 Practice everyday customs and values of the Lakota. Measuring Tools Expected Results Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Surveys with student body and among staff and faculty with feedback. Develop a working collaboration with students/staff with community and its members interested. Surveys were conducted with collaboration of Assessment office but no surveys conducted individually for center. Document better the cultural activities conducted here at center, for future improvements or interests. Monitor and encourage staff and faculty of appropriate values and feedback from staff and faculty. To provide students, visitors, staff and faculty with a cultural atmosphere. Staff and faculty participated and developed a more cultural awareness for center and students. Continue to implement the importance of cultural teachings for the center and students’ ability to understand their culture. 2 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE CHEYENNE RIVER COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal VI:. Provide information and develop collaborative ventures with internal and external stakeholders within the OLC community. College Center Strategic Goal II Increase student retention rates at the Cheyenne River College Center. College Center Strategic Objective 2: The retention rate will increase by 3% over last year. Strategies Measuring Tools Expected Results Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Surveys and questionnaires for students, staff and faculty of effectiveness of activities. Provide sufficient activities to enhance the students experience here at college. Co-Curricular activities were conducted for Education, Lakota Studies and Humanities courses. Continue to encourage all departments and courses to assist in co-curricular planning. Documentation of engagement on monthly basis. Full engagement of staff and faculty with appropriate students to increase communication and retention. Increase in engagement from staff and faculty to interact with students, in their appropriate department. Continue to improve engagement of staff and faculty to increase service provided to students and community. Surveys of the outreach efforts to determine effectiveness as well as interests. Build communication with community programs as well as local schools. Assisted local area schools in higher education activities as well as local teen center with presentations. Continue to conduct outreach efforts for recruitment as well as information of college degree offerings from this particular center. Objective 2.1: Strategic planning of midterm activities for co-curricular events. Objective 2.2: Continued efforts of engagement from staff and faculty with advisement for students. Objective 2.3: Community outreach for increased enrollment for center. 3 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE CHEYENNE RIVER COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal II: Provide student support services to facilitate persistence, retention and completion of student educational goals. College Center Strategic Goal III: Increase student placement scores as well as improve academic communication for students. College Center Strategic Objective3: Increase contact of faculty, staff and students through educational workshops to improve remedial progress. Strategies Measuring Tools Expected Results Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Documentation and reports on activities as well as feedback forms from students. Students to succeed in the remedial courses as well as tutoring abilities of center to increase. Students engaged in tutoring sessions, but documentation was not collected as successfully. Continue to provide tutoring sessions but better documentation and summary. Surveys and feedback forms for effectiveness of workshops. To provide a service to increase students ability and confidence in writing methods. Humanities Department conducted “Writing Across the Curriculum” workshop for faculty and students. Continue to engage staff and full-time faculty of center to provide local workshops in writing skills. Sign In sheet and feedback forms of activity and suggested future topics. To give updated information of technology for students to succeed in their academic progress. No technology workshops were conducted due to time and efforts were focused on restructuring and engagement efforts. Continue to work toward technology workshops for students and their educational goals. Objective 3.1: Tutoring sessions for foundational students. Objective 3.2: Workshops for writing and research (APA & MLA) Objective 3.3: Provide workshops of importance of technology for educational career. 4 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE CHEYENNE RIVER COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal V: OLC will maintain and continue to enhance facilities, delivery systems and educational infrastructure to meet the needs of the OLC students, faculty and staff. College Center Strategic Goal IV: To provide a unit facility which provides a more positive atmosphere as well as health and safety regulated structure. College Center Strategic Objective 4: The unit will not only provide a more safe and health regulated facility but as well as a more presentable and welcoming facility for students, staff and community. Strategies Measuring Tools Expected Results Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Document outside trainings and workshops with sign in sheets as well as agendas if applicable. To enhance the students experience with other informational trainings and workshops. Total of 68 outside programs utilized the auditorium for workshops, which students are eligible to attend at no cost. Continue to work with outside programs to build communication bridges for students to become aware of the role. Document feedback of students and visitors of visual look of center. To enhance the cultural and positive atmosphere of the center. Classroom hallway was painted portraying cultural history. Enhancements of cultural history on walls, classrooms, as well as Lakota language to be incorporated. Objective 4.1: Provide auditorium for outside programs to conduct trainings and workshops for community and students to attend. Objective 4.2: Enhance the visual cultural look of interior walls of classrooms and hallways. 5 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE CHEYENNE RIVER COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal VI: Provide more educational areas which could be offered by the unit to enhance the reputation of the college and increase student enrollment, participation and retention. College Center Strategic Goal V: Expand course offerings in disciplined areas such as Applied Science. College Center Strategic Objective 5: To expand course offerings and the appropriate faculty to teach courses to ultimately increase student enrollment. Strategies Measuring Tools Expected Results Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Objective 5.1: Academic Dean to recruit and monitor faculty and adjunct faculty. Filing system of instructors as well as documentation of monthly meeting with faculty. To enhance the teaching views of various approved instructors for students. Academic Dean greatly assisted in monitoring and supervising engagement from Faculty. Continue to supervise engagement with faculty as well as adjunct faculty. Staff meetings of department updates as well monthly faculty meetings. To engage CRCC faculty with department to better service student body. Accomplished the set meetings and updates with faculty with designated department. Engage CRCC faculty to appropriately advise students in their designated departments. Objective 5.2: Build communication efforts of faculty with appropriate departments.