ICEBE 2009 Program October 21, 2009 08:00-09:00 09:00-09:30 09:30-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 12:30-13:30 13:30-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:00-17:00 18:30-20:30 October 22, 2009 07:45-08:45 08:45-09:00 09:00-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-12:30 12:30-13:30 13:30-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:00-17:00 18:30-21:00 October 23, 2009 08:00-08:45 08:45-09:00 09:00-11:00 Program at a Glance Track A Track B Track C Track D Registration / Morning Refreshment at Internatinal Library of University of Macau Opening remarks Keynote I: Deep Blue in Retrospect, Monty Newborn Chair: Jen-Yao Chung Coffee break #1 Session 1: Software Session 2: Data and Session 5: Service Session 7: Security, Engineering for Knowledge Management Engineering - I Privacy and Open Source e-Business for e-Business - I Chair: Yinsheng Li -I Chair: Li Guo Chair: Zhiguo Gong Chair: Xiaoxun Sun Lunch #1 Industry Keynote: Marina Bay Sands Project, Thomas Dillon Chair: Steven Miller Coffee break #2 Session 4: Integration Session 3: Data and Session 6: Service Session 8: Security, and Collaboration - I Knowledge Management Engineering - II Privacy and Open Source Chair: Chengzheng Sun for e-Business - II Chair: Ci-Wei Lan - II Chair: Grigoris Antoniou Chair: Kan Watanabe IEEE TCEC and University of Macau Reception/Dinner, Chair: Kwei-Jay Lin Registration / Morning Refreshment at Internatinal Library of University of Macau Opening remarks Keynote II: The Innovator’s Journey: Fulfilling the Promethean Promise, Andres Fortino Chair: Francis Lau Coffee break #3 Session 10: Industry Session 11: Industry Session AiR-1 Experience and Experience and Chair: Hsueh-Hsien Applications - I Applications - II Chang Chair: Joe Zou Chair: Rolf T. Wigand Lunch #2 Invited Talk: Operational Transformation: Theory and Application, Chengzheng Sun Chair: Jingzhi Guo Coffee break #4 Session 12: Data and Session 13: Integration Session ASOC Session AiR-2 Knowledge Management and Collaboration - II Chair: Lianzhao Zeng Chair: Omar Hussain for e-Business – III Chair: Jingzhi Guo Chair: Grigoris Antoniou Banquet at Macau Tower Banquet Keynote Session 9: Mobile and Pervasive Commerce Chair: Zongwei Luo Registration / Morning Refreshment at Internatinal Library of University of Macau Opening remarks Session 14: Service Session 15: Service Session SOAIC-1 Session SOKMBI-1 Engineering – III Engineering – IV Chair: Xiangyu Wang Chair: Dickson K.W. Chiu Chair: Trieu Chieu Chair: Yan Zhuang Coffee break #5 Session 16: Security, ICEBE 2009 Student Session SOAIC-2 Privacy and Open Source Workshop Chair: Xiangyu Wang - III Chair: Yain-Whar Si and Simon Fong 11:30-12:50 Chairs: Zhiyuan Fang Lunch #3 12:50-13:50 11:00-11:30 Session SOKMBI-2 Chairs: Raymond Lau October 21, 2009 Session 1: Software Engineering for e-Business Using an Enterprise Mashup Infrastructure for Just-in-Time Management of Situational Projects, Shahriar Mohammadi, Ali Khalili and Sarah Ashoori 11:00-12:30 Ontology Module Metrics Sunju Oh and JoongHo Ahn Impacts Separation Framework for Performance Prediction of E-Business Systems, Xiang Huang, Wenbo Zhang, Bo Zhang and Jun Wei ICEBE 2009 Program Session 2: Data and Session 5: Service Session 7: Security, Knowledge Engineering - I Privacy and Open Management for Source - I e-Business - I Personalized Scheduling A Multiple Objectives Trust and Privacy in Search Advertisement Optimization Approach Dissemination Control by Mining the History for QoS-Based Web Xiaojun Ye, Zude Li, Bin Behaviours of Users Services Compositions Li and Feng Xie Guangyi Xiao, Zhiguo Ci-Wei Lan, Rick C.S. Gong and Jingzhi Guo Chen, Addison Y.S. Su, Angus F.M. Huang, Stephen J.H. Yang and Jen-Yao Chung Efficient Web Page Main The Design and The Development mode Text Extraction towards Implementation of of Trust E-commerce Online News Analysis Service Reservations in Services Baoyao Zhou, Yuhong Real-Time SOA Yulong Shen, Qingqi Pei, Xiong and Wei Liu Mark Panahi, Weiran Nie Xinghua Li, Hailing Feng and Kwei-Jay Lin and Jianfeng Ma Name Disambiguation An Evaluation of a Research on Trust using Semantic Service-Oriented Management Model for Association Clustering Platform for Indexing E-Commerce based on Media Collections Fuzzy Clustering Method Hai Jin, Li Huang and Pingpeng Yuan Juan Miguel Espinosa Chunhui Piao and Xiuna Carlin and Diana Luz Gan Cheng Abusabal October 21, 2009 Session 4: Integration and Collaboration - I 15:00-17:00 Session 3: Data and Knowledge Management for e-Business - II Virtual Wealth Agent-Based Electronic Realization in Virtual and Market With Real Worlds Ontology-Services Jingzhi Guo, Angelina Nuno Silva, Maria João Chow, Zhiguo Gong and Viamonte and Paulo Chengzheng Sun Maio A Service-Based Multi-Agent Modeling Framework for and Analysis for Pharmacogenomics E-Commerce Data Integration Transaction Network Kun Wang, Xiaoying Bai, Based on CAS Theory Jing Li and Cong Ding Chunhui Piao, Xufang Han and Shuren Zhang Role-Centric RESTful Services Description and Composition for E-Business Applications Hao Yu, Cheng Zhu, Hongming Cai and Boyi Xu Towards an Open, Self-Adaptive and P2P Based e-Market Infrastructure Li Guo, John Darlington and Brian Fuchs Rule-Based Service Simulation-based Oriented Business Evaluation of Workflow Network Process Escalation Strategies Realization in Dynamic Ka Leong Chan, Yain Virtual Enterprises Whar Si and Marlon Alireza Dumas Khoshkbarforoushha and Mohammad Aghdasi Session 6: Service Engineering - II Session 8: Security, Privacy and Open Source - II Dependency-Guided Service Composition for User-Centric SOA W.T. Tsai, Peide Zhong, Xiaoying Bai and Jay Elston A Methodology for Transactional Risk Assessment and Decision Making in e-Business Interactions Omar Hussain, Tharam Dillon, Elizabeth Chang and Farookh Hussain Audio Watermarking Pre-process Algorithm Huan Li, Zheng Qin, Xu Wang and Liping Shao Achieving p-Sensitive k-Anonymity via Anatomy Xiaoxun Sun, Hua Wang, Jiuyong Li and David Ross On The Detection of DDoS Attackers for Large-Scale Networks Dalia Nashat, Xiaohong Jiang and Susumu Horiguchi Collusion-Resistant Sabotage-Tolerance Mechanisms for Volunteer Computing Systems Kan Watanabe, Masaru Fukushi and Susumu Horiguchi Symmetrically Oblivious Envelope Protocol Bao-Hong Li, Kun Zhen and Yin-Liang Zhao October 22, 2009 Session 9: Mobile and Pervasive Commerce ICEBE 2009 Program Session 10: Industry Session 11: Industry Experience and Experience and Applications - I Applications - II A Heuristic Algorithm for Broker Deployment in RFID Applications Yifeng Qian, Beihong Jin, Donglei Cao The Design and Implementation of a smart building control system Han Chen, Paul Chou, Sastry Duri, Hui Lei, Johnathan Reason RFIDSLT: a Data Lineage Tracing Method for Complex Query over RFID Streams Yongli Wang, Jiangbo Qian and Ran Ma Exploring Practical Mobile Interaction for Enterprise Business Process Juwei Shi, Lina Ren, Jiajia Wen, Yabo Li and Qi Yu Dynamic Scaling of Web Applications in a Virtualized Cloud Computing Environment Trieu Chieu, Ajay Mohindra, Alexei Karve and Alla Segal Designing a Credit Approval System using Web Services, BPEL, and AJAX Vincent C.T. Chan, Dickson K.W. Chiu, Michelle Watson, Patrick C.K. Hung, Haiyang Hu, Hua Hu and Yi Zhuang 10:30-12:30 Virtual Credit Cards on Cross Border Financing How Can We Mobile for M-Commerce Scheme Design under Successfully Implement Payment the RMB Currency Swap The ERP Activity? Framework Narongrit Waraporn, Te-King Chien and Manawat Sithiyavanich, Zongwei Luo Huei-Shan Tseng Hathaichanok Jiarawattanasawat and Narin Pakchai A Multi-Step Task allocation Algorithm of Mobile Agent Based on Mobile Ad Hoc Network Hui He, Fan Wei and Yong Qi Session AiR-1 The Research of User Participation Mechanism in Education Resource Warehouse based on the Microformat Concept Xinying Zhang, Zhenzhen Meng and Lei Fan Evaluation and Research on Green Strength of Reverse Logistics System Xianyong Gan and Wei Yu Enhancements to A Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol Xiaowen Zhang, Zhanyang Zhang and Xinzhou Wei Calculation and Application in RFID of the PCB Spiral Inductors Hui Dong, Yisheng Zhu and Baishan Zhao Research on Urban Traffic Improvement Based on Meticulous Traffic Design XianYong Gan and HongYi Yang October 22, 2009 ICEBE 2009 Program Session 12: Data and Session 13: Integration Knowledge and Collaboration - II Management for e-Business – III ASOC 2009 IEEE Session AiR-2 International Workshop on Applications and Services on Cloud Hierarchical Value at Risk Service Component Risk Analysis and Classification of Management in Architecture for Vending Measurement in Business Information on Multi-period Supply Machine System in Warehouse Financing the Web Using Inventory Coordination Cloud Computing Ying Yin, Zongwei Luo Incremental Learning Zhengying Cai, Rong Xin Infrastructure and Yulian Fei Yi Wang, Zhiguo Gong and Renbin Xiao Feng-Cheng Lin, and Jingzhi Guo Yi-Shiou Lee, Chih-Hao Hsu, Kuan-Yu Chen and Tzu-Chun Weng Temporal Exception Enterprise Isomorphic An Approach to Children RFIDGlove: a wearable Prediction for Loops in Mapping Mechanism: Surveillance with RFID reader Resource Constrained Towards Ontology Sensor-based Signals Leire Muguira, Juan Concurrent Workflows Interoperability in EIS using Complex Event Ignacio Vazquez, Asier Processing Iok Fai Leong and Yain Development Arruti, Jonathan Whar Si Mingxin Gan Ruei-Kai Lee, Chih-Hao Ruiz-de-Garibay, Yu, Min-Siong Liang and Izaskun Mendia and Ming-Whei Feng Silvia Renteria Knowledge-based’s Case A Cloud-Based RFID Middleware Event supervision model for Study—Pros and Cons Trajectory Index Scheme Processing Based on 15:00-17:00 electronic payment of Website Ranking CEP Shih-Tsun Chu, Sun Hao, Yueting Chai Service under Chinese Chao-Chun Yeh and Yulian Fei, Jun Hu, Anti-monopoly and Yi Liu Chun-Lung Huang Ertian Hua and Zongwei Mechanism Luo Yimeei Guo, Dongsheng Yan and Weiwan Zhang A P2P-based Price Dispersion in C2C An Ecosystem Approach Hash-Based Tag E-Business Portal Model Market Based on for a Healthcare Ownership Transfer Services Cloud Protocol Against Zixuan Shao, Zhiyuan Multi-Agent Modeling and Simulation Fang and Jie Yang Henry H. Chang, Paul B. Traceability Qiuju Yin, Lihui Min and Chou and Sreeram Yongming Jin, Huiping Ramakrishnan Peng Miao Sun and Zhong Chen Calibrating Resource A New Frame Size Allocation for Parallel Adjusting Method For Processing of Analytic Framed Slotted Aloha Tasks Algorithm Jianfeng Yan and Yu Cui-Cui and Feng Wen-Syan Li Zhou Research on the Maintenance Decision-making of Cement Concrete Pavement Based on Preventive Maintenance Jian Zhao and Jia Xu Session 14: Service Engineering – III October 23, 2009 Technical Challenges and Solution Space for Developing SaaS and Mash-up Cloud Services Hyun Jung La, Si Won Choi and Soo Dong Kim ICEBE 2009 Program Session 15: Service Engineering – IV A Quantitative Service Accountability Model Joe Zou, Christopher Pavlovski, Christopher De Vaney and Yan Wang Session SOAIC-1 Session SOKMBI-1 A Reputation-based Influence Factors to Service Selection Web2.0 Websites Users’ Scheme Attitude and Behavioral Intention Ping Wang, Kuo-Ming Chao, Chi-Chun Lo, Ray Zhiyuan Fang, Meiyan Farmer and Pu-Tsun Xiao, Zixuan Shao and Kuo Jie Yang An Ontology-driven Applying The Fitness Evaluation Ontological User Discovery Architecture to Context-Awareness to Model of SAAS for Profiling and Language Support Service Service-Oriented Enterprise Information Modeling for Composition Architecture System Personalized Information Yingzi Wang, Xiaolin Lian Yu, Yang Yang, Yonghe Lu and Bing Sun Services Zheng and Deren Chen Yongchao Gu, Xu Liang, Johnny So, Chapmann Shan Luo and Frank C.L. Lai and Raymond Tung Y.K. Lau Combining Intelligent A P2P-based Semantic Open Identity Ontology Based Content Agent with the Semantic Web Services Management Framework Management for Digital 09:00-11:00 Web Services for Composition for SaaS Ecosystem Television Services Building An e-Commerce Architecture Bin Wang, Heyuan Benjamin Lui, Dickson System Zhengdong Zhu, Yahong Huang, Xiaoxi Liu, and K.W. Chiu, Haiyang Hu, Cuimei Bao Hu, Ronggui Lan, Jingmin Xu Hua Hu and Yi Zhuang Weiguo Wu and Zengzhi Li A comparative study A SOA Based Software Proxy Pattern between WSCI, Engineering Design Informatization Research WS-CDL, and OWL-S Approach in Service Based On SaaS Engineering Enrique Martínez, M. Huawen Li and Qingjie Emilia Cambronero, Weider Yu and Chia H. Wang Gregorio Díaz and Ong Valentín Valero A Method of QoS Modeling E-Commerce Customizable Data Measurement Based on Website Quality with Exchange based on Web User Behavior Analysis Quality Function Service Deployment Guo-qi Liu, Zhi-liang Jun Xu, Gang Xiao, Zhu, Yi-qiang Li and JinLing Chang, Tong JiaWei Lu, Qianhui Liang Ying Liu Song, Chuncan Li and and Jun Shen Tao Song October 23, 2009 Session 16: Security, Privacy and Open Source - III Trust-based Access Control for Privacy Protection in Collaborative Environment Min Li, Hua Wang and David Ross A Solution of Electronic Authentication Service Based on PKI for Enabling e-Business Xiaoqi Zhang, Meina Song and Junde Song 11:30-12:50 Preventing Wormhole Attacks in Mobile Commerce Haw-Tyng Pai and Fan Wu ICEBE 2009 Program ICEBE 2009 Student Workshop Session SOAIC-2 Session SOKMBI-2 A Global Information Knowledge-based Model for Application Generator: Service-Oriented System An Automatic Approach Engineering to Service-oriented Knowledge Management Yinsheng Li, Yunyi Zhang, Han Chen, and of Systems Knowledge Weiming Shen Michael M. T. Ho Multi-level based Audit Trail Analysis for framework for Traffic Intensive Web Organizing and Application Composing Semantic Ka-I Pun and Yain-Whar Web Services Si N. Temglit and M. Ahmed Nacer The Research of Online PSO for Web Evaluation and Index Marketing Optimization System based on IT Alfredo Milani and Enterprise Service Valentino Santucci Capability Zhiyuan Fang, Lin Zhao, and Zixuan Shao User-Centered Design and Visualization of Service Oriented Recommender Agents: An Approach to Achieve Better Consumers’ Involvement in E-Commerce Systems Rui Wang and Xiangyu Wang