vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS xii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Research Background 2 1.3 Problem Statement 3 1.4 Research Objectives 3 1.5 Scope of the Study 3 1.6 Significance of Findings 3 1.7 Research Methodology 4 1.8 Groups, Algorithms and Programming (GAP) 4 1.9 Thesis Organization 5 viii 2 3 4 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Some Basic Results 8 2.3 Conclusion 22 CAPABILITY OF INFINITE TWO-GENERATOR GROUPS OF NILPOTENCY CLASS TWO 23 3.1 Introduction 23 3.2 Preliminaries 25 3.3 Capability of Infinite Two-Generator Groups of Nilpotency Class Two 3.4 Conclusion 26 28 HOMOLOGICAL FUNCTORS OF INFINITE TWO-GENERATOR GROUPS OF NILPOTENCY CLASS TWO 29 4.1 Introduction 29 4.2 Preliminaries 29 4.3 Homological Functors of Infinite Two-Generator Groups of Nilpotency Class Two 33 4.4 Composition Theorems 71 4.5 Conclusion 76 GAP PROGRAMMES 77 5.1 Introduction 77 5.2 Constructing Examples of Type 2.33 Groups 77 5.3 Constructing Examples of Type 2.34 Groups 81 5.4 Constructing Examples of Type 2.35 Groups 83 5.5 Constructing Examples of Type 2.36 Groups 86 5.6 Conclusion 88 ix 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 89 6.1 Summary of the Research 89 6.2 Suggestions for Future Research 90 REFERENCES 91 Appendix A GAP Simulation 94 Appendix B Publication/Presentation In Seminars/Conferences 171 x LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 2.1 TITLE The Commutative Diagrams of Homological Functors PAGE 22 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 TITLE PAGE Different Values of α, γ and p in Theorem 4.6 to Theorem 4.8 81 Different Values of α, γ and p in Theorem 4.9 and Theorem 4.10 83 Different Values of α, γ, σ and p in Theorem 4.11 to Theorem 4.19 85 Different Values of α and p in Theorem 4.20 and Theorem 4.21 87 xii LIST OF SYMBOLS a|b - a divides b |G|, |x| - Order of the group G, the order of the element x Z - Integers, the infinite cyclic group Zn - Cyclic group of order n Z/nZ - Integers modulo n H≤G - H is a subgroup of G G∼ =H - G is isomorphic to H G⊕H - Direct sum of G and H G×H - Direct product of G and H GH - Semidirect product of G and H G⊗H - Tensor product of G and H G⊗G - Tensor square of G G ⊗Z G - Abelian tensor square of G ˜ G G⊗ - Symmetric square of G G∧G - Exterior square of G M(G) - Schur multiplier of G CG (A) - Centralizer of A in G Z(G) - Center of the group G x - Group generated by the element x ker(κ) - Kernel of the homomorphism κ N G - N is a normal subgroup of G gH, Hg - Left coset, and right coset of H with coset representative g |G : H| - Index of the subgroup H in the group G xiii Inn(G) - Inner automorphism group of G T (G) - Torsion subgroup of G g - The conjugate of h by g h [g, h] - The commutator of g and h G - The commutator subgroup of G ⊂ - Proper subset ⊆ - Subset ∈ - Element of ∈ / - Not element of ∩ - Intersection ∧ - Wedge product 1∧ - Identity of exterior square = - Not equal to < - Less than ≤ - Less than or equal to > - Greater than ≥ - Greater than or equal to X - Direct product