NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop (2012) 4193.pdf HUMAN-AUTOMATION INTEGRATION: PRINCIPLE & METHOD FOR DESIGN AND EVALUATION D. Billman1 and M. Feary2 1 San Jose State University Research Foundation @ NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000,, 2 NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, MOTIVATION & GOALS Poor design of how automation supports human activity and goals is a major contributing factor to accidents and incidents in safety critical work domains. Methods for evaluating quality of human-automation integration (HAI) and for generating high-quality HAI designs would be very valuable. Our research aims to identify principles of good HAI designs, assess the impact of hypothesized principles, and establish methods for using such principles in evaluation and generation of HAI designs. THE STRUCTURE ALIGHNMENT PRINCIPLE The elements and organization of an operator's interaction with automation (the integration structure) should align, or correspond, with the elements and organization of the work domain (the work structure). Structure of work comes from its entities, relations, and operations; from the tasks and procedures carried out on those entities; and from the constraints on how changes to entities can be made. Entities might be physical, such as vehicles and lab equipment, or conceptual, such as plans and reports. Often many aspects of domain and of interaction structure can be represented in part-whole hierarchies. For example, a larger Activity such as docking a Soyuz can be composed from (temporally sequenced) Actions making up the Activity. When the information provided in displays and the operations available through controls is organized to preserve the structure of the entities and activities in the work domain, then the interaction is well-aligned. We studied the structure of planning work carried out by the Attitude Determination and Control (ADCO) group in the International Space Station (ISS) Mission Control. Using our work analysis, we applied the Structure Alignment Principle to prototype new planning software. For example, the redesign provided analog representation of time in plans and allowed rescheduling Activities as meaningful units. EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF STRUCTURE ALIGHNMENT We compared performance using the legacy versus new planning software. Tasks and materials were close analogs of editing tasks done during ISS Increment 22 (2009-10). Participants were 17 trained, technical upper-level and graduate students. Overall times were cut roughly in half in the New software condition (Condition, Task Type, and Cond X Type F's >15, p<.001); error rate dropped from 27% in the Legacy to 13% in the New Condition. Further, the figure shows, as predicted, the largest improvement occurred for editing Activities, the task with the largest improvement in alignment. FUTURE WORK We plan to extend this work by a) providing more structured methods for representing and measuring the work structure, the HAI structure, and the degree of alignment; b) providing additionally controlled comparisons to ensure benefits came from the increased alignment; and c) to measure benefit of alignment to robust performance, e.g, over time and across unexpected/problematic conditions. REFERENCES [1] Billman, D., Arsintescu, L., Feary, M., Lee, J., Smith, A.,& Tiwary, R. (2011). Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010); 2521-2530. [2] Billman, D., Feary, M., Schreckenghost, D., & Sherry, L. (2010). Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010); p 4597-4612.