“How can group therapy be helpful to me?” - Group therapy provides a unique opportunity to gain support from both trained professionals and peers who are having similar experiences. -The group decreases feelings of isolation by helping you feel that you are not alone in your struggles and that there is universality to your experience. -Groups can create a space to safely practice new behaviors - interpersonal skills, expression of feelings, coping strategies. -Also, groups can increase self-awareness, by hearing multiple perspectives, increasing responsiveness to others, and utilizing others as a mirror into our own thoughts and actions. -They provide the opportunity to self-regulate sharing. The group environment is a safe space where you can pick and choose when and how to volunteer information during the group, i.e. actively participate when feeling comfortable or simply just listen to others. -Research has shown that acts of altruism increase our sense of happiness. By being in a group and contributing to the well-being of others, we increase our own sense of well being and competency. Email pccgroups@brandeis.edu with any questions or to sign up. The Psychological Counseling Center provides counseling for students in times of stress, and encourages them to ask for help with their most immediate concerns. Our staff is experienced in dealing with deeper developmental and psychological issues ranging from stress and depression to substance abuse and eating disorders. All concerns are addressed with sensitivity to and respect for diversity and individuality. We maintain the strictest standards of privacy and confidentiality, and serve as a resource to the entire Brandeis community. “How do I sign up for a group? - Call PCC to schedule an intake - OR, if you are already connected to PCC, ask your clinician to sign you up - email pccgroups@brandeis.edu with any questions B R A N D E I S P S YC H O L O G I C A L COUNSELING CENTER 415 South Street, MS 061 Waltham, MA 02453 T: 781-736-3730 or x63730 from on campus pccgroups@brandeis.edu W: brandeis.edu/counseling/index.html G RO U P S U P P O RT Brandeis Psychological Counseling Center Mailman Building S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 G RO U P O F F E R I N G S TITLE CBT 101 Tal Nir, PhD Exploring Relationships with Substances Noel Coakley, LMHC, MEd Jonathan Moran, MD DESCRIPTION This group will teach CBT skills to manage an array of anxiety issues. Special attention will be given to the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviors and understanding where in this link there is a need for change. Contact Dr. Tal Nir for more information at tnir@brandeis.edu. TIME Mondays 4-5 This group is designed for those who would like to examine Thursdays or gain support around their relationship with drugs and 12-1 alcohol. This group is designed for those who identify that they are in recovery and for those seeking to determine whether or not they would like to change a pattern. Contact Dr. Moran at jmoran01@brandeis.edu or Noel Coakley at ncoakley@brandeis.edu for more information. L O C AT I O N PCC conference room PCC Group Room TIME L O C AT I O N Healthy Body- Healthy Mind: an eating disorder support group Amy Scobie-Carroll, LICSW Are you struggling with an eating disorder? Do you Thursdays have negative thoughts about your body and unwanted eating patterns? This group aims to support 11 - 12 your recovery and foster understanding about the emotion- thought- urge-behavior cycle and how to break free of it. It's both discussion and skill based. For more information please contact Amy Scobie-Carroll at ascobiecarroll@brandeis.edu PCC Group Room Mindfulness Based Coping Strategies This group is designed to decrease the presence of stress and anxiety in daily experience and increase overall happiness and life satisfaction through the development of mindfulness and meditation. The group will include a blend of explicit skill instruction, experiential exercises, and opportunities to process and support one another as a group. Contact Dr. Brown at jdbrown@brandeis.edu or Noel Coakley at ncoakley@brandeis.edu Thursdays 3-4 PCC Group Room Social Skills/Social Anxiety This group is geared toward students who have trouble in social situations. Potential group members may be looking to improve their social skills and/or decrease their social anxiety. They will learn specific social skills, explore various socially-related themes, and have an opportunity to interact with peers in a group setting. If interested, please contact Jenna Marion (jmarion@brandeis.edu) to schedule an informational meeting. Fridays 2-2:50 3-3:50 PCC Group Room Come in and Just Be You Topics may include coming out to family & friends, Thursdays navigating intersecting identities, and particular 4-4:50 challenges like discrimination & micro-aggressions. Whether you are a member of the LGBTQ community or are wondering whether you might be, this group provides a safe, non-judgmental, supportive place to explore. Come and be who you are. Contact Dr. Ahmad-Stout at ahmadstout@brandeis.edu or Amy Scobit-Carroll at ascobiecarroll@brandeis.edu PCC Group Room Managing Health Conditions This group is intended for students who are working Tuesdays to be successful while maintaining a chronic health condition, illness, and/or pain. This is a 6-week group 11-12 designed to address difficulties, build a community, share tips, and laugh! Contact Catherine Mitchell at cem@brandeis.edu or Jodi Rosenblatt at jrosenb@brandeis.edu. Usdan Comm Living Conf Room TITLE Jennifer Brown, PsyD Noel Coakley, LMHC, MEd Jenna Marion, PsyD Good Grief and Bereavement Support Amy Engel, LICSW Rev. Matthew Carriker This is a support group intended for undergraduate and graduate students who have experienced the loss of a loved one. The group will focus on coping skills and breaking the isolation of traumatic loss. Contact Amy Engel at aengel1@brandeis.edu or Matt Carriker at carriker@brandeis.edu. Mondays 5-6 PCC Group Room David Ahmad-Stout, PsyD, MEd Amy Scobie-Carroll, LICSW International Student Discussion Hour (food served) Aileen Lee, PsyD Bojun Hu, M.A. A group space to share your struggles with getting familiar Mondays with your new environment, feeling homesick, catching up to 3-4 what others are saying in English, learning seems different here, worrying about your grades and everything else. And we learn ways to adjust. Contact Dr. Lee at aleepcc@brandeis.edu or Bojun Hu at bhu@brandeis.edu to join. PCC Group Room Catherine Mitchell, Jodi Rosenblatt Art Therapy for Relaxation, Balance, and Well Being This support group is designed to promote relaxation and balance through the creative process. No artistic skills are necessary for this group. This is an open ongoing activity, so come when you can. Contact Dr. Brown at jdbrown@brandeis.edu or Bojun Hu at bhu@brandeis.edu for more information. Tuesday 3-4 PCC Group Room Connections and Departures (Senior Group) Fridays 4-5 PCC Group Room Bojun Hu AnnKatrine Gates This is a 6 week group to discuss academic stress, concerns about future planning and friendship transitions. Contact Bojun Hu at bhu@brandeis.edu or Annkatrine Gates at annkatrine@brandeis.edu to join. Drop-In Meditation Jennifer Brown, PsyD 50 minutes of guided meditation! This is a drop-in activity, so come when you can! Wednesdays 12 - 1 Jennifer Brown, PsyD Bojun Hu, MA Peace Room DESCRIPTION Skillful Living with DBT This is a skills training group that focuses on how to TBD navigate stress and find greater emotional balance Catherine Mitchell, LICSW using Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Learn skills for Upon Req coping with emotional pain, gain a better understanding of their emotions and how they function, and consider how to have more effective relationships with others. DBT skills are particularly helpful for those who have difficulty managing intense emotions, stressful life events, problematic relationships, or controlling impulsive behaviors. Contact Catherine Mitchell at cem@brandeis.edu PCC Group Room Survivors of Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence PCC Group Room Julia Rickey LICSW Bojun Hu This support group provides a safe and confidential space for individuals who have experienced sexual assault and intimate partner violence to discuss the impact of their experiences on their lives and relationships with other. Interested participants will need to meet individually with group leaders prior to entering the group. Contact Julia Rickey at jrickey@brandeis.edu or Bojun Hu at bhu@brandeis.edu Fridays 10-11