
Ph.D in Decision Sciences, London Business School, UK
Msc. in Artificial Intelligence and Computing, University of Porto, Portugal
Professeur ,
Management des
Licenciatura in Economics, University of Porto, Portugal
Thèmes de recherche
Energy markets, Real Options, Revenue Management, Risk Analysis,
Sustainable operations management
Electricity - Oil - Telecommunications
Publications académiques
100 Victoria Street
BP 50105
#13-02 National
"Dynamic Pricing Policies for Interdependent Perishable Products or
Services using Reinforcement Learning" (R. Rana, F. Oliveira ), Expert
Systems with Applications, janv. 2015, Vol. 42, Numéro 1, p. 426-436
"Analysis of the Relationship between Forward and Spot Markets in
Oligopolies under Demand and Cost Uncertainty" (N. Gulpinar, F. Oliveira ),
Computational Management Science, sept. 2014, Vol. 11, p. 267-283
"A Risk Management System for Sustainable Fleet Replacement" (A.
Ansaripoor, F. Oliveira , A. Liret), European Journal of Operational
Research, mai 2014, Vol. 237, Numéro 2, p. 701-712
"Real-time Dynamic Pricing in a Non-Stationary Environment using
Model-free Reinforcement Learning" (R. Rana, F. Oliveira ), Omega, nov.
"Pricing Option Contracts on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve" (F. Murphy,
F. Oliveira ), Energy Economics, août 2013, Vol. 40, p. 242-250
"Contract Design and Supply Chain Coordination in the Electricity Industry"
(F. Oliveira , C. Mora, A. Conejo), European Journal of Operational
Research, Numéro 3
"Robust Trading in Spot and Forward Oligopolistic Markets" (N. Gulpinar, F.
Oliveira ), International Journal of Production Economics, janv. 2012, Vol.
138, Numéro 1
"Developing a Market-Based Approach to Managing the US Strategic
Petroleum Reserve" (F. Murphy, F. Oliveira , ), European Journal of
Operational Research, oct. 2010, Vol. 206, Numéro 2, p. 488-495
"Bottom-up Design of Strategic Options as Finite Automata" (F. Oliveira ),
Computational Management Science, sept. 2010, Vol. 7, Numéro 4, p.
"Limitations of Learning in Automata-Based Systems" (F. Oliveira ),
European Journal of Operational Research, juin 2010, Vol. 203, Numéro 3,
p. 684-691
"Analysing industry profitability. A "complexity as cause" perspective" (A.
Caldart, F. Oliveira ), European Management Journal, avr. 2010, Vol. 28,
Numéro 2, p. 95-107
"'A Social Welfare Analysis of the Iberian Electricity Market Accounting for
Carbon Emission Prices'" (A. Moreira, F. Oliveira , J. Pereira), IET
Generation, Transmission & Distribution, févr. 2010, Vol. 4, Numéro 2, p.
"Modeling Emotions and Reason in Agent-Based Systems" (F. Oliveira ),
Computational Economics, janv. 2010, Vol. 35, p. 155-164
"Modeling the Impact of Market Interventions on the Strategic Evolution of
Electricity Markets" (D. Bunn, F. Oliveira ), Operations Research, oct. 2008,
Vol. 56, Numéro 5, p. 1116-1130
"The Value of Information in Electricity Investment Games" (F. Oliveira ),
Energy Policy, juil. 2008, Vol. 36, p. 2364-2375
"A Constraint Logic Programming Algorithm for Modeling Dynamic Pricing"
(F. Oliveira ), Informs Journal on Computing, janv. 2008, Numéro 20 (1)
"Agent-Based Analysis of Technological Diversification and Specialisation in
Electricity Markets" (F. Oliveira , D. W. Bunn), European Journal of
Operational Research, janv. 2007, Numéro 181 (3), p. 1265-1278
"Evaluationg Individual Market Power in Electricity Markets via Agent-Based
Simulation" (F. Oliveira , D. W. Bunn), Annals of Operations Research, juil.
2003, Numéro 121 (1-4), p. 57-77
"Agent-Based Simulation: An Application to the New Electricity Trading
Arrangements of England and Wales" (F. Oliveira , D. Bunn), IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, oct. 2001
De-risking Fleet Replacement Decisions. In: Research and Development in
Intelligent Systems XXXI (avec A. Liret, A. Ansaripoor). : Springer, Max
Bramer, Miltos Petridis. 2014, p. 171-177
Robust Supply Chain Risk Management. In: Encyclopedia of Business
Analytics and Optimization (avec A. Ansaripoor). Hershey (USA) : Business
Science Reference , J Wang. 2014, p. 2093-2103
Reinforcement Learning for Business Modeling. In: Encyclopedia of
Business Analytics and Optimization. Hershey (PA) : Business Science
Reference, J. Wang. 2014, p. 2010-2019
Finite Automata Games - Basic Concepts. In: Encyclopedia of Business
Analytics and Optimization. Hershey (USA) : Business Science Reference ,
J. Wang. 2014, p. 951-959
The Asset Replacement Problem - State of the Art. In: Transforming Field
and Service Operations (avec A. Ansaripoor, A. Liret). : Springer, G. Owusu,
P. O’Brien, J. McCall, and N. Doherty. 2013, p. 213-233
Analysing the Effect of Demand Uncertainty in Dynamic Pricing with EAS. .
In: Research and Development in Intelligent Systems, XXV (avec S. Shakya,
G. Owusu). : Springer, 2009, p. 77-90
Business to Business Online Revenue Management. In: Service Chain
Management-Technology Innovation for the Service Industry (avec R.
Rana). : C. Vodouris, G. Owuso, R. Dorne and D. Lesaint (Ed.), 2007
Flexibility, Robustness and Real Options. In: Supporting Strategy:
Frameworks, Methods and Models (avec R. Dyson). Wiley, Chichester :
Frances O' Brien and Robert Dyson (Ed.), 2007, p. 343-366
The Impact of Organisational Complexity in the Strategy Development
Process. In: Supporting Strategy: Frameworks, Methods and Models (avec
A. Cadart). Wiley, Chichester : Frances O' Brien and Robert Dyson (Ed.),
2007, p. 191-210
Autres publications
Articles de presse
"Controlling Risks". Logistics Insight Asia, 22 nov. 2012
Autres activités pédagogiques
Assistant Professor, Operational Research and Management Sciences,
Warwick Business School
Assistant Professor, Management Science Group, University of Porto
Teaching assistant, London Business School
Visiting Lecturer, City University Business School
Assistant Economics Group, University of Porto
Visiting Lecturer, Universidade Agostinho Neto, Luanda, Angola
Autres activités
Prix et distinctions
Prix Académique SYNTEC Conseil en Management 2010, in the category
"Opérations, Gestion, Contrôle/Système d'information et Technologies"
Activités scientifiques
Membre d'un comité de lecture
International Journal of
Management Association
Energy Systems, Springer
Affiliations et activités académiques
Center for Macroeconomic Studies and Forecasting, University of Porto
Energy Markets Group Researcher, London Business School
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Lab, University of Porto