A NOVEL LOW COST TELEM EDICINE SYSTEM USING WIRELESS MESH NETWORK E. Supriyanto' , H. Satria 2 , l.H. Mulyadi2 and E.H. Putra! 1 Faculty of Biomed ical Engineerin g and Health Science 2 Faculty of Electrical Engineering Univers iti Teknologi Malaysia AB ST RACT Teiemedrcme pronuses a n improveme nt o f he alt h CMe ser vice qualrty in ru m I, urban. d ense and mob ile are as . In orde r 10 implem ent the tclc mcd icinc in these areas, a lo w cost rclcmcd icmc system w ith acceptable quality for med ica l data transfe r is required. Th is parer disc usses simula tion and implementation results o f a low cost rclc mcdicinc sys tem incl uding wireles s med ical interface and com munication infrastructu re. A simul ation has been do ne to investiga te the netwo rk quality o f service. Th e infrastructure has bee n a lso imp lemen ted usi ng low cost 5.KG Hz transceiver for backhauls and low cost 2.4 GH z tra nsce iver fo r cl ien ts. Te st resu lt sho ws that the low cost rcle mcdici nc sys tem IS able to do rce t time communica tion be tween patie nt and medical staff with medic al da ta rate up to 2 M bps . It s ho ws tha t the low cos t tclemcdicine sys te m usi ng wi re le ss mes h ne two rk can be impleme nted in remot e ar ea with acce ptab le med ica l data transfer qu al ity. 1. INTRODUCTION Tclcmedicme is an em erging techno logy wh ich cornbimng te leco m municatio n and information techno logy fo r medic a l practice. It gives a new wa y to deli ver health care services w he n the d ista nce be tween do ctor an d pa tie nt is sig n ifica ntly a way. Tclemcdic ine can deli ver hea lth care services to the pa tie nt even in re mote area, Pavlopoulos ct a l. (19 9K) has present ed a n e xample o f telcrncdic mc adva ntage with im plem en tati o n on ambulatory pa tien t ca re at rem ote area . A nother application ha s bee n done by Sudhamony er al. (200K) for cancer ca re in rural are a. Il igh techno logy tcle medicme app licat ion in surgery has a lready bee n de veloped by Xiaohui er at. (200 7). C urrent ly. the telc med ic ine uses ava ilable wired a nd wirel ess infras truc ture s. Tclemcdicine infra st ruc ture s - with Wired netwo rk have been pro pose d by Al-Ta er (200 5 ) usmg Integrated Servi ce Dig ital Network (ISD N). Asy nchron o us Tr ans fer Modes (A T M ) by Ca bral & Kim (1 996). Vel)' S mall Apertu re Tcrrmnat (VSAT) by Pandian ct al. C~ 007) and Asy mme tric Digital Subscriber Line (A DS L) by Ling ct al. (20 05) . Tclc mcd ie ine has also been imp leme nted lt1 wireless net wor k using Wire less LAN (W LA N) proposed by Kugean er al. (2002). Worl dwide lntcro pc rabihty fo r M icrowave Acces s t W IMA Xj by Chorbcv cr at. (2 00R). Co de Division M ultiple Access (CD/lil A ) IX-EV DO by Yoo ct al (200 5 ). G enera l Pack e t Radio Sw itc h (GPRS) by Gi bso n cr al. (2 003) and 2G G roupe Specia l Mob ile (GSM ) by Pavlop onlo s cr at. ( 199!!). Each infrastructu re has its OW I1 obstacle. 111 particularl y when they arc im plement ed in a remote area. Fo r exam ple. As ynch ro nous Tran sfe r Mode (ATM) and M ulti Pro to co l Label Sw itch ing ( M PLS) had some mobil ity a nd sca labili ty hrnitatrun, even bot h networks pro vide h ig h Q uality o f Se rvice (Q oS) and have stability o n deliv er ing data [Na nda ct al., 2007) . Thc frag.ility o f 3G U t\1TS ne two rk tor tele rncdtcinc has bee n explored by Y. E. T an et <I I. (20 06), whe re the im ple men tation costs arc high and do es nOI prov id e enough Q oS Com pa rison o f ava ila ble net wo rk infrusnuc nrrcs and tech no log ies fo r rclcmcdicin e sys tem are su mma rized in Table I. It can be shown that based o n cost. data rate a nd mobility. the optimal solution fo r tetcmcdicinc system is Wireless Mesh Netwo rk ( WM N). In orde r to inves tigate the qua lity and the possibil ity o f U:-'JIlg W MN as a rclcmedicinc in fra struct ure, a sim ulatio n of d ata co mm unicat ion in WMN using NS2 ne twork simula tor has been done. Bes ides , the infrastructure and the med ical dat a interface have been als o develop ed and tested. Th is is req uired to create a low cost tclcmedicin c sys tem that has an acc eptable q uality o f service. 382 - Ta ble I Com parison of available network infrastrnctures/teclmologies fo r te lerncdicine system bit rate investment cost* operat ional cost user device mobility infrastructure! tcchnology (Mb ps) ~c:.::: o~ s t:--:---:-:-__ 2.550,OOU H M VH No Fiber Opt ics 155 VH H VH No ATM 8 H M M No ADSL 0.J28 H M M No ISDN 4.09 VH M VH No VSAT 0.115 H L L Yes GPRS 0.256 H L L Yes EDGE 0.5 12 H M M Yes 3G UMTS 3.6 VH M M Yes HSDPA 54 L VL L Yc s WMN Yes 54 M VI. L WiMAX Note: " investment cost = cos t o f investment numbe r of user node thai can be servi ced VH = very high. H=h igh. M=mediull1. L=low. VL=-vcry low 2. MEDICAL QUALITY OF DATA AND SERVICE An application example of telemedicine system can be seen in Fig. I . It involved patients and doctors that are equipped with medical data assistant (MDA). Thc MDA acquires thc medical data using Medical Data lnrcrfacc (MDI). MDI retrieves med ical data from various medical dev ices. Typical medical dev ices arc electrocardiography machine (ECG). Doppler instrument, blood pressur e mo nito r, ultrasound machine and stethoscope. T he MDA are connected through wireless router and tran sceiver for data transmitting between patient and doctor. Two -way communication between patient and doctors is supported by camera and microphone. All of patient medical data are continuously recorded inside the server for diagnosuc purposes. ...... C OfMmu n tt(ll1 11I1r1l trllC.lure For this application. the muurnum data rate for accep table (good) quality and excellent quality arc listed in Tab le 2. Ta ble 2 Desired ou tput data rate devices ood ECG Dopplcr Instrument Blood Pressure Monitor Ultrasound Machine Camera Stethoscope Micro hone Total data rate excellent J 2 kbps 160 kbps I kbps 400 kbps 2.000 kbps 160 kbps 160 kb s 2,893 kb s T he nu nunum data rate for acceptable service in tclerncdicinc system is 323 kbps, whereas for excellence quality minimum data rate 2.893 kbps is required, Up to now. there is no specific rule defining OoS provisions of telerncd icine application. In addition, parameter ized OoS is a clear OoS bound which arc stated in terms of quantitative values such as throughputs. end delay, j itter and packet loss. T hese OoS bounds arc explained in Table 3. 3. WIRELESS MESH NETWORK TELEMEDICINE SYSTEM FOR Hardware configura tion for low cos t telemedicinc communication infrastructure is shown in Fig. 2. This infrastructure is divided into three areas of implementation: client and indoor network, backhau l outdoor netwo rk and medical central service. Fig. I An application example of low cost telcmedicine sys tem 383 - Table J OoS fo r low cost tclc mcdic ine sys tem dcflninon packet arr ival rate the tunc taken by a packet to reach its destination lime of ar rival de viatio n between packe ts pe rce ntage of non-rece ived data oackcts _ _--cParameler throu ghput del ay jitter packe t loss CLIENT & INDOOR OUTDOOR NETWO RK - rJ.,'? V ~ w "V ._. ._. IV ._. IV -·~-~ "ve ._. v "v -,~. ~ Q] max 5% CEN TRAL SE RVICE ~ () C) C;) requncmeur min 323 kbps max 100 rns max 50 ms ";::> (j (IA.... . ." . I M' APPlICATION . ~. ~ OA'AD.\af K~' ~ Q] ,~ . Fig. 2 Hard ware co nfig uration for low cost tclcrncdic mc co mmu nication infras tructure In indoor netw o rk, a wireless router is con nected to medi cal dev ices through MOl a nd co nnected to outd oor network via switch. Outdoor netwo rk is ma in structure of wireless mes h netw or k. T his co nfiguration enables a communicat ion between client and ce ntral service or medical doc to r via Doctor-Med ica l Data Assistan t ( 0 MDA). T his enable s a lso mobile co mmunica tion bet wee n patient and medical doctor. C hara cteristic of WMN ou tdoor backhau l arc desc ribed in Tabl e 4 The operational frequenc y of 5.750 GH z has bee n used to o vercome dist ance a nd obstacles between backhaul co nnectio ns. Parameters for the W~lN indoor rout e r are de scribed in Table 5. T he o peratio nal freque ncy of WM N indoor route r is 2.470 G Hz. Table 4 WMN ou tdoo r bac khaul cha rac teristic va lue Parameter a ntenna T ype di rection al an tenna 10 dBi ga in tra nsm itter 10 d Bi ga in rece iver - 100 d Bm rece iver sensitivi ty 20 km _ line of sig ht ra nge , -, -_ _ -""-''''' 7 network interface I W input powe r (max) cha nnel freq uen cy 5.750 GH z. data rate 54 M b p ~ - Ta ble 5 WMN indoor ro uter characte nsnc Parame ter value anten na Ty pe om ni dire ction al ga in tran smitter 1 dR i ga in receiver 1 dBi -104 d Rill rcceiv er se nsiliv i'l: network inte rface input pow er (ma x) IO mW 11 Mbps data fate channel frequency 2.470 GHz NS2 versi o n 2.33 network simulato r has been used to simulate the OoS pa rameter incl udin g delay, thro ugh put. j itter a nd pac ket loss. Three pro tocols have bee n imple mented in the simulation. The si mula tion method and results are reported by Supnyanto et al. (2001l). Fig. 3 s hows throug hput as functio n of hop number. Simul ation result shows variatio ns o f throughput for eac h rou ting pro toco l. T he biggcr hop number, the sma ller through put. II is due to del ay and wai ting lime in rou ting mec han ism. DS[) V routi ng protoco l inferred its throughput better tha n the othe r pro tocols. Si mulat ion resul t s hows that the network able to tra nsfer the medical data up to 2 Mbps, eve n still more than 200 kbps for 6 hops. This result shown the a bility of network to fulfill the qood qua lity medical data transfe r rcqurremcr u. 384 - to the patient and MDlzb. Tab le 6 shows MOlz characteristics. M Dl zb bas the same operational frequency as MOlz, but the modulation is slightly different. Table 7 shows MDlzb characteri lies. I, ~ - --. Tab le 6 MD1zcharacteristic Va lue parame tcr Antenna type ornni antenna ga in transmitter I dBi gain receiver I dBi receiver sensitivity -92 dBm indoor cove rage range 30 m 100 m line of sight ranee Zi bee module 2.4 11 UHz channel frequency bandwidth 1.359 MHz data rate 115200 bp • 1 \ Fig. 3 Throughput com parison of each routing protoco l in EPT system . 4. W IRELESS MEDICAL INTERFACE In order to enable the connec tion belween common medical devices and network infrastructure. a wireless medical interface has been deve loped. The wireless medical interface is implemented using Zigbec and Bluctooth techno logy . Two kinds of wireless medical interface has been developed; MOlz and MDlzb. MOlz is a dev ice which acquires data from medical device and transmits it out through Zigbce network. while MDlzb coordinates the Z igbcc network as well as com mun icates wi th Medical Data Assistant through Bluetooth network. Med ical data is acquired by M Dlz and then added with a frame as shown in Fig. 4. The data is then transmitte d to MOlzb through Z igbee nerwork. MOlz IS ab le to send data up to 115200 bps. The bandw idth is more than enough for vital sign darn. The network has a PAN ID to differ with the other Zigbee networks. ~1 • ZlgBee Comm •j Bluel oot h Co mm " In, l l1'l tJ. lu l. d ECC o. lo'l r.. ~''' - Table 7 MDlzb charac teristic Value paramete r nienna omni ante nna type ga in transmitter I dBi ga in receive r I dB i average power -89 dBm line of si ilu ran c 100 m B lu etooth module 2.41 1 GHz channel frequency bandw idth 1.359 GHz data rate 723300 bps Fig. 5 shows block diagram of MOlz. Analog signa l from medical sensor is conditioned, digitized and processed by a processor. T he data from processor is converted to Zigbcc and then transm itted out. The data is arranged in a frame as shown in Fig. 6. II consists of device 10 , status, length of frame. data and checksum. The Zigbee module is bidirect ional. M 0 17 can rece ive the command through Zigbce module. \ 1 ,I> .t1 L tr l lMrr;lrt "'oItN IM P 0 YIl:_ ~ .. I / ~ I ,[) I, I J t 11 ' I -------, ., I~ , \ 'I\,h ll.1JIlJ nul ';'I ){: Fig. 5 ivID lz Block Diagram I," III T "'1 It1 1&., ,-lh t",u l, r I .t.. .. . ~ an Fig. 6 Data Frame of MOlz Fig. 4 Wireless medica l interface configu ration The MD lz was design ed for short range commu nication. betwee n the embedded dev ice attached - MDlzb coordinates thc Zigbcc network. It decides which medical device will comm unicate to in that time and give them priority based 0 11 their status, Fig. 7 shows block diagram of MOlzb. II consists of Zigbce module, two processors. D-Ialch, SRAI'v I, and Bluetooth modu le. Data from MDlz is received by Zigbcc module and processed by processor I. Delay may ignore the data. To overcome this matter. a 256kb SRAM is added as a data buffer. The data is then sent to processor 385 - 2 to add a frame as shown in Fig. 8 before transmitted out by Bluetooth module. Bluetooth data is acquired by mobile data assistant. The Bluetooth module is bidirectional. MDlzb can receive the command through Bluetooth module. 3 c CI ;;. di stance (m) Fig. 10 MDlzb Bluetooth signal strength Fig. I I shows the signal strength of communication between P-MOA and WLAN router using WiFi communication. Th is result shows that the cover of 10 meters still give high Signal to Noise Rauo (SNR) from wire less router sensitivity. Fig. 7 MDlzb block diagram •• ' ..., I I~ , h~lf' ~I' Hl I 1* '. 1I1,.r ' 1.... l. I tam l Ull 1 n.1 Ihlo Fig. 8 Data frame of MDlzb (I ~ -s ~ · 10 0 . - I- 5. TEST ING AND ANALYS IS T he testing has been done 10 '" ~ ~ II , 2 4 6 8 6 ~5 :;:. , .0 -3':> dist ance (01) Fig. I I Wireless router WiFi signal trengrh The network performance test result is shown in Tab le 8. The measuremen t is done for backhauls I km distance. The result show the noise rate varies from irs receiver sensitivity. The average signal for each backhaul in open space area with clear weather are in range of -26 and -28 dBm. This gives the SNR values of 72 dB for low SNR and 82 dB for high SNR. I) &j 4 c ~ -:!O investigate the network performance and the rcliability of system including wireless medical interface. Fig. 9 shows the test result for MDlz signal strength. iVI Dlz signal strength is the M Dlz power to receive the data between receiver at medical interface and transmitter at medical equipment commun ication using Zigbee communication. It should be higher rather than its receiver sensitivity (Signal Strength 2: R.'\ sensi tivity) from the specification of ;'vIDlz, Test res ult shows that for the distance up to 10 meters, the MOlz Signal strength gives the result higher than its receiver sensitivity at -92 dBm. - 2 11 .n Fig. 9 iVI Oil signal strength , The measurement has also been done for the data transmission between wireless medical interface and p, MDA client. Fig. 10 shows the signal strength of communication between medical inter faces through the P-tvlDA client using Bluetooth communication. Table 8 Network performance testing of each backhaul at I km noise noise signal band Location antenna high low strength (MHz) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) I 5180 -26 Location -9 -106 J 2 5180 -1 07 -28 -98 -26 Location J 5180 -98 - 108 2 4 5180 -28 -97 - 108 Location 5 5180 -26 -98 - 106 3 5180 -98 -26 6 -106 The testing has been done to transfer the medical data up to 2 Mbps. Test result shows the network is still able to fulfill the minimum requirement stated in Table J with excellent signal strength. 386 - Table'l) COfU1CC'tlon char acte ristic per hop betwee n REFERENCES backhaul hop dis tance (km , 2 .• ) )4 " AI·T aei, M., Tclcmedrcmc nee d" for mulnmcdia a nd inte grated '-C O ' Ice" d igua l netwo rk (IS DN). Proc. ICSC Co,,~n~.H m' COItlI'lIlallQnu/ /II/,.II/g ,." ce Melhodf and .Apl'hnJllfmJ, IEEE, Amman, Jo rdan . 2005. Ca bral. J.J. & K im, Y " \-iullimed ia svsrems for SNR dB ) 54 32.5 )0 4 62 4 ,I I T able 9 ~how~ the average vatucs from connecnce rma!>Urtmt'n1 In each number of hops. Hop is COUnlN: from the U~ In lOCAtion I 10 Illc desanauon in otber locanon . The dala rare ~as calculated from the a verage o f data ,ale of ca m user . Tt"!>tmg resu lts sbows that tilt' low COSt ltkma:hclI'le mfrastructu re w u nm 3 bop count with d IStl.~ lT1OI'e than J km fulfIlls the requirement o f rncdlC31 datI. rafc of more tlun 2.8 M bps for excellem q uallt) of mWicI. l da ta M!Xro \·c, . the ancnuatlOf1 of weather ':lnd ~lael~ . weh n bUilding and trtt lui decreased IItt' SN R value ,"TO low than 72 d B in disuf)CC' of U km. CO NC LUSION A novel low cost telemcdicine system us ing WMN ha s been su~sfu lly developed and tes ted The svstcm consists of wi~lC\s medica ! interface and commumca non infrastructure. T he ..... rrclcss medical interface using Zigbec and B l uetocth technctogy has been im pleme nted 10 enable the connection some mcdscal de vices to com munica tion infrastructure. The communicano n in fras truc tu re has been impleme nted us ing low COM 5.R G Hz transce ive r for back hauls and to w (·0:.1 2.4 G llz tra nsce iver for clie nts. 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Prot:. lhe :81h IEEE E.tIBS .4nm",1 Im ernali(Jnul Con{errnCif. :(){M. Yoo, S K. C1 :II.• Proto l)" p(' Iksign of Moblk Emergency Tdt'mt'dlClIlC System. Proc. ComplJ'oJI~1 X ".,1Ct! anJ I" .4pp1IC1l"on,~ , Spnngtt. Berlm. 2005 . ct tc lcrncdic inc system based 38i - al. Oil in Bi c:di 31 Ins I nd Dr -In I\luhammad lIaikal a tria rec iv d rh B.E. (200_) Unive . ita Indonesia and (2 from niversi al DUI E n, rern any . H I rom 1. c. burg PhD stud m in Faculty of Ele rI 31 Engm ring. Univ ers i I Tc:kn I \ala, ia , Ind r a lIa rd ian ;\'lulyad i rec iv d the B.E. (200·1) rom lnstitut T .knologi Bandung. He IS a Master student in Facultj of Electri a\ Enginee ring. Un ivcr iti T kn lou. Ma la ia. 388 -