EPC16 I/O Pins ver. 2.0 Table 1 shows the I/O pins for the EPC16 100-pin plastic quad flat pack (PQFP) package. Table 1. EPC16 Configuration Device Pins Pin Name Pin Type Input EXCLK Output DCLK Description External clock source. Configuration devices drive this signal to the programmable logic device (PLD) as a configuration clock. PLD configuration output data bus. PLD configuration output data bus. PLD configuration output data bus. PLD configuration output data bus. PLD configuration output data bus. PLD configuration output data bus. PLD configuration output data bus. PLD configuration output data bus. Configuration devices sense that OE goes high, before starting PLD configuration. Initiate configuration. Connected to CONF_DONE in the PLD. The PLD will drive it low, when OE asserted. Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) data input. JTAG data output. JTAG mode selection. JTAG clock Select one of eight pages that contains configuration data. Select one of eight pages that contains configuration data. Select one of eight pages that contains configuration data. Select 2 ms or 100 ms power-on reset (POR). Select test mode for configuration device. Select test mode for configuration device. Ground pins. No Connect pins. 100-Pin PQFP 61 11 n INIT _ CONF nCS Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Open-Drain Input/Output Output Input TDI TDO TMS TCK PGM1 PGM0 PGM2 PORSEL TM0 TM1 GND NC Input Output Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Supply No Connect Floating (1) BYTE# (2) VCC VCCW C -WE# Unconnected Input Supply Supply Output F -WE# CE# OE# RY/BY# (3) Input Input Input Output F - RP# Input C - RP# Output WP# F-A0 Input Input C-A0 Output Address input to flash memory. Should be connected to F-A0 on the board. 65 F-A1 Input Address input to flash memory. Should be connected to C-A1 on the board. 56 C-A1 Output Address input to flash memory. Should be connected to F-A1 on the board. 62 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. 55 54 53 52 51 50 34 32 31 29 28 DATA0 DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 DATA6 DATA7 OE Altera Corporation Unconnected pins. Flash byte enable. Connected to VCC. Power supply pins. Flash program/erase power supply. Controller write enable pin. Should be connected to F-WE# on the board. Flash write enable pin. Should be connected to C-WE# on the board. Flash pin that activates the flash memory. Flash pin that enables the drivers of flash output pins. Flash ready busy pin. Will be asserted when write or erase operation is completed. Flash pin which resets the flash memory. Should be connected to CRP# on the board. Flash pin that resets the flash memory. Should be connected to F-RP# on the board. Flash pin that should be tied to VCC or GND on the board. Address input to flash memory. Should be connected to C-A0 on the board. 73 84 88 91 96 10 9 8 23 16 60 42 44 48 35 13 14 15 66 71 40 2, 41, 58, 70, 69, 79 3, 4, 18, 19, 20, 30, 63, 64, 76, 77 7, 24, 57, 74 5 12, 22, 59, 67, 68, 92 43 33 38 78 80 37 39 72 45 75 1 EPC16 I/O Pins ver. 2.0 Table 1. EPC16 Configuration Device Pins Pin Name Pin Type Input A13 Input A14 Input F-A15 C-A15 Output F-A16 Input C-A16 Output A17 A18 A19 A20 (3) DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 DQ8 DQ9 DQ10 DQ11 DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15 Input Input Input Input Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Input/Output Description Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Should be connected to C-A15 on the board. Address input to flash memory. Should be connected to F-A15 on the board. Address input to flash memory. Should be connected to C-A16 on the board. Address input to flash memory. Should be connected to F-A16 on the board. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Address input to flash memory. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. Data bus that interface with flash memory and controller. 100-Pin PQFP 27 26 25 21 6 17 49 47 46 36 81 83 86 89 93 95 98 100 82 85 87 90 94 97 99 1 Notes: (1) These pins are internally connected within the package. That is why they should be left unconnected. (2) BYTE# should be connected to VCC. (3) A20 (pin 36) and RY/BY# (pin 37) should be floating in EPC16. Altera Corporation 2