HEIGHT MODERNIZATION USING FITTED GEOID MODELS AND MYRTKNET SOEB BIN NORDIN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA HEIGHT MODERNIZATION USING FITTED GEOID MODELS AND MYRTKNET SOEB BIN NORDIN A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of Master of Science (Geomatic Engineering) Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia August 2009 iii DEDICATION Teristimewa Buat Keluarga Tersayang Terima Kasih Untuk Segalanya iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my thesis supervisor Associate Professor Kamaludin Haji Mohd Omar for encouragement, guidance, critics and friendship. I am also very thankful to Dr. Abdul Majid Kadir, former Geodesy Section Director, Dr. Samad Hj Abu and Dr. Azhari Mohamed for their support in this research. I would like to thank all staff of Seksyen Geodesi, Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia especially Mr. David Chang Leng Hua, Encik Amram Mamat, Encik Riduan Mohamad, Encik Ismail Husin, Encik Wan Zulaini Abd. Razak and staff of Unit Pemprosesan Data Geodetik dan MASS who have provided me important data sets and assistance at various occasions. Their views and tips are useful indeed. Above all, I am deeply grateful to my beloved wife Atun and our children for their love, patience, support and understanding. Without their continued support, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. v ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the strategies for rapid height determination using the current Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. With steady economic growth in Malaysia since 1998, more highways, federal and states road have been built or have been widen. These development processes have somehow destroyed, damaged or disturbed the levelling benchmarks located along the routes. Currently the conventional method to require the levels of these benchmarks is costly and time-consuming. This study focuses on the theory, computation method and analysis of WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A revised models using GPS Virtual Reference Stations (VRS) technique for rapid height determination. The computation of WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A precise fitted geoid models was based on least squares collocation using the existing gravimetric geoid and newly observed geometric geoid separation. Analysis of the precise fitted geoid models have shown that the formal fitting errors were less than 4 cm. In addition, the validation process with external data sets has achieved 5 cm accuracy in terms of Root Mean Square (RMS). Assessment of GPS station coordinate consistency indicates the achievable accuracy (at 95% confidence region) from VRS technique is better than 3 cm horizontally, and better than 6 cm vertically. Further analysis using orthometric height comparison between published and derived height of levelling benchmarks using the combination of fitted geoid models with VRS technique have shown that the differences are better than 6 cm. The results showed that GPS levelling with precise fitted geoid model and VRS technique is relatively better than second class levelling survey at a lesser cost and time, and could be used to update existing levelling benchmark and establishing a new levelling routes in Malaysia. vi ABSTRAK Kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk meneliti strategi penentuan ketinggian secara pantas dengan menggunakan teknologi Global Positioning System (GPS) semasa. Dengan peningkatan ekonomi yang berterusan sejak 1998, pembinaan dan pelebaran rangkaian lebuhraya, jalan persekutuan dan negeri telah dilakukan. pembangunan ini walaubagaimana pun telah memusnah, merosakan Proses atau mengganggu tanda aras yang dibina di sepanjang laluan tersebut. Pada masa kini, proses ukuran semula secara konvensional adalah tidak praktikal, di mana akan melibatkan kos yang tinggi serta memerlukan masa yang panjang untuk disudahkan. Kajian ini memberi fokus utama kepada teori, kaedah penghitungan dan analisa model geoid jitu kesepadanan WMGeoid04 dan model geoid tersemak WMGeoid06A menggunakan kaedah GPS Virtual Reference Stations (VRS) untuk tujuan penentuan ketinggian secara pantas. Hitungan model geoid jitu kesepadanan iaitu WMGeoid04 dan WMGeoid06A adalah berasaskan kaedah least squares collocation dengan menggunakan model geoid gravimetrik sedia ada dan pisahan geoid geometrik yang baru. Analisa keatas model geoid jitu kesepadanan telah menunjukkan bahawa selisih kesepadanan formal adalah kurang dari 4 sm. Tambahan dari itu, proses validasi dengan menggunakan set data berlainan telah mencapai ketepatan 5 sm berdasarkan Root Mean Square (RMS). Penilaian keatas koordinat GPS telah menunjukkan bahawa ketepatan (darjah kebersanan 95%) lebih baik dari 3 sm untuk komponen mendatar dan 6 sm bagi komponen pugak telah dicapai dengan menggunakan kaedah VRS. Analisa selanjutnya adalah membandingkan nilai ketinggian tanda aras antara nilai terbitan dan nilai hitungan dengan menggunakan kombinasi model geoid jitu kesepadanan dan koordinat dari kaedah VRS, telah menunjukan kesepadanan adalah lebih baik dari 6 sm. Hasil kajian menunjukkan ukuran aras GPS dengan menggunakan model geoid jitu kesepadanan dan kaedah VRS adalah lebih baik dari ukuran aras relatif kelas kedua pada kos lebih rendah dengan masa yang singkat. Kaedah ini boleh di gunakan untuk mengemaskinikan tanda aras sedia ada dan mewujudkan laluan ukuran aras baru di Malaysia vii TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER DESCRIPTION TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENT vii LISTS OF TABLES xii LISTS OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 1 2 PAGE xviii INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Research Objective 5 1.4 Research Scope 6 1.5 Significant of Study 6 1.6 Research Methodology 7 1.7 Chapters Organisation 8 MODERN HEIGHT SYSTEM ELEMENTS AND GEODETIC INFRASTRUCTURES IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Height System Elements 11 2.2.1 The Geoid 11 viii 2.3 2.2.2 Mean Sea Level 12 2.2.3 Ellipsoid 13 Geodetic Infrastructures in Peninsular Malaysia 2.3.1 Tidal Stations Network 15 2.3.2 Vertical Datum and Levelling Network 17 2.3.3 GPS Network and Services Introduction 18 Peninsular Malaysia Primary 19 Geodetic Network 18 Malaysia Active GPS System (MASS) and MyRTKnet 2.3.4 MyGEOID 3 20 24 THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF GPS LEVELLING, GEOID FITTING AND VIRTUAL REFERENCE STATION 3.1 Introduction 26 3.2 GPS Levelling Concept 27 3.3 Geoid Fitting 30 3.4 Virtual Reference Station (VRS) 33 3.4.1 Introduction 33 3.4.2 Errors in Global Positioning System (GPS) 34 Atmosphere 34 a) Ionosphere 34 b) Troposphere 35 Satellite Orbits 36 Clock Errors 36 Multipath 36 Noise 37 3.4.3 Virtual Reference Stations Concept 37 Real-Time Ambiguity Resolution 38 Correction Generation Scheme 39 VRS Data Generation 40 3.4.4 Interpolation Technique 41 ix Linear Combination Model 41 Distance Based Linear Interpolation Method (DIM) 4 42 Linear Interpolation Method (LIM) 43 Least Square Collocation (LSC) 44 Comparison 46 METHODOLOGY FOR COMPUTATION AND ANALYSES OF WMGeoid04 MODEL AND WMGeoid06A REVISED MODEL 4.1 Introduction 47 4.2 MyGeoid for Peninsular Malaysia 48 4.2.1 Gravity Data Acquisition 48 4.2.2 Gravimetric Geoid Computation 51 4.3 WMGeoid04 Fitted Geoid Model 53 4.3.1 GPS Data Acquisition 53 4.3.2 GPS Data Processing and Adjustment 54 4.3.3 WMGeoid04 Fitted Geoid Computation 56 4.3.4 Analyses of WMGeoid04 Fitted Model 59 External Data Sets 60 a) Data Set DS-1 60 b) Data Set DS-2 61 c) Data Set DS-3 62 Analysis 63 x 4.4 WMGeoid06A Fitted Geoid Model 68 4.4.1 Introduction 68 4.4.2 GPS Data Acquisition 68 4.4.3 GPS Data Processing and Adjustment 69 Comparison 72 4.4.4 Mean Sea Level Information 73 4.4.5 WMGeoid06A Fitted Geoid Computation 73 4.4.6 Analysis of WMGeoid06A Fitted Model 76 Comparison With External Data Sets 4.5 5 Summary 76 79 QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF THE VIRTUAL REFERENCE STATION AND EVALUATION OF HEIGHT DETERMINATION WITH GEOID MODELS 5.1 Introduction 82 5.2 The Test Area 83 5.2.1 MASS and MyRTKnet Networks 83 5.2.2 GPS Stations 85 Assessment Method 85 5.3.1 Comparison with MASS Data 86 5.3.2 Comparison with GPS Stations 86 Data Processing and Comparison Analysis of 87 MASS Data 87 5.4.1 87 5.3 5.4 GPS Data Processing and Analyses Temporal Variation of Fixed Solution 5.4.2 Accuracy Assessment of Post-Process Network Based RTK 92 Horizontal Coordinate Difference 93 Vertical Coordinates Difference 5.5 89 101 Assessment of Network Based Real-Time Survey 105 5.5.1 105 Field Observation xi 5.5.2 5.6 5.7 6 Result and Analysis 105 Test and Evaluation 110 5.6.1 Method and Test Area 110 5.6.2 Comparison Analysis 111 Summary 116 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Conclusion 118 6.2 Recommendation 120 REFERENCES 122 xii LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page 4.1 Gravimetric Geoid Technical Details 52 4.2 Station Breakdown for Data Set 1 53 4.2 Network Adjustment Statistics 55 4.4 Comparison Statistics 57 4.5 LSC Fitting Parameters 58 4.6 LSC Fitting Statistics 59 4.7 Station Breakdown for Data Set DS-1 60 4.8 Absolute Errors (Data Set DS-1) 60 4.9 Relative Errors (Data Set DS-1) 60 4.10 Absolute Errors (Data Set DS-2) 61 4.11 Relative Errors (Data Set DS-2) 62 4.12 Absolute Error (Data Set DS-3) 62 4.13 Relative Errors (Data Set DS-3) 63 4.14 Network Adjustment Statistics 71 4.15 Ellipsoidal Height Difference 72 4.16 LSC Fitting Parameters 74 4.17 Comparison Statistics for Iteration #1 74 4.18 Fitting Statistics 76 4.19 Height Difference Statistic 78 4.20 Height Difference Statistic (filtered) 78 5.1 Equipment List for MASS station 84 5.2 Input Configuration 87 5.3 Statistical Summary for Horizontal Component 100 5.4 Statistical Summary for Vertical Component 104 5.5 Statistics of VRS Observation 106 5.6 Statistical Summary 109 xiii 5.7 Orthometric Height Difference (Kuala Lumpur) 112 5.8 Orthometric Height Difference (Johor) 112 5.9 Orthometric Height Difference (Putra Jaya) 113 5.10 Levelling Specification 115 xiv LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title Page 1.1 Research Methodology 7 2.1 Establishment of Height of Reference Benchmark 13 2.2 Tidal Stations Distribution in Malaysia 15 2.3 An Example of Tidal Stations in Peninsular Malaysia 16 2.4 Precise Levelling Network (Peninsular) 18 2.5 GPS Network 19 2.6 Existing MASS & MyRTKnet Stations 21 2.7 Proposed MyRTKnet Phase II Stations 22 2.8 Final gravimetric geoid for Peninsular Malaysia 25 3.1 Relationship between Three Reference Surfaces 27 3.2 Relative Relationship between Three Reference 28 Surfaces 4.1 Flight lines in Peninsular Malaysia 50 4.2 Surface gravity coverage in Peninsular Malaysia 50 4.3 Final gravimetric geoid for Peninsular Malaysia (WMG03A). Contour interval is 1 meter 53 4.4 Station's Distribution for Peninsular Malaysia 54 4.5 Network Error Ellipses (Absolute (Left) & Relative (Right)) 56 4.6 ∆N Variation 57 4.7 Corrector Surface plotted from Iteration-2 results 59 4.8 Station's Horizontal & Vertical Errors (Data Set DS-1) 61 4.9 Station's Distribution for Data Set DS-2 62 4.10 Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-1 – Iteration 1 64 xv 4.12 Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-2 – Iteration 1 65 4.13 Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-2 – Iteration 2 65 4.14 Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-3 – Iteration 1 66 4.15 Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-3 – Iteration 2 66 4.16 Station's Distribution for 2006 Data 69 4.17 Error Ellipses of 3-Days Adjustment 70 4.18 Network Error Ellipses (Absolute (Left) & Relative (Right)) 71 4.19 ∆N Variation 74 4.20 Corrector Surface plotted from Iteration-21 results 75 4.21 Height Difference (Unfiltered) 77 4.22 Height Difference Histogram (Unfiltered) 77 4.23 Height Difference (Filtered) 79 5.1 Location of UTMJ and J. Bahru Dense Network 84 5.2 Location of KTPK and Klang Valley Dense Network 84 5.3 Location of GPS Stations for Test Purposes 85 5.4 Number of Satellites and PDOP for KTPK (Top) and UTMJ (Bottom) on 27th August 2006 5.5 88 RMS (Blue) and Number of Satellites (Red) over 3 days for KTPK from 27th – 29th August 2006 5.6 89 RMS (Blue) and Number of Satellites (Red) over 3 days for UTMJ from 27th – 29th August 2006 5.7 90 RMS (Blue) and PDOP (Red) over 3 days for KTPK from 27th – 29th August 2006 5.8 91 RMS (Blue) and PDOP (Red) over 3 days for UTMJ from 27th – 29th August 2006 5.9 92 Latitude Difference over 3 days for KTPK from 27th – 29th August 2006 5.10 5.11 93 th Longitude Difference over 3 days for KTPK from 27 – 29th August 2006 94 Latitude Difference over 3 days for UTMJ from 27th – 29th August 2006 94 xvi 5.12 Longitude Difference over 3 days for KTPK from 27th – 29th August 2006 95 5.13 Ionosphere Index on 27th August 2006 96 5.14 Three Days Latitude Variation (Blue) and Ionosphere I95 (Red) for KTPK 5.15 Three Days Longitude Variation (Blue) and Ionosphere I95 (Red) for KTPK 5.16 98 Three Days Latitude Variation (Blue) and Ionosphere I95 (Red) for UTMJ 5.17 97 98 Three Days Longitude Variation (Blue) and Ionosphere I95 (Red) for UTMJ 99 5.18 Error in Northing (KTPK) 99 5.19 Error in Easting (KTPK) 99 5.20 Error in Northing (UTMJ) 100 5.22 Error in Easting (UTMJ) 100 5.23 Three Days Height Variation (Blue) and PDOP (Red) for KTPK 5.24 Three Days Height Variation (Blue) and I95 Index (Red) for KTPK 5.25 102 Three Days Height Variation (Blue) and PDOP (Red) for UTMJ 5.26 101 103 Three Days Height Variation (Blue) and I95 Index (Red) for UTMJ 103 5.27 Vertical Error (KTPK) 104 5.28 Vertical Error (UTMJ) 104 5.29 3-Dimensional Coordinates Difference for E0014 106 5.30 3-Dimensional Coordinates Difference for E0015 107 5.31 3-Dimensional Coordinates Difference for E0146 107 5.32 3-Dimensional Coordinates Difference for E1220 108 5.33 Coordinate Error in Northing Component 109 5.34 Coordinate Error in Vertical Component 109 5.35 Coordinate Error in Vertical Component 110 5.36 MyRTKnetStat Program Example 111 xvii 5.37 GPS Levelling Using WMGeoid04 114 5.38 Relative GPS Levelling Using WMGeoid06A 114 5.39 Relative Precision Comparison 115 xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS DEM - Digital Elevation Model DSMM - Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia EMPGN2000 - East Malaysia Primary Geodetic Network 2000 GLONASS - Russian’s Global Navigation Satellite System GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System GPS - Global Positioning System GRS80 - Geodetic Reference System 1980 IGS - International GNSS Services ITRF2000 - International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency JUPEM - Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia LSD1912 - Land Survey Datum 1912 MASS - Malaysia Active GPS System MSL - Mean Sea Level MyRTKnet - Malaysia RTK Network NCGS - North Carolina Geodetic Survey NGS - National Geodetic Survey NGVD - National Geodetic Vertical Datum NHM - National Height Modernization NHMS - National Height Modernization Study NPLN - National Precise Levelling Network NSRF - National Spatial Reference Frame PMPGN2000 - Peninsular Malaysia Primary Geodetic Network 2000 PMSGN94 - Peninsular Malaysia Scientific Geodetic Network 1994 RMK - Rancangan Malaysia RTK - Real Time Kinematic SST - Sea Surface Topography xix TEC - Total Electron Contents TON - Tidal Observation Network VRS - Virtual Reference Station WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Background In the recent years, an accurate height of points is always being determined by a levelling technique that is usually referred as the adopted Mean Sea Level (MSL). Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM), also known as the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM) has been carrying out levelling survey to establish a precise levelling network for the whole country since the early 1960’s. While the adjustment of the precise levelling network in Peninsular Malaysia has been completed in 1998, the re-adjustment process is still ongoing, with the levelling networks in Sabah and Sarawak are still not unified and always being referred to various vertical datum. With the increasing capability of Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites and its computation techniques, the use of GPS for height determination has rapidly increased. This brings forward the question whether the slow and expensive levelling can be replaced by GPS, or at least, levelling errors can be controlled. There are two (2) different things to consider, which the accuracy of the GPS itself and also the accuracy of the geoid model that needed to transform heights above the ellipsoid into orthometric. For several years, a precise geoid determination in Malaysia has been done with collaboration with other institutions locally and abroad. However, the previous geoid determination study was based on projects basis and concentrate on a small area that has dense gravity data with main goal is to compute a geoid model for 2 whole of Malaysia. In 2003, JUPEM had carried out airborne gravity survey that covers whole of Peninsular Malaysia as well as in Sabah and Sarawak with the main objective is to compute precise gravimetric geoid models across the country. In 2005, JUPEM has launched MyGEOID and MyRTKnet to provide public users with a complete infrastructure that can be utilized. The achievable accuracy with MyGEOID is around 5 cm (1σ) and 10 cm (1σ) for Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak respectively. These figures are still far from the anticipated accuracy of 1 cm (1σ) that has been achieved in certain area in Europe. The accuracy of MyGEOID can be increased with the densification of gravity data and more benchmarks observed with GPS. Geoid determination has been one of the main research areas in Science of Geodesy for decades. With the wide spread use of GPS in geodetic applications, research institutes and relevant agencies responsible for geodetic positioning have invested million of dollars to precisely determine the local/regional geoid. All with an aim to replace the geometric levelling, which is a tedious measurement work compared to the GPS surveying techniques. The National Height Modernization (NHM) program in the United States of America has been established to update the vertical component of the existing spatial geodetic reference framework. This program is meant for those areas with many geodetic monuments, destroyed either by development or compromised by seismic and subsidence activity. The North Carolina Geodetic Survey (NCGS) has conducted a National Height Modernization Study (NHMS) to compare the accuracies and staff-hour costs of elevations, determined by traditional levelling versus by using Global Positioning System (GPS). Similar cost comparison studies are being conducted as part of the National Height Modernization program in northern and southern California, especially in areas experiencing any crustal motion or subsidence. The staff hour comparison between levelling and GPS has shown that the GPS survey took 27% less time than the comparable levelling survey, which re- 3 instate the fact that the staff-hour cost to conduct an elevation project by GPS was 73% less than by conventional levelling. A group of researchers from National Geodetic Survey (NGS) United State of America have been actively performing studies to improve the GPS Levelling technique. With the completion of the general adjustment of the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), computation of an accurate national highresolution geoid model (currently GEOID03 with new models under development) (Roman et al. 2004), and publication of NGS’ Guidelines for Establishing GPSDerived Orthometric Heights (Standards: 2 cm and 5 cm) (Zilkoski et al. 2005), GPS-derived orthometric heights can provide a viable alternative to classical geodetic levelling techniques for many applications. Orthometric heights (H) are referenced to an equipotential reference surface, e.g., the geoid. The orthometric height of a point on the Earth's surface is the distance from the geoidal reference surface to the point, measured along the plumb line, normal to the geoid. Ellipsoid heights (h) are referenced to a reference ellipsoid. At the same point on the surface of the earth, the difference between an ellipsoid height and an orthometric height is defined as the geoid height (N). Several error sources which affect the accuracy of orthometric, ellipsoid, and geoid height values are generally common to neighbouring points. Because these error sources are common, the uncertainty of height differences between nearby points is significantly smaller than the uncertainty of the absolute heights of each point. Adhering to NGS’ earlier guidelines, ellipsoid height differences (dh) over short base lines, i.e., not more than 10 km, can now be determined to better than +/- 2 cm (with 2-sigma uncertainty) from GPS phase measurements. Adding in small error for uncertainty of geoid height difference and controlling remaining systematic differences between the three height systems, will typically produce a GPS-derived orthometric height with 2-sigma uncertainties, with +/- 2 cm local accuracy. Geoid height differences can be determined (in selected areas nationwide) with uncertainties that are typically better than 1 cm for distances up to 20 km, and less than 2-3 cm for distances between 20 and 50 km. When using high-accuracy field procedures for precise geodetic levelling, orthometric height differences can be computed with an uncertainty of less than 1 cm over a 50-kilometer distance. 4 Depending on the accuracy requirements, GPS surveys and current high-resolution geoid models can be used, instead of the classical levelling methods. Rene Forsberg from Geodynamics Department, Danish National Space Centre is one of the well known figures in geoid determination study. He is also the lead scientist for the Airborne Gravity Survey and Geoid Determination Project for Malaysia in 2003. Summarising the Project (Forsberg, 2005), the geoid fitting is, however, not at the expected accuracy level, which is probably due to occasional errors in levelling and/or GPS data (especially antenna offsets to levelling points are often a source of error). Crustal movements can also play a role if subsidence has occurred between the epochs of levelling and GPS observation. To further improve the Malaysian geoid models he recommends these following actions: - Carefully analyze levelling networks, and possibly perform a new adjustment including analysis of subsidence and land uplift (where possible by repeated surveys). - Reanalyze GPS connections and antenna heights at levelling benchmarks. - Resurvey by levelling and GPS of selected, suspected erroneous points with large geoid outliers. - Make a new GPS-fitted version of the gravimetric geoid as new batches of GPS-levelling data become available, and as RTK-GPS users report problem regions for heights. 1.2 Problem Statement The geodetic reference frame for Peninsular Malaysia has been realised through the setting-up of the Malaysia Active GPS System (MASS) in 1999. For the vertical reference system, the National Precise Levelling Network (NPLN) was completed in 1998. Peninsular Malaysia used National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) that was established in 1995 for its height reference. 5 With steady economic growth in Malaysia since 1998, more expressways, highways, federal and states road have been built or have been widen. The processes have somehow destroyed, damaged or disturbed the benchmark located along the route. Since 2000, DSMM have started to re-survey selected precise levelling route with new planted benchmarks to support survey and mapping industries. Currently the conventional re-surveying processes are quite impractical since the cost is expensive and time consuming. The purpose of this study is to look into the strategy for rapid height determination using the current GPS technology for height establishment purposes as well as for height monitoring system. The research will involve in analysis of the existing WMGeoid04 fitted geoid models, refining the WMGeoid04 with more data and studying the capability of MyRTKnet services of Virtual Reference Station (VRS) in height determination. The process will include data validation, fitting by collocation process and statistical evaluation of the results. 1.3 Research Objectives The main objectives of this study are: i. To investigate, analyse and to refine the existing WMGeoid04 fitted geoid model. ii. To study the capability of MyRTKnet’s Virtual Reference Station (VRS) for height determination. . 6 1.4 Research Scopes In order to achieve the research objectives, the scope of works will involve the following procedures: i. Analyses of WMGeoid04 fitted geoid model. ii. To study and analyse the capability of MyRTKnet’s VRS for height determination. iii. Designing of GPS on Benchmark network to refine the WMGeoid04 fitted geoid model on selected area. iv. Observations and data processing for GPS project in Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur, Kluang and Johor Bahru. 1.5 v. Geoid fitting by Least Squares Collocation process. vi. Evaluation, analyses and summarisation. Significant of Study The significances of this study includes:i. To study the capability of rapid height determination using the latest technology of GPS and geoid models that can be used by the surveying communities and other public users. ii. To study, compute and assessment of precise fitted geoid models for Peninsular Malaysia. iii. Understanding and assessment of Virtual Reference System infrastructure in Malaysia and its technology. 7 1.6 Research Methodology Research methodologies will be divided into several stages in order to achieve the objectives of this study. In general, the methodologies are depicted in Figure 1.1. LITERATURE REVIEW ANALYSIS OF WGeoid04 FITTED GEOID MODEL ANALYSING THE CAPABILITY OF MyYRTKnet’s VRS GPS OBSERVATION ON BENCHMARK AND DATA PROCESSING • Session length • Data processing • Network Adjustment • • • GEOID FITTING Data validation Filtering Evaluation ANALYSIS AND RESULTS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Figure 1.1: Research Methodology 8 1.7 Chapter’s Organisation This thesis is consists of six (6) chapters. Chapter 1 will mainly discuss on the research background, objectives, scopes, contributions and methodologies. Chapter 2 describes the elements of modern height system and overview of the current geodetic infrastructures in Peninsular Malaysia. Chapter 3 comprises of theoretical aspects of GPS Levelling, Virtual Reference System concept and geoid fitting. Chapter 4 will highlight on analyses of WMGeoid04 fitted geoid models, GPS data processing and adjustment of new GPS on Benchmark Project and analyses of WMGeoid06A revise model. Quality assessments of Virtual Reference Station (VRS) and statistical evaluation of geoid models using VRS are covered in Chapter 5 while conclusions and recommendations are in Chapter 6. 9 CHAPTER 2 MODERN HEIGHT SYSTEM ELEMENTS AND GEODETIC INFRASTRUCTURES IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA 2.1 Introduction A modern system in a modern surveying and mapping communities requires the ability to measure elevations relative to mean sea level (MSL) in the easiest, most accurate and at the lowest possible cost. The application ranges from cadastral surveys up to the sea level rise monitoring; from navigation and mapping to the use of remote sensing for resource management; from mineral exploration until the assessment of potential flooding areas; from the construction and precise positioning of dams and pipelines to the interpretation of seismic disturbances. The height reference system also has been implicated in many legal documents regarding land management and safety such as easement process, flood control, and boundary demarcation. All of these applications depend on the universal compatibility of a common coordinate reference system where geo-referenced information can reliably be interrelated and exploited. The spirit levelling technique is a well-known approach that has been conducted for more than 200 years. Although it is an inherently accurate method to determining height differences, spirit levelling is costly and difficult to undertake, especially in remote areas. It involves making differential height measurements between two vertical graduated rods, approximately 100 metres apart, using a tripod mounted telescope whose horizontal line of sight is controlled to better than one second of arc by a spirit level vial or a suspended prism. This process is repeated in a 10 leapfrog fashion to produce elevation differences between established benchmarks that comprise the height reference system. The alternative approach to spirit levelling for the creation of a vertical datum is geoid modeling. If the two approaches were errorless, it would produce the same results. Geoid modeling has been defined in relation to an ellipsoid (e.g. GRS80), that approximates the overall shape of the earth including the geoid, which corrects for local variations in the Earth’s gravity field. Space-based Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as the United States’ Global Position System (GPS), Russia’s GLONASS, and the proposed European Galileo system, all are based on networks of satellites that send out radio signals to portable receivers. They provide accurate positions at any time, in any weather and at any place globally. These systems continue to improve in accuracy and provide ease of use, gaining acceptance as the choice for geo-referencing tools among the geomatics and scientific communities. They are all capable of providing topographic height information when their inherent 3D information is combined with the geoid information. Systems such as GPS provide both an inexpensive means for users to obtain consistent heights connected to the 3D reference system, and also the means for geomatics agencies to maintain the 3D reference system at lower cost. Unfortunately, the existing height reference system is not compatible with GPS and requires modernization to fully support and realize the substantial benefits of GPS and related modern technologies for accurate height measurement. Height modernization is an effort to enhance the vertical component of the existing Peninsular Malaysia Primary Geodetic Network 2000 (PMPGN2000) and East Malaysia Primary Geodetic Network 2000 (EMPGN2000), which will form the National Spatial Reference Frame (NSRF). NSRF is a consistent national reference framework that specifies latitude, longitude, mean sea level and ellipsoidal height throughout Malaysia. Height modernization includes a series of activities designed to advance and promote the determination of high accuracy elevations through the 11 use of Global Positioning System (GPS) surveying, rather than by classical line-ofsight levelling. The height modernisation concept was introduced by National Geodetic Survey (NGS), United States of America in the late 1990s, with aims to provide accurate knowledge of size, shape, and position of an environment, as seen almost daily in the construction and safety of roads and buildings, the transportation of goods and people by car, ship or plane, as well as in the monitoring and protection of our environment. In the following sub-sections, the main elements of a modern height system will be discussed in details and the relationship between them will be considered in turn. 2.2 Height System Elements Modern reference frames, such as ITRF2000 (Altamimi, 2002) use spacebased techniques to provide a fully three-dimensional reference frame. In practice, separate horizontal and vertical datum is being used. The horizontal datum will utilized a three-dimensional frame, but only the horizontal components (latitude and longitude on a chosen ellipsoid) are used. The vertical reference frame is traditionally being tied to the geoid, which is closely approximated by MSL. At a conceptual level, all national vertical datum are using the same reference frame - the geoid. 2.2.1 The Geoid A surface on which the gravity potential value is constant is called an equipotential surface. As the value of the potential surface varies continuously, it can be recognised infinitely by the following prescription: W(n) = const. (2.1) 12 These equipotential surfaces are convex everywhere above the earth and never cross each other anywhere. By definition, the equipotential surfaces are horizontal everywhere and are thus called sometime the level surfaces. One of these infinitely many equipotential surfaces is the geoid, one of the most important surfaces used in geodesy. The geoid is commonly defined as the equipotential surface of the Earth’s gravity field. The equipotential surface is being defined by a specific value of gravity potential of W0 which closely coincides with undisturbed mean sea level while ignoring oceanographic effects or in some sense, approximating the MSL at its best. 2.2.2 Mean Sea Level Vertical datum as known by many as the base for height reference and always being realized as the zero reference for the height. In the case of geodetic levelling, the datum is a level surface where the bench marks heights are being referred. Until a few years ago, it was understood and believed that the mean sea level (MSL) should theoretically coincide with the geoid, or the difference of the two surfaces was negligible. With this belief, geodesist and other geo-scientist held numerous efforts on determining a vertical reference for the vertical datum where it directly refers to the task of determining the position of the mean sea level. To determine MSL value, the local instantaneous sea level (HISL) is being recorded continuously. Based on the average tidal observation for a certain period, a local MSL can be obtained. The period over which MSL would be recorded may also vary from country to country. A reference tide gauge bench mark is then established and height above mean sea level (HMSL) should be calculated as depicted in schematic diagram in Figure 2.1. The reference bench mark act as the national vertical datum and all bench marks heights in the interconnecting levelling network determine by the accumulating height difference from this bench mark. 13 Figure 2.1: Establishment of Height of Reference Bench Mark Due to external data such as sea surface topography (SST), many nations will chose either the MSL record at a single tide gauge site, or the MSL record at several sites to define their vertical datum. The former has been the practice in Peninsular Malaysia whereby establishing the vertical datum is done by adopting tide gauge station in Port Klang as the reference MSL. If the latter is being considered, the datum can be potentially distorted if MSL at the different sites was not on the same equipotential surface. The end result is that national vertical datum tends to differ from each other, due to the differences in SST at the tide gauge sites. However, with enough information on SST the national vertical datum can be realised using all available tide gauges in the country. 2.2.3 Ellipsoid Normally, in geodetic applications, three different surfaces or earth figures are involved. In addition to the earth's natural or physical surface, these include a geometric or mathematical reference surface, the ellipsoid, and an equipotential 14 surface called the geoid. Although the geoid is smooth and continuous, it is rather complex surface to be mathematically defined. Instead, an ellipsoid is usually being used as the datum for horizontal control networks in place of the geoid surfaces. The presently global best fits and widely used ellipsoids are the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80) and World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84). Modern satellite technology has greatly improved the determination of the Earth’s ellipsoid and WGS 84 was designed for use as the reference system for GPS. Although an ellipsoid has many geometric and physical parameters, it can be fully defined by any four independent parameters. All the other parameters can be derived from the four defining parameters. The WGS84 Coordinate System is a conventional terrestrial reference system. When selecting WGS84 ellipsoid and associated parameters, the original WGS84 Development Committee decided to adhere closely to the IUGG’s approach in establishing and adopting GRS80. GRS80 has four defining parameters: (1) Semi-Major axis (a = 6378137 m) (2) Earth’s Gravitational Constant (GM = 3986005 x 108 m3/s2) (3) Earth’s Dynamic (J2 = 108263 x 108) (4) Angular Velocity of the Earth (ω = 7292115 x 10-11 rad/s) Besides the same values of a and ω as GRS80, the current WGS84 (National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 2000) uses both an improved determination of the geocentric gravitational constant (GM = 3986004.418 x 108 m3/s2) and, as one of the four defining parameters, the reciprocal (1= f /298.257223563) of flattening instead of J2. This flattening is derived from the normalized second-degree zonal gravitational coefficient (C2,0) through an accepted, rigorous expression, and turned out slightly different from the GRS80 flattening because the C2,0 value is truncated in the normalization process. The small differences between the GRS80 ellipsoid and the current WGS84 ellipsoid have virtually no practical consequence. 15 2.3 Geodetic Infrastructures in Peninsular Malaysia 2.3.1 Tidal Stations Network The technological advances in the field of surveying and the demand for an accurate height control among users have prompted the DSMM to improve the existing height control. In its effort to redefine a new National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), DSMM has implemented the Tidal Observation Project in early 1980’s. The establishment of the Tidal Observation Network (TON) in Malaysia has been commenced in 1983. This project was initialised and carried out by DSMM with the cooperation of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). By end of 1995, there are twenty-one (21) tide stations were established and in operation, where nine (9) stations are located in Sabah and Sarawak and the rest in Peninsular Malaysia. However, the tide station located in Miri, Sarawak has been damaged since December 1998 due to unforeseen mishaps but then has been subsequently reestablished in 2006. 10 8 Kudat Langkawi Geting Kota Kinabalu Sandakan 6 Penang Labuan Chendering Lahat Datu Miri Lumut Kuantan 4 Bintulu 9Mw Klang Tawau Tioman Tg. Keling 2 Tg. Sedili J. Bahru Kukup Sejingkat 0 -2 -4 -6 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 Figure 2.2: Tidal Stations Distribution in Malaysia 120 16 The tide stations are distributed evenly along the coast and the locations are being selected to monitor typical characteristics of tides of the adjacent sea. These stations are constructed on a rigid shore or on a stable structure, extended into the sea. An example of a Tide gauge station is shown in Figure 2.3. The Geodesy Section, DSMM is responsible for the monitoring of these tide gauge stations. It involves a regular maintenance of the gauges, as well as the collecting, processing, analysing and distributing the observed tidal data. The observed tidal data and other related values are being published annually by DSMM in two reports, titled The Tidal Observation Record and The Tidal Prediction Table. To obtain reliable data, tides are being observed systematically at all stations continuously, over a common period for many years. The tide gauges are wellmaintained through regular visits for preventive maintenance to ensure an uninterrupted observation. In addition, the measurement of zero point is being done during the monthly visits to ensure that the tidal height recorded on the tide gauge is measured from a fixed reference point. The height differences between the tide gauge base points, the standard tidal benchmark (including other benchmarks) are being observed twice a year by precise levelling. The levelling is useful in order to monitor any possible vertical movement of the tidal observation platform. Figure 2.3: An Example of Tidal Station in Peninsular Malaysia 17 2.3.2 Vertical Datum and Levelling Network Benchmark values are one of the products of the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM) to support various activities in the field of geodetic, mapping, engineering surveys and other related scientific studies. In Peninsular Malaysia, a levelling network was started in 1912, using the Land Survey Datum 1912 (LSD1912). Since then, it has been used as a basis for the secondary levelling. However, the measurement carried out was not in a uniform manner and the network adjustment was not homogeneous. The technological advances in the field of surveying, and the demand for an accurate height control among users has prompted the DSMM to improve the existing height control. In its effort to redefine a new National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) for Peninsular Malaysia, DSMM has implemented three projects in early 1980’s. These projects were the Tidal Observation Project, the Precise Levelling Project and Gravity Survey Project and had the following objectives. • Tidal Observation Project : to determine the MSL and tide studies. • Precise Levelling Project : connecting the tide gauges with precise Levelling (Figure 2.4). • Gravity Survey Project : providing orthometric corrections for heights. The vertical control in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak was constructed separately. The new height datum for Peninsular Malaysia was determined in 1994 were based on the mean sea level (MSL) value, obtained from the tide gauge in Port Klang after more than 10 years of observation (i.e 1984 to 1993). The height was transferred from Port Klang using precise levelling to a Height Monument in Kuala Lumpur by 3 different precise levelling routes. 18 Padang Besar Bukit Kayu Hitam 6.50 Kangar r 6.00 Pulau Langkawi THAILAND Naka Geting Alor Setar Kota Bharu Gurun Sik Kuala Terengganu Baling 5.50 Pulau Pinang Chendering Gerik Butterworth Kg. Sumpitan 5.00 Gua Musang Bagan Serai Ipoh 4.50 Ayer Tawar Lumut Benta Jerantut Sitiawan 4.00 Behrang Sg. Besar Kuantan Gambang Bentong Kuala Kubu 3.50 Tg. Gelang Tranum Temerloh 3.00 Pelabuhan Kelang Muadzam Kuala Lumpur Serting Kelang Seremban Linggi 2.50 Jaringan Ukuran Aras Jitu Kg. Awah Leban Chondong Keratong Bahau Pulau Tioman Pedas Ayer Keroh Segamat Jemaluang Melaka 2.00 Tg. Keling Junction Point Kluang Ayer Hitam Stesen Tolok Air Pasang Surut Batu Pahat Skudai Johor Baru Pontian Kechil n 1.50 Kukup 99.50 100.00 100.50 101.00 101.50 102.00 102.50 103.00 Sedili Kota Tinggi SINGAPURA A 103.50 104.00 Figure 2.4: Precise Levelling Network (Peninsular) 2.3.3 GPS Network and Services Introduction DSMM is the responsible agency for the establishment and maintenance of horizontal and vertical control points for geodetic applications. With the advent of Global Positioning System or GPS has prompted DSMM to establish and to provide users with GPS services along side with the latest development in surveying and mapping technology. GPS was introduced to DSMM in late 1989. To date, it has been used in the establishment of GPS networks in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. The socalled passive networks in Peninsular Malaysia, such as the Peninsular Malaysia Scientific Geodetic Network 1994 (PMSGN94), has served its purpose relatively 19 well, especially in mapping and engineering applications. In 1998 and 2004, DSMM has established two active GPS networks known as the Malaysia Active GPS System (MASS) and Malaysian Real Time Kinematic Network (MyRTKnet) to serve the nation with an advanced mapping technology. Peninsular Malaysia Primary Geodetic Network A GPS network consists of 238 stations (as in Figure 2.5) has been observed in Peninsular Malaysia using four Ashtech LX II dual frequency receivers. The acquired data was processed and adjusted in 1993. The main objectives were to establish a new GPS network, analyse the existing geodetic network and obtain transformation parameters between WGS84 of GPS and Malayan Revised Triangulation (MRT). In the network adjustment, a minimally constrained adjustment was made with Kertau, Pahang (Origin) held fixed. The coordinates of Kertau are in approximate WGS84 and derived from Doppler coordinates of NSWC 9Z-2 reference frame. The Ashtech processing software with broadcast ephemeris has been used for the determination of the baseline solutions. The relative accuracy of the network is 1-2 ppm for horizontal coordinates and 3-5 ppm for vertical. THAILAND P299 TG38 P298 S136 TG56 DOP5 P296 P304 P297 TG35 P295 6.00 K350 P293 P305 P808 P306 P307 P289 P290P292 P288 P291 P314 TG36 P249 P809 P309 P308 TG42 P310 P277 P287 P283 P285 P286 P222 P276 P313 P280 P279 P275P272 P271 P278 TG26 P273 P274 P270 P281 L A T I T U D E P209 P204 P205 P102 P207 S290 P211 P210 P203 P202 P101 P263 P220 G003 GP04 P254 P268 P500 P216 P217 GP26 P229 P261 P260 GP27 P257 P227 P258 P226 GP28 TG18 GP86 GP25 GP22 GP24 DOP3 TG15 GP34 GP35 GP33 GP08 G100 GP19 GP18 GP99 GP88 GP87 GP21 149B DOP1 GP20 GP98 TG06 TG01 GP09 GP10 GP94 GP95 GP38 TG11 GP40 GP89 TG05 TG20 GP37 GP80 GP36 GP23 GP17 TG13 TG24 TG14 GP79 GP32 GP39 GP41 GP42 GP43 GP14 GP11 GP12 GP13 TG04 M331 TG03 GP15 2.0 GP44 GP47 TG09 GP48 GP84 GP56 GP57 GP61 GP16 GP85 Figure 2.5: GPS Network P259 GP81 GP31 GP45 251.00 3.0 P256 P228 P218 P215 TG25 T190 GP29 GP30 GP05 GP06 P255 P219 P201 GP82 P105 P267 P214 TG58 P213 TG57 P351 TG59 P212 P352 P269 GP02 T200 GP07 4.0 P223 P083 P221 P265 P264 P238 P237 P236 P232 P235 P234 T283 P233 P107P251 P231 P252 P106 P230 P253 P224 P311 P282 TG33 5.00 P250 DOP4 P243 P242 P248 TG61 TG27 P244 P239 TG28 P245 P247 TG31 P240 P225 P246 P241 GP58 GP59 GP60 GP55 GP91 13DJ GP53 GP51 GP49 GP50 TG19 J416 DOP2 TD01 GP90 GP54 TG07 TG10 GP52 SINGAPORE 100.0 101.0 102.0 LONGITUDE 103.0 104.0 20 Malaysia Active GPS System (MASS) and MyRTKnet Originally, the concept of having network of the unstaffed, permanently configured GPS facilities which collect GPS data automatically has been evolving at JUPEM since 1996 (DSMM, 2003). Malaysia Active GPS System (MASS) is the first GPS active network established in 1998 by DSMM in providing 24 hours GPS data for users in Malaysia. This network has been completed in 2002, with 18 stations serving the nation around the clock continuously. The primary objective of MASS is to provide local users with GPS data, bearing latency of 24 hours. The MASS data are being made available to the public by DSMM either via Internet or by request. The data are being made available in daily observation batches (i.e. from 0000 to 24 hours) and in a compressed form. The links to ITRF2000 for MASS network were made by acquiring GPS data from Eleven (11) International GNSS Services (IGS) stations around Malaysia of the same period for processing and reference frame determination. Data processing was carried out using precise satellites orbits also acquired from IGS. The Bernese scientific GPS processing software has been used in the processing of the acquired data. In line with the government's effort to push Malaysia to achieve as a developed nation status by the year 2020, various initiatives have been drawn up to bring the country closer to the objective. One of the initiatives is using a real-time survey technology for the improvement of services and dissemination of various geodetic products rendered by DSMM. Real Time Kinematic (RTK) survey method is the latest innovation of relative positioning, where two receivers are being linked by radios simultaneously while collecting observations. Currently, RTK has been widely used for surveying and other precise positioning applications. The new generation of RTK, known as “Virtual Reference Station” consists of networks of GPS reference stations, continuously connected via tele-communication network to the control center. A computer at the control center continuously gathers the information from all 21 receivers and creates a living database of Regional Area Corrections. With VRS system, one can establish a virtual reference station at any point and broadcast the data to the roving receivers. In order to take full advantage of the real-time VRS system, DSMM has established a network of permanently running GPS base stations, at spacing from 30 to 1500 km, feeding GPS data to a processing centre via a computer network. A central facility has been set up to model the spatial errors which limit the GPS accuracy through a network solution and then, generate corrections for roving receivers, so it can be positioned anywhere inside the network with an accuracy better than a few centimeters to a few decimeters, in real time. At the same time, a web site has been made available to download the GPS data for post-processing solutions. Currently, Malaysia has 27 RTK reference stations for the network, covering the whole Peninsular Malaysia and two (2) major cities in Sabah and Sarawak. Each reference station is being equipped with a Trimble 5700 GPS receiver, antenna, power supply and modem to communicate with the control centre via Internet Protocol Virtual Private Network (IPVPN) communication infrastructure. ARA U 6.50 GETI UUMK LGKW 6.00 RTP J SGPT USMP 5.50 KUA L GRIK BKPL S ELM BABH 5.00 MARG GMUS IPOH Latitude 4.50 JUIP PUP K 4.00 KUA N BEHR 3.50 KKBH P EKN TLOH K TPK M ERU 3.00 UPM S KLAW BANT SEGA MASS Stations 2.50 ME RS MyRTKnet Stations JUML 2.00 Major City KLUG UTMJ State's Capital 1.50 JHJY Major Town KUKP 99.50 100.00 100.50 101.00 101.50 102.00 102.50 103.00 103.50 TGP G 104.00 104.50 105.00 Longitude Figure 2.6: Existing MASS & MyRTKnet Stations 22 Under the 9th Malaysian Plan or Rancangan Malaysia Ke Sembilan (RMK-9), DSMM is planning to expand the network in order to cover Peninsular Malaysia and all major town/settlement in Sabah and Sarawak. The MyRTKnet network expansion will upgrade all the existing MASS stations with real time data-producing capability. Figure 2.7: Proposed MyRTKnet Phase II Stations Generally, the MyRTKnet system provides the following levels of GPS correction and data: (a) High Accuracy VRS Correction i) Within the limits of MyRTKnet dense, MyRTKnet provides Real Time Kinematic Network GPS corrections with accuracies of 1-3 cm horizontally and 3-6 cm vertically. 23 ii) Distance-dependent errors are being considerably minimised with the utilisation of the MyRTKnet network, achieving increased accuracy and reliability. The above stated accuracy is still achievable within a distance of 30 km away from the dense network. iii) Other areas outside the 30 km radius from the dense network will have corrections with accuracy of 10 cm throughout. (b) Single Base Real-Time Correction This correction is provided for area within 30 km from the MyRTKnet single reference station with an accuracy of 2 to 4 cm horizontally and 4 to 8 cm vertically. (c) Virtual RINEX Data i) Within the larger limits of the MyRTKnet system, stated in para (a), it provides data for post-processing of static survey sessions, enhancing the positions by an order of 1 cm limit. The data is being provided in the standardised RINEX format and made available via password protected internet website. ii) Data can be downloaded at any interval, ranging from 0.1-60 seconds, as specified on the website. 24 2.3.4 MyGEOID The Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM) has embarked on the Airborne Gravity Survey, with one of the objectives is to compute the local precise geoid for Malaysia within centimeter level of accuracy. With the availability of the precise geoid, the "missing" element of GPS system has been solved. The Malaysian geoid project (MyGEOID) is unique, where the whole country is being covered with dense airborne gravity, with the aim to make the best possible national geoid model. The Malaysian airborne gravity survey has been done on a 5 km line spacing, covering Sabah and Sarawak (East Malaysia) in 2002 and Peninsular Malaysia in 2003. The airborne gravity data system being used has been based on the Danish National Space Center (DNSC)/University of Bergen system, which previously has been based on a differential GPS for positioning,in terms of velocity and vertical accelerations, with gravity sensed by a modified marine Lacoste and Romberg gravimeter. The system has a general accuracy better than 2 mgal at 5 km resolution. For the Malaysian project, a new GRACE satellite data combination models are being used (GGM01C). This model is a combination model to degree a 180 based on 1° mean anomalies, essentially derived from the same terrestrial data as EGM96, while having a superior new satellite information (GGM01S) at the lower harmonic degrees. A 3rd data source for the geoid determination is a digital terrain models (DEM’s), which provide details of the gravity field variations in mountainous areas. The handling of digital terrain models has been done by an analytical prism integration, assuming a known rock density (Forsberg, 1984). The new satellite data SRTM was used together with DSMM DEM’s for this purpose. The computed geoid models for Peninsular Malaysia (WMG03A) as in Figure 2.8 below. 25 Figure 2.8: Computed Final gravimetric geoid for Peninsular.Malaysia (WMG03A) 26 CHAPTER 3 THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF GPS LEVELLING, GEOID FITTING AND VIRTUAL REFERENCE STATION 3.1 Introduction Most of the geodetic applications have been using a simple relationship, exists between the three (3) different height types, derived from GPS, levelling and geoid models. The combination of GPS heights with geoid heights to derive the orthometric heights, can be used to eliminate the demanding and difficult task in obtaining a precise spirit levelling, especially in mountainous areas where levelling may be impossible due to the rough terrain and the lack of control points. This relationship between the different height data has been employed as a mean of computing an intermediate corrector surface used for the optimal transformation of GPS heights and orthometric heights. Gravimetric geoid evaluation studies have also been routinely based on the combination of such heterogeneous height data. The combination of various height types is unavoidably plagued with the complexities, encountered while dealing with data being obtained from different sources such as GPS, spirit levelling and gravimetric geoid models. In order to take advantage of the benefits achieved by using these data sets, a detailed evaluation of their accuracy and optimal means for their combination must be performed. In response to this, the theoretical aspects of GPS Levelling concept, Virtual Reference Stations (VRS) and geoid fitting will be presented. 27 3.2 GPS Levelling Concept Orthometric heights (H) refer to an equipotential reference surface (e. g. the geoid). The orthometric height of a point on the earth surface is the distance from that point to the geoid, measured along the plumb line normal to the geoid. Due to the fact that equipotential surfaces are not parallel, this plumb line is a bend line. Orthometric heights can be derived using geometric or trigonometric levelling. Ellipsoidal heights (h) refer to a reference ellipsoid, e. g. the WGS-84 ellipsoid. The height of a point is being defined as the distance from the ellipsoid measured along a normal to the reference ellipsoid. Ellipsoidal heights can be derived from a geocentric cartesian coordinates provided by GPS observations. The difference between both heights has been defined as the geoid height (N). To h y ph gra po GEOID N EL O PS LI Ocean ID Figure 3.1: Relationship between Three Reference Surfaces In order to convert the GPS derived ellipsoidal heights (h) to orthometric heights (H), the geoidal height (N) at each point must be known: H = h – N . Cos µ (3.1) 28 Where, µ = deflection of vertical. In a practical ways, due errors in ellipsoid height (h) and geoid height (N), relative GPS leveling (Figure 3.2) is a more preferred methods used by practitioners. Figure 3.2: Relative GPS Levelling Considering two points with known heights in both height systems (Figure 3.2), formula (3.1) can be written as: H2 – H1 = (h2 – N2) – (h1 – N1) dH21 = dh21 - dN21 (3.2) Taking the distance d between both points into account the deflection of the vertical µ is: µ = Tan-1(dN/d) = (dh - dH)/d.ρ” (3.3) 29 Using the meridian (ξ) and the prime vertical component (η) the deflection of the vertical between two points P1 and P2 can be finally written as: µ12 = ξ1. cos(t12) + η.sin(t12) (3.4) where, t is the azimuth of the line P1P2. 12 Formula (3.2) - (3.4) provide several advantages: First, the knowledge of the absolute values in either height system is not necessary for the derivation of the local components of the deflection of the vertical. Second, the differential nature of (3.2) will cancel out the errors in the height determination, affecting nearby points in a similar way (e.g. atmospheric influences in GPS measurements). Third, the determination of the deflection components and allows computation of the deflection of the vertical in any azimuth. However, in most cases the value of deflection of vertical (µ) is not more than 30”, and formula (3.1) can be written as: H=h–N (3.5) The combination of GPS derived ellipsoidal heights with geoidal information for the purpose of orthometric height determination is called “GPS levelling“. The accuracy of geoidal heights or vertical deflections derived by this new approach is mainly being limited by the accuracy of the GPS observations. Orthometric height differences (dH) can be easily determined with standard deviations valued less than 1 mm/km, where the accuracies for GPS-derived ellipsoidal height differences (dH) will be significantly bigger. 30 3.3 Geoid Fitting The most common method in geoid modelling techniques is by fitting a surface on a reference points. In this fitted geoid modelling, the strategy is to fit the gravimetric geoid for Peninsular Malaysia (WMG03A) to the geometric model or sometimes referred to as a “GPS-geoid” (Forsberg 2000). By using geoid information from GPS-levelling, long-wavelength geoid errors can be supressed and the inherent datum differences can be eliminated. N GPS = hGPS - H levelling (3.6) The existence of datum bias (differences between geoid and local mean sea level) will not gives satisfactory results if based on direct reduction formula (3.6). In order to overcome this problem, fitting the gravimetric geoid onto the local mean sea level (NGVD) will minimize the effect of datum biases. However, it is essential when computing GPS geoid heights by (3.6) that both levelling and GPS heights are as error-free as possible; otherwise these errors will creep into the "fitted" geoid. Common sources of GPS heighting errors are ionospheric biases and especially, errors in antenna heights. Similarly errors in levelling can be systematic, generally not well-known, and dependent on the levelling practices to a large degree. The fitting of a gravimetric geoid - typically available in grid form - to a set of GPS geoid heights entails modelling the difference signal and adding the modelled εcorrection to the gravimetric geoid. ε = N GPS - N gravimetric (3.7) 31 In this way, a new geoid grid is obtained which has been "tuned" to the levelling and GPS datum in question. The simplest models of the geoid difference is being taken as a constant bias only, or polynomials like ε = a1 ; ε = a1 + Na 2 + Ea3 ; ε = a1 + Na 2 + Ea3 + NEa 4 + N 2 a5 + E 2 a6 etc. (3.8) where N and E are northing and easting coordinates. A special type of such regression function, which have been found to work well in practice, is the 4-parameter "Helmert" model: ε = NGPS (i) - NGrav(i) = cosφicosλia1 + cosφisin λia2 + sinφia3 + Ria4 Where, NGPS(i) and (3.9) NGrav(i) are the geoidal height at point (i) obtained from gravimetric and GPS-geoid models respectively. a1 to a4 are the four unknown parameters, φi and λi are the latitude and longitude and R is the residuals geoid error as describe in Heiskanen and Moritz, 1966. Applying this model is equivalent to applying a 7-parameter Helmert coordinate transformation, where the unknowns a1 to a3 corresponds to coordinate shifts ∆X, ∆ Y, ∆Z, and a4 to the scale factor (the geoid will to first order be invariant to coordinate system rotations). This kind of regression should not be interpreted as a rigorous coordinate transformation, since the parameters will absorb long-wavelength geoid errors as well. Polynomial style fits like equations 3.8 & 3.9 have the problem that ε can obtain large unrealistic values in data voids or outside the GPS coverage. Therefore collocation (combined with estimating a bias) is a more suitable method for modelling the residuals. In the collocation process a covariance function must be assumed for the residual geoid errors ε' (after fit of e.g. bias or 4-parameter model) as a function of distance (s). 32 C(s) = cov( ε ′,ε ′ ) (3.10) Such covariance function will be characterized by zero variance C0 and correlation length s1/2 (distance where covariance function attained half its top value), which in turn determine the degree of fit and the smoothness of the interpolated geoid error. A quite simple covariance model will usually be sufficient. In the GEOGRID collocation program of the GRAVSOFT software a second order Markov model (which models Kaula's rule quite well) is used C(s) = C 0 (1+ αs) e-αs (3.11) where the constant α is the only quantity to be specified by the user, with C0 automatically being adapted to the data. In the selection of correlation length and noise of observed errors, the user has a large degree of freedom to select either a strong fit to the GPS data or a more relaxed fit, diminishing the impact of any possible errors in the GPS levelling data. As a hand rule, the correlation length should be selected to be somewhat comparable to the station distance between the GPS-levelling points. If a sufficient number of GPS points is available, the empirical covariance function of ε’ can be estimate. 33 3.4 Virtual Reference Station (VRS) 3.4.1 Introduction Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) technique has been around for sometimes and a centimeter-level real-time kinematic GPS system has been introduced in 1994. Most of RTK positioning is being implemented in a conventional single-reference-station mode, which is limited within 10 - 15 km from the reference station. In recent years, the GPS research community started to investigate multiple-reference-station networks to replace standard single-reference-station approaches, to enable a high precision RTK positioning over longer distances. The idea of a network RTK service has been around for many years. However, the issues pertaining to the real-time resolution of the network integer ambiguities, the optimal network correction parameterization schemes and communication links, where potential users within or surrounding the network area still being challenged with real-time applications. For Network RTK, an accurate and reliable resolution of integer ambiguities of baselines between reference stations of the network in real time is required. An efficient method of transmitting corrections to the network users for RTK positioning is via the virtual reference station (VRS) concept. Like the conventional RTK, the VRS RTK technique has great potential for a precise navigation and geodetic applications. This approach does not require an actual physical reference station (among GPS receiver and data link). Instead, it allows for the user to access data from a non-existent VRS at any location within the network coverage area. In addition, the VRS approach is more flexible in terms of permitting users to use their current receivers and software, without requiring any special software to manage the corrections from a series of referenced stations simultaneously. 34 3.4.2 Errors in Global Positioning System (GPS) The GPS system has been designed to be as nearly accurate as possible. However, there are still errors. Added together, these errors can cause a deviation of +/- 50 -100 meters (Wellenhoft, 1997) from the actual GPS receiver position. There are several sources for these errors, the most significant discussed as below: Atmosphere The ionosphere and troposphere both refract the GPS signals. This causes the speed of the GPS signal in the ionosphere and troposphere to be different from the speed of the GPS signal in space. Therefore, the distance calculated from "Signal Speed x Time" will be different for the portion of the GPS signal path that passes through the ionosphere and troposphere and for the portion that passes through space. a) Ionosphere The ionosphere is an atmospheric layer situated from 50 to 1300 km above the earth’s surface. It contains ionizing radiation, which causes the electrons to affect the propagation of the signal. The ionosphere range error is dependent on a quantity called Total Electron Content (TEC). In the ionosphere, at the height of 80 – 400 km, a large number of electrons and positive charged ions are being formed by the ionizing force of the sun. The electrons and ions are concentrated in four conductive layers in the ionosphere. These layers refract the electromagnetic waves from the satellites, resulting in an elongated runtime of the signals. These errors are mostly corrected by the receiver by calculations. The typical variations of the velocity while passing the ionosphere for low and high frequencies are well known for standard conditions. These variations are taken into account for all calculations of positions. However civil 35 receivers are not capable of correcting unforeseen runtime changes, for example by strong solar winds. It is known that electromagnetic waves are slowing down inversely, proportional to the square of their frequency (1/f2) while passing the ionosphere. This means that electromagnetic waves with lower frequencies are being de-accelerated down more than electromagnetic waves with higher frequencies. If the signals of higher and lower frequencies which reach a receiver are being analysed with regards to their differing time of arrival, which renders the ionospheric runtime elongation able to be calculated. Military-grade GPS receivers is using the signals of both frequencies (L1 and L2), influenced in different ways by the ionosphere and able to eliminate another inaccuracy by calculation. b) Troposphere The troposphere is a lower part of the earth’s atmosphere and its thickness varies up to 10 km over the poles and up to 15 km over the equator. The troposphere can cause a delay on the signal, dependent on the amount of water vapour. It mostly affects the height component and may amount to 2.5 cm on a baseline of 50 km. (Wahlund, 2002). The tropospheric effect is a further factor, elongating the runtime of electromagnetic waves by refraction. The reasons for the refraction are different concentrations of water vapour in the troposphere, caused by different weather conditions. Such error is smaller than the ionospheric error, unable to be eliminated by calculation. It can only be approximated by a general calculation model. 36 Satellite Orbits Although the satellites are being positioned in a very precise orbit, slight shifting of the orbits are possible to happen due to gravitational forces. Sun and moon impose a weak influence on the orbits. The orbit data are controlled and corrected regularly and the package of ephemeris data are being sent to the receivers. Therefore, the influence on the correct position determination is rather low, the resulting error being not more than 2 m. Clock errors Despite the synchronization of the receiver clock with the satellite time during the position determination, the remaining inaccuracy of the time still leads to an error of about 2 m in the position determination. Rounding and calculation errors of the receiver sums up approximately to 1 meter. Multipath The multipath effect is being caused by the reflection of satellite signals (radio waves) on objects. It was the same effect that caused ghost images on the television when antennae on the roof were still in use instead of today’s satellite dishes. For GPS signals, this effect mainly appears in the neighbourhood of large buildings or other elevations. The reflected signal takes more time to reach the receiver than a direct signal reception. The resulting error typically lies in the range of a few meters. The sensitivity of GPS receivers against this multipath effect mainly depends on the construction of the antenna. Patch-antennae are less sensitive than Helix antennae. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages. When the satellite constellation and reception conditions are good, patch-antennae provides 37 better reception accuracy since it is not influenced by reflections. However, when the conditions are bad, a position determination with a reflected signal is recommended, rather than not being able to determine any position at all. Noise If all the above mentioned errors are being modelled correctly and corrections are applied to the position, it is still not the same position measured every time. The reason for this, is because the presence of random noise in the measurements. This random noise mainly contains the actual observation noise plus random constituents of multipath (especially for kinematic applications) (Wellenhof, 2001). The pseudo range noise for carrier measurements is 0.2 - 5 millimeters. 3.4.3 Virtual Reference Station Concept The “Virtual Reference Station” concept has been based on having a control center continuously connected via data links to a network of GPS reference stations. A computer at the control center will continuously gathers the information from all receivers, and creates a living database of Regional Area Corrections. These databases are being used to create a Virtual Reference Station, situated only a few meters from any randomly-situated rover, together with the raw data sourced from it. The rovers interpret and utilize the data just as if it has come from real reference station. The resulting performance improvement of RTK has been dramatic. Works by Hu et. al. (2003) has shown that the implementation of the VRS follows the following principles. First, at least three (3) reference stations connected to the network server via communication links. VRS does not produce data from a real receiver, but being generated from real GPS observations made by the active multiple-reference-station network. The basic idea is to have VRS data to resemble the data from real receiver, where it would have been produced at the same location. The errors will be averaged as the VRS data are being computed from several 38 reference stations of the network. It can be concluded, the purpose of the VRS is to generate data resembling those of a non-existent station situated close to the project area. The VRS data generation approach is being described in this section, which focuses on the following. 1. Real-time ambiguity resolution of the baselines between the reference stations of the network. 2. A correction generation scheme. 3. VRS data generation, with an emphasis on the real-time implementation. Real-Time Ambiguity Resolution The advancement of GPS technology in the 90s, has led to numerous methods to deal with the resolution of carrier phase ambiguities in real time or near real time. One of the techniques is known as on-the-fly (OTF) (Blewit, 1989), it resolves ambiguities with long baseline lengths. In order to generate the corrections of the network for the user, dual-frequency carrier phase ambiguities of the baselines between the reference stations of the network must first be fixed to their integer values in real time. One of the important parameters to implement the correction methodology is the provision of accurate network reference-station coordinates. These may be provided by the local survey authority in the case of a permanent regional reference network. Alternatively, they may be obtained through a static survey of each station over a long period. Ambiguity fixing between real-time network reference stations is difficult to carry out, even with precisely known coordinates, especially for newly risen satellites. As proposed by Sun et al. (1999), the method would be resolving of widelane and then estimating the L1 and the relative tropospheric zenith delay (RTZD) using the ionosphere-free observables via an adaptive Kalman filter. When the estimated (float) L1 ambiguity meets specific criteria, the ambiguity will be fixed. In 39 order to help the network ambiguity resolution process, the orbital error decorrelation can be reduced or eliminated using the IGS Ultra Rapid Orbit instead of broadcast orbits. The precise ephemeris can be obtained from International GNSS Service (IGS) analysis centre. Correction Generation Scheme Work by Dai et al. (2001) has showed that the performance to formulate correction for the user using various methods is similar. The purpose of the corrections is to reduce the influence of the spatially correlated errors. The correction applied to the raw code and phase observations made by the user will reduce or eliminate the influence of the atmospheric biases and other errors. This condition will result in an improved positioning performance. Since the corrections for the user in reality are an estimation of the residual errors. The corrections can be estimated from the residuals in the L1 and L2 carrier phase measurements for each satellite and epoch. VRS Data Generation In order to generate VRS data as though there is a reference station at the coordinates of the user’s approximate position, with the user is positioned relative to this VRS, the carrier phase and pseudorange observations from the master reference station must be altered by applying the corrections on the network according to the user’s approximate position (i.e. the VRS position). Next is letting the xs to be the satellite position vector, xr as the master reference station position vector and xv as the VRS position vector. At epoch (t), the geometric range between satellite and master reference station receiver is: ρ rs (t ) = xs − xr (3.12) 40 and geometric range between satellite and VRS is; ρ vs (t ) = x s − xv (3.13) The change in the geometric range ∆ρ s = ρ vs (t ) − ρ rs (t ) can be applied to all observations to displace the carrier phase and pseudorange observations from the master reference station to the VRS position. After geometric corrections have been applied to the master reference station raw data, corrections generated from Sect. are being used on the VRS data. A standard troposphere model can be used to correct tropospheric delay effects. Then the VRS data are generated in RTCM or other acceptable format and ready to be delivered to the user. 3.4.4 Interpolation Technique A major issue in implementing Virtual Reference Station (VRS) is the selection of interpolation techniques usable for the distance-dependent biases generated from the reference station network to the user's location. In the previous years, several interpolation methods have been proposed by the renowned researchers in order to interpolate or to model the distance-dependent residual biases. The Virtual Reference Station technique via Trimble Navigation is merely an implementation of the multiple-reference receiver approach, and all of the aforementioned interpolation methods can be applied. 41 Linear Combination Model Work by Han & Rizos (1996, 1998) has proposed a linear combination of single-differenced observations to model the spatially correlated biases (i.e. orbit bias ∆ρorb,i , residual ionospheric bias ∆dion,i and residual tropospheric bias ∆dtrop,i ), and to mitigate multipath ∆dφmp,i and noise ; _ (3.14) where, n is the number of reference stations in the network, i indicates the ith reference station, and u the user station. A set of parameters αi is estimated, satisfying the following conditions: (3.15) (3.16) (3.17) where, and are horizontal coordinate vectors for the user station and the ith reference station respectively. Based on Equations (shown in 3.15 - 3.18), the impact of orbit errors can be eliminated while the ionospheric biases, tropospheric biases, multipath and measurement noise can be significantly mitigated. As a result, the double-differenced observables can be formed after the ambiguities in the reference station network have been fixed to their correct integer values: 42 (3.18) where, Vi, n (referred to her as the ‘correction terms’) is the residual vector generated from the double-differenced measurements between reference stations n and i: (3.19) Distance-Based Linear Interpolation Method (DIM) Gao et al. (1997) has suggested a distance-based linear interpolation algorithm for ionospheric correction estimation, using the following equations: (3.20) (3.21) (3.22) where, n is the number of reference stations in the network, and between the ith reference station and the user station. di is the distance is the double-differenced ionospheric delay at the ith reference station. In order to improve interpolation accuracy, two modifications were made by Gao & Li (1998). The first modification is to replace the ground distance with a distance defined on a single-layer ionospheric shell at an altitude of 350 km. The second modification is to extend the model to take into account the spatial correction with respect to the elevation angle of the ionospheric delay paths on the ionospheric shell. 43 Linear Interpolation Method (LIM) Suggestion by Wanninger (1995), regional differential ionospheric model derived from dual-frequency phase data from at least three GPS reference stations surrounding the user station. Unambiguous double-differenced ionospheric biases can be obtained on a satellite-by-satellite and epoch-by-epoch basis after ambiguities in the reference station network have been fixed to their correct integer values. Ionospheric corrections for any station in the area can be interpolated by using the known coordinates of the reference stations and approximate coordinates of the station(s) of interest. Wübbena et al. (1996) extended this method to model the distance-dependent biases such as the residual ionospheric and tropospheric biases, and the orbit errors. Similar methods have been proposed by many researchers. For a network with three or more stations, the linear model can be described by: (3.23) where ∆X and ∆Y are the plane coordinate differences referred to the master reference station. Parameters a and b are the coefficients for ∆X and ∆Y (the socalled 'network coefficients' according to Wübbena et al., 1996). In the case of more than three (3) reference stations, the coefficients a and b can be estimated by a Least Squares adjustment on an epoch-by-epoch, satellite-by-satellite basis. Then the GPS user within the coverage of the network can apply the following 2D linear model to interpolate the distance-dependent biases: (3.24) 44 Least Square Collocation (LSC) Least Squares Collocation has been used for many years to interpolate gravity at any given location using only measurements at some discrete locations (e.g., Tscherning, 1974). The following is the basic interpolation equation: (3.25) where Cv is the covariance matrix of the measurement vector V , and Cuv is the crosscovariance matrix between the interpolated vector and the measurements vector V . If these covariance matrices are computed correctly, and the measurements satisfy the conditions of zero mean and a normal distribution, Equation (3.25) provides the optimal estimator (Raquet & Lachapelle, 2001). Least Squares Collocation is also suitable to interpolate the distance-dependent biases in a network. The challenge for this method is to calculate the covariance matrices Cv and Cuv . The following covariance function was proposed (Raquet, 1998): (3.26) where the computation of the double-differenced covariance matrices can be decomposed into two mathematical functions. First, a correlated variance function which maps the zenith variance of the correlated errors over the network area is computed: (3.27) where is the differential zenith variance of the correlated errors for points pn and pm in the network. This function is based on the two-dimensional distance d between the reference stations. k1 and k2 are constant coefficients (k1 = 1.1204e-4 and k2 = 4.8766e-7 for L1 phase in their paper). Secondly, a mapping 45 function is required to map both of the zenith errors (correlated and uncorrelated) to the elevation of the satellite at each epoch: (3.28) where µ(ε) is a dimensionless scale factor which, when multiplied by the zenith variance obtained from Equation (3.25), gives the correlated variance for the specified satellite elevation e, and µk is a constant coefficient (µk = 3.9393 for L1 phase). Tests by Dai. et. al. (2001) has shown that the estimated corrections are not sensitive to the choice of the covariance function. Based on the principles of Least Squares Collocation, a practical interpolator for ionospheric biases (or tropospheric biases) is (Odijk et al., 2000): (3.29) The spatial covariance function is linearly dependent on the distance between the stations, or rather, the distance between their ionospheric pierce points: (3.30) In this covariance function is the distance between the ionospheric points of stations k and l with respect to satellite s, with lmax > , where lmax is a distance which is larger than the longest distance between the ionospheric points of the stations in the network. Therefore, the larger the distance between the respective points, the smaller the correlation. 46 Comparison Several interpolation methods have been found suitable and compared in detail for reference station network techniques, including the Linear Combination Model, the Distance-Based Linear Interpolation Method, the Linear Interpolation Method, and the Least Squares Collocation Method. The advantages and disadvantages of each of these techniques have been discussed by Dai et. al. (2003), and for all of the abovementioned methods, the essential common formula has been identified. All use n-1 coefficients and the n-1 independent ‘correction terms’ generated from a n reference station network to form a linear combination that mitigates spatially correlated biases at user stations. Work by Dai et. al. (2003) using test data from several GPS/Glonass reference station networks were being used to evaluate the performance of these methods. The numerical results show that all of the methods for multiple-reference receiver implementations can significantly reduce the distance-dependent biases in the carrier phase and pseudo-range measurements at the user station. The performance of all of the methods is similar, although the distance-dependent Linear Interpolation Method does demonstrate slightly worst results in the two experiments which have been analysed. 47 CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY FOR COMPUTATION AN ANALYSES OF WMGeoid04 MODEL AND WMGeoid06A REVISED MODEL 4.1 Introduction GPS infrastructures established in Malaysia are mainly serving as ground control stations for cadastral and mapping purposes. Another element that has not been utilised is the height component due to its low accuracy. Conventional levelling is still the preferred method by land surveyors to determine the stations orthometric height (H) with proven accuracy. Therefore, DSMM has embarked the Airborne Gravity Survey, with one of the objectives is to compute the local precise geoid for Malaysia within centimetre level of accuracy. The Malaysian geoid project (MyGEOID) is unique, where the whole country is being covered with dense airborne gravity, with the aim possibly to have the best national geoid model. The basic underlying survey and computation work of the Malaysian geoid project has been done by the Geodynamics Dept. of the Danish National Survey and Cadastre (KMS; since Jan 1 part of the Danish National Space Center) in cooperation with DSMM. With the new data, the geoid models are expected to be a much improved version over the earlier models (Kadir et al. 1998). 48 4.2 MyGeoid for Peninsular Malaysia The main objective of the Malaysian geoid model (MyGEOID) is to enable the computation of orthometric heights (H) which refer to the national geodetic vertical datum (NGVD). Mathematically, there is a simple relation between the two reference systems (neglecting the deflection of the vertical and the curvature of the plumb line): H = hGPS – N (4.1) where, hGPS is the GPS height above the ellipsoid and N the geoid separation. In the above equation it is important to realize that H refers to a local vertical datum, while hGPS refers to a geocentric system (ITRF/WGS84), where the computed (gravimetric) geoid are usually being referred. In practice, the expression shows the possibility of using GPS leveling technique, knowing the geoidal height N, the orthometric height H can be calculated from ellipsoidal height h. Deriving orthometric height using this technique with certain level of accuracy, could replace conventional spirit leveling and therefore make the levelling procedures at a much cheaper cost and faster rate of execution. The existence of datum bias (differences between geoid and local mean sea level) will not gives satisfactory results if based on the above formula. In order to overcome this problem, fitting the gravimetric geoid onto the local mean sea level (NGVD) will minimize the effects of datum biases. 4.2.1 Gravity Data Acquisition The Malaysian airborne gravity survey has been done on a 5 km line spacing, covering mostly Sabah and Sarawak in 2002 and Peninsular Malaysia in 2003. The airborne gravity data system used is being based on the Danish National Space Center (DNSC)/University of Bergen system, used extensively for the Arctic gravity 49 field mapping. The system is being based on differential GPS for positioning, velocity and vertical accelerations, with the gravity sensed by a modified marine Lacoste and Romberg gravimeter. The system has a general accuracy better than 2 mgal at 5 km resolution. For Malaysia airborne survey, the system has been installed in a AN-38 aircraft, and the aircraft turned out to be very suitable for the airborne survey, with accuracies estimated from cross-overs well below 2 mgal r.m.s. The airborne gravity survey then flown at different elevations, at a permissible topographic conditions (see Figure 4.1 and 4.2). The data were therefore required to be downward continued to the surface, before applying the Stokes formula gravity to geoid transformation. The downward continuation has been done by least-squares collocation using the planar logarithmic covariance model (Forsberg, 1987), using all available gravity data in the process (such as from the airborne, surface, marine and satellite altimetry gravity data). The Stokes’ integration has been implemented by spherical FFT methods (Forsberg and Sideris, 1993). The existing surface gravity data coverage was only significant in Peninsular Malaysia (Figure 4.2). Here, the relatively dense surface gravity data coverage in the lowlands will strengthen the geoid compared to the situation in Sabah and Sarawak, where a minimum gravity data was available. 50 Figure 4.1: Airborne Gravity Flight lines in Peninsular Malaysia Figure 4.2:Surface gravity coverage in Peninsular Malaysia (colours indicate anomalies) 51 4.2.2 Gravimetric Geoid Computation The gravimetric geoid height N is in principle determined by Stokes’ equation of physical geodesy, which gives the expression of the geoid height N as an integral of gravity anomalies around the earth (σ) N = R 4πγ ∫∫σ ∆g S( ψ )dσ (4.2) where, ∆g is the gravity anomaly, R earth radius, γ normal gravity, and S a complicated function of spherical distance ψ (Heiskanen and Moritz, 1966). In practice global models of the geopotential from analysis of satellite data and global mean gravity anomalies are used, e.g. for the current global model EGM96 (Lemoine et al., 1996). N EGM 96 = GM Rγ ⎛ R⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ∑ n =2 ⎝ r ⎠ N n n ∑ (C m =0 nm cos mλ + S nm sin mλ )Pnm (sin φ ) (4.3) For the Malaysian project, a new GRACE satellite data combination models were used (GGM01C). This model is a combination to degree 180 based on 1° mean anomalies, derived from the same terrestrial data as EGM96, but with superior new satellite information (GGM01S) at the lower harmonic degrees. A 3rd data source for the geoid determination is a digital terrain models (DEM’s), which provide details of the gravity field variations in mountainous areas (the mass of the mountains can change the geoid by several 10’s of cm locally). The handling of digital terrain models is being done by an analytical prism integration assuming known rock density (Forsberg, 1984). For this purpose, the new satellite data SRTM is being used together with DSMM DEM’s. 52 With the data from spherical harmonic models, local or airborne gravity, and DEM’s, the (gravimetric) geoid is being constructed by remove-restore techniques as a sum as below: N = NEGM + Ngravity + NDEM (4.4) The summary of gravity data used in the gravimetric geoid computation are tabulated in Table 4.1 and the computed geoid models for Peninsular Malaysia (WMG03A) as in Figure 4.2. Table 4.1: Gravimetric Geoid Technical Details Data Gravity Data Grid Ranges Contour Range WMG03A Terrestrial = 5634 points Airborne = 24 855 points 0° – 8° N 98° – 107° E -16 meter – 10 meter Grid Interval 1’ x 1’ Altimetry Data KMS02 DEM Model DTED/SRTM Terrain Resolution DTED = 3” SRTM = 30” Computation Technique 2-D FFT Global Geopotential Model GGM01C Reference Frame ITRF2000 (GDM2000) 53 Figure 4.3: Final gravimetric geoid for Peninsular Malaysia (WMG03A). Contour interval is 1 meter. 4.3 4.3.1 WMGeoid04 Fitted Geoid Model GPS Data Acquisition GPS observation on Benchmark project has been done by DSMM in 2003 and 2004 respectively. GPS Observation period for the data sets are between 4-9 hours, with the observations being divided into three separate network for Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak. A total of 53 stations have been observed in Peninsular Malaysia and tabulated in Table 4.2, and stations distribution are as in Figure 4.4. No. 1. 2. 3. Table 4.2: Station Breakdown for Data Set 1 Station Type Peninsular MASS Stations 9 GPS Station 5 SBM or Eccentric/ Benchmark 39 Total 53 54 S0501 ARAU 6.5 S0413 GETI S0168 6 S0276 S0317 E4901 USMPS0487 5.5 S0048 S0154 S0118 KUAL S0047 P0276 S0483 5 S0475 4.5 S0050 E0200 S0202 E1142 P255 E0415 S0102 E0313 S0054 4 S0346 E0221 KUAN BEHR S0061 S0065 3.5 E1401 E3571 KTPK E1001 3 C2638 S0199 E0008 E1281 S0372 2.5 GP42 SEGA GP47 E9921 E2392 2 E1461 E1901 GP53 UTMJ 1.5 S0130 99.5 100 100.5 101 101.5 102 102.5 103 103.5 S0220 104 Figure 4.4: Station's Distribution for Peninsular Malaysia 4.3.2 GPS Data Processing and Adjustment Bernese GPS Post Processing Software Version 4.2 has been used to process the whole GPS campaign data for Peninsular. The standard processing strategy (as employed by DSMM) is being used with the following parameters for Bernese 4.2. Those parameters are: • Independent Baseline • IGS Final/Rapid Orbit • Baseline Wise Solution • QIF Strategy for Ambiguity Resolution • 30/60 minutes – Troposphere Estimation 55 The output from the data processing is the stations coordinates with its respective covariances and the resolved baseline ambiguity is at the level between 60 - 90%. The low percentage of ambiguity resolution was due to poor quality of GPS data and including from the short data set. The GPS network adjustment has been performed, using Geolab adjustment software from Microsearch Corporation for Peninsular Malaysia GPS. The adjustment of the network is based on the new Geocentric Datum for Malaysia 2000 (GDM2000) and the standard error modeling and scaling have been adopted. The statistics of the adjustment results are tabulated in Table 4.3, and distribution of error ellipses as in Figure 4.5 . Table 4.3: Network Adjustment Statistics No. Parameter Peninsular 1. No of Stations 53 2. No of Parameters 138 3. No of Observations 723 4. Degree of Freedom 585 5. Average Baselines Length 69 km 6. Chi-Square Test Passed 7. Flag Residuals (Pope’s Tau) 8. 2D Error Ellipses (95%) 0.009 – 0.020 m 9. 1D Error Ellipses (95%) 0.010 – 0.027 m 10. Relative 2D Error Ellipses (95%) 0.009 – 0.017 m 11. Relative 1D Error Ellipses (95%) 0.009 – 0.028 m 12. Baseline Precision 0.10 – 0.65 ppm No 56 Figure 4.5: Network Error Ellipses (Absolute (Left) & Relative (Right)) 4.3.3 WMGeoid04 Fitted Geoid Computation The final gravimetric geoid, computed in para 4.2.2 – is called “WMG03A.gri” - is a gravimetric geoid, in principle corresponding to a global vertical datum. The main purpose of the Malaysian geoid project is to have a geoid consistent with GPS, i.e. referring to local sea-level. For this purpose we have to use GPS-levelling geoid heights NGPS = hGPS - Hlevelling (4.5) and the “GPS corrector” difference ε = NWMG03A - NGPS (4.6) have to be empirically modeled by a Helmert trend surface and/or collocation, as described in Chapter 3, para 3.3. 57 A new GPS levelling data set of 39 points in Peninsular Malaysia from para 4.3.1 has been used for fitted geoid computation. The GPS levelling data sets has been screened for inconsistencies by using GEOIP program with every NGPS Lev. value for GPS levelling stations compared with NWMG03A from WMGeoid03A gridded models. Table 4.4: Comparison Statistics ∆N No. Unit (M) 1. Minimum 1.001 2. Maximum 1.492 3. Mean 1.314 4. Standard Deviation 0.079 S0501 6.5 S0413 S0168 6 S0276 5.5 E4901 S0487 5 S0483 S0475 4.5 S0317 S0048 S0154 S0118 S0047 S0202 E1142 1.55 S0050 1.45 1.40 E0415 S0102 E0313 1.35 1.30 S0054 E0221 4 S0346 S0065 3.5 E3571 E1001 3 1.50 E0200 1.25 S0061 E1401 1.20 1.15 C2638 1.10 S0199 E1281 E0008 1.05 1.00 S0372 2.5 E9921 E2392 2 0.95 E1461 E1901 1.5 S0130 99.5 100 100.5 101 101.5 102 102.5 103 103.5 S0220 104 Figure 4.6: ∆N Variation Table 4.4 and Figure 4.6, shows the comparison statistics and the ∆N variation from the first data screening. The ∆N variation range between 0.95 - 1.60 58 m, with two stations namely S0220 (minimum Diff.) and E1142 (maximum Diff.) shows the bull-eyes characteristic. Investigation on the suspected stations shown that E1142 located on the highland (Cameron Highland) and S0220 is at the tip of Peninsular Malaysia (Sungai Rengit). Both SBM connected using precise levelling survey but not in the levelling loop form (hanging line). The levelling lines are also not inline with the main adjustment of the Peninsular Malaysia Precise Levelling Network. To fit the gravimetric geoid to GPS, a least-squares collocation method has been used as a common trend parameter with a single bias. For the final fit, a number of different collocation parameters σ (standard deviation of GPS leveling) of 0.030 m and correlation length of 2nd order Markov covariance function of 80 km was used as listed in Table 4.5. Table 4.5: LSC Fitting Parameters No. Parameter Peninsular 1. Strategy 2. Maximum Station per Quadrant 3. Correlation Length 4. Number of Collocation Benchmarks 5. Apriori Sigma 6. Grid Ranges North/South East/West 1° - 8° North 99° - 105° East Grid Interval 1’ 7. Bias Estimation 24 80 km 37 0.03 meter For the final computation, S0220 and E1142 are being excluded from the process, and the results show an improvement with the corrector surface is well distributed (Figure 4.7). The corrector surface range is between 1.14 – 1.44 meter with the formal standard error is 0.020 m in the least square collocation adjustment. 59 S0501 6.5 S0413 S0168 6 S0276 5.5 E4901 S0487 5 S0483 S0317 S0048 S0154 S0118 S0047 1.42 S0050 S0202 E0200 1.38 S0475 4.5 E0415 E0313 1.30 S0054 E0221 4 S0346 S0065 3.5 E3571 E1001 3 1.34 S0102 S0061 E1401 1.26 1.22 C2638 S0199 E1281 E0008 1.18 S0372 2.5 1.14 E9921 E2392 2 E1461 E1901 1.5 S0130 99.5 100 100.5 101 101.5 102 102.5 103 103.5 104 Figure 4.7: Corrector Surface plotted from Iteration-2 results 4.3.4 Analyses of WMGeoid04 Fitted Model For the evaluation of WMGeoid04 quality, 37 SBM/BM that were used for the surface fitting process were compared with the Wgeoid04 model. Table 4.6: LSC Fitting Statistics points predicted: 37, skipped points: 0 minimum distance to grid edges for predictions: 147.5 km statistics: mean std.dev. min max original data (pointfile) : -2.847 5.919 -14.311 7.613 grid interpolation results: -2.847 5.918 -14.302 7.608 predicted values output : 0.000 0.020 -0.059 0.041 unknown 0 0 0 Table 4.6, shows the statistics of LSC and the standard error of the fitting is 0.020 meter. There is a risk in accepting the value, as the formal error with the WMGeoid04 and the SBM/BM are highly correlated. But the value can be used as an indicator for the internal quality assessment of WMGeoid04 model. 60 External Data Sets In order to have a more realistic assessment of the WMGeoid04 model, comparison with independent data sets have been done. There are three data sets namely DS-1, DS-2 and DS-3 are available for testing purposes. The GPS data set DS-1, DS-2 and DS-3 were observed from 1997 – 2003 and was re-adjusted using GDM2000 for testing and analysis purposes of the fitted geoid model. The summary of the data set are as follow: a) Data Set DS-1 Data Set DS1 was observed in 1997 in Johor State of Peninsular Malaysia with baseline distances are ranged between 5 and 35 km. The stations breakdown is shown in Table 4.7 and the statistical analysis of the network adjustment are as in Table 4.8 and 4.9 respectively, with error ellipses distribution as in Figure 4.8. No. 1. 2. Maximum Table 4.7: Station Breakdown for Data Set DS-1 Station Type # Number GPS Station 21 BM/SBM 50 Total 71 Table 4.8: Absolute Errors (Data Set DS-1) Semi-Major (m) Semi-Minor (m) Vertical (m) 0.033 0.032 0.040 Minimum 0.012 0.012 0.012 Average 0.017 0.016 0.020 Maximum Table 4.9: Relative Errors (Data Set DS-1) Semi-Major (m) PPM Vertical (m) 0.033 7.88 0.040 PPM 9.02 Minimum 0.008 0.29 0.009 0.34 Average 0.017 1.18 0.020 1.40 61 Figure 4.8: Station's Horizontal & Vertical Errors (Data Set DS-1) b) Data Set DS-2 Data Set DS-2 has been observed in 2003 by DSMM with Trimble's 4000SSE/I receivers. A total of 96 stations (Figure 4.9) were observed that included 10 GPS stations, and the remaining are data which has been observed on Benchmarks. The observation period for each station is 1.5 hours with each of the stations has been observed twice. The statistical analysis of the network adjustment is being shown in Table 4.10 and Table 4.11 respectively. Maximum Table 4.10: Absolute Errors (Data Set DS-2) Semi-Major (m) Semi-Minor (m) Vertical (m) 0.061 0.057 0.083 Minimum 0.023 0.023 0.027 Average 0.035 0.033 0.045 62 Maximum Table 4.11: Relative Errors (Data Set DS-2) Semi-Major (m) PPM Vertical (m) 0.061 7.20 0.085 PPM 23.53 Minimum 0.011 0.27 0.019 0.30 Average 0.035 1.99 0.046 2.74 2.8 Taburan Stesen Cerapan GPS Projek Cerapan GPS Tanda Aras 2.6 SEGA 2.4 GP61 2.2 Latitud GP47 GP16 GP15 GP59 2 GP85 GP84 1.8 GP49 1.6 P114 GP50 Stesen MASS UTMJ Stesen GPS 1.4 Tanda Aras 102.6 102.8 103 103.2 103.4 103.6 103.8 104 104.2 Longitud Figure 4.9: Station's Distribution for Data Set DS-2 c) Data Set DS-3 Data Set DS-3 was observed in 1997 for Perak State with baseline distances are between 4 - 85 km. The stations’ statistical analyses of the network adjustment are in Table 4.12 and 4.13, respectively. Maximum Table 4.12: Absolute Error (Data Set DS-3) Semi-Major (m) Semi-Minor (m) Vertical (m) 0.022 0.022 0.029 Minimum 0.011 0.010 0.011 Average 0.015 0.015 0.018 63 Table 4.13: Relative Errors (Data Set DS-3) Semi-Major (m) PPM Vertical (m) 0.023 7.20 0.030 Maximum PPM 4.39 Minimum 0.010 0.27 0.013 0.32 Average 0.015 1.99 0.019 1.38 Analysis The basic formula for quality assessments are as follows: HWgeoid04 = hgps – NWgeoid04 (4.7) δH = HWgeoid04 - HNGVD (4.8) HWgeoid04 : Orthometric Height Derived from GPS and Fitted Geoid Model hgps : Ellipsoidal Height NWgeoid04 : Geoid Height from Fitted Geoid Model HNGVD : Published Levelling Height δH : Height Difference Where, Figure 4.10 and Figure 4.11; show the statistics of height differences for data set DS-1. Two stations were suspected to be outliers (exceeding 2*RMS (2σ)) and were excluded from the final computation. The RMS of Difference is 0.042 meter with percentage of rejected data is 5.7%. The computation of RMS of Difference is using the following formula: n RMS = ∑ δH i =1 n 2 i (4.9) 64 Height Difference (Derived - Published) 0.300 Outlier 2 0.250 0.200 0.150 S0073 S 0073 S0992 J 1609 S0015 S 0015 J 1513 J 1609 J 1444 J 1377 J 1330 J 1275 J 1249 J 1236 J 1220 J 1199 J 1133 J 1037 J 0831 J 0782 J 0766 J 0700 J 0695 J 0678 J 0617 J 0584 J 0552 J 0484 J 0481 J 0416 J 0260 J 0249 J 0241 J 0184 J 0151 J 0141 0.000 -0.050 J 0087 0.050 J 0060 Height Difference(m) 0.100 -0.100 -0.150 Outlier 1 -0.200 -0.250 -0.300 Benchmark Figure 4.10: Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-1 – Iteration 1 Height Difference (Derived - Published) 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 S 0992 J 1513 J 1444 J 1377 J 1330 J 1275 J 1249 J 1236 J 1220 J 1199 J 1133 J 1037 J 0831 J 0782 J 0766 J 0700 J 0695 J 0678 J 0617 J 0584 J 0552 J 0484 J 0481 J 0416 J 0260 J 0249 J 0241 J 0184 J 0151 J 0141 0.000 -0.050 J 0087 0.050 J 0060 Height Difference (m) 0.100 -0.100 -0.150 -0.200 -0.250 -0.300 Benchmark Figure 4.11: Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-1 – Iteration 2 For data set DS-2, the statistics of height differences, depicted in Figure 4.12 and Figure 4.13. Seven stations have been excluded from the computation due to their large error and threat as outliers. The RMS of difference is 0.042 meter with total of rejected data is 15.9%. 65 Height Difference (Derived - Published) 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 J2676 J3122 J3136 J3146 J3275 J3122 J3136 J3146 J3275 J2566 J2676 J2507 J1876 J1774 J1767 J1740 J1731 J1712 J1699 J1692 J1685 J1667 J1655 J1593 J1577 J1562 J1527 J1523 J1513 J1450 J1427 J1423 J1375 J1365 J1358 J1349 J1261 J1082 J1046 J0924 J0921 J0915 J0699 J0649 J0483 J0412 J0249 0.000 J0077 0.050 J0022 Height Difference (m) 0.100 -0.050 -0.100 -0.150 -0.200 -0.250 -0.300 Benchmark Figure 4.12: Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-2 – Iteration 1 Height Difference (Derived - Published) 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 J2566 J2507 J1876 J1774 J1767 J1740 J1731 J1712 J1699 J1692 J1685 J1667 J1655 J1593 J1577 J1562 J1527 J1523 J1513 J1450 J1427 J1423 J1375 J1365 J1358 J1349 J1261 J1082 J1046 J0924 J0921 J0915 J0699 J0649 J0483 J0412 J0249 0.000 J0077 0.050 J0022 Height Difference (m) 0.100 -0.050 -0.100 -0.150 -0.200 -0.250 -0.300 Benchmark Figure 4.13: Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-2 – Iteration 2 The final data set for comparison purposes is data set DS-3. Figure 4.14 and Figure 4.15; show the statistic of height difference for data set DS-3. Four stations have been found to be outliers and excluded from the computation. The RMS of difference is 0.038 meter and rejected data is 11.1%. 66 Height Difference (Derived - Published) Perak 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 S0379 S0411 S0461 S0462 S0411 S0461 S0462 S0376 S0379 S0091 A1839 A1831 A1802 A1622 A1606 A1601 A1597 A1555 A1396 A1381 A1285 A0983 A0979 A0974 A0933 A0840 A0832 A0726 A0701 A0635 A0600 A0585 A0500 A0424 A0363 A0152 A0123 A0092 0.000 -0.050 A0089 0.050 A0085 Height Difference (m) 0.100 -0.100 -0.150 -0.200 -0.250 -0.300 Benchmark Figure 4.14: Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-3 – Iteration 1 Height Difference (Derived - Published) Perak 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 S0376 S0091 A1839 A1831 A1802 A1622 A1606 A1601 A1597 A1555 A1396 A1381 A1285 A0983 A0979 A0974 A0933 A0840 A0832 A0726 A0701 A0635 A0600 A0585 A0500 A0424 A0363 A0152 A0123 A0092 0.000 -0.050 A0089 0.050 A0085 Height Difference (m) 0.100 -0.100 -0.150 -0.200 -0.250 -0.300 Benchmark Figure 4.15: Height Diff. (δH) Data Set DS-3 – Iteration 2 Evaluation of WMGeoid04 fitted geoid models using data sets DS-1, DS-2 and DS-3 shows that the accuracy is 0.033 meter, based on the following formula. σ2 = (σ2DS-1 + σ2DS-2 + σ2DS-3)/n (4.10) This value is bigger when compared to the formal error of 0.020 m from the formal error statement. Out of 115 benchmarks which have been evaluated (DS-1, DS-2 and DS-3), only 13 benchmarks (11.3%) have been excluded. 67 The value of 0.033 meter for the accuracy of WMGeoid04 may be too optimistic when a total number of Benchmarks used for the fitting is only 37 which are connected with the average of 75 km baseline length. Any error such as inaccurate antenna height measurement or inaccurate troposphere modeling during data processing will propagate into the baseline vectors. These errors will directly affect the ellipsoidal height (h) accuracy for every benchmark. The 37 benchmarks used for the final surface fitting also have not been equally distributed, where certain areas were not covered. The independent data sets also have a variation of ellipsoidal height accuracy, which ranged from 0.011 - 0.087 meters. These accuracy variations are not taken into considerations when computing the RMS differences and it certainly give an impact on the final value of the quality assessment. However, from a total of 115 benchmarks which have been evaluated using DS-1, DS-2 and DS-3 data sets, only 13 benchmarks (11.3%) were found to be outliers. This clearly shows that WMGeoid04 model can detect the status of the Benchmarks that could possibly being shifted due to a disturbance or by seasonal factor (weather). 68 4.4 WMGeoid06A Fitted Geoid Model 4.4.1 Introduction WMGeoid06A is the improvement of WMGeoid04 model with new information has been gathered and introduced into the latest model. However, in terms of area coverage, there is only a partial improvement from the WMGeoid04. The new information is only available for the west coasts and the whole state of Johor. This section will not try to compute a new geoid model for Peninsular Malaysia because the new information does not cover the whole area, but more towards preliminary quality assessment of the new models over certain areas. The new information which has been gathered together, came from new GPS observation on benchmarks, upgrading of several levelling lines to precise levelling specification and also the availability of Malaysian Real Time Kinematic GPS Network (MyRTKnet) GPS network. This new information will be increasingly available from time to time and the new geoid model can be computed when it covers the whole Peninsular Malaysia. 4.4.2 GPS Data Acquisition A new GPS observation on benchmark project has been initiated in the early 2006 and completed by end of the same year. The data set have been processed to be used in the new geoid model computation. GPS Observation period for the data sets were 12 hours, with every session are being controlled and connected to the Malaysian Active GPS System (MASS) or MyRTKnet stations. A total of 187 stations have been observed, including GPS permanent stations, Standard Benchmark (SBM) and ordinary Benchmark (BM). Stations distribution as shown in Figure 4.16. 69 R0417 E0501 6.5 S0310 UUMK ARAU LGKW S0413 E0296 GETI S0500 S0177 K1615 S0311 RTPJ E0275 6 S0168 E0170 S0180 S0276 S0083 S0496 SGPT E0491 A1914 E4901 K0547 5.5 S0118 GRIK S0487 BKPLUSMP KUAL P0246 SELM A3245 A3233 BABH E0379 A0540 MARG 5 S0483 A2659 S0461 A3365 E0096 GMUS S0424 S0091 S0201 S0202 A1806 S1082 JUIP IPOH A1729 E1142 S0475 4.5 A2563 A1779 A2599 H0368 E0415 S0087 A2547 PUPK A1122 H0427 E0117 S0417 S0416 E0313 4 A2079 E1065 E1191 A3139 S1053 KUAN A3038 A2176BEHR S0346 B1847 B1013 B1305 KKBH B1501 3.5 PEKN TLOH B0855 B0793 B1328 B0873 B1341 S0355 MERU E0357 B0898 KTPK 3 E0198 B1819 B0170 B1707 E1038 UPMS E0100 B2039 KLAW E2049BANT B2208 S1014 S1008 E1013 E0128 E0898 B0356 E0068 N2329 N0828 E0252 N1567 S0372 2.5 N0603 E0127 B0085 E1775 N1585 N0784 E0377 E0253 S0431 S0070 E0106 S0108 S1023 J3741 SEGA S1155 MERS E1247 S0337 J1011 J0414 E0992 S0017 M1015JUML MASS Station S0147 J1667 S2392 S0341 J3218 2 E3719 E1156 S0335 E0267 MyRTKnet Station J3904 E0146 KLUG E1220 S0209 J3608 S0025 J4108 S1165 E0014 J1364 J0678 J3547 J3187 UTMJ J1430 S0393 J0699 1.5 KUKP S0130 100 100.5 101 101.5 102 102.5 103 S1151 103.5 J2885 JHJY J3203 J3276 99.5 J3655 J3041 J3173 J1383 BM/SBM S1150 J3821 E0015 E0190 E2985 S1160 TGPG S0220 104 Figure 4.16: Station's Distribution for 2006 Data 4.4.3 GPS Data Processing and Adjustment The newly acquired Bernese GPS Post Processing Software Version 5.0 has been utilised to process the 2006 GPS campaign data. The standard processing strategy with minor changes as what have been employed by DSMM is being used with the following parameters for Bernese 5.0: • Independent Baseline • IGS Final • Baseline Wise Solution • QIF Strategy for Ambiguity Resolution • 60 minutes – Troposphere Estimation The output from the data processing are the stations coordinates with its respective covariances together with the resolved baseline ambiguity at the average 70 of 90%. The improvement of percentage in ambiguity resolution is due to enhancement in Bernese 5.0, as well as shorter baselines distance in the GPS project. Geolab adjustment software from Microsearch Corporation is being used again to adjust the GPS 3-Dimensional vectors. These network adjustments is being based on the new Geocentric Datum for Malaysia 2000 (GDM2000) and it has adopted the standard error modelling and scaling adjustment. Due to mega-thrust earthquake in Sumatra on 26th December 2004 and another on 28th March 2005, the permanent stations in Malaysia have been displaced horizontally between 2 - 34 centimetre (Samad, Chang & Soeb, 2005). However, the vertical component does not show any sign of deformation for permanent stations in Malaysia or from study that has been made on precise levelling network (Samad, Chang & Soeb, 2006). Due to that fact, the permanent networks that consists of MASS and MyRTKnet was re-processed using three (3) days data while the UTMJ station has been held fixed for the minimally constrained adjustment. Figure 4.17: Error Ellipses of 3-Days Adjustment 71 The revised coordinates of MASS and MyRTKnet stations were being used as fiducial points for the subsequent adjustment of Benchmark network. The statistics of the adjustment results are shown in Table 4.14 and error ellipses distribution as in Figure 4.18. Table 4.14: Network Adjustment Statistics No. Parameter Peninsular 1. No of Stations 187 2. No of Fixed Stations 21 3. No of Observations 1251 4. Degree of Freedom 753 5. Average Baselines Length 25 km 6. Chi-Square Test Passed 7. Flag Residuals (Pope’s Tau) 8. 2D Error Ellipses (95%) 0.008 – 0.036 m 9. 1D Error Ellipses (95%) 0.008 – 0.051 m 10. Relative 2D Error Ellipses (95%) 0.009 – 0.041 m 11. Relative 1D Error Ellipses (95%) 0.009 – 0.048 m 12. Baseline Precision No 0.10 – 2 ppm Figure 4.18: Network Error Ellipses (Absolute (Left) & Relative (Right)) 72 Comparison The 2006 GPS campaign on Benchmark has also included points which are common to GPS campaign, as carried out in 2004. Comparison on height component between the two GPS campaign has been done between them to determine if any existence of irregularities. Table 4.15: Ellipsoidal Height Difference Station E0100 E0128 E0146 E0190 E0313 E0415 E0992 E1142 E4901 S0220 S0118 S0130 S0168 S0202 S0276 S0346 S0372 S0413 S0475 S0487 Ellipsoidal Height (m) 2004 2006 Difference (m) 28.179 28.186 0.007 60.916 60.895 -0.021 37.969 37.975 0.006 6.163 6.098 -0.065 -4.006 -4.010 -0.004 38.782 38.783 0.001 34.876 34.876 0.000 1274.844 1274.822 -0.022 3.580 3.532 -0.048 13.341 13.413 0.072 273.087 273.038 -0.049 8.162 8.169 0.007 -10.673 -10.718 -0.045 69.214 69.176 -0.038 100.387 100.339 -0.048 -3.428 -3.434 -0.006 2.140 2.174 0.034 23.545 23.480 -0.065 -6.955 -6.974 -0.019 17.283 17.252 -0.031 Table 4.15 shows the height difference between the two campaigns varies from -6.5 to 7.2 centimetres. The RMS difference is 3.3 centimetres with three (3) stations (E0190, S0220 and S0413) having bigger height differences. The RMS will be reduced to 2.4 centimetres if all the three (3) stations are being excluded from the computation. The RMS of 2.4 centimetres is considerably fine if the baseline length, observation length and two (2) years epoch difference of the former campaign being taken into account. 73 The new height information will be used for the new computation of geoid model and will be combined with selected former data. 4.4.4 Mean Sea Level Information The height information for all Benchmarks has been based on the adjustment of Precise Levelling Network which has been done in 1998. There is a new update value of SBM S0220 when the levelling line was upgraded recently by carrying out a precise levelling survey. 4.4.5 WMGeoid06A Fitted Geoid Computation A newly-combined GPS levelling data set of 165 points in Peninsular Malaysia from two (2) GPS campaigns were being used to compute the revised fitted geoid model called WMGeoid06A. GEOIP program from Gravsoft computation package has been used for data screening, detecting any inconsistencies. The program screened every NGPS Lev. value from GPS levelling stations compared with NWMG03A from WMGeoid03A gridded models. With a large amount of GPS levelling data, the filtering process has been timeconsuming and there are many suspected outliers that probably came from ellipsoidal height (h), Benchmark value (H) or the gravimetric geoid itself. Least squares collocation input parameters for iteration one (1) are listedin Table 4.16, and the adjustment statistics from are shown in Table 4.17 with corrector surface as in Figure 4.19. 74 Table 4.16: LSC Fitting Parameters No. Parameter Peninsular 1. Strategy 2. Maximum Station per Quadrant 3. Correlation Length 4. Number of Collocation Benchmarks 5. Apriori Sigma 6. Grid Ranges North/South East/West 1° - 8° North 99° - 105° East Grid Interval 1’ 7. Bias Estimation 24 50 km 165 0.03 meter Table 4.17: Comparison Statistics for Iteration #1 ∆N No. Unit (M) 1. Minimum 0.797 2. Maximum 2.214 3. Mean 1.311 4. Standard Deviation 0.136 8 7 1.65 417 501 310 296 500 177 1615 311 168 6 1.60 413 1.55 170 379 1806 1729 154 1.45 118 1.40 47 3245 3233 483 2659 461 5 48 317 496 491 4901 547 487 246 540 1.50 276 180 83 1.35 3365 50 424 91 201 202 1082 1.30 200 1.25 1142 1779 2563 368 2599 415 87 2547 427 117 1122 417 416 313 2079 475 4 3139 1053 3038 346 1.20 102 54 1.15 221 2176 18471013 1501 793 3 1.10 61 1305 1401 65 1328 873 1341 355 898 198 1819 3571 357 170 1707 603 100 2039 127 10141008 2208 85 1775 1013 8 128 898 2329 828 784 356 68 377 252 1567 1155 372 431 253 267 335 70 1585 1.05 855 108 337 1011 414 1015 2392 341 0.95 199 0.85 1247 17 147 1667 146 209 0.90 1023 3741 3904 3218 2 1.00 2638 1220 3821 15 190 14 1364 678 1383 992 0.80 1150 3608 25 1165 3547 3655 3173 3041 3187 1430 393 699 3203 1160 3276 1151 130 2885 2985 220 1 99 100 101 102 103 Figure 4.19: ∆N Variation 104 105 75 To fit the gravimetric geoid to GPS levelling, a least-squares collocation method was used, using as common trend parameter with a single bias. For the final fit, a number of different collocation parameters σ (standard deviation of GPS levelling) of 0.030 m and correlation length of 2nd order Markov covariance function of 50 km is being used. For the final computation, thirty (30) points have been excluded from the process, and the results show an improvement with the corrector surface being well distributed (Figure 4.20). The corrector surface range is between 1.25 – 1.38 meter with the formal standard error is 0.039 m in the least square collocation adjustment. 8 7 417 501 310 1.37 413 500 177 1615 311 168 6 1.36 170 180 48 317 496 1.35 118 4901 487 246 1.34 47 379 3245 3233 1.33 483 2659 461 5 1806 87 4 50 424 91 201 200 1082 1.32 1779 2563 2599 415 2547 427 117 417 416 313 2079 102 54 1.31 221 1.3 2176 18471013 355 1.29 1401 855 1328 873 1341 357 170 1707 3 61 1305 65 1819 100 2039 2208 1775 198 603 127 10141008 128 898 2329 828 784 356 68 377 1567 372 431 253 267 335 70 1585 108 337 1015 2392 341 199 8 1.27 1023 1155 1.26 1247 414 17 3904 3218 2 1.28 2638 147 1667 146 209 190 1220 15 1364 3821 14 1383 992 1.25 1150 3608 25 1165 3547 3655 3173 3041 3187 2885 1430 393 699 3203 3276 1151 130 220 1 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Figure 4.20: Corrector Surface plotted from Iteration-21 results 76 4.4.6 Analyses of WMGeoid06A Fitted Geoid For the evaluation of WMGeoid06A quality, 131 SBM/BM that were used for the surface fitting process were compared with the WMGeoid06A model. Table 4.18: LSC Fitting Statistics points predicted: 131, skipped points: 0 minimum distance to grid edges for predictions: 147.5 km statistics: mean std.dev. min max original data (pointfile) : -1.145 6.410 -14.330 10.294 grid interpolation results: -1.145 6.410 -14.326 10.305 predicted values output : 0.000 0.039 -0.173 0.167 unknown 0 0 0 Table 4.18, shows the statistics of LSC with the standard error of the fitting is slightly larger than statistic of WMG04A with 0.039 meter. The value is an indicator for the internal quality assessment of WMGeoid06A model. To have more realistic quality assessment, a comparison with external data will be performed. Comparison with External Data Sets Data sets of DS-1, DS-2 and DS-3 from Para has been used to determine the accuracy of WMGeoid06A. For this purpose, all three (3) data sets are being combined into a single file with a single run of geoid interpolation program. -0.32 -0.24 -0.16 -0.08 2 0 0.08 2 0.16 0.24 Figure 4.22: Height Difference Histogram (Unfiltered) Stations Figure 4.21: Height Difference (Unfiltered) 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.00 0.32 J3275 J3122 J2507 J1767 J1712 J1685 J1593 J1527 J1450 J1375 J1349 J1046 J0915 J0483 J0077 S073 J 1513 J 1330 J 1236 J 1133 J782 J695 J584 J481 J249 J151 J060 S0411 S0091 A1802 A1601 A1396 A0983 A0933 A0726 A0600 A0424 A0123 A0085 -0.300 Relative Frequency Height Difference (m) 77 Height Difference 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 -0.100 -0.200 78 Figure 4.21 and 4.22 show the height difference (or height residuals) between derived value using WMGeoid06A and published value. The minimum, maximum and mean values are tabulated in Table 4.19: Table 4.19: Height Difference Statistic No. Component Unit (M) 1. Minimum -0.193 2. Maximum 0.290 3. Mean 0.004 4. RMS 0.075 The height difference range from 0.193 to 0.290 meter, clearly show that there are outliers in the test data sets. From the histogram plot the height differences which have exceeded two standard deviation (2σ) is around 13 %. This figure is similar with outliers detected with WMGeoid04 fitted models. The same figure also show that 74 % of height difference fall within one standard deviation of 0.075 meter. Subsequent process is to filter out all suspected outliers. The cut-off of 2σ is used to eliminate the bad data sets. Table 4.20: Height Difference Statistic (filtered) No. Component Unit (M) 1. Minimum -0.108 2. Maximum 0.104 3. Mean -0.003 4. RMS 0.050 A total of 15 stations have been excluded in two iterations and the statistics of filtered data are as in Table 4.20 above and residuals plot as in Figure 4.23. The new RMS value is smaller with 0.050 meter and the mean value is -0.003 meters. 79 Height Difference 0.300 0.200 Height Difference (m) 0.100 0.000 -0.100 -0.200 J3275 J3122 J2507 J1767 J1712 J1685 J1593 J1527 J1450 J1375 J1349 J1046 J0915 J0483 S073 J0077 J 1513 J 1330 J 1236 J782 J 1133 J695 J584 J481 J249 J151 J060 S0411 S0091 A1802 A1601 A1396 A0983 A0933 A0726 A0600 A0424 A0123 A0085 -0.300 Stations Figure 4.23: Height Differences (Filtered) 4.5 Summary The idea of the Malaysian geoid project (MyGEOID) has been around since in the mid-90’s. However, due to an anticipated high cost to carry out gravity survey, the idea only has been realised in the 8th Malaysian Plan. With the combination of airborne gravity survey which covers the whole country, terrestrial gravity data and other space borne mission, MyGEOID has been officially launched in 2005. MyGEOID contains two separate models known as WMGeoid04 for Peninsular Malaysia and WMGeoid05 for Sabah and Sarawak. The basic underlying survey and computation work of the Malaysian geoid project was done by the Danish National Space Center or formerly known as Geodynamics Dept. of the Danish National Survey and Cadastre (KMS). With the new data, the geoid models are expected to improve over its earlier models (Kadir et al. 1998). 80 The main objective of the Malaysian geoid model (MyGEOID) is to enable to compute orthometric heights, H that refers to the national geodetic vertical datum (NGVD). In practice, the expression shows the possibility of using GPS levelling technique, knowing the geoidal height, N, the orthometric height, H can be calculated from ellipsoidal height, h. Deriving orthometric height using this technique with a certain level of accuracy, could replace the conventional spirit levelling and therefore make the levelling procedures more cheaper and faster. The existence of vertical datum bias which is the difference between global mean sea level used during geoid computation and local mean sea level will not provide satisfactory results. To minimise the vertical datum bias, the gravimetric geoid has to be fitted to the local mean sea level (NGVD). The airborne gravity survey in Peninsular Malaysia has been done in 2003 with 5 km spacing. The airborne gravity data system being used is based on the Danish National Space Center (DNSC)/University of Bergen system. The system is being based on a differential GPS for positioning, velocity and vertical accelerations, with the gravity being sensed by a modified marine Lacoste and Romberg gravimeter. The system has a general accuracy better than 2 mgal at 5 km resolution. The airborne gravity survey has been flown at different elevations and subsequently need to be downward continued to the surface, before applying the Stokes formula gravity to geoid transformation. The downward continuation is being done by least-squares collocation using the planar logarithmic covariance model, using all available gravity data in the process. The existing surface gravity data in Peninsular Malaysia also has strengthened the gravimetric geoid. The WMGeoid04 is the fitted geoid model which has been computed in 2004, using all available information such as GPS observation on Benchmark and levelling details. The GPS campaign has been done by DSMM in 2003 and 2004. A total of 53 stations which have included 39 SBM/BM with the average baseline length of 70 km have been observed during the GPS campaign. Bernese GPS Post Processing Software Version 4.2 has been used to process the whole GPS campaign data for 2004 with a standard processing strategy as employed by DSMM. 81 The WMGeoid06A target is to improve the WMGeoid04 models. However, with the limitation of data availability the models were only able to cover the west coasts of Peninsular Malaysia and the whole state of Johor. The new GPS campaign has been carried out in 2006 with 161 SBM/BM being observed, including the common points of 2004 GPS campaign. The average baseline length is 25 km which means the network is denser, compared to the previous GPS campaign. Bernese GPS Post Processing Software Version 5.0 has been used to process the whole GPS campaign data for 2006 with a standard processing strategy as employed by DSMM. The fitting process of WMGeoid04 is using Least Squares Collocation to bring in the formal RMS error of 0.020 meters. This value is to optimistic when only 37 SBM/BM were being used in the fitting process. For more realistic evaluation of the models, 3 independent GPS data sets which have been observed in 1997 and 2003 are being used. Out of 115 Benchmarks used for the test, 13 SBM/BM or 11.3 % were rejected. The RMS of height difference is 0.033 meters. As WMGeoid04 models, the new models also used Least Square Collocation for the fitting process with a formal RMS error of 0.039 meters. The value is bigger when compared with the formal error of WMGeoid04. Testing with three (3) independent GPS data sets, there are about 15 SBM/BM or 13 % were rejected. The RMS of height difference is 0.050 meters. 82 CHAPTER 5 QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF THE VIRTUAL REFERENCE STATION AND EVALUATION OF HEIGHT DETERMINATION WITH GEOID MODELS 5.1 Introduction The MyRTKnet Virtual Reference System services consists real time product such as Network RTK, Single Base and Differential GPS. Differential GPS service is available nationwide and Single Base RTK covers the area within 30 km radius from the reference stations. Currently, Network Base RTK (or dense network), covers only three major areas namely Klang Valley, Penang and Johor Bahru. By end of 2006 until mid 2007, the whole of Peninsular Malaysia is expected to be covered under the Network Base RTK services upon the second phase completion of the MyRTKnet project. This chapter will mainly discuss on the quality of coordinates stemmed from the Network Base RTK of MyRTKnet and the possibility of using it as a tool for rapid determination of height system in Malaysia. This chapter will also explain in detail on the test area, the work flow of Network Base RTK, the method and strategy of the assessment and analysis. The final part of this chapter is the comparison study on orthometric height determination using Network Base RTK. 83 5.2 The Test Area Klang Valley and Johor Bahru have been selected as the test area which is two out of the three areas equipped with Network Base RTK. In Klang Valley, MASS station’s KTPK is located in DSMM headquarters while in Johor Dense Network involves MASS station’s UTMJ in Skudai. In addition, four stations from the 2006 GPS campaign in Kluang and Simpang Renggam have been included in the test. 5.2.1 MASS and MyRTKnet Networks Johor Bahru Dense Network (Figure 5.1) consists of four (4) MyRTKnet’s stations namely TGPG (Tanjung Pengelih), KLUG (Kluang), JHJY (Johor Jaya) and KUKP (Kukup). The network services are capable of providing RTK correction and generating virtual Rinex data inside the network as well as 30 km outside the network triangles. The selected MASS station’s UTMJ is located in the middle of the dense network and this certainly gives a clear picture of MyRTKnet services positional quality. There are five (5) reference stations forming the Klang Valley Dense Network (Figure 5.2) namely as KKBH (Kuala Kubu Bharu), MERU (Meru), BANT (Banting), UPMS (Universiti Putra) and KLAW (Kuala Klawang). The network coverage is 100 x 100 km, bigger than the coverage of Johor Bahru Dense Network. KTPK and UTMJ are two (2) (out of 18) MASS stations maintained by DSMM and have been operational since 1999. UTMJ serve the GPS users in the southern part of Peninsular, whereas KTPK for Klang Valley area. The list of equipment and configuration for KTPK and UTMJ are listed in Table 5.1. 84 Table 5.1: Equipment List for MASS station Component KTPK UTMJ GPS Receiver Trimble 4000 SSi Trimble 4000 SSi Antenna Trimble Choke Ring Compact L1/L2 w GP Recording Interval 15 Second 15 Second Recording Format Trimble DAT Trimble DAT Storage Interval Hourly Hourly 3 Latitude (GDM2000) 2.5 KLUG 2 UTMJ 1.5 RTK Stations JHJY TGPG KUKP Mass Station UTMJ 102 102.5 103 103.5 104 104.5 Longitude (GDM2000) Figure 5.1: Location of UTMJ and J. Bahru Dense Network KKBH 3.5 Latitude (GDM2000) 3.4 3.3 KTPK 3.2 MERU 3.1 UPMS 3 KLAW RTK Stations 2.9 Mass Station KTPK 101.1 101.2 101.3 BANT 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 101.8 101.9 102 102.1 Longitude (GDM2000) Figure 5.2: Location of KTPK and Klang Valley Dense Network 85 5.2.2 GPS Stations There are four (4) GPS stations (Standard Benchmark) from the 2006 GPS campaign selected for this test purposes. The accuracy of the stations is superior, compared with other GPS stations available in Peninsular Malaysia. Although the stations distribution is situated outside the dense network, it is still operating inside the 30 km area. Figure 5.3 shows the location of stations involved with the test. 3 Latitude (GDM2000) 2.5 E0146 KLUG E1220 2 E0015 E0014 JHJY 1.5 RTK Stations TGPG KUKP SBM/BM 102 102.5 103 103.5 104 104.5 Longitude (GDM2000) Figure 5.3: Location of GPS Stations for Test Purposes 5.3 Assessment Method The assessment utilised the Trimble Total Control (TTC) GPS processing software and other developed programs which include MyRTKnetStat for Network RTK positional data quality checking purpose. The real time positional data has been compared with the published values for stations that which can be observed with Network RTK technique. For MASS stations, the virtual reference station RINEX files have been generated for post-process purposes. 86 5.3.1 Comparison with MASS Data Comparisons with MASS stations have been used with 24 hours continuous GPS data (with intervals of 15 seconds). The process as follows: i) Generating Virtual Reference Station (VRS) Rinex Data which coincides with the same MASS data time and date. The virtual station coordinates have been used to generate virtual Rinex data, approximately less than 30 meters from the respected actual MASS station’s coordinates. ii) Both GPS data have been imported into the TTC project and subsequently, the Virtual Reference Station’s coordinates were held fixed. iii) Data processing on MASS data on epoch-by-epoch basis. The 24 hours GPS data (with 15 seconds intervals) will produce 5760 positions in one (1) day. iv) Each of the epoch’s wise coordinates then compared with their respective published value in terms of Latitude, Longitude and Ellipsoidal Height. v) 5.3.2 Analyses of coordinated time series for 1 day. Comparison with GPS Stations Comparison with GPS stations is a straight forward process. The steps are listed as follows: i) Carry out Network Base RTK observation on their respective stations by following the procedures of “Pekeliling Ketua Pengarah Ukur dan Pemetaan (PKUP)” 9/2005. ii) Data quality checking for final coordinates utilising MyRTKnetStat program. Each of the coordinates have been compared with their 87 respective published value in terms of Latitude, Longitude and Ellipsoidal Height. iii) 5.4 Analyses of the coordinate difference. Data Processing and Comparison Analyses of MASS Data GPS data for three (3) days from 27 - 29 August 2006 are being used in the computations. As stated earlier, the Virtual Reference Station coordinates for KTPK and UTMJ were approximately less than 30 meter from the original position. The VRS Rinex generation, sourced from www.rtknet.gov.my using the following parameters as an input (Table 5.2): Table 5.2: Input Configuration No. Parameter KTPK UTMJ 1. Published GDM2000 Coordinates 3° 10’ 15.39787” N 101° 43’ 03.39045” E 99.767 Meters (h) 1° 33’ 56.93325” N 103° 38’ 22.43053” E 80.421 Meters (h) 2. Virtual Station’s GDM2000 Coordinates 3° 10’ 15.00000” N 101° 43’ 03.00000” E 99.000 Meters (h) 1° 33’ 56.00000” N 103° 38’ 22.00000” E 80.000 Meters (h) 3. Rinex Interval 15” 15” 4. Broadcast Ephemeris Yes Yes 5. Day of Year (DoY) 239, 240 and 241 239, 240 and 241 5.4.1 GPS Data Processing and Analyses As stated earlier, Trimble Total Control (TTC) GPS processing software has been utilised for data processing purposes. The processing steps are a straight forward approach, using the default configuration of TTC for Post-Process Kinematic option. Virtual stations coordinates were held fixed and each of 15 seconds epoch, expected to produce one set of derived kinematic coordinate for 88 KTPK and UTMJ. With a complete 24 hours of observations, 5760 sets of coordinates can be computed. The output coordinates of post-process kinematic came with its position/solution statistics. Statistics from the data processing include the time of position, the standard deviation for all component (North, East and Height), common satellite in view and the Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP). 12 7 10 6 6 PDOP # Sats 8 4 2 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 24 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 16 18 20 22 24 Time (UTC) Time (UTC) 12 10 6 6 PDOP # Sats 8 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 Time (UTC) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (UTC) Figure 5.4: Number of Satellites and PDOP for KTPK (Top) and UTMJ (Bottom) on 27th August 2006 Figure 5.4 shows the number of common view satellite and PDOP for KTPK and UTMJ on 27th August 2006. There are many occasions where the PDOP are more than 4 for KTPK and UTMJ but in normal circumstances, PDOP less than 7 will gives a satisfactory results (Wellenhof, 1997). 89 Temporal Variation of Fixed Solution Temporal variation of fixed solution has been studied to observe the coordinate behaviors over 24 hours. In the past, there are some variation of accuracy in time while having fixed solution over a longer periods of time. RTK rover needs at least five 5 common satellites with its base station to resolve the unknown ambiguities using on-the-fly technique. In general, increasing number of satellites produced a better result because of better satellite geometry and redundant satellites for ambiguity resolution (Wellenhof, 2001). Lowering the cut-off angle may increase the number of visible satellites but does not always improve the results if there are surrounding obstacles are present. During the test, the cut-off angle of 13 degrees is being used in order to avoid signal blockage. In Figure 5.5 and 5.6, the RMS values for the three (3) days coordinates were plotted against the time over 24 hours and overlaid with number of common view satellites for KTPK and UTMJ. THREE-DAYS RMS vs NUMBER of SATELLITES VARIATION (KTPK) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 # Satellites 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 RMS (mm) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.10 12 0.08 10 8 0.06 6 0.04 4 0.02 2 0.00 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.10 0.08 # Satellites RMS (mm) # Satellites RMS (m) 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 5.5: RMS (Blue) and Number of Satellites (Red) over three Days for KTPK from 27th – 29th August 2006 90 THREE-DAYS RMS vs NUMBER of SATELLITES VARIATION (UTMJ) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 # Satellites 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 RMS (mm) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.10 12 0.08 10 8 0.06 6 0.04 4 0.02 2 0.00 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.10 0.08 # Satellites RMS (mm) # Satellites RMS (m) 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 5.6: RMS (Blue) and Number of Satellites (Red) over three Days for UTMJ from 27th – 29th August 2006 In general, increasing number of satellites will decreases the RMS of observations as depicted in Figure 5.5 for MASS station’s KTPK. However, in Figure 5.6 for MASS station’s UTMJ, there are mixtures of trend, where increasing the number of satellites will not always decreases the RMS (as shown on the RMS variation) on 29th August 2006 between 5.5 and 7.5 hours (UTC). Referring to the same figure, this also includes the changes in number of satellites during the period. However, there is no clear correlation between satellites and accuracy can be seen. Investigating further on the fixed solution, the RMS values for coordinates have been plotted with the Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP), in order to observe for any impact of satellites geometry on the RMS of the fixed solutions. MASS station’s KTPK is shown in Figure 5.7, whilst UTMJ in Figure 5.8. 91 8 0.08 6 0.06 4 0.04 2 0.02 0 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.10 8 0.08 6 0.06 4 0.04 PDOP RMS (mm) 0 2 0.02 0.00 0 0 RMS (mm) PDOP 0.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.10 8 0.08 6 0.06 4 0.04 PDOP RMS (m) THREE-DAYS RMS vs PDOP VARIATION (KTPK) 2 0.02 0.00 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 5.7: RMS (Blue) and PDOP (Red) over three Days for KTPK from 27th – 29th August 2006 8 0.08 6 0.06 4 0.04 0.02 2 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.10 8 0.08 6 0.06 4 0.04 2 0.02 0.00 0 0 RMS (mm) PDOP RMS (mm) 0 PDOP 0.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.10 8 0.08 6 0.06 4 0.04 0.02 2 0.00 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PDOP RMS (m) THREE-DAYS RMS vs PDOP VARIATION (UTMJ) 24 Figure 5.8: RMS (Blue) and PDOP (Red) over three Days for UTMJ from 27th – 29th August 2006 92 Figure 5.7 and 5.8 indicate a clear correlation between the accuracy of coordinates stem from the fixed solution and the satellites geometry. Therefore if a good result is expected, measurements during poor satellite geometry should be avoided. However, the variation of the accuracy seems to be within 3 - 4 cm, accurate enough for surveying and mapping purposes. 5.4.2 Accuracy Assessment of Post-Process Network Based RTK Comparison analyses of MASS coordinates of KTPK and UTMJ requires three (3) dimensional coordinate’s differences between the computed (epoch-byepoch) against the published value. The difference or the residuals for all three (3) coordinate components have been plotted in order to analyse the one (1) day coordinate trend. The second stage of the analysis involves plotting the residuals histogram to enable observation on the residual’s relative frequency. The comparison method being used is by differentiating both computed and published coordinate sets in Earth Centred Earth Fixed (ECEF) system, which will produce residuals vector of dX, dY and dZ. The vectors are then has been converted to local geodetic system of dN (Northing), dE (Easting) and dU (Up/Height). The conversion process from geocentric cartesian vector to local geodetic plane is using the following formula: dN = -Sin(λ).Cos(ψ).dX - Sin(λ).Sin(ψ).dY + Cos(λ).dZ (5.1) dE = Sin(ψ).dX - Cos(ψ).dY (5.2) dU = -Cos(λ).Cos(ψ).dX + Cos(λ).Sin(ψ).dY - Sin(λ).dZ (5.3) The used of geocentric latitude (ψ) can be replaced by the corresponding station’s geodetic latitude (φ) and will not give any significant changes if the latitude difference is small (less than 1°@100 km) (Jivall, 1991). 93 Coordinates smoothing have been carried out before the coordinate’s comparison takes place. The simple smoothing process is by computing the average of five (5) epochs for each position. The five (5) epochs are the current epoch and two epochs (each before and after) the current observation. The same technique was applied in the Real Time Kinematic Survey, but in this smoothing process the average coordinates is base on the fixed five (5) epochs without any data filtering. Whereas, in RTK survey, the final coordinates were derived from at least five (5) cleaned epochs. Horizontal Coordinate Difference Figure 5.9 to 5.12 shows the coordinates difference (“True Errors”) in latitude and longitude for three (3) days for MASS station’s KTPK and UTMJ. The shaded boxes represent the 3 cm coordinates difference in horizontal component. Figure 5.9: Latitude Difference over three (3) days for KTPK from 27th – 29th August 2006 94 Figure 5.10: Longitude Difference over three (3) days for KTPK from 27th – 29th August 2006 Figure 5.11: Latitude Difference over three (3) days for UTMJ from 27th – 29th August 2006 95 Figure 5.12: Longitude Difference over three (3) days for KTPK from 27th – 29th August 2006 As can be seen in above figure, generally the MASS station’s KTPK shows a good agreement in coordinates difference in latitude and longitude, compared to UTMJ. In northing (latitude) component, the RMS of difference (RMS of residuals) for the three (3) days is 0.015, 0.012 and 0.015 m respectively, which is a clear presentation of achievable accuracy of VRS. There are three (3) occasions on 27th at 17.5 hours (1:30 am on 28th MST), on 28th at 7 hours (3:00 pm MST) and on 29th between 07 and 09.5 hours (3:00 to 5:30 pm MST), where the coordinates difference are more than 3 cm. Further investigation shown, that the high residuals are highly correlated to high RMS value in fixed solution (Figure 5.7) and high PDOP. The RMS of difference in easting component for the three (3) days is 0.017, 0.013 and 0.021 m respectively which are slightly bigger than the northing component. There are also a high residuals in certain occasions and are correlated to high RMS of fixed solution. The results of MASS station’s UTMJ are no better than KTPK. The RMS of residuals for three days is 0.018, 0.015 and 0.018 for northing component and 0.027, 96 0.026 and 0.024 m for easting component respectively. However, there are trend of noisy data starting from 4 – 7.5 hours (12:00 – 3:30 pm MST). The noisy data which is at noon (local time), where the activity of ionosphere is at the highest level. To confirm that the ionosphere activity has a direct impact on the coordinates variation, a plot of coordinates variation against I95 ionosphere index activity are depicted in Figure 5.14 – 5.17. Ionosphere I95 Index (Trimble’s GPSNet User Guide) reflects the intensity of ionospheric activity, i.e., the expected influences onto the relative GPS positions. The I95 values are computed from the ionospheric corrections for all satellites at all network stations for the respective hour. The worst 5% of data are rejected. The highest then remaining value is the I95 index value that is displayed at the graph. Figure 5.13: Ionosphere Index on 27th August 2006 Figure 5.13 shows the ionosphere activity in Peninsular Malaysia on 27th August 2006. As stated in the figure, the normal ionosphere activity has an index of two (2), that covers during 01:00 hours (8:00 am MST) and between the 20th-24th hour (3:00 – 7:00 am MST). The ionosphere disturbance started to increase and peaked at 06:00 hours (01:00 pm MST), which passed the medium disturbance. 97 Figure 5.14 and 5.15 show the coordinates variation in northing and easting component for KTPK and Figure 5.16 and 5.17 for UTMJ. The figures were overlaid with the ionosphere activity over 24 hours, in order to see the correlation between ionosphere activity and the accuracy of post-process VRS. As expected, during low ionosphere disturbance between the 18th and 24th hour (02:00 – 08:00 am MST) the coordinates variation in northing and easting have a good agreement with their respective 24 hour average coordinates. The variation started to show a wider coordinates dispersion while the ionosphere activity started to increase towards noon. Based on the visual analysis, users should avoid observing observation during high ionosphere disturbance if a good result is expected. 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.06 0.04 6 0.02 0.00 4 -0.02 2 -0.04 -0.06 I 95 Index Different in Latitude (m) 0 0 0 Different in Latitude (m) I 95 Index 8 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 6 4 2 I 95 Index Different in Latitude (m) THREE-DAYS COORDINATES VARIATON vs IONOSPHERE ACTIVITY (KTPK) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 5.14:Three Days Latitude Variation (Blue) and Ionosphere I95 (Red) for KTPK THREE-DAYS COORDINATES VARIATON vs IONOSPHERE ACTIVITY (KTPK) 8 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.06 0.04 6 0.02 I 95 Index Different in Longitude (m) 0 4 0.00 -0.02 2 -0.04 -0.06 0 0 Different in Longitude (m) I 95 Index 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 6 4 2 I 95 Index Different in Longitude (m) 98 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 5.15:Three (3) days Longitude Variation (Blue) and Ionosphere I95 (Red) for KTPK 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.06 0.04 6 0.02 4 0.00 -0.02 2 -0.04 -0.06 I 95 Index Different in Latitude (m) 0 0 0 Different in Latitude (m) I 95 Index 8 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 5.16: Three (3) days Latitude Variation (Blue) and Ionosphere I95 (Red) for UTMJ I 95 Index Different in Latitude (m) THREE-DAYS LATITUDE VARIATION vs IONOSPHERE ACTIVITY VARIATION (UTMJ) THREE-DAYS LONGITUDE VARIATION vs IONOSPHERE ACTIVITY VARIATION (UTMJ) 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.06 0.04 6 0.02 0.00 4 -0.02 2 -0.04 -0.06 I 95 Index Different in Longitude (m) 0 0 0 Different in Longitude (m) I 95 Index 8 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 6 4 2 I 95 Index Different in Longitude (m) 99 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 5.17: Three (3) days Longitude Variation (Blue) and Ionosphere I95 (Red) for UTMJ To assess the accuracy of VRS, Figure 5.18 – 5.21 visualize the three (3) days accumulation positional error for KTPK and UTMJ. The positional error for KTPK in the northing and easting component at 99% confidence level is 34 and 29 mm 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.2 Relative Frequency (%) Relative Frequency (%) respectively, while 31 and 35 mm for UTMJ in northing and easting component. 0.15 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 0 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Error (mm) 10 20 30 40 50 60 Figure 5.18: Error in Northing (KTPK) -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Error (mm) Figure 5.19: Error in Easting (KTPK) 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.2 Relative Frequency (%) Relative Frequency (%) 100 0.15 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 0 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Error (mm) 20 30 40 50 Figure 5.20: Error in Northing (UTMJ) 60 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Error (mm) 10 20 30 40 Figure 5.21: Error in Easting (UTMJ) Statistical summary for the two 2 stations were at 95% and 99%, listed in Table 5.3. From these results, the achievable accuracy of Network Based RTK (VRS) is better than 3 cm (2σ) horizontally. These results have proven that Network Based RTK can provide user with centimetre level of accuracy, for survey and mapping purposes in Malaysia. Table 5.3: Statistical Summary for Horizontal Component Station Component Confidence Level 95% 99% KTPK Northing Easting 26.1 mm 21.8 mm 34.3 mm 28.7 mm UTMJ Northing Easting 24.3 mm 26.8 mm 31.9 mm 35.3 mm 101 Vertical Coordinate Difference Analyses of vertical coordinates have been carried in same manner as the horizontal coordinates. Figure 5.23 and 5.24 show the height variation (plotted together with PDOP) for KTPK and UTMJ. From the figures, there are high correlation between PDOP and the height variation. Similar trend can be observed in horizontal coordinates variation, but the impact on height is much bigger that can reach up to 25 cm. 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 6 4 PDOP Different in Height (m) 0 2 0 0 Different in Height (m) PDOP 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 Figure 5.23: Three (3) days Height Variation (Blue) and PDOP (Red) for KTPK 22 23 24 PDOP Different in Height. (m) THREE-DAYS HEIGHT DIFFERENCE VARIATION (KTPK) 102 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 6 4 2 I 95 Index Different in Height (m) 0 0 0 Different in Height (m) I 95 Index 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 6 4 2 I 95 Index Different in Height (m) THREE-DAYS COORDINATES VARIATON vs IONOSPHERE ACTIVITY (KTPK) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 5.24: Three (3) days Height Variation (Blue) and I95 Index (Red) for KTPK Analyses on ionospheric disturbance as can be seen in Figure 5.25 and 5.26 for KTPK and UTMJ respectively. Both indicate that the activity does has its influence on the height variation. Similar to their respective horizontal coordinates variation, such as during low ionosphere disturbance between 18th and 24th hour (02:00 – 08:00 am, MST) the height variation has a good agreement with their respective 24 hours average height. A large height dispersion can be observed where the ionosphere activity started to increase towards noon. 103 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 6 4 PDOP Different in Height (m) 0 2 0 0 Different in Height (m) PDOP 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 6 4 PDOP Different in Height. (m) THREE-DAYS HEIGHT DIFFERENCE VARIATION (UTMJ) 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 5.25: Three (3) days Height Variation (Blue) and PDOP (Red) for UTMJ 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 27 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 6 4 2 I 95 Index Different in Height (m) 0 0 0 Different in Height (m) I 95 Index 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 28 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 6 4 2 I 95 Index Different in Height (m) THREE-DAYS HEIGHT VARIATION vs IONOSPHERE ACTIVITY VARIATION (UTMJ) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (UTC) 29 August 2006 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 5.26: Three (3) days Height Variation (Blue) and I95 Index (Red) for UTMJ Assessments of the three (3) days vertical accuracy for VRS, shown in Figure 5.27 – 5.28 for KTPK and UTMJ. The vertical error for KTPK is 90.2 mm at 99% 104 confidence level and 86.9 mm for UTMJ. As expected, the vertical error is higher (to the factor of 2 – 3) when being compared to the horizontal coordinates accuracy. Statistical summary for the two stations at 95% and 99% confidence level are listed in Table 5.4. From these results, the achievable vertical accuracy of Network Based RTK (VRS) is between 1- 6 cm. These results can be improved if more reference stations are available to provide corrections for the VRS. Table 5.4: Statistical Summary for Vertical Component Station Component KTPK UTMJ Confidence Level 95% 99% Vertical 64.7 mm 90.2 mm Vertical 65.5 mm 86.9 mm 0.2 0.16 0.12 Relative Frequency (%) Relative Frequency (%) 0.16 0.08 0.04 0.12 0.08 0.04 0 0 -160 -80 0 Error (mm) 80 160 Figure 5.27: Vertical Error (KTPK) -200 -160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 Error (mm) 80 120 160 200 Figure 5.28: Vertical Error (UTMJ) 105 5.5 Assessment of Network Based Real-Time Survey 5.5.1 Field Observation Assessment of real time positioning accuracy using Network Based RTK was using four (4) GPS stations (as in Figure 5.3). Although all the four (4) stations are located outside the network triangle, it is still inside the 30 km coverage. The achievable accuracy of real time positioning inside and outside the network is comparable (Hakli, 2004), even though the correction outside the network is extrapolated. The test stations observation has been done with nine (9) initialisations, each recording ten epochs. The data logger configuration has been setup with every epoch consists of at least five observations (5 second with 1 second data interval). The test has been done on 27th September 2006, with a favourable condition (except station E0146, where heavy downpour occurred for the whole day in that area). 5.5.2 Results and Analyses The Network Based RTK real time survey accuracy assessment is similar to the assessment of MASS stations. The positions of each epoch have been compared to their respective published value in 3-Dimensional coordinates system (NEU), and this will be the measure of achievable accuracy (“True Error”). Figure 5.29 to 5.32 visualised the coordinates difference for E0014, E0015, E0146 and E1220 respectively. In general, the horizontal coordinates difference falls within 3 cm of its actual value (published) and 5 cm for the vertical component except for E0146. The RMS of difference (RMS of Residuals) for all stations is tabulated in Table 5.5. Looking at the coordinates difference of E0146 in Figure 5.29, the coordinates variation is almost double, compared to the other stations. As stated earlier, the weather condition at the stations was not favourable during the observation, with heavy downpour occurred for the whole days. The obvious differences in weather condition (between the observation site and the reference 106 stations) will lead to the wrong estimation and correction of zenith total delay (ZTD) for the observed station. Any wrong estimation of ZTD will directly affect the vertical component and this can be seen where the height difference of 20 cm has been recorded at the station. Based on the observation result of E0146, an observation in unfavourable weather condition should be avoided if a good result is expected. Table 5.5: Statistics of VRS Observation Different in Height (m) Different in Longitude (m) Different in Latitude (m) Station RMS of Residuals Northing Easting Up E0014 19 mm 17 mm 11 mm E0015 13 mm 5 mm 45 mm E0146 46 mm 20 mm 55 mm E1220 9 mm 18 mm 41 mm 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 Figure 5.29:3-Dimensional Coordinates Difference for E0014 Different in Height (m) Different in Longitude (m) Different in Latitude (m) 107 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 Different in Height (m) Different in Longitude (m) Different in Latitude (m) Figure 5.30:3-Dimensional Coordinates Difference for E0015 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.00 -0.04 -0.08 -0.12 -0.16 -0.20 Figure 5.31:3-Dimensional Coordinates Difference for E0146 Different in Latitude (m) 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 Different in Height (m) 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 Different in Longitude (m) 108 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 Index of Position 60 70 80 90 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 Figure 5.32:3-Dimensional Coordinates Difference for E1220 Accuracy measurements of the Network Based VRS are computed based on the observation of three (3) stations. E0146 was excluded, due to large uncertainties affected by the weather condition. Figure 5.33 – 5.35 show the error histograms for each of the 3-Dimensional coordinate’s component. The error distributions were mixed and do not have good agreement with Gaussian normal distribution. However, with a limited data (270 sets) accumulated from three stations, the result does represent the achievable accuracy of a real time VRS. Based on the normal distribution of the errors, the horizontal accuracy of real time VRS is 36.6, 29.9 and 51.0 mm for the northing, easting and height component respectively (each at 99% confidence level). The horizontal accuracy is comparable to the post-process horizontal accuracy, which is better than 3cm. However, for the vertical accuracy, a better choice would be a real time VRS. The statistical summary for the real time VRS at 95% and a confidence level of 99% are tabulated in Table 5.6. 109 Table 5.6: Statistical Summary No. Component 1. Confidence Level 95% 99% Latitude 27.8 mm 36.6 mm 2. Longitude 22.7 mm 29.9 mm 3. Height 38.8 mm 51.0 mm 0.1 Relative Frequency 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Error (mm) 20 30 40 50 Figure 5.33: Coordinate Error in Northing Component 0.1 Relative Frequency 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Error (mm) Figure 5.34: Coordinate Error in Easting Component 110 0.1 Relative Frequency 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 Error (mm) 60 80 100 Figure 5.35: Coordinate Error in Vertical Component 5.6 Test and Evaluation 5.6.1 Method and Test Area There are three (3) areas selected in testing the achievable accuracy of height determination using VRS and precise geoid model WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A. The areas are the same four benchmark sites in Johor that have been used to assess the ellipsoidal height accuracy, ten (10) benchmark site in Putra Jaya and 12 benchmark site in Kuala Lumpur and its surrounding area. The Mean Sea Level (MSL) values of the respective benchmarks have been determined either by using a precise levelling technique or 2nd class levelling survey. The tests have been performed in a straight-forward approach by comparing the published MSL value against the derived orthometric height (H) from VRS and geoid models. The consistency of 3-D coordinates derived from VRS has been checked using MyRTKnetStat program, developed by the author. The program read the raw 111 data of observation file from data logger (*DC File) and then compute the final average coordinates including its respective standard deviation. For analysis and data snooping purposes, observations residuals were also computed and displayed. Figure 5.36: MyRTKnetStat Program Example 5.6.2 Comparison Analyses A straight-forward comparison analysis has been done by comparing the derived orthometric height using VRS and geoid models with its published MSL value. Table 5.7 to 5.9 tabulated the comparison statistics for the three (3) test areas. 112 Table 5.7: Orthometric Height Difference (Kuala Lumpur) Station Ell. Hgt N2004 N2006A H2004 + H2006A + VRS VRS δH2004 HLev. δH2006A B0028 51.565 -2.004 -1.972 53.569 53.537 53.516 0.053 0.021 B0029 59.785 -1.960 -1.928 61.745 61.713 61.686 0.059 0.027 B0515 52.605 -1.650 -1.633 54.255 54.238 54.217 0.038 0.021 B0516 55.559 -1.582 -1.569 57.141 57.128 57.137 0.004 -0.009 B1475 107.179 -2.303 -2.244 109.482 109.423 109.517 -0.035 -0.094 B1807 142.708 -1.731 -1.711 144.439 144.419 144.460 -0.022 -0.041 B1808 106.204 -1.732 -1.711 107.936 107.915 108.007 -0.071 -0.092 B1809 62.344 -1.709 -1.689 64.053 64.033 64.010 0.043 0.023 B1810 49.437 -1.678 -1.659 51.115 51.096 51.106 0.008 -0.011 B1811 57.891 -1.614 -1.600 59.505 59.491 59.490 0.015 0.001 B1813 64.077 -1.519 -1.509 65.596 65.586 65.633 -0.037 -0.047 W0534 34.546 -2.193 -2.149 36.739 36.695 36.732 0.006 -0.038 RMS 0.039 0.046 Table 5.8: Orthometric Height Difference (Johor) H2004 + H2006A + VRS VRS 6.164 21.690 5.497 5.474 37.971 6.045 16.850 4.949 HLev. δH2004 δH2006A 21.706 21.664 0.026 0.042 8.006 8.029 8.071 -0.065 -0.042 6.058 31.926 31.913 31.932 -0.006 -0.019 4.932 11.901 11.918 11.895 0.006 0.023 0.035 0.033 Station Ell. Hgt N2004 N2006A E0014 27.870 6.180 E0015 13.503 E0146 E1220 RMS Table 5.7 and 5.8 show the height difference, derived using Network Based real-time technique and the two (2) geoid models. Mean Sea Level (MSL) height for 12 benchmark site in Kuala Lumpur and its surrounding area, including four (4) benchmarks (eccentricity) in Johor, have been determined using precise levelling technique. Field observation in Kuala Lumpur has been executed between 12 -15 September 2006, while observation in Johor done during August 2006. From the same figures, the RMS of height difference, derived using both geoid models are better than 5 cm, which is comparable (or better than) the tests done using static GPS observations (refer Chapter 4). With the VRS technique observation time is less than 5 minutes per stations; it has the edge over the conventional static observation for height determination with GPS. 113 Table 5.9: Orthometric Height Difference (Putra Jaya) Station Ell. Hgt N2004 N2006A H2004 + H2006A + VRS VRS HLev. δH2004 δH2006A B2014 65.257 -2.089 -2.045 67.346 67.302 67.274 0.072 0.028 B2016 39.957 -2.125 -2.082 42.082 42.039 42.013 0.069 0.026 B2017 34.952 -2.133 -2.090 37.085 37.042 36.952 0.133 0.090 B2019 48.637 -2.135 -2.092 50.772 50.729 50.601 0.171 0.128 B2022 24.369 -2.122 -2.081 26.491 26.450 26.489 0.002 -0.039 B2032 51.957 -1.942 -1.904 53.899 53.861 53.850 0.049 0.011 B2033 37.617 -2.095 -2.053 39.712 39.670 39.720 -0.008 -0.050 B2036 40.358 -2.005 -1.965 42.363 42.323 42.261 0.102 0.062 B2037 36.585 -1.983 -1.944 38.568 38.529 38.431 0.137 0.098 B2038 38.473 -1.960 -1.922 40.433 40.395 40.338 0.095 0.057 RMS 0.096 0.065 Observation in Putrajaya has been done between 12 and 18 July 2006. A total of 12 second class levelling benchmarks were observed, using real-time VRS (with two (2) initialisations for each station). The time taken for each benchmarks is approximately five (5) minutes in order to complete the observation for both initialisations. As in Table 5.9, the RMS of height difference using WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A geoid models is 0.096 (1σ) m and 0.065 (1σ) m respectively. The RMS values shown that the orthometric height determination with VRS using WMGeoid06A model is considered better than WMGeoid04. However, the large RMS values have indicated that the accuracy of published height from 2nd Class levelling survey is questionable. Relative comparison analysis has been carried out by selecting extreme benchmark as a reference for each test area. In order to determine the relative precision in term of part per million (ppm), the trend fitting through origin has been used as follow:Y = B*X 114 where, X = Distance in Km Y = Height Difference in mm B = Coefficient in term of ppm Combined plot of height difference against benchmarks distance is shown in Figure 5.37 and 5.38 for WMGeoid04 and WMgeoid06A models respectively. The relative precision derived from through origin trend line is 1.03 ppm for WMGeoid04 geoid models and 0.75 ppm for WMgeoid06A. Height Difference (mm) 200 100 0 1.03 ppm -100 -200 0 10 20 Distance (km) 30 40 Figure 5.37: Relative GPS Levelling Using WMGeoid04 Height Difference (mm) 200 100 0.75 ppm 0 -100 -200 0 10 20 Distance (km) 30 Figure 5.38: Relative GPS Levelling Using WMGeoid06A 40 115 To assess the relative precision between conventional and GPS levelling, the following threshold has been used: Table 5.10: Levelling Specification No Levelling Type Specification Limits 1 Precise Levelling 0.003 * √K, K in km 2 2nd Class Levelling 0.012 * √K, K in km 3 VRS + WMGeoid04 1.03 ppm 4 VRS + WMGeoid06A 0.75 ppm Figure 5.39 shows the levelling limits plot for the above levelling specification. Relative precision for GPS levelling using VRS and fitted geoid models clearly shows that it’s better than 2nd class levelling. However, precise levelling is still the most precise technique in determination of height. Even though the plot depicted, over short distance the GPS levelling is comparable to precise levelling technique, however, further investigation is needed to confirm the findings with more data sets. Comparison between WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A geoid models has shown that the latter model is better in term of relative precision. 0.10 2nd Class Levelling Height Difference (m) 0.08 0.06 VRS + WMGeoid04 0.04 VRS + WMGeoid06A 0.02 Precise Levelling 0.00 0 10 20 30 Distance in KM 40 Figure 5.39: Relative Precision Comparison 50 116 5.7 Summary Quality assessments for the Virtual Reference Station (VRS) are the main subject that has been discussed in this chapter. The quality of coordinates observed with VRS plays a major role in a rapid and accurate determination of orthometric heights. There are three (3) areas selected for the tests which include Klang Valley, Johor Bahru, and Simpang Renggam. The assessment utilised the Trimble Total Control (TTC) GPS processing software and other programs for quality check on Network RTK positional data. The real time positional data were compared against the respective published values for stations that can be observed with Network RTK technique. For the Malaysia Active GPS Stations (MASS), the virtual reference station RINEX file have been generated for post-processing purposes. Comparisons with MASS stations are using three 24 hours continuous GPS data, with 15 seconds data interval. A Virtual Reference Station (VRS) Rinex Data with a same time and date of MASS data have been generated, with its coordinates approximately less than 30 meters from the respected MASS station’s coordinates. For data processing, a kinematic mode with epoch-byepoch solution has been used. The 24-hours GPS data, each with 15 seconds interval have produced 5760 positions over a single day. Each of the epochs wise coordinates have been compared with their respective published value in terms of Latitude, Longitude and Ellipsoidal Height. GPS stations comparisons is a straight-forward process, where a GPS observation with Network Base RTK on the respective stations has been performed strictly following the procedures of “Pekeliling Ketua Pengarah Ukur dan Pemetaan (PKUP)” series 9/2005. The data quality check and final coordinates has been utilising MyRTKnetStat program. Analysis of post-process VRS also include the temporal variation of fixed solution, derived from Trimble Total Control (TTC) software. The analyses involved comparison between Root Mean Square (RMS) of fixed solution and the number of satellite and RMS against Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP). The results have shown that the two parameters (number of satellite and PDOP) have a significant role 117 in determining the RMS value. Thus, increasing the number of satellite will potentially reduce the RMS of Fixed Solution, and lowering the PDOP will also improve the RMS value. The post-processing VRS accuracy assessments shown that the horizontal component is better than three (3) cm (2σ), with 7 cm for the vertical component. An achievable accuracy analysis also takes into account the impact of ionosphere, number of satellite and PDOP value. The assessment of the real-time Network Based RTK has been accomplished using four (4) stations around Kluang and Simpang Renggam. All the stations, although located outside the network triangle, still resides inside the 30 km buffer zone. This will give a similar result if the stations located inside the triangle. One of the 4 stations has been observed under bad weather condition (heavy rain) and resulted in a completely unfavourable reading. The achievable accuracy is better than 3 cm and 4 cm for the horizontal and vertical component respectively, both at 95% confidence region. To test the possibility using VRS for orthometric height determination, independent tests has been performed in Kuala Lumpur, Putra Jaya and Johor. Stations in Johor are the same stations being used for the previous realtime Network Based RTK. WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A geoid models were used in the test for comparison analysis. Relative precision for GPS levelling using VRS and fitted geoid models clearly shows that it’s better than 2nd class levelling. Even though the plot depicted, over short distance the GPS levelling is comparable to precise levelling technique, however, further investigation is needed to confirm the findings with more data sets. Comparison between WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A geoid models has shown that the latter model is better in term of relative precision. 118 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Conclusion The gravity and GPS projects that have been done by DSMM successfully computed a gravimetric geoid models and two fitted models known as WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A. The computation of the two fitted models was based on two separate GPS campaign, held in 2004 and 2006. The 2006 GPS campaign is denser than in 2004 with average baseline length is 25 km. Furthermore, the GPS observation duration in 2006 is longer, with every station observed on at least 12 hours, contradictory to the 2004 GPS campaign where the observation duration is between 4 to 9 hours. With the new network configuration, the quality of ellipsoidal height (h) which is the critical part geoid fitting process is considered more convincing when compared to the 2004 GPS campaign. The accuracy assessments of the two fitted geoid models with three independent data sets shown that WMGeoid04 is better that the latter model. However, with sparser GPS network of 2004, the quality or accuracy for the ellipsoidal height is questionable, added with a longer distance between the stations, will also raise-up the cumulated relative error of precise levelling. Out of 115 Benchmarks used for the test, 13 SBM/BM or 11.3 % were rejected. The RMS of height difference is 0.033 meters. While, using WMGeoid06A model, 15 SBM/BM or 13 % were rejected with the RMS of height difference is 0.050 meters. The accuracy of the ellipsoidal height from 2006 GPS campaign clearly superior compared to the former GPS campaign in 2004. In addition, the SBM/BM 119 distribution is denser in 2006 campaign. The larger RMS value for WMGeoid06A test has risen up the question on the accuracy of the gravimetric geoid model itself. Another possibility of the large RMS value for WMGeoid06A is the impact of the Sumatran megathrust earthquake in 2004, followed by another significant earthquake in 2005. With two (2) back-to-back events may deform the precise levelling network as well as the existing GPS stations in Peninsular Malaysia. However, the overall quality assessments of the two geoid models have shown that both are capable of determining the orthometric height less than 5 centimetres accuracy (1σ), with respect to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum. The main focus of this study is to perform quality assessments of the Virtual Reference Station or VRS. The development of accurate Rapid Height Determination System is based on the achievable accuracy of VRS ellipsoidal height determination. The accuracy assessments of post-process VRS have shown that in a single epoch, the horizontal component is better than 3 cm (2σ) and 7 cm for the vertical component. The analyses of the achieved accuracy have taken into account the impact of ionosphere, number of satellite and PDOP value. Assessment of real-time Network Based RTK has shown that observation in bad weather should be avoided, since will produce inaccurate result. The achievable accuracy on the real-time survey using Network-Based RTK is better than 3 cm for the horizontal and 4 cm in vertical component respectively at 95% confidence region. The results are slightly better than post-process VRS with single epoch. However, the post-process VRS analysis was based on three set of 24 hours data, without any filtering. The test on the possibility of using VRS for orthometric height determination has been carried out in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Johor. Stations in Johor are the same stations being used for the real-time Network Based RTK analysis. WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A geoid models have been used in the test for comparison analysis. Statistical analysis have shown that there are no significant differences in interpolated geoid height (N) value between those two models, when using coordinates from the VRS technique. The RMS of height difference on precise 120 levelling benchmarks for Kuala Lumpur and Johor test areas is better than 4.5 cm (1σ), comparable to the height determination using static GPS surveying technique. The test results for Putrajaya area which is on the second class levelling benchmark provides a larger height difference. Relative precision for GPS levelling using VRS and fitted geoid models clearly shows that it’s better than 2nd class levelling, and over short distance the GPS levelling is comparable to precise levelling technique, however, further investigation is needed to confirm the findings with more data sets. Comparison between WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A geoid models has shown that the latter model is better in term of relative precision. With the findings base on statistical analyses of the project, Rapid Height Determination System has been realised through geoid modelling and the Virtual Reference Station (VRS) services. With height determination for a single station is less than 5 minutes, the savings in terms of cost and time are significantly improved when compared to the conventional GPS levelling technique which require more than one surveying team to accomplish. 6.2 Recommendation The two test area for the assessment of fitted geoid model (using numerous independent data set) are Perak and Johor. However, the accuracy statement is not a true accuracy representation for the whole Peninsular Malaysia. More comparison in a different location is required, in order to have a clear picture of the geoid model quality. It is the same with the Virtual Reference Station (VRS) testing, where it requires more tests in other areas to determine the true capability of the system. Comparison between WMGeoid04 and WMGeoid06A fitted geoid models shown that there is no significant difference, however, larger RMS value in testing of WMGeoid06A, has risen up a few question. In order to have more accurate results, the gravimetric geoid model requires improvement by re-computation of the models with more gravity data. To achieve 1 cm geoid model, gravity data distribution need 121 to be denser ( e.g. 1 km x 1 km grid interval). Furthermore, the impact of the Sumatran earthquake on vertical component of geodetic infrastructure in Peninsular Malaysia needs to be monitored and checked. If exist, the co-seismic and postseismic motion of the earthquake will deform the vertical component over time. All the three (3) days ellipsoidal height variation analysis has shown that the height difference varied in 24 hours and reached 20 cm. This research shows that, the impact of ionosphere, number of satellite and PDOP have influenced the coordinates, particularly the height component. More research will be required, such as using troposphere models in post-process VRS technique and also during interpolating of the virtual Rinex. In future, the Network-Based MyRTKnet service coverage will spread troughout Peninsular Malaysia. The VRS network will soon be clustered, with every sub- network, each containing six reference stations and added possibility of overlapping cluster. There is an urgent requirement for more studies on cluster boundary point accuracy assessment and to find out an optimum number of reference stations required for interpolation purposes. It will help service provider to maintain a consistent accuracy throughout the networks, able to cater for the future EKadaster projects as well as other surveying projects in the future. 122 REFERENCES Altamimi, Z., P. Sillard, and C. 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