SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND EVALUATION OF PAMAM DENDRIMER-GOLD COMPLEX AS AN ANION RECOGNITION MATERIAL MUHAMMAD NOR FAZLI BIN ABD MALEK A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of the degree of Master of Science (Chemistry) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia SEPTEMBER 2009 iv This report writing is dedicated to my beloved parent Abdul Malek Mohd Yusop & Jemilah Ahmad and my family members, to my adorable supervisor, Prof Dr Salasiah Endud, and also to my fellow friends. Thanks for everything… v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My most appreciation is dedicated to Allah the Almighty with His concern to give consent for me completing the postgraduate research project on time. As the person who has been raising me up to who I am now, I would never utter even a word to describe my everlasting love towards my father, Abd Malek Bin Mohd Yusop, and my mother Jemilah Bt Ahmad. Thank you for being the wonderful parents on earth! Special thanks to Prof. Dr Salasiah Endud who handled the supplements process with care and attention to detail and also having the vision to see the project report before it existed and jump in with her own, to make sure every detail was in place to make the project report a success. There is a saying goes that’s what friends are for. I wish fabulous appreciations to all my friends. The sharing of idea through teamwork among us has developed honestly for the sake of learning. Thanks, guys for always being there for me. In addition, my appreciation also goes to all staff at Chemistry Department especially the lab assistants and all staff in Institute Ibnu Sina. I would also like to thank to my friends, Chin and Azizi for helping me in this research, for their support and also valuable knowledge for me in carrying out the laboratory work. In the spirit of knowledge, I hope to provide useful inputs and remarkable insights for the readers in my research area. vi ABSTRACT Dendrimers are highly branched, monodisperse macromolecules and this field of study has increased rapidly from the time they were discovered about twenty years ago. In this study, PAMAM dendrimer was successfully synthesized by a divergent synthesis route using the reagent excess method starting from ethylenediamine (EDA) followed by consecutive Michael addition and ester amidation reaction. Methanol was used as solvent and three dendrimer generations were prepared: G 1.0, G 2.0 and G 3.0. For preparation of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticle in-situ reduction of gold from Au3+ to Au0 was achieved through the reaction of nanogold-thiol functionalized PAMAM dendrimer with sodium borohydrate (NaBH4). The PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex gave light purple solution and was characterized by 1H nucleus magnetic resonance (NMR), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopies. Analysis of the UV-Vis spectral analysis of the PAMAM dendrimers showed that the wavelength maximum, λmax significantly shifted from 330.15 nm to 517.28 nm with the addition of goldthiol nanoparticles due to binding of the thiol functional group to gold particles. Anion recognition ability of the PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticle has been studied by treating the PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex with nitrate ion. Based on the UV-Vis spectra, the wavelength maximum of Au(III) was shifted from 526.98 nm to higher wavelength upon binding of the nitrate anion to the surfaces of gold-thiol nanoparticles which the process involved excitation of the electrons from π → π*. vii ABSTRAK Dendrimer adalah makromolekul ekasebar dengan struktur bercabang-cabang dan bidang kajian ini telah berkembang pesat sejak penemuannya hampir dua puluh tahun yang lalu. Dalam kajian ini, dendrimer PAMAM telah berjaya disintesis dengan menggunakan kaedah sintesis divergen dengan menggunakan kaedah reagen berlebihan bermula dengan etilenadiamina (EDA) diikuti tindak balas penambahan Michael dan amidasi ester secara berturutan. Metanol telah digunakan sebagai pelarut dan tiga generasi dendrimer telah disediakan iaitu G 1.0, G 2.0 dan G 3.0. Bagi penyediaan PAMAM-tiol berfungsikan nanopartikel emas penurunan in-situ emas dari Au3+ kepada Au0 telah dijalankan melalui tindak balas dendrimer PAMAM berfungsikan nanoemas-tiol dengan natrium borohidrat (NaBH4). Kompleks dendrimer PAMAM-emas tersebut menghasilkan larutan berwarna ungu muda dan telah dicirikan menggunakan spektroskopi Resonan Magnet Nuklear 1H (RMN), inframerah transformasi Fourier (FT-IR) dan ultralembayung-nampak. Analisis spectrum ultralembayung-nampak dendrimer PAMAM menunjukkan panjang gelombang maksimum, λmax secara signifikan telah beranjak dari 330.15 nm kepada 517.28 nm dengan penambahan partikel nanoemas-tiol akibat penambatan kumpulan berfungsi tiol oleh partikel emas. Sifat pengenalpastian anion PAMAM berfungsikan partikel nanoemas-tiol telah dikaji melalui tindak balas kompleks dendrimer PAMAM-emas dengan ion nitrat. Berdasarkan spektrum UV-vis, panjang gelombang maksimum Au(III) didapati beranjak dari 526.98 nm kepada panjang gelombang yang lebih tinggi apabila terjadi penambatan ion nitrat pada permukaan nanopartikel emas-tiol yang mana proses tersebut melibatkan pengujaan elektron dari orbital π → π*. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I TITLE PAGE SUPERVISOR VERIFICATION ii DECLARATION iii DEDICATION iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v ABSTRACT vi ABSTRAK vii TABLE OF CONTENTS viii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xv LIST OF APPENDICES xvi INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement 5 1.3 Objective of the Study 7 1.4 Scope of the Study 7 1.5 Outline of the Study 8 ix II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 Synthesis of Dendrimer 11 2.3 Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) Dendrimer 16 2.4 Synthesis usingEthylenediamine as Core 17 2.5 Characterization 20 2.5.1 Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy 20 2.5.2 UV-Vis Spectroscopy 21 1 13 23 2.6 Application of PAMAM Dendrimer 23 2.7 PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles 25 2.5.3 H and C Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) III EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 Chemicals and Materials 28 3.2 Preparation of Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) Dendrimer 28 3.3 Synthesis of Dendrimer Gold Nanoparticles 31 3.4 Synthesis of PAMAM Dendrimer Encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles 3.5 Anion Recognition Test IV 31 32 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Preparation of PAMAM Dendrimer 33 4.2 Characterization of PAMAM Dendrimer 41 4.2.1 Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy 41 4.2.2 Nucleus Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy 44 4.3 PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles 48 4.4 Preparation of PAMAM-gold nanocomposite 50 4.5 Characterization of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold x nanoparticles 4.6 Anion Recognition Test V 51 54 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion 57 5.2 Recommendations 58 REFERENCES 59 APPENDICES 69 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO TITLE PAGE 2.1 Band position of dendrimer spectrum 21 2.2 UV absorption peak of PAMAM SH–Au samples 22 3.1 Stoichiometry of reactants in preparation of PAMAM. 30 4.1 Main peaks that obtained from FTIR spectrum for PAMAM G 0.5 and G 1.0 4.2 4.3 41 Assignment of 1H NMR for PAMAM dendrimers of half generation and full generation 47 UV absorption peak of PAMAM -thiol functionalized gold 52 nanoparticles samples. 4.4 UV-vis absorption peak of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles and reaction with nitrate ion samples. 55 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO TITLE PAGE 1.1 Generation 1.0 of PAMAM dendrimer with ethylenediamine 3 core and amine surface group 1.2 Divergent procedures for macromolecular construction 4 1.3 Flowchart of the study 8 2.1 Convergent method in synthesizing dendrimer 11 2.2 Divergent method in synthesizing dendrimer 12 2.3 Various types of coordinated dendrimers 14 2.4 Typical PAMAM construction via a divergent process 18 2.5 A route to unsymmetrical PAMAMs derived from an ethylenediamine core 2.6 FT-IR spectra of G3.0 PAMAM dendrimer 2.7 UV–vis spectral change of PAMAM-SH–Au aqueous suspension at 20 °C 2.7 1 19 20 22 H NMR spectra of the (1) G3.0 PAMAM dendrimer and (2) thiol-terminated G3.0 PAMAM dendrimer. (3) The peak assignment 23 2.8 Example of metal ion located at central core of dendrimer 26 3.1 Reaction of half generation of PAMAM dendrimer 29 3.2 Reaction of full half generation of PAMAM dendrimer 30 4.1 Synthesis of PAMAM dendrimer 34 4.2 Defective structure of the PAMAM dendrimer A) missing arm, B) dimmers, C) Intramolecular cyclization. 35 xiii 4.3 The structures of PAMAM dendrimer (a) G 0.5 (b) G 1.0 (c) G 1.5 (d) G 2.0 (e) G 2.5 (f) G 3.0. 4.4 Rubbery product due to oxidation of the full generation of PAMAM dendrimer 4.5 40 The comparison spectrum between half generation (ester terminated) and full generation of amine-terminated 4.6 39 42 FTIR spectrum of PAMAM dendrimer (G 0.5, G1.0, G1.5, G2.0, G2.5 and G3.0) 43 4.7 Formation of amide bonding 44 4.8 Half branch of PAMAM dendrimer of (a) G0.5 (b) G 1.0 (c) G1.5 (d) G2.0 (e) G2.5 and (f) G3.0 4.9 Reaction (a) and proposed mechanism (b) of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles. 4.10 49 Violet solution of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles. 4.11 46 49 Purple-red solution of PAMAM-gold nanocomposite solution 50 4.12 Formation of PAMAM-gold nanocomposite 51 4.13 The crystal field diagram to show the occurring of electronic transition in d9 octahedral system. 9 4.14 The change in d orbital energy label in gold 4.15 UV-vis spectrum for PAMAM dendrimer, PAMAM + gold and PAMAM + thiol gold. 4.16 52 53 Proposed mechanism for the PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex 4.17 51 52 UV-vis absorption spectrum of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles and reaction with ammonium nitrate samples. 4.18 Binding between S, Au and NO3- in formation of PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex. 53 54 xiv 4.19 Mechanism of anion recognition by PAMAM dendrimergold complex 54 xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS FTIR - Fourierr transform infrared EDA - Ethylenediamine TEM - Transmission electron microscopy UV-vis - Ultraviolet-visible Au - Aurum PAMAM - Poly(amidoamide) λmax - Maximum wavelength SH - Thiol group NMR - Nuclear magnetic resonance NaBH4 - Sodium Boro Hydrate S - Sulfur - Nitrate ion NO3 - xvi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDICES TITLE PAGE A 1 H NMR Spectra for G 0.5 PAMAM Dendrimer 69 B 1 H NMR Spectra for G 1.0 PAMAM Dendrimer 70 C 1 H NMR Spectra for G 1.5 PAMAM Dendrimer 71 D 1 H NMR Spectra for G 2.0 PAMAM Dendrimer 72 E 1 H NMR Spectra for G 2.5 PAMAM Dendrimer 73 F 1 H NMR Spectra for G 3.0 PAMAM Dendrimer 74 G Infrared Spectra of PAMAM dendrimer G 0.5 75 H Infrared Spectra of PAMAM dendrimer G 1.0 76 I Infrared Spectra of PAMAM dendrimer G 1.5 77 J Infrared Spectra of PAMAM dendrimer G 2.0 78 K Infrared Spectra of PAMAM dendrimer G 2.5 79 L Infrared Spectra of PAMAM dendrimer G 3.0 80 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study Since the pioneering work of well-defined, three-dimensional structural order macromolecules by Vögtle [1], Tomalia [2,3], and Newkome [4], interest in dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers has been increasing at an amazing rate. The study of these polymers expands to all areas including theory, synthesis, characterization of structures, and properties, and investigations of potential applications. In the beginning the research on dendrimers focused on the synthesis, characterization, and properties of perfect dendrimers of higher generations. For the synthesis of dendrimers constructed by step-by-step sequences, two fundamentally different strategies, the divergent approach (from the inside out) [2,4] and convergent approach (from the outside in) [5], were employed. In either way, dendrimers can be prepared with high regularity and controlled molecular weights, and the macromolecules consist of a polyfunctional central core covalently linked to layers of repeating units (generations) and a number of terminal groups (Figure 1.1). These units are interdependent and create a unique molecular shape, leading to intrinsic properties such as high solubilities and low viscosity. Dendrimers free-shaped synthetic macromolecule has garnered a great deal of scientific interest due to their unique molecular nanostructure. Used in a variety of 2 scientific applications, the use of dendrimers is now widely regarded as a safer, more precise, and more effective way to practice medicine [6]. Nanocomposites are materials that are created by introducing nanoparticulates (often referred to as filler) into a macroscopic sample material (often referred to as the matrix). This is part of the growing field of nanotechnology. After adding nanoparticulates to the matrix material, the resulting nanocomposite may exhibit drastically enhanced properties. For example, adding carbon nanotubes tends to drastically add to the electrical and thermal conductivity. Other kinds of nanoparticulates may result in enhanced optical properties, dielectric properties or mechanical properties such as stiffness and strength. In general, the nanosubstance is dispersed into the matrix during processing. The percentage by weight (called mass fraction) of the nanoparticulates introduced can remain very low (on the order of 0.5% to 5%) due to the incredibly low filler percolation threshold, especially for the most commonly used non-spherical, high aspect ratio fillers (e.g. nanometer-thin platelets, such as clays, or nanometer -diameter cylinders, such as carbon nanotubes). Dendrimers are known for their three-dimensional, monodispersed, highly branched, macromolecular nanoscopic architecture with a number of reactive end groups [7]. Commercially available PAMAM (poly(amidoamine)) dendrimer prepared by the divergent growth approach of Tomalia et al. are one of the most widely used dendrimer scaffolds in biology. These macromolecules have uniform size and monodispersed. Furthermore, high structural and chemical homogeneity of dendrimer might facilitate quality control of their drug conjugates in production. 3 NH2 H2N O O NH HN N N NH HN O O NH2 H2N Figure 1.1: Generation 1.0 of PAMAM dendrimer with ethylenediamine core and amine surface group. The divergent route to dendrimer synthesis is based on the construction of a molecular superstructure starting with a focal point or core and progressing outward to the periphery, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. Dendrimers are built in layers, or generations, upon a defined core that possesses a specific number of active sites, to which the successive tiers are, for the most part, covalently attached. The number of active sites on the core determines their n-directionality and limits the number of building blocks that can be added to form the next generation. This trend is repeated (iterative synthesis) as the reactive sites on the periphery of the previous generation are revealed for the assembly of the next generational growth layer. 4 Figure 1.2: Divergent procedures for macromolecular construction. Assuming that the monomer’s functional group(s), steric hindrance, and active site accessibility do not interfere with the construction of ideal dendrimers, the divergent process permits the exponential growth of free active sites per generation. Perfect growth is only achieved when each active site is occupied by a building block (monomer) denoting the next tier; otherwise, imperfect structural assembly results leading to internal termini and variable internal void regions, which starts to resemble a hyperbranched motif normally derived by a random one-step procedure. If these imperfections or ‘‘branching defects’’ occur early in the generational growth, they can have serious repercussions on the overall micellar properties of the resulting dendrimer. 5 1.2 Problem Statement The study of anion has been a critical part in the most recent research in the area host-guest chemistry [8]. In order to differentiate a target anion from other, the host molecule must be carefully designed, considering not only the structural complementary interaction between the ion-molecule pair, but also interaction with solvent molecules. The host molecules for anion recognition comprise at least one interaction site that improves the selective interaction for the target anion and overcomes the salvation energy of the target anion in the aqueous phase. Among this host molecules, dendrimers are of considerable interest as anion recognition material because they can provide dedicated single-point interactions with the capability to further modify the host molecular structure with a number of reactive end groups as well as possess internal cavities [2]. These characteristics, along with water solubility, are some of the features that make them attractive for environmental remediations [9]. Dendrimers that are functionalized with transition metals in the core can potentially mimic properties of enzymes, their efficient natural counterparts (e.g. cytochrome P-450), whereas the peripheral-functionalized systems is proposed to provide ideal building blocks for the development of high-capacity, selective and recyclable ligands for the recovery of anions. One of the major problems related to the preparation of dendrimer is to modify the surface of the molecules [10]. The difficult part is to protect the active site in the dendrimer. It is known that the difference functional group at end terminal of the dendrimer gave difference characteristics. Hydrophilic functional group that is attached to end terminal will make the dendrimer soluble in water meanwhile, hydrophobic functional group given the ability to soluble in organic solvent. Recently, dendrimers have been used in medical application as a censoring device by using gold encapsulated at intermolecules cavities of the dendrimer. For example, detection of α-1-fetoprotein 6 (AFP) has been designed based on antibody functionalized core shell nanocomposite particles [11]. By introducing gold at the peripheral of a dendrimer molecule, sophisticated artificial receptors exhibiting specific anion recognition can be obtained. Molecular recognition moieties attached at the peripheries of dendrimers may act as exo-receptors for analytes. In previous studies researchers have developed metallocene as hosts for recognition of various anions [9]. The presence of –NH groups within the dendritic structure was established to be important for anion recognition [12-14]. In this research, PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex was prepared by attaching gold-thiol nanoparticles to the periphery of PAMAM dendrimer by the divergent method with the aim to prevent its aggregation and improve the solubility in water. PAMAM encapsulated gold nanoparticles was prepared only as a comparison. Gold was chosen in this study because of its nanoparticles size and high sensitivity to UV-Vis detection even in a small amount and soluble in most inorganic solvents. The capability of a methanol soluble dendrimer to encapsulate and transport PAMAM-gold thiol derivatives selected both as model compounds and for their potential anion recognition properties e.g. nitrate will be investigated. The anion recognition studies will be conducted by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The recognition of anions is deemed possible as a result of electrostatic interaction between the gold third linkage of the dendrimer and the anion. 7 1.3 Objective of the Study 1. To synthesize and characterize Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers with various generation number (G = 0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5 and 3.0) 2. To synthesize and characterize PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex. 3. To synthesize PAMAM encapsulated gold nanoparticles for comparison with PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex. 4. To study the ability of PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex to bind with nitrate ion using UV-Vis spectroscopy. 1.4 Scope of the Study The scope of this study includes the synthesis of PAMAM dendrimer via Michael Addition reaction by divergent method. PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex was synthesized by addition of gold-thiol nanoparticles into the full generation of PAMAM dendrimer. PAMAM encapsulated gold nanoparticles was synthesized by reduction of tetrachloroauric acid (HAuCl4) by using reducing agent, sodium borohydrate (NaBH4). The generation number of PAMAM dendrimer was determined by using several characterization techniques such as Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy and 1 H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy. After addition of gold-thiol nanoparticles, the chemical properties of the PAMAM dendrimer gold-thiol functionalized complex was characterized using Ultra Violet-Visible (UV-vis) Spectroscopy. 8 1.5 Outline of the Study This dissertation illustrates the information concerning the synthesis and characterization of PAMAM based gold nanocomposites. Chapter 1 elucidates the research background and the important strategies to respond the current issue. Chapter 2 presents the literature review regarding this project where it contains some background information about the whole research done. Chapter 3 describes the research methodology with the characterization techniques used in this research as shown in the flowchart in Figure 1.3. Chapter 4 explains the results and discussion of the PAMAM dendrimers obtained their and its characterization. Finally, chapter 5 summarizes the results obtained with recommendation for future work. 9 Ethylene Diamine Methyl Acrylate Synthesis of PAMAM Dendrimer Characterization of PAMAM FTIR and NMR Gold-thiol Nanoparticles Synthesis of PAMAM dendrimer-Gold Complex Characterization of PAMAM dendrimer-Gold Complex UV-vis Spectroscopy Anion Recognition Test Figure 1.3: Flowchart of the Research Methodology CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Dendrimers are repeatedly branched molecules. The huge number of papers on dendritic architectures such as dendrimers, dendronized, hyperbranched and brushpolymers has generated a vast variety of inconsistent terms and definitions making a clear and concise unfolding of this topic highly difficult. Dendritic molecules are repeatedly branched species that are characterized by their structure perfection. The latter is based on the evaluation of both symmetry and polydispersity. The area of dendritic molecules can roughly be divided into the lowmolecular weight and the high-molecular weight species. The first category includes dendrimers and dendrons whereas the second encompasses dendronized polymers, hyperbranched polymers, and brush-polymers (also called bottle-brushes). There are over fifty families of dendrimers with their own unique properties [13]. The solubility of dendrimers is strongly influenced by the nature of surface group. A dendrimers can be designed to be soluble in polar solvents by terminating with hydrophilic groups at its surface and nonpolar solvents by having hydrophobic end groups. For example, from previous study, HAuCl4 in aqueous solution was extracted to 11 toluene or chloroform using a hydrophobically modified poly(amidoamine) dendrimer [14]. Therefore there are many possible applications that could be done on the different specific properties provided by the dendrimers. It has reported that research on dendrimers can be used in catalysis [15], delivery of drug, light harvesting properties [16], used as low dielectric materials [17], as templates for the growth of single-wall carbon nanotubes [18] and for sensing purpose [19]. 2.2 Synthesis of Dendrimer The synthesis of dendrimers is more closely related to “organic chemistry” rather than “traditional polymer synthesis” regarding with the requirement for a number of synthetic processes and procedures including repeating purification and exact characterization. Two different synthetic strategies, a convergent [15], (Figure 2.1) and a divergent growth approach [16], (Figure 2.2), are generally employed to construct dendritic frameworks. Figure 2.1: Convergent method in synthesizing dendrimer 12 The convergent methods were developed as a response to the weaknesses of the divergent synthesis [18]. In the convergent approach, the dendrimer is constructed stepwise, starting from the end groups and progressing inwards. When the growing branched polymeric arms, called dendrons, are large enough, they are attached to a multifunctional core molecule. The convergent growth method has several advantages. It is relatively easy to purify the desired product and the occurrence of defects in the final structure is minimised. It becomes possible to introduce subtle engineering into the dendritic structure by precise placement of functional groups at the periphery of the macromolecule. The convergent approach does not allow the formation of high generations because steric problems occur in the reactions of the dendrons and the core molecule Figure 2.2: Divergent method in synthesizing dendrimer In the divergent methods, dendrimer grows outwards from a multifunctional core molecule. The core molecule reacts with monomer molecules containing one reactive and two dormant groups giving the first generation dendrimer. Then the new periphery of the molecule is activated for reactions with more monomers. The process is repeated for several generations and a dendrimer is built layer after layer. The divergent approach is 13 successful for the production of large quantities of dendrimers. Problems occur from side reactions and incomplete reactions of the end groups that lead to structure defects. To prevent side reactions and to force reactions to completion large excess of reagents is required.It causes some difficulties in the purification of the final product. In both step-by-step synthetic approaches quantitative coupling reactions are required to construct high generation dendrimers. A host of dendrimers have been presented in the literatures: polyamidoamine (PAMAM), poly(propyl imine)(DAB-dendrNH2), polyethers, polyesters, poly(ester amides), poly(ether amides), polyalkanes, polyphenylenes, poly(phenylacetylenes), polysilanes, phosphorus dendrimers and others [20-24]. In addition to these covalently linked dendrimers, various types of coordinated dendrimers have also been reported [25]. Typical examples used are shown in Figure 2.3 14 DAB-dendrimer-NH2 Freéchet’s Dendron N = CH2CH2CONHCH2CH2N Z = NH2 R = H2 C n PAMAM Dendrimer Figure 2.3: Various types of coordinated dendrimers For the sake of the rapid growth of exploration of dendrimers, the development of more efficient synthetic processes circumventing the laborious and time-consuming steps of activation or protection of monomers, condensation reactions, and purification by chromatographic separations is highly desirable. Several methods to reduce the number of synthetic steps and to obtain the desired dendrimer in high yields have been demonstrated; a double-stage convergent growth approach [26] a hypercore or branched 15 monomer approach [27,28] double-exponential dendrimer growth [29], and orthogonal coupling strategies [30]. Tomalia et al. [31] initially reported in the literature the synthesis of polyamidoamine dendrimers, which were generated from a three-directional core (e.g., ammonia) and possessed ½ N-branching centers as well as amide connectivity. Each generation was iteratively constructed by the exhaustive Michael-type addition of methyl acrylate to the amine termini (e.g., for an ammonia core) to generate a b-aminoacid ester by amidation with excess ethylenediamine to produce the new, branched polyamine 16c. This general procedure was repeated to create the higher generations (e.g., 16e). Similar dendrimers were prepared by employing related cores, such as ethylenediamine as well as aminoalcohols and other functionalized groups, such as amino and thiol moieties [30]. This procedure is applicable to most primary amines, resulting in the ½ Nbranching motif and has been commercialized based predominately on an ethylenediamine core resulting in the most readily available dendritic [PAMAM] architecture to-date. Other stable and practical frameworks have been considered [33-35]. In order to realize a high degree of synthetic perfection at each step (or a quest for monodispersity) in the intermediates and products, the potential synthetic problems associated with amidations using esters, such as intramolecular cyclization (lactam formation), retro-Michael reactions [36], incomplete addition, and intermolecular coupling have to be minimized; thus large excesses of the diamine, maintaining reaction temperatures (<80 °C), and avoiding aqueous solvents are critical to optimize the conversion at each branching termini. This simple two-step procedure was noteworthy by allowing the preparation of high molecular weight dendritic polymers possessing a repetitive, fractal-branched infrastructure. It is important to note that even with optimized conditions, defects produced by these undesired reactions can be, for the most part, suppressed but not totally 16 circumvented. An ESI-MS study (reported in 1999) on the G4 PAMAM indicated that the analyzed sample possessed a structural purity of <8% ; this may bear out the statement ‘‘.the excess EDA required to make 95% or greater purity at generations higher than 4.0 becomes prohibitive experimentally’’ [37]. Although these dendritic structures derived from commercial sources possess low structural ideality at G > 4, Baker et al. addressed the question “if these commercial PAMAMs possess both generational and skeletal disparity due to the divergent synthetic methodology, how many terminal amine groups reside on the proposed spheriodal surface?”. Their conclusions, based on the G5 PAMAM used in their engineered nanodevices, were derived from acetylation studies from which it was concluded that the model G5 PAMAM had a ‘‘practical number of terminal amino groups’’ of 110 (calculated by NMR and potentiometric acidebase titration [38] vs. the theoretical number of 128). The use of capillary electrophoresis added further support to the assessment of the nanoplatforms for novel medical applications [39]. 2.3 Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer (PAMAM) Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers are the first complete dendrimer family to be synthesized by the divergent method starting from ammonia or ethylenediamine initiator core reagents. They are constructed using two-step reiterative reaction sequence consisting of (a) double Michael addition of methyl acrylate to a primary amino group followed by (b) amidation of the resulting carbomethoxy intermediated with a large of ethylenediamine. The related PAMAM-type dendrons have been conveniently and efficiently synthesized on a solid support, and the products possessed good homogeneity [49]. This solid phase procedure demonstrated that peptides and drugs can also be attached directly 17 onto dendrimer lattices or bound via a linker to its periphery. The G0.5 PAMAMs were synthesized and capillary zone electrophoresis was used to separate the different generations as well as for the characterization of specific generations [40 and 42]. Particularly, the hyperbranched PAMAM or the ‘‘dendrimer equivalent’’ has been reported [41 and 44] and shown to possess a Mn of ca. 2000 and a polydispersity of 2 [45]. 2.3.1 Synthesis using Ethylenediamine as Core The synthesis of polyamidoamine dendrimers, which were generated from a three-directional core (e.g., ammonia) and possessed ½ N-branching centers as well as amide connectivity (Figure 2.4). Each generation was iteratively constructed by the exhaustive Michael-type addition of methyl acrylate to the amine termini (e.g., for an ammonia core, 2.4a) to generate a b-aminoacid ester (e.g., 2.4b), followed by amidation with excess ethylenediamine to produce the new, branched polyamine 16c. This general procedure was repeated to create the higher generations (e.g., 2.4e). Similar dendrimers were prepared by employing related cores, such as ethylenediamine as well as aminoalcohols and other functionalized groups, such as amino and thiol moieties [46]. This procedure is applicable to most primary amines, resulting in the ½ Nbranching motif and has been commercialized based predominately on an ethylenediamine core resulting in the most readily available dendritic [PAMAM] architecture to-date. 18 b NH2 CO2Me NH3 a N O H2N CO2Me NH2 3 N HN c CO2Me O NH N CO2Me HN 2 3 d O O NH N NH HN HN HN NH2 O e 2 2 3 Figure 2.4: Typical PAMAM construction via a divergent process The ‘‘genealogically directed’’ synthetic nature of the PAMAM preparative protocol was elaborated by Dvornic and Tomalia [47]. This protocol was essentially comprised of an ‘‘excess monomer method’’ facilitating the isolation of dendritic intermediates (i.e., generations) without excessive loss due to potential side reactions that may occur with the reagents that were not intended to be structurally incorporated. Thus, true molecular genealogy of this series can be examined from generation to generation by electrospray mass spectroscopy. These authors [48-52] further published a treatise describing the use of PAMAMs, as well as the concept of other dendritic systems, to branched macromolecular architectures. Unsymmetrical PAMAM-like dendrimers (Figure 2.4 (d)).have been crafted by a divergent strategy whereby after the focal site was t-BOC-protected, the typical sequential growth was terminated at the desired generation by capping with iso- 19 butylamine e the focal group was deprotected to generate a new starting point (Figure 2.5 (c)) for elaborating the other direction [53]. This procedure also gave rise to the formation of the PAMAM-like dendron series 1.EDA TFA/CH2Cl 2.MA 3.repeat 1,2,1 a 1.MA c 2.EDA 1.MA Figure 2.5: A route to unsymmetrical PAMAMs derived from an ethylenediamine core [58]. 20 2.4 Characterization 2.4.1 Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy FT-IR was used to identify functional groups in the dendrimer that may determine the formation of either ester terminated (half generation) or amide-terminated (fullgeneration) of PAMAM dendrimers. From the previous study [54], FT-IR spectrum shows peaks at several wavenumbers like those shown in Figure 2.6. Figure 2.6: FT-IR spectra of G3.0 PAMAM dendrimer [55] Fig. 2.5 shows the FT-IR spectra between 4000 and 500 cm−1 of the dendrimer. The band positions and their assignments are listed in Table 2.1. The band at 2574 cm−1 is due to the -SH group for thiol-terminated dendrimer, the bands positions of amides I and II (1644 and 1555 cm−1) of dendrimer seems to be invariant, while the amides A and B shift to higher regions (3425 and 3078 cm−1) after thiol modification. The strong absorbance band at 1736 cm−1 from ester group of methyl mercaptoacetate disappears for G 3.0-SH. 21 Table 2.1: Band position of dendrimer spectrum Assignment Amide A Amide B CH2 antisymmetric stretching CH2 symmetric stretching -SH -COOAmide I Amide II CH2 scissoring CH2 scissoring CH2 wagging + amide III 2.4.2 Band position (cm-1) 3284 3075 2936 2865 1644 1556 1463 1438 1359 UV-Vis Spectroscopy The effect of dendrimer generation on the optical properties of the suspensions can be conveniently studied by UV–vis spectroscopy. The formation of nanogold composite was demonstrated by the wavelength broadening and shifting at 520 nm as shown in Figure 2.7. The peak shifts to higher wavelength for the lower generation dendrimer, as shown in Table 2.2. The size of assembled nanogold composite decreased with increasing dendrimer generation from 2 to 5. 22 Figure 2.7: UV–vis spectral change of PAMAM-SH–Au aqueous suspension at 20 °C.[53] Table 2.2: UV absorption peak of PAMAM SH–Au samples Sample Peak (nm) G2.0 Au 520 G2.0 SH–Au 558 G3.0 SH–Au 548 G4.0 SH–Au 542 G5.0 SH–Au 531 23 2.4.3 H1 and C13 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Proton 1H NMR is a powerful tool to analyze the quality and purity of dendrimers although it cannot determine the molecular distribution of PAMAM species [3]. The spectrum that obtained was shown like Figure 2.8. Figure 2.8: 1H NMR spectra of the (1) G3.0 PAMAM dendrimer and (2) thiol-terminated G3.0 PAMAM dendrimer. (3) The peak assignment.[55] 2.5 Application of PAMAM Dendrimer Dendrimers have been tested in preclinical studies as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging [56]. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic method producing anatomical images of organs and blood vessels. Placing a patient in a generated, defined, inhomogeneous magnetic field results in the nuclear resonance signal of water, this is assigned to its place of origin and converted into pictures. Addition of contrast agents (paramagnetic metal cations) improves sensitivity and specificity of the method. 24 There are attempts to use dendrimers in the targeted delivery of drugs and other therapeutic agents. Drug molecules can be loaded both in the interior of the dendrimers as well as attached to the surface groups. Sialylated dendrimers, called sialodendrimers, have been shown to be potent inhibitors of the haemagglutination of human erythrocytes by influenza viruses. The first step in the infection of a cell by influenza virus is the attachment of the virion to the cell membrane. The attachment occurs through the interaction of a virus receptor haemagglutinin with sialic acid groups presented on the surface of the cell [57]. Sialodendrimers bind to haemagglutinin and thus prevent the attachment of the virus to cells. They can be useful therapeutic agents in the prevention of bacterial and viral infections. The combination of high surface area and high solubility makes dendrimers useful as nanoscale catalysts [58]. They combine the advantages of homogenous and heterogeneous catalysts. Homogenous catalysts are effective due to a good accessibility of active sites but they are often difficult to separate from the reaction stream. Heterogeneous catalysts are easy to separate from the reaction mixture but the kinetics of the reaction is limited by mass transport. Dendrimers have a multifunctional surface and all catalytic sites are always exposed towards the reaction mixture. They can be recovered from the reaction mixture by easy ultrafiltration methods. The first example of a catalytic dendrimer was described by the group of van Koten [59]. They terminated soluble polycarbosilane dendrimers in diamino arylnickel (II) complexes. Such dendrimers can be used in addition reactions of polyhaloalkanes. An alternative application of dendrimers that has gained some attention is based on nanostructures which can find use in environment friendly industrial processes. Dendrimers can encapsulate insoluble materials, such as metals, and transport them into a solvent within their interior. Cooper and co-workers [60] synthesised fluorinated dendrimers which are soluble in supercritical CO2 and can be used to extract strongly hydrophilic compounds from water into liquid CO2. This may help develop technologies in which hazardous organic solvents are replaced by liquid CO2. 25 2.6 PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles Composite materials (or composites for short) are engineered materials made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties which remain separate and distinct on a macroscopic level within the finished structure. The physical properties of composite materials are generally not isotropic (independent of direction of applied force) in nature, but rather are typically orthotropic (different depending on the direction of the applied force or load). Nanocomposites are materials that are created by introducing nanoparticulates (often referred as filler) into a matrix material [61]. After adding nanoparticulates to the matrix material, the resulting nanocomposites may exhibit an enhanced properties whether optical properties, dielectric properties or mechanical properties such as stiffness and strength. The incorporation of metal component utilizing non-covalent interaction at the exterior surface of or embedded within dendrimer framework is attractive strategy for the design of applicable dendrimers. Based on a number of established coordination chemistry, a variety of organometallic units as a core, junction units, modification motif on the periphery, and repeat unit throughout the dendrimer are incorporated into the structures. Among them the dendrimers with metals as repeat units are constructed by a strategy called “complexes as metal/complexes as ligand”, utilizing rigid organic molecules with two or three metal-binding sites, which are subsequently bridged with the complementary metal component. Balzani and colleagues [45] studied in details the construction of dendrimers based on polypyridine-transition metal complexes). For such dendrimer syntheses, key components are 2,20-bipyridine (bpy) as terminal ligand, 2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine (2,3dpp) as bridging ligand and its methylate form. A typical example was shown in Figure 26 2.9 (Mc, MI, and Mp were metal ions located at central core, interior, and periphery). Terpyridine and tetra (2-pyridyl)pyradine derivatives are also useful scaffold for the construction of metallodendrimers [18]. The most striking characteristic of these metallodendrimers is that each building block has intrinsic properties and that different ligands-metal component or organic units can be placed into the specific sites in dendrimers. Figure 2.9 : Example of metal ion located at central core of dendrimer [82] So far, metals such as Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Au, Co, Pd/Pt, Os/Ru, Rh, and Ge have been incorporated as branching units or periphery of dendrimers. Some of these metallodendrimers are widely studied as mimics of biological redox potential, sensors, catalysts, new materials for energy conversion, and organic semiconductors. 27 Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers, polymer molecules in the size range of 1-15 nm, have been successfully used as stabilizers and templates for inorganic nanoclusters in aqueous or methanol solution In this approach, precursor ions are accumulated within the dendrimer molecule due to electrostatic attraction or coordination to its amine groups. For higher generation dendrimers, chemical reactions on these precursor ions lead to the formation of inorganic colloids that are located inside individual dendrimers [61]. CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 Chemicals and Materials Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer (G 1.0, G 2.0 and G 3.0) were prepared according to the previous literatures [1-4]. Dodecanethiol functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuSHCH2(CH2)10CH3) was purchased from Aldrich Co. Methanol that is used as solvent was obtained from Merck Co. 3.2 Preparation of Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) Dendrimer There were two stages in preparing an EDA-core PAMAM dendrimer. First stage is the addition of primary amine, ethylenediamine (EDA) to methyl acrylate and followed by the amidation of the formed multiester with EDA. The repetition of these two-stage procedures leads to higher generation of dendrimers. STAGE 1: Synthesis of Ester-terminated dendrimer (Half Generation) The synthesis of half generation of PAMAM dendrimers is illustrated in Figure 3.1. The reaction mixtures were prepared in two parts. Part A consists of ethylenediamine (EDA) dissolve in methanol and part B consists of methyl acrylate (MA) in methanol. The mol ratio of these two materials (EDA and MA) is about 1:8. 29 These two part were then mixed together to initiate the reaction. Solution of part A was added dropwise while stirring into the solution of part B at room temperature (27 ºC). The mixture was continuously stirred for 72 hours and was kept at room temperature. Then, the excess reactant, methyl acrylate and solvent were removed by evaporation using a rotary evaporator at 70 ºC. Generation 0.5 Figure 3.1: Synthesis of half generation of PAMAM dendrimer STAGE 2: Synthesis of amine-terminated dendrimer (Full Generation). The reaction mixtures were also prepared in two parts. Part one, primary generation of PAMAM (A) prepared from stage 1 was dissolved in methanol and part two consists of ethylenediamine (EDA) in methanol. Next, the multiester solution in part one was gradually added to the stirred EDA solution from part two until the addition was completed. Then, the mixture was stirred and allowed to react for 72 hours at room temperature (Figure 3.2). The excess methanol was removed by evaporation process in a rotary evaporator at 70 ºC. Next, an excess EDA was removed using an azeotropic mixture of toluene and methanol (9:1 v/v) and the remaining toluene was then removed by azeotropic distillation with methanol. Finally, the excess methanol was removed by evaporation process in a rotary evaporator. 30 Generation 0.5 Generation 1.0 Figure 3.2: Synthesis of full half generation of PAMAM dendrimer Table 3.1 shows the stoichiometry of reactants used in preparation of PAMAM dendrimer. The moles of reactants are important in order to ensure that the reaction is complete. Table 3.1 : Stoichiometry of reactants in preparation of PAMAM. Generation of PAMAM Molecular Weight (gmol1 EDA ) M.A 0.5 404 0.1 0.4 1.0 516 0.3 - 0.076 (0.5) 1.5 1204 - 0.4559 0.0569 (1.0) 2.0 1428 0.276 - 0.034 (1.5) 2.5 2804 - 0.272 0.017 (2.0) 3.0 3252 0.1553 - 0.0097 (2.5) *G = generation Mole PAMAM (G)* 31 3.3 Synthesis of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles Gold-thiol solution and 1 wt.% dendrimer aqueous solutions were mixed at the ratio of [PAMAM]/[Au] = 100/1 (mol/mol) and incubated for 5 hours at room temperature to form stable aqueous solutions. A control experiment was also conducted by using PAMAM encapsulated gold nanoparticles. 3.4 Synthesis of PAMAM Dendrimer Encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles Dendrimer-gold nanocomposites were prepared by in situ reduction of HAuCl4 in the presence of PAMAM dendrimers being synthesized. First, 50 mL of a 0.01 M aqueous solution of HAuCl4.3H2O (0.1969g) was mixed with 50 mL of solution either a first or a second full-generation (G1 or G2), amine-terminated PAMAM dendrimers. The reacting mixture was stirred vigorously during the addition of HAuCl4.3H2O. The molar ratio of Au to the number of primary amine groups of the dendrimers was kept constant at ~ 1:11. The pale yellow solution obtained was stirred for another 20 minutes to provide ample time for HAuCl4 to react with PAMAM dendrimers. In the next stage, the above solution was reduced by slow addition of freshly prepared 0.01 M aqueous solution of NaBH4 and the resulting Au(0) was formed. The reaction was left at room temperature for another one hour with vigorous stirring to complete the reaction. The initially pale yellow solution would immediately turn to brown and finally to purple-red solution. The colloidal solution is expected to remain stable at room temperature for several weeks and does not agglomerate. The colloidal nanocomposite was precipitated by slow addition of non-solvent, tetrahydrofuran (THF) into the solution. Finally, the nanocomposites obtained were centrifuged to separate them from the liquid phase. 32 3.5 Anion Recognition Test Full generation of PAMAM was mixed with saturated solution of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and stirred for 24 hours. The solution mixture was then characterized by using UV-vis Spectrocopy. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Preparation of PAMAM Dendrimer PAMAM dendrimers are generally known as monodispersed, highly branched and globular assembles. Therefore, synthesis and analysis of the dendrimer mixtures are complicated problems not only because of the large number of different regular structural units, but also because of numerous possible “structural errors” [62] present in the polymeric mixtures. In this study, PAMAM dendrimers were synthesized using divergent method. Ethylenediamine (EDA) as core unit and methyl acrylate (MA) as building blockwas mixed in methanol (MeOH) that acts as a solvent. This mixture was stirred for at least 3 days to complete the reaction. The overall reaction in the preparation of PAMAM dendrimer is shown in Figure 4.1. 34 O O OMe MeO NH2 Methyl Acrylate N H2 N N Ethylenediamine PAMAM G 0.5 MeO OMe O O Ethylenediamine NH2 H2N O O NH HN N N NH PAMAM G 1.0 HN O O NH2 H2N Figure 4.1: Synthesis of route to PAMAM dendrimer As discussed in section 1.1, there is a possibility for the dendrimer to have incomplete structure, which is also known as “missing arms” or defective branched. In cases where the reaction was not complete, the possibility of ‘missing arms’ in the dendrimer was quite high. Figure 4.2 shows the possible defective structure of PAMAM dendrimer that could be obtained in this study. 35 H N C H2 NH2 designates NH2 O H2N H N N A NH2 H2N H2N NH2 H2N O O H N N N N N H N B NH2 H2N NH2 H2N O NH N N H2N C NH O Figure 4.2: Defective structure of PAMAM dendrimer with A) missing arm, B) dimers, C) Intramolecular cyclization. 36 O O OMe MeO N N OMe MeO O O PAMAM G 0.5 (a) NH2 H2N O O NH HN N N PAMAM G 1.0 (b) HN O NH O NH2 H2N [continue on next page] 37 MeO OMe O N O OMe O MeO O O N NH O HN N N NH O PAMAM G 1.5 (c) HN MeO O OMe O N O O N O MeO OMe NH2 H 2N HN NH NH2 O H 2N N O HN NH O O O N NH O HN N N NH O HN HN O N PAMAM G 2.0 (d) O O NH O N O H 2N NH2 HN NH NH2 H 2N [continue on next page] PAMAM G 2.5 (e) 38 [continue on next page] PAMAM G 3.0 (f) 39 Figure 4.3: Generation of PAMAM dendrimer (a) G 0.5 (b) G 1.0 (c) G 1.5 (d) G 2.0 (e) G 2.5 and (f) G 3.0 40 Theoretically, the structures for the different generation of PAMAM dendrimers are shown in Figure 4.3. For each half generation of PAMAM dendrimer (Figure 4.3 (a),(c) and (d)), the terminal group is ester (-COOCH3). Meanwhile, for full generation (Figure 4.3 (b),(d) and (e)), the terminal group is amine (-NH2) due to the bonding between EDA and MA by formation of an amide bond. During preparation of full generation dendrimer, the formation of rubbery yellowish product was obtained as shown in Figure 4.4. The rubbery form was very stable and difficult to handle because it did not dissolved in any solvent. It is suggested that the product was formed due to intramolecular cyclization of the terminal amine groups. Formation of this rubbery compound can be avoided by keeping the PAMAM dendrimer in an oxygen-free atmosphere or placed under flowing N2 gas. Figure 4.4: Rubbery product due to intramolecular cyclization of the PAMAM dendrimer 41 4.2 Characterization of PAMAM Dendrimer 4.2.1 Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy The most useful aspect of infrared spectroscopy is its ability to identify functional groups in the dendrimer that could determine the formation of either ester terminated (half generation) or amide-terminated (full-generation) of PAMAM dendrimers. Table 4.1 shows the main peaks obtained from the FTIR spectra for all generations of PAMAM dendrimers. Table 4.1: The main peaks of FTIR spectra for all generations of PAMAM dendrimer Functional Group C=O (ester) Wavenumber (cm-1) Generation G 0.5 1743 G 1.0 - G 1.5 1732 G 2.0 1732 G 2.5 1735 G 3.0 1727 C=O (amide) - 1649 1646 1656 1650 1644 N-H (amine) 3453 3354 3296 3290 3372 3407 C-N - 1028 - 1031 - 1025 C-O 1202 - 1199 - 1203 - Figure. 4.5 shows a comparison of the FT-IR spectra of the half and full generation of PAMAM dendrimer. The spectra exhibit the peaks of the functional groups that exist in two types of PAMAM dendrimers, which are ester-terminated groups and amide-terminated groups. The main peak is the carbonyl group with different end-substitutes on C=O. For the ester-terminated PAMAM groups, the absorption of carbonyl ester group (-COOCH3) is shown at around 1730 cm-1 which is due to the formation of ester. It should be noted that the FTIR spectrum of the halfgeneration of PAMAM dendrimer, shows this ester band, whereas the band is not observed for the full-generation dendrimer. 42 Half Generation Full Generation Figure 4.5: The comparison spectra between half generation (ester terminated) and full generation of amine-terminated dendrimer. Meanwhile, the carbonyl groups of amides absorbed at particularly low frequency around 1640 - 1650 cm-1. This is because the dipolar resonance structure places part of the pi electron between carbon and nitrogen (-CO-NH-), leaving less than a full C=O double bond. 43 G 3.0 G 2.5 G 2.0 G 1.5 G 1.0 G 0.5 Figure 4.6: FTIR spectra of PAMAM dendrimers (G 0.5, G1.0, G1.5, G2.0, G2.5 and G3.0) Figure 4.6 shows the FTIR spectra of various generations of dendrimer prepared in this study. Based on previous study [60], full generation dendrimer contains primary amines as terminal groups. There are two spikes for the primary amine in the N-H stretching region about 3300 cm-1. But according to the FTIR spectra shown in Figure 4.6, most of full generations have two spikes of primary amine stretching bands mixed with broadening of OH band in the range of 32003400 cm-1. This phenomenon is due to the methanol used stabilizing the PAMAM dendrimer which was not totally removed in the synthesis. As a result, intense broad band is observed in the FTIR spectra. From the spectra, the peaks of ester band occurred at PAMAM G 2.0 and PAMAM G 3.0. These peaks are not supposed to be observed if the ester group has been reacted with EDA and formed amide bonding as shown in the reaction scheme 44 in Figure 4.7. However, it is suggested that ‘missing arms’ of amide were formed because this reaction did not go to completion. NH2 O N H + OCH3 H2N - CH3OH Amide bond O NH2 N H N H Figure 4.7: Formation of amide bonding 4.2.2 1 H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Proton 1H NMR is a powerful tool to analyze the quality and purity of dendrimers although it cannot determine the molecular distribution of PAMAM species. Figure 4.8 shows the half branch of PAMAM dendrimer of generation (a) G0.5 (b) G 1.0 (c) G1.5 (d) G2.0 (e) G2.5 and (f) G3.0. Table 4.2 below shows the summary of the proton assignment from the 1H NMR spectra for half and full generation numbers of PAMAM dendrimers, respectively. 45 2 1 3 2 N NH 4 7 1 4 5 N OMe NH2 6 3 O 5 O 8 N N (b) (a) O 3 4 1 5 7 N N OMe 2 NH 6 9 8 O 10 N (c) O 6 7 4 8 10 N N NH 1 NH2 3 9 12 2 11 13 N 5 NH O (d) [continue on next page] 46 O 8 9 6 10 12 N N NH 7 NH 1 2 N 5 OMe 11 14 3 4 13 O 15 O N (e) O 13 15 N 9 N 10 NH 3 NH N 8 NH 4 7 16 18 O NH2 1 5 14 17 N 2 11 12 6 O (f) Figure 4.8: Half branch of PAMAM dendrimer of (a) G 0.5 (b) G 1.0 (c) G 1.5 (d) G 2.0 (e) G 2.5 and (f) G 3.0. 47 Table 4.2: Assignment of 1H NMR for PAMAM dendrimers of half generation and full generation. Assignment of Proton 1 Intergral* (δ ppm) 3H s 2 3 4 1&2 2H t 2Ht 2Hs 2H mix multiplet 3 4 5 6 7 1 2H mix multiplet 1H broad 2H broad 2H triplet 2H broad triplet 3H s 2&6 3&7 4&9 5 8 1 2H t 2H quartet 2H t 2H quintet Not detected 2H triplet 3.902 2.709 3.014 2.768 2.8-2.9 ~ 3.4 ~ 8.41 ~ 2.6 ~3.0 ~2.7 3.74 ~ 2.6 2.8-2.9 ~2.7 ~3.3 2 3 4&9 5 & 10 6 & 11 7 8 12 & 13 1 2H quintet 2H quartet 1H t 2H t 2H t 2H 2H quartet 2H t 3H s G 2.5 (Appendix E) 2, 6 & 12 3, 9, 13, 14 & 15 4 & 10 5 & 11 1 2H t 2H t 2H quartet 1H m 2H m 2 6.8 5.2 G 3.0 (Appendix F) 2 3 5, 9, 19 6, 11, 16 2H quintet 2H t 2H t 2H quartet 7.2 6.8 Not detected 5.6 Generation G 0.5 (Appendix A) G 1.0 (Appendix B) G 1.5 (Appendix C) G 2.0 (Appendix D) *Multiplicity s = singlet t = triplet m = multiplet 14.4 5.6 6.4 6.0 6.4 4.8 4.8 5.6 5.6 48 In the 1H NMR spectra (see Appendices A-F), the appearance of a peak at δ 3.9 ppm, is in the range of chemical shift for ester group. So, it can be concluded that amine group has been replaced by acrylate (ester group) in the compound. Meanwhile, for the full generation, the peak at δ 3.9 (-OCH3) disappeared meaning that the ester group has been replaced by ethylenediamine (-NH2). However, in the synthesis of PAMAM dendrimers, there are always present ‘trailing’ generation(s) as well as dimers and real PAMAM molecules always have missing arms and have molecular loops [3, 6, 16]. These defects result from the four main types of side reactions during the synthesis namely, are a retro-Micheal reaction giving rise to asymmetrical structures due to the missing arms, dimers may form in the amidation step, intramolecular cyclization (molecular loops) may also occur during the same step as ethylenediamine is a bifunctional reactant and the residual ethylenediamine (EDA) acts as a new core to initiate a trailing generation [63]. 4.3 PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles A PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticle was successfully synthesized by using in situ method. Nanogold-thiol particles was added into PAMAM dendrimer and stirred for 60 minutes to complete the reaction as shown in Figure 4.9(a). The proposed route to the formation PAMAM was shown schematically in Figure 4.9(b). This step was done in order to bind gold nano particles to dendrimer end terminal groups. Violet solution was obtained from this addition (Figure 4.10) and gave evidence to support the formation of stable PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanocomposite solution. 49 PAMAM HS NH2 Au PAMAM N H S Au (a) + PAMAM Thiol-gold nanoparticles (b) PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles Figure 4.9: Reaction (a) and proposed mechanism (b) of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles. Figure 4.10: Violet solution of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles. 50 4.4 Preparation of PAMAM-gold nanocomposite Preparation of gold nanocomposites were done using the first and second full generation of PAMAM dendrimers having about more than 50% of their pheripheral amine at the end of the PAMAM dendrimers. A two-step process to functionalize gold with PAMAM dendrimer was used. Firstly, an aqueous gold solution (AuCl4-) was mixed with PAMAM dendrimer solution (Gn) and then followed by reduction process with 0.01 M NaBH4 in aqueous solution. The pale yellow solution was vigorously stirred for 20 minutes to provide enough time for HAuCl4 to react with dendrimer. Next, 0.01 M NaBH4 was slowly added to this solution with stirring to reduce the Au(III) to zerovalent, Au(0). The purple-red color of solution (Figure 4.11) formed after reduction aqueous solution of NaBH4 provide supports the formation of stable gold nanocomposite solutions [64]. The formation of PAMAM dendrimer encapsulated with gold nanoparticles is shown schematically in Figure 4.12. Figure 4.11: Purple-red solution of PAMAM-gold nanocomposite solution 51 PAMAM Dendrimer Encapsulated Au nanoparticles PAMAM Dendrimer Figure 4.12: Formation of PAMAM-gold nanocomposite 4.5 Characterization of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles The formation of the dendrimer-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles was characterized by solution UV-Vis spectroscopy. This technique is useful because gold is a d9 transition metal in Periodic Table. The configuration of electron at ground state is t2g6eg3 changed to t2g5eg4 after being excited as shown in Figure 4.13 Ground State Excited State Figure 4.13: The crystal field diagram to show the occurring of electronic transition in d9 octahedral system. Therefore, the splitting energy ∆o or Dq of d9 are directly determined from the maximum absorption wavelength of the respective spectrum. The observation suggests that two possible transition processes with small different transition energy level take place [63]. The change occurred due to the unsymmetrical occupying of electron in d-orbital makes three degenerated orbitals in t2g state and two degenerated orbital in eg state are no longer degenerated [49]. The energy level of the orbitals split to various state labels as shown in Figure 4.14. 52 dy2-x2 dy2-x2 dy2-x2 dz 2 dxy dz2 dz2 dxy dxy dyz dxz dxz dyz dxz dyz Figure 4.14: The change in d9 orbital energy label in gold. Table 4.3 shows the λmax obtained from the spectra for PAMAM, PAMAMgold and PAMAM-thiol-gold. Figure 4.15 shows UV-Vis spectra of PAMAM dendrimer, PAMAM + gold and PAMAM + thiol gold. Table 4.3: UV absorption peak of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles samples. Sample Peaks (nm) PAMAM 330.15 PAMAM – Gold 547.85 PAMAM – thiol - Gold 517.28 53 Figure 4.15: UV-vis spectrum for PAMAM dendrimer, PAMAM + gold and PAMAM + thiol gold. From the Table 4.4, there was shifting of the absorption peaks after incorporated gold species in the PAMAM dendrimer. The maximum wavelength for PAMAM-gold was shown by λmax, 547.85 nm. The excitation energy of shifting obtained was lower than the shifting obtained for λmax of PAMAM-gold-thiol which is at 517.28 nm. The binding between thiol and gold in PAMAM-gold-thiol gave a lower λmax than that of PAMAM-gold. Protonation of gold due to bonding between PAMAM dendrimer and gold-thiol nanoparticles gave a lower λmax. The lone pair in no longer available to interact with π cloud of thiol. A shift to shorter wavelength is called blue shift [64]. On the other hand, reducing oxidation number of gold from Au(+3) to Au(0) gave a higher shifting of λmax. This is because of addition of lone pair in gold [24]. This lone pair is available to interact with the π cloud of thiol. A shift to longer wavelength is called red shift. 54 It is suggested that there are two possible steps for the formation of dendrimer–gold complex: the first step is that the gold nanoparticle is surrounded by several thiol-terminated dendrimers to form self-assembly monolayer (SAM); the second step is that dendrimer-mediated networks are formed, each gold nanoparticle may associate with more than one dendrimer molecule and, likewise, each dendrimer molecule may bind to more than one gold nanoparticle, the result being a bridging aggregation leading to controlled organization as shown in Figure 4.16. Au-SH PAMAM Figure 4.16: Proposed mechanism for the dendrimer-mediated self-assembly of gold nanoparticles. 4.5 Anion Recognition Test PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles produced was reacted with nitrate ion (NO3-) to test its potential ability as an anion recognition material. The idea is a cationic ion will bind to gold from the dendrimer. From the result, there was peak shifting of gold (III) to high wavelength as shown in Table 4.4. 55 Table 4.4: UV-vis absorption peak of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles and reaction with nitrate ion samples. Sample Peak (nm) PAMAM + Goldthiol 517.28 PAMAM + Goldthiol + NO3- 526.98 From the spectra obtained (Figure 4.17), it was suggested that gold ions bind to nitrate as shown by shifting of the peak to higher wavelength. It shows that the binding that formed will reduce the energy of the nanocomposite or specifically gold thiol bond due to bonding between thiol and nitrate as shown in Figure 4.18. Figure 4.17: UV absorption spectrum of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles and reaction with ammonium nitrate samples. 56 S Au + NO3- S Au NO3 PAMAM Figure 4.18: Binding between S, Au and NO3- in formation of PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex. The cationic characteristic of gold attracted nitrate ion to form electrostatic interaction between them. Nitrate which is known as high field ligand makes the bonding between gold and nitrate become weaker and gave a higher wavelength in the UV-vis spectrum [56]. The proposed interaction of PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles with nitrate ion is shown in Figure 4.19. NO3- PAMAM Figure 4.19: Proposed interaction of nitrate ion with PAMAM-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions PAMAM dendrimer-gold complexes were successfully synthesized via Micheal addition and followed by amidation of ester. Three generation of dendrimers were prepared which are G1.0, G2.0 and G3.0. The full generation of PAMAM dendrimer was then used as a matrix for the preparation of dendrimer-gold nanocomposites in solution via in-situ reduction of dodecanethiol functionalized gold nanoparticles with sodium borohydrate (NaBH4) to produce Au(0). In recognition of anion, there was red shifting of the wavelength λmax. From FT-IR results, dendrimers of generation 2.0 and 3.0 exhibit defective structures due to ‘missing arm’ as a result of incomplete synthesis. This conclusion is supported by NMR data of the products obtained for G0.5 until G3 dendrimers. PAMAM dendrimer is easily oxidized and this is the reason why some of the generations PAMAM dendrimers obtained were in the gel or rubbery form. . Successful synthesis of PAMAM dendrimer-gold complex was confirmed by UV-vis spectroscopy. The peak at around 520 nm shows the appearance of gold (III) in the dendrimer. Peaks for PAMAM encapsulated gold nanoparticles shifted to lower wavelength compared to PAMAM-gold-thiol complex were different due to bonding between gold and the thiol functional group. 58 The interaction between the nitrate ion and gold-thiol was indicated by shifting of λmax in the UV-vis spectrum for gold-thiol to higher upon addition of nitrate ion wavelength. It is suggested that the bonding is electrostatic attraction between cation gold and nitrate ion. 5.2 Recommendations In this study, the characterization of dendrimer was carried out using UV-vis spectroscopy. In order to validify the result obtained, it is suggested that other characterization method such as cyclic voltammetry is employed as comparison. In order to determine higher generation numbers of PAMAM dendrimers, it is recommended a study on the molecular weight of PAMAM is done by using gel permeation chromatography (GPC). 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