IMPACT OF WATER QUALITY ON SEAGRASS MEADOW AT TANJUNG KUPANG SHAIKHAH BINTI SABRI A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award the degree of the Master of Engineering (Civil-Environmental Management) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia November, 2009 iii To my beloved family and friends Thank you for everything “Today we are nobody but tomorrow we will be somebody” iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, a very grateful to Allah gives me the ability to finish up my final master project. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Ismid Mohd Said as final project’s supervisor for his valuable time, guidance, advice and critics in fulfill the study. Also a million thanks to my co-supervisor Dr. Shamila Azman for her encouragement, guidance and friendship throughout the course of this study. Not forgetful my friends and colleagues for their patience and cooperation during the entire study making process. I am also would like to thank to staffs and technicians of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia’s Environmental Laboratory who provided assistance and shared the information that I needed. Last but not least, my appreciative to all my family members for their support and encouraging me to finish up my study. v ABSTRACT Seagrasses which colonize near shore ecosystem may be used as indicator of environmental health since it is vulnerable to the changes of water and environmental quality. Six species of seagrasses were found at Tanjung Kupang, Johor which are identified as Halophila ovalis, Halophila minor, Halophila spinulosa, Enhalus acoroides, Halodule pinifolia and Thalassia hemprichii. Meanwhile three species were found at Teluk Buih, Mersing identified as Enhalus acoroides, Halodule pinifolia and Cymodocea rotundata. Heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Hg) were analyzed using ICPMS and Halophila minor have the highest accumulation of heavy metal among the species. Thalassia hemprichii turned out to be strongest accumulator for Cd (0.016 mg/g dry weight) and Halophila ovalis for Hg (0.044 mg/g dry weight). The results obtained for water quality analysis exceeded the Interim Marine Water Quality Standard except for Pb (0.0014 to 0.0066 mg/L) and Total Cr (0.1486 to 0.105 mg/L). Dredging activities for land reclamation could be a possible release of heavy metals to the seawater since the concentration of heavy metal decrease in the following order: sediment > water > seagrass leaves. Therefore, Halophila minor has the potential to be used as bioindicator since it accumulates higher concentration of heavy metal compared to other species. Two rivers, Sungai Pok Besar and Sungai Pok Kecil, situated near the seagrass bed is classified as Class III based on Water Quality Index. vi ABSTRAK Rumput laut yang tumbuh di kawasan perairan di pesisir pantai boleh digunakan sebagai petunjuk kepada tahap pencemaran kerana hidupan ini sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan kualiti air dan persekitaran. Enam spesies rumput laut yang dijumpai di Tanjung Kupang, Johor dikenalpasti sebagai Halophila ovalis, Halophila minor, Halophila spinulosa, Enhalus acoroides, Halodule pinifolia dan Thalassia hemprichii. Sementara itu, tiga spesies yang dijumpai di Teluk Buih, Mersing direkodkan sebagai Enhalus acoroides, Halodule pinifolia dan Cymodocea rotundata. As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb dan Hg dianalisis menggunakan ICPMS dan Halophila minor menunjukkan bacaan kandungan logam berat paling tinggi berbanding spesies lain, Thalassia hemprichii pula mengumpulkan kandungan logam berat bagi Cd (0.016 mg/g berat kering) dan Halophila ovalis untuk Hg (0.044 mg/g berat kering). Keputusan yang didapati untuk analisis kualiti air melebihi Piawaian Interim Kualiti Air Laut kecuali plumbum (0.0014 – 0.0066 mg/L) and Jumlah Kromium (0.1486 – 0.105 mg/L). Aktiviti pengorekkan untuk tebusguna tanah dikenalpasti sebagai penyumbang kehadiran logam berat di dalam air laut kerana kandungan logam berat berkurang mengikut aturan berikut: tanah > air > rumput laut. Oleh itu, Halophila minor mempunyai potensi untuk digunakan sebagai penunjuk biologi kerana mengumpul kandungan logam berat paling tinggi berbanding spesies rumput laut lain. Dua buah sungai, Sungai Pok Besar dan Sungai Pok Kecil yang terletak berhampiran dengan hamparan rumput laut dikenalpasti berada dalam Kelas III berdasarkan Indeks Kualiti Air. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF SYMBOL xiv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Preface 1 1.2 Seagrass Distribution 2 1.3 Problem Statement 3 1.4 Objective of Study 4 1.5 Study Area 5 1.6 Scope of Study 7 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Overview 8 2.2 Characteristics of Seagrass 9 2.2.1 12 Seaweeds viii 2.3 Growth Requirements 12 2.4 The Significance of Seagrass 13 2.4.1 14 2.5 2.6 2.7 Threats to Seagrass 17 2.5.1 Natural Threats 17 2.5.2 Eutrophication 17 2.5.3 Dredging 18 2.5.4 Boating 19 Physical Water Quality Parameter 19 2.6.1 Total Suspended Solid 19 2.6.2 Turbidity 20 2.6.2 Temperature 21 Chemical Water Quality Parameter 21 2.7.1 Dissolved Oxygen 22 2.7.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 22 2.7.3 Chemical Oxygen Demand 23 2.7.4 pH 23 2.7.5 Nutrients 24 2.7.6 2.7.7 2.8 Marine Life Associated with Seagrass Phosphorus 24 Ammoniacal Nitrogen 25 Heavy Metal 25 Arsenic (As) 26 Cadmium (Cd) 27 Total chromium 27 Copper (Cu) 28 Lead (Pb) 28 Mercury (Hg) 29 Oil and Grease 30 Marine Water Quality Standards 31 2.8.1 Malaysia Interim Marine Water Quality Standards 2.8.2 Marine Water Quality Criteria for the ASEAN Region 32 32 ix 2.8.3 Singapore Marine Water Quality Criteria 2.9 United Kingdom Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (ISQG) 3 4 5 33 33 METHODOLOGY 35 3.1 Study Area 35 3.2 Sample Preparation 37 3.2.1 Water Sample 38 3.2.2 Seagrass Specimens and Sediment 40 3.3 Analysis of Samples 41 3.4 Chemical Analysis 42 RESULT AND ANALYSIS 43 4.1 Introduction 43 4.2 Specimen Identification 43 4.3 Marine Life at Tanjung Kupang 52 4.4 Water Quality Analysis 53 4.4.1 Oil and Grease 56 4.4.2 Total Suspended Solid 56 4.4.3 Ammoniacal Nitrogen and Phosphorus 57 4.5 Heavy Metals in Water 59 4.6 Heavy Metals in Sediment 63 4.7 Heavy Metals in Seagrass 64 4.8 Development Adjacent to the Seagrass Meadow 67 4.9 Overall Discussion 72 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 75 5.1 Introduction 75 5.2 Recommendation 76 REFERENCES 77 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 The common seagrass species in Malaysia and their identification features (Save Our Seahorse Handbook, 2006) 11 2.2 The differences between seagrass and marine algae (Seagrass-Watch, 2008) 12 2.3 List of marine life supported by a seagrass bed 15 2.4 Malaysia Interim Marine Water Quality Standard (Department of Environment (DOE) Malaysia, 2004) 31 2.5 Marine Water Quality Criterion for ASEAN region (Association of Southeast Asian Nation, 2009) 32 2.6 Summary of criteria for site selection for floating netcage farming (Singapore Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, 2009) 33 2.7 Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (UK Marine Special Areas of Conservation) 34 3.1 (a) Schedule of sampling at Tanjung Kupang (b) Schedule of sampling at Teluk Buih, Mersing Analytical procedures (Standard Method American Public Health Association, 2005) 3.2 38 42 Specimen identification based on acknowledged species by previous study at seagrass meadow Tanjung Kupang and Teluk Buih, Mersing 45 4.2 List of marine life found during survey at seagrass meadow 52 4.3 Water quality result of Sungai Pok Kecil and Sungai Pok Besar 53 4.1 xi 4.4 Result of water quality parameter based on IMWQS and AMWQC at Teluk Buih 54 4.5 Result of water quality parameter based on IMWQS and AMWQC at Tanjung Kupang 55 4.6 Heavy metal concentration at Sungai Pok Kecil and Sungai Pok Besar 59 4.7 Heavy metal concentration and Teluk Buih 61 4.8 Heavy metal concentration at Tanjung Kupang 62 4.9 Concentration of metals (mg g-1 dry weight) in the sediment which evaluate to United Kingdom interim marine sediment quality guidelines (ISQG) 4.10 4.11 63 Concentration of metals (mg g-1 dry weight) in the different species of seagrass 66 Land use in Tanjung Pelepas Zone (MBJBT, 2008) 68 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Seagrass distribution at Malaysia (The Encyclopedia of Malaysia, The Seas, 2001) 3 1.2 The position of study area that is near to Pulai River estuary, Second Link Bridge and Singapore 5 1.3 Location of seagrass field and sampling location 6 3.1 Station 1 for water quality at Sungai Pok estuary. The land is fully covered with riverbank vegetation especially mangrove 35 3.2 Second station for water quality measurement at seagrass bed 36 3.3 Merambong Island as the third sampling station; inhabits a lot of unique species. 36 3.4 (a) Upstream of Sungai Pok Besar used as boat parking bay by local fisherman and (b) is downstream of the river. 37 3.5 (a) Upstream of Sungai Pok Kecil and (b) is downstream of the river. The river is surrounding by palm oil plantation. 37 3.6: Multi-Parameter Analyzer-Consort 535 that has used to measure the pH level on surface water 39 3.7 YSI probe to determine concentration of dissolved oxygen 39 3.8 Secchi disk used to measure the depth of turbidity in the water column at Merambong Island 40 3.9 Seagrass leaves ((a) Halophila ovalis and (b) Halophila spinulosa) that have been preserved in formalin and placed in glass bottles 41 xiii 3.10 Digestion process using open beaker technique on hot plate 41 4.1 (a) Current condition of coastal line near seagrass meadow while (b) is the future development which under Tanjung Pelepas industrial region 69 4.2 Existing and future development of Port Tanjung Pelepas with potential expansion up to 95 berths 71 4.3 Several creatures that can found from seagrass area where (a) is Holothuria leucospilota, (b) is Stichodactyla gigantean meanwhile (c) Sabella spallanzanii, (d) is Protoreastar nodosus, (e) Purple Climber Crab and (f) Hippocampus kuda. 74 xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS AMWQC ASEAN Marine Water Quality Criteria AN Ammoniacal Nitrogen As Arsenic BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand Cd Cadmium COD Chemical Oxygen Demand Cr Chromium Cu Copper DO Dissolved Oxygen DOE Department of Environment Malaysia Hg Mercury IMWQS Interim Marine Water Quality Standard INWQS Interim Water Quality Standard Pb Lead SOS Save Our Seahorse UTM Universiti Teknologi Malaysia WQI Water Quality Index CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preface Increasing human populations associated with port expansion, urbanization, industrial development and agricultural activities along the Johor Strait especially at Pulai River have focused intention on the risk of those activities to the estuaries and coastal. The largest seagrass bed in Peninsular Malaysia located in the coastal area of Johor, situated between Merambong Island and Tanjung Kupang. The green carpet in the sea could very well be a submerged is vegetation “bridge” connecting southwest Johor to Tuas in Singapore, given its sheer size of 38ha (New Strait Times, 2008). 60% of Malaysia’s natural wetlands are located in Johor including the seagrass sites. It supports a rich biodiversity such as seaweeds, sea cucumbers and fishes that are facing the competition between development and preservation of natural ecosystem. Generally, the seagrass meadow are very important ecosystems especially for the fishing industry and therefore for food supplies, beside to ensure stabilisation of the coast as an important characteristic in view of rising sea levels and protection against coastal erosion. Moreover, the area also identified as habitat for rare marine animals like seahorses, pipefish and dugongs. There are between 70-76 species of fish in 41 families that have been observed in the seagrass beds and the adjacent mangrove areas in Tanjung Adang-Merambong (Aziz et al., 2006). Even with its importance role in food production, climate regulation, genetic resources and recreations, there have been minimal attempt to conserve the seagrass. According to 2 Choo (2006) the disappearance of a huge tract of seagrass bed was due to reclamation works by Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP), the Second Link project, a coal-fired power plant and a petrochemical hub. However the results have not been revealed. Seagrass is identified as an aquatic flowering plant which lives completely submerged under saline environment. These marine angiosperms include 12 genera, which 7 are characteristic of the tropics; Halodule, Cymodocea, Syringodium, Thalassondendron, Enhalus, Thalasia and Halophila. Meanwhile 5 others are confined to temperate waters which are Zostera, Phyllospadix, Heterozostera, Posidonia, and Amphibolis (Mann, 2000). 1.2 Seagrass Distribution Worldwide there are 60 described seagrass species and majority of species are found in the Indo-Pacific region where most of them grow in silty or sandy sediment (Choo, 2006). Australia was identified to have more seagrass species compared to other continent where 30 species can found there. Meanwhile, in Malaysia the occurrence of seagrass are scattered at 78 sites which involves mangroves, coral reefs, shallow inter-tidals, semi-enclosed lagoons and shoals areas (Japar et al., 2000). Along the west coast, mixed species of seagrass inhabit from sandy mud of Tanjung Rhu, Langkawi Island to sand-covered corals at Teluk Kemang, Negeri Sembilan and extend till Serimbun Island in Malacca. At depths of 2-2.7 m at Tanjung Kupang-Merambong area, the largest and highest numbers of seagrass species grows on calcareous sandy mud sub-tidal shoals. At the east coastline, there are several species of seagrass that can be found which populate on substrates of fine sand along shallow inland coastal lagoons from Pengkalan Nangka, Kelantan to Paka, Terengganu. Meanwhile at Sibu Island, Tengah Island, Besar Island, Tinggi Island, Redang Island, Tioman Island and Perhentian Island, the seagrass communities occur in the water off-shore with 3 fringing coral reefs. In Sarawak, the presences of seagrass recorded at Bintulu River and estuary area of Punang-Sari- Lawas. The substrates of sand, muddy-sand and coral rubble of the inter-tidal region support the mixed species of seagrass along the west and south-eastern coast of Sabah. Figure 1.1 shows the major location of seagrass ecosystems in Malaysia. Figure 1.1: Seagrass distribution at Malaysia (The Encyclopedia of Malaysia, The Seas, 2001) 1.3 Problem Statement Coastal environments are subjected to contamination especially metals through inputs from point sources and diffuse sources which transported via river discharge and atmospheric deposition. The pollution entering in coastal systems will incorporated into biota and may interferences the chemical and biological processes in the water column, sediments and biota. Meanwhile, seagrasses are the least studied and least protected among marine habitat and they are very sensitive and vulnerable to the changes of water and environmental quality. Hence, seagrasses which colonize near coastal ecosystem have potential as indicator of environmental 4 health. Pulai River’s mangrove forest is the most extensive wetland site in Malaysia and exposed to human activities at Pulai River catchment area. The lost of mangrove which act as buffer zone may propel sediment loading and siltation to seagrass bed located near the Pulai River estuary. Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) located at the mouth of Pulai River is included under Iskandar Development Region (IDR) in order to enhance economic achievement. It is a strategic location to develop a mega port since the Sungai Pulai mouth is located at the southern tip of Peninsular Malaysia and the confluence of the international trade lanes which go right into one of the world's busiest route, the Straits of Malacca (BERNAMA, 2007). In the other hand, the largest privatized coal-fires power plant located at Tanjung Bin is on the opposite bank. The latest development is an integrated petrochemical facility on 40.5ha of reclaimed island at the estuary and it is expected to handle annually 60 million tones of petroleum products - industrial and marine fuel oils, diesel, jet fuel and biodiesel (The Star, 2007). With all the activities occurring in the area it seem that the country’s most extensive seagrass meadow ecosystem is in danger of being destroyed and requires more intention to preserve the unique bio-ecology system. 1.4 Objective of Study The objective of the study is to assess the seagrass occurrence at Tanjung Kupang via the following evaluation: 1. To identify the marine life include plants and animals associated with seagrass 2. To determine water quality at the surrounding area of seagrass meadow 3. To determine heavy metal concentration in sediment at seagrass meadow 4. To assess possibility of seagrass as bio-indicator of heavy metal concentration through extraction of its leaves 5 1.5 Study Area The study area is located near the Pulai River estuary (illustrated in Figure 1.2). It emphasizes the seagrass bed, which lay between Merambong Island and Tanjung Kupang in given size of 38ha. Seagrass meadow Figure 1.2: The position of study area that is near to Pulai River estuary, Second Link Bridge and Singapore There are only a few villages located along the coastal area nearby to the seagrass bed which includes Kampung Tanjung Adang, Kampung Pok Besar and Kampung Pok Kechil. Most of villagers are fisherman and some of them are involved in agriculture and palm oil plantation. From Figure 1.3 several sampling points have been chosen that is significant to the study located at the seagrass meadow, Pok River and Pulai River estuary, Merambong Island, Tanjung Adang and near the Second Link Bridge. Pok River is the nearest waterway which brings runoff from inland waters. Therefore, water quality level at the river will also be taken into consideration. 6 (a) Expansion of PTP Tanjung Bin power plant LEGEND: Seagrass meadow Water quality sampling point point (b) Figure 1.3: Location of seagrass field and sampling location 7 Johor Port at Pasir Gudang have expanded rapidly since it commencing operation 1977 and growth prediction showed that the port would suffer capacity problems by 2000 (Renkema and Kinlan, 2000). On 1990 the Johor Port Authority start a study to find a site for a new port that can cater all future demands for cargo traffic. Based on a site selection study, Tanjung Pelepas was selected as the most strategic location for Johor’s new port because it protected by a deep water bay. Moreover, it amidst the world busiest international shipping lane which guarantees a good opportunity for it to become a port of call for ships passing through these waters (Johor Port Authority, 2008). Nowadays, PTP have been covered on 1935 acre of reclamation land growth rapidly and in the year 2000, it was awarded ‘Best Emerging Container Terminal’ on Llods list for excellent throughout its operations (Johor Port Authority, 2008). In order to achieve world class port and fulfil the future demand, PTP plans to expand their port up to 95 berths with terminal handling capacity of 72 million TEUs. This future expansion area is including seagrass area and if the plan is continue, the meadow will disappear forever. 1.6 Scope of Study The study emphasizes on the following methodology analysis, which are: 1. In-situ and Ex-situ test; Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (DO), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), pH, salinity, phosphorus, nitrogen, Suspended Solid (SS) and Secchi disk depth 2. Rapid assessment using time search method and fisheries sampling for marine life identification 3. Analysis of seagrass based on extraction of leaves and sediment 4. Using secondary data to assess the future and current development at the nearby area (Tanjung Pelepas, Tanjung Bin, Tanjung Adang and Tanjung Kupang coastal area) CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview Sungai Pulai is the largest mangrove system in Johor State which associated with seagrass beds, inter-tidal mudflats and inland freshwater riverine forest (The Star, 2008). This area consists of a lowland tropical river basin which supports a rich biodiversity of species that depends on it. Located in the same area is the largest seagrass meadow in Peninsular Malaysia with a given size of 38 hectares located between Tanjung Kupang and Merambong Island. The seagrass site support unique ecosystem that include seahorses, dugong and pipefish. However, since 1995 massive port development around Pulai River Estuary has destroyed large tracts of seagrass meadows. Today, besides two major developments that have already been completed which Port of Tanjung Pelepas and Power plant at Tanjung Bin there will be another two new proposed large developments consists of man made island which will be construct by Asia Petroleum Hub. Meanwhile, Seaport Worldwide Sdn.Bhd plan to build Petrochemical and Maritime Industries involving 2,255 acres next to the Tanjung Bin Power Plant. The mangroves are also important as the breeding grounds of fishes. The destruction of the mangroves as well as the deterioration of the water quality of the Sg. Pulai estuary would directly affect the fish catches of the fishermen in the area especially the coastal fishermen (Hillary, 2008). As a Ramsar site, the estuary has experienced changes that lead to the loss and degradation of mangroves habitat from human intervention such as port and industries developments, power transmission 9 line maintenance activity, and land reclamation and agriculture activities (Dol et al., 2008). Meanwhile the long seagrass called giant tropical eelgrass (Enhalus acoroides) dominates the meadow. Although not favoured by big herbivorous creatures due to its tough texture, this seagrass, which can reach 1.5m, serves as a wave-breaker (News Strait Times, 2008). The loss of mangrove areas which act as bio-filter for sediment and nutrient from direct loading on seagrass bed become a threat since high sedimentation will lead to algae blooms that will further impede photosynthesis process (Choo, 2006). 2.2 Characteristics of Seagrass In Malaysia, there are thirteen major species of seagrass which belongs to eight genera, three families and two orders recorded which are Enhalus acoroides, Halophila beccarii, H. decipiens, H. ovalis, H. minor, H. spinulosa, Halodule pinifolia, H. uninervis, Cymodocearotundata, C. serrulata, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium, Ruppia maritima and Thalassodendron ciliatum ( Aziz Arsad,2006) as shown in Figure 2.1. As terrestrial plant, seagrass is different from seaweeds (algae) where the seagrasses have internal veins which transport food, nutrients and water around the plant which possess root system and produce flowers and fruits. It also tends to live in places which have soft sediment accumulation. On the other hand algae do not have veins in their leaves and their roots acts as holdfast anchors to the surface of a substrate. Algae do not produce flowers, seeds or fruit (McKenzie, 2008). The seagrass leaves have no stomata (microscopic pores on the underside of leaves) which other terrestrial flowering plant have such as salt-marsh plant have aerial leaves with stomata where they take up carbon dioxide and lose water through transpiration. The seagrass have thin cuticle in order to adopt water and nutrients via their roots when it is completely submerged in saline medium. They derived carbon dioxide from solution in the seawater and the seagrasses increase the concentration of carbon dioxide at the leaf surface by releasing hydrogen ions which cause bicarbonate in seawater to dissociate to form carbon dioxide and water (Mann, 10 2000). Chloroplast within the leaves is used for photosynthesis process using sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water to generate oxygen and sugar. Seagrass Roots and horizontal stems or rhizomes are buried in sand or mud and act as anchors, carbohydrates storage and nutrient absorbent. The roots can be simple or in branch and have fine hair in order to help in absorbing nutrients taking up. The rhizomes may facilitate vegetative reproduction by spreading underground and by breaking off and drifting away (Phillips and Menez, 1988). Seagrasses have simplified structure flowers where the pollen is produced and carried from anthers to stamens underwater. The pollen is dispersed from male seagrass flowers to female seagrass flowers by tidal. This hydrophilic pollination can occur by transportation action of pollen above the water surface such as Enhalus, on water surface; Halodule and pollen transport beneath water surface like Thalassia (McKenzie, 2008). Figure 2.1 below show the common seagrass species in Malaysia and the identification features. 11 Table 2.1: The common seagrass species in Malaysia and their identification features (Save Our Seahorse Handbook, 2006) Species Halophila ovalis Characteristics 12 or more cross veins No hairs on leaf surface Species Halophila minor Characteristics Less than 12 pairs of cross veins Small oval leaf blade Halophila isoetifolium Cylindrical in cross section Leaf tip tapers to a point Leaves 7 – 30 cm long Halophila decipiens Small oval leaf blade 1-2.5 cm long 6-8 cross veins Leaf hairs on both sides Cymodocea rotundata Thalassia Rounded leaf hemprichii tip Narrow leaf blade (2-4 mm wide) Leaves 7-15 cm long 9-15 longitudinal veins Well developed leaf sheath Short black bars of tannin cells on leaf Thick rhizome with scars between shoots Leaves 10-40 cm long Enhalus acoroides Very long ribbon-like leaves with inrolled leaf margins Thich rhizome with long black bristles Leaves 20-150 cm long Rounded leaf tip 1 central vein Usually pale rhizome with clean black leaf scars Halodule pinifolia 12 2.2.1 Seaweeds Seaweed is a marine macroalgae that also inhabit the sea and are often confused with seagrass. In Malaysia 240 species of seaweeds in Malaysia which contribute greatly to the productivity of the sea, as well as provide feeding and breeding grounds for marine life (Ong and Gong, 2001). Most of the species inhabit on substrates from the coral reefs to rocky shores and sandy or muddy areas. Seaweeds are algae, and although they are photosynthetic organisms, in contrast to the terrestrial plants they are non-flowering and do not have roots, leafy shoots or sophisticated tissues for transporting water, sugars and nutrients (Kaiser et al., 2005). Table 2.2 simplifies the difference between marine algae and seagrass. Table 2.2: The differences between seagrass and marine algae (Seagrass-Watch, 2008) Seagrass Complex root structure to anchor plant Marine Algae Simple holdfast to anchor on hard in the sediment and to extract nutrients substrate such as rocks or shells and minerals. Photosynthesis process restricted to Photosynthesis process undertaken cells in leaves by all cells Transport minerals and nutrient in Uptake of minerals and nutrients aerenchyma and the veins from water column via diffusion Reproduction via flowers, fruits and Reproduction via spores seeds. 2.3 Growth Requirements Seagrasses requires plenty of sun, clean water, acceptable salinity, temperature and pH to grow. In the same time, it physiologically adjusts to survival in seawater which involves adjustment to live in saline medium and completely submerged. Moreover, they have anchoring system to resist the effects of tidal currents and wave actions (Mann, 2000). They can tolerate salinity between 4 to 65 13 parts per thousand and usually salinity of 35 parts per thousand is the best condition to grow. Since seagrasses grow submerged in seawater, they more likely to be light limited (Mann, 2000). They require 4.4 to 29 % of surface light in order to perform photosynthesis process (McKenzie, 2008). Water temperature controls the rate of seagrasses growth and health. The efficiency of photosynthesis activities decrease when temperature increases up to 38°C. Seawater above 40°C will stress the seagrasses and at 45°C, it will die off. The plants can survive in low salinity at low temperatures; however a combination of high temperatures and low salinity could be lethal (Mann, 2000). Other essential needs by seagrasses are inorganic carbon, nutrients; nitrogen and phosphorus for growth. Higher nutrient necessitate during growing season and become toxic at senescent season. The availability of nutrients depend on the quality of sediment comprise on type and size of particle. Sediment quality, depth and mobility are important factors for seagrass composition, growth and persistence (McKenzie, 2008). Most of seagrasses live in sand or mud substrates where their roots and rhizomes anchor the plant to the sea floor (Aziz Arsad 2006). However, seagrasses are incapable to survive in sediments with high organic content. Furthermore, tidal currents play important role especially for pollination purposes and gases exchange from the water to the plant. Factors such as the photosynthetic rate of seagrasses depend on the thickness of the diffusive boundary layer that is determined by current flow, as is the sedimentation rate. Both condition influence growth rates of seagrass, survival of seagrass species and overall meadow morphology (Rasheed et .al, 2007). 2.4 The Significance of Seagrass Seagrass beds are highly diverse and productive ecosystems and can shelter hundreds of associated species for example fish, worms, hawksbill turtles, highly 14 endangered dugong as well as seahorse. The seagrass meadow also is a hot spot for life, serving as nursery, breeding and feeding ground to marine animals. Only a few species were originally considered to feed directly on seagrass leaves (partly because of their low nutritional content) but scientific review have shown that seagrass is a highly important link in food chain (Hemminga and Duarte, 2000). Seagrasses are sometimes labeled as ecosystem engineers because they partly create their own habitat, the leaves slow down water currents which increasing sedimentation and the seagrass roots and rhizomes stabilize the sea bed. As results, seagrasses provide coastal zones with a numbers of goods ecosystem services especially for fishing grounds, wave protection, oxygen production and protection against coastal erosion. Within seagrass communities, a single acre of seagrass can produce over 10 tonnes of leaves per years and may support as many as 40, 000 fish and 50 millions small invertrabrates (Phillips and Menez, 1988). Since seagrasses support such high biodiversity and sensitive to changes in water quality, it is recognized that seagrasses are important indicator that reflect the overall health of a coastal ecosystem. Seagrasses also perform a variety of functions within ecosystems and have both economic and ecological value. The high level of productivity and biodiversity in seagrass beds has been described by the seagrass communities as a marine environment which is equivalent to tropical rainforests. As conclusion, seagrass meadows help to reduce the effects of strong currents, providing protection to fish and preventing scouring of bottom areas. 2.4.1 Marine Life Associated with Seagrass Seagrass beds have an important role as a nursery ground for the juveniles of commercially important fish species (Jafar et al., 2000). For some species the physical habitat is a key shelter from predators but other fish are attracted to seagrass beds due to their supply of food in form of invertebrates (Kaiser et al., 2005). Table 15 2.3 below show the list of species of marine life that have been discovered by former researcher associated with seagrass meadow. Table 2.3: List of marine life supported by a seagrass bed Year 2009 Author Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Ismid Mohd Said Location Merambong Island Unpublished report Marine Life Common Name Species Black Holothuria cucumber leucospilota Carpet Stichodactyla anemone gigantean Sea grapes Caulerpa lentillifera Fan worm Sabella spanllanzanii Barbour’s Hippocampus seahorse barboure Violet Vinegar crab Knobbly seastars The pinkfingered vinegar crab Orange signaler crab Shen crab Crevice crab Mangrove porcelain crab Sentinel crab 2009 Aziz Arsad, Mohd Hanafi Idris, Japar Sidik Bujang, Mazlan Abd. Ghaffar, Siti Khadijah Daud Idris, M.H.,Arsad, A., Bujang, J.S., Ghaffar, M.A., Daud, S.K. (2009). Merambong shoal Tanjung Adang shoal Star barnacles Mudskipper Stone/thunder crab Pen Shells Episesama versicolo Protoreaster nodosus Episesama chentongense Metaplax elegans Shenius anomalum Baruna trigranulum Petrolisthes kranjiensis Macrophthalmus crinitus Periophtlalmus gracilis Myomenippe harwicki Pinna bicolor Pinna atropurpurea Pinna deltodes Pinna incurve Pinna muricata Atrina pectinata Atrina vexillum 16 Year Author Location Local Name Marine Life Species Morphological Characteristics of Pinna bicolor Gmelin and Pinna deltodes Menke from the Seagrass Bed of Sungai Pulai, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia Sains Malaysiana 38 (3), 333-339. 2006 Japar Sidik Bujang, Muta Harah Zakaria, Aziz Arsad Distribution and Significance of Seagrass Ecosystems in Malaysia. Aquatic Ecosystems Health and Management Society, 9(2): 203214 2001 Prof. Dr. Ong Jing Eong, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gong Wooi Khoon The Encyclopedia of Malaysia, The Seas (Volume editors). Singapore: Edition Didier Millet Pt Ltd 1. Tanjung AdangMerambong, Johor Fish 2. Pengkalan Nangka, Kelantan 3. Paka shoal, Terengganu Malaysia Dugong Neretid Putter fish Creeper shell Bivalve Sea cucumber Shrimp Black-lipped conch Rabbit fish Ilisha spp. Stolephorus indicus Thryssa hamiltoni Hippocampus spp. Lates calcarifer Lutjanus chrysotaenia Plotosus canius Apolynemus sextarius Rastrelliger kanaqurta Siganus guttatus S.javus Siganus sp. Epinephalus sp Therapon spp. Hippocampus kuda Metrix-meretrix Hiatula solida Modiolus senhausii Dugong dugon Clithon oualaniensis Tetraodon nigroviridis Batillia zonalis Paphia gallus Holothuria scabra Parapenaeopsis tenella Strombus ureceus Siganus guttatus 17 2.5 Threats to Seagrass Generally, the disappearance of seagrasses bed has been identified due to both natural and man-induced influences. Herbivores, cyclones, typhoons and tidal waves are the examples of natural threats (McKenzie, 2008). Meanwhile, man-made causes play a major contribution in decline of seagrasses by pollution through coastal runoff and discharge of sewage. Other ways is through physical destruction such as dredging, boat propeller and anchoring. If only the leaves and above ground vegetation are impacted, seagrasses are able to recover from damage within a few weeks however when damage is done to the roots and rhizomes, the ability of the plant to produce new growth is severely impacted and plants may never be able to recover (Kaiser et al., 2005). 2.5.1 Natural Threats Natural disturbances such as grazing, storms and ice scouring are an inherent part of seagrass ecosystem. The changing environmental conditions is due to human disturbance mostly eutrophication, mechanical destruction of habitat and over-fishing (McKenzie, 2008). Storm can also cause widespread damage to established seagrass meadows. Wind driven waves may break or uproot seagrasses. Species such as crabs, fishes, skates and rays disturb rhizomes and roots, and can tear apart seagrass leaves as they forage for concealed or buried prey (Mann, 2000). 2.5.2 Eutrophication The health of seagrass communities obviously relies heavily on the amount of sunlight that penetrates the water column to reach submerged blades. A moderate amount of nutrient may increase the growth of seagrass. The main nutrients responsible for eutrophication are nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon. High nutrient 18 input; nitrogen and phosphorus lead to massive epiphyte growth as well as phytoplankton blooms that reduce the water clarity by blocking the sunlight penetration. Meanwhile carbon is rarely the limiting nutrient since nitrogen and phosphorus are added to the water. Carbon dioxide from atmosphere converts to organic carbon compounds through biotic carbon reduction and photosynthesis (Kaiser et al., 2005). Excessive presence of nutrients; nitrogen and phosphorus lead to massive blooms of algae that reduce the water clarity by blocking the sunlight penetration. During the progress of eutrophication, fast growing microalgal compete for nutrients and light with benthic plants. As nutrients supply decrease lead to their death, decomposition of these blooms will cause further deterioration of water quality through depletion of dissolved oxygen level in water column. Soon the seagrasses can die off as well as fish in the habitats. 2.5.3 Dredging Dredging destroys seagrass habitat directly by digging and indirectly affects it by suspending sediment. Storm water runoff drains both urban and agricultural areas and carries household chemicals, oils, automotive chemicals, pesticides, animal wastes and other debris. Under normal conditions, seagrasses maintain water clarity by trapping silt, dirt and suspended sediment in the water column. However, when excessive sediment loadings, turbidity in the water column increases and the penetration of sunlight is inhibited ((Kaiser et al., 2005). In extreme cases, excessive sediment can actually smother seagrasses. Furthermore, increase of turbidity due to the dredging activities and erosion input of fine-grained sediment will decrease the light level. Thereby, the process of photosynthesis is interfered and hence limits the range of depth suitable for seagrass growth. This activity does not give huge impact to seagrass but if dredging affects 19 hydrodynamic properties of the area such as depth profile, current direction, or current velocity, it may severely threaten the seagrass (McKenzie, 2008). 2.5.4 Boating Boating and fishing activities involving anchoring and grounding boat on seagrass bed. Boat anchors and the chains dig into seagrass and pull from the seabed meanwhile propellers can chew off the leaves and unstable the rhizome mat. These scared areas will take years for the seagrass to grow and if the damage is repeated, the meadow may never completely recover. Furthermore, scrappy seagrass bed is more exposed to effects of erosion and to suffocation by loose sand since the sand is not being held in place by a root network (McKenzie, 2008). 2.6 Physical Water Quality Parameter Physical parameters describe the water characteristics which respond to the senses of sight, touch, taste or smell. Suspended solid, turbidity and temperature are in this category. 2.6.1 Total Suspended Solid Suspended solid in the marine environment may occur in inorganic, organic or immiscible liquid. The natural sources of suspended solid are silt and detritus which carried by rivers, atmospheric fall out, bioactivity, chemical reaction and resuspension of sediment from the sea bottom as a result of current and wave action (Gross, 1972). Meanwhile anthropogenic sources of suspended solids mostly come from activities that loosen soil and transported to the sea by runoff. The activities 20 involved dredging, deforestation, agriculture and mining operations (Deocadiz and Montano, 1999). Total Suspended Solid (TSS) is a measurement to measure water clarity for water quality assessment. TSS includes all particles suspended in water that does not pass through a filter. Suspended solids are an important indicator of water quality. Increase of TSS directly reduced dissolved oxygen content in water, hence reducing the ability of a water body to support life. Marine ecosystems include coral reefs, mangroves, fish and seagrass adversely affected by suspended solid since the suspended load will block the light penetration and limit the photosynthesis process. Of all anthropogenic disturbances of the estuarine and near shore environments, dredging and filling activities present the greatest potential for damage to seagrass beds (Deocadiz and Montano, 1999). For the guidance of concerned authorities in the ASEAN region, where coral reef communities are not present (or to be protected) the maximum permissible increase in TSS should be 10% of the seasonal average concentration, and where coral reef communities are present (and to be protected) the maximum permissible increase in TSS concentration should be that which would not have any adverse effects on the coral reefs (Deocadiz and Montano, 1999). Meanwhile for human health protection for recreational use, the recommended suspended solid is the same as for marine aquatic life protection. 2.6.2 Turbidity Turbidity is a measure of the extent to which light is either absorbed or scattered by suspended material in water (Train, 1979). It related to the cleanliness of the water. The water is transparent and less turbid with the low concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS) compare with those which have high TSS concentration. Most turbidity in surface water results from high concentrations of 21 biota like phytoplankton or by loading of colloidal matter such as clay, silt and sediment. Turbidity is important in aquatic systems since it may interfere with light penetration thereby potentially affecting photosynthesis reaction and organism’s distribution within the water column. Lowered rates of photosynthesis will lead to decrease levels of dissolved oxygen in the water body, thus can adversely affect larger populations such as fish. 2.6.3 Temperature Temperature is a critical water quality and environmental parameter because it governs the kind and types of aquatic life, regulates the maximum dissolved oxygen concentration of the water, and influences the rate of chemical and biological reactions. The organisms within an ecosystem have preferred temperature regimes that change as a function of season, organism age or life stage, and other environmental factors (Mann, 2000). With respect to chemical and biological reactions, the higher the water temperature causes the higher the rate of chemical and metabolic reactions. The variations in water temperature may be caused by changes in air temperature, meteorological events, and a number of physical aspects related to the stream and watershed (Smith, 2004). 2.7 Chemical Water Quality Parameter Chemical water quality parameters include biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), oil and grease (O&G), nutrient; ammoniacal nitrogen and phosphorus. Meanwhile evaluation on heavy metals referring to Interim Marine Water Quality Standards (INWQS) involved arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg). 22 2.7.1 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the amount of oxygen dissolved in water. The amount varies directly in response to changes in atmospheric pressure and water temperature (Train, 1979). The higher atmospheric pressure result of high the oxygen solubility in water causes increasing concentration of DO. The opposite is true with temperature, the higher the temperature the lower the solubility and saturation concentration of oxygen in water. DO is one of the major factors that determine the type of biological communities that inhabit an aquatic system. The addition of organic or inorganic material that exerts an oxygen demand through respiration and biodegradation will lowers the DO concentration and can facilitate the growth of nuisance organisms. If the water temperature is less than that, it may actually have more oxygen dissolved in it. Dissolved oxygen level of 9-10 mg/L is considered very good condition. At levels of 4 mg/L or less, some fish and macroinvertebrate populations such as bass and trout will begin to decline (Davis and Masten, 2004). 2.7.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a measure of the quantity of oxygen used by microorganisms in aerobic oxidation of organic matter. In rivers with high BOD levels, aerobic bacteria, robbing other aquatic organisms of the oxygen they need to live, consume much of the available dissolved oxygen. BOD measures the rate of oxygen uptake by microorganisms in a sample of water at a temperature of 20°C and over an elapsed period of five days in the dark (Train, 1979). The sample is kept at 20°C in the dark to prevent photosynthesis (and thereby the addition of oxygen) for five days before the dissolved oxygen is measured again. The oxygen consumption during aerobic decomposition is easily measured since the greater amount of organic matter present the greater used of oxygen. The BOD test is an indirect organic matter measurement because it only measures the changes of dissolved oxygen concentration due to the degradation of organic by 23 microorganisms. Although not all organic matter is biodegradable and the actual test procedures lack precision, the BOD test is still the most widely used method of measuring organic matter because of the direct conceptual relationship between BOD and oxygen depletion in receiving waters (Davis and Masten, 2004). 2.7.3 Chemical Oxygen Demand Chemical oxygen demand (COD) test is commonly used to indirectly measure the amount of organic compounds in water. Most applications of COD determine the amount of organic pollutants found in surface water, making COD a useful measure of water quality. Generally, the COD will be greater than the BOD since there are more compounds can be oxidized chemically than can be biologically oxidize. The COD test is more sophisticated and has more advantages than the BOD5 test because the results are available within three hours instead of five days. The test also has capability of measuring organic material which is resistant to biological decay. In COD test, dichromate is used to oxidize inorganic substances and enhance the visible organic content of the sample since some of the organic substance may be toxic to the bacteria used in BOD test. According to Sarkar et al. (2005), the value of COD in tropical coastal-wetland in Southern Mexico is high associated with mangrove enriched organic matter. 2.7.4 pH pH is an important factor in the chemical and biological systems of natural waters where it is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. Normally the pH of water is 6.5 to 8.0. Water with a pH of less than 7 becomes increasingly acidic. One of the most significant environmental impacts of pH is the affect that it has on the solubility and thus the bioavailability of other substances. Changes in the pH 24 value of water are important to many organisms. As the pH falls (solution becomes more acidic) many insoluble substances become more soluble and thus available for absorption. Most organisms have adapted to life in water of a specific pH and may die if it changes even slightly. Water with heavy algal growth often has pH value as high as 9 to 10 (Train, 1979) 2.7.5 Nutrients Nutrients are an important element for the growth and reproduction of plants and animals. Aquatic species depend on the surrounding water to provide their nutrients. The most abundant nutrients required by aquatic species is carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Carbon is readily available from many sources and its limitation is usually important in low-salinity regions of estuary where the conditions of high pH and low inorganic concentrations will occur due to depleted of carbonate buffering. In most cases, nitrogen and phosphorus are nutrients that are the limiting factors for aquatic plant growth (Davis and Masten, 2004). Phosphorus Phosphorus as phosphate is one of the major nutrients required for plant nutrition and is essential for life (Train, 1979). Phosphorus may occur in water in form of dissolved or particulate phase. Particulate phosphorus includes living and dead plankton, phosphorus adsorbed to particulates, in mineral form as aluminium, iron or calcium compound and incorporated in organic matter. This form of phosphorus can move into surface waters attached to soil and organic matter particles through soil erosion (Chongprasith et al., 1999). The dissolved phosphorus exists naturally in all soils in small amounts and phosphorus gets into water in both urban and agricultural setting. Water runoff which contains dissolved phosphorus either from the top layer of the soil and from recently applied fertilizer or manure still on the soil surface moves into surface water bodies. However it can be quickly utilized by aquatic organisms. 25 Discharges of phosphorus can come from many sources both from natural and human which consist of soil and rocks, wastewater treatment plants, runoff from fertilized lawns and cropland, failing septic systems, runoff from animal manure storage areas, disturbed land areas, drained wetlands, water treatment, and commercial cleaning preparations (Rasheed et al., 2007). Moreover the destruction of mangroves though its conversion for agricultural or residential purposes give serious problem to coastal area since the coastal swamps acts as natural filters for fertilizers and sediments transported by river (Chongprasith et al., 1999). It will then cause direct discharge of nutrient to coastal environments Ammoniacal Nitrogen Measurements of ammoniacal nitrogen specify the mass of nitrogen contained in ammonia, rather than the total mass which includes the mass of the hydrogen in the molecule. Ammonia (NH3) is an abundant of inorganic substance that can be found on surface water, soil and easy to cater through decay of plant tissue and compose of animal waste. In aerobic condition, the rich source of nitrogen in ammonia is oxidized to nitrite (NO2-) and then to nitrate (NO3-) during nitrification process. Surface water considered polluted when concentration of ammonia reach up to 0.1 mg/L and at 2 mg/L the water is no longer considered safe to support aquatic life due to the high toxicity. Higher concentration of ammonium will cause a sharp decrease of dissolved oxygen and obvious toxicity on aquatic organisms. The main contributors of ammonia are municipal sewage, industrial wastewater and agricultural wastes or decomposed from organic nitrogen compounds in wastewater and wastes. 2.7.6 Heavy Metal Anthropogenic sources of metals which come from industrial and municipal waste products, urban and agricultural runoff, fine sediments eroded from catchments, atmospheric deposition increase metal concentrations to higher than background levels. Metals tend to accumulate in animals and plants including 26 mangrove vegetation and seagrasses (Prange and Dennison, 2000). The potential impact of heavy metals on seagrasses is two-fold, firstly via uptake in to the plants themselves, and secondly (and indirectly) where the inhibition of grazers impacted by the toxic effects of the metals results in denser epiphyte growth (Wilkinson et al., 2005). Arsenic (As) Arsenic occurs extensively in the environment in different chemical species especially in natural water systems where it generally occurs in the oxidation states As(Ill) and As(V) as well as in food chain in various other forms (Yusof et al., 1994). It has become one of the most widely measured trace metals in environmental programs due to its toxicity and possible carcinogenic effect. Principally, arsenic occurs in natural waters as arsenate As (V) and lesser extent as arsenite As (III) and methylated aesenicals. Arsenate will be more toxic in waters deplete with dissolved oxygen and at lower pH. Millions of tons of arsenic enter the environment from both natural and anthropogenic sources. In the Asian region, arsenic is traceable to residuals from mining activities and geothermal energy generation (Deocadiz, 1999). Moreover, major sources of arsenic in surface waters of the ocean are riverine inputs carrying arsenic-contaminated drainage from the land, and upwelling of deep ocean water enriched in arsenic (Neff, 1997). Therefore, the concentration of arsenic is higher in estuaries and coastal water compared to the open sea. Marine mammals which ingest the heavy metals in food or absorption through water will faced of bioaccumulation of these elements in their tissues. These substances can become toxic and cause multiple symptomatic effects involve the health and survival of animal in higher concentration. Arsenic is moderately toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates but highly toxic to some algal species (Deocadiz, 1999). For example, growth and survival of the microalgae Tetraselmis chui and Hymenomonas carterae were not affected during exposure to arsenite or arsenate concentrations as high as 1,000 µg/L (Neff, 1997), while communities of some 27 species of marine macroalgae (seaweed) may be eliminated at exposures of about 10 µg/L (IPCS/WHO,1992). Interim marine ASEAN water quality suggested 120 µg/L of arsenic in seawater for aquatic life protection purposes. Meanwhile, total arsenic content; 3.0 µg/L is recommended to protect human health from the toxic properties of arsenic ingested via contaminated seafood and 60 µg/L for the protection of human health for recreational activities in the marine environment. Cadmium (Cd) Cadmium is mainly used in metal plating and manufacturing of pigments in plastics and batteries. Fertilizers produced from phosphate ores constitute a major source of diffuse cadmium pollution (Fawell et al., 2004). In natural waters, cadmium is found mainly in bottom sediments and suspended particles. The factors that govern the toxicity of cadmium includes salinity. As salinity increases, cadmium is less toxic however it has great toxicity at high temperature. Cadmium enters the sea and ocean through contaminated agricultural soils, mining wastes, mine waters, and industrial use of cadmium, municipal sewage effluents and sludge may cause serious detrimental impacts on marine organisms and public health. In order to protect human health from adverse effects from consumption of contaminated seafood, Asian marine water qualities has recommended concentration of cadmium at 23µg/L and propose for recreational activities 35.7µg/L in the marine environment. Total Chromium Chromium is an occurring element in rocks, animals, plants and soil and exist in several different forms; chromium (III) and chromium (VI) depending on pH. Trivalent chromium is a dietary requirement for some organisms however hexavalent chromium is very toxic to flora and fauna. It is used widely in stainless steel, chrome 28 electroplating, dyes and pigments, leather tanning and wood preservation. Plants and animals do not bioaccumulate chromium; therefore the potential impact of high chromium levels in the environment is considered acute toxicity to plant and animals. Natural sources of water contain very low concentrations of chromium since it is a micronutrient or essential trace element (USEPA, 2009). Exposure at low level will cause ulceration and skin irritation meanwhile long term exposure can cause kidney and liver damage. Copper (Cu) Copper is an essential substance that occurs naturally in the environment and human used widely especially in the industries and agriculture. Wind blown dust, decaying vegetation, forest fires and sea spray are the example of natural sources of cuprum released into the environment. Meanwhile human activities such as mining, metal production, wood production and phosphate fertilizer production can contribute copper to the surrounding. Furthermore, it is often found near mines, industrial settings, landfills and waste disposal (Lenntech, 2008). Copper strongly attach to organic matter and mineral when ends up in soil because it does not break down. It will accumulate in plants and only limited number of plants that can survive on copper-rich soils. Lead (Pb) Accumulation of lead in the bodies of water organisms will induce health effects from lead poisoning. The body functions of phytoplankton which is important source of oxygen production in the seas and food for many animals will be disturb when lead interferes. Soil functions are disturbed by lead intervention especially near highway and farmland, where extreme concentrations may be present (Mance, 1987). The significant releases of lead due to natural processes such as soil weathering and erosion, volcanoes and forest rarely result elevated concentrations in the environment. 29 The natural concentration of lead in sea water is 0.015 mg/L and most of the concentrations found in environment are consequence of human activities. The plumbum salts such as chlorine, bromines and oxides as result of lead burned in car engines entering the environment through the exhaust. The larger particles will drop to the ground immediately and pollute soils or surface water meanwhile the smaller particles will travel long distances through air and remain in the atmosphere and during rain, it will fall back on earth (Lenntech, 2008). Moreover, the major sources of lead are from lead mining, smelting and refining operations, battery manufacture, and industrial and municipal effluent. Batteries, tin cans and other products that contain lead winds up in landfills and incinerators, and enter the atmosphere and aquatic systems. Mercury (Hg) Mercury is a highly toxic element which can be found in various forms including elemental mercury, inorganic mercury compounds and organic mercury compound such as methyl mercury that is the most toxic form. It is considered persistent pollutants that exist naturally in the environment but the levels have risen due to human activities and pollution. Particularly, exposure to methyl mercury are usually via ingestion and will affects the immune system, alters genetic and enzyme systems, and damages the nervous system including coordination and the senses of touch, taste and sight (US Geological Survey, 2000). Accumulation of mercury in the food chain can harm human health which consumes seafood. Mercury cannot be eliminate through cooked out of consumable game fish since it concentrates in the muscles tissues of fish where the older and larger fish have higher concentrations of mercury than younger within the same water body. There are many cases of death which were directly related to mercury contamination and the most popular is the Minimata disease which happened in Japan where hundreds of people died due to the mercury effluent from a vinyl processing plant (Eisler, 2006). . 30 In aquatic environments, mercury present with low concentration except in the surrounding of anthropogenic or natural mercury sources and the speciation of mercury in water influenced by redox, pH and ligands (Eisler, 2006). Meanwhile particulate and reactive mercury in the atmosphere travels in short distances, usually less than 50 km and has a residence time of about one year (Mason et al., 1994). 2.7.7 Oil and Grease Oil and grease is an important parameter for water quality and safety. The term ‘oil and grease’ encompasses a broad family of chemical compounds such as fatty material of biogenic origin, or petroleum hydrocarbon constituents. These compounds can cause environmental degradation and induce related public health risks when discharged in surface or ground water (Tong et al., 1999). The sources of oil pollution are mainly from offshore production and petroleum (crude oil) or its fractions derive from transportation as from tanker operations, dry-docking, discharged oils, oil losses from tanker and other vessel accident. Beside that, land-based sources such as municipal and industrial wastes, urban run-off, and automotive sources are also causes of oil pollution. Examples of natural sources are from marine seeps and erosion of sediments. Additionally, oil gets deposited from incomplete combustion processes (motor vehicles, incineration and open burning) and palm oil mills, refineries and oleo-chemical plants (Tong et al., 1999). All of the sources of oil and grease can be distinguish via the chemical composition. Interim ASEAN marine water quality criteria have proposed a limit of 0.14 mg/L of oil and grease in order to protect aquatic life. However, water quality criteria for human health protection from consumption of contaminated seafood and recreational activities were not derived for the Asian marine environment. 31 2.8 Marine Water Quality Standards Marine water quality plays an important component particularly in marine resources conservation that contributes to the stability of marine ecosystem. Sources of land-based pollution as well as from the sea can be a threat to precious resources. Each country has their own interpretations regarding water quality standard but the main purpose is to protect human health and preserve the environment. 2.8.1 Malaysia Interim Marine Water Quality Standards Since 1978 the Interim Marine Water Quality Standards (INWQS) have been used for marine monitoring program at Peninsular Malaysia and in 1985 at Sabah and Sarawak. Table 2.4 below shows the parameter involved in IMWQS. Table 2.4: Malaysia Interim Marine Water Quality Standard (Department of Environment (DOE) Malaysia, 2004) Parameter Escherichia coli (E.coli) Oil and Grease (O & G) Total Suspended Solid (TSS) Arsenic (As) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Total Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Unit MPN/100ml mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Interim Standards 100 0 50 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.001 According to DOE (2004), causes of contaminant of total suspended solid are from agriculture activities, tourism development, coastal reclamation, logging and road construction. Meanwhile discharge from vessels, tank clearing; de-ballasting, bilges, leakages and disposal of engine oil from ferries and boat and bunkering are the possible sources of oil and grease pollutant. Industrial development and landbased sources contribute contaminant of heavy metal to marine environment. 32 2.8.2 Marine Water Quality Criteria for the ASEAN Region Asian has coastline of 173,000 km, marine fish production is about 14% of world total, has 35% of the world’s mangrove forests and about 30% of the coral reefs (Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN), 2009). For that reason it is very important and high priority should be given for ASEAN to sustain and manage the coastal and marine resources as well as maintain its quality. Therefore, the Marine Water Quality Criteria have been initially set with 17 water qualities parameters in order to protect aquatic life and human health. Apart from that, these criteria would ensure concerted the action at national level to protect the shared marine waters of ASEAN. The criteria has been expanded and implemented during 10th ASEAN Summit in Vientiane, Lao PDR in 2004 (Source: Association of Southeast Asian Nation, 2009). Table 2.5 illustrates the parameters involved in Marine Water Quality Criteria for ASEAN region. Table 2.5: Marine Water Quality Criterion for ASEAN region (Association of Southeast Asian Nation, 2009) Parameter Ammonia (NH3-N) Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Escherichia coli (E.coli) Nitrate (NO3-N) Nitrite (NO2-N) Oil and Grease (O & G) Phosphorus (P) Temperature Unit mg/L mg/L MPN/100ml mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L o C Total Suspended Solid (TSS) Tributyltin Arsenic (As) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) VI Copper (Cu) Cyanide Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Criteria Values 0.07 4 100 0.06 0.055 0.14 0.015 (Coastal) 0.045 (Estuarine) Increase not more than 2oC above the maximum ambient temperature Permissible 10% maximum increase over seasonal average Concentration 10 0.12 0.01 0.05 0.008 0.007 0.0085 0.00016 33 2.8.3 Singapore Marine Water Quality Criteria Singapore Fisheries and Aquaculture Department have set criterion for marine water quality particularly for site selection of marine finfish netcage culture in Singapore. The site of floating fish farm should be in an area with good water quality in order to protect human health. High concentration of heavy metals in water would render cultured fish unsuitable for human consumption since it can accumulate with the fish. The important heavy metals and the acceptable safe limits in water are given in Table 2.6. Standard for heavy metals is based on Japanese standard for fisheries. Table 2.6: Summary of criteria for site selection for floating netcage farming (Singapore Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, 2009) Parameters Ammonia Nitrogen(NH3N) Dissolved Oxygen pH Salinity Suspended Solid Temperature Aluminium (Al) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Copper (Cu) Iron (Fe) Lead (Pb) Manganese (Mn) Mercury (Hg) Tin (Sn) Zinc (Zn) 2.9 Unit mg/L Acceptable Standard < 0.5 mg/L >4 7.8-8.5 26-31 < 10 27-31 < 0.1 < 0.03 < 1.0 < 0.01 < 1.0 < 0.1 < 1.0 < 0.004 < 0.1 < 0.1 % mg/L o C mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L United Kingdom Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (ISQG) Since Malaysia do not have specific guideline of heavy metal compound in sediment, United Kingdom (UK) sediment standard has been refer which produce by 34 UK Marine Special Areas of Conservation. Table 2.7 present the standard for inorganic substance in marine sediment. Table 2.7: Interim Marine Sediment Quality Guidelines (UK Marine Special Areas of Conservation) Substance Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Zinc Unit mg/g dry weight mg/g dry weight mg/g dry weight mg/g dry weight mg/g dry weight mg/g dry weight ISQG 0.00724 0.0007 0.0523 0.0302 0.00013 0.124 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Study Area Water samples and seagrass specimens were collected from November 2008 and Jun 2009 during low tide at three station located at seagrass bed (N 1o 19’ 50.9”, E 103o 35’ 51.6”), Pok River estuary (N 1o 20’ 26.7”, E 103o 35’ 31.5”), Merambong Island (N 1o 19’ 1.1”, E 103o 36’ 25.5”). Samples were also collected from Teluk Buih, Air Papan, Mersing (N 02o 30’ 11.7”, E 103o 50’ 26.1”) for comparison purposes. Meanwhile water samples was also collected from the nearest rivers i.e.; Sungai Pok Besar and Sungai Pok Kecil which carried runoff from inland that might contribute significant impact to the seagrass meadow. Figure 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 below show the locations of sampling area for water quality at the coastal area. Figure 3.1: Station 1 for water quality at Sungai Pok estuary. The land is fully covered with riverbank vegetation especially mangrove 36 Sungai Pok estuary has a wide coverage of mangrove area which it closely linked to estuary, where the seawater mixes with fresh water to form brackish water; an environment of varying salinities. Mangrove swamps are habitats for salt-loving shrubs or trees as well as nursery for most of marine life species for fishes, crabs and prawns. Figure 3.2: Second station for water quality measurement at seagrass bed Figure 3.3: Merambong Island as the third sampling station; inhabits a lot of unique species. According to Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru Tengah (MBJBT), the catchment area of both Sungai Pok is within Tanjung Pelepas Zone. The coastal line of Kampung Pok, Kampung Tanjung Kupang and Kampung Tanjung Adang which is near the seagrass meadow will be developed as an industrial region of Tanjung Pelepas consisting of light and medium industries, housing area and agriculture purposes. All the projects at the area are under Iskandar Development Region (IDR) 37 carried out to enhance an economic achievement. Figure 3.4 and 3.5 below present the nearest river which bring runoff (a) from inland to seagrass area. (b) Figure 3.4: (a) Upstream of Sungai Pok Besar used as boat parking bay by local fisherman and (b) is downstream of the river. (a) (b) Figure 3.5: (a) Upstream of Sungai Pok Kecil and (b) is downstream of the river. The river is surrounding by palm oil plantation. 3.2 Sample Preparation Seagrass specimens were only sampled during low tide where the area is almost 0 m. Due to the time constraint all the work must be planned and carried out 38 quickly. Tide times for the study area was referred to Singapore National Environment Agency website and Jabatan Laut Johor for Mersing area. Table 3.1(a) and (b) shows the schedule of sampling at Tanjung Kupang and Mersing respictively. Table 3.1 (a): Schedule of sampling at Tanjung Kupang Date 15/11/2008 1/5/2009 29/5/2009 26/6/2009 Time 5.00 p.m 9.46 a.m 8.45 a.m 9.30 a.m Height/m 0 0.2 0 -0.1 Table 3.1 (b): Schedule of sampling at Teluk Buih, Mersing Date 24/7/2009 3.2.1 Time 4.43 a.m Height/m 0 Water Sample The actual Geographical Positioning System (GPS) Extrex Summit model was applied in order to estimate the size of seagrass meadow at Tanjung Kupang. It also been used to determine the coordinate of water quality station. Meanwhile insitu measurements consist of pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, turbidity, temperature and Secchi disk depth. Measuring of pH value was via Consort 535 Analyzer (Figure 3.6) and YSI 55 probe (Figure 3.7) used for dissolved oxygen, and temperature. 39 Figure 3.6: Multi-Parameter Analyzer-Consort 535 that has used to measure the pH level on surface water Figure 3.7: YSI probe to determine concentration of dissolved oxygen The probe was rinsed using distilled water after being dipped into seawater to protect the accuracy of the equipments. Water samples at 3 sampling points using polyethylene bottles (1 liter) and amber glass bottles for oil and grease test which was cleaned according to Standard Method (APHA, 2000). The sampling bottles were rinsed twice with seawater and the water samples were preserved by adding hydrochloric acid (HCl) 50% before stored at 4oC. Sample preservation will lower activities and metabolism of bacteria present in the water samples thus qualities of samples can be maintained. Secchi disk depth measurement was carried out using a disk of 18 cm diameter with alternating black and white quadrants which is lowered into water column till it can no longer be observed from the surface. The depth where the disk 40 is no longer visible was recorded. Then, the reading when the disk is rising up until it just become visible was also taken into account. Average of both depths is used to get the Secchi depth. Figure 3.8: Secchi disk used to measure the depth of turbidity in the water column at Merambong Island 3.2.2 Seagrass Specimens and Sediment Seagrasses and sediment were hand picked to examine their characteristic in order to identify the species. The seagrasses were then digested in aqua-regia solution for heavy metal analysis. Mature seagrass leaves without sign of infection or injury were collected underwater and stored in bottles for laboratory analysis as well as sediment. After collection, the plants were rinsed vigorously with distilled water and preserved in formalin solution. Formalin is a saturated solution of formaldehyde and in typical form it is 37% formaldehyde by weight (40% by volume), 6-13% methanol and the rest is water. Formaldehyde provides the disinfectant and bactericide effect of formalin meanwhile methanol stabilizes the unstable chemical condition of formaldehyde compound. Figure 3.9 shows the seagrass which preserved with formalin before extraction and analysis. 41 (a) (b) Figure 3.9: Seagrass leaves ((a) Halophila ovalis and (b) Halophila spinulosa) that have been preserved in formalin and placed in glass bottles 3.3 Analysis of Samples The seagrass specimens from each sampling station were dried in an oven at 65°C for a period of 24 hour. After the drying stage, the seagrass leave were weighted (1 g) and transferred to a glass beaker (200 mL). The sample was then digested using an open beaker digestion technique on hot plate for 2 hours with aqua regia solution. During digestion the sample was not let to dry. The same procedure was adopted for sediment analysis. The extraction reagents used in the study is aqua regia method which involved 20% of nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the proportion of 1:3. The extract were then filter into clean bottles with a filter paper Whatman type GF/C (0.7µm). The concentration of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Hg were then measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Figure 3.10: Digestion process using open beaker technique on hot plate 42 3.4 Chemical Analysis Most of the water quality analysis parameters were determined at the Environmental Engineering Laboratory of Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Parameters such as phosphorus, total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and COD analyzed using HACH DR 5000 Spectrophotometer adapted Standard Method American Public Health Association (APHA, 2000). Meanwhile heavy metals were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICPMS). Table 3.2 summarized the standard method used to analyze each parameter. Table 3.2: Analytical procedures (Standard Method American Public Health Association, 2005) Experiments Arsenic Biochemical Oxygen Demand, BOD5 at 20oC Cadmium Chromium Cuprum COD Mercury Nitrogen Ammonia Oil and Grease Oxygen (Dissolved) pH Phosphorus Plumbum Suspended Solid Temperature Method ICPMS 5210-B ICPMS ICPMS ICPMS 5220-C ICPMS 4500-NH3-BC 5520 4500-O 4500-H+ 4500-P ICPMS 2540-D 2550 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction Seagrasses are marine plants that belong to the subclass Monocotyledoneae also known as Angiosperm and have the capability to live fully submerged in a saline environment. They play an important role as habitat for many marine life, sediment trap and assist coastal stability through acting as buffers against wave action. Based on all the benefits, destruction of seagrass meadow can lead to a serious environmental consequence. This chapter will discuss data analysis obtained from in-situ and laboratory test. Discussion covers seagrass specimen identification, which based on literature review, water quality analysis using Interim Marine Water Quality Standard and ASEAN Marine Water Quality Criteria. Moreover analysis on heavy metal concentration in the seagrass leaves and sediment will also be discussed. It is important to identify the water quality status and condition of seagrass as it can serve as an indicator of marine environmental health. Seagrass can absorb nutrients and minerals accumulate in the tissues and revealed in their physiological, biological and morphological characteristics. 4.2 Specimen Identification According to Aziz Arsad et al., (2006) there are 10 species of seagrasses that inhabits at the calcareous sandy-mud sub-tidal shoals of Tanjung KupangMerambong. It is considered the highest species number for any locality in Malaysia. 44 The occurrence of seagrasses were observed from November 2008 to July 2009 during low tide at Tanjung Kupang-Merambong and Mersing. The identity of the seagrasses were ascertained with reference to McKenzie (2008), Save Our Seahorses (SOS) Handbook (2006) and The Encyclopedia of Malaysia: The Sea (2001). However, in this study only six species of seagrass have been collected at the site. The water at seagrass meadow have very small variation in salinity, from 28.0 to 29.6 ppt and temperature ranging from 29.6°C to 31.4°C with six species of seagrass collected. At Teluk Buih, Air Papan, Mersing three seagrass species were collected with salinity at 30.3 ppt and temperature at 26.5°C. Six species discovered were common species recorded in Malaysia, i.e Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila spinulosa, Halophila ovalis, Halodule pinifolia and Halophila minor. The specimens from Teluk Buih were recognized as Enhalus acoroides, Halophila pinifolia and Cymodocea rotundata. Table 4.1 summarizes the comparison of seagrasses characteristic that were collected during sampling with documented species. In Tanjung Kupang seagrasess grow and form dense communities (meadow) with a size of 38 ha compared to seagrasses at Teluk Buih, which grow sparsely near the shoreline. Through literature, the species of Enhalus acoroides and Halophila ovalis are predominantly at seagrass meadow (Choo, 2006). Moreover, leaves of Enhalus acoroides at Tanjung Kupang was longer compared to leaves at Teluk Buih, this is due to difference in depth of water in order for the leaves to reach sunlight for photosynthesis process. On the other hand, the length of H. pinifolia’s leaves collected at Teluk Buih was longer, however the number of species is less. Therefore, the competition to survive is less compared to H. pinifolia at Tanjung Kupang. Table 4.1: Specimen identification based on acknowledged species by previous study at seagrass meadow Tanjung Kupang and Teluk Buih, Mersing Species Enhalus acoroides Documented Species Linear and dark green leaves with many parallel veins The rhizomes are thick with long bristles and cord-like roots. Leaves 30-150 cm long Characteristics Seagrass Meadow Leaves 92-140 cm long Linear and dark green leaves with parallel veins Leaves width range from 1.0 to 2 cm Teluk Buih Leaves 60-112 cm long Linear and dark green leaves with parallel veins Leaves 1.2-1.4 cm breadth 45 Table 4.1: Continued Species Halodule pinifolia Characteristics Seagrass Meadow Documented Species Rounded leaf tip Usually pale rhizome, with clean black leaf scars Leaves up to 20 cm long Found on sand substrate, sandy-mud and sub-tidal reef flats Leaves 11-12 cm long 0.1 cm width of leaf blade Bright green leaf Sediment is calcareous sandy-mud subtidal Teluk Buih Leaves 14-37 cm long 0.1 cm width of leaf blade 46 Table 4.1: Continued Species Thalassia hemprichii Characteristics Seagrass Meadow Documented Species Leaves 10-40 cm long Ribbon-like leaves with slight curve laterally Has a thick rhizome prominently marked by several shoot scars between successive erect shoots. Leaves 10-15 cm long Width leaf blade, 0.4-0.8 cm Merambong Island Leaves 9-14.2 cm long Width leaf blade, 0.4-0.7 cm 47 Table 4.1: Continued Characteristic Species Halophila spinulosa Documented Species Seagrass meadow Teluk Buih Not found during survey Leaf margin serrated Leaves arranged opposite in pairs Erect shoot up to 15 cm long Found at sub-tidal depths (>10m) Each leaf comprises 10-23 pairs of oblong-linear serrated leaflets arranged obliquely around the stalk. Fern like with dark green leaves Have 10-15 pairs of oblong-linear leaflets 48 Table 4.1: Continued Characteristic Species Halophila ovalis Documented Species Seagrass meadow Teluk Buih Not found during survey 10 or more cross vein Hairless on leaf Has a pair of petiolate bright green oval to elliptical leaves 12-15 pairs of cross vein at each leaf Bigger than Halophila minor Can be found widespread at seagrass bed 49 Table 4.1: Continued Characteristic Species Documented Species Seagrass meadow Teluk Buih Halophila minor Not found during survey Less than 12 pairs of cross veins Small oval leaf blade with stalk Each leaf has 6-8 pairs of cross veins 50 Table 4.1: Continued Species Cymodocea rotundata Documented Species Characteristic Seagrass meadow Teluk Buih Not found during survey Rounded and strap-like leaves with narrow leaf blade 2-4 mm wide Leaves 7-15 cm long Smooth rhizome 9-15 longitudinal veins Found on shallow reef flats Leaf blade is 3-4 mm wide Leaves 7.5-15 cm long Rounded and smooth leaf tip 51 52 4.3 Marine Life at Tanjung Kupang Table 4.2 below shows the list of species of marine life that has been observed during sampling. The dense seagrass bed of Tanjung Kupang supports abundant of vertebrates and provides an important refuge for many species. This finding observed for a short duration (May to July 2009) matches the literature where seagrass meadow at Tanjung Kupang posses the highest species number of seagrass in Malaysia that highly diverse and productive ecosystems and can shelter hundreds of associated species (Aziz Arsad et al., 2006). Table 4.2: List of marine life found during survey at seagrass meadow Marine Life Common Name Crustaceans Violet Vinegar crab The pink-fingered vinegar crab Orange signaler crab Shen crab Crevice crab Mangrove porcelain crab Sentinel crab Stone/thunder crab Mangrove tree-dwelling crabs Purple climber crabs Spider crabs Bivalves Fan clam Star barnacles Pinna bicolor Cowrie Cypraea sp. Plants Peacock anemones Sea squirt Sea grapes Carpet anemone Seagrass Species Episesama versicolo Episesama chentongense Metaplax elegans Shenius anomalum Baruna trigranulum Petrolisthes kranjiensis Macrophthalmus crinitus Periophtlalmus gracilis Myomenippe harwicki Selatium broclui Caulerpa lentillifera Stichodactyla gigantean Halophila ovalis Halophila minor Halophila spinulosa Enhalus acoroides Halodule pinifolia Thalassia hemprichii. Halimeda discoidea 53 Table 4.2: Continued Marine Life Common Name Species Other Knobbly sea stars Fan worm Sea horse Sea cucumber Protoreaster nodosus Sabella spallonzanii Hippocampus sp. Holothuria scabra Holothuria leucospilota Pipefish 4.4 Water Quality Analysis Table 4.3 shows the result of water quality from nearest rivers to the seagrass bed, which are Sungai (Sg.) Pok Besar and Sungai (Sg.) Pok Kecil. Both of the rivers are classified as Class III according to Water Quality Index (WQI) and Interim National Water Quality Index (INWQS). From the survey, there was no aquatic life living in both rivers. Dissolved oxygen (DO) at Sungai Pok Kecil was classified under Class III and Sungai Pok Besar was Class IV according to WQI and INWQS. Based on literature, a minimum of 2 mg/L of DO is needed to maintain higher life form and fish needs 4 to 5 mg/L of DO to survive in a river (Davis and Masten, 2004). Table 4.3: Water quality result of Sungai Pok Kecil and Sungai Pok Besar Parameter Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) pH COD (mg/L) BOD (mg/L) Ammoniacal nitrogen (mg/L) Total Suspended Solid (mg/L) Oil and Grease (mg/L) WQI value Sg. Pok Kecil WQI INWQS Class Class 3.86 III (3-5) III (3-5) 2.99 20 8.6 IV (<5) II (10-25) IV (6-12) 0.63 24 WQI INWQS Class Class 2.8 IV IV II (25) IV (12) 6.3 32 8.8 II III IV III III IV III (0.3-0.9) III (0.9) 2.46 IV IV I (<25) I (25) 20 I (<25) I (25) 31.14 58.4 Sg. Pok Besar 236 III (51.9-76.5) 56.97 III (51.9-76.5) 54 Meanwhile Table 4.4 and Table 4.5 show the result of seawater quality obtained during sampling based on Interim Marine Water Quality Standard for Malaysia (IMWQS) and Marine Water Quality Criteria for ASEAN Region (AMWQC) at Tanjung Kupang and Teluk Buih. Table 4.4: Result of water quality parameter based on IMWQS and AMWQC at Teluk Buih Parameter Oil and Grease (mg/L) Total Suspended Solid (mg/L) Ammoniacal Nitrogen(mg/L) Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) pH Phosphorus (mg/L) o Temperature, ( C) Salinity (ppt) Secchi disk depth (m) Teluk Buih NA IMWQS AMWQC 0 0.14 377 50 NA NA 0.1 NA 4 NA NA 0.06 NA 0.045 26.5 30.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.5 6.83 7.53 Notes: NA-Not Available During sampling, average of surface water temperatures ranged from 26.5 to 30.4ºC which is the typical temperature of tropical waters, whereas salinity ranged from 27.6 to 30.3 ppt and pH was 7.28 to 8.07. Generally, salinity and pH value were lower near shore as Sungai Pok estuary influence by freshwater river. Freshwater generally has a lower salt content and pH than seawater (Bong and Lee, 2008). Meanwhile dissolved oxygen (DO) was higher at both seagrass area; seagrass meadow (3.09 – 6.74 mg/L) and Teluk Buih (6.83 mg/L) due to photosynthesis process by submerged aquatic vegetation and it is not under hypoxia state. Hypoxia condition occur where DO concentration is from 0-2 mg/L resulting from large algal blooms that sink to the bottom of the water column where bacteria breaks down the algae, using oxygen during the process (Clement et al., 2001). 55 Table 4.5: Result of water quality parameter based on IMWQS and AMWQC at Tanjung Kupang Parameter Oil and Grease, mg/L Total Suspended Solid, mg/L Ammonia Nitrogen, mg/L Phosphorus, mg/L Secchi disk depth, m Sg. Pok Estuary Seagrass Meadow Merambong Island IMWQS AMWQC 56 123 75 0 0.14 253 271 259 50 NA 0.628 2.43 1.825 NA 0.1 0.888 1.265 0.645 NA 0.045 0.92 0.52 0.13 NA NA Notes: NA-Not Available 56 4.4.1 Oil and Grease By referring to Table 4.5 Sungai Pok estuary has the lowest concentration of oil and grease at 53 mg/L compared to other station which is mainly used as boat parking by the local fisherman and none of aquatic life were found live in the river. Oil and grease concentration observed at all stations were higher compared to IMWQS (standard = 0 mg/L). The highest oil and grease concentration was recorded at seagrass meadow (123 mg/L) then followed by Merambong Island (75 mg/L). Oil and grease contamination occur in the environment through leakage and disposal of engine oil from boats. Free oil and grease are frequently visible as a rainbow colored film on the surface water. It impedes re-oxygenation process and hence will decrease dissolved oxygen in water. The result of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration at Sungai Pok Besar was classified as Class IV with the value of 2.8 mg/L and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was 8.8 mg/L The study areas were also located near Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) and restaurant that contribute to the oil and grease pollutant from sullage. Port contribute oil and grease pollution from transportation activities i.e. from tanker operations usually associated with the cleaning of cargo residues when the ship is ballasting and cleaning its tank at the return voyage from the port of discharge (Tong et al., 1999). Most of the oil have less density than water therefore; it will remain on the water surface while the current and wind drifts it along to other place. Oil and grease value increase as from Sungai Pok estuary > Merambong Island > seagrass meadow. Moreover, seagrass meadow is the nearest station, which is located close to restaurant and PTP. 4.3.2 Total Suspended Solid Based on the report produced by Department of Environment on 2006, total suspended solid remained a significant contaminant of marine water where Johor has exceeded the IMWQS by 60 percent. The total suspended solid at Mersing at 377 mg/L have the highest reading due to presence of sand since sample was collected 57 near the beach. Agriculture activities and coastal reclamation are also possible sources of high content of suspended solid in seawater. Suspended solid at Sungai Pok estuary, seagrass meadow and Merambong Island were high recorded at 332 mg/L, 324 mg/L and 386 mg/L respectively, which exceed the limit of IMWQS of 50 mg/L. Currently, Port of Tanjung Pelepas is under going expansion and will cover 1,362 hectares of reclaimed land and onshore land since the port is targeted to be fully completed by 2020. This will lead to dredging activities, which will destroy seagrass habitat directly by digging and indirectly by affecting the suspended sediment. Excessive sediment smothers seagrasses where turbidity in the water column will increases and interfere with sunlight penetration and eventually inhibits photosynthesis process. Other factor that contributes to high concentration of total suspended solid is the presence of phytoplankton in seawater. The rate of respiration and bacterioplankton growth is high in most mangrove area (Alongi et al., 1998). In rainy season, nutrients is supplied to estuaries and results in increase of phytoplankton production while in dry season, it is otherwise due to low nutrient supply and part of it is used to sustain the zooplankton biomass (Kitheka et al., 1996). However, the abundance of plankton community and metabolism differs between surface and near-bottom waters and between high and low tides where heavy boat traffic and daily harvesting of mudflats cockles disturb and mix river bed with overlaying waters and river banks erosion (Alongi et al., 2003). 4.4.3 Ammoniacal Nitrogen and Phosphorus Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) and phosphorus exceeded the standard by Asean Marine Water Quality meanwhile there are no criteria for NH3-N and phosphorus stated in IMWQS. Water quality at the area where seagrass vegetate in seagrass meadow have higher ammoniacal nitrogen with 4.0 mg/L followed by Sungai Pok estuary at 3.3 mg/L, Merambong Island at 3.2 mg/L and Teluk Buih 2.5 mg/ L. Meanwhile, at seagrass meadow have highest dissolved phosphorus content at 1.74 mg/L. Phosphorus in the form of phosphate occurs in environment via both 58 natural and anthropogenic sources, which mainly come from runoff from agriculture. Moreover, rainfall and settling dust also contribute to nutrient inputs where it varies from place to place (Kaiser et al., 2005). Plants can take inorganic nitrogen in the atmosphere through conversion by lightning and bacteria into nitrate or ammonia since they cannot use nitrogen directly. Moreover, in sediments underlying the cover of sea-grass, silt-clay, organic matter, exchangeable ammonium, ammonium dissolved in pore waters and total nitrogen were larger than in unvegetated profiles (Kenworthy et al., 1982). Ammonium is continuously transformed into ammonia and hydrogen ions and vice versa, however ammonia is poisonous compared to ammonium (Ainon and Sapheri, 2008). In addition at pH of 7 or less only ammonium is present, at pH 8 around 5% is ammonia and 95% ammonium, and at pH 9 then 50% is ammonia and 50% is ammonium. The nutrients concentration at the study areas are a possible result from loss of mangrove at Sungai Pulai area where it cleared for development of a Petroleum Hub and Bunkering Facility at Tanjung Bin and Iskandar Development Region. Destruction of mangroves due to land reclamation results in the loss of biofilters, and nutrients are often-discharged directly to coastal environments since it act as natural filters for fertilizers and sediments transported by rivers (Dol et al., 2008). High concentration of nutrients will lead to excessive growth of algae that will degrade water quality. Massive bloom of algae in long period will block sunlight to submerged aquatic vegetation and induce low dissolved oxygen in water due to increase in organic matter production. Nevertheless, the condition at the study area does not indicate any sign of eutrophication which is widely known as one of the threat to seagrass meadow. 59 4.5 Heavy Metals in Water Table 4.6 shows the content of heavy metals in Sungai Pok Kecil and Sungai Pok Besar which compare to Water Quality Index (WQI) and Interim National Water Quality Index (INWQS). Sungai Pok Besar and Sungai Pok Kecil, located near the seagrass meadow is classified as Class III according to WQI and INWQS for heavy metal. Heavy metals are categorized as Class II in both rivers except for total chromium and mercury, which is under Class V respectively. Therefore, both rivers contribute to metal concentration especially at the seagrass meadow. The heavy metals content at both rivers might be due to seawater that enter the river during high tide, accumulate in the sediment, and release to the environment via soil erosion and activities along the riverbank. Table 4.6: Heavy metal concentration at Sungai Pok Kecil and Sungai Pok Besar Parameter Sg. Pok Kecil INWQS Sg. Pok Besar Class Arsenic (As), mg/L Cadmium (Cd), mg/L Chromium (Cr) Total, mg/L Copper (Cu) mg/L Lead (Pb), mg/L Mercury (Hg), mg/L INWQS Class 0.0123 II 0.0288 II 0.0027 II 0.0008 II 0.1657 V 0.1488 V 0.0567 IV 0.0503 IV 0.0522 II 0.0087 II 0.0768 V 0.0374 V 60 Refer to Table 4.7 and 4.8, the is not much difference in As concentration at all sampling station except for Teluk Buih, Mersing. The concentration at Sungai Pok estuary and Merambong Island exceeded standard of IMWQS. Sungai Pok Besar have As concentration of 0.0288 mg/L and the estuary at 0.069 mg/L to 0.111 mg/L classified as Class II under INWQS. Arsenic are released into the environment through pesticide used in agricultural activities and enter the watercourse via surface run-off. Pb and Cr concentration complies with IMWQS and AMWQC standards. Cd only comply with IMWQS except for at Merambong Island with the value of 0.1244 mg/L which exceeds Malaysia’s interim. Coastal metal concentrations are often significantly elevated due to nearby land-based pollution sources (Chongprasith et al., 1999). The highest values are usually from nearest drains and outfalls (Hershelman et al., 1981). From geographical aspect, Merambong Island is near to the industrial area of Jurong, Singapore which can be major contributor to Cd pollution to the water from anthropogenic sources such as metal plating manufacturing and pigments in plastics and batteries. The lowest measurements of lead were detected at Merambong Island and Mersing, which is at 0.004 mg/L and 0.014 mg/L respectively. Lead is mainly present in the seawater from automobile exhausts through direct atmospheric transport and during rainfall; the Pb particles will fall back on earth. Since the third sampling point (Merambong Island) and Mersing are quite far from the main road, the Pb concentration was lower compare to seagrass meadow and Sungai Pok estuary area. Mercury was the highest concentrations that exceed the standards compared to other heavy metals. Hg can enter the environment via both natural and man made activities. Natural process occurs from volcanoes, natural mercury deposit and ocean volatization. Man related activities involved coal combustion, waste incineration and metal processing. However, that activities does not occur at the study area. Therefore, the presence of Hg may come from the water which moves around or flow as currents since the study area is near to the Malacca Strait. The Strait have been polluted with industrial activities that have high levels of heavy metal include lead and mercury contamination. Moreover, the areas also received flow from Sungai 61 Pulai and Tebrau Strait and the metals tend to accumulate especially in the sediment. Atmospheric-borne mercury includes anthropogenic mercury, deposited everywhere, including remote areas of the globe, hundreds of kilometers from nearest mercury source, as evidenced by its presence in ancient lake sediment and glacial ice (Eisler, 2006). Based on the report produced by Department of Environment on 2006, the concentration of Hg in Johor exceeded 10% of the IMWQS standard and most state in the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia exceeded the limit. In the other side of Sungai Pulai estuary, which is Tanjung Bin, establish as the largest privatized coalfire power plant in Malaysia. The RM 7.8 billion cost project will cover over 41 hectares of land and generate 2,100MW electricity. As discovered by Sharma and Pervez (2004), enrichment of toxic metals in respirable particulate matter emissions from a coal-fired power plant in Central India documented that the concentration of mercury was 4.8 times more the coal. The Strait of Malacca is located between the east coast of Sumatera Island in Indonesia and the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, and linked with the Strait of Singapore at its southeast end. According to Thiang-Eng et al., (2000) heavy metals, primarily from the manufacturing sector, include cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and nickel, all of which are reported in the coastal waters of West Malaysia, particularly the coastal waters of Perak and Penang where most rivers of West Malaysia contain concentrations of heavy metals that exceed standards. Table 4.7: Heavy metal concentration at Teluk Buih Parameter Arsenic (As), mg/L Cadmium (Cd), mg/L Chromium (Cr) Total, mg/L Copper (Cu), mg/L Lead (Pb), mg/L Mercury (Hg), mg/L Teluk Buih IMWQS AMWQC 0.076 0.1 0.12 0.049 0.1 0.01 0.105 0.5 NA 0.138 0.1 0.008 0.014 0.1 0.0085 0.023 0.001 0.00016 62 Table 4.8: Heavy metal concentration at Tanjung Kupang Parameter Arsenic (As), mg/L Cadmium (Cd), mg/L Chromium (Cr) Total, mg/L Cuprum (Cu), mg/L Plumbum (Pb), mg/L Mercury (Hg), mg/L Sg. Pok Estuary Seagrass Meadow Merambong Island IMWQS AMWQC 0.1061 0.0998 0.1001 0.1 0.12 0.0060 0.0043 0.1244 0.1 0.01 0.1429 0.1377 0.1486 0.5 NA 0.1834 0.1889 0.1787 0.1 0.008 0.0066 0.0060 0.0046 0.1 0.0085 0.0396 0.0445 0.0459 0.001 0.00016 63 4.6 Heavy Metals in Sediment Table 4.9 shows the concentration of metal in sediments collected on the surface of the sediment bed. All parameter of heavy metal in sediment collected at Sungai Pulai and seagrass meadow exceeded the limit. The highest heavy metal found at Sungai Pulai was copper with a value of 0.6643 mg/L in dry weight and at Tanjung Kupang, Chromium content was 0.4090 mg/L in dry weight. According to Yap et al., (2003), the inter-tidal sediment of the Straits of Johor are enriched with Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. From the data, the value of Hg in sediment at seagrass meadow was 0.0715 mg/L and Sungai Pulai estuary was 0.1151 mg/L were higher than Hg concentration in the water at 0.0445 mg/L. The same condition applied to other metal concentration in sediment where the values are higher in contrast with water. As explained by Wiener et al. (2003), soils and sediments are the primary sink for atmospherically derived mercury; however, these enriched pools are remobilized through volatilization, leaching and erosion. Table 4.9: Concentration of metals (mg g-1 dry weight) in the sediment which evaluate to United Kingdom interim marine sediment quality guidelines (ISQG) Sediment Parameter (mg/g dry weight) Arsenic (As) Cadmium (Cd), mg/L Chromium (Cr) Total Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Sungai Pulai 0.1272 0.0680 0.1985 0.6643 0.3428 0.1151 Seagrass meadow 0.2475 0.0208 0.4090 0.3997 0.2914 0.0715 Mersing ISQG 0.001 0 0.001 0 0.002 0.017 0.00724 0.0007 0.0523 NA 0.0302 0.00013 The mercury concentration in sediment obtained in the study was higher compared to the finding reported by Yap et al., (2003) at Tanjung Kupang in year 2000 which 0.000108 mg/g dry weight. They claim that the high level of Hg occur in some sediment samples via hydrocarbon contamination because they have -S and –O actives sites which can bind Hg. In addition, Hg may also come from manometers that contain elemental Hg, which are used at gas metering sites and at 64 refining gas plants. They made the conclusion since the present of Hg at west coast of Peninsular Malaysia was not highly exposed to anthropogenic and regular monitoring should be conduct since the industrial activities have rapidly increased along the west part. The same situation was observed for Cd concentration in sediment of Tanjung Kupang. From this study the concentration was higher (0.0208 mg/g dry weight) than the result obtained by Yap et al., (2003)in 2000 where the Cd value was 0.0017 mg/g dry weight. It appears that in 9 years, Cd content was elevated since the area in progressive development. Furthermore, previous studies have shown increased levels of Cd and Zn in the coastal areas adjacent to industrial estates, urban areas and ports in the area. According to the report by Department of the Environment, Malaysia (DOE) on 1999, the sources of heavy metal inputs in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia include manufacturing industries, agro-based industries and urbanization activities. Meanwhile study carried by Ong and Kamaruzzaman, (2009) reported that Mersing have an average of Pb and Cu concentration in sediment at 0.1377 mg/L dry weight and 0.0085 mg/L dry weight respectively. The result were significantly high compared to the result for Pb (0.002 mg/L dry weight) content and Cu which was not detected. The result for metals in sediment ist considered not a threat to seagrass where Syarifah Noormaisarah et al., (2004) discovered that when Halodule pinifolia and Halophila minor were exposed to sediment with high concentration of cadmium (0.288 mg/g dry weight) and copper (0.45149 mg/g dry weight) they die off after week 4 and 5 respectively. Moreover, both species showed negative value in oxygen production after week four. 4.7 Heavy Metals in Seagrass Previous research on the interactions between metals and seagrasses are focused on the accumulation of metals into seagrass and the use of seagrasses as 65 biological indicators of trace metal contamination (Prange and Dennison, 2000). However, several studies showed that trace metal could interfere on seagrass photosynthetic physiology (Kaiser et al., 2005 and Eisler 2006). On the other hand, since seagrass ecosystems support important grazing and detritus food webs, accumulation of metals in seagrass may be passed through to higher level consumers including human due to uptake of seafood (Kaiser et al., 2005). Heavy metals have been detected in all of the seagrass species at Tanjung Kupang where Halophila minor exhibit the highest content of heavy metals in the leaf except for cadmium and mercury. Thalassia hemprichii at Merambong Island turned out to be strongest accumulator for Cd at 0.016 mg/g dry weight and Halophila ovalis for Hg at 0.044 mg/g dry weight. Meanwhile at Teluk Buih, species of Cymodocea rotundata accumulated higher heavy metals compared to the other species. Table 4.10 show the mean concentrations of heavy metal in each species of seagrass. Table 4.10: Concentration of metals (mg g-1 dry weight) in the different species of seagrass Parameter (mg/g dry weight) Arsenic (As) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Total Cuprum (Cu) Plumbum (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Enhalus acoroides Sungai Seagrass Mersing Pulai Meadow 0.0030 0.0012 0.0008 0.0010 0.0004 0.0000 0.0020 0.0010 0.0020 0.0320 0.0008 0.0004 0.0008 0.0055 0.0004 0.0004 0.0008 0.0034 Halophila minor Seagrass Meadow 0.0128 0.0005 Halophila spinulosa Seagrass Meadow 0.0018 0.0002 0.0116 0.0054 0.0081 0.0003 0.0019 0.0001 0.0001 0.0342 Species Halophila Thalassia hemprichii ovalis Seagrass Seagrass Merambong Meadow Meadow Island 0.0111 0.0015 0.0006 0.0002 0.0001 0.0160 0.0045 0.0031 0.0035 0.0440 0.0018 0.0013 0.0014 0.0055 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0033 Halodule pinifolia Seagrass Meadow 0.0051 0.0003 Mersing Cymodocea rotundata Mersing 0.0030 0.0045 0.0013 0.0013 0.0050 0.0038 0.0032 0.0380 0.0015 0.0015 0.0000 0.0056 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.0011 66 67 Copper is considered a minor trace metal with 70% of the copper in leaves contained in the chloroplasts of land plants. Ralph and Burchett (1998) suggested that photosynthetic function is highly sensitive to Cu toxicity with Cu stress in the seagrass H. ovalis detected at 1, 5 and 10 mg/L respectively. In addition, Prange and Dennison (2000) discovered that the seagrasses H. ovalis and H. spinulosa (grazed species) appear to have more readily uptake of trace metals than other seagrass species, therefore these species are more prone to the toxicity effects linked with the sequestering of trace metals from the environment and may provide a source of contamination to seagrass consumers. The study also verified that increase in rainfall and associated of run-off might serve to increase trace metal supply to seagrass habitats, and localized developments can mobilize latent metal sources. 4.8 Development Adjacent to the Seagrass Meadow The coastal zone of Johor that 64 km in length encompass under Iskandar Development Region (IDR) to acceleration in growth of economy. Villages that located nearby seagrass meadow will be develop as industrial area of Tanjung Pelepas. Table 4.9 below shows the proportion of the various land use for Tanjung Pelepas zone. 68 Table 4.11: Land use in Tanjung Pelepas Zone (MBJBT, 2008) Types of Land use Area (ha) Percentage (%) Saturated Land use Residential 33.41 0.41 Commercial 2.34 0.03 280.61 3.47 - - Industrial Institutional and Facility Institutional and Government use 5.18 0.06 Education Facilities 8.43 0.10 Health Facilities 1.01 0.01 Religion Facilities 1.41 0.02 Cemetery and Related Facilities 3.92 0.05 Area of Special use 971.66 12.02 Recreational and Open Areas - - 1307.97 16.17 288.13 3.56 6.46 0.08 294.59 3.64 Agriculture Areas 2575.59 31.85 Mangrove Areas 1493.77 18.47 Water Bodies 2414.68 29.86 8086.60 100.00 Sub-Total Transportation, infrastructure and utilities reserve Transportation and communication Infrastructure and utilities Sub-Total TOTAL 69 (a) (b) Figure 4.1: (a) Current condition of coastal line near seagrass meadow while (b) is the future development which under Tanjung Pelepas industrial region. Figure 4.1 show the current condition of coastal line area near seagrass meadow. From 1991 to 2005, the land cover of the river basin which consists of inland freshwater riverine forest, intertidal mudflats and seagrass bed, functions mainly as shoreline stabilization and severe flood prevention to adjacent land uses. However this has changed gradually due to human intervention such as port and industries developments, power transmission line maintenance activity, land reclamation and agriculture activities (Dol et al., 2008). In addition, the mangrove area declined from 5742 hectares to 5467 hectares which 5% of reduction. Figure 4.2 shows the expansion plan of Port Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) that is expected to be complete on 2020 which involved five phases of development. According to PTP (2009), first two phases will cater for container traffic while third, fourth and fifth phases will have a combination of container, liquid and dry bulk cargo. The development will cover 1,362 hectares of reclaimed land and onshore land. In the opposite of PTP, which is Tanjung Bin, is an establishment of a largest privatized coal-fired power plant in Malaysia. The RM 7.8 billion cost project will cover over 41 hectares of land and generate 2,100MW of electricity. There will be a broad scale clearing of 2,255 acres of mangrove forest which can be approximated to 913 soccer field- this will disappear permanently from the global map (The Star, 2007). As discussed earlier Sharma and Pervez (2004) reported thst enrichment of 70 toxic metals in respirable particulate matter emissions from a coal-fired power plant in Central India show that mercury was enriched 4.8 times over the coal. With all the current and upcoming development nearby, the future of seagrass meadow at Tanjung Kupang – Merambong shoal is still uncertain. Massive destruction of mangrove area will give major impact since it has close interaction with seagrass bed especially as habitat for juvenile fish. Consequently, a significant part of the connectivity between fish assemblages of seagrass beds, mangroves and coral reefs is determined by a combination of three factors which are ability of fish species to utilize the coral reef as alternative juvenile habitat besides seagrass bed and mangroves; the distance between seagrass and mangrove habitats and coral reef and the configuration of seagrass beds and mangroves in the marine landscape with respect to accessibility to the coral reef (Dorenbosch, 2006). 72 4.8 Overall Discussion From the result obtained, seagrass have a potential as bio-indicator since it accumulates heavy metal in their system. Natural accumulation of heavy metals in seagrass species consequently used as indicator organisms for heavy metal contamination and bioavailability of the food chain in marine habitats. Generally, biological indicators are any group of species where their function, population or status can be use to determine and monitor the health of ecosystem or environment. A good bioindicator will indicate the presence of pollutants and provide additional information on the amount and intensity of the exposure. Excluding seagrass, the use of bivalve or gastropods molluscs looks attractive as these organisms take up metals from all environmental aspect, either from the aqueous medium or through ingestion from food and inorganic particulate material and heavily concentrate them (Phillips, 1977). Furthermore, they are suitable as monitors in situ since they are sedentary or sessile and available all year long and easy to collect. Study conducted by Storelli and Marcotrigiano, (2005) reported using gastropod Patella caerulea since it is among the commonest inhabitants of rocky shores in the whole Mediterranean basin. This small edible herbivorous gastropod has already employed in campaigns evaluating pollution by metals (Lobel et al., 1982). However, the used of organisms are more complicated because their exposure to trace elements is not limited to soluble metals in the aquatic medium where metal uptake from food cannot be ignored (Campanella et al., 2001). Therefore, seagrass appears as an interesting tool in setting up biomonitoring networks on the scale of the Tanjung Kupang area. From this study, most of the species accumulate heavy metals in their systems that possible through photosynthesis process and Halophila minor exhibit the highest content of heavy metals in the leaf except for cadmium and mercury. From the result obtained, seagrass bed at Tanjung Kupang is still in good condition and support a large diversity of marine life. The unique species such as 73 Holothuria leucospilota; black cucumber, Stichodactyla gigantean; Carpet anemone and Sabella spallanzanii; fan worm inhabit in the area especially at Merambong Island as shown at Figure 4.3. It is widely known that seagrass meadow serve as an important fisheries habitat, nursery and feeding ground for associated fauna and algal flora. In addition, the presence of seagrass bed in coastal area is significant in stabilizing the sediments and regarded as an indicator of good water quality. Land reclamation through dredging give a great environmental pressure to the seagrass bed where some of the meadow has been smothered by sand from construction site at Port Tanjung Pelepas. A volunteer called Save Our Seahorses (SOS) is an active group that have aim to conserve the Pulai River Estuary in Johor using the spotted seahorse, Hippocampus kuda, as a flagship species (The Star, 2008). Via the website, they made articles, comments, and petition that urged the Johor’s government to stop the plan of build petrochemical and maritime industries at the Pulai River estuary since the fragile ecosystems cannot tolerate a series of heavy industries development (SOS, 2008). On 27 August 2009, a memorandum to object the development at Tanjung Bin was handed over by Ahli Jawatankuasa Bertindak Bantahan Projek Petrokimia Mukim Tanjung Kupang to Johor State Menteri Besar, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman. 913 ha of mangrove forest that has been cleared will cause the loss of almost RM 1 billion a year in fisheries industries and affect especially local fisherman. Moreover, on February 2003 Sungai Pulai was gazetted as a Ramsar Site, which is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources (BERNAMA, 2008). Currently, there are five Ramsar sites in Malaysia and according to Ramsar convention, there should not be any drastic changes in the ecological character of our lands as a result of industrial development, pollution or other human interference. If there is any obstruction Malaysia will be listed on the Montreux Record which indicates that we have failed in preserving our wetland heritage (The Star, 2007). 74 (a) (c) (e) (b) (d) (f) Figure 4.3: Several creatures that can found from seagrass area where (a) is Holothuria leucospilota, (b) is Stichodactyla gigantean meanwhile (c) Sabella spallanzanii, (d) is Protoreastar nodosus, (e) Purple Climber Crab and (f) Hippocampus kuda. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion The following conclusion can be drawn based on the findings from the study: 1. The study managed to identify six species of seagrass at Tanjung Kupang which are Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila spinulosa, Halophila ovalis, Halodule pinifolia and Halophila minor 2. Seagrass meadow at Tanjung Kupang support large number of marine invertebrates 3. Water quality does not affect the seagrass distribution. Land reclamation for port development post greater threat to seagrass then water quality 4. Heavy metals concentration in sediment are higher than in seagrass leaves and water 5. Halophila minor has potential as bioindicator for heavy metals contamination 76 5.2 Recommendation The use of seagrass as a bio-indicator of heavy metals first measurement in the marine environment may be feasible tool in order to assess the potential contamination of metals in the coastal ecosystem. Following recommendations should be carried on to improve the study. 1. 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