Screening Mammography: Facts and Fiction Therese B. Bevers, M. D. Professor, Clinical Cancer Prevention Medical Director, Cancer Prevention Center Objectives Outline breast cancer screening recommendations Review fundamentals of cancer screening Identify trials of mammographic screening Discuss recent controversies related to screening mammography Premise of cancer screening Screening of asymptomatic individuals can find cancers earlier than those found on diagnostic evaluation of symptoms As a result of screening, more early-stage cancers are diagnosed than late-stage cancers Early-stage cancers have better outcomes than do late-stage cancers Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations For average risk women: Beginning at age 40 Annual clinical breast exam Screening mammogram www.cancer .org Cancer Screening Screening Harms Screening Benefits Threshold Level Screening Mammography Randomized controlled trials assessing effectiveness of mammographic screening Health insurance plan, US-1963 Edinburgh, UK-1978 Canadian national breast screening trial-1980 Study 1-age 40-49 Study 2-age 50-59 Swedish “Two County”-1977 Ostergotland, Sweden Kopparbreg, Sweden Malmo, Sweden-1976 Stockholm, Sweden-1981 Goteborg, Sweden-1982 Age-2006 Different ages of enrollment and screening frequency in each trial Benefits of Screening Mammography 7 statistical models attribute breast cancer mortality reduction to: Screening mammography 28%-65% (median 46%) Improved treatment adjuvant Less intensive treatment Screening is done to find early-stage disease. While all women with late-stage disease require chemotherapy, many women with earlier stage disease do not require chemotherapy Harms of Screening Mammography False positives False negatives Radiation Exposure Overdiagnosis False Negatives Screening tests are negative but individual has cancer Function of sensitivity of mammography Uncommon Lower sensitivity in women with dense breasts Supplemental screening now optional in women with increased breast density based on Texas’ Henda’s Law Brewer NT Ann Intern Med 146 (7): 502-10, 2007. Radiation Risk Medical Radiation Mammogram CXR CT Chest 3 phase hepatic Low dose CT 0.07 mSv 0.08 mSv 7 mSv 30 mSv 1.4 mSv Non-Medical Radiation Yearly background Average Denver Chicago Airplane 10 hours 3 - 5 mSv 6 mSv 3 mSv 0.04 mSv Over-diagnosis Diagnosing cancers that would not become clinically relevant in a person’s lifetime A number of analyses have attempted to define risk of over-diagnosis Many factors involved in this discussion, many of which have yet to be identified Over-diagnosis is not the real problem Problem is inability to distinguish which cancers are life-threatening from those that are not Real problem is over-treatment!! Harms of Over-Treatment Unnecessary interventions e.g., mastectomy in women who would never develop clinically relevant breast cancer Significant psychological distress However, patients assume that cancer left untreated will kill them Define New Paradigm Are there women with “breast cancer” who do not require “breast cancer treatment”? e.g. women with low-grade DCIS Would excision and hormonal therapy produce the same outcomes as the current standards of treatment? Great question!! Need to better understand biology of breast cancer Need data to reassure women that less aggressive treatment produces same outcomes Those conditions that do not need to be treated like a cancer should not be called cancer!! This is not a question that is answered by screening!!! Screening mammography recommendation has been focus of controversy dating back to 1990’s Discuss 3 controversies 2009 US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Confusion regarding screening mammography recommendations 2012 Bleyer & Welch analysis and 2014 Helvie analysis of SEER Registry data Suggested 1/3 of breast cancers are overdiagnosed 2014 Canadian National Breast Cancer Study (CNBSS) Suggested no benefit to screening mammography 2009 US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation on Screening Mammography The Controversy: • • Begin at age 40 or age 50? Get a mammogram every year or every other year? 2009 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation The USPSTF recommends against routine screening mammography in women aged 40 to 49 years. The decision to start regular, biennial screening mammography before the age of 50 years should be an individual one and take into account patient context, including the patient’s values regarding specific benefits and harms. (Grade C recommendation) US Preventive Services Task Force, Ann Intern Med, 2009; 151(10):716-26. Nelson HD. Ann Intern Med 2009;151:727-737 . Nelson HD. Ann Intern Med 2009;151:727-737 False Positives (FP) Screening tests are positive but no cancer found on diagnostic evaluation Function of specificity of mammography Not uncommon Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium: 10-yr cumulative risk of at least one FP: 61.3% risk in women starting screening ages 40-50 yrs 49.7% for women aged 66-74 yrs undergoing annual screening Brewer Ann Intern Med 146 (7): 502-10, 2007. Pace JAMA 311(13)1327-35. Evaluation of False Positives ~10% of women screened will be recalled for additional evaluation >80% will be normal/benign after dx evaluation May include: add’l mmg views, u/s 15% recalled will be recommended for biopsy Associated anxiety and distress Several studies show that anxiety related to a false positive test results does not result in a decrease in future screening participation Brewer Ann Intern Med 146 (7): 502-10, 2007. Another Perspective…. As many as 70% of breast cancers seen in women in their 40’s occur in women with no risk factors >40% of years of life lost to breast cancer are due to women diagnosed in their 40s Many women place a very high value on the benefits and very little weight on the harms of mammographic screening Vastly differs from perspective of USPSTF! Kopans D. J Am Coll Radiol, 2010. Smith RA. CA Cancer J Clin, 2010. Benefits vs Harms Analysis USPSTF clearly identified benefits for screening women in their 40’s but had concerns that the harms might outweigh the benefits Very subjective determination This should be a decision at the individual patient-clinician level Urgent need for tools to help clinicians and their patients make these decisions 2009 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Recommends biennial screening mammography for women between the ages of 50-74 years. (Grade B recommendation) US Preventive Services Task Force, Ann Intern Med, 2009; 151(10):716-26. Rationale for USPSTF Recommendation Statement (women aged 50-69) Screening biennially 81% of the benefit of annual screening Almost half the number of false-positives US Preventive Services Task Force, Ann Intern Med 2009;151(10):716-26. Benefits of Annual Mammography CISNET models show 71% fewer deaths with annual screening mammography compared to biennial Hendrick RE. AJR 2011;196:W112-6. Put another way…. Annual mammographic screening from ages 40-84 would save 99,829 more lives than the USPSTF recommended mammographic screening of every other year Hendrick RE. AJR 2011;196:W112-6. Effect of Three Decades of Screening Mammography on Breast-Cancer Incidence Bleyer and Welch N Engl J Med 2012;367:1998-2005 Aim Compare incidence rates of early- and late-stage breast cancer in women > 40 years of age from 2 time intervals to evaluate risk of over-diagnosis from screening mammography Data source: SEER registry Prescreening era (1976-1978) Screening era (2006-2008) Methods Estimated incidence trend of breast cancer Base case: Assumes underlying incidence is constant Best guess: Assumes incidence increased by 0.25%/yr Extreme assumption: Assumes incidence increased by 0.5%/year Very extreme assumption: Assumes incidence increased by 0.5%/yr & Baseline incidence of late-stage breast cancer revised by using the highest incidence observed in the data set Bleyer. N Engl J Med 2012;367:1998-2005 Findings From 1976-1978 through 2006-2008 Doubling of early-stage disease (includes DCIS) 112 vs 234 cases/100,000 women 69% increase in localized disease (excludes DCIS) 105 vs 178 cases/100,000 women 8% decrease in late-stage disease 102 vs 94 cases/100,000 women Authors: “if we are shifting cancers from late to early stage by screening, why are we not seeing fewer late stage breast cancers?” Conclusion Screening mammography results in massive over-diagnosis of breast cancer In 2008, >70,000 women age 40+ overdiagnosed with breast cancer 31% of breast cancers diagnosed Criticism Incidence rates not appropriately adjusted for the underlying temporal trend of increasing breast cancer incidence that existed before the introduction of widespread screening mammography Breast cancer incidence increased 1%-3% per year before the advent of screening mammography In the US, the annual incidence increased ~1.2% in the longstanding Connecticut Tumor Registry from 1940-1982. Helvie. Cancer 2014; e-pub. Temporal Trends Underlying temporal trends appear small on an annual basis, but impact on future incidence over many decades is profound Trends directly influence calculations of earlyand late-stage disease changes and estimates of over-diagnosis Due to compounding, over 30 years: 1% annual increase results in an incidence increase of 33% 2% annual increase results in an incidence increase of 78% Helvie. Cancer 2014; e-pub. Reduction in Late-Stage Breast Cancer Incidence in the Mammography Era Helvie, et al Cancer 2014; e-pub Aim Determine effect on late-stage breast cancer incidence and total invasive breast cancer incidence in US after adjusting for temporal trends by comparing SEER registry data Prescreening era (1977-1979) Screening era (2007-2009) Helvie. Cancer 2014; e-pub. Helvie Analysis Baseline incidence values from 1977-9 were projected to the period 2007-9 using a range of annual percentage change (APC) APC values: 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.3% and 2.0% Compared projected values with actual observed values in 2007-9 Calculated changes in early-stage, late-stage and total invasive breast cancer rates Helvie. Cancer 2014; e-pub. Helvie Findings APC of 1.3%: Central estimate Of the APC estimates, 1.3% APC most closely approximated the 4-decade historic Connecticut Tumor Registry trend of 1.2% Late-stage disease decreased by 37% Approximates the breast cancer mortality reduction observed among women in US from 1990-2009 Reciprocal increase in early-stage disease of 48% Across all APC estimates, decreases in latestage disease ranged from 21% at an APC of 0.5% to a 48% decrease at an APC of 2.0% Helvie. Cancer 2014; e-pub. Helvie Conclusions Without adjusting for underlying temporal trends in breast cancer incidence There is an excess in incidence of breast cancer from 2007-2009 compared with 3 decades earlier Screening does not appear to reduce latestage disease and results in significant overdiagnosis Helvie. Cancer 2014; e-pub. Canadian National Breast Screening Study (CNBSS) 2014 Update Miller BMJ 2014;348:366 Screening Mammography Trials Randomized controlled trials assessing effectiveness of mammographic screening Health insurance plan, US-1963 Edinburgh, UK-1978 Canadian national breast screening trial-1980 Study 1-age 40-49 Study 2-age 50-59 Swedish “Two County”-1977 Ostergotland, Sweden Kopparbreg, Sweden Malmo, Sweden-1976 Stockholm, Sweden-1981 Goteborg, Sweden-1982 Age-2006 CNBSS Trial Design 89,835 women aged 40-59 years “Randomly” assigned to annual screening mammography vs no mammography 25 yrs f/u data published early 2014 Miller BMJ 2014;348:366. CNBSS Findings “Annual screening mammography in women aged 40-59 does not result in a reduction in breast cancer mortality beyond that of physical examination alone/usual care in the community” Authors: “Rationale for screening by mammography should be urgently reassessed by policy makers” New York Times: “one of the largest and most meticulous studies ever done” “added powerful new doubts about the value of the screening test for women of any age” Miller BMJ 2014;348:366. Kolata G. NY Times Feb 11, 2014. CNBSS Issues “Flawed from the beginning” Randomization issues Mammographic quality Kopans AJR 1990;155:748-9. Kopans AJR 1993;161:755-60. Randomization Issues Randomization occurred after performance of a clinical breast exam Knowledge of CBE findings creates the potential for it to influence study allocation In CNBSS, more women with advanced breast cancers assigned to the intervention arm Miller BMJ 2014;348:36. Kopans AJR 1990;155:748-9. Kopans AJR 1993;161:755-60. The number of women 40-49 yrs old in the mammography arm who had breast cancers with 4+ lymph nodes exceeded that of the control group by 19:5 (380%) Unlikely to have occurred by chance Mimimizes/eliminates impact of mammographic screening on breast cancer mortality The 5-yr survival of women aged 40-49 who underwent mammographic screening was 75% The women in the control arm of the CNBSS had a >90% 5-yr survival, even better than modern results with screening and improved therapy Miller BMJ 2014;348:36. Kopans AJR 1990;155:748-9. Kopans AJR 1993;161:755-60. Quality of Mammographic Process Image quality was suboptimal Secondhand mammographic equipment used Grids that reduce scatter were not utilized Images were cloudy Image acquisition issues Mammography technologists were not taught proper positioning MLO views were not initially obtained Radiologists were not experienced in the interpretation of mammographic images Reference physicist: “quality was far below state-of-theart, even for that time!!” Miller BMJ 2014;348:36. Kopans AJR 1990;155:748-9. Kopans AJR 1993;161:755-60. Although we rely on evidence from trials of screening mammography dating back to the early 1960s, it is important to realize that the technology of today’s mammograms is vastly superior CNBSS: average size=1.9cm Current screening detection rate is <1 cm Bevers The ASCO Post 2014;5(6):22-23. “Strengths of CNBSS are contrasted by a vast collection of flaws that render any findings, past or present, meaningless. As a result, the study does not provide any data in regard to the benefits of mammography that “ would influence breast cancer screening recommendations. Bevers The ASCO Post 2014;5(6):22-23. Where do we go from here? Screening mammography results in both benefits and harms Benefit Mortality reduction Less intensive treatment Harms False negatives False positives Radiation exposure Overdiagnosis Tomosynthesis: Principle of Operation Arc of motion of x-ray tube, showing individual exposures X-ray tube moves in an arc across the breast Series of low dose images are acquired from different angles Projection images are reconstructed into 1 mm slices Reconstructed Slices { Breast Tomosynthesis (3D mammography) Reconstructed slices eliminates tissue superimposition Improved visibility of mass lesions Decreases recall rates Breast Tomosynthesis Tomosynthesis: Clinical Performance Analysis of 281,187 digital mmg (DM) and 173,663 DM + tomo Lower recall rate DM DM + tomo Increase in invasive cancer detection rate DM DM + tomo 107/1000 (95% CI, 89-124) 91/1000 (95% CI, 73-108) 2.9/1000 (95% CI, 2.5-3.2) 4.1/1000 (95% CI, 3.7-4.5) No difference in the in situ cancer detection rate Adding tomosynthesis increased PPV Recall: 4.3% to 6.4% (diff.=2.1%; 95% CI, 1.7%-2.5%; P<.001) Biopsy: 24.2% to 29.2% (diff=5.0%;95% CI,3.0%-7.0%;P<.001) Friedewald SM. JAMA 2014;311(24):2499-2507. Summary Women should be counseled regarding the benefits, harms and limitations of mammographic screening Urgent need for decision-making tools to help women (and their clinicians!) determine if screening is appropriate for them Individual preferences should be considered Mammography is not a perfect screening test Currently the only breast cancer imaging modality to have shown a reduction in breast cancer mortality New modalities are available that can improve the benefit and reduce the harms of mammographic screening