A Physiological Safety Case Investigation. F-22 Raptor Multipurpose Fighter Stealth: Greatly increases survivability and lethality by denying the enemy critical information required to successfully attack the F-22 Integrated Avionics: Allows F-22 pilots unprecedented awareness of enemy forces through the fusion of on- and off-board information Supercruise: Enhances weapons effectiveness; allows rapid transit through the battlespace; reduces the enemy‘s time to counter attack Single Best Air to Air Fighter ―If it finds you, it will kill you, and you won‘t know it was there!‖ Maximum speed: **At altitude: Mach 2.25 (1,500 mph, 2,410 km/h) [estimated] ◦ Supercruise: Mach 1.82 (1,220 mph, 1,963 km/h) Range: >1,600 nmi (1,840 mi, 2,960 km)with 2 external fuel tanks Combat radius: 410 nmi (with 100 nmi in supercruise) (471 mi, 759 km) Ferry range: 2,000 mi (1,738 nmi, 3,219 km) Service ceiling: >65,000 ft (19,812 m) Armament Guns: 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) M61A2 Vulcan 6-barreled Gatling cannon in right wing root, 480 rounds Air to air loadout: ◦ ◦ 6× AIM-120 AMRAAM 2× AIM-9 Sidewinder ◦ ◦ 2× 1,000 lb (450 kg) JDAM or 8× 250 lb (110 kg) GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs Air to ground loadout: 2× AIM-120 AMRAAM and 2× AIM-9 Sidewinder for self-protection, and one of the following: Harpoints: 4× under-wing pylon stations can be fitted to carry 600 U.S. gallon drop tanks or weapons, each with a capacity of 5,000 lb (2,268 kg). Incidents make the news Stealth Fighter Jet Chokes Yet Another Pilot By Robert Beckhusen 07.10.12 2:58 PM An F-22 prepares to refuel during a training flight. Photo May 2012 – 60 Minutes interviews 2 ANG pilots. Two pilots say they've gotten dizzy and disoriented while flying the F-22, due to a lack of oxygen. The men are so concerned about their safety, and their colleagues, that they put their careers on the line by speaking with "60 Minutes." The F-22 pilots who talked: Why they did it Breaking the chain of command and appearing on 60 Minutes--in uniform--is no small matter. Here's what it took for two Air Force pilots to tell their story to the world. 60 Minutes Story aired May 6 2012 Several Investigations were underway! ◦ "We grounded it for a reason, you know, back a year ago," added Wilson, who's been flying the F-22 for two years. "We haven't done a single thing to fix it. So I think we need to reassess why we got back in the air in the first place.― ◦ Jeremy Gordon: ―The onset of this is insidious. Some pilots will go the entire mission, land, and not know anything went wrong. There was a publicly announced incident of a jet in Alaska hitting a tree and the pilot was not aware that he ran into a tree.‖ ◦ Jeremy Gordon: Amongst F-22 pilots, there's a term called the "raptor cough.― ◦ To make matters worse, some of the pilots began coughing up black sputum. Air Force doctors cut into oxygen hoses, found - as this doctor's photo shows - black residue. And determined that the new filters that were supposed to be protecting pilots were shedding charcoal and pilots were breathing it in. ◦ Lesley Stahl: Here's an email that we have seen from one of your fellow pilots. "I feel I'm in the most expensive group of lab monkeys ever assembled." Issues with the F-22‘s oxygen system were first flagged in 2010 after a crash killed Capt. Jeff Haney close to a military base in Alaska. ◦ An Air Force investigation put the crash down to pilot error, maintaining that Haney did not activate the emergency oxygen system in time to avert catastrophe. In the Press this was blamed on Hypoxia. In a separate incident, one pilot reportedly becoming so disorientated that he skimmed some treetops before pulling up. ◦ Found NOT to be Hypoxia related. Pilots began coughing up black sputum ◦ No reports of this occurring ◦ Found in Oxygen Supply lines ◦ CXR and Sputum – all normal From 2003 to April 2008, there were 6 F–22 physiological issues, but between April 2008 and January 2011, that number had doubled to 12. As a result of this, the Air Force Commander of Air Combat Command restricted the F–22‘s maximum flight attitude to 25,000 feet and directed a safety investigation board to review the F–22‘s oxygen system. In May of 2011, the Secretary of the Air Force directed the Scientific Advisory Board to gather information and make recommendations to address concerns relative to the F–22 life support system. From May to September 2010, the F–22 fleet stood down as a result of an upward trend in reports of physiological incidents. The Scientific Advisory Board [SAB] completed its work in January of 2012, but did not determine a cause for the F–22 pilot physiological problems. However, the board did make findings and recommendations and concluded that either the supply or the quality of the oxygen is contributing to the F–22 pilots‘ hypoxia-like symptoms. Initial Scientific Advisory Board reported from fiscal year 2002 to May 2011, the Air Force incidence rate of 13 hypoxia events per 100,000 hours compared to 7.5 in the F-16, and 1.8 in the F-15E (with a direct contributable cause), and Navy reported 6.6 in the F-18E, F and G, over roughly the same period. ◦ F-16 with a direct contributable causes usually mechanical, recognized and corrected in flight. ◦ F-15E with a direct contributable causes all mechanical, recognized and corrected in flight. ◦ F-18E, F and G, (Actually exceeded 18 per 100,000 hours at one point), Alaska – Several Safety Investigation Boards ◦ With each incident a Safety Board was Convened 20082011 Langley Boards stood up with each incident 20102011. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board – Spring 2011 Root Cause and Corrective Action [RCCA] analysis process initiated F-22 SIB – ACC driven Safety Investigation –early 2011 Air Force Life Support Task Force - 2011 NASA- Advisory Board –April 2013 ◦ F-22 Physiological Board ◦ Toxicology Board ◦ OBOGS Investigation In a July 5 2012 press release issued by the Air Combat Command, Major General Charles Lyon, the ACC‘s director of operations, said that a number of initiatives were put into place to protect F-22 pilots, including comprehensive aircraft and life support system inspections. ―We have taken a 9-1-1 call approach,‖ Lyon is quoted as saying in the press release. ―We have instructed our airmen in the field that whenever they get any indication that something may not be right, knock it off, and terminate the flight. We focus all our attention on them and the safe recovery of the aircraft.‖ ◦ The F-22 was at that time the USAF‘s most expensive aircraft, with the 185 jets currently in service costing an estimated $79 billion. Emphasis by press ―But despite the program‘s high costs, the Raptors have yet to fire a shot in anger.‖ Air Combat Command established a Life Support System Task Force, which continued to examine both the issues of supply and quality of oxygen in the F-22. On April 23, 2012, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, accepted a request from the Air Combat Command to form an independent investigative team to review Air Combat Command's investigative process, ongoing root cause analysis, and the F-22 life support system as a whole to determine potential vulnerabilities to the pilot. On July 24th, 2012 the Department of Defense announced that Air Combat Command had determined that the root cause of the F-22 pilot physiological issues is the supply of oxygen delivered to the pilots, not the quality of oxygen delivered to the pilots. [H.A.S.C. No. 112-154] F-22 PILOT PHYSIOLOGICAL ISSUES __________ HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON TACTICAL AIR AND LAND FORCES OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED TWELFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION __________ HEARING HELD SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 Complex Issues ―I can‘t remember any part of the mission‖ Pilot was wanting to know where his helmet and mission forms were. Advised they were in his right and left hands. Returned to the ops desk and again wanted to know where the items were. They were still in his hands. ―Foggy and can‘t read the instruments correctly‖ ―I really had to work to get a breath‖ ―I couldn‘t process the information. I was behind the jet from ‗knock-it-off‘ till back in the pattern.‖ Headaches and muscle aches for days post the missions. Resolved with Oxygen bottle activation or hyperbarics post mission. Systems Investigations ◦ OBOGS – On Board Oxygen Generation System Compared and contrasted System Testing ◦ Life Support Systems Human Risk Factors – Two separate Boards ◦ Investigation of Physiology ◦ Toxicology Investigation Jet Studies Contaminant Studies 1) QUANTITY The F-22 oxygen delivery system is failing to deliver adequate O2 to the pilot, resulting in hypoxic symptoms that threaten safety of flight 2) QUALITY The F-22 oxygen delivery system is either producing or failing to filter a toxic compound(s) in the O2 to the pilot resulting in hypoxic-like symptoms that threaten safety of flight 21 5/2011 – 5/2012 • • • • Tested aircraft Developed MCM Executed response protocol Closed gaps 5/07/12 – 5/11/12 5/14/12 – 5/18/12 6/04/12 – 6/08/12 Chemist & Detection Experts Forum Medical Expert Incident Review Investigative MCM Deep Dive Review Incident Pilot Medical Data Make RCCA dispositions and recommendations Peer Review MCM 5/2011 – 5/2012 • • • • Tested aircraft Developed MCM Executed response protocol Closed gaps •Over 2183 samples taken from the different incident aircraft. •Numerous different types of samples taken from various parts of the aircraft. 5/2011 – 5/2012 • • • • • • • Tested aircraft Developed MCM Executed response protocol Closed gaps Molecular Characterization Matrix (MCM) has characterized over 900 compounds detected in lab and aircraft environments utilizing 15 types of sampling media Contains: • Peak compound levels detected from all testing efforts • Compound levels detected on incident jets • Generates Hazard Indexes for incident jets • Individual compound hazard assessments • Types of detection equipment required to ―see‖ compound • Filtration capabilities and interaction with OBOGS and C2A1 filter • Possible source information (aircraft fluids, materials, maintenance, etc) Used to evaluate potential contamination impact on F-22 5/2011 – 5/2012 • • • • • • • Tested aircraft Developed MCM Executed response protocol Closed gaps Post incident samples were taken from the jets Pilot checklist completed Pilot medical assessment completed by medical personnel • Blood and urine samples taken if deemed necessary • Additional medical tests run if deemed necessary 5/2011 – 5/2012 • • • • • • • • • Tested aircraft Developed MCM Executed response protocol Closed gaps An Edwards jet was instrumented to collect real time data on quality of air in flight Field teams deployed to search for classes of compounds not detected by testing at the jet OBOGs testing conducted Exhaustive fluid characterization on aircraft conducted to assess possible source of compounds detected on post incident collections Sample analysis performed to assess the quality of air in cockpit and breathing systems OGOGS Inlet OBOGS Outlet Compound C3-C12 analysis n (of 39) median (ppbv) min (ppbv) max (ppbv) n (of 39) median (ppbv) min (ppbv) max (ppbv) Propane Butane Pentane Hexane Heptane Octane Nonane Decane Undecane Dodecane 25 11 2 1 6 16 15 16 15 14 51 19 10.5 470 10 14.5 11 35.5 56 35 23 13 10 na 9.6 8.8 5.9 6.2 8.7 14 10000 35 11 na 510 170 82 250 160 94 27 10 2 1 4 18 8 16 19 14 210 33.5 44 39 17.5 11 22.5 22.5 31 24.5 23 21 26 na 13 6.6 7.6 5.9 6 6 14000 340 62 na 70 45 43 140 92 88 Compound TO-15 analysis n (of 61) median (ppbv) min (ppbv) max (ppbv) n (of 61) median (ppbv) min (ppbv) max (ppbv) Ethanol Acetone Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Hexane Chloroform Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Cyclohexane n-Heptane Toluene n-Octane Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene m,p-Xylenes Styrene o-Xylene n-Nonane 4-Ethyltoluene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene 17 45 11 13 13 11 22 11 13 17 53 18 11 11 20 25 14 22 32 18 18 25 20 27 10 1.4 17 1.4 1 1.6 0.8 2.9 1.2 1.4 1.7 0.74 1.1 1.2 2.3 1.2 1.2 0.95 0.95 1 1 0.735 7 2.9 0.37 4.5 0.38 0.27 0.41 0.21 0.77 0.32 0.35 0.28 0.2 0.29 0.3 0.61 0.23 0.3 0.25 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.25 180 26000 9.2 110 9.5 6.8 10 5.3 19 8.1 19 7.1 4.9 7.2 7.7 15 7.8 7.7 13 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.4 18 56 12 14 13 12 20 12 16 18 57 23 12 11 23 29 12 26 30 18 19 26 15 16 21 1.4 13.4 1.4 1 1.11 0.8 2.9 0.615 1.9 0.85 0.74 1.1 0.73 1.9 1.2 0.96 0.95 0.37 0.52 1 0.45 4.6 4.1 0.37 4.6 0.38 0.28 0.42 0.21 0.78 0.33 0.36 0.2 0.2 0.29 0.21 0.62 0.32 0.31 0.26 0.16 0.18 0.27 0.19 120 25000 5 150 5 5 5 7 16 5.4 110 5.3 18 5 16 17 13 5 12 5 5 5 5 Chemist and Detection Experts Forum – completed 5/11/12 • Peer Review MCM content • Ensure data population complete and correct • Identify characterization gaps and possible risks Medical Expert Incident Review – completed 5/25/12 • Medical experts deployed to Boeing - Seattle • Review incident pilot data • Review incident pilot medical history Investigative MCM Deep Dive – completed 6/8/12 • Technical meeting for key members from MCM Team, Tox and Doc Team, and Physio Team • Detailed review and assessment of contamination as a potential cause • Identify and Prioritize remaining gaps • Recommend next actions Legend: Team Action Data Team Action Chemist Action Medical Expert Action Decision Point Were any samples taken on pilot or jet? NO YES Obtain incident specific contaminan t data Develop CNS Hazard Index for each incident Review list of top 10 compounds to confirm validity of CNS Hazard Index Review trends and potential source of compounds Review medical data and pilot symptoms Are pilot‘s symptoms consistent with contaminatio n? NO Is Incident CNS Hazard Index less than 1? Symptoms consistent with contamination ? NO YES NO Green RCCA YES Contamination was not a factor in the incident Is there a probable YES explanation for symptoms in data? NO Green RCCA White RCCA Contamination was not a factor in the incident Insufficient data to conclude if contamination was a contributor YES Red RCCA Contamination caused the event Yellow RCCA Contamination may have contributed to the event ◦ Development of CNS Hazard Index: Compound CNS Hazard Quotient = max level of compound detected / ‖red‖ level Incident CNS Hazard Index = sum of all Compound CNS Hazard Quotients An Incident CNS Hazard Index of 1 or greater would cause CNS effects in pilots No Incident CNS Hazard Index, when adjusted, exceeded 0.3 Adjusted example: IPA was subtracted from certain indices due to artifact of post flight cleaning activity prior to sampling Team also considered effects of asphyxiants, metabolic toxins, hemoglobin altering substances, and irritants 30 ◦ Team reviewed a total of 21 incidents ◦ Data indicates that contamination is Not the root cause to F-22 CNS symptoms ◦ Long term research studies would improve general toxicological understanding of various aircraft fluids 31 MBU-20/P Mask HGU-55/P Helmet Oxygen used to inflate KMU-511/P helmet bladder Upper Pressure Garment (UPG) CRU-122 with Integrated O2 Regulator O2 to Mask ATAGS connection O2 to UPG CRU-94 Integrated Terminal Block (ITB) UPG Over Pressure Vent O2 from BRAG ATAGS – Advanced Tactical Anti-G suit ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Full body coverage Pressure Suit functions as well Human Testing up to 12-14 G‘s No problems noted with F-22 Edwards prototype or pre-production aircraft testing JTAGs (Joint Tactical Anti-G suit) plus Combat Edge ◦ Combined the advanced G-suit trousers with Combat Edge vest ◦ Partial Pressure suit Physiology Investigation Med Team No strong relationship between incidents and temperature/humidity Relatively few high temp incidents, relatively few high temp & high humidity incidents 120 Centroid 1 Langley Elmendorf Centroid 1 Nellis Centroid 2 Elmendorf Holloman 80 Centroid 2 Holloman ◦ May be due to base rather than weather Langley Centroid 2 Langley Average Humidity Centroid 1 Holloman 100 Still investigating ―periodicity‖ of events – whether incidents are more likely to occur during certain months Centroid Nellis2 Nellis 60 Centroid 3 Elmendorf Centroid 1 Centroid 3 Holloman Centroid 3 Langley Centroid 2 40 Centroid 3 Nellis Centroid 3 Centroid 4 Elmendorf Centroid 4 Holloman Centroid 4 20 Centroid 4 Langley Centroid 4 Nellis Events 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 Average Temperature 60 80 100 120 Examine link between PT score (aerobic) and incident likelihood, with PT score as proxy measure for VO2max ◦ Evidence inconclusive; not a strong enough relationship to establish a link, but not weak enough to rule out Bottom line: No definitive statement about relationship between PT score and incident likelihood possible with current data. Additional findings: ◦ Analysis showed possible relationship with frequency of flying. ◦ Analysis showed no relationship between incidents and height, weight, BMI, service component, or rank. There are likely differences in event rates due to AF base, Aircraft manufacturing block, or a combination of both. However, it was not possible to distinguish between the two. Most definitive results: Tyndall and Block 10 are statistically different than other bases/blocks ◦ No incidents in Block 10 or Tyndall, significantly lower than others Block 35 and Langley/Elmendorf had highest incident rates ◦ However, most Block 35 sorties were at Langley and Elmendorf; difficult to separate Block 35 from base Based on 21 events ◦ Probability of ≥1 repeat pilot: 61.9% ◦ Probability of exactly 1 repeat pilot: 38.2% Based on 24 events ◦ Probability of ≥1 repeat pilot: 70.0% ◦ Probability of exactly 1 repeat pilot: 40.0% Interpretation: the distribution of incident pilots is consistent with random chance Overall, No strong evidence to conclude that immersion/Arctic gear causes increased pilot HR – but needed a larger data base F-22 pilots at Langley & Elmendorf show a lower average heart rate (HR) than all other F-22 bases (Jan 2012 – May 2012), with no strong overall trends from one month to another Analysis by daily max temperature (instead of month) showed: ◦ No statistical clinical change in HR by temperature Langley Jan-Apr vs. May: No statistical difference in HR during May (average HR 88.6) vs. during cold months (average HR 89.3) Elmo Jan-Apr vs. May: HR statistically lower in May (average HR 84.9) than in colder months (average HR 88.0) 80% of incident sorties had symptom onset at cabin altitudes of 8000-9200 feet ◦ 8/10 sorties, one sortie had symptoms after flight and is not counted This cabin altitude corresponds roughly to aircraft altitude of 8k-24k. Symptom Onset vs Cabin Altitude - Post RTF Sorties 22,000 Cabin Altitude (4165) Symptom Onset (4165) Cabin Altitude (4138) Symptom Onset (4138) Cabin Altitude (4114) Symptom Onset (4114) Cabin Altitude (4112) Symptom Onset (4112) Cabin Altitude (4108) Symptom Onset (4108) Cabin Altitude (4173) Symptom Onset (4173) Cabin Altitude (4073) Symptom Onset (4073) Cabin Altitude (4161) Symptom Onset (4161) Cabin Altitude (4172) Symptom Onset (4172) Cabin Altitude (4060) Symptom Onset (4060) Cabin Altitude (4184) Symptom Onset (4184) 20,000 CABIN ALTITUDE (ft) 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 T i m e (min) 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 Incident Rate increased over time Statistical analysis pending 10 Axis Title 12 Incident Rate per 10,000 Sorties 8 6 4 2 0 F-22 Flying Conditions Algorithm developed by 711 HPW to distinguish valid data vs. poor data from Gz, stick input, oximeter artifact ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Amount of dropout in HR (heart rate) and SpO2 tracings Steepness of desaturation HR changes accompanying desaturations Magnitude of desaturation Variability in HR reading HMPO has higher proportion of sorties with high data quality than finger-mounted pulse ox ◦ ◦ ◦ High quality: Little to no dropout, high SpO2 reading – definitive conclusions can be drawn about blood oxygen saturation Marginal quality: Some dropout and/or unexpected variability in SpO2 reading – while some data are usable, possible that definitive conclusions would not be able to be made Low quality: High dropout and/or unexpected variability in SpO2 reading – unlikely that definitive conclusions could be made from the data 80.0% Proportion of Overall Sorties 70.0% HMPO (n = 133) 67.7% Finger PO (n = 138) 60.0% 50.0% 45.1% 40.0% 30.0% 30.1% 28.6% 16.5% 20.0% 15.8% 10.0% 0.0% High Marginal Low Pulse Oximeter Data Quality Bottom Line: HMPO superior to finger-mounted pulse ox on all metrics. HMPO is highly dependent upon appropriate helmet fit, but provides overall better monitoring capability. Compared pilot gear for incident sorties to gear for all non-incident sorties ◦ Gear for incident sorties obtained from wing safety ◦ Gear for non-incident sorties assumed Langley pilots wear immersion suit approx 1 Oct – 1 May, and Elmo pilot wear Arctic gear approx 15 Oct – 15 May Findings: ◦ Arctic gear likely NOT associated with incidents; incident rate nearly identical for Elmo pilots wearing Arctic gear vs. not wearing Arctic gear ◦ For Langley pilots, higher incident rate with poopy-suit than without poopy-suit, but not enough evidence to state the difference is real; difference could be due to other factors such as time of year ◦ There was little evidence to suggest Arctic gear is associated with incidents and very little evidence to suggest poopy-suit is associated with incidents, but the number of incidents is small at each base. If normalized across the fleet, higher incidents with climate control gear. Elmendorf Events per 10,000 Sorties 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 ATAGS, CEV, LPUs, Harness, Flight Suit, with or without LPUs ATAGS, CEV, LPUs, Harness, Poopy-Suit, Flight Suit Pilot Gear Events per 10,000 Sorties Langley Events per 10,000 Sorties Events per 10,000 Sorties 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 ATAGS, CEV, Survival Vest, Harness, Black Jacket, Flight Suit ATAGS, CEV, Survival Vest, Harness, Flight Suit Pilot Gear Pilot fit checks discovered that numerous flight crew ensembles were not fit according to Technical Order Documents: ◦ 4 of 12 pilots wore wrong sized or ill-adjusted UPGs; ◦ 3 of 12 pilots wore wrong sized or ill-adjusted ATAGS; ◦ 12 of 12 helmets had issues with bayonets and chin straps; ◦ 4 of 12 pilots wore ill-adjusted harnesses. ◦ Ill fitting gear worsened with use of extra garments •Examined In-flight respiratory symptoms • Neurologic symptoms • Neurologic + respiratory symptoms •Combined results from all sections (last 10 sorties and sorties ever) to increase power Findings Of those who reported NOT ever having RRS/cough, 2/36 (5.6%) reported having abnormal in-flight symptoms. Of those who DID report ever having RRS/cough, 19/86 (22.1%) reported having abnormal inflight symptoms. Odds Ratio = 4.82. Compared to pilots who do not experience cough/RRS, pilots with cough/RRS have 4.8 times the odds of having abnormal in-flight symptoms. Difference is statistically significant, Χ2 p=0.027. & In-Flight Symptoms abnormal in-flight symptoms • Relationship Between Raptor Cough/RRS Proportion of pilots reporting connection between RRS/cough and abnormal in-flight symptoms from Aug 2011 F-22 Pilot Survey 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% Yes No Pilot ever report Raptor Cough/RRS? Conclusions •Pilots who experience cough/RRS are more likely to report having abnormal in-flight symptoms Proportion of sorties ≥90 minutes: 18% Proportion of fight-pit-fight sorties: 20% Average length of pre-sortie ground time: 30.2 minutes Incident XX Experienced symptoms Activated EOS Symptoms relieved Removed mask 50 HAP/SIB Gen Hoog Hypoxia TIM 2 Hypoxia TIM 1 Incident Ex A 19 Apr (Nellis) Production RCCA 2008 Incident 1 Incident 2 05 Jun 11 Aug (Elmo) (Nellis) 2009 Incident 3 19 Mar (Langley) Incident 4 13 Apr (Langley) Hypoxia Tim 3 Yeovil 25K Restriction SAB Incident Ex B Gen Martin 03 Mar Class A (Langley) 16 Nov Stand Down (Elmo) RCCA 2010 Unreported Incident 5 01 Oct 09 Mar (Marietta) (Langley) • OTI of fleet for shipping plugs in MFV July 2008 • Removal of BYPASS in BRAG Valve May-Aug 2009 Incident 6 22 Mar (Elmo) 2011 Incident 7 Incident 9 Incident 10 16 Feb 18 Nov 27 Apr (Nellis) (Langley) (Elmo) Incident 8 14 Dec (Holloman) • Flight Manual update to manually select MAX at 30K’ Oct 2010 Incident 11 28 Apr (Holloman) Incident 12 03 May (Elmo) Incident 13 (Elmo) 03 May Incident 14 A4044 03 May (TY) Incident Ex C A4106 Gr 03 May (HO) Physio Incident/Mitigation Timeline Incident 23 Incident 24 Incident 30 14 Mar 16 Feb 17 Feb (Elmo) (Elmo) Incident 18 GR 5 GR 2 15 Nov 15 Nov 30 Sep (Langley) (HO) (Tyndall) GR 1 23 Sep (TY) GR 4 03 Nov (Tyndall) Incident 21 Incident 27 GR 7 14 Feb 1 Mar 14 Dec (Elmo) (Elmo) (Tyndall) RTF 21 Sep 2012 2011 GR 3 14 Oct (Tyndall) Incident 17 31 Oct (Langley) Incident 20 Incident 25 Incident 29 14 Dec 23 Feb 7 Mar (Langley) (Langley) (FF@TY) Incident 15 Incident 16 20 Oct 20 Oct (Langley) (Langley) Incident 19 Incident 22 15 Feb 14 Dec (HO) (HO) Accommodations RTF • PulseOx • Pilot and MX Baselines • Response Protocol GR 6 01 Dec (Langley) Incident 28 3 Mar (Langley) Incident 26 24 Feb (TY) Incident 22, Disregard GLOC Incident 30, Disregard - CBleed Hot in flight Detailed Chamber and Centrifuge Data 14 May 2012 Test Setup ◦ OBOGS in Max Test Profile Options ◦ Standard equipment evaluation Gradual Onset Rate (GOR) ½ G per second Rapid Onset Rate (ROR) 6 G per second To 5/7/9 G with 10 second dwell at each Simulated Air Combat Maneuver (SACM) two peaks at 9 G ◦ 3 minute incident mission profile segment ◦ Operationally representative profiles 54 3/25/2014 16 April 2012 Test Setup ◦ OBOGS in Auto Test Profile Options ◦ Standard Training Profiles ◦ Incident Profiles ◦ Operationally Representative Profile 55 3/25/2014 UPG Pressure • UPG is designed to inflate during Positive Pressure Breathing (PPB) only • During non-PPB operation, UPG should not inflate • Test results show UPG fills and retains BRAG safety pressure at all times • UPG pressure is often above mask pressure • Pilots are forced to breathe against UPG restriction 6 Deep Breath #1 Deep Breath #2 4 InWg 2 Mask Pressure UPG Pressure 0 Delta Pressure Altitude: 8K -2 Non-PPB Designed UPG Pressure -4 -6 230 235 Seconds 240 245 F-22 Baseline Configuration (w/ UPG), Mask-UPG Differential Pressure UPG Pressure • ASCC Breathing Standard Implications • F-22 Baseline (wo/ UPG) appears to meet ASCC standard (referenced to cabin ambient) • F-22 Baseline (w/ UPG) does not meet ASCC (referenced to UPG pressure) 2 ASCC Std Exhalation 30 90 Inhalation 150 180 Flow Rate (alpm) Mask Pressure, inWg Mask Pressure (inWG) ASCC Breathing Standard 10 5 0 -5 -10 F-22 Baseline wo UPG Mask Pressure F-22 Baseline (w/ UPG) Delta Pressure Altitude: 8K 0 -2 -4 *n=1 -6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Mask Flow, alpm F-22 Baseline (w/UPG), F-22 Baseline w/o UPG Pressures plotted against ASCC Standards UPG pressure drives F-22 breathing resistance outside of ASCC standards Work of Breathing • F-22 Baseline w/o UPG had higher peak flows than F-22 Baseline (w/UPG) for similar inhalation cycles • UPG restricts pilot peak flow rate by one third • UPG restricts thoracic expansion • To maintain a similar tidal volume, the pilot must inhale longer Deep Breath #1 4 Deep Breath #2 200 3 180 2 160 1 140 0 120 -1 100 -2 80 -3 60 -4 40 -5 20 -6 230 F-22 Baseline (w/UPG) Delta Pressure lpm InWg F-22 Baseline w/o UPG Mask Pressure F-22 Baseline w/o UPG Flow F-22 Baseline (w/UPG) Flow Altitude: 8K 0 232 234 236 238 seconds 240 242 244 F-22 Baseline (w/ UPG) vs. F-22 Baseline w/o UPG, Pressure – Flow Comparison Pilots change inhalation patterns due to UPG effects Compared to configurations with no UPG, configuration with UPG+Survival Vest has significantly higher WOB ―Typical‖ WOB: 0.2-0.47 Joules/sec Additional work from UPG+Survival Vest is approx 0.5 Watts Pre-G Mean (Joules/sec) Pilot 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 E -0.044 0.051 0.096 -0.026 -0.03 -0.017 0.24 0.038571 F -0.024 -0.014 -0.028 0.53 0.116 G 1.246 0.526 0.332 0.387 0.408 0.478 0.43 0.543857 Pilot 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 Post-G Mean (Joules/sec) E F G -0.035 0.573 0.471 1.266 0.082 0.803 0.665 0.062 0.287 0.084 0.046 0.767 0.03 0.021 0.63 0.084 -0.002 0.517 0.197286 0.03175 0.691857 Work of Breathing 0.24 Joules/liter 1 E1 0.9 *UPG 0.3 Joules/sec 0 2 sec 65s 70s 75 s Work [Joules] -1 81s no UPG -2 90s 6s non 11s non 1.1 Joules/liter 16s non 59 s non -3 68 s non 71 s non w/ UPG -4 74 s non 1.3 Joules/sec 77 s non -5 -6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Lung Volume [Liters] 2.5 3 3.5 4 Work of Breathing E1 With UPG, Differential Pressure Factor of 1.0 Work/Time = 1.4 Joules/sec Work/volume = 1.2 Joules/liter Without UPG Work/Time = 0.3 Joules/sec Work/volume = 0.24 Joules/liter Chest wall restriction has a significant reduction on the peak and inspiratory flows. Miller et. al. showed that a 38-40% reduction in static resting FVC (lung volume) was associated with a 20-30% reduction in exercise capacity and Decreased Cardiac Output. P-V Loops and Static Lung Loading PSLL (static lung loading) = Pmouth – Pvest 1 0 P Pmouth > Pvest, Positive static load (easy inhalation, hard exhalation) 0 Pvest = Pmouth, No static load cm H2O 10 Pvest > Pmouth, Negative static load (hard inhalation, easy exhalation) The external WOB is the same for each case. V, liters Physiology Root of the Problem Multiple factors combining in various ways to produce symptoms. On ground – initial vulnerability is the high Oxygen Content ◦ Leads to absorption atelectasis High G loads ◦ Leads to acceleration atelectasis Chest Wall Restriction – UPG • • • • Inhibited inhalation Prevents relief of atelectasis Worsens recovery from G loads May decrease cardiac output • Multiple factors combining in various ways to produce symptoms. • C2A1 Filter - Removed from F-22 • Increased flow resistance to the mask • Decreased lung ventilation • Increases Functional Residual Capacity (unused lung volume) and Respiratory Work per Minute • Theoretical - Ischemic hypoxia in the cerebral cortex (reversible cellular damage) – Stagnant Hypoxia • Decreased blood flow from various combination of sources – High G Load, Shunting, Reduced Cardiac Output • Vulnerable areas are the watershed areas – central cortex, portions of the frontal cortex (working memory), and hippocampus (episodic memory) Breathing high percentage of O2 with OBOGS operating in MAX ◦ Evidence: Medical reports indicate exposure to too high O2 concentrations can result in atelectasis. Raptor incidents all have occurred with OBOGS operating in Max (by selection or due to cockpit altitude >11K). Prior to Nov 2010 F-22 fleet spent ~24% of flight time above 28K – After Nov 2010 pilots changed to pro-actively select MAX and reported incidence rate increased ~4 times. F-18 operates in MAX with comparable incident reporting rate. Other USAF fighter platforms use dilution regulators – Markedly less incidents reported. European platforms with OBOGS use variable charge/vent ratios to provide just adequate O2 vs. more than enough – Markedly less incidents reported. What levels of reduced vital capacity are feasible with the physiologic factors that were described? ◦ Hyperoxia: 10 % reduction in vital capacity due to atelectasis related to hyperoxia exposure (100%) for 30 minutes ◦ Acceleration Atelectasis: 20% persistent reduction in vital capacity due to Gz of 4.5 to 9.0 in fighter pilots and transient reductions of 28% were reported for 4.5 Gz and 25% for 9.0Gz SACM 4 ◦ C2A1 Filters and Work of Breathing: 10% Internal inspiratory restrictions greatly affected the WOB for pilots in centrifuge runs, where the physical workload is less than that of live jets Central nervous system toxicity is caused by short exposure to high partial pressures of oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure. Pulmonary toxicity occurs with exposure to partial pressures of oxygen greater than 0.5 bar (50 kPa), corresponding to an oxygen fraction of 50% at normal atmospheric pressure. At partial pressures of oxygen of 2 to 3 bar (200 to 300 kPa)— 100% oxygen at 2 to 3 times atmospheric pressure—pulmonary symptoms may begin as early as 3 hours after exposure to oxygen. Decrements in vital capacity (lung volume) of up to 20 percent have also been noted after hyperoxic exposure in a number of experiments. This is presumably due to a combination of absorptive atelectasis and shallow breaths secondary to pleuritic (i.e., chest wall) pain (due to tracheobronchitis). Hyperoxia increases aortic pressure and systemic vascular resistance and decreases cardiac index, stroke index, oxygen consumption, and oxygen transport. Oxygen requirements – balance of requirements ◦ 100% Oxygen is a requirement with altitudes in excess of 33,000 ft. ◦ Below 18,000 ft. can give rise to symptoms such as cough, retrosternal pain ◦ At lower altitudes under pressure can lead to ear discomfort and decreased hearing Preferential with high G load to have higher partial pressures to combat the metabolic and physiologic needs ◦ During high G loads, 100% Oxygen associated with collapse of the basal lung segments (acceleration atelectasis), giving rise to chest pain, cough, and dyspnea. Symptoms are aggravated by the use of anti-G trousers, but prevented by the presence of at least 40% nitrogen in the inspired gas. Raptor Cough Hyperoxia effects and Atelectasis Noticeable during a debrief Airborne staccato cough ◦ Increases airway resistance ◦ Atelctatic reset – expanding segments ◦ Possible hyperoxia effect Chronic cough on the ground ◦ Single intermittent Hyperoxia Extinguished with time or extended ground rotation and return to the aircraft Life Support System OBOGS and beyond F-22A OBOGS CONTROL AND WARNING DESIGN Pressure drops in the line between the BRAG valve and mask can cause resistance to pilot inhalation. Was not detected in incidents, but system needs full experimentation. In flight and Ground Oxygen System Evaluation Bottles Collected to the Oxygen System and Cabin for Collection Two variables impact measured OBOGS O2 output: unit serial number (s/n) and ambient temperature. ◦ Not all OBOGS units perform the same. ◦ For every 10 degree increase in temperature, there is an increase of 1.3% in measured OBOGS O2 output mean O2 = 86.8 Edwards Elmendorf Hickam Hill Holloman Langley Marietta Nellis Palmdale Tyndall 100 95 90 OBOGS %O2 ANOCOV: slope = 0.13, r = 0.47, p = 0.0001 85 80 75 70 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Ambient Temperature (deg F) 70 80 Bottom line: little evidence to support variation in OBOGS performance over time 90 The F-22 OBOGS unit is a highly capable air separation system that can provide O2 at the desired flow rates and concentrations. As demonstrated in qualification and acceptance tests, and against sinusoidal waveform breathing simulators, the OBOGS met delivery and purity requirements at all flow and concentration ranges. In tests, a very large fraction of hydrocarbons were rejected to the nitrogen stream and only small fraction of those retained over the bed. Further challenge of the bed (laden with these hydrocarbon compounds) with moist gas also showed very little displacement, suggesting the capability of the air separation sorbent in preventing the leakage of these compounds into the breathing air provided to the pilot. In addition to the heavy hydrocarbon fractions, the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and inorganic contaminants (such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides) may also be removed by the OBOGS to a significant extent. Life support system components (e.g., OBOGS, masks, valves) had all been individually qualified, but the system was not fully tested as an integrated system. Carbon Monoxide Can‘t get that through Zeolite Summary Lessons Learned LSS, ECS and AFE are often treated as separate systems and controlled at the interfaces. The events experienced, however, are a result of the complex interactions of these systems, and the pilot. If there are pressure drops in the line between the BRAG valve and mask, they can cause resistance to pilot inhalation. There was a lack of sufficient human-systems integration (HSI) testing before operational deployment of the F-22. For example: Air Crew Flight Equipment (AFE) currently in use was not a part of the original testing of the F-22. The teams found no evidence of a contaminant producing a toxic exposure for pilots flying the F-22. However, there is potential for the pilot to be exposed to irritant compounds expected in a jet fighter environment. Life support system components (e.g., OBOGS, masks, valves) have all been individually qualified but have not been fully tested as an integrated system. The investigation process did not effectively engage with the operational flight community over the course of the investigation. Also, the investigation team‘s need for consistent data from the operational community on incident events and pilot post- incident data harvesting was not effectively communicated to the operational wings. The F-22 pilot community came to accept a number of physiological phenomena as a ―normal‖ part of flying the Raptor. These include the ―Raptor cough,‖ excessive fatigue, headaches, and delayed ear blockages. The acceptance of these phenomena as ―normal‖ could be seen as ―normalization of deviance.‖ This was an early indicator of problems Pilot interviews were very revealing The Navy appears to have a significant number of hypoxia events compared to the USAF. The Navy‘s recent study ―In Flight Hypoxia Events in Tactical Jet Aviation 2010‖, reported that ―Of the 566 aviators who completed the survey, 112 (20%) reported experiencing hypoxia symptoms in tactical jet aircraft‖ (Reference 15). The root cause of most of these events on the F18 fleet is ―unknown‖. The OBOGS has inherent capability to filter Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide. The measured levels of COHb are not adequate to induce the types of CNS effects observed. Nevertheless, the Navy is supplementing the F-18‘s OBOGS by adding Carbon Monoxide filtering capability to the existing OBOGS. A small US Air Force working group was aware of the potential issues years before the actual accidents took place. The working group formed in 2005 even proposed a series of fixes to prevent the hypoxia and breathing difficulties. Ultimately it was all down to the human machine interface Priority #1 Boy what an adventure ! Central nervous system toxicity is caused by short exposure to high partial pressures of oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure. ◦ Pulmonary and ocular toxicity result from longer exposure to elevated oxygen levels at normal pressure. ◦ Symptoms may include disorientation, breathing problems, and vision changes such as myopia. ◦ Prolonged exposure to above-normal oxygen partial pressures, or shorter exposures to very high partial pressures, can cause oxidative damage to cell membranes, the collapse of the alveoli in the lungs, retinal detachment, and seizures. ◦ Oxygen toxicity is managed by reducing the exposure to elevated oxygen levels. Studies show that, in the long term, a robust recovery from most types of oxygen toxicity is possible. Pulmonary toxicity occurs with exposure to partial pressures of oxygen greater than 0.5 bar (50 kPa), corresponding to an oxygen fraction of 50% at normal atmospheric pressure. ◦ Signs of pulmonary toxicity begins with evidence of tracheobronchitis, or inflammation of the upper airways, after an asymptomatic period between 4 and 22 hours at greater than 95% oxygen,[with some studies suggesting symptoms usually begin after approximately 14 hours at this level of oxygen. At partial pressures of oxygen of 2 to 3 bar (200 to 300 kPa)—100% oxygen at 2 to 3 times atmospheric pressure—these symptoms may begin as early as 3 hours after exposure to oxygen. ◦ Experiments on breathing oxygen at pressures between 1 and 3 bars (100 and 300 kPa) show that pulmonary manifestations of oxygen toxicity are not the same for norm baric conditions as they are for hyperbaric conditions. Evidence of decline in lung function as measured by pulmonary function testing can occur as quickly as 24 hours of continuous exposure to 100% oxygen,[with evidence of diffuse alveolar damage and the onset of acute respiratory distress syndrome usually occurring after 48 hours on 100% oxygen. Breathing 100% oxygen also eventually leads to collapse of the alveoli (atelectasis), while—at the same partial pressure of oxygen—the presence of significant partial pressures of inert gases, typically nitrogen, will prevent this effect. Hyperoxia increases aortic pressure and systemic vascular resistance and decreases cardiac index, stroke index, oxygen consumption, and oxygen transport. ◦ Hyperoxia increased SVRI -Systemic Vascular resistance Index (20%) and reduced HR (-10%), Cardiac Index (−10 % ), and stroke index (SI) (−7% ) but had no effect on AI (Arterial Stiffness Index) ◦ The effects of hyperoxia on CI and SVRI, but not the other hemodynamic effects, persisted for up to 1 h after restoration of air breathing. In 2008 the F–22 began to experience a significantly higher rate of hypoxia-like incidents with unknown causes, as reported by the pilots. At that point, the Air Force initiated what I will refer to as a four-tier approach to finding the root cause for these unexplained physiological incidents. The first tier was a collaborative effort between the F– 22 system program office, the prime contractor and its key subcontractors responsible for the components of the F–22 life support system, and the normal Air Force safety investigation structure. So that collaborative effort started a process we have come to know as the Root Cause and Corrective Action [RCCA] analysis process that has continued 5 years. The second tier was initiated after preliminary results of the tragic fatal F–22 mishap that occurred in November of 2010. When that mishap was outbriefed to the senior leadership in January of 2011, the Air Combat Command established a Class E safety investigation mishap board. That board was chaired by an Air Force Major General, and it was chartered to review all F–22 reported hypoxia-like incidents. So, in conjunction with the RCCA team, or the Root Cause and Corrective Action Analysis Team, this safety investigation team developed and implemented a multitude of tests and challenges to each of the F–22s life support system components. And after two troubling incidents in May of 2011, the Air Force grounded the fleet of F–22 aircraft. At that point, the Safety Investigation Board, which had been unable to determine a failure mode that might lead to the hypoxia-like events, recommended that the Air Force modify one of its test aircraft with a specialized array of sensors and then execute a carefully developed series of flight test profiles to determine if the root cause could be assessed in the dynamic flight environment as opposed to the ground testing that had been done to that point. Further, as a part of their investigation, the Safety Board determined there were decisions made during the engineering, manufacturing and development phase of the F–22‘s development that should be reviewed from a broader perspective, and they recommended a broad area review of the F–22 program be conducted. So, in June of 2011, the Secretary of the Air Force and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force tasked the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board to perform a quicklook study on aircraft oxygen generation systems and to cover three areas: First, continue the ongoing efforts to determine the root cause, to include gathering data during dynamic in-flight testing, full reviews of both the life support equipment and the aircraft‘s potential for passing contaminants into the cockpit and/or the breathing air, and finally, to better understand the similarities and differences between the F– 22 oxygen generation system and other military aircraft; second, to better understand the conditions that would create hypoxialike symptoms at altitudes not normally associated with hypoxia, along with an evaluation of the guidance associated with breathing air standards and the human response to operating in the F–22‘s extraordinary envelope with less than 90 percent supplied oxygen; third, to review the policies, processes and procedural changes that occurred during the F–22‘s development and fielding phase to evaluate the implications with respect to design limitations, risk analysis, program execution and the acquisition workforce. The study began in June of 2011, with interim status reports provided to Secretary and the Chief until the final briefing was approved by the entire Scientific Advisory Board and delivered to the Secretary and the Chief on the 24th of January 2012. The F–22 Restrictive Breathing Working Group‘s hypothesis one, oxygen quantity, describes the major contributor to the previously unexplained physiological incidents reported by F–22 pilots over the past few years. The task force is confident that the hypothesis two, oxygen quality, is not the root cause of previously unexplained physiological symptoms reported by F–22 pilots and ground crew. ALTITUDE (FEET) BAROMETRIC PRESSURE (mmHg) Sea level 104 760 97 10,000 67 523 90 20,000 40 349 70 30,000 21 226 20 ALVEOLAR OXYGEN ( PAO2) HEMOGLOBIN SATURATION % (Hb)