Disaster, Crisis Management and Innovation in a Chilean Mine J.D. Polk, DO, MS, MMM, CPE, FACOEP Deputy Chief Medical Officer Chief, Space Medicine NASA Date UNCLASSIFIED 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 2 Overview • You are the medical consultant…. • 33 men are trapped in a mine 2,400 feet below solid rock. • Ages range from 19 to 62 • Known medical conditions in some of the miners are Type 2 diabetes, Silicosis, Hypertension, Coronary Disease, COPD. 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 3 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 4 Benchmarking 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 5 Leadership FLAT, EMPOWERED Leadership chain Daily Briefings Crisis Management Team 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 6 Recommendations by Phase Initial Incident Survival Sustain UNCLASSIFIED Rescue Recovery/Reintegration 7 What are the initial concerns? • 600,000 tons of rock collapsed into the mine. • What two things kill the majority of victims in mine accidents? 3/17/2011 • Trauma • Asphyxiation UNCLASSIFIED 8 Phase 1- Initial Incident • Trauma • Blast pressure – Air Filled spaces • • • • Asphyxia Explosion/ignition Lethal gases Air Sampling performed • Fresh air pumped in 2/4/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 9 Blast Injury • Patients with blast injury can develop pulmonary contusions and ruptured hollow viscous injuries. These can manifest hours later with severe shortness of breath or abdominal pain. • What simple method can be used to triage and identify patients rapidly? 3/17/2011 • Check to see if the patient has difficulty hearing. The middle ear is also a hollow viscous and is sensitive to rapid changes in pressure. • Decreased hearing and hemotympanum are clues that the patient may crash soon. UNCLASSIFIED 10 Masters of their Own Fate • 17 days before being found • Dug wells • Divided up the rations 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 11 Survival • The miners had one teaspoon, one quarter of a peach, and a teaspoon of milk every other day. • You finally have a paloma that has reached them. • You are about to send food down. What is your initial concern? 3/17/2011 • Refeeding syndrome • Liver glycogen has been used up. • Down-regulation of insulin. • Brain switches to ketones. UNCLASSIFIED 12 Refeeding Syndrome • What is the main electrolyte disturbance in refeeding syndrome? • What other electrolytes are effected? • What vitamin is of concern? 3/17/2011 • Phosphorus (hypophosphatemia) • Potassium and magnesium (hypokalemia and hyomagnesemia) • Thiamine (B1) UNCLASSIFIED 13 Phase 2- Survival Re-feeding Syndrome • Impaired carbohydrate utilization • Increased insulin release with decreased ability to use free fatty acids • Increased CO2 production • Profound hypophosphatemia and hypokalemia • Gradually increase calories • Keep the RQ (respiratory quotient) as close to 0.85 as possible. • Supplement with phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. • Water soluble vitamins Harris- Benedict Equation on caloric need based on basal metabolic rate Protein requirements in catabolic states 1.4gm/Kg/day 2/24/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 14 Phase 2- Survival Re-feeding Syndrome Ensure plus and Supportan: thiamine, phosphate, potassium, and protein and “going low and slow” (1020 kcal/kg initially) allowed the liver stores to regenerate without causing intracellular shifts. This prevented lifethreatening complications from the re-feeding. Aug 2010 • • • • • • Hypophosphatemia Hypokalemia Hypomagnesium Cardiac dysrhythmias Cardiac failure Cardiac arrest UNCLASSIFIED 15 Courtesy Scott Smith, PhD and team 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 16 Why would the space program be experts in this area? 3/17/2011 Classification 17 Courtesy of Dr. Doug Hamilton and Team 1 gram of glucose + 0.74L of Oxygen yields 0.74 L of CO2 + 3.75 kcal Polk-Aug 2010 UNCLASSIFIED 18 Who else gets refeeding syndrome? • Neurosurgical patients • Greater than 5-7 days of malnourishment • TPN without adequate phosphate. 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 19 Starvation and Dehydration • The mine is 90 degrees and 90 percent humidity • The miners were sleeping on hot rocks, vehicles, and just about anywhere • What could be the consequences? • What test would you use? 3/17/2011 • Urine dipstick test was one of first sent down. • 50% of the miners were positive for myoglobin. • Rhabdomyolysis and acute tubular necrosis • Those miners targeted for consumption of 5 liters of water. UNCLASSIFIED 20 Innovation 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 21 Competition 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 22 Brainstorming Meetings 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 23 Phase 3- Sustain Contingency Re-supply and Stocking • Contingency Supply – Send medical, water, and food supplies sufficient for enough time to re-establish supply chains, in the event of a contingency cave-in or the miners are again cut off from the surface. 2/24/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 24 Treatment of Chronic Conditions • The patient with Type 2 diabetes was on metformin prior to the accident. • Should you begin sending that down? • What is the physiologic concern with metformin under these circumstances? 3/17/2011 • Consider him diet controlled until his calorie count is over 1800 calories and he is no longer spilling ketones. • Ketoacidosis is the concern. UNCLASSIFIED 25 Skin • Linoleic Acid deficiency could develop due to the initial poor nutrition. This may result in an eczema-like rash with neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. If a miner has a resistant rash that is unresponsive to steroids or antifungals, consider linoleic acid deficiency as the etiology. This is easily treated with linoleic acid capsules and supplementation or safflower oil 15cc/day. 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 26 Latent Virus Activation • Herpes Virus family – EBV 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 27 Immunization • Vaccination for tetanus (in the form of diphtheria/tetanus toxoid), pneumococcal, and meningococcal strains • Influenza • Debate 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 28 Phase 3- Sustain Common Medical Maladies Seen in Long Duration • • • • • • Vitamin D deficiency Epstein Barr/Herpes Latent Virus Reactivation Constipation Respiratory Infections Skin Infections/Irritations Dental caries and peridontal disease Aug 2010 UNCLASSIFIED 29 Alcohol and Tobacco • Medical versus psych recommendations • Concerns for nutritional status and unknown Thiamine status • Assumption of intake upon rescue 3/17/2011 • Lung disease versus second hand smoke • Potential for revolt due to need for control • Choosing the battles UNCLASSIFIED 30 Psych Recommendations • Alter thinking of miners, rescuers, families and country to longduration pace – Marathon message to all groups from all managers and caregivers – Tangible changes such as: • More permanent structures, for example family meeting site, communications building, etc. – Topside and in mine • For key positions that are one-deep, begin on-site orientation for trusted alternates – Permits sufficient rest for key personnel and teams 3/4/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 31 Psychological Support Cont. • Circadian and sleep-wake cycles – Regular cycles of light/dark, exercise and eating in community area (eating, social, etc) • Regular time each day for each miner for these things. Preserve an individual’s 24h cycle. – Since miners work in 3 shifts, organized 3 distinct lighting areas in mine: • Sleeping area • Community social area • Mining work areas Polk-Aug 2010 UNCLASSIFIED 32 Phase 4- Rescue Decompression Risk • The pressure at about 775 meters in a cave is about 1.1 times the pressure at the mine entrance. If we assume the mine is at sea level (worse-case), then the miners would be saturated at an air depth of about 3.3 FSW given that 1 ATA = 33 FSW and 1.1 times 33 FSW is 36.3 FSW. Since the miners are saturated at 3.3 FSW and the most conservative limit for safe direct ascent is 17 FSW, it is unlikely that DCS is a problem 2/24/2011 Tan et al. 2008, Courtesy of Johnny Conkin UNCLASSIFIED 33 We know a thing or two about Boyle’s Law 3/17/2011 Classification 34 The Rescue • The miners are well nourished, and you have been successful in treating their chronic medical conditions. • It is time to contemplate the rescue. • They will have to be upright for the duration of the rescue. What physiologic complications could occur? 3/17/2011 • Orthostatic hypotension • Hypoxia • Hypercarbia • Anxiety reaction UNCLASSIFIED 35 How would you combat the physiologic consequences? • Compression garment • Salt tablets • Fluid load • Sunglasses for UV protection 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 36 Fluid Loading Protocol 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 37 The “NASA Diet” 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 38 What requirements would you write for the escape pod? 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 39 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 40 Phase 4- Rescue Suggested Triage Tent • • • Close to extraction point, but not so close that it becomes a hindrance or distraction. Preferably out of the wind. Far enough away from helipad to avoid rotor-wash Treatment capabilities – Prepare for and treat “Let down syndrome” – Airway, intravenous, basic trauma care – Save the specialists for the hospital…do not allow them to grow “roots”. – Same plan for everyone; EVAC, despite if they “look fine”. 2/24/2011 UNCLASSIFIED Short distance from extraction point In route to helipad Alaska Shelter or similar type, with equipment for resuscitation 41 Suggested features and location of Helipad Staging Area Sloping Terrain allows “Ground Effect” for take-off in changing temperatures and weights N Polk-Aug 2009 UNCLASSIFIED Prev Winds 42 Six Sigma Why did each miner get placed on a cot and taken to the triage tent when they looked so good coming out? 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 43 Phase 5- Convalescence, Recovery, Reintegration • Reintegration planning to minimize life damage & increase chances of life success – Planned training for both miner and family given at least twice within 4 weeks of expected extraction • Align expectations, family reintegration, children reactions, major decisions, fame/money, stability – Optional support 2X length of confinement • Telephone call to each, may visit behavioral team 2/24/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 44 Phase 5- Convalescence, Recovery, Reintegration • The miners are being followed for a period of months for respiratory, skin, and viral syndromes. • Why? 2/24/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 45 Conclusions • Innovation, leadership, and mindset of the Chilean government, medical and mining personnel were paramount to the success. • Lessons from Spaceflight were directly applicable to the ground. • Spaceflight has a tangible value that is difficult to quantify. 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 46 Questions? Polk-Aug 2009 Slide courtesy of USAF 47 3/17/2011 UNCLASSIFIED 48