vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xx LIST OF APPENDICES xxii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Research Problem 3 1.3 Aim of the Research 6 1.4 Research Objectives 7 1.5 Research Scope 7 1.6 Significance and Contributions of the Study 8 1.7 Review of the Relevant Literature on Refraction Issue in MBES 1.8 Summary 9 13 viii 2 PRINCIPLE OF MULTIBEAM ECHOSOUNDING 14 2.1 Characteristics of the Acoustic Wave 14 2.2 Sound Wave in the Hydrographic Medium 15 2.2.1 Properties of Seawater Affecting Speed of Sound 15 Temperature 15 Salinity 16 Pressure 17 Density 17 2.2.2 Sound Speed Measurements in Water 18 2.2.3 Sound Speed Variability in the Ocean 18 Sound Speed Layers in the Oceans 19 2.3 Equation for Speed of Sound in the Water 22 2.4 Multibeam Echosounder Systems 27 2.4.1 Introduction 27 2.4.2 Principle of MBES Operation 28 2.4.3 Transducer 29 2.4.4 Transducer Arrays 30 Flat Array Transducers 31 Curved array Transducers 33 2.5 Beam Steering in MBES 34 2.6 Beam Steering in Flat Arrays 34 2.6.1 Mechanical Beam Steering 35 2.6.2 Electronic Beam Steering 35 Time Delay Method 37 Phase Delay Method 38 Fast Fourier Transformation Method 38 2.7 Beam Steering in Curved Arrays 39 2.8 Ray Tracing 41 2.8.1 Introduction 41 2.8.2 Vertical Incidence 42 2.8.3 Oblique Incidence 42 Layers with Constant Sound Speed 44 Layers with Constant Sound Speed Gradient 45 ix 2.9 Sound Speed Measurements in MBES 48 2.9.1 Surface Sound Speed (SSS) 49 2.9.2 Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) 49 2.10 Errors in Multibeam Systems 50 2.10.1 Introduction 50 2.10.2 What are the Largest Errors? 51 2.10.3 Does our Sound Speed Measurements Adequate Enough? 2.10.4 Refraction in Multibeam Echosounders 3 51 52 Introduction 52 Effects during the Beam Steering 53 Effects Through the Water Column 54 2.11 Summary 55 FIELD DATA COLLECTION 56 3.1 Introduction 56 3.2 Survey Instrumentation 56 3.2.1 The MBES system 56 3.2.2 The Single Beam Echosounder (SBES) 57 3.2.3 The Positioning System 58 3.2.4 Sound Speed Measurements 59 SSS Measurements 59 SVP Measurements 60 3.2.5 Motion (Attitude) Sensor 61 3.2.6 Tide Gauge 61 3.3 Survey Software 62 3.4 Survey Platform 63 3.5 Field Data Collection 64 3.6 Methodology for Determination of Inadequate Sound Speed Measurements in MBES 65 3.6.1 The Effects of Inadequate SSS on MBES 65 Simulated Data Case for SSS 65 Real Data Case for SSS 66 x 3.6.2 Determination of Inadequate Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) Effects on MBES 67 Simulated Data Case for SVP 68 Real Data Case for SVP 69 3.7 Comparison of SSS and SSVP in Determination of 4 5 6 Snell’s Refraction Constant for Refraction Reduction 70 3.7.1 Data Collection for Refraction Reduction 70 3.7.2 Raw Data Extraction 71 MBES Data 71 Transducer Position Data 72 Vessel Attitude Data 73 SBES DTM Data 74 COMPUTER PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 76 4.1 Introduction 76 4.2 The SSS Program 76 4.3 The Algorithm of the SSS Program 89 4.4 The SSVP Program 92 4.5 The Algorithm of the SSVP Program 92 DATA PROCESSING 94 5.1 Programme Validation 94 5.2 Data Processing 94 5.2.1 MBES Data Processing 94 5.2.2 SBES Data Processing 97 5.2.3 Final Comparison 99 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 102 6.1 Introduction 102 6.2 Results of Program Validation 102 6.2.1 Northing Comparison 103 6.2.2 Easting Comparison 104 6.2.3 Depth Comparison 106 xi 6.2.4 Summary of Program Validation 6.3 Inadequate SSS Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers 107 108 6.3.1 Synthetic Data Results 108 6.3.2 Real Data Results 110 6.3.3 Summary of Inadequate SSS Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers 6.4 Inadequate SVP Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers 111 112 6.4.1 Synthetic Data Results 113 6.4.2 Real Data Results 114 6.4.3 Summary of Inadequate SVP Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers 6.5 Refraction Reduction Results 7 115 116 6.5.1 Nadir Comparison 116 6.5.2 Outer Comparison 118 6.5.3 Summary of Refraction Reduction Results 120 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 121 7.1 Conclusion 121 7.2 Recommendations 122 REFERENCES 124 Appendices A-E 128-145 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Table of coefficients (UNESCO Equation) 25 2.2 Table of coefficients (Grosso’s Equation) 27 3.1 Sound speed configurations to determine the SSS effects in the simulated data case 3.2 SSS and SVP configuration to determine the SSS effects in the real data case 3.3 67 Sound speed configurations to determine the SVP effects in the simulated data case 3.4 66 69 SSS and different SVP configurations to determine the SVP effects in the real data case 70 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 TITLE PAGE Illustration of how refraction degrade the accuracy of MBES data 5 1.2 Observe the parallel ridges and valleys due to sound speed errors 5 2.1 Variation of water temperature with depth in Labrador Sea, Canada 16 2.2 Variation of water salinity with depth in Labrador Sea, Canada 17 2.3 Example of sound speed profiles and it’s diurnal variation 19 2.4 Oceanic water layers and example deep-sea SVP 20 2.5 Typical temperature and salinity variations as a function of depth 21 2.6 The complexity of the oceanography of coastal water masses 22 2.7 MBES beam footprint and swath coverage 29 2.8 Beam forming in flat transducer arrays 30 2.9 Beam footprints resulting from the intersection of transmission and reception in RESON SeaBat 8124 MBES 32 2.10 Example for flat transducer arrays 32 2.11 Curved or Barrel type transducer array 33 2.12 Typical examples of curved transducer arrays 34 2.13 Electronic Beam Steering 36 2.14 Applied delays to individual transducer elements to detect oblique beams 37 2.15 Stave selection for beam steering in curved transducer array 39 2.16 Weights added to the neighbourhood and outermost beams have to be steered 2.17 2.18 40 Outer beams steered using the physical shape of the transducer combined with electronic steering 40 Ray tracing in MBES 41 xiv 2.19 Illustration of oblique incidence 43 2.20 Modelling the sound speed profile in the water 44 2.21 Ray path in a constant sound speed gradient layer 46 2.22 Cross-section of the sound speed structure on the edge of Georges Bank 52 2.23 Refraction effects in each phase of the MBES 52 2.24 Effect of change in SSS in beam pointing angle in a flat array transducer: In the case of true SSS is greater than the measured value 54 3.1 The MBES System 57 3.2 The SBES System 58 3.3 The DGPS System 58 3.4 The SSS Probe 59 3.5 The SVP Probe 60 3.6 MAHRS Attitude Sensor 61 3.7 Tide Gauge 62 3.8 QINSy console 63 3.9 Survey Platform 64 3.10 Survey areas 65 3.11 Altering the SSS value in the sonar processor 67 3.12 Synthetic two-layered SVP 68 3.13 SVPs used to determine the SVP effects in the real data case 69 3.14 Selected data items in each MBES beam 71 3.15 Exported raw MBES data string 72 3.16 Selected raw data items in transducer positions 72 3.17 Exported Transducer Position data string 73 3.18 System selection (MRU) in analyse 74 3.19 Exported raw attitude data string 74 3.20 Selected data source and parameters in SBES DTM 75 3.21 SBES DTM data string 75 4.1 Conversion of total samples to travel time 77 4.2 Interpolation of roll, heave and pitch with respect to each ping time 77 4.3 Flowchart for the calculation of effective beam angle 78 4.4 Flowchart for the calculation of net pitch angle 79 xv 4.5 Flowchart for the calculation of final beam direction 4.6 Flowchart for the calculation of the Snell’s refraction constant using surface sound speeds 4.7 80 Flowchart for the calculation of the sound speed layer number and travel time up to (N-1) sound speed layer 4.8 79 81 Flowchart for the calculation of the travel time in the last sound speed layer 82 4.9 Calculation of the range distance in the last sound speed layer 82 4.10 Flowchart for the calculation of the depth in the last sound speed layer 4.11 Flowchart for the calculation of the final reduced depth of each beam 4.12 5.1 91 Flowchart for the calculation of the Snell’s refraction constant using SSVP 4.21 89 Algorithm for bathymetric calculations using the SSS in refraction constant 4.20 88 Flowchart for the calculation of the final Easting and Northing for each beam 4.19 87 Flowchart for the calculation of the Easting and Northing differences with respect to the sonar head position for each beam 4.18 87 Flowchart for the calculation of the corrected total across track with respect to the corrected beam direction for each beam of each ping 4.17 86 Flowchart for the calculation of the corrected beam direction with respect to the sonar head position for each beam of each ping 4.16 85 Flowchart for the calculation of the total across track for each beam of each ping 4.15 84 Flowchart for the calculation of the across track distances for each beam at the last sound speed layer 4.14 83 Flowchart for the calculation of the total across track distance up to (N-1) sound speed layer for each beam from the sonar head position 4.13 83 92 Algorithm for bathymetric calculations using SSVP in the refraction constant 93 Final MBES coordinate conversion 95 xvi 5.2 Processed MBES bathymetric data from the program output loaded in to AutoCAD as a multiple point script file 96 5.3 Quicksurf software loaded in AutoCAD R14 96 5.4 Generated DTM for the first MBES data set using Quicksurf 97 5.5 SBES Script (SCR) generation 98 5.6 SBES profile after running the script file in AutoCAD 98 5.7 Loaded data sets to AutoCAD 99 5.8 Generated profiles are saved as blocks with a reference (base) point 100 5.9 Loaded profile blocks in to a single drawing for the comparison 101 5.10 All the blocks are overlaid each other using the common base point in the final comparison 6.1 Northing coordinate comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP programmes for the first ping 6.2 104 Easting coordinates comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the first ping 6.4 103 Northing coordinate comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP programmes for the second (200th) ping 6.3 101 105 Easting coordinates comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the second (200th) ping 105 6.5 Depth comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the first ping 106 6.6 Depth comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the second (200th) ping 6.7 107 Variation of the magnitude of the angular error with respect to the beam-pointing angle for different SSS variations 108 6.8 Across track errors for 100m flat sea bottom for different SSS errors 109 6.9 Depth errors for 100m flat sea bottom for different SSS errors 109 6.10 Impact on the shape of the swath for different SSS errors on a flat sea floor from a flat MBES 110 6.11 Real examples for SSS variation effects on a flat array MBES swath 111 6.12 IHO error budgets for different levels of surveys 112 6.13 Depth errors due to 10m/s SVP variation at the first 10m layer of the SVP for a 100m deep, flat sea bottom 113 xvii 6.14 Across track errors due to 10m/s SVP variation at the first 10m layer of the SVP for a 100m deep flat sea bottom 6.15 113 Impact of the sound velocity profile errors on the swath shape of a flat 100m deep sea floor due to 10m/s SVP variation at the first 10m layer of the SVP 6.16 114 True examples for SVP variation effects on swath in a flat array MBES 115 6.17 SSS and SSVP profiles at the nadir from the MBES line 01 117 6.18 SSS and SSVP profiles at the nadir from MBES line 02 117 6.19 SSS, SSVP and corresponding SBES profile comparison at the outer edge of the swath of MBES line 01 6.20 118 SSS and SSVP outer beam profiles for MBES line 01 and corresponding SBES and adjacent MBES nadir (line 02) profile comparison 6.21 119 SSS and SSVP outer beam profiles for MBES line 02 and corresponding SBES and adjacent MBES nadir (line 01) profile comparison 119 xviii LIST OF SYMBOLS B - Bulk modules C, C, c - Speed of sound C0 - Sound speed at the transducer face C1 - Incorrect sound speed measured at the transducer face Ci - Sound speed at the ith layer D - Depth d - Element spacing E - Easting f - Frequency gi - Gradient of the sound speed h - Depth of the sound speed layer N, N - Northing n - Number of elements in the transducer array Ri - Radius of the curvature at the sound speed layer P - Pressure p - Density R - Range S - Salinity T - Temperature t - Time v - Sound speed of each layer x - Horizontal distance Δi - Layer thickness Δϕ s - Phase shift for the ith element λ - Wave length μ - Harmonic mean speed of sound xix θ - Beam angle θs - Steering angle ρ - Snell’s refraction coefficient xx LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange AutoCAD - Automatic Computer Aided Design CoG - Centre of Gravity CTD - Conductivity Temperature Density CSV - Comma Separated Values Db - Database DGPS - Differential Global Positioning System DTM - Digital Terrain Model DWG - Drawing DXF - Data Exchange Format EEZ - Exclusive Economic Zone GPS - Global Positioning System IHO - International Hydrographic Organisation MAHRS - Meridian Attitude and Heading Reference System MATLAB - Matrix Laboratory MBES - Multibeam Echosounder System MRU - Motion Reference Unit MVP - Moving vessel Profiler NPL - National Physics Laboratory OMG - Ocean Mapping Group ppt - parts per thousand pps - pulse per second QINSy - Quality Integrated Navigation System QPS - Quality Positioning Service Qsurf - QuickSurf RTKGPS - Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System SBES - Single Beam Echosounder xxi SCR - Script file SSS - Side Scan Sonar SSVP - Surface value of the Sound Velocity Profile SVP - Sound Velocity Profile TIN - Triangular Irregular Network TWTT - Two Way Travel Time UNB - University of New Brunswick UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USACE - United States Army Crops of Engineers XLS - Microsoft Excel file 3D - Three-dimensional xxii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Database Settings 128 B Synthetic data for SSS case 136 C Synthetic data for SVP case 137 D Program validation Results 138 E Publications 144