REDUCTION OF REFRACTION EFFECTS DUE TO INADEQUATE SOUND VELOCITY PROFILE MEASUREMENTS IN MULTIBEAM ECHOSOUNDER SYSTEMS M.D.E.K. GUNATHILAKA UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA REDUCTION OF REFRACTION EFFECTS DUE TO INADEQUATE SOUND VELOCITY PROFILE MEASUREMENTS IN MULTIBEAM ECHOSOUNDER SYSTEMS M.D.E.K. GUNATHILAKA A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Hydrography) Faculty of Geoinformation Engineering and Sciences Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JULY 2008 iii DEDICATION To my beloved parents and my loving Biyani … iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all, I would like express my sincere thanks to Professor Dr. Mohd Razali Mahmud for his assistance and support throughout my study at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. This work would never be successful without his valuable advices, guidance and encouragements. My gratefulness to the lectures and the staff of the faculty of the Geoinformation Science and Engineering in UTM, those who helped directly or indirectly during my studies. Especially to Mr. Bustami and Mr. Gazali for their logistic assistance during the data collection, and to the undergraduate students who helped in many ways in the data collection. Special thanks to the Vice Chancellor of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, the Dean of the faculty of Geomatics, Heads of the departments of Surveying and Geodesy and the department of CPRSG and my fellow staff members at the University of Sabaragamuwa, for their full support on this study. I also convey my gratitude to Dr. Othman, Mr. Joseph, Mr. Kelana and my colleagues of Hydrographic Research and Training Office (HRTO), who have helped me in many ways, especially giving valuable suggestions regarding to this study. Last, but not least, I thank my family and my friends for their encouragement, love and moral support, provided during my study. v ABSTRACT The single most important acoustical variable in the water is its speed. The average speed of sound in the ocean is about 1500 m/s, but its precise value in a location is strongly depends on temperature, pressure and salinity of that particular location. These factors change rapidly in time and space due to various reasons. In data acquisition, the collection of these denser sound speed data becomes critical. These inadequate sound speed measurements cause unknown propagation through the water column that adds a major uncertainty to the multibeam echosounder measurements (MBES). There are two types of sound speed measurements made in the flat array multibeam sonars. Surface Sound Speed (SSS) is measured at the face of the transducer and Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) is measured through the water column. SSS is used to determine the beam pointing angle (beam steering) and SVP is used to determine the depth and position (ray-tracing) of each beam. From these, the SSS is measured almost at each ping vies and SVP may be once or twice a day depending on the situation. When it comes to ray tracing, one has the options of using either the SSS or the surface value of SVP (SSVP). Some multibeam software manufacturers use the SSS in Snell’s refraction constant determination while others use the surface value of the last performed SVP. In this study, both methods of refraction constant determination are evaluated. The results clearly showed that the use of SSS for Snell’s refraction constant determination gives about 25% to 30% better results in multibeam bathymetry against refraction than the use of SSVP. A combined solution of SSS and SSVP provide a better, simpler and cost effective method of reduction of refraction effects in MBES. The results also demonstrated that the effects of inadequate sound speed measurements in each phase of bathymetric calculations would result in both depth and positional errors. vi ABSTRAK Salah satu pemboleh ubah akustik bagi air yang penting adalah kelajuan air. Purata kelajuan bunyi dalam laut adalah 1500 m/s, akan tetapi nilai kejituannya bagi sesuatu kawasan bergantung kepada suhu, tekanan dan ketumpatan bagi kawasan tersebut. Kesemua faktor ini berubah dengan cepat mengikut masa dan keluasan disebabkan oleh pelbagai punca. Pengumpulan data kelajuan bunyi yang banyak menjadi kritikal ketika kutipan data dilakukan. Pengukuran kelajuan bunyi yang kurang berupaya untuk menghasilkan perambatan yang tak diketahui melalui lapisan air telah menambahkan ketidakpastian kepada pengukuran pemerum gema berbilang alur (MBES). Terdapat dua jenis kelajuan bunyi yang dilakukan dalam susunan mendatar sonar berbilang alur. Kelajuan permukaan bunyi (SSS) adalah diukur pada paras muka tranduser manakala profil halaju bunyi (SVP) diukur melalui lapisan air. SSS digunakan untuk menentukan sudut arah alur dan SVP pula digunakan untuk menentukan kedalaman dan kedudukan setiap alur. Dari sini, SSS diukur pada hampir setiap ping dan SVP diukur sekali atau dua kali dalam satu hari bergantung pada keadaan. Apabila hendak mengesan sinar, kaedah yang boleh dilakukan adalah sama ada menggunakan SSS atau nilai permukaan bagi SVP (SSVP). Beberapa pengeluar perisian pemerum gema berbilang alur menggunakan lebih banyak SSS dalam penentuan angkatap biasan Snell, manakala pengeluar lain menggunakan nilai permukaan bagi SVP terakhir yang diperolehi. Dalam kajian ini, penilaian terhadap kedua-dua kaedah penentuan angkatap biasan dilakukan. Hasil kajian yang diperolehi jelas menunjukkan penggunaan lebih banyak SSS bagi penentuan angkatap biasan Snell memberi keputusan yang lebih baik bagi batimetri berbilang alur berbanding dengan penggunaan SSVP iaitu antara 25% ke 30%. Gabungan penyelesaian SSS dan SSVP menghasilkan kaedah lebih baik, mudah dan penjimatan untuk mengurangkan kesan pembiasan dalam MBES. Hasil kajian juga menerangkan tentang kesan kurang upaya bagi kelajuan bunyi dalam setiap fasa pengiraan MBES akan menyebabkan selisih kedalaman dan penentududukan. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xx LIST OF APPENDICES xxii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Research Problem 3 1.3 Aim of the Research 6 1.4 Research Objectives 7 1.5 Research Scope 7 1.6 Significance and Contributions of the Study 8 1.7 Review of the Relevant Literature on Refraction Issue in MBES 1.8 Summary 9 13 viii 2 PRINCIPLE OF MULTIBEAM ECHOSOUNDING 14 2.1 Characteristics of the Acoustic Wave 14 2.2 Sound Wave in the Hydrographic Medium 15 2.2.1 Properties of Seawater Affecting Speed of Sound 15 Temperature 15 Salinity 16 Pressure 17 Density 17 2.2.2 Sound Speed Measurements in Water 18 2.2.3 Sound Speed Variability in the Ocean 18 Sound Speed Layers in the Oceans 19 2.3 Equation for Speed of Sound in the Water 22 2.4 Multibeam Echosounder Systems 27 2.4.1 Introduction 27 2.4.2 Principle of MBES Operation 28 2.4.3 Transducer 29 2.4.4 Transducer Arrays 30 Flat Array Transducers 31 Curved array Transducers 33 2.5 Beam Steering in MBES 34 2.6 Beam Steering in Flat Arrays 34 2.6.1 Mechanical Beam Steering 35 2.6.2 Electronic Beam Steering 35 Time Delay Method 37 Phase Delay Method 38 Fast Fourier Transformation Method 38 2.7 Beam Steering in Curved Arrays 39 2.8 Ray Tracing 41 2.8.1 Introduction 41 2.8.2 Vertical Incidence 42 2.8.3 Oblique Incidence 42 Layers with Constant Sound Speed 44 Layers with Constant Sound Speed Gradient 45 ix 2.9 Sound Speed Measurements in MBES 48 2.9.1 Surface Sound Speed (SSS) 49 2.9.2 Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) 49 2.10 Errors in Multibeam Systems 50 2.10.1 Introduction 50 2.10.2 What are the Largest Errors? 51 2.10.3 Does our Sound Speed Measurements Adequate Enough? 2.10.4 Refraction in Multibeam Echosounders 3 51 52 Introduction 52 Effects during the Beam Steering 53 Effects Through the Water Column 54 2.11 Summary 55 FIELD DATA COLLECTION 56 3.1 Introduction 56 3.2 Survey Instrumentation 56 3.2.1 The MBES system 56 3.2.2 The Single Beam Echosounder (SBES) 57 3.2.3 The Positioning System 58 3.2.4 Sound Speed Measurements 59 SSS Measurements 59 SVP Measurements 60 3.2.5 Motion (Attitude) Sensor 61 3.2.6 Tide Gauge 61 3.3 Survey Software 62 3.4 Survey Platform 63 3.5 Field Data Collection 64 3.6 Methodology for Determination of Inadequate Sound Speed Measurements in MBES 65 3.6.1 The Effects of Inadequate SSS on MBES 65 Simulated Data Case for SSS 65 Real Data Case for SSS 66 x 3.6.2 Determination of Inadequate Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) Effects on MBES 67 Simulated Data Case for SVP 68 Real Data Case for SVP 69 3.7 Comparison of SSS and SSVP in Determination of 4 5 6 Snell’s Refraction Constant for Refraction Reduction 70 3.7.1 Data Collection for Refraction Reduction 70 3.7.2 Raw Data Extraction 71 MBES Data 71 Transducer Position Data 72 Vessel Attitude Data 73 SBES DTM Data 74 COMPUTER PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 76 4.1 Introduction 76 4.2 The SSS Program 76 4.3 The Algorithm of the SSS Program 89 4.4 The SSVP Program 92 4.5 The Algorithm of the SSVP Program 92 DATA PROCESSING 94 5.1 Programme Validation 94 5.2 Data Processing 94 5.2.1 MBES Data Processing 94 5.2.2 SBES Data Processing 97 5.2.3 Final Comparison 99 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 102 6.1 Introduction 102 6.2 Results of Program Validation 102 6.2.1 Northing Comparison 103 6.2.2 Easting Comparison 104 6.2.3 Depth Comparison 106 xi 6.2.4 Summary of Program Validation 6.3 Inadequate SSS Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers 107 108 6.3.1 Synthetic Data Results 108 6.3.2 Real Data Results 110 6.3.3 Summary of Inadequate SSS Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers 6.4 Inadequate SVP Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers 111 112 6.4.1 Synthetic Data Results 113 6.4.2 Real Data Results 114 6.4.3 Summary of Inadequate SVP Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers 6.5 Refraction Reduction Results 7 115 116 6.5.1 Nadir Comparison 116 6.5.2 Outer Comparison 118 6.5.3 Summary of Refraction Reduction Results 120 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 121 7.1 Conclusion 121 7.2 Recommendations 122 REFERENCES 124 Appendices A-E 128-145 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Table of coefficients (UNESCO Equation) 25 2.2 Table of coefficients (Grosso’s Equation) 27 3.1 Sound speed configurations to determine the SSS effects in the simulated data case 3.2 SSS and SVP configuration to determine the SSS effects in the real data case 3.3 67 Sound speed configurations to determine the SVP effects in the simulated data case 3.4 66 69 SSS and different SVP configurations to determine the SVP effects in the real data case 70 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 TITLE PAGE Illustration of how refraction degrade the accuracy of MBES data 5 1.2 Observe the parallel ridges and valleys due to sound speed errors 5 2.1 Variation of water temperature with depth in Labrador Sea, Canada 16 2.2 Variation of water salinity with depth in Labrador Sea, Canada 17 2.3 Example of sound speed profiles and it’s diurnal variation 19 2.4 Oceanic water layers and example deep-sea SVP 20 2.5 Typical temperature and salinity variations as a function of depth 21 2.6 The complexity of the oceanography of coastal water masses 22 2.7 MBES beam footprint and swath coverage 29 2.8 Beam forming in flat transducer arrays 30 2.9 Beam footprints resulting from the intersection of transmission and reception in RESON SeaBat 8124 MBES 32 2.10 Example for flat transducer arrays 32 2.11 Curved or Barrel type transducer array 33 2.12 Typical examples of curved transducer arrays 34 2.13 Electronic Beam Steering 36 2.14 Applied delays to individual transducer elements to detect oblique beams 37 2.15 Stave selection for beam steering in curved transducer array 39 2.16 Weights added to the neighbourhood and outermost beams have to be steered 2.17 2.18 40 Outer beams steered using the physical shape of the transducer combined with electronic steering 40 Ray tracing in MBES 41 xiv 2.19 Illustration of oblique incidence 43 2.20 Modelling the sound speed profile in the water 44 2.21 Ray path in a constant sound speed gradient layer 46 2.22 Cross-section of the sound speed structure on the edge of Georges Bank 52 2.23 Refraction effects in each phase of the MBES 52 2.24 Effect of change in SSS in beam pointing angle in a flat array transducer: In the case of true SSS is greater than the measured value 54 3.1 The MBES System 57 3.2 The SBES System 58 3.3 The DGPS System 58 3.4 The SSS Probe 59 3.5 The SVP Probe 60 3.6 MAHRS Attitude Sensor 61 3.7 Tide Gauge 62 3.8 QINSy console 63 3.9 Survey Platform 64 3.10 Survey areas 65 3.11 Altering the SSS value in the sonar processor 67 3.12 Synthetic two-layered SVP 68 3.13 SVPs used to determine the SVP effects in the real data case 69 3.14 Selected data items in each MBES beam 71 3.15 Exported raw MBES data string 72 3.16 Selected raw data items in transducer positions 72 3.17 Exported Transducer Position data string 73 3.18 System selection (MRU) in analyse 74 3.19 Exported raw attitude data string 74 3.20 Selected data source and parameters in SBES DTM 75 3.21 SBES DTM data string 75 4.1 Conversion of total samples to travel time 77 4.2 Interpolation of roll, heave and pitch with respect to each ping time 77 4.3 Flowchart for the calculation of effective beam angle 78 4.4 Flowchart for the calculation of net pitch angle 79 xv 4.5 Flowchart for the calculation of final beam direction 4.6 Flowchart for the calculation of the Snell’s refraction constant using surface sound speeds 4.7 80 Flowchart for the calculation of the sound speed layer number and travel time up to (N-1) sound speed layer 4.8 79 81 Flowchart for the calculation of the travel time in the last sound speed layer 82 4.9 Calculation of the range distance in the last sound speed layer 82 4.10 Flowchart for the calculation of the depth in the last sound speed layer 4.11 Flowchart for the calculation of the final reduced depth of each beam 4.12 5.1 91 Flowchart for the calculation of the Snell’s refraction constant using SSVP 4.21 89 Algorithm for bathymetric calculations using the SSS in refraction constant 4.20 88 Flowchart for the calculation of the final Easting and Northing for each beam 4.19 87 Flowchart for the calculation of the Easting and Northing differences with respect to the sonar head position for each beam 4.18 87 Flowchart for the calculation of the corrected total across track with respect to the corrected beam direction for each beam of each ping 4.17 86 Flowchart for the calculation of the corrected beam direction with respect to the sonar head position for each beam of each ping 4.16 85 Flowchart for the calculation of the total across track for each beam of each ping 4.15 84 Flowchart for the calculation of the across track distances for each beam at the last sound speed layer 4.14 83 Flowchart for the calculation of the total across track distance up to (N-1) sound speed layer for each beam from the sonar head position 4.13 83 92 Algorithm for bathymetric calculations using SSVP in the refraction constant 93 Final MBES coordinate conversion 95 xvi 5.2 Processed MBES bathymetric data from the program output loaded in to AutoCAD as a multiple point script file 96 5.3 Quicksurf software loaded in AutoCAD R14 96 5.4 Generated DTM for the first MBES data set using Quicksurf 97 5.5 SBES Script (SCR) generation 98 5.6 SBES profile after running the script file in AutoCAD 98 5.7 Loaded data sets to AutoCAD 99 5.8 Generated profiles are saved as blocks with a reference (base) point 100 5.9 Loaded profile blocks in to a single drawing for the comparison 101 5.10 All the blocks are overlaid each other using the common base point in the final comparison 6.1 Northing coordinate comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP programmes for the first ping 6.2 104 Easting coordinates comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the first ping 6.4 103 Northing coordinate comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP programmes for the second (200th) ping 6.3 101 105 Easting coordinates comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the second (200th) ping 105 6.5 Depth comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the first ping 106 6.6 Depth comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the second (200th) ping 6.7 107 Variation of the magnitude of the angular error with respect to the beam-pointing angle for different SSS variations 108 6.8 Across track errors for 100m flat sea bottom for different SSS errors 109 6.9 Depth errors for 100m flat sea bottom for different SSS errors 109 6.10 Impact on the shape of the swath for different SSS errors on a flat sea floor from a flat MBES 110 6.11 Real examples for SSS variation effects on a flat array MBES swath 111 6.12 IHO error budgets for different levels of surveys 112 6.13 Depth errors due to 10m/s SVP variation at the first 10m layer of the SVP for a 100m deep, flat sea bottom 113 xvii 6.14 Across track errors due to 10m/s SVP variation at the first 10m layer of the SVP for a 100m deep flat sea bottom 6.15 113 Impact of the sound velocity profile errors on the swath shape of a flat 100m deep sea floor due to 10m/s SVP variation at the first 10m layer of the SVP 6.16 114 True examples for SVP variation effects on swath in a flat array MBES 115 6.17 SSS and SSVP profiles at the nadir from the MBES line 01 117 6.18 SSS and SSVP profiles at the nadir from MBES line 02 117 6.19 SSS, SSVP and corresponding SBES profile comparison at the outer edge of the swath of MBES line 01 6.20 118 SSS and SSVP outer beam profiles for MBES line 01 and corresponding SBES and adjacent MBES nadir (line 02) profile comparison 6.21 119 SSS and SSVP outer beam profiles for MBES line 02 and corresponding SBES and adjacent MBES nadir (line 01) profile comparison 119 xviii LIST OF SYMBOLS B - Bulk modules C, C, c - Speed of sound C0 - Sound speed at the transducer face C1 - Incorrect sound speed measured at the transducer face Ci - Sound speed at the ith layer D - Depth d - Element spacing E - Easting f - Frequency gi - Gradient of the sound speed h - Depth of the sound speed layer N, N - Northing n - Number of elements in the transducer array Ri - Radius of the curvature at the sound speed layer P - Pressure p - Density R - Range S - Salinity T - Temperature t - Time v - Sound speed of each layer x - Horizontal distance Δi - Layer thickness Δϕ s - Phase shift for the ith element λ - Wave length μ - Harmonic mean speed of sound xix θ - Beam angle θs - Steering angle ρ - Snell’s refraction coefficient xx LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange AutoCAD - Automatic Computer Aided Design CoG - Centre of Gravity CTD - Conductivity Temperature Density CSV - Comma Separated Values Db - Database DGPS - Differential Global Positioning System DTM - Digital Terrain Model DWG - Drawing DXF - Data Exchange Format EEZ - Exclusive Economic Zone GPS - Global Positioning System IHO - International Hydrographic Organisation MAHRS - Meridian Attitude and Heading Reference System MATLAB - Matrix Laboratory MBES - Multibeam Echosounder System MRU - Motion Reference Unit MVP - Moving vessel Profiler NPL - National Physics Laboratory OMG - Ocean Mapping Group ppt - parts per thousand pps - pulse per second QINSy - Quality Integrated Navigation System QPS - Quality Positioning Service Qsurf - QuickSurf RTKGPS - Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System SBES - Single Beam Echosounder xxi SCR - Script file SSS - Side Scan Sonar SSVP - Surface value of the Sound Velocity Profile SVP - Sound Velocity Profile TIN - Triangular Irregular Network TWTT - Two Way Travel Time UNB - University of New Brunswick UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USACE - United States Army Crops of Engineers XLS - Microsoft Excel file 3D - Three-dimensional xxii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Database Settings 128 B Synthetic data for SSS case 136 C Synthetic data for SVP case 137 D Program validation Results 138 E Publications 144 CHAPTER 1 INRODUCTION 1.1 Background One of the most impressive hydrographic survey technique developed during the past few decades is the Multibeam Echosounder System (MBES). It is a rapid and more automated depth measurement system, guaranteeing the full bottom coverage. Therefore it has become the number one choice for most of the hydrographic surveys. Multibeam sonars uses sound as a remote sensing tool. The fundamental data collected by these sonars are the two way travel time of the short acoustic pulse travelling between the transducer and the bottom surface and the direction from which the echo is reflected. A typical MBES (eg. RESON Seabat 8124) has some 80 separate beams, spanning 120 degrees are sounded across the ship’s track on each acoustic ping, which will normally covers an area of 3.5 times of the depth. Use of MBES for accuracy–critical applications has now become wide spread with the improvement in acoustic transducer design and digital data processing. Now MBES have become a cost effective, reliable tool and being increasingly employed in ocean mapping, dredging operations, route surveys and various other underwater engineering works (Dinn et al., 1995). Along with the adoption of the MBES as the instrument of choice of the most hydrographic applications, has come the challenge of minimising any associated errors (Cartwright and Clarke, 2002). 2 Final sounding data from the MBES system is a result of processing information from several data sources. These include the ship’s heading and attitude data from the gyrocompass and the motion sensor; vertical reference data from the tide gauge; positional data from the Global Positioning System (GPS) unit and sound velocity data from the Conductivity Temperature Density (CTD) or Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) probe in addition to the basic MBES data itself. Data from each source is subject to individual errors contributing to overall data quality. To limit these, system planners often have established error budgets for various components of the system. The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) recommends accuracy limits for the type of hydrographic surveys and the depth of water in which a survey is conducted. These accuracies are divided in to two categories, horizontal accuracy and depth accuracy. Horizontal accuracy refers to the horizontal positioning accuracy of each sonar beam and depth accuracy includes amongst other things like tidal measurement errors, data processing errors and measurement system and sound velocity errors (Batton, 2004). Thanks to the intensive researches carried over the last decade, system manufactures have introduced equipments advertised to achieve positional uncertainties of 2 cm or better (Real Time kinematics GPS), tidal measurement uncertainties less than 2 cm (Real Time Tide) and vessel altitude uncertainties of 0.02 degrees. The uncertainties of these instruments contribute to the surveys are within or if not better, than the accuracy suggested by the IHO (Batton, 2004). Therefore with the advent of the new technologies, the last remaining obstacles to absolute precision are sound speed variance and roll biases (William and Capell, 1999). 3 This chapter outlines the core areas of this study including research problem statement, aim and objectives, research scope, significance of the study as well as the discussion of related previous works. Chapter 2 provide a detailed theoretical overview of the marine acoustical environment, sound wave propagation, MBES system and need of sound speed in MBES. The next chapter (Chapter 3) discusses the field data collection. The computer program development part is explained in Chapter 4. Here the algorithms used and the flowcharts of each program are discussed in detail. In Chapter 5, data processing techniques are presented. The results and data analysis are discussed in Chapter 6 and finally, Chapter 7 concludes the results obtained and the recommendations for the future studies also presented. 1.2 Research Problem The nature of the sea environment is the most fundamental factor, which separates land and sea surveying. The sea is fluid and dynamic. It is coronial and full of living organisms that changes the structure. The characteristics of the medium through which measurements are made are always subjected to variation (Ingham and Abbott, 1992). These variations must be understood and corrections to be applied in order to achieve precise results. When it comes to acoustic depth measurements in the oceans, the dominant character is speed of sound. The speed of sound in the oceans is subjected to significance changes caused by rapid changes in temperature, pressure and salinity over a short period of time. These changes are more prominent in continental shelf regions; as a result of rapid heating and cooling of the water surface due to solar heating, interactions with fresh waters carried by rivers, tidal and current mixing and so on (William and Capell, 1999). 4 Measuring these physical properties that control the speed of sound in the ocean (using CTD probe) or direct sound speed measurements (using SVP probe) is the standard procedure for collecting the sound speed information. These physical oceanographic variables have clearly demonstrated temporal and spatial scale variation during common hydrographic surveys that are usually extending from days to weeks and survey lines from kilometers to tens of kilometers. As a result, in most hydrographic operations one must take discrete measurements of sound speeds at periods of more than once a day; bringing a survey vessel to a halt, lowering a sensor several hundred meters and then taking care of all the data quality assurance and data transfer protocols necessary. This would commonly involve at least 30 minutes of ship time. Because of this, agencies are reluctant to take more frequent observations and thereby implicitly assumed that the space and time variability of the ocean could adequately be described using these sparse observations. Even more, now the swath of the multibeam sonars have moved to ever wider angular sectors in order to achieve even wider coverage, as the other sources of uncertainties have been gradually eliminated, which means they are more sensitive to refraction (Clarke et al. 2000). When applying these SVPs, there are two principal limitations exists: a) The water mass really does change over time scales much shorter than the standard sampling period. b) The application of SVP is almost universally done based on the prior observations only. This inadequate sound speed measurements cause an unknown propagation (refraction errors) that adds a major source of uncertainty to depth measurements, resulting artifacts can create short-wavelength topographic features that may be misinterpreted as sea floor relief (Gardner, et al., 2001) as shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.2. 5 Figure 1.1 Illustration of how refraction degrade the accuracy of MBES data (OMG-UNB, Canada) (a) (b) Figure 1.2 Observe the Parallel ridges and valleys due to sound speed errors (a) Exhibits an artificial wave-like pattern in DTM (Jeroen, 2007) (b) Exhibits how contours are altered by these artificial features (OMG-UNB) Almost all of the flat array MBES (eg. RESON SeaBat 8124) measures two types of sound speed measurements. The surface sound speed (SSS) measured using the probe near the sonar head is used for beam steering purpose and the sound 6 velocity profile (SVP) measured through the water column used for depth and position calculation of each beam (ray tracing). The SSS is measured continuously through out the survey period, while the SVP is only measured in discrete of times. Therefore the dominant uncertainty remaining to be solved is caused by the fact that we have an imperfect knowledge of the water column and accompanying changes in sound speed with depth (Cartwright and Clarke, 2002). In this case, to address this imperfect knowledge on SVP, some multibeam system manufacturers use more frequent (real-time) SSS measurements, measured at the sonar head along with spares SVP in ray tracing. Here, they use SSS in refraction (Snell’s) constant determination for each beam, measured almost at each ping vies (about >10Hz). While other manufacturers use SSS in beam steering purpose only and the SVP is used alone in ray tracing (here they use the surface value of the SVP for refraction constant determination). This seems that, still there is no agreement in the hydrograplic community, which one gives better results against refraction. 1.3 Aim of the Research The aim of this research is to evaluate, the most appropriate value in the determination of refraction coefficient for the ray tracing purpose to perform the refraction calculations. That is, either the surface sound speed (SSS) or the surface value of the sound velocity profile (SSVP) giving the best results in ray tracing. 7 1.4 Research Objectives The objectives of this research are; 1) To study the effects caused by inadequate sound speed measurements in each phase of the multibeam echosounder system. The effects from: a) The surface sound speed. b) The sound speed through the water column. 2) To develop two computer programmes for MBES bathymetric calculations using SSS and SSVP as refraction constant. 3) To perform a comparative test between the above two approaches to identify any significance difference between the two methods of refraction constant determination. 1.5 Research Scope Unlike in the open oceans, where the sound velocity profile has a predictable and stable shape, in coastal and shallower areas, (continental shelf regions) the SVPs are irregular and unpredictable. Therefore, for this study the fieldwork is carried out in shallow coastal waters in Lido beach, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. In addition to that, the effects are simulated for a 100m deep synthetic flat seabed for each case. Over the years various types of multibeam echosounder system configurations have been designed and developed for various purposes. Curved array, flat array, dual flat array are some of them. Each individual system behaves differently in refraction. This study is limited to the Mill’s cross type, flat array multibeam configuration. RESON SeaBat 8124 is a typical system of that kind. 8 The SSS is measured using the surface sound speed-measuring probe located at the face of the transducer and SVP-15 probe is used to measure the sound velocity profile through the water column. QINSy version 7.5 software was used to collect, extract raw data and process the multibeam data. AutoCAD R14 and QuickSurf 5.1 software are used in visualization of bathymetric data and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) generation. MATLAB- R2006a is used to develop the computer programmes. Here the ray tracing is performed assuming that each sound speed layer has a constant sound speed. The bathymetric calculation procedures used in the developed programs are the same as the QINSy software procedures, except the refraction constant determination method. The bathymetric results from the QINSy software are used to validate the results from the developed programs. Nadir beams are least affected by refraction, therefore in this study the nadir beams were used for benchmarking or as reference depths (true depths) in comparison of refraction effects. SBES data is also used for this purpose. Corresponding profiles from SSS and SSVP DTMs, SBES lines and adjacent MBES nadir area are compared to each other in the final comparative test to determine the significance between the two approaches. 1.6 Significance and Contributions of the Study Since MBES is a recent development, very few researches have been carried out in the issue of refraction. For Malaysia, MBES is even newer. There is hardly any proper study carried out in Malaysian waters of this kind. 9 This study will completely address how the variation of the sound speed affects in multibeam echosounder bathymetric measurements, both in beam forming and in ray path calculations. This is very much important in equatorial waters where the sound speeds are more critical due to solar heating, tidal and current mixing. This knowledge will be very much useful to the survey planners to make extra measures to overcome the effects caused and hence improve the efficiency and accuracy of the works. Finally, this will give more insight to MBES system and software developers to come up with advanced systems and software that will suffer less effects from sound speed variation (refraction) in future. 1.7 Review of Relevant Literature on Refraction Issue in MBES Over the years hydrographers and oceanographers have faced greater challenges when they dealt with oceanic parameters, especially when they began to use the acoustic techniques. Because of this, many researchers have done much research and experiments on these matters. Some tried to understand how this really affect the measurements, while other researchers tried to come up with a solution for it. These solutions can be discussed in two phases. The first one is in post processing content like applying ray tracing techniques, while the next approach is addressing the roots (in data collection stage) of the problem; that is to collect the near continuous sound speed profiles. Badiey et al. (2002) try to understand the correlation between the oceanographic features and the high-frequency acoustic wave propagation. Their results clearly showed a direct relationship between salinity and temperature changes with acoustic wave propagation in shallow waters. Furthermore, the hydrodynamic parameters such as surface waves, tides and current can influence amplitude and travel time of signal transmissions. 10 Gardner et al. (2001) have highlighted that the refraction is the single biggest limitation on the quality of bathymetric data, and strong water stratification causes problems for the beam steering and ray tracing in MBES. They suggested measuring sound speed profiles more frequently to minimize these effects. But measuring highly variable and dynamic oceanographic components is not that easy. Clarke (2002) illustrated how fast water masses changes in oceans, in time and space, using observed sound speed cross-sections. He also stated that when beams become less vertical, the affects get worse. As a result one could see parallel ridges in MBES data, along the ship-track direction where neighbouring lines get overlapped. Tonchia and Bisquay (1996) and Dinn et al. (1995) have shown that the inadequate sound speed measurements effects in two phases in MBES. That is, the surface sound speed affects the beam forming and the sound velocity profile affects the ray path. Beam forming depend on the transducer configurations (flat-level, flat-tiled, circular-faced), and they mathematically illustrate the effects in each transducer configuration. Furthermore, they have shown that when the vessels roll is significant, the roll modulate the depth errors contributed by sound speed uncertainty. Finally, they suggested measuring the surface sound speed continually and to use adaptive modeling of the error regime coupled with deliberately introduced redundancy in the depth data in an effort to enable interpolation between temporally and spatially sparse SVPs. Kammerer et al. (1998) faced the same problem while they try to monitor the temporal changes in seabed morphology, using multibeam sonars in Saguenay River in France. The local mixing of fresh and salt water has introduced more uncertainties than they first expected, due to the refraction. They dealt with this by separating the different lines corresponding to the different sound velocity profiles (SVP) taken during the survey and distinguished them geographically within each of these sets, assuming that the water masses are affected differently and requiring different refraction coefficients. Then, they applied estimated refraction corrections to each of these groups of lines; hence reduce the curvature of the swath. 11 Batton (2004) found out that the sound velocity formula used to compute the speed of sound in the water column is also a source of uncertainty related to the horizontal position of the chart depths. She measured the temperature, conductivity and pressure in North Atlantic Ocean and used Chen and Millero, Meckenzie and Medwin formulae for the estimation of sound speed. Then, she performed ray tracing to compute the horizontal distances of refraction for the beams through the water column. Through this, she concluded that the sound velocity formula used to compute the sound speed also contribute to uncertainties associated with outer swath of MBES. William et al. (1999) described a method to determine the magnitude of the SVP errors using the MBES data itself, by running cross lines. These crossing swaths are obtained from the check lines used in most hydrographic surveys. Here, in addition to refraction errors they observed the roll bias and tidal differences also. Beaudoin et al. (2004) demonstrated that it is possible to correct soundings corrupted by incorrect surface sound speed in post-processing. During their multibeam survey in Amundsen Gulf, Canada; their surface sound speed probe has failed in several occasions. measurements. This caused a greater uncertainty in their Then they interpolated SSS from the measured SVP’s and recalculated the beam steering angles. Through this they were able to improve the accuracy of the data. Furlong et al. (1997) had come up with a solution to measure oceanographic parameters in real-time using a computer-controlled winch and a davit. The winch deploys a ‘free-fall’ fish that can be instrumented with a sound velocity sensor (like CTD). They named this as “Moving Vessel Profiler” (MVP). The initial system was capable of profiling down to 100 meters even at the vessel speeds up to 12 knots and the entire procedure from the launch to recovery take about 4 minutes. This technique improved the accuracy of the MBES data and do not interrupt the survey process as it operates while the vessel is underway. 12 Clarke et al. (2000) and Clarke and Parrott (2001) had used the above technique (MVP) to study the sound speed variability of the oceans and with the use of MVP along with MBES, frequent water column information allowed a much better control of sounding errors due to the spatial and temporal variations in the water column; making the wider swath ( 160o ) MBES more reliable. Cartwright and Clarke (2002) also faced serious problems with refraction when they carried out a survey in Fraser River delta, Canada. This River deltaic area was considered being an extreme refraction environment with strong sound speed anomaly. Even with the MVP, it was not possible to collect those large number of spatially dense sound velocity profiles. There they recalculated the departure angles and ray tracing using the spatially interpolated SVPs in order to increase the accuracy of the data in post processing. Kammerer and Clarke (2000) presented another method of removing refraction effects in MBES using the MBES data itself. They tried to develop a systematic analysis and correction software package for multibeam in postprocessing context. The methodology consists of the estimation of the variation in the water sound speed distribution by using the information given by the MBES dataset. This was done by the evaluation of appropriate modelized SVPs, which was added to an already existing SVP or applied directly to the raw data. Here they considered two methods, the first one was using two neighboring parallel lines and the second method was cross-line method. In both cases they assumed that the nadir beams are unaffected by refraction. Beaudoin et al. (2004) developed a sound speed decision support system for multibeam sonar operations in the Canadian Arctic. This helps hydrographers make better decisions by integrating the various types of information relating to sound speed into a single software application. 13 Jeroen (2007) used a method called ‘sound velocity profile inversion’ to correct the refraction errors in MBES data. The method was based on the overlap difference of the swaths, the measured SVP and the measured SSS at the sonar head. By that he defined a linear SVP (linear parameterized SVP) for each ping and then performed the bathymetric calculations. This way he managed to achieve promising results against refraction affects. Furthermore, he proved that the measuring of SVP could be completely eliminated by adopting this method. 1.8 Summary In dynamic water environments with considerable variation of sound speeds in the water column, it is important to adequately correct bathymetric data for refraction effects in the case of limited SVP information. The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of SSS in refraction constant determination for reduction of refraction effects. The best thing about the SSS is, it is freely available in all flat multibeam systems and can be considered as continues longitudinal section of sound speed drown across the water surface along the survey line. Therefore, no additional measurements (observations) are needed and computational procedures are also less complicated. CHAPTER 2 PRINCIPLE OF MULTIBEAM ECHOSOUNDING 2.1 Characteristics of the Acoustic Wave An acoustic wave is a mechanical pressure disturbance in a medium generated through a mechanical vibration of some surface. As the surface vibrate forward and backward it exerts high and low pressure on particles of the medium, and the wave is gradually transmitted forward (Tucker, 1966). In reality sound waves propagates as spherical wave fronts. But when it reaches far from the source, they can be approximated as plane waves. This approximation enables us to interpret sound wave more easily. The velocity of propagation of the sound wave through a medium is a function of bulk modulus of elasticity and density of that particular medium (Burdic, 1991). C= B p (2.1) The bulk modulus B is a measure of the ratio between the stress and the strain. It is the capacity of the material to be deformed by an external force. The density p is controlled by the amount of material per unit of volume. The sound speed is directly proportional to the ability of the medium to be deformed and inversely proportional to the amount of material per unit of volume. 15 Also the speed of sound ( C ) is a function of its frequency ( f ) and its wavelength ( λ ) C = f ×λ (2.2) 2.2 Sound Wave in the Hydrographic Medium The single most important acoustical variable in the water is the speed of sound. The distribution of sound speed in the water influences all other acoustic phenomena (Etter, 2003). 2.2.1 Properties of Seawater Effecting Speed of Sound The average speed of sound in the seawater is approximately 1500 ms-1, but its precise value is strongly depending up on temperature, pressure and salinity in that particular location (Caruthers, 1977; Dera, 1991; Etter, 2003). Temperature The temperature of the water varies with depth because of the weaker solar energy penetration, with seasonal cycle and on daily basis corresponding to weather conditions (Figure 2.1). Also the currents, tides and underwater geothermal phenomenon influence the water temperature locally (Berdic, 1991). Temperature is the easiest measurable parameter in water and indeed is one of the earliest parameter to be studied. This is the primary dependent of sound speed through the water column (Etter, 2003). Temperature ranges from 0 to 30 degrees Celsius throughout the most of the world’s oceans. Typically, a change in temperature in 16 one degree Celsius would correspond an approximately 3 ms-1 change in sound speed (Schmidt, et al., 2006). Figure 2.1 Variation of water temperature with depth in Labrador Sea, Canada (OMG, 2005) Salinity Salinity is the amount of dissolved materials in water. Seawater is a complex solution containing large number of compounds, primarily in their ironic forms. Among them chloride, sodium, sulphate, magnesium and potassium are the most abundant. The measurement units of salinity are usually termed as grams of dissolved salts per kilogram of water and written as % (percentage) or ppt (parts per thousand). Salinity ranges from 0 to 40 ppt through out most of the world’s oceans. The salinity of the water is highly variable near the surface and becomes more constant with increasing depth as shown in Figure 2.2. It also exhibits both seasonal and diurnal variations, especially when there is an influx of fresh water with salt due to river or melting icebergs, and even sometimes due to rain (Horne, 1969). Typically, a change in salinity of one ppt would correspond to an approximate change in sound speed of 1.2 ms-1 (Schmidt, et al., 2006). 17 Figure 2.2 Variation of water salinity with depth in Labrador Sea, Canada (OMG, 2005) Pressure The pressure of the water column also affects the speed of sound. It is related with depth. Water is compressible and density of the water increases with the depth (Horne, 1969). For hydrodynamic studies, the important parameter is the density of the water, which is a function of pressure, temperature and salinity. For underwater acoustics, the primary concern is the pressure, which is a function of depth, along with atmospheric pressure and latitude. The rate of change of sound velocity is approximately 0.5 ms-1 for every changes of one atmosphere; i.e. approximately 10 meters of water depth (Schmidt, et al., 2006). The pressure has a major influence on the sound velocity in deep water. Density Water density is dependent upon the previous parameters, i.e. temperature, salinity and pressure. Fifty percent of the ocean waters have a density between 1027.7 and 1027.9 kgm-3. The largest influence on density is its compressibility with depth. Water with a density of 1028 kgm-3 at the surface would have a density of 1051 kgm-3 at a depth of 5000 meters (IHO, 2005). 18 2.2.2 Sound Speed Measurements in Water Sound speed measurement has a long history. But the accurate determination of the speed of sound in water began in 1827 when Colladon, Sturn and Wood made measurements on Lake Geneva, Switzerland (Burdic, 1991). There are two primary methods being used for sound speed measurements. The first one is the indirect method, where the sound speed is calculated from its measured components like temperature, salinity and pressure or depth. The second one is to measure the speed of sound directly through the medium using an accurate transducer (Cartwright, 2003). 2.2.3 Sound Speed Variability in the Ocean It is clear that the factors affecting the sound speed vary through out the seawaters. As a result the sound velocity profiles also varies. In the open ocean the main factors are time of day, season and latitude. Here, the primary determinants are temperature and depth. The salinity is considered stable and predictable with only a small variation on the surface due to evaporation and precipitation. The temperature profile of the ocean can be roughly divided into two layers, the surface and deep layer, with in the boundary at approximately 100m. The deep layer has relatively constant or decreasing temperature gradient that remains in place throughout the year. The surface is subjected to changes in the temperature profile with the depth because of the influence of solar heating, wind influence and wave action (Dera, 1991). Therefore, it is quite predictable and stable shape. Figure 2.3 shows the typical range of sound speeds on a single day of a survey. The surface sound speed varies from approximately 1460 to 1500 ms-1 over the duration of the survey. (Cartwright, 2003). The data is taken in Fraser River Delta, Canada 19 Figure 2.3 Example of sound speed profiles and its diurnal variation (Cartwright, 2003) Sound Speed Layers in the Oceans The surface layer extends from the surface to perhaps 150m, and it is this layer that mostly effected by local weather conditions and even the time of the day. Even in calm waters the top 10m or so exhibits a changing sound speed changes during the cause of a day. The surface acquires heat from the sun, resulting in negative temperature gradient. This is resulting a negative sound speed gradient by late afternoon. During the night there is some mixing action caused by normal wave activity as well as heat lost by radiation from the surface. These effects cause the negative temperature gradient to weaken considerably or possibly disappear completely. In stormy weather, there is a strong mixing action in this layer that ends to reduce the temperature gradient to zero. The result is a positive sound speed gradient. Once thoroughly mixed, the surface layer may retain the isothermal condition for an appreciable time period following the storm (Urick, 1983; Burdic, 1991). 20 Below the surface layer, the next layer is called seasonal thermocline, extending approximately up to 300m. Here the water temperature is affected less by transient effects such as storms or the day-night cycle. But still, there are significant changes with seasons. Normally this layer has a negative temperature gradient (Figure 2.4). The third layer “main thermocline” has more stable temperature verses depth characteristic with a negative gradient. This layer extends up to 1000m. The last layer is called the deep isothermal layer, because of its nearly uniform temperature (Figure 2.5). Here, the sound speed increases gradually with depth (Urick, 1983; Burdic, 1991). Figure 2.4 Oceanic water layers and example deep sea SVP (Jacops, 2002) 21 Figure 2.5 Typical temperature (left) and salinity (right) variations as a function of depth (Jacops, 2002) In coastal and shallow water areas (continental shelf), the water column consists entirely of the surface layer. In some areas where there is fresh water influx like river mouths, salinity becomes much more variable in addition to temperature. In addition, the influence of the tides interacting with the shoreline and the sea floor, in combination with wind forces, results in mixing along shore currents, and upwelling of water bodies. As in the open ocean evaporation and precipitation play a role in the variability of the surface salinity while solar heating will vary the surface temperature on a daily scale. However in the case of coastal waters these factors represent a much larger percentage of the entire water (Figure 2.6). Therefore, it is irregular and unpredictable. Temperature has long been considered the dominant cause of change in sound speed throughout the world’s oceans, with salinity as a secondary source (Burdic, 1991; Cartwright, 2003). 22 SOLAR HEATING PERSIPITATION EVAPORATION TIDAL MIXING FRESH WATER RUNOFF WIND INDUCED WAVE MIXING ESTUARINE CIRCULATION LONGSHORE CURRENTS UP-WELLING Figure 2.6 The complexity of the oceanography of coastal water masses. Many external force mechanisms influence the velocity structure (Cartwright, 2003) 2.3 Equation for Speed of Sound in the Water Over the past years, researches have carried out many studies in measurements of the sound speeds in water. In a particular case, changes in the sound velocity ‘C’ caused separately by changing salinity ‘S’, temperature ‘T’ and pressure ‘P’ are highly dependent on the absolute values of all these three parameters simultaneously. A theoretical solution to this complicated relationship C (T,S,P) has not yet been found in the form of an analytical function (Dera, 1991). However, experimental work carried by many researches has provided a number of formulae that establish this relationship with sufficient accuracy. These equations are developed by very accurate measurements of sound speed combined with associated measurement of temperature, pressure and salinity. These measurements and their associated equations have been refined over the years by researchers like Mackenzie, Coppens, Chen and Millero, Wong and Zhu, and Grosso (NPL, 2000). Each equation has its own range of temperature, pressure and salinity for which they are considered valid. sound speed in ocean waters are as follows. The three renowned equations for 23 The most easily utilised equation is Mackenzie Equation. It is a nine-termed equation (Mackenzie, 1981). C ( D, S , T ) = 1448.96 + 4.591T − 5.304 ×10−2 T 2 + 2.374 × 10−4 T 3 + 1.340( S − 35) + 1.630 × 10−2 D + 1.675 × 10−7 D 2 − 1.025 × 10−2 T ( S − 35) − 7.139 × 10−13 TD 3 (2.3) T = temperature in degrees Celsius S = salinity in parts per thousand D = depth in meters This equation is valid for the temperature ranging from –20 to 300 C, salinity ranging from 30 to 40 ppt, and depth ranging from 0 to 8000m. The Coppen’s Equation is as follows; C ( D, S , T ) = C (0, S , t ) + (16.23 + 0.213t ) D + (0.213 − 0.1t ) D 2 + [0.016 + 0.0002( S − 35)]( S − 35)tD (2.4) C (0, S , t ) = 1449.05 + 45.7t − 5.21t 2 + 0.23t 3 + (1.333 − 0.126t + 0.009t 2 )( S − 35) (2.5) t = T/10 where T = temperature in degrees Celsius S = salinity in parts per thousand D = depth in kilometers The range of validity of this equation is, temperature ranging from 0 to 35 °C, salinity ranging from 0 to 45 ppt and depth ranging from 0 to 4000m (Coppens, 1981). These equations use temperature, salinity and depth. The use of depth rather than pressure introduces a small error that is accounted for in other, more accurate equations. 24 Two equations that are most accepted by the scientific community are, the Chen-Millero and the Del Grosso’s Equation (NPL, 2000). Both equations use pressure rather than depth for increased accuracy. The Chen and Millero equation has a the wider range of validity, based on the oceanographic measurements from which it is derived temperature of 0 to 40 °C, salinity 0 to 40 ppt and pressure of 0 to 1000 bar (NPL, 2000). Currently, the Chen and Millero equation has being accepted by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as their standard equation for sound speed measurements (NPL, 2000). C ( S , T , P) = Cw (T , P ) + A(T , P) S + B (T , P) S 3/ 2 + D(T , P) S 2 (2.6) Cw (T , P) = (C00 + C01T + C02T 2 + C03T 3 + C04T 4 + C05T 5 ) + (C10 + C11T + C12T 2 + C13T 3 + C14T 4 ) P + (C20 + C21T + C22T 2 + C23T 3 + C24T 4 ) P 2 + (C 30 + C 31T + C 32T 2 ) P 3 (2.7) A(T , P) = ( A00 + A01T + A02T 2 + A03T 3 + A04T 4 ) + ( A10 + A11T + A12T 2 + A13T 3 + A14T 4 ) P + ( A20 + A21T + A22T 2 + A23T 3 ) P 2 + ( A30 + A31T + A32T 2 ) P 3 B (T , P) = B00 + B01T + ( B10 + B11T ) P D(T , P) = D00 + D10 P T = temperature in degrees Celsius S = salinity in parts per thousand P = pressure in bar The coefficients of the UNESCO equation are shown in Table 2.1. (2.8) (2.9) (2.10) 25 Table 2.1 Table of coefficients (UNESCO Equation) Coefficient Numerical values Coefficient Numerical values C00 1402.388 A02 7.166E-6 C01 5.03830 A03 2.008E-6 C02 -5.81090E-2 A04 -3.21E-8 C03 3.3432E-4 A10 9.4742E-5 C04 -1.47797E-6 A11 -1.2583E-5 C05 3.1419E-9 A12 -6.4928E-8 C10 0.153563 A13 1.0515E-8 C11 6.8999E-4 A14 -2.0142E-10 C12 -8.1829E-6 A20 -3.9064E-7 C13 1.3632E-7 A21 9.1061E-9 C14 -6.1260E-10 A22 -1.6009E-10 C20 3.1260E-5 A23 7.994E-12 C21 -1.7111E-6 A30 1.100E-10 C22 2.5986E-8 A31 6.651E-12 C23 -2.5353E-10 A32 -3.391E-13 C24 1.0415E-12 B00 -1.922E-2 C30 -9.7729E-9 B01 -4.42E-5 C31 3.8513E-10 B10 7.3637E-5 C32 -2.3654E-12 B11 1.7950E-7 A00 1.389 D00 1.727E-3 A01 -1.262E-2 D10 -7.9836E-6 26 The Del Grosso’s equation is given as: C ( S , T , P) = C000 + ΔCT + ΔCS + ΔCP + ΔCSTP (2.11) ΔCT (T ) = CT 1T + CT 2T 2 + CT 3T 3 (2.12) ΔCS ( S ) = CS 1S + CS 2 S 2 (2.13) ΔCP ( P) = CP1 P + CP 2 P 2 + CP 3 P 3 (2.14) ΔCSTP ( S , T , P) = CTPTP + CT 3 PT 3 P + CTP 2TP 2 + CT 2 P 2T 2 P 2 + CTP 3TP 3 + CST ST + CST 2 ST 2 + +CSTP STP + CS 2TP S 2TP + CS 2 P 2 S 2 P 2 (2.15) T = temperature in degrees Celsius S = salinity in parts per thousand P = pressure in kg/cm2 The coefficients of the Del Grosso’s equation are given in Table 2.2. The range of validity of the equation is: the temperature from 0 to 30°C, salinity from 30 to 40 ppt, and pressure from 0 to 1000 kgcm-2. This is considered as an alternative equation for the UNESCO equation, which has more restricted range of validity (NPL, 2000). 27 Table 2.2 Table of coefficients (Grosso’s Equation) Coefficients Numerical Values Coefficients Numerical Values C000 1402.392 CTP -0.1275936E-1 CT 1 0.5012285E1 CT 2 P 2 0.2656174E-7 CT 2 -0.551184E-1 CTP 2 -0.1593895E-5 CT 3 0.221649E-3 CTP 3 0.5222483E-9 CS 1 0.1329530E1 CT 3 P -0.4383615E-6 CS 2 0.1288598E-3 CS 2 P 2 -0.1616745E-8 CP1 0.1560592 CST 2 0.9688441E-4 CP 2 0.2449993E-4 CS 2TP 0.4857614E-5 CP 3 -0.8833959E-8 CSTP -0.3406824E-3 CST -0.1275936E-1 2.4 Multibeam Echosounder Systems 2.4.1 Introduction Hydrographic surveying has evolved with increasing capabilities in realtime computing and in data storage. Single beam echosounder has been replaced by high resolution swath mapping systems. MBES is one of these high-density mapping tools, which uses sound waves as remote sensing tool for the measurements (USACE, 2004). The development of deep-water swath systems began in the 1970's. These systems, which permit effective and accurate bathymetric surveys over extensive areas, can also be used for other oceanographic applications such as geological mapping and other scientific investigations, Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) surveys and surveying for cable laying. Shallow water swath MBES have devolved 28 rapidly during the 1990's and they are being increasingly used for shallow water surveys, such as harbor and narrow waterway surveys where 100% coverage and a high accuracy are required. Adoption of the more strict 1998 IHO Standards for hydrographic surveys has further accelerated the use of MBES systems for shallow water applications (Jong et al., 2002). 2.4.2 Principle of MBES Operation MBES systems measure a series of depths in an across-ship track direction simultaneously. Each system is composed of a transducer, a transceiver and a processing unit. The transducer generates a fan of beams (each equivalent to that of a narrow single beam) that are sent towards the sea floor (Figure 2.7). The same transducer receives the reflected echo coming from the collision of these beams with the bottom. The transceiver generates the signals sent to the transducer and gathers the signals received by the same transducer. The processing unit computes the depth and position of each sounding (bottom detection) using the two-way travel time of the wave and the beam angle. But the final result will be an integration solution with external data such as position, orientation and heading of the ship and the tidal measurements (Jong et al., 2002). 29 Vessel Heading Beam Footprint Figure 2.7 MBES beam footprint and swath coverage 2.4.3 Transducer Transducers are made of piezoelectric materials, which have the capability to convert electric energy into mechanical energy (vibration) and vice versa. When an electric current is applied to the transducer, it transmit an acoustic pulse into water and when the echo is returned, the same transducer can convert the mechanical stress (compress) into electric charge (Coates, 1990; Ingham and Abbott, 1992). 30 2.4.4 Transducer Arrays The transducer is constructed in a way to produce the sound beam in a particular shape, which is called beam forming (Urick, 1983). The beams are in a spherical form, so that the acoustic pulse travels out equally in all directions (Figure 2.8(a)). This is the case of an ideal point source. But, through careful design, a transducer can be constructed in such a way to restrict its sensitivity into a particular angular sector and direction. Transducer array being developed by using this technique, having a string of transducer elements combined into a single rectangular array. Figure 2.8 schematically explains the beam forming in transducer arrays. Maximum response axis defined by a cone around the long axis of the transmit array (a). Transmit beam pattern Maximum response axis defined by the intersection of the two cones (c). TR-RC product beam pattern Maximum response axis defined by a cone around the long axis of the receive array (b). Receive beam pattern Resultant beam aligned along the intersection of the two cones (d). Final beam vector Figure 2.8 Beam forming in flat transducer arrays (OMG-UNB) 31 By combining transducer elements in various configurations, various types of multibeam sonar arrays being designed. The flat array MBES and the curved array MBES are the main transducer configurations (RESON Inc, 2005). Depending on the configuration, the beam forming is accomplished in different manners. Flat Array Transducers Normally, flat array transducers are composed of two rectangular transducer arrays arranged in different manner. Mill’s cross is a typical flat array transducer configuration. Here the two rectangular transducer arrays arranged in orthogonal. The transmission array is narrow in across track direction and wide in the along track (Urick, 1983). This has the effect of a transmitted beam that is narrow in the along track and wide in the across track. The receiver array is narrow in the along track and long in across track. Therefore the receive array is “listening” only inside this narrow across track beam. Once in operation, the entire transmit array simultaneously transmitting and the entire receiver array simultaneously receiving and a narrow resultant beam would be formed directly beneath the transducer (Figure 2.9). The two arrays can be arranged to form a ‘T’ shape, as in the RESON SeaBat 8124, or they can be mounted in tilted shape (Figure 2.10); however the same operating principle is applied (RESON Inc, 2005). 32 Figure 2.9 Beam footprints resulting from the intersection of transmission and reception in RESON SeaBat 8124 MBES (OMG-UNB) RESON SeaBat 8124 EM300D Figure 2.10 Example for flat transducer arrays 33 Curved Array Transducers The curved array uses multiple line array staves that are aligned along track of the ship and arranged in an upward curving arc. Each stave is composed of a number of elements as illustrated in Figure 2.11. Vessel Heading Individual Transducer Staves Figure 2.11 Curved or Barrel type transducer array (OMG-UNB). In transmitting, some or all of this transducer staves transmit to make a wider across track beam. One advantage of this type of transmission is that, while a single element is capable of forming the narrow acoustic beam, the combination of multiple elements enables more power to be transmitted within the same narrow beam (in the along-track). A second advantage is that, in contrast to the Mill’s Cross configuration, the transmitting staves in the curved array are relatively long in the along-track direction, resulting in a narrow along-track beam. In order to make a narrow beam on receive; a number of staves are selected such that their addition makes an array with enough across track length to make a narrow across track beam (RESON Inc, 2005). When this is combined with the narrow along-track beam, the product is relatively narrow in both the along and across track directions. In order to account for the slight curvature of the arrangements of the staves, slight time delays are added to the outer staves. The larger the number of staves used (the longer the effective receive array length) the narrower the receive beam. If one was only concerned with the beam that is directly tangent to the base of the curved array, it is possible to receive on all elements (with time delays to account for the curvature) that would result in a very narrow beam in the across-track. An example 34 of this type of transducer is the Simrad EM1002 (Figure 2.12). This type is often referred to as a “barrel” arrays (Beaudoin et al., 2004). RESON SeaBat 9001 Simrad EM1002 Figure 2.12 Typical examples of curved transducer arrays (RESON Inc and Simrad AS) 2.5 Beam Steering in MBES Beam steering is the process that enables a beam to be received from a desired angle, which is oblique to the transducer array (Burdic, 1991). The two principle methods of beam steering are physical and electronic beam steering. The methods of beam steering vary, depending on the transducer configuration. The beam steering methods used in the flat array and the curved array is explained bellow in detail. 2.6 Beam Steering in Flat Arrays There are two types of beam steering adopted in the flat array transducers. Those are the mechanical and the electronic beam steering techniques. 35 2.6.1 Mechanical Beam Steering This is the simplest method to steer beams in a flat array transducer. Here it is required to mechanically (physically) move the entire transducer through the range of angles desired (Urick, 1983) or build the transducer composed of multiple transducers, each individual transducer pointing in the desired direction (Caruthers, 1977). The limitation of this approach is the compromise between the swath width and transducer size (USACE, 2004). 2.6.2 Electronic Beam Steering Electronic steering enables the formation of a complete array of beams with every transmit-receive cycle of the transducer. Electronic beam steering methods take advantage of the fact that transducers are not one single element but are composed of many individual elements that can be controlled and monitored individually. Electronic steering is accomplished by digitizing the signal and computing beams at the desired angles and this is controlled only by the electronics and the algorithms used (USACE, 2004). These algorithms are based on the wavelength of the acoustic wave, the frequency of the transducer and the spacing between individual transducer elements. For a flat array transducer the two primary methods of beam steering are time or phase delay and Fast Fourier Transformation method (USACE, 2004; RESON Inc, 2005). Without beam steering, all the return echoes from the seabed will be parallel to the flat transducer array (Figure 2.13(a)). To receive oblique beams, delays are being applied accordingly to each transducer element; more delays to the direction of the beam and less delay to the other side (Figure 2.13(b)). The delays are applied to all beams except for nadir (Figure 2.13(c)). By this way all the beams in the entire swath are simultaneously formed (Figure 2.13(d)). 36 Delay Transducer Array Extra path Travelled 25 degrees starboard (a) (b) -45 degrees 25 degrees Applied delays Transducer Array --10 degrees - 45 degrees 25 degrees - 10 degrees (c) (d) Figure 2.13 Electronic Beam Steering (a) No delays - Parallel beams (b) Applied delays to each element to achieve desired steering direction (c) Applied delays for different beams from both side of the transducer (d) How all the beams in the swath are generated simultaneously by beam steering (OMG-UNB) Figure 2.14 shows how graduated delays introduce to each individual transducer elements to virtually steer the array. In the actual transducer system, all the received waveforms are digitized and placed in a buffer where it is possible to simultaneously calculate all the required angles to result in many narrow receive beams (Cartwright, 2003). 37 Figure 2.14 Applied delays to individual transducer elements to detect oblique beams (Kammere and Clarke, 2000) Time Delay Method The time delay method introduces graduated time delays at each individual element to virtually “steer” the array. Equation 2.16 defines the relationship of the acoustic and physical parameters that need to be considered in determining the time delays to be applied. Time delay at nth element = n×d × Sinθ f ×λ Where θ = angle steered λ = Wavelength d = element spacing f = frequency (2.16) 38 Phase Delay Method Phase delay method is similar in concept to time delay, however rather than time delays phase shifts are added to each element before they are summed. After adding the phase shifts, the desired steered beam will result in all of the elements receiving the wave fronts at the same time, or in phase. While this is a similar method to time delay, the steering directions are not limited by the sampling frequency, however the number of beams that can be produced is limited by the number of individually monitored staves (Cartwright, 2003). According to Burdic (1991) the phase shift Δψ s for the nth element is; Δψ s = 2π nd sin θ s λ (2.17) Where Δψ s = phase shift n = number of elements d = element spacing θ s = angle steered λ = wavelength Fast Fourier Transformation Method Unlike the phase and time delay methods in which the angle is assumed and the time to bottom detection is sought, this beam forming technique consists of the determination of the angle of arrival of the echoes, the time of arrival is assumed to be known. Fourier transform is a mathematical method of breaking up a signal in to its set of sine and cosine components (Coates, 1990). This method dramatically speeds up the computation process (Cartwright, 2003). The angular spacing is given by; 39 ⎧λ n ⎫ θ = sin −1 ⎨ × ⎬ ⎩d Where (2.18) N⎭ θ = angle steered λ = wavelength d = element spacing n = element number N = number of elements 2.7 Beam Steering in Curved Arrays In curved arrays, the beam steering is done by taking advantage of the physical shape of the transducer combined with an appropriate selection of transducer elements. The steered beam will be orthogonal to the tangent of the curve as shown in the Figure 2.15 below. Here, the beam widths are consistent throughout the across track angular range of the transducer (Cartwright, 2003). Virtually no beam steering is required. θ Selected staves for steering angle θ Individual transducer staves Figure 2.15 Stave selection for beam steering in curved transducer array (Cartwright, 2003) 40 To generate the narrow beam, numbers of staves are selected in the local neighbourhood and a weighting function is added to control the sidelobes (Figure 2.16). But there are two practical limitations for this case, when one moved towards the edge of the transducer arc for the outer most beams. Here, there are no neighbouring elements on one side (towards outside) for the weighting function. And to increase the number of outer beams (after a certain limit), one has to compensate for the amount of curvature in the selected portion of the array. Therefore minor delays being applied to the outer staves (Figure 2.17). Weighting Function Extreme beams need to be steered No Steering Figure 2.16 Weights are added to the neighbourhood and outermost beams has to be steered (Kammere and Clarke, 2000) θ Electronic Steering Figure 2.17 Outer beams steered using the physical shape of the transducer combined with electronic steering (Cartwright, 2003) 41 2.8 Ray Tracing 2.8.1 Introduction Once the beam pointing angle is known in beam steering, the next step is to convert the measured travel time of each beam into depth and position. For this case, the sound speed of each layer where the ray was being crossed must be known. By knowing the sound speed cross-section (SVP) of that water column, then one can trace it back where it came (Figure 2.18). Here range and across track are calculated for each sound speed layer until it reach the half of the two way travel time. v1 R v2 2 h1 θ1 R1 θ2 X1 h2 X2 TWTT / 2 vn Rn θn hn Xn Figure 2.18 Ray tracing in MBES During ray tracing, ocean can be described as a horizontally layered medium (homogeneous) in terms of sound speed (Burdic, 1991). This means that vertical beam of the MBES transducer array is orthogonal to the layers and all other beams are oblique with respect to the layers. Therefore ray tracing can be discussed further in each case as follows. 42 2.8.2 Vertical Incidence Each layer of the water has its own local speed of sound. When the nadir beam of a MBES is emitted vertically from the transducer, it travels through the medium at each local sound speed, which varies with the layer. Therefore the harmonic mean speed of sound ( μ ) can be used to get the respective value of sound speed of the water column, which is the ratio of the total distance traveled by the total time of travel. It can be expressed mathematically as follows: z − z0 μ= N Zi +1 ∑∫ i =1 Zi (2.19) dz ci ( z ) Where ( z − z0 ) is the total distance traveled, ( zi , zi +1 ) is the layer traveled at the sound speed ci ( z ) and N is the number of speed layers (Cartwright, 2003). The final depth is travel time times this harmonic mean speed. 2.8.3 Oblique Incidence For the oblique beams, one has to consider two parameters. First the distance traveled through the water column, then the deviation of the actual travel path due to the refraction of the beam through each different sound speed layer. This can be achieved by applying Snell’s law (Figure 2.19). It states that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence of the ray through a layer over the sound speed in the layer remains constant as the ray transits through another layer with different sound speed. It is illustrated as follows; 43 θ1 Sound Speed Layer 1 θ2 Sound Speed Layer 2 Figure 2.19 Illustration of oblique incidence sin θ1 sin θ 2 = = Snell’s constant ( ρ ) sound speed 1 sound speed 2 (2.20) To calculate the final bathymetry, one has to find the horizontal and vertical components of the ray-path through each layer for the entire water column. By knowing the starting depth, departure angle, two way travel time and the sound velocity profile; one can trace it back. To achieve this, the Snell’s constant has to be determined in the first place. ρ= sin θ 0 C0 (2.21) Where: ρ = Snell’s constant θ 0 = Departure angle C0 = Sound speed at transducer Then, one has to calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the raypath till it reaches the bottom (end of the travel time). But the actual sound velocity profile is more complex one. Therefore, it has to be generalized into a simpler format. There are two standard approaches for it. That is by subdividing the water column into layers of constant sound speed or using constant sound speed gradient (Figure 2.20) (Burdic, 1991; Urick, 1983). 44 True sound speed profile in the water Layers with constant sound speed Layers with constant gradient sound speed Figure 2.20 Modelling the sound speed profile in the water Layers with Constant Sound Speed This is a much simple and straightforward method. Here the sound speed in each layer is considered as constant. Final across tracks and depths are calculated by applying Snell’s law at each layer and summing up all the horizontal deflections (in distance) and individual travel times until the halfway of two-way travel time (Burdic, 1991; Urick, 1983). 45 N Δi i =1 ci 1 − (ci ρ ) 2 t=∑ ci ρΔ i N x=∑ i =1 1 − (ci ρ ) 2 (2.22) (2.23) Where: t = time of traveled x = horizontal distance traveled N = number of layers ρ = Snell’s constant ci = sound speed in layer Δ i = layer thickness Layers with Constant Sound Speed Gradient Here, each speed layer is considered having a constant sound speed gradient. In this case the ray travels in a curved path than that of a straight-line path in constant speed layer case. Therefore this method can be considered equivalent to fitting a smooth curve with constant radius to the ray path to each layer (Figure 2.21) having a constant sound speed gradient (Burdic, 1991; Urick, 1983). This method considered being very close to the actual ray path. 46 Ray path with Constant Sound Speed Gradient xi Start of Layer Ci Ri Ci +1 θi Δi End of Layer θi +1 Figure 2.21 Ray path in a constant sound speed gradient layer Where: Ri = radius of curvature at layer ci = sound speed at start of later ci +1 = sound speed at end of layer Δ i = layer thickness xi = horizontal distance θi = ray angle at star of layer θi +1 = ray angle at end of layer The radius ( Ri ) can be calculated from the following equations. 1 Ri = − ρ gi gi = ci +1 − ci Δi Where: Ri = radius of curvature at layer ρ = Snell’s constant gi = sound speed gradient of layer ci = sound speed at the start of later ci +1 = sound speed at the end of layer Δ i = layer thickness (2.24) (2.25) 47 The horizontal distance in each layer can be calculated based on radius and Snell’s constant ρ ; xi = Ri (cos θ i +1 − cos θi ) = cos θi − cos θi +1 ρ gi (2.26) Where: xi = horizontal distance θi = ray angle at the start of layer θi +1 = ray angle at the end of layer ρ = Snell’s constant gi = gradient in layer The travel time for each layer can be calculated by using harmonic sound speed; ti = ⎡c ⎤ Ri (θi − θ i +1 ) θi +1 − θ i Ln ⎢ i +1 ⎥ = 2 ρ gi Δ i cH i ⎣ ci ⎦ Where: ti = time in layer θi = ray angle at the start of layer θi +1 = ray angle at the end of layer ρ = Snell’s constant gi = gradient in the layer ci = sound speed at the start of layer ci +1 = sound speed at the end of layer cHi = harmonic sound speed to end of layer Δ i = layer thickness (2.27) 48 But in practice, we only have two-way-travel-time, Snell’s constant, sound speed at the start and the end of each layer and thickness of each layer. Then each component can be compute using the following formulas; ti = xi = a sin ⎣⎡ ρ ( ci + gi Δ i ) ⎦⎤ − a sin [ ρ ci ] ρ g Δi 2 i ⎡ gΔ ⎤ Ln ⎢1 + i i ⎥ ci ⎦ ⎣ 1 − ( ρ ci ) 2 − 1 − {ρ (ci + gi Δ i )}2 ρ gi (2.28) (2.29) Where: ti = time in layer xi = horizontal distance ρ = Snell’s constant gi = gradient in layer ci = sound speed in start layer ci +1 = sound speed at end of layer Δ i = layer thickness This has to be calculated for each layer of water column and by summing up each together one can get the depth and total across track for each beam. 2.9 Sound Speed Measurements in MBES It is clear that sound speed is an important factor of the accuracy of the MBES measurements. Depending on the transducer configuration; two types of sound speed measurements are needed. That is the surface sound speed and the sound velocity profile through the water column (Dinn et al., 1996; Schmidt et al., 2006). 49 2.9.1 Surface Sound Speed (SSS) The surface sound speed (SSS) means the speed of sound at the face of the transducer. MBES uses SSS in the process of electronic beam steering. There are different methods of getting surface sound speed: 1. By direct and real-time SSS measurements, using a sound velocity probe near the face of the transducer. 2. By real-time temperature measurements near the transducer face, assuming the salinity value. 3. By getting the SSS at the transducers depth from the frequent or less frequent SVP measurements. 4. By getting the value at the transducer depth from the frequent or less frequent temperature and salinity profile measurements. 5. By applying a constant value for SSS. 2.9.2 Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) The SVP gives a representation of the change of sound speed through the water column. All bathymetric sonar systems calculate water depths by measuring the time it takes a sound pulse to travel to the bottom and back to the receiver. To translate these time measurements in to depth and distance, one must know the speed of the echo traveled through the water and the traveled direction (ray tracing). As discussed at the beginning of this chapter, the velocity structure of the water varies much. The difference in sound speed across the water column acts as a lens bending the path that sound travels. For these reasons, it is a must to have accurate SVPs for any data set (Schmidt et al., 2006). 50 The followings are the most popular SVP measurement techniques: 1. By direct SVP measurements. In this case the vessel usually has to stop and a probe has to lower down. 2. By some temperature and salinity profile measurements. In this case the vessel has to be still. 3. By using a database value. 4. By using a constant value for SVP. 2.10 Errors in Multibeam Systems 2.10.1 Introduction As stated earlier in Section 2.4.2, all bathymetric measurements in MBES are based on two-way-travel-time and beam pointing angle. These measurements are made with respect to the frame of reference of the ship on which the transducer is mounted (Dinn et al., 1995; Ingham and Abbott, 1992). A number of parameters, many of which are measured at the time of the ping, are required to transform the measured slant range travel times and angles into accurate georeferenced depths (x, y, z or latitude, longitude, depth). These parameters include; • The position of the ship or more precisely, the position of some points on the ship, e.g. the GPS antenna. • The pitch, roll and heading angles of the ship relative to the above position. • The vertical position of the transducer with respect to the average water level, i.e., the ship's draft and heave at the transducer. • The changes in water level due to tides and atmospheric effects; the profile of sound velocity vs. depth. • The vector distance (x, y, z) in the ship frame of reference between the transducer and the positioning sensor (offset measurements). • Mounting offsets of the sonar head. 51 2.10.2 What are the Largest Errors? By virtue of their error propagation characteristics, roll angle, sound speed measurements and vertical control are the more significant parameters affecting depth accuracy (Dinn et al., 1995). But with the latest system improvements the single biggest limitation on the quality of bathymetric data is the refraction of the sound wave in the water column (Gardner et al., 2001). 2.10.3 Does Our Sound Speed Measurements Adequate Enough? In most MBES systems SSS is continuously being measured. But SVP is known only at discrete time. There is no rule that will tell the surveyor when and where to take a SVP. It depends on ones own experience. The surveyor should be aware of the factors that influence the sound velocity. If surveying in a small area with little variability, possibly only one cast per survey day is required. If the surveyor finds a large variation of sound velocities, within the survey area, it would be wise to take this into account when designing the layout for the survey. One should avoid running a long line that would have two or more applicable sound velocities. It would be advisable to seek an alternative layout where each line would have only one applicable sound velocity profile to be applied. Even that sometimes it is critical due to the high variability of ocean waters. Clarke (2002) has shown how water masses changes rapidly both in time and space, using crosssection of sound speeds in Georges Bank, Boston. Here, even during a single survey line the SVP changes rapidly (Figure 2.22). This clearly illustrates the inadequateness of conventional sound speed measurements in MBES surveys. 52 Colour range 10m/s, 45 km long profile from 0-100m Figure 2.22 Cross section of the sound speed structure on the edge of Georges Bank (Clarke, 2002) 2.10.4 Refraction in Multibeam Echosounders Introduction The refraction effects the bathymetric measurements in MBES at two places (depending on the transducer shape); at the face of the transducer during the beam steering and during the progression (ray tracing) of the sound wave through the water column (Figure 2.23). Vessel Positional error Water Surface Beam Steering angle error Ray path with the Measured SVP Ray path with the True SVP Depth error Figure 2.23 Refraction effects in each phase of the MBES 53 Effects During the Beam Steering Multibeam sonars use beam steering both for transmission as well as reception of the sonar pulse. Moreover, beam steering is done, not only in the athwartship direction to create the swath, but fore and aft to increase measurement resolution. SSS is very important in MB sonars because any changes must be accounted and corrected in the first place. Because MB sonar systems do not save beam angle from individual hydrophones, so one cannot go back and apply corrected SSS to beam forming calculations. It is not recoverable (Schmidt et al., 2006). SSS directly affects the directivity of the beams produced by the sonar. Any defects will results that the sonar is not exactly looking in the direction one would expect. As discussed in section 2.6.2, all electronic beam steering methods in flat MBES depend on the wavelength (Equations 2.16, 2.17, 2.18). And this λ is varying with the speed of sound. This can be further explained schematically using the Figure 2.24. In this case we assume that true sound speed is C0 and the measured is C1 at the face of the transducer ( C0 > C1 ). Here, the estimated wavelength based on the measured SSS is shorter than the true wavelength (which is failed to measure). This wrongly measured speed ( C1 ) adds more delays to the elements than the true speed case and resulted in incorrect beam angle. 54 Water Surface Water Surface Virtual Array Virtual Array Delay Delay Δθ Incorrect Beam Angle True Beam Angle True Beam Angle (a) (b) Figure 2.24 Effect of change in SSS in beam pointing angle in a flat array transducer: in the case of true SSS is greater than the measured (a) Virtual array facing correct direction with true SSS. (b) Virtual array pointing towards wrong direction due to incorrect SSS Effects Through the Water Column If the measured SVP is not the true one or it differs much from the actual SVP, the refraction calculations are not correct. The refraction angle, the estimated travel time and the across track calculations for each speed layer is not true anymore (Section 2.8, Equations 2.19 to 2.29). Therefore the estimated ray path is incorrect with the true path causing depth and positional errors in the final bathymetry. 55 2.11 Summary James et al. (2001) said that if there is strong water stratification, it would cause problems for the beam steering and ray tracing of individual beams in MBES. According to Batton, 2004, Tonchia and Bisquay, 1996 and Dinn et al., 1995, any failure to take into account of these sound speed changes in the water column can result in significant errors in MBES bathymetric measurements. The errors associated with refraction in the water column are larger, especially with wider sector multibeam sonars. These errors depend on following factors; 1. The shape of the transducer array. 2. Type of the beam steering being used. 3. The mounting angle of the sonar array. 4. The actual sound velocity near the transducer face. 5. The actual SVP. CHAPTER 3 FIELD DATA COLLECTION 3.1 Introduction This chapter discuss the methodology used to collect data to find the best approach in determination of the Snell’s refraction coefficient for ray tracing purpose. Firstly, a brief description about each of the survey instrumentation used for the data collection is presented. Then the raw data extraction from each sensor is presented. 3.2 Survey Instrumentation 3.2.1 The MBES System The RESON SeaBat 8124 is used as the MBES system. This is a flat Mill’s T cross type MBES system (Figure 3.1). It is a 200 kHz, 80 beams system; which generates a 120-degree across track and 1.5 degree along track swath coverage. Each beam covers a footprint of 1.5 × 1.25 degrees. This system is capable of measuring depths from 0.5m to 750m, depending on the bottom backscatter strength and water column attenuation (RESON Inc., 2003). 57 (a) (c) (b) (d) Figure 3.1 The MBES System (a) The RESON SeaBat 8124 multibeam system with transducer and 81P processing units (RESON Inc.) (b) The MBES mounted over the side of the boat (c) The 81P processor inside the boat (d) The MBES data collecting using QINSy software 3.2.2 The Singlebeam Echosounder (SBES) The Odom Hydrotrac is used as the SBES (Figure 3.2). Its acoustical frequency is 210 kHz (Odom Hydrographic Systems Inc., 2005). Usually, SBES are least affected by the refraction; therefore it used for comparison of the MBES data in this study. 58 (a). (b). (c) Figure 3.2 The SBES System (a) Odom Hydrotrac SBES (b) The SBES mounted on starboard side (c) Hydrotrac unit inside the boat. 3.2.3 The Positioning System The Trimble DSM 212H DGPS receiver is used as the positioning system (Figure 3.3). The study area is quite closer to the Singapore navigation radio beacon (298) and therefore the positioning obtained from this unit is well within 1 to 2m and it is good enough for this study. (a) Figure 3.3 The DGPS System (b) (a) Trimble DSM 212H DGPS unit (Trimble Navigation Ltd. 2002) (b) DGPS antenna location on top of the boat 59 3.2.4 Sound Speed Measurements Since the MBES system used is a flat array system and it is intended to study the affects caused by the each sound speed measurements, it is necessary to measure both SSS and SVP separately. SSS Measurements Since the RESON SeaBat 8124 MBES is a flat transducer, it has a surface sound speed (SSS) measuring probe at the face of the transducer, which measures real-time surface sound speed at a frequency of about 10 Hz (Figure 3.4.a). To activate this real-time SSS measurement, there is an option, which has to be selected during the database set-up in QINSy (Figure 3.4.b). (a) (b) Figure 3.4 The SSS Probe (a) Surface sound velocimetre (mounted just above the transducer unit) (b) Real-time SSS option in QINSy survey database setting 60 SVP Measurements The SVP-15 velocimeter is used to measure the sound velocity profile through the water column (Figure 3.5), which uses UNESCO equation to calculate sound speed at each depth. The depth range for SVP-15 is up to 200m (Navitronic System AS, 1998). SVP control software was used to read the data from the unit and then applied this SVP to the QINSy for refraction calculations. (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.5 The SVP Probe (a) SVP-15 sound velocity profiler with data logger (b) Launching the probe in the middle of the survey area to get the sound speed profile (c) SVP Control software reading the probe. 61 3.2.5 Motion (Attitude) Sensor Due to the wider swath coverage in all MBES surveys, vessel attitude data is crucial and must be measured and applied to the survey software for the necessary corrections. For this study, TSS MAHRS motion sensor was used (Figure 3.6). It has an inbuilt gyrocompass and a motion sensor, which measures heading, heave, pitch and roll simultaneously. (a) (b) Figure 3.6 MAHRS Attitude Sensor (a) TSS MAHRS unit (VT TSS Ltd., 2003) (b) MAHRS mounted inside the boat 3.2.6 Tide Gauge The Valeport 740 pressure sensor tide gauge (Figure 3.7(a)) is set up at the marine department jetty, Johor at a close vicinity to the study areas (Figure 3.7(b) and 3.7(c)). Tidal data are logged every 10 minutes interval in the internal data logger and later transferred for processed with QINSy >Tidal Manager. 62 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.7 Tide Gauge (a) Valeport 740 tide gauge unit with data logger and transducer (Valeport Ltd., 2004) (b) Tide gauge installed at the Marine departments jetty (c) Tide gauge house and the tide gauge benchmark on the jetty 3.3 Survey Software The QINSy version 7.5 is used as the data collection software. QINSy is a modular build programme. Which means that it is not just a single programme, but a suite of applications linked together (QPS BV., 2004). The entry point for QINSy is a program called the “Console”. From this console all other programs can be started. Figure 3.8 shows the ‘QINSy Console’ and its icons (sub programs/modules). The top part always has four icons. The ‘Setup’ icon is to make and configure the database. The ‘Online’ icon is used as the base for raw data collection. ‘Replay’ icon allows the user to change the database configurations and 63 replay the data. Processing is used to clean and process the data. The bottom half also contain icons that user can add on, like ‘Line Data Manager’, which can use to design survey lines. Figure 3.8 QINSy console 3.4 Survey Platform A 14m-fibreglass boat “PG19” is hired for the purpose and converted as a survey launch (Figure 3.9(a)). RESON SeaBat 8124 MBES was mounted portside and Hydrotarc SBES was mounted in starboard side. TSS MAHRS was set up closer to the boats centre of gravity (CoG) point. Figure 3.9(b) shows the vessel configuration diagram. 64 (a) (b) Figure 3.9 Survey Platform (a) Survey vessel (PG-19) (b) Sensor locations in vessel configuration diagram 3.5 Field Data Collection Field Data was collected at the Lido Beach, Johor, Malaysia during 1st to 4th of March 2008. The study areas are marked in the chart MAL5128 (Figure 3.10). Data was collected in two stages. Study area-1 was used to test the inadequate sound speed measurement effects and study area-2 was to test the refraction constant determination methods. Study area-1 is a flat, about 10m deep and the study area-2 is a crater about 45m deep. QINSy software is used as the data collection software. The project template and database settings are shown in the Appendix A. Proper calibration procedures were followed for both SBES (Bar Check) and MBES (Patch Test), prior to the data collection. 65 Study Area 1 Study Area 2 Figure: 3.10 Survey Areas 3.6 Methodology for Determination of Inadequate Sound Speed Measurements in MBES As discussed in Chapter 2, the effects are studied both in beam steering (SSS effects) and in ray tracing (SVP effects). 3.6.1 The Effects of Inadequate SSS on MBES For this case, simulated and real data were used. Firstly, depths and positions are simulated for a single ping of RESON SeaBat 8124 MBES for 100m deep flat synthetic seafloor for different SSS variations having a correct SVPs. Then, data collected at study area-1 are used to justify the effects. Simulated Data Case for SSS Here, a constant single layered 1500 ms-1 SVP is assumed as the true SVP and 1500 ms-1 assumed as the true SSS. 1505 ms-1 and 1510 ms-1 are used as positive erroneous SSS and 1495 ms-1 and 1490 ms-1 are used as negative erroneous SSS. Table 3.1 shows the sound speed configuration used in each data set. 66 Table 3.1 Sound speed configurations to determine the SSS effects in the simulated data case Data Set SSS Error SSS value (ms-1) SVP 1 No error (True SSS) 1500 Constant 1500 ms-1 2 +10 ms-1 1510 Constant 1500 ms-1 3 +5 ms-1 1505 Constant 1500 ms-1 4 -5 ms-1 1495 Constant 1500 ms-1 5 -10 ms-1 1490 Constant 1500 ms-1 In the 1st data set, all the beams are correct in steering direction because of the correct SSS. Using this information, true travel times are calculated for each of the 80 beams of the ping using constant 1500 ms-1 SVP for the synthetic flat seabed. In other cases (all erroneous SSS), beam-pointing angles are recalculated for the respective SSS value using the Equation 2.16. Then the final depths and positions are calculated based on the above true travel time and SVP (data set-1). Then the beam angles, depths and across track positions are compared in each case. Real Data Case for SSS Here, the same 50m long survey line is run on a flat area (study area-1) with different SSS values entered in to the RESON SeaBat sonar processor (Table 3.2). As the true SVP, the SVP collected at the middle of the site is used and real-time SSS is used as the correct SSS. Since the area is shallow, a higher SSS difference is used as erroneous SSS to obtain significant effects. These erroneous SSSs are set manually in the sonar processor (81p) after switching off the real-time SSS unit (Figure 3.11). 67 Table 3.2 SSS and SVP configuration to determine the SSS effects in the real data case SSS Error SSS value SVP 1 No error Real time SSS True 2 - Ve error 1450 ms-1 (< real time SSS) True 3 + Ve error 1600 ms-1 (>real time SSS) True (a) (b) Figure 3.11 Altering the SSS value in the sonar processor (a) SSS switch that can on/off for real time SSS (b) Manual SSS value entered to the Sonar Processor in the Ocean menu 3.6.2 Determination of Inadequate Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) Effects on MBES Here also, both the simulated and the real data are used. First, the depths and positions are simulated for a synthetic flat 100m deep seabed for different SVPs and then real data are used to justify the effects as in the above SSS case. 68 Simulated Data Case for SVP Here, the correct SSS is assumed to be 1510 ms-1 in all the cases and for the SVPs; two-layered synthetic SVPs are used for simplicity in ray tracing calculations. First layer is 10m deep and second one is 90m deep (Figure 3.12). Each layer is considered being of constant sound speed. 1500 0 1510 Layer 1 Sound Speed 10m 10 Layer 2 90m 100 Depth Figure 3.12 Synthetic two-layered SVP The SSS and SVP configurations are shown in Table 3.3. Since the SSS is correct, all the beam angle directions are correct. By using this true SVP in data set-1; true travel times and across track distances are calculated for the synthetic flat seabed. Then using these travel times, depths and across tracks are calculated for the faulty SVP data sets and finally the results are compared. 69 Table 3.3 Sound speed configurations to determine the SVP effects in the simulated data case Data set SVP Error SSS value (ms-1) SVP (ms-1) 1 No error (True SVP) 1510 1510, 1500 2 + Ve error 1510 1520, 1500 3 - Ve error 1510 1500, 1500 Real Data Case for SVP For this case, one survey line in both study areas are used. SSSs are measured real time and as true SVP, the SVP collected at the middle of the line is used. Then for the erroneous SVPs, SVPs are collected at different time/day at the same site are used (Figure 3.13). SVPs +VE SVP -VE SVP TRUE SVP Sound Speed 1520 0 1525 1530 1535 1540 1545 -5 Depth -10 -15 -20 -25 Figure 3.13 SVPs used to determine the SVP effects in the real data case 70 To apply the faulty SVPs to the survey lines in the database, same line is replayed with the respective faulty SVPs using QINSy > Replay Manager. The SSS and SVP configurations adopted are shown in the Table 3.4. Same ping is selected in each case to compare the effects. Finally, the shape of the swath is compared with the respective simulated data sets. Table 3.4 SSS and different SVP configurations to determine the SVP effects in the real data case Set SVP Error SSS SVP 1 No error (True SVP) True SSS from the unit True (at the site) 2 + Ve SVP error True SSS from the unit Different time (noon) 3 - Ve SVP error True SSS from the unit Different time (after rain) 3.7 Comparison of SSS and SSVP in Determination of Snell’s Refraction Constant for Refraction Reduction To compare the effects in each technique in refraction coefficient determination, two computer programs were developed using MATLAB R2006a. In the ‘SSS’ program, SSSs are used to calculate the refraction coefficient. To use surface value of the SVP in refraction coefficient ‘SSVP’ program was developed. This program development is discussed in the next chapter (Chapter 4) in detail. 3.7.1 Data Collection for Refraction Reduction For this case, two multibeam survey lines were run in study area-2 at the same direction, same speed (3-4 knots) with 50% overlap using RESON SeaBat 8124 MBES, so that the nadir beams of the first line and the outermost beams of the second line are overlapped. Then two single beam echo sounder survey lines were also run along the same line as MBES lines. A proper MBES and SBES calibration are performed, before carrying out the survey lines. Real time SSS are collected 71 throughout the survey for the MBES and SVP is collected at the middle of the site for true refraction calculations (ray tracing). 3.7.2 Raw Data Extraction Different types of raw data collected from the MBES and various other sensors are necessary to feed the developed computer programs (SSS and SSVP). Each data is extracted in different export stages using QINSy software. All the data extracted as ASCII format, so that they can be easily used in other applications (Notepad/Excel). MBES Data The raw data collected from the MBES system is extracted from QINSy > Replay > Raw Data Manager > Generic Export in each beam vies. Figure 3.14 shows each raw observation item selected for export. Figure 3.15 shows exported data string in Notepad. In SeaBat 8124 MBES, one-way travel time of each beam is logged in total number of samples. Figure 3.14 Selected data items in each MBES beam 72 Figure 3.15 Exported raw MBES data string (travel time, beam angle, SSS, beam number, ping number and system time) Transducer Position Data The vessel heading and transducer position (E, N) data are extracted from QINSy > Processing Manager > Export > User Defined ASCII in each ping vies. Figure 3.16 shows each of the selected parameters and Figure 3.17 shows sonar head position and vessel heading in the exported data string. Figure 3.16 Selected raw data items in transducer positions 73 Figure 3.17 Exported transducer position data string (system time, Northing, Easting and vessel heading) Vessel Attitude Data The Pitch, Roll and Heave data from the motion sensor unit are extracted from QINSy > Replay > Raw data manager > Analyze > Export > ASCII. Figure 3.18 shows the system selection to be exported and Figure 3.19 shows the exported raw attitude data in Notepad. 74 Figure 3.18 System selection (MRU) in analyse Figure 3.19 Exported raw attitude data string (system time, pitch, roll and heave) SBES DTM Data SBES data are least affected by the refraction. Therefore in this study, SBES data is used for to verify the bathymetry. Because of that, SBES data is no need to be processed using the developed programs. But to generate the profiles along the DTM for the final comparison, SBES depth and the position (E, N) are needed. For 75 that purpose, the SBES DTM data are extracted form QINSy > Processing Manager > Export > User defined ASCII. Figure 3.20 shows the category and the parameter selection and Figure 3.21 shows the exported ASCII data string in Notepad. Figure 3.20 Selected data source and parameters in SBES DTM Figure 3.21 SBES DTM data string (time, Easting, Northing and depth) CHAPTER 4 COMPUTER PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, the program flow and the algorithms used to develop the two computer programs are explained. The only difference between the two (SSS vs SSVP) programs is the value used to calculate the Snell’s refraction coefficient, the rest of the bathymetric calculation procedures are same. 4.2 The SSS Program Here, real-time Surface Sound Speed (SSS) is used to compute the refraction coefficient for each of the beam at each ping. First of all, all the raw data are read to MATLAB. The measured travel times of each beam of each ping from the MBES are in total number of samples. By using the pulse sample frequency (13125Hz), these are converted back into travel time (TT) in seconds for all the beams of the selected 200 pings. The program flowchart for this step is shown in Figure 4.1. 77 Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 j=j+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping TT (i, j ) = TSAMP(i, j ) /13125 j<=80 i<=200 Resultant Travel Time matrix TT Figure 4.1 Conversion of total samples in to travel time The raw motion sensor data (MR, MP, MH) are in different time intervals than from the MBES ping time. Therefore MRU data are interpolated with respect to the MBES ping timing (ER, EP, EH), so that all the vessel attitude data can apply directly into the MBES data (Figure 4.2). Initialisation i =1 i=i+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping ER(i ) = Interp1[ MT (i ), MR(i ), ET (i )] EH (i ) = Interp1[ MT (i ), MH (i ), ET (i )] EP(i ) = Interp1[ MT (i ), MP(i ), ET (i )] i<=200 Resultant Interpolated Roll, Heave and Pitch matrices ER, EH , EP Figure 4.2 Interpolation of roll, heave and pitch with respect to each ping time 78 Then the effective beam angles (EBA) are calculated for each beam to correct for the vessel roll (ER) and the MBES mounting angle (R) from the patch test (Figure 4.3). Here, the interpolated roll and the sonar head mounting roll angle are subtracted from the measured beam angle by the MBES. Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 j=j+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping EBA(i, j ) = BA(i, j ) − ER(i) − R j<=80 i<=200 Resultant effective beam angle matrix EBA Figure 4.3 Flowchart for the calculation of effective beam angle After that the net pitch angles (NP) are computed to correct each beam for MBES mounting pitch angle (P) and real time vessel pitching angles, which are interpolated with respect to the MBES timing (EP). This step is shown in the Figure 4.4. 79 Initialisation i =1 i=i+1 Update calculation each ping NP (i, j ) = EP(i ) + P i<=200 Resultant effective pitch angle matrix NP Figure 4.4 Flowchart for the calculation of net pitch angle Then the correct beam directions (BD) are determined by using the calculated effective beam angle (EBA) and the net pitch angle (NP) for each beam (Figure 4.5). This is the true direction of the beam after applying all the vessel movements. Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 j=j+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping BD(i, j ) = tan −1 (tan( NP(i )) 2 + tan( EBA(i, j )) 2 ) j<=80 i<=200 Resultant beam direction angle matrix BD Figure 4.5 Flowchart for the calculation of final beam direction 80 The Snell’s refraction constants (SNCT) are determined for each beam of each ping using the above computed beam direction (BD) and the Surface Sound Speeds (SSS) recorded by the MBES at each ping (Figure 4.6). Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 j=j+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping SNCT (i, j ) = sin( BD(i, j )) SSS (i ) j<=80 i<=200 Resultant refraction constant matrix SCNT Figure 4.6 Flowchart for the calculation of the Snell’s refraction constant using surface sound speeds Then the travel times up to n-1 sound speed layer (up to the layer before the last) for each beam (ttt) are computed using the Equation 2.22. Here the sound speed layer thickness is 0.5m (depth interval of the SVP). In this same step, the total number of sound speed layers that a particular beam had travelled also determined (N). The flowchart for this stem is shown in the Figure 4.7. 81 Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 j=j+1 k = 1,& tt = 0 k=k+1 Update calculation for each beam until total travel time (TT) t= 0.5 (1 − ( SVP (k ) × SNCT (i, j )) 2 SVP(k ) tt = tt + t tt<=TT yes Update sound speed layer number and travel time counter no N (i, j ) = k − 1 ttt (i, j ) = tt − t j<=80 i<=200 Resultant matrixes for (N-1) sound speed layer counter and travel time up to (N-1) speed layer N , ttt Figure 4.7 Flowchart for the calculation of the sound speed layer number and travel time up to (N-1) sound speed layer Then the travel times of last sound speed layers (TN) are determined by subtracting the travel time up to n-1 layer (ttt) from the total travel time of each beam (TT) for the data set (Figure 4.8). 82 Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping j=j+1 TN (i, j ) = TT (i, j ) − ttt (i, j ) j<=80 i<=200 Resultant matrix for last sound speed layer TN Figure 4.8 Flowchart for the calculation of the travel time in the last sound speed layer The range (RN) and the depth (DN) for the last sound speed layer are also calculated for each of the beam with respect to the travel times (TN) of the last layer (Figure 4.9 and Figure 4.10). Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping j=j+1 RN (i, j ) = SVP( N (i, j ) + 1) × TN (i, j ) j<=80 Resultant matrix for range distance in the last sound speed layer i<=200 RN Figure 4.9 Calculation of the range distance in the last sound speed layer 83 Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping j=j+1 DN (i, j ) = RN (i, j ) × (1 − ( SVP (( Ni, j ) + 1) × SNCT (i, j )) 2 j<=80 Resultant matrix for depth in the last sound speed layer i<=200 DN Figure 4.10 Flowchart for the calculation of the depth in the last sound speed layer The final depths (TOTD) are computed using the layer depth (0.5m), number of layers travelled (N-1), last speed layer’s depth (DN), transducer draft, tide and heave (EH) for each beam (Figure 4.11). Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping j=j+1 TOTD(i, j ) = N (i, j ) × (−0.5) − DN (i, j ) − Draf + Tide(i ) + EH (i ) j<=80 i<=200 Resultant matrix for final depth TOTD Figure 4.11 Flowchart for the calculation of the final reduced depth of each beam 84 After that with the above information the total across track distances (ACCTK) for each beam up to n-1 layer are calculated using the Equation 2.23. This process is shown in the Figure 4.12. Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 j=j+1 n = 1, x = 0 , d = 0 n=n+1 Summation of across track in each sound speed layer up to (N-1) layer d= SVP(n) × SNCT (i, j ) 2 (1 − ( SSVP( n) × SNCT (i, j )) 2 x = x+d n<=N(i,j) yes no Across track distance ACCTK (i, j ) = x j<=80 i<=200 Update calculation for each beam until (N-1) sound speed layer Resultant matrix for across track up to (N-1) sound speed layer ACCTK Figure 4.12 Flowchart for the calculation of the total across track distance up to (N-1) sound speed layer for each beam from the sonar head position 85 The across tracks for the last speed layer (ACCTN) are also calculated using the last layer’s range distance (RN), Snell’s constant (SNCT) and layer speed for each beam (Figure 4.13). Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 j=j+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping ACCTN (i, j ) = RN (i, j ) × SVP ( N (i, j ) + 1) × SNCT (i, j ) j<=80 i<=200 Resultant matrix for across track at the last sound speed layer ACCTN Figure 4.13 Flowchart for the calculation of the across track distances for each beam at the last sound speed layer Then by summing up the across track up to n-1 layer (ACCTK) and the across track of the last sound speed layer of each beam (ACCTN), the total across track of each beam is determined. Figure 4.14 shows the process of calculating the total across track (TOTACCTK). 86 Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping j=j+1 TOTACTK (i, j ) = ACCTK (i, j ) + ACCTN (i, j ) j<=80 i<=200 Resultant matrix for total across track TOTACCTK Figure 4.14 Flowchart for the calculation of the total across track for each beam of each ping The final beam position (BPOS) resulting with the net pitch (NP) and effective beam angle (EBA) is then determined for each beam (Figure 4.15). This is the actual direction that each beam had emitted from the sonar head. With this information and the total across track of each beam (TOTACCTK), the final corrected across track distance of each beam footprint (COTOTACCTK) is determined from the sonar head. This is illustrated in Figure 4.16. 87 Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping j=j+1 ⎧ tan( NP(i )) ⎫ BPOS (i, j ) = tan −1 ⎨ ⎬ ⎩ tan( EBA(i, j )) ⎭ j<=80 i<=200 Resultant matrix for corrected beam direction BPOS Figure 4.15 Flowchart for the calculation of the corrected beam direction with respect to the sonar head position for each beam of each ping Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping j=j+1 COTOTACCTK (i, j ) = TOTACCTK (i, j ) × cos( BPOS (i, j )) j<=80 i<=200 Resultant matrix for corrected total across track distance COTOTACCTK Figure 4.16 Flowchart for the calculation of the corrected total across track with respect to the corrected beam direction for each beam of each ping 88 After that, Easting and Northing differences (dx, dy) for each beam is calculated with respect to the sonar head position using the corrected total across track distance (COTOTACCTK) and effective vessel heading (Figure 4.17). Effective vessel heading is the sum of the interpolated vessel heading (VH) from the gyrocompass and the sonar mounting Yaw angle (Y). Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 j=j+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping dx(i, j ) = COTOTACCTK (i, j ) × cos(VH (i ) + Y )) dy (i, j ) = COTOTACCTK (i, j ) × sin(VH (i ) + Y )) j<=80 i<=200 Resultant matrix for dE and dN dx, dy Figure 4.17 Flowchart for the calculation of the Easting and Northing differences with respect to the sonar head position for each beam Then the final position of each beam (BX, BY) is computed using the sonar head’s Easting (SHPOSE) and Northing (SHPOSN) with the above determined dx and dy values. Here for all the starboard beams (EBA>0), the calculated dx values are positive and the dy’s are negative. For the port side beams (EBA<0), dx’s are negative and dy values are positive. This is shown in the Figure 4.18. 89 Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping j=j+1 j<=80 i<=200 EBA(i, j ) ≤ 0 Yes BX (i, j ) = SHPOSX (i ) − dx(i, j ) BY (i, j ) = SHPOSY (i ) + dy (i, j ) Easting and Northing calculation for each beam of each ping BX BY Resultant matrix For final E and N No BX (i, j ) = SHPOSX (i ) + dx(i, j ) BY (i, j ) = SHPOSY (i ) − dy (i, j ) Figure 4.18 Flowchart for the calculation of the final Easting and Northing for each beam 4.3 The Algorithm of the SSS Program Figure 4.19 schematically shows the overall algorithm used in the SSS program development. It summarized each processing steps that are being discussed in the above flowcharts. Firstly, all the raw data measured by each sensor are extracted. From the MBES calibration, the sonar head mounting offset values are also obtained (R, P, Y). The measured travel times of each beam of the MBES are in number of samples (Total Samples). This is then translated in to travel time in seconds using the pulse sample frequency 13125 pps. The vessel attitude data measured (VR, VP, VH) by the MRU are in different times than the MBES ping timing. To apply the vessel 90 attitude data to the MBES data, the attitude data also needed to be interpolated with respect to the ping time (ER, EP, EH). Measured beam directions are modulated by the vessel roll. Therefore, the effective beam angles (EBAng) are calculated by applying the sonar mounting roll angle (R) and the interpolated vessel roll angles (ER) to the each of the measured beam angle (BAng). Net pitch angles (NP) are also calculated for each ping using the sonar mounting pitch angle (P) and the interpolated vessel pitch angles (EP). Then, using these two values (effective beam directions and the net pitch angles) the final beam directions (BD) are determined. Then, using the SSSs and the above calculated beam directions; the Snell’s refraction coefficients are determined for each of the beams of the MBES data set. Now using the refraction constant, SVP, transducer draft, tidal value and the interpolated heave (EH), the depth of each beam is calculated. The across track distance from the sonar head position to the each beam footprint is computed using the SVP and the refraction constant. After that, the Easting and the Northing differences (dE, dN) from the sonar head to each beam footprint are determined using the vessel heading and the sonar mounting yaw angle (Y). With the sonar head’s Easting and Northing and the above calculated dE and dN, the final Easting and the Northing of each beam footprint is calculated. This way the final bathymetry is computed for the data set, using the SSS in refraction constant determination. 91 SSS, SVP, Beam Angle, V-Heading, V-Attitude (VR,VH,VP), Draft, Sonar head Position (E,N), Tide, MB Calibration (R,P,Y), Total Samples, Sample Frequency BAng, R Total Samples, Sample frequency Effective B.Ang, (EBAng) Travel Time VR, VP VH Interpolated Roll, Pitch, Heave (ER, EP, EH) ER P SSS EP Net Pitch (NP) Snell’s Refraction Constant Final Beam Direction (BD) EH Depth SVP, Tide, Draft SVP Across Track from Sonar Head Vessel Heading, Y dE and dN from Sonar Head Sonar head Position (E, N) Final N and E of Beams Northing, Easting and Depth of all Beams Figure 4.19 Algorithm for bathymetric calculations using the SSS in refraction constant 92 4.4 The SSVP Program Here, the surface value of the sound velocity profile (SSVP) is used to compute the refraction coefficient (SNCT) for each beam in each ping using the beam direction of each beam (BD). Unlike in SSS case, this SSVP is one value and it is constant for the whole data set. Figure 4.21 shows the flow chart for calculating the refraction coefficient using SSVP. In the SSVP program, all other processing steps are same as discussed in the Section 4.2. Initialisation i = 1, j = 1 i=i+1 j=j+1 Update calculation for each beam of each ping SNCT (i, j ) = sin( BD(i, j )) SSVP(1) j<=80 i<=200 Resultant refraction constant matrix SNCT Figure 4.20 Flowchart for the determination of the Snell’s refraction constant using SSVP 4.5 The Algorithm of the SSVP Program The only different in this SSVP algorithm from the above SSS algorithm is the method of computing the refraction coefficient. The rest of the bathymetric calculation procedures are same as discussed in the Section 4.3. Figure 4.21 shows the overall algorithm used for SSVP program development. 93 SSS, SVP, Beam Angle, V-Heading, V-Attitude (VR,VH,VP), Draft, Sonar head Position (E,N), Tide, MB Calibration (R,P,Y), Total Samples, Sample Frequency BAng, R Total Samples, Sample frequency Travel Time Effective B.Ang, (EBAng) VR, VP VH Interpolated Roll, Pitch, Heave (ER, EP, EH) ER P SSVP EP Net Pitch (NP) Snell’s Refraction Constant Final Beam Direction (BD) EH Depth SVP, Tide, Draft SVP Across Track from Sonar Head Vessel Heading, Y dE and dN from Sonar Head Sonar head Position (E, N) Final N and E of Beams Northing, Easting and Depth of all Beams Figure 4.21 Algorithm for bathymetric calculations using SSVP in the refraction constant CHAPTER 5 DATA PROCESSING 5.1 Programme Validation It is necessary to validate the developed computer programs to ensure that the adopted methodology for bathymetric calculations is giving correct results. For this purpose, output bathymetry from the SSVP program for the 1st MBES line is compared with corresponding QINSy final output for the same survey line. QINSy is widely used commercial MBES software and it also uses the surface value of SVP (SSVP) in refraction constant determination (QPS BV.). Here, the Eastings Northings and depths of the beams from the 1st and the last (200th) pings of the data set are compared with the corresponding values from the QINSy results. 5.2 Data Processing 5.2.1 MBES Data Processing Raw MBES data (beam angle, total samples, SSS) are selected for each of 80 beams from 200 pings from the first MBES line and 253 pings from the second MBES line, for the same overlapping area. The corresponding MAHRS, DGPS, tidal data were extracted for the same corresponding time period (with respect to the selected MBES data time periods) for the both MBES lines. All the raw data are then copied to Excel files. Then the bathymetric calculations are done, separately 95 using the developed two computer programmes (SSS and SSVP). The final outputs (E, N and Depth) are again copied back to Excel files separately for each MBES line from each program. Then these Excel files are converted to CSV files (Figure 5.1a) and later converted to SCR file format using Notepad (Figure 5.1b). (a) (b) Figure 5.1 Final MBES coordinate conversion (a) Opened CSV file in Notepad (b) Converting the CSV file into a SCR file in Notepad These SCR files are made as ‘multiple point’ type, so that all these points can directly run as script files in ‘AutoCAD’ (figure 5.2). Then TIN based DTMs are generated for each data set using the ‘Quicksurf’ software loaded into the AutoCAD as shown in Figure 5.3. Figure 5.4 shows the generated DTM for the 1st MBES line data set (200 pings) using Quicksurf. 96 Figure 5.2 Processed MBES bathymetric data from the program output, loaded in to AutoCAD as a multiple point script file Quicksurf tool bar Figure 5.3 Quicksurf software loaded in AutoCAD R14 97 DTM Surface Boundary Figure 5.4 Generated DTM for the 1st MBES data set using Quicksurf 5.2.2 SBES Data Processing SBES data (E, N, Depth) are directly exported to Excel from QINSy software for the corresponding area with MBES data sets. Then, ‘poly line’ SCR files are created using Easting and Northing values of the lines in Notepad (Figure 5.5a), to be used as the reference lines to generate subsequent cross sections on MBES DTMs. In order to generate the SBES profiles, ‘line’ SCR files are created using the distance and the depth of the SBES (Figure 5.5b). By this way, all the profiles (MBES and SBES) are assured along the same reference lines. Figure 5.6 shows the SBES profile generated in AutoCAD after running the SCR file. 98 (a). (b) Figure 5.5 SBES script (SCR) generation (a) Poly line script file to create the reference line (SBES) (b) SBES profile generation using distance and depth in the script file Figure 5.6 SBES profile after running the script file in AutoCAD 99 5.2.3 Final Comparison The main objective of this study is to determine which refraction constant determination technique giving better results in ray tracing. Here, two things are to be determined; how each refraction constant determining technique performs at the nadir and how each performs at the edge of the swath. These analyses are performed based on profile comparison. For the nadir comparison, DTMs are generated form SSS and SSVP program outputs for each MBES lines and pairs of nadir profiles are generated on each SSS and SSVP DTMs for each MBES line. Then each nadir profile pairs (SSS and SSVP) from same line are compared. In the outer swath profile comparison case, outer swath pairs (SSS and SSVP) from the same MBES line are compared against the corresponding SBES profile and the adjacent MBES lines’ nadir profile (from SSVP DTM). Since two MBES lines are being used, a common DTM boundary is used to restrict the generated DTM. This way, the generated DTMs are always over the same area for all the MBES lines for all the cases (SSS and SSVP). Also to ensure all the profiles are made along the same line on DTMs, the SBES line is used as the reference line for all the profiles (Figure 5.7). SBES line 2nd MBES line Common Boundary for DTMs 1st MBES line Figure 5.7 Loaded data sets in to AutoCAD (two MBES lines, SBES line in the middle and the DTM boundary) 100 Then, each profile is generated after turning off the other DTM layers to deactivate the required DTM surfaces. After that each profile is converted as ‘blocks’ in AutoCAD drawing (Figure 5.8). The lower left corner of the each profile is given as the reference point for each block. By doing so, all the profiles need to compare can inserted in to a single AutoCAD drawing as shown in the Figure 5.9. This way, the generated profiles can exactly overlay each other using this common reference point (Figure 5.10). Base/Reference point of the block Figure 5.8 Generated profiles are saved as blocks with a reference (base) point 101 SSS profile Block (MBES) SSVP profile Block (MBES) SBES profile Block Figure 5.9 Loaded profile blocks in to a single drawing for the comparison Common reference point of all the blocks Figure 5.10 All the blocks are overlaid each other using the common base point in the final comparison CHAPTER 6 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 6.1 Introduction This chapter discusses the results obtained from both simulated and real data in SSS and SVP cases and the comparison results from refraction constant determination techniques. Firstly, the validation results of the developed computer programs are presented. Secondly, the effects of inadequate SSS and SVP are presented. The IHO standards are used for this analysis. Finally, the results obtained from the proposed refraction reduction methodology is analysed and inferences drawn. 6.2 Results of Program Validation The validation is performed to test that the adopted bathymetric calculation procedures used in the program development are correct. The only difference between the developed SSVP and the SSS program is the method of refraction constant determination. However, all the other computational procedures used are same in the both programs. 103 The refraction constant determination technique and the computational procedures in QINSy software and the developed SSVP program are similar. Hence; the SSVP program is used in the validation with QINSy software. The validation was done using two pings (1st and the 200th ping) from the MBES line-1 dataset. Corresponding Northing, Easting and the depths are compared in this case. The full validation results are shown in the Appendix D. 6.2.1 Northing Comparison A comparative analysis of the northing coordinates of the QINSy software and the SSVP program were carried out. The Northing comparison results are presented in Figures 6.1 and 6.2 for the corresponding two pings respectively. Result shows that the northing differences in the first ping ranges from 0.13m to 0.24m while in the second ping, range between 0.09m and 0.19m. The SSVP program’s Northings are always slightly greater than QINSy Northings. QINSy Qinsy vs SSVP (Northing) - Ping 01 SSVP 160030.00 160020.00 Northing (m) 160010.00 160000.00 159990.00 159980.00 159970.00 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 Beam No Figure 6.1 Northing coordinate comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP programmes for the first ping 104 QINSy Qinsy vs SSVP (Northing) - Ping 200 SSVP 160080.00 Northing (m) 160070.00 160060.00 160050.00 160040.00 160030.00 160020.00 1 11 21 31 41 Beam No 51 61 71 81 Figure 6.2 Northing coordinate comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP programmes for the second (200th) ping 6.2.2 Easting Comparison The Easting coordinates of the same two pings are compared between QINSy software and SSVP program. Easting in the first ping ranges between 0.15m and 0.30m, while in the second ranges from 0.13m to 0.31m. Easting comparisons are shown in the Figures 6.3 and 6.4 respectively. Here also the differences are consistent. 105 Easting Comparison Ping - 01 Qinsy SSVP 1296880 1296870 1296860 Easting (m) 1296850 1296840 1296830 1296820 1296810 1296800 1296790 1296780 1 11 21 31 41 Beam No 51 61 71 Figure 6.3 Easting coordinates comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the first ping Easting Comparison Ping - 200 Qinsy SSVP 1296920 1296910 1296900 1296890 Easting (m) 1296880 1296870 1296860 1296850 1296840 1296830 1296820 1296810 1 11 21 31 41 Beam No 51 61 71 Figure 6.4 Easting coordinates comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the second (200th) ping 106 6.2.3 Depth Comparison In depth comparison, the first ping gave 0.08m to 0.14m differences and the second ping gave 0.08m to 0.13 m differences. SSVP program depths are always slightly deeper than the corresponding QINSy software depths and consistent Figures 6.5 and 6.6 are showing the depth comparison results of the two pings. Qinsy Depth Comparison Ping - 01 SSVP -24 -26 Depth (m) -28 -30 -32 -34 -36 -38 -40 1 11 21 31 41 Beam No 51 61 71 Figure 6.5 Depth comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the first ping 107 Qinsy Depth Comparision Ping - 200 SSVP -27 -29 Depth (m) -31 -33 -35 -37 -39 -41 -43 -45 1 11 21 31 41 Beam No 51 61 71 Figure 6.6 Depth comparison between QINSy vs. SSVP for the second (200th) ping 6.2.4 Summary of Program Validation The above results show a slight, but consistence differences between the QINSy software and the SSVP programme outputs (SSVP results are always slightly greater than QINSy results), but the original bathymetric features are preserved. Even more, the difference falls well within the IHO special order (which is the highest order). This shows that, there is agreement between QINSy software results and SSVP program results. The validation of the SSVP program confirmed that, the bathymetric calculation procedures used in the SSVP program development is correct. Since the developed SSVP and SSS programmes have the same computational procedures, except the method of refraction constant determination; the validation results do not cause any effect to the final analysis. 108 6.3 Inadequate SSS Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers The results of the inadequate SSS effects on flat array MBES transducers are analysed based on the synthetic data and real data. The analysis considered the depth and positional effects in each case. The IHO standards (IHO, 2008) are used as the benchmarks in this analysis. 6.3.1 Synthetic Data Results Figure 6.7 presents the variation of the magnitude of the angular error in the beam-pointing angle with different SSS variations in a flat array MBES. For +10 ms-1 SSS variation, the angular error at nadir is 0o. For 30o it gives 0.22 degree error, while at 60o the error is 0.67o. This indicates that the error increases with the beam pointing angle. The pattern is similar for the other SSS variations also. SSS affects in Beam Pointing Angle 0.8 Anguler Error (degrees) 0.6 0.4 +10 m/s 0.2 +5 m/s 0 -0.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -5 m/s -10 m/s -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 Beam Angle (degrees) Figure 6.7 Variation of the magnitude of the angular error with respect to the beam pointing angle for different SSS variations 109 To determine the effects of the variation of the SSS errors in a flat array MBES in terms of across track and depth errors; the across track and depth errors with beam angles are analysed for 100m flat seabed. According to the Figure 6.8 and the Figure 6.9 respectively, for +10 ms-1 SSS variation, 60o beam is giving 1.15m across track error and 2.03m depth error; while at 30o, the across track error is 0.38m and the depth error is 0.22m. However, no errors are witnessed at the nadir. The pattern is similar for the other SSS variations as well. The full SSS variation results are presented at the Appendix B. Across Track Errors with Beam Angle Across Track Error (m) 1.5 1 0.5 +10 m/s +5 m/s 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -5 m/s -10 m/s -0.5 -1 -1.5 Beam Angle ( degrees) Figure 6.8 Across track errors for 100 m flat sea bottom for different SSS errors Depth Errors with Beam Angle 2.5 2 Depth Error (m) 1.5 1 -10 m/s 0.5 -5 m/s 0 -0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 +5 m/s + 10 m/s -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 Beam Angle (degrees) Figure 6.9 Depth errors for 100 m flat sea bottom for different SSS errors 110 The Figure 6.10 is showing the result of the swath shape of a flat seabed seen by a flat array MBES (SeaBat 8124) due to erroneous SSS measurements. From the figure, it appears as a parabola directed upward or downward depend on the sign of the SSS variation; virtually there are no distortions at nadir. But the effects are more prominent towards the outer edge of the swath. SSS Effects in Swath Shape Beam Angle (degrees) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 97 Depth (m) 98 99 +10 m/s +5 m/s 100 TRUE -5 m/s 101 -10 m/s 102 103 Figure 6.10 Impact on the shape of the swath for different SSS errors on a flat sea floor from a flat MBES 6.3.2 Real Data Results Here, the results of the real data observed in the study area-1 as discussed in Section are analysed. The corresponding survey lines are opened form QINSy> Processing Manager>Validator to visualize the effects of SSS variation on swath shape. The shapes of the swaths are shown in the Figure 6.11. The typical parabolic shapes are observed here, as seen in the case of the synthetic data analysis section. The flat seabed is seen as a curved seabed due to the SSS error. For positive SSS error, it curls upward and for negative error the same flat seabed tends to curl downward. 111 (a) Swath shape with Positive SSS (1600ms-1) (b) Swath shape with correct SSS (1533 ms-1) (c) Swath shape with Negative SSS (1450ms-1) Figure 6.11 Real examples for SSS variation effects on a flat array MBES swath 6.3.3 Summary of Inadequate SSS Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers Changes in the SSS at water surface with respect to the assumed or measured SSS at the face of the transducer causes deviation from the direction to which the beams supposed to steer. Thus leading to depth and positional errors in MBES bathymetry. The magnitude of the error depends on the magnitude of the beam pointing angle and the magnitude of the sound speed error. The errors induced all over the swath except at the nadir beams, the effects are symmetric about the nadir and non linear. For positive SSS errors, the swath curled up and curled down for negative SSS errors. 112 From the above analysis, it is clear that with 10 ms-1 SSS variation, beams greater than 50o will induce high errors not satisfying the IHO special order and beams greater than 60o will not satisfy the order 1a and 1b survey requirements (IHO, 2008). In the case of 5 ms-1 SSS variation, beams greater than 60o will not satisfy the IHO special order standards (Figure 6.12). Special Order 1st Order 1a and 1b 2nd Order 3 Maximum Error (m) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Depth (m) Figure 6.12 IHO error budgets for different levels of surveys The IHO standards for positioning requirements; 2m in special order, 5m +5% of water depth in first order and 20m +10% of water depth in second order (IHO, 2008). From the analysis, it is clear that the SSS variation does causes positional errors in the bathymetry. However, it does not exceed the any IHO limits even for 10ms-1 SSS variation. Therefore what is most concerned is depth effects rather than horizontal positional errors. 6.4 Inadequate SVP Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers In this case also, the results are discussed for both simulated data and real data cases separately in terms of both depth and positional errors. The effects are analysed against IHO standards. 113 6.4.1 Synthetic Data Results Figure 6.13 and Figure 6.14 respectively show the effects due to 10ms-1 SVP variation at the first 10m layer of the SVP for a 100m deep flat sea bottom in a flat array MBES (SeaBat 8124) in terms of depth and position. Both depth and positional errors increase with the grazing angle. It causes 1.8m depth error and 0.89m across track position error at 60o beam angle, while the same SVP error causes 0.90m depth and 0.63m across track error at 50o. But, no errors sighted at the nadir. The errors are increasing with the beam-pointing angle. Appendix C displays the full SVP variation results in the bathymetry. Depth Errors with Beam Angle 2 Depth Error (m) 1.5 1 0.5 +Ve SVP 0 -0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -Ve SVP -1 -1.5 -2 Beam Angle (degrees) Figure 6.13 Depth errors due to 10 ms-1 SVP variations at the first 10m layer of the SVP for a 100m deep, flat sea bottom Across Track Errors with Beam Angle Across Track Error (m) 1 0.5 +Ve SVP 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -Ve SVP -0.5 -1 Beam Angle (degrees) Figure 6.14 Across track errors due to 10 ms-1 SVP variation at the first 10m layer of the SVP for a 100m deep flat sea bottom 114 Figure 6.15 shows the resultant swath shape of a flat seabed, seen by a flat array MBES due to SVP variations. It also shows the typical parabolic shape curved up or down depend on the sign of the variation. At nadir, no affects, but effects gets larger with the grazing angle. Here, the effects are completely opposite to the SSS case (Figure 6.10 and Figure 6.15). SVP Effects inSwath Shape Accross Track (m) -200 98 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 98.5 Depth (m) 99 99.5 TRUE 100 +SVP 100.5 -SVP 101 101.5 102 Figure 6.15 Impact of the sound velocity profile errors on the swath shape of a flat 100m deep sea floor due to 10 ms-1 SVP variation at the first 10m layer of the SVP 6.4.2 Real Data Results Figure 6.16 (a) shows a comparison of the same ping (from the study area-1) processed with different SVPs. Since the SVP variation was not much and the area is a shallow, one cannot observe larger effects (only cm level differences). However, result from the study area 2 gives greater effects for the same SVP variations (Figure 6.16 (b)). In this case, the difference between the true and the negative SVP swath is about 1.1m at the outermost edge of the swath while the difference between positive SVP and the true SVP swath is about 0.85m, but no errors at the nadir. 115 (a) Ping comparison (Study area-1) Neg. SVP (Red) True SVP (Blue) Pos. SVP (Green) (b) Swath comparison in QINSy - Validator (Study area-2) Figure 6.16 True examples for SVP variation effects on swath in a flat array MBES 6.4.3 Summary of Inadequate SVP Effects on Flat Array MBES Transducers Variation in the SVP in the water that is assumed or measured causes unknown propagation of the beams through the water column. Depth and positional (horizontal) errors are results of this matter. Errors induced all over the swath, except at nadir. Effects are symmetric about the nadir and non linear. For positive SVP errors the swath curl down (frown) and for negative errors swath curl up (smile). 116 From the above results, it’s clear that, with 10 ms-1 variation at the first 10m layer of the SVP, beams greater than 50o will not satisfy the IHO special order depth requirements. The beams greater than 60o will not satisfy the IHO order 1a and 1b survey requirements. The horizontal positional errors induced by the variation of SVP, do not exceed any IHO limits, even with 10 ms-1 variations at the first 10m layer for 100m sea bottom. 6.5 Refraction Reduction Results The main objective of this research is to evaluate the SSS and SSVP values in the refraction constant determination. For this purpose two computer programs called ‘SSS’ and ‘SSVP’ were developed. The same data sets were processed using these programs. In this section, the results from the SSS and SSVP programs are discussed. The corresponding profiles from both SBES and adjacent MBES line’s nadir area are used as benchmarks for the comparison. 6.5.1 Nadir Comparison Usually, the nadir beams are least affected by the refraction (as seen in the Sections 6.3 and 6.4). Figures 6.17 and 6.18 show the nadir profile comparison results of the SSS and SSVP programs for the two MBES lines respectively. The SSS profile is in blue colour and the SSVP profile is in brown colour. In the comparison, both profiles tally well almost everywhere of the profiles, except the places where there were random errors in DTM. This proves that, both SSS and SSVP values in refraction constant determination giving almost the same the results at the nadir. 117 Both SSS and SSVP Profiles (merging together) 1m Figure 6.17 SSS and SSVP profiles at the nadir from the MBES line 01 Both SSS and SSVP Profiles (merging together) 1m Figure 6.18 SSS and SSVP profiles at the nadir from MBES line 02 118 6.5.2 Outer Comparison According to the results obtained from the Sections 6.3 and 6.4, the outer beams are seriously affected by the refraction. Here, the corresponding outer edge swath profiles from SSS and SSVP program DTMs are compared against corresponding SBES and the adjacent MBES SSVP nadir profiles. Figure 6.19 shows the SSS and SSVP outer edge swath profile comparison with SBES profile. Red coloured profile is the SBES profile, while the green and the blue are the SSS and the SSVP profiles, respectively. SSVP outer Profile -L1 SSS outer Profile - L1 1m SBES Profile Figure 6.19 SSS, SSVP and corresponding SBES profile comparison at the outer edge of the swath of MBES line 01 Figures 6.20 and 6.21 show the outer edge swath profile comparisons for the two MBES lines using both SSS and SSVP DTMs, with the corresponding SBES and adjacent MBES nadir profiles. The adjacent MBES nadir profiles are in dark ash colour. 119 SSVP outer Profile - L1 SSVP nadir Profile -L2 SSS outer Profile -L1 1m SBES Profile Figure 6.20 SSS and SSVP outer beam profiles for MBES line 01 and corresponding SBES and adjacent MBES nadir (line 02) profile comparison SSVP nadir Profile –L1 1m SSVP outer Profile – L2 SSS outer Profile –L2 SBES Profile Figure 6.21 SSS and SSVP outer beam profiles for MBES line 02 and corresponding SBES and adjacent MBES nadir (line 01) profile comparison 120 The results clearly show that, at the outer edge of the swath, the SSS and SSVP profiles do not match together as at the nadir. They are separated. The SSS profiles are always deeper than the corresponding SSVP profiles. None of the profiles matches with the corresponding SBES or the adjacent MBES nadir profiles. But the corresponding SBES profiles and the adjacent MBES nadir profiles are matching quite well. This difference between outer and nadir profiles gives an indication of the used (true) SVP is not fully relevant to the dataset; even though it is collected at the same locality of the survey area, prior to the data collection. Therefore, it is clear that there are refraction effects exist in the data set. But in the final comparison, it is obvious that the SSS profiles are closer to the both nadir MBES and SBES profiles than the corresponding SSVP profiles. The differences between the SSVP outer profiles and the corresponding nadir profiles in the both data sets are around 0.10m to 0.15m. At the same time SSS profile differences are about 0.04m to 0.06m. The above results shows that, the SSS technique in refraction constant determination is giving better results in refraction artifacts (25% to 30%). 6.5.3 Summary of Refraction Reduction Results The results show that at the nadir, both approaches are giving the similar results. It does not make any difference, whether the SSS or the SSVP used in refraction constant determination. However, at the outer edge of the swath, the SSS profiles always giving closer profiles to the corresponding SBES and MBES nadir profiles than that of the SSVP. This proves that the use of the more frequent SSS in refraction constant determination giving better results than the use of SSVP. CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Conclusion Sound speeds measurements are clearly a critical component of the multibeam survey. The measurements, applications and the effects of this critical parameter must take into consideration prior to conducting of the survey. The hydrographer must have a thorough knowledge of the area, when and how each comes in to play and the affects generated; and the procedures in mitigating these effects. However, manufacturers of multibeam systems do not fully present the implications of spatially under-sampling of the sound velocity in a quantitative manner. This study has provided a broad spectrum and the nature of the refraction artifacts that occurs due to inadequate monitoring of the sound speeds (in SSS and SVP). In addition to that, the study compared the SSS and SSVP values in refraction constant determination. Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions are made. Surface sound speed measurements are required in flat array multibeam transducers to determine the correct delays to be applied to each beam in the beam steering process. If the SSS in not measured in real-time or the applied SSS is different from the original SSS, the beams are steered in a different direction as against the calculated; thus leading to depth and positional errors in the MBES bathymetry. The SSS effects are less at the nadir area and maximum at the outermost beams. Proper care must be taken during the SSS measurements to avoid the outermost beams of the MBES not satisfying the IHO standards. 122 The SVP determines the ray propagation through the water column in MBES. If the measured SVP is not the correct SVP of a location, the calculated ray paths are incorrect. This also results to depth and positional errors in the multibeam bathymetry. The artefacts are minimum at the nadir and maximum at the outer edge of the swath. If one does not be careful enough with the SVP measurements, the outermost beams of the MBES will not satisfy the IHO standards. In almost all flat array multibeam systems, both SSS and SVP measurements are made. However, most of the MBES data processing software does not utilize these real-time collected SSS data for the refraction purpose. This study clearly shows that, the use of more frequent real-time SSS in refraction constant determination gives 25% to 30% better results than the SSVP. This indicates that, the SSS is correlated with the SVP, hence in the absence of a better method to measure the rapid time and space varying SVPs, this method would provides a better, cost effective and simpler means of reducing such effects in multibeam data. Reduction of refraction effects increases the accuracy and reliability of the bathymetric data. This method provides an improved image of the seafloor for engineers and geoscientists and also cost effective means of handling non-critical survey projects (pipe-lines, cable route, fisheries habitats). The method also makes the results of successive survey comparisons are much more meaningful (in dredging surveys). 7.2 Recommendations Tropical seas (like in Malaysia) do not exhibits much variation in the sound speeds both temporally and diurnally, unless in river mouth areas where there is continues mix of fresh and salt waters. This study was carried out at the Lido Beach, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, where the environment in not that highly refractive. 123 Therefore a similar study should be carried out in a high refractive area preferably, Northern or Southern seas or a river deltaic area. The maximum water depth of the study area is about 40m. Here, one cannot expect large refraction effects. Therefore, it is proposed to carry out a similar study in the deeper waters as well. In this study, single beam and adjacent multibeam nadir profiles were used for the comparison of the two techniques. Here, the obtained profile mismatch between the outer profiles vs. the corresponding nadir and SBES profiles might not completely due to the refraction effects. Other errors inherent in the systems may have being involved. Hence, it is recommended to carryout a through study using known seabed or a simulated dataset. 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IEEE Oceans' 99 “Riding the Crest into the 21st Century” Conference Proceedings. 3: 1144-1148. 128 Appendix A- Database Settings 129 Appendix A- Database Settings 130 Appendix A- Database Settings 131 Appendix A- Database Settings 132 Appendix A- Database Settings 133 Appendix A- Database Settings 134 Appendix A- Database Settings 135 Appendix A- Database Settings 136 Appendix B - Synthetic Data for SSS Case Beam Angle Variation Beam Ang 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Deltd Ang +10 0 0.07 0.14 0.22 0.32 0.46 0.67 Delt Ang +5 0 0.03 0.07 0.11 0.16 0.23 0.33 Delt Ang -5 0 -0.03 -0.07 -0.11 -0.16 -0.23 -0.33 Delt Ang -10 0 -0.07 -0.14 -0.22 -0.32 -0.45 -0.66 Depth Variation True-depth d+10depth d+5depth d-5depth d-10depth 100 -2.03 -1 1 1.99 100 -0.96 -0.48 0.48 0.93 100 -0.47 -0.24 0.23 0.47 100 -0.22 -0.11 0.11 0.22 100 -0.09 -0.04 0.05 0.09 100 -0.04 -0.01 0.01 0.02 100 0 0 0 0 Across Track Differences B Ang 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 dAcc+10 0 0.12 0.24 0.38 0.56 0.79 1.15 dAcc+5 0 0.05 0.12 0.19 0.28 0.39 0.57 dAcc-5 0 -0.05 -0.12 -0.2 -0.28 -0.41 -0.58 dAcc-10 0 -0.12 -0.25 -0.39 -0.56 -0.8 -1.17 137 Appendix C - Synthetic Data for SVP Case Depth Errors B Ang 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Depth Error +Ve SVP -Ve SVP 0.07 -0.07 0.12 -0.11 0.14 -0.15 0.26 -0.26 0.47 -0.49 0.87 -0.9 1.73 -1.8 Across Track Errors Across Track Error B Ang +Ve SVP -Ve SVP 0 0 0 10 -0.08 0.09 20 -0.18 0.19 30 -0.29 0.32 40 -0.43 0.44 50 -0.62 0.63 60 -0.9 0.89 Swath Shape Swath Shape of SVP Errors B Ang True +Ve SVP -Ve SVP 60 100 101.73 98.2 50 100 100.87 99.1 40 100 100.47 99.51 30 100 100.26 99.74 20 100 100.14 99.85 10 100 100.12 99.89 0 100 100.07 99.93 -10 100 100.12 99.89 -20 100 100.14 99.85 -30 100 100.26 99.74 -40 100 100.47 99.51 -50 100 100.87 99.1 -60 100 101.73 98.2 138 Appendix D - Program Validation Results Northing Comparison Beam No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ping -01 QN My-N 160026.99 160027.23 160025.90 160026.13 160024.87 160025.10 160023.87 160024.10 160022.90 160023.12 160021.97 160022.19 160021.07 160021.31 160020.21 160020.43 160019.41 160019.63 160018.69 160018.91 160017.96 160018.18 160017.25 160017.46 160016.54 160016.75 160015.91 160016.12 160015.28 160015.51 160014.66 160014.87 160014.06 160014.27 160013.47 160013.69 160012.90 160013.11 160012.33 160012.53 160011.78 160011.98 160011.26 160011.46 160010.73 160010.93 160010.22 160010.42 160009.73 160009.93 160009.24 160009.44 160008.76 160008.95 160008.29 160008.49 160007.83 160008.02 160007.38 160007.57 160006.94 160007.13 160006.49 160006.68 160006.06 160006.25 160005.63 160005.81 160005.22 160005.40 160004.80 160004.99 160004.37 160004.55 160003.96 160004.14 160003.54 160003.72 160003.13 160003.31 d-N -0.24 -0.23 -0.23 -0.23 -0.22 -0.22 -0.24 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.22 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.23 -0.21 -0.21 -0.22 -0.21 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.19 -0.20 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.19 -0.18 -0.18 -0.19 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 Beam No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ping-200 QN My-N d-N 160075.33 160075.52 -0.19 160074.50 160074.69 -0.19 160073.73 160073.91 -0.18 160072.97 160073.16 -0.19 160072.22 160072.41 -0.19 160071.45 160071.62 -0.17 160070.70 160070.89 -0.18 160069.97 160070.18 -0.21 160069.29 160069.48 -0.18 160068.56 160068.74 -0.18 160067.82 160068.01 -0.19 160067.18 160067.36 -0.18 160066.53 160066.71 -0.18 160065.85 160066.03 -0.18 160065.20 160065.39 -0.19 160064.53 160064.71 -0.18 160063.87 160064.03 -0.16 160063.19 160063.36 -0.17 160062.57 160062.74 -0.17 160061.93 160062.11 -0.18 160061.29 160061.46 -0.17 160060.66 160060.83 -0.17 160060.05 160060.22 -0.17 160059.43 160059.60 -0.17 160058.83 160058.98 -0.15 160058.24 160058.40 -0.16 160057.65 160057.81 -0.16 160057.07 160057.23 -0.16 160056.50 160056.66 -0.16 160055.94 160056.10 -0.16 160055.39 160055.55 -0.16 160054.84 160054.98 -0.14 160054.30 160054.46 -0.15 160053.75 160053.90 -0.15 160053.24 160053.38 -0.14 160052.71 160052.86 -0.15 160052.19 160052.34 -0.15 160051.67 160051.82 -0.15 160051.13 160051.28 -0.15 160050.54 160050.70 -0.16 139 Appendix D - Program Validation Results Northing Comparison Beam No 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Ping -01 QN My-N 160002.71 160002.89 160002.30 160002.47 160001.88 160002.06 160001.47 160001.64 160001.04 160001.20 160000.59 160000.76 160000.17 160000.34 159999.77 159999.94 159999.34 159999.50 159998.84 159999.00 159998.43 159998.59 159997.97 159998.12 159997.49 159997.65 159997.02 159997.18 159996.55 159996.71 159996.06 159996.21 159995.54 159995.69 159994.97 159995.12 159994.48 159994.63 159993.97 159994.12 159993.44 159993.59 159992.86 159993.01 159992.30 159992.46 159991.72 159991.86 159991.15 159991.29 159990.52 159990.66 159989.85 159989.98 159989.23 159989.37 159988.56 159988.70 159987.87 159988.01 159987.18 159987.31 159986.48 159986.61 159985.62 159985.75 159984.71 159984.84 159983.84 159983.94 159982.93 159983.06 159981.91 159982.04 159980.89 159981.01 159979.67 159979.81 159978.51 159978.64 d-N -0.17 -0.17 -0.18 -0.17 -0.16 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.15 -0.16 -0.16 -0.16 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.16 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.13 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.10 -0.13 -0.13 -0.12 -0.14 -0.13 Beam No 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Ping -200 QN My-N d-N 160050.11 160050.26 -0.14 160049.59 160049.73 -0.14 160049.08 160049.22 -0.14 160048.58 160048.72 -0.14 160048.04 160048.18 -0.14 160047.53 160047.67 -0.14 160047.02 160047.20 -0.17 160046.49 160046.63 -0.14 160045.97 160046.11 -0.14 160045.43 160045.56 -0.13 160044.87 160045.00 -0.13 160044.39 160044.53 -0.14 160043.82 160043.95 -0.13 160043.33 160043.46 -0.13 160042.81 160042.96 -0.15 160042.20 160042.33 -0.13 160041.56 160041.69 -0.13 160040.93 160041.05 -0.12 160040.25 160040.37 -0.12 160039.61 160039.74 -0.13 160038.92 160039.04 -0.12 160038.23 160038.35 -0.12 160037.55 160037.67 -0.12 160036.85 160036.97 -0.12 160036.14 160036.26 -0.11 160035.42 160035.54 -0.12 160034.59 160034.72 -0.13 160033.80 160033.91 -0.11 160032.96 160033.07 -0.11 160032.05 160032.16 -0.11 160031.14 160031.25 -0.11 160030.13 160030.24 -0.11 160029.08 160029.19 -0.11 160028.06 160028.18 -0.11 160026.99 160027.10 -0.11 160025.63 160025.72 -0.09 160024.60 160024.70 -0.10 160023.34 160023.45 -0.11 160022.05 160022.15 -0.10 160020.54 160020.64 -0.10 140 Appendix D - Program Validation Results Easting Comparison Beam No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ping -01 QE My-E d-E 1296784.57 1296784.72 -0.15 1296786.58 1296786.72 -0.14 1296788.47 1296788.61 -0.14 1296790.31 1296790.45 -0.14 1296792.09 1296792.22 -0.13 1296793.82 1296793.97 -0.15 1296795.49 1296795.64 -0.15 1296797.12 1296797.27 -0.15 1296798.59 1296798.73 -0.14 1296799.90 1296800.07 -0.17 1296801.24 1296801.40 -0.16 1296802.57 1296802.73 -0.16 1296803.93 1296804.09 -0.16 1296805.05 1296805.21 -0.16 1296806.23 1296806.40 -0.17 1296807.37 1296807.53 -0.16 1296808.50 1296808.67 -0.17 1296809.60 1296809.77 -0.17 1296810.67 1296810.84 -0.17 1296811.74 1296811.91 -0.17 1296812.81 1296812.97 -0.16 1296813.73 1296813.90 -0.17 1296814.78 1296814.95 -0.17 1296815.78 1296815.96 -0.18 1296816.67 1296816.85 -0.18 1296817.60 1296817.78 -0.18 1296818.50 1296818.68 -0.18 1296819.42 1296819.61 -0.19 1296820.28 1296820.47 -0.19 1296821.14 1296821.33 -0.19 1296822.02 1296822.21 -0.19 1296822.85 1296823.05 -0.20 1296823.68 1296823.87 -0.19 1296824.51 1296824.72 -0.21 1296825.32 1296825.52 -0.20 1296826.13 1296826.33 -0.20 1296826.93 1296827.13 -0.20 1296827.72 1296827.94 -0.22 1296828.52 1296828.72 -0.20 1296829.31 1296829.51 -0.20 Beam No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ping-200 QE My-E d-E 1296816.36 1296816.49 -0.13 1296817.71 1296817.84 -0.13 1296818.94 1296819.08 -0.14 1296820.14 1296820.29 -0.15 1296821.37 1296821.52 -0.15 1296822.61 1296822.76 -0.15 1296823.85 1296824.00 -0.15 1296825.05 1296825.21 -0.16 1296826.12 1296826.28 -0.16 1296827.35 1296827.51 -0.16 1296828.60 1296828.77 -0.17 1296829.59 1296829.75 -0.16 1296830.66 1296830.83 -0.17 1296831.78 1296831.95 -0.17 1296832.85 1296833.02 -0.17 1296833.98 1296834.15 -0.17 1296835.09 1296835.26 -0.17 1296836.27 1296836.44 -0.17 1296837.31 1296837.49 -0.18 1296838.40 1296838.58 -0.18 1296839.52 1296839.71 -0.19 1296840.59 1296840.77 -0.18 1296841.66 1296841.84 -0.18 1296842.75 1296842.94 -0.19 1296843.80 1296843.99 -0.19 1296844.84 1296845.04 -0.20 1296845.89 1296846.09 -0.20 1296846.95 1296847.14 -0.19 1296847.93 1296848.13 -0.20 1296848.94 1296849.15 -0.21 1296849.95 1296850.15 -0.20 1296850.93 1296851.14 -0.21 1296851.90 1296852.11 -0.21 1296852.86 1296853.07 -0.21 1296853.83 1296854.03 -0.20 1296854.78 1296855.00 -0.22 1296855.72 1296855.94 -0.22 1296856.66 1296856.87 -0.21 1296857.61 1296857.83 -0.22 1296858.58 1296858.80 -0.22 141 Appendix D - Program Validation Results Easting Comparison Beam No 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Ping -01 QE My-E d-E 1296830.10 1296830.32 -0.22 1296830.89 1296831.10 -0.21 1296831.68 1296831.90 -0.22 1296832.48 1296832.69 -0.21 1296833.29 1296833.50 -0.21 1296834.12 1296834.33 -0.21 1296834.92 1296835.13 -0.21 1296835.72 1296835.94 -0.22 1296836.54 1296836.76 -0.22 1296837.45 1296837.67 -0.22 1296838.26 1296838.48 -0.22 1296839.13 1296839.36 -0.23 1296840.03 1296840.25 -0.22 1296840.93 1296841.16 -0.23 1296841.83 1296842.06 -0.23 1296842.76 1296842.99 -0.23 1296843.75 1296843.98 -0.23 1296844.80 1296845.03 -0.23 1296845.76 1296845.99 -0.23 1296846.74 1296846.96 -0.22 1296847.77 1296848.01 -0.24 1296848.87 1296849.11 -0.24 1296849.96 1296850.20 -0.24 1296851.08 1296851.32 -0.24 1296852.20 1296852.44 -0.24 1296853.40 1296853.66 -0.26 1296854.69 1296854.94 -0.25 1296855.90 1296856.15 -0.25 1296857.21 1296857.46 -0.25 1296858.56 1296858.81 -0.25 1296859.91 1296860.15 -0.24 1296861.30 1296861.56 -0.26 1296862.96 1296863.21 -0.25 1296864.71 1296864.97 -0.26 1296866.41 1296866.67 -0.26 1296868.19 1296868.45 -0.26 1296870.16 1296870.42 -0.26 1296872.16 1296872.43 -0.27 1296874.51 1296874.79 -0.28 1296876.79 1296877.09 -0.30 Beam No 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Ping-200 QE My-E d-E 1296859.47 1296859.70 -0.23 1296860.40 1296860.63 -0.23 1296861.34 1296861.57 -0.23 1296862.26 1296862.48 -0.22 1296863.22 1296863.46 -0.24 1296864.16 1296864.39 -0.23 1296865.09 1296865.33 -0.24 1296866.05 1296866.29 -0.24 1296867.00 1296867.24 -0.24 1296867.98 1296868.21 -0.23 1296868.99 1296869.24 -0.25 1296869.91 1296870.15 -0.24 1296870.94 1296871.19 -0.25 1296871.87 1296872.12 -0.25 1296872.84 1296873.10 -0.26 1296873.93 1296874.19 -0.26 1296875.07 1296875.33 -0.26 1296876.21 1296876.47 -0.26 1296877.42 1296877.68 -0.26 1296878.59 1296878.84 -0.25 1296879.82 1296880.09 -0.27 1296881.08 1296881.36 -0.28 1296882.32 1296882.59 -0.27 1296883.61 1296883.89 -0.28 1296884.92 1296885.19 -0.27 1296886.24 1296886.51 -0.27 1296887.75 1296888.03 -0.27 1296889.21 1296889.49 -0.28 1296890.74 1296891.01 -0.27 1296892.39 1296892.64 -0.25 1296894.07 1296894.36 -0.29 1296895.90 1296896.19 -0.29 1296897.82 1296898.12 -0.30 1296899.70 1296899.99 -0.29 1296901.68 1296901.99 -0.31 1296904.13 1296904.42 -0.29 1296906.08 1296906.38 -0.30 1296908.41 1296908.71 -0.30 1296910.82 1296911.14 -0.31 1296913.59 1296913.90 -0.31 142 Appendix D - Program Validation Results Depth Comparison Beam No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Q-D -39.60 -39.66 -39.74 -39.75 -39.72 -39.65 -39.54 -39.40 -39.35 -39.46 -39.44 -39.37 -39.17 -39.29 -39.25 -39.20 -39.12 -39.03 -38.96 -38.79 -38.56 -38.68 -38.35 -38.08 -38.12 -37.98 -37.86 -37.58 -37.48 -37.40 -37.06 -37.00 -36.75 -36.59 -36.31 -36.09 -36.06 -35.89 -35.77 -35.61 Ping-01 My- D -39.68 -39.75 -39.83 -39.84 -39.81 -39.75 -39.64 -39.49 -39.45 -39.56 -39.54 -39.46 -39.27 -39.39 -39.35 -39.30 -39.22 -39.13 -39.05 -38.88 -38.65 -38.77 -38.44 -38.17 -38.21 -38.06 -37.94 -37.67 -37.57 -37.48 -37.14 -37.08 -36.83 -36.68 -36.40 -36.18 -36.14 -35.98 -35.85 -35.70 d-D 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.09 Beam No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Q-D -37.11 -37.67 -38.30 -38.90 -39.44 -39.91 -40.35 -40.78 -41.33 -41.64 -41.87 -42.44 -42.87 -43.20 -43.55 -43.77 -43.99 -44.01 -44.29 -44.43 -44.44 -44.52 -44.55 -44.49 -44.48 -44.43 -44.31 -44.04 -44.16 -44.00 -43.72 -43.65 -43.45 -43.52 -43.10 -42.88 -42.74 -42.58 -42.57 -42.83 Ping-200 My-D -37.24 -37.80 -38.42 -39.03 -39.57 -40.04 -40.48 -40.90 -41.46 -41.77 -41.99 -42.56 -42.99 -43.32 -43.67 -43.89 -44.10 -44.12 -44.40 -44.54 -44.55 -44.62 -44.65 -44.59 -44.58 -44.53 -44.41 -44.14 -44.25 -44.09 -43.81 -43.74 -43.54 -43.61 -43.19 -42.97 -42.83 -42.67 -42.66 -42.92 d-D 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 143 Appendix D - Program Validation Results Depth Comparison Beam No 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Q-D -35.48 -35.33 -35.18 -35.04 -34.92 -34.90 -34.69 -34.45 -34.28 -34.33 -34.05 -33.93 -33.82 -33.65 -33.45 -33.28 -33.17 -33.11 -32.84 -32.58 -32.33 -32.13 -31.87 -31.59 -31.26 -30.96 -30.70 -30.29 -29.93 -29.53 -29.06 -28.56 -28.19 -27.79 -27.27 -26.70 -26.15 -25.51 -24.93 -24.20 Ping-01 My- D -35.57 -35.42 -35.27 -35.13 -35.02 -34.99 -34.79 -34.55 -34.38 -34.44 -34.16 -34.04 -33.93 -33.76 -33.56 -33.39 -33.29 -33.23 -32.97 -32.70 -32.46 -32.26 -31.99 -31.72 -31.39 -31.10 -30.83 -30.42 -30.06 -29.65 -29.18 -28.68 -28.31 -27.91 -27.38 -26.81 -26.26 -25.62 -25.05 -24.31 d-D 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 Beam No 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Q-D -42.08 -41.91 -41.71 -41.44 -41.36 -41.15 -40.86 -40.67 -40.43 -40.25 -40.10 -39.68 -39.51 -39.07 -38.71 -38.55 -38.43 -38.23 -38.10 -37.85 -37.64 -37.39 -37.06 -36.73 -36.36 -35.96 -35.68 -35.26 -34.85 -34.47 -34.03 -33.61 -33.17 -32.59 -31.98 -31.56 -30.71 -29.96 -29.13 -28.33 Ping-200 My-D -42.17 -42.00 -41.81 -41.54 -41.46 -41.24 -40.96 -40.78 -40.53 -40.35 -40.20 -39.79 -39.62 -39.18 -38.83 -38.66 -38.54 -38.35 -38.22 -37.97 -37.76 -37.51 -37.18 -36.85 -36.48 -36.08 -35.79 -35.38 -34.96 -34.58 -34.13 -33.71 -33.26 -32.67 -32.06 -31.74 -30.92 -30.16 -29.34 -28.43 d-D 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.10 144 Appendix E - Publications 1). Joint International symposium and exhibition on geoinfromation and International Symposium on GPS/GNNS 2007. November 2007, Johor Bahru, Malaysia AN APPRAISAL OF MULTIBEAM ECHO-SOUNDER CALIBRATION Mohd Razali Mahmud Gunathilaka M.D.E.K. Kelvin Tang Kang Wee Hydrographic Research and Training Office Department of Geomatic Engineering Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Malaysia ABSTRACT One of the most impressive Hydrographic technique developed over the past few decade is Multibeam sonar systems. Sounding data from these systems is a result of processing information from several data sources. Among them, positional data from Global Positioning System (GPS), vessels heading and attitude data from gyro and motion sensor systems, vertical reference data from tide gauge and sound speed data, in addition to the multibeam data itself. There must be a good coordination between these systems in order to obtain reliable data. To determine this, a proper and thorough field calibration procedure has to be carried out on the system as a whole. This process begins with measurement of static offsets between each sensor system with reference to a fixed point on the vessel. Preferably the point of centre of gravity (CoG). Then the patch test is carried out to determine the mounting offsets and GPS latency and lastly a performance test to verify whether the data meet the accuracy requirements for the survey. This is achieved through a comparison of data with a reference surface. This paper discusses the theoretical aspects, steps involved and results of the calibration procedures for Multibeam sonars, using RESON SeaBat 8124 multibeam system. Finally a summary of multibeam sonar calibration criteria is also presented showing the methodology involve which include when to perform each test and applying corrections. 145 Appendix E - Publications 2). Joint International symposium and exhibition on geoinfromation and International Symposium on GPS/GNNS 2007. November 2007, Johor Bahru, Malaysia THE EFFECTS OF INADEQUATE SURFACE SOUND SPEED MEASUREMENTS IN MULTIBEAM ECHOSOUNDER SYSTEMS Mohd Razali Mahmud Gunathilaka M.D.E.K. Hydrographic Research and Training Office Department of Geomatic Engineering Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Skudai Johor, Malaysia ABSTRACT In any type of survey work, variation of the characteristics of the medium through which the measurements are made is a challenge, thus; having serious effects on the accuracy of the measurements. In hydrographic surveying the effects is even greater when using sonar techniques. The single most important acoustical variable in the water is its speed. Average speed of sound in the ocean is 1500m/s. But its precise value in a location is strongly depending on temperature, pressure and salinity of that particular location. These factors changes rapidly in time and space due to various reasons like solar heating, evaporation, precipitation, fresh water inflow etc… and water movements like tides, currents and wave actions. In data acquisition, the collection of these dense sound speed data becomes critical. These inadequate sound speeds create unknown propagation through the water column that adds a major uncertainty to Multibeam echo sounder measurements (MBES). There are two types of sound speed measurements made in Multibeam sonars. Surface Sound Speed (SSS) measured at the face of the transducer and sound speed profile (SSP) through the water column. SSS used to determine the beam pointing angle and SSP used to determine the depth and position of each beam. This paper explains the necessity of the surface sound speed in multibeam sonars and effects generated by inadequate SSS measurements using real data from RESON SeaBat 8124 Multibeam system. When the vessel roll is significant, the roll modulate the errors induced by erroneous SSS measurements. These errors are illustrated in relation to the IHO standards.