USING HEC-RAS AND QUAL2E TO ASSESS JOHOR RIVER WATER QUALITY ALI H. AHMED SULIMAN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA USING HEC-RAS AND QUAL2E TO ASSESS JOHOR RIVER WATER QUALITY ALI H. AHMED SULIMAN A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil-Hydraulics and Hydrology) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia “To my beloved father Mr. Hussien Ahmed Sulieman and my mother Mrs. Ekbal Abdul Fatah, to my brother as well as to all my sisters. I would say to them, I am very proud of you, thanks for your encouragement, supportive situations. Conversely, to all my best friends thank you for being faithful and helpful” To my supervisor, ASSOC. Prof. Ir. Dr. AYOB KATIMON, your good deeds will always be remembered. Lastly, to all my fellow friends, Thanks for everything… ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, my praises and thanks to Almighty Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful, who gave me the knowledge, encouragement and patience to accomplish this research May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Mohammad. I wish to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to my supervisor, Prof. Dr. AYOB KATIMON, for encouragement when I have problems, guidance to the right way, and suggestions when I am hesitate. Without his continued support and interest, this project report would not have been the same as presented here. I am also indebted to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). I also need take this opportunity to say very thankful to my FKA staff for their guidance, advice and knowledge in this field for help me successful finished my project. Without their contribution, interest and guidance I would not complete this study. Last but not least, to all my family members and friends who have directly or indirectly helps and contribute to the success of this project. ABSTRACT Johor River is a major raw water supplier for a highly populated region, Johor state as well as Singapore. Because of the development over the entire catchment, water quality has become a sensitive matter. For this reason, several studies have been carried out in order to investigate its affects on the environment. Computer simulation and Numerical model are considered as essential and powerful tools in water resources monitoring plan in decisionmaking process. HEC-RAS is integrated system software designed to perform one dimensional hydraulic calculation. It was used to estimate the hydraulic changes due to the hydrological alteration of Johor River in response to the change of river discharges and to calculate the sediment transport capacity. Also in this study, QUAL2E was used as the water quality modeling analysis tool. It is suitable for one-dimensional analysis with constant flow and it is applied to predict the water quality model for the Johor River. The model was used to simulate both dissolved oxygen (DO) and biological oxygen demand (BOD ) along the certain reach of the river. Data was collected from several stations along Johor River, ranging from Rantau Panjang till water treatment plant. Flow rates, depths, loads, dissolved oxygen, and length of the river were measured in the field. Moreover, biochemical oxygen demands concentrations and total suspended solid were measured in the libratory. Those entire databases were used to supply inputs to the two models. As first time the HEC-RAS has been used to model; and followed by QUAL2E for simulating water quality at Johor River. Also In order to assess the vegetation buffer strips’ performance, and because of the reducing of the light penetration, harmful algal blooms, decrease in dissolved oxygen, total suspended solid (TSS) was estimated. All parameters are compared to the Interim National Water Quality Standard (INWQS) provided by Department of Environment (DOE). From the finding, the average concentration of suspended solid was 17.97 mg/l. The trap efficiency for pollution load reduction by vegetation buffer strip was estimated 9.17 % and this value would be bigger during high discharges. ABSTRAK Sungai Johor merupakan pembekal air mentah utama untuk daerah yang sangat padat di negeri Johor serta Singapura. Kerana pembangunan pesat, ketinggian air telah menjadi masalah sensitif. Untuk alasan ini, kajian telah dilakukan untuk menyiasat kesan ruya terhadap persekitaran. Simulasi komputer dan model berangka dianggap sebagai alat penting dan berkuasa dalam pemantauan sumber daya air di dalam proses membuat keputusan. HEC-RAS terintegrasi perisian sistem yang direka untuk melakukan perhitungan hidrolik satu dimensi. Ini digunakan untuk menganggarkan perubahan hidrolik kerana perubahan hidrologi Sungai Johor dalam menanggapi perubahan rejim sungai dan untuk mengira kapasiti pengangkutan sedimen. Juga dalam kajian ini, QUAL2E digunakan sebagai alat analisis pemodelan ketinggian air. Sangat cocok untuk analisis satu-dimensi dengan arus konstan dan itu tersirat untuk memprediksi model ketinggian air bagi Sungai Johor. Model ini digunakan untuk simulasi kedua oksigen terlarut (DO) dan keperluan oksigen biologi (BOD5) sepanjang liputan tertentu sungai. Data dikumpul daripada beberapa stesen di sepanjang Sungai Johor, pemprosesan air bermula dari Rantau panjang. Nelai Arus, kedalaman, beban, oksigen terlarut, dan panjang sungai diukur di lapangan. Selain itu, permintaan oksigen biokimia dan konsentrasi total pepejal tersuspensi diukur dalam makmal. kesemua database digunakan sebagai input kepada dua model. Pertama, HEC-RAS telah digunakan untuk model, dan diikuti oleh QUAL2E untuk simulasi high air di Sungai Johor. Juga Untuk menilai prestasi jalur penyangga vegetasi, pengurangan penetrasi cahaya, mekar alga berbahaya, penurunan oksigen terlarut, total suspended solid (TSS) dianggarkan. Semua parameter yang dibandingkan dengan Kualiti Air Kebangsaan Interim Standard (INWQS) disediakan oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar (DOE). Dari laporan tersebut, maka konsentrasi paurate bahan teranpai adalah 17,97 mg / l. Kecekapan perangkap untuk pengurangan beban pencemaran oleh vegetasi buffer dianggarkan 9.17% dan nilai ini akan lebih besar mengilcut kadar aliram sungai. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii 1 2 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 4 1.3 Objective 5 1.4 Scope of study 5 LITERATURE REVIEW AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING 2.1 General 6 2.2 Water pollution 7 2.2.1 Point Source 7 2.2.2 Non-Point Source 8 2.3 Water Quality Monitor 9 2.4 Water Quality Parameters 11 2.4.1 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 12 2.4.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 13 2.5 2.4.3 pH 14 2.4.4 15 Total suspended solid (TSS) HEC-RAS Overview 15 2.5.1 Steady Flow Water Surface Profile 16 2.5.2 Energy Head Loss 18 Friction Loss Evaluation 19 Contraction and Expansion 19 Loss Evaluation 2.5.3 3 Assumption in Steady Flow Program 20 2.6 Riparian Buffer Strip 20 2.7 Sediment Transport Capacity in HEC-RAS 25 2.7.1 Fall Velocity 28 2.7.2 Sediment Transport Function 30 30 Toffaleti Method 2.8 Water Quality Modeling 33 2.9 Limitation of QUAL2E 36 2.10 QUAL2E Calibration and Validation 37 2.11 Applications of QUAL2E 38 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 40 3.2 Location of Study Area 42 3.3 Data Collection 43 3.3.1 Water Sampling and its Stations 44 3.3.2 Flow Measurement 48 3.4 In-Situ Testing 51 3.5 52 Water Quality Test 3.5.1 Total Suspended Solid 3.5.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 3.6 52 55 Interim National Water Quality Standards (INWQS) 55 3.7 Sieve Analysis 58 3.8 Calibration of Qual2E Model 59 3.9 Validation of QUAL2E Model 60 4 EXECUTION STEPS AND RESULTS 4.1 Johor River Modeling 62 4.2 HEC-RAS Interface 63 4.3 Starting a New Project 63 4.4 Entering Geometry Data 64 4.4.1 River System Schematic 64 4.4.2 Cross Section Geometry 65 Steady Flow 66 4.5.1 Boundary Condition 66 4.5.2 Discharge Information 67 4.5 4.6 Steady Flow Analysis 68 4.7 Sieve Analysis 74 4.8 Sediment Transport Capacity 76 4.9 Analysis the Data for QUAL2E 81 4.10 Comparison between Calibrated 81 and Observed Data 5 4.11 Total Suspended Solid of Johor River 83 4.12 pH Analysis 85 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion 86 5.2 Recommendations 88 REFERENCES 90 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO 2.1 TITLE PAGE Some Recommended Widths of Vegetate Buffer Strips, for Various Functions 24 2.2 limitation of data in QUAL2E 37 3.1 The Calculation of Discharge Using 51 Velocity-Area Method 3.2 Interim National Water Quality Standards 56 (INWQS) 3.3 Data Needed to Run QUAL2E Program 60 4.1 Sediment Transport Potential 78 4.2 Data for Johor River from Sampling 4.3 Total Suspended Solid Concentration from 81 84 Laboratory Testing in unit mg/l or ppm. 4.4 The pH values from IN-SITU Testing 85 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO TITLE PAGE 2.1 The relationship between BOD and DO of a River System 13 2.2 Representation of Terms in the Energy Equation 17 2.3 Riparian Buffer with Three Zones 21 2.4 The relationship between particle sieve diameter 31 and its fall velocity 2.5 QUAL2E computational network 36 3.1 The overall processes involved in this study 41 3.2 Johor River Basin 42 3.3 Buffer Strips at Johor River 43 3.4 The Exact Location of the River Sampling Stations 44 3.5 The surface water level at Rantau Panjang Station 45 3.6 The Submergence area Vegetation Buffer Strip 45 3.7 The place of Water Samples within the Cross-Section of the 46 River 3.8 Water Sampling Using Van Dorn Sampler in order to Pick the 47 Samples from the River 3.9 Polystyrene Box and the Bottles used to Collect Water 47 Samples 3.10 Schematic Picture Demonstrating Flow Rate Using Velocity- 48 Area Method 3.11 Current Meter 49 3.12 DO Meter 52 3.13 Apparatus for Total Suspended Solid Test 54 3.14 The sieves and the shaker machine 58 3.15 The Instrument used to Weighed the Sample Retained 59 4.1 The HEC-RAS Main Window 64 4.2 New Project Window 64 4.3 River System Schematic of Johor River 65 4.4 Cross Section Window 66 4.5 Steady Flow Boundary Condition Editor 67 4.6 Steady Flow Data Editor 68 4.7 Steady Flow Analysis Window 68 4.8 Cross Section Plot at Station one at Rantau Panjang 69 4.9 Cross Section Plot at Station Two 70 4.10 Cross Section Plot at Station Three 70 4.11 Cross Section Plot at Station Four 71 4.12 Cross Section Plot at Station Five at the Bridge 71 4.13 Profile Plot 73 4.14 General Profile Plot 72 4.15 Rating Curve 73 4.16 X-Y-Z Perspective Plots 73 4.17 Details Tabular of Cross Section 74 4.18 The Result of Sieve Analysis 75 4.19 Sediment Transport Capacity Window 76 4.20 Sediment Rating Curve Plot for all Stations for Profile one 79 4.21 The Sediment Profile Plot 80 4.22 Comparison between Calibrated and Observed Data for 4.23 Oxygen Demand Concentration 82 Comparison Between Calibrated and Observed Data for 83 Biochemical Oxygen Demand Concentration 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Water plays an important role in our daily life and without it no life on the earth. Most activities in our life depend on water such as agriculture, drinking, a medium of transportation and many more. In fact, many great civilizations have started at near to the source of water whether river or stream, such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and many more. According to the study of Hydrology, river is defined as a natural stream flow in a channel. River water quality is affected by a wide range of natural and human pollution. The most important of the natural pollution are geological, hydrological and climatic. Water pollution occurs when a body of water is unfavorably affected by the addition amount of bad materials to the water body. It can come from a number of different sources. If the pollution comes from a single source, like oil leak, 2 we called it, point-source pollution. While, the pollution that comes from many unknown sources called, non-point source pollution. Approximately, all the pollution types affect the immediate area surround for that source. Sometimes the pollution may affect the environment for miles away from the source. The effects of water pollution are not just hurtful for people, but it has effects on habitat such as animals, fish, and birds. It can destroy the aquatic life and reduces its productive ability. It is also hazardous to human health, and overall water supply system. In Malaysia, there are 1800 rivers comprising 150 systems that run up to 38000 km. As in many part of the world, water from rivers in Malaysia is used extensively for domestic needs, agriculture, drinking, cooking, washing, and many other purposes. One of those rivers is Johor River. It is very important fresh water supply to the treatment plant located at Kota Tinggi which distributed treated water to eater local need. The water quality of Johor River has been deteriorated with increasing level of various pollutants. This contaminant eventually flow into Johor River from the area neighbor it. Computer simulation and numerical model is one of the best ways for hydrodynamic study and controlling the water quality. It is powerful and essential tool to monitoring plan in making decision related to the parameters of the water quality. We can compile and analyze the hydrodynamic data and the water quality parameters data for a particular length of river to evaluate river water quality. HEC-RAS is an integrated system composed of separate hydraulic analysis components, data storage and management capabilities, graphics, and reporting facilities. The system ultimately contains three one-dimensional hydraulic analysis 3 components for (1) steady flow water surface profile computations, (2) unsteady flow simulation, and (3) moveable boundary sediment transport computations. All three components use a common geometric data representation and common geometric and hydraulic computation routines. In addition, the system contains several hydraulic design features that can compute the basic water surface profiles. Qual2e is a one-dimensional mathematical model. It is available as free software to simulate river water quality. It is a multi-purpose model for determining the quality of stream flow by allowing the simulation of fifteen parameters associated to water quality in any reach of river chosen by researcher. The model is applicable to well mixed streams and considers the transport mechanisms – dispersion and advection – significant only along the main direction of flow (longitudinal direction). When the discharge decrease as well as the depth of water will reduce, the vegetation buffer strip area will increase within the river. So, this area can play as filter to intercept the sediment transport capacity. Riparian buffer is the area of permanent vegetation (trees, shrubs and grass) neighbor surface water bodies, and are to improve water quality by trapping or removing various non-point source pollutants from over land and shallow subsurface flowing in the same time [14]. It is important to use vegetation buffers in reducing the contaminant to the river especially before or during the high discharges. 4 1.2 Statement of the Problem The development over the entire world leads to more concentration on water quality which is consider as a sensitive matter and has affects on humans and environment. The contamination loadings in Johor River come from many sources as a non-point source contamination, when the rain falls on catchment area surround Johor River. The contaminant substances are carried by runoff, and before the contaminants enter the water body, they pass through the buffer zones to pour in watershed or directly to the river. This would create many problems for the water quality status such as decrease in dissolved oxygen, harmful algal blooms, and reduced light penetration. Moreover, the sediment transport capacity also consider as a serious problem which is affect on the flow depth and bed river condition. The study on hydrological characteristics of river is so important for future development especially in water resources engineering in term of water resource management. The aim of this study is to determine and analyze the concentration of some parameters which are considered as important parameters to cover river water quality. These parameters are Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), and PH, and also sediment transport capacity for several cross sections. Because the raw water of the Johor River is used to supply the domestic requirement, therefore, all these parameters are compared to the Interim National Water Quality Standard (INWQS) provided by Department of Environment (DOE). 5 1.3 Objective of Study 1. To estimate a hydrological model for 5000 m of Johor River using HECRAS. 2. To predict the fluctuation water level for and sediment transport capacity for different discharge using HEC-RAS. 3. To analyze and simulate water quality for Johor River using QUAL2E program. 4. To estimate the typical concentration of suspended solid and trap efficiency of the vegetation buffer strip along the Johor River. 1.4 Scope of Study The scope of this study is as follows: 1. Buffer zones identification. 2. Water quality sampling and the analysis in the lab after we bring the samples from the site. 3. IN-SITU testing. 4. Sediment transport capacity calculation. 5. Getting Samples from the river for grain size test. 6 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 General Water quality is an important issue in public policy for decades, and many attempts have been expended in developing effective water management strategies to ensure sufficient high-quality water supplies [21]. Water constitutes around 70% of the Earth's surface land and it is an important resource whether for people who live on the plant or for the environment. Water can be formed as rivers, lakes and oceans as well, and the effects of contaminant leading to the degradation of the entire ecosystem. This study is utilizing a software HEC-RAS and QUAL2E, and explore some information on water pollution as well as buffer strips provision. 7 2.2 Water Pollution Water is one of the most important things which the human has used more than any other resource in his life. Most of the water on the earth is stored in oceans and ice caps which is so dear for our diverse needs. Most of our demand for water comes from rain water deposited in surface and ground water resources. Pollution of water is one of the most significant environmental problems of the recent decades. Pollution of water has its origin mainly in urbanization, industrialization, agriculture and increase in human population. Water can be regarded polluted when it gets changed in its quality or composition either naturally or as a result of human activities so as to become less suitable for drinking, domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational, wildlife and other uses for which it would have been otherwise suitable in its natural or unmodified state [13]. Water pollution can come from a number of different sources. If the pollution comes from an identifiable source such as an oil spill, it is called point-source pollution. If the pollution comes from many sources, it is called nonpoint-source pollution. The causes of water pollution include sewage and waste water, industrial waste and oil pollution. Storm water runoff typically contains significant amounts of anthropogenic pollutants as well as naturally occurring materials. 2.2.1 Point Sources Point source pollution comes from a specific place that can be considered as the source of the pollution which has unfavorable influence on river water. For example, an industrial site with a pipe directly dumping without treated pollutants into a water source. Point source pollutants are most often 8 minerals, chemicals, and sewage and it affect river, lakes as well as coastal area. Also, point source is easy to monitor and control compared to non-point source. 2.2.2 Non-Point Sources Non-point source pollution is the pollution of water resources from a wide variety of human activities that take place over a large geographic area. Non-point pollution comes from farms, cities, forests, mining operations, construction sites, and also homes. It occurs when runoff from rain carry pollutants to the rivers. These pollutants include sediments (soil), fertilizers, and nutrients, oils and grease, pesticides, toxic chemicals, road salts, domestic animal waste untreated sewage from homes not hook-up to a city or community wastewater treatment plant, and other contaminants. The most common non-point sources pollutants are sediments, nutrients, and sewage. Because non-point sources pollution is diffuse, it is very difficult to pin point its origin, in comparison with the point source, the reducing or removing non-point sources pollution is more difficult. Also, large quantities of Pollutants which come from non-point sources pollution enter water sources during rainfall or thunderstorm. Ways to reduce non-point sources pollutants, manage storm water runoff, and minimize the amount of pollutants which enter rivers should be found. Because non point source pollution has problem that may affect our life, it is necessary to convince individuals, and society as a whole, that there is a problem and a compelling need for action which will lead to make Changing's in lifestyles and behaviors needed to prevent this type of pollution. 9 In this study, we will consider a length of river and its surrounding an agricultural area. So, the responsibility of farmers to grow their crops and graze their animals in ways which protect nearby streams will be important as well as to apply lawn care chemicals and fertilizers carefully and safely or use environmentally friendly products. Furthermore, this responsibility applies also to the people who harvest timber to do so in ways that prevent soil runoff. We know this task will not be easy, and it will not be inexpensive, but the price of avoiding the issue grows daily. 2.3 Water Quality Monitoring Water is the important item in our life because human being cannot survive without water. It is cover around 78% of entire earth surface representing and 22% of our earth consists of land. From the 78%, 97.2 % from the portion consists of sea water, and 2.15% consists of ice water. While 0.65% consists of surface water. Water sources commonly used are surface waters; rivers and lakes, groundwater and sea water. Water is used for various purposes in our life; it is used for a community, domestic uses, commercial, industrial, public use, and for fire quenching demands. The Author stated that water is provided by nature so generously that most of us take it for granted and use it without ever considering how little we know about it. The three factors of life in order of importance are air, water, and food. Water is considered one of the four elements by the ancients people with the others being earth, fire, and air. Without adequate usable water, the whole structure of our society would collapse. 10 The usage and importance of water cannot be denied anymore, for that reason, water quality should be monitoring as far as it should be. [35] Stated that, “Water quality” is a term used to express the suitability of water to sustain various uses or processes. Any particular use will have certain requirements for the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of water; for example limits on the concentrations of toxic substances for drinking water use, or restrictions on temperature and pH ranges for water supporting invertebrate communities. Consequently, water quality can be defined by a range of variables which limit water use. Although many uses have some common requirements for certain variables, each use will have its own demands and influences on water quality. [35] Said that freshwater is a finite resource, essential for agriculture, industry and even human existence. Water pollution and wasteful use of freshwater threaten development projects and make water treatment essential in order to produce safe drinking water. Discharge of toxic chemicals, over-pumping of aquifers, long-range atmospheric transport of pollutants and contamination of water bodies with substances that promote algal growth (possibly leading to eutrophication) are some of today’s major causes of water quality degradation. Accelerated eutrophication results from enrichment with nutrients from various origins, particularly domestic sewage, agricultural run-off and agroindustrial effluents. Lakes and impounded rivers are especially affected. Agricultural land use without environmental safeguards to prevent overapplication of agrochemicals is causing widespread deterioration of the soil or 11 water ecosystem as well as the underlying aquifers. The main problems associated with agriculture are salanisation, nitrate and pesticide contamination, and erosion leading to elevated concentrations of suspended solids in rivers and streams and the siltration of impoundments. Irrigation has enlarged the land area available for crop production but the resulting salanisation which has occurred in some areas has caused the deterioration of previously fertile soils. Direct contamination of surface waters with metals in discharges from mining, smelting and industrial manufacturing is a long standing phenomenon. However, the emission of airborne metallic pollutants has now reached such proportions that long-range atmospheric transport causes contamination, not only in the vicinity of industrialized regions, but also in more remote areas. Similarly, moisture in the atmosphere combines with some of the gases produced when fossil fuels are burned and, falling as acid rain, causes acidification of surface waters, especially lakes. Contamination of water by synthetic organic micropollutants results either from direct discharge into surface waters or after transport through the atmosphere. Today, there is trace contamination not only of surface waters but also of groundwater bodies, which are susceptible to leaching from waste sumps, mine tailings and industrial production sites. 2.4 Water Quality Parameters Physical, chemical and biological are the categories which are used to figure out water quality. Therefore, for this study we will concentrate on Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS), for physical parameter. Moreover, Biochemical Oxygen Demand as a chemical parameter. In addition, pH which is used to evaluate the concentration of hydrogen ion will be looked too. 12 2.4.1 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Dissolved Oxygen is representing the amount of molecular oxygen dissolved in water. It represents the amount of molecular oxygen dissolved in water. It is the most common parameter in observing the water quality. According to [8], the minimum DO is 2 mg/l need to maintain higher life form and 4-5 mg/l to survive natural stream. There are many factors that can affect DO level like the industries effluent such as food processing and paper production. Also, there are a natural influence like animal’s droppings and crop residues. The microorganism’s is leading to convert the biodegradable organics substance into stable end products. So, during this process DO will be consumed where the rate and quantity depends on the amount of organic discharged and the dilution of the water stream. on other hand, the mechanism of reaeration from atmosphere and the process of photosynthesis by aquatic plant supply the DO in the river. Oxygen deficit is the different between the actual DO concentration and the DO saturation. The oxygen deficit and the temperature control the rate of oxygen transfer from air to the water surface; the large value of oxygen deficit is creating the faster rate of oxygen transfer taking place. The presence of sunlight and nutrient in the water help algae produce oxygen. Also, the excessive growths of algae or algal bloom from a layer that cover stream surface reduce the intensity of light penetration and cause the stress on algae. Thus it will die off and turn into oxygen-demanding organic matter as bacteria necessitate degrading them. 13 2.4.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a measure of the amount of oxygen that bacteria will feed while decomposing organic matter under aerobic conditions. It is an empirical one which determines the relative oxygen requirements of the various organic substances present in water as they are biodegraded by aquatic microorganisms. Microorganism need some amount of oxygen to oxidize organic wastes in aerobic condition. The amount of the oxygen is called biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), usually expressed in milligram per liter of wastewater (mg/l) [28]. BOD is the most important parameter to control in pollution. It is used as measurement of organic pollution as basics to estimate the required oxygen for biological processes, and as an indicator of process performance. Thus the higher value of BOD means the higher of oxygen deplete in a river. The standard for BOD test is to be run under 20 C for five days and defined as five day BOD or the use of oxygen in first five days of biodegradation by microorganism. Based on the value of BOD, water can be divided into four zones, namely clean, decomposition zone, septic zone, and recovery zone. The value of BOD is against the value of DO in the water. Therefore, when the value of BOD is high in water, value of DO will be low and when the value of BOD is low, the value of DO will be high, as shown in Figure (2.1) below. Figure 2.1: The relationship between BOD and DO of a River system [7] 14 2.4.3 pH pH is known as measure of the hydrogen ion concentration; pH of 7.0 indicates a neutral solution, pH values smaller than 7.0 indicate acidity, pH values larger than 7.0 indicate alkalinity. Water generally becomes more corrosive with decreasing pH; however, excessively alkaline water also may be corrosive [40]. The pH of natural water depends on many factors such as carbonate system; pH of clean water depends mainly on the concentration of carbonates and carbon dioxide; carbonate waters are alkaline, whilst waters with low concentrations of carbonates are usually acidic. It also depends on rock, from which acidic or alkaline compounds can be weathered, types of soil in the drainage area and also nature of discharged pollutants (wastewaters, atmospheric deposits). Surface water usually has pH values between 6.5 and 8.5, and only rarely is outside the range of 4 to 9. The drainage water from forests and marshes are usually acidic because of the presence of humid and fulvic acids. River waters are usually more alkaline because of the presence of carbonates and hydrogen carbonates. The level of pH of water has an important influence on living organisms and on many uses of the water. In waters which are too acidic or too alkaline, there is very limited aquatic life, such as in some lakes that are receiving acid deposition. The waters of these lakes are clear and clean but with few traces of living organisms. The acid waters are especially detrimental to the water supply system; for example, low pH accelerates the corrosion of metals. The excessive acidification of surface waters accelerates the leaching out of heavy metals and radionuclide’s from the bottom sediments. The pH of water also has a great influence on the biochemical processes occurring in surface waters. Alabaster and [47] have reviewed many aspects of pH in water. 15 2.4.4 Total Suspended Solid (TSS) Suspended solid is the particles which are carried by discharge or the dry weight after filtering a water sample, expressed in milligrams per liter. It becomes sediment whenever these suspended particles settle to the bottom of the river. Suspended solids consist of an inorganic fraction like (silts, clays, etc.) and an organic fraction (algae, zooplankton, bacteria, and detritus) that are carried by water as it runs off the land. The inorganic portion is usually considerably higher than the organic. If the waters have high sediment loads, that lead to make it obvious because of their "muddy" appearance. This is especially evident in rivers, where the force of moving water keeps the sediment particles suspended. The vegetation and its characteristics of a watershed affect the amount of suspended solids. If the watershed has lots of firmly rooted vegetation, it will act as a sponge to trap water and soil and thereby eliminate most erosion. If the watershed has steep slopes and is rocky with little plant life, top soil will be washed into the waterway during every rain. 2.5 HEC-RAS Overview Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) is software which is developed by the hydrologic Engineering Center of U.S army Corp. it is being developed as a part of the “Next Generation” (NexGen) project. The NexGen project encompasses several aspect of hydrology engineering, including: rainfall-runoff analysis; river hydraulics; reservoir system simulation; flood damage analysis; and real-time river forecasting for reservoir operation. 16 HEC-RAS is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking, multi-user network environment. It is designed to perform one dimensional hydraulic calculation for a full network of natural or man-made channels. This system uses a common geometric data representation and common geometric and hydraulic computation routine to analyze: 1. Steady flow water surface profile computations 2. Unsteady flow simulation 3. Movable boundary sediment transport computations. 4. Water quality analysis Steady flow water surface profile is a modeling system for calculating water surface profile for steady gradually varied flow. It is capable of modeling subcritical, supercritical and mixed flow regime water surface profiles. The basis of computational procedure is based on the solution of the one dimensional energy equation. Energy losses are evaluated by friction (Manning’s equation), and expansion or contraction (coefficient multiplied by the change in velocity head). The momentum equation is utilized in situations where the water surface profile is rapidly varied. Moreover, the steady flow component of HEC-RAS has a few special features. The special features are multiple plan analysis, and split flow optimization at stream junction and lateral Weirs and spillways. 2.5.1 Steady Flow Water Surface Profile The computational procedure is based on the solution of one dimensional energy equation. Water surface profiles from one cross section to the 17 next are computed by solving the energy equation with the standard step method. The energy equation is written as: ππ2 + ππ2 + πΌπΌ2 ππ22 πΌπΌ1 ππ12 = ππ1 + ππ1 + + βππ 2ππ 2ππ Where: ππ1 ππ2 : Depth of water at cross-sections ππ1 ππ2 : Elevation of the main channel inverts πΌπΌ1 πΌπΌ2 : Velocity weighing coefficients ππ1 ππ2 : Average velocities and equal to (Total discharge/Total flow area) ππ βππ : Gravitational acceleration : Energy head loss Also, the diagram below is showing the term of the energy equation. Figure 2.2: Representation of Terms in the Energy Equation 18 2.5.2 Energy Head Loss The energy head loss, βππ is comprised of friction losses and contraction or expansion losses. The equation for the energy head loss is as follows: βππ = πΏπΏππππΜ + πΆπΆ οΏ½ πΌπΌ2 ππ22 πΌπΌ1 ππ12 − οΏ½ 2ππ 2ππ Where: πΆπΆ : Expansion or Contraction loss coefficient πΏπΏ : Discharge weighted reach length ππππΜ : Representative friction slope between two section The distance weight reach length, L, is calculated as: πΏπΏ = πΏπΏππππππ πποΏ½ππππππ + πΏπΏππβ πποΏ½ππβ + πΏπΏππππππ πποΏ½ππππππ πποΏ½ππππππ + πποΏ½ππππππ + πποΏ½ππππππ Where: πΏπΏππππππ , πΏπΏππβ , πΏπΏππππππ : Cross section reaches length specified for flow in the left overbank, main channel, and right overbank, respectively πποΏ½ππππππ , πποΏ½ππππππ , πποΏ½ππππππ : Arithmetic average of flows between sections for the left overbank, main channel and right over bank, respectively 19 Friction Loss Evaluation Friction loss is evaluated as product of friction of ππΜ and L. Manning’s equation is adapted to compute the friction slope at each cross section, the equation is shown as: ππ 2 ππππ = οΏ½ οΏ½ πΎπΎ Where: ππππ : Representative friction slope between two sections πΎπΎ : Conveyance for subdivision Contraction and Expansion Loss Evaluation Contraction occurred whenever the velocity head at downstream is greater than the velocity head of upstream. Moreover, a flow expansion occurred when the velocity head at upstream is greater than the velocity head of downstream Equation used as stated below: βππππ = πΆπΆ οΏ½ πΌπΌ2 ππ22 πΌπΌ1 ππ12 − οΏ½ 2ππ 2ππ Where: πΆπΆ : The contraction or expansion coefficient 20 2.5.3 Assumption in Steady Flow Program a) Flow is one dimensional because the total energy head comprised in equation is assumed to be the same for all points in a cross section b) Slope of channel are assumed to be small because Y in equation (2.1) is represented by the water depth measured vertically c) Flow is assumed to be steady because the equation adapted does not has any time-dependent terms d) Flow is gradually varied flow type because the basis of information of the equation is that the hydrostatic pressure distribution exists at each cross section e) Currently the program is not capable of dealing with movable boundaries 2.6 Riparian Buffer Strip Riparian Buffer Strip or vegetation buffer strip is a permanent vegetation band neighbor to an aquatic system. It is used to maintain or improve water quality by removing and trapping a non-point source pollutant. There are different types of pollution such as contaminants from herbicides and pesticides, nutrients from fertilizers, and sediment from upland soils. Indeed all come from subsurface flow and overland flow. Provision of providing sufficient width, [25] are emphasized that buffer strip can improve water quality by intercepting non-point source pollutants surface water flow. In another word, buffer strips is considered as a vital requirement for water treatment plants than other expensive restoration techniques. 21 Moreover, the buffer strip means transitional area between both ecosystem for the water and the land. It is known as a source of nutrient for water ecosystem. Furthermore, it serves as the fence of a stream or river which has a certain width of trees, shrubs or grasses. It plays as a filter to intercept the contaminants flowing from both sides of the river. Buffer strips are formed in many shape like grassy buffers, grassed waterways, or forested riparian buffer strips. Buffer strip may also provide a numerous of functions. According to [44], a riparian buffer strips consists of three zones: • Zone 1 is permanent woody vegetation immediately adjacent to stream bank • Zone 2 is managed forest occupying a strip upslope from zone 1 • Zone 3 is an herbaceous filter strip upslope from zone 2 Figure 2.3: Riparian Buffer with Three Zones The purpose of zone 3 of the buffer strip is to remove sediment from surface runoff. Also, the primary function of zone 2 is to intercept movement of 22 sediment and other chemical pollutants which come from upland areas into wetland area. The vegetation proposes is to reduce the velocity of the runoff and play as a barrier to sediments moving as well as it is produces organic matter which creates chemical and biological processes which transform pollutants. Furthermore, the same functions of zone 2 also happen in zone 1, so the function of zone 1 is to maintain and stabilize river bank. The streamside vegetation or buffer strips have a direct influence on dissolved chemicals. Recently, a lot of researcher’s articles denoted that the buffer strip can provide us its function, and play as a protector for the water quality of the river if its width is between (10 - 60) meters, at least [49]. Also, trapping or removing various non-point source pollutants from over land and shallow subsurface flowing in the same time [12]. This area (riparian buffer) provides many benefits like decreasing soil erosion [3] storage and recycling of organic matter and nutrients [2]. Moreover, it is providing habitat and nursery functions for fish and wildlife [3]. Therefore; riparian area has interaction with water and land of the rich riparian vegetation to receiving waters [17]. Also, in terms of nitrate nitrogen and organic carbon, [16] showed that the buffer strip can reduce the nitrogen flow that comes from corn field which is located at the stream side. Furthermore, [25] showed that the buffer strip can reduce nitrogen, calcium, nitarate nitrogen and magnesium which come from the agricultural areas of the river in both sides. Other researchers like [24], indicated some net percentages of buffer strip prospect to intercept some parameters, such as N 68 %, Ca39 %, P 32 %, Mg 23 %, Cl 7 %, and K 6 %. [20] Found that the (10) meters of buffer strip width, can reduce effectively the concentration of phosphoric acid. In addition, many researchers [24] indicated that the riparian forest zone can remove or absorb the majority of 23 phosphorus and nitrogen flowing from farmland, tea garden and it can intercept about 70-90 % of total nitrogen and nitrate-N in the width of 20 meters of riparian zone. In terms of Pesticides, this kind of contaminants may be held on the surface of material, like soil particles. This phenomenon is called adsorption. But, we will concentrate on the Pesticides which are being taken inside a material, by a plant, this process is called absorption. On the other hand, there are another function for buffer strips, These functions include stabilizing stream channels, providing erosion control by regulating sediment storage, transport, and distribution; providing organic matter (e.g., leaves and large woody debris) that is critical for aquatic organisms; serving as nutrient sinks for the surrounding watershed; providing water temperature control through shading; reducing flood peaks; and serving as key recharge points for renewing groundwater supplies [30]. Finally, Buffer strips also provide habitat for a large variety of plant and animal species. Also, in terms of TSS, according to [5] they conducted their study using many type of vegetation and they found that all buffer vegetation types reduced runoff contaminants. The mean ranged from under 40% reduction for the Plum/Fallow plots, to over 75% reduction for the Plum/Grass plots. In this study, we are looking for another function for buffer strip, we will focus only on the zone 1 and to observe its function to remove and intercept some of pollutants. Moreover, we will study the buffer strip influence on river water quality. We will concentrate on some parameters which are considered as important parameters in Johor River are Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Suspended Solid and PH. 24 The ability of a buffer zone 1 to provide its functions will depend on some factors such as width, length, and type, density, and structure of vegetation present. Table (2.1) below, shows the effectiveness of buffer strip width and its efficiency to protect water quality. TABLE 2.1: Some Recommended Widths of Vegetated Buffer Strips, for Various Functions. Source from [35] Function / Recommended Width Improve or protect water quality >15m >25m Young et al. (1980) >30m Lynch et al. (1985) Dillaha et al. (1989) >18m Nichols et al. (1998) >10m Corley et al. (1999) >4m Doyle et al. (1977) >19m Shisler et al. (1987) 100-1000m >30m Bird habitat Authors Woodard and Rock (1995) >9m Reptile/Amphibian habitat / Burbrink et al. (1998) Rudolph & Dickson(1990) >165m Semlitsch (1998) >135m Buhlmann (1998) >60m Darveau et al. (1995) >100m Hodges & Krementz (1996) >100m Mitchell (1996) >100m Triquet et al. (1990) >150m Spackman & Hughes (1995) >500m Kilgo et al. (1998) >100m Keller et al. (1993) >150m Vander &deGraaf (1996) >40m Hagar (1999) 50-1600m Richardson & Miller (1997) >50m Whitaker&Montevecchi (1999) Mammal habitat Maintain plant diversity >50m >30m Dickson (1989) Spackman & Hughes (1995) Maintain an unaltered microclimatic gradient >45m Brosofske et al. (1997) 25 2.7 Sediment Transport Capacity in HEC-RAS HEC-RAS have sediment transport capacity program used to predict the transport capacity for non-cohesive sediment for all river length, whether the river consists of one cross section or more. This program is so important for researcher to understand some of the physical processes in the rivers. Moreover, it can calculate the transport capacity based on the properties of bed sediment and the hydraulic parameter, irrespective of the erosion and deposition considerations. Sediment transport capacity comprises three types of load, is bed load, suspended load, and wash load. By HEC-RAS, we intend focus on suspended load and bed load and not consider wash load in the calculations. According to [41], Bed load describes particles flowing which are transported along the bed. It moves by rolling and sliding. Usually, bed load downstream will be smaller and more rounded than bed load upstream. This is due in part to attrition and abrasion which cause the stones to bump against each other and against the river channel, thus removing its rough texture and making it smaller. On the other hand, Suspended sediment is one of the major pollutants of streams [42]. Knowing the sediment yield Information of a river, lead to provide a useful perspective on the rate of erosion and soil losses in the upstream catchments [32]. Many methods have been developed for the estimation of suspended sediment loads in rivers, and the most common method is the relationship between suspended sediment concentrations and the river discharge; [15]. Wash load consist of fine materials which are finer than those found the bed and it is supply from watershed not from the hydraulics of the river. 26 In term of sediment transport calculation, first we should know the characteristics of flow near the bed of the river in order to determine the particles movement on it. It is not easy to determine the actual velocity at the bed. Therefore, to avoid that, we will use one dimensional model. To determine the point of initial motion, we have to use shear stress equation and it is given by this expression: ππππ = πΎπΎ. π π . ππ Where: ππππ : Bed shear stress πΎπΎ : Unit weight of water ππ : Energy slope π π : Hydraulic radius Also, the turbulent fluctuation has influence on the particles movement and we can measure it by the current-related bed load velocity equation, as shown below: Where: π’π’∗ ππππ π’π’∗ = οΏ½ ππ ππππ : Current-related bed shear velocity π’π’∗ = οΏ½ππππππ 27 On the other hand, there are many factors which can also affect the particles movement, such as shape, size, roughness characteristics, and fall velocity. Generally, the standard sediment transport equation can be represented as shown below: πππ π π π = ππ(π·π·, ππ, ππ, π΅π΅, ππ, ππ, πππ π , π π π π , ππππ , ππππ , ππ) Where: πππ π π π : Sediment transport rate π·π· ππ ππ π΅π΅ ππ ππ : Depth of flow : Average channel velocity : Energy slope : Effective channel width : Diameter of particles : Density of water πππ π : Density of sediment particles π π π π : Particle shape factor ππππ ππππ ππ : Geometric mean diameter of particles : Fraction of particles size in the bed : Temperature of water 28 2.7.1 Fall Velocity Sediment particle fall velocity is one of the parameters used in all sediment transport functions. It is mean the average settling velocity of a particle when it is fallen in quiescent water. There are many factors affecting fall velocity such as suspended sediment concentration, strength of turbulence, size and shape of sediment, relative density between fluid and sediment, fluid viscosity, and sediment surface roughness. Several methods have been developed to compute the sediment particle fall velocity. And only three methods available in HEC-RAS are: • Toffaleti • Rubey • Van Rijn Toffaleti's equation is used by employing Rubey's formulation: Where: πππ π = πΉπΉοΏ½ππππ(πΊπΊ − 1) 2 36π£π£ 2 36π£π£ 2 πΉπΉ = οΏ½ + 3 −οΏ½ 3 ππππ (πΊπΊ − 1) 3 ππππ (πΊπΊ − 1) Where: πππ π ππ : Fall velocity of sediments : Acceleration due to gravity 29 πΊπΊ ππ : Specific gravity of sediment=2.65 : Kinetic viscosity of water Last equation, used to the particles with diameter, d, between (0.06251) mm, and F = 0.79 for particles greater than (1) mm. Figure (2.3) below recommended by U.S. Interagency Committee, When any of the other sediment transport formulas are used. Figure 2.4: The relationship between particle sieve diameter and its fall velocity 30 2.7.2 Sediment Transport Function There are many used and accepted sediment transport function which are discovered until now in this field. Such as the common functions are Schoklitsch Bedload Formula, Kalinske BedloadFormula, Meyer-Peter and Miiller Formula, Rottner Bedload Formula, Einstein Bedload Formula, Laursen Bed Material Load Formula, Colby Bed-Material Load Formula, Einstein Bed-Material Load Formula, Toffaleti Formula and many more. In this study, we will conduct one of the methods which are available in HEC-RAS, is Toffaleti method. These methods are: • Toffaleti • Ackera-White • Meyer-Peter Muller • Laursen • Engelund-Hansen • Yang Toffaleti Mehtod This method is used to determine bed-material discharge. It is developed by Toffaleti based on the concepts of Einstein with three modifications are: 1- Velocity distribution in the vertical is obtained from an expression different from that used by Einstein. 2- Several of Einstein's correction factors are adjusted and combined. 3- The height of the zone of bed load transport is changed from Einstein's two grain diameters 31 This method breaks the suspended load distribution into vertical zones, replicating two-dimension sediment movement. Sediment transport is being defined in four zones. These zones are upper, middle, lower, and bed zones. Each zone has independent sediment transport and the total sediment is the summation of all the four zones. Toffaleti defines his bed-material discharge as total river sand discharge, even though he defines the range of bed-size material from 0.062 to 16 mm. The general transport equations are represented as below: πππ π π π π π π π 1+ππ π£π£ −0.756π§π§ − (2ππππ )1+ππ π£π£ −0.756π§π§ οΏ½11.24οΏ½ = ππ 1 + πππ£π£ − 0.756π§π§ πππ π π π π π πππ π π π π π π π 1+ππ π£π£ −π§π§ π π 0.244π§π§ π π 1+ππ π£π£ −π§π§ − οΏ½11.24οΏ½ οΏ½11.24οΏ½ οΏ½οΏ½2.5οΏ½ οΏ½ = ππ 1 + πππ£π£ − π§π§ π π 1+ππ π£π£ −π§π§ π π 0.244π§π§ π π 0.5π§π§ 1+ππ π£π£ −π§π§ οΏ½ οΏ½ −οΏ½ οΏ½ οΏ½11.24οΏ½ οΏ½π π οΏ½ 2.5 2.5 = ππ 1 + πππ£π£ − π§π§ πππ π π π = ππ (2ππππ )1+ππ π£π£ −0.756π§π§ πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏ π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§ ππππππππππππ π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§ ππππππππππ π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§ π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅π΅ π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§ ππ = 43.2πΆπΆπΏπΏ (1 + πππ£π£ )ππππ 0.756π§π§−ππ π£π£ πππ π = πππ π π π π π + πππ π π π π π + πππ π π π π π + πππ π π π π π Where: πππ π π π π π : Suspended sediment transport in the lower zone in unit ton/day/ft 32 πππ π π π π π : Suspended sediment transport in the middle zone in unit ton/day/ft πππ π π π π π : Suspended sediment transport in the upper zone in unit ton/day/ft πππ π π π : Bed load sediment transport in unit ton/day/ft ππ : Sediment concentration parameter π π : Hydraulic radius ππππ : Median particle diameter πππ π πΆπΆπΏπΏ : Total sediment transport in unit ton/day/ft : Sediment concentration in the lower zone πππ£π£ : Temperature exponent π§π§ : Exponent describing the relationship between the sediment and hydraulic characteristic 33 2.8 Water Quality Modeling Water quality modeling involves the prediction of water pollution using mathematical simulation techniques. A typical water quality model consists of a collection of formulation representing physical mechanisms that determine position and momentum of pollutants in a water body. The main objective of water quality modeling is to describe and predict the observed effect of change in a river system. It is used to the changes in the water quality parameters due to point and non-point sources [26]. There are many water quality modeling’s being used to predict easily water quality of a river such as BASINS, STREAM, EPD-RIV1 [27], CEQUALW2 [6], WASP5, HSPF, and QUAL2E. In this study, we will use QUAL2E to predict Johor river water quality. The QUAL2E model is a comprehensive stream water quality model and this version developed from QUAL-Ι and QUAL- ΙΙ. It was developed by United State Environment Protection Agency (USEPA) for waste load allocation and other pollution evaluation. It is applicable with wellmixed dendritic streams where the major transport mechanisms of both advection and dispersion are only significant along the longitudinal axis of flow for a stream. Moreover, this model can simulate more than (15) water quality parameters which are Dissolved oxygen (DO), Biological oxygen demand, algae, temperature, organic nitrogen, ammonia, organic phosphorus, nitrate, nitrite, coliform, an arbitrary non conservative constituent and three conservative constituents. The model solves the time-variable water quality parameter under steady, non-uniform flow. It can be applied to steady state and diurnal timevariation situations. It has been applied in the United State and other countries such as Chile, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, India, and South Africa. It is a simple model with comprehensive dissolved oxygen dynamics, nutrient, and algae. 34 Furthermore, it is easy to understand as well as easy to use and yields a complete documentation. The program simulates changes in flow conditions along the stream by computing a series of steady-states water surface profiles. The calculated stream-flow rate, velocity, water depth, and cross-sectional area serve as basis for determining the heat and mass fluxes into and out of reach computational element due to flow. Mass balance determines the concentration of conservative minerals, coliform bacteria, and non-conservative constituents at each computational element. Material fluxes, major processes included in mass balance are transformation of nutrient, algal production, benthic and carbonaceous demand, atmospheric reaeration, and the effect of these processes on the dissolved oxygen balance. Moreover, the primary internal sink of dissolved oxygen in the model is biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). The major sources of dissolved oxygen are algal photosynthesis and atmospheric reaeration. Furthermore, by operation the model dynamically, the user can study the effects of daily variations in data on water quality primarily dissolved oxygen and temperature as well as can study daily dissolved oxygen variations due to algal growth and respiration. However, the effects of dynamic forcing functions like point load and headwater, cannot be modeled in QUAL2E. The model divided the stream into a network of reaches, headwater and junctions. The most functional subdivision in the reach, which are the stretched of stream that have uniform hydraulic characteristics. Then, each reach will be divided into computational elements of equal length. Reaction rate coefficient, initial condition and incremental flow data are constant for all computational elements within a reach. To run the QUAL2E program, few input 35 related with the characteristics of the river should be known to analyze the data easily. Below, is the data which required for this model: a. Hydraulic data b. Initial conditions c. Computational elements flag field data d. Reach identification and river mile/kilometer data e. Biochemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen rate constants f. Incremental inflow g. Headwater sources h. Point source or withdrawal JOHOR River has high velocities and lead to make each crosssectional segment is well mixed and QUAL2E will use a one-dimensional transport model Equation as shown below: 1 ππ ππππ 1 (π΄π΄π₯π₯ ππ) ππππ ππππ = οΏ½π΄π΄π₯π₯ π·π·ππ οΏ½ − + + π π ππππ π΄π΄π₯π₯ ππππ ππππ π΄π΄π₯π₯ ππππ π΄π΄π₯π₯ βπ₯π₯ Where: C : is the concentration of a water quality constituent. Ax : is the cross section area. V : is the current velocity. Sc : is the external load. DL : is the longitudinal dispersion coefficient. R : represents all the water quality kinetics, is deemed appropriate. 36 Figure 2.5: QUAL2E computational network 2.9 Limitation of QUAL2E QUAL2E has been designed to be relatively general program. However, certain dimensional limitations were imposed during program development [18]. These limitations are as in Table 2.2 below: 37 Table 2.2: limitation of data in QUAL2E 2.10 Limitation data Value Reaches A maximum of 50 Computational elements Total 500 / Maximum 20 per reach Headwater elements A maximum of 10 Junction elements A maximum of 9 Point source and withdrawal elements A maximum of 50 QUAL2E Calibration and Validation A typical water quality modeling process consists of data collection, model formulation, calibration and validation [22]. The data and model formulation phases affect the results of the subsequent calibration phase. However, for a successful modeling practice, the calibration phase should give the optimum model parameters possible. During calibration or validation steps some problems in the data set or model formulation may be revealed. According to the information gathered about the system during these steps, additional sampling or model reformulation may be considered [22]. It is essential to consider the possible reaction of the water body before taking any action on it. As surface waters are complex environmental system, it is hard to understand and predict their behavior. The attempts to predict the response of water bodies to pollution loads originating from human activities resulted in the development of mathematical model. These models quantitatively describe the physical, chemical and biological behavior of water bodies through a collection of mathematical relationships that contain many parameters such as reaction rate coefficient, biological and chemical constants that are specific to the 38 system modeled. So, in order to apply them, they must be able to define the system in the most accurate way. The model was further applied to determine strategies that would help in bringing down the water quality of the river to an acceptable limit. The simulations were made to explore how the water quality would change with change in loads as well as environmental modifications such as flow augmentation to the river. The scenario helped to visualize the effectiveness of approaches intended to prevent pollution before their actual implementation. 2.11 Applications of QUAL2E [26] has performed QUAL2E model on Selangor River and the calibration and validation was done and the result indicate that the simulated water quality parameters tend to be over predicted and accurate in the urban sub watershed in Rawang River and other sub watershed , respectively. The result of the study indicated the importance of water quality models in an integrated watershed management approach. The use of QUAL2E for Selangor River emphasized the need of such models to achieve a target river water quality for future generation. While [1], states that QUAL2E model has been applied to predict the pollution in Sebulung River. She only concentrated on two parameters, BOD and DO. This model will help in predicting the future condition of the river and take rehabilitation measures before it become worst. Moreover, [37] also mentioned that QUAL2E model will help in deciding the development of water resource management of the Tebrau River and