EARLY DETECTION OF POTENTIAL FOREST FIRES USING SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES AIDA HAYATI BINTI MOHD HASSAN A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Remote Sensing) Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Engineering JULY, 2008 iii I owe huge gratitude to my family for their love and support, without which this thesis would most definitely never have been born. The ever patient and encouraging clan, the big engine that is such a motivation to this little train; Ijan, Ciputt, Bantai, Ina, Mamah, Aleen, Inon, Rina , Nora, Dayah and Vera. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Look for good in life and you will find it. I want to express my gratitude to God who gave me the strength and guide me all the way to look for the good things in my life. I wish to thank my honoured supervisor, Profesor Dr Mazlan bin Hashim for his guidance, patience, and ideas. All his advice and thoughts will always be helpful to me in the future. I want to give credit to Professor Felix Kogan for spending his time and thoughts for this research. I received a lot of material from his journals and research. My appreciations also go to Encik Hassan Abdul Majid, Encik Wan Hazli Bin Wan Kadir and Encik Abdul Wahid Bin Rasib of the Department of Remote Sensing. Last but not least, my thanks to colleagues in the Radar Laboratory for their strong support and enthusiastism. They are among the people who always look at the sunny side of everything and think only the best. v ABSTRACT In 1997/1998, Malaysia experienced one of the most severe forest fire episodes in history as a consequence of a prolonged dry season following the El- Niňo phenomenon. Since then, uncontrolled fires, atmospheric pollutions and haze remained as a common problem throughout the dry period in this region. The estimated cost of the damage caused by forest fires in Malaysia is about RM816.47 million a year. The loss by forest fire episodes has brought to light the importance of developing better tools for effective forest fire management systems. In this research, three sets of computer programmes were designed for: detecting hot spots; computing the fire risk index and generating spatial analysis for detected fires. Remote sensing and GIS techniques have both been integrated in this work. Eventually, a simple yet robust early warning system for forest fire detection in Malaysia has been devised. Thermal bands of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) were used to extract hot spot information and to generate a fire risk map. Proximity analysis was carried out using an extension in ArcView GIS software. The results from this research were compared with forest fire occurrence information from the Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (FRDM) and information of rainfall and temperature from the Malaysian Meteorological Services (MMS). High correlation (R2 = 0.8) was found between temperature derived from MODIS and the temperature obtained from the MMS. Forest fire map generated from the study also gave a high accuracy (71%). Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values derived from MODIS were found to be highly correlated (R2 = 0.7 and R2 = 0.85) with rainfall and temperature data obtained from the MMS, respectively. Hence, the output of the research shows that this system can be used as an early warning system mechanism to mitigate forest fire incidence and can be upgraded into a more complex system to enhance its functioning. vi ABSTRAK Pada tahun 1997/98, Asia Tenggara telah melalui episod kebakaran hutan yang paling ekstrem di dalam sejarah akibat musim kemarau yang panjang kesan fenomena El-Niňo. Berikutan daripada peristiwa itu, pencemaran atmosfera dan jerebu telah menjadi masalah yang lazim pada musim kemarau di sini. Anggaran kerugian daripada kebakaran hutan di Malaysia ialah sebanyak RM816.47 juta setahun. Kerugian yang dialami akibat daripada episod kebakaran hutan tersebut telah menyedarkan banyak pihak tentang kepentingan untuk membina sistem pengurusan kebakaran hutan yang efektif. Di dalam kajian ini, 3 set program komputer telah direka untuk: mengesan titik panas; mengira indeks risiko kebakaran, dan menjana analisa spatial. Teknik remote sensing dan GIS telah digabungkan di dalam kajian ini. Dengan itu, sebuah sistem amaran awal yang ringkas tetapi efektif untuk mengesan kebakaran hutan telah dicipta. Jalur termal dari MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) telah digunakan untuk mengekstrak informasi titik panas dan menjana peta risiko kebakaran hutan. Analisa spatial dilakukan dengan menggunakan fungsi dari perisian ArcView. Hasil dari kajian ini dibandingkan dengan data kebakaran hutan dari Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat, Malaysia, dan maklumat taburan hujan serta suhu dari Jabatan Kajicuaca, Malaysia. Nilai korelasi yang tinggi (R2 = 0.8) telah diperolehi diantara suhu yang diekstrak dari MODIS dengan suhu dari Jabatan Kajicuaca. Peta kebakaran hutan yang diperolehi juga mempunyai ketepatan yang tinggi (71%). Nilai Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) yang diperoleh dari MODIS juga mencatatkan korelasi yang tinggi (R2 = 0.7 and R2 = 0.85) dengan data jumlah hujan dan suhu dari Jabatan Kajicuaca. Dengan itu, hasil dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa ianya boleh digunakan sebagai satu mekanisma sistem amaran awal untuk mengurangkan kejadian kebakaran hutan dan boleh diperkembangkan lagi menjadi sebuah sistem yang lebih kompleks untuk meningkatkan lagi fungsinya. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION I II DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS xvi INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Objectives 6 1.4 Scope 6 1.5 Significance of the Study 7 1.6 Area of Study 8 1.7 Thesis Structure 9 FOREST FIRE MODEL 2.1 Introduction 11 viii 2.2 Terminology of Forest Fires 12 2.3 Influencing Factors 13 2.4 Causes of Forest Fires 14 2.5 Types of Forest Fires 15 2.5.1 Ground Fire 15 2.5.2 Surface Fire 16 2.5.3 Crown Fire 16 2.6 Fire Potential Measurement Components 19 2.6.1 Changes in Fuel Load 20 2.6.2 Fuel availability 20 2.6.3 Weather Variables 21 2.7 Evaluation of Fire Risk 21 2.7.1 Structural Fire Indices 22 2.7.2 Dynamic Risk Indices 23 2.7.3 Advanced Forest Fire Indices 24 2.8 Phases of forest fire development 24 2.8.1 Pre-ignition 25 2.8.2 Flaming phase 26 2.8.3 Glowing phase 26 2.8.4 Smouldering phase 26 2.9 Review of Forest Fire Models 27 2.10 31 Review of Existing Computer Code and Running Application for Forest Fire 2.10.1 BEHAVE 32 2.10.2 FireLib 33 2.10.3 FARSITE 33 2.10.4 FORFAIT 34 2.10.5 FOMFIS 34 2.11 Review of Fire Detection Techniques Using Remote 35 Sensing 2.11.1 GOES Fire Detection 36 ix 2.11.2 Defense Mapping Satellite Program (DMSP) Fire 37 Detection 2.11.3 Landsat Fire Detection 37 2.11.4 NOAA AVHRR Fire Detection 38 2.12 III Summary 39 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 41 3.2 Data Acquisition 43 3.2.1 Satellite Data 43 MODIS 43 3.2.2 Ancillary Data 46 Topographic Map 46 Vector Data 47 Forest Fire Occurrences Data 48 Fire and Rescue Department Distribution 48 3.3 Data Pre-processing 3.3.1 Geometric Correction 3.4 Data Processing 48 48 50 3.4.1 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) 50 3.4.2 Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) 51 3.4.3 Brightness Temperature (BT) 52 3.4.4 Temperature Condition Index (TCI) 53 3.4.5 Vegetation Health Index (VH) 53 3.4.6 Fire Risk Map 54 3.4.7 Hot Spot of MODIS 54 3.4.8 Proximity Analysis 58 3.4.9 Development of Forest Fire Interface 59 3.5 Accuracy Assessment 59 3.6 Summary 59 x IV V FOREST FIRE INTERFACE 4.1. Introduction 61 4.2. System Development Life Cycle 62 4.3. Overview of Forest Fire Interface 64 4.4. Forest Fire Interface 68 4.5. Summary 76 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 5.1. Introduction 77 5.2. Hot Spots Detected From MODIS 78 5.3. Comparison of Temperatures Extracted From MODIS 86 With Temperature Data From MMS 5.4. Generating A Fire Risk Map 5.4.1. Daily Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 88 89 (NDVI) 5.4.2. Smoothed Weekly Normalized Difference 89 Vegetation Index (NDVI) 5.4.3. Minimum and Maximum Normalized 90 Difference Vegetation Index 5.4.4. Brightness Temperature (BT) 95 5.4.5. Smoothed Weekly Brightness Temperature 95 (BT) 5.4.6. Minimum and Maximum Brightness 95 Temperature 5.4.7. Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) 100 5.4.8. Temperature Condition Index (TCI) 100 5.4.9. Vegetation Health Index (VH) 100 5.5. Fire Risk Map 101 5.6. Vegetation Index Analysis 105 5.7. Fire Risk Map Analysis 109 5.8. Summary 109 xi VI CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1. Introduction 111 6.2. Conclusions 111 6.3. Recommendation 112 REFERENCES 114 Appendices A-C 125-164 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Area of forest type burned in 1998 in Malaysia 3 1.2 Costs of the damage caused by smoke haze in Malaysia. 4 2.1 Existing computer code and running application for forest fire. 35 2.2 GOES-7 VAS satellite spectral channels 36 3.1 MODIS spectral bands characteristics 44 3.2 Number of datasets processed in this study for each year from January 2000 to April 2005 46 3.3 Topographic maps used to execute geometric correction 47 3.4 List of maps used to extract vector layers 47 3.5 List of ground control point for MODIS data on 27 January 2005 49 3.6 Attributes generated from the MOD14 data 56 4.1 Explanation of system development life cycle 63 5.1 List of hot spots detected from MODIS from 1 January to 30 April 2005 80 5.2 Peat utilization in Malaysia. 84 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Peninsular Malaysia 9 2.1 (a) Fire fundamentals triangle; and (b) fire environment triangle 13 illustrating the factors of fire combustion and factors controlling fire propagation, respectively. 2.2 Types of fires; (a) Ground fires, (b) Surface fires, (c) Crown fires. 18 2.3 Proposed approaches for the evaluation of forest fire risk indices 22 2.4 Phases of forest fire development 25 2.5 Structure of Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS). 29 2.6 The structure of Fire Weather Index (FWI) 30 2.7 The structure of Fire Behaviour Index (FBP), including the necessary inputs and the outputs produced by the system 31 3.1 Flow chart of operational methodology 42 3.2 MODIS data on 28 January 2005 with composite of band 1, 2 and 4 43 3.3 Twelve GCP’s were used to geometrically correct the MODIS 49 image of 27 January 2005 3.4 Geometrically corrected image of MODIS on 27 January 2005 50 4.0 Diagram of system development life cycle 62 4.1 Explanation of system development life cycle 63 4.2 Forest fire interface diagram component 64 4.3 Diagram of vegetation index components namely Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Temperature Condition Index (TCI), 65 xiv Vegetation Health Index (VH) and Fire Risk Index 4.4 Flow of NDVI and brightness temperature data as input to carry out Fire Risk Index 66 4.5 Input data of MOD021KM and MOD03 used to extract the hot spot 66 4.6 The main window for developed forest fire interface 68 4.7 Vegetation Index window 69 4.8 Information window of the displayed image 69 4.9 NDVI window prompt 70 4.10 VCI window prompt 71 4.11 TCI window prompt 71 4.12 VH window prompt 72 4.13 Fire Risk Map window prompt 73 4.14 Prompt window to set up the number of input weeks to Fire Risk Map 73 4.15 Hotspot Index window prompt 74 4.16 MS DOS command used to derive the MODIS fire mask using the MODIS Level 1B Radiances and Geolocation products 74 4.17 MS DOS window prompt to convert hotspot data into shapefile 75 4.18 ArcView function, ‘Closest Feature submenu used to extract proximity analysis 76 5.1 Distribution of hot spots by land use type 83 5.2 Extreme drought occurrence in (a) Kampong Teluk Jambu Bintong, Kangar, Perlis; and (b) Firemen battling bush fire outside the Penang International Airport cargo complex in Bayan Lepas 85 5.3 Correlation between temperature from Malaysian Meteorological Services (MMS) and observed temperature from MODIS 87 5.4 NDVI derived from single MODIS dataset on 6 April 2000 91 5.5 Smoothed weekly MODIS datasets from 5th week of 2005 92 5.6 Multi-year maximum MODIS datasets 93 5.7 Multi-year minimum MODIS datasets 94 5.8 Brightness temperature derived from single MODIS dataset on 5 April 2000 96 5.9 Smoothed weekly brightness temperature of MODIS datasets derived from 14th week of 2005 97 xv 5.10 Multi-year maximum of brightness temperature derived from MODIS 98 5.11 Multi-year minimum of brightness temperature derived from MODIS 99 5.12 Vegetation Condition Index derived from 15th week of 2005 102 5.13 5.14 th Temperature Condition Index derived from 15 week of 2005 th Vegetation Health Index derived from 15 week of 2005 103 104 5.15 th Fire Risk Map of 11 week of 2005 106 5.16 The relationship between VCI and rainfall 107 5.17 Relationship between TCI and temperature 108 5.18 The relationship between VH and temperature 108 xvi LIST OF SYMBOLS EEPSEA - Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia NDVI - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) BT - Brightness Temperature VCI - Vegetation Condition Index TCI - Temperature Condition Index VH - Vegetation Health Index FRDM - Fire Rescue Department of Malaysia MMS - Malaysian Meteorological Services KBDI - Keetch and Byram Drought Index FWI - Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index FBP - Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction System CFFDRS - Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System FOP - Fire Occurrence Prediction System FFMC - Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) DMC - Duff Moisture Code DC - Drought Code ISI - Initial Spread Index BUI - Buildup Index FFDM - Forest Fire Danger Meter API - Application Programming Interface GIS - Geographical Information System VAS - Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer and Atmospheric Sounder xvii SWIR - Shortwave infrared LWIR - Longwave infrared μm - Micrometer (1 meter = 1 000 000 μm) km - kilometer mm - Milimeter DMSP - Defense Mapping Satellite Program TM - Thematic Mapper K - Kelvin NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration AVHRR - Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer MSS - Multispectral Satellite MODIS - Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer SNR - Signal noise to ratio NEΔT - Noise-equivalent temperature difference CZCS - Nimbus Coastal Zone Color Scanner HRIS - High Resolution Infrared Sounder GES DAAC - Goddard Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Centre GCPs - Ground control points RMS - Root Mean Square VIS - Visible NIR - Near infrared NDVImin - Multiyear absolute minimum of NDVI NDVImax - Multiyear absolute maximum of NDVI h - Planck’s constant (Joule per hertz) c - Speed of light in vacuum (m/s) k - Boltzmann gas constant (Joule/Kelvin) λ - Band or detector centre wavelength (m) T - Temperature (Kelvin) BTmin - Absolute minimum of smoothed weekly brightness temperature BTmax - Absolute maximum of smoothed weekly brightness temperature T4 - Brightness temperature of 4 micrometer channel xviii T11 - Brightness temperature of 11 micrometer channel Ť - Respective mean of the channel for valid neighbouring pixel Naw - Number of water pixel adjacent to the fire pixel Nac - Number of cloud pixel adjacent to the fire pixel δ - Mean absolute deviation of the respective channel for valid neighboring pixel C - Confidence level TIFF - Tagged Image File Format UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator MOD01 - Raw MODIS data MOD02 - Level 1B MODIS data MOD03 - Geolocation MODIS data MOD035 - MODIS Cloud Mask product MOD14 - MODIS Fire product xix LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Forest Fire Record From FRDM 125 B Fire risk level for each forest fire occurrence in time range 127 of 1 January 2005 to 30 April 2005. C Visual C++ source code 129 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Introduction By the end of 1990, an estimated area of 5.55 million hectares of forest covered 42.2% of Peninsular Malaysia’s total land area (Khali, 2001). Of the total, 5.51 million hectares are classified as evergreen rainforest consisting of 4.94 million hectares of Dipterocarp Forests, 0.46 million hectares of peat swamp forest, 0.11 million hectares of mangrove forest while the remaining 0.04 million hectares consists of estate and agricultural areas developed since as far back as 1957 (Mohd Shahwahid, 2004). Generally, the low temperature and moist condition in the natural forests that give rise to a high rate of litter decomposition contribute to the low occurrence of large scale forest fire in Malaysia. In the last three decades however, large tracts of forestlands have been planted with monoculture crops. Some 1.65 million hectares of rubber and 2.62 million hectares of oil palm have been established, posing a higher fire risk than the natural forests (Hussin, 2000). Also logging activities in the natural forests produce a lot of waste, thereby increasing flammable material, and opening canopies 2 which reduce the water retention capacity of the forests, become more susceptible to fire. In the past 10 years, there has been an increasing incidence of major fires especially peat forest fires in the Southeast Asia region. In Malaysia, the worst forest fire was reported in Sabah from 1983 to 1985 (Mat Isa, 2001). In these incident, over one million hectares of mostly logged-over forests were burnt. In East Kalimantan, Indonesia, a fire occurrence that started in September 1982 lasted for 10 months and affected more than 35,000 hectares of peatlands (Suhaili and Mohd Yunus, 1999). It has been said that Indonesia needs about 500 years to return the forest back to its primary condition. Anyway, to capture back the ecosystem equalization and variation in the biology seems to be impossible. This problem is further compounded by the fact that some of the affected areas have been burned twice or more. If left unabated, peat areas that will be at risk to burn will be on the increase. In terms of forest type, the peat forests suffered the most with 63,331 hectares (98%) burned in 1998 (Table 1.1). Land clearing for agriculture by the farmers in the dry season was identified as the most likely cause of the forest fires. Forest fires could cause a serious environmental problem. During the 1997 big fire event, about 70 million people were forced to breathe polluted air because of the haze from the forest fire. At least six people died from direct health effects and many more were hospitalised (Wan Ahmad, 2001). Poor visibility that was brought about by haze increased the risk of accidents on land. In some regions, schools and shops were forced to close down and business matters were hindered. The tourism industry experienced the worst impact from this event due to the decrease in the number of visitors and a large number of flights cancelled as a precaution. 3 Table 1.1: Area of forest type burned in 1998 in Malaysia. Area Forest Type Peat Forests Probable cause (Hectares) 63,331 Land clearing by farmers and indigenous people, hunting and other unknown causes. Secondary Forest 432 Land clearing by farmers Degraded Heath Forest 310 Land clearing by farmers Heath Forest 250 Unidentified Logged-over Forest 120 Unidentified Forest Plantation 26 Snapped electrical transmission lines, cigarettes. Montane Forest 15 Campers Coastal Swamp Forest 15 Clearing by fishing villagers Total 64,499 (Source: Ahmad Zainal, 2000) Consequently, the risk from forest fires to private property and human life has increased making fire fighting more complicated, expensive, and dangerous. Indonesia lost RM16.72 million in the battle to fight the fires (Suhaili and Mohd Yunus, 1999). According to the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) study, the estimated incremental cost of the haze damage to Malaysia during the months of August to October in 1997 was RM816 million (Table 1.2). The transboundary nature that exists in the forest fire problems has suggested a network approach for sharing of information and experience. In October 1997, 1262 firefighters from Malaysia were deployed to Sumatra and Kalimantan to combat the forest fires (Wan Ahmad 2001). Besides supplying help, Malaysia also gained some experience and knowledge which is useful for addressing similar issues. 4 Table 1.2: Costs of the damage caused by smoke haze in Malaysia. Type of Damages RM Million Percentage Adjusted cost of illness 36.16 4.43 Productivity loss during the emergency 393.51 48.19 Tourist arrival decline 318.55 39.02 Flight cancellations 0.45 0.06 Fish landing decline 40.72 4.99 Cost of fire fighting 25.00 3.06 Cloud seeding 2.08 0.25 816.47 100.00 Total (Source: Mohd Shahwahid and Jamal,1999) 1.2 Problem Statement Forest fires arise from a sudden encounter between oxygen and fuel material at high temperatures. They would usually damage the forest ecosystems resulting in a decline in biological diversity, environmental degradation, soil erosion, atmospheric and water pollution. The main pollution is the occurrence of haze. Only in the past decade have researchers realized the important contribution of biomass burning to the global budgets of many radiatively and chemically active gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, nitric oxide, tropospheric ozone and elemental carbon particulates (Kaufman, 1998; Hashim et. al., 2004). These factors result in negative implications on the socio-economic, health and well being of the human. Besides that, the effects of forest fires are not local, they are cumulative and contribute to regional and global problems such as deforestation, global warming, or desertification. 5 Peat forest fires are a common problem in South East Asia including Malaysia. Controlling peat fires is extremely difficult. Peat will burn from the bottom of the soil layer. The fires burn in a slow and patchy manner, and are widespread. The fires spread slowly through the thick peat layers, making it extremely difficult to detect and extinguish them. In the case of peat, although the surface fires are extinguished, the underground peat will continue to burn unless a large amount of water is used to completely drench the peat layers. Usually, peat fires are hard to notice. Peat fires are deep underground and can burn uncontrolled and unseen for several months. This fire is potentially a great threat to human health than the Kuwaiti oil fires and hard to extinguish. One cannot notice underground fires (such as peat fires) until occurrence of smouldering smoke, which are then naturally followed by fires. During this time, fires have already burned all the organic material under the ground. Fortunately, much has changed in the field of fire fighting. Today, an early warning indicator is an important component in the total fire management system. Due to the difficulty of detecting underground peat fires and the absence of detailed fire records in many areas, the possibility of using remote sensing satellite observations will be examined. Human eyes cannot detect subtle differences in thermal infrared energy emanating from the underground peat fires because they are only primarily sensitive to short wavelength visible light from 0.4 to 0.7μm. Human eyes also are not sensitive to the reflective infrared in the range of 0.7 to 3.0μm, or thermal infrared energy in the range of 3.0 to 14μm. Nowadays, thermal detectors which are sensitive to thermal infrared radiation have been designed and manufactured widely. With this advance thermal sensor, thermal remote sensing related studies such as thermal characteristic of the landscape, forest fires and urban heat are possible. 6 1.3 Objectives The objectives of the study are divided into three: i) To determine hot spots from MODIS data; ii) To derive a fire risk map based on biophysical parameters from MODIS data, and iii) To develop forest fires interface using remote sensing data derived from objectives (i) and (ii). 1.4 Scope MODIS datasets were used in this study for several reasons; namely (i) the thermal (10.78-11.28μm) bands of MODIS were specifically developed to detect hot spots along with well developed algorithm for forest fire purpose (Kaufman, 1998). In addition, this band is also used in extracting brightness temperature (BT) as a parameter in generating the vegetation index; and (ii) the visible (620-670nm) and near infrared (841-876nm) bands of MODIS are suitable to extract Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which is a parameter to generate the fire risk map. Two biophysical parameters are used to generate the vegetation indices, namely Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and brightness temperature (BT). Three indices were developed from the biophysical parameters; namely (i) Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), for estimation of cumulative moisture impacts on vegetation; (ii) Temperature Condition Index (TCI), for estimation of thermal 7 impacts on vegetation; and (iii) Vegetation Health Index (VH), for estimation of moisture and thermal impacts on vegetation. Cumulative of four weeks of VH were used to generate the fire risk map. Cumulative daily MODIS datasets from 2000 to 2005 were processed in order to generate the fire risk maps. This is however excluding the datasets that covered more than 10% cloud. In order to minimize the cloud effects, the NDVI and BT datasets were composited over a 7-day period. This will reduce the cloud effects. 1.5 Significance of the Study During the 1997-98 Indonesian forest fires, many national governments and international agencies tried their best to help Indonesia and other affected countries to suppress the fires in order to minimize the impacts. However, there was a lack of information about active forest fires and base line data about water resources, transport networks, land use patterns, topography types and location of settlements. Although emphasis was given to immediate fire suppression, it is realized that there should be long-term strategy measures to mitigate the occurrence of disasters due to forest fires in future. The establishment of an effective early warning mechanism was the focus of discussion by most of the workers involved with forest fire mitigation in the ASEAN region. This study can provide an alternative to conventional techniques in detecting and monitoring forest fire in an effective way. It is necessary to develop an effective system for forest management in order to control forest fires occurrence. The final result of this study will provide a valuable tool for fire agencies as a fire-prediction strategy. It will provide benefit as one of the technologies used to assist monitoring 8 and evaluation of forest fire risk. Nowadays, with the existence of advanced technology, we can reduce the damage of forest fires. The development of a detecting and mitigating system in this study can be an advantage to the Department of Environment and the Department of Forestry, and also to other related agencies in order to improve forest management and sustainability. It can also be utilized for various purposes such as teaching and increasing awareness among decision makers in the region about the availability of remote sensing technology to mitigate disasters. Satellite remote sensing monitoring can also provide advance weather information or data that can assist in studying the evolution of fires as they develop. 1.6 Area of Study The area of study is Peninsular Malaysia, located from 1o 20’ N to 6o 40’ N latitude, and 99o 35’ E to 104o 20’E longitude (Figure 1.1). The total area of Peninsular Malaysia is 131,794 km2. Topographically, Peninsular Malaysia is characterized by extensive coastal plains in the east and west, hilly and mountainous region with steep slopes in the middle and undulating terrain in other parts of the peninsular. The climate of Malaysia is typical of the humid tropics and is characterized by year-round high temperature and seasonal heavy rain. Temperature ranges from 26oC to 32oC and rainfall ranges from 2,000 mm to 4,000 mm per annum. 9 Figure 1.1: Peninsular Malaysia 1.7 Thesis Structure This thesis will consist of 6 chapters namely; (1) Introduction; (2) Forest Fire Model; (3) Methodology; (4) Forest Fire Interface; (5) Result and Analysis; and (6) Conclusions and Recommendations. The first chapter of this study discusses introduction to forest fires occurrences. The objectives, scope, problem statement and significance of the study are also included in this chapter. Chapter 2 explains about forest fires briefly from the terminology of the fire itself, to the method used to detect and monitor it. The methods discussed include 10 conventional techniques, as well as the combination of conventional and remote sensing technology. The method used in this study is discussed in Chapter 3. This chapter explains in detail the materials used in this study. The methods used to extract hotspots, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), brightness temperature (BT), Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Temperature Condition Index (TCI) and Vegetation Health (VH) are explained together with the analysis. Chapter 4 explains the forest fire interface from the early phase of its development until the end users requirement. Chapter 5 consists the results obtained from this study. The analysis is carried out at the end of the chapter. For hot spot analysis, the results from this study are compared to ground truth forest fire occurrences data obtained from the Fire Rescue Department of Malaysia (FRDM). In order to determine the accuracy of the temperature derived from MODIS data, the derived temperature were compared with field temperature obtained from Malaysian Meteorological Services (MMS). The last chapter, namely Chapter 6, discusses the conclusions derived from this study and also the recommendations to improve this study in future. CHAPTER II FOREST FIRE MODEL 2.1 Introduction Forest fire is a prominent global phenomenon. It has occurred long before the advent of humans in order to shape landscape structure, pattern and ultimately the species composition of ecosystems. The ecological role of fire is to influence several factors such as plant community development, soil nutrient availability and biological diversity (Levine et al., 1999). Forest fire is a vital and natural process that initiates natural cycles of vegetation succession and maintains ecosystem viability. In recent years, the combination of climate and human activity account for the majority of forest fire occurrence. The extensive use of natural and forest regions as recreational areas, for agricultural purpose and other development factors have increased the number of human caused fires. During 1997 and 1998, combination of drought conditions brought by El Niňo and uncontrolled burning practices caused unprecedented levels of forest fires across the globe (Anderson et. al., 1999). 12 In times of severe droughts, forest fire occurrence may bring about a massive destruction of forest richness and severe transboundry pollution in the form of smoke and haze. Biomass burning resulting from forest fires can also be identified as a significant source of aerosols, carbon fluxes and trace gases, which pollute the atmosphere and contribute to radiative forcing responsible for global climate changes (Kaufman, 1990). 2.2 Terminology of Forest Fires By definition a forest fire is any wild land fire not prescribed for the area by an authorised plan. A more descriptive definition is uncontained and freely spreading combustion, which consumes the natural fuels of a forest that is duff, litter, grass, dead branch wood, snags, logs, stumps, weeds, brush, foliage, and to a limited degree, green trees (Brown and Davis, 1973). When referring to the South East Asia situation, fires on land within natural forest area often burn a little except grassland and scrub. In areas outside forest land, it is again agricultural waste, land clearance and peat soil that are most vulnerable to fire. Fires in these non-forested areas are sometimes referred to as forest fires (Anderson et. al., 1999). According to FAO’s terminology (FAO, 1986) forest fire risk is the probability of fire initiation due to the presence and activity of a causative agent. Bachman and Allgower (1998) define fire risk as the probability of a fire to occur at a specified location and under given circumstances and its expected outcome as defined by the impacts on the affected objects. 13 2.3 Influencing Factors Basically, fire is a chemical reaction called rapid oxidation. Fire is produced only when heat, fuel and oxygen (Johnson, 1999) are present in the right amounts. The basic principle of fire control is to remove one or more of these elements in the quickest and most effective manner. From Figure 2.1(a), fuel generally is available in ample quantities in the forest. Fuel must contain carbon. It comes from living or dead plant materials or organic matter. Trees and branches lying on the ground are a major source of fuel in a forest. Trees and branches left on the ground after a logging operation can become fuel too. Peat is also one of the sources of fuel in a forest. Peat is an accumulation of partially decomposed and disintegrated plant remains, which has been fossilized under conditions of incomplete aeration and high water content (Bell, 1983). Dried peat is easier to ignite. Fire Fundamental Triangle (a) Fire Environment Triangle (b) (Modified from Andrew and Williams, 1998) Figure 2.1: (a) Fire fundamentals triangle; and (b) fire environment triangle illustrating the factors of fire combustion and factors controlling fire propagation, respectively. 14 Oxygen is present in the air. As oxygen is used up by fire, it is replenished quickly by the wind, while heat is required to start and maintain fire. Heat can be supplied by nature through solar radiation. Human beings can also supply a heat source through misuse of matches, campfires, trash fires, and cigarettes. Logging equipment, trains, and automobile exhaust systems can also supply a heat source for a fire. Once fire has started, it provides its own heat source as it spreads. Once sustained ignition occurs, elements of the fire environment triangle from Figure 2.1(b) become the controlling factors in fire propagation. The fire environment triangle represents the influence of fuel, topography and weather in a fire occurrence. These are the influencing factors that must be examined, as they change in space and time, in order to assess the risk of uncontrolled fire. Fuel moisture content is a function of short term weather variables such as precipitation and relative humidity, while topography can concentrate winds. Wind will contribute oxygen to the fire, increasing fire intensity and rate of spread. Andrews and Williams (1998) found that positive slopes place unburned fuels physically closer to the heat and flames, also increasing the rate of spread and fire intensity. 2.4 Causes of Forest Fires Fire has co-existed with human activities for many years. Burning is a universal human cultural trait. Therefore, motivation for starting fires are ancient patterns that have remained the same throughout the ages. The extensive use of natural and forest regions as a recreational area has increased the number of human caused fires. On the other hand, the decrease of rural population and abandonment of agricultural regions has led to the build up of fire fuels that increase the potential of 15 forest fire incident. Human are considered responsible for about 90% of global biomass burning (Levine et al., 1999) and that is where most of the forest fires research emphasis is laid on. Yet depending on the regional patterns, lightning can be quite important cause for wildfires. Pyne et al. (1996) found that in the Pacific regions of the United States of America (USA), 31% of wildfires are caused by lightning. This number roughly corresponds to the results of a study in Switzerland where 26% of the recorded fires are caused by lightning (Langhart et al., 1998). However, in general, natural causes do not seem to be of great interest for the wildfire research community (Bachmann and Allgower, 1998). 2.5 Types of Forest Fires There are basically three common fire types; namely (a) ground fire, (b) surface fire, and (c) crown fire. Illustration of these fire types is shown in Figure 2.2. Classification of fires is based on the degree to which fuels from organic soil upward to top of the tree were involved in the combustion. 2.5.1 Ground Fire As illustrated in Figure 2.2(a), ground fire burned in ground fuels such as organic soils, roots and buried logs. Ground fuels are characterized by higher bulk density than surface and canopy fuels (Scott and Reinhardt, 2001). Ground fires burn with very low spreading rates but can be sustained at relatively high moisture 16 contents (Frandsen, 1987, 1991). Fuel consumption through ground fire can be great, causing significant injury to trees and shrubs. In ground fires, the heat is so intense that it might cause to the loss of underground structure and death of microorganisms. Organic matter and soil nutrients such as nitrogen become volatilized and escape to the atmosphere. Less intense fires have the advantage of breaking standing litter into smaller pieces, thereby making it more available for decomposition. Pathogenic fungi may also be killed, allowing more seedlings to emerge (Bozniak et al., 2005). Ground fire is the most intense fire compared to the other types of fire. 2.5.2 Surface Fire As illustrated in Figure 2.2(b), surface fire burns in the surface fuel layer, which lies immediately above the ground fuels but below the canopy, or aerial fuels. Surface fuels consists of leaves, grass, dead and fallen branches, wood and logs, shrubs, low brush, and short trees (Brown and Davis, 1973). Commonly, it occurs in grasslands, where there are no trees and the litter and vegetation is spread fairly evenly over the surface. Surface fire is the least intense among the three types of fire. The soil surface may become quite hot, but nutrients, roots and microorganisms below the surface are left intact. 2.5.3 Crown Fire Crown fires occur when the tops of trees are heated sufficiently to ignite so that the fire travels explosively from tree to tree as shown in Figure 2.2. Canopy fuels normally consumed in crown fires consist of the live and dead foliage, also fine live and dead branchwood found in a forest canopy (Call and Albini, 1997). Essentially 17 all the vegetation is burned, some areas of ground may even be heated sufficiently to burn out humus and kill roots. Forests of lodge pole pine, Bishop pine, sand pine and jack pine that are usually found in Europe typically burn with crown fires (Casagrandi and Rinaldi, 1999). Canopy fires are more intense than surface fires due to the fact that there is more fuel involved, therefore the heat generated is greater than that found in surface fires. But on the other hand, surface fire is less intense than ground fire. According to Casagrandi and Rinaldi (1999), there are four major groups of forest that produce different type of fuel namely rain forests, boreal forests, savannas and Mediterranean forests. Each group of forest has different unique characteristics. Rain forests are dense and humid, and layers are not easily recognizable. While boreal forests are characterized by high density of large conifers and scarcity of bush, the prevalent understory species being bryophytes and lichens. By contrast, trees are quite rare while herbs are very dense in savannas. Finally, in Mediterranean forests, both understory and overstory species are important. Fires in rain forests usually occur by accident, while they are recurrent in other forests. Ground fire can occur in rain forests on peat soil. But fire regimes in boreal forest, savannas and Mediterranean forests are remarkably different. Payette (1989) found that fires in boreal forests prevalently involve crowns, and the fire return times are typically 50200 years. Fires in savannas are surface fires and return times are typically 1-2 years in moist savannas and 5-10 years in arid savannas (Rutherford, 1981). While in Mediterranean forests, fire can be either crown or surface fires and occur in an apparently random sequence. 18 (a) (b) (c) (Modified from Scott and Reinhardt, 2001) Figure 2.2: Types of fires; (a) Ground fires, (b) Surface fires, (c) Crown fires. 19 2.6 Fire Potential Measurement Components Different approaches are used to compute potential fire occurrence. Fire risk indices are used in Europe, while fire danger rating systems are used in the United States. In Malaysia, an extreme dry season is always used as an early warning of fire occurrence. Practically, scientists used numerical systems to provide early warning of conditions conducive to the onset and development of fire occurrence. The concept of fire potential involves both tangible and intangible factors, physical processes and hazard events. By definition, fire potential is a general term used to express an assessment of both constant and variable fire danger factors affecting the inception, spread, intensity and difficulty of control of fires and the impact they cause (Bachmann and Allgower, 1998). Fire potential produce qualitative and numerical indices of fire danger that function as an early warning to fire threat (Andrews and Williams, 1998). Different systems with varying complexity have been developed throughout the world with respect to the severity of the fire climate and environment. The simplest systems use only temperature and relative humidity to provide an index of the potential for fire starts such as the Angstrom Index (Skvarenina, 2003). The Angstrom Index was devised in Sweden and has been used all over Scandinavia. While a single fire potential index may be useful to provide early warning of a fire situation over broad areas, it is unable to give a complete picture of the daily fire danger with a single index. Therefore, it is necessary to break a fire potential system into its major components to appreciate where early warning systems for single factors fall into the overall picture of potential. These fall into three broad categories as explained below. 20 2.6.1 Changes in Fuel Load The first element of early warning for a potential fire risk is a major shift in the forest fuel condition. Farmer’s activity draining the water of peat swamp for agricultural purposes will decrease the thickness of the soil. When the dry season has arrived, peat soil become drier and has a high possibility to ignite. Fire can change the natural soil moisture content. Alfian (1999) found that moisture content for peat is 47.65%, but the moisture content of the soil will decrease to 28.15% once it is burned. As for vegetation, a prolonged dry season causes extreme vegetation stress. The physiological condition of live vegetation has a strong bearing on fire occurrence (Kogan et al., 2003). 2.6.2 Fuel availability The seasonal change in fuel availability as fuels dry out during the drought period sets the stage for severe fire occurrence. Under drought conditions fuel is available for combustion. Organic soils may dry out and become combustible. Drought stress on living vegetation not only reduces the moisture content of the green foliage but also dried plant matter such as leaves and bark can be shed adding to the total load of the surface fuel. However, most devastating fires occur when severe fire weather variables are combined with extreme drought. 21 2.6.3 Weather Variables Less rain, low humidity and high temperature are very significant for fire occurrence. Regular charting of bookkeeping systems such as the Keetch-Byram Drought Index (Keetch and Byram, 1968) and the Mount Soil Dryness Index are particularly useful in monitoring the total rainfall during the normal or drought season. In some regions, there were indices which indicate the changes in the global circulation patterns which may provide warning as early as 6 to 9 months in advance of extremely dry conditions. One of these is the Southern Oscillation Index (Torrence and Webster, 2000) which records the difference in atmospheric pressure between two regions in Australia which can be related to the El Niño events. 2.7 Evaluation of Fire Risk Forest fire risk can be evaluated from several perspectives. Fire risk indices are classified into long-term indices, short-term indices and dynamic indices (SanMiguel-Ayanz, 1999). The indices which are derived from factors that do not change in a short elapse of time are referred to as long-term or structural indices. These stable factors include elevation and fuel type. On the contrary, dynamic indices are derived from factors that vary in short periods of time, such as the vegetation status or the meteorological conditions. The third type of indices combine structural and dynamic variables. Figure 2.3 shows a general scheme of the different approaches to compute three types of indices that have been discussed above. 22 2.7.1 Structural Fire Indices Structural fire indices are based on parameters that do not change in a short period of time. These include variables that are fairly static such as the topography and other variables whose rate of change is so slow that they can be considered stable for a given period that is usually not less than a year (San-Miguel-Ayanz, 1999; Spano, 2003). In order to provide stable indices over time, the values used for some variables are the average values over a given period of time. This is the case of the statistical approach of this type of index. Structural forest fire indices are indicators of stable conditions that favor fire occurrence. In practice they are used to determine areas with high risk of fire due to their intrinsic conditions. Evapotranspiration Relative Humidity FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Wind VEGETATION STRESS DYNAMIC DRASTIC METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS Temperature Fuel Types ADVANCED OR INTEGRATED Fire History Population STRUCTURAL Topography Soils Proximity to Roads (Source: San-Miguel-Ayanz, 1999) Figure 2.3: Proposed approaches for the evaluation of forest fire risk indices. 23 The derivation of long term fire indices consists in choosing the variables that are suitable to the environment and producing a weighted model in a GIS environment (Chuvieco and Congalton, 1989). These variables will then be classified into groups, and each variable will be assigned a specific weight according to its potential contribution to the risk. 2.7.2 Dynamic Risk Indices Dynamic indices are focused on determining the probability of forest fire ignition and on the capability of fire spread. They are usually based on determining vegetation status. These indices were accomplished directly through the use of meteorological variables, or through the analysis of vegetation indices computed from remotely sensed data. Dynamic fire risk indices are developed to determine the probability of forest fire ignition and also the capability of fire spread. However, the prediction capability of a forest risk index depends closely on the quality of the data used, and the data range involved in the developed model. Since weather is the most significant component for forest fire ignition and propagation, many forest fire risk indices have been developed in respect to meteorological information. Therefore, weather information is the most commonly used component in dynamic fire risk indices. Another popular type of dynamic risk index is based on the fuel condition. Vegetation structure and moisture condition has a strong influence on the ignition and the propagation of forest fires. Many studies evaluated vegetation stress by quantifying the amount of water in the plants, which is closely related to vegetation stress (Chuvieco et al., 2000; Kogan et al., 2003; and Burgan et al., 1998). Remote sensing techniques can be used to determine vegetation 24 stress. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is probably the most often used vegetation index for this purpose. 2.7.3 Advanced Forest Fire Indices Advanced forest fire risk indices agglomerate several factors that are independently taken into account by the long term and dynamic indices. Recent advanced forest fire indices have been built as an early warning system to predict the potential of forest fire, detect forest fire, predict fire propagation and provide burn scar analysis of forest fire (Cantelaube et al., 2002). Scientists combined structural indices from a long period of time data and dynamic indices to build an advanced forest fire index. 2.8 Phases of forest fire development It is more logical to consider fire in four phases namely, pre-ignition; flaming; smoldering and glowing as shown in Figure 2.4. FLAMING CO CO2 HOT AIR GASES RADIATION ORGANIC GASES H2O EVAPORATING 25 ………. SMOLDERING GLOWING ASH (Modified from Johnson, 1998) Figure 2.4: Phases of forest fire development. 2.8.1 Pre-ignition The unburned material, under certain conditions of the surrounding atmosphere, soil, and species, has a certain amount of moisture. Part of the incoming heat will be invested in evaporating such water previous to the pre-heating and combustion of the material. The combustion process is the result of a series of events that begins with the rise in temperature of the woody material, to a temperature that decomposes these materials into gases, tars and char. This process is known as pyrolysis and ends up in the ignition of the resulting gases into flames and glow (Johnson, 1998). 26 2.8.2 Flaming phase Combustion gases and vapours from the pyrolysis process rise above the fuels and mix with oxygen. Flaming occurs when they are heated to the ignition point. The heat from the flaming reaction accelerates the rate of pyrolysis. This will cause the release of greater quantities of combustible gases, which also oxidize and increase the amounts of flaming. 2.8.3 Glowing phase Once a fire reaches the glowing phase, most of the volatile gases have been driven off. Oxygen contact directly with the surface of the fuel causes the fuel to oxidize. The fuel then burns with a glowing characteristic. This process continues until the temperature drops so low that combustion can no longer occur, or until all the combustible material is gone. 2.8.4 Smouldering phase Smoldering is a smoky process occurring after the active flaming front has passed. Combustible gases are still being released by the process of pyrolysis, but the rate of release and the temperature become more stable. The temperatures are not high enough to maintain flaming combustion. 27 2.9 Review of Forest Fire Models The need for a method to mitigate forest fire was recognized at least as far back as 1940 (Burgan et al., 1998). Some fire models are stand alone while others are modules within larger land cover dynamic models. Fire models operate at many scales, use different predictive equations, and produce numbers or maps representing fire frequency, severity, spread rate, burn pattern or risk. Many fire models were originally developed for use in conifer-dominated forests of the Western United States, pine forests in Canada and bush forests in Australia (Casagrandi and Rinaldi, 1998). However, ecosystem differences may take these model structures inappropriate for other regions. Although none of the major indices is inherently superior to the rest in all circumstances, some indices are better suited than others in certain uses. Most of the original indices are measured using conventional techniques. From Baines (1990), the majority of current fire models that are in use today are based on fire spread relationships developed using the drought index (Rothermel, 1972; Keetch and Byram, 1968; Van Wagner, 1969; McArthur, 1966). Within these models, the most complex systems are developed by Rothermel and Van Wagner which combine measures of fuel, topography, weather and risk of ignition to provide indices of fire occurrence or fire behaviour. Keetch and Byram model forest fires based on information from a cumulative period of time data. While McArthur model is easier to use where this model measures drought and weather as applied to a standard fuel type to predict the speed of a fire or its difficulty of suppression. Rothermel Model’s equations require a description of fuel which includes depth, loading, percentage of dead fuel, moisture of extinction, heat content, surface area to volume ratio, mineral content, silica content, and particle density. A complete set of fuel information is needed as an input to use the Rothermel Fire Spread Model (Watson et al., 2000). It also requires environmental variables such as wind speed at 28 half-flame height, slope and fuel moisture content. Rothermel’s equations are only valid for surface fires (Scott and Burgan, 2005). In 1968, Keetch and Byram developed an index to describe the dryness of fuels namely the Keetch and Byram Drought Index (KBDI). It is a cumulative or book keeping index. To start the index, it is necessary to begin accounting after a very heavy rainfall event. It is assumed the soils and fuel layers were saturated after a period of abundant rainfall, at 5mm within a week and the index will start at or near zero. From that time onwards, the Drought Index is calculated for each subsequent day which becomes a simple bookkeeping. The drying factor is large for very low KBDI and close to zero when the rainfall is 200mm. This index has proved to be a useful early warning tool and is now incorporated into the US National Fire Danger Rating System (Pyne et al., 1996) and the Australian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (McArthur, 1967). Countries in South East Asia are using the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (Andrews and Williams, 1998) in predicting forest fire occurrence. Forest fire danger rating research in Canada was initiated in 1968 (Beall, 1990). The original approach has been evolutionary, building on previous systems and using field experiments and empirical analysis extensively. The Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System consists of two subsystems, namely Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System and the Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System. The components are expressed in the diagram in Figure 2.5. 29 INPUTS Human cause, lightning Weather Topography Fuels Fire Weather Index (FWI) System Fire Occurrence Prediction (FOP) System Accessory Fuel Moisture System Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) (Source: Taylor and Alexander, 2006) Figure 2.5: Structure of Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS). Inputs to the FWI System include elevation and current daily weather data from a variety of sources. The FWI System consists of six components as illustrated in Figure 2.6. This components are functions to account for the effects of fuel moisture and wind on fire behaviour. As illustrated in Figure 2.6, the first three components of FWI namely Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC), Duff Moisture Code (DMC) and Drought Code (DC) are numerical ratings of the moisture content of litter and other fine fuels, average moisture content of organic layers, also average moisture content of deep, compact or organic layers respectively. The remaining three components namely Initial Spread Index (ISI), Buildup Index (BUI) and Fire Weather Index (FWI) represent the rate of fire spread, the fuel available for combustion and the frontal fire intensity respectively. Their values rise as the fire danger increases. 30 Fire weather observation Fuel moisture code Fire behaviour indices Temperature, relative humidity, wind, rain Temperature, relative humidity, rain Wind FINE FUEL MOISTURE CODE (FFMC) DUFF MOISTURE CODE (DMC) INITIAL SPREAD INDEX (ISI) Temperature, rain DROUGHT CODE (DC) BUILDUP INDEX (BUI) FIRE WEATHER INDEX(FWI) (Source: Andrews and Williams, 1998) Figure 2.6: The structure of Fire Weather Index (FWI). As illustrated in Figure 2.7, the Fire Behaviour Prediction System (FBP) provides quantitative estimates of potential head fire spread rate, fue l consumption, and fire intensity, as well as fire descriptions. With the aid of an elliptical fire growth model, it gives estimates of fire area, perimeter, perimeter growth rate, also flank and back fire behaviour. Back fire is a fire spreading, or set to spread, into or against the wind. The McArthur Forest Fire Danger Meter (FFDM) first appeared in operational use in 1967. It is an index that relates to the chances of a fire starting, its rate of spread, its intensity, and its difficulty of suppression, according to various combinations of air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and both the long and short-term drought effects. This model is a key tool for assessing broad scale fire danger throughout eastern Australia to fight against bush fires (Griffith, 1999). 31 FBP System fuel type FFMC, ISI, BUI, wind speed and direction Percent slope, upslope direction Elevation, coordinate, date Elapsed time, point/line ignition Fuels Weather Topography Foliar Moisture Content Type & Duration of Prediction Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) Primary Output • • • • Rate of Spread Total Fuel Consumption Head Fire Intensity Fire Description Secondary Output • Head, flank and back fire spread distance • Flank and Back Fire Rates of Spread • Flank and Back Fire Intensities • Elliptical Fire Area and Perimeter • Rate of Perimeter Growth • Length to Breadth Ratio Figure 2.7: The structure of Fire Behaviour Index (FBP), including the necessary inputs and the outputs produced by the system. 2.10 Review of Existing Computer Code and Running Application for Forest Fire Recently developed forest fire models are based on both ground and remote satellite observation. Scientists also simulate fire behaviour with the support of robust ancillary data through computer systems. Many of the recently developed models are theoretical approaches which have an associated formulation combined in a computer code. Currently there are a number of theoretical models which are suitable to be converted in simulation applications or to form part of an integrated information system. Table 2.1 gives some examples of the most popular forest fire 32 models that have been developed and widely used along with their characteristics. Explanation of each models in Table 2.1 are briefly given below. 2.10.1 BEHAVE A widely used semi-empirical fire spread model is based on the Rothermel Model (Rothermel, 1972). It has been adapted in many applications to solve one or more fire management problem (Burgan, et al, 1994; Andrews, 1996). BEHAVE consists of algorithm which describing fuels, fuel moisture, wind, topography, fire size and shape, flame length, spotting fire, ignition probability and tree scorch in user-friendly programs. Simplified methods of fuel appraisal are described that do not require extensive inventory in which the methods are applicable to surface fires. BEHAVE is run by user-supplied input. Requested values depend on the modeling choices made by the user such as fuel model, fuel moisture, wind speed and direction, terrain slope are used to calculate rate of spread, flame length and intensity. The original BEHAVE is written in FORTRAN. The recent developed is being written so that it will run under various operating systems including Windows, NT and Unix. 33 2.10.2 FireLib FileLib is a C language function library for predicting the spread rate, intensity, flame length and scorch height of free-burning surface fires. This application is widely used in United State. It is derived directly from the BEHAVE fire behaviour algorithms for predicting fire spread in 2 dimensions (Bevins, 1996). FireLib was developed to give fire growth modelers a simple, common, and optimized application programming interface (API) to use in their simulations. This application can be run on a variety of personal computers and workstations. 2.10.3 FARSITE FARSITE is a fire growth simulation model. It uses spatial information on topography and fuels along with weather and wind files (Finney, 1998; Cloeman and Sullivan, 1996). FARSITE incorporates the existing models for surface fire, crown fire and fire acceleration into a 2-dimensional fire growth model. FARSITE runs under Microsoft Windows operating systems and features a graphical interface. The user can also link the result to a geographical information system (GIS) for further analysis. FARSITE has been distributed mostly in the continental Unites States of America, and also to users in Europe and South America. Other users are associated with universities, state and private land management agencies and private consulting companies. 34 2.10.4 FORFAIT FORFAIT sets out to develop and demonstrate a decision support system to assist planners, regulators and industry in optimizing the management of forest fire risks. It will aid in implementing measures that eliminate or mitigate harm to humans, the environment and business, using a cost benefit approach where appropriate and depending on local regulatory requirements. FORFAIT uniquely combines generic and time varying site-specific information through electronic links from field and satellite data sources, state-ofthe-art predictive models and expert knowledge. Recognizing that in general there are many different decisions that could be made in any given situation, the system uses fuzzy logic to suggest the most appropriate course of action and a probabilistic framework to take account of uncertainty in the parameters. The fire model used for FORFAIT is the Fire Behaviour Model based on the algorithm proposed by R. Rothermel. 2.10.5 FOMFIS The FOMFIS Fire Behaviour Model has been designed for the computation of the fire spread under non-uniform conditions using geographical information in the form of raster maps, namely digital terrain model, forest fuel and wind field (Kallidromitou et al., 2000). The FOMFIS system is simulating forest fire behaviour in its expansion for every generated fire starting point till it is naturally extinguished or suppressed by fire fighting operations. 35 BEHAVE FireLib FARSITE FORFAIT FOMFIS Table 2.1: Existing computer code and running application for forest fire. United United United Europe Europe States States States Algorithm Rothermel Rothermel Ground Fire No No No No No Surface Fire Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Crown Fire No No Yes Yes No Spot Fire Yes No Yes No No Fire Acceleration & Interaction Wind No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Weather Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Fuel Moisture Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Predict Human Casualties Support GIS integration No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Country Rothermel (Modified from: Sánchez, 2001) 2.11 Review of Fire Detection Techniques Using Remote Sensing Satellite remote sensing has played a growing role in fire detection and monitoring over the past two decades. Infrared sensors on board satellites have been widely used to collect statistics on fires. Several studies using this recent technology are explained below. 36 2.11.1 GOES Fire Detection Recent work has shown the potential of meteorological geostationary satellites to monitor biomass burning activities. The Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer and Atmospheric Sounder (VAS) available on the GOES satellites can be used to locate active fires by utilizing the visible, shortwave infrared (SWIR) in the 4μm channel and longwave infrared (LWIR) in the 11μm window data. GOES VAS instrument have provided multispectral monitoring of the earth in the visible and 12 infrared spectral bands between 4μm and 15μm as shown in Table 2.2. Table 2.2: GOES-7 VAS satellite spectral channels. Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Wavelength (μm) 14.6-14.8 14.3-14.7 14.1-14.4 13.8-14.2 13.2-13.5 4.5-4.6 12.5-12.8 10.4-12.1 7.2-7.4 6.4-7.1 4.4-4.5 3.8-4.1 Spatial Resolution (km) 13.8 13.8 6.9 or 13.8 6.9 or 13.8 6.9 or 13.8 13.8 6.9 or 13.8 6.9 or 13.8 6.9 or 13.8 6.9 or 13.8 13.8 13.8 (Source: Prins and Menzel, 1993) The technique of Matson and Dozier (1981) was adapted to GOES VAS data to monitor biomass burning in selected regions of South America by Prins (1993). The fires were identified in GOES VAS imagery by manually locating hot spots in the 4μm channel and verifying the presence of fire by the presence of smoke plumes in the visible imagery. Furthermore, to be designated as a fire pixel, the pixel must exhibit elevated brightness temperature values in both the 4μm and 11μm channels. Although the spatial resolution of GOES VAS data which is 7km to 14km is a limiting factor in detecting fires, comparison with NOAA AVHRR indicated that the 37 decreased spatial resolution does not severely impede the ability of the VAS instrument to detect subpixel fires. 2.11.2 Defense Mapping Satellite Program (DMSP) Fire Detection The orbital characteristics of the DMSP satellites are quite similar to those of the NOAA satellites. It is in a polar sunsynchronous orbit, with an equatorial crossing time of 10:50 and 22:50 local solar time. The unique characteristics of the DMSP platform is the low light visible sensor which is operated routinely at night (Sullivan, 1989). Even though the instrument was designed for meteorological purposes, the visible-light instrument is sensitive to other terrestrial light sources, such as city lights, gas fires, auroras, lightning and fires (Sullivan, 1989). This imagery has been demonstrated to be a useful tool for monitoring fire activity at night, particularly for remote regions where there are few city lights. Historically, the DMSP archive was primarily in photographic form. The instrument has an adjustable gain and the archived data does not include instrument calibration information thereby making any quantitative comparison between light sources impossible. 2.11.3 Landsat Fire Detection The high spatial resolution sensor of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) includes a middle infrared channel (2.08-2.35μm) with a 30m spatial resolution, which permits active fires to be detected. A 700K fire that occupies 20% of the 30m pixel will saturate the middle infrared TM channel. A study using the TM 1.6μm channel has also provided some interesting preliminary results, estimating fire 38 intensity through interpretation of the spectral response from the resulting ash layer (Riggan et al., 1993). 2.11.4 NOAA AVHRR Fire Detection The current sequence of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites has been in continuous operation since October 1978. The AVHRR is a scanning radiometer measuring reflected and emitted radiation in four channels on board the satellite NOAA 6, 8, 10 and 12, and in five channels on board NOAA 7, 9, 11, 13 and 14. The term ‘very high resolution’ refers to a high radiometric resolution. AVHRR data are recorded to 10 bit precision. For the thermal infrared channel, on-board calibration exists through the regular measurement of deep space and a blackbody of known temperature on board. Lee and Tag (1990) presented an approach to non-interactive fire detection. Essentially they subjectively chose a threshold fire temperature and used the Dozier model to develop a look-up table specifying which combinations of satellite measurements constituted a positive fire detection. Atmospheric corrections were included in the estimation of background temperatures using the method of McClain et al. (1985). They applied their technique to nighttime imagery over the San Francisco area and the Persian Gulf. Kaufman et al. (1990) applied fire detection with NOAA 9 data to the estimation of emissions from biomass burning. Fires were detected in pixels that met three detection criteria. The first criterion was the channel 3 brightness temperature to be elevated above a set threshold indicating a fire to be present. The second criterion specified that the channel 3-channel 4 temperature difference must be at 39 least 10K and the third criterion used the channel 4 temperature to eliminate false detections from cool clouds that are highly reflective in the 3.8μm band. Justice et al. (1996) and Scholes et al. (1996) combined AVHRR fire information in a dynamic model to generate improved trace gas and particulate emission estimates for Southern Africa. The approach combined satellite data on fire distribution and timing with fuel load calculated by a simplified ecosystem production model and ground based measurements of emission ratios. Daily fires detected by the AVHRR for the entire burning season were calibrated to provide burned area estimates using Landsat MSS data. 2.12 Summary This chapter discussed briefly the definition of forest fires to the latest research utilizing remote sensing techniques. By definition, forest fires are any wild land fire not prescribed for the area by an authorized plan. There are three factors for fires to ignite which is called fire fundamental triangle; namely fuel, heat and oxygen. There are also three controlling factors in fire propagation namely fire environment triangle; namely fuel, weather and topography. Forest fires are classified as ground, surface and crown fires. Ground fires are the most intense fires, followed by crown fires and the less intense is surface fires. Common occurrences of forest fires in South East Asia region are ground fires, which is the most difficult type of fires to extinguish. Fire risk indices are categorized into three different classes namely structural fire indices, dynamic fire indices and advanced fire indices. Structural fire indices 40 depend on parameters that do not change in a short period of time, while dynamic fire indices depend on dynamic parameters such as weather and vegetation indices. Advanced fire indices are developed from the combination of structural and dynamic indices. Several fire models are also discussed in this chapter. Most of the models used today are based on fire spread relationship developed using drought index by Rothermal (1972), Van Wagner (1969) and McArthur (1966) which is widely used in the United States, Canada and Australia, respectively. Drought index by Keetch and Byram (1968) is also used widely in developing forest fire model. Computer code and running application were designed using the developed models such as BEHAVE, FireLib, FARSITE, FORFAIT and FOMFIS. Current fire detection procedures using remote sensing techniques are also discussed. A number of satellites have been used to detect fires since 25 years, namely GOES, DMSP, Landsat and NOAA AVHRR. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In the present work a forest fire system is developed from several satellite data processing. The methodology in this study is categorized into four different stages namely, data acquisition, data pre-processing, data processing and data analysis. A variety of data is used in this study, namely satellite data and ancillary data. Geometric and radiometric correction was applied to the satellite data in order to carry out the pre-processing task. The processing stage involved the derivation of hotspots, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), brightness temperature (BT) Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) and Temperature Condition Index (TCI). Vegetation Health Index (VH) was then carried out followed by fire risk mapping. In order to carry out the analysis, temperatures extracted from satellite and weather data were compared to evaluate the accuracy of the satellite-derived temperatures. The fire risk map is classified into three categories namely stressed, fair and favorable based on present vegetation and temperature conditions. Further details of the approach utilized are discussed in this chapter. The flow of operational methodology is shown in Figure 3.1. 42 Geometric Correction Data Preprocessing Topographic Map Vector Layers Data Acquisiiton MODIS data Calibration Brightness Temperature (BT) Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) Temperature Condition Index (TCI) Vegetation Health Index (VH) Data Processing Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Hot Spots Proximity Analysis Fire Risk Map Figure 3.1: Flow chart of operational methodology. Results Integrated Forest Fire System Accuracy Assessment Accuracy Assessment 43 3.2 Data Acquisition Satellite data together with a variety of ancillary data were used in this study. Characteristics of each dataset and approach of processing them are described below. 3.2.1 Satellite Data MODIS MODIS stands for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on board the Terra satellite. This satellite was launched on December 19, 1999 in a near sunsynchronous polar orbit descending southward with 10.30 am local equator crossing time. It is a 36-band spectroradiometer that covers a broad spectral range for a variety of applications as shown in Table 3.1 (Barnes et. al., 1998). Figure 3.2: MODIS data on 28 January 2005 with composite of bands 1, 2 and 4. 44 Table 3.1: MODIS spectral bands characteristics. Band (1km) 1** 2** 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Bandwidth (nm) 620-670 841-876 459-479 545-565 1230-1250 1628-1652 2105-2155 405-420 438-448 483-493 526-536 546-556 662-672 673-683 743-753 862-877 890-920 931-941 915-965 Spectral Radiance1 21.8 24.7 35.3 29.0 5.4 7.3 1.0 44.9 41.9 32.1 27.9 21.0 9.5 8.7 10.2 6.2 10.0 3.6 15.0 Required SNR2 128 201 243 228 74 275 110 880 838 802 754 750 910 1087 586 516 167 57 250 Primary Use Land/Cloud/Aerosols Boundaries Band Bandwidth (μm) 3.660-3.840 3.929-3.989 3.929-3.989 4.020-4.080 4.433-4.498 4.482-4.549 1.360-1.390 6.535-6.895 7.175-7.475 8.400-8.700 9.580-9.880 10.780-11.280 11.770-12.270 13.185-13.485 13.485-13.785 13.785-14.085 14.085-14.385 Spectral Radiance1 0.45 (300K) 2.38 (335K) 0.67 (300K) 0.79 (300K) 0.17 (250K) 0.59 (275K) 6.00 1.16 (240K) 2.18 (250K) 9.58 (300K) 3.69 (250K) 9.55 (300K) 8.94 (300K) 4.52 (260K) 3.76 (250K) 3.11 (240K) 2.08 (220K) Required NEΔT3 (K) 0.05 2.00 0.07 0.07 0.25 0.25 150 (SNR) 0.25 0.25 0.05 0.25 0.05 0.05 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.35 Primary Use Surface/ Cloud Temperature 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 * 500m spatial resolution ** 250m spatial resolution The rest is 1km resolution Land/Cloud/ Aerosols Properties Ocean Color/ Phytoplankton/ Biogeochemistry Atmospheric Water Vapor Atmospheric Temperature Cirrus Clouds Water Vapor Ozone Surface/Cloud Temperature Cloud Top Altitude 1 Spectral Radiance values are in W/m^2-um-sr SNR = Signal-to-noise-ratio 3 NEΔT = Noise-equivalent temperature difference 2 (Modified from: Barnes et al., 1998) 45 There are three variety of resolution within MODIS datasets which is 250 m resolution consists of band 1 and 2, 500 m resolution consists of band 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and 1 km resolution for the remaining 29 bands. Within the 36 bands on MODIS, there are three major band segments (Barnes et al., 1998). There are seven bands, namely bands numbered 1-7 in Table 3.1, that will observe land cover features plus cloud and aerosol properties (King et. al., 1992). The spectral placement of these bands are derived so as to be very similar to the bands on the Landsat TM though the spatial resolutions are 250 m and 500 m. There are nine ocean color bands, namely bands numbered 8-16 in Table 3.1, that were chosen as a result of studies of the Nimbus Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) and the SeaWiFS instrument (Gordon, 1990). Another segments of bands, namely bands 20-25 and 27-36 in Table 3.1, were drawn from the bands of the High Resolution Infrared Sounder (HRIS), with emphasis on those HRIS bands that sense properties of the troposphere and the surface (Giglio et al., 2003). Over 40 data products are produced from raw MODIS data (Suraiya Ahmad et al., 2002) to enable advanced studies of land, ocean and atmospheric processes for distribution to the public. MODIS Level 1B 1KM Radiances Product namely MOD021KM, together with the MODIS Geolocation Product namely MOD03, were used in this study. The data was acquired from Goddard Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Centre (GES DAAC) website http://daac.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/dataset/MODIS/01_Level_1/index.html. at The cumulative dataset of MODIS from January 2000 to April 2005 were used in this study. There are 1211 datasets processed in this study and the fraction of processed datasets are shown in Table 3.2 below. From the table, there are 187 datasets from the year 2000, 263 datasets from 2001, 231 datasets from 2002, 221 from 2003, 234 from 2004 and 75 datasets from 2005. Datasets of 2005 is only for January till April. 46 Table 3.2: Number of datasets processed in this study for each year from January 2000 to April 2005. 3.2.2 Year Number of processed datasets 2000 187 2001 263 2002 231 2003 221 2004 234 2005 75 Total 1211 Ancillary Data Several sets of ancillary data were used in this study, namely topographic map, vector data, weather data, fire occurrence record and location of Fire and Rescue Department Station distribution over Peninsular Malaysia. Sources and function of each data are explained in detail below. Topographic Map A topographic map is used to execute geometric correction of satellite imagery. The details of the map used are shown in Table 3.3. 47 Table 3.3: Topographic map used to execute geometric correction Publisher Type Topographic map DNMM 2001 Scale 1:750,000 Date of Publication 2001 Edition 1-PNMM Semenanjung Publisher: Department of Survey and Mapping, Malaysia. Vector Data Vector data acquired in this study were soil type and road network. These data were digitized from several maps shown in Table 3.4. Table 3.4: List of maps used to extract vector layers. Title Publisher Land Use Map of Soil Management Division, Semenanjung Malaysia Dept of Agriculture, Peninsular Malaysia Department of Survey and • Road Network Map Mapping, Malaysia Siri L4010 Lembar 1 Edisi 7 - PPNM Scale 1:75,000 1:500,000 Vector layer Land use Road network 48 Forest Fire Occurrences Record Forest fire occurrences record were acquired from Fire and Rescue Department, Malaysia. Records of fire occurrence in Peninsular Malaysia from January 2005 to April 2005 were used in this study shown in APPENDIX A. Fire and Rescue Department Distribution Vector data of Fire and Rescue Department distribution over Peninsular Malaysia was also used in this study to carry out the proximity analysis. This data was acquired from Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia. 3.3 Data Pre-processing 3.3.1 Geometric Correction The MODIS data were geometrically corrected by using the latitude and longitude of ground control points (GCPs) using the WGS 84 datum. Twelve (12) GCPs were used to geometrically corrected the MODIS image of 27 January 2005 as shown in Figure 3.3. The RMS (Root Mean Square) error of the geometrically corrected image is as shown in Table 3.5. From the table, X Input and Y Input is the input coordinate from original MODIS data, while X Ref and Y Ref is the input coordinate acquired from vector data of the study area. The average RMS error for this image is 0.07 pixel. The geometrically corrected image is shown in Figure 3.4. 49 Table 3.5: List of ground control point for MODIS data on 27 January 2005. Point X Input Y Input X Ref Y Ref RMS Error GCP1 99.65 6.28 99.71 6.23 0.01 GCP2 100.15 5.47 100.18 5.46 0.14 GCP3 100.92 4.04 100.85 3.99 0.00 GCP4 101.54 2.78 101.42 2.78 0.22 GCP5 102.86 1.84 102.69 1.85 0.12 GCP6 103.59 1.27 103.49 1.24 0.14 GCP7 104.31 1.44 104.29 1.39 0.12 GCP8 103.87 2.63 100.76 2.61 0.09 GCP9 103.61 3.50 103.45 3.51 0.07 GCP10 101.26 6.87 101.28 6.85 0.01 GCP11 103.64 4.30 103.49 4.24 0.03 GCP12 104.28 2.71 104.22 2.66 0.07 Average Control Point Error 0.07 Figure 3.3: Twelve GCPs were used to geometrically correct the MODIS image of 27 January 2005. 50 Figure 3.4: Geometrically corrected image of MODIS on 27 January 2005. 3.4 Data Processing 3.4.1 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Forest fire normally occurs in a dry season. In a normal season, green and vigorous vegetation reflects little radiation in the visible (VIS) part of the solar spectrum, due to high chlorophyll absorption, and more radiation in the near-infrared (NIR), due to scattering of the light by leaf internal tissues and water content (Kogan, 2002). Following these properties, the difference between NIR and VIS becomes greater. The dry season consequently depresses vegetation greenness and vigour, due to reduction of chlorophyll and water content. This situation leads to an increase in 51 the VIS, decrease in the NIR and reduction in NIR-VIS. This principle is applied in the construction of normalized difference vegetation index or NDVI; NDVI = ( NIR – VIS) (NIR + VIS) … (3.01) where; NDVI = Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NIR = Near-infrared band VIS = Visible band In this study, NDVI are extracted from MODIS data through; NDVI = ( Channel 2 – Channel 1) ( Channel 2 + Channel 1) … (3.02) where; Channel 1 = Channel 1 of MODIS data Channel 2 = Channel 2 of MODIS data NDVI have been used for monitoring land surface and the environment since the mid-1980s (Kogan, 2002). One of the important advantages of this method is the combination of NDVI, normally used alone, and the thermal channel. Assessment of temperature conditions permits one to identify subtle changes in vegetation health because the effect of drought becomes obvious if a shortage of rainfall is accompanied by excessive temperatures. 3.4.2 Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) was derived from the following algorithm: VCI = (NDVI – NDVI min) *100 (NDVImax - NDVImin ) … (3.03) 52 where; NDVI = smoothed weekly NDVI NDVImin = multiyear absolute minimum of NDVI NDVImax = multiyear absolute maximum of NDVI Extreme conditions were derived by measuring the maximum and minimum NDVI values from weekly cumulative readings. Cumulative reading is used to eliminate high-frequency temporal variations from the NDVI time series (van Dijk et al., 1986; Kogan, 1990). Composite of 7-day satellite data is used to minimize cloud effects. 3.4.3 Brightness Temperature (BT) Brightness temperature is a measure of the intensity of radiation thermally emitted by an object, given in units of temperature because there is a correlation between intensity of the radiation emitted and physical temperature of the radiating body which is given by the Planck’s law. Brightness temperature of MODIS is calculated from Planck’s Law, expressed as; BT = 2hc2 λ-5 ehc/kλT – 1 where; BT = Brightness temperature (Js-1m-2sr-1Hz-1) h = Planck’s constant (Joule per hertz) c = Speed of light in vacuum (m/s) k= Boltzmann gas constant (Joule/Kelvin) λ = Band or detector center wavelength (m) T = Temperature (Kelvin) …(3.04) 53 Inverting algorithm (3.04) to solve for temperature gives; T= 3.4.4 hc kλ 1 ln ( 2hc 2λ-5 BT-1 + 1) …(3.05) Temperature Condition Index (TCI) The Temperature Condition Index can be measured from a simple algorithm below: VCI = (BTmax – BT) *100 (BTmax – BTmin) … (3.06) where; BT = smoothed weekly brightness temperature BTmin = absolute minimum of smoothed weekly brightness temperature BTmax = absolute maximum of smoothed weekly brightness temperature This algorithm was applied to the thermal channel of MODIS data. 3.4.5 Vegetation Health Index (VH) Fluctuations were estimated relative to the maximum and minimum intervals of both NDVI and BT variations and named the Vegetation Health Index (VH). VCI and TCI were combined in VH index in order to express their additive approximation of vegetation stress: (VCI + TCI) VH = 2 where; *100 … (3.07) 54 VH = Temperature health index. 3.4.6 Fire Risk Map Fire potential estimation is based on the intensity and duration of combined moisture and thermal stress. If severe stress, for which the index value is less than 15, continues for one week, it indicates that the fire potential is minimal, while the fire potential reached maximum if this condition continues for four weeks and longer. Fire potential is higher if vegetation stress is severe and persistent. High level of fire potential due to both moisture and temperature conditions can be used as a fire danger warning. 3.4.7 Hot Spots of MODIS Fire detection on MODIS is performed using the 4 and 11 micrometer channel of brightness temperatures (T4 and T11). The MODIS instrument has two 4μm channels, which is bands 21 and 22, both of which are used by the detection algorithm. Channel 21 saturates at about 500 K, and channel 22 saturates at about 335 K. Since channel 22 is less noisy and has a smaller quantization error, T4 is derived from channel 22 when possible. When channel 22 saturates, or has missing data, channel 21 is used to derive T4 instead. T11 is always computed from channel 31 which saturates at approximately 400 K (Kaufman, 2000). 55 The fire detection strategy is based on absolute detection of the fire, if the fire is strong enough, and on detection relative to the background to account for variability of the surface temperature and reflection by sunlight (Kaufman, 1998). To avoid false detection, all pixels that fulfill the following conditions in algorithm 3.08 and 3.09 are immediately excluded as fires. T4 < 315 K (305 K at night) … (3.08) ΔT41 – T11 < 5 K (3 K at night) … (3.09) where; T4 = 4µm channel of brightness temperatures T11 = 11µm channel of brightness temperatures K = Kelvin From the remaining pixel, pixel is classified as fire if at least one of the following five logical conditions is met: T4 > T4b + 4δT4b … (3.10) T4 > 320K (315K at night) … (3.11) ΔT41 > ΔT41b + 4δΔT41b … (3.12) T41 > 20K (10K at night) … (3.13) T4 > 360K (330K) … (3.14) where; T4b = T4 background pixel δT4b = Standard deviation of T4 background pixel δΔT41b = Standard deviation difference between 4µm and 11µm of background pixel The hot spot is generated using a small DOS program provided by ScanEx Research and Development Centre, a Russian Remote Sensing ground station in Moscow at their website (http://eostation.scanex.ru/software.html). The program is run from the command prompt. It accepts a set of options and input and output file names in definitive order. To run fire algorithm one must provide MOD021KM 56 (Level 1B) and corresponding MOD03 (Geolocation) files as input. The output of this algorithm is known as MODIS Thermal Anomalies and Fire Daily Data Product (MOD14). MOD14 is the most basic fire product in which active fires and other thermal anomalies, such as volcanoes are identified. This product generates all of the higher-level fire products, and contains several components, such as line, sample, latitude, longitude, confidence level, adjacent cloud, adjacent water, reflectance of Channel 2 and brightness temperature of Channel 21 or 22. Detail explanation for each component generated in MOD14 data shown in Table 3.6. Table 3.6: Attributes generated from the MOD14 data. Attribute Description Line Granule line of fire pixel Sample Granule sample of fire pixel Latitude Latitude of fire pixel (Degrees) Longitude Longitude of fire pixel (Degrees) Confidence Detection confidence level (%), in range of 0-100 AdjCloud Number of adjacent cloud pixels in 3x3 window AdjWater Number of adjacent water pixels in 3x3 window R2 Channel 2 reflectance of fire pixel T21 Channel 21 or 22 brightness temperature of fire pixel (Kelvin) T31 Channel 31 brightness temperature of fire pixel (Kelvin) MeanT21 Channel 21 brightness temperature of background (Kelvin) MeanT31 Channel 31 brightness temperature of background (Kelvin) MedianDT Median background brightness temperature difference (Kelvin) StdDevT21 Channel 21 or 22 brightness temperature standard deviation of background StdDevT31 Channel 31 brightness temperature standard deviation of background StdDevDT Standard deviation of background brightness temperature difference (Kelvin) Power Total emitted power (Megawatts) 57 A measure of confidence for each detected fire pixel produced is based on the approach of Giglio et al. (2003). The confidence assigned to each fire pixel is composed of a combination of five sub-confidences, labeled C1 to C5, each having a range of 0 (lowest confidence) to 1 (highest confidence). The levels of confidence defined as; C1 = S(T4) …(3.15) C2 = S(zΔT;) …(3.16) C3 = S(z4) …(3.17) C4 = 1 - S(Nac) …(3.18) C5 = 1 - S(Naw) …(3.19) The standardized variables of z4 and zΔT, are defined as follows; z4 = ΔT - Δ Ť δΔT …(3.20) zΔT = T4 – Ť4 δ4 …(3.21) where; T = brightness temperature Ť = Respective mean of the channel for valid neighboring pixel Naw = Number of water pixel adjacent to the fire pixel Nac = Number of cloud pixel adjacent to the fire pixel δ = Mean absolute deviation of the respective channel for valid neighboring pixel For C1, 310K represents the minimum temperature required for a pixel to be considered a fire pixel, while 340K represents a typical value for a reasonably obvious fire. For C2, z4 = 2.5 is the minimum value required of fire pixels by 58 detection algorithm, whereas z4 = 6 represents a typical value for an unambiguous fire. A similar rationale applies to the definition of C3. C4 reduces the detection confidence as the number of adjacent cloud pixel increases, accounting for the fact that fire pixels detected along cloud edges are more likely to suffer from cloud contamination, potentially triggering a false alarm via reflected sunlight. Finally, C5 reduces the confidence as the number of adjacent water pixels increases, reflecting the greater likelihood that the detected fire pixel is instead a coastal false alarm. Following Giglio et al. (2003), the detection confidence C is then defined as the geometric mean of the subconfidences as follows C = 5√ C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 3.4.8 …(3.22) Proximity Analysis To provide more useful information about the locations of the fires, a proximity analysis is done by measuring the distance of the fire pixel from the nearest town or city, road and river. Distances from the closest town will assist in quick dispatch to control or extinguish the fires detected in real time. Besides that, distance from the closest road and fire fighter station is calculated to show the accessibility to the fires and determine the remoteness of its location. Distance to the closest rivers provides valuable information as they provide alternative water supply to extinguish fires particularly in remote areas. Besides that, they also serve as break or pathways for the suppression of fires (Chuvieco and Martin, 1989). The proximity of these features is determined with an ArcView extension called Alaska Pak. The extension provides a function called closest feature that determines the closest features from a selected theme to the fires and the distance and then adds them as additional attributes. 59 3.4.9 Development of Forest Fire Interface Forest fire interface is a computer program which consists of hot spot, fire risk map and proximity analysis application that has been discussed earlier in this study. The interface is developed using Microsoft Visual C++. The forest fire interface is discussed briefly in Chapter 4. 3.5 Accuracy Assessments Accuracy assessments in this study were divided into several categories as follows: 1. Comparison was made of hot spot extracted from MODIS with recorded forest fire occurrence data from Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (FRDM). From the comparison, all the hot spot detected by MODIS were also recorded by FRDM. 2. Comparison of temperature extracted from MODIS with temperature data from Malaysian Meteorological Service (MMS). Correlation between both temperatures from MODIS and MMS were also examined. 3. Validation of fire risk map with fire occurrence data from FRDM. 3.6 Summary This chapter discussed the methodology used in this study from early stage of data acquisition, data pre-processing, data processing, data analyzing and obtaining results. 60 MODIS data along with several ancillary data were used in this study. Two types of MODIS data were used in this study namely MODIS Level 1B 1KM Radiances Product (MOD021KM) and MODIS Geolocation Product (MOD03). In order to extract fire risk map, several processing techniques were applied to the datasets namely Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, brightness temperature, Vegetation Condition Index, Temperature Condition Index (TCI) and Vegetation Health Index. The hot spots are extracted with several attributes as shown in Table 3.6, that it can be analyzed with GIS software like ArcView. CHAPTER IV FOREST FIRE INTERFACE 4.1 Introduction In order to develop the forest fire interface, several approaches were applied to assessing system products throughout the system development life cycle. This is to ensure that quality is built into the software and the software satisfies user requirements. Forest fire interface is developed mainly using Microsoft Visual C++. Take an advantage of new technology namely Object Linking Embedding, the forest fire interface is also link to DOS prompt and ArcView software. 62 4.2 System Development Life Cycle The system development life cycle is the process of developing information system through investigation, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance. Figure 4.1 shows the steps involved in the system development life cycle. Reference and data collection Early investigation Start Requirement analysis Development phase System framework Source code development System testing Error No End Figure 4.1: Diagram of system development life cycle. Evaluation phase Yes 63 Each step in the system development life cycle is explained in the Table 4.1 below: Table 4.1: Explanation of system development life cycle. Step Explanation Reference and data collection The first step is to identify a need for the new system. This will include determining the main objective of the developed system, problem statement and data acquisition. Requirement analysis Requirements analysis is the process of analyzing the information needs of the end users, any system presently being used and developing the functional requirements of a system that can meet the needs of the users. Also, the requirements should be recorded user interface storyboard or executable prototype. The requirements documentation should be referred throughout the rest of the system development process to ensure the developing project aligns with user needs and requirements. System framework After the requirement has been determined, the necessary specifications for the hardware, software, people and data resources that will satisfy the functional requirements of the proposed system can be determined. The design will serve as a blueprint for the system and help detect problems before these errors or problems are built into the final system. Source code development Coding and debugging is the act of creating the final System testing The system must be tested to evaluate its actual system. functionality in relation to expected or intended functionality. Demonstration using real dataset is required. End users will be key in determining whether the developed system meets the intended requirements. 64 4.3 Overview of Forest Fire Interface Forest fire interface consists of a group of computer programs to process satellite data and to carry out proximity analysis (Figure 4.2). There are three main components created in order to develop this interface namely vegetation index, hot spot and proximity analysis. Vegetation index and hot spot are computer programs written in C++ language before it convert into MS DOS, while proximity analysis is an extension from ArcView software, which was written in Avenue language. This interface has the ability to connect to another program through Object Linking Embedding (OLE). OLE refers to the process of inserting linked and embedded objects in one application that is created by another application (Perry and Hettihewa, 1998). Therefore in this study, forest fire interface will connect to other programs namely MS DOS and ArcView. Vegetation Index Forest Fire Interface Hot Spot Proximity Analysis Figure 4.2: Forest fire interface diagram component. Vegetation index was developed from four computer program written in C++ language to process MODIS data. The computer program was written to extract Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Temperature Condition Index (TCI), Vegetation Health Index (VH) and Fire Risk Index (Figure 4.3). 65 Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) Temperature Condition Index (TCI) Vegetation Index Vegetation Health Index (VH) Fire Risk Index Figure 4.3: Diagram of vegetation index components namely Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Temperature Condition Index (TCI), Vegetation Health Index (VH) and Fire Risk Index. All the components of vegetation index in Figure 4.3, which is written in C++, were then convert into MS DOS format. The input data for vegetation index is Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and brightness temperature (BT) of MODIS data. Both data must be geometrically corrected using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Projection with dimension of 382 pixel height by 425 pixel width. The input data must be in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) format. As shown in Figure 4.4, input of NDVI data was used to carry out VCI, while input of BT data was used to carry out TCI. Both VCI and TCI data were then used to extract VH. VH results for four weeks were then used to carry out Fire Risk Index. 66 Brightness Temperature data NDVI data Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) Temperature Condition Index (TCI) Vegetation Health Index (VH) Fire Risk Map Figure 4.4: Flow of NDVI and brightness temperature data as input to carry out Fire Risk Index. Another component in forest fire interface is hot spot. Hot spot was developed from two computer programs written in C++ language before it is converted into MS DOS format (Figure 4.5). The computer programs namely MOD14 and MOD142shp was downloaded from http://eostation.scanex.ru/software.html. MOD14 is a computer program to execute MODIS fire detection algorithm. There are 44 product produced by MODIS including raw data (MOD01), level 1B data (MOD02), geolocation data (MOD03) and cloud mask product (MOD35). MODIS fire product was named MOD14 by NASA. The input of MOD14 program is level 1B of MODIS data with 1km resolution namely MOD021KM and geolocation data (MOD03). This will produce hot spot data that were named MOD14 by NASA. The DOS command used to derive the MODIS fire mask is as below: mod14.exe <MOD021KM granule> <MOD03 granule> <L2 fire output file> 67 MOD14 or hot spot data was then used as an input for MOD142shp program. MOD142shp program will convert raster data of hotspot into vector format or more specifically, into shapefile format. The command used to extract the fire pixels and attributes into ESRI shapefiles is as below: mod142shp.exe -i input_mod14_file.hdf [-o output_shp_folder] L1B MODIS data (MOD021KM) Geolocation MODIS data (MOD03) MODIS Fire Extraction (MOD14) Conversion of MOD14 to shapefile Hot spot Figure 4.5: Input data of MOD021KM and MOD03 used to extract the hot spot. The last component in forest fire interface is proximity analysis. Proximity analysis is an extension in ArcView 3.2 which is written in Avenue language. This extension calculates the distance of an active theme to the closest feature in a theme. This extension was downloaded from http://science.nature.nps.gov/nrgis/tools/ . 68 4.4 Forest Fire Interface Figure 4.6 shows the main window of developed forest fire interface. Forest fire interface consists of three main components namely Vegetation Index, Hot Spot and Proximity Analysis. The source code to create the interface can be found in APPENDIX C. Figure 4.6: The main window for developed forest fire interface. Vegetation Index component (Figure 4.7) consists of four vegetation indices function namely Vegetation Condition Index, Temperature Condition Index, Vegetation Health Index and Fire Risk Map. In this window, users are able to view the digital image, which is in TIFF format. Users are also able to get information about the displayed image as shown in Figure 4.8. 69 Figure 4.7: Vegetation Index window. Figure 4.8: Information window of the displayed image. Each vegetation indices function are linked to a window prompt that requires the user to browse the input filename and the key in the output filename. NDVI function window prompt as shown in Figure 4.9 require the user to browse Channel 1 and Channel 2 of MODIS data, which refer to visible and near infrared channel, respectively. The user also has to key in the output name before running the process. 70 Figure 4.9: NDVI window prompt. VCI function window prompt as shown in Figure 4.10 require the user to browse NDVI, multiyear absolute minimum of NDVI and multiyear absolute maximum of NDVI images of MODIS data. The user also has to key in the output name before running the process. TCI function window prompt as shown in Figure 4.11 require the user to browse smoothed weekly brightness temperature, absolute minimum of smoothed weekly brightness temperature and absolute maximum of smoothed weekly brightness temperature images of MODIS data. The user also has to key in the output name before running the process. 71 Figure 4.10: VCI window prompt. Figure 4.11: TCI window prompt. 72 VH function window prompt as shown in Figure 4.12 require the user to browse VCI and TCI images of MODIS data. The user also has to key in the output name before running the process. Figure 4.12: VH window prompt. Fire Risk Map function window prompt as shown in Figure 4.13 require the user to browse VCI and TCI images of MODIS data. The user also has to key in the output name before running the process. Fire Risk Map are generated from accumulation of VCI and TCI for several weeks. The user can choose to accumulate the input dataset from several weeks as shown in Figure 4.14. 73 Figure 4.13: Fire Risk Map window prompt. Figure 4.14: Prompt window to set up the number of input weeks to Fire Risk Map. Extracting Hotspot Index window (Figure 4.15) consists of two object linking embedding function to MS DOS namely Hot Spot and Convert. It is also equipped with Close function to log out from this window. 74 Figure 4.15: Hotspot Index window prompt. Each object linking embedding function in Hotspot Index window are linked to MS DOS prompt. To run fire algorithm the user must provide MODIS Level 1B (MOD021KM) and corresponding geolocation (MOD03) data as input. Both of this data must be saved in the same location as the mod14.exe application. No additional input data are required. The user has to key in the DOS command in order to derive the hot spot information (Figure 4.16). The command is as below: mod14.exe <MOD021KM.hdf> <MOD03.hdf> <Output.hdf> MOD021KM.hdf as shown above is the MODIS L1B dataset filename. MOD03.hdf is the geolocation filename. Output.hdf is the output file name given by user. Figure 4.16: MS DOS command used to derive the MODIS fire mask using the MODIS Level 1B Radiances and Geolocation products. 75 Convert to Shapefile function is also linked to MS DOS prompt (Figure 4.17). This function converts hot spot information created by Hotspot function to raster file or shapefile. The command used to extract the fire pixels and attributes into shapefiles is as below: mod142shp.exe -I Mod14.hdf Output_raster Mod14.hdf is raster data from MODIS fire product that has been processed by Hotspot function. Output_raster is a folder name where the converted raster data will be saved into. Figure 4.17: MS DOS window prompt to convert hotspot data into shapefile. Forest fire interface is also linked to ArcView software. If ArcView is not running, the application will start it. Vector data that has been generated can then be viewed in ArcView and further analysis can be done. Proximity analysis was carried out from ArcView interface. The hot spot data must be in metre or kilometre map unit. From menu ‘AlaskaPak’ and ‘Closest Features’ submenu as shown in Figure 4.18, distance of the fire pixel from the 76 nearest town or city, road and river can be measured. The nearest feature information will be added in the database of the respective hot spots. Figure 4.18: ArcView function, ‘Closest Feature’ submenu used to extract proximity analysis. 4.5 Summary Simple forest fire interface is developed in this chapter. The interface is developed in order to process MODIS data to determine hot spots, to carry out fire risk map and generate proximity analysis through ArcView. The interface provides function to view and process raster data in TIFF format. In order to process the data using this interface, raster data must be in the same dimension. However, the interface do not provide any function to view the vector data. The user has to use another software such as ArcView, Erdas Imagine or Envi to view the vector data. 55 CHAPTER V RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 5.1 Introduction This chapter discusses and analyzes the results obtained in this study. The discussion is divided into three major categories as listed below: i) Discussion on derived hot spots from MODIS data. ii) Discussion on the comparison of temperatures extracted from MODIS with temperature data from Malaysia Meteorological Services (MMS). iii) Discussion on the derived fire risk map The analysis of hot spots from MODIS data was carried out from 1 January to 30 April 2005. The analysis can only be done during this time frame because the Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (FRDM) only provide recorded forest fire occurrences data during this period only. Analysis on the comparison of temperature extracted from MODIS with temperature from MMS was carried out from May 2004 to April 2005. The analysis was carried out during this time frame because of unavailability of MMS data after April 2005. The detailed results and discussion are explained further below and compiled in Table 5.1. 78 5.2 Hot Spots Detected From MODIS In this study, 75 datasets of MODIS data for Peninsular Malaysia area were processed to extract hot spots beginning from 1 January 2005 to 30 April 2005. Some of the datasets were obtained from mosaic images of two scenes for the respective study area. Single datasets processed for each day exclude cloudy images, images with bow-tie effect and data with technical problem from NASA. From the processed data, there are 65 hot spots detected. The analysis of the hot spots only can be made until 30 April 2005 due to unavailability of field data from FDRM. From the 65 hot spots detected, 16 hotspots were found in Perak, followed by 12 hot spots detected both in Kedah and Johor, 10 hot spots detected in Pahang, 9 hot spots detected in Selangor and 2 hot spots each detected in Pulau Pinang, Kelantan and Terengganu. Forest fires occur in the dry season. The southwest monsoon corresponds to relatively drier weather in Malaysia. The monsoon is caused by land-sea temperature differences due to heating by the sun’s radiation. During the southwest monsoon, most states in Peninsular Malaysia experience monthly rainfall as low as 100mm. Dry conditions in Peninsular Malaysia are also contributed by the rain shadow effect due to the Sumatra mountain range. The dry season starts from the north of Peninsular Malaysia and slowly heads to south of Peninsular Malaysia. Therefore, early hot spots were detected in the north of Peninsular Malaysia and slowly the hot spot spread to the south of Peninsular Malaysia. During this season, farmers and the public were warned not to perform any open burning. All the hot spots detected by MODIS were recorded by FRDM. Nevertheless no daily MODIS data were available during this study. Clear MODIS data were chosen instead of cloudy data. Data with the bow-tie effect (Jason, 2003) were also excluded from the study. 79 Peat forest fire is a common problem to countries in this region. From the Table 5.1, 16 hot spots were detected on peat. The hot spots detected in Kota Tinggi, Johor, on 14 February 2005 occurred on peat area that was redeemed into cropland area. Most of the peat forest fires occurred in Raja Muda Forest Reserve in Batang Berjuntai, Selangor where forest fires occur every year (Ng Wei Loon, 2005). Table 5.1 shows all the hot spots detected from 1 January to 30 April 2005. The table includes several information, namely date of hot spots detected, latitude in degree, longitude in degree, state, brightness temperature of Channel 21/22 (T4), brightness temperature of Channel 31 (T11), confidence level, land use type and soil type. From the table, 73% of the hot spots have a very high confidence level (80) while 8% and 6% of it were detected with 60 and 20 confidence level, respectively. 80 Table 5.1: List of hot spots detected from MODIS from 1 January to 30 April 2005. Fire Date Latitude Longitude State T4 1 18/01/2005 6.508 100.392 Kubang Pasu, Kedah 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18/01/2005 03/02/2005 03/02/2005 03/02/2005 03/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 3.41 6.33 6.01 5.98 5.73 6.22 6.01 4.35 4.31 4.31 101.38 100.25 100.38 100.41 100.64 100.42 100.39 100.67 101.01 101.02 12 10/02/2005 4.18 13 10/02/2005 T11 Land Use Soil Type 319.52 Confidence (0-100) 299.88 80 Cropland Kuala Selangor, Selangor Kubang Pasu, Kedah Kota Setar, Kedah Pendang, Kedah Kuala Muda, Kedah Kubang Pasu, Kedah Kota Setar, Kedah Manjung, Perak Perak Tengah, Perak Kinta, Perak 317.11 326.91 325.93 324.65 327.81 324.92 326.55 315.81 331.17 319.27 299.62 303.30 300.93 301.58 300.96 296.73 300.50 297.00 297.45 298.27 80 80 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Wetlands Paddy Paddy Paddy Cropland Paddy Cropland Wetlands Wetlands Forest 100.97 Perak Tengah, Perak 323.27 297.30 80 Wetlands 4.17 101.01 Perak Tengah, Perak 324.32 296.19 80 Wetlands 14 10/02/2005 15 10/02/2005 16 10/02/2005 3.48 3.46 3.94 101.40 101.44 103.13 Batang Berjuntai, Selangor 321.24 Kuala Selangor, Selangor 318.7 Kuantan, Pahang 329.88 298.02 298.31 296.88 80 80 80 Wetlands Wetlands Forest 17 10/02/2005 2.27 102.83 Muar, Johor 320.21 296.74 80 Cropland 18 10/02/2005 19 10/02/2005 20 10/02/2005 2.03 2.33 2.07 102.73 103.33 103.37 Muar, Johor Kluang, Johor Kluang, Johor 335.19 315.10 316.57 300.08 295.88 298.06 80 80 80 Wetlands Forest Cropland 21 12/02/2005 6.18 100.31 Kota Setar, Kedah 329.36 303.50 80 Paddy Serdang-BungorMunchong Mined Land Teluk-Guar Teluk-Guar Hutan-Semberin Hutan-Semberin Hutan-Semberin Teluk Guar Sungai,Peat Swamp Holyrood-Lunas Rengam-Bukit Temiang Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Peat Mined Land Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Briah-Organic Clay and Muck Peat Rengam-Jerangau Batang MerbauMunchong Chengai 81 …/Table 5.1 (continued) 22 12/02/2005 4.18 100.97 Perak Tengah, Perak 322.01 300.08 60 Forest 23 14/02/2005 24 02/02/2005 1.38 4.18 104.16 100.97 Kota Tinggi, Johor Perak Tengah, Perak 326.34 316.30 301.82 284.80 80 80 Cropland Forest 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 26/02/2005 26/02/2005 27/02/2005 28/02/2005 01/03/2005 3.48 2.55 3.48 2.55 3.48 3.48 4.18 101.4 103.59 101.4 103.59 101.4 101.4 100.97 Batang Berjuntai, Selangor Rompin, Pahang Batang Berjuntai, Selangor Rompin, Pahang Batang Berjuntai, Selangor Batang Berjuntai, Selangor Perak Tengah, Perak 356.24 328.28 315.10 323.75 320.20 322.08 322.01 295.60 296.22 295.88 294.42 296.74 293.80 300.08 80 80 80 80 80 20 60 Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands Forest 32 03/03/2005 33 03/03/2005 5.98 4.18 100.40 100.97 Kota Setar, Kedah Perak Tengah, Perak 316.30 356.23 284.80 295.62 80 80 Paddy Forest 34 05/03/2005 35 05/03/2005 5.98 4.18 100.49 100.97 Pendang, Kedah Perak Tengah, Perak 324.43 316.32 302.72 284.63 80 80 Paddy Forest 36 37 38 39 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 3.62 3.61 3.42 2.55 103.26 103.29 103.06 103.59 Kuantan, Pahang Pekan, Pahang Pekan, Pahang Rompin, Pahang 328.30 323.88 316.09 356.24 296.04 294.37 296.21 295.60 80 80 80 80 Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands 40 05/03/2005 2.44 102.82 Segamat, Johor 316.23 297.44 80 Forest 41 07/03/2005 5.46 102.96 322.01 300.08 60 Wetlands 42 07/03/2005 43 09/03/2005 44 21/03/2005 4.55 1.81 5.67 103.45 104.12 100.69 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu Kemaman, Terengganu Kota Tinggi, Johor Baling, Kedah 322.24 329.74 329.46 293.91 301.69 300.48 20 80 80 Wetlands Wetlands Cropland Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Peat Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Peat Peat Peat Peat Peat Peat Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Hutan Sembrin Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Hutan Semberin Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Peat Peat Holyrood-Lunas Briah-Organic Clay and Muck Batu-AnamMalacca-Tavy Peat Rudua-Rusila Peat Malacca-TavyGajah Mati 82 …/Table 5.1 (continued) 45 21/03/2005 4.50 46 21/03/2005 4.41 100.93 100.89 Perak Tengah, Perak Perak Tengah, Perak 327.26 330.44 297.11 298.12 60 60 47 01/04/2005 3.55 103.27 Pekan, Pahang 316.30 297.80 80 48 08/04/2005 49 08/04/2005 3.53 2.19 103.39 103.52 Pekan, Pahang Kluang, Johor 322.23 326.24 297.77 293.18 80 80 50 12/04/2005 51 13/04/2005 52 13/04/2005 1.66 5.81 5.31 103.38 100.68 101.06 Pontian, Johor Sik, Kedah Hulu Perak, Perak 341.61 319.27 318.50 300.75 300.35 300.65 80 80 80 53 13/04/2005 54 15/04/2005 4.74 5.28 102.01 100.52 Gua Musang, Kelantan 315.39 Seberang Prai, Pulau Pinang 319.46 296.85 299.59 80 80 55 15/04/2005 56 15/04/2005 4.45 4.84 101.16 101.97 Kinta, Perak Gua Musang, Kelantan 319.52 318.70 301.16 299.67 80 80 57 15/04/2005 58 15/04/2005 59 17/04/2005 3.93 2.81 3.84 103.14 101.59 103.22 Kuantan, Pahang Kuala Langat, Selangor Kuantan, Pahang 323.49 320.39 319.84 297.62 299.89 297.11 80 80 80 60 17/04/2005 61 20/04/2005 1.82 4.53 103.66 100.77 Kota Tinggi, Johor Manjung, Perak 345.42 319.77 291.09 296.69 60 80 62 05/03/2005 63 22/04/2005 5.32 2.81 100.29 101.60 Penang Kuala Langat, Selangor 324.70 316.30 298.21 297.84 20 80 64 22/04/2005 2.66 102.79 Segamat, Johor 335.24 297.36 80 Cropland 65 22/04/2005 2.66 102.80 Segamat, Johor 316.09 296.68 80 Cropland Cropland Paddy Serdang-Kedah Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Cropland Briah-Organic Clay and Muck Cropland Rudua-Rusila Cropland Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Wetlands Peat Cropland Rengam-Jerangau Cropland Rengam-Bukit Temiang Cropland Steepland Cropland Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Wetlands Mined Land Cropland Durian-MunchongBungor Forest Holyrood-Lunas Cropland Selangor-Kangkong Wetlands Telemong-AkobLocal Alluvium Cropland Rengam-Jerangau Cropland Rengam-Bukit Temiang Urban area Urban Land Cropland Selangor-Kangkong Organic Clay and Muck Organic Clay and Muck 83 Figure 5.1, represents the distribution of hot spots by land use type. It can be seen that most of the hot spots (37%) were found in wetland area, with 14 of it detected in peat swamp. The hot spots were detected 5 times in peat swamp of Raja Muda Musa Forest Reserve in Kuala Selangor, Selangor and twice in Rompin, Pahang. Other peat swamp areas with hot spots are in Manjung in Perak, Muar in Johor, Kuantan and Pekan in Pahang, Kuala Terengganu in Terengganu, and Kota Tinggi and Pontian in Johor. Figure 5.1: Distribution of hot spots by land use type. The peat fires that have occurred throughout Peninsular Malaysia are the consequence of peat swamps being drained for agriculture and forestry purposes. From Table 5.2, there are approximately 32% of the area developed for agriculture in Peninsular Malaysia or 100,352 hectares of peat under cultivation (Jamaluddin Jaya, 2002). The most important crop at present is oil palm. Draining out the water, especially during the dry season causes the lowering of the water table. Hence, the swamps dry out and act like a dry sponge and become more vulnerable to fire. Peat can be identified by its dark and brown colour. It has been accumulating since the last ice age from partly-decomposed plants such as descended leaves and trunks, accumulated dead organic material, small organisms and decaying material. It is a long natural process to compose this soil. Peat with 2 to 3 metres thickness will take about 2,000 to 4,000 years to develop (Buol et al., 1973). 84 Table 5.2: Peat utilization in Malaysia. Region State/Division Peninsular Malaysia Johor Pahang Selangor Perak Terengganu Kelantan Negeri Sembilan 298,500 282,500 194,300 107,500 88,000 7,400 6,300 Area Developed for Agriculture (ha) 145,900 17,100 59,900 69,700 13,900 2,100 5,000 Peat area developed for Agriculture (%) 49 6 31 65 16 28 79 984,500 313,600 32 502,466 340,374 314,585 205,479 172,353 168,733 34,730 26,827 269,571 50,836 66,114 50,836 61,112 47,591 8,715 n.a. 54 15 21 25 35 28 25 - 1,765,547 86,000 554,775 n.a. 31 n.a. Sub-total for Sabah 86,000 Grand Total 2,836,047 n.a. 868,375 n.a. 31 Sub-total for Peninsular Malaysia Sarawak Sibu Sri Aman Miri Samarahan Sarikei Bintulu Limbang Kuching Sabah Sub-total for Sarawak Sabah Total area (ha) (Source:Jamaluddin Jaya, 2000) A total of 34% of the hot spots were detected in cropland areas. Land clearing by farmers for agricultural purpose is the most popular reason to start a fire. Fifteen percent (15%) of the hot spots were found in forested areas and the most frequent hot spots in forested areas occurred in Gunung Kenderong, Perak. The hot spots were detected as frequent as 7 times (2 February 2005, 10 February 2005, 12 February 2005, 14 February 2005, 1 March 2005, 3 March 2005 and 5 March 2005). From FRDM records, the fires in Gunung Kenderong occurred due to hikers who carelessly left behind objects that may start fire easily. MODIS detected hot spots as early as 2 February 2005, but FRDM only started to extinguish the fire on 4 February 2005 after receiving reports from the public. The forest fire continued until 17 85 February when finally rainfall put out the fire. Unfortunately the fire occurred again on 1 March 2005 and has been brought under control on 5 March 2005. The remaining 12% and 2% of fires were detected in paddy areas and in urban areas, respectively. The paddy areas in north of Peninsular Malaysia (Figure 5.2(a)) was dried out due to prolonged dry season as reported in Utusan Malaysia (Nidzwan Zainal Abidin, 2005). Due to extreme drought, farmers were urged to postpone their paddy cultivating season. (a) (b) Figure 5.2: Extreme drought occurrence in (a) Kampong Teluk Jambu Bintong, Kangar, Perlis; and (b) Firemen battling bush fire outside the Penang International Airport cargo complex in Bayan Lepas. 86 One of the hot spots that occurred was detected in an urban area. As reported in The Star, a bush fire occurred near to Penang International Airport cargo complex in Bayan Lepas as shown in Figure 5.2(b) on 5 March 2005. FRDM also recorded that the Department had put out several bush fires in the same area in the previous month. 5.3 Comparison of Temperatures Extracted From MODIS With Temperature Data From MMS In this study, brightness temperature extracted from the satellite data were converted to temperature and compared with temperature data obtained from MMS. The MMS data used in this study were collected from the distribution of weather stations over Peninsular Malaysia. This analysis was carried out in order to examine the accuracy of observed temperature from satellite data. Figure 5.3 shows the correlation between field temperature obtained from MMS and observed temperature from satellite data. Continuous MODIS and weather data from January 2004 to December 2004 were used, involving 334 MODIS datasets processed to generate the regression value. Data for each month were represented by different colour. From the graph, it shows that temperature in December were relatively low. Low temperature and heavy rain during this month were brought by the Northeast Monsoon. High temperatures were recorded in the drier season around March and August. These findings were strengthened by the fact that most of the forest fires in Malaysia occur in drier season around March. There also several fire occurrences reported in August due to the transition period in between the monsoons. 87 Temperature derived from MODIS and temperature obtain from MMS were highly correlated with 0.82 regression value. It shows that MODIS data can be used to extract temperature information. The highest temperature derived from satellite data was 37oC, while the lowest temperature derived was 26oC. MODIS Temperature Temperature(Degree (DegreeCelcius) Celcius MODIS 39 y = 1.15x – 4.55 R2 = 0.82 37 Jan Feb 35 March April 33 May June 31 July August 29 September October 27 November December 25 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Field Temperature (Degree Celcius) Figure 5.3: Correlation between temperature from Malaysian Meteorological Services (MMS) and observed temperature from MODIS. 88 5.4 Generating A Fire Risk Map Vegetation index has been considered by numerous scientists as one of the important parameters for the mapping of agricultural fields, rainfall monitoring, estimating weather impacts, calculating biomass, crop yield and pasture production, drought conditions and determining the vigour of the vegetation (Singh et al., 2003). Kogan (2001) has developed a new method for early drought detection based on estimation of vegetation stress from NOAA AVHRR indices. Unlike the two spectral channel approach routinely applied to vegetation monitoring, this numerical method is based on the combination of three spectral channels namely visible (0.50-0.68μm), near infrared (0.73-1.10μm) and thermal infrared (10.30-11.30μm). The visible and near infrared values were converted to the NDVI and brightness temperature. The NDVI and brightness temperature were converted to the Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Thermal Condition Index (TCI) and Vegetation Health Index (VH). In this study, MODIS data is used instead of NOAA AVHRR. Three spectral channel of MODIS data were used in this numerical method namely visible (0.620.67μm), near infrared (0.84-0.87μm) and thermal infrared (10.78-11.28μm). All the spectral channels of the MODIS data chosen have similar characteristics in terms of the wavelength with NOAA AVHRR data used by Kogan (2001). Three indices characterizing moisture, namely Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), thermal namely Thermal Condition Index (TCI) and vegetation health condition (VH) were constructed from the processed NDVI and BT following the principle of comparing a particular year NDVI and BT with the range of their variation during the extreme conditions. The extreme conditions were derived by calculating the maximum and minimum (MAX-MIN) NDVI and BT values for cumulative of 5 years (2000 to 2004) of satellite data for each land pixel of the study area. Each component to extract VH namely NDVI, BT, VCI and TCI are described below. 89 5.4.1 Daily Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Radiances measured by band 1 and band 2 on board MODIS satellites were used in the study. Green and healthy vegetation reflects less solar radiation in the visible channel namely band 1 of MODIS data compared to near infrared channel data. Under stress condition, visible channel values may increase and near infrared channel values may decrease (Singh et. al., 2003). Healthy and dense vegetation show large NDVI values. In contrast, clouds and water have larger visible reflectance than near infrared channel. Thus, those features yield negative index values. Rock and bare soil areas have similar reflectance both in visible and near infrared channel and result in vegetation indices near zero. Figure 5.4 shows NDVI values generated from MODIS data on 6 April 2000. Minimum NDVI value derived from the data was (-0.75), while the maximum value derived from it was 0.65. The mean value derived from the data was 0.32. The high NDVI values indicate that the vegetation was in healthy condition. 5.4.2 Smoothed Weekly Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) In order to minimize cloud effects, the NDVI were smoothed or averaged over a 7 day period. Figure 5.5 shows smoothed NDVI from fifth week of 2005. Minimum NDVI values derived from the images was (-0.64) and the maximum values derived from the images was 0.61, while mean values derived from the images were 0.48. The mean value depends heavily on how much of the area was cloud covered. Since the data used in this study were smoothed over a week and exclude data with more than 10% cloud, the cloud effect in each composite data is minimal. 90 5.4.3 Minimum and Maximum Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Minimum and maximum NDVI values are the lowest and the highest weekly values observed during the 2000 to 2004 period for each pixel, respectively. This procedure was based on three environmental laws, namely law of minimum, law of tolerance and the principle of carrying capacity (Hardin, 1986). These laws provide the basis for determining the lowest and the highest potentials of an ecosystem’s resources in response to the environment. Basically, extreme NDVI values during the years 2000 through 2004 were calculated for each week and pixel. The resulting multi-year maximum and minimum NDVI (figure 5.6 and 5.7) were used as the criteria for estimating the upper (favourable weather) and the lower (unfavourable weather) limits of the ecosystem resources in response to extreme weather condition (Kogan et al., 2003). 91 Perlis Kedah P. Pinang Kelantan Terengganu Perak Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 100 Figure 5.4: NDVI derived from single MODIS dataset on 6 April 2000. 92 Perlis Kedah Kelantan P. Pinang Terengganu Perak Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 Figure 5.5: Smoothed weekly MODIS datasets from 5th week of 2005. 100 93 Perlis Kedah P. Pinang Kelantan Terengganu Perak Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 Figure 5.6: Multi-year maximum MODIS datasets 100 94 Perlis Kedah Kelantan P. Pinang Terengganu Perak Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 Figure 5.7: Multi-year minimum MODIS datasets. 100 95 5.4.4 Brightness Temperature (BT) Brightness temperatures were derived from channel 31 of MODIS data (10.78-11.28μm). Single brightness temperature values derived in this study are shown in Figure 5.8. The measurement was generated from MODIS data on 5 April 2000. Minimum brightness temperature values derived from the data was 269.53, while the maximum value derived from it was 303.40. 5.4.5 Smoothed Weekly Brightness Temperature (BT) Brightness temperature data were composited over a 7 day period in order to minimize the cloud effect. Figure 5.9 shows a composite image from 14th week of 2001. Minimum brightness temperature value derived from the images was 263.49 and the maximum values derived from the images was 305.94. 5.4.6 Minimum and Maximum Brightness Temperature Smooth weekly brightness temperatures were processed to extract the lowest and highest weekly values for each land pixel in each respective year. Multiyear minimum and maximum brightness temperature values observed during the 2000 to 2004 period for each pixel were generated and are shown in Figure 5.10 and 5.11. 96 Perlis Kedah P. Pinang Kelantan Terengganu Perak Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 100 Figure 5.8: Brightness temperature derived from single MODIS dataset on 5 April 2000. 97 Perlis Kedah P. Pinang Kelantan Perak Terengganu Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 100 Figure 5.9: Smoothed weekly brightness temperature of MODIS datasets derived from 14th week of 2005. 98 Perlis Kedah P. Pinang Kelantan Terengganu Perak Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 100 Figure 5.10: Multi-year maximum of brightness temperature derived from MODIS. 99 Perlis Kedah P. Pinang Kelantan Terengganu Perak Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 100 Figure 5.11: Multi-year minimum of brightness temperature derived from MODIS. 100 5.4.7 Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) concept was designed to extract the weather component from NDVI values (Kogan et al., 2003). VCI changes from 1 to 100, correspond to changes in vegetation condition from extremely unfavourable to optimal. Figure 5.12 shows VCI derived from 15th week of 2005. The VCI values show generally favourable condition. But extreme conditions were detected in many places in Johor, Melaka and Selangor. 5.4.8 Temperature Condition Index (TCI) The Temperature Condition Index (TCI) is based on the thermal band (10.7811.28μm) which is converted into brightness temperature. TCI is used to determine temperature related vegetation stress. Figure 5.13 shows TCI image derived from 15th week of 2005. The image shows that most of the area in Peninsular Malaysia are in favourable condition except in some places in Johor and Melaka. 5.4.9 Vegetation Health Index (VH) Vegetation Health Index (VH) in Figure 5.14 estimates vegetation health from VCI and TCI condition (Kogan, 2000). If conditions are favourable which means VH is larger than 75, vegetation is healthy. If vegetation is stressed, VH value is below 25. 101 Figure 5.14 shows VH from 15th week of 2005. The result shows that vegetation conditions during the above period is fair. But some areas in south of Peninsular Malaysia such as Johor and Melaka shows vegetation stress. 5.5 Fire Risk Map The technique for monitoring potential fire danger or fire risk is based on the analysis of duration and intensity of vegetation stress. The highest fire risk is estimated when intensive vegetation stress (VH<25) continues for at least 4 weeks. This technique provided timely warning of possible fire activity. Figure 5.15 shows a fire risk map of 10th week of 2005. In general, the vegetation condition for Peninsular Malaysia is favourable and fair. But there are some places such as Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan and Johor which have high risk to forest fire. High risk areas are indicated in orange colour. 102 Perlis Kedah P. Pinang Kelantan Terengganu Perak Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 Figure 5.12: Vegetation Condition Index derived from 15th week of 2005 100 103 Perlis Kedah P. Pinang Kelantan Perak Terengganu Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 Figure 5.13: Temperature Condition Index derived from 15th week of 2005 100 104 Perlis Kedah P. Pinang Kelantan Terengganu Perak Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 100 Figure 5.14: Vegetation Health Index derived from 15th week of 2005 0 105 5.6 Vegetation Index Analysis The relationship between VCI and rainfall, TCI and temperature, also VH and temperature were examined in this study. Distribution of temperature and rainfall were provided by MMS until 17th week of 2005 only. Therefore this analysis is carried out from 18th week of 2004 to 17th week of 2005. As shown in Figure 5.16, there is a good match between VCI and rainfall data. The relationship shows a close correspondence between VCI and rainfall and the dynamics of VCI and rainfall matched quite well. The VCI values increase in weeks of 35 to 50, along with frequent rainfall. The VCI were low during early weeks of the years. 106 Perlis Kedah Terengganu P. Pinang Kelantan Perak Pahang Selangor N. Sembilan Melaka Johor 0 Figure 5.15: Fire Risk Map of 11th week of 2005. 100 107 Figure 5.17 shows the relationship between TCI and temperature from MMS. TCI values increased in weeks 40 to 45 of the year. However, the temperature obtained from MMS decreased a little in weeks 40 to 45. Temperature values from MMS do not differ much for the whole year, while TCI values dynamically changed throughout the year. Figure 5.18 shows the relationship between VH and temperature. VH values increased in weeks 40 to 50, conversely while during this period, temperature values decreased. Relationship Between Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) and Rainfall 70 VCI Rainfall 60 50 40 30 20 10 Weeks Figure 5.16: The relationship between VCI and rainfall. 17 14 11 8 5 2 51 48 45 42 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 0 18 Vegetation Condition Index (%) 80 108 Relationship Between Temperature Condition Index (TCI) and Temperature 75 Temperature Condition Index (%) 70 TCI 65 Temperature 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 17 14 11 8 5 2 51 48 45 42 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 25 Weeks Figure 5.17: Relationship between TCI and temperature. Relationship Between Vegetation Health (VH) and Temperature 75 VH Temperature 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 Weeks Figure 5.18: The relationship between VH and temperature. 17 14 11 8 5 2 51 48 45 42 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 25 18 Vegetation Health Index (%) 70 109 5.7 Fire Risk Map Analysis From the Appendix A, fire risk map derived in this study was validated with 65 forest fire occurrence data from FRDM during 1 January 2005 to 30 April 2005. Forty six (46) of the fire occurrences were categorized as high fire risk level, while 14 were classified as moderate fire risk level and the remaining 6 fire occurrences were found in low fire risk level. From 46 of the forest fire occurrence categorized in high risk level, therefore the accuracy of fire risk map generated in this study is 71% (APENDIX B). 5.8 Summary This chapter discussed the results achieved from the study. The hot spots detected from MODIS data were validated with recorded data of fire occurrence from FRDM. There were 65 hot spots detected during 1 January 2005 to 30 April 2005. Most of the hot spots were detected on peat land and has burned twice or more. Vegetation index derived in this study, namely VCI, TCI and VH is a numerical index which changes from 0 to 100 characterizing change in vegetation conditions from extremely poor to excellent. This new vegetation index approach combines the visible, near infrared and thermal radiances in a numerical index characterizing vegetation health. This approach is extremely useful in detecting and monitoring drought phenomenon which sets the conditions for fire occurrence. Fire risk maps were developed from the cumulative value of VH for four weeks. The fire risk estimate is based on intensity and duration of combined moisture 110 and thermal stress. If severe stress continues for one week, fire risk is minimal, while it reaches maximum if this condition continues for four weeks and longer. Fire risk is higher if vegetation stress is severe and persistent. High level of fire risk due to both moisture and temperature conditions can be used as a fire danger warning. CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Introduction Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data is used in this study to extract hot spots and carry out fire risk map. Two types of MODIS data were used to extract hot spots, namely MODIS Level 1B 1KM Radiances Product (MOD021KM) and MODIS Geolocation Product (MOD03), while MOD021KM was used to generate fire risk map. 6.2 Conclusions From the results derived in this study, the following conclusions are made: 112 1. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data were used to extract hot spot and biophysical parameter to derive fire risk map. Results from this study show that MODIS can be a new alternative to NOAA AVHRR (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) to detect hot spot and derive fire risk map. The advantages of MODIS data over NOAA are: a. Saturation value for NOAA data is lower than MODIS b. Variety of wavelengths to choose from MODIS data 2. High correlation was found between temperature derived from MODIS and the ground truth data obtained from MMS (R2 = 0.8). 3. Forest fire map generated from the study gives a high accuracy, which is 71%. 4. Simple application was successfully developed to generate fire risk map. This application is able to process MODIS data in TIFF format. 5. New techniques were used for assessment of fire risk. Scientists usually utilized NOAA AVHRR data to derived fire risk map and hot spots. Due to some limitation, MODIS data were used in this study instead of NOAA AVHRR. 6.3 Recommendations From the results obtained in this study, the following recommendations are made to improve the results in future studies. 1. In this study, cumulative of 5 years datasets were used to extract fire risk map. Larger datasets of at least 10 years would produce more accurate results. 113 2. The results obtained from the MODIS data with cloud cover may not be so accurate. This could be improved by using smoothed weekly datasets. Preprocessing such as geometric correction, radiometric correction and atmospheric correction should be emphasized before further processing is carried out in order to achieve more accurate results. The function of developed forest fire interface can be enhanced by attaching it to a greater forest fire system. 3. More ground truth data are needed to carry out the accuracy assessment. 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IEEE International Volume 4, Pages :2505-2507. 125 APPENDIX A Forest Fire Record From FRDM Fire 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Date 18/01/2005 18/01/2005 03/02/2005 03/02/2005 03/02/2005 03/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 12/02/2005 12/02/2005 14/02/2005 02/02/2005 24/02/2005 24/02/2005 26/02/2005 26/02/2005 27/02/2005 28/02/2005 01/03/2005 03/03/2005 03/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 07/03/2005 Location Kubang Pasu, Kedah Kuala Selangor, Selangor Kubang Pasu, Kedah Kota Setar, Kedah Pendang, Kedah Kuala Muda, Kedah Kubang Pasu, Kedah Kota Setar, Kedah Manjung, Perak Perak Tengah, Perak Kinta, Perak Perak Tengah, Perak Perak Tengah, Perak Batang Berjuntai, Selangor Kuala Selangor, Selangor Kuantan, Pahang Muar, Johor Muar, Johor Kluang, Johor Kluang, Johor Kota Setar, Kedah Perak Tengah, Perak Kota Tinggi, Johor Perak Tengah, Perak Batang Berjuntai, Selangor Rompin, Pahang Batang Berjuntai, Selangor Rompin, Pahang Batang Berjuntai, Selangor Batang Berjuntai, Selangor Perak Tengah, Perak Kota Setar, Kedah Perak Tengah, Perak Pendang, Kedah Perak Tengah, Perak Kuantan, Pahang Pekan, Pahang Pekan, Pahang Rompin, Pahang Segamat, Johor Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu Source Farmer activity Bush fire Farmer activity Farmer activity Farmer activity Farmer activity Farmer activity Farmer activity Bush fire Bush fire Forest fire Forest fire Forest fire Peat fire Peat fire Forest fire Bush fire Bush fire Bush fire Farmer activity Farmer activity Forest fire Bush fire Forest fire Peat fire Peat fire Peat fire Peat fire Peat fire Peat fire Forest fire Farmer activity Forest fire Farmer activity Forest fire Peat fire Peat fire Peat fire Peat fire Bush fire Peat fire 126 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 07/03/2005 09/03/2005 21/03/2005 21/03/2005 21/03/2005 01/04/2005 08/04/2005 08/04/2005 12/04/2005 13/04/2005 13/04/2005 13/04/2005 15/04/2005 15/04/2005 15/04/2005 15/04/2005 15/04/2005 17/04/2005 17/04/2005 20/04/2005 05/03/2005 22/04/2005 22/04/2005 22/04/2005 Kemaman, Terengganu Kota Tinggi, Johor Baling, Kedah Perak Tengah, Perak Perak Tengah, Perak Pekan, Pahang Pekan, Pahang Kluang, Johor Pontian, Johor Sik, Kedah Hulu Perak, Perak Gua Musang, Kelantan Seberang Prai, Pulau Pinang Kinta, Perak Gua Musang, Kelantan Kuantan, Pahang Kuala Langat, Selangor Kuantan, Pahang Kota Tinggi, Johor Manjung, Perak Penang Kuala Langat, Selangor Segamat, Johor Segamat, Johor Peat fire Bush fire Farmer activity Forest fire Forest fire Bush fire Bush fire Bush fire Bush fire Bush fire Bush fire Bush fire Bush fire Forest fire Bush fire Forest fire Peat fire Bush fire Bush fire Forest fire Urban fire Peat fire Bush fire Bush fire 127 APPENDIX B Fire risk level for each forest fire occurrence in time range of 1 January 2005 to 30 April 2005. Fire Date Latitude Longitude Location 1 18/01/2005 6.508 100.392 Kubang Pasu, Kedah 2 18/01/2005 3.41 101.38 Kuala Selangor, Selangor 3 03/02/2005 6.33 100.25 Kubang Pasu, Kedah 4 03/02/2005 6.01 100.38 Kota Setar, Kedah 5 03/02/2005 5.98 100.41 Pendang, Kedah 6 03/02/2005 5.73 100.64 Kuala Muda, Kedah 7 10/02/2005 6.22 100.42 Kubang Pasu, Kedah 8 10/02/2005 6.01 100.39 Kota Setar, Kedah 9 10/02/2005 4.35 100.67 Manjung, Perak 10 10/02/2005 4.31 101.01 Perak Tengah, Perak 11 10/02/2005 4.31 101.02 Kinta, Perak 12 10/02/2005 4.18 100.97 Perak Tengah, Perak 13 10/02/2005 4.17 101.01 Perak Tengah, Perak 14 10/02/2005 3.48 101.40 Batang Berjuntai, Selangor 15 10/02/2005 3.46 101.44 Kuala Selangor, Selangor 16 10/02/2005 3.94 103.13 Kuantan, Pahang 17 10/02/2005 2.27 102.83 Muar, Johor 18 10/02/2005 2.03 102.73 Muar, Johor 19 10/02/2005 2.33 103.33 Kluang, Johor 20 10/02/2005 2.07 103.37 Kluang, Johor 21 12/02/2005 6.18 100.31 Kota Setar, Kedah 22 12/02/2005 4.18 100.97 Perak Tengah, Perak 23 14/02/2005 1.38 104.16 Kota Tinggi, Johor 24 02/02/2005 4.18 100.97 Perak Tengah, Perak 25 24/02/2005 3.48 101.4 Batang Berjuntai, Selangor 26 24/02/2005 2.55 103.59 Rompin, Pahang 27 26/02/2005 3.48 101.4 Batang Berjuntai, Selangor 28 26/02/2005 2.55 103.59 Rompin, Pahang 29 27/02/2005 3.48 101.4 Batang Berjuntai, Selangor 30 28/02/2005 3.48 101.4 Batang Berjuntai, Selangor 31 01/03/2005 4.18 100.97 Perak Tengah, Perak 32 03/03/2005 5.98 100.40 Kota Setar, Kedah Fire Risk Level High High High Low Moderate High High Moderate High High Low High High Low High High High High High High High Moderate High High High High High Moderate High Low High High 128 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 03/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 05/03/2005 07/03/2005 4.18 5.98 4.18 3.62 3.61 3.42 2.55 2.44 5.46 100.97 100.49 100.97 103.26 103.29 103.06 103.59 102.82 102.96 42 43 44 45 46 07/03/2005 09/03/2005 21/03/2005 21/03/2005 21/03/2005 4.55 1.81 5.67 4.50 4.41 103.45 104.12 100.69 100.93 100.89 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 01/04/2005 08/04/2005 08/04/2005 12/04/2005 13/04/2005 13/04/2005 13/04/2005 15/04/2005 3.55 3.53 2.19 1.66 5.81 5.31 4.74 5.28 103.27 103.39 103.52 103.38 100.68 101.06 102.01 100.52 55 56 15/04/2005 15/04/2005 4.45 4.84 101.16 101.97 57 58 15/04/2005 15/04/2005 3.93 2.81 103.14 101.59 59 17/04/2005 3.84 103.22 60 61 62 63 17/04/2005 20/04/2005 05/03/2005 22/04/2005 1.82 4.53 5.32 2.81 103.66 100.77 100.29 101.60 64 65 22/04/2005 22/04/2005 2.66 2.66 102.79 102.80 Perak Tengah, Perak Pendang, Kedah Perak Tengah, Perak Kuantan, Pahang Pekan, Pahang Pekan, Pahang Rompin, Pahang Segamat, Johor Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu Kemaman, Terengganu Kota Tinggi, Johor Baling, Kedah Perak Tengah, Perak Perak Tengah, Perak High Moderate High High High High High Moderate Moderate Low High High Moderate Moderate Pekan, Pahang Pekan, Pahang Kluang, Johor Pontian, Johor Sik, Kedah Hulu Perak, Perak Gua Musang, Kelantan Seberang Prai, Pulau Pinang Kinta, Perak Gua Musang, Kelantan High High High High Moderate High High High Kuantan, Pahang Kuala Langat, Selangor Kuantan, Pahang High High Kota Tinggi, Johor Manjung, Perak Penang Kuala Langat, Selangor Segamat, Johor Segamat, Johor High High Moderate Moderate High Low High High Moderate 129 APPENDIX C Visual BasicC++ source code for Window 1 Coding for main window #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QStatusBar> #include <QGroupBox> #include <QPushButton> #include <QMenuBar> #include <QMenu> #include <QAction> #include <QFrame> #include <QDialog> #include <QProcess> #include <QDir> #include <QIcon> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QFile> #include <QByteArray> #include "MainWindow.h" #include "WindowCalc.h" MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { QIcon icon("system\\icons\\earth.jpg"); this->setWindowIcon(icon); frame = new QFrame(); frame->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel); this->setCentralWidget(frame); this->setWindowTitle("GIS-UTM Remote Sensing Software v1.0"); this->setGeometry(50,50,500,100); 130 statusBar = new QStatusBar(this); this->setStatusBar(statusBar); statusBar->showMessage("Application Ready"); menuBar = new QMenuBar(); menu_Text_File = new QMenu("File"); menu_Text_Edit = new QMenu("Edit"); act_Exit = new QAction("Exit",menu_Text_File); connect(act_Exit,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(close())); act_About = new QAction("Help",menu_Text_Edit); connect(act_About,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(slot_about())); menu_Text_File->addAction(act_Exit); menu_Text_Edit->addAction(act_About); menuBar->addMenu(menu_Text_File); menuBar->addMenu(menu_Text_Edit); this->setMenuBar(menuBar); QVBoxLayout *layout_000 = new QVBoxLayout(); QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox("Main Function"); btn_m_vege = new QPushButton("Vegetation Index"); QObject::connect(btn_m_vege,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_vege())); btn_m_hotsp = new QPushButton("Hotspot"); QObject::connect(btn_m_hotsp,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_hotsp())); 131 btn_m_prox = new QPushButton("Proximity Analysis"); QObject::connect(btn_m_prox,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_prox())); QHBoxLayout *layout_001 = new QHBoxLayout(); layout_001->addWidget(btn_m_vege); layout_001->addWidget(btn_m_hotsp); layout_001->addWidget(btn_m_prox); groupBox->setLayout(layout_001); layout_000->addWidget(groupBox); frame->setLayout(layout_000); } void MainWindow::slot_vege() { WindowCalc *winCalc = new WindowCalc(this); winCalc->show(); } void MainWindow::slot_hotsp() { QDialog *dialog = new QDialog(this); dialog->setWindowTitle("Hotspot Index"); dialog->setGeometry(60,60,200,100); QVBoxLayout *layout_001 = new QVBoxLayout(dialog); QPushButton *btn_hotsp = new QPushButton("Hotspot",dialog); QObject::connect(btn_hotsp,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_dlg_hotsp())); QPushButton *btn_convert = new QPushButton("Convert",dialog); QObject::connect(btn_convert,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_dlg_convert()) ); 132 QPushButton *btn_close = new QPushButton("Close",dialog); QObject::connect(btn_close,SIGNAL(clicked()),dialog,SLOT(close())); layout_001->addWidget(btn_hotsp); layout_001->addWidget(btn_convert); layout_001->addWidget(btn_close); dialog->setLayout(layout_001); dialog->exec(); } void MainWindow::slot_dlg_hotsp() { //QProcess *proc = new QProcess(this); //QString program = "cmd.exe"; //QDir dir = ""; //QString str = dir.currentPath(); //QStringList arg; //arg << "/k" << "dir mod*"; //proc->startDetached(program,arg); QString line; QFile file("system\\configs\\config.txt"); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(this,"Dialog - Error Opening config.txt", "Where is the config.txt file?"); } else { while (!file.atEnd()) { line = file.readLine(); 133 if ( line.contains("cmd=",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { line.remove(" ",Qt::CaseInsensitive); line.remove("cmd=",Qt::CaseInsensitive); break; } } QProcess *proc = new QProcess(this); QString program = line; QDir dir = ""; QString str = dir.currentPath(); QStringList arg; arg << "/k" << "cd system\\modules & dir mod*"; proc->startDetached(program,arg); if (proc->isOpen() == 2) { QMessageBox::warning(this,"Dialog - Error Opening cmd.exe", "Please set the correct path to cmd by modifying config.txt file"); } } } void MainWindow::slot_dlg_convert() { //QProcess *proc = new QProcess(this); //QString program = "cmd.exe"; //QDir dir = ""; //QString str = dir.currentPath(); 134 //QStringList arg; //arg << "/k" << "dir mod*"; //proc->startDetached(program,arg); QString line; QFile file("system\\configs\\config.txt"); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(this,"Dialog - Error Opening config.txt", "Where is the config.txt file?"); } else { while (!file.atEnd()) { line = file.readLine(); if ( line.contains("cmd=",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { line.remove(" ",Qt::CaseInsensitive); line.remove("cmd=",Qt::CaseInsensitive); break; } } QProcess *proc = new QProcess(this); QString program = line; QDir dir = ""; QString str = dir.currentPath(); QStringList arg; arg << "/k" << "cd system\\modules & dir mod*"; proc->startDetached(program,arg); 135 if (proc->isOpen() == 2) { QMessageBox::warning(this,"Dialog - Error Opening cmd.exe", "Please set the correct path to cmd by modifying config.txt file"); } } } void MainWindow::slot_prox() { QString line; QFile file("system\\configs\\config.txt"); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(this,"Dialog - Error Opening config.txt", "Where is the config.txt file?"); } else { while (!file.atEnd()) { line = file.readLine(); if ( line.contains("arcview=",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { line.remove(" ",Qt::CaseInsensitive); line.remove("arcview=",Qt::CaseInsensitive); break; } } 136 QProcess *proc = new QProcess(this); QString program = line; proc->start(program); if (proc->state() == 0) { QMessageBox::warning(this,"Dialog - Error Opening ARCVIEW.exe", "Please set the correct path to ARCVIEW by modifying config.txt file"); } } } void MainWindow::slot_about() { QMessageBox::information(this,"GIS UTM Program - About", "Version\:\n 1.0\n\nDeveloper\:\nAida Hayati M Hassan "); } Coding for NDVI #include <QtGui> #include "Dialog_Ndvi.h" 137 Dialog_Ndvi::Dialog_Ndvi() { } Dialog_Ndvi::Dialog_Ndvi(int ind) { title = "NDVI File Input Dialog"; list << "channel 1" << "channel 2" << "output"; browse = ind; init(); } void Dialog_Ndvi::init() { this->setWindowTitle(title); this->setGeometry(60,60,400,300); QGridLayout *layout_000 = new QGridLayout(this); label[0] = new QLabel(list[0]); label[1] = new QLabel(list[1]); label[2] = new QLabel(list[2]); lineedit[0] = new QLineEdit; lineedit[1] = new QLineEdit; lineedit[2] = new QLineEdit; btn[0] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[0],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_000())); btn[1] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[1],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_001())); 138 btn[2] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[2],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_002())); btn_ok = new QPushButton("Process"); QObject::connect(btn_ok,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_ok())); btn_cancel = new QPushButton("Cancel"); QObject::connect(btn_cancel,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(close())); layout_000->addWidget(label[0],0,0); layout_000->addWidget(label[1],1,0); layout_000->addWidget(label[2],2,0); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[0],0,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[1],1,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[2],2,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(btn[0],0,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn[1],1,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn[2],2,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn_cancel,4,4); layout_000->addWidget(btn_ok,4,6); this->setLayout(layout_000); } void Dialog_Ndvi::slot_ok() { QString str; QByteArray ba; str = lineedit[0]->text(); read(str,0); str = lineedit[1]->text(); 139 read(str,1); process(); str = lineedit[2]->text(); write(str); this->close(); } void Dialog_Ndvi::slot_browse_000() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),""); lineedit[0]->setText(fileName); QImage temp(fileName); pixel = matrix3d(browse,matrix2d(temp.width(),temp.height())); outp = matrix2d(temp.width(),matrix1d(temp.height())); } void Dialog_Ndvi::slot_browse_001() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),""); lineedit[1]->setText(fileName); } void Dialog_Ndvi::slot_browse_002() { QString File"),"","*.tif"); fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save 140 lineedit[2]->setText(fileName); } void Dialog_Ndvi::read(QString filename,int inp) { image = new QImage(filename); QRgb rgb; for (int i=0; i<(image->width()); i++) { for (int j=0; j<(image->height()); j++) { rgb = image->pixel(i,j); pixel[inp][i][j] = qGray(rgb); maxh = j; } maxw = i; } maxh++; maxw++; } void Dialog_Ndvi::process() { QString str; for (int i=0;i<(image->width()); i++) { for (int j=0; j<(image->height()); j++) { outp[i][j] = ((pixel[1][i][j]-pixel[0][i][j]) (pixel[1][i][j]+pixel[0][i][j])); outp[i][j] = (int) (100 * (outp[i][j]) + 1); / 141 } } } void Dialog_Ndvi::write(QString str) { image = new QImage(maxw,maxh,QImage::Format_RGB32); QRgb value; for (int i=0; i<maxw; i++) { for (int j=0; j<maxh; j++) { value = qRgb(outp[i][j],outp[i][j],outp[i][j]); image->setPixel(i,j,value); } } if(! image->save(str,"TIFF",100) ) qWarning("Save Failed!"); else { strout = str; } } Coding for VCI #include <QtGui> #include "Dialog_Vci.h" 142 Dialog_Vci::Dialog_Vci() { } Dialog_Vci::Dialog_Vci(int ind) { title = "VCI File Input Dialog"; list << "NDVI" << "NDVI Min" << "NDVI Max" << "Output"; browse = ind; init(); } void Dialog_Vci::init() { this->setWindowTitle(title); this->setGeometry(60,60,400,300); QGridLayout *layout_000 = new QGridLayout(this); label[0] = new QLabel(list[0]); label[1] = new QLabel(list[1]); label[2] = new QLabel(list[2]); label[3] = new QLabel(list[3]); lineedit[0] = new QLineEdit; lineedit[1] = new QLineEdit; lineedit[2] = new QLineEdit; lineedit[3] = new QLineEdit; btn[0] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[0],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_000())); btn[1] = new QPushButton("browse"); 143 QObject::connect(btn[1],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_001())); btn[2] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[2],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_002())); btn[3] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[3],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_003())); btn_ok = new QPushButton("Process"); QObject::connect(btn_ok,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_ok())); btn_cancel = new QPushButton("Cancel"); QObject::connect(btn_cancel,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(close())); layout_000->addWidget(label[0],0,0); layout_000->addWidget(label[1],1,0); layout_000->addWidget(label[2],2,0); layout_000->addWidget(label[3],3,0); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[0],0,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[1],1,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[2],2,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[3],3,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(btn[0],0,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn[1],1,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn[2],2,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn[3],3,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn_cancel,4,4); layout_000->addWidget(btn_ok,4,6); this->setLayout(layout_000); } 144 void Dialog_Vci::slot_ok() { QString str; QByteArray ba; str = lineedit[0]->text(); read(str,0); str = lineedit[1]->text(); read(str,1); str = lineedit[2]->text(); read(str,2); process(); str = lineedit[3]->text(); write(str); this->close(); } void Dialog_Vci::slot_browse_000() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),""); lineedit[0]->setText(fileName); QImage temp(fileName); pixel = matrix3d(browse,matrix2d(temp.width(),temp.height())); outp = matrix2d(temp.width(),matrix1d(temp.height())); } void Dialog_Vci::slot_browse_001() 145 { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),""); lineedit[1]->setText(fileName); } void Dialog_Vci::slot_browse_002() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),""); lineedit[2]->setText(fileName); } void Dialog_Vci::slot_browse_003() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, File"),"","*.tif"); lineedit[3]->setText(fileName); } void Dialog_Vci::read(QString filename,int inp) { image = new QImage(filename); QRgb rgb; for (int i=0; i<(image->width()); i++) { for (int j=0; j<(image->height()); j++) { rgb = image->pixel(i,j); pixel[inp][i][j] = qGray(rgb); maxh } maxw = i; = j; tr("Save 146 } maxh++; maxw++; } void Dialog_Vci::process() { for (int i=0;i<(image->width()); i++) { for (int j=0; j<(image->height()); j++) { if ((pixel[2][i][j]-pixel[1][i][j]) ==0) { outp[i][j] = 0; } else { outp[i][j] = ( (pixel[0][i][j]-pixel[1][i][j]) / (pixel[2][i][j]pixel[1][i][j]) ); outp[i][j] = (int) (100 * (outp[i][j])); } } } } void Dialog_Vci::write(QString str) { image = new QImage(maxw,maxh,QImage::Format_RGB32); QRgb value; for (int i=0; i<maxw; i++) { 147 for (int j=0; j<maxh; j++) { value = qRgb(outp[i][j],outp[i][j],outp[i][j]); image->setPixel(i,j,value); } } if(! image->save(str,"TIFF",100) ) qWarning("Save Failed!"); else { strout = str; } } Coding For TCI #include <QtGui> #include "Dialog_Tci.h" Dialog_Tci::Dialog_Tci() { } Dialog_Tci::Dialog_Tci(int ind) { title = "TCI File Input Dialog"; list << "BT" << "BT Min" << "BT Max" << "Output"; browse = ind; init(); } 148 void Dialog_Tci::init() { this->setWindowTitle(title); this->setGeometry(60,60,400,300); QGridLayout *layout_000 = new QGridLayout(this); label[0] = new QLabel(list[0]); label[1] = new QLabel(list[1]); label[2] = new QLabel(list[2]); label[3] = new QLabel(list[3]); lineedit[0] = new QLineEdit; lineedit[1] = new QLineEdit; lineedit[2] = new QLineEdit; lineedit[3] = new QLineEdit; btn[0] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[0],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_000())); btn[1] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[1],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_001())); btn[2] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[2],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_002())); btn[3] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[3],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_003())); btn_ok = new QPushButton("Process"); QObject::connect(btn_ok,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_ok())); btn_cancel = new QPushButton("Cancel"); QObject::connect(btn_cancel,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(close())); 149 layout_000->addWidget(label[0],0,0); layout_000->addWidget(label[1],1,0); layout_000->addWidget(label[2],2,0); layout_000->addWidget(label[3],3,0); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[0],0,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[1],1,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[2],2,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[3],3,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(btn[0],0,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn[1],1,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn[2],2,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn[3],3,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn_cancel,4,4); layout_000->addWidget(btn_ok,4,6); this->setLayout(layout_000); } void Dialog_Tci::slot_ok() { QString str; QByteArray ba; str = lineedit[0]->text(); read(str,0); str = lineedit[1]->text(); read(str,1); str = lineedit[2]->text(); read(str,2); process(); 150 str = lineedit[3]->text(); write(str); this->close(); } void Dialog_Tci::slot_browse_000() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),""); lineedit[0]->setText(fileName); QImage temp(fileName); pixel = matrix3d(browse,matrix2d(temp.width(),temp.height())); outp = matrix2d(temp.width(),matrix1d(temp.height())); delete &temp; } void Dialog_Tci::slot_browse_001() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),""); lineedit[1]->setText(fileName); } void Dialog_Tci::slot_browse_002() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),""); lineedit[2]->setText(fileName); } void Dialog_Tci::slot_browse_003() 151 { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, File"),"","*.tif"); lineedit[3]->setText(fileName); } void Dialog_Tci::read(QString filename,int inp) { image = new QImage(filename); QRgb rgb; for (int i=0; i<(image->width()); i++) { for (int j=0; j<(image->height()); j++) { rgb = image->pixel(i,j); pixel[inp][i][j] = qGray(rgb); maxh = j; } maxw = i; } maxh++; maxw++; } void Dialog_Tci::process() { for (int i=0;i<(image->width()); i++) { for (int j=0; j<(image->height()); j++) { if ((pixel[2][i][j]-pixel[1][i][j]) ==0) tr("Save 152 { outp[i][j] = 0; } else { outp[i][j] = ( (pixel[0][i][j]-pixel[1][i][j]) / (pixel[2][i][j]pixel[1][i][j]) ); outp[i][j] = (int) (100 * (outp[i][j])); } } } } void Dialog_Tci::write(QString str) { image = new QImage(maxw,maxh,QImage::Format_RGB32); QRgb value; for (int i=0; i<maxw; i++) { for (int j=0; j<maxh; j++) { value = qRgb(outp[i][j],outp[i][j],outp[i][j]); image->setPixel(i,j,value); } } if(! image->save(str,"TIFF",100) ) qWarning("Save Failed!"); else { strout = str; 153 } } Coding for VH #include <QtGui> #include "Dialog_Vh.h" Dialog_Vh::Dialog_Vh() { } Dialog_Vh::Dialog_Vh(int ind) { title = "VH File Input Dialog"; list << "VCI" << "TCI" << "output"; browse = ind; init(); } void Dialog_Vh::init() { this->setWindowTitle(title); this->setGeometry(60,60,400,300); QGridLayout *layout_000 = new QGridLayout(this); label[0] = new QLabel(list[0]); label[1] = new QLabel(list[1]); label[2] = new QLabel(list[2]); lineedit[0] = new QLineEdit; lineedit[1] = new QLineEdit; lineedit[2] = new QLineEdit; btn[0] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[0],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_000())); btn[1] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[1],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_001())); btn[2] = new QPushButton("browse"); QObject::connect(btn[2],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_browse_002())); btn_ok = new QPushButton("Process"); QObject::connect(btn_ok,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_ok())); btn_cancel = new QPushButton("Cancel"); 154 QObject::connect(btn_cancel,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(close())); layout_000->addWidget(label[0],0,0); layout_000->addWidget(label[1],1,0); layout_000->addWidget(label[2],2,0); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[0],0,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[1],1,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(lineedit[2],2,1,1,4); layout_000->addWidget(btn[0],0,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn[1],1,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn[2],2,6,1,1); layout_000->addWidget(btn_cancel,4,4); layout_000->addWidget(btn_ok,4,6); this->setLayout(layout_000); } void Dialog_Vh::slot_ok() { QString str; QByteArray ba; str = lineedit[0]->text(); read(str,0); str = lineedit[1]->text(); read(str,1); process(); str = lineedit[2]->text(); write(str); this->close(); } void Dialog_Vh::slot_browse_000() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),""); lineedit[0]->setText(fileName); QImage temp(fileName); pixel = matrix3d(browse,matrix2d(temp.width(),temp.height())); outp = matrix2d(temp.width(),matrix1d(temp.height())); } 155 void Dialog_Vh::slot_browse_001() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),""); lineedit[1]->setText(fileName); } void Dialog_Vh::slot_browse_002() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"),"","*.tif"); lineedit[2]->setText(fileName); } void Dialog_Vh::read(QString filename,int inp) { image = new QImage(filename); QRgb rgb; for (int i=0; i<(image->width()); i++) { for (int j=0; j<(image->height()); j++) { rgb pixel[inp][i][j] = qGray(rgb); maxh = j; } maxw = i; } maxh++; maxw++; } = image->pixel(i,j); void Dialog_Vh::process() { QString str; for (int i=0;i<(image->width()); i++) { for (int j=0; j<(image->height()); j++) { outp[i][j] = (pixel[1][i][j] + pixel[0][i][j]) / 2; //outp[i][j] = (int) (100 * (outp[i][j]) + 1); } } } void Dialog_Vh::write(QString str) { 156 image = new QImage(maxw,maxh,QImage::Format_RGB32); QRgb value; for (int i=0; i<maxw; i++) { for (int j=0; j<maxh; j++) { value = qRgb(outp[i][j],outp[i][j],outp[i][j]); image->setPixel(i,j,value); } } if(! image->save(str,"TIFF",100) ) qWarning("Save Failed!"); else { strout = str; } } Coding for Fire Risk Map #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QStatusBar> #include <QGroupBox> #include <QPushButton> #include <QMenuBar> #include <QMenu> #include <QAction> #include <QFrame> #include <QDialog> #include <QProcess> #include <QDir> #include <QLabel> #include <QRect> #include <QGridLayout> #include <QFileDialog> 157 #include <QLineEdit> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QtGui> #include <QKeySequence> #include <QImage> #include "WindowCalc.h" #include "Dialog.h" WindowCalc::WindowCalc(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { this->showMaximized(); frame = new QFrame(); frame->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel); this->setWindowTitle("Calculation Window"); //this->setGeometry(50,50,800,600); statusBar = new QStatusBar(this); this->setStatusBar(statusBar); statusBar->showMessage("None currently processed."); menuBar = new QMenuBar(); menu_Text_File = new QMenu("File"); menu_Text_Edit = new QMenu("Edit"); act_Open = new QAction("Open File",menu_Text_File); act_Open->setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+O")); connect(act_Open,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(slot_open())); act_Exit = new QAction("Exit",menu_Text_File); 158 act_Exit->setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+E")); connect(act_Exit,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(close())); act_SetFire = new QAction("Set Fire Input",menu_Text_Edit); connect(act_SetFire,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(slot_setFire())); act_FileInfo = new QAction("File Information",menu_Text_Edit); connect(act_FileInfo,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(slot_fileInfo())); act_FileInfo->setEnabled(false); act_clearImage = new QAction("Close File",menu_Text_Edit); act_clearImage->setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+p")); connect(act_clearImage,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(slot_clearImage())); menu_Text_File->addAction(act_Open); menu_Text_File->addAction(act_clearImage); menu_Text_File->addAction(act_Exit); menu_Text_Edit->addAction(act_SetFire); menu_Text_Edit->addAction(act_FileInfo); menuBar->addMenu(menu_Text_File); menuBar->addMenu(menu_Text_Edit); this->setMenuBar(menuBar); btn_ndvi = new QPushButton("NDVI"); QObject::connect(btn_ndvi,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_ndvi())); btn_vci = new QPushButton("VCI"); QObject::connect(btn_vci,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_vci())); btn_tgi = new QPushButton("TCI"); 159 QObject::connect(btn_tgi,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_tci())); btn_vh = new QPushButton("VH"); QObject::connect(btn_vh,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_vh())); btn_fire = new QPushButton("Fire Risk Map"); QObject::connect(btn_fire,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(slot_fire())); label = new QLabel(); label->resize(600,600); label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box); label->setScaledContents(true); layout_000 = new QGridLayout(); layout_000->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetMaximumSize); groupBox1 = new QGroupBox("Main Function"); groupBox2 = new QGroupBox("Image Display - No Image Loaded"); layout_001 = new QVBoxLayout(); layout_002 = new QVBoxLayout(); const QRect rect(0,0,100,600); layout_001->setGeometry(rect); layout_001->addWidget(btn_ndvi); layout_001->addWidget(btn_vci); layout_001->addWidget(btn_tgi); layout_001->addWidget(btn_vh); layout_001->addWidget(btn_fire); 160 layout_002->addWidget(label); groupBox1->setLayout(layout_001); groupBox2->setLayout(layout_002); layout_000->addWidget(groupBox1,0,0); layout_000->addWidget(groupBox2,0,1,2,4); frame->setLayout(layout_000); this->setCentralWidget(frame); // by default, setFire is 3 input (3-1=2) setFire = 2; } void WindowCalc::slot_ndvi() { dialog_ndvi = new Dialog_Ndvi(3); dialog_ndvi->exec(); QString str = dialog_ndvi->strout; if (! str.isEmpty()) { str_img = str; act_FileInfo->setEnabled(true); image = new QImage(str); label->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(*image)); str = "Image Display - Loaded: " + str; groupBox2->setTitle(str); } } void WindowCalc::slot_vci() { dialog_vci = new Dialog_Vci(4); 161 dialog_vci->exec(); QString str = dialog_vci->strout; if (! str.isEmpty()) { str_img = str; act_FileInfo->setEnabled(true); image = new QImage(str); label->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(*image)); str = "Image Display - Loaded: " + str; groupBox2->setTitle(str); } } void WindowCalc::slot_tci() { dialog_tci = new Dialog_Tci(4); dialog_tci->exec(); QString str = dialog_tci->strout; if (! str.isEmpty()) { str_img = str; act_FileInfo->setEnabled(true); image = new QImage(str); label->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(*image)); str = "Image Display - Loaded: " + str; groupBox2->setTitle(str); } } void WindowCalc::slot_vh() { 162 dialog_vh = new Dialog_Vh(3); dialog_vh->exec(); QString str = dialog_vh->strout; if (! str.isEmpty()) { str_img = str; act_FileInfo->setEnabled(true); image = new QImage(str); label->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(*image)); str = "Image Display - Loaded: " + str; groupBox2->setTitle(str); } } void WindowCalc::slot_fire() { dialog_fire = new Dialog_Fire(setFire); dialog_fire->exec(); QString str = dialog_fire->strout; if (! str.isEmpty()) { str_img = str; act_FileInfo->setEnabled(true); image = new QImage(str); label->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(*image)); str = "Image Display - Loaded: " + str; groupBox2->setTitle(str); } } void WindowCalc::slot_setFire() 163 { dlg_queryFire = new Dlg_QueryFire(setFire); dlg_queryFire->exec(); setFire = dlg_queryFire->num; } void WindowCalc::slot_clearImage() { label->clear(); image = NULL; str_img = ""; act_FileInfo->setEnabled(false); groupBox2->setTitle("Image Display - No Image Loaded"); } void WindowCalc::slot_open() { QString str = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),"","Images (*.tif *.tiff)"); image = new QImage(str); str_img = str; label->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(*image)); str = "Image Display - Loaded: " + str; groupBox2->setTitle(str); act_FileInfo->setEnabled(true); } void WindowCalc::slot_fileInfo() { QString str; QString temp; 164 if (! str_img.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo file(str_img); temp = file.fileName(); str = str + "File Name: " + temp + "\n"; temp = file.absolutePath(); str = str + "File Path: " + temp + "\n"; str = str + "Image Depth Size: " + temp.setNum(image->depth()) + "\n"; str = str + "Image Width: " + temp.setNum(image->width()) + "\n"; str = str + "Image Size: " + temp.setNum(image->height()) + "\n"; if (image->isGrayscale()) temp = "yes"; else temp = "no"; str = str + "Is GrayScale: " + temp + "\n"; QMessageBox::information(this,"File Information",str); } }