COMPARISON BETWEEN THE ROLLING THIN FILM OVEN TEST AND THE PRESSURE AGING VESSEL AGING SIMULATION TESTS AHMED MOFTAH SALEH A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil - Transportation and Highway) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2008 iii “Dedicated to my beloved father and mother for their support and love and for my honest friend Hamed Algass and my classmate Rosmawati” iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah (S.W.T), I would like to express my gratefulness for giving me strength to finish my project. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main project supervisor, Associate Professor Dr.Mohd Rosli bin Hainin, for encouragement, guidance and critics. My special thanks must be extended to technical staff members at the highway and transportation engineering laboratory at UTM for their collaboration. In particular, En. Suhaimi, for his steadfast assistance while carrying out my laboratory work. Last but not least, thanks for Malaysia especially my beloved Johor state and I will be forever loving Joh. v ABSTRACT Three samples of fresh bitumen of 80/100 pen, 60/70, and PG70 were tested to determine whether pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) test for 25 hours would provide similar results to the protocol of Strategic Highway Research program (SHRP) coupled aging procedure, Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFOT) and PAV. Bitumen conducted by both procedures (a) PAV only for 5 and 25 hours (b) RTFOT only and RTFOT+PAV 20 hours. Two procedures compared on the basis of the bitumen conventional properties, penetration at 25ºC, softening point, and viscosity at 135ºC tests. This study was intended to simulate the aging process by using Rolling Thin Film Oven Test to compare with Pressure Aging Vessel. The results show that there is equivalence between the effects of using RTFOT and PAV for 5 h at temperature of 100ºC under pressure 2.1MPa for the unmodified bitumen 80/100 and 60/70 penetration. It appears that the modified bitumen binder PG70 has significant difference in the results. vi ABSTRAK Tiga bahan daripada bitumen yang terdiri daripada 80/100 PEN, 60/70, dan PG70 di uji melalui ujian Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) selama 25 jam untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang sama berdasarkan teknik yang ditetapkan oleh Strategic Highway Research program (SHRP) dengan ujian Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFOT) dan PAV. Proses bitumen berdasarkan dua jenis iaitu (a) Ujian PAV untuk 5 dan 25 jam (b) hanya menggunakan RTFOT sahaja dan RTFOT+PAV untuk 20 jam. Dua proses di bandingkan dengan proses kaedah yang asal. Kajian ini perlu bagi membuat simulasi proses jangka hayat dengan menjalankan ujian Rolling Thin Film Oven untuk membuat perbandingan dengan ujian Pressure Aging Vessel. Keputusan menunjukkan ia adalah sama di antara kesan ujian RTFOT dan PAV untuk 5 jam pada suhu 100 ºC di bawah 2.1MPa bagi bitumen yang biasa iaitu 80/100 dan 60/70 PEN. Bagi PG70 menunjukkan perbezaan yang ketara boleh berlaku berdasarkan prinsip ujian RTFOT. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLES OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF TABLES xi. LIST OF ABREVIATIONS xii. LIST OF APPENDIX xiii. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objective 3 1.4 Scope of Work 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 2.1 General Introduction 2.2 Effects of Binder aging on HMA 4 2.3 Bitumen Physical Properties 6 5 2.3.1 Consistency 6 Dynamic Shear Modulus (DSM) 7 viii Viscosity 8 Penetration 8 Softening Point 9 2.3.2 Purity 9 2.3.3 Safety 9 2.4 Relationship between Chemical and Physical Properties 2.5 Factors affecting age hardening 2.5.1 Plant Hot Mix and Laydown Operation 2.6 Aging simulation 10 11 11 13 2.6.1 Short-term aging 14 2.6.2 Long-Term Aging 15 17 3 METHODOLOGY 17 3.1 Introduction 17 3.2 Laboratory Test Procedure 17 3.3 Rolling Thin Film Oven Test 19 3.3.1 Parameters Measured 3.4 Pressure aging vessel test 3.4.1 Basic Procedure 21 22 25 26 4 RESULTS AND DATA ANALAYSIS 27 4.1 Introduction 27 4.2 Bitumen properties 27 4.2.1 Fresh Bitumen properties 28 4.2.2 Bitumen properties after RTFOT 28 4.2.3 Bitumen properties after PAV (5 Hours) 4.2.4 Bitumen properties after RTFOT+PAV (20 Hours) 29 29 4.2.5 Bitumen properties after PAV (25 Hours) 30 4.3 Data analysis 30 4.4 Discussion 37 ix 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 37 REFERENCES 38 Appendices A-C 39-48 x LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Laboratory Test Flow chart 18 3.2 Rolling thin-film oven test 19 3.3 Pouring hot asphalt binder into the RTFO bottle 20 3.4 Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) 23 3.6 PAV pan (with a quarter for scale). 25 4.1 30 4.4 Bitumen 80/100 Variation of logarithm of penetration at 25ºC vs. softening point Bitumen 60/70 Variation of logarithm of penetration at 25 ºC vs. softening point PG70 Variation of logarithm of penetration at 25 ºC vs. softening point Bitumen 60/70 by the two procedures 4.5 Bitumen 60/70 softening point by the two procedures 32 4.6 Bitumen 60/70 viscosity by the two procedures 33 4.7 Bitumen 80/100 penetration of the two procedures 33 4.8 Bitumen 80/100 softening point of the two procedures 34 4.9 Bitumen 80/100 Viscosity of the two procedures 34 4.10 Bitumen PG70 Penetration of the two procedures 35 4.11 Bitumen PG70 Softening point of the two procedures 35 4.12 Bitumen PG70 Viscosity of the two procedures 36 4.2 4.3 31 31 32 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 11 4.1 Elemental Analysis of Representative Petroleum Asphalts Fresh Bitumen properties 4.2 Bitumen properties after RTFOT 29 4.3 Bitumen properties after PAV (5h) 29 4.4 Bitumen properties after RTFOT+PAV (20h) 30 4.5 Bitumen properties after PAV (25h) 30 1 28 xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PAV RTFOR Pressure Aging Vessel Rolling Thin Film Oven Test TFOT Thin Film Oven Test SHRP Strategic Highway program R@B Ring and Ball test (Softening Point) JKR Department of Public Works HMA Hot Mix Asphalt DSM Dynamic Shear Modulus AASHTO ASTM American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials American Society for Testing and Materials xiii LIST OF APPENDIX APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Bitumen 80/100 Tests 40 B Bitumen 60/70 Properties 43 C Bitumen PG70 Properties 45 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction It is generally agreed that one of the most important factor that causes asphalt pavements to crack and disintegrate is binder aging, because of hardening phenomena. Hardening of the binder occurs in two different stages. The first stage is short-term aging, because of loss of binder volatile components during mixing. The second stage is long-term aging, because of oxidative hardening during service life. The hardening that results from loss of volatile components has recognized as the significant and the highest aging stage. The hardening that results from oxidation may be strong function of the source or the chemical composition of the original binders. The fact has been proven by early studies on binder aging Anderson (1994). In the last decades, a significant amount of research has been focused on the use and behavior of asphalt cements within pavement applications. It is well documented that environment plays a significant role in characterizing the paving material properties as a function of time, which in turn affects the pavement performance. The major environmental factors that affect material properties include temperature and moisture changes with time. The original Superpave performance system developed through the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) incorporated mixing and environmental 2 effects as integral components. This has provided the capability to predict temperature and moisture conditions in the structure of the pavement throughout its service life and thus account for specific, short-term and long-term effects of mixing and climate on material properties and pavement performance. An exclusive of laboratory studying attempted to evaluate neat bitumen physical properties. Bitumen are according to the specification that given by Malaysia Department of Public Works (JKR). This procedure will reflect the binder aging during first stage that mentioned above and binder will compare with short-term aging simulation. The second stage of binder hardening during service life will simulate by pressurized aging vessel (PAV) according to (SHRP) research where it is available in American society of Testing Materials (ASTM). This simulation attends to predict aging during service life between 7 to 10 years as proven recently by Strategic Research Highway Program (SHRP). Aging tests predict binder aging and thus predict its effect on pavement performance. 1.2 Problem statement Typically, most aging binder specifications conducted by advanced tests such as dynamic shear rheometer where it can be considered to be one of the most complex and powerful instruments for characterizing the flow properties of bitumen. SHRP research has improved binder experimental procedures, specifications and evaluation. Local specification is normally based on conventional properties such as penetration, viscosity, and softening point. There are no items to predict these elements and to be specifically related to the local conditions. Thus there is a need for detail study the effect of aging using Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFOT), and the pressure aging vessel (PAV). 3 1.3 Objectives This study was intended to simulate the aging process by using Rolling Thin Film Oven Test to compare with Pressure Aging Vessel by using two procedures in term of short and long-term aging. Three types of bitumen was used according to JKR bitumen. This study also looked into the properties of the bitumen after each process bitumen aging. 1.4 Scope of the Study This study involves laboratory experiments where this study focus on three samples of fresh bitumen 80/100, 60/70, and PG70 which obtained from mix plants and were tested to find their conventional properties based on penetration, softening point, and viscosity tests. All tests were conducted at Transportation laboratory Universiti Teknoligi, Skudi Johor. CHAPTER 2 LITRATURE REVIEW 2.1 General Introduction In the last decades, a significant amount of research has been focused on the use and behavior of asphalt cements within pavement applications. It is well documented that environment plays a significant role in determining the properties of hot mix asphalt (HMA) as a function of time, which in turn affects the performance of HMA pavements. The major environmental factors that affect HMA material properties include the changes of temperature and moisture over time. In case of asphalt mixes, research conducted in Strategic Highway Research Program, SHRP A-005 clearly showed the environmental effect (temperature) on the age hardening characteristics of asphalt binders. The study concluded that higher mean annual air temperatures result in relatively higher rate of aging compared to the cooler climates. The study also showed the effect of other parameters such as volumetric properties and the location of the asphalt layer in the pavement system on asphalt mix aging. Higher air voids results in higher oxidation and hence more stiffening of the asphalt mix. Asphalt layers that are located deeper in the pavement system do not come in direct contact with air; as a result, the oxidation of the binder in these layers is reduced. Therefore, the stiffening of the asphalt mix is inversely proportional to the 5 depth at which it is located in the pavement system. On the other hand, moisture does not have any significant effect on the aging properties of asphalt mixes. However, moisture may result in stripping phenomenon, which will eventually affect the durability. Hardening or aging of the original asphalt binder, due to the plant mix process (short-term aging) and normal in-situ aging (long-term aging) are extremely complex phenomena because of the numerous factors that influence the rate of aging. While the mechanism of aging is complex, its impact on pavement performance is generally understood. The short and long term aging processes result in the hardening of the asphalt binder with time. Thus, overall response i.e., dynamic modulus of the asphalt mixture also gradually increases in rigidity with time. 2.2 Effects of Binder aging on HMA In general, it is essential that short-term aging of mixtures in the field be controlled and that long-term aging is not excessive. While it is important to note that short-term aging in the field can be controlled through mixture specifications and by appropriate quality assurance, long-term aging is more uncertain. As the asphalt mix becomes more rigid with the aging process, an increased susceptibility to cracking and fracture occurs. This hardening of the asphalt cements (mixture) aids in the development of several distress types, which may ultimately lead to the failure of the pavement system. However, binder properties are not the only cause of the development of the distress, they are considered to be the very important to the overall performance of any flexible pavement system. 6 2.3 Bitumen Physical Properties For most engineering and construction purposes, the physical characteristics of asphalt cements are usually used in specifications. Physical characteristics are related to the chemical composition and any change in chemical properties is reflected on the physical properties. The main physical measures used are by the paving industry are: 1. Consistency (flow properties) 2. Purity 3. Safety 2.3.1 Consistency Consistency is used to describe the viscosity or the degree of fluidity of asphalt at a specific temperature. It is important to use a specific temperature when comparing the consistencies for different asphalts. This is because asphalt is a thermo-plastic material and its flow properties highly depend upon the temperature. At cold temperatures it is hard and behaves like an elastic material, whereas at high temperatures it is more viscous and flows under the action of gravity. The following are common, standard tests for measuring the consistency of asphalt. • Dynamic Shear Modulus (G*) • Viscosity • Penetration • Softening point 7 Dynamic Shear Modulus (DSM) The DSM is determining the linear visco-elastic properties of asphalt binders required for specification testing and is not intended as a comprehensive procedure for the full characterization of the visco-elastic properties of asphalt binder. The Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) is the standard test method (AASHTO TP5-98) for determining the DSM and is applicable both to un-aged and aged asphalt binders. The two properties obtained using the DSR are the complex shear modulus, G* and the phase angle. The G* is defined as the ratio calculated by dividing the absolute value of the peak-to-peak shear stress, τ, by the absolute value of the peak-to-peak shear strain, γ. The phase angle, δ, is the angle in radian between a sinusoidally applied strain and the resultant sinusoidal stress in a controlled strain testing mode or between applied stress and resultant strain in a controlled stress testing mode. The test can be carried out at various temperatures and frequencies. Oscillatory loading frequencies using this standard can range from 1 to 100 rad/s using a sinusoidal waveform. Specification testing is performed at a test frequency of 10 rad/s. The test temperatures for this test is related to the temperature experienced by the pavement in the geographical area for which the asphalt binder is intended. The complex shear modulus obtained at a specific frequency and temperature is an indicator of the stiffness or resistance of asphalt binder to deformation under load. The complex shear modulus and the phase angle define the resistance to shear deformation of asphalt binder in the linear visco-elastic region. Other linear visco-elastic properties such as the storage modulus (G’), or the loss modulus (G”), can be calculated from the complex modulus and the phase angle. The loss modulus (G”) is a measure of the energy dissipated during each loading cycle. 8 Viscosity Standard viscosity measurements are generally conducted at two major temperatures: 60°C and 135°C for most specifications. The 60°C temperature typifies the maximum asphalt pavement temperature in service, whereas 135°C is generally represents mixing and lay-down temperatures for hot asphalt. The viscosity test at 60°C is generally carried out by capillary tube viscometers (ASTM D2171). Two commonly used viscometers are the Asphalt Institute Vacuum Viscometer and the Cannon-Manning Vacuum Viscometer. However, viscosity at 135°C is commonly estimated by Zeitfuchs cross arm viscometer. Penetration The penetration test (ASTM D5) is an empirical measure of asphalt consistency. In this test, a needle with a standard weight is allowed to bear on the surface of asphalt cement for a given specified time. The distance, in units of 0.1 mm, which the needle penetrates into the asphalt cement, is the penetration measurement. The test can be carried out over a wide range of temperatures. However, if the test temperature is not specifically mentioned, the ASTM recommends the test to be done at 25°C with 100 grams of load for 5 seconds. Other conditions may be used for special testing, such as the following: Temperature, °C Load, gms Time, sec. 0 200 60 4 200 60 46.1 50 5 9 Softening Point A softening point test is used to determine the temperature at which the fluidity of asphalt begins (ASTM D36). The softening point is sometimes called the Ring and Ball test. Temperature is important because it denotes an equi-viscous point for all asphalt materials. Samples of asphalt loaded with steel balls are confined in brass rings suspended in a beaker of water, glycerin or ethylene glycol at 25 mm (1 inch) above the metal plate. The liquid is then heated at a prescribed rate. As the asphalt softens, the balls and the asphalt gradually sink towards the plate. At a moment the asphalt touches the plate, the temperature of water is determined and this is designated as the ring and ball softening point of asphalt. 2.3.2 Purity The solubility test (ASTM D2042) is a measure of the purity of asphalt. Bitumen is a major constituent of asphalt and is 99.5 percent soluble in carbon disulfide (CS2). Thus the percent of asphalt dissolved in carbon disulfide determines the purity of the asphalt cement in question. 2.3.3 Safety The temperature at which asphalt fumes ignite generally defines the safety aspects of asphalt. Combustible fumes are produced by asphalt upon heating and specifications usually require that asphalt fumes produced upon heating should not catch fire up to at least 175°C (374°F). The Flash Point test (ASTM D92) is normally 10 used to check the combustibility of asphalt as a function of temperature. In this test, asphalt is heated gradually. The temperature at which the fumes released from the asphalt ignite is defined as the flash point. 2.4 Relationship between Chemical and Physical Properties A brief overview of the chemical and physical properties of asphalt cement is presented in the previous sections. Both of these properties are used to characterize the behavior of asphalt cement, however, for specification purposes, physical properties are commonly used. This is because of the ease of measuring the physical properties and interdependence of physical properties on the chemical composition. The dependence occurs because each chemical fraction does possess a unique set of physical characteristics. Table 1 shows the physical characteristics of the chemical fractions considered in Corbett-Swarbrick procedure (Selective Adsorption-Desorption). The relative percentage of each fraction then defines the physical characteristics of the overall asphalt. Table 1 shows that both saturates and naphthene-aromatic are liquid and have lowviscosities compared to solid polar aromatic and asphaltene. It is important to note thatall asphalts will have consistencies between the extremes defined by these fractions, in which the saturates and naphthene-aromatic are liquids acting as plasticizers for the solid polar aromatic and asphaltenes. No viscosity data for asphaltenes are reported in Table 1 because they have extremely large viscosities and cannot be determined with currently available equipment. 11 Table 1 Elemental Analysis of Representative Petroleum Asphalts 2.5 Factors affecting age hardening The hardening of asphalt binders occurs in two major stages. These stages are: 1. Plant hot mix and laydown operation 2. Long term in-service hardening The basic cause of the hardening during the first stage (Short Term Aging STA) is mainly due to volatilization and oxidation, whereas, oxidation is the major factor for the second stage (Long Term Aging - LTA). Several factors are responsible for the change in binder properties during these two stages. Some of these factors are controllable while others are uncontrollable. A brief discussion of the effect of these factors on the aging hardening characteristics of as asphalt binders is discussed below. 2.5.1 Plant Hot Mix and Laydown Operation It is a generally accepted fact that a considerable amount of hardening occurs in the mixing and laydown operation in a relatively short period of time. This may amount 12 to10 to 30% of the total ultimate hardening of asphalt cement. The major factors responsible for hardening during the mixing operation are: 1. Plant Operation a. Mixing temperature b. Mixing time c. Mix composition d. Asphalt type e. Plant type 2. Laydown Operation a. Delay incurred in compaction after laydown b. Rate of cooling Of all the factors mentioned above, the mixing temperature and the type of asphalt cement are considered to be most important elements responsible for the short term hardening of asphalt cement. Plant mixing temperatures typically range from 135 to 177°C. Higher temperatures usually result in higher loss of volatile material in the binder and also accelerate the oxidation phenomena. In addition to the mixing temperature, the type of asphalt (ie. asphalt grade) is critical to the hardening phenomenon. Softer (low viscosity) asphalts are more prone to change compared to harder (high viscosity) grade asphalts. However, it is important to realize that higher temperatures during mixing and laydown are usually required for harder grade asphalts. Thus, this shows a direct link between the asphalt grade and the mixing temperature. This is also evident from Asphalt Institute specifications for mixing asphalt. The Asphalt Institute criteria requires that the mixing should be done between 150 to 190 centistokes and compaction is accomplished between 250-310 centistokes for all asphalt cement types. Thus higher temperatures are required to achieve these consistency limits for higher-grade asphalts. 13 Mixing time refers to the time it takes to mix the aggregate with asphalt cement. Longer mixing time will result in greater hardening of the asphalt cement if all other variables are kept constant. Greater hardening is due to the fact that asphalt is exposed to a high temperature (135-177°C) for a longer time period, which results in more loss of volatile material and also more oxidation. In contrast to long-term aging, mix composition does not have a significant effect upon the hardening of asphalt cement. This was also concluded by Bright (1962) based upon three different types of mixes used in the plant mix operation. In summary, all the factors discussed do have some effect on the hardening phenomenon during the mix/laydown process. Unfortunately, not enough knowledge is currently available to quantitatively evaluate the impact of each parameter upon the consistency temperature shift from the original asphalt cement properties to those obtained at the mix/laydown conditions. 2.6 aging simulation Procedure on age hardening properties was carried out under the Strategic Highway Research Program, SHRP A-003A to simulate short and long term aging in the laboratory. As a result of the conduct in SHRP, laboratory procedures were developed to simulate the hardening potential of asphalt binders and mixes. The two procedures developed were: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO Designation: PP1-98, Standard Practice for Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFOT) and Pressurized Aging Vessel, PAV for the asphalt binders. The approaches followed in these procedures are of great value for the ongoing research on pavement aging; however, due to the limited resources and time constraints under the SHRP program, these provisional procedures developed have certain limitations. 14 NCHRP 9-23, Environmental Effects in Pavement Mix and Structural Design Systems, research study was initiated to verify the work done under SHRP and to provide conclusions on the significance of limitations associated with the existing protocol. Overcoming these limitations would involve the validation of these procedures with respect to their capability of predicting the age hardening characteristics of asphalt binders and mixes. To achieve this objective, laboratory tests were conducted on the binders and their mixes. 2.6.1 Short-term aging Changes in asphalt binder characteristics that occur during the mixing, lay down, and compaction processes were associated with short-term aging. Early In 1940, Lewis and Welborn introduced the TFO test for differentiating volatility and hardening characteristics of asphalts. In 1963 Hveem, Zube, and Skog introduced the RTFO test in specifications for the CALTRANS). Bell, 1989, summarized the test methods that have been used to simulate the short-term aging on asphalt binders. He identified six test methods: 1. Thin film oven test 2. Shell microfilm test 3. Rolling thin film oven test 4. Rolling microfilm oven test 5. Tilt-oven durability test and 6. Thin film accelerated aging test Initially, the Rolling Thin Film Oven (ASTM D 2872) and Thin Film Oven (ASTM D1754) tests were both being utilized for short-term aging in the Superpave 15 asphalt binder specifications. The same authors stated that further investigation of these test methods were discontinued and “attention was given to long-term field aging which is not addressed in the current specifications”. In the final version of the PG specification, the RTFO test was selected to approximate short-term aging. Film Oven Test (TFOT) ASTM D 1754 and Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFOT) ASTM D 2872, were reviewed and questions were raised with regard to the calibration of these methods for different plants, operating conditions, asphalt sources, and aggregate types. An in-depth study to validate and cross-correlate the two test methods was considered, however, a comprehensive evaluation of TFOT test and RTFOT test methods would have consumed a disproportionate amount of the available resources. Therefore, further study of the two methods was discounted and attention was given to long-term field aging, which is not addressed in the current specifications. In order to simplify the specification, the rolling thin film oven test was chosen as the single test for the new Superpave asphalt binder specification. The RTFOT test can be completed more rapidly than TFOT test, the RTFOT test is preferable for polymer-modified binders, and there is less between-laboratory variability for the RTFOT test than for TFOT test. Hence the RTFOT test was chosen in preference to the TFOT test. If both the RTFOT and TFOT tests were retained in the Superpave asphalt binder specification the net effect would have been to double the number of grades because different asphalt cements and different asphalt binders respond differently to the two tests. 2.6.2 Long-Term Aging Asphalt binders age due to two major mechanisms: volatilization or short-term aging and oxidation or long-term aging. The in-service or long-term aging of asphalt binder represents slow, longer term oxidation. Due to relatively moderate in-service temperatures, long-term volatilization is slow. Thus, the in-service aging or long-term 16 aging is mainly related to oxidation of asphalt binders. In the Superpave asphalt binder specifications, long-term aging is represented by the PAV test, which reflects both the chemical and physical changes of asphalt binders in-service. The PAV test is intended to approximate five to ten years of in-service aging. However, several factors affect in-service aging, which could influence this approximation. These factors are: local climatic conditions, aggregate type, absorption, mixture type, asphalt film thickness, air-void content, traffic loading, and asphalt chemical composition. In reviewing previous efforts to select a long-term aging test, the PAV test was adopted for Superpave because it is a relatively fast and simple procedure. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The purpose of this study is to evaluate bitumen and aging simulation to find relation between short-term aging simulation from RTFOT and PAV. These mixes and neat bitumen are according to the specification given by Malaysia Department of Public Works (JKR). Three types of bitumen of penetration grade 80/100, 60/70, and PG70 available in the laboratory were used. Samples were tested in laboratory according to SHRP procedure. 3.2 Laboratory Test Procedure The laboratory tests are divided into several stages begin with samples obtaining from plant. Neat bitumen is used to simulate short-term aging by Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFOT). Penetration, softening point, and viscosity tests are conducted. Pressurized aging vessel (PAV) is followed to simulate long-term aging. Figure 3.1 shows the laboratory test flow chart. 18 Obtain Plant Fresh bitumen: 1- 80/100 2- 60/70 3- PG 70 RTFOT Penetration Softening point Viscosity RTFOT+PAV 20 Penetration Softening point Viscosity Comparison Comparison Analysis Conclusion Recommendation Figure 3.1: Laboratory Test Flow chart PAV 5h Penetration Softening point Viscosity PAV 25h Penetration Softening point Viscosity 19 3.3 Rolling Thin Film Oven Test The Rolling Thin-Film Oven test (RTFOT) procedure (Figure 3.2) provides simulated short term aged asphalt binder for physical property testing. Asphalt binder is exposed to elevated temperatures to simulate manufacturing and placement aging. The RTFO also provides a quantitative measure of the volatiles lost during the aging process. Figure 3.2 Rolling thin-film oven test. 1. Heat a sample of asphalt binder until it is fluid to pour. Stir sample to ensure homogeneity and remove air bubbles. 2. If a determination of mass change is desired, label two RTFO bottles and weigh them empty. These are designated as the "mass change" bottles. Record the weights. 3. Pour 1.23 oz (35 g) of asphalt binder into each bottle. Immediately after pouring each bottle, turn the bottles on their side without rotating or twisting and place them on a cooling rack. 20 Figure 3.3 Pouring hot asphalt binder into the RTFO bottle 4. Allow all bottles to cool 60 to 180 minutes. 5. After cooling, weigh the two mass change bottles again. Record the weights. 6. Place the bottles in the RTFO oven carousel, close the door, and rotate carousel at 15 RPM for 85 minutes. During this time, maintain the oven temperature at 325°F (163°C) and the airflow into the bottles at 244 in3/min (4000 ml/min). 7. Remove the bottles one at a time from the carousel, setting the mass change bottles aside. Residue from the remaining bottles should be transferred to a single container. Remove residue from each bottle by first pouring as much material as possible, then scraping the sides of the bottle to remove any remaining residue. There is no standard 21 scraping utensil but at least 90 percent of the asphalt binder should be removed from the bottle. RTFO residue should be tested within 72 hours of aging 8. After cooling the two mass change bottles for 60 - 180 minutes, weigh them and discard their residue. Record the weights. 3.3.1 Parameters Measured Mass change of a sample as a percent of initial mass. The RTFO is primarily used to simulate short term asphalt binder aging for use in other tests. Performance Graded Asphalt Binder RTFO Specification is as follows: Material Value Specification Unaged binder Mass loss1 ≤ 1.0% Property of Concern None Note 1 Although some samples can gain weight due to the oxidative products formed during the test (Roberts et al., 1996), there is currently no limit on mass gain. Where Typical mass loss is in the range of 0.05 to 0.5 percent. Calculations can be done for the mass change bottles in the following form: Mass change= (B-A)/A*100 A=Wbi-Wo Where: 22 • Wbi = bottle + binder weight before aging • Wbf = bottle + binder weight after aging • Wo = empty bottle weight • A = initial sample weight • B = final sample weight 3.4 Pressure aging vessel test The Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) (Figure 3.4) provides simulated long term aged asphalt binder for physical property testing. Asphalt binder is exposed to heat and pressure to simulate in-service aging over a 7 to 10 year period. The basic PAV procedure takes RTFOT aged asphalt binder samples, places them in stainless steel pans and then ages them for 20 hours in a heated vessel pressurized to 305 psi (2.10 MPa or 20.7 atmospheres). Samples are then stored for use in physical property tests. The standard Pressure Aging Vessel procedure is found in: • AASHTO R 28: Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV) 23 Figure 3.4 Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) Pressure tests. This approach, although originally less popular than oven tests, has been around for over 40 years. Pressure tests work by using high pressure to increase the diffusion rate of oxygen into an asphalt binder sample. In general, this approach limits the loss of volatiles while aging the asphalt binder sample. Based on the preceding descriptions, a pressure test was desired for simulating long term asphalt binder aging because (Bahia and Anderson, 1995): 24 • Volatile loss is minimized. • Aging can be accomplished without high temperatures. • Large enough sample sizes can be accommodated. • Field climate conditions can be approximated. • Laboratory use is practical. The standard asphalt binder PAV was developed at Iowa State University for long term aging of asphalt cements and is also a standard method for aging rubber products (as in ASTM D 454 and ASTM D 572) (Roberts et al., 1996). The PAV process is typically conducted for 20 hours at either 194, 212 or 230°F (90, 100 or 110°C). These were chosen for practical, rather than theoretical reasons. Original PAV experiments were conducted at 300 psi (2.07 MPa) and 60°C for 6 days.Results showed insufficient aging and the test period was deemed too long. Therefore, in order to increasing the aging rate (producing a shorter test) the test temperature was raised. Originally, a test temperature of 212°F (100°C) was chosen but, during field validation, it was found to be overly harsh for cold climates and too mild for hot climates. Therefore, three elevated temperatures are used, each one to simulate a different general environmental condition: Temperature 212°F (100°C) Simulation 194°F (90°C) Cold climate 230°F (110°C) Moderate climate 230°F (110°C) Hot climate 25 3.4.1 Basic Procedure 1. Heat RTFO aged asphalt binder until fluid enough to pour. Stir sample and pour 50 g into a preheated thin film oven pan (Video 1). Pour as many pans as needed for intermediate and cold temperature testing (usually 1 – 3 pans will suffice). 2. Place pans (Figure 3.6) in a pan holder and place inside preheated PAV Figure 3.6 PAV pan (with a quarter for scale). 3. Seal the PAV and allow it to return to the aging temperature. Aging temperature is based on the climate where the material is expected to be used. For climates where a PG 52 or lower is specified, the PAV is performed at 194°F (90°C). For climates where a PG 58 or higher is specified, the PAV is performed at 212°F (100°C). For desert climates, it is recommended to perform the PAV at 230°F (110°C). 26 4. Once the PAV has reached the desired temperature, pressurize the PAV to 300 psi (2.07 MPa) and maintained the pressure for for 20 hours. 5. At the end of the aging period, gradually release the pressure and remove the pans from the PAV. 6. Place the pans in an oven set at 325°F (163°C) for 15 minutes, then scrape into a single container sized so that the depth of the residue in the container is between 0.55 and 1.57 inches (14 and 40 mm). 7. Place the container in a vacuum oven (Figure 9) at 338°F (170°C) and degas the sample for 30 minutes to remove entrapped air. If not degassed, entrapped air bubbles may cause premature breaking in the DTT test CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DATA ANALAYSIS 4.1 Introduction This chapter includes the results and data analysis of all the laboratory tests. The aim of this study was to compare the Pressure Aging Vessel and the Rolling Thin Film Oven Test by using three types of bitumen, 80/100 pen, 60/70 pen, and PG 70. These results were obtained based on the conventional properties tests, penetration, softening point, and viscosity tests. 4.2 Bitumen properties Bitumen properties divided in three stages, fresh, short-term, and long-term aging properties. 28 4.2.1 Fresh Bitumen properties As preliminary stage the three types of bitumen were tested based on their conventional properties. These tests were conducted to reflect the original bitumen properties. According to ASTM standards tables show the data obtained for each type. Table 4.1 Fresh Bitumen properties Properties Penetration ASTM D5 (pen) Softening point ASTM D36°C Viscosity at 135 C˚ ASTM D4402 cP.s 80/100 60/70 PG70 88 68 60 41 39 46 100 350 700 4.2.2 Bitumen properties after RTFOT These properties after simulation of short-term aging by using Rolling Thin Film Oven Test. Each type of bitumen where has been tested for 85 minutes in the oven and then properties can be obtained. Tables below show the properties of each type. 29 Table 4.2 Bitumen properties after RTFOT Properties 80/100 60/70 PG70 Penetration ASTM D5 (pen) Softening point ASTM D36°C Viscosity at 135 C˚ ASTM D4402 cP.s 32 37 31 48.5 45 62 400 800 2400 4.2.3 Bitumen properties after PAV (5 Hours) Aging simulation conducts for 5 hours to find the properties that can be compare to the properties of RTFOT. Tables below show the properties of each type of bitumen. Table 4.3 Bitumen properties after PAV (5h) Properties 80/100 60/70 PG70 Penetration ASTM D5 (pen) Softening point ASTM D36°C Viscosity at 135 C˚ ASTM D4402 cP.s 36 37 42 45 43.5 52.5 300 800 1100 4.2.4 Bitumen properties after RTFOT+PAV (20 Hours) To simulate long-term aging by conducting Rolling Thin Film Oven Test plus Pressure Aging Vessel for 20 hours. Tables followed show the result that been observed from the conventional properties for each type used. 30 Table 4.4 Bitumen properties after RTFOT+PAV (20h) Properties 80/100 60/70 PG70 Penetration ASTM D5 (pen) Softening point ASTM D36°C Viscosity at 135 C˚ ASTM D4402 cP.s 24 25 22 55 53 71 800 1400 2900 4.2.5 Bitumen properties after PAV (25 Hours) Test result by using the Pressure Aging Vessel for 25 hours Table 4.5 Bitumen properties after PAV (25h) Properties 80/100 60/70 PG70 Penetration ASTM D5 (pen) Softening point ASTM D36°C Viscosity at 135 C˚ ASTM D4402 cP.s 25 26 25 54 51 68 900 1200 2500 4.3 Data analysis Figures below show the correlation between penetration and softening point at each stage. Figure 4.1 shows the relationship between penetration and softening point for bitumen type 80/100. The figure shows that the relationship is strong with R 2 of 0.81 and as the softening increases the penetration decreases. 31 100 Fresh PAV 5h log pen 25C RTFOT RTFOT+PAV 20 h 25 PAV 10 y = -3.8506x + 228.75 R2 = 0.81 1 0 20 40 60 R&BC Figure 4.1 Bitumen 80/100 Variation of logarithm of penetration at 25°C vs. softening Point Figure 4.2 shows the relationship between penetration and softening point for bitumen type 60/70. The figure shows that the relationship is strong with R 2 of 0.857 and as the softening increases the penetration decreases. 100 Fresh lo g p en 25C PAV 5h RTFOT PAV 25 h RTFOT+PAV 20h 10 y = -3.084x + 182.53 R2 = 0.8569 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 R&B C Figure 4.2 Bitumen 60/70 Variation of logarithm of penetration at 25C vs. softening point Figure 4.3 shows the relationship between penetration and softening point for bitumen type 60/70. The figure shows that the relationship is strong with R 2 of 0.881 and as the softening increases the penetration decreases. 32 100 fresh PAV 5h RTFOT+PAV 20h RTFOT log pen 25C PAV 25h 10 y = -0.6353x + 82.995 R2 = 0.961 1 0 20 40 60 80 R&B C Figure 4.3 Bitumen PG70 Variation of logarithm of penetration at 25C vs. softening point Figures 4.4 to 4.12 show the differences of each procedure, where the best case is Bitumen 60/70 where the difference is insignificant. Bitumen 60/70 penetration pen (1/100 mm) 80 68 68 60 37 37 40 RTFOT+PAV 25 26 PAV 20 0 1 2 3 1. fresh 2. short-term aging 3. longterm aging Figure 4.4 Bitumen 60/70 by the two procedures 33 Bitumen 60/70 viscosity 1500 cP.s 1000 500 0 RTFOT+PAV PAV 1 2 3 350 800 1400 350 800 1200 1. fresh 2. short-term aging 3.long-term aging Figure 4.5 Bitumen 60/70 softening point by the two procedures Bitumen 60/70 viscosity 1500 cP.s 1000 500 0 1 2 3 RTFOT+PAV 350 800 1400 PAV 350 800 1200 1. fresh 2. short-term aging 3.long-term aging Figure 4.6 Bitumen 60/70 viscosity by the two procedures 34 pen (1/100 mm) Bitumen 80/100 pentration 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 80 80 32 1 RTFOT+PAV PAV 36 24 25 2 3 1. fresh 2. short-term aging 3. long-term aging Figure 4.7 Bitumen 80/100 penetration of the two procedures Bitumen 80/100 softening point Temperature C 60 40 RTFOT+PAV PAV 20 0 1 2 3 RTFOT+PAV 41 48.5 55 PAV 41 45 54 1. fresh 2. short-term aging term aging 3. long- Figure 4.8 Bitumen 80/100 softening point of the two procedures 35 Bitumen 80/100 viscosity 1000 800 cP.s 600 400 200 0 1 2 3 RTFOT+PAV 100 400 800 PAV 100 300 900 1. fresh 2. short-term aging 3. lomg-term aging Figure 4.9 Bitumen 80/100 Viscosity of the two procedures pen (1/100 mm) Bitumen PG70 penetration 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 60 60 42 RTFOT+PAV 31 1 22 25 2 PAV 3 1. fresh 2. short-term aging 3. long-term aging Figure 4.10 Bitumen PG70 Penetration of the two procedures 36 Bitumen PG70 softening point Temperature C 80 60 40 20 0 RTFOT+PAV PAV 1 2 3 46 62 71 46 52.5 68 1. fresh 2. short-term aging 3. lon-term aging Figure 4.11 Bitumen PG70 Softening point of the two procedures Bitumen PG70 viscosity 3500 3000 2500 cP.s 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 2 3 RTFOT+PAV 700 2400 2900 PAV 700 1100 2500 1. fresh 2. short-term aging 3. long-term aging Figure 4.12 Bitumen PG70 Viscosity of the two procedures 37 4.4 Discussion The results of each bitumen types in the different stages show mixed results in term of bitumen properties. Bitumen 80/100 pen are stable binders in term of losing its volatile materials. Short-term and long-term aging of the both procedure has showed significant hardening in the short-term aging. The two procedure give similar results, however unmodified bitumen such as 80/100 and 60/70 can be conducted by the two procedure with no significant differences in their properties. Unlike bitumen type 80/100 and 60/70, the PG70 shows significant difference when comparing the two procedures for both short and long-term aging. The rheology of the modified bitumen would have been the contributors to the differences. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This study attempts to simulate the aging and evaluate the standard test practiced. The standard test procedure for short-term aging is ASTM D 2872 using RTFOT and simulation was attempted by using PAV for 5 hrs. The results show that both test procedures are acceptable for bitumen 80/100 and 60/70 penetration grade and not acceptable for PG70. An attempt was also made to simulate the current procedure for long-term aging ASTM D 6521 with using only PAV for 25 hrs. Like the short-term aging similar results were obtained for the simulation. It appears that the modified bitumen PG70 has significant difference in the results where the rheology of the modified binder would contribute to the differences. It is recommended that the short-term aging test use the PAV equipment for the unmodified binder. Further tests for more different samples are recommended to validate the results. 38 REFRENCES Bahia, H. U. and Anderson, D.A (1994). "The Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV): A Test to Simulate Rheological Changes Due to Field Aging," Physical Properties of Asphalt Cement Binders: ASTM STP 1241, John C. Harden, Ed. American Society for Testing and Materials, (pp. 52-67). Bright, R. and Reynolds (1962). E.T. "Effect of Mixing Temperature on Hardening of Asphalt binder in Hot Bituminous Concrete", Highway Research Board, Bulletin No. 333. Galal, K. A., White, T. D. and Hand, A. J (2000). Second Phase Study of Changes in InService Asphalt. Joint Transportation Research Program. Purdue University, Indiana. Migliori, F, and J.C. Molinengo (2007). Comparative study of RTFOT and PAV Aging Simulation Laboratory Tests. Paper no.98-0850. NCHRP 9-23 (2001). Environmental Effects in Pavement Mix and Structural Design Systems. Interim Report, August Strategic Highway program SHRP (1994). Project A-003 to Simulate the Hardening Potential of Asphalt Binders. APPENDICES 40 APPENDIX A Bitumen 80/100 Tests 1. Fresh bitumen Test 1 Penetration 2 3 Sample1 85 86 88 91 89 Sample2 80 79 81 80 80 Sample3 87 89 88 88 90 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 41 41.5 B 40 40.5 4 5 41 2. Bitumen after RTFOT Test 1 Penetration 2 3 4 5 Sample1 32 32 30 33 34 Sample2 31 32 32 33 32 Sample3 32 34 33 31 32 4 5 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 48.5 48 B 49 48 3. Bitumen after PAV 5h Test 1 Penetration 2 3 Sample1 36 34 37 37 34 Sample2 34 36 37 36 36 Sample3 32 34 36 37 37 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 45 45.5 B 45 46 42 4. Bitumen after RTFOT+PAV Test 1 Penetration 2 3 4 5 Sample1 21 22 25 27 26 Sample2 24 24 25 24 24 Sample3 25 25 24 25 24 4 5 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 54.5 55 B 55 55 5. Bitumen after PAV 25 h Test 1 Penetration 2 3 Sample1 23 23 24 25 25 Sample2 24 24 25 25 26 Sample3 25 25 24 25 26 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 54.5 55 B 54 54 43 APPENDIX B Bitumen 60/70 Properties 1. Fresh bitumen Test 1 Penetration 2 3 4 5 Sample1 71 78 73 65 68 Sample2 63 71 70 67 62 Sample3 69 70 64 66 67 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 37 38 B 40 40.5 44 2. Bitumen after RTFOT Test 1 Penetration 2 3 4 5 Sample1 41 42 43 43 44 Sample2 36 36 37 38 38 Sample3 37 41 41 42 38 4 5 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 44 45 B 45 45.5 3. Bitumen after PAV 5h Test 1 Penetration 2 3 Sample1 36 40 42 40 45 Sample2 36 37 37 36 38 Sample3 37 41 43 37 42 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 43 43 B 44 44 45 4. Bitumen after RTFOT+PAV Test 1 Penetration 2 3 4 5 Sample1 21 23 25 27 26 Sample2 24 24 25 26 27 Sample3 25 26 25 25 26 4 5 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 53 53 B 53.5 53 5. Bitumen after PAV 25 h Test 1 Penetration 2 3 Sample1 24 24 25.5 31 28 Sample2 26 26 25 27 26 Sample3 26 26 27 23 26 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 51 50 B 51 51 46 APPENDIX C Bitumen PG70 Properties 1. Fresh bitumen Test 1 Penetration 2 3 4 5 Sample1 63 62 60 61 62 Sample2 61 62 60 55 58 Sample3 56 57 57 61 58 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 46 45 B 47 46 47 2. Bitumen after RTFOT Test 1 Penetration 2 3 4 5 Sample1 27 28 32 33 33 Sample2 30 31 31 32 32 Sample3 27 33 33 33 33 4 5 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 62 62 B 62 63 3. Bitumen after PAV 5h Test 1 Penetration 2 3 Sample1 41 42 42 42 37 Sample2 42 43 41 42 43 Sample3 40 40 44 45 46 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 52 52 B 53 53 48 4. Bitumen after RTFOT+PAV Test 1 Penetration 2 3 4 5 Sample1 21 23 22 27 22 Sample2 20 23 22 21 22 Sample3 24 24 21 22 21 4 5 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 70 71 B 70.5 71.5 5. Bitumen after PAV 25 h Test 1 Penetration 2 3 Sample1 24 27 22 30 24 Sample2 26 25 25 27 24 Sample3 22.5 26 27 22 23 Softening Point Sample Sample Ball 1 2 A 68 67.5 B 68 68