RESTORATION OF NEUTRON RADIOGRAPHY IMAGES NOREHAN BINTI MOHD NOR UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA RESTORATION OF NEUTRON RADIOGRAPHY IMAGES NOREHAN BINTI MOHD NOR A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Physics) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2010 iii To my beloved mother and father iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my deep gratitude to my thesis supervisor, PM Dr. Wan Muhamad Saridan b. Wan Hassan, for his guidance in formulating the objectives of this work, and for his encouragement and support throughout the completion of this dissertation even though it takes only three months. He taught me to develop independent thinking and research skills, and also express idea. This dissertation would not have been possible without his expert guidance. The many hours devoted to discussions with me are greatly appreciated. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my parent, Pn. Norsiah and En. Mohd Nor for their loving and constant support, patience, and understanding, especially during some difficult circumstances. Without their encouragement, I would have been unable to carry this work to completion. Special thanks also to my sisters for their good wishes. Special thanks to all my friends especially those in the same class with me within this 3 semester. A memory with all of you during this study will not be forgotten. Last but not least to my funding sponsor (KPT), thank you very much for the financial support. v ABSTRACT Neutron radiographic images have been used in a wide variety of industrial research and non-destructive testing applications since the early 1960s. Image in any form was never an exact representation of the object under observation because it is always corrupted by the imaging system itself. Neutron radiography image also encounters the same problem. Digital image restoration of image degraded by blurring and random noise is a solution to the problem. This research will try to restore the neutron radiography images with several restoration methods. The proposed methods are Weiner filter, regularized filter, Lucy-Richardson algorithm and blind deconvolution. All of the techniques were implemented using MATLAB programming to facilitate the demonstration of the effect of the methods. The result obtained will be analyzed and compared. It is shown that all the proposed methods can be used for restoration of neutron radiography images. The best and effective result for neutron radiography are by using Weiner filter with autocorrelation function and Lucy-Richardson (LR) algorithm with 500 iterations compared to other methods. vi ABSTRAK Imej dari radiografi neutron telah digunakan secara meluas sejak awal tahun 1960 dalam penyelidikan industri dan dalam ujian tanpa musnah. Sebarang imej yang terhasil selalunya tidak mempamerkan objek sebenar yang diperhatikan kerana kebiasaanya ia telah mengalami kerosakan akibat sistem pengimejan itu sendiri. Hal ini juga merupakan masalah yang dihadapi oleh imej yang terhasil dari kaedah radiografi neutron. Kekaburan dan juga hingar merupakan antara penyumbang kepada kerosakan imej ini. Oleh itu, untuk mengatasi masalah ini pemulihan imej perlu dilakukan. Kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengkaji beberapa kaedah pemulihan imej yang boleh digunakan untuk imej radiografi neutron. Kaedah pemulihan yang dimaksudkan adalah penapis Wiener, regularized filter, LucyRichardson algorithm dan blind deconvolution. Kesemua kaedah ini dilaksanakan menggunakan perisian MATLAB untuk mempamerkan kesan daripada proses pemulihan imej itu. Hasil yang didapati akan dianalisis dan perbandingan antara kaedah pemulihan akan dibuat untuk mengenalpasti kaedah yang terbaik. Daripada keputusan yang didapati, kesemua kaedah pemulihan imej yang dicadangkan boleh digunakan untuk pemulihan imej radiografi neutron. Dari perbandingan yang dibuat, didapati kaedah penapis Wiener dengan fungsi autokorelasi dan kaedah LucyRichardson dengan ulangan sebanyak 500 kali adalah kaedah yang terbaik jika dibandingkan dengan kaedah lain kerana ia menghasilkan imej yang lebih baik. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xvi INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preview 1 1.2 Background of Research 4 1.3 Scope of the Research 5 1.4 Objective 5 1.5 Literature Review 6 THEORY 2.1 Basic Concepts of Neutron Radiography 2.1.1 Neutron Sources Nuclear Reactors 8 8 9 viii Accelerators 10 Isotopes 11 Californium-252 11 2.1.2 Neutron Transmission 12 Attenuation of Neutrons Compared with that of X-rays 2.1.3 Neutron Interactions 12 14 Non-Scattering Interactions 14 Neutron Scattering 16 2.1.4 Detection of Neutron Neutron Image Conversion Methods for 17 17 Radiographic Film 2.1.5 Direct Exposure Methods 18 The Image Transfer Method 19 Neutron Scintillators 20 Image Analysis 2.2 Digital Image Restoration 22 2.2.1 Digital Image Representation 22 2.2.2 Image Restoration 23 2.2.3 Model of Image Degradation/Restoration Process 3 20 24 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction to Sample 26 3.2 Software 27 3.3 Wiener Filter 27 3.4 Constrained Least Squares (Regularized) Filtering 29 3.5 Iterative Nonlinear Restoration Using the Lucy-Richardson Algorithm 31 3.6 Blind Deconvolution 32 3.7 Operational Framework 34 ix 4 DATA AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction 35 4.2 Reference Image 35 4.3 Neutron Radiography Image 36 4.4 Point Spread Function (PSF) Calculation 38 4.5 Result Obtained from Wiener Filter Method 40 4.6 Result Obtained from Regularized Filter Method 42 4.7 Result Obtained from Lucy Richardson Filter Method 44 4.8 Result Obtained from Blind Deconvolution Method 46 4.9 Mean and Standard Deviation of the Elements of Matrix for Every Restored Neutron Radiography Image 4.10 Restoration of Sensitivity Indicator 5 6 49 50 DISSCUSSION 5.1 Wiener Filter 52 5.2 Regularized Filtering 53 5.3 Lucy Richardson (LR) Algorithm 54 5.4 Blind Deconvolution 55 5.5 Restoration of Sensitivity Indicator 55 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Conclusion and Recommendation 57 REFERENCES 59 Appendices A-D 62-65 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Classification of neutrons by energy 9 3.1 Operation framework 34 4.1 Mean and standard deviation of the elements of matrix 49 4.2 Mean and standard deviation value for Figure 4.20 50 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Mass attenuation coefficient versus atomic number 13 2.2 Radiative capture 15 2.3 Inelastic scattering 16 2.4 Direct exposure method of making a neutron radiograph 18 2.5 Image transfer method for making neutron radiographs 19 2.6 Characteristic curve 21 2.7 A model of the image degradation/restoration process 24 3.1 Operation framework 34 4.1 Reference image 36 4.2 Original neutron radiography image 36 4.3 Neutron radiography image that will be analyzed 37 4.4 Histogram of neutron radiography image (Figure 4.3) 37 4.5 Graph of index of the column in the image versus column 38 4.6 Graph of dy/dx versus column 4.7 Gaussian spatial filter 4.8 (a) Blurred, noisy image. (b) Result of inverse filtering. 38 39 (c) Result of Wiener filtering using a constant ratio. (d) Result of Wiener filtering using autocorrelation functions. 4.9 40 (a) Result of NR inverse filtering using Wiener filter. (b) Result of NR using Wiener filtering with a constant ratio.(c) Result of NR using Wiener filtering with autocorrelation functions. 40 xii 4.10 (a) Histogram of NR inverse filtering using Wiener filter. (b) Histogram of NR using Wiener filtering with a constant ratio. (c) Histogram of NR using Wiener filtering with autocorrelation functions. 4.11 41 (a) Blurred, noisy image. (b) Result of image (a) Restored using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 4. (c) Result of image (a) restored using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 0.4 and a RANGE of [1e-7 1e7] 4.12 42 (a) Result of restored NR image using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 4. (b) Result of restored NR image using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 0.4 and a RANGE of [1e-7 1e7] 4.13 42 (a) Histogram of restored NR image using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 4. (b) Histogram of restored NR image using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 0.4 and a RANGE of [1e-7 1e7] 4.14 43 (a) Blurred, noisy image. (b) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 10 iteration. (c) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 100 iteration. (d) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 500 iteration. 4.15 44 (a) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 10 iteration. (b) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 100 iteration. (c) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 500 iteration. 4.16 44 (a) Histogram of restored image using L-R algorithm with 10 iteration. (b) Histogram of restored image using L-R algorithm with 100 iteration. (c) Histogram of restored image using L-R algorithm with 500 iteration 44. xiii 4.17 (a) Blurred, noisy image. (b) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 5 iterations. (c) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 10 iterations. (d) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 20 iterations. (e) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 30 iterations 4.18 46 (a) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 5 iterations. (b) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 10 iterations. (c) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 20 iterations. (d) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 30 iterations. 4.19 47 (a) Histogram of restored image using blind deconvolution with 5 iterations. (b) Histogram of restored image using blind deconvolution with 10 iterations.(c) Histogram of restored image using blind deconvolution with 20 iterations. (d) Histogram of restored image using blind deconvolution with 30 iterations. 4.20 48 (a) Image of sensitivity indicator (SI) before restoration. (b) Image of SI after using Wiener filter with autocorrelation function. (c) Image of SI after using LR algorithm with 500 iterations 4.21 50 (a) Image histogram of sensitivity indicator before restoration. (b) Image histogram of SI after using Wiener filter with autocorrelation function. (c) Image histogram of SI after using LR algorithm with 5.1 500 iterations 51 Sensitivity indicator 56 xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS A - Target mass number C - Minimum of criterion function De - Photographic density E - Exposure of the film Et - Inelastic threshold f(x,y) - Input image - Estimate of the original image - Slope in the linear portion of the characteristic response x,y) G curve for the film Goffset - Dark current g(x,y) - Degraded image H - Matrix H - Degradation function H(u,v) - Optical transfer function , h(x,y) I, - Complex conjugate of , Spatial representation of the degradation function - Transmitted intensity - Incident intensity N - Number of atoms per cubic centimeter P(u,v) - Fourier transform of the function , - Power spectrum of the noise - Power spectrum of the undegraded image t - Thickness of specimen in the beam path Σ - Macroscopic absorption cross section - Total macroscopic cross section Io, , Σ xv ε1 - Energy of the nucleus first excited state η(x,y) - Noise term σ - Neutron cross section of the particular material or isotope σ - Standard deviation µn - Linear attenuation coefficient for neutrons µx - Linear attenuation coefficient for photons * - convolution - Laplacian operator 2 xvi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Codes for Wiener Filtering 62 B Codes for Regularized Filtering 63 C Codes for Lucy-Richardson Algorithm 64 D Codes for Blind Deconvolution 65 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preview Neutrons were discovered as independent particle in 1932 by Chadwick. The history of neutron radiography begins in 1935 when Professor Hartmut Kallman whose publication in 1948 and early joint patents with Kuhn 1937 outlined the basic principles of neutron radiography [1]. The original Kallman work was performed with a small accelerator that is equivalent to about 2-3 g of a modern radiumberyllium source. The fast neutron yield would have been about 4 x 107 neutrons per second which would yield a low intensity thermal neutron beam after moderation and collimation. At about the same time the investigation done by Kallman and Kuhn, similar studies were being conducted by Peter, also in Germany [1]. Peter had the advantage of a much more intense neutron source, namely an accelerator, whose output was roughly equivalent to a 10 kg radium-beryllium neutron source. The exposure time to obtain neutron radiograph by Peter are faster which is in the order of 1-3 minutes compared with days in previous work 2 Because of the Second World War, further development of neutron radiography did not occur until the mid-1950s when nuclear reactors were developed as prolific sources of neutrons [2]. Indeed, Peter had to wait until 1946 to publish his results and Kallmann and Kuhn until 1948. The next major development programme in neutron radiography was mounted at the Argonne National Laboratory under the control of Berger [1]. In 1966 work on neutron radiography commenced at the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s Dounreay Experimental Reactor Establishment, and in 1969 work was also recommenced at the Atomic Energy Authority Research Establishment at Harwell. Since that date many laboratories all over the world have become actively interested in neutron radiography. The first neutron radiographs produced were not in a high quality, but it gives valuable information about neutron sources and image detection methods. This is because the early research work on neutron radiography was concentrated on developing the techniques and delineating the useful application areas of the technique while laboring under the disadvantage of very low output neutron sources. Subsequent improvements in technology have made neutron radiography a useful tool for inspecting materials and devices containing elements such as hydrogen, beryllium, lithium, and boron. It was especially useful for inspecting electronic and explosive devices having nonmetallic materials contained in a metal jacket. Neutron radiography, like conventional X-ray radiography, uses a form of penetrating radiation to nondestructively assess the physical integrity of selected materials and structures. The radiographic image is essentially a two-dimensional shadow display or picture of the intensity distribution of thermal neutrons that have passed through a material object. Although both types of radiography are similar in many ways, attenuation characteristics of the two types of energy are not only different but are sometimes opposite in nature. The total neutron cross section is the criterion for utilizing neutron radiography, whereas density and atomic number are the parameters of concern when testing with X-rays. Consequently, one method cannot replace the other in fact they complement each other [3]. Neutron radiography complements conventional X-ray radiography and gamma radiography 3 by having the capability of detecting flaws and material conditions in structures and devices that cannot be effectively assessed with other methods. The unique capability of neutrons is due to the fact that they do not interact with orbiting electrons in the atoms of materials being tested. This property allows them to travel rather freely through materials until there are in direct collisions with atomic nuclei. The nuclei of some nonmetallic materials attenuate neutrons more than those of dense materials such as iron. This allows imaging of low density ordnance devices encased in high density metallic materials. Other unique capabilities of neutron radiography are to assess the flow of lubricant and fuel in aircraft and automobile engines during test operations and also radiographed the burning propellant inside the steel rifle barrels or rocket motors. Neutron radiography does have some disadvantages. These include the fact that practical neutron sources and shielding materials are large and heavy, and adequate sources are expensive. Relatively long exposure times are required for the smaller, low-yield neutron sources. More complex film exposure procedures are required for neutron radiography than for X-ray radiography, and low-level radioactivity of cassettes and transfer screens causes some issue for personnel safety [3]. 4 1.2 Background of Research Images made with neutrons have been widely used in industrial research and non-destructive testing applications since the early 1960s [4]. General applications for neutron radiography include inspections of nuclear materials, explosive devices, turbine blades, electronic packages and miscellaneous assemblies including aerospace structure (metallic honeycomb and composite components), valves and other assemblies. Industrial applications generally involve the detection of a particular material in an assembly containing two or more materials. Examples include detection of residual ceramic core in an investment-cast turbine blade, corrosion in a metallic assembly, water in honeycomb, explosive in a metallic assembly or a rubber ‘O ring’ in a valve. Nuclear applications depend on the capability of neutron radiography to yield good, low background radiographs of highly radioactive material, to penetrate fairly heavy assemblies and to discriminate between isotopes [5]. In neutron radiography, there are several components tend to degrade the image, limiting the resolution of neutron radiography. The image degraded sources in neutron radiography are geometric unsharpness associated with lack of collimation in the beam, statistical fluctuation associated with low neutron beam intensities or gamma ray background, scattering degradation caused by scattering of neutrons which deflects the beam, motion unsharpness due to object motion during the exposure, and limitations in the imaging and processing systems, such as converterfilm unsharpness and electrical noise [6]. In neutron radiography, corrupted images often pose problem for analysis and detection of the object being observed. To overcome this problem, restoration process was used to reduce the blurring and noise effects on the image. Restoration was one of the areas in image processing techniques that have emerged as an important multi-disciplinary field with applications in widely variety of area [7]. 5 1.3 Scope of the Research The restoration of digital images degraded by blurring and random noise is of interest in many fields such as radar imaging, bio-medicine, industrial radiography, seismology and consumer photography. This research was limited to the neutron radiography images. The image from the neutron radiography will be restored using Weiner filter, regularized filter, Lucy-Richardson algorithm and blind deconvolution. All of this technique was implemented using MATLAB software version (R14) to facilitate demonstration of the result from the proposed restoration methods. 1.4 Objective The objectives of the research are as follow: 1) To study the restoration techniques using MATLAB so it can improve the quality of neutron radiography image. 2) To analyze the effect of digital image restoration techniques to the neutron radiography images. 3) Comparison of restored neutron radiography image produced by different restoration methods. 6 1.5 Literature Review The restoration of digital images degraded by blurring and random noise was become interest in many field such as aerial and radar imaging, biomedicine, industrial radiography, seismology, and consumer photography [7]. There are many restoration methods for image processing but in this study it’s limited to Wiener filter, Lucy-Richardson filter, blind deconvolution and regularized filter. Restoration of image using Wiener filter give impact to image processing field. In 1989 Guan and Ward [8] publish a paper on restoring blurred images by the Wiener filter. In this paper, the restoration of images distorted by systems with noisy point spread functions and additive detection noise is considered. Computation was carried out in the frequency domain using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and circulant matrix approximation. Experimental results in this study show that the modified Wiener filter outperforms its linear counterpart (based on neglecting the impulse-response noise). The modified Wiener filter also gives better restoration results than a Backus-Gilbert technique. Restoration using regularized method is also of interest to researcher in image processing field. Mesarovic et al. [9] in their paper on regularized constrained total least squares (RCTLS) image restoration found that this technique reduces significantly ringing artifacts around edges. Additionally, the problem of restoring an image distorted by a linear space-invariant point-spread function that is not exactly known is formulated as the solution of a perturbed set of linear equations. The RCTLS method is used to solve this set of equations. Blind deconvolution technique was another restoration method in the image processing field. The objective of the blind image restoration is to reconstruct the original image from a degraded observation without the knowledge of either the true image or the degradation process. A detailed description of the blind deconvolution 7 methods can be found in journal article by Kundur and Hatzinakos [10]. In this paper, they present a novel blind deconvolution technique for the restoration of linearly degraded images without explicit knowledge of either the original image or the point spread function. The technique applies to situations in which the scene consists of a finite support object against a uniformly black, gray, or white background. According to them, this occurs in certain types of astronomical imaging, medical imaging, and one-dimensional (1-D) gamma ray spectra processing, among others. In this study, they prove that convexity of the cost function, establish sufficient conditions to guarantee a unique solution, and examine the performance of the technique in the presence of noise. The new approach was experimentally shown to be more reliable and to have faster convergence than existing nonparametric finite support blind deconvolution methods. For situations in which the exact object support is unknown, they propose a novel support finding algorithm. Jin Wei [11] in his study found an effective image restoration method for neutron radiography image. This study applies a combination of two methods which is dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) to suppress noise and LucyRichardson (L-R) algorithm to deconvolution. Results obtain in this study is compared with the result of original L-R algorithm (without denoising step) in order to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. The result shows that the combination of these two methods gives nearly perfect reconstruction. CHAPTER 2 THEORY 2.1 Basic Concepts of Neutron Radiography 2.1.1 Neutron Source Neutrons can be obtained in many ways such as nuclear reactors, particle accelerators, artificially produced radioactive sources, spontaneous fission of isotopes and by subcritical neutron multiplication. Neutron can be produced over a wide range of energy levels. They have varying attenuation characteristics for the various energy levels. In radiographic material assessments thermal neutrons were most often used because they are relatively easy to detect and have favorable attenuation characteristic [3]. Table 2.1 shows classification of neutron by energy. 9 Table 2.1: Classification of neutrons by energy Neutrons Energy Level Cold Below 0.01 eV Thermal 0.01 to 0.3 eV Slow 0 to 10 keV Epithermal 0.3 to 10 keV Resonance 1 eV to 102 eV Fast 10 keV to 20 MeV Relativistic Over 20 MeV Nuclear Reactors The highest qualities of neutron radiographs to date are detained from neutrons of nuclear reactor. This is because the nuclear reactor produces high thermal neutron beam intensities. Reactor sources can produce collimated thermal beam intensities of 105 to 108 n cm-2 s-1. This compares with 10 to 104 n cm-2 s-1 available from radioisotopes and 103 to 106 n cm-2 s-1 from accelerators. Total radiation coming from a nuclear reactor must be filtered with about 5.08 cm of lead to remove or reduce unwanted gamma radiation. Advantages of reactor neutron sources are: 1) Reactors produce a high percentage of thermal neutrons. 2) Neutron radiography can be an extra benefit from reactors purchased for other applications. 3) Reactors provide long, relatively trouble free operation. Disadvantages of reactor neutron sources include lack of portability, high cost and extensive licensing requirements. 10 Accelerators Neutrons can be produced by bombarding suitable targets with protons, deuterons and high energy X- or gamma radiation. Accelerating equipment such as the Van de Graaff generator can be adapted to the production of neutrons. Beryllium and deuterium are good target materials and require radiation energies of 1.66 MeV and 2.20 MeV, respectively. Accelerator sources usually generate high energy neutrons, but these fast neutrons can be slowed down by absorption and scattering in a moderating material. Widely used moderators include hydrogen, beryllium, and carbon. Hydrogen may be in form of water or paraffin. The fast neutron source is surrounded with several inches of a moderating material, which becomes a source of thermal neutrons as high energy particles lose energy by absorption and scattering. These scattered neutrons must be collimated for effective radiographic testing at reasonable source-to-test object distances. Total losses in the moderator and collimator reduce the energy of fast neutrons by a factor of 10-6. Because neutron sources also contain X-rays and gamma rays, a neutron detector sensitive to X-rays and gamma rays should not be used. Components of a neutron source system include the neutron emitter, the moderator, and the collimator as indicated, plus a beam catcher constructed of neutron absorbing materials. This beam catcher is required to minimize radiation hazards to operating personnel. 11 Isotopes Isotopes or radioactive sources are produced by bombarding nuclei of atoms with charged particles in an accelerator or nuclear reactor. This additional energy changes stable nuclei to an excited unstable state. The unstable material decays by emitting gamma rays or alpha particles. So, as energy is lost, the material returns to its natural unexcited state at a characteristic rate for the particular material. Unfortunately, there are only few isotopes that emit neutrons, with the exception of Californium-252. In most cases, neutron production is accomplished in the same way as with an accelerator, that is, by allowing energy emitted by the isotope to bombard a neutron emitting target such as beryllium. Resulting neutrons are of the fast or high energy type. Consequently, moderators and collimators must be used just as for neutron beams from accelerators. Although the neutrons are of the high energy type, the thermal intensity that can be obtained from these sources is low. This means that longer exposure times are required than in the case of a nuclear reactor source. However, these radioactive sources are reliable and semiportable. Californium-252 Californium-252 is a relatively unique isotope for neutron production. It undergoes fission spontaneously as part of a radioactive decay process and emits a large number of neutrons. It has a half life of 2.65 years, a neutron yield of 2.3 x 1012 n s-1 g-1, a low gamma background, and can be used for direct exposure radiography. Although it is costly for the amount of material needed to obtain adequate neutron intensity for timely exposures, the expense can be avoided to a certain extent by using subcritical neutron multiplication. 12 2.1.2 Neutron Transmission Mathematically the relationship for neutron transmission looks much like that for photons, but the variation of the action site (electron orbits or nucleus) produces large differences in the amount of transmitted beam [5]. For photons: For neutrons: where I is the transmitted intensity; Io is the incident intensity; µ x is the linear attenuation coefficient for photons; t is the thickness of specimen in the beam path; N is the number of atoms per cubic centimeter; σ is the neutron cross section of the particular material or isotope (a probability or effective area); and, µ n is linear attenuation coefficient for neutrons (Nσ). Attenuation of Neutrons Compared with that of X-rays The effectiveness of both X-ray and neutron radiography depends on the relative attenuation of the incident radiation intensity by the basic material being radiographed, by higher and lower density inclusions and by voids or cracks in the material. Thereby the variations in transmitted radiation intensity can be recorded as images with film or other scanning devices. 13 X-rays interact with atomic orbiting electrons, and X-ray attenuation is proportional to material density and atomic number. Neutrons interact with the atomic nucleus, and their attenuation is proportional to material density and neutron absorption of the cross section. Figure 2.1 [3] depicts the characteristic differences between radiography of the X-ray type and neutron radiography. Figure 2.1: Mass attenuation coefficient versus atomic number In summary, many materials, such as metals that strongly absorb X-rays, pass neutrons easily, and many other materials that pass X-rays easily resist the passage of neutrons. Heavy elements such as lead, uranium, iron, and bismuth, which absorb Xrays, offer little resistance to the passage of neutrons. Conversely, light elements such as hydrogen and lithium strongly absorb neutrons, while X-rays penetrate them freely. 14 2.1.3 Neutron Interactions Neutrons are uncharged particles. They interact with the nuclei of atoms in different ways with certain probabilities depending on the target nucleus and the neutron energy. Generally, there are two types of neutron interactions with mater: non-scattering and scattering interactions [12]. Non-Scattering Interactions Non-scattering reactions are also known as absorption reactions because the neutron is absorbed by the target nucleus. The disappearance of neutrons by absorption is the mechanism that enables the imaging of internal structures of objects. For a purely absorbing medium, the neutron intensity changes according to the famous attenuation equation Σ where I0 and I (x) are neutron intensities of the incident beam and after traversing a distance x inside the object, respectively, and ! is the macroscopic absorption cross section. The most important absorption reaction is the (n,γ) reaction. This process is also known as radiative capture, since one of the products of the reaction is γradiation. Radiative capture can occur at all neutron energies, but it is most probable at low energies. In other words, the product nucleus is an isotope of the same element as the original nucleus. Its mass number increases by one. The simplest radiative capture occurs when hydrogen absorbs a neutron to produce deuterium (#" ) as shown at Figure 2.2. 15 Figure 2.2: Radiative capture The deuterium formed is a stable nuclide. However, many radiative capture products are radioactive and are beta-gamma emitters. Neutrons also disappear as a result of charged-particle reactions, such as (n,p) or (n,α) reactions. These reactions are usually endothermic and do not occur below a threshold energy. For a few light materials, however, they are exothermic. The most important exothermic reaction of this type is the B10 (n, α) Li7 reaction. The lowenergy cross section for this reaction is very high, and for this reason, objects containing B10 appear very dark in thermal neutron radiography. Occasionally, two or more neutrons are emitted when a nucleus is struck by a high-energy neutron in reactions like (n,2n) and (n,3n). A closely related process is the (n,np) reaction, which also occurs with highly energetic incident neutrons. Since these reactions require high-energy neutrons, they do not contribute much to the imaging process in thermal neutron radiography where most of the neutrons do not have enough energy to induce such reactions. Finally, when a neutron collides with certain heavy nuclei, the nucleus splits into two large fragments and a number of neutrons emerge with the release of energy in a process called fission. Unless the imaged object contains fissionable materials, such as U235, fission should not be a concern in thermal neutron radiography. 16 Neutron Scattering A neutron scatters from the nucleus either elastically or inelastically. If the nucleus is unchanged in either composition or internal energy after interaction with a neutron, the process is called elastic scattering. On the other hand, if the nucleus, still unchanged in composition, is left in an excited state, the process is called inelastic scattering. Inelastic scattering is shown as Figure 2.3 below. The symbols (n,n) and (n,n') are used to denote these two processes. Inelastic scattering is a threshold reaction. Unless the neutron energy is above a certain minimum energy, the reaction would not occur. Recoil kinetic energy Figure 2.3: Inelastic scattering The inelastic threshold energy, Et is given by $ %&1 ( % " where A is the target mass number and ε1 is the energy of the nucleus first excited state. For example, the first excited state of C12 is at 4.43 MeV and the inelastic scattering does not occur unless the neutrons have an energy greater than "#)" "# 4.43 4.8 ./ . Generally, the energy of the first excited state, ε1 , decreases with increasing mass number. Therefore, as a practical matter, inelastic scattering tends to be more important for heavy materials than for light materials in thermal neutron radiography. 17 The scattering of neutrons inside samples has the most effect on degrading the produced radiographs and hence the computed tomographs. The scattered neutrons contribute to the final image and tend to degrade the image qualitatively by adding scattering distribution of neutrons to the image and quantitatively by changing the number of neutrons detected at each pixel of the image. This in turn complicates the neutron image interpretation. 2.1.4 Detection of Neutron Neutron can be detected with radiographic film, radiographic paper, scintillators, track-etch detectors and several other techniques. The radiographic film and paper must be used with intermediate or conversion screens because neutrons have little effect on photographic emulsions. Neutron scintillators emit light when exposed to thermal neutrons. The light can be amplified by image intensifiers or detected with a television camera. Track-etch detectors utilize a dielectric material that can be damaged by a neutron radiation field. The radiation damage or image is made visible by preferential chemical etching. Neutron Image Conversion Methods for Radiographic Film Neutrons have little effect on photographic emulsions, and intermediate, or conversion, screens must be used to obtain an image. Conversion screens emit detectable radiation as neutrons are absorbed, and this induced radiation exposes conventional X-rays film. X-ray film exposure may occur directly when the test object, conversion screen, and film are in the path of a neutron beam or indirectly subsequent to neutron irradiation. When the indirect or transfer method is used, only 18 the screen is exposed to the neutron beam. In this case, the screen is made of material that becomes radioactive in the neutron beam. The screen is then placed in intimate contact with the emulsion of an X-ray film and allowed to decay, causing transfer of the image of the test object to the film. Subsequent to exposure, film processing is the same for neutron radiography as it is for X-rays and for gamma radiography. Direct Exposure Methods Variations of the direct film technique can be selected to emphasize either resolution or speed according to test requirements. One of the best ways to obtain good resolution is to place a thin (0.001-0.005 in., 25.4-127 µm) gadolinium conversion screen behind the film [3]. The speed can be doubled by using a thin gadolinium screen in front of the film and a thicker prompt emission screen behind the film. However, resolution is reduced by using two conversion screens. Because of this, a single screen is most often used, and it is used in conjunction with a singlecoated film. Potentially radioactive conversion screens are also suitable for making direct exposures, but image quality is not as high as for the prompt emission type. A typical direct exposure method is illustrated in Figure 2.4. Figure 2.4: Direct exposure method of making a neutron radiograph 19 The Image Transfer Method Potentially radioactive materials are used for image transfer neutron radiography. After a transfer screen has been exposed to a neutron beam, the screen is placed near an X-ray film and the image is transferred to the film by autoradiography. It usually requires many hours for the induced radioactivity of the screen to give adequate exposure to the film. Caution must be exercised at all times to protect personnel from the radiation. Of several available materials, indium and dysprosium are the most often used transfer screens [3]. Dysprosium has the greater speed. A major advantage of the transfer method is that film is never exposed to the neutron beam. Therefore, radioactive materials can be radiographed without film fogging due to radiation from the specimens. The method is also useful when a neutron beam is contaminated with high gamma radiation, as is often the case. A disadvantage of the transfer method is its limited utility to low neutron beam intensities. The conversion screen materials become saturated with radioactivity after a few half-life exposure times. Consequently, long exposure times cannot be used to compensate for low neutron beam intensities. An image transfer method is depicted in Figure 2.5. Figure 2.5: Image transfer method for making neutron radiographs 20 Neutron Scintillators Scintillators consist of materials that have a prompt reaction with neutrons and an associated phosphor material. Neutron scintillators such as phosphor doped with boron-10 or lithium-6 are very effective image converters. Neutron absorption in the boron-10 or lithium-6 generates charged particles that cause light scintillations in the phosphor, and the resulting light images are recorded on film. Scintillators are usually placed behind the film. Although neutron scintillators are about 100 times as fast as a gadolinium screen, the image contrast and resolution are not as good. 2.1.5 Image Analysis Any analysis of a radiographic image, be it film or electronic, begins with an understanding of how the image is formed. The relationship between the incident neutron intensity upon an object to be radiographed and the transmitted neutron intensity (ignoring scattering) is the simple exponential attenuation law [2]. Σ0 The transmitted neutron intensity, , is a function of the incident neutron intensity, , and the product of the total macroscopic cross section and thickness of the object, Σ 1. In the case of film, the degree of film darkening (photographic density, De) is related to the neutron exposure by the film’s characteristic response curve. . Figure 2.6 shows the typical film characteristic curve. De will have a logarithmic nature as described by 23 4log $ 21 where E is the exposure of the film (transmitted neutron intensity multiplied by time, 8) and G is the slope in the linear portion of the characteristic response curve for the film being used. This is the manner in which images are formed on film. The processed film’s photographic density is described by 23 9: ; < where Io is the incident light (such as from a light box) and I is the transmitted light through the film. In nearly all forms of digital imaging, the resulting grey level value of any pixel making up the image may be described by 4 = & 4>3 where G is the numerical grey level value of the pixel within an image, C is the electronic gain of the camera or imaging system (a constant), is the transmitted neutron intensity and Goffset is the dark current, an additive offset due to electronic noise. These equations form the basis of all radiographic image analysis. With them, one may manipulate images to isolate terms and perform quantitative analyses or Photographic Density, De provide the basis for qualitative comparisons. Log Relative Exposure, Log E Figure 2.6: Characteristic curve 22 2.2 Digital Image Restoration 2.2.1 Digital Image Representation Image can be defined as a two-dimension function, f(x,y), where x and y are spatial (plane) coordinates, and the amplitude of f at any pair of coordinates (x,y) is called the intensity of the image at that point [13]. The term gray level is refer to the intensity of monochrome images. individual 2-D images. Color images are formed by combination of In RGB color system, a color image consists of three individual component image which is red, green and blue. So that is why many techniques were developed to extended monochrome images to color images by processing the three component images individually. To convert an image that may be continuous with respect to the x and y coordinates, and also in amplitude to digital form, we required that coordinates as well as the amplitude to be digitized. Digitizing the coordinate values is called sampling; digitizing the amplitude values is called quantization. Thus, when x, y and the amplitude values of f are all finite, discreet quantities, we call the image a digital image [13]. 23 2.2.2 Image Restoration Because of the recent advances in computer technology, digital image restoration has received considerable attention for a large number of applications, such as astronomy, remote sensing, medical imagery, and aerial reconnaissance [14]. Image restoration is the reconstruction of a degraded image towards the original object by the reduction or removal of the degradations. These degradations may be introduced during the formation, transmission and reception of the image. For example, an out-of-focus camera, or the relative motion between the camera and the object, blurs the recorded picture; an image sensor circuit or a transmission channel may introduce random noise to the picture; an aerial photograph may suffer from distortion due to air turbulence. Restoration techniques is different from image enhancement techniques, which try to process the observed image to produce a more pleasing image to the human observer, without referring to the real scene, or “original” undegraded image [15]. Image restoration techniques try to perform an inverse transformation of the observed degraded image to estimate the original scene. Because of this approach, image restoration techniques are oriented toward modeling the degradations, in order to apply an “inverse” technique. The problem of image restoration is that it lacks easy solution. It is well known that “real life” blurred images are hard to restore. In practice, exact restoration of the original scene from the observed image data may be impossible, even with knowledge of the degrading system characteristics. This is due to the illposed nature of the image restoration problem, and the presence of observation noise. Thus, in most practical cases, although the restoration will not be able to achieve a magazine quality image, it might improve the utility [15]. 24 2.2.3 Model of Image Degradation/Restoration Process Figure 2.7 shows the degradation process [13]. Degradation process as shown in Figure 2.7 is including degradation function together with an additive noise term that operates on an input image f(x,y) to produce a degraded image g(x,y): g(x,y) = H[f(x,y)] + η (x,y) given g(x,y), some knowledge about the degradation function H, and some knowledge about the additive noise term η(x,y), the objective of restoration is to obtain an estimate, x,y), of the original image. We want the estimate to be as close as possible to the original input image. In general, the more we know about H and η, the closer x,y) will be to f(x,y). g(x, y) f(x, y) Degradation function, H Restoration filter(s) + (x, y) Noise n(x,y) Degradation Restoration Figure 2.7: A model of the image degradation/restoration process If H is linear, spatially invariant process, it can be shown that the degraded image is given in the spatial domain by g(x,y) = h(x,y) * f(x,y) + η(x,y) where h(x,y) is the spatial representation of the degradation function and the symbol ‘*’ indicates convolution. Convolution in the spatial domain and multiplication in 25 the frequency domain constitute a Fourier transform pair [13], so we may write the preceding model in an equivalent frequency domain representation: G(u,v) = H(u,v)F(u,v) + N(u,v) where the terms in capital letters are the Fourier transforms of the corresponding terms in the convolution equation. The degradation function H(u,v) sometimes is called the optical transfer function (OFT) , a term derived from the Fourier analysis of optical systems. In the spatial domain, h(x,y) is referred to as the point spread function (PSF), a term that arises from letting h(x,y) operate on a point of light to obtain the characteristics of the degradation for any type of input. Because the degradation due to a linear, space-invariant degradation function, H can be modeled as convolution, sometimes the degradation process is referred to as “convolving the image with a PSF or OTF”. Similarly, the restoration process is sometimes referred to as deconvolution. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction to Sample The image used as sample in this work is the neutron radiography image shown in Figure 4.2. The main purpose of this type of image chosen is because neutron radiography offers one of the best techniques in non-destructive testing (NDT) of nuclear materials and also it is widely use in industrial research. The advantages of neutron radiography over more traditional NDT methods are, among the others, the contrast from light nuclei and clear radiographs of highly radioactive materials [16]. The neutron radiography image that used in this research is collected from Malaysia Institute of Nuclear Technology (MINT) and Cobrascan Digitizer CX-321T is use to convert the neutron radiograph to digital format. Meanwhile the reference image use for Wiener filter, Lucy-Richardson algorithm, regularized filter and blind deconvolution is generated using ‘checkerboard’ command in MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox, Figure 4.1. 27 3.2 Software The software tools used in this research is MATLAB version (R14) Image Processing Toolbox (IPT). The name MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory. MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates computational, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. The Image Processing Toolbox is a collection of MATLAB functions (called M-functions or M-files) that extend the capability of the MATLAB environment for solution of digital image processing problems. 3.3 Wiener Filter Wiener filter is one of the earliest and best known approaches to linear image restoration [13]. A Wiener filter seeks an estimate that minimizes the statistical error function # # $ ?@ A B C where E is the expected value operator and f is the undegraded image. The solution to this expression in the frequency domain is H L |, |# 1 G K DE , G K 4, , , # G K |, | & , J F 28 Where , = the degradation function |, |# , , , = the complex conjugate of , , |M, |# = the power spectrum of the noise , |D, |# = the power spectrum of the undegraded image The ratio Sη (u,v)/Sf(u,v) is called the noise-to-signal ratio. We see that if the noise power spectrum is zero for all relevant values of u and v, this ratio becomes zero and the Wiener filter reduces to the inverse filter. Two related quantities of interest are the average noise power and the average image power, defined as NO 1 P P , .M R Q where M and N denote the vertical and horizontal sizes of the image and noise arrays, respectively. These quantities are scalar constant, and their ratio, O 1 P P , .M R Q which is also a scalar, is used sometimes to generate a constant array in place of the function Sn(u,v)/Sf(u,v). in this case, even if the actual ratio is not known, it becomes a simple matter to experiment interactively varying the constant and viewing the restored results. This is a crude approximation that assumes that the functions are constant. Replacing Sn(u,v)/Sf(u,v) by a constant array in the preceding filter equation results in the so-called parametric Wiener filter. The simple act of using constant array can yield significant improvements over direct inverse filtering. 29 3.4 Constrained Least Squares (Regularized) Filtering Another well-established approach to linear restoration is constrained least squares filtering [13]. The definition of 2D discrete convolution is X" " 1 S, T , T P P U, :S A U, T A : .M YW VW Using this equation, we can express the linear degradation model g(x,y) = h(x,y)*f(x,y) + η(x,y), in vector matrix form, as Z [\ & ] For example, suppose that g(x,y) is of size M x N. Then we can form the first N elements of the vector g by using the image elements in the first row of g(x,y), the next N elements from the second row, and so on. The resulting vector will have dimensions MN x 1. These also are the dimensions of f and η, as these vectors are formed in the same manner. The matrix H then has dimension MN x MN. Its elements are given by the elements of the preceding convolution equation. It would be reasonable to arrive at the conclusion that the restoration problem can now be reduced to simple matrix operation. Unfortunately this is not the case. For instance, suppose that we are working with images of medium size; say M=N=512. Then the vectors in the preceding matrix equation would be of dimension 262,144 x 1, and matrix H would be of dimensions 262144 x 262144. Manipulating vectors and matrices of these sizes is not a trivial task. The problem is complicated further by the fact that the inverse of H does not always exist due to zeros in the transfer function. However, formulating the restoration problem in matrix form does facilitate derivation of restoration techniques. 30 Although we do not derive the method of constrained least squares that we are about to present, central to this method is the issue of the sensitivity of the inverse of H mentioned in the previous paragraph. One way to deal with this issue is to base optimally of restoration on a measure of smoothness, such as the second derivative of an image (e.g, the Laplacian). To be meaningful, the restoration must be constrained by the parameters of the problem at hand. Thus what is desired is to find the minimum of criterion function, C, defined as X1 1 = P P^2 , T_2 W0 `W0 subject to the constraint 2 aZ & [bEa c]c2 where \ is the estimate of the undegraded image, and 2 is the Laplacian operator. The frequency domain solution to this optimization problem is given by the expression DE , d , g 4, |, |2 & e|f, |2 Where e is a parameter that must be adjusted so that the constraint is satisfied (if e is zero we have an inverse filter solution), and P(u,v) is the Fourier transform of the function 0 h, T i1 0 1 A4 1 0 1j 0 We recognize this function as the Laplacian operator. The only unknowns in the preceding formulation are e and c]c2. However, it can be shown that e can be found iteratively if c]c2, which is proportional to the noise power (a scalar), is known. 31 3.5 Iterative Nonlinear Restoration Using the Lucy-Richardson Algorithm During the past two decades, nonlinear iterative techniques have been gaining acceptance as restoration tools that often yield results superior to those obtained with linear methods. The principle objections to nonlinear methods are that their behavior is not always predictable and that they generally require significant computational resources. The first objection often loses importance based on the fact that nonlinear methods have been shown to be superior to linear techniques in a broad spectrum of applications. The second objection has become less of an issue due to the dramatic increase in inexpensive computing power over the last decade. The nonlinear method of choice in the toolbox is a technique developed by Richardson and by Lucy, working independently. The toolbox refers to this method as the Lucy- Richardson (L-R) algorithm, but we also see it quoted in the literature as the Richardson-Lucy algorithm. The L-R algorithm arises from a maximum-likelihood formulation in which the image is modeled with Poisson statistics. Maximizing the likelihood function of the model yields an equation that is satisfied when the following iteration converges: k)" , T k , T lSA, AT m, T n S, T k , T As before, ‘*’ indicates convolution, is the estimate of the undegraded image, and both g and h are as before. The iterative nature of the algorithm is evident. Its nonlinear nature arises from the division by on the right side of the equation. As with most nonlinear methods, the question of when to stop the L-R algorithm is difficult to answer in general. The approach often followed is to observe the output and stop the algorithm when a result acceptable in a given application has been obtained. 32 3.6 Blind Deconvolution The process of simultaneously estimating the PSF (or its inverse) and restoring an unknown image using partial or no information about the imaging system is known as blind image restoration [10]. In many other applications the exact form of the degradation system may not be known. In such cases, it is also desired for the algorithm to provide an estimate of the unknown degradation system as well as the original image. The problem of estimating the unknown original image, f and the degradation, D from the observation g is referred to as blind deconvolution, when D represents a linear and space-invariant (LSI) system. Blind deconvolution is a much harder problem than image restoration due to the interdependency of the unknown parameters. Blind deconvolution methods can be classified into two main categories based on the manner the unknowns are estimated. With a priori blur identification methods, the degradation system is estimated separately from the original image, and then this estimate is used in any image restoration method to estimate the original image. On the other hand, joint blind deconvolution methods estimate the original image and identify the blur simultaneously. The joint estimation is typically carried out using an alternating procedure, i.e., at each iteration the unknown image is estimated using the degradation estimate in the previous iteration, and vice versa. Assuming that the original image is known, identifying the degradation system from the observed and original images (referred to as the system identification) is the dual problem of image restoration. Based on this observation in joint identification methods, the blind deconvolution problem can be solved by composing two coupled successive approximations iterations. As an example, blind deconvolution can be formulated by the minimization of the following functional with respect to f and the impulse response d of the degradation system: 33 . o" , o2 , b, p cqb & Zc2 & o" =1 b & o2 =2 p where C1(f ) and C2(d) denote operators on f and d, respectively, imposing constraints on the unknowns. The necessary condition for a minimum is that the gradients of .o1 , o2 , b, p with respect to f and d are equal to zero. Overall, blind deconvolution tackles a more difficult, but also a more frequently encountered problem than image restoration. Because of its general applicability to many different areas, there has been considerable activity in developing methods for blind deconvolution, and impressive (comparable to image restoration) results can be obtained by the state-of-the-art methods [17]. 34 3.7 Operational Framework Operational framework in this research is comprise of writing a MATLAB code for restoration process for every restoration methods used in this research, testing the simulation using reference image, run the simulation using neutron radiography image and analysis of restored image. If the simulation is not given the desired result for reference image, the restoration coding must be check and correction must be done to the coding until the simulation can be run successfully. After the analysis of the image was done, the best restoration is determined. The best restoration method will be applied to the sensitivity indicator image. Figure 3.1 below show the flow chart of the operational framework in this research. Writing MATLAB code for restoration algorithm Testing the simulation using reference image Successful? No Yes Run the simulation using neutron radiography image Analysis the restored image Figure 3.1: Operation framework CHAPTER 4 DATA AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction After coding is done, each restoration method is tested using reference image. If this gives acceptable result, it means the coding is ready to be used for restoration of neutron radiography image. The resulting restored radiography image will be analyzed using image analysis techniques in MATLAB. 4.2 Reference Image Reference image use for every restoration method in this study is generated by function ‘checkerboard’ in MATLAB. This function will create the checkerboard image as shown in Figure 4.1. 36 Figure 4.1: Reference image The light squares on the left half of the checkerboard are white and on the right half of the checkerboard is gray. Reference image was needed for testing whether the simulation for restoration was work properly. 4.3 Neutron Radiography Image The original neutron radiography image used in this study is shown as Figure 4.2 below. Figure 4.2: Original neutron radiography image Because of this image was too big in size and causing the simulation to run very slow therefore this original image was crop for selected area to be analyzed to prevent the simulation run slowly. In this study the image of spark plug was chosen. This area of the image was comprise of minimum x-coordinate of 1231 and minimum y- 37 coordinate of 487 with length of width equal to 140 and length of height equal to 490. This region was chosen because it has many sharp edges so that the resulting display image after restoration process will be more pronounced compared to the original image. Figure 4.3 below show the cropped image. Figure 4.3: Neutron radiography image that will be analyzed 1000 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Figure 4.4: Histogram of neutron radiography image (Figure 4.3) 1 38 4.4 Point Spread Function (PSF) Calculation From the original image of neutron radiography as in Figure 4.2, an area in the image that shows the sharp edge was selected. In this study the coordinate of selected area to be analyzed for PSF calculation is comprise of minimum xcoordinate of 611 and minimum y-coordinate of 554 with length of width equal to 24 and length of height equal to 16. Meanwhile the size of this image was about 17 x 25 pixels. By using MATLAB, the plot of pixel value in the image versus their columns can be generate as shows in Figure 4.5 below. 100 90 Pixel value, y 80 70 60 50 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 Column, x Figure 4.5: Graph of pixel value in the image versus column The differentiation of the above graph will give the result as Figure 4.6. dy/dx Graph of dy/dx versus column 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 0 -200 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Column Figure 4.6: Graph of dy/dx versus column 39 The shape of the graph in Figure 4.6 is Gaussian like. From this graph the full width half maximum will be determined. The full width half maximum (FWHM) of this graph is about 2 pixels. The FWHM of the PSF was related to corrected standard deviation, σ by the formula [18] FWHM ≈ 2.35σ From the relation, the standard deviation for the graph in Figure 4.6 is about 0.85. This standard deviation is use in MATLAB simulation for every restoration methods proposed in this study. This value was needed to generate the PSF filter mask or spatial filter using function ‘fspecial’. A plot of Gaussian spatial filter was shown as Figure 4.7 below. 0.25 Intensity 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 8 6 8 6 4 4 2 column 2 0 0 row Figure 4.7: Gaussian spatial filter 40 4.5 Result Obtained from Wiener Filter Method (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4.8: (a) Blurred, noisy image. (b) Result of inverse filtering. (c) Result of Wiener filtering using a constant ratio. (d) Result of Wiener filtering using autocorrelation functions. (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.9: (a) Result of NR inverse filtering using Wiener filter. (b) Result of NR using Wiener filtering with a constant ratio. (c) Result of NR using Wiener filtering with autocorrelation functions. 41 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 (a) 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (b) 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (c) Figure 4.10: (a) Histogram of NR inverse filtering using Wiener filter. (b) Histogram of NR using Wiener filtering with a constant ratio. (c) Histogram of NR using Wiener filtering with autocorrelation functions. 42 4.6 Result Obtained from Regularized Filter Method (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.11: (a) Blurred, noisy image. (b) Result of image (a) restored using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 4. (c) Result of image (a) restored using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 0.4 and a RANGE of [1e-7 1e7] (a) (b) Figure 4.12: (a) Result of restored NR image using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 4. (b) Result of restored NR image using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 0.4 and a RANGE of [1e-7 1e7] 43 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 (a) 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (b) Figure 4.13: (a) Histogram of restored NR image using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 4. (b) Histogram of restored NR image using regularized filter with noisepower equal to 0.4 and a RANGE of [1e-7 1e7] 44 4.7 Result Obtained from Lucy Richardson Filter Method (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4.14: (a) Blurred, noisy image. (b) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 10 iteration. (c) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 100 iteration. (d) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 500 iteration. (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.15: (a) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 10 iteration. (b) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 100 iteration. (c) Restored image using L-R algorithm with 500 iteration. 45 1000 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 (a) 1000 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (b) 1000 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (c) Figure 4.16: (a) Histogram of restored image using L-R algorithm with 10 iteration. (b) Histogram of restored image using L-R algorithm with 100 iteration. (c) Histogram of restored image using L-R algorithm with 500 iteration. 46 4.8 Result Obtained from Blind Deconvolution Method (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 4.17: (a) Blurred, noisy image. (b) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 5 iterations. (c) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 10 iterations. (d) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 20 iterations. (e) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 30 iterations. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4.18: (a) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 5 iterations. (b) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 10 iterations. (c) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 20 iterations. (d) Restored image using blind deconvolution with 30 iterations. 47 1000 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 (a) 1000 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (b) 0.6 48 1000 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 (c) 1000 900 800 Number of pixel 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (d) Figure 4.19: (a) Histogram of restored image using blind deconvolution with 5 iterations. (b) Histogram of restored image using blind deconvolution with 10 iterations. (c) Histogram of restored image using blind deconvolution with 20 iterations. (d) Histogram of restored image using blind deconvolution with 30 iterations. 49 4.9 Mean and Standard Deviation of the Elements of Matrix for Every Restored Neutron Radiography Image Mean for neutron radiography image before restoration = 0.6129 Standard deviation for neutron radiography image before restoration = 0.1613 Table 4.1: Mean and standard deviation of the elements of matrix Restoration Method Mean Standard deviation Wiener Filter inverse filtering 0.6128 0.1758 constant ratio 0.6121 0.1692 autocorrelation function 0.6126 0.1620 noise power=4 0.6128 0.1615 noise power=0.4 0.6128 0.1650 10 iterations 0.6037 0.1796 100 iterations 0.6035 0.1798 500 iterations 0.6030 0.1800 5 iterations 0.6035 0.1806 10 iterations 0.6034 0.1819 20 iterations 0.6034 0.1838 30 iterations 0.6033 0.1856 Regularized filter Lucy-Richardson Blind deconvolution 50 4.10 Restoration of Sensitivity Indicator Image Figure 4.20 shows the restoration of sensitivity indicator from Figure 4.2 while Table 4.2 shows the statistics value of sensitivity indicator image before and after restoration. (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.20: (a) Image of sensitivity indicator (SI) before restoration. (b) Image of SI after using Wiener filter with autocorrelation function. (c) Image of SI after using LR algorithm with 500 iterations Table 4.2: Mean and standard deviation value for Figure 4.20 Image statistics Figure 4.20 (a) (b) (c) Mean 0.3500 0.3495 0.3477 Standard deviation 0.2068 0.2139 0.2178 51 400 350 Number of pixel 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 (a) 350 300 Number of pixel 250 200 150 100 50 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (b) 400 350 Number of pixel 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Gray level intensity 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (c) Figure 4.21: (a) Image histogram of sensitivity indicator before restoration. (b) Image histogram of SI after using Wiener filter with autocorrelation function. (c) Image histogram of SI after using L-R algorithm with 500 iterations CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION 5.1 Wiener filter Figure 4.8 shows the result of restored reference image. The blurred noisy image as Figure 4.8 (a) was generated from original reference image (Figure 4.1). This image was representing the image that need to be restored because usually one of the principle degradations encountered in image restoration problems was image blur. Figure 4.8 (b) was the result of direct inverse filtering and it was dominated by effects of noise. Meanwhile Figure 4.8 (c) was obtained using a constant ratio of noise average power and image average power. This approach gives a significant improvement over direct inverse filtering. Finally, autocorrelation function was used in the restoration and gives the result as shown in Figure 4.8 (d). This image was close to the original, although some noise is still appearing. After the simulation was tested using reference image and the result showed the evidence that the Wiener deconvolution was accomplished, the same was done on the neutron radiography image. Here the situation was different because in reference image the blurred noisy image was generated with knowing the degraded function and noise function. But in NR image the degraded function as well as the noise 53 function of the blurred image was not known. From the calculation of the point spread function (PSF) or degradation function of NR image use in this study, the standard deviation of PSF is about 0.85 and a Gaussian lowpass filter of size 7 x 7 was used. This information was used to the simulation and the resulting restored image was shown as Figure 4.9. Figure 4.9 (a), (b) and (c) was the result obtained using inverse filtering, constant ratio and autocorrelation function respectively. The result shows that using autocorrelation function the image was more acceptable compared to two other functions. The restores image in Figure 4.9 (a) and (b) show the existence of ringing effect and the structure of the object is hard to be recognized. Figure 4.10 was represents NR image produce by the Wiener filter in terms of image histogram. This histogram shows the intensity levels in the restored image. The mean and standard deviation of element of matrix of restored NR image using Wiener filtering are shown in table 4.1. The mean of image for every three functions used in Wiener filtering are lower than mean of original NR image but the mean for image using autocorrelation is about 0.0004 higher than mean of image using constant ratio method. 5.2 Regularized Filtering Figure 4.11 shows the result of restored reference image using regularized filtering. Figure 4.11 (a) was generated from original reference image (Figure 4.1) to get the blurred noisy image. This image was representing the image that need to be restored. Figure 4.11 (b) is restored image with NOISEPOWER equal to 4 and the image was improved from the Figure 4.11 (a) but it was not a particularly good value for NOISEPOWER. Meanwhile Figure 4.11 (c) shows the restored image with NOISEPOWER equal to 0.4 and a RANGE of [1e-7 somewhat better than image in Figure 4.11 (b). 1e7]. This image was 54 Figure 4.12 shows the result obtained using NR image in regularized filtering. The two images were almost the same except the image in Figure 4.12 (b) was somewhat darker than (a). This was proven by the mean of the image where Figure 4.12(a) and (b) have the same mean value which is about 0.6128. From these mean value, the restored image is slightly different from the original image because the mean value for original image is 0.6129. However, the standard deviations of both images are different (Table 4.1). Figure 4.13 shows the image histogram of the restored NR image using regularized filtering and the shape of the two histograms also almost the same. 5.3 Lucy Richardson (L-R) Algorithm Figure 4.14 shows the result of restored reference image using L-R algorithm. Figure 4.1a (a) was generated from original reference image (Figure 4.1) to get the blurred noisy image same as before. This image was representing the image that need to be restored. Figure 4.14 (b), (c) and (d) representing restored image with 10, 100 and 500 iteration respectively. Restored image using 10 iterations has improved from the blurred noisy image but somewhat it was still blurry. Meanwhile the image in Figure 4.14 (d) was only slightly sharper and brighter than result obtained using 100 iterations but it gives significant improvement than 10 iterations. Figure 4.15 (a), (b) and (c) were the result from L-R algorithm to the NR image. They represent 10, 100 and 500 iterations respectively. Further increase in the number of iterations did not produce dramatic improvements in restored NR result. It can be seen as in Table 4.1, the mean and standard deviation values of these three iterations were slightly different. The shapes for all three image histogram for L-R algorithm (Figure 4.16) were almost the same. 55 5.4 Blind Deconvolution The generated blurred noisy image and result of restored reference image using blind deconvolution are shown in Figure 4.17. Four numbers of iterations 5, 10, 20 and 30 were used to perform the deconvolution process. As the number of iterations increases, the restored images become more close to the original reference image (Figure 4.1). The result obtained for restored NR image using blind deconvolution is shown as in Figure 4.18. The numbers of iterations used were the same as the ones used for reference image. Result for NR image shows that as the number of iteration increases the image become darker and lack of sharp edge. The mean and standard deviation values of the NR image decreased as the number of iterations increased (Table 4.1). But restoration using 10 and 20 iteration shared the same mean value and the only different was the standard deviation value of that image. Figure 4.19 is the image histogram of the restored image using blind deconvolution. 5.5 Restoration of Sensitivity Indicator Image Throughout the analysis of the restored images for all proposed methods, it was found that Wiener filtering using autocorrelation function and Lucy-Richardson algorithm with 500 iterations gave the best result for restoration of neutron radiography images. These two methods were applied to the sensitivity indicator image to find out how the restored image of sensitivity indicator would be like. Figure 4.20 and Figure 4.21 show the restored images and histograms of them while Table 4.2 shows the statistics of sensitivity indicator image before and after restoration. 56 Sensitivity indicator (SI) is one of the image quality indicators that has been accepted internationally as a standard for neutron radiography. It consists of four steps of a plastic material, with holes and gaps built in to examine the resolution available. Its values are based on the film reader’s ability to see the smallest size hole or gap that can be resolved by the reader. Figure 5.1 shows the photo of sensitivity indicator. Visual inspection of the image of the SI provides subjective information regarding total radiographic sensitivity with respect to the step-block material as well as subjective data regarding detrimental levels of gamma exposure. So it was crucial to view the image of SI. Figure 4.20 (b) and (c) show that the edge step of the SI was more apparent than original image. Figure 5.1: Sensitivity indicator CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Conclusion and Recommendation Image in any form is never an exact representation of the object under observation because it is always corrupted by the imaging system itself. Neutron radiography image also encounters the same problem. That is why the restoration process is important to get the better result. Based on the result obtained from the proposed restoration methods in this study, all four restoration methods which were Wiener filter, regularized filter, Lucy-Richardson algorithm and blind deconvolution can be used as neutron radiography image restoration methods. Through the analysis of the restored neutron radiography image for every restoration method, the best and effective result for neutron radiography are by using Weiner filter with autocorrelation function and Lucy-Richardson (L-R) algorithm with 500 iterations compared to other methods considered in this study. But between these two methods Weiner filtering with autocorrelation function gives the result faster than L-R algorithm. So if someone wants a faster method, Weiner filter with autocorrelation is the best restoration method to choose. 58 In this study there were several limitations. One of them was the noise function for the neutron radiography image for every restoration method was not known. The noise function in this study was assumed. It was recommend that for the future study the noise function that contributes to the blurring effect should be determined by doing experiment. In determination of standard deviation of PSF, the suitable edge image chosen for the calculation is not very sharp. Suppose the edge image for the calculation must be sharp. Besides the proposed restoration method in this study, there were another methods that can be tested for neutron radiography restoration process. This method was called Kalman filtering. 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