i AWARENESS OF SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING PRACTICES IN MALAYSIAN MANUFACTURERS SAMAN JAFARTAYARI UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA iv Awareness of Sustainable Manufacturing Practices in Malaysian Manufacturers SAMAN JAFARTAYARI A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Industrial Engineering) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2010 iii DEDICATION This paper is dedicated to my mother, Mrs. Maryam K., my father, Mr. Mansour J.T. and my sister, Sanaz who each gave the time and space for me to complete another chapter of my life and also to Marya L. for her sincere and help and support. Words cannot express my gratitude. Thank you for everything. Also this paper is dedicated to Dr. Farzam, the great master, who taught me to investigate the world and see the big picture and also Prof. Dr. Noordin Mohd Yusof for all of his support and guidance. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Professor Dr. Noordin Mohd Yusof, for his encouragement, guidance, advices and critics. Without his continued support and interest, this project would not have been the same as presented here. My fellow friends also are recognized for their support and thanks for their direct and indirect involvement. My sincere appreciation also extends to others who have provided assistance at various occasions. v ABSTRACT This research is targeted at investigating all aspects of sustainable manufacturing awareness and practice level based on the 6R concept. Malaysian manufacturers have been assessed and categorized into electrical and electronics industries, engineering supporting and machinery industries, and other industries. There were four main objectives determined for this study: determining the level of awareness about the sustainability concept among Malaysian manufacturers, determining the companies’ practices related to sustainability and proposing improving actions contributing to the sustainability enhancement of products and processes. For data collection, online questionnaire was used and there are six main sections use to help analyze the factors and find the correlations within the factors and their correlation with general information of the company and the person in charge of questionnaire. Six main sections that involved are general information, sustainability concept, three issues of society, environment and economics, energy saving and waste tracking methods, reusing- recycling - remanufacturing, life cycle activities and suggestions. General information and the conceptual questions were analyzed with descriptive analysis. Likert scaled questions were analyzed with mean score and correlation analysis (regression and ANOVA), Fisher test (for StD differences) and T-test (for mean differences). Lastly the survey results show that the level of awareness on sustainable manufacturing has direct relationship with the sustainable manufacturing practices. The sustainable awareness and practices related to most of the Rs (6Rs) is at a satisfactory level while in some of the Rs the practice levels seem to need attention. vi ABSTRAK Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji semua aspek kesedaran dan amalan bagi sustainable manufacturing berdasarkan konsep 6R. Syarikat-syarikat pembuatan Malaysia dinilai dan dikategorikan kepada industri elektrik dan elektronik, industri pemesinan dan sokongan kejuruteraan, dan lain-lain industri kandungan. Terdapat tiga objektif utama bagi kajian ini: mengkaji tahap kesedaran syarikat-syarikat pembuatan Malaysia tentang konsep sustainable manufacturing, mengkaji amalan syarikat 'yang berkaitan dengan sustainable manufacturing dan mencadangkan tindakan penambahbaikan yang menjurus kepada peningkatan sustainable manufacturing bagi produk dan proses. Bagi tujuan pengumpulan data, kertas soal selidik atas talian telah digunakan dan terdapat 6 bahagian utama bertujuan bagi menganalisis faktor-faktor dan mengkaji hubungan korelasi faktor-faktor tersebut serta hubungannya dengan maklumat umum syarikat dan juga individu yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kertas soal selidik. Enam bahagian utama yang terlibat adalah: maklumat umum, konsep sustainable manufacturing, masyarakat, alam sekitar, ekonomi, penjimatan tenaga dan kaedah pengesanan pembaziran, penggunaan semula, kitar semula dan pengeluaran semula, aktiviti-aktiviti kitaran hidup dan cadangan. Maklumat umum dan soalan-soaln berkaitan dengan konsep dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Soalan-soalan yang menggunakan skala Likert dianalisis dengan skor min dan analisis korelasi (regresi dan ANOVA), ujian Fisher (bagi perbezaan StD), dan T-test (bagi perbezaan min). Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap kesedaran terhadap sustainable manufacturing mempunyai hubungan langsung dengan amalan sustainable manufacturing. Kesedaran dan amalan sustainable manufacturing yang berkait rapat dengan sebahagian besar daripada Rs (6Rs) berada pada tahap yang memuaskan namun terdapat juga beberapa Rs yang masih memerlukan perhatian. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ....................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .......................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................... iv ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... v ABSTRAK ................................................................................................. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................ vii LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................... xi LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................. xii LIST OF APPENDIX ............................................................................. xiv 1 2 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1 1.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 1 1.2 Research Background ............................................................... 2 1.3 Problem Statement .................................................................... 3 1.4 Research Objectives ................................................................. 3 1.5 Scope of the Research............................................................... 4 1.6 Significant of the Research ....................................................... 4 1.7 Thesis Organization .................................................................. 5 1.8 Conclusion ................................................................................ 6 LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................. 7 2.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 7 viii 2.2 Sustainability ............................................................................ 7 2.2.1 Green Product And Sustainable Product ....................... 8 2.3 Sustainable Assessment ............................................................ 9 2.3.1 Life Cycle Assessment .................................................. 9 2.3.2 Brief Review on LCA ................................................... 9 2.3.3 Sustainability Elements ............................................... 11 2.3.4 6R Concept .................................................................. 14 2.3.5 Material Flow, 3R and 6R Concept............................. 15 2.3.6 Measuring and Assessment of Product Sustainability 17 2.3.7 A Generic Methodology For Assessing The 6Rs ........ 19 2.3.8 Evaluation of the Product Sustainability ..................... 21 2.4 Sustainability Perspective ....................................................... 24 2.4.1 Concept of Sustainable Society .................................. 25 2.5 Reuse and Remanufacturing ................................................... 26 2.5.1 Estimating the Reliability Before Disassembly .......... 27 3 2.6 Flow of the Comet Circle ....................................................... 29 2.7 Factorial Analysis ................................................................... 33 2.8 Likert Scale ............................................................................. 33 2.9 Conclusion .............................................................................. 34 COMPANIES PROFILE ................................................................. 35 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................ 35 3.2 Industries in Malaysia ............................................................. 36 3.2.1 Basic Metal Products Industry .................................... 36 3.2.2 Electrical and Electronics Industry ............................. 37 3.2.3 Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) Industry ... 39 3.2.4 Engineering Supporting Industry ................................ 39 3.2.5 Food Industry .............................................................. 43 3.2.6 Machinery and Equipment Industry ............................ 43 3.2.7 Medical Devices Industry ........................................... 44 3.2.8 Petrochemical and Polymer Industry .......................... 45 3.2.9 Pharmaceuticals Industry ............................................ 45 3.2.10 Rubber-Based Industry ............................................. 46 ix 3.2.11 Textiles and Apparels Industry ................................. 47 3.2.12 Wood Based Industry................................................ 48 3.3 Conclusion ................................................................................ 48 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................... 49 4.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 49 4.2 Methodology ............................................................................. 49 4.3 Research Process ...................................................................... 50 4.4 Survey Instrument..................................................................... 52 4.5 Data Collection ......................................................................... 57 4.5.1 Treatment of Missing Data ....................................................... 57 4.5 Data Analysis ............................................................................ 58 4.6 Conclusion ................................................................................ 58 5 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS ...................................... 59 5.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 59 5.2 Data collection and response rate ............................................. 59 5.3 Factorial Analysis ..................................................................... 60 5.4 Data Analysis ........................................................................... 63 5.4.1 General Information ........................................................ 63 Respondents’ Positions .................................... 64 Industry Categories Of Our Respondents ........ 65 Size of the Companies ....................................... 66 Standard Certification ....................................... 67 5.5 Score Mean Analysis for the Primary and Main Factors .......... 72 5.5.1 Analysis of the main means score chart: ......................... 74 5.5.2 Correlation Analysis between factors ............................ 75 Correlation Analysis for Size of the Company ... 75 Correlations of Concept factor ........................... 79 Correlations of General Practices Factor (F3).... 82 5.5.3 Suggestions received from the manufactures .................. 84 5.6 Conclusion ................................................................................ 85 x 6 Conclusion ......................................................................................... 86 6.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 86 6.2 Project Summary ...................................................................... 86 6.3 Suggestions ............................................................................... 87 6.4 Future Research ........................................................................ 89 6.5 Conclusion ................................................................................ 89 REFERENCES APPENDIX A ................................................................................................ 90 93 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Sustainability elements 24 2.2 Consumer survey on weighting sustainability elements 24 5.1 Response rate 60 5.2 Main factors and variables 61 5.3 R-value for correlations of size factor 75 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Closed loop product life-cycle 9 2.2 Life cycle analysis (a) green product design; (b) 3 ‘r’ strategy 11 2.3 Sustainability factors 14 2.4 Material flow and its interaction with 6rs 16 2.5 The product value ($) over its life-cycle stages 17 2.6 The closed loop product life-cycle system 19 2.7 A generic scoring methodology for assessing the 6rs 20 2.8 Factor design framework for sustainable assessment 23 2.9 Results of consumer survey 25 2.10 Ccurrent reuse strategy 27 2.11 Maintenance data analysis 28 2.12 Two-step methodology for lifetime prediction 29 2.13 Concept of a sustainable society the comet circle tm 30 4.1 Methodology for Phase 1 51 4.2 Methodology for Phase 2 52 4.3 Online questionnaire snapshot 1 56 4.4 Online questionnaire snapshot 2 56 5.1 Respondents' position 65 5.2 Respondents' industry category 66 5.3 Size of the companies according to their industry type 67 5.4 Quantity of standard certificates in different industries 68 5.5 Percentage of certified companies with local and international 69 xiii 5.6 Percentage of raw material used in the studeied companies 70 5.7 Industry-wise raw material used in companies 70 5.8 Life cycle stages trackability 71 5.9 Life cycle stages trackability in different industries 72 5.10 Mean score of primary factors 73 5.11 Mean score of main factors 74 5.12 correlation chart between concept index and size of company 76 5.13 correlation chart between 3 issues factor and size of company 77 5.14 correlation chart between general practices and size of company 77 5.15 correlation chart between factor 4 and size of company 78 5.16 correlation chart between reduce (f5) and size of company 78 5.17 correlation chart between factor 6 and size of company 79 5.18 Correlation chart between 3issues and concept factor 80 5.19 Correlation chart between general practices and concpet 80 5.20 Correlation chart between factor4 and concept factor 81 5.21 Correlation chart between reduce(factor 5) and concept factor 81 5.22 Correlation chart between factor 4 and general practices 82 5.23 Correlation chart between reduce(factor 5) and general practices 83 5.24 Correlation chart between factor 6 and general practices 83 5.25 Improving suggestions of manufacturers 85 xiv LIST OF APPENDIX APPENDIX. A TITLE Questionnaire PAGE 93 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Achieving sustainable production or in an older perspective, green manufacturing, has become the main part in many companies' vision. The economical and environmental benefits obtained as a result of having sustainable processes and products, have put this issue in the center of attention during recent years. There have been many strategies to achieve this goal and many efforts have been done to increase the sustainability of the products and processes. According to Jawahir et al., (2006a) there are six main contributing factors to the sustainability of the products and they coined the term 6Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Recover, Redesign, Remanufacture) to reflect them although traditionally a 3R concept (reducing resources, reusing materials, and recycling wastes and residuals were considered as a criterion for sustainability. Thus there are many factors related to sustainability of the products. The difficulty in assessment of sustainability was brought about in this point, due to the fact that measuring these factors and quantifying them to develop a sustainability index for the variety of the products requires an impeccable methodology supporting them all. Although many 2 methodologies are offered in the recent articles, none of them can act the role of an adjustable wrench in sustainability assessment. Therefore the issue needs more research since the need to a determinant sustainability index is felt more and more for different industries by the development of the technologies. This study was started based on the target to find an assessment method for measuring industries greenness. The basic information for this study was to understand the level of awareness on sustainability issues among the manufacturing companies. In order to investigate the level of awareness a research on sustainability elements should be performed in accordance with 6Rs (Jawahir et al., 2006a). This could cover the whole area of concern related to sustainability. Moreover, it would conclude separate indices of awareness for every individual R, helping future improvements needed for every individual factor. The indices can also be used for any legislation amendments required for as the infrastructure contribution to sustainability. 1.2 Research Background Investigating the sustainability awareness is the thing that should be done in a broad range among the manufacturers. Due to the variety of Malaysian manufacturers and the extent Malaysian industries are developing. We have chosen categorized manufacturing companies according to MIDA. This is the study that has not yet done for local manufacturers in a wide area of sustainability covering the recently defined elements of sustainability. 3 Although there are many methodologies for assessing the sustainability of the products, a need to a simply implementable method for sustainable assessment is realized. The main data and the platform of this study is the data related to sustainability awareness level and the current practices performed for achieving the sustainability of the products and processes. By and large, the research on the local companies’ awareness can help us to fulfill the requirements of the assessment models and make useful suggestions on sustainability improvements for machining oriented manufacturers. 1.3 Problem Statement Nowadays, many companies practice the sustainability improvements in their processes. However comprehensive research has been conducted to investigate the level of their awareness and the degree they are practicing these methods. Moreover, this can give us the basic input for developing a good methodology of assessing the sustainability of the products and processes. 1.4 Research Objectives There are three main objectives of the study; 1. To determine the level of awareness about the sustainability concept among the case study companies. 2. To determine the companies’ practices related to sustainability. 4 3. To propose improving actions contributing to the sustainability enhancement of products and processes. 1.5 Scope of the Research This research is targeted to investigating all aspect of sustainability awareness based on a the 6Rs proposed by (Jawahir et al., 2006a). This wide area of research can give us a broad perspective on the sustainability concept for developing an assessment methodology. The main sustainability assessment is aimed at the products of the local companies and the processes involved. 1.6 Significant of the Research This research had categorized the significance of the research into four major groups. These four groups consist of Globe, Malaysia, studied companies, future research. a) Global Any study contributing to sustainability enhancement can have direct and indirect impact on the environment. This can benefit the planet and human beings as a whole. 5 b) Malaysia In general, this research will benefit Malaysia. Research like this is an approach that can suggest an improvement to increase the sustainability as a whole. The result of the study can help and also can be the guideline to the local industry to implement sustainability. Indirectly this research also will bring positive impact to improve the economy that also benefits Malaysian people. c) Studied company The questionnaire that will be distributed among the Malaysian manufacturers can give them a hint for future improvement. Since they will be asked about all the aspects of sustainability and also many details of the process sustainability are stated, they would be motivated to future enhancements. 1.7 Thesis Organization This study consists of six main chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction of the study. This chapter is about the research background, problem statement, research objectives, scope of the research and matters that related to the introduction of the research. Chapter 2 is the literature review of the project. It describes the sustainability’s definition, concepts, principle and tools that used in its assessment. 6 This chapter is the heart of the research. This literature will be the guideline to make sure the researcher keep on the right track in all the way completing the research. Chapter 3 is Malaysian companies’ profile and description of industries in Malaysia. Chapter 4 is the research methodology. This chapter is describe the methods that will used by the researcher to conduct the study. This all includes data collection and method to do the data analysis. Chapter 5 is result and data analysis while Chapter 6 is discussion, conclusion and recommendations of the research. 1.8 Conclusion In this chapter the researcher has discussed on the initial parts that should be explained to enhance the understanding to the study. The next chapter will present the literature review which will be used in conducting the research. 7 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction In this chapter, the discussion done based on the previous researches and case studies that related to sustainability assessment. The concepts and the theories related to sustainability will be elaborated in detail to enhance the understanding to the topic. 2.2 Sustainability “Sustainability is broadly defined by the Brundtland Commission as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. By extending this definition to products, sustainable products can be defined as those products that provide environmental, societal, and economic benefits while protecting social health and welfare, and 8 maintaining the environment, over their full life-cycle from raw materials extraction, use, to eventual disposal, and reuse,” (Jaafar et al., 2007). . 2.2.1 Green Product and Sustainable Product Green product is broadly defined as a product with low environmental impact during the use stage of its life-cycle while other stages of life-cycle have their own environmental impact - sustainability requires a comprehensive, multi-life cycle approach. Therefore, it can be realized that simply manufacturing and using green product does not totally solve the environmental problem. A clear distinction may have to be made at this point between green and truly sustainable products. According to this fact, industrialized countries definitely have made improvements in the sense of being green in their use of materials while waste generation still continues to rise. It is a worrying fact that as much as 75% of material resources used in products and their manufacture are disposed back to the environment as waste within a year. If this trend is not restrained over the next half decade, where demand for resources and the resulting waste may go up tenfold, the situation may even turn disastrous, (Jaafar et al., 2007). 9 2.3 Sustainable Assessment 2.3.1 Life Cycle Assessment The four stages of total life-cycle of a manufactured product in a closed loop system are: pre-manufacturing, manufacturing, use and post-use. These four stages are revealed in Figure 2.1, (Jawahir et al., 2006b). Figure 2.1 Closed loop product life-cycle system according to “6Rs” for perpetual material flow (Source: Jawahir et al., 2006b) 2.3.2 Brief Review on LCA LCA is a method for analytically assessing the environmental impacts of products during their life cycle from the mining of raw materials through processing, manufacturing, transportation, distribution, use, recycle, disposal, remanufacturing 10 and final disposal. Recently, many manufacturers of consumer products such as washing machines, computer printers and monitors, photocopier, etc., have been estimating the carrying out of LCA in products. Market pressure, legislation, standards, the need to preserve competitive advantage, etc., have induced the product manufacturers to consider the environmental impact of their products. In addition to diminishing the danger of looming regulation at the international level, the manufacturers are aware of the societal demand for green products. Inside the ‘design and manufacturing process loop’ (Figure 2.2a), the green circle contains the three main elements: material, energy and end-of-life. Eco-labels supplement the 3-R strategies: Recycling, Remanufacturing and Reuse of products (Figure 2.2b). Recycling raises decisions, which have social implications, for the reason that many customers want their product to look new. Remanufacturing makes new generations of the product either by upgrading the older technology or initiating new technology. Reuse raises the questions of durability of the product. Three groups of tools – analysis tools, improvement tools and decision tools – have been developed to support the LCA process. Analysis tools are used to discover the environmental impact of a product all over the life cycle. Improvement tools simplify a designer’s role in improving the environmental performance of their products. Improvement tools have been developed to address environmental issues including minimisation of hazardous material, design for recycling, design for disassembly, design for energy efficiency, and conformity with regulations and standards design for remanufacture. A decision support tool is used to make the judgment on whether or not to use the candidates (Mahalik and Soak, 2006). 11 Figure 2.2 Life cycle analysis (a) Design for better environment; (b) Three ‘R’ strategy (Source: Mahalik and Soak, 2006) 2.3.3 Sustainability Elements “A sustainable Society realizes that Economy must function within the limits of the Environment, and that sustainability is achieved when the greatest good is achieved for the greatest number. It is the inequality of sharing the Environmental and Economic resources between members of the current Society and also that of future generations that causes instability,” (Jaafar et. al., 2007). Six major “Sustainability Elements” have been recognized and introduced in this model. These are: product’s environmental impact, societal impact, functionality, resource utilization and economy, manufacturability and recyclability/ remanufacturability (Figure 2.3) (Silva et al., 2009). Each of these elements was further analyzed and a sub-element level was achieved with identified influencing factors (Table 2.1). The need for introducing six specific elements that differ from 12 the conventional three broad categories (environment, society and economy) was to incorporate processes and systems criteria that are significant in sustainability decision making. Functionality is a key aspect of a product where upgradeability, modularity, and maintainability all contribute to sustaining a product (Silva et al., 2009).. Manufacturability deals with assembly, transportation and packaging where new legislations are coming into effect. Recyclability/remanufacturing is a very extensive element where the electronics industry (the article’s case study) has to focus heavily on waste minimization and resource preservation. The inputs of the model consist of data available at the design stage of the product development process and the output is an index that indicates the level of sustainability in the product. This index will represent the six elements individually to gain a greater understanding of the product’s relationship with sustainability (Silva et al., 2009). Table 2.1: Sustainability elements Sustainability Sub-Elements Of Sustainability Influencing Factors Elements Environmental Impact Life Cycle Factor Recover Rate After First Life Recovery Cost Potential For Next Life Environmental Effects Toxic Substances Emission Societal Impact Ethical Responsibility Take-Back Options Product Pricing Societal Impact Safety Quality Of Life Functionality Reliability Type Of Material Maintenance Schedule Service Life/Durability Maintenance Schedule 13 Functionality Upgradeability Ease Of Installation Option For Upgrade Functionality Resource Utilization Modularity Modules Available Ergonomics Safety Maintainability/ Serviceability Maintenance Schedule Energy Efficiency Production Energy And Economy Energy For Use Recycle Energy Material Utilization Type Of Material Quantity Of Material Cost Of Material Manufacturability Use Of Renewable Source Of Energy Option For Other Energy Sources Market Value Current Market Value Operational Cost Cost To Operate Packaging Take-Back Options Packaging Material Quantity Used Assembly Number Of Parts/Components Transportation Cost Of Transportation Storage Cost For Storage Duration Of Storage Recyclability/ Recyclability Cost Of Recycling Recycle Energy Remanufacturability Recycling Method Type Of Material Separability Value Of Recycled Material Disposability Disposal Options Remanufacturability Number Of Recovered Parts Disassembly Number Of Parts/Components Recovery Of Materials Number Of Parts/Components Type Of Material 14 Figure 2.4 Sustainability factors 2.3.4 6R Concept In view of the material flow in a sustainable product life cycle, the 3Rs (i.e., reduce, reuse, and recycle) have often been referred to as crucial ingredients. A more comprehensive and complete depiction would include three other Rs. These are Recover, Redesign, and Remanufacture. Reduce involves activities that search for simplifying the current design of a specified product to make possible future post-use activities. According to Abu-Farha and Khraisheh (2008) reduce contains the reduction in the following sects: 15 Material use Energy consumption Cost Material waste Pollution and green house gases Of all the end-of-life activities in the post-use stage, reuse may potentially be the stage incurring the lowest environmental impact, mainly because it usually involves relatively fewer processes. Recycle refers to activities that include shredding, smelting, and separating. Recover represents the activity of collecting end-of-life products for subsequent postuse activities (Jawahir, et al., 2006a). It may also refer to the disassembly and dismantling of specific components from a product at the end of its useful life. Redesign works in close conjunction with reduce in that it involves redesigning the product in view of simplifying future post-use processes. Remanufacture is similar to manufacturing. However, it is not conducted for the first time. By contrast, it is a stage conducted as a subsequent operation after other post-use activities. The introduction of the 6R concept into a product’s life cycle seeks to attain, or at least approach, the condition of a perpetual material flow, resulting in a minimization/elimination of that product’s ecological footprint (Jaafar, 2007). 2.3.5 Interaction of the Material Flow with 3R and 6R Concept Figure 2.4 illustrates the material flow of a product throughout its life-cycle. The interaction between the life-cycle stages with 3R and 6R concept is also depicted. Lean manufacturing is applicable for the first 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and 16 Recycle) while the total sustainability concept can also cover the newly added 3Rs (Recover, Redesign, Remanufacture). Figure 2.5 Flowchart showing the material flow and its interaction with 6Rs for multiple life-cycle (Source: Jawahir, et al., 2006a) The value of different life-cycle stages of product is plotted in the Figure 2.6. The increasing trend of value is obvious during the manufacturing and premanufacturing stages. The value of product depreciated in use stage as it gets closer to end-of-life. The product can make profit for the manufacturer at reuse stage, since the product is not totally disposed. The value of the products can be increased in recycling, recovering, redesigning and remanufacturing. The value of the product after these stages remains lower than the initial value. This means lower reducing 17 costs and the benefit for the customer which can buy the product cheaper. Thus in 6R stages both manufacturer and consumer benefit. Figure 2.6 Plot showing the product value ($) over its life-cycle stages (Source: Jawahir, et al., 2006a) 2.3.6 Measurement and Assessment of Product Sustainability The quantification of product sustainability is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the sustainability component in a manufactured product. It is becoming increasingly obvious that the societal appreciation, need, and even demand for such a sustainability rating would become apparent with increasing societal awareness and user value to all manufactured products. This is analogous to the current demand for comprehensive food labeling, energy efficiency levels in electrical appliances, and fuel consumption rating in automobiles. It is not surprising 18 that a quantifiable sustainability rating would one day be required for all manufactured products through mandatory regulations. Almost all previous research on sustainability assessment of products has produced qualitative results that are mostly, with the exceptions of a few recent efforts, difficult to quantify. Hence, these analyses are largely no analytical and less scientific in terms of being their perceived value of contributions. Moreover, product sustainability does not just cover a simplistic assessment of the environment as a contributing measure; it involves a comprehensive simultaneous assessment of the environmental, economic, and societal impact categories, which are all interrelated. The three components of sustainability, each containing measurable indicators, can be used to form a meaningful sustainability matrix. A large amount of information is required to evaluate product sustainability. Adding to this predicament would be that some of the scope of sustainability issues may also be beyond a company’s power to control. Ongoing work at the University of Kentucky (UK) within the Research Institute for Sustainability Engineering (RISE) involves a multidisciplinary approach aimed at formulating a more comprehensive method for product sustainability assessment. A group of design, manufacturing/industrial, and materials engineers, along with social scientists, economists, and marketing specialists are actively participating in the program to establish the basic scientific principles for developing a product sustainability rating system. This includes the development of a sciencebased product sustainability index = (PSI). The importance of this type of assessment is highlighted by the growing interest among the various business investors on the high valued industrial machinery equipment and also to determine the Return of Investment (ROI). A comprehensive and simple guide to determine the level of sustainable of a product design is still lacking. 19 Figure 2.7 shows a closed loop/“cradle to cradle” product life-cycle system. Conversely, in an open loop/“cradle to grave” life-cycle system, products are consumed and disposed of at the end of its useful life. With this scenario, material resource, waste output, energy usage, and other system emissions are primarily a function of consumer demand (Jaafar, 2007). Figure 2.7 The closed loop product life-cycle system (Source: Jaafar, 2007) 2.3.7 A Generic Methodology For Assessing The 6Rs In terms of economy, environment and society a generic scoring methodology for assessing the 6Rs in terms of economy, environment and society for an entire life-cycle and subsequent life-cycles of a given product is shown in the 20 Figure 2.8. The matrix shows the interaction between the 6Rs and the different stages of the product life-cycle. The first life-cycle does not contain any assessments for Reuse, Recycle, Remanufacture Recover or Redesign but is assessed in terms of Reduce only, since the other Rs do not have any significance until the post-use stage of the first life-cycle of the product. These have varied importance after the use stage of the first life-cycle. The methodology for this rating is based on the Product Sustainability Index (PSI) rating for a total life-cycle. First, each element in the matrix is filled by one or all of the Rs as relevant. For example in the use stage of the second life-cycle, the product is assessed in terms of society by considering Reduce, Reuse and Recycle only. The other three Rs do not have a significant role to play in this particular element of the matrix and therefore are neglected. The Rs are selected and then rated on a scale of 1-10 in terms of factors influencing them in a particular stage of the life-cycle of the product. The average scores for these influencing factors are taken and its percentage is calculated. The assessment is then represented visually depending on the percentage obtained (Jawahir et al., 2006a). Figure 2.8 Matrix showing a generic scoring methodology for assessing the 6Rs in terms of economy, environment and society for multiple life-cycles (Source: Jawahir et al., 2006a). 21 2.3.8 Evaluation of the Product Sustainability As mentioned before the significance of developing a model for evaluating the product sustainability motivates researchers to improvise newer models. In Silva et al. (2009) we can find a new method called sustainability scoring for evaluating a new product for its integral elemental and overall sustainability contents impacting the end-of-life product. This covers the effective residual use of recovered materials in the subsequent life-cycle of the same or different products. The procedure also is used for comparing similar products, like prior or a subsequent model, or one from a rival. The evaluation of products’ sustainability plays an act in a long run for reserving the resources s which would be used for a future ‘green product’. The economic benefits of producing green products, which have put them in the center of attention, have been proved in many articles (Dataschefki, 1999; Dataschefki, 2002). The need for a predictive model has been realized during the last two decades. One of the methods is Sustainability Target Method (STM). In this model the gap between economic value of the products and environmental impact is bridged by calculating some economic indicators of resource productivity and ecofriendliness (Dickinson and Caudill, 2003) Environmental effects can also be considered at the design stage (Kaebernick et al., 2003a). Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies are brought into the design stage as well (Kaebernick et al., 2003b) 22 Although many studies have been done on the environmental, societal and economic effects of the products, there has been no comprehensive report trying to quantify the inherent sustainability level. The negative point with using LCA and other similar methods is the need to a profound amount of data; this amount of data can barely be found and collected to meet the requirements for running the model. The feasibility of the study is also questioned according to the time and money needed to carry their out their methodology. Numbers of new methods are offered which can be run with the simple data available in the design stage. One of them is mentioned by (Pascual and Boks, 2004) with a case study of electronic products manufacturers. The new method offered by (Silva et al., 2009) start with six main factors mentioned in previous sections. The categorization starts with 44 different influencing factors belonging to 24 sub elements. The index is used to represent all six main factors separately to give a great understanding of the sustainability (Figure 2.8). 23 Figure 2.9 Factor design framework for sustainable assessment (Source: Silva et al., 2009) In the next step, scoring of each factor in the given product is done. Scoring is done according to a 0-1 scale (0 is the lowest and 1 is the highest). These scales are expected to be determined by manufacturer of the products with getting assistance of their environmental and design team working in tandem with their marketing team. The marketing team can be a good help by conducting regular surveys among customers. All the data will be integrated to create weighting factors. Influencing factors can be measured according to the existing models such as EcoIndicator 99, (Sun et al., 2003). In implementing new methodologies Silva et al. (2009) (also obvious in the case studies) is the lack of information in the companies to fulfill the requirement of the model. Thus, more study for developing a much simpler model is still realized. 24 2.4 Sustainability Perspective The perspective of sustainability concept in customers’ minds differs from that of manufacturers. According to one survey conducted by Silva et al. (2009),on the elements of sustainability, manufacturers are more concerned about functionality and environmental impacts while the top choices of consumers are societal impact, functionality and resource utilization (economy). The results of this survey are depicted in Figure 2.9. Table 2.2: Results of consumer survey on weighting sustainability elements (Source: Silva et al., 2009) 25 Comparison of Expectations of Manufacturers (OEM) and Consumers Environmental Impact Recyclability/ Societal Impact Remanufacturability Manufacturability Functionality Resource Utilization & Economy Figure 2.10 Results of consumer survey (Source: Silva et al., 2009) 2.4.1 Concept of Sustainable Society For the Ricoh Group to become the type of organization we envision, not only does the Group need to realize change towards the creation of a sustainable society but society as a whole also needs to realize such change. In 1994, we established the Comet Circle as the basis to encourage such change. The Comet Circle expresses the greater picture of our environmental impact reduction scheme, which includes not only the scope of the Ricoh Group as a manufacturer and sales company but also the entire lifecycle of our products, including upstream and downstream of our business activities. Being well aware that product manufacturers like Ricoh, because of their involvement in the early phases of a product's lifecycle, can make the greatest contribution to reducing environmental impact, we engage in all business taking into account the Comet Circle. 26 2.5 Reuse and Remanufacturing Sustainability can make a great evolution in industries by introducing the concept of ‘doing more with less’. This means to reduce the use of resources and energy during the life cycle of the product (Westkamper, 2000). This can be satisfied by shifting the companies from an environmental perspective to recovery strategies (i.e. recycling, remanufacturing reuse (Kaebernick et al., 2002). As the lack of global resources is more realized the old recycling strategy doesn’t suffice for achieving sustainability. The more environmentally viable and economically superior (due to the waste produced in recycling strategy) is reuse of used parts (Kaebernick et al., 2002). The only unattractiveness of this approach is the uncertainty about quality of products after the first life-time which is in responsibilities of manufacturers. Cumulatively it benefits both society and manufacturer. The current reuse cycle is shown in Figure 2.10. Before deciding on the reuse of products we need environmental, technical and economic justification. The negative point is that the products that have a slow technological development are the only products that can be reused. The next requirement for the product is the availability. Availability is the readiness of a product to perform end-of-life or beginning of second life. For this stage some test should be done. First is to check if the product can start operation well. The second is to test the reliability of the product over certain period. Reliability can be defined as the probability that the product can perform during the second life. The all these test the economic feasibility of the reuse should be considered. This can be achieved by comparing the economy revenue and total life cycle costs (such as cleaning, remanufacturing and testing) 27 Figure 2.11 Current reuse strategy (Source: Kaebernick et al., 2002) 2.5.1 Estimating the Reliability of the Product Or Part For the Second Life Before Disassembly In testing the reliability of the product, one of the concerns is the waste of money. For decreasing the risk of wasting money in dissambly and cleaning of nonreusable items, there are some methods such as statistical methods explored by the researchers (Kaebernick et al., 2002). Life time prediction can be done by using either statistical reliability analysis or condition monitoring. The data required for the first is failure data collected eiher from in-house testing or maintanance activities. In-house testing or accelerated life testing is performed to estimate the performance of the products over a given period. Using maintanance data is also another source of data used for this prediction. Mainataince center of the company records the failed items. However more coprehensive data is needed which is shown in Figure 2.11. 28 Figure 2.12 Maintenance data analysis (Source: Kaebernick et al., 2002) Other than statistical methods, condition monitoring (CM) is a precise method of esimation of life cycle. In this method potential failure is predicted by using advanced data analysis thechniques. The precision of this method is highly dependant on the completeness of the recorded life cycle data. In Kara et al. (2005) a more comprehensive methodology for reuse potential estimation is seen presented in a two steps. The first step is selecting components with reuse potential, the second step is to check the data behaviour by performing the data analysis (Figure 2.12). 29 Figure 2.13 Two-step methodology for lifetime prediction (Source: Kara et al. 2005) 2.6 Flow of the Comet Circle Each circle in the chart below represents our partners that can help develop a sustainable society. The new resources harvested by the materials supplier from the natural environment (upper right) will be turned into a product through moving from the right to left along the upper route, finally reaching the users (customers). The used products will follow the route below from left to right (Figure 2.13). 30 Figure 2.14 Concept of a sustainable society: The comet circle TM (Source: Ricoh, 2009) The Steps Involved In This Concept Are Stated Herein (Ricoh 2009) 1. Identifying and reducing the total environmental impact at all stages of the lifecycle To reduce the environmental impact all over the product lifecycle, we should recognize the degree of impact at each stage, from business process to transportation, by all involved parties—the manufacturer, suppliers, customers, and recycling companies. Using the Sustainable Environmental Management Information System, which covers all of these stages, we identify the environmental impact to endorse development of environmental technology and reuse and recycling of the products, thus striving to reduce the total environmental impact. 31 2. Putting priority on inner loop recycling and promoting a multitiered recycling system Resources have the highest economic value when they are manufactured into products and used by customers. The priority should be put on reusing and recycling products and parts, expressed as the inner loops of the Comet Circle, to return used products to their highest economic value. When a part cannot be reused in a product, we will recycle it as a material. In such cases, we make every effort to recycle the part into a material with a quality as high as possible or to recycle it in the closed loop recycling system, or a system which allows the recycled material to be used within the closed loop of the system, thereby achieving the highest possible economic value. 3. More economically rational recycling In a sustainable society, used products should not be treated as waste but as valuable resources. That is, a recycling system must be developed in which products and money flow in opposite directions in the post-product-use stages as well as the original production and marketing stages. Making use of an upgraded design, has a system can be established to reuse parts repeatedly in production. In partnership with recycling companies, we have been working on quality improvement of recycled resources and minimization of energy used and costs needed for reuse and recycling. This way, we are promoting a more economically rational recycling system that has a smaller impact on the environment. 32 4. Reducing the needs of new resources with greater use of recovered resources Since the initiation of the Comet Circle in 1994, a system has been built under which used products are recovered and reintroduced into the market, giving way to more efficient use of resources. Given the possibility that some mineral resources may be depleted in the near future, manufacturing styles cannot be said to be sustainable if they require large amounts of resources. We can shift to the new style of manufacturing, whereby the value of resources is maximized through recycling and use of new resources in production is greatly reduced. 5. Establishing a partnership at every stage To effectively reduce the environmental impact, close communication and information-sharing among partners is critical. Environmental impact should be reduced in all of its business areas through partnerships with parties at all stages of the product lifecycle. The initiatives include the reduction of environmentally sensitive substances in cooperation with materials and parts manufacturers, improved efficiency in transportation, and green marketing. We also offer solutions to our customers to reduce the environmental impact of their offices. Disclosing information and know-how garnered through these activities and working with local communities helps reduce the environmental impact of society as a whole (Ricoh, 2009). 33 2.7 Factorial Analysis “Exploratory factor analysis may be appropriate when you have obtained measures on a number of variables, and want to identify the number and nature of the underlying factors that are responsible for covariation in the data. In other words, exploratory factor analysis is appropriate when you want to identify the factor structure underlying a set of data”(Hatcher, 1994) 2.8 Likert Scale A Likert is a psychometric scale frequently used in survey researches and it is a rating scale for investigating the ranking level of pre-defined variables (Likert, 1932). Number of scales In choosing number of scales many articles have referred and we conclude that both reliability and validity are independent of the number of scale points used for Likert-type items (Matell and Jacoby, 1971). 34 2.9 Conclusion On the whole, the significance of sustainability and the need to assess the level of sustainability is felt. The assessment can be done on both products and processes involved. Many methodologies have been developed, but a comprehensive methodology supporting a variety of products should be created. The main requirement of this assessment is the data from the current sustainability activities in the companies. The methodology of this research can be seen in next chapter. 35 CHAPTER 3 COMPANIES PROFILE 3.1 Introduction Manufacturing sector in Malaysia has a vast expansion and improvement by the advent of new technologies in the country and the new governmental perspective toward country’s self-sufficiency. The information here is based on the database of Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA), -the government's principal agency for the promotion of the manufacturing and services sectors in Malaysia. The current main categories of manufacturing in Malaysia are as follows: Basic Metal Products Medical Devices Electrical & Electronics Petrochemical & Polymer Electronics Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals Services Rubber Products Engineering Supporting Textiles & Apparel Food Processing Wood-based Machinery & Equipment 36 In the next section a brief description of the industries and the portion of their contribution to the country’s industrial development can be seen. 3.2 Industries in Malaysia 3.2.1 Basic Metal Products Industry Malaysia's basic metal industries, which include the iron and steel industries and the non-ferrous metal industries, have experienced considerable growth since the last decades along with the country's industrial development. Iron & Steel The Malaysian iron and steel industries sector consists of the primary steel products such as blooms/slabs, sponge iron, hot briquetted iron (HBI), steel billets and a very extensive range of long and flat products like hot and cold rolled coils, coated steel coils, roofing sheets, steel pipes and sections, steel billets, steel bars, wire rods, wire mesh, hard drawn wires, galvanized wires, steel wire ropes, steel wire products, stainless steel pipes/pipes fittings and stainless steel wire and fasteners. There are presently 230 companies producing these products with an output of RM32.2 billion per annum and total employment of 30,100 workers. The iron and steel industries bridge the supply of basic raw materials and components to other divisions of the country’s economy, especially the construction, electrical/electronic, automotive, furniture, machinery and engineering fabrication industries. 37 3.2.2 Electrical and Electronics Industry The electronics industry is the dominant sector in Malaysia's manufacturing, contributing considerably to the country's manufacturing output (29.3 per cent), exports (55.9 per cent) and employment (28.8 per cent). In 2008, gross output of the industry totaled RM167.2 billion (US$53.9 billion), exports amounted to RM233.8 billion (US$75.4 billion) and the industry created employment opportunities for 296,870 people. Over the years, Malaysia's electronics industry has developed significant capabilities and skills forth manufacture of a wide range of semiconductor devices, high-end consumer electronic and information and communication technology (ICT) products.Electronics manufacturers in the country have continued to move-up the value chain to produce higher value-added products. These include intensification of research and development efforts and outsource non-core activities domestically.The electronics industry in Malaysia can be categorized into three sub-sectors: Consumer Electronics This sub-sector includes the manufacture of color television receivers, audio visual products such as digital versatile disc (DVD) players/recorders, home theater systems, blue-ray, mini disc, electronics games consoles and digital cameras. The sector is represented by many renowned Japanese and Korean companies, which have contributed significantly towards the rapid growth of the sector. 38 The leading companies are now undertaking R&D activities in the country to support their Asia Pacific markets. Exports of consumer electronic products in 2008 amounted to RM21.5 billion (USD6.9 billion). Electronic Components Products/activities which fall under this sub-sector include semiconductor devices, passive components, printed circuits and other electronic components such as media, substrates and connectors. The electronics components are the most important sub-sector and accounted for 58.7 per cent of the total investment approved in the electronics sector in 2008. Majority of the investments were from foreign sources. The sub-sector is dominated by the semiconductor players, mainly undertaking packaging, assembly and test. The industry is very volatile and is affected by the global economic slowdown. It constituted 91.5 per cent of the total export of electronic components or 38.4 per cent of the total electronics export for 2008. Electrical Electrical products are categorized into three sub-sectors, namely industrial equipment sub-sector, electrical component sub-sector and household appliances. There are presently more than 381 companies producing a wide range of products such as household electrical appliances, wire and cables and electrical industrial equipment. 39 3.2.3 Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) Industry EMS providers are assuming an increasingly important role and making a significant impact on manufacturing concerns worldwide. EMS companies function as strategic partners to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs) and Original Brand Manufacturers (OBMs) by providing them with a full range of services from contract design and manufacturing to postmanufacturing services. By using the services of EMS providers, OEMs, ODMs and OBMs can concentrate on their core competencies such as research and development, brand building and marketing. 3.2.4 Engineering Supporting Industry Malaysia's engineering supporting industries, which include the moulds and dies, machining, metal stamping, casting, heat treatment and plating/surface treatment industries, have developed rapidly over the last three decades in tandem with the overall growth of the country's manufacturing sector. To-date, Malaysia is recognised internationally for its capabilities and quality production in diverse range of engineering activities. It has a good network of engineering supporting industries capable of meeting the needs of OEMs in supplying parts and components and the provision of precision engineering services globally. Over the past five years, outsourcing has matured as a trend, and Malaysia's engineering supporting industry is benefitting from this trend. Malaysia is a major outsourcing destination for MNCs in the E&E, automotive, machinery manufacturing, oil & gas, aerospace, medical, defence and photovoltaic industries. Malaysia is at present encouraging companies to position themselves to become ‘One 40 Stop Centres' providing total solutions to customers. These ‘One Stop Centres' would offer integrated services from product conception to serial production and manage the entire processes including procurement, logistics, packaging, testing and certification. Moulds and Dies The moulds and dies sector is the leading engineering supporting industry in the country. There are about 400 companies currently employing some 14,000 workers of which 50% are in the skilled and professional categories. Malaysia's moulds and dies companies have the capabilities to fabricate most types of moulds, dies and toolings to cater to the diverse tooling needs of the manufacturing sector. Currently, 40% of moulds and dies produced caters toward the electrical and electronics industries, while 27% of the output is for the plastics industry. The moulds and dies industry in Malaysia has immense potential for growth and it is estimated to cater for 60% of the local market demand. Future growth in the industry will focus mainly on the production of high precision and complex toolings for the electrical and electronics sector, while large moulds would be for the automotive components industry. Machining The machining industry in Malaysia can be classified into two categories: 41 1. Companies which provide machining services to other industries on a jobbing basis. 2. Companies which produce precision machined parts such as jigs & fixtures, turned parts, shafts, pins, bushes and other machined components. Presently, there are over 170 companies in operation, providing specialized precision machining services and general supporting machining services to meet the demand of the local manufacturing sector. Some of these highly integrated machining solution providers can work to machining tolerances as low as 1 to 5 microns. Turning diameters range from as low as 1mm to about 550mm. Most of these companies possess state-of-the-art machining centres with milling capabilities on products sizes of up to 0.6 m3 and some have the capabilities of machining minute precision gears and shafts for watches, clocks and cameras. A number of these highly capable machining companies have also diversified their activities into the design and manufacture of automation systems and equipment mainly for the semiconductor, electrical and electronics industries. The fast pace of development in the electrical & electronics, machinery manufacturing and automotive industries in Malaysia will increase the demand for machined parts and components as well as machining services. Metal Stamping The metal stamping industry is an established industry in Malaysia with over 300 companies supplying stamped/pressed parts to the automotive, electrical & electronics, machinery & equipment and precision measuring & testing 42 equipment industries. The industry is growing and developing towards high speed stamping and into the manufacture of higher precision and miniaturized parts. Some of the large companies are capable of stamping parts to a precision tolerance of between 5-10 microns. Die Casting The die-casting sector is a major supplier of components for the electrical, electronics, automotive and telecommunications industries. There are presently more than 60 companies in operation. About 50% of the die-castings produced in Malaysia cater for the needs of companies producing computers, computer peripherals, cameras and home electrical appliances, while another 30% is for the production of automotive components. Plating/Surface Treatment Malaysia's plating/surface treatment sector, comprising over 40 companies, has the capabilities to undertake various precision processes such as batch and continuous electroplating, precision electroplating, electroless plating, functional electroplating, catholic electrodeposit, dacrotised treatment, phosphating, passivation, anodizing, chromating, electroplating for the semiconductor industry including integrated circuits and lead frames, sinter plating and physical vapour deposition. The increasing demand for plating/surface treatment services in the electrical, electronics, automotive and machinery component industries has created opportunities for new ventures. Malaysia encourages the establishment of modern plating plants to complement the country's rapid industrial development and to address environmental concerns linked to the plating industry. 43 Heat Treatment There are about 20 companies in Malaysia offering heat treatment services in continuous mesh-belt heat treatment, carburising, carbonitriding, nitriding, nitrocarburising, vacuum hardening, quenching, annealing, normalising and tempering for a diverse range of steel manufactured products. 3.2.5 Food Industry Malaysia's food industry is as diverse as the multi-cultures of Malaysia, with a wide range of processed food with Asian tastes. In 2008, the food processing industry contributed about 10% of Malaysia's manufacturing output and companies in this industry are predominantly Malaysian-owned. 3.2.6 Machinery and Equipment Industry The Government has identified the machinery and equipment (M&E) industry to be one of the key areas for growth and development. The growth will focus on the manufacture of high value-added and high technology M&E. The long term objectives outlined under the Third Industrial Master Plan (IMP3) for the M&E sector is to position Malaysia as :- 44 I. The regional production hub for high technology and specialized M&E; II. III. The main distribution centre in the region for all types of M&E; and The centre for maintenance related services, refurbishment, reconditioning and upgrading of high technology and specialized M&E. Malaysia's competitive edge lies in its ability to provide engineering design services with R&D, high skilled and knowledgeable workforce, and high technology and high quality production at lower cost compared to other industrialized countries. With increasing competition from lower cost producing countries, the industry is expected to move away from the manufacture of low-end and lowtechnology M&E. Malaysia is now moving towards or focusing on high technology and high value added M&E i.e. standard M&E for niche market, and specialized or custom made M&E. Although Malaysia competes with developed countries where these M&E are produced, Malaysia would have the cost competitive edge. 3.2.7 Medical Devices Industry Malaysia continued to maintain its position as the world's leading producer and exporter of medical gloves and catheters, supplying 80 per cent of the world market for catheters, and 60 per cent for rubber gloves. The production of medical gloves has moved up the value chain, with higher quality and specialty gloves being manufactured such as low protein, powder free medical gloves, safety gloves and clean room gloves. 45 Other medical device products manufactured in Malaysia include syringes, surgical equipment, blood transfusion sets, blood pressure transducers, dialysis solutions, medical gases, hypodermic /spinal/ AV fistula needles, medical tubes & bags, diagnostic radiographic equipment, orthopedic products and procedural kits. 3.2.8 Petrochemical and Polymer Industry The petroleum and petrochemical industry covers natural gas, petroleum products and petrochemicals. The industry is an important sector in Malaysia with investments totalling RM57.2 billion as at 2008. There are more than 1,550 companies in operation, producing products ranging from common household items, packaging materials and conveyance articles to parts and components for the electrical and electronics, automotive, office automation, computer and telecommunications industries. 3.2.9 Pharmaceuticals Industry Malaysian pharmaceutical manufacturers have the capability to produce medicines in all dosage forms e.g. tablets (coated & non-coated), capsules (hard and soft gelatine), liquids, creams, ointments, sterile eye drops, small volume injectables (ampoules and vials), large volume infusions, dry powders for reconstitution and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). The principal regulatory authority on the production, import and sale of pharmaceuticals (including traditional medicines) in Malaysia is the Drug Control Authority (DCA) of the Ministry of Health. To date, a 46 total of 234 pharmaceutical companies with Good Manufacturing Practices certification have registered with the DCA. 3.2.10 Rubber-Based Industry The Malaysian rubber products industry is made up of more than 510 manufacturers producing latex products; tyres and tyre-related products; and industrial and general rubber products. The industry employed more than 68,700 workers and contributed RM10.58 billion to the country's export earnings in 2007. Rubber products accounted for 1.7 per cent of Malaysia's total exports and 2.3 per cent of Malaysia exports from the manufacturing sector. Malaysia's natural rubber production in 2007 amounted to 1.20 million tonnes compared with 1.28 million tonnes in 2006. The major natural rubber consuming industries for 2007 were rubber gloves 63.8%, rubber thread 13.0% and tyres and tubes 11.8%. The total consumption of the three industries constitutes 88.6% of the overall domestic consumption of natural rubber. The rapid growth of the industry has enabled Malaysia to become the world's largest consumer of natural rubber latex. The latex products sub-sector is the largest sub-sector within the rubber products industry and comprises 163 manufacturers producing medical, household and industrial gloves, catheters, latex threads, balloons, finger stalls and foam products. This sub-sector accounted for 72 per cent of the total value of exports, largely contributed by gloves, catheters and latex threads. Malaysia continued to maintain its position as the world's leading producer and exporter of catheters, latex threads and natural rubber medical gloves, supplying more than 80 per cent of the 47 world market for catheters, 70 per cent for latex threads and 60 per cent for rubber gloves. There are currently 126 companies in the tyres and tyre-related products subsector comprising nine tyre producers while the remaining companies produce retreads, tyre treads for retreading, valves and other accessories. There are three major tyre producers producing passenger car tyres, commercial vehicle tyres and earthmover tyres, and another six manufacturing other types of tyres. Exports value of rubber tyres, flaps, and inner tubes in 2007 amounted to RM891.6 million. The industrial and general rubber products sub-sector comprises 194 companies producing a wide range of rubber products such as mountings, beltings, hoses, tubings, seals, and sheetings for the automotive, electrical & electronics, machinery & equipment and construction industries, largely for the domestic market. 3.2.11 Textiles and Apparels Industry The growth of Malaysia's textiles and apparel industry accelerated in the early 1970s when the country embarked on export-oriented industrialisation. With exports valued at RM 10.49 while imports amounted to RM 5.46 billion thus making Malaysia a net exporter of textiles and textile products. There are 662 licensed companies in production with investments of RM8.3 billion. The industry employs more than 68,264 workers. 48 3.2.12 Wood Based Industry The wood-based industry in Malaysia comprises four major sub-sectors. Sawn timber veneer and panel products which include plywood and other reconstituted panel products such as particleboard/chipboard/fibreboard; mouldings and builders' joinery and carpentry (BJC) such as doors/windows and its components, panels and flooring board/parquet. Furniture and furniture components. The industry is predominantly owned by Malaysian and it is estimated that 80%-90% of the companies comprise small and medium-size (SME) establishments. 3.3 Conclusion In this chapter, the Malaysian manufacturers and their main categories were discussed. The next chapter will present the research methodology used for the study. 49 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4.1 Introduction This chapter presents the details of the methodology used to investigate the level of awareness in sustainable manufacturing. The details of the research methodology will also be presented in flowcharts. 4.2 Methodology The main goal of this project is ‘investigating the level of awareness on sustainability among the manufacturing companies’. Many methods ha been offered for assessing the sustainability of the products. The main topic is sustainability of the product and processes involved. Due to the broadness of this topic, a good paper review is needed. Moreover, this survey 50 should be both applicable to all types of business which in the project is determined to be Malaysian manufacturers. An online questionnaire is used for this purpose as an alternative data gathering method to our hard-copy questionnaire. 4.3 Research Process The research steps and processes are defined in this subsection. The main stages of the research are as below which are based on a guideline material (Thomas, 2004): Phase 1: 1. Initial planning 2. Referring to articles, papers and standards 3. Stating the questions that we are going to find answer for (Factorial design) 4. Identifying the target audience 5. Developing the questionnaire Phase 2: 6. Expert Validation 7. Determining the sample number 8. Data Collection 9. Data analysis 10. Developing the reports and taking decisions 51 The detailed methodology is shown in a two flow charts, each for each phase of the project (Figure 4.1 and 4.2). This flow chart will be the guidelines for the whole project path. Figure 4.1 Methodology for Phase 1 52 Figure 4.2 Methodology for Phase 2 4.4 Survey Instrument For this exploratory study the best method is using a questionnaire to evaluate the awareness level of manufactures. Online questionnaire was used. The details are 53 brought in the following subsections (you can also refer to Appendix A to see the questionnaire): Main sections of the questionnaire This questionnaire has 6 main sections to help analyze the factors easily and find the correlations within the factors and their correlation with general information of the company and the person in charge of questionnaire’s filling up. The main sections of the questionnaire o Section 1: General Information This section consists of general information of the company and the person in charge of filling up the form. The size of the company, the industry category, used materials and products were asked in this part of the questionnaire. o Section 2: Sustainability Concept, Society, Environment, Economics In this part the focus was on the understanding of the sustainability concept and how the manufacturers take in the meaning of sustainable manufacturing. The three main elements of sustainability were stated to estimate the people’s awareness about them. 54 o Section 3: Energy Saving and Waste Tracking Methods Practices about energy saving methods were stated. The questions in this part were related to three different energy saving categories of electricity, water and transportation-wise. Three of the Rs of sustainability (refer to 6R concept-literature review chapter) were focused; Reduce, recover and redesign where the main target of this section. The data from this part can help estimate the level of practices done in these areas. o Section 4: Reusing, Recycling and Remanufacturing According to the definition of reuse, recycle and remanufacture (refer to 6R concept-literature review chapter), different questions were asked to assess how good factories are in practicing these concepts in their products and processes involved. o Section 5: Life Cycle Activities The purpose of the questions in section 5 was to know how far the companies can keep track of their products in life cycle stages. In other words, the questions can help understand if the manufacturers are fully aware of or informed about their products’ status in different stages of life cycle comprising pre-manufacture, manufacture, use and post-use. It can be used as a road map for developing improvement frameworks in future. 55 o Section 6: Suggestions Any improvement should be started from the inside by soliciting their suggestions about what are the best actions to take and what are the best incentives that can induce the manufacturers to increase their awareness level toward sustainability and to increase the practice level of sustainable manufacturing. Scaling Method The Likert scale was applied to facilitate the analysis using statistical software. Five scale points were used. According to section 2.8 of this paper there is no correlation between the number of scale points used and the reliability and validity of questions. Online questionnaire An online questionnaire was developed to simplify the data collection process. It was used as an alternative data collection method to our hard copy questionnaire. Therefore this helped us increase the response numbers. One advantage of online survey research is that it takes advantage of the ability of the Internet to provide access to groups and individuals who would be difficult, if not impossible, to reach through other channels (Garton et al, 1999). The snapshots of the developed online questionnaire can be seen in Figures 4.3 and 4.4. 56 Figure 4.15 Online questionnaire snapshot 1 Figure 4.16 Online questionnaire snapshot 2 57 4.5 Data Collection In this stage, the contact with many manufacturers was established and the questionnaire was sent in two different forms to target companies. Through email and sending the online link to them Using available personal contacts and sending them the hard copy of questionnaire. 4.5.1 Treatment of Missing Data Main reasons for missing data are listed herein: Omission during entering data from original questionnaire. Accidental lack of response by the respondents Lack of cooperation in filling up the questionnaire The forms containing less than 5% of missing data were accepted by filling the missing part with the mean. However, the forms with more than five percent of missing data were dropped. 58 4.5 Data Analysis Statistical models and software should be applied to analyze the data gathered from the surveys. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) can be applied for exploring the interrelationships among variables to discover if those variables can be grouped into a smaller set of underlying factors. The decision and suggestions could be made after the data analysis process. 4.6 Conclusion In this chapter the discussion was done on the research methodology. It is important to understand the process of the research to ensure the reseach goes smoothly. Generally, what has been done in this study consist of an exploratory research done through a survey with the means of both hard copy and online questionnaire. The development of the questionnaire was done according to the last methods 59 CHAPTER 5 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS 5.1 Introduction The analysis of the data was done according to the type of questions. General information and the conceptual questions were analyzed with descriptive analysis. Likert scaled questions were analyzed with mean score and correlation analysis (regression and ANOVA), Fisher test (for StD differences) and T-test (for mean differences). 5.2 Data collection and response rate In this stage, the contact with many manufacturers was established and the questionnaire was sent in two different forms to target companies. Through email and sending the online link to them 60 Using available personal contacts and sending them the hard copy of questionnaire. According to Table 5.1, the response rate was satisfactory, which is quite higher than the expected rate. Achieving this high rate can be related to the close contact method that we used and employing online questionnaire which is also an incentive to those who see it difficult to fill up a hard copy questionnaire. Table 5.1: Response rate 5.3 Online Hard Copy Distributed 40 31 Received 16 20 Response rate 40.0% 60% Factorial Analysis According to Factor analysis is appropriate when you want to identify the factor structure underlying a set of data (Hatcher, 1994). After we determined the factors of the initial questionnaire, we should reconsider all of them to decrease their total number to simplify the analysis stage. Table 5.3 shows the primary factors. The primary variables and the combined factors according to the Chrobach’s Alpha method have shown in the Table 5.2. Note that there are some overlapping in the factor categorizations. The duplication of data is done for the parts that data has contribution to more than one variable and a new question code is assigned for the 61 duplicated data. For example there are many common questions between Economy and Reduce factors due to the shared concept in the cost sub-section of Reduce factor (refer to section 2.3.4). Table 5.2: Main factors and variables Code F1 F2 Cronbach' s Alpha 0.680 0.925 F3 0.807 F4 0.724 F5 F6 0.894 0.867 Combined Factors Concept 3Issuses General Practices Recover, Redesign and Reuse Reduce Remanufactu re and Recycle Primary Factors Concept Economy Environmen t Society General Practices Recover No. of Questions 3 7 5 Redesign Reuse Reduce Remanufact ure 2 2 24 3 Recycle 2 2 5 6 The Chrobach’s Alpha is calculated for every each of the combined factors to estimate reliability of the involved questions in the questionnaire and as you see in the above-mentioned table, all the estimated alpha is satisfactory indicating a good level of reliability. Concept factor Concept is the first variable for our questionnaire and it consists of the understanding of the definition of sustainable manufacturing and its concept. 62 Economy, environment and society These are the main elements of sustainability. Their definitions have been written in the section 2.3.3. The main focus of this section is to assess how good the target companies are in practicing sustainability in terms of economy, environment and society. What we have aimed in Economy part is cost decreasing issues which comprises of amount of used materials and waste of materials and also energy consumption. For environment we focus on the greenness of the products and processes ranging from GHG emission measurement and control, controlling and measuring the harmfulness of sewage path that is discharged to nature, toxic materials isolation and so on. The society factor is involved with the policies enforced on customer rights and products’ safety and after-sale services. General Practices The ‘General practices’ factor is based on the life cycle analysis, reliability analysis and also the trackability of life cycle stages. Moreover, organizing the sustainable manufacturing courses is also considered a general practice. Recover, Redesign, Reuse, Reduce, Remanufacture and Recycle, which were brought in Table 5.2, are based on sustainable manufacturing 6Rs which have been defined in section 2.3.4. The level of practice for every individual factor has been investigated in this section of variables. 63 5.4 Data Analysis The analysis of the data was done according to the type of questions; o General information questions and also conceptual questions were analyzed with descriptive analysis o Awareness questions were analyzed using mean score analysis .The correlation between different factors was also estimated using analysis of variance, Fisher test (for StD differences) and T-test (for mean differences). 5.4.1 General Information The general information comprises of the information about the company and the person in charge of filling up the questionnaire. The main sections of general information are as follows: i. Respondents’ position The position of the person who fills up the form within the organization. ii. Industry categories of the target companies The companies are categorized according and to Malaysian Industrial Development Authority’s data base and for simplifying the data analysis we combine them into three main categories. of ‘Electrical and Electronics Industries’, ‘Engineering supporting and also Machinary Industries’, and Other Industries’ 64 iii. Size of the companies The companies were classified due to their size in 5 main groups of ’0-20 employees’, ’21-50 employees’, ’51-500 employees’, ’501-1000 employees’, and ’above 1000 employees’, iv. Standard certification In this part we investigate companies in terms of the local or international standard that they are certified with. The input data was categorized ISO 9002, MS ISO 9002, ISO 9001, ISO 14004, ISO 14001, Other (The certificates related to green house gasses or local standards such as Sirim. Respondents’ Positions The postion of the respondents in the companies has been chategorized into two main section of Executive and Managerial postions. As illustrated in Figure 5.1, the managerial and executive positions form 60 and 40 percent of our respondents respectively. 65 Figure 5.1 Respondents' position Industry Categories Of Our Respondents Three main categories of our respondents are as follows: 1. Electrical and Electronics Industries, 64% 2. Engineering supporting and also Machinary Industries, 20% 3. Other Industries, 16% Figure 5.2 shows the chart related to this categories and their ratio among all the respondents. 66 Figure 5.2 Respondents' industry category Size of the Companies Size of the companies according to industry type can be seen in Figure 5.3. For example in electronic industries the highest percentage belongs to ‘Above 1000’ group and the lowest percentage belongs to the small sized companies which have 21-50 employees. 67 Figure 5.3 Size of the companies according to their industry type Standard Certification Among the studied companies 80.6 percent of them were certified with at least one local or international standard and every company has 1.32 numbers of certificates on average which are categorized into: ISO 9002 MS ISO 9002 ISO 9001 ISO 14004 ISO 14001 Other: consists of the certificates related to green house gasses or local standards such as Sirim. 68 The quantity of standard certificates in different industry types is shown in Figure 5.4 Figure 5.4 Quantity of standard certificates in different industries For every each of the mentioned categories , the percentage of certified companies can be seen in Figure 5.5. 69 Figure 5.5 Percentage of certified companies with local and international standards Raw Material Raw materials used in the studied companies were categorized into the following main groups: Metal Composite Synthetic Polymer Silicon Natural Organic Material Plastic Parts Natural Inorganic Material Other The details is shown in Figure 5.6. Electronic Parts 70 Figure 5.6 Percentage of raw material used in the studeied companies The used raw material in different industry sects is depicted in Figure 5.7. Figure 5.7 Industry-wise raw material used in companies 71 Life cycle stages’ Trackability According to the literature review chapter (refer to section 2.3.1 Life cycle assessment), the main life cycle stages of the product are pre-manufacture, manufacture, use and post-use. In this part of the questionnaire we investigate the companies for the stage of life cycles that they can track. As Figure 5.8 illustrates, the most trackable stage for our studied companies is manufacturing stage and the less level of trackability belongs to post-use. This means that the main focus is on manufacturing and there is still less attention to the products after they finish their useful life. This can convey also the meaning that the companies do not focus enough on recovering their products. Use stage is also a critical stage of lifecycle and tracking it can be beneficial to both manufacturer (for developing their design according to customer needs) and customer (due to the higher safety, reliability and performance of products during use stage). Figure 5.8 Life cycle stages trackability 72 Figure 5.9 shows the number of companies in different industry sect which can track products in different stage of lifecycle. As an example, the post-use is tracked more in Electronic and Electronics industries than that of other industries. Or you can see that the manufacturing is the most focused stage in all industry parts while the pre-manufacturing stage (which is related to design, redesign and material extraction and processing) is a still a big concern of electrical and electronics companies in Malaysia. Figure 5.9 Life cycle stages trackability in different industries 5.5 Score Mean Analysis for the Primary and Main Factors As it was previously mentioned in section 5.2 the primary factors chosen for the analysis are as below: Concept Economy 73 Environment Reuse Society Reduce General Practices Remanufacture Recover Recycle Redesign The mean scores of the primary factors have been illustrated in Figure 5.10. Figure 5.10: Mean score of primary factors The mean score for the main factors of the questionnaire which are also listed at the following are illustrated in Figure 5.11. Concept 3 Issues General Practices Recover, Redesign and Reuse 74 Reduce Remanufacture and Recycle Figure 5.11: Mean Score of main factors 5.5.1 Analysis of the main means score chart: As illustrated in Figure 5.11, the highest mean score belongs to ‘Concept’ factor. This means that the concept of sustainability and the understanding of the concept are quite in a satisfactory level. One of the main objectives of this study was assessing the awareness level on the concept of sustainability. The conclusion that is drawn from this part of the questionnaire can be preliminary information for any further study on sustainable manufacturing. 75 The next factors in terms of the highest mean are ‘3issues’ and ‘Reduce’ and General Practices. The ‘3issues’ factor is a combination of the main three elements of sustainability or Environment, Economy and Society. A high score in this 3elements can be another indication to a high level of sustainability awareness. This is in line with the concept factor level which was also high. Reduce factor is also in a satisfactory level which signifies a good level of practice in terms of Reduce (you can refer to the definition of 6R in section 2.3.4). General practices level of sustainability are also in an adequate level. ‘Recover, Redesign and Reuse’ and ‘Recycle and Remanufacture’ are the factors which need the highest attention due to their low level of mean score. The low level in these factors is evidence of their low practice level in Malaysian manufacturers. 5.5.2 Correlation Analysis between factors Correlation Analysis for Size of the Company The R-values for size factor calculated from regression analysis is shown in Table 5.3. 76 Table 5.3: R-value for correlations of Size Factor SizeConcept (F1) R -value 0.50 Size- Size-General 3issues(F2) Practices(F3) 0.41 0.35 SizeRecoRedReu (F4) 0.16 Size- Size- Reduce(F5) RemanRecy(F6) 0.42 0.14 Though all the R-values are at low levels, in the correlation charts we can see a slight positive correlation between Size of the company and all the main variables except Factor 4. However we can confidently say that there is no correlation between Size and F4 and F6 due to their very low R-value. With a medium value of R for Concept we can conclude that increasing the number of employees can have positive effect on understanding the Concept of sustainable manufacturing. (Concept (Concept Index Index Vs Vs Size Size of of Figure 5.12 Correlation chart between concept index and size of the company 77 Figure 5.13 Correlation chart between “3 issues” factor and size of the company Figure 5.14 Correlation chart between general practices and size of the company 78 Figure 5.15 Correlation chart between factor 4 and size of the company Figure 5.16 Correlation chart between reduce (F5) and size of the company 79 Figure 5.17 Correlation chart between factor 6 and size of the company Correlations of Concept factor Sustainability Concept (F1) Factor has a positive correlation with understanding of the 3 sustainability elements (F2) (R=0.64), Implementing the Reduce actions (F5) (R= 0.54), General practices of sustainability (F3) (R=0.50). No significant correlation can be between concept factor with Implementing recover, redesign and reuse (F4) and Implementing Remanufacture/ Recycle (F6). The related charts can be seen in Tables 5-18 to 5-21. 80 Figure 5.18 Correlation chart between “3 issues” and concept factor Figure 5.19 Correlation chart between general practices and concpet 81 Figure 5.20 Correlation Chart between factor 4 and concept factor Figure 5.21 Correlation chart between reduce (factor 5) and concept factor 82 Correlations of General Practices Factor (F3) Factor 3 has a positive correlation with F4(R=0.33) and F6 (R=0.54) and also a significant positive correlation with F5(R=0.74). For F3, other correlations are not significant. You can see the correlation charts of ‘General Practice’ factor in Figures 5-22 to 5-24. Figure 5.22 Correlation chart between factor 4 and general practices 83 Figure 5.23 Correlation chart between reduce (Factor 5) and general practices Figure 5.24 Correlation chart between factor 6 and general practices 84 5.5.3 Suggestions received from the manufactures In this part of the questionnaire, as mentioned before in section , we solicit manufacturers’ suggestions toward improving the level of awareness and practice of sustainable manufacturing. There has been many different suggestion received from the companies. However we categorized them in the initial grouping of suggestions which is listed here: Tax incentives Implementation of environmental legislations Measuring and controlling the sustainability level of the companies Organizing sustainability oriented courses for increasing the awareness Government incentives for improving sustainability Increasing the investment in research on sustainability Other These data are summarized in Figure 5.25 . The greatest ranks belong to organizing sustainability-oriented coerces, tax and government incentives. The lowest rank can be seen in government’s regular controlling and measurements on a continuous sustainability practices in manufacturing companies. 85 Figure 5.25 Improving suggestions of Manufacturers 5.6 Conclusion The survey results show that the level of awareness on sustainable manufacturing has direct relationship with the sustainable manufacturing practices. Among suggestions received from the companies, organizing courses, tax/governmental incentives have the highest frequencies. Redesign, Remanufacture and Recover are the factors that need more attention. The concept of sustainability is understandable and somehow familiar to manufacturers. Moreover, customers and society are seen to have a high value in manufacturer’s perspective. 86 CHAPTER 6 Conclusion 6.1 Introduction This chapter first gives a summary of the entire study. Some interesting findings from the study will then be addressed. Suggestions to improvement and recommendations for future studies will be given as well. Lastly, the chapter ends with a final conclusion on the study. 6.2 Project Summary The purpose of this study was to assess the level of sustainable manufacturing awareness in Malaysian companies and to investigate the practices involved. Finding out the correlation between sustainability awareness and sustainability practices was also another target of the study. 87 A questionnaire was developed for this exploratory study. The factors were based on the sustainability 6Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Redesign, Remanufacture). Experts from both industrial and academic sect reviewed the questionnaire and a final version was prepared. An online survey was conducted (as an additional data collection method to the hardcopy questionnaire). The hard-copy was also sent to some manufactures through personal contact. Factorial analysis was employed to combine the primary factors to the main variables. Analyzing the data, the conclusion was drawn and the correlations between factors were estimated. Awareness level on sustainable manufacturing was proven to be high while some shortcomings were felt in three of the factors. Lastly, suggestions to improve were given according to the analyzed information. The link to a future study was established and lack of a comprehensive framework for implementing sustainability in manufacturing companies was pointed out. 6.3 Suggestions There were many suggestions received from the companies and then categorized into some main groups. The most frequent group is the suggestions related to organizing sustainability-oriented courses and tax incentives for more sustainable companies. Analyzing the data, it is found out that there is a focus 88 needed on redesigning, recovering and remanufacturing to fill the gap of sustainability knowledge. There are also many actions that can be taken inducing the companies to have a total increase in sustainability of their organization. According to section 2.6 (the steps proposed by Ricoh) we should put the priority on inner loop of the system and promote a multi-tired recycling system. Another framework which can be used for implementing the sustainability in the manufacturers is the steps proposed by Kanal Consulting (Kanal and Flores, 2009) . This paper is a blueprint to help organizations succeed in all dimensions of sustainability. The twelve key points are: 1. Integrate sustainability into the company's vision, values, or core mission statement. 2. Set goals that are specific, credible, measurable, and normalized for business changes. 3. Treat sustainability projects with the same business case requirements as other projects. 4. Let the CEO and senior executives be the key spokespeople, and demonstrate internal commitment. 5. Establish a strong governance model. 6. Ensure employee engagement. 7. Drive operational efficiencies. 8. Implement technologies and policies to reduce business travel and commuting. 9. Employ product life-cycle analysis to inform new designs. 10. Communicate internally and externally. 11. Partner with the Supply Chain. 12. Engage various stakeholders. 89 6.4 Future Research Considering that there is no comprehensive framework developed for increasing the awareness on sustainable manufacturing and improving the practices involved, this research can be continued. The framework can be a good guideline for companies to improve the sustainable practices by following determined stages and procedures independent from their industry type. 6.5 Conclusion The summary of what can be concluded from the survey is listed in the following statements: The survey results show that the level of awareness on sustainable manufacturing has direct relationship with the sustainable manufacturing practices. 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