vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Current Method in Formalizing Knowledge 3 1.3 Challenges of Formalizing Knowledge 4 1.4 Statement of Problem 6 1.5 Objectives of the Study 7 1.6 Significance and Scope of the Study 7 1.7 Organization of the Thesis 9 viii 2 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 Product Manufacturing Requirements 11 2.3 2D CAD Engineering Drawing and Product Structure 14 2.4 Extraction Algorithm 18 2.5 Knowledge Formalization 20 2.6 Ontology 26 2.7 Semantic Similarity Measures 29 2.8 Trend and Tendencies 31 2.9 Summary 32 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 33 3.1 Introduction 33 3.2 The Framework of the Study 34 3.3 Data Sources 39 3.4 Instrumentation and Result Analysis 41 3.4.1 Hardware and Software Requirements 41 3.4.2 Case Study and Implementation 41 3.4.3 Performance Measurement 42 3.5 4 Summary THE DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN OF PRODUCT 43 44 STRUCTURE ONTOLOGY 4.1 Introduction 44 4.2 Product Structure Ontology (PSO) 48 4.3 Features of PSO 54 4.4 The Proposed PSO 56 4.5 PSO Anatomy and Schema 59 4.6 PSO Annotation 61 4.7 PSO Evidence 64 ix 4.8 4.9 5 The Shared PSO Resource 65 4.8.1 The PSO Website 65 4.8.2 The PSO Browsers 66 4.8.3 The PSO Database 67 4.8.4 The PSO Documentation 67 Summary SEMANTIC ONTOLOGY-BASED SEARCHING 68 69 ALGORITHM 5.1 Introduction 69 5.2 Semantic Similarity Searching Algorithm (SSSA) 71 5.2.1 Information Content Approach 71 5.2.2 Semantic Ontology-Based Searching Algorithm 73 (SOBSA) 6 5.3 The PSO-EDEx Framework 76 5.4 Statistical Measurement 78 5.5 Results and Discussion 79 5.6 Summary 104 CONCLUSION 105 6.1 Concluding Remarks 105 6.2 Contributions 108 6.3 Future Works 109 6.4 Summary 110 REFERENCES 111 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE A table of crosses represents a very simple and often PAGE 21 used data type 3.1 The features comparison between PSO, MASON and 40 PRONTO 4.1 Attributes of PSO terms 62 4.2 Size of PSO data 68 5.1 The comparison of the query results between semantic 81 ontology-based and keyword-based searching using the standard information retrieval measures there are recall (R), precision (P) and F1 5.2 The evaluation of precision (P), recall (R) and F1 of the 84 query results that have been retrieved using 50% PSO 5.3 The evaluation of precision (P), recall (R) and F1 of the 85 query results that have been retrieved using 75% PSO 5.4 The evaluation of recall, precision and F1 of the query 86 results that have been retrieved using 75% PSO 5.5 The precision values of the query results that have been 91 retrieved using 50%, 75% and 100% of PSO at standard recall 5.6 The evaluation of recall, precision and F1 of the query results that have been retrieved using subsumption relationship 93 xi 5.7 The evaluation of recall, precision and F1 of the query 93 results that have been retrieved using meronymy relationship 5.8 The evaluation of recall, precision and F1 of the query 94 results that have been retrieved using association relationship 5.9 The evaluation of recall, precision and F1 of the query 94 results that have been retrieved using combination of subsumption and meronymy relationships 5.10 The evaluation of recall, precision and F1 of the query 95 results that have been retrieved using combination of subsumption and association relationships 5.11 The evaluation of recall, precision and F1 for the query 95 results that have been retrieved using combination of meronymy and association relationships 5.12 The evaluation of recall, precision and F1 for the query 96 results that have been retrieved using combination of subsumption, meronymy and association relationships 5.13 Variance of recall for each types of relationship(s) used 98 5.14 Variance of precision for each types of relationship(s) 99 used 5.15 Variance of F1 for each types of relationship(s) used 100 5.16 Statistical significance of differences between 101 relationship(s) for recall 5.17 Statistical significance of differences between 102 relationship(s) for precision 5.18 Statistical significance of differences between relationship(s) for F1 103 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 2.1 TITLE Screenshot of the FuturePlan Requirements Management PAGE 13 Software 2.2 2D CAD engineering drawing 15 2.3 AutoCAD software screenshot 17 2.4 Example of concept lattice. The information contained in 22 the formal context is preserved. The concept lattice is the basic for further data analysis. 2.5 Example of semantic networks visualized 23 2.6 Example of ontology visualized 25 2.7 Protégé ontology editor screenshot 28 3.1 The overview of the study framework 37 4.1 The framework adopted to develop the PSO 50 4.2 PSO design in Protégé-owl editor 52 4.3 The PSO in DAG representation 53 4.4 The fragment of PSO classes and individuals 55 4.5 Overview of the PSO’s classes, individuals and 56 relationships 4.6 Part of “Product Specific Knowledge” 57 4.7 Part of “Industry Specific Knowledge” 58 4.8 Part of “Generic-term” 59 4.9 Anatomy of the PSO terms 60 4.10 Database structure scheme 63 xiii 4.11 Screenshot of the PSO web site 66 4.12 Screenshot of the PSO browser 67 5.1 The semantic ontology-based searching algorithm 74 5.2 An example of semantic similarity score results for the 75 end trim query engineering term 5.3 The flowchart of the PSO-EDEx framework 77 5.4 The A (BC) is the shaded region 79 5.5 The recall of the query results for the ontology-based 82 semantic searching and keyword-based searching using 50 sheets digital engineering drawing 5.6 The precision of the query results for the ontology-based 82 semantic searching and keyword-based searching using 50 sheets digital engineering drawing 5.7 The F1 of the query results for the ontology-based 83 semantic searching and keyword-based searching using 50 sheets digital engineering drawing 5.8 Precision-recall values for representative the 87 effectiveness of SOBSA using 50% of PSO 5.9 Precision-recall values for representative the 87 effectiveness of SOBSA using 75% of PSO 5.10 Precision-recall values for representative the 88 effectiveness of SOBSA using 100% of PSO 5.11 The average of interpolated precision-recall for different 92 percentage of PSO 5.12 The average F1 for 5 query results that have been 92 retrieved using different percentage of PSO 5.13 The average of the query results that have been retrieved using different types of relationship. 97 xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 2D - Two-Dimensional 3D - Three-Dimensional A&RM - Automated and Robotised Manufacturing AI - Artificial Intelligence ALPS - A Language for Process Specification APMSSB - APM Springs Sdn Bhd BOM - Bill-of-Material CAD - Computer Aided Design CAM - Computer-Aided Manufacturing CCO - Cell-Cycle Ontology CPU - Central Processing Unit DAG - Directed Acyclic Graph DAML+OIL - DARPA Agent Markup Language + Ontology Interchange Language DOLCE - Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering DXF - Drawing Exchange Format EDEx - Engineering Drawing Extraction EF - Experience Feedback ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning FCA - Formal Concept Analysis FMA - Foundational Model of Anatomy GO - Gene Ontology GOC - Gene Ontology Consortium xv GOLD - General Ontology for Linguistic Description I/O - Input/Output IDE - Inferred By Domain Expert Statement IFRM - Intelligent Feature Recognition Methodology IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification ITD - Inferred From Technical Documentation JSP - Java Server Pages KIF - Knowledge Interchange Format KL-ONE - Knowledge Language One MASON - Manufacturing’s Semantic Ontology MGI - Mouse Genome Informatics MLE - Maximum Likelihood Estimation MPS - Master Production Schedule MRD - Market Requirements Document MRMS - Manufacturing Requirement Management System MRP - Material Requirements Planning NAS - Non-Traceable Author Statement ND - No Engineering Data Available NIC - Network Interface Card NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology OCML - Operational Conceptual Modelling Language OFS - Ontological Filtering System OWL - Web Ontology Language PC - Personal Computer PDF - Portable Document Format PRONTO - Product Ontology PSL - Process Specification Language PSO - Product Structure Ontology RAM - Random Access Memory RDBMS - Relational Database Management System RDFS - Resource Description Framework Schemas SGD - Saccharomyces Genome Database SOBSA - Semantic Ontology-based searching Algorithm xvi SSSA - Semantic Similarity Searching Algorithm SWEET - Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology TAS - Traceable Author Statement UOM - Unit of Measures WAVE - Web Analysis and Visualization Environment (WAVE) WIP - Work in Process WWW - World Wide Web XML - Extensible Markup Language