Document 14544997

The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 3, No. 6, June 2015
Integrated Marketing Communications
(IMC) Strategy of Banyuwangi Regency’s
Government in Effort to Introduce the
Potential of Local Tourism
Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo* & Anzil Firdausi Nuzula**
*Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Brawijaya University, INDONESIA.
E-Mail: prast_cdbl{at}yahoo{dot}com
**Department of Communication Science Major (Concentration: Communication Management), Faculty Social and Politic Science,
University Brawijaya, INDONESIA.
Abstract—Integrated marketing Communication recently implemented in Banyuwangi-city as an effort to
boost the popularity of local tourism. Previously Banyuwangi city has a potential of natural and cultural
tourism but still got a small popularity. This research aimed to describe the strategy and the activity of Local
government of Banyuwangi city by using that method. The result of this research is the method well used in
the marketing activities of the Local government like; advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct
marketing and public relations & publicity.
Keywords—Integrated Marketing Communications; Marketing Communications; Strategy Marketing Tourism.
Abbreviations—Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC); International Public Relations Association
ARKETING communication studies emphasize the
process of telling, reminding, and persuade or
encourage consumers to be interested in the
products offered by the company [Shimp, 1]. According to
Fandy Tjiptono [2], marketing communications has three
objectives, namely: information (inform), to persuade or
convince (persuade), and reminds (reminder). Marketing
communication has some important elements related to
advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public
relations [Winardi, 3]. There are eight steps in developing an
effective marketing communication [Herman Abdullah
Azwar Anas, 8], the steps are as follows: 1) Identify the
intended audience; 2) Determine the communication
objectives; 3) Designing the message; 4) Choosing
communication channels; 5) Determine the total promotion
budget; 6) Make a decision on the promotion mix (promotion
mix); 7) Measure the results of the campaign; 8) Manage and
coordinated the marketing communication process.
By linking with the current reality, marketing
communication is widely used in the tourism sector. Tourism
sector is one of sectors that encourages economic growth of a
country [Alfiah Mudrikah, 5], especially for developing
country like Indonesia, which has huge area potential to
attract tourist, the amount of natural beauty, a variety of
cultural historical heritage, and community life. Tourism in
ISSN: 2321-242X
Indonesia is one of the major economic activities that have a
bright prospect [Nailu Rahman, 6]. This regency has a wealth
of natural and cultural. However, the tourism potential that
Banyuwangi has, still not well-publicized. Based on the
results of the pre-study conducted by researcher showed that
the supposed number of tourists visiting Banyuwangi
numbered in the range of one million, was caused by the
large number of tourist spots owned by Banyuwangi
Regency. Therefore in 2012 the Government of Banyuwangi
Regency create an event named “Banyuwangi Festival” and
doing promotional activities. Banyuwangi Regency
Government’s promotional activities conducted by using
brochures, billboards, magazines, websites, exhibitions,
twitter, video company profile and others Promotional
activities conducted by the Government of Banyuwangi
Regency were part of an integrated marketing
communications strategy. According to Elvinaro Ardianto
[7], integrated marketing communications is the integration
efforts of public relations, advertising and promotions to
build brand identity. This study becomes enticing because it
is researching on communication strategies that are usually
conducted by an organization or company, but in this case,
applied to a government institution.
Implementation of regional autonomy requires each
county to develop and optimize its potential [Nailu Rahman,
6]. Efforts were made one of which aims to improve the
performance of tourism as a major sector of the city. Because
© 2015 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 3, No. 6, June 2015
it is more active local governments are required to provide
guidance and coordination to all levels of the tourism
industry in the region. Banyuwangi is one area that is located
east of Java, directly adjacent to the Strait of Bali,
Bondowoso, Situbondo Jember and have a desire to boost its
tourism sector which has not been known. This district has a
wealth of natural and cultural. However, the tourism potential
possessed by Banyuwangi is still not well publicized. Thus in
2012 the Government of Banyuwangi created an event named
“Banyuwangi Festival”. Event Banyuwangi Festival is a
packaging module various events (Government Banyuwangi,
2014). Banyuwangi Festival event is held as a means of
introducing potential of Banyuwangi regional arena,
nationally and internationally and make Banyuwangi as a
tourist destination and investments. (Government of
Banyuwangi, 2014).
Objective: Based on the formulation of the problem that
has been described, the purpose of this study was to describe
the integrated marketing communications strategy
Banyuwangi district government in an effort to introduce the
tourism potential of the area.
Benefits of Research; 1) Provide input for the
Government as well as the evaluation of Banyuwangi in order
to optimize the integrated marketing communications strategy
that efficiently so that the potential of tourism is increasingly
recognized Banyuwangi; 2) Make documentation of
integrated marketing communication strategies that can be
used as a reference for public organizations (governments) to
undertake the development of tourism in its region; 3)
Adding a scientific assessment of marketing communications
related to unified communications strategy in designing and
designing the construction of a city branding and promotion.
2.1. Marketing Communications
Marketing communications is a term that describes how the
organization communicates messages to their target
audiences. The target audience is a group of potential
consumers who receive their marketing messages. According
to Fandy Tjiptono [2], marketing communication is
marketing activities that manage to spread information,
influence or persuade, and remind target market or on the
company or its products to be willing to accept, purchase, and
loyal to the products offered by the company concerned.
2.2. Promotion in Marketing Communications
Promotion is the activity of communicating product
benefits and persuades target customers to buy [Philip Kotler
& Amstrong Gary, 9]. Promotional activities in general are
one component of the priorities of marketing activities
[Herman Abdullah Azwar Anas, 8].
2.3. Integrated Marketing Communications
The integrated marketing communications focused only in
one element of the marketing mix (4P), namely promotion.
Integrated Marketing Communications is the integration
efforts of public relations, advertising and promotions to
build brand identity [Elvinaro Ardianto, 7]. Integrated
Marketing Communications consists of advertising, personal
selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, and public
relations & publicity. However, the marketing mix must be
combined in synergy with the three other elements so that
succeeded promotional activities can be achieved. The
following Figure 1 that describes the scope of the discussion
on integrated marketing communications (Integrated
Marketing Communication) made by Philip Kotler &
Amstrong Gary [9].
Advertising (advertising) is all forms of non-personal
presentation and promotion of the idea, goods or services
performed by certain company [Herman Abdullah Azwar
Anas, 8]. Advertising requires elements of mass media as a
media to convey a message to the target audience in this case
is the consumer [Nugroho J. Setiadi, 10].
Marketing Mix
Sales Promotion
Personal Selling
Direct Marketing
Public Relations & Publicity
Figure 1: Discussion Scope of Integrated Marketing Communications
Sumber: Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong [11]
Sales promotion will make customers to be more
interested in doing transactions with a variety of special
offers such as discounts, coupons, gift, warranty, or free trial.
Next, is personal selling, as said by Nickels [Agus
Hermawan, 4] that personal sales or personal selling is the
interaction between individuals, face-to-face meeting which
ISSN: 2321-242X
is intended to create, improve, control, and maintain a
mutually beneficial exchange relationships with other parties.
Personal selling by Herman Abdullah Azwar Anas [8] has
three special characteristics, consist of personal confrontation
(personal confrontation), cement (cultivation), and response.
© 2015 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 3, No. 6, June 2015
Direct marketing is a marketing approach that is free to
use or distribution channels and marketing communications
that allows the company to have its own strategy in dealing
with customers [Herman Abdullah Azwar Anas, 8]. Some
methods that can be used in direct marketing include direct
mail, telemarketing and direct response. According to the
International Public Relations Association (IPRA) public
relations is a management function which has the
characteristics of a planned and continuous through
organizations and governmental or private institutions to gain
understanding, sympathy, and support of those who are
related or probably related to study public opinion among
them [Herman Abdullah Azwar Anas, 8]. From the marketing
side, Herman Abdullah Azwar Anas [8] revealed that public
relations or public relations are a variety of programs to
promote or protect the image of the company or individual
This study used a qualitative approach that focuses on
descriptive models to describe phenomena associated with
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Strategy of
Banyuwangi Regency’s Government in Effort to Introduce
the Potential of Local Tourism. Writing analysis based
interpretative approach is to look for an explanation of a
social phenomenon that is based on the perspective of the
researcher. As pointed out by Neuman [12] that interpretative
approach departing from efforts to seek an explanation of
social events or a culture that is based on the perspective and
experience of those being investigated.
The location study conducted by researchers housed at
the Department of Culture & Tourism and Public Relations of
the Government of Banyuwangi Banyuwangi because the two
institutions that are responsible for the entire government
promotional activities Banyuwangi. Data retrieved based on
primary data and secondary data owned by the Government
of Banyuwangi. Primary data were obtained by interviewing
respondents, filling questionnaires, and observations.
Interviews conducted by the Head of Tourism and Head of
the Promotion of Culture and Tourism, Head of Information
Services & Processing Banyuwangi. While secondary data
used in the form of survey results, photographs, scientific
books, journal articles as well as several articles in the media
that contains news about tourism activities.
For informant’s selection techniques using purposive
sampling. James A. Black et al., [13] states “purposive
sample is often called a judgmental sample because
researchers tested the deliberations to include elements that
are considered special from a population where he is seeking
information”. These techniques include those selected on the
basis of certain criteria that made researchers based on
objective research. Informants in this study were selected
according to the task and have a correlation with the title of
the study.
Analysis of data using the approach Miles and Huberman
[Sugiyono, 14] analysis divided into three grooves activities
ISSN: 2321-242X
occurring simultaneously, namely data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion.
Based on data from interviews and observations, researcher
found that the Government of Banyuwangi Regency’s
marketing communication make effort to spread information
about the tourism potential of Banyuwangi Regency.
Integrated Marketing Communications conducted by the
Government of Banyuwangi Regency among others are
advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct
marketing and public relations & publicity.
Advertising activities conducted by the Government of
Banyuwangi Regency in introducing the tourism potential is
using newspapers, banners and billboards. As described by
Philip Kotler & Amstrong Gary [9] [Agus Hermawan, 4] that
the purpose of advertising to inform, to persuade, and to
Remind. If it is associated with advertising activities
conducted by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency in
this case billboards, banners and newspaper campaigns using
media intended to inform and alert the public to the event
Banyuwangi Banyuwangi Festival.
Sales promotion is a form of direct persuasion through
the use of various incentives, generally short-term, which can
be set to stimulate the purchase of the product immediately or
increasing the amount of goods bought by consumers or
merchants [Uyung Sulaksana, 15]. Based on the data obtained
by researchers, activities or personal selling sales promotion
conducted by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency was
an exhibition. One of the exhibition followed by the
Government of Banyuwangi Regency was Jatim Fair held in
Personal selling by Nickels [Agus Hermawan, 4] states
that personal sales or personal selling is the interaction
between individuals, meet each other face which is intended
to create, improve, control, and maintain a mutually
beneficial exchange relationships with other parties. Based on
data obtained by researchers, personal selling activity
occurred during the Banyuwangi regency government
following the exhibition. At the exhibition personal selling
activity shown by the interaction between Jebeng Thulik with
the guests arriving at the exhibition, at the exhibition Jebeng
Thulik as tourism agency owned by the Government of
Banyuwangi Regency explained to the guests about the
tourism that Banyuwangi has, and answer questions from the
guests that associated to the tourism Banyuwangi.
Direct marketing is a marketing approach that is free to
use or distribution channels and marketing communications
that allows the company to have its own strategy in dealing
with customers [Herman Abdullah Azwar Anas, 8]. Some
methods that can be used in direct marketing include direct
mail, telemarketing, and direct response. Based on data
obtained by researchers, Government of Banyuwangi
Regency is not using direct mail, telemarketing and direct
response as a method of direct marketing. According to data
obtained by researchers direct marketing activities used by
local government by bringing stakeholders Banyuwangi
© 2015 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 3, No. 6, June 2015
Banyuwangi the hotelier and travel with hotel and travel
entrepreneurs from other regions. Stakeholders are brought
together in an exhibition, followed by Banyuwangi.
Herman Abdullah Azwar Anas [8] revealed that public
relations are a variety of programs to promote or protect the
image of the company or individual products. The role of
public relations are translated into “pencils” are almost
similar to the promotional mix (promotion mix). If pencils
spelled out in detail in the correlation of the main components
is the role of public relations publications, preparation of
programs, and community empowerment [Herman Abdullah
Azwar Anas, 8]. Based on the data obtained by the
researchers that the media publications used by the
Government of Banyuwangi in promoting the tourism
potential of Banyuwangi is to use the brochure, tour calendar,
visitor guide book, website, twitter, magazines, newspaper
ads, banners, billboards and video company profile
MacNamara [Agus Hermawan, 4] said that special
events (special event) is an event that is generally done to get
the media attention that lead to public concern about the
company (or organization) or the company’s products. Based
on data obtained by researcher according to the Head of
Banyuwangi Regency’s Information Services & Processing,
the Government realized that the area has a lot of natural
potential and therefore must be shown to the general public,
especially tourists. To introduce the potential of the regional
Government of Banyuwangi created an event named
Banyuwangi Festival.
In general, community empowerment is community
development activities directed to increase community access
to achieve socio-economic-cultural better when compared to
the prior existence of development activities. Community
empowerment conducted so that people in these places
become more independent with quality of life and better
Based on data obtained by researcher, the empowerment
of Banyuwangi civilian supports the Government of
Banyuwangi Regency in introducing tourism. Empowerment
conducted by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency
according to the Head of Information Services & Processing
is to provide training to fish merchant in Red Island,
manufacture souvenirs training and English course.
Based on the analysis conducted by the researcher, the results
of this research can be concluded as follows:
1. The Government of Banyuwangi implement integrated
marketing communication system by using advertising,
personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing and
public relations & publicity as an attempt to introduce
the tourism potential of the area. This is done so that the
tourism of Banyuwangi Regency is increasingly
recognized and the number of tourists came to
Banyuwangi increased.
2. Government of Banyuwangi in cooperation with Alvara
Independent Survey Institute in 2013 conducted a
ISSN: 2321-242X
survey to take a look at the succession of the campaign
conducted by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency.
Based on data from a survey conducted by Alvara,
Banyuwangi Regency occupied the third position as
chosen city to travel by local tourists (by number 36.5)
and chosen city to travel by foreign tourists (by number
T.A. Shimp (2003), “Advertising, Promotion, and Aspects of
Integrated Marketing Communication”, Mason: Thompson.
[2] Fandy Tjiptono (1997), “Strategi Pemasaran”, Yogyakarta.
[3] Winardi (1989), “Aspek-Aspek Bauran Pemasaran (Marketing
Mix)”, Bandung: CV. Mandar Maju.
[4] Agus Hermawan (2012), “Komunikasi Pemasaran”, Jakarta:
[5] Alfiah Mudrikah (2014), “Kontribusi Sektor Pariwisata
Terhadap GDP Indonesia Tahun 2004-2009”, Economics
Development Analysis Journal., Vol. 3, No. 2, Pp. 362–371.
[6] Nailu Rahman (2009), “Perspektif Stakeholder Terhadap
Potensi Obyek Dan Daya Tarik Wisata (ODTW)”, Telaga
Ngebel Kabupaten Ponorogo.
[7] Elvinaro Ardianto (2011), “Handbook of Public Relations”,
Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
[8] Herman Abdullah Azwar Anas (2012), “Dinas Pariwisata dan
Kebudayaan Kabupaten Banyuwangi”,
[9] Philip Kotler & Amstrong Gary (2001), “Prinsip-Prinsip
Pemasaran Jilid 2”, Damos Sihombing Alih Bahasa, Jakarta:
[10] Nugroho J. Setiadi (2003), “Perilaku Konsumen: Konsep dan
Implikasi untuk”, Strategi dan Penelitian Pemasaran. Jakarta:
Kencana Prenada Media Group.
[11] Philip Kotler &. Amstrong Gary (2004), “Prinsip-Prinsip
Marketing”, Edisi Ketujuh, Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
[12] W.L. Neuman (2003), “Social Research Methods: Qualitative
and Quantitative Approach”, Boston: Pearson.
[13] James A. Black, dan Dean J. Champion & E. Koeswara (1999),
“Metode dan masalah penelitian social”, Bandung: Revika
[14] Sugiyono (2012), “Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan
R&D”, Bandung: Alfabeta.
[15] Uyung
Communication”, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, M.Si. His
doctoral degree was pursued from
Universitas Padjajaran, Indonesia for
Communication Science in 2006. He also
joined post doctor program at Flinders
University, South Australia in 2010. He is
now in charge as Head of Communication
Brawijaya. He has been contributing to 3
international seminars and 1 national seminar by becoming the
speaker. Since 1994 until today, he has written 16 researches in
communication science.
Anzil Firdausi Nuzula, Graduated student
communication science. She was the top 3 of
best student in Faculty Social and Political
experienced work in Marketing field for a
couple years.
© 2015 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)