Welcome to DSLS!

Welcome to DSLS!
DSLS Newsletter
May 2010
On April 1, 2010,
Christian Otto, MD
joined the DSLS team.
In addition, Christian
completed two oneyear tours with the
United States Antarctic
Christian is an emergency physician, and an Program, most recently
operational space medi- as the 2004-05
Amundsen-Scott South
cine researcher. He
Pole Station Physician.
completed his underHe has spent two field
graduate degree in
seasons on Devon Island in
exercise physiology
and his medical degree 2007 and 2008 at the Mars
Institute’s analogue
at the University of
research site conducting
Ottawa, Canada. He
completed his residency space medicine research.
in Family and Emergency Christian is also a member
Medicine at Queen’s
of the International
University in Kingston,
Scientific Committee on
Ontario, and graduate
Antarctic Research, Expert
studies in Medical
Group on Human Biology
Science (Remote Mediand Medicine, and an
cine) at UTMB, Galves- advisory board member of
ton. He is experienced in the National Center for
remote, high altitude, and Human Performance at the
polar medicine having
Texas Medical Center.
worked in the Canadian
Christian is the recipient of
High Arctic, and as a
the American Institute of
medical researcher on
Aeronautics and
Mount Everest, Mount
Astronautics Presidential
McKinley and Mount
Citation, and the U.S.
Congressional Polar
Christian Otto, MD, on Mt. Everest
Medal. On May 23, 2008,
he summited Mt. Everest,
the world’s highest
mountain, via the South
Col route.
Christian joined JSC’s Behavioral Health and Performance Element (BHP).
BHP supports and conducts research to characterize and mitigate the Behavioral Medicine risk for
exploration missions.
Christian has his office in
the USRA Houston
building. He can be
reached at 281-486-2113
or at otto@dsls.usra.edu.
Please join us in
welcoming Christian to
the team!
Awards and Honors
was invited by
JosseyBass as
Rob Ploutz-Snyder, PhD
the lead
author for the chapter
Quantitative Analytical
Methods in the Handbook for Institutional
notification from
the Texas
Camille Shea, PhD
of Practicing Psychologists that she has passed
the oral exam for licensure
as a clinical psychologist
in the State of Texas.
Lori Ploutz-Snyder was
invited to write a review
article for the European
Journal of Applied Physiology on twenty years (50
articles) of unilateral
lower limb suspension
studies. She was also invited to present a keynote
address on muscle physiology, the “Gary Dudley
Memorial Lecture,”
(Continued on page 3)
Research Grant Proposals Submitted
Belyakov OV, Saganti P, Douglas HS, Garlick J, Ponomarev A,
Kadhim M, invited to submit
Step-2 proposal for “Space Radiation Induced Cancer Progression
and Genomic Instability in Human Bioengineered 3-D Tissues
and Humanized Mouse Models”
in response to NASA Research
Announcement NNJ10ZSA001N,
Ground-Based Studies in Space
corporating Microwave Cure
Augmentation: Materials / Microbial Impact", submitted to NIH.
Arndt, Byerly D, Pickering, Sognier M, "Microwave-Based Water Decontamination System for a
Space Potable Water System",
submitted to NASA JSC.
Arndt D, Byerly
D, Sognier M,
submitted “Tissue
Soldering – A
Cucinotta FA, Huff J,
Novel CounterBelyakov OV submitmeasure for
ted “3-D Human Tissue Wound Closure
Facility for Radiation
for ISS Misand Microgravity Stud- sions,” for fund- Marguerite Sognier, PhD
Janice Huff, ies, JSC, Priority 1,” for ing by NASA.
funding through
Arndt D, Byerly D, Sognier M,
submitted “Innovative Treatments
Ploutz-Snyder L submitted a
for Dental Emergencies for ISS
two-page pre-proposal, “Does
Missions,” for funding by NASA.
Milk Enhance The Effectiveness
Arndt D, Byerly D, Sognier M,
of Exercise for the Maintenance
submitted “Radiofrequency Treatof Muscle Function During Extended Periods Of Unloading?” to ment for Bacterial and Fungal Infections for ISS Missions,” for
the National Dairy Council for
funding to supplement the NASA funding by NASA.
limb suspension study.
Arndt D, Byerly D, Sognier M,
Batki SL, Ploutz- submitted “Noninvasive, Innovative Countermeasure for Skin disSnyder R,
"Comparative Ef- orders on ISS and Exploration
Missions,” for funding by NASA
fectiveness: Oral
vs XR-Naltrexone Innovative Partnership Program.
for Alcohol DeArndt D, Byerly D, Sognier M,
pendence/SPMI", submitted “Innovative Radiofresubmitted to Naquency (RF) Decontamination of
Rob Ploutz-Snyder, PhD tional Institutes of
Potable Water Systems on ISS
Health in response and Exploration Missions,” for
to Collaborative R01s for Clinical funding by NASA Innovative
and Services Studies of Mental
Partnership Program.
Disorders, AIDS and Alcohol Use
Arndt D, Byerly D, Sognier M,
Disorders (R01).
submitted “Water Processing
Stangel, Arndt, Byerly D, SogTechnologies,” for funding
nier M, "A Novel Composite In- through NASA.
Westby C,
Platts SH, Shi
S-J, PloutzSnyder RJ,
Wu H, subChris Westby, PhD
mitted a Step I
proposal, “The Effects of Low-DoseRate Ionizing Radiation on Measures
of Vascular Endothelial Function,
Oxidative Stress, and Systemic Inflammation,” in response to the
Ground-Based Studies in Space Radiobiology NRA NNJ10ZSA001N.
Grant Awarded!
Byerly D, Arndt D, Sognier M,
“Microwave-Based Water Decontamination System,” awarded JSC
ICA grant, March 2010.
New Technology
Cucinotta FA, Plante I, Ponomarev
AL, Kim M-HY, prepared and submitted NASA documentation
(NF1679) for the disclosure of invention and new technology for “GCR
Event-based Risk Model (GERM)
code,” and for Cucinotta FA, Hu S,
Nounu HN, Kim M-HY, “ARRBOD
(Acute Radiation Risk and
BRYNTRN Organ Dose Projection)
GUI (Graphical User Interface).”
Page 2
SPOTLIGHT ON: Roni Cromwell, PhD!
Ronita Cromwell, PhD, Project
Scientist for the Flight Analogs
Project, was recently interviewed
for the Spotlight Article.
* Tell us briefly about yourself
and your family.
I was raised in a suburb of
Chicago and received my Ph.D.
education from the University of
Illinois at
Urbana Champaign. My husband (Paul
Meyers) is the
Executive Director of Sponsored Programs
at the UniverRoni Cromwell, PhD
sity of Houston
Clear Lake. We
have a daughter (Nadda Meyers)
and a son (Paul Meyers). My
daughter is 30 years old and lives
in New York City. My son is 18
and is currently attending San Jacinto Community College majoring in psychology.
* What are you presently working
on at JSC?
Currently, the Flight Analogs
Project (FAP) is working on integrating Dr. Bloomberg’s Functional
Task Test (FTT) study and Dr. Lori
Ploutz-Snyder’s Integrated Resistive and Aerobic Exercise study
(iRATS) as our newest bed rest
complement at the Flight Analogs
Research Unit. These studies are
scheduled to begin late this summer.
* What is most important to you
regarding your work at JSC?
The ability to test studies, particularly countermeasure studies in
ground-based analogs is critical for
Participants in a Flight Analogs Project
helping to determine their success
in flight. Managing
these studies on the Flight Analogs Research Unit at UTMB is
the most exciting part of my job.
* What are your goals for this
In addition to starting the FTT/
iRATS complement, we have
completed two other bed rest
complements this year. FAP also
manages NASA HRP science in
other ground based analogs and
will be completing the
NEEMO14 mission this spring.
We have also been doing some
work with our international
partners related to standardization
of bed rest conditions and measures. We hope to have a draft of
mutually agreeable standards by
the end of this calendar year.
Thank you very much for being
our Spotlight Scientist for this
edition of the newsletter, Dr.
Awards and Honors (continued from Page 1)
at the July 2010
Annual Meeting
of the National
Strength and
Orlando, Florida.
Lori Ploutz-Snyder, PhD
Shaowen Hu was selected as a
participant in the 2010 NASA
Space Radiation Summer School.
This intense course at the U.S.
Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory is
designed to provide a ‘pipeline’
of leading
researchers to
tackle the challenges related to
space radiation inShaowen Hu, PhD
duced health effects. Course sponsors are the
NASA Space Radiation Project,
Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Pacific Northwest National Lab,
Loma Linda University, and
Ianik Plante has been awarded his
United States Permanent Resident
Card (“green
The proposing team
from the United
States, which includes NASA, the Ianik Plante, MD PhD
University of
Houston, USRA, and the University of Texas Medical Branch, was
named to host the 2011 AIAA
Humans in Space Symposium.
The symposium will be held in
April 2011 in Houston, Texas.
Page 3
New Publications by DSLS Scientists
Baverstock K, Belyakov OV. 2010.
Some important questions connected with non-targeted effects.
Mutation Research / Fundamental
and Molecular Mechanisms of
Mutagenesis. [E-pub ahead of
print]: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
Salomaa S, Wright E, Hildebrandt
G, Kadhim M, Little M, Prise K,
Belyakov OV. 2010. Editorial NonTargeted DNA Effects. Mutat Res
Carra C, Cucinotta FA. 2010.
Binding sites of the E.coli dna recombinase protein to the ssDNA: a
computational study. Journal of
Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 27: 407-428.
Conkin J. 2010. Diver and aviator
decompression sickness and gender
(Chap. 2). In: Fife CE, St. Leger
Dowse M (Eds.), Women and pressure. Flagstaff: Best Publishing
Co.: 27-40.
Conkin J.
2010. Analysis
of NASA decompression
sickness and
venous gas
Johnny Conkin, PhD
emboli data and
gender (Chap. 3). In: Fife CE, St.
Leger Dowse M (Eds.), Women and
pressure. Flagstaff: Best Publishing
Co.: 41 - 68.
Newton RA, Cromwell RL, Rogers
HL. 2010. The Relationship
between physical performance and
obesity in elderly African-American
women. Physical & Occupational
Therapy in Geriatrics, 27(6): 423440.
Hada M, Gersey B, Saganti PB,
Wilkins R, Cucinotta FA, Wu H.
2010. mBAND analysis of chromosome aberrations in human
epithelial cells induced by g-rays
and secondary neutrons of low
dose rate. Mutation Research/
Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. [Epub ahead
of print] http://
Kim M-HY, Qualls GD, Slaba
TC, Cucinotta FA. 2010. Comparison of Organ Dose and Dose
Equivalent for Human Phantoms
of CAM vs. MAX. Advances in
Space Research,
45(7): 850-857.
Kim M-HY, Hu
S, Nounu HN,
Cucinotta FA.
2010. Development of Graphical Myung-Hee Kim, PhD
User Interface for
ARRBOD (Acute Radiation Risk
and BRYNTRN Organ Dose Projection), NASA/TP-2010-216116.
Mulavara AP, Feiveson AH,
Fiedler J, Cohen H, Peters BT,
Miller C, Brady R, Bloomberg JJ.
2010. Locomotor function after
long-duration space flight: effects
and motor learning during recovery. Experimental Brain Research. [E-pub ahead of print]:
Plante I, Cucinotta FA. 2010.
Energy deposition and relative
frequency of hits of cylindrical
nanovolumes in medium irradiated by ions: Monte Carlo simulation of tracks structure. Radiation
and Environmental Biophysics
49: 5-13.
Cowley PM, Ploutz-Snyder LL,
Baynard T, Heffernan K, Jae SY,
Hsu S, Lee M, Pitetti KH, Reiman
MP, Fernhall B. 2010. Physical fitness predicts functional tasks in individuals with Down syndrome.
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 42(2): 38893.
Kelleher AR, Hackney KJ, Fairchild TJ, Keslacy S, Ploutz-Snyder
LL. 2010. The metabolic costs of
reciprocal supersets vs. traditional
resistance exercise in young recreationally active adults. J Strength
Cond Res, 24(4): 1043-1051.
Izquierdo R, Lagua CT, Meyer S,
Ploutz-Snyder RJ, Palmas W,
Eimicke JP, Kong J, Teresi JA,
Shea S, Weinstock RS. 2010. Telemedicine Intervention Effects on
Waist Circumference and Body
Mass Index in the IDEATel Project.
Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 12(3): 213-220.
Mestek ML, Westby CM, Van
Guilder GP, Greiner JJ, Stauffer
BL, Desouza CA. 2010. Regular
Aerobic Exercise, Without Weight
Loss, Improves Endotheliumdependent Vasodilation in Overweight and Obese Adults. Obesity,
Jan 7.
Maceneaney OJ, Kushner EJ,
Westby CM, Cech JN, Greiner JJ,
Stauffer BL, Desouza CA. 2010.
Endothelial Progenitor Cell Function, Apoptosis, and Telomere
Length in Overweight / Obese Humans. Obesity, Jan 7.
Zhou D, Semones E, O’Sullivan D,
Zapp N, Weyland M, Reitz G, Berger T, Benton ER. 2010. Radiation
measured for MATROSHKA-1
experiment with passive dosimeters. Acta Astronautica, 66:301308.
Page 4
What’s Going On With ….
Johnny Conkin is developing a
research protocol to collect VGE
data from astronauts exposed to
6.5 psia in the ISS airlock to compare with their exposure to 6.5
psia in the Bldg 32 altitude chamber to understand how acclimation
to microgravity may increase resistance to VGE formation and
Megumi Hada continued the
chromosome analysis of the Japanese ISS sample in collaboration
with Dr. Ohnishi at Nara University, Japan.
GUI version for the 2010 NASA
Space Radiation Summer School.
She also prepared cover letters for
the distribution of ARRBOD GUI
and NASA technical paper,
“Development of Graphical User
Interface for ARRBOD (Acute Radiation Risk and BRYNTRN Organ
Dose Projection), NASA/TP-2010216116” by Myung-Hee Y. Kim,
Shaowen Hu, Hatem N. Nounu,
and Francis A. Cucinotta, and
mailed them to the radiation community.
Hatem Nounu
Larry Kuznetz pre- developed the
pared for a test of the internal parts of
the Destiny lab of
automatic liquid
cooled garment con- the ISS on upHatem N. Nounu, PhD
trol system. The con- graded CAD
raycept algorithm for
Larry Kuznetz, PhD the control system is traced the station for shielding
being developed,
and a proportional control valve
Ianik Plante completed conversion
has been purchased and delivered. of the RITRACKS and
Checkout and validation exercises RETRACKS programs to use with
for the valve and its integration
the Borland C++ computer. The
with Legacy began this month
software includes a graphic user
and will continue through June in interface and a visualization winpreparation for a EPSP test in the
dow for tracks and dose and will be
environmental physiology chamused to simulate TGFβ activation.
ber later this year with human
Frank Sulzman participated in two
Scientific Advisory Committee for
Jancy McPhee
Radiobiology Reinitiated the developsearch (SACRR) rement and implemenviews of proposals
tation of plans for the
for the Summer and
Youth Art CompetiFall runs at Brooktion associated with Jancy McPhee, PhD haven National Lab.
the 2011 Humans in
Frank also worked
Space Symposium to be held in
Frank Sulzman, PhD
with the Science
Mission Directorate
Myung Kim worked on a GERM at NASA headquarters to plan for
radiation instrumentation on future
(GCR Event-based Risk Model)
robotic Mars missions.
established a
between Dr.
Chris Westby, PhD
Honglu Wu
(in NASA’s Space Radiation Element) and the Cardiovascular
Laboratory with a focus on understanding the potential radioprotective effects of low-dose radiation
in tissues that form the cardiovascular system. Chris also began collaborations with NASA, Oceaneering Space Systems and USRA personnel to develop a new orthostatic
intolerance garment for astronauts.
Scott Wood submitted and received
CPHS approval for a
new ISS pre- and
post-flight study titled
“Assessment of
Scott Wood, PhD
Operator Proficiency
Following Long Duration Spaceflight” to be conducted with Steven Moore of Mt. Sinai, New
York. Scott also completed test
readiness review documentation
and approval for a new groundbased study entitled “Sensorimotor
displays and controls to enhance
the safety of human/machine cooperation during lunar landing”,
which will involve data collection
using five different test systems in
the JSC neurosciences lab.
Susi Zanello identified an NIH
funding announcement and established a collaboration with Chris
Westby to develop a model of retinal aging suitable for ground studies and that simulate aging in
Page 5
Education Outreach
Regina BuccelloStout judged middle school students
in the Behavioral
Health category at
the 51st Science
Regina Buccelloand Engineering
Stout, PhD
Fair of Houston.
She also became a mentor for a
student in the University of
Houston-Clear Lake Human
Factors/Ergonomics Student
Chapter. Regina led a tour of
the Flight Analogs Research
Unit at the University of Texas
Medical Branch for Dr. Peter
Cavanaugh and the Daily Bone
Loading Stimulus Study team.
Claudio Carra reviewed a
manuscript for J Com Chem.
Johnny Conkin reviewed a
manuscript for Aviat Space Environ Med.
Roni Cromwell presented a
seminar, “Ground-Based Analogs for Human Spaceflight Research,” University of Houston
Clear Lake Physics and Space
Science Seminar Series. She
also provided tours of the Flight
Analogs Research Unit for
Rosemarie Filart of the Division
of Clinical Research Resources,
National Center for Research
Resources, National Institutes
of Health, and for HRP Program
Manager Dennis Grounds and
Assistant to the Director for Exploration Flight Crew Operations Directorate Linda Godwin.
In addition, Roni judged the
51st Science and Engineering
Fair of Houston and reviewed a
manuscript for Journal of Aging
and Physical Activity.
Ramona Gaza submitted a re-
search project for summer intern
students through CONNECT.
Megumi Hada reviewed a manuscript for Radiation Research.
Myung Kim provided technical
consult to Dr. Marcelo Vazquez,
NSBRI Senior Scientist, for the
probability calculation of having
proton fluence above the double
intensity of August 1972 event for a
given mission period.
Larry Kuznetz reviewed the progress of graduate student Tom
Miller, University of Southwest
Alabama, who is working to improve a two-dimensional thermal
model of the human body.
Mulugeta is
discussing with
space tourist
Richard Garriott the possiLealem Mulugeta, MSc
bility of screening his film “Man on a Mission” in
Houston as an outreach tool for
young students.
Ajit Mulavara reviewed a manuscript for the journal Aviation Space
and Environmental Medicine. Ajit
organized three laboratory tours for
Dr. Leah Bent, University of
Guelph and others from the Canadian Space Agency; for Dr. Michael
Hoffer, CAPT US Navy; and for
Lynne Logan, SUNY Upstate
Medical University physical therapist.
“Apparatus Development for 3D
Cell Culture in Microgravity” to fly
an experiment in the Microgravity
aircraft. She also judged senior projects, Medicine/Health Division, at
the 51st Science and Engineering
Fair of Houston and 7th grade Microbiology / Biochemistry projects at
the Clear Creek ISD District Science
Ianik Plante reviewed a manuscript
for the European Physical Journal
and for Radiation Environmental
Lori Ploutz-Snyder worked with
University of Houston Department
of Health and Human Performance
Ph.D. student Meghan Everett on her
dissertation proposal for
“Cardiovascular responses to traditional or low load blood flow restricted exercise during human limb
suspension.” She continued to work
with Kyle Hackney on the development of his dissertation proposal.
Rob Ploutz-Snyder judged 5th
grade science fair projects for Sandra Mossman Elementary School,
Clear Creek ISD. Rob also served on
the dissertation committee for
Lynne Logan, Rocky Mountain State
University, for “Effects of sensory
level electrical stimulation on muscle cross-sectional area, strength,
and metabolite production in children with cerebral palsy,“ who successfully defended her dissertation.
Jessica Scott is a member of the Board of Directors for Space without Borders, an organization that is looking to
utilize space technology to benefit developing countries.
Zarana Patel continued to mentor the Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program /
Systems Engineering
Educational DiscovZarana Patel, PhD
ery (SEED) project
Jessica Scott, PhD
Continued on page 7
Page 6
Education and Outreach
Marguerite Sognier hosted an
Honoring the Teachers event at
Moody Gardens to honor teachers
who are committed to being lifelong learners and provided the introductory comments with slide
shows for the program. Marguerite
presented “Podcasting – Not Just
for Kids Anymore!,” at the National Science Teachers Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. She also recruited speakers and workshop presenters for
the Expanding Your Horizons Career Explorations Conference for
6th to 8th grade girls.
College & Career Night at
Clifton Middle School
DSLS had been invited to participate in the
March 11 College & Career Night at Clifton
Middle School, a Houston Independent School
District Math, Science, and Technology Magnet
Program with about 1,000 students.
The magnet program gives students the opportunity for in-depth, process-oriented study in science- and math-related
fields in conjunction with a strong academic program. Students are encouraged to develop laboratory skills through active, hands-on experimentation in a variety of science courses. Clifton offers courses in robotics, aerospace, marine science and engineering, and Girls Exploring
Chris Westby reviewed a manuscript for the Journal of Applied
Virginia Wotring
reviewed a manuscript for Neuropharmacology. She
was also a Science
Fair Judge at Space
Center Intermediate
School and
Ginger Wotring, PhD presented a short
safety talk, "Safety in the Medicine
Cabinet”, to the Weekly Management Tag.
Patrice Yarbrough judged the
51st Science and Engineering Fair
of Houston.
Sara Zwart
reviewed a
manuscript for
European Journal
of Dentistry, for
Medicine &
Sara Zwart, PhD
Science in Sports
and Exercise, and for the Journal
of Nutrition. Sara also judged the
science fair at Ferguson Elementary School.
So on March 11, five DSLS scientists (Lealem Mulugeta. Rob PloutzSnyder, Jessica Scott, Chris Westby and Patrice Yarbough) and one
administrator set out on a long drive to Northwest Houston to staff
several booths and to present talks on careers in math, science, and
engineering to students and their parents. The event was well organized
and supported by numerous universities and representatives of a wide
variety of career fields to spark the students’ interests.
Victor (photo bottom right) was the special guide for the DSLS team - he
took good care of us! Victor wants to be an Air Force pilot and later on
an astronaut.
Page 7
Recent Scientific Presentations
Invited talk, Belyakov O, "Studies
of non-targeted biological effects
of ionising radiation", University
of Louisiana at Lafayette Accelerator Center.
Belyakov O, "Applications of
paradigm breaking non-targeted
effects for radiation protection and
risk estimates,” DSLS Brown Bag
Seminar, USRA Houston.
Belyakov O, "3D tissue systems:
the roadmap to the future," Space
Radiation Journal Club, NASA
Abstract, Carra C,
“Selectivity and
Binding Mechanism
of E. Coli Recombinase Protein, A Computational ApClaudio Carra, PhD
proach,” Gordon
Conference, DNA Damage, Mutation, and Cancer, Ventura, California.
Chappell L, "Modeling the Dose
Response for Heavy Ion Tumor
Induction," Space Radiation Journal Club, NASA JSC.
Invited talk, Cromwell RL,
“International Standardization of
Bed Rest Standard Measures,” 1st
Meeting of the IAA Study Group
on Bed Rest Standardization,
Paris, France.
Invited talk, Cromwell RL,
“NASA Bed Rest Studies,” International Countermeasures Working Group Meeting, Paris, France.
Invited talk, Hu S, "A cell kinetic
model of granulocytopoesis under
radiation exposure: extension
from rodents to large animals,”
Space Radiation Journal Club,
Invited talk, Huff J, presented journal article “Interaction with surrounding normal epithelial cells influences signalling pathways and
behaviour of Src-transformed
cells”, Mihoko Kajita, et al. Journal
of Cell Science 123, 171-180
(2010), Space Radiation Journal
Abstract, Kim M-H Y, Hu S, Cucinotta FA, “Statistical Prediction of
Solar Particle Event Frequency
based on the Measurements of Recent Solar Cycles for Acute Radiation Risk Analysis,” 2009 AGU
Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Abstract, Batson C, Brady R, Peters
B, Mulavara A, Bloomberg J,
“Gait training improves performance in healthy adults exposed to
novel discordant conditions,” 3rd
International Congress on Gait and
Mental Function: The Interplay between Walking Behavior and Cognition,” Washington, D.C.
Abstract, Brady
R, Batson C,
Peters B,
Mulavara A,
Bloomberg J,
“Sensory bias
Ajitkumar Mulavara, PhD
predicts postural
stability, anxiety,
and cognitive performance In
healthy adults walking in novel discordant conditions,” 3rd International Congress on Gait and Mental
Function: The Interplay between
Walking Behavior and Cognition,”
Washington, D.C.
Patel Z, "Tissue Engineering 101 –
Methods and Strategies," Space
Radiation Journal Club, NASA
Plante I, "RITRACKS: A Software for Simulation of HZE Radiation and Calculation of Dose in
Nanovolumes," Space Radiation
Journal Club, NASA JSC.
Invited talk, Ploutz-Snyder R,
“Correlation and Introduction to
Ordinary Least Squares Regression,” (SMAR Series), USRA
Invited talk, Ploutz-Snyder R,
“Ordinary Least Squares Regression”, (SMAR Series), USRA
Abstract, PloutzSnyder R, Feiveson
AH, Nguyen D,
Kuznetz L,
“Combining disparate measures of
metabolic rate dur- Rob Ploutz-Snyder, PhD
ing simulated
spacewalks,” 2010 Spring Meeting of the International Biometric
Society, Eastern North America
Region, New Orleans, LA.
Scott J, “Speckle tracking echocardiography in the assessment of
mouse models of cardiac dysfunction, Cardiovascular Laboratory
Journal Club, NASA JSC.
Invited talk, Wood SJ,
“Sensorimotor recovery following
space flight: Implications for crew
return to duty,” War Related Illness and Injury Study Center,
New Jersey Department of Veterans’ Affairs, East Orange, NJ.
Abstract, Wood SJ, Clément GR,
“Translational vestibulo-ocular
reflexes during off-vertical axis
rotation, 33rd Association for Research in Otolaryngology MidWinter Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Page 8
Recent Scientific Presentations (cont. from Page 8)
Zanello S,
“Review of
Cellular Structure and Function,” Aerospace Medicine Grand
Susi Zanello, PhD
Invited talk, Zanello S, "RealTime PCR for Gene Expression
studies", Technical Review Series, NASA JSC.
Invited talk, Zwart S, "Vitamin
D: Findings from Antarctic, Bed
Rest, Houston, and ISS", Brown
Bag Luncheon Seminar, USRA
DSLS Scientific
Presentations at the
HRP Workshop
Abstract, Bloomberg JJ, Arzeno
N, Buxton RE, Feiveson AH,
Kofman I,. Lawrence EL, Lee
SMC, Mulavara AP, Peters BT,
Platts SH, Ploutz-Snyder LL,
Reschke MF, Ryder J, Spiering
BA, Stenger MB, Wood SJ.
“Defining the Physiological Factors That Contribute to Postflight
Changes in Functional Performance,” Oral talk presented by
Lori Chappell
Abstract, Cucinotta FA,
Chappell LJ,
Kim M-HY.
“Space Radiation Heart Disease Risk Estimates for Lu-
nar and Mars Missions,” Oral talk
presented by Cucinotta.
confined environments (ICE)”.
Poster presented by Shea.
Abstract, Ellman R, Sibonga JD,
Bouxsein ML. “Data mining activity for bone discipline: Calculating a
factor of risk for hip fracture in
long-duration astronauts,” Poster
presented by Ellman.
Abstract, PloutzSnyder LL,
“Integrated Resistance and Aerobic
Training Study
(iRATS),” Oral
talk, Human
Lori Ploutz-Snyder, PhD
Health and Countermeasures Integrated Plenary.
Abstract, Hada M,
Cucinotta FA, Wu H.
“Distribution of chromosome breakpoints
in human epithelial
cells exposed to lowand high-LET radiations,” Poster.
Megumi Hada, PhD
Abstract, Lang TF, Streeper TS,
Cavanagh PR, Saeed IH, Carpenter
RD, Frassetto LA, Lee SMC, Spiering BA, Grodsinsky CM, Funk J,
Hanson AM, Bloomberg JJ, Mulavara AP, Sibonga JD. “An Integrated Musculoskeletal Countermeasure Battery for Long-Duration
Lunar Missions,” Oral talk presented by Lang.
Abstract, Mulavara AP, Fiedler M,
Kofman I, Fisher E, Wood SJ, Serrador J, Peters B, Cohen H, Reschke
MF, Bloomberg JJ. “Development
of Countermeasures to Aid Functional Egress from the Crew Exploration Vehicle Following Long Duration Spaceflight,” Oral talk presented twice by Mulavara in Muscle and Sensorimotor Sessions.
Abstract, Palinkas
LA, Keeton KE,
Shea C, Leveton
LB. “Psychosocial
characteristics of
optimum performance in isolated and
Abstract, Westby CM, Phillips
TR, Stenger MB, Platts SH. “60
days of head-down bed rest differentially alters venous function
between men and women in the
lower but not upper body,” Oral
talk, New Talent Showcase.
Abstract, Wood SJ, A. Clarke
AH, Rupert AH, Harm DL, Clément GR, “ZAG-Otolith: Modification of otolith-ocular reflexes,
motion perception and manual
control during variable radius
centrifugation following spaceflight, Oral talk, Sensorimotor
Invited talk, Wotring VE,
“Pharmacological Issues for Astronauts,” Oral talk, NonMicrogravity Provocations to
Crew during Spaceflight Plenary
Abstract, Zwart SR, Locke J,
Pierson D, Mehta S, Bourbeau Y,
Parsons H, Smith SM, “Vitamin
D: Findings from Antarctic, Bed
Rest, Houston, and ISS,” Oral
talk, Nutrition Session.
Camille Shea, PhD
Page 9
Upcoming Meetings / Seminars / Workshops at USRA Houston
May 6:
Seminar: “Open Signaling Cascade with Forward Activation” - Yongfeng Li, PhD, University
of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and Its Application (10:30 am, Berkner Room)
May 13:
SMAR #12 (Statistical Methods and Application Review) (11:45 am, Berkner Room)
May 17 - 20: Multilateral Medical Operations Panel (MMOP)
May 20:
Brown Bag Luncheon Seminar: “Personal Perspectives from the NASTAR
Training Course” - Ramona Gaza, PhD, and Scott Wood, PhD (11:30 am,
Berkner Room)
May 25:
Aerospace Medicine Grand Rounds: Ronald Glaser, PhD, Ohio State University,
on Immunology (8:00 am, Lecture Hall)
June 7 - 8:
Astronaut Bone Health Panel
June 22:
Aerospace Medicine Grand Rounds: Steve Nissen, MD, Medical Director, Cleveland Clinic
Cardiovascular Coordinating Center (8:00 am, Lecture Hall)
July 27:
Aerospace Medicine Grand Rounds: “Providing Urgent Care in a General Purpose Helicopter
with a Portable Medical Pack” - Shean Phelps, US Army (8:00 am, Lecture Hall)
Happy Birthday!!
May 29
Jeff Ryder
June 4
June 8
Yvonne Roed
June 11
Lealem Mulugeta
June 19
James Fiedler
June 20
Megumi Hada
(Sorry - no image available of Reen McCarthy!)
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to all, happy Birthday to you!!!
The DSLS Newsletter is published on a bi-monthly basis.
Dagmar Morgan—Editor
Division of Space Life Sciences
Universities Space Research Association
3600 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, TX 77058
May 2010
DSLS Newsletter
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