TuitienWaiver $llath& RW - 083f0$3Courses tD# HomeCenter Fhone# I verify that I have satisfactorily completed the following course (circle all that applv): RW 083 Math 083 RW 093 Math 093 I understandthat this waiver only applies to the second and third attempt of the same course i.e. math 083 for math 083 and nlrr093 for nrr093. I agree that the Registrar'sOffice shall verify the year and terms and their decisionshall be final. I respectfully request that my account be eredited and if I owe the institution it shall he applied to my bill, if not then please send the refund to the following address: I further understandthat the Registrar'sOfficeand $tudentAecountsoffice may take 3.5 businessdaysto researchand completethe waiver. I agreeto follow the BusinessOfficeprocedureson pracessingchecks,if the papenrorkis eompleted at 1?:00nqonthe checkwill be readyby Friday. by Wednesday Student Signature DateReceived: Reg.Offiee