PSZ 19: 16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF THESIS/POSTGRADUATE THESIS PAPER AND COPYRIGHT Author’s Full Name : JOOMIZAN BINTI NOORDIN Date of Birth : 28TH AUGUST 1985 Title : RESERVOIR STORAGE SIMULATION AND FORECASTING MODELS FOR MUDA IRRIGATION SCHEME, MALAYSIA Academic Session : 2009/2010/2 I declare that this thesis is classified as : CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS (I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text)) I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. Certified By: …………………………………… SIGNATURE ……………………………………….. SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR …………………………………… ………………………………………. (NEW IC NO. /PASSPORT NO.) NAME OF SUPERVISOR NOTES: * If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. Librarian Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah UTM, Skudai Johor Sir, CLASSIFICATION OF THESIS AS RESTRICTED RESERVOIR STORAGE SIMULATION AND FORECASTING MODELS FOR MUDA IRRIGATION SCHEME, MALAYSIA (JOOMIZAN BINTI NOORDIN) Please be informed that the above mentioned thesis entitled “RESERVOIR STORAGE SIMULATION AND FORECASTING MODELS FOR MUDA IRRIGATION SCHEME, MALAYSIA" is classified as RESTRICTED for a period of three (3) years from the date of this letter. The reasons for this classification are (i) The results of this study will be published in journal. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Dr. Md. Hazrat Ali Associate Professor Faculty of Civil Engineering Tel: +6075532456 Note: This letter should be written by the supervisor, addressed to PSZ and a copy attached to the thesis. “We hereby declare that we have read this thesis and in our opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil-Hydraulics and Hydrology)” Signature : .............................................................. Name of Supervisor I : .............................................................. Date : ............................................................. Signature : ............................................................... Name of Supervisor II : ............................................................... Date : .............................................................. RESERVOIR STORAGE SIMULATION AND FORECASTING MODELS FOR MUDA IRRIGATION SCHEME, MALAYSIA JOOMIZAN BINTI NOORDIN A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Master of Engineering (Civil-Hydraulics and Hydrology) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2010 ii I declare that this thesis entitled “RESERVOIR STORAGE SIMULATION AND FORECASTING MODELS FOR MUDA IRRIGATION SCHEME, MALAYSIA” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : .................................................... Name : .................................................... Date : .................................................... iii Dedicated to the sweet memory of author’s family and Supervisor’s late Grandmother iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All commendation and entreaty to Almighty Allah for his unbound graciousness and unlimited kindness in all endeavors that made the author possible to complete the Master of Engineering Degree. The author would like to express her intense gratitude and indebtedness to her respected supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Md. Hazrat Ali, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), for his persistent guidance, invaluable suggestions, spontaneous support, and constant encouragement and motivation in successful completion of this thesis. Special thanks to her co-supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sobri Harun, for guiding the author to select Associate Professor Dr. Md. Hazrat Ali as the supervisor. Sincere thanks are accredited to Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Hanim Osman, Head of the School of Postgraduate Studies and his staff, for making necessary arrangements in finalising this study. The author is also grateful to her thesis panel members, for providing suggestions towards completion of this study. Appreciation is due to the staff of MADA, for their technical supports in providing necessary observed data. The author expresses her profound appreciation to the scholarship donor, Yayasan Sultan Iskandar Johor, for providing financial assistance to support her study at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Special thanks are due to the UTM library staff members, for their services during this study. Above all, the author expresses indebtedness to her family members for their continuous inspiration and selfless sacrifice throughout her life. v ABSTRACT Reservoir operation policies aim at deriving maximum benefits from water that can be stored in it and allocated to crops. Water shortage is the main constraint in establishing stable irrigation water management in Muda Irrigation Scheme, Kedah, Malaysia. Thus, the objective of this study is to a develop reservoir simulation model and to consider stochastic models and Log-Pearson Type III distribution to generate storage to compare with the observed storage, and to forecast future storage to examine the performance of the reservoir with reliability under changing conditions. The reservoir simulation model storage amounts were calculated for 1998-2008 using measured values of rainfall and evaporation (reservoir station no. 61), reservoir inflow, release, seepage, spill, and Muda reservoir inflow. The developed reservoir simulation model results simulated well with the mean monthly observed long-term storage amounts (1998-2008), except for a few months where the model storages are found relatively higher than the observed storage amounts. A stage-storage curve is plotted using the monthly observed values of storage and water level from 19982008 to covert water level into storage and vice versa. The first order Markov model with periodicity and Log-Pearson Type III distribution are considered to generate storage amounts to compare with the mean monthly observed storages, and hence to forecast future storage with reliability. The first order Markov model generated and observed mean storage amounts were compared for each month. The comparison results imply that the monthly statistical parameters of the historic record, except the lag1 serial correlation between December and January months (i.e., over-year monthly correlations), are preserved satisfactorily. The storage amounts are forecasted for year 2009-2015 to be used in future reservoir operation, using first order Markov model. The expected mean and minimum storage amounts for different return periods are estimated, using Log-Pearson Type III distribution and trendlines with equations and R2 values are shown, to help decision makers to estimate future storage with corresponding return period under any changing weather conditions and or demand. vi ABSTRAK Polisi pengoperasian empangan yang mensasarkan keuntungan maksimum dari air yang disimpan atau bagi tujuan penanaman. Masalah kekurangan air menjadi masalah utama dalam memastikan pembangunan pertanian yang seimbang di Muda Irrigation Scheme, Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk membina model simulasi yang menitikberatkan stokastik model dan juga kaedah pengagihan Log-Pearson type III untuk mendapatkan jumplah simpanan empangan dan membandingkan simpanan sediada dengan hasil daripada kiraan model tersebut. Data dari tahun 1998-2008 digunakan untuk mengukur jumlah curahan dan cairuapan (bagi empangan stesen 61), kadar alir masuk, pelepasan, penyerapan, limpahan, dan Kadar alir dari empangan Muda. Model simulasi bagi empangan yang diperolehi agak baik dengan purata bulanan jangka masa panjang (1998-2008), kecuali untuk beberapa bulan di mana model simpanan didapati agak tinggi daripada jumlah sebenar. Lengkungan simpanan-langkah telah diplotkan untuk menukarkan paras air kepada simpanan. First Order Markov Model dan Log Pearson Type III dipertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan jumlah simpanan dan dibandingkan dengan purata bulanan simpanan sebenar, dan juga untuk meramalkan simpanan dengan kemunginan tertentu. Setiap model yang diperolehi dibandingkan bagi setiap bulan. Hasil perbandingan tersebut membayangkan statistical parameter bagi datadata yang direkodkan, kecuali bagi lag1 hubungan diantara bulan Januari dan Disember adalah dijangkakan selamat. Jumlah simpanan yang diramalkan dari tahun 2009-2015 akan digunakan untuk operasi empangan pada masa akan datang. Purata dan jumlah simpanan minimum yang dijangkakan bagi tempah kalaan yang berbeza dijangkakan, menggunakan Log Pearson Type III dan didapati trendlines, R2 ditunjukkan untuk membantu membuat keputusan bagi pengurusan empangan pada masa akan datang dengan sebarang perubahan cuaca. vii CONTENTS CHAPTER I II TITLE PAGE DECLARATION i DEDICATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xi INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 3 1.3 Justification of the Study 4 1.4 Objectives of the Study 5 1.5 Scope of the Study 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 General Remarks 6 2.2 Water Management in Reservoir 9 2.3 The integration of Reservoir Operation Policies 10 and Allocation of Irrigation Area 2.4 The Models 11 2.5 Forecasting 16 2.5.1 Markov First Order Method 17 2.5.2 Log Pearson Type III Distribution 18 2.6 III Concluding Remarks 20 STUDY AREA AND DATA COLLECTION 3.1 Study Area 21 viii 3.2 Major River Systems and Climate Change in 23 Muda Irrigation Scheme 3.3 IV Data Collection 25 MODEL DEVELOPMENT AND CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 General Remarks 27 4.2 Reservoir Simulation Model 28 4.3 Reservoir Forecasting Models 30 4.3.1 First Order Markov Model 31 4.3.2 First Order Markov Model with 33 Periodicity 4.3.3 4.4 V VI Log-Pearson Type III Distribution Concluding Remarks 34 36 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Reservoir Simulation 37 5.2 Hydrologic Forecasting for Reservoir Storage 40 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Summary and Conclusions 46 6.2 Recommendations 47 REFERENCES 48 APPENDICES A 53 B 59 ix LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE Table 1 General features of MUDA Irrigation Scheme 23 Table 2 Observed Pedu storage with release after allowing for spill 26 (MCM) Table 3 Step-by-step procedure of calculating model storage for Pedu 41 reservoir for March, using natural logarithm of observed storage (MCM) Table 4 Step-by-step procedure of calculating generated and 43 forecasted storage for Pedu reservoir for March, using natural logarithm of observed storage (MCM) Table 5 Expected minimum storage in Pedu reservoir for different return periods, using Log-Pearson Type III Distribution 45 x LIST OF FIGURES FIG. NO. TITLE PAGE Figure 1 Location Map of Muda Irrigation Scheme 22 Figure 2 Major River Systems in Kedah 24 Figure 3 Pedu Water Level vs. Storage Curve using Observed Data 38 (1998-2008) Figure 4 Mean, Minimum and Maximum Observed Monthly Pedu 38 Reservoir Storage with Release (MCM) Figure 5 Comparison of Pedu Reservoir Simulation Model Results 39 with the Observed Mean Monthly Storages during 1998-2008 Figure 6 Pedu Reservoir Observed and Model Storages in Different 41 Months and Years Figure 7 Pedu Reservoir Observed, Model and Forecasted Storages in 42 Different Months and Years Figure 8 Reliability based Estimated Storage (MCM) in Different 44 Months, Considering Average Observed Flow and using LogPearson Type III Distribution Figure 9 Reliability based Estimated Minimum Storage (MCM), Considering Minimum Observed Storage for each Month during 1998-2008 and using Distribution Log-Pearson Type III 45 xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A Cross-sectional area Ar (t ) Reservoir surface area Aw (t ) Watershed area during period t E (t ) Evaporation rate at the reservoir surface area ET p Potential evapotranspiration ET p (t , t + Δt ) Evapotranspiration between t and t + Δt IG (t ) Any other gain GCM General Circulation Model GIS Geographic Information System I (t , t + Δ t ) Infiltration/percolation between t and t + Δt IL (t ) Any other loss LP Linear Programming MADA Muda Agricultural Development Authority P (t ) Precipitation falling on the reservoir surface area P (t , t + Δ t ) Precipitation between t and t + Δt Qi (t ) Inflow to the reservoir per unit watershed area during period t Q j +1 Water delivered by conveyance system to the field (outflow) Qs (t ) Uncontrolled releases downstream or spills from the reservoir R (t ) Required reservoir release rate R (t , t + Δt ) Runoff between t and t + Δt SP Seepage and percolation losses Xi Measured value of storage at time i X i +1 Generated streamflow xii y Average of the absolute values of deviations from the mean Yi Measured transformed value of storage at time i Yi +1 Transformed generated streamflow Y (t ) Reservoir yield ε i +1 Random component with mean zero and variance σ ε2 μx Mean of X ρ x (1) First order serial correlation Δt Time step CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Allocation and management of water for agricultural purposes is a complex issue affected by social, environmental and political factors. Reservoirs are very useful choices for storage of irrigation water to use in drought periods. Optimal operation of reservoir systems is important for effective and efficient management of available water resources for maximum system net benefit (Consoli et al. 2008; Nandalal and Sakthivadivel 2002; Raju and Kumar 1999; Suiadee and Tingsanchali, 2007; Shrestha et al., 1996). In water resources development, reservoirs play a major role in modifying uneven distribution of water both in space and time. To make the best use of the available water, the optimal operation of reservoirs in a system is undoubtedly very important though it is a very complicated task. During the last several decades many attempts have been made towards solving this problem by various mathematical means (Wurbs, 2005). 2 Irrigation projects which receive water from a reservoir can be challenging to manage, since annual fluctuations in runoff from the reservoir's catchments area can have considerable impact on the irrigation management strategy. (Shrestha et al., 1996) mentioned that there is a general realization that many irrigation networks are failing in their fundamental function of delivering water, where and when it is needed, and in the right quantity. Irrigation departments, particularly in developing countries, have been suffering financial setbacks and therefore implementing improved techniques for operational management of these systems receives inadequate attention. Irrigation reservoir operation policies are aimed at deriving maximum benefits from the water that can be stored in it and allocated to crops. Water releases from reservoirs have to be conveyed through a hierarchical distribution system of canals, branch canals, distributaries and field turnouts or outlets before they reach the cropped fields. The operations are complex but substantial increases in benefits can be derived even from relatively small increases in operating efficiency (Maidment and Chow, 1981). Water management basically consists of determining when to irrigate the amount to be applied during each state of plant growth, and the operation and maintenance of the system. Water distribution systems and management strategies that enable users to apply water uniformly and accurately require large capital investments. All the three stages of the irrigation operation problems, namely, determining the reservoir releases, transferring them to the field level, and allocating the field supplies to crops are important components of operation of large irrigation systems. Missing any one of these components can lead to low agricultural productivities and operating efficiencies. 3 1.2 Statement of the Problem Malaysia has mostly arid and semiarid climate, and spatial and temporal distribution of rainfalls is irregular. Food demand is rapidly increasing with increasing population. Water resources system of Malaysia has a complex structure and financial opportunities to construct new dams are very restricted depends on the purposes of construction, economical value and etc. Water resources managers and decision makers paid a significant attention on optimum operation of reservoirs during the last decade. Mathematical programming methods were the most widely applied methods of optimization. Water is main component for living beings on earth to continue their lives. But, now-a-days the problem related to water such water shortage is very crucial. This can be happened due to improper water management. The proper management is very important in order to sustain the water resources with high water quality and can reduce the problem on water shortage. Reservoir is one of the sources of surface water. It can reserve the water and supply water to the people. Reservoir will regulate inflows and provide outflows at more regular rate, which is determined by water demand, temporarily storing the surplus when inflows exceed outflows. These days reservoir has been facing a lot of problems such as low water quality and water release not following an energyefficient schedule. It gives tendency of occurrence of water shortage. According to previous studies, the water volume of Pedu and Muda dams experience frequent deficit due to shortage of water supply from catchment. Thus, the plan is needed to be modified periodically during real-time operation based on 4 current season data and climate change. The Muda irrigation scheme is highly dependent on rainfall, fulfilling about 51% of the irrigation requirements. Two dams (Pedu and Muda) contribute about 29%, while the uncontrolled river flow and recycling supply contribute about 15 and 5%, respectively (Ali et al., 2000; MADA, 1987). In fact, the reservoirs were so depleted that irrigation for the 1978 dry season crop was impossible, and again in 1983 and 1984, only half of the area could be irrigated (Kitamura, 1990). The shortage of reservoir water remains the most serious constraints on the establishment of stable double cropping of rice. The efficient utilization of water resources needs information, such as, annual effective rainfall, runoff, consumptive use, and reservoir release, etc., thus, a reservoir simulation model often used to predict the response of the system under a given set of conditions. On the other hand, forecasting are used for warning of extreme events (e.g., floods and droughts), for operation of water resources systems such as reservoir, hydropower generation projects and etc. In addition, the models can be used to predict the future performance of reservoirs. 1.3 Justification of the Study Water management generally means the supply, conveyance, distribution, and application of the right amount of water at the right time to the right place so that the plants would thrive and produce good yield. The shortage of reservoir water still remains the most serious constraints on the establishment of stable double cropping of rice. Thus, a reservoir simulation 5 model needs to be developed to estimate the reservoir yield precisely. Long-range water supply forecasting is an integral part of drought management and of water supply management itself. Stochastic data generation aims to provide alternative hydrologic data sequences that are likely to occur in future to assess the reliability of alternative systems designs and policies, and to understand the variability in future system performances. It is also very important to develop a stochastic hydrologic model to generate the monthly streamflows and thus to estimate the future streamflows with reliability. 1.4 Objectives of the Study The main objectives to be carried out in this study are: (i) To develop a reservoir simulation model to simulate model storages with the long-term observed storage amounts, (ii) To use stochastic models to generate storage and to compare with the observed storage, and hence to forecast future storage with reliability. 1.5 Scope of the Study The main scope of this study will be confined to the development of reservoir simulation model, and utilization of stochastic models to generate and forecast storage. The scopes of work that will be covered in this study are: i. Collection of various relevant historical data from MADA. ii. Development of various mandatory modules of reservoir systems. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 General Remarks In this study, a reservoir simulation model is to be derived and stochastic models will be utilized. The literature reviews to be presented in this chapter are concerned with the applications of different information available in the field of water resources engineering and are divided into the categories, namely, (i) Catchment hydrology, hydrological, and hydrodynamic modeling, (ii) Reservoir operation, simulation, and optimization modeling, and (iii) Stochastic hydrologic modeling for water resources forecasting. Designing water resources systems are complex problems involving the interaction of political and legal processes, governmental regulations, economics and engineering aspects. Reservoir operators and managers have been faced with difficulties in designing, operating, and managing multipurpose reservoir systems. Many modeling techniques have been applied to solve problems in the areas of planning, designing, and managing complex reservoir systems. (Tawfik, et. al., 1994) mentioned that the application of modeling techniques in the planning area includes determining the optimal reservoir size that satisfies downstream demands or finding the best location to construct dam with minimum construction cost. 7 On the other hand, operation of a reservoir system requires a series of decisions that determine how to accumulate and release water over time. Generally, most reservoir systems are still managed based on fixed, predefined rules. These rules are guiding the release of the reservoir system based on the current storage level, the hydro-meteorological conditions, and the time of the year. Application of optimization techniques to reservoir operation problems has been a major focus of water resources planning and management. Various mathematical programming techniques are described in several textbooks in mathematics and water resources system analysis (e.g., Mays and Tung, 1992; Jain and Singh, 2003). With the ever-growing use of computer technology in the management process, mathematical models have been used for both simulation and optimization (Belaineh et al., 1999; Hajilal et al., 1998; Maidment and Chow, 1981; Ngo et al., 2007; Suiadee and Tingsanchali, 2007). To achieve an optimal utilization of available resources, a scientific approach should be adopted when planning and operating the existing reservoir. The need for a proper management and optimum utilization of available water becomes crucial with growing population, industrialization and rapid urbanization. An optimized operation procedure is needed to accomplish the planning and management of a complex water resources system (Jothiprakash and Shanthi, 2006). Irrigation release decisions are periodic and sequential, and the consequences of each decision can be evaluated only at the end of the season, after the crop yield is known. This requires that the entire planning horizon be kept in view while making irrigation decisions in a current interval (Rao et al., 1992). This can be realized on the basis of such information as the storage in the reservoir, expected inflows, target release requirements, and the impacts of intra-seasonal irrigation decisions on crop yield (Hajilal et al., 1998). The operation rules are often evaluated using simulation 8 models. An efficient approach to define rules is by using optimization models in combination with simulation models (Ngo et al., 2007). Seong and Hyung, (2007) said that the factors affecting the amount of paddy storage are rainfall, interception, evapotranspiration, deep percolation, paddy levee height, and irrigation method. Among these factors, paddy levee height, irrigation methods are chosen as the main control parameters to model water balance of paddy fields. The intermittent irrigation method that carries out irrigation to paddy when the ponding depth falls below a given threshold ponding depth, is adopted by this study. Many researchers have described the hydrologic processes of surface and subsurface flow on the soil water balance with hydrological modeling, but the process of water balance under the water management of a rice paddy has not been embedded in hydrological modeling. The model presented can be adapted to the watershed-scale hydrological modeling to assess the quantitative effect of stream discharge due to agricultural land use changes, especially for paddy field. Irrigation managers therefore need to carefully plan the periodic reservoir releases at head works, well in advance and for the entire season after assessing the impacts of the decisions on crop yields. This can be done based on information of storage in the reservoir, expected inflows, target release requirements, and crop yield impacts of intra-seasonal irrigation decisions. However, current season inflows are different from those used in deriving the irrigation release plan. Thus, the plan will need to be modified periodically during real-time operation based on current season data. This too must be done keeping the entire planning horizon in view. This two phase approach to reservoir operation, that is, first planning the periodic releases in advance for the entire season and then modifying the plan at the end of each period, is referred to as real-time management. The management is real-time and adaptive 9 when the decisions are based not only on data of current system conditions but also on future anticipated inflows (Labadie et. al., 1981). 2.2 Water Management in Reservoir Water is drawn from the water supply, irrigation or even to run the hydroelectric project. However, when we draw water directly from a stream, the stream may unable to satisfy the water demands especially during low flow or drought season (Chang Wei Chung, 2005). In order to solve such problem, we a need reservoir to collect and stored the water for future use. Reservoir can be classified into two types which are natural and manmade reservoir. Lakes and karst lakes is the natural reservoir. While for manmade reservoirs are excavated reservoir, impounding reservoir, tributary lateral reservoir etc. According to Ladislav and Vojtech (1989), a water reservoir is an enclosed area for the storage of water to be used at a later date; it can also serve to catch floods to protect valleys downstream of it; to establish an aquatic environment; or to change the properties of the water. A reservoir can be created by building a dam across a valley, or by using natural or man-made depressions. The main parameters of the reservoir are the volume, the area inundated and the range that the water level can fluctuate. Large dams are usually multipurpose structures. Besides providing water for domestic, agriculture, and industrial uses (the main objectives of reservoir planning and operation), hydropower electric production is another objective of development of many river-reservoir systems. High efficiency, lower costs, and the specific 10 capabilities of hydropower plants for controlling the frequency of power networks have made hydropower plants a necessary component of power systems. Flood control and damage reduction is another objective for dam construction. A reservoir reduces the peak flow of a flood hydrograph to an amount lower than the river carrying capacity (Karamouz et al., 2003). 2.3 The Integration of Reservoir Operation Policies and Allocation of Irrigation Areas Reservoirs play an important role in water resources management. Mahdi et al. (2007) stated that in Iran, as they have major storage utilities for regulating the excess water for later deficit water periods or sometimes for drought years. Appropriate reservoir operation and irrigation scheduling are needed for efficiently utilizing water storage in reservoir-irrigation systems. The system is characterized by two main components: the monthly reservoir releases and the seasonal irrigation areas with the associated relationships defining the interactions between them. The only input parameter of the reservoir is monthly stream flow, while the output parameters are optimal irrigation areas supplied by released water from the reservoir. The monthly released water consists of: i. reservoir releases when the reservoir is not completely full and the monthly release is defined to be greater than monthly irrigation water demand by the optimization model, ii. reservoir releases when the stored water exceeds the reservoir capacity. 11 In the first case, after supplying the demand by the irrigation system, the excess water is conveyed through the downstream river of the irrigation intake of the system. In other words, the spill is the volume of released water that occurs because the monthly water demand for crops and fruits is less than what should be released from the reservoir. It must be noted that there is another type of release policy when the monthly inflow to the system is high enough so that the reservoir is completely full and the excess water should be spilled from the crest of the spillway. In such a case, after supplying the demand, the excess water will be spilled from the crest of the spillway to bring the reservoir storage to the normal storage value. In other words, when the total volume of monthly inflow and reservoir last-month storage is more than the total capacity of the reservoir, water release from the crest of the dam occurs. 2.4 The Models The model described here predicts a crop yield through the use of crop yield functions. In a sense it is similar to Standard Operating Rules, as it also uses as much of the available water as needed in a season; however, SOP does not look ahead in the season and neither does it consider the differences in the economic values of the irrigations throughout the growing stages of the crops. Similarity is also observed in the result. The models objective is to maximize the net benefits that can be obtained from crop yields. Therefore, it maximizes the yield crops and minimizes the shortage. Shortages throughout a season are distributed to minimize the amount of yield that is lost for acre foot of shortage in release. Further explanation of the models is discuss in the following part. 12 In recent years, optimization models have been successfully employed to manage and operate reservoir systems. The choice of an optimization model is made in respect with the characteristics of the system in consideration, the available data, and pre-specified objectives and constraints. In many practical situations, operating rules (also referred as operating policies) are established at the planning stage of the proposed reservoir, to serve as guidelines for reservoir releases to meet the demands planned (Tu et al., 2003) Operators must evaluate tradeoffs among immediate and future uses of water before the volume of the future supply becomes known. In the face of this uncertainty, forecasts of future stream-flow can be helpful in determining efficient operating decisions, and significant effort has been made to develop improved forecasting methods (Faber and Stedinger 2001; Lettenmaier and Wood 1993). Modeling techniques have been used in solving problems in reservoir operation such as determining optimal releases or optimal storage volume to satisfy various reservoir purpose; which may be providing irrigation water for agriculture, generating hydroelectric power, protection of cities and towns against severe floods, improving river navigation, fishing or recreation. Sattari et al. (2009) investigated the efficiency of the Eleviyan irrigation dam system (with a capacity of 60 hm3) which constructed to meet the irrigation and municipal water needs of the Maraghan region (Northwestern Iran). They set up the optimization model in three phases to maximize the water release for irrigation purposes after the municipal water need were met. In the first phase, the inflows measured in the 21 years prior to the construction of the reservoir, and in the second, the inflows generated by the Monte Carlo simulation method, and in the third phase, the inflows after the construction of the reservoir were used. They suggested that in every future case, the changes in cropping pattern restrict the use of the optimization 13 results and more dynamic cropping pattern along with a more efficient operation and water utilization may prepare the grounds for success. They concluded that Monte Carlo could be used to generate data for the reservoir models to determine the operational parameters and to create operational for proper plans and management. Hydrological forecasting models have many similarities to the types of simulation models developed for off-line studies for design, planning and other applications. One of the first such approaches was the unit hydrograph (Shrestha et al., 1996), in which a linear relationship is assumed between a unit depth of effective rainfall falling in a given time, and the resulting runoff. The combined river flow hydrograph is then estimated from the sum of these incremental contributions. This approach is still widely used in flood estimation studies although, for real-time use, other types of rainfall-runoff (or hydrologic) models are generally preferred, within the general categories of physically-based, conceptual or data-driven models. Similar types of model are also used in environmental forecasting applications for major lakes and reservoirs, and in surge forecasting for coastal waters. More empirical approaches, such as the Muskingum method and storage routing approaches, are also widely used due to their relative computational simplicity and modest data requirements, and are sometimes called hydrological flow routing models. Indeed, some forms, such as the kinematic wave and MuskingumCunge approximations, are a simplified form of the equations of motion. Also, for longer lead times, it can be reasonable to consider a mass or water balance alone, as in the supply-demand modeling techniques which are widely used for water resource applications. Deepti and Maria (2009) presented a survey of simulation and optimization modeling approaches used in reservoir systems operation problems. Optimization methods have been proved of much importance when used with simulation modeling 14 and the two approaches when combined give the best results. They make a conclusions that the reservoir management and operation practices must adapt continuously to changes in water use priorities, physical and land use changes in the river basin, technological developments, and changes in public policy expressed in environment, safety, economic and technical regulations. Changing agricultural practices can have a significant impact on water consumption. Optimizing the energy generation through a hybrid of alternative sources and hydropower may provide more overall benefit from reservoirs operation. Evolutionary algorithms have great potential to deal with nonlinearity and multiobjective analysis; besides this, the other feature that makes them attractive is that most of them can be directly linked with simulation models. Many studies have also sought to forecast seasonal and longer-term flows using similar statistical approaches under meteorological conditions. Some possible predictors include snow water equivalent, sea surface temperatures, and sea surface pressure and indices linked to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (Consoli et al., 2008) Marcelo et al. (2001) considered six feature groups comprising of water levels, rainfall, evaporation rate, discharges for rivers Malewa and Gilgil and one pair of time harmonics were used to develop neural network models to forecast water levels for Lake Naivasha in Kenya. The neural network models developed were able to forecast effectively the reservoir levels for the lake for four consecutive months after a given month and given data for six consecutive months prior to the month. It was found that the more the number of feature groups used, the higher the ability of neural networks to forecast accurately the reservoir levels. Data compression generally reduced the size and computation time of the models. This can help in water-use formulation and scheduling for domestic, municipal and agricultural uses. Timely forecasting can also help in disaster monitoring, response and control in areas prone to floods. For power generation, effective and timely reservoir level 15 forecasting can help in predicting power loads and management of power generation for efficiency and optimisation. However, data compression introduces undesirable qualities into the data that affects the forecasting ability. In addition, over compression of data undermines the efficiency in forecasting reservoir levels. El-Awar et al. (1998) presented a modified stochastic differential dynamic programming algorithm for multireservoir system control. Hajilal et al. (1998) applied dynamic programming method for reservoir optimization in Jayakwadi Irrigation Project during both plan phase and real time operation phase in Maharashtra, India. Duranyildiz et al. (1999) applied a change-constrained LP model for optimization of the monthly operation of a real water supply system. Montaseri and Adeloye (1999) applied Monte Carlo simulation method for investigating the critical period of within-year and over-year reservoir systems and its relationship with the currently used test for discriminating between two patterns of reservoir behavior. Aksoy and Bayazit (2000) presented a model for the generation of daily flows of an intermittent stream based on Markov Chains. Nandalal and Sakthivadivel (2002) investigated the operational behavior of multi objective (irrigation and hydropower) reservoir in the Walawe River, Sri Lanka by using stochastic dynamic programming and simulation techniques. Sattari et al. (2006) developed a deterministic nonlinear program (DNLP) to determine the optimum active capacity of Keyserek reservoir active capacity in Iran. Ngo et al. (2007) used a mathematical model to optimize the control strategies for the Hoa Binh reservoir in Vietnam, by applying a combination of simulation and optimization models. Ozturk et al. (2008) presented a linear stochastic model methodology for modeling of suspended sediment data which fills dead storage volume of reservoirs. Mathlouthi and Lebdi (2008) developed reservoir operating rules for dry and wet periods, and their implementation in northern Tunisia. Consoli et al. (2008) developed a nonlinear multi-objective allocation model for Pozzillo irrigation reservoir in Italy. Sattari et al. (2009) compared classical 16 (Ripple diagram and sequent peak analysis) and modern methods (optimization technique) for calculating dam capacity. 2.5 Forecasting Forecasting is the process of estimation in unknown situations. Prediction is a similar, but more general term. Both can refer to estimation of time series, crosssectional or longitudinal data. Usage can differ between areas of application: for example in hydrology, the terms "forecast" and "forecasting" are sometimes reserved for estimates of values at certain specific future times, while the term "prediction" is used for more general estimates, such as the number of times floods will occur over a long period. Risk and uncertainty are central to forecasting and prediction. Forecasting is used in the practice of Customer Demand Planning in everyday business forecasting for manufacturing companies. The discipline of demand planning, also sometimes referred to as supply chain forecasting, embraces both statistical forecasting and a consensus process. In contrast to an earlier wave of optimism regarding the value of climate forecasting in reducing the ravages of drought in Northeast Brazil (Galli, A. et al., 1994), this paper argues that socio-economic, political, and cultural conditions can compromise the use of seasonal forecasts by both farmers and policymakers. They contend that seasonal forecasting faces a ‘new technology adoption’ problem in the sense that the potential uses and limitations of the technology are not fully understood and a process of learning must ensue in order to determine appropriate use. At the same time, the presentation of the forecast and its mode of communication to policymakers and farmers are critical to application success. While much attention has been paid to the science of climate forecasting and its 17 application for drought mitigation, there is limited understanding of the sociopolitical environment through which climate forecasts are channeled and interpreted. Once in the hands of policymakers, the science product loses – in a very critical sense – its desired objectivity and becomes woven into a complex mesh of social, economic, and cultural realities that influence how information is in fact used. It is this interaction of policymaker, end-user, and scientist that is addressed here. They also analyzed the policy process that underlies the application of seasonal climate forecasting in the state of Ceará in Northeast Brazil specifically examining three groups of variables: (1) the characteristics of the forecasts in terms of accuracy, timing of release, data format, and mode of communication; (2) the policymaking system at all relevant administrative levels; (3) and the relative social and economic vulnerability of the population toward which the forecasts are directed. In addition, this study explores still untapped opportunities for data use especially in long-term drought-relief planning. Forecasts are presented in the language of probabilities, but are often not perceived as such. Probabilistic information is difficult to assimilate because people do not think probabilistically nor do they interpret probabilities easily (Goddard et al., 2003). 2.5.1 Markov First Order Methods First order Markov models have been successfully applied to many problems. Examples include modeling sequential data using Markov chains, and solving control problems posed in the Markov decision processes (MDP) framework. If the Markov model’s parameters are estimated from data, the standard maximum likelihood estimates consider the first order (single-step) transitions only. 18 The purpose in the management of surface water resources is to find an operating policy such that the maximum benefit or minimum cost is achieved in a short or long period of time. This operating policy should map the periodic water releases to system states (which are usually predefined discrete values) indicating the different storage volumes at the beginning of each period of a cycle (e.g., year) (Montoglou and Wilson, 1982). In optimization of some applications, when the respective model is in the situation of non-stationary Markov decision process, the preceding inflow in every time period can be considered as a new state variable. This kind of state variable, along with other state variables for different reservoirs in the system, forms a vector quantifying the system state. First order Markov models have been successfully applied to many problems. Examples include modeling sequential data using Markov chains, and solving control problems posed in the Markov decision processes (MDP) framework. If the Markov model’s parameters are estimated from data, the standard maximum likelihood estimates consider the first order (single-step) transitions only. But for many problems the first order conditional independence assumptions are not satisfied, as a result of which the higher order transition probabilities can be poorly approximated by the learned model. 2.5.2 Log Pearson Type III Distribution The Pearson system was originally devised in an effort to model visibly skewed observations. It was well known at the time how to adjust a theoretical model to fit the first two cumulates or moments of observed data. Any probability distribution can be extended straightforwardly to form a location-scale family. Except in pathological cases, a location-scale family can be made to fit the observed mean (first cumulates) and variance (second cumulates) arbitrarily well. However, it was not known how to construct probability distributions in which the skewness 19 (standardized third cumulates) and kurtosis (standardized fourth cumulates) could be adjusted equally freely. This need became apparent when trying to fit known theoretical models to observed data that exhibited skewness. Pearson's examples include survival data, which are usually asymmetric. Pearson (1895) identified four types of distributions (numbered I through IV) in addition to the normal distribution (which was originally known as type V). The classification depended on whether the distributions were supported on a bounded interval, on a half-line, or on the whole real line; and whether they were potentially skewed or necessarily symmetric. Pearson (1901) fixed two omissions: it redefined the type V distribution (originally just the normal distribution, but now the inversegamma distribution) and introduced the type VI distribution. Together the first two papers cover the five main types of the Pearson system (I, III, VI, V, and IV). In a third paper, Pearson (1916) introduced further special cases and subtypes (VII through XII). Rhind (1909) devised a simple way of visualizing the parameter space of the Pearson system, which was subsequently adopted by Pearson (1916). Many of the skewed and/or non-mesokurtic distributions familiar to us today were still unknown in the early 1890s. What is now known as the beta distribution had been used in 1763 work on inverse probability. The Beta distribution gained prominence due to its membership in Pearson's system and was known until the 1940s as the Pearson type I distribution (I) distribution. The gamma distribution originated from Pearson's work (Pearson 1893; Pearson, 1895) and was known as the Pearson type III distribution, before acquiring its modern name in the 1930s and 1940s. Pearson's 1895 paper introduced the type IV distribution, which contains Student's t-distribution as a special case, predating William Sealy Gosset's subsequent use by several years. His 1901 paper introduced the inverse-gamma distribution (type V) and the beta prime distribution (type VI). 20 The Pearson Type III Distribution was first applied in hydrology to describe the distribution of annual maximum discharges. The Log Pearson Type III Distribution is widely used in the U.S. to calculate flood recurrences because it has been recommended by the U.S. Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data. It is the default distribution used by the U.S. Geological Survey for flood studies. 2.6 Concluding Remarks Optimal reservoir operation is a complex multidimensional problem involving various economic, social, and environmental issues and development opportunities as well as the associated physical process of various types. Multireservoir operating policies are usually defined by rules that specify either individual reservoir desired (target) storage volumes or desired (target) releases based on the time of year and the existing total storage volume in all reservoirs. A considerable progress has been made in solving problems related to individual issue or process, e.g., simulation of flow, simulation of water quality in river, reservoir operation optimization, etc. Various techniques are well established for analysis of individual problems. Long-range water supply forecasting is an integral part of drought management and of water supply management itself. Stochastic data generation aims to provide alternative hydrologic data sequences that are likely to occur in future to assess the reliability of alternative systems designs and policies, and to understand the variability in future system performances. CHAPTER 3 STUDY AREA AND DATA COLLECTION 3.1 Study Area The Muda Irrigation Project (Figure 1) covers a total gross area of 126,000ha, out of which about 97,000 ha is under the double cultivation of paddy. It is the largest double cropping area in Malaysia. The area is located at about 5°45' ~ 6°30' N latitude and 100°10' ~ 100°30' E longitude in the vast flat alluvial Kedah–Perlis Plain of about 20 km wide and 65 km long between the foothills of the Central Range and the Straits of Malacca. The area is generally flat with slopes of 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 10,000 ranging from +4.5 m elevation in the inland fringe to +1.5 m elevation in the coastal area (MADA 1977). The major part of Peninsular Malaysia is characterized by a tropical rainforest climate. However, only the Muda area and its periphery where there is a pronounced dry season are under the tropical monsoon climate as the area is shielded by the rain-bearing winds of the Northeast monsoon and the Southeast monsoon from the Central Range and Sumatra, respectively. There are three large man-made lakes within the Ulu Muda area, namely, Muda, Ahning and Pedu, formed by the construction of three correspondingly-named dams that regulate water for domestic use and irrigation for most of Kedah, Penang and Perlis. 22 Figure 1: Location Map of Muda Irrigation Scheme The water storage system covers three water storage reservoirs which include Muda, Pedu and Ahning Reservoirs. The Muda and Pedu Dams were built in 1969 under the Muda Irrigation Scheme for the purpose of providing irrigation water to the Muda area covering 96,000 hectares to enable double cropping of rice per year. Ahning Dam was built by the Public Works Department for the main purpose of supplying water for domestic and industrial uses. In 1991, Ahning Dam was handed over to Muda for operations and management work because the water from Pedu and Ahning Dams flows through the same single river channel to arrive at the Pelubang Bifurcation where the water is distributed to District I and II via the Northern Channel and to District III and IV via the Central and Southern Channels respectively. Since the Muda Reservoir has a large catchment area of (984 km2) but a low storage capacity of 160 million m3, water from the Muda Reservoir is transferred to the Pedu Reservoir, which has a higher storage capacity of 1073 million m3, via the 23 6.8 km long Saiong Tunnel for storage and release. Water for irrigation in the Muda area is released through the Pedu and Ahning Dams. The general features of Muda Irrigation Scheme are shown in Table 1. Table 1: General Features of MUDA Irrigation Scheme Muda Dam Storage Reservoir Area Type Max Height Length = = = = = Pedu Dam 120 MCM 26 km2 Concrete 32 m 230 m Storage Reservoir Area Type Max Height Length Spillway Flood Canal = 860 MCM 65 km2 Rolled Rock Fill 60 m 200 m 280 m3/s = = = = Drain Total Length = 1724 km Density = 17.7 m/Ha Total Length = 1420 km Density = 14.6 m/Ha Saiong Tunnel Total Length 3.2 = 6.6 km Capacity = 33-70 m3/s Major River Systems and Climate Change in Muda Irrigation Scheme The northern part of Peninsular Malaysia, where Muda Irrigation Scheme is located, has two distinct seasons: a wet season between the months of May and October coinciding with the south-west monsoon, and a dry season between December and March during the northeast monsoon (which brings rain to the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia). There is also a short dry season in the months of June and July. The average annual rainfall is about 2,000 mm, with October usually the wettest month, and another minor peak in April/May. The Ulu Muda forest forms the 24 headwaters of the Muda River which is the largest river system in Kedah (Figure 2). The important tributaries of the Muda River, upstream of the Muda dam, are Sungai Lasor, Sungai Teliang, Sungai Bohoi, Sungai Kawi and Sungai Kalir. The Pedu, Ahning and Kedah are separate river systems from the Muda River but they also originate from the Ulu Muda area. Figure 2: Major River Systems in Kedah 25 The largest of the three lakes in the Ulu Muda area is the Pedu Lake which covers an area of 15,500 ha. Although Muda Lake is smaller (5,200 ha) it has a larger catchment area and there is a 6.6 km long tunnel that channels water from Muda Lake to Pedu Lake. Kedah and Perlis are prone to seasonal drought and water stress, and therefore the Ulu Muda forest plays an important role in regulating water flow to the Muda River and its tributaries. The Ulu Muda forest provides upstream protection of major rivers that supply water for domestic, industrial and agricultural use to the people in the northern areas of Peninsular Malaysia. Irrigation schemes that depend on the Ulu Muda catchment forest supply water to the largest rice-growing state in the country. This has earned Kedah its nickname of the “rice-bowl” of the Malaysia. The area under these irrigation schemes, including the Muda irrigation scheme, is responsible for about 40% of the country’s total rice production and directly benefits the livelihoods of 63,000 families. The electronics and heavy industries sector centred at Penang Island, Seberang Perai and Kulim in southern Kedah are also highly dependent on the continuous supply of clean water originating from the Ulu Muda forest. Penang has one of the cheapest water rates in the country and this is one of the factors that make it an attractive location for investments from multi-national companies. 3.3 Data Collection The data from 1997-2008 was used in deriving both stochastic and forecasting models. The computation work used the available historical data taken from MADA office. For example, the processed observed Pedu storage including release after allowing for reservoir spill is shown in Table 2. The models need the 26 following data to predict and simulate monthly yield of reservoir systems as shown in Appendix A which includes this type of following data: i. Inflow ii. Dam releases iii. Storage iv. Spill Data v. Water level vi. Evaporation and Rainfall Table 2: Observed Pedu storage with release after allowing for spill (MCM) Month 1998 Jan 1080 Feb 1058 Mar 1267 Apr 932 May 663 June 475 July 472 Aug 522 Sep 620 Oct 710 Nov 811 Dec 961 1999 1002 1055 1184 1104 1185 1123 916 973 1092 1020 1083 1065 2000 1074 1084 1212 1115 1199 1119 1104 1131 1124 1122 1152 1150 Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1118 968 682 713 608 679 908 1151 1110 936 716 679 599 761 923 1082 1175 988 780 761 617 882 1013 1175 1135 1033 775 656 685 843 982 1165 1184 864 676 575 491 803 948 1122 1034 673 499 412 435 844 862 1020 962 488 361 329 331 805 917 974 929 454 394 368 254 818 936 970 986 482 425 433 254 831 996 1089 918 587 510 564 275 819 1035 1063 1079 682 657 693 374 866 1091 1139 1078 813 789 692 536 984 1184 1216 CHAPTER 4 THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS AND MODEL DEVELOPMENT 4.1 General Remarks One objective of reservoir management is to release or store water based on its economic value. For agricultural purposes this implies evaluating the increased crop yield gained by releasing water at a specific time/ storing it for later use. (Hanks et. al., 1974) state that by developing the model with the objective of maximizing crop yield it is subjected to physical constraints such as mass balance, storage limits and target demands. Irrigation reservoir operation policies are aimed at deriving maximum benefits from the water that can be stored in it and allocated to crops. Water releases from reservoirs have to be conveyed through a hierarchical distribution system of canals, branch canals, distributaries and field turnouts or outlets before they reach the cropped fields. The operations are complex but substantial increases in benefits can be derived even from relatively small increases in operating efficiency (Maidment and Chow, 1981). The models either developed or used in order to carry out this study are of different types in terms of their purposes, capabilities, interfaces, inputs, and outputs. 28 These mainly include water balance model, reservoir simulation, and stochastic models. The Brief descriptions of the theories associated with each of the models are presented in the following sections. 4.2 Reservoir Simulation Model An individual reservoir simulation was conducted to check the performance of simulated reservoir operations. The monthly observed inflow and initial storage were input, and release and storage were simulated for reservoirs for which there was observed operation data. Model simulation is carried out to assess and to incorporate the effects of the reservoir's performance into the operation of the system as a whole. The simulation is carried out over the total historical record of inflow. The role of simulation in the presented approach is two-fold: i. To determine the reservoir operation (reservoir releases) over a given time period with known stream flows at input point to the reservoir. So that it can operate reservoir to make sure best meet the flow demands. ii. In conjunction with release allocation algorithm, simulation provides necessary information on the interaction among reservoirs (i.e. expected levels of each individual demand fulfillment and deficit, additional flows available to the reservoirs situated downstream on the river course and shortages in supply that a reservoir is going to encounter by following the derived operating policy). 29 A reservoir firm yield analysis typically employs a numerical approximation to the solution of the conservation of water mass equation. The reservoir simulation model can be developed in the general form as shown below: Where, S(t) = initial storage volume at the beginning of the period t, Qi(t) = the inflow to the reservoir per unit watershed area during Aw(t) = the watershed area during period t, P(t) = the precipitation falling on the reservoir surface area Ar(t) E(t) = the evaporation rate at the reservoir surface of area Ar(t) R(t) = the required reservoir release rate for the purpose of period t, maintaining Qs(t) in-stream inflow, = the uncontrolled release downstream or spills from the reservoir, IG(t) and IL(t) = any other gains to or losses from the storage, respectively, Y(t) the reservoir yield, = Smax and Smin = capacities, the maximum and minimum available active storage respectively. The daily time-step firm yield Yday is determined using: (2) Where: Sday(t+1) = the water in storage at the beginning of day (t+1), Sday(t) = the water in storage at the beginning of the day (t), 30 Qi(t) = the average daily stream flow observed on the day t, Qs day (t) = the spill from the reservoir Moreover, the monthly time step firm yield Ymon is determined from: (3) For the jth month, which has nj,k day in year k (leap year to be considered also). 4.3 Reservoir Forecasting Models Hydrological forecasts typically aim to translate meteorological observations and forecasts into estimates of river flows. Techniques can include rainfallrunoff (hydrologic) and hydrological and hydrodynamic flow routing models, and simpler statistical and water-balance approaches. Additional components may also be required for water quality applications, and for modeling specific features of a catchment, such as reservoirs, and lakes, and the influence of snowmelt. Particularly for short lead times, models may also need to be embedded in a forecasting system, which controls the gathering of data, the model runs and the post-processing of outputs. The availability of real-time data also provides the option to update the model states or parameters or to post-process the outputs to improve the accuracy of the forecast; a process which is often called data assimilation or real-time updating. For 31 operational use, appropriate performance measures also need to be adopted for forecast verification. Stochastic data generation aims to provide alternative hydrologic data sequences that are likely occur in future. These data sequences, particularly monthly time series, are widely used in water resources planning and operation studies to assess the reliability of alternative system design and policies, and to understand the variability in future system performances (Loucks et. al., 1981). However, for valid and realistic result, it is necessary that these synthetic monthly data sequences should preserve both monthly and annual statistical parameters of historic data such as mean, variance, correlations, etc. Two methods will be used in this study includes first order Markov Process and Linear regression methods. 4.3.1 First Order Markov Model In this study, a first order Markov process is used and is defined by the equation: (4) Where is: Xi = the value of the process at time I, µx = the mean of x, ρx(1) = the first order serial correlation, εi+1 the random component with E(ε)=0 and Var(ε)=σ2ε = Eq (4) also known as the first order autoregressive model since is equal to the regression coefficient β that could be obtained if the regression model was used taking Y as and X as . This model states that the value of X in one time 32 period is dependent only on the value of X in the preceding time period plus a random component. It is also assumed that is dependent of . The variance of X is given by σ2ε and can be shown related to σ2ε by, Or (5) If the distribution of X is N( of the distribution of ε is N(0, can now be generated by selecting distribution. If t is N(0,1) then tσε or generating X’s that are N( . Random values randomly from a N(0, is . Thus, a model for and follow the first order Markov model is: (6) Eq(6) has been widely used for generating annual runoff from watershed (Fiering and Jackson, 1971). Since t is N(0,1), it is possible to generate values of X that are less than zero. If it occurs it is generally recommended that the negative X be used to generate the next value of X and then discarded. This procedure will result in slight bias. If the occurrence of negative X’s is common in the generation process, it may indicate that X is not normally distributed. In this event, some other distribution of ε must be used. Eq(6) can be applied to the algorithms of data through the transformation Yi=In(Xi). The generation model is given by: (7) 33 Where is , is refer to mean, standard deviation and first order serial correlation of the logarithm of the original data. Generation by Eq.(7) preserves the mean, variance, coefficient of skew nets and first order serial correlation of the original data but not of the data itself. 4.3.2 First Order Markov Method with Periodicity The first order Markov model of the previous section assumes that the process is stationary in its first three moments. It is possible to generalize the model so that the periodicity in hydrologic data is accounted for the some extent. The main application of this generalization has been in generating monthly stream flow where pronounced seasonality in the monthly flow exists. The periodicity may affect not only the mean, but also of the moments of the data as well as the first order serial correlation. Seasonal hydrologic time series, such as monthly flows, may be better described by considering statistics on a seasonal basis. Let the seasonal time series, Yv,r in which v = 1,2,…,n; and τ = 1,2,….ω, with n and ω denoting the number of years of record and the number of season per year, respectively. The season to season correlation coefficient (a measure of the strength of the linear relationship between flows in successive months) is determined by: (8) (9) 34 Hydrological forecasting models are subject to many sources of uncertainty, including uncertainties in the input data, model parameters, initial conditions, and boundary conditions. The model structure may also be inappropriate or less than ideal for the situation under consideration. The extent to which these factors influence the model performance should be evaluated during the model calibration, and in subsequent monitoring of the operational performance, and ideally in realtime operation. Also, particularly where the lead time required exceeds the response time of the hydrological system, meteorological forecasts may also be used as an input to the models, which introduces another source of uncertainty, particularly for longer lead times. For instance, for monthly streamflow time series, represents the correlation between the flows of fifth month (May) with those fourth month (April). With this notation, the multiseason, first order Markov model for normally distributed flows becomes: .(10) 4.3.3 Log-Pearson Type III Distribution The Log Pearson Type III distribution is commonly used in hydraulic studies. It is somehow similar to normal distribution, except instead of two parameters, stanand deviation and mean, it also has skew. When the skew is small, Log Pearson Type III distribution approximates normal. Extreme values are selected maximum or minimum values of sets of data. The widely used techniques for flood flow estimation are the Log-Pearson Type III, the Gumbel extreme value distribution, and lognormal distribution (Al-Mashhadani, 35 E.H. and Beck, M.M. 1978, Pilon & Harvey, 1994). In this study, the Log-Pearson Type III distribution is used, following the recommendation of the U.S. Water Resources Council (1967, 1976, 1977, and 1981; Benson, 1968) method. For Log-Pearson Type III Distribution, the first step is to take the logarithms of the hydrologic data, . The mean , standard deviation s, and the coefficient of skewness Cs are calculated for the logarithms of the data. The frequency factor KT depends on the return period T and the coefficient of skewness Cs. When Cs = 0, the KT is equal to the standard normal variable z. When , KT is approximated by Kite (1977) as (11) where , and Cs is given by (12) and s is given by (13) The value of z corresponding to an exceedence probability of p (p = 1/T) can be calculated by finding the value of an intermediate variable w: (14) Then calculating z using the approximation 36 (15) When is substituted for p in Eq. (14) and the value of z calculated by Eq. (15) is given a negative sign. The error in this formula is less than 0.00045 in z (Abramowitz & Stegun, 1965). 4.4 Concluding Remarks In this study, a reservoir simulation model is developed that includes the inflow, outflow, rainfall on the reservoir surface, evaporation at the reservoir surface, the required reservoir release rate, seepage through the reservoir dam, uncontrolled releases downstream or spills from the reservoir, any other gains to or losses from storage, and reservoir yield. The Markov process with periodicity in hydrologic data is considered to generate the monthly streamflows through the natural logarithms of observed data transformation. CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Reservoir Simulation The relationship between reservoir storage and reservoir surface area is defined by a site-specific storage-area curve. In a site-specific assessment, the reservoir storage-surface-area relationship may be estimated using bathymetric techniques or a plenimetry analysis of prereservoir construction topographic maps and surveys. Here, instead of using storage-surface-area curve as it is not available, storage-stage rating curve was plotted and used (Figure 3). The solution procedure is two-step. Firstly, it needs to covert storage into water level (WL) to incorporate the effects of rainfall (mm) and evaporation (mm) on the reservoir surface. Secondly, the resulting water level from first step needs to be converted into storage again to get the model storage. In constructing the stage-storage curve, the monthly observed values of storage and water level from 1998 through 2008 were used. The equation of the curve was found to be WL=36.49S0.139 with coefficient of determination, R2 of 0.99, where WL and S represent the water level (m MSL) and storage (Million Cubic Meters, MCM), respectively. The observed mean, minimum and maximum monthly Pedu reservoir storage with release (MCM) are calculated as shown in Figure 4. 38 Figure 3: Pedu Water Level vs. Storage Curve using Observed Data (1998-2008) Figure 4: Mean, Minimum and Maximum Observed Monthly Pedu Reservoir Storage with Release (MCM) Typical simulation models associated with reservoir simulation include a mass-balance computation of inflows, outflows, and changes in storage. The reservoir simulation model is not able to generate an optimal solution to a reservoir 39 problem directly. However, when making numerous runs of a model with alternative decision policies, it can detect at optimal or near-optimal solution. The model storage amounts were calculated for 1998-2008 using measured values of rainfall and evaporation (Pedu reservoir station no. 61), reservoir inflow, release, seepage, spill, and Muda reservoir inflow. The additional inflow from the Muda reservoir was channeled into Pedu reservoir applying Muda Agricultural Development Authority’s used equation, Q = 285.14H1/2, where Q is in ft3/s and H is the difference in water level between Pedu and Muda reservoirs (ft) and converted into cubic meter (m3) to fulfill model requirements, and the model storage was considered at least equivalent to the observed storage, as the inflows from the reservoir watershed area and from Muda reservoir were not measured separately, i.e., nonavailable. Reservoir spill in excess of 1050 MCM was also considered. The observed and model storage capacities are compared as shown in Figure 4 and found to be simulated well, except for few months where the model storage amounts are higher than the observed storage (Figure 5). Figure 5: Comparison of Pedu Reservoir Simulation Model Results with the Observed Mean Monthly Storages during 1998-2008 40 5.2 Hydrologic Forecasting for Reservoir Storage Long-range water supply forecasting is an integral part of drought management and of water supply management itself. In this study, the multiseason, first order Markov model with periodicity in normally distributed monthly streamflows is used to generate monthly hydrologic data that preserve particularly the over-year monthly correlations, in addition to other monthly parameters of historic data. Stochastically generated hydrologic data have been used in the past by water authorities worldwide for long-term planning of water resources development projects. For valid and realistic results, it is necessary that the generated data sequences preserve all statistical properties of historical data. The student’s t-distribution quantiles for (n-1) degrees of freedom and 0.05 one-sided confidence limit are used in storage generation. The natural logarithm of observed storage is used because of its higher accuracy of simulation (Hirsch, 1979). The first order Markov model generated and observed mean storage amounts were compared for each month. The results show that the monthly statistical parameters of the historic record, except the lag1 serial correlation between December and January months (i.e., over-year monthly correlations), are preserved satisfactorily (Figure 6). The lag1 correlation coefficient for January is found to be poor, while the same for February through December are satisfactorily found to be 0.976, 0.984, 0.891, 0.931, 0.962, 0.968, 0.978, 0.993, 0,983, 0.994, and 0.970, respectively. As an example, the calculation procedure for Pedu reservoir storage generation (model storage) for March is shown in Table 3, while the same for the other months can be found in Appendix B. 41 Figure 6: Pedu Reservoir Observed and Model Storages in Different Months and Years Table 3: Step-by-step procedure of calculating model storage for Pedu reservoir for March, using natural logarithm of observed storage (MCM) Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Month March LN of Obs. Storage Std. Dev., s Lag1 Q Mean Q Lag1 Mean Q Lag1 Cor. Coeff. Student’s tdistribution with (n-1) degrees of freedom Lag1 Std. Dev., s Model Storage, Xi,j+1 7.144 7.077 7.100 7.069 6.896 6.659 6.635 6.425 6.782 6.921 7.069 0.081 0.059 0.067 0.057 0.002 0.073 0.080 0.147 0.034 0.010 0.057 6.964 6.961 6.988 7.012 6.842 6.574 6.521 6.396 6.634 6.828 6.987 6.889 6.889 6.889 6.889 6.889 6.889 6.889 6.889 6.889 6.889 6.889 6.792 6.792 6.792 6.792 6.792 6.792 6.792 6.792 6.792 6.792 6.792 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 6.314 2.920 2.353 2.132 2.015 1.943 1.895 1.860 1.833 1.812 1.796 0.054 0.054 0.062 0.070 0.016 0.069 0.086 0.125 0.050 0.012 0.062 7.231 7.105 7.124 7.088 6.896 6.688 6.666 6.481 6.795 6.924 7.084 42 The obtained lag1 correlation coefficients suggest that the model can satisfactorily be applied for future storage prediction. The mean values of the observed storages for each month (1998-2008) were considered as the anticipated storage in the future, and the model was run to predict future storage amounts. In this case, the lag1 correlation coefficient for January is also found to be poor, while the same for February through December are satisfactorily found to be 0.976, 0.984, 0.892, 0.931, 0.962, 0.968, 0.979, 0.993, 0,983, 0.994, and 0.970, respectively. For example, the step-by-step calculation procedure for forecasted Pedu reservoir storage (forecasted model storage) for March is shown in Table 4. The results of the forecasted storages for year 2009-2015 are shown in Figure 7, which could be used in future reservoir operation and management. Figure 7: Pedu Reservoir Observed, Model and Forecasted Storages in Different Months and Years 43 Table 4: Step-by-step procedure of calculating generated and forecasted storage for Pedu reservoir for March, using natural logarithm of observed storage (MCM) Year Month LN of Obs. Storage Std. Dev., s Lag1 Q Mean Q Lag1 Mean Q Lag1 Corr. Coeff. Student’s tdistribution with (n-1) degrees of freedom Lag1 Std. Dev., s Model Storage, Xi,j+1 6.314 2.920 2.353 2.132 2.015 1.943 1.895 1.860 1.833 1.812 1.796 0.054 0.054 0.062 0.070 0.016 0.069 0.086 0.125 0.050 0.012 0.062 7.231 7.105 7.124 7.088 6.896 6.688 6.666 6.481 6.795 6.924 7.084 1.782 1.771 1.761 1.753 1.746 1.740 1.734 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 6.914 6.914 6.914 6.914 6.914 6.914 6.914 (a) Generated Storage 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 March 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 7.144 7.077 7.100 7.069 6.896 6.659 6.635 6.425 6.782 6.921 7.069 0.081 0.059 0.067 0.057 0.002 0.073 0.080 0.147 0.034 0.010 0.057 6.964 6.961 6.988 7.012 6.842 6.574 6.521 6.396 6.634 6.828 6.987 (b) 2009 2010 2011 2012 March 2013 2014 2015 6.913 6.913 6.913 6.913 6.913 6.913 6.913 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 6.812 6.812 6.812 6.812 6.812 6.812 6.812 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.889 6.792 0.984 Forecasted Storage 6.898 6.898 6.898 6.898 6.898 6.898 6.898 6.800 6.800 6.800 6.800 6.800 6.800 6.800 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 For Log-Pearson Type III Distribution, the mean Pedu reservoir storage in each month (January-December) is selected. The expected mean storage for different return periods and probabilities of occurrences (i.e., 1/T) estimated using this distribution are shown in Figure 8, and for clarity of Figure 8, only trendlines for a few months are shown. Figure 8 would be helpful for the decision makers to estimate future storage with corresponding return period. 44 Figure 8: Reliability based Estimated Storage (MCM) in Different Months, Considering Average Observed Flow and using Log-Pearson Type III Distribution Similarly, the expected minimum storage considering minimum observed storage for each month during 1998-2008 is estimated, using this distribution (Table 5 and Figure 9). Figure 9 would also be helpful for the decision makers to estimate future minimum storage for the changing weather conditions with corresponding return period and or demand. 45 Table 5: Expected minimum storage in Pedu reservoir for different return periods, using Log-Pearson Type III Distribution Return Period, Frequency Forecasted Storage T (year) Factor, KT (MCM) 2 0.053 433.41 Mean, 5 0.853 579.62 = 2.629 10 1.242 667.79 20 1.549 746.67 Standard Deviation, 25 1.636 770.67 s = 0.158 40 1.805 819.47 50 1.880 841.91 Skewness Coefficient, 60 1.938 859.95 Cs = -0.320 75 2.007 881.66 85 2.044 893.69 100 2.091 909.14 Statistical Parameters Figure 9: Reliability based Estimated Minimum Storage (MCM), Considering Minimum Observed Storage for each Month during 1998-2008 and using LogPearson Type III Distribution CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Summary and Conclusions Reservoirs are the most important elements of complex water resource systems. The management and operation simulation techniques are developed for experimentation in order to analyze the performance of the reservoir under changing conditions. A stage-storage curve for Pedu reservoir is constructed using the mean monthly observed values of storage and water level from 1998 through 2008, and the equation of the curve was found to be WL=36.49S0.139 with coefficient of determination, R2 at 0.99. The reservoir simulation model storages are compared with the long-term observed mean storage amounts. The comparison results are found to be satisfactory, except for few months where the model storage amounts are found to be higher than the observed storage. The first order Markov model generated and observed mean storage amounts were compared for each month. The comparison results show that the monthly statistical parameters of the historic record, except the lag1 serial correlation between December and January months are preserved satisfactorily. The results of lag1 correlation coefficients suggest that the model can satisfactorily be applied for future 47 storage prediction. Thus, this model was run to predict future storage amounts for 2009-2015, considering the mean values of the observed storages for each month (1998-2008). The expected mean and minimum storage amounts for different return periods are estimated, using Log-Pearson Type III distribution and trendlines with equations and R2 values are shown, to help decision makers to estimate future storage with corresponding return period under any changing weather conditions and or demand. 6.2 Recommendations The following recommendations are suggested for enhancement of the models to improve their applicability in real situations: 1. 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Measured Water Storage Storage Release P(t) E(t) Seepage Spill (Model) Level MCM gain from MCM mm mm MCM MCM Storage m MSL Muda MCM MCM Jan 96.84 1042.48 50.36 37.27 26.00 205.60 0.10 0.00 1042.48 Feb 97.27 1066.25 28.26 7.70 78.00 205.60 0.13 0.00 1066.25 Mar 95.67 970.34 25.63 296.50 54.00 232.90 0.10 0.00 970.34 Apr 90.51 693.41 15.52 238.72 208.00 197.00 0.05 0.00 693.41 May 86.81 510.09 21.78 153.24 198.70 156.70 0.06 0.00 510.09 1998 June 85.22 436.04 21.74 38.48 157.40 125.10 0.07 0.00 436.04 July 85.54 450.87 34.69 21.30 325.70 119.80 0.00 0.00 450.87 Aug 87.05 521.21 104.20 0.83 447.50 113.00 0.00 0.00 521.21 Sept 89.06 619.92 74.57 0.00 276.80 117.10 0.00 0.00 619.92 Oct 90.44 689.52 105.25 20.27 363.40 99.70 0.07 0.00 689.52 Nov 92.84 811.17 217.44 0.00 405.20 86.80 0.09 0.00 811.17 Dec 95.01 929.44 136.25 31.79 142.00 107.20 0.10 0.00 929.44 Jan 96.22 1001.83 85.86 0.00 133.40 185.30 0.10 0.00 1001.83 Feb 97.32 1069.07 49.05 4.68 27.10 206.00 0.10 1.34 1069.07 Mar 97.45 1076.13 73.08 133.87 320.50 155.00 0.10 12.37 1076.13 Apr 96.77 1037.89 84.54 66.44 118.70 143.80 0.09 0.00 1037.89 May 96.57 1024.36 122.35 160.90 204.20 156.10 0.10 0.00 1024.36 55 1999 June 94.68 910.84 62.06 212.32 148.80 142.20 0.09 0.00 910.84 July 94.45 896.96 78.26 18.97 129.90 133.10 0.10 0.00 896.96 Aug 95.46 954.99 68.05 18.50 130.70 149.60 0.11 0.00 954.99 Sept 95.73 971.27 86.35 120.25 231.70 137.60 0.11 0.00 971.27 Oct 96.24 1003.76 176.35 15.75 348.50 102.00 0.12 0.00 1003.76 Nov 97.43 1075.21 131.98 33.12 227.50 111.20 0.14 7.82 1075.21 Dec 98.10 1113.66 237.86 15.19 301.70 126.30 0.14 75.58 1113.66 Jan 97.82 1096.74 91.83 23.72 86.20 186.70 0.13 34.55 1096.74 Feb 97.61 1083.88 50.88 33.65 77.50 187.00 0.11 5.91 1083.88 Mar 97.05 1052.56 66.93 161.60 282.30 158.00 0.09 0.48 1052.56 Apr 97.29 1066.99 174.99 64.52 420.00 135.50 0.09 3.56 1066.99 May 96.96 1048.88 117.23 149.74 219.40 148.70 0.11 0.00 1048.88 2000 June 96.85 1043.22 71.00 75.37 90.90 129.00 0.11 0.00 1043.22 July 97.04 1054.24 45.91 54.23 83.70 151.40 0.00 0.00 1054.24 Aug 97.18 1061.55 72.23 81.30 289.00 127.00 0.13 0.00 1061.55 Sept 96.27 1004.73 70.21 119.15 318.50 132.40 0.14 0.00 1004.73 Oct 97.09 1056.90 83.95 72.03 225.90 119.90 0.15 0.00 1056.90 Nov 96.91 1045.33 175.61 106.24 389.50 112.40 0.15 0.00 1045.33 Dec 97.10 1056.75 84.82 100.23 110.50 151.20 0.13 0.00 1056.75 Jan 97.43 1073.88 127.39 67.96 199.10 135.60 0.10 0.57 1073.88 Feb 97.36 1070.77 56.63 60.14 19.50 188.00 0.09 0.00 1070.77 Mar 97.39 1072.01 56.40 125.23 259.20 139.70 0.08 0.81 1072.01 Apr 96.74 1035.72 58.99 99.13 386.00 160.71 0.08 0.00 1035.72 May 96.40 1013.70 53.53 170.06 275.20 151.68 0.10 0.00 1013.70 2001 June 94.57 903.33 54.83 130.65 175.20 148.30 0.09 0.00 903.33 July 94.21 882.81 43.22 78.89 194.00 150.00 0.10 0.00 882.81 Aug 94.52 900.66 41.05 28.22 178.70 152.60 0.10 0.00 900.66 Sept 94.28 886.78 45.74 98.92 346.40 136.40 0.09 0.00 886.78 Oct 94.46 897.15 141.74 20.84 433.00 108.50 0.09 0.00 897.15 Nov 96.06 991.21 105.25 88.19 191.60 140.35 0.10 0.00 991.21 56 Dec 94.81 917.55 74.93 160.84 195.90 146.80 0.09 0.00 917.55 Jan 94.58 904.05 44.83 64.24 3.50 203.10 0.06 0.00 904.05 Feb 94.90 922.16 24.43 13.77 1.50 260.40 0.06 0.00 922.16 Mar 95.08 932.97 20.82 54.90 129.00 275.90 0.07 0.00 932.97 Apr 92.25 781.53 28.23 250.98 164.70 180.20 0.07 0.00 781.53 May 90.45 690.01 25.13 173.90 139.00 180.40 0.09 0.00 690.01 2002 June 86.97 517.56 24.39 155.23 131.00 146.90 0.09 0.00 517.56 July 85.48 447.93 23.23 39.58 201.90 135.60 0.11 0.00 447.93 Aug 85.62 454.44 24.67 0.00 174.70 124.10 0.11 0.00 454.44 Sept 86.21 481.94 44.64 0.00 243.50 137.20 0.12 0.00 481.94 Oct 88.05 569.30 145.34 18.08 498.70 127.70 0.13 0.00 569.30 Nov 89.83 658.42 89.62 23.21 219.10 113.90 0.13 0.00 658.42 Dec 90.15 674.62 68.49 138.09 125.10 161.70 0.12 0.00 674.62 Jan 90.29 682.15 40.54 0.00 5.00 203.00 0.10 0.00 682.15 Feb 90.82 708.77 19.01 7.63 1.50 231.50 0.09 0.00 708.77 Mar 90.44 689.72 28.08 90.03 263.40 231.80 0.09 0.00 689.72 Apr 88.82 607.39 28.20 168.04 115.50 183.50 0.08 0.00 607.39 May 86.67 503.26 41.25 172.50 237.00 139.20 0.10 0.00 503.26 2003 June 83.31 357.19 0.00 141.89 155.90 140.10 0.11 0.00 357.19 July 82.91 341.53 1.28 19.47 287.30 124.60 0.11 0.00 341.53 Aug 84.05 385.71 0.00 8.53 164.00 121.90 0.11 0.00 385.71 Sept 84.73 413.51 0.00 11.13 142.50 121.20 0.11 0.00 413.51 Oct 86.75 507.49 193.50 2.98 541.60 114.70 0.13 0.00 507.49 Nov 89.46 639.89 84.96 17.32 53.70 154.80 0.13 0.00 639.89 Dec 89.88 661.37 75.71 127.98 67.80 184.00 0.11 0.00 661.37 Jan 89.69 651.53 32.15 61.44 7.00 243.30 0.08 0.00 651.53 Feb 89.80 657.01 24.60 22.01 42.20 222.60 0.07 0.00 657.01 Mar 89.31 632.58 28.12 128.69 180.20 209.77 0.08 0.00 632.58 Apr 86.26 484.20 19.70 171.71 296.70 159.20 0.07 0.00 484.20 May 85.16 434.24 33.09 140.46 98.20 145.90 0.10 0.00 434.24 57 2004 June 82.35 320.40 0.00 91.62 142.00 124.00 0.10 0.00 320.40 July 82.40 322.52 3.29 5.99 212.90 141.00 0.11 0.00 322.52 Aug 83.60 367.55 0.31 0.00 233.50 128.70 0.11 0.00 367.55 Sept 85.15 433.41 86.19 0.00 373.50 108.00 0.11 0.00 433.41 Oct 87.62 548.11 130.28 15.51 209.20 119.70 0.12 0.00 548.11 Nov 88.91 611.90 77.85 80.65 58.20 173.70 0.12 0.00 611.90 Dec 88.00 566.13 91.33 125.90 112.60 198.10 0.13 0.00 566.13 Jan 88.10 571.33 33.38 37.16 0.60 228.10 0.13 0.00 571.33 Feb 88.29 580.71 23.76 18.70 73.00 231.10 0.12 0.00 580.71 Mar 88.16 574.36 22.99 42.56 90.30 240.30 0.14 0.00 574.36 Apr 86.64 501.85 34.57 182.95 192.10 206.50 0.13 0.00 501.85 May 83.25 354.45 1.30 136.64 199.00 148.80 0.14 0.00 354.45 2005 June 82.34 320.05 0.00 114.84 100.10 147.10 0.14 0.00 320.05 July 79.96 241.30 0.00 89.47 94.70 146.20 0.15 0.00 241.30 Aug 79.32 222.50 0.93 31.19 106.50 148.00 0.16 0.00 222.50 Sept 79.57 229.49 1.79 24.34 247.50 125.20 0.15 0.00 229.49 Oct 81.02 275.28 17.52 0.00 430.90 115.00 0.16 0.00 275.28 Nov 83.73 373.62 37.74 0.00 244.20 91.76 0.15 0.00 373.62 Dec 87.35 536.33 274.98 0.00 434.10 114.70 0.16 0.00 536.33 Jan 90.22 678.54 89.41 0.00 4.00 202.50 0.14 0.00 678.54 Feb 91.85 760.85 55.66 0.00 55.00 208.50 0.18 0.00 760.85 Mar 92.45 791.02 56.16 90.88 284.00 247.90 0.15 0.00 791.02 Apr 91.40 738.00 65.38 104.88 224.20 177.10 0.10 0.00 738.00 May 91.55 745.64 80.93 57.67 253.40 145.60 0.12 0.00 745.64 2006 June 91.39 737.51 73.69 106.22 186.80 126.50 0.12 0.00 737.51 July 91.68 752.14 53.54 52.98 167.00 133.20 0.12 0.00 752.14 Aug 92.26 781.42 34.96 36.24 160.50 142.80 0.12 0.00 781.42 Sept 91.99 767.96 50.86 63.43 240.70 132.20 0.12 0.00 767.96 Oct 92.49 793.26 119.96 25.91 275.50 142.10 0.15 0.00 793.26 Nov 93.86 863.45 79.82 2.21 98.20 157.70 0.18 0.00 863.45 58 Dec 93.88 864.37 55.74 119.15 89.50 162.70 0.21 0.00 864.37 Jan 94.09 876.01 92.01 32.19 152.00 186.00 0.24 0.00 876.01 Feb 94.80 916.53 40.98 6.85 157.50 210.00 0.24 0.00 916.53 Mar 95.23 941.30 31.90 72.11 72.00 198.00 0.13 0.00 941.30 Apr 93.80 860.39 46.44 121.64 316.90 189.40 0.11 0.00 860.39 May 93.34 836.29 68.48 111.59 251.20 159.90 0.15 0.00 836.29 2007 June 93.34 836.29 91.47 25.86 566.90 139.30 0.15 0.00 836.29 July 94.11 876.95 55.85 40.39 290.30 135.90 0.16 0.00 876.95 Aug 94.92 923.45 42.85 12.13 102.70 146.70 0.17 0.00 923.45 Sept 95.72 970.08 66.65 25.62 270.20 120.20 0.18 0.00 970.08 Oct 96.61 1026.41 85.35 8.59 308.00 129.00 0.20 0.00 1026.41 Nov 97.53 1079.49 116.13 40.93 169.70 126.30 0.19 4.82 1079.49 Dec 96.85 1041.47 187.50 142.13 294.70 135.60 0.20 0.00 1041.47 Jan 96.82 1040.98 70.43 110.51 24.00 189.50 0.17 0.00 1040.98 Feb 96.92 1047.45 61.12 34.78 158.00 199.90 0.15 0.00 1047.45 Mar 97.11 1056.87 55.96 124.74 187.00 185.00 0.14 0.00 1056.87 Apr 95.79 1056.87 70.17 115.08 437.00 184.30 0.12 0.00 1056.87 May 95.62 964.15 57.51 158.10 162.00 144.00 0.11 0.00 964.15 2008 June 94.82 917.71 68.31 102.73 244.50 129.80 0.15 0.00 917.71 July 94.61 905.49 68.08 68.66 156.70 138.20 0.17 0.00 905.49 Aug 95.54 959.60 56.06 10.57 325.50 125.00 0.18 0.00 959.60 Sept 96.83 1040.86 98.79 48.63 241.50 126.70 0.18 0.00 1040.86 Oct 97.30 1076.35 131.53 13.37 506.10 156.00 0.19 16.77 1076.35 Nov 96.34 1079.69 54.61 89.05 144.50 146.50 0.18 12.01 1079.69 Dec 95.74 1032.64 69.99 183.20 78.50 138.50 0.11 0.00 1032.64 59 APPENDIX B Pedu Storage Generation Using Markov Model Table 7: Step-by-step procedure of calculating model storage for Pedu reservoir for March, using natural logarithm of observed storage (MCM) Year Month 1998 1999 2000 2001 Jan 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Feb LN of Obs. Storage Std. Dev., s Lag1 Q Mean Q Lag1 Mean Q Lag1 Cor. Coeff. Student’s tdistribution with (n-1) degrees of freedom Lag1 Std. Dev., s Model Storage, Xi,j+1 6.984 0.063 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 6.314 0.012 7.182 6.910 0.039 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 2.920 0.044 6.900 6.979 0.061 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 2.353 0.069 6.930 7.019 0.074 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 2.132 0.048 6.943 6.876 0.028 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 2.015 0.041 6.843 6.525 0.083 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 1.943 0.050 6.947 6.569 0.069 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 1.895 0.092 6.917 6.411 0.119 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 1.860 0.173 7.008 6.520 0.084 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 1.833 0.019 6.941 6.811 0.008 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 1.812 0.078 6.801 7.049 0.083 7.002 6.787 6.831 0.000 1.796 0.086 6.936 6.964 0.054 6.984 6.792 6.787 0.976 6.314 0.063 7.034 6.961 0.054 6.910 6.792 6.787 0.976 2.920 0.039 6.991 6.988 0.062 6.979 6.792 6.787 0.976 2.353 0.061 7.015 7.012 0.070 7.019 6.792 6.787 0.976 2.132 0.074 7.039 6.842 0.016 6.876 6.792 6.787 0.976 2.015 0.028 6.847 6.574 0.069 6.525 6.792 6.787 0.976 1.943 0.083 6.608 6.521 0.086 6.569 6.792 6.787 0.976 1.895 0.069 6.562 6.396 0.125 6.411 6.792 6.787 0.976 1.860 0.119 6.456 6.634 0.050 6.520 6.792 6.787 0.976 1.833 0.084 6.658 6.828 0.012 6.811 6.792 6.787 0.976 1.812 0.008 6.832 60 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 Mar 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 Apr 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 May 6.987 0.062 7.049 6.792 6.787 0.976 1.796 0.083 7.006 7.144 0.081 6.964 6.889 6.792 0.984 6.314 0.054 7.231 7.077 0.059 6.961 6.889 6.792 0.984 2.920 0.054 7.105 7.100 0.067 6.988 6.889 6.792 0.984 2.353 0.062 7.124 7.069 0.057 7.012 6.889 6.792 0.984 2.132 0.070 7.088 6.896 0.002 6.842 6.889 6.792 0.984 2.015 0.016 6.896 6.659 0.073 6.574 6.889 6.792 0.984 1.943 0.069 6.688 6.635 0.080 6.521 6.889 6.792 0.984 1.895 0.086 6.666 6.425 0.147 6.396 6.889 6.792 0.984 1.860 0.125 6.481 6.782 0.034 6.634 6.889 6.792 0.984 1.833 0.050 6.795 6.921 0.010 6.828 6.889 6.792 0.984 1.812 0.012 6.924 7.069 0.057 6.987 6.889 6.792 0.984 1.796 0.062 7.084 6.837 0.001 7.144 6.835 6.889 0.891 6.314 0.081 6.839 7.007 0.054 7.077 6.835 6.889 0.891 2.920 0.059 7.060 7.016 0.057 7.100 6.835 6.889 0.891 2.353 0.067 7.072 7.034 0.063 7.069 6.835 6.889 0.891 2.132 0.057 7.080 6.940 0.033 6.896 6.835 6.889 0.891 2.015 0.002 6.960 6.653 0.058 6.659 6.835 6.889 0.891 1.943 0.073 6.726 6.486 0.111 6.635 6.835 6.889 0.891 1.895 0.080 6.621 6.529 0.097 6.425 6.835 6.889 0.891 1.860 0.147 6.646 6.737 0.031 6.782 6.835 6.889 0.891 1.833 0.034 6.774 6.890 0.017 6.921 6.835 6.889 0.891 1.812 0.010 6.898 7.061 0.071 7.069 6.835 6.889 0.891 1.796 0.057 7.095 6.497 0.077 6.837 6.739 6.835 0.931 6.314 0.001 7.141 7.078 0.107 7.007 6.739 6.835 0.931 2.920 0.054 7.168 7.089 0.111 7.016 6.739 6.835 0.931 2.353 0.057 7.160 7.076 0.107 7.034 6.739 6.835 0.931 2.132 0.063 7.136 6.761 0.007 6.940 6.739 6.835 0.931 2.015 0.033 6.765 6.516 0.071 6.653 6.739 6.835 0.931 1.943 0.058 6.581 6.354 0.122 6.486 6.739 6.835 0.931 1.895 0.111 6.464 6.197 0.172 6.529 6.739 6.835 0.931 1.860 0.097 6.350 6.689 0.016 6.737 6.739 6.835 0.931 1.833 0.031 6.703 6.854 0.036 6.890 6.739 6.835 0.931 1.812 0.017 6.870 61 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 June 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 July 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Aug 7.023 0.090 7.061 6.739 6.835 0.931 1.796 0.071 7.062 6.162 0.132 6.497 6.581 6.739 0.962 6.314 0.077 6.408 7.024 0.140 7.078 6.581 6.739 0.962 2.920 0.107 7.119 7.020 0.139 7.089 6.581 6.739 0.962 2.353 0.111 7.093 6.941 0.114 7.076 6.581 6.739 0.962 2.132 0.107 6.994 6.511 0.022 6.761 6.581 6.739 0.962 2.015 0.007 6.660 6.213 0.116 6.516 6.581 6.739 0.962 1.943 0.071 6.289 6.021 0.177 6.354 6.581 6.739 0.962 1.895 0.122 6.135 6.075 0.160 6.197 6.581 6.739 0.962 1.860 0.172 6.176 6.738 0.050 6.689 6.581 6.739 0.962 1.833 0.016 6.455 6.759 0.056 6.854 6.581 6.739 0.962 1.812 0.036 6.781 6.928 0.110 7.023 6.581 6.739 0.962 1.796 0.090 6.969 6.157 0.092 6.162 6.447 6.581 0.968 6.314 0.132 6.311 6.820 0.118 7.024 6.447 6.581 0.968 2.920 0.140 6.894 7.007 0.177 7.020 6.447 6.581 0.968 2.353 0.139 7.093 6.869 0.133 6.941 6.447 6.581 0.968 2.132 0.114 6.926 6.189 0.082 6.511 6.447 6.581 0.968 2.015 0.022 6.239 5.889 0.177 6.213 6.447 6.581 0.968 1.943 0.116 5.992 5.795 0.206 6.021 6.447 6.581 0.968 1.895 0.177 5.913 5.801 0.204 6.075 6.447 6.581 0.968 1.860 0.160 5.917 6.691 0.077 6.738 6.447 6.581 0.968 1.833 0.050 6.719 6.821 0.118 6.759 6.447 6.581 0.968 1.812 0.056 6.863 6.882 0.137 6.928 6.447 6.581 0.968 1.796 0.110 6.929 6.258 0.061 6.157 6.452 6.447 0.978 6.314 0.092 6.342 6.881 0.136 6.820 6.452 6.447 0.978 2.920 0.118 6.953 7.031 0.183 7.007 6.452 6.447 0.978 2.353 0.177 7.108 6.834 0.121 6.869 6.452 6.447 0.978 2.132 0.133 6.879 6.119 0.105 6.189 6.452 6.447 0.978 2.015 0.082 6.170 5.977 0.150 5.889 6.452 6.447 0.978 1.943 0.177 6.047 5.907 0.172 5.795 6.452 6.447 0.978 1.895 0.206 5.986 5.536 0.290 5.801 6.452 6.447 0.978 1.860 0.204 5.667 6.706 0.081 6.691 6.452 6.447 0.978 1.833 0.077 6.731 6.841 0.123 6.821 6.452 6.447 0.978 1.812 0.118 6.879 62 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 Sept 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 Oct 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Nov 6.877 0.135 6.882 6.452 6.447 0.978 1.796 0.137 6.918 6.430 0.031 6.258 6.527 6.452 0.993 6.314 0.061 6.454 6.995 0.148 6.881 6.527 6.452 0.993 2.920 0.136 7.044 7.025 0.157 7.031 6.527 6.452 0.993 2.353 0.183 7.065 6.893 0.116 6.834 6.527 6.452 0.993 2.132 0.121 6.920 6.178 0.111 6.119 6.527 6.452 0.993 2.015 0.105 6.207 6.051 0.151 5.977 6.527 6.452 0.993 1.943 0.150 6.090 6.072 0.144 5.907 6.527 6.452 0.993 1.895 0.172 6.108 5.537 0.313 5.536 6.527 6.452 0.993 1.860 0.290 5.614 6.723 0.062 6.706 6.527 6.452 0.993 1.833 0.081 6.735 6.903 0.119 6.841 6.527 6.452 0.993 1.812 0.123 6.927 6.993 0.147 6.877 6.527 6.452 0.993 1.796 0.135 7.022 6.565 0.009 6.430 6.593 6.527 0.983 6.314 0.031 6.575 6.927 0.106 6.995 6.593 6.527 0.983 2.920 0.148 6.977 7.023 0.136 7.025 6.593 6.527 0.983 2.353 0.157 7.074 6.822 0.073 6.893 6.593 6.527 0.983 2.132 0.116 6.846 6.376 0.069 6.178 6.593 6.527 0.983 2.015 0.111 6.404 6.235 0.113 6.051 6.593 6.527 0.983 1.943 0.151 6.281 6.334 0.082 6.072 6.593 6.527 0.983 1.895 0.144 6.367 5.618 0.308 5.537 6.593 6.527 0.983 1.860 0.313 5.738 6.708 0.037 6.723 6.593 6.527 0.983 1.833 0.062 6.719 6.942 0.111 6.903 6.593 6.527 0.983 1.812 0.119 6.973 6.969 0.119 6.993 6.593 6.527 0.983 1.796 0.147 7.002 6.698 0.009 6.565 6.726 6.593 0.994 6.314 0.009 6.705 6.988 0.083 6.927 6.726 6.593 0.994 2.920 0.106 7.012 7.049 0.102 7.023 6.726 6.593 0.994 2.353 0.136 7.073 6.984 0.081 6.822 6.726 6.593 0.994 2.132 0.073 7.001 6.524 0.064 6.376 6.726 6.593 0.994 2.015 0.069 6.539 6.488 0.075 6.235 6.726 6.593 0.994 1.943 0.113 6.505 6.540 0.059 6.334 6.726 6.593 0.994 1.895 0.082 6.553 5.923 0.254 5.618 6.726 6.593 0.994 1.860 0.308 5.978 6.763 0.012 6.708 6.726 6.593 0.994 1.833 0.037 6.766 6.995 0.085 6.942 6.726 6.593 0.994 1.812 0.111 7.010 63 2008 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Dec 7.038 0.098 6.969 6.726 6.593 0.994 1.796 0.119 7.055 6.868 0.012 6.698 6.831 6.726 0.970 6.314 0.009 6.813 6.971 0.044 6.988 6.831 6.726 0.970 2.920 0.083 6.998 7.048 0.069 7.049 6.831 6.726 0.970 2.353 0.102 7.081 6.983 0.048 6.984 6.831 6.726 0.970 2.132 0.081 7.004 6.700 0.041 6.524 6.831 6.726 0.970 2.015 0.064 6.725 6.671 0.050 6.488 6.831 6.726 0.970 1.943 0.075 6.700 6.540 0.092 6.540 6.831 6.726 0.970 1.895 0.059 6.591 6.285 0.173 5.923 6.831 6.726 0.970 1.860 0.254 6.380 6.891 0.019 6.763 6.831 6.726 0.970 1.833 0.012 6.898 7.076 0.078 6.995 6.831 6.726 0.970 1.812 0.085 7.103 7.103 0.086 7.038 6.831 6.726 0.970 1.796 0.098 7.133