UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Academic Affairs Department ACAD AFFAIRS FINANCE & ADMIN Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total ACADEMIC AND FACULTY AFFAIRS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CINCO RANCH Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CONTINUING EDUCATION Sum of Sum Amount ED TECH AND UNIV OUTREACH EDUC TECH & UNIV OUTREACH EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICES EXPLORATORY STUDIES FACULTY DEV & INSTRUCT SUPPORT FACULTY SENATE INT'L STUDENT & SCHOLAR SERVICES LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION POLICY & PLANNING Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 1 of 17 100.00% 20,732.09 98.61% 7,620.62 97.67% 10,735.91 92.06% 29,070.39 0.00% 292.50 1.39% 181.65 2.33% 925.68 7.94% 6,301.42 100.00% 21,024.59 100.00% 7,802.27 100.00% 11,661.59 100.00% 35,371.81 82.19% 17.81% 100.00% 629.08 996.20 1,625.28 Percentage of Total 38.71% 61.29% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 87.58 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 7,748.37 87.58 0.00% 559.74 100.00% 8,308.11 Percentage of Total 93.26% 6.74% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 425.72 79.99 505.71 Percentage of Total 84.18% 15.82% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 1,030.95 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 13,932.44 97.32% 1,030.95 0.00% 384.40 2.68% 3,298.58 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 2,515.93 Percentage of Total INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Grand Total 60.30 Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total GRADUATE SCHOOL Yes 60.30 Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount GLOBAL STRATEGIES & STUDIES No 79.82% Sum of Sum Amount 1,945.73 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 2,268.32 100.00% 14,316.84 100.00% 3,298.58 0.00% 100.00% 636.02 3,151.95 20.18% 100.00% 1,945.73 0.00% 1,470.91 100.00% 3,739.23 Percentage of Total 60.66% 39.34% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 501.00 48.15 549.15 Percentage of Total 91.23% 8.77% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 165.58 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 656.58 Percentage of Total 100.00% 165.58 656.58 0.00% 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Academic Affairs Department STEM CENTER Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total STRATEGIC ENROLLMENT PLANNING Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total UH ENERGY Sum of Sum Amount UH OFF-CAMPUS SUPPORT UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT SUCCESS UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT SUCCESS CTR WRITING CENTER 107.08% 1,873.80 89.28% 75,232.17 Percentage of Total 61.04% Sum of Sum Amount 227.51 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 1,869.56 Percentage of Total 100.00% 225.06 2,098.86 10.72% 100.00% 48,027.97 38.96% 123,260.14 100.00% 227.51 0.00% 100.00% 1,869.56 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 30.46% 69.54% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 1,237.30 66.51% 165.58 60,024.00 282,745.47 21.23% 100.00% 623.15 1,860.45 33.49% 100.00% 11,113.90 11,113.90 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 712.59 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 663.53 246.18 909.71 Percentage of Total 72.94% 27.06% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 2 of 17 100.00% Percentage of Total Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 27,064.86 0.00% 798.87 Percentage of Total EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 100.00% 555.56 Percentage of Total COUGAR CARD -7.08% 243.31 Sum of Sum Amount CENTRAL FACILITY SERVICES 9,338.75 Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total BUSINESS SERVICES SITE II (661.25) 165.58 Sum of Sum Amount BUSINESS SERVICES 100.00% 100.00% 78.77% BUDGET 0.00% Percentage of Total 222,721.47 AUXILIARY SERVICES OPERATIONS Grand Total 2,619.51 Sum of Sum Amount Academic Affairs Percentage of Total ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Yes 27,064.86 Sum of Sum Amount Academic Affairs Sum of Sum Amount Administration and Finance 10,000.00 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS 100.00% Percentage of Total Percentage of Total UH SUGAR LAND No 2,619.51 4,013.53 48.91% 9,971.86 85.40% 7,106.76 58.18% 0.00% 712.59 0.00% 4,192.50 51.09% 1,705.39 14.60% 5,107.54 41.82% 10,729.37 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 8,206.03 100.00% 11,677.25 100.00% 12,214.30 100.00% 10,729.37 0.00% 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Administration and Finance Department ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total ENV HEALTH & LIFE SAFETY Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total FACILITIES OPERATION & MAINT Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total FACILITIES PLANNING & CONSTRUCTION Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total FINANCE-A&F Sum of Sum Amount FINANCIAL REPORTING FIRE LIFE SAFETY SERVICES HIGH PERFORMANCE & COMPUTING & NETWK HUMAN RESOURCES 22,468.72 18.33% 138,791.23 1.13% 2,565.71 100.00% 122,568.76 100.00% 12,319,049.48 100.00% 4,443.01 Sum of Sum Amount 936.15 388.43 1,324.58 Percentage of Total 70.68% 29.32% 100.00% 525.81 3,751.70 14.02% 100.00% 3,225.89 85.98% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 512.28 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 8,181.10 Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 97.37% 53,469.47 96.03% 316,725.30 95.87% 5,558.00 22.76% 214,256.90 95.60% 42,059.06 88.80% 100.00% 311.38 0.00% 100.00% 2,394.00 0.00% 67,321.20 Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount 57.75% 61,966.85 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 3 of 17 98.87% 1,877.30 30.41% 2,394.00 Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 12,180,258.25 18,844.49 100.00% Percentage of Total Percentage of Total PHY PLANT-AUTOMOTIVE 81.67% 3.75% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total PARKING & TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS 100,100.04 4,579.55 100.00% Percentage of Total MINOR IN-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION 69.59% 171.63 Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount MINOR AND PLANNED PROJECTS 43,122.36 100.00% 311.38 Percentage of Total KUHF RADIO 96.25% 23.03% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount KUHA RADIO 4,407.92 Grand Total 62,074.01 42.25% Percentage of Total INST - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 76.97% Yes 14,297.45 Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount INST - BUSINESS SERVICES No 47,776.56 100.00% 67,321.20 0.00% 100.00% 512.28 0.00% 220.98 2.63% 2,210.17 3.97% 13,648.00 4.13% 18,860.00 77.24% 9,861.91 4.40% 5,304.72 11.20% 100.00% 8,402.08 100.00% 55,679.64 100.00% 330,373.30 100.00% 24,418.00 100.00% 224,118.81 100.00% 47,363.78 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Administration and Finance Department PHY PLANT-GROUNDS MAINT PHY PLANT-SOLID WASTE Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 95.07% Sum of Sum Amount 62.70 Percentage of Total PHYSICAL PLANT Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total POLICE Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total POSTAL SERVICES OPERATIONS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total PRINTING OPERATIONS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total PUBLIC SAFETY SYSTEMS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total PURCHASED UTILITIES Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total REAL ESTATE SERVICES Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total RISK MANAGEMENT 100.00% 103,291.76 19.81% 93,593.01 99.26% 10,262.77 99.52% 13,839.83 99.20% SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total STUDENT BUSINESS SERVICES Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total TECHNOLOGY SERVICES & SUPPORT Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total TV PUBLIC BROADCASTING Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total UH SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT SVC Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total UIT SECURITY UNIV INFORMATION TECH PROJECTS UNIV PROPERTY SERVICES OPERATIONS 4.93% 100.00% 14,580.00 0.00% 418,046.83 80.19% 698.03 0.74% 50.00 0.48% 112.28 0.80% 0.00% 264.94 0.00% 100.00% 71.28 37,956.89 97.30% 363,853.56 27.08% 36,357.38 49.06% 184,555.00 95.82% 1,053.48 2.70% 979,664.30 72.92% 37,745.22 50.94% 640,775.24 100.00% 521,338.59 100.00% 94,291.04 100.00% 10,312.77 100.00% 13,952.11 100.00% 100.00% 17,877.20 0.00% 1.78% 4.18% 100.00% 10,337.05 98.22% 8,056.50 100.00% 62.70 17,877.20 100.00% Grand Total 49,891.09 100.00% 14,844.94 100.00% 71.28 100.00% 192,611.50 100.00% 39,010.37 100.00% 1,343,517.86 100.00% 74,102.60 100.00% 640,775.24 0.00% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 66.23 522.72 588.95 Percentage of Total 11.25% 88.75% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 5,004.35 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 4 of 17 Yes 2,462.00 10,337.05 Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors No 47,429.09 5,004.35 0.00% 233,837.00 100.00% 100.00% 233,837.00 0.00% 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Administration and Finance Department UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Administration and Finance Sum of Sum Amount 10.91% 88.65% ARCHITECTURE COMMU DESIGN CNTR SUSAN ROGERS Sum of Sum Amount 1,364.24 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total DEAN, ARCHITECTURE Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Architecture Sum of Sum Amount 100.00% 19,242.12 97.96% 98.09% ACCOUNTANCY AND TAXATION Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total ACCOUNTING CERTIFICATE PROGRAM BAUER CAREER SERVICES CTR 675.99 35.29% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total BAUER DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY BAUER EXTERNAL RELATIONS DEPT Sum of Sum Amount CTR FOR EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT DEAN'S OFFICE, BAUER COLLEGE 14,598.00 90.58% 1,771.90 0.00% 400.78 2.04% 400.78 1.91% 474.97 8.74% 1,239.37 64.71% 171.39 1.50% 1,518.00 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 19,642.90 100.00% 21,021.76 100.00% 5,431.61 100.00% 1,915.36 100.00% 11,428.50 100.00% 16,116.00 100.00% 91.09 1,862.99 4.89% 100.00% 36.61% 5,616.44 16,668,409.93 9.42% 63.39% Sum of Sum Amount 1,410.52 100.00% 9.34 5,625.78 0.17% 100.00% Percentage of Total 99.83% Sum of Sum Amount 280.36 478.39 758.75 Percentage of Total 36.95% 63.05% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount 5 of 17 98.50% 100.00% 14.62 516.40 Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 11,257.11 Grand Total 7,907.28 1,364.24 0.00% 894.12 Percentage of Total FINANCE-BAUER COLLEGE 11.35% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total EXECUTIVE DEGREE PROGRAMS 1,892,324.90 95.11% Percentage of Total DECISION AND INFORMATION SCIEN 89.09% Percentage of Total Percentage of Total BAUER GRADUATE PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS 91.26% Percentage of Total Percentage of Total BAUER COMMUNICATIONS 4,956.64 Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount Yes 7,044.81 14.62 20,620.98 Architecture Percentage of Total Business Administration 862.47 14,776,085.03 Administration and Finance Percentage of Total Architecture No 102,926.55 98.90% 2,179.82 70.74% 44,555.42 73.85% 1,140.82 1.10% 100.00% 901.72 3,081.54 29.26% 100.00% 15,775.19 26.15% 14,563.38 100.00% 104,067.37 60,330.61 100.00% 14,563.38 0.00% 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Business Administration Department MANAGEMENT-BAUER COLLEGE Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total MARKETING-BAUER COLLEGE Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total SALES EXCELLENCE INSTITUTE Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total SMALL BUSINESS DEV CENTER Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total UNDERGRAD BUSINESS PROG WOLFF CTR FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP Sum of Sum Amount 82.76% 1,085.39 55.24% 22,948.43 92.23% 15,651.10 80.41% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 2,172.93 Business Administration Sum of Sum Amount 86.07% 260,662.53 Business Administration Percentage of Total 89.74% BASEBALL COMMUNITY RELATIONS & INST ACCESS FOOTBALL Sum of Sum Amount 6,935.63 Percentage of Total 100.00% STAFF COUNCIL Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 6 of 17 100.00% 1,934.08 7.77% 3,811.84 19.59% 24,882.51 100.00% 19,462.94 100.00% 12,148.41 0.00% 100.00% 351.68 2,524.61 13.93% 100.00% 29,789.81 10.26% 290,452.34 100.00% 6,935.63 0.00% 100.00% 77.75% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 142,179.81 85.12% 444,196.68 93.29% 28,041.08 97.20% Sum of Sum Amount 1,657.48 Percentage of Total 100.00% 24,854.24 14.88% 31,929.65 6.71% 808.80 2.80% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 9,809.98 98.85% Sum of Sum Amount 7,484.03 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 4,228.90 167,034.05 100.00% 476,126.33 100.00% 28,849.88 100.00% 1,657.48 0.00% 13,072.68 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total PRESIDENT 44.76% 22.25% Sum of Sum Amount OFFICE OF SPECIAL EVENTS 1,964.86 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total OFFICE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY SRVS 879.47 161.92 Sum of Sum Amount MEN'S TRACK AND FIELD 100.00% 125.90 Percentage of Total MEN'S GOLF 17.24% 36.02 Percentage of Total MEN'S BASKETBALL Grand Total 2,876.60 Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Yes 496.06 12,148.41 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total Chancellor/President No 2,380.54 100.00% 13,072.68 0.00% 113.65 1.15% 100.00% 9,923.63 100.00% 7,484.03 0.00% 100.00% 565.83 4,794.73 Percentage of Total 88.20% 11.80% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 39.22 59.93 Percentage of Total 39.56% 60.44% 99.15 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Chancellor/President Department WOMEN'S BASKETBALL WOMEN'S GOLF Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 80.74% Sum of Sum Amount 25.50 Percentage of Total WOMEN'S SOCCER Sum of Sum Amount WOMEN'S SOFTBALL WOMEN'S SWIMMING & DIVING WOMEN'S TENNIS WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL Sum of Sum Amount 1,365.00 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 1,845.97 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 924.00 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 4,304.57 Percentage of Total 100.00% 670,388.78 91.85% ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CENTER FOR INFO TECH IN EDUCATION Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CHARTER SCHOOL Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CONSISTENCY MGMT & COOP DISCIP Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total DEAN, EDUCATION Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total ED LEADERSHIP & POLICY STUDIES Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total PSYCH, HEALTH & LEARNING SCIENCE Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Education Sum of Sum Amount 3,156.73 90.54% 6,138.11 99.05% 2,980.99 20.46% 4,635.45 98.84% 19,101.74 99.50% 58,067.54 88.44% 14,990.00 99.76% 7,164.32 75.98% 116,234.88 Education Percentage of Total 84.07% BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 7 of 17 Yes 994.27 19.26% 127,700.69 88.91% Grand Total 5,161.50 100.00% 25.50 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 75.00 100.00% Chancellor/President Percentage of Total Engineering 100.00% Percentage of Total Chancellor/President Sum of Sum Amount Education No 4,167.23 75.00 1,365.00 0.00% 100.00% 1,845.97 0.00% 100.00% 924.00 0.00% 100.00% 4,304.57 0.00% 59,452.27 8.15% 330.00 100.00% 729,841.05 100.00% 3,486.73 9.46% 100.00% 58.79 6,196.90 0.95% 100.00% 11,587.45 14,568.44 79.54% 100.00% 54.20 4,689.65 1.16% 95.40 0.50% 7,590.48 11.56% 36.35 0.24% 2,264.57 24.02% 22,017.24 100.00% 19,197.14 100.00% 65,658.02 100.00% 15,026.35 100.00% 9,428.89 100.00% 138,252.12 15.93% 100.00% 15,929.11 143,629.80 11.09% 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Engineering Department CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CIVIL ENGINEERING Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total COMPOSITE ENGR APPLICATIONS CT CTR FOR INNOVATIVE GROUTING DEAN, ENGINEERING 451.77 Sum of Sum Amount 348.49 Percentage of Total 100.00% Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total INTEGRATED BIO & NANO SYSTEM 1,373.32 90.35% Sum of Sum Amount 100.00% 119,275.18 96.72% 5,769.39 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 188.18 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 2,793.97 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 8 of 17 348.49 0.00% 16,154.32 23.83% 19,552.33 100.00% 67,784.08 100.00% 120,648.49 16.21% 100.00% 146.63 1,519.95 9.65% 100.00% 11,583.16 0.00% 4,044.25 3.28% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 3,230.24 96.73% Sum of Sum Amount 324.00 Percentage of Total 22.40% Sum of Sum Amount 97.88 100.00% 100.00% 123,319.43 100.00% 5,769.39 0.00% 100.00% 188.18 0.00% 78,122.70 12.48% 100.00% 625,775.35 100.00% 2,793.97 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 58.50 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 451.77 11,583.16 Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CTR FOR HEALTH EQUITY & EVAL 100.00% 986.51 87.52% CTR DRUG & SOCIAL POLICY RESRC 0.00% 100.00% Engineering Percentage of Total CHILD & FAMILY CENTER 100.00% 616.18 547,652.65 ALUMNI, CAREER & DEVELOPMENT 21.97% 62.46% Percentage of Total ADMISSIONS-GCSW 74,759.74 370.33 Engineering Sum of Sum Amount Graduate College of Social Work 83.79% 16,428.40 100.00% 37.54% Percentage of Total SEVERE STORM PRED, EDU EVAC DIS 76.17% 101,096.16 7.02% Grand Total 74,786.36 Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount NATL CTR FOR AIRBORNE LASER MAPPING 51,629.76 Yes 5,251.48 Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 78.03% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 58,331.34 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total ENGINEERING SERVICES 92.98% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING No 69,534.88 58.50 109.16 3.27% 1,122.27 77.60% 3,339.40 100.00% 1,446.27 100.00% 97.88 0.00% 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Graduate College of Social Work Department DEAN, SOCIAL WORK GCSW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PHD PROGRAM Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 93.78% Sum of Sum Amount 637.67 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 101.48 Percentage of Total 100.00% Graduate College of Social Work Sum of Sum Amount 23,628.20 Graduate College of Social Work Percentage of Total Honors College 91.06% DEAN, HONORS COLLEGE Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH 88.64% 2,012.15 Percentage of Total 100.00% 9,029.44 Honors College Percentage of Total 90.94% DEAN, HOTEL & RESTAURANT MANAG Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total HOTEL AND RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Hotel and Restaurant Management Sum of Sum Amount 9,028.34 99.24% 639,359.05 98.97% 648,387.39 Hotel and Restaurant Management Percentage of Total Law Center 7,017.29 Sum of Sum Amount Honors College Sum of Sum Amount Hotel and Restaurant Management No 16,384.46 98.97% BLAKELEY INSTITUTE Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total BUSINESS SERVICES, LAW Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CAREER SERVICES, LAW Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CENTER PROGRAMS, LAW Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CHAIRS AND PROFESSORSHIPS, LAW DEAN, LAW EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, LAW 98.89% 3,280.30 54.03% 5,534.74 98.76% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 101.48 2,318.83 8.94% 899.70 11.36% 25,947.03 100.00% 7,916.99 100.00% 2,012.15 0.00% 899.70 100.00% 9,929.14 9.06% 100.00% 69.55 9,097.89 0.76% 100.00% 6,671.78 1.03% 6,741.33 646,030.83 100.00% 655,128.72 1.03% 100.00% 49.86 4,507.86 1.11% 100.00% 2,790.41 6,070.71 45.97% 100.00% 69.62 5,604.36 1.24% 100.00% 10,450.47 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 378.98 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 399.32 195.74 595.06 Percentage of Total 67.11% 32.89% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 9 of 17 100.00% 637.67 10,450.47 Sum of Sum Amount FACILITIES, LAW 6.22% Grand Total 17,471.86 Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 4,458.00 Yes 1,087.40 0.00% 5,887.31 99.39% 378.98 1,095.89 1,095.89 100.00% 100.00% 35.86 5,923.17 0.61% 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Law Center Department FACULTY SUPPORT LAW HEALTH LAW & POLICY INSTITUTE Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 1,221.55 Percentage of Total LAW FOUNDATION LAW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total LAW LIBRARY Sum of Sum Amount LEGAL AID CLINIC, LAW LEGAL RESEARCH & WRITING, LAW STUDENT SERVICES, LAW 2,157.94 56.61% 43.39% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 61.42 34,756.95 97.62% 2,407.62 Percentage of Total 35.89% 64.11% 100.00% 176.82 3,676.13 Sum of Sum Amount 3,499.31 95.19% Sum of Sum Amount 3,289.53 Percentage of Total 100.00% 22,427.38 97.18% 3,289.53 0.00% 651.30 2.82% 7,976.37 7.01% 100.00% 23,078.68 100.00% 113,764.96 100.00% 741.37 1,490.78 Percentage of Total 50.27% 49.73% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 917.68 995.89 1,913.57 Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 47.96% 7,084.91 78.81% 35,649.32 97.86% 100.00% 23,773.15 98.67% 7,998.61 Percentage of Total 100.00% Percentage of Total 52.04% 1,904.94 21.19% 779.08 2.14% 21,326.66 Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount 10 of 17 100.00% 749.41 Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 4.81% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount COMMUNICATION 3,000.04 738.31 Percentage of Total CENTER FOR PUBLIC HISTORY 592.42 100.00% 92.99% BLAFFER GALLERY 100.00% 473.31 105,788.59 BAND 2.38% 35,604.28 19.75% Law Center Percentage of Total ARTE PUBLICO 847.33 61.42 100.00% 265.00 Law Center Sum of Sum Amount ART 100.00% 80.25% Percentage of Total AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES 0.00% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount AEROSPACE STUDIES Grand Total 7,532.13 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total PUBLIC RELS & MARKETING, LAW Yes 936.39 Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Liberal Arts and Social Sciences No 7,532.13 32,781.47 82.74% 100.00% 8,989.85 100.00% 36,428.40 100.00% 21,326.66 0.00% 319.41 1.33% 100.00% 24,092.56 100.00% 7,998.61 0.00% 6,839.80 17.26% 100.00% 39,621.27 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Department COMMUNICATIONS DISORDERS Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total COMPARATIVE CULTURAL STUDIES CTR NEURO AND BIOMECH RESEARCH CWMCA CENTER FOR THE ARTS DEAN, LIBERAL ARTS & SOC SCI 3,767.79 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 8,179.02 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 7,967.99 Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total HEALTH AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total HISPANIC STUDIES Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total HISTORY Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total HOBBY CENTER FOR PUBLIC POLICY Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total MEXICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES MILITARY SCIENCE MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Sum of Sum Amount MUSIC POLITICAL SCIENCE 180,404.09 99.59% 2,744.32 97.88% 11,690.06 95.33% 5,432.26 75.09% 1,710.92 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 1,656.47 4.77% 92.04% 24,547.81 Grand Total 13,359.36 100.00% 3,767.79 0.00% 100.00% 8,179.02 0.00% 100.00% 10,346.16 0.00% 771.71 8.83% 3,383.61 70.83% 2,352.21 10.86% 743.56 100.00% 8,739.70 100.00% 4,777.28 100.00% 21,657.53 100.00% 181,147.65 0.41% 100.00% 59.36 2,803.68 2.12% 100.00% 573.22 4.67% 1,801.75 24.91% 5,906.47 77.54% 12,263.28 100.00% 7,234.01 100.00% 7,617.39 100.00% 812.17 0.00% 143.24 7.96% 1,468.24 100.00% 1,799.71 100.00% 26,016.05 Percentage of Total 94.36% 5.64% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 326.47 75.57 402.04 Percentage of Total 81.20% 18.80% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 11 of 17 89.14% 812.17 Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 19,305.32 22.46% Sum of Sum Amount PSYCHOLOGY 29.17% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount PHILOSOPHY 91.17% 1,393.67 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total Yes 636.84 10,346.16 Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount ENGLISH 95.23% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total ECONOMICS No 12,722.52 9,004.57 78.95% 69,436.20 91.71% 2,400.72 21.05% 6,278.11 8.29% 11,405.29 100.00% 75,714.31 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Department PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total SOCIOLOGY Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total THEATER Sum of Sum Amount WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM 79.92% 1,175.82 13.77% 7,924.87 100.00% 4,016,992.31 98.79% 98.79% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount 37,660.93 99.39% 22,972.88 94.33% 44,516.71 82.46% Sum of Sum Amount 189.00 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 24,856.03 95.42% 44,658.28 88.31% 788,189.06 Natural Science and Mathematics Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 72,707.67 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total Natural Science and Mathematics Sum of Sum Amount 99.45% 174.81 Sum of Sum Amount PHYSICS 252,758.48 Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total MATHEMATICS 98.04% 87.67% Percentage of Total HOUSTON COASTAL CENTER 287,694.27 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 95.68% 12 of 17 8,392.09 29.30% Library Percentage of Total DEAN, NATURAL SCIENCE & MATHE 467.22 70.70% 4,016,992.31 CTR FOR NUCLEAR RECEPTORS & CELL SIGNALING 100.00% Percentage of Total Library Sum of Sum Amount CTR FOR APPLIED GEOSC & ENERGY (CAGE) 86.23% 897.08 Percentage of Total COMPUTER SCIENCE 8,540.18 262.87 91.69% CHEMISTRY 7,364.36 100.00% 634.21 Sum of Sum Amount BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 20.08% Grand Total 514.92 Sum of Sum Amount 511,875.44 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Yes 103.40 94.43% Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Percentage of Total Natural Science and Mathematics 411.52 Percentage of Total Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Sum of Sum Amount Library No 5.57% 46,372.95 8.31% 49,095.59 1.21% 49,095.59 1.21% 5,757.66 1.96% 1,396.50 0.55% 10,227.34 12.33% 100.00% 558,248.39 100.00% 4,066,087.90 100.00% 4,066,087.90 100.00% 293,451.93 100.00% 254,154.98 100.00% 82,935.01 100.00% 174.81 0.00% 232.68 0.61% 1,380.61 5.67% 9,468.38 100.00% 37,893.61 100.00% 24,353.49 100.00% 53,985.09 17.54% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 189.00 1,193.36 4.58% 5,911.31 11.69% 35,567.84 4.32% 26,049.39 100.00% 50,569.59 100.00% 823,756.90 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Optometry Department DEAN, OPTOMETRY Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total OPT VISION SCIENCES Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total OPTOMETRY CLINIC Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Optometry Sum of Sum Amount DEAN, PHARMACY Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH 100.00% 625,304.49 99.18% PHARM PRACTICE & TRANS RESEARCH Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total PHARMACOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTIC Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total STUDENT SERVICES PHARMACY 36,351.18 80.28% 4,557.83 88.19% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Pharmacy Sum of Sum Amount 0.00% 36,089.59 92.94% 43,662.12 93.12% 1,440.91 75.68% 122,101.63 Pharmacy Percentage of Total 88.30% ADV SUPERCONDUCTIVITY MANUF INST (ASMI) Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total ANIMAL CARE OPERATIONS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total BUSINESS OPERATIONS & IT Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CENTER FOR ADVANCED COMPUTING & DATA SYS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CENTER FOR ADVANCED MATERIALS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total ENVIRONMENT HEALTH & LIFE SAFETY GRANT DEVELOPMENT Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 13 of 17 Sum of Sum Amount Yes 38.24 0.23% 80,238.19 99.29% EXPERIENTIAL PROGRAMS Research 99.77% 722,111.96 Optometry Percentage of Total Pharmacy No 16,569.28 100.00% 98.17% 1,427.95 87.48% 37,532.05 98.64% 1,716.99 88.47% 9,226.59 Percentage of Total 98.66% Sum of Sum Amount 171.23 Percentage of Total 100.00% 100.00% 80,238.19 0.00% 5,140.46 0.82% 5,178.70 0.71% 8,931.75 100.00% 630,444.95 100.00% 727,290.66 100.00% 45,282.93 19.72% 100.00% 610.43 5,168.26 11.81% 100.00% 203.94 203.94 100.00% 100.00% 2,741.37 7.06% 3,227.09 6.88% 38,830.96 100.00% 46,889.21 100.00% 462.93 1,903.84 24.32% 100.00% 16,177.51 11.70% 14,251.10 52,923.78 Grand Total 16,607.52 138,279.14 100.00% 14,251.10 0.00% 988.72 1.83% 100.00% 53,912.50 100.00% 204.37 1,632.32 12.52% 100.00% 517.14 1.36% 38,049.19 100.00% 223.74 1,940.73 11.53% 100.00% 125.42 9,352.01 1.34% 100.00% 171.23 0.00% 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Research Department GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total OFFICE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MGMT Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total RESEARCH Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total RESEARCH INVESTMENT FUND RESEARCH POLICIES/COMPLIANCE/COMMITTEES Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount 77.73% 8,081.06 73.94% 74,193.57 99.08% 5,950.60 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 5,000.00 Percentage of Total 100.00% 713,357.41 98.59% DEAN, SCHOOL OF NURSING Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total School of Nursing Sum of Sum Amount 6,726.41 81.79% 6,726.41 School of Nursing Percentage of Total 81.79% ADMISSIONS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CAMPUS RECREATION Sum of Sum Amount CAMPUS SOLUTIONS SERVICES CENTER FOR DIVERSITY & INCLUSION CENTER FOR STUDENT INVOLVEMENT 1,290.41 Sum of Sum Amount 14 of 17 6.11% 359.99 0.09% 3,673.72 6.80% 46.17% 1,607.10 84.16% Grand Total 5,004.45 100.00% 405,826.53 100.00% 54,046.49 100.00% 41,311.53 0.00% 296.00 22.27% 2,848.00 26.06% 688.64 0.92% 100.00% 1,328.90 100.00% 10,929.06 100.00% 74,882.21 100.00% 5,950.60 0.00% 100.00% 5,000.00 0.00% 10,231.44 1.41% 1,497.33 18.21% 1,497.33 18.21% 2,543.71 17.27% 60,369.94 Sum of Sum Amount 100.00% 723,588.85 100.00% 8,223.74 100.00% 8,223.74 100.00% 14,727.02 100.00% 60,369.94 0.00% 1,504.60 100.00% 2,795.01 53.83% 100.00% 302.53 1,909.63 15.84% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 701.53 126.94 828.47 Percentage of Total 84.68% 15.32% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 82.73% 100.00% Percentage of Total CENTER FOR FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE 12,183.31 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total Yes 305.70 41,311.53 Percentage of Total Research Percentage of Total Student Affairs 93.20% Sum of Sum Amount Research Sum of Sum Amount School of Nursing 50,372.77 1,032.90 Percentage of Total UH SEQUENCING CORE FACILITY 99.91% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total TX OBESITY RESEARCH CENTER 405,466.54 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount TX CTR SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AT UH 93.89% Percentage of Total Percentage of Total TIMES No 4,698.75 60,809.02 90.45% 6,422.59 9.55% 67,231.61 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Student Affairs Department CENTER FOR STUDENT MEDIA Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CENTER FOR STUDENTS W/DISABILITIES Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CHILDREN'S LEARNING CENTER Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total COUNSELING AND PSYCH SVCS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total DEAN OF STUDENTS Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES LGBTQ RESOURCE CENTER OFFICE OF THE UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR Sum of Sum Amount SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID STUDENT CENTER Sum of Sum Amount 10,062.43 96.07% 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount 19,742.05 87.21% 3,108.00 86.47% 2,385.07 Percentage of Total 76.36% Sum of Sum Amount 69.00 Percentage of Total 1.29% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total 15 of 17 91.26% 56,938.97 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 4,164.15 1,100.50 Percentage of Total URBAN EXPERIENCE VPSA 78.43% Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount UNIVERSITY CAREER SERVICES 3,798.64 100.00% Percentage of Total STUDENT HOUSING - RESID LIFE 86.92% Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount STUDENT HEALTH CENTER 8,722.13 398.31 Sum of Sum Amount STUDENT AFFAIRS IT SERVICES 51.29% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total STUDENT AFFAIRS 60,537.74 90.73% Percentage of Total STU COMMUNICATION & MARKETING 94.19% Percentage of Total Percentage of Total RELIGION CENTER No 16,916.62 27,582.39 95.28% 40,735.65 93.76% 30,376.48 87.40% 12,585.45 94.25% 4,332.27 94.67% Yes 1,043.38 5.81% 57,494.00 48.71% 1,312.14 13.08% 1,044.45 Grand Total 17,960.00 100.00% 118,031.74 100.00% 10,034.27 100.00% 4,843.09 21.57% 100.00% 398.60 4,562.75 8.74% 5,817.00 9.27% 100.00% 62,755.97 100.00% 398.31 0.00% 411.55 3.93% 100.00% 10,473.98 100.00% 1,100.50 0.00% 2,896.09 100.00% 22,638.14 12.79% 100.00% 486.48 3,594.48 13.53% 100.00% 738.40 3,123.47 23.64% 5,282.00 98.71% 1,366.58 4.72% 2,713.15 6.24% 4,379.20 12.60% 767.37 5.75% 243.74 5.33% 100.00% 5,351.00 100.00% 28,948.97 100.00% 43,448.80 100.00% 34,755.68 100.00% 13,352.82 100.00% 4,576.01 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division Student Affairs Department VETERAN SERVICES Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total WELLNESS CENTER WOMEN & GENDER RESOURCE CENTER Percentage of Total 100.00% DEAN, TECHNOLOGY 469.05 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 20,225.56 0.00% 100.00% 46.96 8,450.52 0.56% 100.00% 99.44% Sum of Sum Amount 3,619.42 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 5,547.21 Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount Sum of Sum Amount 12.23% 23,032.28 98.27% 4,690.76 88.55% 3,702.32 97.15% 62.81% Sum of Sum Amount 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 1,392.89 Univ Marketing, Comm & Media Rel Sum of Sum Amount 40.99% 237,257.33 Univ Marketing, Comm & Media Rel Percentage of Total 99.16% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 16 of 17 3,619.42 0.00% 39,825.05 87.77% 404.88 1.73% 2,634.44 70.58% 49,187.19 99.72% 16,398.38 92.50% 100.00% 45,372.26 100.00% 23,437.16 100.00% 606.81 5,297.57 11.45% 100.00% 108.64 3,810.96 2.85% 40,992.34 37.19% 235,864.44 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total BUSINESS OPERATIONS 20,225.56 100.00% Technology Percentage of Total ANNUAL GIVING 100.00% 8,403.56 69,221.11 ALUMNI RELATIONS 18.15% 540,810.47 Sum of Sum Amount Technology Sum of Sum Amount VC/VP UNIV MKTG, COMM & MEDIA REL 98,132.77 Percentage of Total Percentage of Total MARKETING-UNIV MKT, COMM & MEDIA REL 100.00% 369.40 Percentage of Total INFORMATION & LOGISTICS TECH 0.00% 78.75% Percentage of Total HUMAN DEVELOP AND CONSUMER SCI 1,618.57 99.65 Percentage of Total ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 100.00% 21.25% Percentage of Total CTR FOR INFO SCRTY, RES & EDU 51.46% Grand Total 911.19 Percentage of Total 81.85% CENTER FOR TECHNOLOGY LITERACY Yes 468.87 Sum of Sum Amount 442,677.70 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT University Advancement 48.54% 1,618.57 Student Affairs Percentage of Total Univ Marketing, Comm & Media Rel 442.32 Sum of Sum Amount Student Affairs Sum of Sum Amount Technology No 100.00% 110,213.45 100.00% 235,864.44 0.00% 2,005.37 59.01% 2,005.37 0.84% 1,098.20 29.42% 138.89 0.28% 1,329.97 7.50% 100.00% 3,398.26 100.00% 239,262.70 100.00% 3,732.64 100.00% 49,326.08 100.00% 17,728.35 100.00% UH 730 HUB Report December 2015 State HUB College/Division University Advancement Department CAMPAIGN STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Values Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total CORPORATE & FOUNDATION RELATIONS GIFT MANAGEMENT GIFT PROCESSING & RECORDS PRINCIPAL GIFTS 3,778.56 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount 36.44 Percentage of Total 0.19% Sum of Sum Amount 0.00% Sum of Sum Amount 5,125.00 Percentage of Total 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total PROSPECT MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT VC/VP University Advancement Sum of Sum Amount 0.00% 100.00% 194.66 194.66 100.00% 100.00% 3,778.56 0.00% 19,049.75 100.00% 19,086.19 99.81% 100.00% 757.37 757.37 100.00% 100.00% 5,125.00 0.00% 100.00% 143.64 143.64 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 102.00 Sum of Sum Amount 202.64 158.29 360.93 Percentage of Total 56.14% 43.86% 100.00% 90.99% 17 of 17 0.00% 100.00% 25,128,566.23 Total Percentage of Total Grand Total 19,391.28 Percentage of Total 80.90% Total Sum of Sum Amount Yes Sum of Sum Amount 96,855.93 University Advancement Percentage of Total Note: This report does not include payments made to HUB subcontractors 0.00% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total PLANNED GIVING 100.00% Sum of Sum Amount Percentage of Total DEVELOPMENT No 19,391.28 102.00 22,870.77 19.10% 2,488,190.54 9.01% 119,726.70 100.00% 27,616,756.77 100.00%