University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Academic Affairs ACADEMIC ADV/ORIENTATION Sum of Amount ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total ADMISSIONS Sum of Amount CHARTER SCHOOL Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total COMPUTING & TELECOM SERVICES Sum of Amount CONTINUING EDUCATION Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total No Yes 3,388.61 91.69% 3,481.92 93.04% 13,168.47 66.40% 7,467.33 26.28% 134,343.51 96.60% 5,491.57 80.97% CULLEN PERFORMANCE HALL Sum of Amount EDUC TECH & UNIV OUTREACH Sum of Amount 5,834.13 Percent of Total 100.00% FACULTY AFFAIRS Sum of Amount 3,835.98 Percent of Total 47.90% FACULTY SENATE Sum of Amount 67.39 Percent of Total 1,100.78 89.08% Percent of Total 100.00% GRADUATE/PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Sum of Amount 310.34 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Sum of Amount Percent of Total 53.33% 68,925.62 Percent of Total 97.95% INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH Sum of Amount 96.63 KUHF RADIO Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total KUHT TV Sum of Amount 1 of 16 38.82% 65,077.90 96.35% 213,263.42 Grand Total 306.92 8.31% 260.63 6.96% 6,663.61 33.60% 20,942.88 73.72% 4,732.47 3.40% 1,290.95 3,695.53 100.00% 3,742.55 100.00% 19,832.08 100.00% 28,410.21 100.00% 139,075.98 100.00% 6,782.52 19.03% 100.00% 134.91 1,235.69 10.92% 100.00% 5,834.13 0.00% 4,171.52 52.10% 100.00% 8,007.50 100.00% 67.39 0.00% 271.56 46.67% 1,442.98 2.05% 152.27 61.18% 2,461.84 3.65% 18,980.78 100.00% 581.90 100.00% 70,368.60 100.00% 248.90 100.00% 67,539.74 100.00% 232,244.20 University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Academic Affairs KUHT TV Percent of Total MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Sum of Amount Percent of Total REGISTRATION AND ACADEMIC RECO Sum of Amount Percent of Total SCHOLARS COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID SECURITY AND DISASTER RECOVERY TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT SERVICES UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES 91.83% 403,377.79 71.50% 9,881.84 95.39% 10,359.86 100.00% 849.56 Sum of Amount 8,923.68 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 195.01 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 114,445.57 98.41% Sum of Amount 1,000.00 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 239.25 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 36,403.54 98.41% 8,923.68 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 195.01 1,847.65 1.59% 116,293.22 100.00% 1,000.00 0.00% 100.00% 239.25 0.00% 100.00% 225,093.77 1,289,721.76 17.45% 588.26 100.00% 36,991.80 1.59% 100.00% Sum of Amount 275.90 Percent of Total 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% Sum of Amount 2,582.80 53.13 2,635.93 2.02% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 97.98% Sum of Amount 181.18 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount Percent of Total 2 of 16 4.61% 100.00% 100.00% Percent of Total ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RISK MGMT 478.02 564,194.26 138.31 Percent of Total BUDGET 28.50% 16.28% 82.55% AVCIAVP-ADMINISTRATION 160,816.47 100.00% 711.25 1,064,627.99 AUXILIARY SERVICES 8.17% 83.72% Academic Affairs Percent of Total ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Grand Total Percent of Total Academic Affairs Sum of Amount Administration and Finance Yes Sum of Amount Percent of Total UH WELCOME CENTER No 201,237.89 98.97% 275.90 181.18 2,099.80 1.03% 203,337.69 100.00% University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Administration and Finance FACILITIES & PLANNING Sum of Amount FINANCE Sum of Amount Percent of Total No Yes 656,414.09 78.08% 63,628.70 Percent of Total 98.18% FINANCIAL REPORTING Sum of Amount 159.72 Percent of Total 100.00% HUB PROGRAMS Sum of Amount 111.52 Percent of Total 100.00% HUMAN RESOURCES Sum of Amount 6,079.28 INST - PLANT Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total ONE CARD PROGRAM Sum of Amount PARKING & TRANSPORTATION Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total PHY PLANT-ADMINISTRATION Sum of Amount PHY PLANT-AUTOMOTIVE Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total 95.82% 702,853.89 99.61% 109,370.28 99.66% 289,768.12 99.69% 83,913.87 84.67% 8,439.17 55.05% PHY PLANT-BLDG MAINT Sum of Amount PHY PLANT-CUSTODIAL SVCS Sum of Amount 1,697.54 Percent of Total 100.00% PHY PLANT-GROUNDS MAINT Sum of Amount 7,409.33 Percent of Total 100.00% PHY PLANT-SOLID WASTE Sum of Amount 3,619.40 Percent of Total 100.00% Percent of Total PHY PLANT-UTILITIES Sum of Amount 3 of 16 19,052.84 69.52% 57,751.84 Grand Total 184,260.76 21.92% 1,176.62 1.82% 840,674.85 100.00% 64,805.32 100.00% 159.72 0.00% 100.00% 111.52 0.00% 264.87 4.18% 2,754.57 0.39% 373.27 0.34% 894.87 0.31% 15,198.01 15.33% 6,889.64 44.95% 8,354.65 30.48% 100.00% 6,344.15 100.00% 705,608.46 100.00% 109,743.55 100.00% 290,662.99 100.00% 99,111.88 100.00% 15,328.81 100.00% 27,407.49 100.00% 1,697.54 0.00% 100.00% 7,409.33 0.00% 100.00% 3,619.40 0.00% 25,551.91 100.00% 83,303.75 University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Administration and Finance PHY PLANT-UTILITIES Percent of Total POLICE Sum of Amount Percent of Total POSTAL SERVICES Sum of Amount Percent of Total PRINTING Sum of Amount Percent of Total PURCHASED UTILITIES Sum of Amount Percent of Total STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES Sum of Amount Percent of Total Administration and Finance Sum of Amount DEAN, ARCHITECTURE Sum of Amount Architecture Sum of Amount 8,773.47 45.98% 3,218.36 96.99% 2,012.92 85.07% 1,337.00 2.60% 17,882.45 94.01% 34,389.55 77.36% 34,389.55 Architecture Percent of Total 77.36% INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Sum of Amount Percent of Total Athletics Sum of Amount 421,298.11 73.81% 421,298.11 Athletics Percent of Total Business Administration 69.33% 88.04% Percent of Total Athletics Yes 2,284,175.10 Administration and Finance Percent of Total Architecture No 73.81% ACCOUNTANCY AND TAXATION BAUER CAREER SERVICES CTR Sum of Amount 286.34 Percent of Total 16.62% Sum of Amount Percent of Total CTR FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INN CTR FOR EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 4 of 16 Sum of Amount 2,845.30 68.08% 3,398.81 Grand Total 30.67% 10,308.90 100.00% 19,082.37 54.02% 100.00% 100.00 3,318.36 3.01% 100.00% 353.25 2,366.17 14.93% 100.00% 50,000.00 97.40% 1,138.71 5.99% 51,337.00 100.00% 19,021.16 100.00% 310,361.22 2,594,536.32 11.96% 10,064.15 22.64% 10,064.15 22.64% 149,472.23 26.19% 149,472.23 26.19% 1,437.04 83.38% 1,334.15 100.00% 44,453.70 100.00% 44,453.70 100.00% 570,770.34 100.00% 570,770.34 100.00% 1,723.38 100.00% 4,179.45 31.92% 100.00% 249.50 3,648.31 Percent of Total 93.16% 6.84% 100.00% Sum of Amount 301.04 506.81 807.85 Percent of Total 37.26% 62.74% 100.00% University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Business Administration DEAN, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Sum of Amount DECISION AND INFORMATION SCIEN Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total Yes 31,386.67 69.15% 4,520.61 94.98% Grand Total 14,005.32 45,391.99 30.85% 100.00% 239.00 4,759.61 5.02% 100.00% EXECUTIVE DEGREE PROGRAMS Sum of Amount Percent of Total 95.38% FINANCE Sum of Amount 497.35 135.00 632.35 Percent of Total 78.65% 21.35% 100.00% GLOBAL ENERGY MGMT INST Sum of Amount 175.42 16.18 191.60 91.56% 8.44% INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH C Sum of Amount 2,159.81 Percent of Total 100.00% MANAGEMENT Sum of Amount 2,974.33 MARKETING Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total 19,648.83 53.55% 1,617.04 951.83 4.62% 20,600.66 100.00% 100.00% 2,159.81 0.00% 2,579.61 100.00% 5,553.94 46.45% 100.00% 462.20 2,079.24 Percent of Total 77.77% 22.23% 100.00% MBA STUDENT SERVICES CENTER Sum of Amount 122.26 313.60 435.86 28.05% 71.95% 100.00% RESEARCH AND INSTR COMPUTING S Sum of Amount 630.22 4,855.00 12.98% 100.00% Percent of Total Percent of Total SALES EXCELLENCE INSTITUTE Sum of Amount SMALL BUSINESS DEV CENTER Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total UNDERGRAD BUSINESS PROG Sum of Amount Percent of Total Business Administration Sum of Amount 4,224.78 87.02% 9,908.07 81.34% 21,980.60 38.88% 100.00% 64.48% CENTER FOR INFO TECH IN EDUCATION 5 of 16 Sum of Amount 2,272.78 18.66% 34,549.09 61.12% 2,297.90 108,345.16 Business Administration Percent of Total Education No 17,257.33 12,180.85 100.00% 56,529.69 100.00% 2,297.90 0.00% 59,682.33 35.52% 2,760.76 100.00% 168,027.49 100.00% 20,018.09 University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Education CENTER FOR INFO TECH IN EDUCATION Percent of Total CONSISTENCY MGMT & COOP DISCIP Sum of Amount Percent of Total CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Sum of Amount Percent of Total DEAN, EDUCATION Sum of Amount EDU. LEADERSHIP & CULTURAL STU EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY INSTITUTE FOR URBAN EDUCATION 91.39% 8,293.07 73.14% 13,636.23 100.00% 15,528.45 Percent of Total 87.12% 12.88% 100.00% 72.11 2,435.20 2.96% 100.00% Sum of Amount Sum of Amount 2,363.09 97.04% 33,747.79 84.03% Sum of Amount 5,900.33 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 3,770.97 68.14% 6,411.57 15.97% 40,159.36 100.00% 5,900.33 0.00% 1,762.79 31.86% 100.00% 5,533.76 100.00% Sum of Amount 809.99 75.00 884.99 Percent of Total 91.53% 8.47% 100.00% Sum of Amount 223.40 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount Sum of Amount Percent of Total 6 of 16 1,892.22 11,338.98 1,057.81 Percent of Total COMPOSITE ENGR APPLICATIONS CT 26.86% 100.00% 136.28 85.23% CIVIL ENGINEERING 3,045.91 15,699.67 921.53 Education Percent of Total CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 8.61% Sum of Amount 101,048.12 CENTER FOR NANOMAGNETIC SYSTEM 1,351.88 100.00% 100.00% Education Sum of Amount Engineering 14,347.79 13.79% 12.19% Percent of Total TEACHER EDUCATION AND CERTIFIC 86.21% Grand Total 87.81% Percent of Total HUMAN DEVELOPMENT LAB Yes Percent of Total Percent of Total HEALTH AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE No 29,091.85 97.29% 6,852.12 90.98% Sum of Amount 3,499.14 Percent of Total 100.00% 17,508.52 118,556.64 14.77% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 223.40 810.00 2.71% 679.16 9.02% 29,901.85 100.00% 7,531.28 100.00% 3,499.14 0.00% 100.00% University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Engineering COOPERATIVE ENGINEERING Sum of Amount CTR FOR INNOVATIVE GROUTING Sum of Amount 2,257.05 Percent of Total 100.00% Percent of Total DEAN, ENGINEERING Sum of Amount ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total ENGINEERING SERVICES Sum of Amount INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total Yes 0.00% 35,135.16 96.54% 31,833.20 99.48% 4,061.73 97.25% 1,459.48 68.39% Sum of Amount Percent of Total 95.39% NANOSYSTEM MANUFACTURING CTR Sum of Amount 117.64 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 3,573.59 Percent of Total Engineering Sum of Amount 78,270.47 100.00% 196,374.83 Engineering Percent of Total 96.17% AMERICAN HUMANICS Sum of Amount Percent of Total DEAN, SOCIAL WORK Sum of Amount Grand Total 330.92 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SW PUBLIC TECHNOLOGY CENTER Graduate College of Social Work No 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 2,257.05 0.00% 1,259.47 3.46% 164.89 0.52% 114.85 2.75% 100.00% 36,394.63 100.00% 31,998.09 100.00% 4,176.58 100.00% 674.53 2,134.01 31.61% 100.00% 3,784.04 4.61% 82,054.51 100.00% 117.64 0.00% 100.00% 3,573.59 0.00% 7,817.86 3.83% 92.68 1,806.57 330.92 100.00% 204,192.69 100.00% 92.68 100.00% 100.00% 855.34 2,661.91 Percent of Total 67.87% 32.13% 100.00% FIELD OFFICE Sum of Amount 10.41 444.80 455.21 Percent of Total 2.29% 97.71% 100.00% LEADERSHIP & CHANGE Sum of Amount 163.66 163.66 100.00% 100.00% Percent of Total OCP Sum of Amount 7 of 16 0.00% 11,512.46 1,707.08 13,219.54 University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Graduate College of Social Work OCP Percent of Total ODSPR Sum of Amount Percent of Total PHD PROGRAM 100.00% 97.80 100.00% 80.06% HOUSTON TEACHERS INSTITUTE Sum of Amount 5,319.42 Honors College Sum of Amount Sum of Amount Percent of Total HOTEL AND RESTAURANT MANAGEMEN Sum of Amount Percent of Total Hotel and Restaurant Management Sum of Amount Sum of Amount Percent of Total LAW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LAW LIBRARY 2,669.01 16,860.80 100.00% 7,988.43 258.52 100.00% 2,927.53 8,246.95 10,136.15 70.80% 58,647.89 98.61% 64,992.09 93.06% 35.50% 4,180.27 29.20% 828.09 1.39% 5,008.36 6.79% 4,850.56 6.94% 100.00% 100.00% 14,316.42 100.00% 59,475.98 100.00% 73,792.40 100.00% 69,842.65 100.00% 689.10 119.00 808.10 Percent of Total 85.27% 14.73% 100.00% Percent of Total Law Center Sum of Amount 8,458.84 84.93% 74,140.03 Law Center Percent of Total 91.97% 8 of 16 19.94% Sum of Amount Sum of Amount AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES 3,361.36 100.00% 258.52 93.21% DEAN, LAW 0.00% 100.00% 68,784.04 Hotel and Restaurant Management Percent of Total 170.00 0.00% 64.50% DEAN, HOTEL & RESTAURANT MANAG 97.80 100.00% 33.41% 5,319.42 Honors College Percent of Total 100.00% 66.59% Sum of Amount Percent of Total Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 0.00% Percent of Total Percent of Total Law Center 12.91% 13,499.44 DEAN, HONORS COLLEGE Grand Total 87.09% 170.00 Graduate College of Social Work Sum of Amount Hotel and Restaurant Management Yes Sum of Amount Graduate College of Social Work Percent of Total Honors College No Sum of Amount 755.22 Percent of Total 40.18% 1,500.90 15.07% 6,470.46 8.03% 1,124.48 59.82% 9,959.74 100.00% 80,610.49 100.00% 1,879.70 100.00% University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Liberal Arts and Social Sciences ANTHROPOLOGY Sum of Amount ART Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total ARTE PUBLICO Sum of Amount BAND Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total BLAFFER GALLERY Sum of Amount CENTER FOR PUBLIC POLICY Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total COMMUNICATION Sum of Amount COMMUNICATIONS DISORDERS Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total DEAN, LIBERAL ARTS & SOC SCI Sum of Amount ECONOMICS Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total ENGLISH Sum of Amount HISTORY Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total No Yes 17.64 100.00% 11,512.30 79.65% 65,379.57 99.62% 2,467.56 86.41% 36,574.42 99.39% 1,290.62 30.55% 9,239.05 32.40% 2,769.84 76.21% 22,333.24 97.85% 55,056.15 96.46% 10,831.64 90.21% 14,024.51 98.67% MEXICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES Sum of Amount Percent of Total 79.13% MILITARY SCIENCE Sum of Amount 138.86 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 8,939.85 MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGES 9 of 16 Grand Total 9,397.85 17.64 0.00% 2,941.40 20.35% 246.20 0.38% 100.00% 14,453.70 100.00% 65,625.77 100.00% 388.06 2,855.62 13.59% 100.00% 223.79 0.61% 2,933.56 69.45% 19,272.75 36,798.21 100.00% 4,224.18 100.00% 28,511.80 67.60% 100.00% 864.83 3,634.67 23.79% 100.00% 491.14 2.15% 2,020.76 3.54% 1,175.15 9.79% 189.24 1.33% 2,478.44 20.87% 22,824.38 100.00% 57,076.91 100.00% 12,006.79 100.00% 14,213.75 100.00% 11,876.29 100.00% 138.86 0.00% 149.95 100.00% 9,089.80 University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Liberal Arts and Social Sciences MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Percent of Total MUSIC Sum of Amount PHILOSOPHY POLITICAL SCIENCE 449.85 Percent of Total 6.33% 93.67% 100.00% 618.91 8,403.07 12,465.19 72.93% 258.03 Percent of Total 16.27% 9,569.61 65.51% 5,037.20 34.49% 1,586.17 100.00% 14,606.81 100.00% 260.76 778.20 100.00% 233.64 2,761.77 2,528.13 91.54% 86.43% Sum of Amount Percent of Total Library Sum of Amount 897,904.13 94.78% 897,904.13 Library Percent of Total 94.78% Sum of Amount Percent of Total Sum of Amount Percent of Total Sum of Amount Percent of Total 10 of 16 83.73% 33.51% 330,696.94 CHEMISTRY 1,328.14 100.00% 517.44 Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Sum of Amount CAGE INSTITUTE 27.07% 17,091.07 66.49% Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Percent of Total BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 4,625.88 100.00% Percent of Total Sum of Amount UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 7.37% 100.00% Sum of Amount Percent of Total Natural Science and Mathematics 92.63% Sum of Amount Percent of Total Library 7,784.16 9.47% 51,713.26 421.38 Sum of Amount WRITING CENTER 4,895.67 100.00% 28.47 Percent of Total WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM 46,817.59 1.65% Sum of Amount Sum of Amount THEATRE 98.35% Grand Total 90.53% Percent of Total SOCIOLOGY Yes Percent of Total Sum of Amount PSYCHOLOGY No 52,833.53 93.25% 5,226.22 94.38% 50,538.43 97.67% 8.46% 51,921.33 13.57% 49,451.54 5.22% 49,451.54 5.22% 3,825.16 6.75% 311.04 5.62% 1,207.94 2.33% 100.00% 382,618.27 100.00% 947,355.67 100.00% 947,355.67 100.00% 56,658.69 100.00% 5,537.26 100.00% 51,746.37 100.00% University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Natural Science and Mathematics COMPUTER SCIENCE Sum of Amount DEAN, NATURAL SCIENCE & MATHE Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total 20,722.66 90.70% 36,680.77 99.10% Sum of Amount IMAQS Sum of Amount 7,099.42 Percent of Total 100.00% INST FOR THEORETICAL & ENG SCI Sum of Amount 2,269.22 MATHEMATICS Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total PHYSICS Sum of Amount Percent of Total Natural Science and Mathematics Sum of Amount 17,326.09 85.42% 100.00% 15,259.04 85.57% 21,672.42 78.81% 229,627.80 Natural Science and Mathematics Percent of Total 92.30% DEAN, OPTOMETRY Sum of Amount OPT VISION SCIENCES Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total OPTOMETRY CLINIC Sum of Amount Percent of Total Optometry Sum of Amount 25,434.14 85.99% 23,378.24 99.49% 19,787.76 98.12% 68,600.14 Optometry Percent of Total Pharmacy Yes GEOLOGY Percent of Total Optometry No 93.66% CLINICAL PHARMACY & ADMINISTRA Sum of Amount DEAN, PHARMACY Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total INSTITUTE FOR DRUG EDUCATION 11 of 16 Sum of Amount 13,024.54 94.70% 13,359.75 72.66% 1,569.84 Grand Total 2,123.80 9.30% 332.14 0.90% 2,958.12 14.58% 22,846.46 100.00% 37,012.91 100.00% 20,284.21 100.00% 7,099.42 0.00% 100.00% 2,269.22 0.00% 2,572.52 14.43% 5,826.42 21.19% 19,157.14 7.70% 4,143.88 14.01% 120.76 0.51% 378.68 1.88% 4,643.32 6.34% 729.25 5.30% 5,026.07 27.34% 100.00% 17,831.56 100.00% 27,498.84 100.00% 248,784.94 100.00% 29,578.02 100.00% 23,499.00 100.00% 20,166.44 100.00% 73,243.46 100.00% 13,753.79 100.00% 18,385.82 100.00% 1,569.84 University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Pharmacy INSTITUTE FOR DRUG EDUCATION Percent of Total PHARMACOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTIC Sum of Amount Percent of Total Pharmacy Sum of Amount 100.00% 27,260.80 99.56% 90.38% AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICE OF SPECIAL EVENTS PRESIDENT GRANTS AND CONTRACTS HOUSTON COASTAL CENTER INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR DESIGN 61,092.00 100.00% 239.54 100.00% Sum of Amount 99,337.87 Percent of Total 85.82% Sum of Amount (102.36) Percent of Total -0.95% Sum of Amount 500.00 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount Sum of Amount 55,641.11 89.75% 3,915.78 16,413.64 14.18% 10,835.76 100.95% 27,403.99 115,751.51 100.00% 10,733.40 100.00% 126,724.45 21.62% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 500.00 6,351.80 61,992.91 10.25% 100.00% 150.57 4,066.35 Percent of Total 96.30% 3.70% 100.00% Sum of Amount 987.57 49.76 1,037.33 Percent of Total 95.20% 4.80% 100.00% Sum of Amount 2,110.52 Percent of Total 92.87% Sum of Amount 486.86 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount Sum of Amount Percent of Total 12 of 16 9.62% 100.00% 154.59 Percent of Total OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMEN 5,877.07 27,382.55 64.54% Percent of Total CMC 0.44% 84.95 78.38% CENTER FOR ADVANCED MATERIALS 121.75 100.00% 35.46% President Percent of Total ANIMAL CARE OPERATIONS 0.00% Percent of Total 99,320.46 ALLIED GEOPHYSICAL LABORATORIE Grand Total Sum of Amount President Sum of Amount Research Yes 55,214.93 Pharmacy Percent of Total President No 42,309.49 99.69% 1,333.47 86.99% 161.99 7.13% 2,272.51 100.00% 486.86 0.00% 131.58 0.31% 100.00% 42,441.07 100.00% 199.46 1,532.93 13.01% 100.00% University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Research RESEARCH Sum of Amount Percent of Total 96.67% RESEARCH FINANCIAL SERVICES Sum of Amount 117.62 Percent of Total 100.00% RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTER Sum of Amount 1,346.66 Percent of Total 100.00% RESEARCH POLICIES/COMP/COMMITT Sum of Amount 274.80 Percent of Total 100.00% SPACE VACUUM EPITAXY CENTER Sum of Amount 1,887.17 Percent of Total 100.00% SUPER CONDUCT & ADV MATERIALS Sum of Amount 714.79 Percent of Total 100.00% TCSUH Sum of Amount TIMES Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total TX LEARNING/COMPUTATIONAL CTR Sum of Amount Percent of Total Research Sum of Amount Yes 36,316.45 61,525.87 98.13% 32,433.56 90.11% 43,450.69 73.72% 285,352.41 Research Percent of Total Student Affairs No 90.91% CAMPUS ACTIVITIES Sum of Amount CAMPUS RECREATION Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total CENTER FOR STUDENTS W/DISABILI Sum of Amount CHILD CARE CENTER Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total COUNSELING AND PSYCH SVCS 13 of 16 Sum of Amount 14,240.97 92.11% 25,140.13 91.92% 23,663.50 99.62% 3,230.40 95.68% 1,530.63 Grand Total 1,251.42 3.33% 37,567.87 100.00% 117.62 0.00% 100.00% 1,346.66 0.00% 100.00% 274.80 0.00% 100.00% 1,887.17 0.00% 100.00% 714.79 0.00% 1,173.25 1.87% 3,558.13 9.89% 15,492.60 26.28% 28,520.56 9.09% 1,220.21 7.89% 2,210.80 8.08% 90.21 0.38% 145.76 4.32% 348.35 100.00% 62,699.12 100.00% 35,991.69 100.00% 58,943.29 100.00% 313,872.97 100.00% 15,461.18 100.00% 27,350.93 100.00% 23,753.71 100.00% 3,376.16 100.00% 1,878.98 University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Student Affairs COUNSELING AND PSYCH SVCS Percent of Total DEAN OF STUDENTS Sum of Amount 2,045.57 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 2,732.10 INT'L STUDENT & SCHOLAR SERVIC Percent of Total LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT SVCS LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES RELIGION CENTER RESIDENTIAL LIFE & HOUSING 14.27% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% Percent of Total 38.03% 61.97% 100.00% Sum of Amount 1,293.85 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount Sum of Amount 56,876.04 66.56% 9,591.81 44.77% 29,127.57 76.61% Sum of Amount 9,113.00 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 2,351.65 Sum of Amount Sum of Amount Percent of Total 70.77% 1,211.15 55.67% 29,603.04 87.31% 11,066.89 82.50% Sum of Amount Percent of Total 14 of 16 3,186.74 1,351.37 Percent of Total URBAN EXPERIENCE VPSA 454.64 837.46 Sum of Amount UNIVERSITY TESTING SERVICES 100.00% 513.91 Percent of Total UNIVERSITY CENTER 2,045.57 0.00% Sum of Amount Percent of Total UNIVERSITY CAREER SERVICES 100.00% 139.72 Percent of Total STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 85.73% 18.54% 100.00% Percent of Total STUDENT PHARMACY 81.46% Grand Total Percent of Total Sum of Amount STUDENT HEALTH CENTER Yes Sum of Amount Percent of Total STUDENT AFFAIRS No 0.00% 139.72 1,293.85 0.00% 28,575.27 33.44% 11,832.78 55.23% 8,895.31 23.39% 100.00% 85,451.31 100.00% 21,424.59 100.00% 38,022.88 100.00% 9,113.00 0.00% 100.00% 971.50 3,323.15 29.23% 100.00% 964.61 2,175.76 44.33% 100.00% 4,301.22 12.69% 2,347.04 33,904.26 100.00% 13,413.93 17.50% 100.00% (79.16) (79.16) 100.00% 100.00% University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data Student Affairs VETERAN SERVICES Sum of Amount Percent of Total Student Affairs Sum of Amount CENTER FOR TECHNOLOGY LITERACY Sum of Amount DEAN, TECHNOLOGY Sum of Amount Percent of Total 100.00% 473.39 0.00% 63,116.00 21.99% 3,414.33 100.00% 11,145.12 16.70% ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Sum of Amount Percent of Total 100.00% HUMAN DEVELOP AND CONSUMER SCI Sum of Amount 4,150.21 Percent of Total Grand Total 473.39 78.01% Percent of Total 100.00% 3,414.33 0.00% 55,575.65 83.30% 9,614.01 85.77% 100.00% 287,061.32 100.00% 66,720.77 100.00% 9,614.01 0.00% 100.00% 688.37 4,838.58 14.23% 100.00% INFORMATION & LOGISTICS TECH Sum of Amount Percent of Total 98.43% TMAC Sum of Amount 761.81 350.54 1,112.35 Percent of Total 68.49% 31.51% 100.00% Technology Sum of Amount 24,636.65 53,722.13 Technology Percent of Total University Advancement Yes 223,945.32 Student Affairs Percent of Total Technology No ADVANCEMENT INFORMATION SVCS 57,008.06 100.00% 110,730.19 48.52% 51.48% 100.00% 32.00 137.40 169.40 Percent of Total 18.89% 81.11% 100.00% Sum of Amount CREATIVE SERVICES Sum of Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total 31,855.04 100.00% 39,215.94 46.51% DEVELOPMENT Sum of Amount Percent of Total 19.90% DONOR & ALUMNI RECORDS Sum of Amount 512.60 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 2,026.46 15 of 16 1.57% 25,030.15 Sum of Amount ANNUAL GIVING EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS 393.50 4,310.52 31,855.04 0.00% 45,100.74 53.49% 17,348.98 80.10% 100.00% 84,316.68 100.00% 21,659.50 100.00% 512.60 0.00% 100.00% 2,026.46 University of Houston HUB Report December 2006 UH HUB College/Division Department Data University Advancement EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Percent of Total INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Sum of Amount 432.94 Percent of Total Sum of Amount MARKETING Percent of Total PLANNED GIVING Sum of Amount Percent of Total PUBLIC AFFAIRS UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT Yes 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 2,392.86 54.14 2,447.00 2.21% 100.00% 97.79% 2,840.75 77.21% 7,264.37 Percent of Total 100.00% Sum of Amount 69,050.14 99.90% 159,933.62 University Advancement Percent of Total 71.56% Total Sum of Amount Grand Total 0.00% Sum of Amount Percent of Total University Advancement Sum of Amount No 432.94 838.31 3,679.06 22.79% 100.00% 7,264.37 0.00% 70.33 0.10% 63,549.90 28.44% 100.00% 69,120.47 100.00% 223,483.52 100.00% 6,776,319.67 1,168,416.70 7,944,736.37 Total Percent of Total 85.29% 16 of 16 14.71% 100.00%