NUMERICAL ANALYSIS ON STATIC LOAD CAPACITY OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLEEPERS UNDER HYPOTHETICAL BEARING PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION WAN AZLAN BIN WAN ABDUL RASHID A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil – Structure) Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JANUARY 2012 ii To my beloved mother and family iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Countless appreciation to my mother and family who had supporting me throughout my life. I must thank my thesis supervisor, Dr. Izni Syahrizal Ibrahim who had given me the chance to pursue this topic for my thesis. His constant support, motivation and valuable guidance were very important and I must thank him for all his time on supervising my thesis. My special thanks to every staff and students at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for all the valuable experiences and knowledge I had obtained during my study for the Masters programme at the university. A special acknowledgement to my office mates for being very supportive and understanding during my study. Thank you to all my friends for their joy and laughter and not to forget to anyone who had been involved directly and indirectly in developing this thesis. This thesis is a dedication to my beloved mother and family. v ABSTRACT Prestressed concrete sleepers are currently designed based on permissible stresses concepts resulting from quasi-static wheel loads. It was designed to exceed the mean working load to avoid loss of bond in the prestressing due to cracking of the concrete sleepers. These loads allow for static response of the sleeper due to the mechanism of vertical load transfer between the rail and sleeper as well as the sleeper and ballast interaction. In practice, the designer apply uniform pressure distribution beneath each rail seat which is dependent on the track gauge and sleeper length as stipulated in many design standards. Applying uniform pressure distribution beneath each rail seat may not be necessarily applicable to all in-situ sleepers as the contact pressure distribution between sleepers and ballast is mainly influenced by the cumulative effect of the traffic loading at various speeds over a period of time as well as the quality of ballast maintenance. A significant amount of research has been conducted by researchers worldwide over the century in postulating a set of hypothetical contact pressure distribution on the sleeper-ballast interaction. This leads to predicament as to whether the designed sleepers under the assumption of uniform contact pressure distribution had the adequate static load capacity to withstand the designed vertical loading but under different contact pressure distribution pattern. To solve this predicament, numerical analysis using commercially available finite element package, LUSAS, is carried out and comparison is made with the experimental test results in validating the finite element model. The numerical analysis will be useful in predicting the maximum vertical loading prior to the cracking of the sleeper under various hypothetical contact pressure distribution patterns. From numerical analysis, prestressed concrete sleeper that is placed on ballast has reserve strength in static load capacity with a factor between 2.2 and 2.4 of the positive rail seat test load at crack initiation. vi ABSTRAK Reka bentuk sleeper konkrit prategasan adalah berdasarkan kepada konsep tekanan yang dibenarkan, hasil daripada aksi beban kuasi-statik roda. Ia direka bentuk untuk melebihi purata beban kerja bagi mengelakkan kehilangan daya tarikan di dalam prategasan yang disebabkan oleh keretakan. Beban ini membenarkan respon statik oleh sleeper yang disebabkan oleh mekanisma perpindahan beban menegak di antara rel dan sleeper serta interaksi antara sleeper dan ballast. Pereka bentuk mengenakan tekanan rata yang seragam di bawah setiap kerusi rel yang bergantung kepada tolok landasan dan panjang sleeper seperti mana ditetapkan di dalam banyak piawaian. Mengenakan tekanan yang seragam di bawah kerusi rel mungkin tidak benar untuk semua sleeper di landasan kerana tekanan permukaan di antara sleeper dan ballast dipengaruhi oleh kesan kumulatif daripada beban trafik pada pelbagai kelajuan pada suatu tempoh serta kualiti penyelenggaraan ballast. Jumlah penyelidikan yang ketara telah dilakukan oleh para penyelidik di seluruh dunia dalam menyediakan satu set hipotesis tekanan rata bagi interaksi sleeper-ballast. Ini membawa kepada persoalan samada reka bentuk sleeper dibawah andaian tekanan yang seragam mempunyai kapasiti yang mencukupi untuk menahan rekaan beban menegak tetapi di bawah pelbagai bentuk hipotesis tekanan rata. Untuk menyelesaikan persoalan ini, analisis berangka menggunakan pakej perisian komersil untuk model unsur terhingga, LUSAS, dijalankan dan perbandingan dibuat dengan keputusan daripada ujian uji kaji dalam mengesahkan penggunaan model unsur terhingga. Analisis berangka ini sangat berguna untuk meramalkan beban menegak yang maksima sebaik sebelum keretakan sleeper dibawah pelbagai bentuk hipotesis tekanan rata. Berdasarkan kepada keputusan analisis berangka, sleeper konkrit prategasan yang diletakkan di atas ballast mempunyai kekuatan rizab pada kapasiti beban statiknya iaitu diantara factor 2.2 dan 2.4 daripada beban ujian positif kerusi kereta api semasa keretakan mula berlaku. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DEDICATION ii DECLARATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF SYMBOLS xx LIST OF APPENDICES xxi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Modernization of the ballasted railway track 1 network in Malaysia 1.2. Functions of track components and the load 2 path 2 1.3. Problem statement 4 1.4. Objectives of the study 6 1.5. Scopes of the study 7 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1. Development of prestressed concrete sleepers 8 2.2. Prestressed as the preferred concrete sleepers 9 viii 2.3. Load assessment on prestressed concrete 10 sleepers 2.4. Beams on elastic foundation and the ballast 13 stiffness 2.5. The centre negative moment test experiment 15 2.6. Nonlinear finite element model of railway 18 prestressed concrete sleeper 2.7. Current practice in the theoretical analysis to 22 design sleepers 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 24 3.1. Introduction 24 3.2. Finite element model for the centre negative 25 moment experimental setup 3.2.1. Creating a new model 25 3.2.2. Defining the geometry 26 3.2.3. Defining the mesh – prestressing tendon 29 3.2.4. Defining the mesh – concrete 30 3.2.5. Defining the geometric properties 31 3.2.6. Defining the material properties – 32 prestressing tendon 3.2.7. Defining the material properties – 34 concrete 3.2.8. Assigning attributes to the prestressing 36 tendons Assigning attributes to the concrete 38 3.2.10. Supports – Centre negative moment 40 3.2.9. experimental setup 3.2.11. Loading – Self weight 42 3.2.12. Loading – Initial strain on prestresing 43 tendons 3.2.13. Loading – Vertical point load setup for the centre negative moment test 45 ix 3.2.14. Nonlinear control 47 Loadcase 1 48 Loadcase 2 50 3.2.15. Running the analysis 52 3.2.16. Viewing the results 53 3.3. Finite element model with the hypothetical 58 bearing pressure distribution patterns 3.3.1. Support – Hypothetical bearing 58 pressure distribution patterns 4 RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 62 4.1. Validation of LUSAS’ nonlinear finite element 62 model 4.2. Numerical analysis on static load capacity of the 64 prestressed concrete sleepers under hypothetical bearing pressure distribution 4.2.1. Cracking load, ultimate load and crack 65 patterns 4.2.2. Load-deflection response at first crack 67 section 4.2.3. Vertical deflection along the sleeper’s 68 length 4.2.4 Principal stress distribution in x- 70 direction on first crack section 4.3. Summary of static load capacity of the 72 prestressed concrete sleepers under hypothetical bearing pressure distribution 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 75 5.1. Conclusions 75 5.2. Recommendations 76 REFERENCES 77 APPENDICES 80 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution of sleeper PAGE 12 (Sadeghi, 2005) 2.2 Material models used by Kaewunruen and Remennikov 20 (2006b) in ANSYS 4.1 Numerical analysis results of LUSAS’ nonlinear finite 66 element model on the cracking load, ultimate load and crack patterns of the prestressed concrete sleeper under hypothetical bearing pressure distributions 4.2 Maximum vertical deflections and comparison with 69 previous work by Sadeghi (2005) 4.3 Maximum principal stress in x-direction and 71 comparison with previous work by Sadeghi (2005) 4.4 Static load capacity between test and numerical analysis 74 A.1 Input for the line geometry in LUSAS 80 A.2.1.1. Laboratory test (Sadeghi, 2005) 83 A.2.1.2. Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 83 A.2.1.3. Summary of results at first crack point 84 A.2.2.1. Tamped either side of rail (Sadeghi, 2005) 86 A.2.2.2. Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 86 A.2.2.3. Summary of results at first crack point 87 A.2.3.1. Principal bearing on rails (Sadeghi, 2005) 89 A.2.3.2. Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 89 A.2.3.3. Summary of results at first crack point 90 xi A.2.4.1. Maximum intensity at the ends (Sadeghi, 2005) 92 A.2.4.2. Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 92 A.2.4.3. Summary of results at first crack point 93 A.2.5.1. Maximum intensity in the middle (Sadeghi, 2005) 95 A.2.5.2. Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 95 A.2.5.3. Summary of results at first crack point 96 A.2.6.1. Center bound (Sadeghi, 2005) 98 A.2.6.2. Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 98 A.2.6.3. Summary of results at first crack point 99 A.2.7.1. Flexure of sleeper produces variations form (Sadeghi, 101 2005) A.2.7.2. Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 101 A.2.7.3. Summary of results at first crack point 102 A.2.8.1. Well tamped sides (Sadeghi, 2005) 104 A.2.8.2. Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 104 A.2.8.3. Summary of results at first crack point 105 A.2.9.1. Stabilized rail seat and sides (Sadeghi, 2005) 107 A.2.9.2. Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 107 A.2.9.3. Summary of results at first crack point 108 A.2.10.1. Uniform pressure (Sadeghi, 2005) 110 A.2.10.2. Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 110 A.2.10.3. Summary of results at first crack point 111 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 TITLE Cross sectional layout of a typical ballasted track PAGE 2 (Selig & Waters, 1994) 2.1 Deflections of elastic foundations under uniform 13 pressure: a- Winkler foundation; b- practical soil foundation (Teodoru, 2009) 2.2 Load distribution region in continuous granular ballast 14 (Zhai et al., 2004) 2.3 Model of ballast under one rail support point (Zhai et 14 al., 2004) 2.4 The modified model of the ballast (Zhai et al., 2004) 14 2.5 Schematic diagram of centre negative moment test 15 experiment (AS 1085.14-2003) 2.6 Load-deflection results by Kaewunruen and 16 Remennikov (2006a) 2.7 Multi-linear stress-strain curve of concrete by 17 Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a) 2.8 Multi-linear stress-strain curve of prestressing tendon 18 by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a) 2.9 Finite element model of prestressed concrete sleeper 19 by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006b) 2.10 Model for reinforcement in finite element model (Tavarez, 2001): a) discrete; and b) smeared 20 xiii 2.11 Load-deflection response of experimental and model 21 of the prestyressed concrete sleeper by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006b) 3.1 Inputs for File details and Model details in New Model 26 window 3.2 Selected segments of Line geometry 26 3.3 Surface geometry creation by line sweeping 27 3.4 Surface geometry of concrete excluding the increased 27 section at the rail seat 3.5 Increased section at the rail seat 28 3.6 Surface geometry for the chamfer at rail seat 28 3.7 Structural bar element definition for the line mesh to 29 model the prestressing tendons 3.8 Structural plane stress element definition for the 30 surface mesh to model the concrete 3.9 The cross sectional area to model the geometric line 31 for 4 nos. prestressing tendons 3.10 The concrete thickness to model the Geometric Surface 32 for the concrete 3.11 The isotropic material properties of the prestressing 33 tendon in elastic region 3.12 The isotropic material properties of the prestressing 34 tendon in plastic region using von Mises Stress Potential model 3.13 The isotropic material properties of the concrete in 35 elastic region 3.14 The isotropic material properties of the concrete in 36 plastic region using Concrete model (Model 94) 3.15 Selection of lines geometry that represents the 37 prestressing tendons 3.16 The assigned properties on the selected line elements 37 3.17 Selection of surface geometry that represents the 38 concrete xiv 3.18 The meshed surface’s plane stress elements 38 3.19 Selection of line geometry for non-structural line 39 element (None 40 mm) assignment 3.20 Selection of line geometry for non-structural line 39 element (None 1 spacing) assignment 3.21 Surface’s plane stress elements with low aspect ratio 39 and 90 degrees quadrilateral shape and the model dimensions in LUSAS 3.22 Rotate attributes in Move window 40 3.23 Structural support definition 41 3.24 The assigned structural support on the model 41 3.25 Body Force for the Self Weight 42 3.26 Loading Assignment for the Self Weight 43 3.27 The assigned Self Weight loading on the model 43 3.28 The Initial Strain loading on the prestressing tendons 44 3.29 Loading Assignment for the Initial Strain 44 3.30 The assigned Initial Strain loading on the model 45 3.31 The Vertical Point Load attributes 46 3.32 Loading Assignment for the Vertical Point Load 46 3.33 The assigned Vertical Point Load on the model 47 3.34 The incremental-iterative method for nonlinear 47 solution 3.35 The nonlinear control of loadcase selection 48 3.36 The nonlinear control for Loadcase 1 49 3.37 The Advanced nonlinear control for Loadcase 1 50 3.38 The nonlinear control for Loadcase 2 51 3.39 The selected point at midspan to be set with 51 Termination criteria 3.40 The Advanced nonlinear control for Loadcase 2 52 3.41 Setting the Increment Load Factor to active 53 3.42 The deformed mesh 54 3.43 The nodal number 54 xv 3.44 Load-deflection response form the Graph Wizard 55 3.45 Principal stress distribution in global x-direction (SX) 56 3.46 Crack pattern on the model 56 3.47 Animation Wizard to display animated results of all 57 loadcase 3.48 Compressing the animation using Microsoft Video 1 57 compressor 3.49 Identification of line segments 58 3.50 Spring support stiffness’ Line Variation inputs for 59 Segments 3 3.51 Selecting Segment 3 as the Variation Attribute for the 60 spring support stiffness 3.52 Structural supports to represent the ballast stiffness at 60 Segment 3 3.53 Spring support that represents the ballast stiffness for 61 Principal bearing on rails scenario 4.1 Comparisons of load-deflection response between 63 experimental results and LUSAS model 4.2 Load-deflection response at first crack point 67 4.3 Vertical deflection along the sleeper’s length 68 4.4 Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 70 A.1. Model dimensions in LUSAS 80 Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns 83 A.2.1.1. (LUSAS model) A.2.1.2. Unloaded with external load 84 A.2.1.3. At initiation of crack (external load = 485 kN) 84 A.2.1.4. At ultimate state (external load = 649 kN) 84 A.2.1.5. Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node 84 no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.1.6. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 85 load stage A.2.1.7. Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (Node no.54 at bottom of railseat) 85 xvi A.2.2.1. Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns 86 (LUSAS model) A.2.2.2. Unloaded with external load 87 A.2.2.3. At initiation of crack (external load = 435 kN) 87 A.2.2.4. At ultimate state (external load = 658 kN) 87 A.2.2.5. Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node 87 no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.2.6. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 88 load stage A.2.2.7. Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section 88 (Node no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.3.1. Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns 89 (LUSAS model) A.2.3.2. Unloaded with external load 90 A.2.3.3. At initiation of crack (external load = 485 kN) 90 A.2.3.4. At ultimate state (external load = 645 kN) 90 A.2.3.5. Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node 90 no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.3.6. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 91 load stage A.2.3.7. Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section 91 (Node no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.4.1. Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns 92 (LUSAS model) A.2.4.2. Unloaded with external load 93 A.2.4.3. At initiation of crack (external load = 455 kN) 93 A.2.4.4. At ultimate state (external load = 652 kN) 93 A.2.4.5. Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node 93 no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.4.6. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 94 load stage A.2.4.7. Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (Node no.54 at bottom of railseat) 94 xvii A.2.5.1. Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns 95 (LUSAS model) A.2.5.2. Unloaded with external load 96 A.2.5.3. At initiation of crack (external load = 460 kN) 96 A.2.5.4. At ultimate state (external load = 653 kN) 96 A.2.5.5. Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node 96 no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.5.6. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 97 load stage A.2.5.7. Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section 97 (Node no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.6.1. Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns 98 (LUSAS model) A.2.6.2. Unloaded with external load 99 A.2.6.3. At initiation of crack (external load = 485 kN) 99 A.2.6.4. At ultimate state (external load = 648 kN) 99 A.2.6.5. Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node 99 no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.6.6. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 100 load stage A.2.6.7. Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section 100 (Node no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.7.1. Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns 101 (LUSAS model) A.2.7.2. Unloaded with external load 102 A.2.7.3. At initiation of crack (external load = 455 kN) 102 A.2.7.4. At ultimate state (external load = 647 kN) 102 A.2.7.5. Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node 102 no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.7.6. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage 103 xviii A.2.7.7. Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section 103 (Node no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.8.1. Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns 104 (LUSAS model) A.2.8.2. Unloaded with external load 105 A.2.8.3. At initiation of crack (external load = 255 kN) 105 A.2.8.4. At ultimate state (external load = 347 kN) 105 A.2.8.5. Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node no. 105 1168 at top chamfer) A.2.8.6. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 106 load stage A.2.8.7. Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section 106 (Node no. 1168 at top chamfer) A.2.9.1. Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns 107 (LUSAS model) A.2.9.2. Unloaded with external load 108 A.2.9.3. At initiation of crack (external load = 480 kN) 108 A.2.9.4. At ultimate state (external load = 644 kN) 108 A.2.9.5. Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node 108 no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.9.6. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 109 load stage A.2.9.7. Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section 109 (Node no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.10.1. Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns 110 (LUSAS model) A.2.10.2. Unloaded with external load 111 A.2.10.3. At initiation of crack (external load = 475 kN) 111 A.2.10.4. At ultimate state (external load = 647 kN) 111 A.2.10.5. Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node 111 no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.2.10.6. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage 112 xix A.2.10.7. Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section 112 (Node no.54 at bottom of railseat) A.3.1. Schematic diagram of rail seat negative moment test 115 (AS 1085.14-2003) A.3.2. Schematic diagram of rail seat positive moment test (AS 1085.14-2003) 116 xx LIST OF SYMBOLS Kb - Ballast stiffness hb - Depth of ballast le - Effective supporting length of half sleeper lb - Width of sleeper underside α - Ballast stress distribution angle Eb - Elastic modulus of the ballast fc' - Specified compressive strength of concrete Ec - Elastic modulus of the concrete fct' - Tensile strength of the concrete L1 - Unloaded with external load L2 - Load at initiation of crack L3 - Load at ultimate state D - Diamter of prestressing tendon As - Area of prestressing tendon xxi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE 1.A. Model dimensions and input for the line geometry 80 1.B. Cross sectional area of prestressing tendons (As) 81 1.C. Modulus of elasticity of concrete (Ec) 81 1.D. Ballast stiffness for the spring supports (kb) 82 2.1.A. Spring support stiffness input for Laboratory test 83 2.1.B. Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack 84 pattern 2.1.C. Load-deflection at first crack point 84 2.1.D. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 85 load stage 2.1.E. Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 85 2.2.A. Spring support stiffness input for Tamped either side of 86 rail 2.2.B. Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack 87 pattern 2.2.C. Load-deflection at first crack point 87 2.2.D. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 88 load stage 2.2.E. Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 88 2.3.A. Spring support stiffness input for Principal bearing on 89 rails 2.3.B. Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack 90 pattern 2.3.C. Load-deflection at first crack point 90 xxii 2.3.D. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 91 load stage 2.3.E. Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 91 2.4.A. Spring support stiffness input for Maximum intensity at 92 the ends 2.4.B. Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack 93 pattern 2.4.C. Load-deflection at first crack point 93 2.4.D. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 94 load stage 2.4.E. Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 94 2.5.A. Spring support stiffness input for Maximum intensity in 95 the middle 2.5.B. Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack 96 pattern 2.5.C. Load-deflection at first crack point 96 2.5.D. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 97 load stage 2.5.E. Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 97 2.6.A. Spring support stiffness input for Center bound 98 2.6.B. Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack 99 pattern 2.6.C. Load-deflection at first crack point 99 2.6.D. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 100 load stage 2.6.E. Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 100 2.7.A. Spring support stiffness input for Flexure of sleeper 101 produces variations form 2.7.B. Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack 102 2.7.C. pattern Load-deflection at first crack point 102 2.7.D. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 103 load stage xxiii 2.7.E. Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 103 2.8.A. Spring support stiffness input for Well tamped sides 104 2.8.B. Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack 105 pattern 2.8.C. Load-deflection at first crack point 105 2.8.D. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 106 load stage 2.8.E. Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 106 2.9.A. Spring support stiffness input for Stabilized rail seat 107 and sides 2.9.B. Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack 108 pattern 2.9.C. Load-deflection at first crack point 108 2.9.D. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 109 load stage 2.9.E. Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 109 2.10.A. Spring support stiffness input for Uniform pressure 110 2.10.B. Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack 111 pattern 2.10.C. Load-deflection at first crack point 111 2.10.D. Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different 112 load stage 2.10.E. 3.A. Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 112 Relevant information from KTMB’s Double Track 113 Specification 3.B. Dynamic Wheel Load 113 3.C. Rail seat load 114 3.D. Results from Testing of Prestressed Concrete Sleeper 115 (DNV,2002) 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. MODERNIZATION OF THE BALLASTED RAILWAY TRACK NETWORK IN MALAYSIA The Government of Malaysia through Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) is embarking on an exciting challenge in modernizing its ballasted railway track through the implementation of double tracking and electrification of its railway system on the west coast of the peninsular. This includes the already completed Rawang-Ipoh Project, the ongoing Ipoh-Padang Besar Project and the Seremban-Gemas Project as well as the upcoming Gemas-Johor Bahru Project. Total project cost of the modernization of this ballasted railway track is approximately RM 30 billion. The modernized ballasted track is designed to replace the colonial track of 90 km/h top speed with the 140 km/h maximum operational speed which could go up to its limit of 160 km/h on certain stretches. This will directly reduce the transit time for both passengers and goods traffic which in return will stimulate developments and economic growth along its corridor. Once the network between Johor Bahru and Padang Besar is completed, it will further spur and enhance the growth of international container traffic through train services between the ports of Malaysia. It will definitely pave the way for the success of the Indonesia-Singapore-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Region. 2 1.2. FUNCTIONS OF TRACK COMPONENTS AND THE LOAD PATH The design of a railway system is typically divided into two main components namely the design of trains or rollingstock and the design of the supporting structure (Remennikov, Kaewunruen, 2008). It is expected that the track structures will guide and facilitate the safe, economic and smooth passages of any passenger and freight trains. By considering the static and dynamic loads acting on the track structure, railway track structures is primarily analysed and designed to avoid excessive loading which may induce damage to the track substructure and superstructure. This include track components such as rails, rail pads, mechanical fasteners and concrete sleepers (superstructure) as well as geotechnical systems such as ballast, sub-ballast and subgrade or formation (substructure). Fig. 1.1 shows the cross sectional layout of a typical ballasted track (Selig & Waters, 1994). Figure 1.1: Cross sectional layout of a typical ballasted track (Selig & Waters, 1994) As a longitudinal steel members positioned on the equally spaced sleepers, rails are the critical component in guiding the rolling stocks. Its main function is to accommodate and transfer the loads from the rolling stock to the supporting sleeper. With adequate strength and stiffness in the rails, a steady shape and smooth track is maintained and various forces exerted by travelling rolling stocks are resisted. In modern electrified track, rails had additional function of serving as an electrical conductor for railway signaling system. 3 Both mechanical fasteners and rail pads are the primary components of the fastening systems. Apart from keeping the rails in position on the sleepers, the mechanical fasteners withstand the three dimensional forces of vertical, lateral and longitudinal as well as the overturning movements of the track. Mechanical fastener also transfer forces caused by wheels, thermal change and natural hazard from rails to the adjacent set of sleepers. As the other primary components of the fastening systems, rail pads which are placed on the rail seat are essential in filtering and transferring the dynamic forces from the rails and mechanical fastener to the sleepers. The dynamic force is predominantly from the travelling rolling stocks and the high damping coefficient of the rail pads considerably reduces the excessive high-frequency force components to the sleepers. The resiliency provided by the rail pads to rail-sleeper interaction has resulted in the alleviation of rail seat cracking and contact attrition. Sleepers are part of the track component that rest transversely on the ballast with respect to the longitudinal rail direction. It was first made using timber before evolving to steel, reinforced concrete and to the most common type seen today, prestressed concrete. This evolution is closely related to improve durability and longer service life span. In terms of its functionality, sleepers are critical in (i) providing support and restraint to the rail in vertical, longitudinal and lateral direction, (ii) transfering load from the rail foot to the underlying ballast bed, and (iii) retaining proper gauge and inclination of the rail by keeping anchorage for the rail fastening system. Underneath the sleepers in providing tensionless elastic support is ballast, a free-draining coarse aggregate layer typically composed of crushed stones, gravel, and crushed gravel. Depending on the local availability, basalt and granite are usually the selected material for ballast due to its strength characteristic for load transfer. In between the ballast and the underlying subgrade is sub-ballast, commonly composed of broadly graded slag, broadly sand-gravel or crushed aggregate. The last support to sustain and distribute the resultant downward dynamic loading along its infinite depth is subgrade or also known as formation. Subgrade includes existing soil and rock as well as other structures such as pile embankment and the recent high performance materials of geotextiles and 4 geofabrics. To prolong track serviceability, the infinite depth of subgrade must have adequate bearing capacity, provide good drainage and yield tolerable smooth settlement. 1.3. PROBLEM STATEMENT As reviewed by Doyle (1980), one of the main functions of prestressed concrete sleepers is to transfer the vertical loads to the ballast and formation. This vertical loads subject the sleeper to bending moment which is dependent on the pressure distribution exerted by the ballast underneath the sleeper. In practice, a uniform pressure distribution is assumed in design to calculate the static load capacity of the sleeper in withstanding the bending stresses. This also lead to a four point bending moment test at the rail seat in the laboratory (AS 1085.14-2003) based on the assumption that the sleepers would behave similar to those of the in-situ ones. (Remennikov, Murray, Kaewunruen, 2008) However, this assumption is not completely true as the bearing pressure distribution on the sleeper-ballast interaction is mainly depending on the degree of voids in the ballast underneath the sleeper. The major influence factors in determining the degree of voids are the traffic loading and train speed. Both factors are time dependent as cumulative effect of the traffic loading at various speeds will gradually change the structure of the ballast and the subgrade. A remarkable effort by Talbot (1913-1940), other researchers and standards have postulated a set of hypothetical bearing pressure distribution on the sleeper-ballast interaction and their corresponding bending moment diagrams. Therefore, quantifying the rail seat load and the bearing pressure distribution is the most critical steps in designing the sleeper to withstand vertical loading. Numerical analysis using a commercial finite element package, LUSAS, was carried out to check on the assumption made on the laboratory test as well as to check whether the assumption of uniform pressure will provide an overestimate of 5 the sleeper’s static load capacity in relative to other hypothetical bearing pressure distribution. The preliminary applied rail seat load in the design and numerical analysis will be based on 20 tonne axle load which is the maximum imposed load as regulated by the Malaysian Railway Authority although it is acknowledged excessive wheel load over 400 kN due to wheel or rail abnormalities may occur once or twice in the sleeper’s design life span of 50-100 years (Kaewunruen, Remennikov, 2009). This is considered a rare event and it is not economic to design sleeper for such a high static load capacity. Subsequently, the rail seat load will be increased if the bending stress limit is not exceeded. If the bending stress is exceeded prior to rail seat load based on 20 tonne axle load, a lower load will be applied to predict what load the sleepers will fail under flexure. 6 1.4 . OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objective of this study are : a) To develop two-dimensional model of presetressed concrete sleepers using finite element analysis modelling; b) To compare the finite element analysis model with the load-deflection response of the centre negative moment experimental test as previously conducted by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a); c) To verify if the assumed uniform bearing pressure distribution on the sleeper-ballast interaction is not underestimating the design if other hypothetical bearing pressure distribution pattern occurs; d) To predict the maximum vertical static loading capacity at crack initiation stage and ultimate state on various hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns. 7 1.5. SCOPES OF THE STUDY The scope of this study are : a) To review the analysis and design of monoblock prestressed concrete sleepers by referring to Section 4 of AS 1085.14-2003 as practiced by the track designer of KTM Double Track Projects; b) To perform numerical analysis using finite element software, LUSAS, with various hypothetical bearing pressure distribution on the sleeper-ballast interaction as the controlled variable. c) To apply specification of sleeper dimension, rail seat loading, material properties and other technical parameters based on the centre negative bending moment test carried out by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a). The ballast stiffness will be based on technical specification used in KTM Double Track Project. d) To only consider quasi-static wheel loads in the full scale experiments and numerical analysis, impact loads are omitted. e) To only consider independent, closely spaced, discrete and linearly elastic springs for the beams on elastic foundation. Continuum approach is omitted as effects on local pressure distribution are assumed negligible in the transverse direction of the track. 8 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. DEVELOPMENT OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLEEPERS As described by Taylor (1993), the need for replacement of timber sleepers emerged in the United Kingdom at the start of World War 2. This is mainly due to the scarcity of the material for mass production of sleepers in new railway lines, the introduction of Continous Welded Rail track, the advancement of concrete technology and pre-stressing techniques (Esveld, 2001). Thus, both reinforced concrete sleepers and prestressed concrete sleepers designs were concurrently developed respectively by the Chief Civil Engineer’s Department of London Midland and Scottish Railway as well as Dr. Mautner from The Prestressed Concrete Company in the early 1940’s. In 1941, two designs of reinforced concrete sleepers were manufactured and tested in branch line near Derby. In the following year, 100 of them were laid in the Mainline near Watford and survived for just 10 days. This testing was valuable for providing the experience in strain measurement and highlighting the difficulties of carrying out research on the real track. On 21 February 1943, the first prestressed concrete sleepers were laid in the west coast mainline at Chedington. The durability of the prestressed concrete sleepers was found to be better than reinforced concrete sleepers. This is the starting point to the use of prestressed concrete as the preferred sleepers in railway lines across the world. 9 2.2. PRESTRESSED AS THE PREFERRED CONCRETE SLEEPERS In discussing the work by Thomas (1944), Dr. Mautner share the design basis of the first prestressed concrete sleepers. Permissible stresses concept was covered in some details and repetition test undertaken by Freyssinet in 1936 was referred (Taylor, 1993). According to Dr. Mautner (Thomas, 1944), the bond between concrete and steel bars in reinforced concrete sleepers was very sensitive to repeated loading. This is principally due to the inability of the steel bars to response to the plasticity of the concrete in tension. As a result, slipping would occur between the steel bars and the concrete and a considerable degree of cracking in the concrete take place without actually leading to failure. On the contrary, apart from the development length of the prestressing strands, discrepancy was non-existent between the steel and concrete strains in the prestressed concrete as long as no crack developed. Thus, the concrete is only in compression state instead of tension and both steel and concrete will identically elongates under loading. The difference between the behavior of prestressed and reinforced concrete sleepers lead to different basis in design. Unless the reinforced concrete sleepers are very heavy and deep, cracking will inevitably occur and its design will be base on crack should not increase rapidly under repetitions loading in order to prolong its service life thus minimizing replacement. In contrast, no crack should occur during the service life forms the basis in the design of prestressed concrete sleepers. As crack in concrete sleepers will significantly increase the bond stress and lead to reduced capacity, prestressed concrete sleepers is more durable under repeated static load hence is preferable as compared to reinforced concrete sleepers. 10 2.3. LOAD ASSESSMENT ON PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLEEPERS As described by Taylor (1993), the American Railway Engineering Association (AREA) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) had set up special committees under the chairmanship of Professor A.N. Talbot in 1913 to initiate a scientific study on the deformations and stresses in railway track. A consistent research between 1918 and 1940 has produced seven important reports through the development of data and the establishment of procedures for laborary tests and track trials. The Talbot Committee had use fixed reference locations to measure the rail displacement beneath different wheel configuration - single wheels and pairs of wheels of normal passenger coach and complete locos. Valuable data on the distribution of wheel loads along the rail to the adjacent sleepers was obtained. The Talbot Committee also measured the sleeper’s deformation to determine the ballast’s bearing pressure distributions on sleeper soffits and at depth. Laboratory test of sleeper on ballast bed was carried out by measuring the pressure on the ballast through embedment of pressure capsules in the ballast. Then, the scientific study by the Talbot Committee went on to consider stresses in rails and joints as well as determining the effect of flat spots on wheels and the consequential imposed stresses on rails. Johansen (1944) described the work by the Research Department of London Midland and Scottish Railway on reinforced concrete sleepers laid at Cheddington main line from 1942 as well as timber sleepers. The experiments were conducted by fitting the strain gauges on different position of the sleepers and placed in track for monitoring. Eleven conclusions were reported by Johansen. One of the conclusions recognizes ballast as support to the sleeper is the most influential variable in affecting sleeper stresses. It appears that sleeper stresses are linearly correlated in general with load and speed under identical sleeper design, type and spacing. It also appears that concrete sleepers had three times as much variation in stresses as compared to wood sleepers. This is due to the greater stiffness of the concrete sleepers and ductility of the wooden sleeper to flex to the 11 contour of the ballast surface to the extent that any increase in a given load would cause relatively further increase in stress of the wooden sleeper (Thomas, 1944). Further tests were carried put at Cheddington by Thomas (1944). The focus was to study the forces to which a concrete sleeper is subjected rather than the effects of these forces. This includes investigation of the chair reaction and the distribution of ballast pressure reaction under the sleeper using load cells and ‘ball sandwich’ respectively. ‘Ball sandwich’ is formed by laying out ball bearings regularly between two separated metal plates. It was fixed to the soffit of the sleeper to be in contact with the ballast. The ballast pressure distribution was estimated by measuring the width of the balls indentation into the outer steel leaves of the sandwich and used with the information from the calibration. It appears that in any particular day, there was usually no great variation between a sleeper and the other. However, the local variation in the intensity of the ballast’s bearing pressure distribution underneath a sleeper was considerable. This is due to the slight rearrangement of the ballast which leads to points of high pressure as the sleeper lifts a little on the approach of the train. Although the ballast aggregate that causing the local pressure increase were soon pushed down, others were continually being displaced. Thomas (1944) also suggested that the method of packing the ballast beneath the sleeper contribute to the difference in the ballast’s bearing pressure distribution. It is interesting to note that ballast’s bearing pressure distribution in the middle of the sleeper was occasionally observed due to the initial conditions of the ballast during laying of the sleeper. As time from laying increases, the ballast’s bearing pressure distribution in the center of the sleeper was slowly reduced to zero as the continual packing under the rails lead to transfer of the ballast’ bearing pressure distribution nearer to the rail. After decades of research on understanding the interaction between sleeper and ballast, Sadeghi (2005) compiled the work of researchers and International Standards on the proposed hypothetical bearing pressure distribution under railway sleepers as shown in Table 2.1. 12 Table 2.1 : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution of sleeper (Sadeghi, 2005) Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure Developers Remarks ORE, Talbot Laboratory test ORE, Talbot, Tamped either side Bartlett Clarke of rail 3 ORE, Talbot Principal bearing on rails 4 ORE, Talbot Maximum intensity at the ends 5 Talbot Maximum intensity in the middle 6 Talbot Center bound 7 Talbot Flexure of sleeper produces variations form 1 2 ORE, Talbot, 8 Kerr, Schramm 9 ORE, Talbot AREA, Raymond, 10 Talbot Well tamped sides Stabilized rail seat and sides Uniform pressure Sadeghi (2005) has developed a finite element model to investigate the stress distribution patterns under the sleeper and the deflection of the sleeper. Spring supports that represent the ballast stiffness have been adopted in the finite element modeling. 13 2.4. BEAMS ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION AND THE BALLAST STIFFNESS As described by Teodoru (2009), the analysis of bending of beams on elastic foundation firstly developed by Winkler in 1867 assuming that the reaction forces of the foundation are proportional at every point to the deflection of the beam at that point. The vertical deformation characteristics of the foundation are defined by independent, closely spaced, discrete and linearly elastic springs as shown in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1 : Deflections of elastic foundations under uniform pressure: a – Winkler foundation; b – practical soil foundation (Teodoru, 2009) Although significant research to improve the deficiencies of the Winkler model in the displacement discontinuity has been developed, discrete and linearly elastic springs will be applied to the support condition of the numerical analysis model. This is under the assumption that the effect of local ballast’s bearing pressure distribution beneath the individual sleeper in the transverse direction of the track is negligible as compared to set of sleepers in the longitudinal direction. Zhai et. al (2004) described the work by Ahlbeck et al. (1978) which assumed stresses of the ballast are uniformly distributed over the cone region and zero outside the cone. The inclination of the cone is the ballast stress pervasion angle corresponding to the Poisson’s ratio. Therefore, the effective active region of the ballast under each sleeper can be determined as shown in Figure 2.2. 14 Figure 2.2 : Load distribution region in continuous granular ballast (Zhai et al., 2004) Under this assumption, the continous granular ballast could be modeled as a series of separate masses as shown in Figure 2.3 by which the analytical process is greatly simplified. Figure 2.3 : Model of ballast under one rail support point (Zhai et al., 2004) Figure 2.4 : The modified model of the ballast (Zhai et al., 2004) 15 Therefore, the supporting stiffness of a ballast mass, Kb is determined as: (2.1) where hb is the depth of ballast, le is the effective supporting length of half sleeper, lb is the width of sleeper underside, α is the ballast stress distribution angle and Eb is the elastic modulus of the ballast. 2.5. THE CENTRE NEGATIVE MOMENT TEST EXPERIMENT Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a) performed a centre negative moment test to investigate the rotational capacity of a monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper under static hogging moment. The schematic diagram for the experimental setup is shown in Figure 2.5. Figure 2.5 : Schematic diagram of centre negative moment test experiment (AS 1085.14-2003) 16 The boundary conditions, locations of supports and characteristics of loading for the test were carried out in accordance with the Australian Standards (AS 1085.14-2003). With a total length of about 2,700 mm, the rail gauge of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper is approximately 1,600 mm. It was supplied by an Australian manufacturer within the collaboration of the Australian Cooperative Research Center for Railway Engineering and Technologies (Rail CRC). A small rate displacement control with a loading rate of approximately 10 kN/min had been implemented for the test, in accordance to Australian Standards (AS 1085.14-2003) which had specify that the loading rate should not be greater than 25 kN/min. To measure the deflection at the point load, Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) was used. Figure 2.6 : Load-deflection results by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a) 17 Through visual inspection by the help of magnifying glass and the use of the load-deflection relation as shown in Figure 2.6, the visualized crack initiation load is about 79 kN and the measured one is about 75 kN. The measured crack initiation load was defined as the intersection between load-deflection relations in stages I and II (Gustavson, 2002). The maximum load was found as 133.3 kN. After performing the test, the concrete sleeper was drilled for material testing. This is important in investigating the mechanical properties of the concrete material. Subjected to uni-directional axial loading test, the displacement of the cored concrete under loading was measured using LDVT. This allows a nonlinear stress-strain curve of the concrete material to be plotted as shown in Figure 2.7. It was found that the compressive strength of the cored concrete is 88.5 MPa. Figure 2.7 : Multi-linear stress-strain curve of concrete by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a) 18 The prestressing tendon has also been tested and the plotted stress-strain curve is shown in Figure 2.8. It was found that each prestressing tendon has a proof stress of 1860 MPa and the measured initial strain due to prestressing is about 6.70 mm/m. Figure 2.8 : Multi-linear stress-strain curve of prestressing tendon by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a) 2.6. NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT MODEL OF RAILWAY PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLEEPER Subsequent to the center negative moment test experiment, Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006b) developed a three-dimensional nonlinear finite element model of railway presstressed concrete sleeper using ANSYS. The nonlinear model provides nonlinear response analyses of each material component’s complicated stress-strain behaviours. Prior to the exceedence of either the specified tensile or compressive strength of the concrete, the analyses are governed by the elastic linear behavior. Once the specified tensile or compressive strength of the concrete are exceeded by the principal stress at the integration points, there will be formation of cracking or crushing of the concrete. If the external load is continually applied, regions of 19 cracked and crushed concrete will form in perpendicular with the redistributed residual stresses to the direction of principal stress. Nonlinear iterative solver is required to model this behavior. a) Three-dimensional full scale model c) Cross section of the concrete sleeper b) Boundary conditions d) Solid and bar elements connectivity Figure 2.9 : Finite element model of prestressed concrete sleeper by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006b) To model the concrete, SOLID65 solid element was used. The solid element was facilitated by plasticity algorithm to model the compressive crushing of the concrete while nonlinear material model was used to accommodate the concrete cracking model in the tension zone. Discrete reinforcement modeling with truss elements, LINK 8, was utilized as the smeared crack analogy is impracticable due to the fully prestressed nature throughout the whole cross section of the concrete. The nonlinear finite element model is shown Figure 2.9. This is because in the smeared crack analogy, a given fraction of reinforcement volume is assumed to be distributed over the entire concrete element and the reinforcement’s strength reinforces the defined region of the concrete mesh. Perfect bonding between concrete and prestressing tendons in the discrete 20 reinforcement modeling was also assumed by the researcher as shown in Figure 2.10. (b) (a) Figure 2.10 : Model for reinforcement in finite element model (Tavarez, 2001): a) discrete; and b) smeared For the material models, four cases were investigated as shown in Table 2.2. Material properties inputs for the concrete model include its specified compressive strength (fc’) taken as 88.5 MPa. Modulus of Elasticity (Ec) as well as tensile strength (fct’) was based on the Australia Standard (AS 3600-2001) specified Ec = 5050 (fc’)0.5 and fct’ = 0.4 (fc’)0.5 , respectively. The Poisson’s ratio for the concrete was taken as 0.3. For the prestressing tendons model, the material properties inputs include 0.2% proof stress of 1,700 MPa, ultimate stress of 1,930 MPa and Elastic Modulus of 190 GPa. Table 2.2 : Material models used by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006b) in ANSYS Concrete Model Prestressing Tendon Model Material Tension Compression Distribution MAT1 Linear Elastic Linear Elastic Discrete Linear Elastic MAT2 Linear Elastic Discrete Linear Elastic MAT3 Linear Elastic Discrete Multi-linear Isotropic MAT4 Cracking Discrete Multi-linear Isotropic Multi-linear Isotropic Multi-linear Isotropic Multi-linear + Crushing properties 21 To model the nonlinear loading to failure that is consistent with the experimental data, the applied displacement technique was used for the loaddeflection analysis in order to facilitate the smooth convergence of numerical iterations of the loading. The pretensioning of the tendon that corresponds to prestressing force in the preliminary load stage was modeled by applying 6.70 mm/m initial strain to the tendon elements. To model the selfweight of the materials, the materials’ density was entered as a function of the gravitational acceleration of 9.81 ms-2 in the negative global Z-direction. Then, the load step that is consistent with the testing data was defined. The numerical results as shown in Figure 2.11 found that the linear range (from 0 to 65 kN of loading) of the concrete sleeper’s static behavior can be predicted using MAT1 model. Figure 2.11 : Load-deflection response of experimental and model of the prestressed concrete sleepers by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006b) 22 For the nonlinear models of MAT2 and MAT3, both gives similar results in the same loading range. The finding shows that MAT2 represents the nonlinear behavior better than MAT3 models. When subjected to larger displacements (after 10-15 mm), MAT2 model yields slightly higher than MAT3 model. It was found that MAT2 and MAT3 require 126 kN and 125 kN, respectively in comparison to the maximum experimental load of 133 kN. This gives 4.5% and 5.3% differences from the experimental results for the MAT2 and MAT3 model respectively. It is also noticed from the numerical results that MAT4 model that apply both cracking and crushing model are far from the experimental results due to the low tensile strength of concrete used thus resulting in lower load-deflection response than others. 2.7. CURRENT PRACTICE IN THE THEORETICAL ANALYSIS TO DESIGN SLEEPERS Zakeri and Sadeghi (2007) summarize the four main steps applied in current practices of the analysis and design of railway sleepers as reported by Grassie (1984). First, the design vertical wheel load is considered. This is a product of static wheel load and combined vertical design load factor of not less than 2.5. The combined vertical design load factor is established to make allowance for the effects of static load at speed and the effects of dynamic load in addition to the static wheel load (AS 1085.14-2003). As mentioned by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a), the influence of the dead load for prestressed concrete sleepers is negligible and the design vertical load can be expressed by wheel load alone (Wakui and Okuda, 1999) Second, the load transferred to the sleepers from the rails is defined as a percentage of the design vertical wheel load. This percentage is linearly correlated with the centre-to-centre spacing of the sleeper. AS 1085.14-2003 recommended for rails of equal to or heavier than 47 kg/m, centre-to-centre spacing of the sleeper 23 between 500 mm and 750 mm is used and the distribution factor to be adopted on a single sleeper are respectively ranging from 45 to 60 percent of the rail load. Product of design vertical wheel load and the distribution factor is the design rail seat load. Third, a pressure distribution pattern of the ballast beneath the sleeper is considered. AS 1085.14-2003 considers uniform pressure distribution beneath each rail seat which is dependent on the track gauge and sleeper length. However, the pressure distribution under the sleeper is very dependent on the condition of the sleeper-ballast interaction. A set of hypothetical contact pressure distribution for sleeper-ballast interaction has been reported by Sadeghi (2005). Fourth, after assuming loading pattern on rail-sleeper interaction and pressure distribution on sleeper-ballast interaction, bending moment at the rail seat and at the centre of the sleeper are calculated. Thus, capacity of the sleeper will be designed according to this calculated bending moment, which is resulted from the action of vertical static load from the rail onto the sleeper. It is to be noted that only flexural stresses is checked through calculation if the design is complied with all clauses in AS 1085.14-2003, specifically related to shape and dimension of the prestressed concrete sleeper. However, prestressed concrete sleepers capacity to carry shear and principal tension could be measured by carrying out load test. In addition to its static load capacity, the performance of sleepers is also measured in terms of its capability to withstand lateral and longitudinal loading. The contributing factors to these include the sleeper size, shape, surface geometry, weight and spacing (Doyle, 1980). 24 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. INTRODUCTION A set of numerical analysis of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleepers was performed by developing two-dimensional nonlinear plane stress finite element models using LUSAS. Nonlinear models were developed to analyse the nonlinear response of each material components that possess complicated stress-strain behavior (Kaewunruen and Remennikov, 2006b) (see Section 2.6). The concrete was modeled using plane stress elements (QPM8) and the prestressing wire using bar element (BAR3). Perfect bonding was assumed between these two elements due to the superposition of nodal degrees of freedom. To simulate the nonlinear behavior of multi-crack concrete in tension and compression, concrete’s plane stress elements (QPM8) was assigned with crushing material model (LUSAS’ Model 84), based on a multi-surface plasticity approach. The nonlinear behavior of the prestressing wire was simulated by assigning von Mises stress potential model to the prestressing wire’s bar element (BAR3). The two-dimensional nonlinear plane stress finite element model of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper was first validated by evaluating the loaddeflection relationship from the experimental work carried out by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a) (see section 2.5). Once validated, the support of the concrete sleeper model was replaced using elastic spring support element to represent the ballast stiffness. The support element was also distributed according to the hypothetical bearing pressure distribution pattern. To predict the load at failure 25 through nonlinear iterative algorithms, incremental load analysis utilizing the Newton Raphson method as modeled in LUSAS was applied. 3.2. FINITE ELEMENT MODEL FOR THE CENTRE NEGATIVE MOMENT EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The finite element model of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper was first modelled according to the center negative moment experimental setup as conducted by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a) (see section 2.5). This finite element model considered all parameters identical to the experimental setup for validation of the initial results. 3.2.1. CREATING A NEW MODEL A new model was created by starting the LUSAS Modeller session. A LUSAS Modeller Startup window will prompt and Create new model was selected. If continuing from an existing LUSAS Modeller session, the menu command File > New was selected to start a new model file. Subsequently in the New Model window, File details and Model details were entered as shown in Figure 3.1. 26 Figure 3.1 : Inputs for File details and Model details in New Model window The group of kN, mm, kt, s and C were selected to represent the units for the loading, length, mass, time and temperature, respectively. 3.2.2. DEFINING THE GEOMETRY To start defining the geometry, 14 segments of connected line were created through the menu command Geometry > Line > Coordinates. Coordinates as listed in Appendix 1.A. were entered into the Enter Coordinates window and the OK button was clicked to finish. Figure 3.2 : Selected segments of Line geometry 27 By selecting all segments of connected line as shown in Figure 3.2, a series of surface were then created through the menu command Geometry > Surface > By Sweeping. Sweep window as shown in Figure 3.3 will prompt and translation value of 30.0 mm in Y direction was entered to create the surface geometry. Figure 3.3 : Surface geometry creation by line sweeping With all segments of connected line at the top of each surface were selected in each case, the above processes were repeated five times to create the surface geometry as shown in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.4 : Surface geometry of concrete excluding the increased section at the rail seat 28 `To create the enlarged section at the rail seat, the respective segments of connected line were selected and translation of 40 in Y direction was entered in the Sweep window to create the surface geometry as shown in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.5 : Increased section at the rail seat The last step in defining the geometry was to create the three point surface that chamfer the rail seat. This chamfer was useful in reducing the stress concentration at the change of section between rail seat and the rest of the sleeper. By selecting the respective three points as shown in Figure 3.6, the three points surface was created through the menu command Geometry > Surface > Points. Select Type window will prompt and General Surface type was selected and the OK button was clicked to finish. Figure 3.6 : Surface geometry for the chamfer at rail seat 29 3.2.3. DEFINING THE MESH – PRESTRESSING TENDON The prestressing tendon was modelled using line mesh through the menu command Attributes > Mesh > Line. On the prompted Line Mesh window, twodimensional Bar structural element type with Quadratic Interpolation Order were selected under the Element description option. Alternatively, BAR3 element was entered under the Element name option. Bar element was selected to model the prestressing tendon because of its behavior which acts in axial tension and compression only. To create a uniform mesh, Element length of 40.0 mm was entered. For identification, this attributes was named Bar element 40 mm and the summary of the attributes is shown in Figure 3.7. Figure 3.7 : Structural bar element definition for the line mesh to model the prestressing tendons 30 3.2.4. DEFINING THE MESH – CONCRETE The concrete was modelled using surface mesh through the menu command Attributes > Mesh > Surface. On the prompted Surface Mesh window, Plane Stress’ Structural element type of Quadrilateral Element shape and Quadratic Interpolation order were selected under the Element description option. Alternatively, QPM8 element was entered under the Element name option. Plane Stress element was selected to model the concrete because of the smaller z dimension of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper as compared to the in-plane x and y dimensions. With the load to act only in this x-y plane, the normal stress and the shear stress normal to the plane were assumed to be zero. Regular mesh was selected and named as Plane stress for ease of identification. The summary of the attributes is shown in Figure 3.8. Figure 3.8 : Structural plane stress element definition for the surface mesh to model the concrete 31 To further control the mesh density and also to have regular mesh quadrilateral shape, non-structural Line mesh with 40 mm spacing and one division of spacing were created. Both attributes were named as None 40 mm and None 1 spacing, respectively. 3.2.5. DEFINING THE GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES The inputs for geometric properties were needed for structural element meshes namely the bar elements (BAR3) and the plane stress elements (QPM8). Figure 3.9 : The cross sectional area to model the geometric line for 4 nos. prestressing tendons For the bar elements (BAR3), the menu command Attributes > Geometric > Line was selected to prompt the Geometric Line window. Two attributes need to be created for 4 nos prestressing tendons and 6 nos prestressing tendons, respectively. To be consistent with the element’s structural type, the Bar/Link tab was selected to prompt for input of the Cross sectional area (A) of the tendon. A value of 78.5 mm2 32 and 117.8 mm2 were entered as the cross sectional area value for 4 nos prestressing tendons and 6 nos prestressing tendons respectively. The calculation for cross sectional area for the prestressing tendon is shown in Appendix 1.B. and the summary for the 4 nos prestressing tendon attributes is shown in Figure 3.9. For the plane stress elements (BAR3), the menu command Attributes > Geometric > Surface was selected to prompt the Geometric Surface window. Thickness value of 245.0 mm was entered and named as Concrete thickness as shown in Figure 3.10. Figure 3.10: The concrete thickness to model the Geometric Surface for the concrete 3.2.6. DEFINING THE MATERIAL PROPERTIES – PRESTRESSING TENDON The prestressing tendon will be defined with the nonlinear material properties which require the specification of yield stresses that is based on the multi linear stress-strain curve from the prestressing tendon material testing when defining the yield surface (LUSAS, 2008a). To define the nonlinear material properties of the prestressing tendon, the menu command Attributes > Material > Isotropic was selected to prompt the Isotropic window. On the Elastic tab, Young’s modulus of 190.0 kN/mm2, 33 Poisson’s ratio of 0.27 and Mass density of 8.0E-12 kt/mm3 were entered as shown in Figure 3.11. Figure 3.11 : The isotopic material properties of the prestressing tendon in elastic region For the prestressing tendon to behave in nonlinear manner, the Plastic option was selected for the Plastic tab to appear. Von Mises’ Stress potential model with hardening properties option was selected. Among the three methods in defining the nonlinear hardening of the prestressing tendon, the Total strain option was selected as a direct input from the multi linear stress-strain curve from the material testing (see Figure 2.8) could be directly applied. The tensile stress and strain value for σ1, ε1, σ2 and ε2 were 1.86 kN/mm2, 0.0097895, 1.93 kN/mm2 and 0.053 respectively. 34 This attributes is named as Prestressing Tendon Material and the summary is as shown in Figure 3.12. Figure 3.12 : The isotopic material properties of the prestressing tendon in plastic region using von Mises Stress Potential model 3.2.7. DEFINING THE MATERIAL PROPERTIES – CONCRETE The concrete will be defined with the multi-crack Concrete model (Model 94) to simulate the nonlinear behavior of the concrete. These plastic-damagecontact models will form damage planes according to a principal stress criterion before it develop as embedded rough contact planes. To control the basic softening curve used in the model, a fixed softening curve that is applicable to reinforced concrete applications or a fracture-energy controlled softening curve that depends 35 on the element size and applicable to un-reinforced concrete applications could be applied (LUSAS, 2008b). To define the nonlinear material properties of the concrete, the menu command Attributes > Material > Isotropic was selected to prompt the Isotropic window. On the Elastic tab, Young’s modulus of 47.5 kN/mm2 (see Appendix 1.C.), Poisson’s ratio of 0.30 and Mass density of 2.5E-12 kt/mm3 were entered as shown in Figure 3.13. Figure 3.13 : The isotopic material properties of the concrete in elastic region For the concrete to behave in nonlinear manner, the Plastic option is selected for the Plastic tab to appear. Concrete model (Model 94) with Reinforced concrete option was selected. Based on the multi linear stress-strain curve from the concrete material testing (see Figure 2.7), the value for Uniaxial compressive strength (fc’), Uniaxial tensile strength (fct’) and Strain at peak uniaxial compression (εc) were entered as 0.0885 kN/mm2, 0.009 kN/mm2 and 0.0037 respectively. Other parameters value were entered recommendation and explanation provided by LUSAS (2008b). according to the 36 This attributes is named as Concrete Material and the summary is as shown in Figure 3.14. Figure 3.14 : The isotopic material properties of the concrete in plastic region using Concrete model (Model 94) 3.2.8. ASSIGNING ATTRIBUTES TO THE PRESTRESSING TENDONS After defining the attributes for the line’s mesh, geometric properties and material properties, these attributes will be assigned to the prestressing tendon’s lines geometry in order for it to behave as prestressing tendons in the model. This was done by first selecting the respective lines geometry that represents the prestressing tendons as shown in Figure 3.15. 37 Figure 3.15 : Selection of lines geometry that represents the prestressing tendons Subsequently, the selected lines’ geometry were meshed with the bar element by dragging the Bar element 40 mm attributes from the Attributes treeview and dropped into the Graphics window. This step must not be preceded by geometric properties and material properties assignment as any structural element shall be meshed first to activate the finite element model. With the prestressing tendon’s line geometry still selected, the 4 nos prestressing tendons and 6 nos prestressing tendons of the geometric properties as well as the Prestressing Tendon Material of the material properties were dragged from the Attributes treeview and dropped into the Graphics window. To check whether all respective attributes has been assigned to the respective prestressing tendon’s line geometry, the respective line on the Graphic window was right-clicked and the Properties option was selected to prompt the Properties window as shown in Figure 3.16. The assigned attributes can be checked on the respective Mesh, Geometric and Material tabs. Figure 3.16 : The assigned properties on the selected line elements 38 3.2.9. ASSIGNING ATTRIBUTES TO THE CONCRETE Similar to prestressing tendons, the concrete need to be assigned with surface’s mesh, geometric properties and material properties that has been previously defined in order for all surface geometry in the model to behave as concrete. This was done by first selecting all surfaces geometry that represents the concrete as shown in Figure3.17. Figure 3.17 : Selection of surface geometry that represents the concrete. Subsequently, the surfaces geometry were meshed with the surface element by dragging the Plane Stress attributes from the Attributes treeview and dropped into the Graphics window. This step must not be preceded by geometric properties and material properties assignment as any structural element shall be meshed first to activate the finite element model. With the concrete’s surface geometry still selected, the Concrete thickness of the geometric properties attribute and the Concrete Material of the material properties attribute were dragged from the Attributes treeview and dropped into the Graphics window. Figure 3.18 : The meshed surface’s plane stress elements. From Figure 3.18, it can be seen that the surface mesh had irregular size of quadrilateral shape. A regular size of quadrilateral shape with low aspect ratio and corner angles of 90 degrees are targeted since the sections of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleepers does not differs greatly to each other thus low stress gradient region was expected. 39 To regulate the size of the quadrilateral shape, the horizontal perimeter lines as shown in Figure 3.19 were selected. Then the selected lines are meshed with None 40 mm attribute by dragging the non structural line from the Attributes treeview and dropped into the Graphic window. Figure 3.19 : Selection of line geometry for non-structural line element (None 40 mm) assignment Then, the vertical lines as shown in Figure 3.20 were selected in order to give an approximate aspect ratio of 1.0 to the quadrilateral shape. This was done by dragging None 1 spacing attribute from the Attributes treeview and dropped into the Graphic window to mesh the selected lines. Figure 3.20 : Selection of line geometry for non-structural line element (None 1 spacing) assignment As a result, a uniform and regular quadrilateral shape of surface mesh with low aspect ratio and 90 degrees corner for the plane stress elements of the concrete were created as shown in Figure 3.21. Thickness = 245 mm 180 mm 240 mm 1,600 mm 80 mm 2,680 mm 380 mm Figure 3.21 : Surface’s plane stress elements with low aspect ratio and 90 degrees quadrilateral shape and the model dimensions in LUSAS 40 3.2.10. SUPPORTS – CENTRE NEGATIVE MOMENT EXPERIMENTAL SETUP To simulate the support that is identical to the centre negative moment test setup (see Figure 2.5), the prestressed monoblock concrete sleeper model need to be rotated 180 degrees along the global Cartesian x-axis. This was done by selecting all elements of the model in the Graphic window, right-clicked and Move option was selected to prompt the Move window. Rotate option was then selected and about the X-axis, 180 degrees of rotational angle was entered as shown in Figure 3.22. Figure 3.22 : Rotate atttibutes in Move window Once rotated, the support for the monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper was defined by selecting the menu command Attributes > Support to prompt the Structural Supports window. On the Structural Supports tab, Translation in Y direction was fixed and the attribute is named Vertical Pin Support as shown in Figure 3.23. 41 Figure 3.23 : Structural support definition Then, the Vertical Pin Support was assigned to the centerline of the rail seat by first clicking the respective point before dragging the attribute from the Attributes treeview and dropped into the Graphic window. Assign Support window will prompt and Assign to points as well as All loadcase options were selected. Once OK to finish, the model was assigned with the Vertical Pin Support attribute as shown in Figure 3.24. Figure 3.24 : The assigned structural support on the model 42 3.2.11. LOADING – SELF WEIGHT The self weight of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper could be modeled by applying a gravity acceleration in the negative Y direction to the bar and plane stress elements that have been assigned with the respective mass density through material properties attribute. To define the self weight, the menu command Attributes > Loading was selected to prompt the Structural Loading window. On the Structural options Body Force was selected and clicked Next to enter -9.81E3 mms-2 for the Linear acceleration in Y direction as shown in Figure 3.25. The attribute was named Self Weight. Figure 3.25 : Body Force for the Self Weight To assign, all bar and plane stress elements were first selected before the Self Weight attribute was dragged from the Attributes treeview and dropped in the Graphic window. Loading Assignment window will prompt for the Assign to surface and Assign to lines to be selected with Loadcase 1 and Load factor of 1.0 to be entered as shown in Figure 3.26. 43 Figure 3.26 : Loading Assignment for the Self Weight Once OK to finish, the model was assigned with the Self Weight attribute as shown in Figure 3.27. Figure 3.27 : The assigned Self Weight loading on the model 3.2.12. LOADING – INITIAL STRAIN ON PRESTRESSING TENDONS The initial strain on prestressing tendons was modeled by selecting the menu command Attributes > Loading to prompt the Structural Loading window. On the Structural options Stress and Strain was selected and clicked Next to enter 6.7E-3 for the Initial Stress and Strain Type as shown in Figure 3.28. The attribute was named Initial Strain. 44 Figure 3.28 : The Initial Strain loading on the prestressing tendons By first selecting all structural bar elements (see Figure 3.15), the Initial Strain attribute was then dragged from the Attributes treeview and dropped in the Graphic window. Loading Assignment window will prompt to select for the Assign to lines with Loadcase 1 and Load factor of 1.0 were entered as shown in Figure 3.29. Figure 3.29 : Loading Assignment for the Initial Strain 45 Once OK to finish, the model was assigned with the Initial Strain attribute as shown in Figure 3.30. Figure 3.30 : The assigned Initial Strain loading on the model 3.2.13. LOADING – VERTICAL POINT LOAD SETUP FOR THE CENTRE NEGATIVE MOMENT TEST The centre negative moment test that was carried out in accordance with Australian Standards (AS 1085.14-2003) require the point load from a single source to be distributed on two points with each is located at 75 mm away from the centerline of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper (see Figure 2.5). To define the vertical point load, the menu command Attributes > Loading was selected to prompt the Structural Loading window. On the Structural options Concentrated was selected and clicked Next to enter -1.0 kN for the for the Concentrated load in Y Direction as shown in Figure 3.31. The attribute was named Vertical Point Load. 46 Figure 3.31 : The Vertical Point Load attributes By first selecting the respective two points, the Vertical Point Load attribute was then dragged from the Attributes treeview and dropped in the Graphic window. Loading Assignment window will prompt to select Assign to points with Loadcase 2 and Load factor of 1.0 were entered as shown in Figure 3.32. Figure 3.32 : Loading Assignment for the Vertical Point Load 47 Once OK to finish, the model was assigned with the Vertical Point Load attribute as shown in Figure 3.33. Figure 3.33 : The assigned Vertical Point Load on the model 3.2.14. NONLINEAR CONTROL As stress distribution is no longer possible to be directly obtained through equilibrium with a given set of external loads in the nonlinear analysis, the nonlinear control that is defined as a property of a loadcase could be applied in terms of incremental load. The incremental load will linearly predict the nonlinear response and the subsequent iterative corrections are performed to eliminate the out of balance or residual forces in order to restore the equilibrium. The extent of the achieved equilibrium state depends on the convergence criteria of the iterative corrections process. This solution procedure is commonly referred to as an incremental-iterative method as shown in Figure 3.34. In LUSAS, the nonlinear solution is based on the Newton-Raphson procedure (LUSAS, 2008c). Figure 3.34 : The incremental-iterative method for nonlinear solution 48 The nonlinear control need to be defined for both Loadcase 1 and Loadcase 2 on the Loadcase treeview. Loadcase 1 represents the constant unfactored load of the Self Weight and the Initial Strain whereas Loadcase 2 represents the incremental Vertical Point Loads applied 75 mm away from the centre of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper model. Loadcase 1 To define the nonlinear control for Loadcase 1, the Nonlinear and Transient was selected under the Controls option after right-clicking the Loadcase 1 icon on the Loadcase treeview tab as shown in Figure 3.35. Figure 3.35 : The nonlinear control of loadcase selection Nonlinear & Transient window will prompt as shown in Figure 3.36. The nonlinear option was selected and the Incrementation was set to Automatic to allow the Loadcase 1 to be factored by a fixed 1.0 Load factor as defined previously. This was done by setting the Starting load factor as 1.0, Max change in load factor as 0.0 and Max total load factor as 1.0. This setting means both Self Weight and Initial Strain will be factored as 1.0 initially and with no change in load factor, the max total load factor remains as 1.0. 49 Figure 3.36 : The nonlinear control for Loadcase 1 The Adjust load based on convergence option was selected to allow the Iterations per increment option to be activated and a value of 20 to be entered. Commonly, a value of between 10 and 20 were sufficient for the number of iterations per increment needed in the Newton-Raphson procedure. Max time steps or increments was set to default value of zero as there is no termination criteria set for Loadcase 1. On the Solution Strategy, Same as previous loadcase option was not selected. Max number of iterations was set to 25, an additional of 5 iterations of 20 as set for the Iterations per increment previously. To achieve convergence of the solution at each load increment of less than 0.1% of the reactions for the out of balance forces, the Residual force norm was set as 0.1 and the Incremental displacement norm was set to 1 for change in displacement to be less than 1% of the displacements for that load increment. 50 On the Advanced option in the Incrementation section, all default setting is maintained and Allow step reduction option is clicked as shown in Figure 3.37. Figure 3.37 : The Advanced nonlinear control for Loadcase 1 Loadcase 2 The procedures in defining the nonlinear control for Loadcase 2 were similar to Loadcase 1. For Loadcase 2, the Vertical Point Load will be factored by variable increments. This was done by setting the Starting load factor as 1.0, Max change in load factor as 2.0 and Max total load factor as 0.0. Limiting the Max change in load factor to 2.0 means that the second and subsequent load increment factors for the Vertical Point Load is restricted to a factor of 2.0 in order for sufficient points to be obtained thus load deflection behavior of the beam could be observed better. Max total load factor was set to zero for the solution to be terminated on limiting displacement at a certain point that will be set in the Advanced option of the Incrementation section. 51 All other inputs on the Nonlinear & Transient window for Loadcase 2 were identical to Loadcase 1 and the summary is shown in Figure 3.38. Figure 3.38 : The nonlinear control for Loadcase 2 To set the Termination criteria, a point on the midspan was selected first as shown in Figure 3.39. Figure 3.39 : The selected point at midspan to be set with Termination criteria 52 Then, after clicking the Advanced option in the Incrementation section on the Nonlinear & Transient window, Terminate on value of limiting variable was selected. The selected point at midspan will appear in the Point number drop down list and V that represents the vertical displacement as well as -40.0 that represents 40.0 mm in negative direction were entered in the Variable type and Value termination criteria respectively. Other settings were similar to Loadcase 1 and the summary of the Advanced Nonlinear Incrementation Parameters is shown in Figure 3.40. Figure 3.40 : The Advanced nonlinear control for Loadcase 2 3.2.15. RUNNING THE ANALYSIS Now, the model is complete and it is ready for analysis. To run the analysis, the Solve Now button was clicked. 53 3.2.16. VIEWING THE RESULTS Once the analysis for the model completed, the results will be loaded on top of the model and the 1:Increment 1 Load Factor = 1.00000 of Loadcase 1 was set to active by default. Any load increment can be set to active by right-clicking on the particular Increment Load Factor and select the Set Active option as shown in Figure 3.41. Figure 3.41 : Setting the Increment Load Factor to active To view the deformed shape, right-clicked in a blank part of the Graphic window that has no selected features and select the Deformed mesh option to add the deformed mesh layer to the Layer treeview. Alternatively, the menu command View > Insert Layer > Deformed mesh was selected to prompt the Properties window and commonly the defaults setting was applied. To only display the deformed mesh as shown in Figure 3.42, other layers such as Geometry, Attribute and Mesh layers were disabled. 54 Figure 3.42 : The deformed mesh The load-deflection graph at the midspan could be plotted by using the Graph Wizard. This was done by first identifying the respective nodal number of the intended load and deflection values that need to be plotted. The nodal number could be displayed by right-clicking in a blank part of the Graphic window that has no selected features and select the Labels option to prompt the Properties window. Then, Node’s Name with Label attributes using IDs are selected to display the nodal number as shown in Figure 3.43. Figure 3.43 : The nodal number To plot the load-deflection graph of nodal number 45 as shown in Figure 3.44, the menu command Utilities > Graph Wizard was selected to prompt the Graph Wizard window and Time history type was chosen. For X Attribute of the Time History Graph, Nodal for the Entity data with All Loadcases for the Sample loadcases option were selected. For the input of the Nodal data, Displacement in y 55 direction of DY were selected and nodal number 45 was specified as the single node. For Y Attribute of the Time History Graph, Nodal for the Entity data with All Loadcases for the Sample loadcases option were selected. For the input of the Nodal data, Loading in y direction of FY are selected and nodal number 45 was specified as the single node. Figure 3.44 : Load-deflection response from the Graph Wizard The stress distribution on the model could be viewed by right-clicking in a blank part of the Graphic window that has no selected features and selects the Contours option to prompt the Properties window. To view the component of principal stress in the x direction as shown in Figure 3.45, Stress – Plane Stress option with SX Component were selected in the respective drop down list. It is reminded that the viewed stress distribution corresponds to the activated Increment Load Factor case. 56 Figure 3.45 : Principal stresses distribution in global x-direction (SX) As the Concrete Material attributes was assigned with the multi-crack Concrete model (Model 94) to simulate the nonlinear behavior of the concrete, the crack pattern on the concrete could be viewed in the results. This is done by rightclicking in a blank part of the Graphic window that has no selected features and selects the Vectors option to prompt the Properties window. To view the crack patterns as shown in Figure 3.46, Stress – Plane Stress option of Crack type were selected in its respective drop down list. It is reminded that the crack patterns correspond to the activated Increment Load Factor case. Figure 3.46 : Crack pattern on the model Alternatively, the change of stress and crack pattern can be animated instead of viewing the results individually for each loadcase. To animate the results, the menu command Utilities > Animation Wizard was selected to prompt the Animation Wizard window and Load history was chosen for the Animation type. With All loadcase option selected, the animated results of all loadcase will be displayed in the Animation window as shown in Figure 3.47. 57 Figure 3.47 : Animation Wizard to display animated results of all loadcase To save the animation for replay in windows player, the animation was saved by selecting the menu command File > Save As AVI when the Animation window was still active. Save As window will prompt and selected file name was entered for the automatic .avi file extension. Once Save button was clicked, the Video Compression window as shown in Figure 3.48 will prompt and Microsoft Video 1 as the Compressor with Compression Quality of 100 percent were selected. Figure 3.48 : Compressing the animation using Microsoft Video 1 compressor 58 3.3. FINITE ELEMENT MODEL WITH THE HYPOTHETICAL BEARING PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS Once the finite element model has been validated with the experimental results, the study was continued with the distribution of the spring support element that follows the hypothetical bearing pressure distribution pattern (see Table 2.1) under the bottom of the previously validated monoblock presstressed concrete sleeper model. This is to predict the failure load of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper under various hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns. 3.3.1. SUPPORT – HYPOTHETICAL BEARING PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS To start, the validated model used for the centre negative moment experiment is rotated 180 degrees along the X-axis and saved as different file name for each hypothetical bearing pressure distribution pattern. The important first step in assigning a variable spring support stiffness that represents the hypothetical pressure distribution was to add identification number onto each line segments on the bottom of the monoblock prestressed concrete sleeper model as shown in Figure 3.49. Figure 3.49 : Identification of line segments 59 By taking the Principal bearing on rails (see Table 2.1) as an example, line segment with identification number 3 was clicked and the menu command Utilities > Variation > Line was selected to prompt the Line Variation window. On the Line Variation window, Interpolation Type was chosen and Linear was specified as the Order with Distance type as Parametric. Then, the corresponding parametric distance and spring support stiffness value were entered in Distance (x) and Value (y) boxes respectively (also see Table A.2.3.2, Appendix 2.3.A.). This utility was named as Segment 3 as shown in Figure 3.50. Once OK button was clicked, Segment 3 utility will appear in Utilities treeview. Figure 3.50 : Spring support stiffness’ Line Variation inputs for Segments 3 After defining Segment 3 utility, it will be used in defining the spring stiffness value. This was done by selecting the menu command Attributes > Support to prompt the Structural Support window. For Translation in Y Direction, Spring stiffness was chosen to allow for the input value to be entered. On the input box, variation attribute option was clicked in order to select the previously defined Segment 3 utility in the drop down list as shown in Figure 3.51. 60 Figure 3.51 : Selecting Segment 3 as the Variation Attribute for the spring support stiffness assignment Once OK button on the Select A Variation Attribute window was clicked, the spring stiffness value was assigned as 1*Segment 3. Then, the attribute was named as Ballast stiffness – Segment 3 and the summary of the assigned structural support is shown in Figure 3.52. Figure 3.52 : Structural supports to represent the ballast stiffness at Segment 3 61 This process is repeated for the remaining 13 segments of line by entering the corresponding value of Distance (x) and Value (y) as listed in Appendix 2.1.A. until Appendix 2.10.A. The completed assignment of variable spring support stiffness to represents the Principal bearing on rails’ hypothetical pressure distribution pattern (see Appendix 2.3.A.) is shown in Figure 3.53. Figure 3.53 : Spring support that represents the ballast stiffness for Principal bearing on rails scenario 62 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1. VALIDATION OF LUSAS’ NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT MODEL Prior to performing a numerical analysis on static load capacity of prestressed concrete sleepers under hypothetical bearing pressure distribution, the LUSAS’ nonlinear finite element model of the prestressed concrete sleeper is validated with the experimental load-deflection response as performed by Kaewunruen and Remennikov (2006a) (see Section 2.5). The comparison of load-deflection responses between experimental and LUSAS’ nonlinear finite element model is shown in Figure 4.1. Gustavson (2002) has defined crack initiation as the intersection between load-deflection relations in stages I and II. This method provides a slightly higher cracking load as compared to reading the first deviation point from the linear elastic region into the plastic region of the load-deflection relationship. From the cracking pattern, it is noted that the first crack of both experimental and nonlinear finite element model are in flexure. By referring to Figure 4.1, the measured crack initiation load from the experimental results was approximately 75 kN while the LUSAS model is approximately 78 kN. The difference is approximately 4.0%. 63 140 Ultimate load ≈ 133 kN 130 Load at initiation of crack ≈ 78 kN 120 110 Ultimate load ≈ 131 kN 100 Load (kN) 90 80 70 Load at initiation of crack ≈ 75 kN 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Deflection (mm) Experimental results 30 35 40 LUSAS model Figure 4.1 : Comparison of load-deflection response between experimental results and LUSAS model By applying the incremental loading after first cracking of both experimental and LUSAS’s model, the prestressed concrete sleeper behaves plastically and reaches its ultimate load and failed. From Figure 4.1, the ultimate load from the experimental results was approximately 133 kN while the LUSAS model is approximately 131 kN. The difference is approximately 1.5%. From the comparison with the experimental results, it is found that the LUSAS’ model can provide good prediction of measured crack initiation load and ultimate load. This validation allows the LUSAS’ model to perform numerical analysis on static load capacity of prestressed concrete sleepers under hypothetical bearing pressure distribution . 64 4.2. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS ON STATIC LOAD CAPACITY OF THE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLEEPERS UNDER HYPOTHETICAL BEARING PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION The validated LUSAS’ model is then used to perform numerical analysis on static load capacity of prestressed concrete sleepers under hypothetical bearing pressure distribution (see Table 2.1). Three load points are of particular importance in reading the results of (i) cracking load, ultimate load and crack patterns; (ii) load-deflection response at first cracking point; (iii) vertical deflection along the sleepers length; and (iv) the principal stress distribution in x-direction on the first crack section. These load points are : i. L1 - Unloaded with external load; ii. L2 - Load at initiation of crack; and iii. L3 - Load at ultimate state. All results is then analysed and validated with the work done by previous researchers (Kaewunruen and Remennikov, 2006a) (see Section 2.5 and 2.6) in order to propose the static load capacity of the prestressed concrete sleepers under different scenarios of hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns. Subsequently, comparisons are made with the designed static load capacity and the experimental result. Appendix 2 shows each result on every scenario of the hypothetical bearing pressure distributions while the designed static load capacity and the experimental results are shown in Appendix 3. 65 4.2.1. CRACKING LOAD, ULTIMATE LOAD AND CRACK PATTERNS By referring to Table 4.1, the first crack occurs beneath the rail seat in all scenarios except for Item No. 8 where the first crack occurs at top chamfer. As the external vertical load at rail seat increases, the crack propagates until the sleeper fails at its ultimate capacity. All cracks occur in flexure. The cracking patterns shows that the most critical part of the prestressed concrete sleeper is at its rail seat as it is where the first crack occurs and had the most damaging crack at its ultimate capacity. Other affected parts that cracks at ultimate load include the top and bottom surface at the center of the prestressed concrete sleeper. There is consistency between the vertical deflection and the stress distributions pattern in the principal x-direction along the prestressed concrete sleeper. The principal stress in x-direction is in flexural tensile on the particular surface that deflects vertically along the sleeper’s length. The cracking load for first crack that occurs beneath the rail seat ranges between 435 kN and 485 kN while for first crack that occurs at top chamfer is 255 kN. These values are higher than the designed rail seat load of 125.9 kN for the 20 tonne axle load requirement as well as 164.0 kN and 198.0 kN for the first crack that occurs during negative and positive moment test at the rail seat respectively (see Appendix 3). At ultimate state, the prestressed concrete sleepers fail at load ranges between 644 kN and 658 kN for failure beneath the rail seat while the failure load at the top chamfer is 347 kN. Only the result from the ultimate state of the positive moment test is available and the value is 434 kN (see Appendix 3), lower than the numerical results. It can be seen that the prestressed concrete sleeper had a higher static load capacity under hypothetical bearing pressure distributions as compared to designed and experimental results. Table 4.1 : Numerical analysis results of LUSAS’ nonlinear finite element model on the cracking lo crack patterns of the prestressed concrete sleeper under hypothetical bearing pressure distributions. Item no. Distribution of bearing pressure Remarks At intiation of crack Crack patterns Load 1 Laboratory test 485 kN 2 Tamped either side of rail 435 kN 3 Principal bearing on rails 485 kN 4 5 Maximum intensity at the ends Maximum intensity in the middle 455 kN 460 kN 6 Center bound 485 kN 7 Flexure of sleeper produces variations form 455 kN 8 Well tamped sides 255 kN 9 Stabilized rail seat and sides 480 kN 10 Uniform pressure 475 kN Cr 67 4.2.2. LOAD-DEFLECTION RESPONSE AT FIRST CRACK SECTION Previously, it was acknowledged that first crack occurs beneath the rail seat in all scenarios except for Item No. 8 where the first crack occurs at top chamfer. In particular, first crack occurs at node no. 54 beneath the rail seat and node no. 1168 at top chamfer of the LUSAS model. The load-deflection response on these particular nodes shows nonlinear behavior and this is plotted in Figure 4.2. 700 600 Load (kN) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 0,05 Item 1 Item 6 0,1 0,15 Item 2 Item 7 0,2 0,25 Deflection (mm) Item 3 Item 8 0,3 0,35 Item 4 Item 9 0,4 0,45 Item 5 Item 10 Figure 4.2 : Load-deflection response at first crack point From Figure 4.2, it can be seen that the load capacity beneath the rail seat at the ultimate state is between 644 kN and 658 kN while the corresponding deflection is between 0.187 mm and 0.413 mm. From the load-deflection response at node no. 54, the nonlinear behavior beneath the rail seat is approximately similar although not identical. The differences may due to the degree of voiding in the ballast under the sleeper hence its hypothetical bearing pressure distributions Load-deflection response at node no. 1168 shows that top chamfer has lower capacity and this may due to stress concentration region and decreased sectional area of the concrete material. 68 4.2.3. VERTICAL DEFLECTION ALONG THE SLEEPER’S LENGTH The vertical deflection along the sleeper’s length of all hypothetical bearing pressure scenarios at each load points (1-L1, 1-L2, 1-L3 … 10-L1, 10-L2, 10-L3) is shown in Figure 4.3 (see Chapter 4.2). Distance along the sleeper's length ‐0,2 0 200 400 600 800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.6001.800 2.000 2.200 2.400 2.600 2.800 Deflection (mm) 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1‐L1 3‐L1 5‐L1 7‐L1 9‐L1 1‐L2 3‐L2 5‐L2 7‐L2 9‐L2 1‐L3 3‐L3 5‐L3 7‐L3 9‐L3 2‐L1 4‐L1 6‐L1 8‐L1 10‐L1 2‐L2 4‐L2 6‐L2 8‐L2 10‐L2 2‐L3 4‐L3 6‐L3 8‐L3 10‐L3 Figure 4.3 : Vertical deflection along the sleeper’s length From Figure 4.3, it can be seen that all scenarios have a similar vertical deflection pattern except for well tamped side scenario (Item No. 8). The maximum vertical deflection for Item No. 8 is on the centre while others are on the rail seat. This may due to the absence of support along the gauge of the prestressed concrete sleeper for Item No. 8. At L1, only self-weight is acting and the vertical deflection is approximately zero and negligible. The vertical deflection increases as the external vertical rail seat load increases to L2 and L3. All maximum vertical deflection is in 69 the downward direction. The distance between point of zero deflection along the sleeper’s length ranges between 675 mm and 1067 mm, as compared to 660 mm for the rail seat positive moment test setup (see Figure A.3.2.). Table 4.2 : Maximum vertical deflections and comparison with previous work by Sadeghi (2005) Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure Remarks Maximum vertical deflection (∆y) (mm) Numerical Results Sadeghi (2005) 1 Laboratory test 0.196 0.207 2 Tamped either side of rail 0.386 0.109 3 Principal bearing on rails 0.220 0.212 4 Maximum intensity at the ends 0.300 0.491 5 Maximum intensity in the middle 0.413 0.311 6 Center bound 0.200 0.263 7 Flexure of sleeper, variations form 0.259 0.138 8 Well tamped sides 0.069 0.242 9 Stabilized rail seat and sides 0.863 0.218 10 Uniform pressure 0.189 0.102 From Table 4.2, the value of maximum vertical deflections for prestressed concrete sleepers under hypothetical bearing pressure distributions from the numerical analysis is compared with the previous work done by Sadeghi (2005). The value of maximum vertical deflections ranges between 0.102 mm and 0.863 mm while the differences for each item ranges between 0.008 mm and 0.645 mm. 70 The differences may due to longitudinal track and dynamic modeling for Sadeghi (2005) whereas this numerical analysis only considers an individual sleeper on the transverse direction of the track and static modeling. Also, there are variations in parameters’ input between both models. Although there are differences, the value is considered small and there are consistencies between of both models. It is noted that maximum vertical deflection occurs at the rail seat except for Item No. 8. 4.2.4. PRINCIPAL STRESS DISTRIBUTION IN X-DIRECTION ON FIRST CRACK SECTION The principal stress distribution in x-direction on the first crack section of all hypothetical bearing pressure scenarios at each load points (1-L1, 1-L2, 1-L3 … 10-L1, 10-L2, 10-L3) (see Section 4.2) is shown in Figure 4.4. 240 210 Elevation (mm) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 1‐L1 3‐L1 5‐L1 7‐L1 9‐L1 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 0,00 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) 1‐L2 3‐L2 5‐L2 7‐L2 9‐L2 1‐L3 3‐L3 5‐L3 7‐L3 9‐L3 2‐L1 4‐L1 6‐L1 8‐L1 10‐L1 0,01 2‐L2 4‐L2 6‐L2 8‐L2 10‐L2 0,02 2‐L3 4‐L3 6‐L3 8‐L3 10‐L3 Figure 4.4 : Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 71 At L1, only self-weight is acting and the principal stress distribution in x-direction is approximately zero and negligible. The principal stress distribution in x-direction increases as the external vertical rail seat load increases from L1 to L2. However, as external vertical rail seat load increases from L2 to L3, the principal stress distribution in x-direction decreases and this is due to the loss of sectional area of the concrete material as crack propagates. To validate the value of principal stress distributions in x-direction, a comparison was made to previous numerical analysis work by Sadeghi (2005). The comparison is tabulated in Table 4.3. Table 4.3 : Maximum principal stress in x-direction and comparison with previous work by Sadeghi (2005) Item Distribution of bearing No. pressure Remarks Maximum principal stress in x-direction (MPa) Numerical Results Sadeghi (2005) 1 Laboratory test 8.50 8.32 2 Tamped either side of rail 5.86 8.85 3 Principal bearing on rails 8.52 8.51 4 Maximum intensity at the ends 8.14 17.7 5 Maximum intensity in the middle 20.1 18.6 6 Center bound 19.8 15.4 7 Flexure of sleeper, variations form 8.41 8.61 8 Well tamped sides 7.90 10.4 9 Stabilized rail seat and sides 8.53 10.5 10 Uniform pressure 8.55 7.07 72 From Table 4.3, the maximum value of principal stress distribution in xdirection for prestressed concrete sleepers under hypothetical bearing pressure distribution ranges between 5.85 MPa and 20.1 MPa while the differences for each item ranges between 0.01 MPa and 9.56 MPa. Although there are differences between the numerical results and the previous work by Sadeghi (2005), the value is considered small and there are consistencies between both models. The differences may due to longitudinal track and dynamic modeling for Sadeghi (2005) whereas this numerical analysis only considers an individual sleeper on the transverse direction of the track and static modeling. Also, there are variations in parameters’ input between both models. 4.3. SUMMARY OF STATIC LOAD CAPACITY OF THE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SLEEPERS UNDER HYPOTHETICAL BEARING PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION From the numerical analysis, the static load capacity of the prestressed concrete sleepers under hypothetical bearing pressure distribution is higher than the design requirement and experimental test value. The design requires the prestressed concrete sleepers to withstand a static load of 20 tonne from the axle and also a dynamic factor of 2.5 that takes into account an impact load having a frequency between 30 and 100 Hz (AS 1085.142003). By specifying the sleeper spacing, rail seat load is derived and the prestressed concrete sleeper must have the capacity to resist this action load. From KTMB specifications, the rails seat load is 125.9 kN (see Appendix 3). In the manufacturing of the prestressed concrete sleepers, acceptance tests are mandatory to ensure that the prestressed concrete sleepers could function well in (1) providing support and restraint to the rail in vertical, longitudinal and lateral direction; (2) transfering load from the rail foot to the underlying ballast bed; (3) retaining proper gauge and inclination of the rail by keeping anchorage for the rail fastening system. There are various tests involved and the most critical is the 73 positive and negative moment test at the rail seat. These test are done on every manufacturing cycles and the tested prestressed concrete sleeper must exceed 198 kN and 164 kN of rail seat load at the crack initiation (see Appendix 3). Table 4.4 shows that the prestressed concrete sleepers that are placed on ballast have reserve strength in static load capacity with a factor between 2.2 and 2.4 of the positive rail seat test load at crack initiation. For Item No. 8, the reserve strength in static load capacity is 1.6 times the negative rail seat test load and this may due to stress concentration region at the top chamfer and also decreased sectional area of the concrete. At ultimate state, the reserve strength in static load capacity for prestressed concrete sleepers on ballast is 1.5 times the positive rail seat test load at ultimate state. Results from the numerical analysis shows that this reserve strength in static load capacity is the main factor in ensuring the serviceability of the in-situ prestressed concrete sleeper as the excessive wheel load over 400 kN due to wheel or rail abnormalities may occur once or twice in the sleeper’s design life span of 50-100 years (Kaewunruen, Remennikov, 2009). Negative rail seat test load at crack initiation = 164 kN , Positive rail seat test load at ultimate state = 434 kN Positive rail seat test load at crack initiation = , KTMB’s specification on axle load action = 20 ton 198 kN Table 4.4 : Static load capacity between test and numerical analysis Crack initiation Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure Ultimate state Numerical Analysis’ Rail Seat Load (kN) Numerical / Test ratio Axle load (tonne) Numerical Analysis’ Rail Seat Load (kN) Numerical / Test ratio Axle load (tonne) 1 485 2.4 78 649 1.5 104 2 435 2.2 70 658 1.5 105 3 485 2.4 78 645 1.5 103 4 455 2.3 73 652 1.5 104 5 460 2.3 74 653 1.5 104 6 485 2.4 78 648 1.5 104 7 455 2.3 73 647 1.5 103 8 255 1.6 41 347 n/a 55 9 480 2.4 77 644 1.5 103 10 475 2.4 76 647 1.5 103 75 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1. CONCLUSIONS The LUSAS software enables the discrete nonlinear finite element model to predict the behavior and static load capacity of the prestressed concrete sleeper. Two-dimensional plane stress and bar elements were used for the concrete and prestressing tendon mesh respectively. The inputs for the nonlinear properties of the material were based on the laboratory test of the respective material. The model was validated with previous work done experimentally and numerically by Kaewunruen and Remmennikov (2006a) as well as Sadeghi (2005). From the numerical analysis, the prestressed concrete sleeper that is placed on ballast has reserve strength in static load capacity with a factor between 2.2 and 2.4 of the positive rail seat test load at crack initiation. This is the main factor in ensuring the serviceability of the in-situ prestressed concrete sleeper as the excessive wheel load over 400 kN due to wheel or rail abnormalities may occur once or twice in the sleeper’s design life span of 50-100 years (Kaewunruen, Remennikov, 2009). 76 5.2. RECOMMENDATIONS For future study, a numerical analysis on dynamic load capacity on prestressed concrete sleeper under hypothetical bearing pressure distribution is recommended. This may involve the effect of train speed variation, track stiffness, track damping, effective unsprung mass of the vehicle and longitudinal modeling. This type of study may give a better representation of the in-situ prestressed concrete sleeper behavior hence the prediction on its serviceability. For a more advance study, consideration on impact load of high frequency is recommended. 77 REFERENCES 1. Ahlbeck, D.R. , Meacham, H.C. , Prause, R.H. (1978) The development of analytical models for railroad track dynamics, in: A.D. Kerr (Ed.), Railroad Track Mechanics & Technology, Pergamon Press, Oxford. 2. Det Norske Veritas Pte. Ltd. (2002), Testing of Prestressed Concrete Sleeper for Associated Concrete Products (M) Sdn. Bhd., Det Norske Veritas Technical Report, DNV/SL/R20021139. 3. Doyle, N.F. 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(2004) and 1085.14-2003, Spring stiffness (kb) where, = le = L-g = 2,680 mm – 1,600 mm = 1,080 mm lb = 250 mm α = 35° hb = 300 mm Eb = 0.088 kN/mm2 Spring stiffness (kb) = = 0.088 156.6 kN/mm 83 Appendix 2.1.A. : Spring support stiffness input for Laboratory test Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure 1 Developers Remarks ORE, Talbot Laboratory test Table A.2.1.1. : Laboratory test (Sadeghi, 2005) Menu command : Utilities > Variation > Line > Type : Interpolation > Specify Order : Parabolic > Distance Type : Parametric Figure A.2.1.1. : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns (LUSAS model) Spring support stiffness (kN/mm) Segments Parametric distance (x) = 0.0 Parametric distance (x) = 0.5 Parametric distance (x) = 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 113.1 132.2 156.6 160.9 154.6 36.5 0 36.5 64.7 113.1 18.9 18.9 113.1 113.1 132.2 156.6 160.9 154.6 36.5 0 36.5 154.6 10 154.6 158.3 160.9 11 160.9 162.4 156.6 12 156.6 146.7 132.2 13 132.2 123.3 113.1 14 113.1 64.7 0 123.3 146.7 162.4 158.3 Table A.2.1.2. : Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 84 Appendix 2.1.B. : Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack pattern Figure A.2.1.2. : Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.1.3. : At initiation of crack (external load = 485 kN) Figure A.2.1.4. : At ultimate state (external load = 649 kN) Appendix 2.1.C. : Load-deflection at first crack point 700 600 Load (kN) 500 400 Load at the initiation of crack 300 200 100 0 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 Deflection (mm) Node … Figure A.2.1.5. : Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) Stage Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Initiation of crack 485 0.132 Ultimate state 649 0.196 Table A.2.1.3. : Summary of results at first crack point 85 Appendix 2.1.D. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Distance along the sleeper from origin (mm) ‐0,2 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 0 Deflection (mm) 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 At initiation of crack At ultimate state Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.1.6. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Appendix 2.1.E. : Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 240 210 Elevation (mm) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 0 0,01 0,02 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) Initiation of crack Ultimate state Unloaded section Figure A.2.1.7. : Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) 86 Appendix 2.2.A. : Spring support stiffness input for Tamped either side of rail Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure 2 Developers Remarks ORE, Talbot, Bartlett Clarke Tamped either side of rail Table A.2.2.1. : Tamped either side of rail (Sadeghi, 2005) Menu command : Utilities > Variation > Line > Type : Interpolation > Specify Order : Linear > Distance Type : Parametric Figure A.2.2.1. : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns (LUSAS model) Spring support stiffness (kN/mm) Segments Parametric distance (x) = 0.0 Parametric distance (x) = 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 156.6 ( x = 0.5 ) 156.6 156.6 156.6 ( x = 0.4 ) 156.6 156.6 0 0 156.6 ( x = 0.727 ) 156.6 156.6 156.6 ( x = 0.5 ) 156.6 156.6 156.6 ( x = 0.273 ) 0 0 156.6 10 156.6 156.6 11 156.6 156.6 ( x = 0.6 ) 12 156.6 ( x = 0.5 ) 156.6 13 156.6 156.6 14 156.6 156.6 ( x = 0.5 ) Table A.2.2.2. : Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 87 Appendix 2.2.B. : Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack pattern Figure A.2.2.2. : Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.2.3. : At initiation of crack (external load = 435 kN) Figure A.2.2.4. : At ultimate state (external load = 658 kN) Appendix 2.2.C. : Load-deflection at first crack point 700 600 Load (kN) 500 400 Load at the initiation of crack 300 200 100 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 Deflection (mm) Node … Figure A.2.2.5. : Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) Stage Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Initiation of crack 435 0.172 Ultimate state 658 0.386 Table A.2.2.3. : Summary of results at first crack point 88 Appendix 2.2.D. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Distance along the sleeper from origin (mm) ‐0,2 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 Deflection (mm) 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 At initiation of crack At ultimate state Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.2.6. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Appendix 2.2.E. : Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 240 210 Elevation (mm) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,05 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 0 0,01 0,02 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) Initiation of crack Ultimate state Unloaded section Figure A.2.2.7. : Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) 89 Appendix 2.3.A. : Spring support stiffness input for Principal bearing on rails Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure 3 Developers Remarks ORE, Talbot Principal bearing on rails Table A.2.3.1. : Principal bearing on rails (Sadeghi, 2005) Menu command : Utilities > Variation > Line > Type : Interpolation > Specify Order : Linear > Distance Type : Parametric Figure A.2.3.1. : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns (LUSAS model) Spring support stiffness (kN/mm) Segments Parametric distance (x) = 0.0 Parametric distance (x) = 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 87.0 110.2 156.6 117.5 101.8 15.7 0 15.7 87.0 110.2 156.6 117.5 101.8 15.7 0 15.7 101.8 10 101.8 117.5 11 117.5 156.6 12 156.6 110.2 13 110.2 87.0 14 87.0 0 Table A.2.3.2. : Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 90 Appendix 2.3.B. : Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack pattern Figure A.2.3.2. : Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.3.3. : At initiation of crack (external load = 485 kN) Figure A.2.3.4. : At ultimate state (external load = 645 kN) Appendix 2.3.C. : Load-deflection at first crack point 700 600 Load (kN) 500 400 Load at the initiation of crack 300 200 100 0 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 Deflection (mm) Node … Figure A.2.3.5. : Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) Stage Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Initiation of crack 485 0.150 Ultimate state 645 0.220 Table A.2.3.3. : Summary of results at first crack point 91 Appendix 2.3.D. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Distance along the sleeper from origin (mm) ‐0,2 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 0 Deflection (mm) 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 At initiation of crack At ultimate state Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.3.6. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Appendix 2.3.E. : Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 240 210 Elevation (mm) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 0 0,01 0,02 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) Initiation of crack Ultimate state Unloaded section Figure A.2.3.7. : Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) 92 Appendix 2.4.A. : Spring support stiffness input for Maximum intensity at the ends Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure 4 Developers Remarks ORE, Talbot Maximum intensity at the ends Table A.2.4.1. : Maximum intensity at the ends (Sadeghi, 2005) Menu command : Utilities > Variation > Line > Type : Interpolation > Specify Order : Linear > Distance Type : Parametric Figure A.2.4.1. : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns (LUSAS model) Spring support stiffness (kN/mm) Segments Parametric distance (x) = 0.0 Parametric distance (x) = 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 156.6 121.5 112.2 93.5 70.1 60.8 9.4 0 9.4 121.5 112.2 93.5 70.1 60.8 9.4 0 9.4 60.8 10 60.8 70.1 11 70.1 93.5 12 93.5 112.2 13 112.2 121.5 14 121.5 156.6 Table A.2.4.2. : Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 93 Appendix 2.4.B. : Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack pattern Figure A.2.4.2. : Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.4.3. : At initiation of crack (external load = 455 kN) Figure A.2.4.4. : At ultimate state (external load = 652 kN) Appendix 2.4.C. : Load-deflection at first crack point 700 600 Load (kN) 500 400 Load at the initiation of crack 300 200 100 0 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 Deflection (mm) Node … Figure A.2.4.5. : Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) Stage Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Initiation of crack 455 0.180 Ultimate state 652 0.300 Table A.2.4.3. : Summary of results at first crack point 94 Appendix 2.4.D. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Distance along the sleeper from origin (mm) ‐0,2 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 0 Deflection (mm) 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 At initiation of crack At ultimate state Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.4.6. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Appendix 2.4.E. : Principal stress in x-direction on the first crack section 240 210 180 Elevation (mm) 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 0,00 0,01 0,02 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) Initiation of crack Ultimate state Unloaded section Figure A.2.4.7. : Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) 95 Appendix 2.5.A.: Spring support stiffness input for Maximum intensity in the middle Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure Developers Remarks Talbot Maximum intensity in the middle 5 Table A.2.5.1. : Maximum intensity in the middle (Sadeghi, 2005) Menu command : Utilities > Variation > Line > Type : Interpolation > Specify Order : Linear > Distance Type : Parametric Figure A.2.5.1. : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns (LUSAS model) Spring support stiffness (kN/mm) Segments Parametric distance (x) = 0.0 Parametric distance (x) = 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 0 35.1 44.4 63.1 86.5 35.1 44.4 63.1 86.5 95.8 6 7 8 9 95.8 147.3 156.6 147.3 147.3 156.6 147.3 95.8 10 95.8 86.5 11 86.5 63.1 12 63.1 44.4 13 44.4 35.1 14 35.1 0 Table A.2.5.2. : Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 96 Appendix 2.5.B. : Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack pattern Figure A.2.5.2. : Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.5.3. : At initiation of crack (external load = 460 kN) Figure A.2.5.4. : At ultimate state (external load = 653 kN) Appendix 2.5.C. : Load-deflection at first crack point 700 600 Load (kN) 500 400 Load at the initiation of crack 300 200 100 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 Deflection (mm) Node … Figure A.2.5.5. : Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) Stage Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Initiation of crack 460 0.255 Ultimate state 653 0.413 Table A.2.5.3. : Summary of results at first crack point 97 Appendix 2.5.D. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length Distance along the sleeper from origin (mm) ‐0,2 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 Deflection (mm) 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 At initiation of crack At ultimate state Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.5.6. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Appendix 2.5.E. : Principal stress in X-direction on the first crack section 240 210 Elevation (mm) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 ‐2E‐17 0,01 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) Initiation of crack Ultimate state Unloaded section 0,02 Figure A.2.5.7. : Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) 98 Appendix 2.6.A. : Spring support stiffness input for Center bound Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure Developers Remarks Talbot Center bound 6 Table A.2.6.1. : Center bound (Sadeghi, 2005) Menu command : Utilities > Variation > Line > Type : Interpolation > Specify Order : Linear > Distance Type : Parametric Figure A.2.6.1. : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns (LUSAS model) Spring support stiffness (kN/mm) Segments Parametric distance (x) = 0.0 Parametric distance (x) = 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 87.0 110.2 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 87.0 110.2 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 10 156.6 156.6 11 156.6 156.6 12 156.6 110.2 13 110.2 87.0 14 87.0 0 Table A.2.6.2. : Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 99 Appendix 2.6.B. : Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack pattern Figure A.2.6.2. : Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.6.3. : At initiation of crack (external load = 485 kN) Figure A.2.6.4. : At ultimate state (external load = 648 kN) Appendix 2.6.C. : Load-deflection at first crack point 700 600 Load (kN) 500 400 Load at the initiation of crack 300 200 100 0 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 Deflection (mm) Node … Figure A.2.6.5. : Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) Stage Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Initiation of crack 485 0.140 Ultimate state 648 0.200 Table A.2.6.3. : Summary of results at first crack point 100 Appendix 2.6.D. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Distance along the sleeper from origin (mm) ‐0,2 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 0 Deflection (mm) 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 At initiation of crack At ultimate state Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.6.6. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Appendix 2.6.E. : Principal stress in X-direction on the first crack section 240 210 Elevation (mm) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 0 0,01 0,02 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) Initiation of crack Ultimate state Unloaded section Figure A.2.6.7. : Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) 101 Appendix 2.7.A. : Spring support stiffness input for Flexure of sleeper produces variations form Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure 7 Developers Remarks Talbot Flexure of sleeper produces variations form Table A.2.7.1. : Flexure of sleeper produces variations form (Sadeghi, 2005) Menu command : Utilities > Variation > Line > Type : Interpolation > Specify Order : Parabolic > Distance Type : Parametric Figure A.2.7.1. : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns (LUSAS model) Spring support stiffness (kN/mm) 1 2 3 4 5 Parametric distance (x) = 0.0 90 111 118 109 90 Parametric distance (x) = 0.5 108 6 7 8 80 50 45 9 50 65 48 48 105 140 10 140 142 145 11 145 150 156.6 12 156.6 150 145 13 145 138 133 14 133 118 108 Segments 115 114 103 85 Parametric distance (x) = 1.0 111 118 109 90 80 50 45 50 Table A.2.7.2. : Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 102 Appendix 2.7.B. : Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack pattern Figure A.2.7.2. : Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.7.3. : At initiation of crack (external load = 455 kN) Figure A.2.7.4. : At ultimate state (external load = 647 kN) Appendix 2.7.C. : Load-deflection at first crack point 700 600 Load (kN) 500 400 Load at the initiation of crack 300 200 100 0 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 Deflection (mm) Node … Figure A.2.7.5. : Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) Stage Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Initiation of crack 455 0.162 Ultimate state 647 0.259 Table A.2.7.3. : Summary of results at first crack point 103 Appendix 2.7.D. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Distance along the sleeper from origin (mm) ‐0,2 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 0 Deflection (mm) 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 At initiation of crack At ultimate state Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.7.6. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Appendix 2.7.E. : Principal stress in X-direction on the first crack section 240 210 Elevation (mm) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,05 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 0 0,01 0,02 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) Initiation of crack Ultimate state Unloaded section Figure A.2.7.7. : Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (Node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) 104 Appendix 2.8.A. : Spring support stiffness input for Well tamped sides Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure 8 Developers Remarks ORE, Talbot, Kerr, Schramm Well tamped sides Table A.2.8.1. : Well tamped sides (Sadeghi, 2005) Menu command : Utilities > Variation > Line > Type : Interpolation > Specify Order : Linear > Distance Type : Parametric Figure A.2.8.1. : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns (LUSAS model) Spring support stiffness (kN/mm) Segments Parametric distance (x) = 0.0 Parametric distance (x) = 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 156.6 156.6 156.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 156.6 156.6 156.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 156.6 156.6 13 156.6 156.6 14 156.6 156.6 Table A.2.8.2. : Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 105 Appendix 2.8.B. : Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack pattern Figure A.2.8.2. : Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.8.3. : At initiation of crack (external load = 255 kN) Figure A.2.8.4. : At ultimate state (external load = 347 kN) Appendix 2.8.C. : Load-deflection at first crack point 400 350 Load (kN) 300 250 200 Load at the initiation of crack 150 100 50 0 0 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,08 Deflection (mm) Node … Figure A.2.8.5. : Load-deflection relation for first crack point (Node no. 1168 at top chamfer) Stage Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Initiation of crack 255 0.055 Ultimate state 347 0.069 Table A.2.8.3. : Summary of results at first crack point 106 Appendix 2.8.D. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Distance along the sleeper from origin (mm) ‐0,2 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 Deflection (mm) 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 At initiation of crack Unloaded with external load At ultimate state Figure A.2.8.6. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Appendix 2.8.E. : Principal stress in X-direction on the first crack section 240 210 Elevation (mm) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 ‐2E‐17 0,01 0,02 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) Initiation of crack Ultimate state Unloaded section Figure A.2.8.7. : Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (Node no. 1168 at top chamfer) 107 Appendix 2.9.A. : Spring support stiffness input for Stabilized rail seat and sides Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure 9 Developers Remarks ORE, Talbot Stabilized rail seat and sides Table A.2.9.1. : Stabilized rail seat and sides (Sadeghi, 2005) Menu command : Utilities > Variation > Line > Type : Interpolation > Specify Order : Linear > Distance Type : Parametric Figure A.2.9.1. : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns (LUSAS model) Spring support stiffness (kN/mm) Segments Parametric distance (x) = 0.0 Parametric distance (x) = 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 117.5 101.8 15.7 0 15.7 156.6 156.6 156.6 117.5 101.8 15.7 0 15.7 101.8 10 101.8 117.5 11 117.5 156.6 12 156.6 156.6 13 156.6 156.6 14 156.6 156.6 Table A.2.9.2. : Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 108 Appendix 2.9.B. : Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack pattern Figure A.2.9.2. : Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.9.3. : At initiation of crack (external load = 480 kN) Figure A.2.9.4. : At ultimate state (external load = 644 kN) Appendix 2.9.C. : Load-deflection at first crack point 700 600 Load (kN) 500 400 Load at the initiation of crack 300 200 100 0 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 Deflection (mm) Node … Figure A.2.9.5. : Load-deflection relation for first crack point (node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) Stage Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Initiation of crack 480 0.135 Ultimate state 644 0.196 Table A.2.9.3. : Summary of results at first crack point 109 Appendix 2.9.D. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Distance along the sleeper from origin (mm) ‐0,2 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 0 Deflection (mm) 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 At initiation of crack At ultimate state Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.9.6. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Appendix 2.9.E. : Principal stress in X-direction on the first crack section 240 210 Elevation (mm) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 0 0,01 0,02 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) Initiation of crack Ultimate state Unloaded section Figure A.2.9.7. : Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) 110 Appendix 2.10.A. : Spring support stiffness input for Uniform pressure Item No. Distribution of bearing pressure 10 Developers Remarks AREA, Raymond, Talbot Uniform pressure Table A.2.10.1. : Uniform pressure (Sadeghi, 2005) Menu command : Utilities > Variation > Line > Type : Interpolation > Specify Order : Linear > Distance Type : Parametric Figure A.2.10.1. : Hypothetical bearing pressure distribution patterns (LUSAS model) Spring support stiffness (kN/mm) Segments Parametric distance (x) = 0.0 Parametric distance (x) = 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 156.6 10 156.6 156.6 11 156.6 156.6 12 156.6 156.6 13 156.6 156.6 14 156.6 156.6 Table A.2.10.2. : Input for spring support stiffness distribution in LUSAS 111 Appendix 2.10.B. : Principal stress distribution in x-direction and crack pattern Figure A.2.10.2. : Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.10.3. : At initiation of crack (external load = 475 kN) Figure A.2.10.4. : At ultimate state (external load = 647 kN) Appendix 2.10.C. : Load-deflection at first crack point 700 600 Load (kN) 500 400 Load at the initiation of crack 300 200 100 0 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 Deflection (mm) Node … Figure A.2.10.5. : Load-deflection relation for first crack point (node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) Stage Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Initiation of crack 475 0.128 Ultimate state 647 0.187 Table A.2.10.3. : Summary of results at first crack point 112 Appendix 2.10.D. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Distance along the sleeper from origin (mm) ‐0,2 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 0 Deflection (mm) 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 At initiation of crack At ultimate state Unloaded with external load Figure A.2.10.6. : Vertical deflection along the sleeper length at different load stage Appendix 2.10.E. : Principal stress in X-direction on the first crack section 240 210 Elevation (mm) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 ‐0,04 ‐0,03 ‐0,02 ‐0,01 0 0,01 0,02 Principal stress in x‐direction (kN/mm2) Initiation of crack Ultimate state Unloaded section Figure A.2.10.7. : Principal stress in x-direction at first crack section (node no. 54 at bottom of railseat) 113 Appendix 3.A. : Relevant information from KTMB’s Double Track Specification i) Axle Load = 20 tonne ii) Train Speed, V = 160 kph iii) Rail Type = UIC 54 kg iv) Sleeper spacing = 600 mm v) Static Wheel Load = 98.7 kN Appendix 3.B. : Dynamic Wheel Load i) Using Eisenmann’s Formula (1972) Dynamic Wheel Load = where, 0.1 for track in excellent condition q = Static Wheel Load x (1 + qst) 0.2 for track in good condition 0.3 for track in poor condition s = 1 + (V-60)/140 t = 1.0 for statistical confidence of 84.1% 2.0 for statistical confidence of 97.7% 3.0 for statistical confidence of 99.9% Dynamic Wheel Load = 98.7 x ( 1 + 0.2 x 1.7143 x 3 ) = 200.22 kN Resultant Impact Factor = 2.02857 114 ii) Using Australian Standard 1085.14-2003 Dynamic Wheel Load = 2.5 x Static Wheel Load = 246.75 kN > 2 x Static Wheel Load, adequate for sleeper with additional guardrails Conclusion : Dynamic Wheel Load = 246.8 kN Appendix 3.C. : Rail seat load Sleeper Spacing = 600 mm Distribution Factor = 0.51 Rail Seat Load, R = Dynamic Wheel Load x Distribution Factor = 246.8 x 0.51 = 125.868 kN 115 Appendix 3.D. : Results from Testing of Prestressed Concrete Sleeper (DNV, 2002) i) Rail Seat Negative Moment Test Figure A.3.1. : Schematic diagram of rail seat negative moment test (AS 1085.14-2003) Test results : No structural cracking was observed during 3 minutes holding time at a load of 164 kN > 125.9 kN 116 ii) Rail Seat Positive Moment Test Figure A.3.2. : Schematic diagram of rail seat positive moment test (AS 1085.14-2003) Test results : i ) No structural cracking was observed during 3 minutes holding time at a load of 198 kN > 125.9 kN ii) After repeated load of 15 kN to 228 kN (1.15 P2) for 3 million cycles at 5.6 Hz, rail seat was able to support a load of 228 kN for 3 minutes. iii) Ultimate load recorded at 434 kN