TISSUE CULTURE AND BIOLISTIC –MEDIATED TRANSFORMATION OF IMPATIENS BALSAMINA AISHAH MOHD TAHA UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my supervisors, Dr Fahrul Huyop, Pn Alina Wagiran, Cik Zaidah Rahmat and Pn. Hamidah Ghazali (MARDI) for their invaluable guidance throughout the course of this project. To all the lab members, Pn Fatimah and Kak Radiah for technical assistance during my time in the lab. Finally I thank my parents for continual encouragement and assistance, without which none of this would have been possible. iii ABSTRACT Biolistic- mediated transformation is an approach to transfer a gene of interest into a plant cell using particle bombardment method. Tissue culture experiment was conducted to optimize shoot regeneration from cotyledon explant of 7 day-old seedlings I. balsamina. The maximum average number of shoots (6.8 ± 1.05 shoots) per explant was obtained on full strength MS-based medium containing 1 mg/L BAP after three weeks of culture. For rooting induction, there was no significant difference on percentage of root regeneration on full strength (84%-94%) and half strength MS–based medium (78%-96%) supplemented with IAA (0.1 - 1mg/L), IBA (0.5 - 2 mg/L) and NAA (0.1 - 1 mg/L) after two weeks of culture. Plantlets were successfully produced on full strength MS plates supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP (93%) for shooting and half strength MS media supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA (92%) for rooting in eight-week culture. Biolistic technique was used for the transformation of uidA and hph genes into I. balsamina. The 7 day- old cotyledons explants were bombarded with pRQ6 containing uidA gene encode for ß-glucuronidase (GUS) and hph gene conferring resistance to hygromycin and co-transformation was carried out using pRQ6 with pAHG11 (contain bar gene conferring resistance to herbicide Basta). The physical and biological factors of bombardment such as target distance (6 - 12 cm), helium pressure (650 - 1100 psi), number of bombardments (once and twice), DNA concentrations (0.5 - 1.5µg), preculture times (4 - 32h), osmotic treatments using mannitol , sorbitol and combination of mannitol and sorbitol at 0.2 M, 0.4 M and 0.6 M and post-bombardment incubation times (4 - 48 h) were optimized. Transformation of I. balsamina with pRQ6 and cotransformed with pRQ6 and pAHG11 at 28 mm Hg vacuum using optimized bombardment conditions (9 cm target distance, 1100 psi helium pressure, one time bombardment, 1.0 µg DNA, 16 h pre-culture time with osmotic treatment of 0.4 M mannitol and sorbitol and 24 h post-bombardment incubation time) showed the highest average number of GUS spots of 149.3 and 128.1, respectively. Delay selection method was used to delay the timing of selection on shooted explants after bombardment to obtain transformed plants. Out of 160 bombarded explants with pRQ6, only 84 plants were successfully regenerated from selected 35-day old shooted explants after five weeks grown on MS –based medium containing 75 mg/L hygromycin. All regenerated plants (84 plants) were GUS positive. However, there was no plant regenerated on MSbased medium containing 1 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT) after co-transformed with pRQ6 and pAHG11. Furthermore, PCR results showed only 14 of 40 GUS positive plants survived at 75 mg/L hygromycin were hph gene positive. In conclusion, the PCR results also showed the possibility integration of hph gene into the genomic DNA of transformed plants. iv ABSTRAK Transformasi melalui biolistik adalah satu cara untuk pemindahan gen yang dikehendaki ke dalam sel tumbuhan menggunakan kaedah penembakan partikel. Eksperimen kultur tisu dilakukan untuk mengoptimumkan penumbuhan pucuk daripada kotiledon eksplan I. balsamina selepas 7 hari. Maksimum purata pertumbuhan pucuk yang tertinggi (6.8 ± 1.05 pucuk) per eksplan didapati dalam kepekatan media MS penuh yang mengandungi 1 mg/L BAP selepas tiga minggu dikultur. Untuk pertumbuhan akar, tiada perbezaan yang signifikan pada peratusan pertumbuhan akar yang dihasilkan menggunakan kepekatan MS yang penuh (84%-94%) dan setengah kepekatan MS (78%-96%) dengan menggunakan IAA (0.1 - 1 mg/L), IBA (0.5- 2 mg/L) dan NAA (0.1 - 1 mg/L) selepas dua minggu dikultur. Anak pokok yang berjaya dihasilkan dalam kepekatan media MS penuh dengan 1 mg/L BAP (93%) untuk pertumbuhan pucuk dan setengah kepekatan MS dengan 0.1 mg/L IAA (92%) untuk pertumbuhan akar dikultur selama lapan minggu. Teknik biolistik digunakan untuk transformasi gen uidA dan hph ke dalam I. balsamina. Kotiledon eksplan yang berumur 7 hari ditembak dengan plasmid pRQ6 yang mempunyai gen uidA untuk ß-glucuronidase (GUS) dan gen hph yang rintang kepada hygromycin dan ko-transformasi dengan plasmid pRQ6 dan pAHG11 (mempunyai gen bar rintang ke atas herbisid Basta). Faktor fizikal dan biologikal seperti jarak sasaran (6 - 12 cm), tekanan helium (650 - 1100 psi), bilangan penembakan (sekali dan dua kali), kepekatan DNA (0.5 - 1.5 µg), masa kultur (4 - 32 jam), rawatan osmotik menggunakan mannitol, sorbitol dan kombinasi mannitol dan sorbitol pada kepekatan 0.2 M, 0.4 M dan 0.6 M dan masa pengeraman eksplan selepas penembakan (4 - 48 jam) telah dioptimumkan. Transformasi I. balsamina dengan pRQ6 dan ko-transformasi dengan pRQ6 dan pAHG11 pada 28 mm Hg vakum menggunakan penembakan yang optimal (9 sentimeter jarak sasaran, 1100 psi tekanan helium, 1.0 µg DNA, 16 jam masa kultur dengan rawatan osmotik 0.4 M mannitol dan sorbitol dan 24 jam masa pengeraman eksplan selepas penembakan) menunjukkan purata bilangan bintik GUS yang tertinggi dengan 149.3 dan 128.1, masing-masing. Kaedah penangguhan pemilihan digunakan untuk menangguhkan masa pemilihan pada eksplan yang mempunyai pucuk selepas penembakan bagi mendapatkan tumbuhan yang telah ditransformasikan. Daripada 160 eksplan yang ditembak dengan pRQ6, hanya 84 tumbuhan berjaya ditumbuhkan daripada penangguhan pemilihan 35 hari eksplan yang mempunyai pucuk selepas 5 minggu tumbuh dalam media MS mengandungi 75 mg/L hygromycin. Kesemua 84 tumbuhan adalah positif GUS. Walaubagaimanapun, tiada penumbuhan dalam media MS yang mengandungi 1 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT) selepas ko-transformasi dengan pRQ6 dan pAHG11. Keputusan PCR menunjukkan hanya 14 dari 40 tumbuhan yang ditumbuhkan dalam 75 mg/L hygromycin adalah positif gen hph. Kesimpulannya, keputusan PCR juga menunjukkan kemungkinan integrasi gen hph ke dalam genom DNA tumbuhan yang ditransformasi. v TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 General Introduction PAGE 1.1 Impatiens balsamina background 1 1.2 The importance study of I. balsamina 4 1.3 Plant regeneration system 5 1.4 Transformation system 7 1.4.1 Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation 8 1.4.2 Biolistic-mediated transformation 10 1.5 Marker genes 15 1.5.1 Selectable marker 15 Antibiotic 16 Herbicide 17 Reporter genes 20 1.5.2 1.6 Transient gene expression and stable gene expression 22 1.7 Promoters 23 1.8 Objectives of study 25 vi CHAPTER 2 Tissue culture system of PAGE Impatiens balsamina 2.1 Introduction 26 2.2 Materials and methods 30 2.2.1 Plant materials and seeds sterilization 30 2.2.2 Germination of seeds 30 2.2.3 Plant growth regulators and stock solutions 30 2.2.4 Explant preparations 31 2.2.5 Shoot induction experiment 31 2.2.6 Root induction experiment 34 2.2.7 In vitro plant regeneration 35 2.2.8 Data analysis 35 2.3 Results 2.3.1 36 The effect of explant age, types and sections 36 on shoot induction 2.3.2 Shoot induction 39 2.3.3 Root induction 44 2.3.4 In vitro plant regeneration 48 2.4 Discussion 50 2.5 Conclusion 57 vii CHAPTER 3 Transformation of Impatiens balsamina PAGE through biolistics 3.1 Introduction 58 3.2 Materials and Methods 61 3.2.1 Bacterial strain and plasmid 61 3.2.2 Bacteria growth and condition 61 3.2.3 Plasmid DNA 62 3.2.4 Agarose gel electrophoresis 62 3.2.5 Measurement of DNA concentration 63 3.2.6 Gold particles preparations 63 3.2.7 Preparation of DNA coating gold particles 64 3.2.8 Explants preparation 64 3.2.9 Bombardment media 65 3.2.10 Bombardment technique 65 Physical parameters 65 Biological parameters 66 3.2.11 ß-glucuronidase (GUS) assay buffer 66 3.2.12 ß-glucuronidase (GUS) expression assay 66 3.2.13 Genomic DNA 67 3.2.14 Statistical analysis 68 3.2.15 Transformation frequency 68 3.2.16 Biolistic transformation using hph gene 69 for hygromycin resistant viii Determination of minimal lethal 69 dose of hygromycin on cotyledon explants Delay selection method on hygromycin media 69 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis 70 3.2.17 Biolistic transformation using bar gene for 71 phosphinothricin (Basta) resistance Herbicide applications on I. balsamina 71 Determination of minimal lethal dose of 71 phosphinothricin (PPT) on explants Delay selection method on phosphinothricin 72 (PPT) media 3.3 Results 3.3.1 73 The effect of target distance and helium pressure 73 on GUS gene expression 3.3.2 The effect of number of bombardments on 75 GUS gene expression 3.3.3 The pre-culture time prior bombardment on transient 77 gene expression 3.3.4 The effect of plasmid concentration on transient gene 79 expression 3.3.5 The effect of pre-culture treatments on transient gene expression ix 81 3.3.6 The effect of post-bombardment incubation time on 83 transient gene expression 3.3.7 The effect of optimal bombardment conditions on 85 GUS gene expression and regeneration of I. balsamina 3.3.8 Biolistic transformation using pRQ6 (uidA+, hph+) 88 for hygromycin resistant Minimal lethal dose of hygromycin 88 The effect of delay selection on 91 regeneration of transformed plant in hygromycin media Chimera expression of I. balsamina 95 The effect of hygromycin in selection system 95 on regeneration of I. balsamina Transformation frequency 96 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of 97 transformed plants 3.3.9 Biolistic transformation of bar gene for Basta 99 (phosphinothricin) resistant The effect of herbicide Basta (phosphinothricin) 99 on I. balsamina The effect of herbicide phosphinothricin (PPT) 100 on plant tissue culture of I. balsamina The effect of selection on phosphinothricin (PPT) media and GUS gene expression x 102 3.4 Discussion 105 3.5 Conclusion 114 CHAPTER 4 115 General Conclusion FUTURE WORK 117 REFERENCES 119 APPENDICES 136 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE The usage of different types and concentrations of PAGE 33 cytokinins in shoot induction media. 2.2 The different types and concentrations of auxins on 34 root induction. 3.1 The plasmids used in this study. 61 3.2 The effect optimal bombardment conditions on 86 GUS gene expression of explants 24 h post-bombardment. 3.3 The effect of different concentrations of hygromycin in 89 various ages of explants on the mortality of explants using the unbombarded explants for minimal lethal dose after five weeks in culture. 3.4 The effect of selection on number of regenerating 93 plants when cultured on 75 mg/L hygromycin and 100 mg/L hgromycin after five weeks in culture. 3.5 The effect of delay selection using 35 days shooting explants in 75 mg/L hygromycin on regenerating of the transformed plants after 5 weeks in culture. xii 96 3.6 The effect of different concentrations of phosphinothricin (PPT) 101 on unbombarded explant ages for minimal lethal dose after five weeks in culture. 3.7 The effect of 1 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT) on bombarded explant with co-transformation of pRQ6 (hph +, uidA+) and pAHG11(bar+) in regenerating transformed plants. xiii 104 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 I. balsamina with white and purple flower colours 2 1.2 Lawsone and Me-lawsone, chemical structures found in 3 roots cultures of I. balsamina. 1.3 The genetic organization of the TL-DNA of an octopine 9 –type Ti plasmid with eight open reading frames (ORFs) (1-7). 1.4 PDS-1000/He Particle Delivery System, a device used 12 in biolistic transformation (BioRad, USA). 1.5 Structure of hygromycin. 17 1.6 The chemical structure of phosphinothricin (PPT). 19 1.7 Structure of X-Gluc 21 (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl-ß-D-glucuronide) 1.8 Nucleotide sequence of the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 24 35S promoter and upstream region. 2.1 The different types and sections of 7 days old seedling 32 explants. 2.2 The effect of explant age from proximal cotyledon on average number of shoot per explant after three weeks in culture on MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP. xiv 37 2.3 The effect of cytokinin on shoot regenerated from different 38 types of explants used after three weeks in culture. 2.4 Multiple shoots development in MS media supplemented with 40 1 mg/L BAP within two weeks in culture (A-E). 2.5 The effect of different concentrations of hormones and control 42 (without hormone treatments) on shoot induction using 7 days old cotyledon explants after three weeks in culture. 2.6 Shoot induction from proximal section of 7 days old 43 seedling cotyledons on MS media supplemented with and without hormones after three weeks in culture. 2.7 The effect of different concentrations of auxin hormones on 46 root induction after two weeks in culture. 2.8 Comparison of root morphology from different auxins 47 treatment in half strength MS media after two weeks in culture. 2.9 In vitro plant regeneration of I. balsamina using 49 7 days old seedling cotyledons within eight weeks in culture. 3.1 The effect of target distance and helium pressure on 74 GUS gene expression after pre-culture of explants in bombardment media (0.4 M sorbitol and mannitol) 24 h prior bombardment using 1.0µg DNA, 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. 3.2 The effect of number of bombardment (one and two times) on 75 explants after a week of bombardment. 3.3 The effect of number of bombardments on GUS spots per explants after 24 h post-bombarment using 9 cm target distance xv 76 and 1100 psi helium pressure. 3.4 The effect of pre-culture time of explants with osmotic 78 treatment of 0.4 mannitol and sorbitol on GUS gene expression after bombarding explant at 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. 3.5 The effect of DNA concentrations (µg) on GUS spots per 80 explants 24 h post-bombardment using 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. 3.6 The effect of pre-culture treatments with different types and 82 concentrations of osmotic treatment on GUS gene expression after 24 h post-bombardment using 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. 3.7 The effect of post-bombardment incubation time on 84 GUS expression after bombardment using 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. 3.8 The effect of bombardments using optimal biolistic conditions (target distance 9 cm, 1100 psi helium pressure,one time bombardment, 1.0 µg DNA, pre-culture with combination of mannitol and sorbitol (0.4M) in 16 h pre-culture time, post-bombardment incubation time 24 h before GUS) assay on GUS gene expression of explants xvi 87 3.9 The effect of different concentrations of hygromycin on 90 explants after five weeks in culture. 3.10 The effect of hygromycin on plantlets regeneration and 94 GUS assay of I. balsamina. 3.11 Agarose gel analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 98 product of transformed I. balsamina. 3.12 The effect of Basta on I. balsamina after 48 h of exposure 99 by spraying. 3.13 The effect of phosphinothricin (PPT) in different concentrations on shoots for minimal lethal dose. xvii 102 ABBREVIATIONS BAP - Benzylaminopurine PPT - Phosphinothricin C - Celcius psi - Pounds per square inch cm - Centimeter RNA - Ribonucleic acid DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid SE - Standard error of mean GUS - ß-glucuronidase TDZ - Thidiazuron h - Hour µg - Microgram HCl - Hydrochloric acid µl - Microliter IAA - Indole acetic acid µm - Micrometer IBA - Indole butyric acid ß - Beta L - Liter V - Volt M - Molar % - Percentage mg - Milligram mM - Millimolar ml - Milliliter MS - Murashige and Skoog (1962) NAA - α-naphthylene acetic acid NaOH - Natrium hydroxide nm - Nanometer pH - Per hydrogen xviii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX NO A TITLE PAGE Murashige and Skoog (1962) media containing the 136 macro element, micro element, iron source and vitamins. B Plant growth regulators and the solvents used for 137 stock preparation. C Plant growth regulators and the chemical names 138 D Luria- Bertani (LB) media. 138 E The bacterial growth with different plasmid 139 in LB media with ampicilin. F Plasmid pRQ6 (8.25kb) with uidA ß-glucuronidase (GUS) 140 gene and hph gene encoding for hygromycin resistant. G Plasmid pAHG11 (7.3kb) with bar gene confers to Basta (PPT) resistant. xix 141 CHAPTER 1 General Introduction 1.1 Impatiens balsamina background I. balsamina is a plant from Asia, North America and South Africa or known as ‘Keembung’, Garden balsam or Touch Me Not. The name of this plant refers to the elasticity of the valves of the seedpods, which discharge the seeds when ripe. These plants have thick stems and light green leaves with wide range of colors including rose red, rose purple, white and pink (Figure 1.1). The plant is an annual and easily grown in evenly moist, an organically rich, well drained soil in full sun to part shades. The photoperiodic studies on growth and development of I. balsamina have been reported by Nanda and Krishnamoorthy (1967). It was found that while floral bud of this species are initiated with three short day cycles, at least eight such cycles are required for flowering. The number of floral bud and open flowers bear a linear relationship with number of short day cycles. 1 The induced floral buds revert to vegetative growth unless the plants receive a minimum number of short day cycles needed for flowering and this reversion occurring in a basipetal direction. This plant also has properties and action according to indigenous medical system. For example, the flowers as cooling agent for external application to burns and scalds and posses marked antibiotic activity against some pathogenic fungi Aspergillus flavus and Candida albicans (Lee et al., 1999). Lawsone-forming multi enzyme complex from I. balsamina root cultures contain lawsone, an antimicrobial naphthoquinone. It was found that the root cultures of I. balsamina could produce a number of natural products, mostly belonging to the chemical groups of coumarins and napthoquinones including lawsone and Me-lawsone (Figure 1.2) (Eknamkul, 1999). Figure 1.1 I. balsamina with white and purple flower colors. Bar= 0.5m 2 Figure 1.2 Lawsone and Me-lawsone chemical structures, found in roots cultures of I. balsamina (Eknamkul, 1999). 3 1.2 The importance study of I. balsamina The inflorescence study in flower development using I. balsamina was reported by Pouteou et al., (1998). This can be explained by the response of axillary meristem primordial to the quantity of inductive signal, a response that is conditioned by the age or position of the primordia and allows undifferentiation of axillary primordial initiated before evocation to adopt different fates. The interpretation of this study is that vegetative and reproductive phase are not separate and antagonistic but interpenetrate each other to varying extends depending on the quantity of inductive signal. The research on role of the leaves in flower development using I. balsamina has been reported by Tooke and Battey (2000). In this research, the leaf derived signal was found to have a role in floral maintenance. The increased petal number was neither a response to a stress affects associates with leaves removal nor a result of alternation of petals for stamen. Rather, the petal initiation phase was prolonged when the amounts of a leaf derived signal were limiting. Therefore, leaf derived signal has a continuous and quantitative role in flower development. This may provide an explanation for the wide variety and instabilities of floral form seen among certain species in nature. The research on Impatiens was also carried out for Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus. Over the past decades, the virus began to develop in floriculture industry and becoming one of the most important viral pathogens of floral crops. More than 300 species from 50 plants families were susceptible to Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus including Impatiens. Symptoms of virus including ring spots, brown to purple on the 4 leaves and stem and flower breaking of plants (Windham et al., 1998). To date, there are few reports of genetically engineered disease resistance in floral crops including the transformation using nucleocapsid gene of Tomato Spotted Wilt Topovirus (TSWT) into chrysanthemum plants (Daughtery et al., 1997). Baxter (2005) also reported on development of Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus resistant using the nucleocapsid gene to I. wallenaria via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. 1.3 Plant regeneration system Plant regeneration system could be achieved via tissue culture. Tissue culture is the culture and maintenance of the plant cell or organs in sterile and environmentally supportive condition in vitro. It also refers as micropropagation, which is a set of techniques for the production of whole plants from cell cultures, derived from explants of meristem cells. Plant cells do need to multiply in vitro in certain condition and the most important is the freedom of the cells from competition of other organ. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the contaminants from the culture in aseptic conditions for the plant cells to multiply and produce the whole plant. This is usually conducted by surface sterilization of the explants with chemicals such as bleach and mercury chloride at the certain concentration and duration that killed or removed the pathogens without injuring the plant cells. Sterilizations of medium and apparatus used and maintenance the sterile condition while culturing the explants also need to be done to avoid the pathogens (Lineberger, 2003). 5 The successful of plant cell cultures is depended on the type of media (Murashige and Skoog, (1962); Gamborg B5) containing macro element, micro element, iron and vitamins supplemented with appropriate hormones for the growth. By providing the necessary chemicals in appropriate combinations and forms, it has been possible to establish cultures from virtually every plant part, of plants ranging from mosses to monocotyledonous angiosperms and to pursue diverse academic and economic aims. The ingredients of plant culture media can be categorized as inorganic salts, organic compounds, complex natural preparations and inert supportive materials (Huang and Murashige, 1976). Tissue culture has wide applications in research as it offers numerous benefits over the traditional propagation methods. For example, a single explant can be multiplied into several thousand plants in less than one year. Once established, actively dividing cultures are a continuous source of microcuttings, which can result in plant production under greenhouse conditions without seasonal interruption. The rate of growth is much faster due to the addition of exogenous hormones in vitro compared with traditional methods. The environment in culture provides nutrient and sterile conditions to avoid from other organism and the competitor of nutrient uptake (Lineberger, 2003; Slater et al., 2003). Example of plant regeneration of Impatiens reported were I. wallenaria (Baxter, 2005), I. platypetala (Kyungkul, 1993), Impatiens L. interspesific hybrids T63-1, a Java (J) x New Guinea (NG) (Kyungkul and Stephens, 1987) and Java, New Java and Java x 6 New Guinea (Stephens, 1985). Till now, no plant regeneration of I. balsamina is reported. 1.4 Transformation system Transformation is the introduction of foreign DNA into the plant cell by means of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and biolistic method. According to Birch (1997), the first plant transformation was reported in 1984 and has been extended to over 120 species in about 35 families. Plant transformation research has been widely provided as the expectations of this approach in improving the quality, to obtain the high yield and varieties resistant of plants (rice, orchid, soybean and pepper) against herbicides and diseases. The plant transformation remains as an alternative used to enhance the productivity and quality of plants. This improvement could lead for the future prospect, as the novel genes can be introduced for the useful production ranging in industrial, economical and agricultural product. The conventional breeding limited the high yield of plants, as it is a time consuming process to develop a variety of desired plants. The major limitation of conventional methods derive from the limitations of the sexual process itself and include constrains on the amount of genetic variation available within the crop (the gene pool) and the fact that all traits differing between the parents are subject to segregation and thus of selection are required to identify rare individuals that combine the best qualities of both parents (Manshardt, 2004). 7 The most widely successful systems used for plant transformation are biolistic and A. tumefaciens mediated transformation system. Biolistic is one of the methods that used high velocity microprojectiles to penetrate into the cells. This method depends on the apparatus optimization to enhance the transformation. In contrast, Agrobacterium technique uses the biological approach of plant pathogenic bacteria that moves the DNA from its plasmids into the plant cells as part of its life cycle (Slater et al., 2003). 1.4.1 Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation The A. tumefaciens, the causative agent of crown gall disease is a Gram negative bacterium, rod in shape, found in rhizhophere and survives on plant nutrient. This bacterium can infect the wound site of wounded plants and cause tumors. A. tumefaciens attracted to the wound site via chemotaxis shows the reaction to the phenolic compounds released from the damage cell. The Ti plasmid region of A. tumefaciens containing the T-DNA is defined as the presence of right (TR-DNA) and left borders (TL-DNA). Any DNA inserted between these borders will be transferred into the genome of the plant host and this system has been used to introduce the desired gene into plant during transformation. However, only the TL-DNA is oncogenic and contains eight open reading frames. The organization of the genes in the TL- DNA is shown in Figure 1.3 (Slater et al., 2003). The TR-DNA can be transferred and maintained in the absence of TL-DNA. Therefore, TR-DNA is considered as a naturally occurring T-DNA vector which might be an alternative to manipulated TL-DNAs from which all onc genes have been deleted (Leemans et al., 1983). 8 Although the used of A. tumefaciens has been widely reported in transformation of dicotyledonous, there were reports of the use of biolistic as an alternative method to enhance the expression and incorporation of genes into the plant cell in dicotyledonous species. For example, the first report describing recovery of an intact transgenic plant soybean (Glycine max) using biolistic was published (Christou, 1994). However, there was no report on transformation work of I. balsamina using A. tumefaciens and biolistic methods. LB aux 5 7 2 cyt 1 4 tm1 6a, b ocs RB 3 Border repeat (LB=left border, RB=right border). Figure 1.3 The genetic organization of the TL-DNA of an octopine – type Ti plasmid with eight open reading frames (ORFs) (1-7) (Slater et al., 2003). 9 1.4.2 Biolistic- mediated transformation Biolistic is one of the methods used for genetic transformation. Many transgenic plants have been produced via this approach. The first generation of this technique for gene transfer into plant cells was developed in 1960s by plant virologist (Birch and Bower, 1994). Transgenic plants generated by this method have been reported for monocotyledonous such as Kentucky bluegrass (Gao et al., 2005), jute (Ghosh et al., 2002), rice (Jain et al., 1996; Li et al., 1993) and dicotyledonous species including mothbean (Kamble et al., 2003), cowpea (Ikea et al., 2003), sunflower (Molinier et al., 2002) and soybean (Moore et al., 1994). This method involves the use of a high velocity of particles to penetrate the cells and introduce the DNA into the cells. The introduced DNA will be expressed in the plant cell if it is into plant chromosomal DNA (Wong, 1994). The particles that are commonly used are gold and tungsten. For biolistic transformation, DNA is coated onto the surface of gold or tungsten by precipitation with calcium chloride and spermidine. Generally with the high velocity, the DNA was delivered into the cells and once inside the cells, the DNA will elute off. If the foreign DNA reaches the nucleus, then transient expression will likely result and the transgene may be stably incorporated into host chromosomes (Kikkert et al., 2003; Birch and Bower, 1997). One of the widely used device for biolistic transformation is PDS-1000/He Particle Delivery System (Figure 1.4). This instrument used the high pressure helium 10 which carries the most power for given pressure of compressed gas without danger of explosion associated with hydrogen compared to other gases, with the less shock wave (Wong, 1994). One of its components is the rupture disc. The rupture disc determines the acceleration of shock wave to deliver the particle and available in different thicknesses ranging from 450 psi to 2200 psi. The rupture disc sealed the gas tube and released the shock wave when the valve is opened as the helium gas flows into the gas tube and pressuring the cavity. The energy of shock wave will accelerate the particles to the target cell. The distance of the target distance can be adjusted at different positions (3 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm and 12 cm) from the stopping screen. This target distance determines the spread of the particles to the target cell. The macrocarrier disk is held by the metal ring and the particles coated with the DNA were spread on the surface of macrocarrier. The stopping screen and macrocarrier sheet are subjected to the violent forces during operation. The operation is held under vacuum to help the blast of helium shock wave (Wong, 1994). The physical parameters depend on the apparatus settings. Generally, the wide ranges of settings have been tested (target distance, helium pressure and number of bombardments) and show the optimal for most of plants including banana (Sreeramanan et al., 2005), wheat (Ingram et al., 1999) and rice (Jain et al., 1996). The use of gold particle in range 0.7 µm to 1.0 µm, vacuum of 28 Hg, helium pressure 11 Figure 1.4 PDS-1000/He Particle Delivery System, a device used in biolistic transformation (BioRad, USA). 12 of 1100 psi and gap distance of 6 cm to 10 cm result in high transformation rates (Kikkert et al., 2003). For example, biolistic-mediated transformation on callus of rice resulted on transformation frequency with 37.5% (Ramesh and Gupta, 2005) and 8.9% (Lee et al., 2003). The necessity to optimize the velocity using the target distance and helium pressure is for optimal transformation rates with different tissues types, depending on the cell wall thickness and the need to penetrate several layers (Birch and Bower, 1994). For example, target distance of 9 cm and 1100 psi helium pressure in single bud of banana (Sreemanan et al., 2005), immature embryos of sorghum (Tadesse et al., 2003), embryos of cowpea (Ikea et al., 2003) and in embryogenic cells of rice (Jain et al., 1996) was the optimal condition in biolistic-mediated transformation. Multiple bombardments are carried out with the objective of getting better coverage of targeted areas in banana tissues (Sreeramanan et al., 2005). This is in consensus with Ikea et al., (2003) who reported that bombarding the embryos of cowpea twice increased the number of GUS gene expression with 70% of shoots embryos showed more than 20 blue spots per embryos hit and this could be due to the fact that multiple bombardments allow better coverage of the target areas and compensate for misfires from faulty and poorly set rupture discs. The biological factor includes the physiological condition of cell such as cell turgor pressure. The osmotic treatment with stabilizer sugar such as mannitol and 13 sorbitol can increased the transformation rates. The mechanism of osmotic enhancements could include both reduced vacuole volume and reduced turgor, which would alter penetrability by particles (Birch and Bower, 1997). It has been proposed that osmotic treatment could prevent the damages of cell membrane and loss of cytoplasm. In addition, the reduction of the volume of the vacuoles increased the possibility to reach the nucleus, resulting in larger number of cells successfully expressing the introduced gene (Santos et al., 2002). Transformation efficiency is also affected by subjecting the bombarded tissue at the right stage to the GUS assay for the recovery of the cells from injuries caused by bombardment (Sreeramanan et al., 2005). Other biological parameter includes the DNA concentration, tissue type, cell culture age and mitotic age (Wong, 1994). However, increasing the concentrations of DNA precipitated will also increase transient expression frequencies until particle aggregation occurs, resulting in poor dispersal and increased cell damage (Birch and Bower, 1994). On the other hand, the exogenous DNA used in the transformation experiments typically comprises a plant expression cassette inserted in a vector based on the high copy number bacterial cloning plasmid. Neither of these components is required for DNA transfer and only the expression cassette is required for transgene expression. The expression cassette typically compromises a promoter, open reading frame and polyadenylation site that are functional in plant cells. Once this plasmid has been isolated from the bacterial culture, it is purified and used directly as a substrate for transformation (Altpeter et al., 2005). 14 Therefore, the application of particle bombardment has been wide in transient gene expression studies. The transient expression study which initiates the genetically transformed plants enable for the study of mutations, promoter, and the effect of gene expressions (Taylor et al., 2002). In contrast, major disadvantage of biolistic is the tendency for complex integration patterns and multiple copy insertion could cause gene silencing (Kikkert et al., 2003). The application of biolistic has demonstrated transient gene expression in plant studies, production of genetically transformed plant and tissue and inoculation with viral pathogens (Taylor et al., 2002). The universality of application through cell types, size, shape, presence or absence of cell wall, and direct introduction of biological material into the cell have very high delivery efficiency to enhance the transformation rates (Sanford et al., 1987). 1.5 Marker genes 1.5.1 Selectable marker The used of selectable marker genes is to identify those cells that successfully integrate and express the transferred DNA. Genes conferring resistance to various antibiotics or herbicides such as hygromycin and phosphinothricin (PPT) respectively are commonly used in transformation research. The genes (hph gene and bar gene) 15 encode proteins that detoxify corresponding selection agents and allow the growth of transformed cells (Goodwin et al., 2003; Slater et al., 2003). Antibiotic Hygromycin B is an aminocyclitol antibiotic with broad spectrum activity against prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells by interfering with protein synthesis (Waldron et al., 1985; Rao et al., 1983). Hygromycin B appears to interfere with amino acyl tRNA recognition and cause misreading in cell free polypeptide synthesizing system that could prevent the synthesis of protein needed for the growth of cells (Rao et al., 1983). The resistance can be conferred by hph gene encoding hygromycin phosphotransferase, which was originally found in the strain of E.coli (Waldron et al., 1985). Resistance to hygromycin B is determined by an aminocyclitol phosphotransferase that modifies hygromycin B. The specific modification of hygromycin B is a phosphorylation of the hydroxyl on the 4 position of the cyclitol ring (hyosamine) (Rao et al., 1983) as showed in Figure 1.5. The hygromycin B resistant plants have been developed for both monocots and dicots such as rice with 8.9% transformation frequency (Lee et al., 2003), Kentucky bluegrass with 77.8% transformation frequency (Gao et al., 2005) and orchids with 12% transformation frequency (Men et al., 2003). 16 Figure 1.5 Structure of hygromycin. The arrow indicates the 4-hyroxyl group which is the site of phosphorylation for inactivation of hygromycin (Rao et al., 1983). Herbicide Weeds are one of the major problems encountered in crop management because of competition with crops for water, nutrients and as result decrease farming yields and productivity. Herbicide resistant crops are planted and non- selective (broad spectrum) herbicides are used for weed management. Provided that the field crops are genetically modified the carry gene for herbicide resistance, the broad spectrum herbicides (glufosinate and glyphosate) will not harm the resistant crops (corn, soybean, sugar beet, 17 carnation, flax, tobacco, rice and wheat). The other herbicides used are bromoxynil, sulfonamides and sulfonylurea (Mayer et al., 2004). Phosphinothricin (PPT) is also known as glufosinate, one of the active ingredients of herbicide Basta. It belongs to the family of aminoalkylphosphonic acids, structural analogues of amino acids in which the carboxyclic group is replaced by a phosphonic. This group resembles the tetrahedral transition state of several enzymatic reactions, particularly amide bond formation and hydrolysis. Several enzymes unable to discriminate between carboxylic and phosphonic function for binding to active sites, therefore results in inhibition of enzyme activity (Guiseppe et al., 2006). Phosphinothricin (PPT) acts by inhibiting the glutamine synthetase, a key enzyme in nitrogen metabolism in bacteria and plant cells (Berlicki et al., 2006; Wolfgang et al., 1994). This rapidly leads to ammonium accumulation and lack of glutamine. Glutamine synthetase catalyzes a reaction of central importance in plant metabolism, the conversion of glutamate to glutamine (Eugene et al., 1991). The enzymes catalyze the conversion of glutamate to glutamine in the presence of ammonium ion with accompanied hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as an energy source. Inhibition of this enzyme in plants causes total impairment of nitrogen metabolism resulting in accumulation of toxic amount of ammonium, which followed by plant death (Giuseppe et al., 2006). 18 Being nonselective herbicides, the exposure of phosphinothricin (PPT) to the plant may also block the recycle of carbon from the photorespiratory pathway to the Calvin cycle (Eugene et al., 1991). The genetic engineering of phosphinothricin (PPT) resistant plants allows the enlargement of the application of the herbicide in transgenic plant (Wolfgang et al., 1994). Figure 1.6 shows structure of phosphinothricin (PPT). The bialaphos (bar) resistance gene of Stereptomyces hygroscopicus that encodes for phosphinotricin acetyltransferase, which confers resistant against Basta has been widely used in transformation research (Ghosh et al., 2002). The bar gene converts phosphinothricin (PPT) into nontoxic acetylated form and allows growth of transformed plant even in the presence of phosphinothricin (PPT) (Goodwin et al., 2003). Figure 1.6 The chemical structure of phosphinothricin (PPT) (Eugene et al., 1991). 19 1.5.2 Reporter genes The most convenient measure of efficiency for DNA delivery into intact cells is the number of cells, which transiently express incoming reporter gene. Reporter genes or reporter proteins have played an important role in developing and optimizing transformation protocols for plant species (Sreeramanan et al., 2005). Reporter genes should be easy to assay, preferably with a non-destructive assay system and there should be little or no endogenous activity in plant to be transformed (Slater et al., 2003). Reporter genes codes for enzymes or protein can be detected using the biochemical assay. The efficient reporter gene allows the detection of transgenic events after bombardment in either a transient or stable expression. The most commonly used reporter gene is uidA gene encoding the ß-glucuronidase (GUS). Other reporter genes are green fluorescent protein (gfp), chloramphenicol transferase (CAT), nopaline syntase (NOS), octopine syntase (OCS) and luciferase (Datta et al., 1997). The GUS gene, originally isolated from E.coli has been widely used in transient expression study and plant transformation as the stability of the enzymes and the high sensitivity of the GUS allowed qualitative and quantitative assessment of transgene expression levels (Cervera, 2003; Taylor et al., 2002; Jefferson et al., 1987). Various ß–glucuronide acid substrates are available for GUS expression, which contained the D-glucopyranosiduronic acid attached glycosidic linkage to a hydroxyl 20 group of detectable molecule. The preferred substrate for detection is 5-bromo-4- chloro-3-indoxyl-ß-D-glucuronide (X-Gluc) (Datta et al., 1997). After bombardment, the explants were incubated with GUS histochemical substrate, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3indoxyl-ß-D-glucuronide (X-Gluc) (Kikkert et al., 2003) (Figure 1.7). Those cells that express GUS activity stained blue and distribution of cells received and expressed the bombarding DNA is easily visualized (Jefferson et al., 1987). However, disadvantage of using GUS is the blue stain is toxic and the assay therefore resulting in destruction of GUS expressing cells (Birch and Bower, 1994). Figure 1.7 Structure of X-Gluc (5- bromo 4-chloro-3-indoxyl-ß-D-glucuronide, a substrate for GUS which is encoded by uidA, a widely used reporter gene (BioWorld, USA). 21 1.6 Transient gene expression and stable gene expression Generally, there are two types of gene expression in transformation. The transient gene expression is temporary, occurs almost immediately after gene transfer with the higher frequency than stable integration and does not require the regeneration of whole plants. Therefore, transient expression is a rapid and useful method for analyzing the function of gene of interest (Altpeter et al., 2006; Lincoln et al., 1998) and the transient expression frequency provides the most convenient measure of the frequency of introduction of DNA into explants during the optimization of bombardment conditions (Birch and Bower, 1994). In contrast, although the stable expression occurs with the lower frequency, the expression was maintained for long term as the DNA incorporate into the chromosome of the recipient cell (Datta et al., 1997; Mitrovic, 2003). Introduction and expression of an exogenous gene into cells does not always involve stable integration of the gene into the genome of the recipient cell. Frequently, plasmid DNA may be introduced into host cells and may express in a transient fashion. This activity declines over time and eventually disappears. Even though measuring levels of such transient activity may be useful in specific cases, when it comes to the creation of stable transgenic phenotypes, only transformation events leading to integration of the foreign gene into the genome of the host cell are useful (Christou, 1994). 22 1.7 Promoters According to Odell et al., (1985), the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) promoter 35S is a major promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus that infects member of Cruciferae. The promoter is well characterized and stronger than other plant promoter expression in dicots, but confers low level of expression in monocots. The rice actin promoter and maize ubiquitin promoter achieved far better expression compared to 35S promoter in most monocots tested. The cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) fragments containing 400 to 1000 base pairs of 35S upstream sequences have been shown to be active when integrated into nuclear genome of transgenic tobacco. The upstream fragment -343 to 46 is responsible for the majority of the 35S promoter strength. The upstream fragments can be subdivided into three functional regions, -343 to -208, -208 to -90, and -90 to -46. The first two regions can potentiate the transcriptional activity and the third region itself increasing the transcriptional activity of the first two regions (Figure 1.8) (Fang et al., 1989). The specific sequence (a -60 nucleotide region (S1)) downstream of the transcription initiation site of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S can enhance gene expression. By using transient expression assays with plant protoplast, this activity was shown to be at least partially due to the effect of transcriptional enhancers within this region. The sequence motif with enhancers function is identified, which are normally masked by the powerful upstream enhancers of the 35S promoter. A repeated CT-rich motif is involved both in enhancer function and in interaction with plant nuclear proteins (Pauli et al., 2004). 23 -343 5’ TGAGACTTTT CAACAAAGGG TAATATCCGG AAACCTCCTC GGATTCCATT GCCCAGCTAT CTGTCACTTT ATTGTGAAGA TAGTGGAAAA GGAAGGTGGC TCCTACAAAT GCCATCATTG -208 CGATAAAGGA AAGGCCATCG TTGAAGATGC CTCTGCCGAC AGTGGTCCCA AAGATGGACC CCCACCCCAC GAGGAGCATC GTGGAAAAAG AAGACGTTCC AACCACGTCT TCAAAGCAAG -90 -46 TGGATTGATG TGATATCTCC ACTGACGTAA GGGATGACCC ACAATCCCAC TATCCTTCGC AAGACCCTTC CTCTATATAA GGAAGTTCAT TTCATTTGGA GAGGACACGC TG 3’ Figure 1.8 Nucleotide sequence of the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter and upstream regions (Fang et al., 1989). 24 1.8 Objectives of study The objectives of this study were: 1. To establish the regeneration system of I. balsamina with high regenerating plants using plant growth regulators for further study on biolistic transformation. 2. To establish the biolistic transformation technique by optimizing of bombardment conditions (physical and biological parameters), selection system and analysis of transformed I. balsamina. 25 CHAPTER 2 Tissue culture system for Impatiens balsamina 2.1 Introduction A highly efficient and reproducible in vitro regeneration system is an absolute prerequisite for producing transgenic plants. Particularly in cereals, stably transformed plants from all major species have been generated. In routine, application of molecular improvement independent of the chosen method of transformation is still hampered by the lack of readily available, highly efficient and long term regenerable cell and tissue culture systems (Sharma et al., 2004). The ability of genetically engineered floral crops depends first on development of protocols that allow for high frequency shoot regeneration then needs to be coupled with an effective gene transfer commonly which use Agrobacterium vectors or biolistic transformation (Daughtery et al., 1997). 26 Plant regeneration system of Impatiens species from multiple shoots was achieved using different types of explants for example, cotyledons of immature ovules of I. platypetala Lindl (Kyungkul, 1993) and shoot tips from both of Impatiens hybrids (Kyungkul and Stephens, 1987) and Java x New Guinea Impatiens (Stephens et al., 1985). Multiple shoots were also successfully regenerated from cotyledon of explants from other species such as from Pinus (Sul and Korban, 2004), barley (Sharma et al., 2004), squash (Ananthakrishnan et al., 2003), Bambara groundnut (Lacroix et al., 2003), Terminalia chebula (Shyamkumar et al., 2003) and cotton (Agrawal et al., 1997). Cotyledons usually utilize the meristematic cells and were chosen to establish a plant regeneration system. Based on previous reports, cotyledons proved to be responsive explants for many species (Kyungkul, 1993). Plants growths regulators are the media components produced in small concentration and have an effect on growth and development of plant organs. It is used commonly as plant hormones or the synthetic hormones. The use of auxin in high ratio generally induces the roots whereas high cytokinin will induce the shoots and the intermediate ratio favors on callus formation. There are five classes of plant growth regulator including auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, and ethylene. Generally, auxins (indole acetic acid (IAA), α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and indole butyric acid (IBA)) and cytokinins (benzylaminopurine (BAP) and Kinetin) are the most widely used plant growth regulator in plant tissue culture. Auxin promotes both the cell division and cell growth and cytokinins promote the cell division (Slater et al., 2003). 27 Cytokinins has clearly play important role in various processes in the growth and development of plants, including the promotion of cell division, the counteraction of senescence, the regulation of apical dominance and the transmission of nutritional signals. The natural plant cytokinins are adenines that have been substituted at the N6 terminal either an isoprene-derived chain (isoprenoid cytokinins) or an aromatic derivative side chain (aromatic cytokinins). Another well-known type of cytokinins is the phenylurea type, however there is no evidence that any of them occur naturally in plant (Sakikabara, 2004). The endogenous hormones refer to the hormones that are naturally synthesized such as IAA and zeatin. IAA, the most important naturally synthesize is unstable to both heat and light. However, the more stable of synthetic auxins and cytokinins have been widely used in plant cell culture (Appendix C) (Slater et al., 2003). Auxins are defined as organic substances that promote cell elongation growth when applied in low concentrations to plant tissue segments in a bioassay (Jennifer et al., 2004). There is evidence on the cell elongation growth of tobacco young shoot using GUS assay, indicating the presence of auxin on the lower side of the stem and this side elongates faster causing a bending. One of the native auxin is IAA, synthesized in young apical meristem and is transported basipetally to the growing zones of the stem and more distantly to the root via polar transport system (Davies, 2004). The auxin transport is a polar transport, which requires energy driven by adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The mechanism of auxin transport is one of 28 chemiosmosis system that depends on the hydrogen proton (H+) gradients generated from the proton pump. The proton pumps located in plasma membrane play a role in growth response of cells. The acid growth theory states that auxin stimulates the proton pump to lower the pH in cell wall. The acidification of the wall activates enzymes that break the hydrogen bonds between the cellulose microfibrils and loosening of the wall. The cells are free of water uptake by osmosis and turgor pressure pushes the loosening of the wall. The pressure enhances the elongation of cells and continuously the growth of plant cell (Lack and Evans, 2005). This experiment was carried out to optimize shoot and root regeneration of I. balsamina by various plant regulators concentrations. 29 2.2 2.2.1 Materials and Methods Plant materials and seed sterilization The seeds were obtained from wild type species. All seeds were washed under running tap water for 1 hour. Then, surface sterilization was carried out with 70 % (v/v) ethanol for 1 minute and 10% (v/v) solution of Clorox, Selangor, Malaysia (commercial bleach containing 5.25% sodium hypochlorite) for 10 minutes (Kyungkul, 1993). Seeds were rinsed with sterile distilled water three times and blotted dry on sterile filter paper. 2.2.2 Germination of seeds Seeds were germinated on MS media (Appendix A) supplemented with 3% (w/v) sucrose, vitamins (w/v), and 0.8 % (w/v) Bacto Difco agar. The pH was adjusted to 5.7 with 0.1 M NaOH or 0.1 M HCL and solidified with 0.8% (w/v) Bacto Difco agar (Sigma Aldrich, Malaysia) prior to autoclaving (121° C/ 15 psi) for 20 minutes. The seeds were germinated at 25° C ± 2° C under 16 h photoperiod with light supplied by cool white fluorescent lamps at an intensity of 17 µmol s-1m-2 using light meter (LICOR, USA). 2.2.3 Plant growth regulators and stock solutions Plant growth regulator stock solutions were prepared in 1 mg/ml by dissolving in an appropriate solvent (Appendix B). All plant growth regulators except for IAA and 30 IBA were added into the media before sterilization. Filter sterilization was carried out using 0.2 µm filters (Whatman, USA) for IAA (Sigma Aldrich, Malaysia) and IBA (Sigma Aldrich, Malaysia). They were added into the media after autoclaving (121° C/ 15 psi) for 20 minutes. 2.2.4 Explant preparations Cotyledons and hypocotyls were chosen as source of explants. Cotyledons were excised from 7 days, 14 days and 21 days old in vitro seedlings. Cotyledons were separated into proximal and distal parts. Hypocotyls were cut into three different sections for near base, center and near cotyledon. All explants with different ages and sections from cotyledons and hypocotyls were transferred to shooting media containing MS media with 1 mg/L BAP (Sigma Aldrich, Malaysia) and 3 mg/L BAP, respectively (Ananthakrishnan et al., 2003). Each experiment contained three replicates with ten explants per plate. Figure 2.1 shows examples from 7 days old seedling cotyledons and hypocotyls explants. 2.2.5 Shoot induction experiment Explants were transferred to shooting media consisting of MS media supplemented with various concentrations of TDZ, BAP alone or combination with NAA. Total number of explants per each hormone treatment was 90. Each replicate contained ten explants per plate (Table 2.1). 31 Figure 2.1 The different types and sections of 7 days old seedling explants. A. Cotyledon used in the study. Bar= 0.5cm. B. Proximal section of cotyledon. Bar= 0.2cm. C. Distal section of cotyledon. Bar= 0.2cm. D. Hypocotyls with different section in H1 (near cotyledon), H2 (center), and H3 (near roots). Bar=1 cm. 32 Table 2.1 The usage of different types and concentrations of cytokinins in shoot induction media. Cytokinins Concentrations (mg/L) BAP 1.0 3.0 5.0 BAP: 1.0: 0.5 and 1.0:1.0 NAA 3.0:0.5 and 3.0: 1.0 5.0: 0.5 and 3.0: 1.0 TDZ 0.5, 1.0, and 3.0 33 2.2.6 Root induction experiment Explants were transferred to rooting media consisting of MS media supplemented with NAA, IAA or IBA (Table 2.2). The effect of media types on rooting was carried out using full strength and half strength MS medium. Each experiment contained three replicates with ten explants per plate. Experiment was repeated three times. Table 2.2 The different types and concentrations of auxins on root induction. Auxins Concentrations (mg/L) IAA 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 IBA 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 NAA 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 34 2.2.7 In vitro plant regeneration The experiment was conducted using MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP for shoot induction and half strength MS media supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA for root induction based on results obtained in previous experiment. Cotyledons of 7 days old seedling from proximal section were cultured on MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP for three weeks. The shoots were transferred to rooting medium (half strength MS media supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA). After 2 weeks in rooting media, plantlets were sub-cultured in different media for observation of development plantlets. Half of plantlets (n= 90) were sub-cultured on half strength MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA and the other half (n= 90) were transferred in MS free hormone. The height of plantlets was measured for further growth within three weeks. 2.2.8 Data analysis Data on the effect of hormones and explant age on shoot and root induction and height of plantlets were analyzed using post hoc test (Bonferroni) from ANOVA (SPSS version 12.0 : SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). 35 2.3 2.3.1 Results The effect of explant age, types and sections on shoot induction The morphological and biochemical characteristics of cotyledons vary with age and will affect on cytokinin uptake. The plant also has regenerated potential emerges from proximal and distal section within a cotyledon and different section of hypocotyls of I. balsamina. Therefore, this experiment (Section 2.2.4) was carried out using different age, types and sections of cotyledons and hypocotyls to induce shoot regeneration. In the present study, the highest shooting percentage (88%) was obtained from 7 days old seedling of proximal cotyledon sections followed by 14 days (86%) and 21 days old seedling (81%), respectively (Figure 2.2). There was a significance difference (P< 0.05) on number of shoots per explant between all explant age tested using 7 days (P=0.00), 14 days (P= 0.002) and 21 days (P=0.19) cotyledons explants. This showed that explant age did affect on number of shoot regenerated from cotyledons of I. balsamina. No shoot was induced from distal of cotyledons (Figure 2.3). The callus formation was observed in distal cotyledon section with the highest percentage (76%) of explants produced white callus (Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3). However, necrosis of callus did not induce any shoot after four weeks of culture on shooting media. 36 Hypocotyls were also tested for shoot induction. In all explants ages and sections tested, hypocotyls only produced green to brown callus without shoots after two weeks on MS plates supplemented with 3 mg/L BAP (Figure 2.3). The results suggested that 7 days old seedling of proximal cotyledon section was the best explant for shoot induction. 5 4.5 4 3.5 Average 3 number of shoots per explants 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 7 days 14 days 21 days Explant age Figure 2.2 The effect of explant age from proximal cotyledon on average number of shoot per explant after three weeks culture on MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and error bar represents standard error (SE). 37 A B C Figure 2.3 The effect of cytokinins on shoot regenerated from different types of explants used after three weeks in culture. A. Proximal sections with shoots formation on MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP. Bar = 0.5cm. B. Distal parts with white calli formation on MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP. Bar = 0.2cm. C. Hypocotyls with green to brown calli on MS media supplemented with 3 mg/ L BAP. Bar = 2 cm. 38 2.3.2 Shoot induction Different types of cytokinins and concentrations have been used widely for shoot induction. In the present study, the used of BAP and TDZ showed significance different (P=0.00< 0.05). However, treatment using BAP: NAA showed no significance different with P value equal to 1.00 (P> 0.05). Proximal section of 7 days old seedling cotyledon showed the highest percentage of shooting (93%) with the highest average number of shoots (6.8 ± 1.05) at 1 mg/L BAP alone after three weeks in culture (Figure 2.4). Multiple shoot (50%-93%) were observed in all treatments BAP (1- 5 mg/L), BAP (1 - 5 mg/L): NAA (0.5 mg/L and 1 mg/L) and TDZ (0.5 - 3 mg/L) (Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5). Development of shoots was illustrated in Figure 2.4 A- E. Combination of BAP (1 - 5 mg/L) with NAA (0.5 mg/L and 1 mg/L) promoted callus and roots formation (Figure 2.6 B). Even though the used of combination of BAP( 1-5 mg/L) and NAA (0.5 mg/L and 1 mg/L) treatments resulted on lower percentage of shooting explants (50%-70%) and lower average number of shooting per explant (1.2 ± 0.47 shoots -1.7 ± 0.59 shoots) but there was no significant difference in all treatments (P= 1.00). 39 Figure 2.4 Multiple shoots development in MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP within two weeks in culture (A-E). Bar=0.1 cm. 40 Shoot induction using TDZ treatments (0.5- 3 mg/L) induced both shoots and roots with significance different (P= 0.00< 0.05). However, TDZ was not consistent in terms of number of shoots. TDZ treatment (1 mg/L) resulted on high number of shoots or lower number of shoots. This may cause by intermediate actions of thidiazuron (TDZ) as cytokinin and auxin in culture system affect on shoots or roots inhibition (Slater et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2003) (Figure 2.6 C). The average number of shoots per explants produced using TDZ treatments (0.5 - 3mg/L) was in range of 3.8 ± 0.9 shoots to 4.4 ± 1.09 shoots per explant (82%-87% explants produced shoots) compared to BAP treatments (1 - 5 mg/L) with average number of shoots per explants 3.6 ± 0.63 shoots to 6.8 ± 1.05 shoots per explant (84%-93% explants produced shoots). Therefore, in terms of higher percentage of shooting (93%) and higher average number of shoots per explant (6.8 ± 1.05 shoots), BAP treatment at 1 mg/L was the best treatment used for shoot induction. High percentage of shoots produced per explant obtained from control culture (80 %). However, the average number of shoots (1.2 ± 0.02 shoots) in control culture was lower compared to BAP (6.8 ± 1.05 shoots) and TDZ (4.4 ± 1.09 shoots) treatments (Figure 2.5). In addition, shoot with roots induction in control was initiated after two weeks in culture compared to the treated one, which were within the first week in culture (Figure 2.6 D). The shoot and roots induction was observed in control due to the presence of endogenous cytokinin in explants (Sakikabara, 2004). 41 8 7 Average number of shoots per explants 6 5 4 3 2 1 L O Z NT R TD Z O TD TD Z 1 3 C P: N B A 0. 5 (5 :0 1) A A A A B A P: N A A P: N A B (5 :.5 ) (3 :0 1) .5 ) (3 : A A B A P: N A B P: N A A A A P: N A B (1 :0 1) .5 ) (1 : A P 5B B 3 1 B A P A P 0 Different concentrations of hormones ( mg/L) Figure 2.5 The effect of different concentrations of hormones and control (without hormone treatments) on shoot induction using 7 days old cotyledon explants after three weeks in culture. Data were analyzed with ANOVA and error bar represents standard error of mean (± SE). 42 Figure 2.6 Shoot induction from the proximal section of 7 days old seedling cotyledons on MS media supplemented with and without hormones after three weeks in culture. A. 1 mg/L BAP. Bar= 1.5 cm. B. 0.5 mg/L BAP with 0.5 mg/L NAA. Bar= 1.5 cm C. 0.5 mg/L TDZ. Bar= 1.5 cm. D. Control. Bar= 0.5 cm. 43 2.3.3 Root induction The highest percentage of rooting was obtained when explants were cultured on half strength MS media supplemented with 0.5 mg/L IBA (96%) followed by 0.1 mg/L IAA (92%)(Figure 2.7). There was no significant difference (P= 1.00>0.05) between treatments of IAA (0.1 - 0.5 mg/L), IBA (0.5 - 2 mg/L) and NAA (0.1 - 1 mg/L) in half strength MS media with percentage of rooting explants range from 78% to 96%. The used of higher concentrations IAA at 1.0 mg/L in half strength MS media showed the lowest percentage of rooting (78%) with significant difference (P= 0.08< 0.05) compared to the used of IAA at 0.1 mg/L (92%) and 0.5 mg/L (90%). On contrary, the used of higher concentrations of IBA at 2mg/L and NAA at 1 mg/L resulted on high percentage of rooting when cultured on half strength MS media. Control culture in half strength MS media produced 92% of rooting explants. However, control culture induced roots after 6 days in culture compared to auxin treatments (IAA, IBA and NAA) within a week (4-6 days) culture. Therefore, 0.1 mg/L IAA (92%) in half strength MS medium was used for rooting of I. balsamina. In the present study, half strength MS medium induced rooting with 78% to 96% of explants compared to full strength MS medium (85%-94%) with no significant different (P= 0.913 > 0.05) between MS strength (Figure 2.7). Rooting in full strength MS medium showed no significant difference for all auxin treatments, IAA (0.1 – 0.5 mg/L), IBA (0.5 - 2 mg/L) and NAA (0.1 - 1 mg/L) with P value equal to 0.75 (P>0.05) 44 on percentage of rooting explants (85%-94%). Control culture in full strength MS media produced 90% of rooting explants. Therefore, different types and concentrations of hormones and MS strength did not effect on percentage of rooting explants of I. balsamina (Figure 2.8). 45 full strenght MS media half strenght MS media 12 10 8 Average number of rooting explants 6 4 2 0 0.1 IAA 0.5 IAA 1.0 IAA 0.5 IBA 1.0 IBA 2.0 IBA 0.1 NAA 0.5 NAA 1.0 NAA Control Different concentrations of auxin (mg/L) Figure 2.7 The effect of different concentrations of auxin hormones on root induction after two weeks in culture. 46 . Figure 2.8 Comparison of root morphology from different auxins treatment in half strength MS media after two weeks in culture. A. Root induction in half strength MS media supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA. Bar=0.1cm. B. Root induction in half strength MS media supplemented with 0.5 mg/L IBA. Bar=0.1cm. C. Control in half strength MS media. Bar=0.1cm. 47 2.3.4 In vitro plant regeneration After eight weeks in culture, plantlets were obtained when using MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP for shoot induction and half strength MS media supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA for root induction (Figure 2.9). After rooting, plantlets (100%) were sub-cultured in same rooting medium (half strength MS media supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA) showed lower height (5.0 ± 0.11 cm) compared when sub-cultured in MS medium free hormone showed higher in height (9.8 ± 0.13 cm) with significant different (P=0.00< 0.05) after three weeks in culture. Slower growth of plantlets in half strength MS medium with 0.1 mg/L IAA possibly affect on growth of plantlets because it was under pressure by hormones that could interferes with elongation and development of plantlets (Davies, 2004; Herath et al., 2004). 48 A C B Figure 2.9 In vitro plant regeneration of I. balsamina using 7 days old seedling cotyledons within eight weeks in culture. A. Proximal section of 7 days old seedling cotyledon on MS supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP after three weeks in culture. Bar=0.8 cm. B. Roots formation on half strength MS media supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA after five weeks in culture. Bar= 1cm. C. Well rooted plantlets sub-cultured in MS free hormone media after eight weeks in culture. Bar= 1cm. 49 2.4 Discussion The highest shoot induction using proximal cotyledons has been reported from previous reports in Terminalia chebula (Shyamkumar et al., 2003) and bottle gourd (Han et al., 2004). In plant, the meristematic zones are exclusively constitutive to the regions of dividing cells (Luc and Harry, 2004). The choice of proximal cotyledons including the axillary meristem in the present study showed the highest shooting compared to other types of explants. The inclusion of proximal region showed maximum shoot regeneration while removal of this region led to the reduction of direct shoot development (Han et al., 2004; Ananthakrisnan et al., 2003). The greater induction of organogenic tissues was obtained from whole and proximal halves of cotyledons than from distal halves and whole cotyledon explants. If compared with distal half explants, whole and proximal half explants also resulted in fewer explant death and larger diameter of organogenic tissue (Kyungkul, 1993). The organogenic tissues were not induced from distal-half cotyledon explants at any BAP concentrations tested (Kyungkul, 1993). Similar results were observed in the present study with no shoots induced from all explants age of distal section on the shoot induction media. Such differences in response among explant types suggests that an unidirectional polarity exists in the cotyledon explants in which a certain gradient of plant regeneration potential exists from proximal to the distal region within a cotyledon (Kyungkul, 1993). However, callus formation was observed in the present study from the distal sections. There were no reports on shoot induction from callus derived from distal sections. Therefore, although the callus was sub-cultured in shooting media 50 continuously in the present study, there were no shoots observed and all the white calli turned into necrosis. Similar result was also observed for hypocotyls explants in the present study with white calli turned into brown calli after eight weeks in culture. This finding suggested hypocotyls as non-responsive explants for regeneration system of I. balsamina. Moreover, there was no report on shoot induction from hypocotyls of I. balsamina. In contrast, shoot induction from hypocotyls were reported in other species such as Arabis gunnisoniana (Taskin et al., 2003) and Niger (Murthy et al., 2003). The explant age is one of the factors that affect shooting percentage. As in the present study, the younger cotyledons with 7 days old cotyledon showed the highest shooting percentage compared to other ages (14 days and 21 days) with significance difference (P<0.05). The highest number of shoots with younger cotyledon explants has been reported from previous studies. For example, the greater number of shoots with less callus formation was obtained from 13 days old cotyledons from I. platypetala Lindl (Kyungkul, 1993). For other species, cotyledon explants at various ages were also tested for sunflower which showed higher shoot regeneration frequency using four days old seedling cotyledon compared to six days old seedling cotyledon (Baker et al., 1999). The younger cotyledons contained high endogenous hormone concentrations such as cytokinin (Ruth, 2004). The morphological and biochemical characteristics of cotyledons change with age and these changes can affect cytokinins uptake and competency of cells to initiate buds. The used of cotyledons of lettuce (Lactuva sativa L.) explants 2-4 days after germination considered to be the time at which explants 51 showed maximum competence for shoot regeneration (Hunter and Burritt, 2002). Therefore, like other plant species reports, the explant age of Impatiens cotyledon was also an important factor affecting the induction of organogenic tissues and shoot regeneration (Kyungkul, 1993). Generally, the benefit of BAP over the other cytokinins on shoot regeneration of I. balsamina has been reported such as in I. platypetala Lindl (Kyungkul, 1993) and Impatiens L. interspesific hybrids T63-1, a Java (J) x New Guinea (NG) (Kyungkul and Stephens, 1987). Multiple shoots of Hibiscus cannabis with the highest number of shoots (11 shoots) per explants was produced when using 8.8 µM of BAP (Herath et al., 2004). In the present study, the shoots were produced when using BAP (1 - 5 mg/L) and TDZ (0.5 - 2 mg/L) with significance different (P=0.00< 0.05). However, the highest frequency of explants producing number of shoots (6.8 ± 1.05 shoots) was obtained at 1 mg/L BAP after three weeks in culture. This finding was similar to Kyungkul and Stephens (1987) where shoots of I. platypetala was achieved from cotyledon explants on media supplemented with BAP (10 µM) showed the highest frequency of shoots (9 shoots per explants). However, cytokinins generally inhibited shoot elongation as the concentration was increased. As BAP concentrations increased, lower average number of shoots per explants was observed as reported before in I. platypetala when higher concentration (40 µM) used delayed the induction of organogenic tissue and overall process of regeneration (Kyungkul, 1993). The similar result was found in the present study that higher concentration of BAP (3 mg/L and 5 mg/L) showed lower number of shoots (3 shoots per explants) with inhibition of shoot elongation. 52 The combination of BAP (1 - 5 mg/L) with NAA (0.5 mg/L and 1 mg/L) in the present study showed lower percentage of shooting (50%-70%) and average number of shoots (1.2 ± 0.47 shoot to 1.7 ± 0.59 shoots) per explant , callus and root production with no significance different (P=1.0> 0.05). In Impatiens hybrid of ‘T63-1’ and ‘Star Fire’, NAA stimulated shoot elongation of T63-1 at the lowest concentration (2 µM), and inhibited shoot elongation of ‘Star Fire’ at all concentrations of NAA (2 µM, 4 µM and 6 µM) ( (Kyungkul and Stephens, 1987). Combination of BAP (3 mg/L and 5mg/L) with NAA (0.5 mg/L and 1 mg/L) or IAA (0.01 - 1 mg/L) treatments resulted on lower shoot regeneration frequency, suggesting that only BAP at 3 mg/L may be considered a crucial factor for shoot induction in bottle gourd (Han et al., 2004). The combination of BAP (1 - 5 mg/L) and NAA (0.5 mg/L and 1 mg/L) also led to increased callus formation in the present study and continuous sub-culturing of the callus led to the necrosis of explants. Previous studies also reported callus formation from cotyledon explants of sunflower (Baker et al, 1999) when the cotyledon explants were cultured with combination of BAP (1 mg/L) and NAA (0.5 mg/L). Non-purine based chemicals, such as substituted phenylureas are also used as cytokinins in plant cell culture media. These substituted phenylureas can substitute for auxin in some culture system (Slater et al., 2003). Therefore, in the present study, shoot and root formation was also found in all concentrations of TDZ at 0.5 mg/L, 1mg/L and 2 mg/L. Yang et al., (2001) reported on higher percentage of shoots (83.2%) when culturing cotyledons of Swainsola salsula Taubert using TDZ (2 mg/L) treatment with 9 average numbers of shoots. Although TDZ treatments was produced shoots at 82% to 87% with high average number of shoots (3.8 ± 0.97 shoots to 4.4 ± 1.09 shoots) per 53 explant in this study, TDZ was not consistent on producing high induction of shoots when shoots inductions were inhibited in certain experiments and replicates due to the intermediate actions of TDZ as cytokinin and auxin in culture systems. This coincides with Wang et al., (2003) finding that both BAP and TDZ were also effective in inducing shoot regeneration of Spartina alterniflora. However, treatment with TDZ in the shoot regeneration medium inhibited the root regeneration of Spartina alterniflora. Other than that, there was no evidence of TDZ occurring as endogenous hormone of cytokinins compared to BAP which was effective in uptake and led to the high shoot induction compared to TDZ (Sakikabara, 2004). For control, lower average number of shoots (1.2 ± 0.02 shoots) per explants was observed in this study compared with cytokinins treatments (BAP and TDZ) although high percentage of explants produced shoots (80%) was obtained. The shoots induced without any treatment was achieved due to the effect from the endogenous cytokinin naturally present in the explants at axillary meristem (Sakikabara, 2004). Generally, root induction was obtained using all the auxins (IAA, IBA and NAA) tested with the highest percentage of rooting (96%) obtained when using 0.5 mg/L IBA. However, 0.1 mg/L IAA with high percentage of rooting (92%) was used for rooting treatment in this study. The rapid growth of roots in the present study was observed in four days when using IAA treatment possibly due to native auxin IAA occur in plant as reported by Jennifer et al., (2004). Han et al., (2004) reported shoots of bottle gourd from cotyledons explants were successfully rooted in half strength MS supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA. Generally, rooting treatments using IAA (0.1 - 1 mg/L), IBA (0.5 2 mg/L) and NAA (0.1 - 1 mg/L) showed no significance difference on percentage of 54 rooting in half strength MS media (P 1.00>0.05) and full strength MS media (P=0.75 <0.05). However, IAA treatments using higher concentrations of IAA could inhibit roots formation as reported by Swamy et al, (2004) on average number of rooting of Albizia procera using IAA at 10µg/L (2 roots) compared to the used of IAA at lower concentration (8 µg/L) with 4 roots. In this study when using 1 mg/L IAA affect on lower percentage of rooting with 78% compared to lower concentrations of IAA (0.1 mg/L and 0.5 mg/L) treatments with high percentage of rooting (90%-92%) in half strength MS media. The used of IBA was effective for rooting of Hordeum vulgare L. at 0.5 mg/L and 1 mg/L (Sharma et al., 2004) and Swainsona salsula Taubert at 2 mg/L (Yang et al., 2001). Although NAA treatment was not effective for rooting treatment of Swainsona salsula Taubert (Yang et al., 2001), multiple shoots of Vigna subterranea (Bambara groundnut) and shoots of I. platypetala hybrid responded well to NAA at 0.5 mg/L and 1 mg/L to develop roots (Lacroix et al., (2003) ; Stephens et al, (1985)). The presence of endogenous auxin also induced roots for control culture in both types of MS media (full and half strength) in this study with average of 90% of rooting. This finding coincides with Kyungkul (1993) who found multiple shoots of I. platypetala Lindl were successfully rooted in free medium. The used of different MS strength with full and half strength showed no significant difference (P=0.913>0.05) on percentage of rooting in this study. However, greater root induction of Spartina alterniflora was produced when using half strength MS medium (91% of rooting) compared to full strength MS (82% of rooting) (Wang et al., 2003). The highest rooting percentage (100%) from cotyledons explants was reported when using half strength MS media in bottle gourd and Terminalia chebula 55 (Han et al., 2004; Syhamkumar et al., 2003). The favorable effects of a diluted mineral solution on rooting can be explained by the reduction of nitrogen concentration. The reduction at the mineral concentration of medium to half normal values increased the rooting percentage in Prunus persica using IBA treatments (Fotopoulus and Sotiropoulus, 2005). Therefore, in this study, half strength media was used for rooting. In this study, elongation of plantlets in MS free medium after rooting resulted on 10 cm in average of height compared when sub-culturing in the same half strength MS rooting medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA ( 5 cm in height) after three weeks in culture. The used of MS free medium was reported before for elongation of Hibiscus cannabinus multiple shoots (96% shoots) as the presence of hormones could interferes with shoot elongation and development (Herath et al., 2004). 56 2.5 Conclusion In conclusion, after eight weeks in culture, plantlets were successfully obtained in MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP for shooting and half strength MS media supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA for rooting. This system would be used as a fundamental study for I. balsamina for further investigation. 57 CHAPTER 3 Transformation of Impatiens balsamina through biolistics 3.1 Introduction Plant transformation is normally carried out in order to improve crop plant characteristics. However, the success of plant transformation depends on the stable expression of the gene of interest into the genome of the plant. Basically, there are two important methods that have been successfully used for transformation. They are, utilizing Agrobacterium, a plant pathogen of dicotyledonous plants and a direct gene transfer using particle bombardment or biolistics. The latter is the method of choice for the transformation of many monocotyledonous plants. In this chapter technique of particle bombardment or biolistics was used throughout the investigation. The effort to use biotechnology techniques to the transformation of Impatiens sp. has increased. The regeneration systems of Impatiens have been established such as I. wallenaria (Baxter, 2005), I. platypetala (Kyungkul, 1993), Impatiens L. interspesific 58 hybrids T63-1, a Java (J) x New Guinea (NG) (Kyungkul and Stephens, 1987) and Impatiens Java, New Java and Java x New Guinea (Stephens, 1985). However, there is no literature to describe plant regeneration and transformation of I. balsamina. Particle bombardment or biolistics is the most important and effective direct gene transfer method in regular use. It is also useful in the transformation strategies involving plant viruses (Altpeter et al., 2005). Impatiens is one of the host plants for Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV), the virus that could infect the crops in many species. Therefore, efforts have been carried out on development of transformation system using biolistics for obtaining resistant plants (Daughtery et al., 1997). In certain study, the transformation efficiency as reported in literatures can be very low as described by Jain et al., (1996). It could be due to several reasons to account for low efficiency for example the optimal bombardment conditions which vary. Other reasons would depend on the type and quality of the target cells and tissues or it could be the media requirements for bombardments. Therefore, Kikkert et al., (2003) suggested that improvement on the optimization of biological and physical parameters need to be carried out for high transformation efficiency. Biolistics system had never been tested on cotyledonary explants from I. balsamina and there was no report on the successful of the stable transformation of I. balsamina using biolistics. Therefore, there is the possibility of utilizing the biolistics system to produce transformed I. balsamina using cotyledonary explants with axillary meristem in comparison to the A. tumefaciens system. However, using the meristematic 59 tissue, high proportion of transformed plants is likely to be chimeric (Birch and Bower, 1994). A plant is said to be a chimera when cells of more than one genotype are found growing adjacent in the tissues of that plant. The chimeral plants may originate by grafting, spontaneous mutation, induced mutation, sorting-out from variegated seedlings, mixed callus cultures, or protoplast fusion. Tissue culture methodology provides a useful way to separate plant chimeras into their component genotypes. Conditions that favor adventitious shoot formation (leaf or callus culture, suspension culture, extremely rapid shoot proliferation rates) encourage genotypic segregation. Genotypic segregation can confirm the chimeral nature of the cultivar in question and can allow conclusions to be drawn about the ontogeny of in vitro adventitious shoot formation (Lineberger, 2003). This research focused on plant transformation via biolistics. The ß- glucuronidase (GUS) expression system used to assess the expression of the reporter gene. The hph gene for hygromycin resistance was used to develop the transformation procedure using the biolistics system. Further study with bar gene was also carried for Basta resistance. 60 3.2 Materials and Methods 3.2.1 Bacterial strain and plasmids Bacteria strain of Escherichia coli (E.coli) and plasmids were provided by Biotechnology Research Centre, MARDI, Serdang (Table 3.1). Table 3.1 The plasmids used in this study. Plasmid pRQ6 uid pAHG11 3.2.2 Phenotype Others + GUS reporter gene hph + Resistant to hygromycin bar + Resistant to Basta Bacteria growth and condition Bacteria cells E.coli from frozen stock (-80 ºC) were streaked onto LB media. Luria bertani (LB) media contained yeast extract 10.0 g/L, tryptone 5.0 g/L and NaCl 10.0 g/L (Appendix D) and ampicilin (Appendix E) was solidified with 1.5% (w/v) Bacto Difco agar. The plate was incubated in incubator (Memmert, Malaysia) at 37 ºC for overnight to obtain an independent single colony. A single colony of E.coli was cultured in 10 ml of LB broth (LB media without agar) contained ampicilin and were 61 incubated in a rotary orbital shaker incubator ( Protech, Malaysia) at 200 rpm at the 37° C temperature for overnight (Bloom et al., 1996). 3.2.3 Plasmid DNA Two plasmids were used for bombardment. The plasmid pRQ6 (hph+) (Appendix F) contained the GUS gene (uidA gene) and hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hph gene) conferring to hygromycin resistance. The plasmid was driven by Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The plasmid pAHG11 (bar+) (Appendix G) contained the bar gene conferring to Basta driven by ubiquitin promoters. Both plasmids were provided by Biotechnology Research Centre, MARDI (Serdang) and were isolated from E.coli using Qiaprep Spin protocol from Qiagen, USA. 3.2.4 Agarose gel electrophoresis Complete DNA digested by endonuclease enzymes were analyzed by submarine gel electrophoresis through agarose gels. Generally, 0.8% agarose gel (w/v) prepared in TAE buffer (40 mM Tris-acetate pH 7.6, 1 mM EDTA + ethidium bromide at 0.5 μg/ml) was used. Samples (between 2 µl to 5 μl) were mixed with 5 µl of gel loading buffer [0.25% bromophenol blue (w/v), 0.25% xylene cyanol (w/v), 30% glycerol (w/v)] before loading. Mini gels were run at a constant 80 volts for 1 hour to 2 hours. 62 DNA fragments on the gel were visualised using an ultraviolet (UV) transilluminator (Superbright, Vilbert Loumart, Germany). The sizes were estimated by comparison with a 1 kb ladder (Promega, USA) standard DNA marker (1μg of DNA marker was used each time). The DNA ladder could also be used as a means of estimating the amount of DNA present in a sample as the band makes up 10 % (100 ng) of the total DNA present in the marker used (Bloom et al., 1996). 3.2.5 Measurement of DNA concentration DNA concentration was estimated by ultraviolet spectrophotometry (Cary 100 Bio, Siber Hegner, Selangor, Malaysia). An A260nm of 1.0 corresponds to 50 μg of double stranded DNA per ml. The DNA purity was estimated from the ratio of A260nm / A280nm. Ratio of less than 1.8 indicates that the preparation is contaminated with protein (Maniatis et al., 1982). 3.2.6 Gold particle preparations Gold particles (6 mg) (BioRad, USA) with 1.0 µm in diameter were sterilized in 100 µl absolute ethanol with vortexing. The particles were washed twice and resuspended in 100 µl sterile water (Lee et al., 2003). 63 3.2.7 Preparation of DNA coating gold particles Sterile gold particles in sterile water (100 µl) (Section 3.2.6) (BioRad, USA) were mixed with 20 µl plasmid DNA (1.0 µg/ µl). Then the gold particles and DNA mixture were mixed in 100 µl CaCl2 (2.5 M) and 40 µl spermidine (0.1 M). The gold particle/DNA suspension was quick vortex (Grant, Malaysia) and left for 10 min at room temperature. The DNA coated particles were pelleted by centrifugation at 10,000 g for 10 sec at room temperature. The supernatant was completely removed. The pellet was resuspended in 100 µl absolute ethanol. Then, 12 µl of particle/ DNA mixture was placed in the center of microcarrier. The bombardment was carried out using the PDS 1000/He Biolistic Particle Delivery (BioRad, USA) (Lee et al., 2003). 3.2.8 Explants preparation Proximal cotyledons (20 units) of 7 days old were placed at the center of 9 cm petri disc containing bombardment media prior to bombardment. Total number of explants used depends on experiments. Optimization of biolistic parameters used 80 explants per treatment while bombardment using optimal concentrations using 960 explants for both transformation (pRQ6) and co-transformation (pRQ6 and pAHG11). All explants were cultured for 16 h before bombardment on bombardment media (Section 3.2.9) at 25° C with light supplied by cool white fluorescent lamps at an intensity of 17µmol m2 s-1 using light meter (LICOR, USA). 64 3.2.9 Bombardment media Bombardment media (NBO media) consist of MS media supplemented with vitamins (w/v), sucrose 3% (w/v), benzylaminopurine (BAP) (1 mg/L) and mannitol (0.2 M) / sorbitol (0.2 M). The pH was adjusted to 5.7 with 0.1 M NaOH or 0.1 M HCL and solidified with Bacto Difco agar (0.8% (w/v) (Lee et al., 2003). 3.2.10 Bombardment technique Physical and biological parameters for DNA delivery into I. balsamina explants were optimized. Vacuum pressure was maintained at 28 Hg. Each experiment had two replicates and was conducted twice. Control was using the unbombarded plant tissues. Bombarded explants depends on experiments were histochemically GUS tested for the optimal parameter (physical parameters and biological parameters) of biolistic condition. For further study on selection system, bombarded explants (n=280 explants) were subjected to GUS assay while other explants (n= 680) were sub-cultured in selection media consisting of 75 mg/L hygromycin and 1 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT) after bombardment or used as control culture. Physical parameters Optimization of the physical factors was carried out under the following conditions, combination of helium pressure (650 psi, 900 psi, 1100 psi) and distance 65 from stopping plate to the target distance (6 cm, 9 cm, and 12 cm) and the number of bombardments. Biological parameters The biological parameters included the pre-culture time prior bombardment (4 h, 16 h and 32 h), DNA concentrations (0.2 µg, 0.5 µg and 1.0 µg), post-bombardment incubation time (4 h, 24 h, and 48 h) and osmotic treatments (bombardment media) containing mannitol, sorbitol and combination of both mannitol and sorbitol in different concentrations (0.2 M, 0.4 M and 0.6 M) appropriately. 3.2.11 ß-glucuronidase (GUS) assay buffer Histochemical GUS assay was carried out as described by Jefferson et al., (1987). GUS assay buffer consist of 1 mM 5-bromo-4 –chloro-3-indoxyl-ß-D-glucuronide (XGluc), 0.2 M sodium phosphate (pH 7.0), and 0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100. The presence of GUS spots on explants was examined under the dissecting microscope. 3.2.12 ß-glucuronidase (GUS) expression assay Histochemical GUS assay of explants for transient gene expression was tested after 24 h of bombardment in 1 mM 5-bromo-4 –chloro-3-indoxyl-ß-D-glucuronide (XGluc) reaction buffer. All explants were incubated at 37°C for 24 h in the reaction 66 buffer (GUS buffer). After incubation, all explants were soaked in 70 % (v/v) ethanol for 15 min to remove the chlorophyll. The GUS gene expression was recorded in terms of percentage GUS positive explants and average number of GUS spots per explants. In order to obtain the transformed plants, half of the explants were regenerated in selection media. The GUS assay was tested again after the plants were successfully regenerated in selection media. 3.2.13 Genomic DNA In this study, the genomic DNA was carried out using cetyl metyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) modified method from Zidani et al (2005). An extraction buffer consisted of 2% cetyl metyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) (w/v) (Sigma Aldrich, Malaysia), 100 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 20 mM EDTA (pH 8.0), 1.4 M natrium chloride (NaCl), 1% (w/v) polyvinylprolidone (PVP) (Sigma Aldrich, Malaysia) and 3 M sodium acetate (pH 5.2). In addition, chloroform: isoamylalcohol (24:1), 75% and 100% (v/v) ethanol and TE buffer consisting of 10 mM Tris (pH 8.0) and 1 mM EDTA (pH 8.0) were also prepared. A 1.0 g of leaf sample (10 weeks) from transformed and non transformed plants was homogenized in liquid nitrogen using mortar and pestle. The homogenized tissues were transferred into microcentrifuge tube and 1 ml of 65°C cetyl metyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) buffer was added. The tube was incubated at 65°C for 5 min. The mixture of chloroform: isoamylalcohol (24:1) with 1.0 ml was added and centrifuged by 67 microcentrifuger (Micro 200, Zentrifugen, Malaysia) at 5000 g for 10 min to separate the phases. The supernatant (top layer) was carefully decanted and transferred to a new microcentrifuge tube and 200 µl of 5 % (w/v) cetyl metyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) solution was added. Then, chloroform: isoamylalcohol (24:1) (1 ml) was added again, centrifuged at 5000 g for 10 min to separate the phases and ending with decanting of supernatant into a new microcentrifuge tube. The supernatant was precipitated with 95 % (w/v) ethanol and 100 µl of sodium acetate (pH 5.2) was added. The DNA pellet was obtained by centrifuging the supernatant at 10,000 g for 10 min at room temperature. The DNA pellet were washed using 100 % ethanol, dried and resuspended in 100 µl TE buffer. 3.2.14 Statistical analysis Data from optimization of biolistic conditions (biological and physical parameters) and selection system were subjected to post hoc test (Bonferroni) in one way ANOVA using SPSS 12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA) with significance level at 0.05. 3.2.15 Transformation frequency Transformation frequency (%) was calculated as described by Lee et al., (2003) on rice callus transformation using biolistic method. The assumption of transformation frequency was mentioned as below. 68 Transformation frequency (%) = (Number of GUS positive plants/ total plants analyzed) x regenerated plants x 100% Number of explants bombarded. 3.2.16 Biolistic transformation using hph gene for hygromycin resistant Determination of minimal lethal dose of hygromycin on cotyledon explants The optimal concentration of hygromycin for the selection of transformants were determined by placing the unbombarded cotyledons on MS media supplemented with 25 mg/L, 50 mg/L, 75 mg/L and 100 mg/L hygromycin. The minimum concentration for mortality of explants was determined as minimal lethal dose. This result was observed within five weeks in culture with sub-culturing in the same media every two weeks. Delay selection method on hygromycin media Delay selection method was used to delay the exposure of selective agents (hygromycin; phosphinothricin) at the later regeneration phase (Jones et al., 2005). The bombarded explants using pRQ6 (hph+) were cultured in MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP (without hygromycin ) in 1 day, 7 days, 21 days and 35 days before transferred on hygromycin media. Selection method was conducted when culturing 69 cotyledons explants (1 day and 7 days) post-bombardment on MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP and 75 mg/L hygromycin. The effect of delay selection using shooted explants (21 days and 35 days) post-bombardment on MS media containing 75 mg/L hygromycin was observed. The GUS gene expression assay as described in section 3.2.12 and percentages of the regenerated plants were observed after five weeks in the selection media (75 mg/L hygromycin). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis Plants regenerated following bombardment and antibiotic resistance selection were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The DNA derived from selected transformed plants was tested for the presence of hph gene using the specific primers. The expected size of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product is 0.8 kb. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed with Gene Amp PCR System 2400 (Perkin Elmer, USA). The primers used for amplification of hph gene were 5’ –GGGGGGTCGGTTT CCACTA-3’ (forward primer) and 5’-ATCGTTATGTTTATCGGCACTTTG-3’ (reverse primer). The primers sequences were provided by Biotechnology Research Centre, MARDI, Serdang. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out for initial denaturation of 2 min at 94 °C, followed by 29 cycles of 45 sec at 94° C, 30 sec at 55° C annealing, temperature, 30 sec at 72° C of 30 sec and final elongation of 5 min at 72 °C. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were analyzed in 1.2% (w/v) agarose gel 70 electrophoresis. The primers condition was optimized by Biotechnology Research Centre, MARDI, Serdang. 3.2.17 Biolistic transformation using bar gene for phosphinothricin (Basta) resistance Herbicide applications on I. balsamina The effect of herbicide on I. balsamina was observed using commercial Basta (Bayer Crop Science, Malaysia), an active ingredient containing 200 g/L glufosinate ammonium with 0.25 % (v/v) and 0.10 % (v/v) of Basta aqueous solution. Determination of minimal lethal dose of phosphinothricin (PPT) on explants Minimal lethal dose is minimum concentration for mortality of explants (necrosis). The unbombarded 7 days old cotyledon explants were cultured on MS media supplemented with different concentrations of phosphinothricin (PPT) (0.5 mg/L, 1 mg/L, 5 mg/L and 10 mg/L). This result was observed within five weeks in culture by subculture the cotyledon explants every two weeks. 71 Delay selection method on phosphinothricin (PPT) media Cotyledon explants (7 days old) were bombarded using co-transformation pRQ6 (hph+) and pAHG11 (bar+) which confers phosphinothricin (PPT) resistance. Using the optimal concentration of phosphinothricin (PPT) (1 mg/L), the bombarded cotyledons explants were transferred to selection MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT) and 1 mg/L BAP after 1 day and 7 days post-bombardment. The delay selection method was conducted on 21 days and 35 days shooted explants and plantlets on MS media containing 75 mg/L hygromycin. The GUS expression assay was conducted as described in section 3.2.12 and percentages of the regenerated plants were observed after five weeks in the selection media. 72 3.3 3.3.1 Results The effect of target distance and helium pressure on GUS gene expression This experiment was carried out to determine the best correlation between the target distance and helium pressure during transformation procedure. Correlation test between helium pressure and target distance on average number of GUS expression showed significant at 0.01 level. In the present study, the DNA concentration was fixed at 1.0 µg and 16 h pre-culture explants in bombardment media contained 0.4 M sorbitol and mannitol (Lee et al., 2003), the target distance at 9 cm combined with 1100 psi helium pressure showed the highest average number of blue spots with significance different (P< 0.05) to other target distance (6 cm and 12 cm) and helium pressure (650 psi and 900 psi). The highest average number of 137.4 spots was achieved using this optimal target distance and helium pressure (9 cm: 1100 psi). The use of helium pressure less than 1100 psi resulted in lower GUS gene expression (Figure 3.1). 73 160 140 120 Average 100 number GUS spots per 80 explants 650psi 900psi 1100psi 60 40 20 0 6cm 9cm 12 cm Target distance Figure 3.1 The effect of target distance and helium pressure on GUS gene expression after pre-culture of explants in bombardment media (0.4 M mannitol and sorbitol) 24 h prior bombardment using 1.0 µg DNA ,9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. Data were analyzed using One-way ANOVA and error bar represents standard error of mean (+ SE). 74 3.3.2 The effect of number of bombardments on GUS gene expression The second physical parameter was to study the effect of number of bombardments on GUS gene expression. The bombardment was carried out using cotyledons (7 days old) showed high frequencies of transiently expressing cell in both numbers of bombardments when bombarded at 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. The average number of GUS spots was high when using two times bombardment (104.5 spots) compared to one time bombardment (98.9 spots). However, there was no significant difference (P= 0.1>0.05) on multiple bombardment and one time bombardment. Besides, two times bombardment caused physical injury of explants (Figure 3.2). Therefore, one time bombardment was chosen to enhance the high recovery after bombardment and minimize the cell damage (Figure 3.3). A B C Figure 3.2 The effect of number of bombardments (one and two times) on explants after a week of bombardment. A-B. The physical injury on meristem and explants. Bar= 0.3 cm C. The non-injury cotyledon explants. Bar= 0.3 cm 75 105 104 103 102 Average number 101 of GUS spots per explants 100 99 98 97 96 One time Two times Number of bombardments Figure 3.3 The effect of number of bombardments on GUS spots per explants after 24 h post-bombardment using 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. Data were analyzed using One-way ANOVA and error bar represents standard error of mean (+ SE). 76 3.3.3 The pre-culture time prior bombardment on transient gene expression One of the biological factors determined was pre-culture time prior to bombardment. The result suggested that high transient gene expression (average number of GUS spots per explant with 110.7 spots was obtained after 16 h pre-culture before bombardment on bombardment media contained 0.4 M sorbitol and mannitol. There was a significance difference (P< 0.05) between pre-culture times on average number of GUS spots per explant. The shorter pre-culture time (4 h) resulted in less average number of GUS spots per explants (5.8 spots) whereas prolonged pre-culture time (32 h) reduced the ability of explants for high GUS gene expression (average number of GUS spots per explant with 31.4 spots) (Figure 3.4). Pre-culture at 4 h (P= 0.02) resulted lower results because the cells need more time to acclimatize in the osmotic media whereas 32 h (P=0.02) inhibited shoot induction. 77 120 100 Average number of GUS spots per explants 80 60 40 20 0 4h 16 h 32 h Preculture times Figure 3.4 The effect of pre-culture time of explants with osmotic treatment of 0.4 M mannitol and sorbitol on GUS gene expression after bombarding explants at 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. Data were analyzed using One-way ANOVA and error bar represents standard error of mean (+ SE). 78 3.3.4 The effect of plasmid concentration on transient gene expression The various plasmid concentrations were tested on GUS gene expression ranged from 0.5 µg to 1.5 µg. The result suggested high GUS gene expression using 1.0 µg and 1.5 µg plasmid DNA concentrations with average GUS spots per explants 106.7 spots and 135.8 spots, respectively. There was significant difference at the 0.05 level between concentrations used in this study (P< 0.05). The average number of GUS spots per explant using different concentration of plasmid was shown in Figure 3.5. The plasmid concentration at 1.5 µg per bombardment resulted in highest GUS gene expression (Figure 3.5). Although the used of 1.5 µg DNA showed the best result, high GUS gene expression was not consistent at each bombardment. At certain time, poor dispersal could be observed under microscope. The particle aggregation occurs due to high amount of DNA used affect on poor dispersal and cell damage (Birch and Bower, 1994). This observation may interfere with gene expression at the later stage of the experiment. As a result 1.0 µg plasmid DNA was used in this research. 79 160 140 120 Average 100 number of GUS spots per 80 explants 60 40 20 0 0.5 1 1.5 DNA concentrations Figure 3.5 The effect of DNA concentrations (µg) on GUS spots per explants 24 h postbombardment using 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. Data were analyzed using One-way ANOVA and error bar represents standard error of mean (+ SE). 80 3.3.5 The effect of pre-culture treatments on transient gene expression This experiment was carried out to reduce cell injury during bombardment procedure. In the present study, the osmoticum treatments used consisted of mixture of sorbitol and mannitol showed 7.2-fold higher frequency of GUS gene expression compared to the sample without treatment. All explants were pre-culture (16 h) with different types and concentrations of osmotic treatment. Then, explants were bombarded using constant 1.0 µg DNA, 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi of helium pressure resulted on average number of GUS spots per explant in range of 45.2% to 110.2 %. Bombarded explants with 16 h pre-culture time in 0.4 M mannitol and sorbitol resulted on the highest average number of GUS spots (110.2 spots) compared without osmotic treatment (sucrose) 15.3 GUS spots. The significance level at 0.05 was shown between using the osmotic treatment and without using osmotic treatment (P< 0.05). Therefore, osmotic treatment did affect on transformation efficiency (average number of GUS spots per explant). Different types and concentrations of osmoticum (mannitol, sorbitol and mannitol: sorbitol) showed significance different between treatments (P<0.01). Osmoticum treatments using mannitol alone showed higher of GUS gene expression compared to sorbitol treatments alone (Figure 3.6). From this observation, treatment using both osmotica gave better results. 81 120 100 0.2M 0.4M 0.6M Average 80 number GUS spots per 60 explants 40 20 l or bi to ito l M an ni to l+ S So rb M an n ito l 0 Pre-culture treatments Figure 3.6 The effect of pre-culture treatments with different types and concentrations of osmotic treatment on GUS gene expression after 24 h post-bombardment using 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. Data were analyzed using One-way ANOVA and error bar represents standard error of mean (+ SE). 82 3.3.6 The effect of post-bombardment incubation time on transient gene expression The bombarded explants were tested in GUS assay after the incubation time for the recovery and high expression of the cells. The post-bombardment incubation times tested were 4 h, 24 h, and 48 h after bombardment using optimal condition (9 cm target distance, 1100 psi helium pressure, 1.0 µg DNA, 16 h pre-culture time of explants on bombardment media using 0.4 mannitol and sorbitol, one time bombardment). The post-bombardment incubation time affect on the recovery cells for high expression of cells. The results showed that the highest transient expression (110.7 spots) was obtained after 24 h of post-bombardment showed significant different (P < 0.05) between other post-bombardment time (4 h and 48 h). The incubation time for 4 h (P= 0.00< 0.05) showed less expression (19.0 spots) compared to 24 h, whereas 48 h (P= 0.007 <0.05) showed higher expression (99.3 spots) compared to 4 h post-incubation time (Figure 3.7). 83 120 100 Average number of GUS spots per explants 80 60 40 20 0 4h 24 h 48 h Post-bombardment incubation time Figure 3.7 The effect of post-bombardment incubation time on GUS expression after bombardment using 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. Data were analyzed using One-way ANOVA and error bar represents standard error of mean (+ SE). 84 3.3.7 The effect of optimal bombardment conditions on GUS gene expression and regeneration of I. balsamina Total number of 960 explants bombarded using pRQ6 (hph+) and cotransformation with pRQ6 (hph+) and pAHG11 (bar+) in the optimal bombardment + conditions. Bombarded explants (n=140 explants) for each transformation pRQ6 (hph ) and co-transformation pRQ6 (hph+) and pAHG11 (bar+) were subjected to GUS assay resulted on high average number of GUS spots per explants with 149.3 spots (95%) and 128.1 spots (90%), respectively (Table 3.2 and Figure 3.8). The other 180 bombarded explants out of 340 bombarded explants used for each + + of pRQ6 (hph ) and co-transformation of pRQ6 (hph , uidA+) + and pAHG11 (bar ) were cultured in MS media supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP or 0.1 mg/L IAA resulted on 100% of plantlets. The other 160 bombarded explants were further tested in selection media. Analysis of bombardment condition (target distance: helium pressure, osmotic treatment, DNA concentration, pre-culture time and post-incubation time) showed significant different between parameters tested (P< 0.05). In this study, only number of bombardments (physical parameter) showed no significant difference between bombardment for once and twice (P > 0.05). However, in terms of less injury of cells that effect on shoot regeneration (number of shoots), one time bombardment was the optimal parameter for biolistic condition. 85 Table 3.2 The effect optimal bombardment conditions on GUS gene expression of explants 24 h post-bombardment. Plasmid Number of Number of Average Percentage of bombarded explants for number of GUS positive explants GUS assay GUS spots explants (%) ± SE + 480 140 149.3+ 2.14 95 pRQ6 (hph ) 480 140 128.1+ 1.54 90 pRQ6 (hph ) + and + pAHG11(bar ) 86 A Figure 3.8 B C D The effect of bombardment using optimal biolistic conditions (target distance 9 cm: helium pressure 1100 psi, one time bombardment, 1.0 µg DNA, pre-culture explants with combination of mannitol and sorbitol (0.4 M) in 16 h preculture time and post-bombardment incubation time 24 h before GUS assay) on GUS gene expression of explants. A. GUS gene expression on explants after 24 h bombardment. Bar= 0.3 cm B. GUS gene expression on meristematic region of explants after 72 h bombardment. Bar= 0.1cm C. Lower GUS gene expression on explants after 24 h bombardment. Bar= 0.2cm. D. Control with no GUS gene expression after 24 h bombardment. Bar= 0.3cm. 87 + Biolistic transformation using pRQ6 (uid A+, hph ) for hygromycin 3.3.8 resistant Minimal lethal dose of hygromycin Minimal lethal dose was determined for the concentration used to distinguish the transformed and untransformed plant in later experiment. In order to obtain the minimal lethal dose, the unbombarded explants in various ages were tested in different concentrations of hygromycin. The minimal lethal dose refers to the explants in 75 mg/L hygromycin with 100% mortality of explants after five weeks in culture with significant different (P<0.05) between concentrations used (25 mg/L hygromycin and 50 mg/L hygromycin). The explants in 25 mg/L and 50 mg/L hygromycin survived even when the explants were cultured continuously for another five weeks. However, shoot regeneration of the surviving explants was inhibited when continuously cultured with hygromycin treatment. Control experiment was conducted with 0 mg/L hygromycin showed 100% growth of shoots in all ages. Minimum concentration of hygromycin to inhibit growth and cause mortality of explants was 75 mg/L (Table 3.3 and Figure 3.9). The significant difference at 0.05 levels (P < 0.05) between hygromycin treatment and without treatment showed hygromycin has an effect on mortality of explants. Each plate contained ten explants with number of cotyledons explants used for each treatment was 60 explants. 88 Table 3.3 The effect of different concentrations of hygromycin in various ages of explants on the mortality of explants using the unbombarded explants for minimal lethal dose after five weeks in culture. Hygromycin Explant age Percentage of mortality (mg/L) (days) explants (%) 25 1 0 7 0 21 0 35 0 1 25 7 10 21 0 35 0 1 100 7 100 21 100 35 100 1 100 7 100 21 100 35 100 1 0 7 0 21 0 35 0 50 75 100 0 Note: Control with 0 mg/L hygromycin 89 A B C Figure 3.9 The effect of different concentrations of hygromycin on explants after five weeks in culture. A. 50 mg/L. Bar= 4cm. B. 75 mg/L. Bar=4cm. C. Control without hygromycin treatment. Bar=4cm. 90 The effect of delay selection on regeneration of transformed plant in hygromycin media This experiment was carried out to determine the time before the exposure of explants to 75 mg/L hygromycin. The cotyledon explants were bombarded with pRQ6 (uidA+, hph+) plasmid. Transient gene expression was observed 24 h post-bombardment showed GUS spots on explants to confirm the delivery of DNA plasmid. Timing of selection on bombarded explant has effect on number of regenerating transformed plants. This was supported by data analysis showed that there was a significant difference (P< 0.05) between selection using explants (1 day and 7 days) and delay selection using shooted explants (21 days and 35 days) on percentage of regenerating transformed plants. The bombarded cotyledon explants were transferred in various ages of 1 day, 7 days, 21 days and 35 days post-bombardment on MS media supplemented with 75 mg/L hygromycin. Direct exposure of bombarded cotyledons explants 1 day and 7 days after bombardment to hygromycin resulted on 100% mortality of explants. In contrast, delay selection using 21 days and 35 days of shooted explants were resistant to hygromycin with 28% and 54% percentage of plantlets, respectively after five weeks in culture. This observation was achieved because of the hph gene action to inactivate the hygromycin via a 4-O- phosphotransferase. Hph gene catalyzes the phosphorylation of the 4-hydroxyl group on the cyclitol ring (hyosamine), thereby producing 7’-O- 91 phosphoryl-hygromycin B which totally lacks biological activity both in vivo and in vitro (Pardo et al., 1985). Therefore, delay selection was the optimal condition for plants production in 75 mg/L hygromycin. Table 3.4 shows the summary of the regenerating plants in which the highest percentage of regeneration (54%) was obtained after five weeks in 75 mg/L hygromycin. Figure 3.10(a) shows untransformed plant that could not survive in 75 mg/L hygromycin whereas Figure 3.10(b) shows plant resistant to hygromycin treated after five weeks. 92 Table 3.4 The effect of selection on number of regenerating plantlets when cultured on 75 mg/L hygromycin and 100 mg/L hygromycin after five weeks in culture. Hygromycin Number Explant Number Percentage (mg/L) of age of of explants (days) regenerating regenerating plantlets plantlets bombarded (%) 100 75 80 1 0 0 80 7 0 0 80 21 5 7 80 35 18 23 80 1 0 0 80 7 0 0 80 21 16 20 80 35 43 54 80 1 80 100 80 7 80 100 80 21 80 100 80 35 80 100 0 Note: Control with 0 mg/L hygromycin. 93 A C B D Figure 3.10 The effect of hygromycin on plantlet regeneration and GUS assay of I. balsamina. A. Untransformed plants in MS media supplemented with 75 mg/L hygromycin. Bar= 4cm. B. Transformed plants in MS media supplemented with 75 mg/L hygromycin. Bar= 4cm. C. Chimeric on young leaf. Bar=1cm. D. Chimeric on roots. Bar=0.5cm. 94 Chimera expression of I. balsamina The transformation via meristematic region led the chimera pattern that could affect on resistancy of plants in selection system. In this study, the chimera pattern of I. balsamina was observed using the GUS assay. However, over than 70% of blue stains on leaves were observed and led the plants to survive when cultured in 75 mg/l hygromycin after five weeks in culture. Figure 3.10 (c) and Figure 3.10 (d) show chimera pattern on leaves and roots of I. balsamina, respectively. The effect of hygromycin in selection system on regeneration of I. balsamina The effect of optimal concentration of hygromycin (75 mg/L) on regeneration of I. balsamina was studied. The age of shooted cotyledons explants of 21 days and 35 days exhibited percentage of regenerating plantlets with 20% and 54%, respectively in the presence of 75 mg/L hygromycin. However, when the hygromycin was increased to 100 mg/L, the percentage of survival plants started to decrease up to 50% resulted only 7% (21 days of shooted explants) and 23% (35 days of shooted explants) percentage of regenerated plantlets (Table 3.4 ). Therefore, in any experiment 75 mg/L hygromycin will be used to obtain the transformed plant in delay selection method. 95 Transformation frequency Transformation frequency was determined from number of GUS and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) positive plants per number of explant bombarded as described by Lee et al., (2003) (Section 3.2.15). Table 3.5 shows transformation frequency with 18.3% analyzed from GUS positive plant. Therefore, the success in biolistic transformation of I. balsamina when using hph gene could be used as a basic system and procedure for further study with other genes. Transformation frequency = (14/40) x 84 x 100 160 = 18.3 % Table 3.5 The effect of delay selection using 35 days shooting explants in 75 mg/L hygromycin on regenerating of the transformed plantlets after five weeks in culture. Treatment Number of Number of Number explants regenerated of GUS bombarded plants + plants/ Transformation frequency (%) Total plants analyzed 75mg/L 160 84 hygromycin 96 14/40 18.3 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of transformed plants This experiment was carried out to see whether the hygromycin resistant plants + carry pRQ6 (hph ) transformed plasmid DNA. From a total of 40 GUS positive plants analyzed, only 14 plants found to be PCR positive. The specific primers were designed as mentioned earlier in section Figure 3.11 also shows a representative from 14 plants sample of with approximately 0.8 kb DNA amplified as expected. 97 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 kb 1 kb 0.8 kb 0.6 kb Figure 3.11 Agarose gel analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product of transformed I. balsamina. A 0.8 kb DNA was amplified using specific primers for hph gene. Lane 1 and Lane 8: 1 kb DNA marker (Promega, Malaysia). Lane 2: non-transformed plant cell (Negative control). Lane 3-6: transformed plants showing 0.8 kb hph gene. + Lane 7: PCR of pRQ6 (hph ) plasmid (Positive control). 98 3.3.9 Biolistic transformation of bar gene for Basta (phosphinothricin) resistant The effect of herbicide Basta (phosphinothricin) on I. balsamina Initial experiment was carried out to determine whether Basta can react with adult I. balsamina. From the experiment, I. balsamina (7 month old) showed 100% mortality of plants after 48 h of exposure by spraying using Basta aqueous solution (0.1% (v/v). The leaves started to change color to brown (necrosis) followed by the stem (Figure 3.12). A B Figure 3.12 The effect of Basta on I. balsamina after 48 h of exposure by spraying. A. Control (without treatment). Bar= 13 cm B. 0.1% of Basta. Bar= 15 cm 99 The effect of herbicide phosphinothricin (PPT) on plant tissue culture of I. balsamina This experiment was carried out to determine minimal lethal dose of herbicide phosphinothricin (PPT) on tissue culture of I. balsamina. The untransformed explants in various ages were tested at different concentrations of phosphinothricin (PPT) (0.5 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L, 5 mg/L and 10 mg/L) and the minimal lethal dose was determined. The phosphinothricin (PPT) has effect on mortality of explants and data analysis showed that there was significance difference (P < 0.05) on explants treated with or without (control) of phosphinothricin (PPT). When the explants were cultured on 1 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT), 100% mortality of explants was observed showed significant difference (whereas, explants applied with 0.5 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT) did survive) (Table 3.6 and Figure 3.13). The explants turn to the black spots on the surface of cotyledons due to inhibition of glutamine synthethase, a key enzyme in nitrogen metabolism and leads to ammonium accumulation in explants (Eugene et al., 1991). 100 Table 3.6 The effect of different concentrations of phosphinothricin (PPT) on unbombarded explants ages for minimal lethal dose after five weeks in culture. Phosphinothricin Explant age (days) (mg/L) 0.5 1.0 5 10 0 Percentage of mortality explants (%) 1 0 7 0 21 0 35 0 1 100 7 100 21 100 35 100 1 100 7 100 21 100 35 100 1 100 7 100 21 100 35 100 1 0 7 0 21 0 35 0 Note: Control with 0 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT). 101 A B Figure 3.13 The effect of phosphinothricin (PPT) in different concentrations on shoots for minimal lethal dose. A. 0.5 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT). Bar=2cm. B. 1 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT). Bar=2cm. The effect of selection on phosphinothricin (PPT) media and GUS gene expression. The explants were co-transformed with pRQ6 (hph+) and pAHG11 (bar+). This experiment was carried out to determine level of plant resistant and assess gene expression in all ages of explant (1 day - 35 days old). The bombarded explants with co-transformation of pRQ6 (hph+) and pAHG11 (bar+) resulted in 100% mortality for early (1 day and 7 days old explant) and delay selection (21 days and 35 days old shooted explant) in media supplemented with 1 mg/L 102 phosphinothricin (PPT). However, GUS expression was observed in all explants (38%94%) depending on the age of explants and showed the presence of GUS gene from pRQ6 (hph+) (Table 3.7). Therefore, the transformation was successfully achieved. However bar gene was not expressed. It was maybe due to the bar gene driven by ubiquitin promoter showed the ubiquitin promoter was not effective in dicots plants compared to Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) promoter. In control experiment, all explants without the presence of phosphinothricin (PPT) in media were successfully regenerated into plantlets. 103 Table 3.7 The effect of 1 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT) on bombarded explants with cotransformation of pRQ6 (hph+, uid+) and pAHG11 (bar+) in regenerating transformed plants. Phosphinothricin Explant Percentage (PPT) age (mg/L) (days) of GUS Number of Number of Percentage explants regenerating of bombarded explants regenerating + explants plants (%) (%) 1 0 1 94 80 0 0 7 87 80 0 0 21 49 80 0 0 35 38 80 0 0 1 0 40 40 100 7 0 40 40 100 21 0 40 40 100 35 0 40 40 100 Note: Control with 0 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT). 104 3.4 Discussion Transient GUS expression in the present study showed that cotyledon was the most regenerative tissue (with axillary meristem at proximal part) and potentially useful as the target tissues for biolistic transformation. The present investigation on biolistic transformation of I. balsamina was carried out using pRQ6 (hph+) and co-transformation of pRQ6 (hph+, uidA+) with pAHG11 (bar+) encoding for hygromycin and Basta resistance, respectively. The DNA is commonly bound to the tungsten or gold particles by calcium chloride and spermidine co-precipitation. The sensitivity of the particles (toxic or nontoxic) against organism is varied. The E. coli plasmid was reported to be sensitive to the tungsten compared to other bacteria plasmids (Russell et al., 1992). In the present study, the plasmid DNA was coated using gold particles (1.0 µm) before bombardment due to the toxicity of tungsten and the sensitivity of the plasmid to the tungsten. The toxicity of the particles also contributed to the cell damage and reduced the ability of the transient expression study in the optimization of biolistic parameters. In other reports, gold particles were preferred as microcarriers for biolistic because of the uniformity, spherical shape and inert nature (Jain et al., 1996; Russell et al., 1992). The successful of using biolistics technique depends on the physical and biological parameters, therefore the optimization of both parameters (physical and biological parameters) are maximally effective for transformation study (Kikkert et al., 2003). This study suggested bombardment using the biological and physical factors on 105 GUS gene expression showed high average number of GUS spots per explants with 149.3 spots and 128.1 spots when using plasmid pRQ6 (hph+) and co-transformation with pAHG11 (bar+), respectively. The necessity to optimize the velocity using the target distance and helium pressure is for optimal transformation rates with different tissues types, depending on the cell wall thickness and the need to penetrate several layers (Birch and Bower, 1994). In the present study, the GUS gene expression was assessed at different target distances and helium pressure. The highest GUS gene expression was observed when using 9 cm target distance and 1100 psi helium pressure. These results were achieved as the organized tissues with thicker cells walls required higher particle velocities for penetration than thin walled cells from suspension cultures (Birch and Bower, 1994). This concurs with the single bud of banana (Sreeramanan et al., 2005), sorghum (Tadesse et al., 2003), meristematic explants of cowpea (Ikea et al., 2003) and in embryogenic suspension cells of rice (Jain et al., 1996). Multiple bombardments can be achieved from empirical investigations. The balance between increased gene transfer and cell injury determined from it was based on specific target tissue and bombardment conditions (Sreeramanan et al., 2005; Wong, 1994; Birch and Bower, 1994). However, the two times bombardments in this study caused the explants injury although the GUS gene expression was higher than using one time bombardment (King and Kasha, 1994). In contrast, the two times bombardments were sufficient to give high transient GUS gene expression in single buds of banana with 100 of average number GUS expressing spots (Sreeramanan et al., 2005). This finding supported by Ikea et al., (2003) who reported that bombarding the explants twice increased the number of GUS gene expression and this could be due to the fact that 106 multiple bombardments allowed better coverage of the target areas and compensated for misfire from faulty and poorly set rupture disc. The precipitation of different concentrations DNA onto gold particles (1.0 µm) was tested to obtain the potential amount for DNA delivery. The use of high concentrations of DNA (1.5 µg) gave the highest GUS gene expression. However, increasing the concentrations of DNA precipitated increased transient expression frequencies. The particle aggregation will occurs due to high amount of DNA and resulted on poor dispersal and increased cell damage (Birch and Bower, 1994). There was also no significant effect in increasing the plasmid concentration to 1.5 µg DNA. Therefore, the use of 1.0 µg of DNA also resulted in the maximum GUS gene expression. Osmoticum has also shown to have major effect on transformation efficiency in bacteria and for both the chloroplast and the nucleus in plants (Birch, 1997). This was proved with the previous reports on the use of osmotic media in pre-culture treatment before bombardment. In order to test the effects of osmotic agent on GUS gene expression, cotyledons explants were cultured in various types (mannitol, sorbitol, mixture of mannitol and sorbitol) and concentrations (0.2 - 0.6 M) with the highest GUS gene expression (110.2 spots) was obtained using 0.4 M mannitol and sorbitol. Osmotic treatment using higher concentration at 0.6 M mannitol and sorbitol decreased number of GUS spots per explant (71 spots) in this study due to osmotic adjustment, which allowed the cells to return to hypertonic state (Santos et al., 2002). This is in agreement with Ye et al., (1990) who found that biolistic transformation of higher chloroplast 107 plants using mixture of sorbitol and mannitol at 0.1 M increased dramatically (20-fold) the number of GUS spots per plate (100 spots) compared to the used of higher concentrations at 1.5 M significantly reduced to lower spots (5 spots). Lee et al., (2003) reported that mixture of 0.2 M sorbitol and 0.2 M mannitol resulted in significant 3.2 fold increase in transient expression frequency of GUS gene of rice callus culture. In contrast, the used of different between osmotic treatments (mannitol, sorbitol and mixture of mannitol and sorbitol) at 0.25 - 1.0 M on calli of cocoa resulted on the highest GUS gene expression (40 spots) when using 0.25 M of mannitol alone with no significance different between treatments (Santos et al., 2002). The use of mannitol alone as the osmotic treatments in bombardment was also reported in bluegrass (Gao et al., 2005), orchid (Men et al., 2003) and rice (Jain et al., 1996). Osmotic treatments involved the reduction of the volume of the vacuoles increased the possibility to reach the nucleus, resulting in larger number of cells successfully expressing the introduced gene (Birch and Bower, 1997). The pre-culture treatment using osmotic treatment for 4 h and 32 h prior to bombardment in this study lower average number of GUS spots per explant with 5.8 spots and 31.4 spots, respectively. The observation on physical appearance of cotyledon in this study showed that cotyledon could not regenerate shoots as effect on damage at meristem site of cotyledon due to the insufficient time for the cells to uptake the osmotic treatment to prevent the damage to surrounding cells by shock wave during bombardment (Birch and Bower, 1997). This finding was supported by Santos et al., (2002) who found when pre-culture time was reduced to 4 h, lower GUS spots per explant (10 spots) on calli of cocoa was observed compared to 16 h preculture time (40 spots per explant). The pre-culture osmotic treatment (0.4 M sorbitol and mannitol) for 16 h prior bombardment in this study gave higher GUS gene 108 expression (110.7 spots). Similar finding was reported before on calli of rice with high GUS spots per cells ( 893 spots) when pre-culture using osmotic treatment (0.4 M sorbitol and mannitol) for 16 h prior bombardment (Lee et al., 2003) In the present study, 24 h incubation post-bombardment showed higher average number of GUS spots (110.7 spots) as compared to 4 h (19 spots) incubation time. This is could be due to the cells recovery from injuries caused by bombardment. Other results showed prolonged post-bombardment incubation time from two to six days for had improved transformation frequency of Vitis vinifera L. (56%) (Vidal et al., 2003). Sreeramanan et al., (2005) reported that it took at least six days for banana cells to recover from the injuries of bombardment. Using the optimal bombardment conditions as described in Section 3.3.1 to Section 3.3.7, bombarded explants showed high GUS gene expression on explants including at the axillary meristem, the region that started the regeneration of multiple shoots. In order to find out the minimal lethal dose of hygromycin and phosphinothricin (PPT), the effect of different concentrations of hygromycin and phosphinothricin (PPT) on explants were conducted. The results showed all explants became necrosis at 75 mg/L of hygromycin and 1 mg/L phosphinotricin (PPT). In contrast, 50 mg/L hygromycin was the optimal concentrations that inhibited the growth of calli in rice (Lee et al., 2003; Li et al., 1993) and cotyledons of pepper (Li et al., 2003). 109 Delay the exposure time of selective agents (hygromycin; phophinothricin) at later regeneration phase (Jones et al., 2005) was reported before on pepper explants using delay selection within 2 to 7 days post-bombardment (Li et al., 2003). In the present study, delay selection using 35 days of shooted explants produced after bombardment resulted on 84 regenerated plantlets at 75 mg/L hygromycin. However, early selection (1 day and 7 days of explant post-bombardment) at 75 mg/L contributing 100% of explants mortality. This finding concurs with Li et al., (2003) who reported that delay selection led to an increased in differentiation efficiency for all genotype with transformation frequency in range 70% to 87% of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Ghosh et al., (2002) reported on delay selection (6 weeks post-bombardment) when culturing shooted explants of jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) on selection medium containing 2 mg/L bialaphos resulted on 34 bialaphos-resistant shoots PCR positive of bar gene out of 248 bombarded explants. In contrast, Men (2003) reported that delay selection (20 days) resulted in relatively lower transformation efficiency (0.5%) of orchids as compared to early selection using 10 days of post-bombardment explants with (4%). In order to obtain the transformed plants in the present study, the bombarded shooted explants of 35 days were cultured on MS medium containing 75 mg/L hygromycin produced 54% of hygromycin resistant plantlets. Only 40 GUS positive plants were used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Results showed only 14 plants were PCR positive suggested the presence of hph gene. Initially, the GUS spots were detected in cotyledons explants however, in development of leaves, the spots disappeared and the expression was nearly on the whole leaf. This finding concurs with 110 Gobert et al.,(2006) in Arabidopsis reported that initially, expression occurs in small clusters of the cells that tend to concentrate near the leaf vasculature and cotyledon periphery, creating the spotty pattern. However, during the development of leaf, the expression becomes more ubiquitous around vascular bundles. In this study, GUS positive explants exhibited chimera pattern. However, the blue staining of GUS was over 70% of the entire leaf surface and roots surface led to the survival of plants in the hygromycin selection. According to Birch and Bower (1994), the advantage of meristematic target tissue is that it can be excised and regenerated to plants with minimal time in tissue culture as observed in this study when plantlets were produced within eight weeks in culture. However, transformed plants are likely to be chimeric as observed in biolistic transformation of soybean and cotton. The genomic DNA in this study was isolated using cetyl metyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) modified method (Zidani et al., 2005). The extraction process involves digesting away the cell walls in order to release the cellular constituents followed by disruption of the cell membranes to release DNA into the extraction buffer using cetyl metyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). The released DNA was protected from endogenous nuclease by the use of EDTA. The DNA quality was estimated at ratio of A260nm / A280nm which varied between 1.8 to 2 and low samples results on lower DNA contents with lower ratio below 1.8. The initial DNA extracts often contain a large amount of RNA, proteins, polysaccharides and tannins which may interfere with the extracted DNA and may be difficult to separate. However, denaturation and precipitation from the extract could remove the proteins. The ultra centrifugation step is 111 very efficient in removing all impurities such as proteins, oligonucleotide and polysaccharides. On the other hand, the heat treatment of RNAase was used to remove the RNA (Zidani et al., 2005). Other DNA extraction technique in the present study was not carried out. Khan et al., (2001) documented the first report regarding the successful use of monocot (maize) derived ubiquitin promoter for the insectidal cry gene of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt gene) expression in dicot system. Therefore, there is a possibility of the used of ubiquitin promoter for bar gene expression in I. balsamina. Using the biolistic particles delivery, the transformation using bar gene driven by different promoters (ubiquitin promoter in monocots and Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) promoter in dicot) has been achieved in monocots and dicotyledonous such as Kentucky bluegrass (Gao et al., 2005), cowpea (Ikea et al., 2003), pearl millet (Goldman et al., 2003), jute (Ghosh et al., 2002), rice (Jain et al., 1996) and barley (Stiff et al., 1995). The co-transformation was carried out using the pRQ6 (hph+, uidA+) and pAHG11 (bar+). The GUS positive explants indicated the successful co-transformation of pRQ6 (hph+, uidA+) with pAHG11 (bar+) into the explants. However, none of the regenerating plantlets survive in media selection containing 1 mg/L phosphinotricin (PPT). It was maybe due to no bar gene expression because of the used of ubiquitin promoter. Birch and Bower (1994) reported the rate of conversion from transient expression to stable incorporation of DNA delivery in plant cells range from 1% up to 9%. The high frequency of GUS spots was very important to achieve the stable 112 expression as only a few percent of transiently expressing cells integrate and stably express the foreign gene. Currently, the transformation frequency of 18.3% was achieved from PCR positive plants (14) out of 40 analyzed plants (GUS positive) from regenerated plantlets (84) in 75 mg/L hygromycin. The transformation frequency was calculated based on number of resistant plant (GUS and PCR positive) out of number of explants bombarded (n=160 explants). This results showed that the possibility of I. balsamina to achieve the stable transformation via biolistics. 113 3.5 Conclusion Maximum GUS expression with 149.3 average numbers of GUS spots per explants and 95% percentage of GUS positive explants was obtained when the explants were cultured in media with osmotic treatment containing MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP and 0.4 M mannitol and sorbitol for 16 h of pre-culture treatment. Then, the explants were bombarded using 1.0 µg plasmid DNA, 9 cm target distance, 1100 psi with one time bombardment. The post-bombardment explants incubation time for 24 h enhanced the transient expression assay. Regenerating of the transformed plants was achieved with delay selection. The 35 days shooted explants after bombardment were cultured in MS medium supplemented with 75 mg/L hygromycin in five weeks. The transformation frequency of I. balsamina with 18.3% proved the possibility of the cotyledonous explants in regenerating transformed plants towards stable transformation. 114 CHAPTER 4 General Conclusion In conclusion, the regeneration system of I. balsamina with high percentage of regenerating plants was achieved using cotyledons explants of I. balsamina on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L BAP for shoots induction and half strength MS media supplemented with 0.1 mg/L indole acetic acid (IAA) for roots induction. The optimization of biolistics conditions (physical and biological parameters) was used on biolistic transformation using plasmid pRQ6 (hph+, uidA+) and co-transformation of pRQ6 (hph+, uidA+) and pAHG11 (bar+), which resistance to antibiotic (hygromycin) and herbicide (Basta), respectively. The GUS positive explants obtained in 24 h postbombardments showed the success for transformation and co-transformation. However, there was no shoots regenerated when explants were cultured on phosphinothricin (PPT) media. In contrast, timing on selection showed that delay selection gave the high number of regenerating plants (GUS positive) on hygromycin selection media. The 115 transformed plants resistant to hygromycin exhibited the GUS gene expression in chimeric pattern. The GUS positive explants and shoots showed the presence of uidA gene while PCR positive plants showed the presence of hph gene for hygromycin resistant. Transformation of I. balsamina was successful (18.3% transformation frequency) with the possibility of obtaining stable transformation. 116 FUTURE WORK The bombardments conditions and the selection system in the present study could be used for future work. The chimeral study of I. balsamina may also be carried out for further study to enhance the transformation efficiency. The production of plantlets from adventitious shoots of I. balsamina should be used in biolistic transformation. The use of adventitious shoots in transformation possibly could reduce the chimera in I. balsamina and stable transformation could be achieved. There was no report regarding stable transformation on I. balsamina and this work could be used for further study to produce transgenic I. balsamina. The establishment of biolistic technique in this study could be used for producing herbicide resistant of I. balsamina. This technique also could be used for other herbicide resistant gene expression in plant including dehalogenase gene that resistant to herbicide Dalapon. The lack of success to produce Basta resistant plants in the present study could be due to the use of the ubiquitin promoter. Transgenic I. balsamina may be produced using the bar gene driven by cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) promoters as reported earlier in other dicotyledons plants. 117 I. balsamina has been used as a model in inflorescence study of research to enhance the yield in floral industry. The biolistic method in this study was used instead of A. tumefaciens due to the explant type (multiple shoot) that produced high number of shoots. The multiple shoots arise from axillary meristem without wound side that available for the infection of A. tumefaciens. There is possibility of transformation using A. tumefaciens by creating the wound side of meristem however it may cause injury at the axillary meristem and could affect on the shoot regeneration at latter stage which decreased number of shoots (Saini and Jawal, 2005). The data in this study will also be useful for developing bombardments transformation methods for other plants using other genes. 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H2O Na2 MoO4.2H2O ZnSO4.7H2O 0.025 0.025 6.20 0.83 16.9 0.25 8.6 Vitamins Glycine Myo-Inositol Nicotinic acid Pyridoxine HCl Thiamine HCl 2.00 100.00 0.50 0.50 0.10 Iron Source FeSO4.7H2O Na2 EDTA .2H2O 278.00 373.00 136 Appendix B Plant growth regulators and the solvents used for stock preparation. Plant Growth Regulator Solvents Benzylaminopurine (BAP) Ethanol/ 0.1M Natrium hydroxide (NaOH) Thidiazuron (TDZ) 0.1M Natrium hydroxide(NaOH) Indole acetic acid (IAA) 0.1M Natrium hydroxide (NaOH) Indole butyric acid (IBA) Ethanol/ 0.1M Natrium hydroxide (NaOH) 137 Appendix C Plant growth regulators and the chemical names. Plant growth Abbreviation Chemical name regulators Auxin Cytokinin IAA Indole acetic acid IBA Indole butyric acid NAA α-naphthalene acetic acid 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid BAP Benzylaminopurine Kinetin Furfurylaminopurine TDZ 1-phenyl-3-(1,2,3,-thiadiazol-5-yl)urea Zeatin (Thidiazuron) 4-hydroxy-3-methyl-trans-2butenlaminopurine Appendix D Luria -bertani Media (g/L) Bacto tryptone 10 Bacto yeast 5 Natrium chloride (NaCl) 10 pH was adjusted to 5.7 and for agar plates, 15g/L Bacto agar was added. Media were autoclaved at 121°C 138 Appendix E The bacterial growth with different plasmid in LB media with ampicilin. Bacterial Plasmid Antibiotic Escherichia coli (E.coli) pRQ6 (hph ) 50 mg/ml ampicilin Escherichia coli (E.coli) pAHG11 (bar ) + 50mg/ml ampicilin + 139 Appendix F Plasmid pRQ6 (8.25kb) with uidA ß-glucuronidase (GUS) gene and hph gene encoding for hygromycin resistant. 140 Appendix G Plasmid pAHG11 (7.3 kb) with bar gene confers to Basta (PPT) resistant. ` 141