Theater Princess Grace Awards 2013: theater grant application

Princess Grace Awards 2013: theater grant application
Grant Period: September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014
Postmark Deadline: April 1, 2013 Notification: by July 31, 2013
The Princess Grace Awards is a national program dedicated to identifying and assisting emerging theater, dance, and film artists who are at the outset of their careers or at early stages of professional development. Nominations for theater grants are invited from the Artistic Directors of theater companies and Deans or Department
Chairs of professional schools in theater.
• Professional Non-Profit Theater Companies must meet the following eligibility requirements:
• Employ professional artistic and administrative staff
• Have been in continuous operation as a professional theater company who has held 501(c)(3) status for a minimum
of 3 years
• Have a total of 20 weeks of rehearsal and performance for the current and previous 3 years
• Have demonstrated the ability to raise public and other private funds • Scholarships are awarded to students through schools and are commensurate with tuition costs. Typically, scholarships have ranged from $7,500 to $30,000.
• Apprenticeships and fellowships are commensurate with the fee (exclusive of benefits) proposed for an individual
artist working with the nominating organization. Typically, apprenticeships and fellowships have ranged from $7,500
to $30,000.
• Grants are awarded to actors, directors, and costume, set, sound, projection and lighting designers.
• Grants are not currently available for composers, lyricists, dramaturgs, managers, or music directors.
• All candidates must be United States citizens or provide proof of permanent resident status.
• An organization or school may submit only one nominee per category (1-3 below). • Self nominations by an artist are not accepted. • A special category is available for playwrights. (Separate application available for download at
Theater grants are made in the following three areas:
1 s c h o l a r s h i p s for tuition assistance for the last year of professional training at a non-profit school located in the United States. Please note, grants are based on tuition costs only; no other expenses (i.e. room and board, materials, books, etc.) may be included.
2 a p p r e n t i c e s h i p s for artistic compensation for an individual artist nominated by a theater company who is “learning the trade” under the mentorship of a skilled staff person. The apprentice will work closely with the artistic director or a senior
artist on the company’s mainstage production(s) throughout the grant period (e.g., as an assistant director or designer or an actor in a supporting role). The apprenticeship should also include the opportunity for the nominee to do his/her own work in a workshop or second stage venue. Applicant may not have worked with the company for more than five years at the time
of application. Please note, the strength of the partnership between the company and the artist is taken into serious consideration during the adjudication process.
3 f e l l o w s h i p s for artistic compensation for an individual artist who will have a substantial relationship with the nominating company. This artist will assume significant responsibilities on one or more production(s) in the company’s mainstage season during the grant period (e.g., director, lead actor, or primary designer on a production). Significant responsibility for a second stage season will also be considered (e.g., director, lead actor, or primary designer). Applicant may not have worked with
the company for more than five years at the time of application. Please note, the strength of the partnership between the company and the artist is taken into serious consideration during the adjudication process.
Review Criteria: Awards are based on the artistic quality of the artist’s past work, the potential for future excellence, and the impact
the collaboration between the nominating organization and the artist will have on the individual’s artistic growth.
instructions: Applications are a collaborative effort submitted by a school or a non-profit company in conjunction with
the nominated artist. In addition to completing the application on page 4, please note the specific requirements below as well
as the additional information and formatting guidelines requested on page 3.
All Applicants must include the following:
Signed and dated application
Resume of nominee. Please include dates of productions and employment.
8 x 10 glossy photo of nominee suitable for publicity
1 page biography of nominator (minimum font: 12pt)
actors must submit work samples with two to three pieces highlighting their work as a performer
and demonstrating their range of ability.
• It is strongly recommended that the applicant submit contrasting pieces both in terms of genre and style (e.g., monologue vs. scene and contemporary vs. classical).
• Please ensure that the performer is clearly visible. In at least one piece, please position the camera to enable a static shot framing the performer’s body from the waist up.
• You may submit work samples via live streaming links (vimeo or equivalent). Please make sure the link is live and work accessible by March 31, 2013 and through July 31, 2013 to give the panel ample time to view the sample.
• The total of all selections must not exceed 10 minutes. Samples longer than 10 minutes will not be viewed.
• All work samples must be clearly labeled with the name of nominee, school or company, and titles of works in
the order in which they appear (please see page 5 for a chart).
directors/designers must submit work samples samples from two to three productions demonstrating the variety of their work. (It is helpful if both design sketches and executed work are submitted.) One or more of the following formats
are accepted:
• slides
• photographs
• color photocopies
• DVD/CD (Sound designers must specify if they are the composer of the music included in the sample work.)
• You may submit work samples via live streaming links (vimeo or equivalent). Please make sure the link is live and accessible by March 31, 2013 through July 31, 2013 to give the panel ample time to view the sample.
• The total of all selections must not exceed 10 minutes. Samples longer than 10 minutes will not be viewed.
• All work samples must be clearly labeled with the name of nominee, school or company, and titles of works in the order in which they appear (please see page 6 for a chart). Please also include printouts of all images on DVD/CD.
Note: It is strongly recommended that applicants include at least one video from a production as a work sample. We understand
providing video can be a challenge, but if possible, we encourage you to send some sample showing how your directorial/design
vision is realized on stage.
Professional Non-Profit Theater Companies must include the following:
Most recent financial statement and/or annual report
Copy of IRS determination letter certifying 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Lists of artistic and administrative staff, board of directors/trustees, and company members
Letter on company stationery verifying the requested grant amount for the applicant. The request amount is for salary/artistic feeonly, exclusive of benefits. Please explain your reasoning for the requested amount.
Company Description/Mission Statement
Schools submitting an application must include the following:
Description of program offerings
List of faculty
Copy of IRS determination letter certifying 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Verification of tuition (exclusive of room and board, living expenses, etc.) for the 2013-2014 school year
In addition to the requirements outlined on page 2, responses to the following questions must accompany each application.
1 n o m i n at o r ’ s r e c o m m e n d at i o n
Please tell us why you consider this candidate outstanding in the field and deserving of a Princess Grace Award.
(Not to exceed one page; minimum font: 12pt; 1” margins)
• How has this candidate demonstrated his/her excellence and future promise as an outstanding young artist?
• For Apprenticeship and Fellowship applications: please describe the applicant’s proposed project(s), his/her specific artistic responsibilities, and the artist(s) with which he/she will be working during the grant period (September 2013-August 2014).
Be as specific as possible as to how the relationship between the nominating organization and the nominee contributes to
his/her artistic growth.
• Include a general timeline of the applicant’s schedule during the grant period.
2 n o m i n e e ’ s p e r s o n a l s tat e m e n t
Please describe, in your own words, the dreams and desires you hold for your role as a theater artist now and
in the future. (Not to exceed one page; minimum font: 12pt; 1” margins).
Directors: Please also submit a statement of your directorial approach to the mounting of one of the work samples
included in your application. Be sure to include a brief description of this work and speak about your collaboration with
designers and actors to achieve your vision. (Not to exceed one page; minimum font: 12pt; 1” margins)
Designers: Please also submit a statement of your design approach to mounting one of the work samples included in
your application. Be sure to include a brief description of this work and speak about your collaboration with directors,
actors, and fellow designers to achieve your vision. (Not to exceed one page; minimum font 12 pt: 1” margins)
Formatting Requirements for Submissions:
Please submit all application materials in one application packet. Incomplete applications and those not adhering to these
guidelines will jeopardize eligibility.
It is important that the following portion of the application is collated in the appropriate order, arranged in the outline below.
This packet must be held together by a single paper clip—do not staple, spiral bind, or place sheets in plastic sleeves. Please
do NOT print materials double sided.
• Application page (This is a writeable pdf. Please type directly on the application.)
• Resume
• Personal Statement
• Directors/Designers Approach Statement (if applicable)
• Nominator’s Recommendation (It is fine if this is in a sealed envelope.)
• Nominator’s bio
• Company Description/Mission Statement
• Completed work samples chart
• Headshot
• Tuition verification for schools, or salary/artistic fee verification letter for companies
The following information must also be included in the application package. It is acceptable if these documents are stapled:
• Companies: Financial statements, 501(c)(3) verification letter, and Staff listing
• Schools: Program description, 501(c)(3) verification letter, Faculty lists
• All visual materials must be clearly labeled with the name of the applicant, name of the nominating company or school,
and title of the samples in the order they appear.
All submitted materials become the property of the Princess Grace Foundation-USA and will not be returned. We will provide
exceptions for original sketches for set and costume designers. If designers would like original sketches returned, self-addressed
packaging with appropriate postage must be included with your submission.
Applications must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2013 and should be addressed to:
Ms. Diana Kemppainen
Program Manager
Princess Grace Foundation-USA
150 E. 58th Street, 25th Floor
New York, New York 10155
(212) 317-1470
have questions?
Visit the FAQ section of our website at
Grant Period: September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014
Postmark Deadline: April 1, 2013 Notification: by July 31, 2013
The mission of the Princess Grace Awards is to assist emerging artists at the outset of their careers.
Type of Request: Scholarship Apprenticeship Fellowship
Nominee’s Name
Nominee’s Current Address (for use until )
Nominee’s Email Address
Nominee’s Birth Date Hometown
Contact (if different from nominator) Telephone
Nominee’s Permanent Address
Nominating Organization
Dean/Artistic Director
Contact Email
Nominee’s Area of Expertise (please check one)
Acting Directing Costume Design Set Design Lighting Design Sound Design Projection Design Puppetry
Please check type of company: Theater
Classical Modern Experimental For Young Audiences Musical Other
Has the organization received grants from: National Endowment for the Arts State arts agency Local arts agency
Date of organization’s most recent grant, amount of grant and name of grantor
Grant amount requested $ Date
(Please be sure to include verification for requested amount as specified on page 2)
Nominee Signature
Nominator Signature Title
How did you hear about the Princess Grace Awards?
The following is voluntary and will have no bearing on grant award decisions.
To assist the Foundation in tracking the diversity of its awardees, we ask that you indicate your race or ethnicity:
American Indian/Alaska Native (including all Original Peoples of the Americas) Black/African American (including Africa & Caribbean) Other Pacific Islander (Original Peoples) Asian (including Indian subcontinent & Philippines)
Hispanic (including Mexican & Latin American) Native Hawaiian/
Caucasian (including Middle Eastern) Other (please specify)
Princess Grace Awards 2013: theater grant application
2013 theater work sample chart
• Must submit a DVD with two to three pieces highlighting their work as a performer and demonstrating their range of ability.
• It is strongly recommended that the applicant submit contrasting pieces both in terms of genre and style (e.g.,
monologue vs. scene and contemporary vs. classical).
• Please ensure that the performer is clearly visible. In at least one piece, please position the camera to enable a
static shot framing the performer’s body from the waist up.
• The total of all selections must not exceed 10 minutes. Samples longer than 10 minutes will not be viewed.
• The DVD must be clearly labeled with the name of nominee, school or company, and titles of works in the order
in which they appear. (see below)
• Please test your DVD submission on several makes and models of DVD players. Replay issues with work samples may
result in the disqualification of your application.
• You may submit work samples via live streaming links (vimeo or equivalent). Please make sure the link is live and accessible
by March 31, 2013 through July 31, 2013 to give the panel ample time to view the sample. It is strongly recommended that
live streaming links be secure and you must provide the Princess Grace Foundation-USA with passwords. Please list work sample address and any passwords under the track # and Cue point space below.
Please list work below in the order it appears on your work sample:
Name of Applicant:
Nominating Institution:
Year work was created
Composer (if applicable)
Year work was created
Composer (if applicable)
Year work was created
Composer (if applicable)
sample 1: Title of Piece
Company work was created for
Format of work sample (DVD, slide, photo, etc.)
Track # and Cue Point (as needed)
Brief narrative description of above sample:
sample 2: Title of Piece
Company work was created for
Format of work sample (DVD, slide, photo, etc.)
Track # and Cue Point (as needed)
Brief narrative description of above sample:
sample 3: Title of Piece
Company work was created for
Format of work sample (DVD, slide, photo, etc.)
Track # and Cue Point (as needed)
Brief narrative description of above sample:
2013 theater work sample chart
Must include work samples in one or more of the following formats. Applications are strongly encouraged to submit at least one video from a production as a work sample: (It is helpful if both design sketches and executed work are submitted.)
• slides
• photographs
• color photocopies
• DVD/CD (Sound designers must specify if they are the composer of the music included in the sample work.)
• You may submit work samples via live streaming links (vimeo or equivalent). Please make sure the link is live and accessible by March 31, 2013 through July 31, 2013 to give the panel ample time to view the sample. It is strongly recommended that live streaming links be secure and you must provide the Princess Grace Foundation-USA with any passwords. Please list work sample link address and any passwords under the track # and Cue point space below.
• The total of all selections must not exceed 10 minutes. Samples longer than 10 minutes will not be viewed.
• The work samples must be clearly labeled with the name of nominee, school or company, and titles of works in the
order in which they appear. (see below)
• Please test your DVD submission on several makes and models of DVD players. Replay issues with work samples may result in the disqualification of your application.
Please list work below in the order it appears on your work sample:
Name of Applicant:
Nominating Institution:
Year work was created
Composer (if applicable)
Year work was created
Composer (if applicable)
Year work was created
Composer (if applicable)
sample 1: Title of Piece
Company work was created for
Format of work sample (DVD, slide, photo, etc.)
Track # and Cue Point (as needed)
Brief narrative description of above sample:
sample 2: Title of Piece
Company work was created for
Format of work sample (DVD, slide, photo, etc.)
Track # and Cue Point (as needed)
Brief narrative description of above sample:
sample 3: Title of Piece
Company work was created for
Format of work sample (DVD, slide, photo, etc.)
Track # and Cue Point (as needed)
Brief narrative description of above sample: