Pertemuan 5 – 7 Case Study : WEDCO Project 1 : Review of General Controls CIS DEPARTMENT BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL PROCESSING Processing of payroll and updating of the payroll master file is handled by the CIS department at Wedco. The complete payroll system within Wedco is illustrated in Figure B-1. As this diagram shows, the biweekly payroll processing is executed in two phases : off week processing and pay-week processing. OFF WEEK PAYROLL PROCESSING Off week payroll processing consists of maintaining employee master file and generating time cards and payroll transmittals for the next payroll period. Updating Employee Master File The payroll department initiates master file maintenance transactions themselves or in response to requests made by employee supervisors on the form entitled Notice for Payroll Action. In each case, the payroll department sends altered or new employee master file input records to the CIS department. Key entry clerks in the CIS department capture the data for processing. Off week processing programs edit and process the master file changes the master file changes and print updated employee master file records for distribution to the payroll department. Typical payroll changes that affect the master file include terminations, new hires, wage rate changes, reclassification, and permanent transfers. Generating Payroll Transmittals and Time Cards At the close of each payroll period, off week payroll processing programs generate the payroll transmittals and time cards to be used during the next pay period. These transmittals and time cards to be used during the next pay period. These transmittals and time cards are generated from the payroll department master file. One payroll transmittal is generated, in triplicate, for each department. Each payroll transmittal lists all employees in the department, their payroll numbers, job titles, and the payroll ending date. These are columns on the payroll transmittal form for the employee supervisor to enter the number of regular hours worked, number of overtime hours worked, and comments concerning changes in employee job status during the week (such as terminated, new hire/manual time card, leave of absence, etc). Additional space is provided for payroll departmental review and entry of batch control totals on each transmittal. A single time card is generated for each employee listed on a payroll transmittal. In addition to employee name and number, each time card has entries for : o Regular and overtime (time in and out) for each of the 14 days in a payroll period o Number of regular and overtime hours worked each day o Total hours worked during the payroll period o Shift worked each day o Classification of hours not worked during the period (sick leave, vacation, holiday, jury duty, other) o Comments column for pertinent remarks These also are spaces for employee and supervisor signatures. The time cards, listed in employee number order on each payroll transmittal, are sent with the payroll transmittals to the payroll department. From there, the time cards are distributed to the corresponding departments. PAY WEEK PROCESSING Each employee supervisor is responsible for sending the transmittal and associated time cards to the payroll department at the end of each pay period. The payroll department checks and logs the transmittals and time cards, then forwards them to the CIS department. Each payroll transmittal sheet is wrapped around the batch of time cards that are listed on it. Written on the payroll transmittal sheet are the batch control totals (number of cards, number of regular and overtime hours, etc). For each batch of time cards and its payroll transmittal, employee payroll number and hours worked data are captured for processing, along with the appropriate batch control totals. The payroll transmittals, associated time cards, and an edit listing of the keyed data are sent to the payroll department for batch control total verification. In addition to generating payroll checks, the application program generates several payroll and management reports, all of which are forwarded to the payroll department. These reports include: Checks Register The check register is a list of all current period payroll checks in check number order. The check register is forwarded to the payroll department. Payroll Register The payroll register is a list, in Social Security number order, of all detailed payroll check items for the current pay period. These items include gross pay, net pay, FICA, SDI and other deductions. Payroll Distribution Summary The payroll distribution summary is an account distribution, in account number order, for current period payroll expenses. These expenses include salary administration, clerical work, maintenance expenses, etc. Payroll Deduction Summary The payroll deduction summary is the current pay period listing of all employee voluntary and mandatory deductions. The listing is organized first by receiving organization and then by employee Social Security number. Payroll Master file The payroll master file provides a summary of employee data, current period earnings, and year to date earnings. The master file lists employees in payroll number order and includes such data as name, address, social security number, starting date, classification, salary grade, department, location, current and year to date payroll information, etc. A list of the subprograms within the payroll processing system is presented in Figure B-2, along with description of these programs. CASE ASSIGNMENT Based on the information given, what general controls can you identify within this system? Explain the importance of these controls. Are there any major weaknesses within this systems? If so, what control measures would your recommend to correct these weaknesses? Figure B-1 CIS Department Employee Time Card Employee Supervisor Controller Departement Payroll Department Payroll Transmittals Prepared from Master File Time Card Payroll Transmittal Payroll Checks For Signing and Stuffing Paryroll Checks Manual Checks Check Register Time Cards Prepared from Master File Time Card Payroll Transmittal Corrected and Updated Payroll Register Time Card Payroll Transmittal (From all Depts) Time Card Employee change and control totals to controllers Payroll Transmittals Key Punched Time Card Data and Control Totals Payroll Deduction Summary Payroll Distribution Summary Time Card Payroll Transmittals Payroll Edit Listing Payroll Edit Listing Master File Manual Check and Exception Report to Controller Pay Week Processing Off Week Processing Notice for Payroll Action (To change Master File) Notice for Payroll Action Payroll Departement Master File Employee fills out and signs time cards Reviews and corrects payroll transmittal. Lines off terminated employee(s) and writes termination time card(s). adds new hires or transferred transmittal and issues new manual time cards. Review and signs approval of time cards Initiates changes to master files for new hires, terminations, permanent transfer, salary changes, qualifications. Distributes payroll transmittal and time cards by location and department. Altered or New Master File Record Key Purncehd Corrections or additions Updated Employee Master File Record Control clerk logs in transmittals and checks input/output control totals for the time cards Oversees check printing machine. Agree number of checks with payroll dept. control totals. Resolves exceptions generated by payroll dept. Receives all transmittals and time cards and computes, saves and sends to controller, control totals for payroll (number of cards, regular hours, overtime hours) Reviews CIS payroll edit listing and reports exceptions to controller department. When necessary, can issue manual checks to controller. Sends master file updates to data processing dept. verifies master file update and inserts updates employee record in dept. master file for reference. Reviews processing of new hires and terminations. Figure B-2 USER ORGANIZATION : PAYROLL DEPARTMENT Name of Application :Bi-Weekly Payroll Processing Topic : Subprogram Descriptions (Pay-Week Processing) PR 01 Edit and store payroll-run control data, and branch to appropriate program PR 10 Edit time card input data for valid field entries and for batch-control total correctness, and print edit listing. PR 20 Sort payroll-card input data by employee payroll number. PR 40 Retrieve current employee data from payroll master file and store current-payroll-period file to be used as a working file (such as employee name, number, classification, Social Security number, department, location, wage rate, etc. ). Using these data: o Compute gross pay using time-card hours and master-file regular and overtime pay rates o Computer mandatory payroll deductions including FICA, SDI, FUI, SUI. o Compute voluntary payroll deductions including pension, credit union, savings bonds and health insurance o Compute current payroll distributions to expense accounts by referencing employee classifications with corresponding expense account code classifications. o Print unmatched employee records. PR 50 Update master file with all current-payroll-period computations. Write current-payroll-period data and computation results To a current-payroll-period file for further processing PR 60 Sort current-payroll-period file data by employee location and write to work file PR 70 Sort data from current-payroll-period file by organization receiving payroll deductions and then by employee Social Security number PR 80 Sort data from current-payroll-period file by organization receiving payroll deductions and then by employee Social Security number, and write to work file PR 90 Sort current-payroll-period file by account distribution sequence; rearrange data in payroll-distribution summary format; write to work file PR 100 Print sequentially numbered checks, check register, payroll register, payroll deduction summary, payroll distribution summary, and updated master file. Topic : Subprogram Descriptions (Off-Week Processing) PR 01 Edit and store run-control cards and branch to appropriate program PR 210 Access master file and sort employee time-card data (by location) into payroll transmittal formats. Print time cards. PR 300 Edit update inputs to master file. Also, generate master –file records for new hires; transfer master file content for terminated employees to current-year-terminations file for year end processing, and alter master file content in accordance with update data for wage change, reclassification, address change, vacation, leave of absence, etc. also print new or updated master file content for each altered employee master file.