OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS & ADMINISTRATION Rebuilding the Lakota Nation through Education Wounspe Ihuniyan Hci Lakota Oyate Kin Akta Ic’icakagapi Kte lo Name of Course: Holistic Mental Health Nursing Course Number: Nursing 223 Department: Nursing Credit Hours: 3 credit hours Location: Pine Ridge Nursing Building Time & Day: Monday 9-12 Instructor’s Name: Wendelyn Holthus-Jacobson Email: wjacobson@olc.edu Phones: 308- 282-0851 Home Mobile: 308-360-2715 Office: 605-867-5856; ext 16 Office Hours: Monday 1-4pm ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Course Description (Waunspe Oyakapi): This course will introduce the student to the bio-psycho-cultural variations in mental health needs of individuals and families. The students will expand utilization of the nursing process to identify imbalances through psychosocial assessments, and will follow through by planning, implementing and evaluating restorative interventions. Further development of communication tools and other nursing skills for the clients with imbalances will be emphasized. Outside class assignments will utilize community settings to gain skills communication, group process, assessment and intervention for mental health imbalances. Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program and Nursing 218 Co-Requisites: N 226, Bio204 Required Text and Materials: Frisch & Frisch (2013) Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. Delmar, New York. Course Goal: At the completion of the course the student will be able to provide safe and competent nursing care at entry level to individuals with mental health alterations and imbalances. Learning Objectives (Wounspe Taku Unspepi Kte Kin He Le E): Upon completion of this course students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding and application of the nursing process using critical thinking skills to identify client mental health needs in order to provide basic psychosocial nursing care, promote and maintain mental health, and restore mental health balances for the individual with acute and chronic mental imbalances. 2. Identify cultural determinants and caring behaviors essential to the development of values, beliefs, lifestyle, and learning style preference for the individual as they relate to mental health promotion, maintenance, and restoration. 3. Identify values, roles, and behaviors of the professional nurse and begin to demonstrate these behaviors when providing care for individual’s psychosocial needs and imbalances. 4. Identify legal requirement and ethical standards of the professional nurse and specifically for psyche mental health and demonstrate these behaviors when providing care for the individual with psychosocial needs and imbalances. 5. Begin to assume the roles of lifelong learner, teacher, advocate, care provider, and manager of care. 6. Identify how evidence guides practice and understand the rationale for utilizing EBP in providing care for the individual with psychosocial needs. 7. Assess the role of technology in providing safe and competent nursing care for the individual with psychosocial needs. 8. Utilize therapeutic communication and collaborative techniques when promoting health care for the individual with psychosocial needs, family (tiospaye), and interdisciplinary team members. Assessment: Assessment will include exams, ATI standardize tests, self-evaluation and assignment. Instructional Methodology: The method of instruction will vary at the discretion of the instructor in order to best fit the learner’s knowledge base and level of skill. The methods will include some of all of the following: lecture, discussion, videotapes, computer/internet activities, seminars, small group activities, critical-thinking exercises, case studies, ATI study guides and real life senarios, and NCLEX-style questions. . Course Rationale: This course exists to assist students in the basic formation of psych mental health knowledge which is a foundation for the remaining courses throughout the nursing program. Therefore, this course is designed and intended for the sophomore level. This course will provide you with the necessary foundation of psych mental health to assist in further success in your nursing courses and the NCLEX exam. Homework: Each student should expect to spend at least three (yamni) hours out of class on reading and homework assignments each week, for every hour of class time (each credit hour), in order to perform satisfactorily. Therefore, if a course is three (yamni) credit hours you should spend approximately nine hours outside of the course room on required readings and homework. However, every student differs in their individual skills, educational background, experience, capability and personal goals; so the amount of time you must dedicate to out of class work can vary significantly from this national average. Reading Load: Reading will include approximately two (numpa) to four (topa) chapters per week, plus handouts, ATI chapters and homework as assigned. Type & Amount of Writing Load: Care plans, journals/logs, reports, process recordings, case studies, psychosocial assessments, and teaching projects. Lakota Perspective Provided Through: This course stresses Wolakotakiciapi “learning Lakota ways of life in the community.” Learning is based on the values of mutual respect and generosity (wooholana wochantognakapi), seeking to advance each individual’s knowledge through their continuing hard work (fortitude- wowalitake) and willingness to learn new information and viewpoints, as well as to demonstrate it, by speaking in front of the group and advocating for patients, (bravery-woohitike); all undertaken in an environment of complete truthfulness, trust, integrity and humility. We will do this by embracing the teaching of our ancestors as we learn new ways. (Waunspe wicakiyapi ki iglutanyan ihani unpi kun hena itan waunspe tokeca uha ayin kte.) Evaluation and Grading: Exams: Exams over theoretical material will be given about every two weeks during class. Exams missed may be made up within the week at the convenience of the instructor. The latest time for a makeup exam without additional penalty will be 8am on the following Monday before class. One exam may be missed without penalty. A 5% penalty will be assessed for the subsequent missed exams. You are expected to be on time for exams. Late comers disrupt others taking the exam. If you are 10 or more minutes late, the third time a 10% penalty will be assessed. Call/text or e-mail the instructor within 12 hours of the exam if you are unable to make the exam and schedule a time for taking the exam. Expect the exam to be a different exam and or in a different format especially if more than two days has elapsed from the exam date. You must earn a 80% average on the exams and final before any other grades such as assignment, class participation points, or possible bonus points will be added. If you do not earn an 80% average on exams, ATI, and the final, you will fail the course. Your test scores along with your test average will be posted on Jenzabar to keep you aware of your status. (check under coursework). It is your responsibility to look at your grades frequently and be aware of your average. Your textbook, CD-rom and ATI practice tests are available to assist in your success. Your final proctored ATI test is included in your exam scores. Assignments must be in before taking the final to receive credit. A zero will be given all work not in by the scheduled final. Extenuating circumstances may be considered at the discretion of the instructor. In addition, professional behavior as outlined in the handbook is expected when completing community assignments. This includes being punctual, courteous, and respectful, following instructions, accepting feedback, professional attire and observing HIPPA requirements. Complaints from the community on your behavior will be addressed. The most severe infractions may result in expulsion from the program. Class participation points will be given on the basis of completing pre-class assignments/case studies and contributing your input in class. .Grading scale: The grading scale is the nursing department grading scale; see student handbook A = Superior Quality Work = Demonstrated concept mastery by scoring 94% or better. B = Good Quality Work = Demonstrated concept mastery by scoring 87-93%. C = Satisfactory Quality Work = Demonstrated concept mastery by scoring 80-86%. D = Marginal Quality Work = Demonstrated weak concept mastery by scoring 73-79% which is below what is acceptable to function as a safe practitioner or pass the NCLEX. F = Demonstrated concept mastery below the acceptable mark of 73%, which is well below what is acceptable for passing the NCLEX exam or function as a safe practitioner. W = Withdrawal = A student may withdraw from a course by filling out a Drop Card to be recorded by the registrar. The student must sign this form if you drop yourself. A Drop Card may/can be filled out and signed by a counselor/instructor for lack of attendance. The registrar will also drop students after 5 absences for once weekly classes, and 10 absences for biweekly classes. Evaluation methods: 1000 Points 1. 7 Exams 2. Final 3. ATI proctored exam 4. Assignments 5. Real life scenarios . 63% 17% 9% 9% 2% 630 pts (90 pts each) 170 pts 90 pts 90 pts 20 pts 1000 4 Real Life Scenarios: under Tutorial tab: Due Monday April 11 I encourage student to have Anxiety and Depression completed by Feb 12, and Schizophrenia and Substance abuse by Feb. 26. ATI point break down (N223 psych only) Total 90pts By week 10: March 28: 10 pts: All Learning Systems practice tests and finals to 100 % By week 13: April 18: 10 pts: Take 2 practice tests create and spend time in a focused review then take till you score a 100% on both practice tests. (5 pts apiece: Total 10 pts) 70 Remaining ATI Points as follows: Proctored Assessment Level 3: 60 pts plus 10 points for 1 hour of remediation Level 2: 50 pts plus 10 points for 2 hours of remediation Level 1 40 pts plus 10 points for 4 hours of remediation Below Level 1: 30 pts plus 10 points for 6 hours of remediation Assignments 1. Self Study/Self care plan (Psycho-social assessment, genogram and care plan) Due: Monday Feb 1 20 pts Evaluation of your self care plan Due: Monday April 25 5 pts 2. 2 process recordings Due: Monday March 7 20 pts 3. Community client Due: Monday April 25 45 pts 90 pts\ Bonus points can be earned by watching psyche films and doing a write up. Academic Dishonesty: Falsifying reports and cheating on tests will result in a grade of 0 and may result in immediate suspension from the program. See Nursing Student Handbook for policy. Students with disabilities: If you have a disability and are in need of assistance to successfully complete the class please contact the Coordinator of Support Services as 455-6040. Supplemental Materials: Dictionary, drug reference text, ATI book, laboratory reference text, nursing diagnosis book, name tag, watch, stethoscope, black ink pen, calendar College Policy on Grading and Change of Grades: http://www.olc.edu/~wwhitedress/studentservices/Docs/OLC_Handbook.pdf see page 9 and 10 Course Requirements, Expectations or Students: Because OLC offers classes in three-hour blocks once per week, (for everyone’s travel convenience), if you are absent from one OLC class session, it’s like missing three classes at another college. (See student handbook). Unannounced quizzes and graded in-class exercises may be given; content can include any course material assigned, up to and including the current session. Your homework assignments must be turned in on the dates due to get full credit. You are expected to participate in class; this provides evidence of your interest in and preparation for the class. It also helps gauge the effectiveness of the instruction and everyone’s level of comprehension of the material presented. Most importantly, fellow class members benefit from your opinions and insights; in addition, the questions you ask may be about the same topic with which other students are having difficulty, so by helping yourself you also help them. If the Instructor is not present at the beginning of the class, and the College Center Staff has not heard from the Instructor, you should wait at least 30 minutes past the normal start-time and then if the Instructor has still not arrived, you may leave.\ Please turn off the cell phones and refrain from texting during class. Attendance and Tardiness http://www.olc.edu/local_links/registrar/docs/student_handbook.pdf Policies on Academic Honesty http://www.olc.edu/local_links/registrar/docs/student_handbook.pdf Standards of Conduct Policy http://www.olc.edu/local_links/registrar/docs/student_handbook.pdf ADA Policy http://www.olc.edu/local_links/registrar/docs/student_handbook.pdf Electronic Information Resources Acceptable Use Guidelines http://www.olc.edu/local_links/registrar/docs/student_handbook.pdf Department Specifics: Attendance/Withdrawal/Unacceptable Behaviors/Tutoring 1. Attendance to lecture is strongly encouraged. The student is responsible to get lecture notes and handouts from classmates if missing class is unavoidable. Three consecutive absences or 5 total absences from class will result in the student being dropped from the class per OLC policy. The student will not be allowed in the class if the first three classes are missed. 2. Students are expected to be courteous and respectful of clients and colleagues. No abusive or vulgar language will be tolerated. Sexual innuendo, jokes, or advances in the classroom or clinical setting may viewed as sexual harassment and can be addressed by the department with sanctions or expulsions. Verbal or physical altercations of any kind with another student, staff, instructor, or patient will result in a performance contract or expulsion from the class. This includes behavior in the community settings. In addition the incident will be reviewed with the faculty and one or both students may be dropped from the program. 3. Unsafe nursing practices will not be tolerated. Inappropriate relationships with clients will be grounds for failure for course. Abusive or violent behaviors, drug or alcohol use, will result in expulsion from class and the nursing program. 4. If your exam grade average is less that 80%, you will be expected to find a tutor and generate a plan for improvement that is signed with the instructor. 5 Each student will keep a personal calendar and consult the syllabus frequently. The student will be expected to keep track of class times, test dates, clinical assignments and deadlines. The student will have access to their calendar at all times and to consult it before making appointments and commitments that are not related to the nursing program. 6. It is important to be fully present and listen to the lecture. All cell phones, ipods and laptops unless being used for a class activity need to be turned off; no texting during class please. 7. Students with personal problems that affect course work are encouraged to discuss possible solutions with the instructor or counselor. It is important to resolve or find ways to cope with personal issues that affect course work. If personal events or issues are too disruptive and overwhelming, it may be necessary to withdraw from classes and pursue the nursing program at another time. Students are allowed one (1) withdrawal/failure of nursing courses. The student cannot continue in the nursing program if they must withdraw or fail a nursing a second time. All conversations will be kept confidential among the faculty. If the student does not feel comfortable talking to the instructor, an alternate person from the nursing department’s faculty or staff can be secured. 8. The nursing director and two additional faculty/staff person will mediate conflicts with another student or faculty that remains unresolved. Further unresolved conflict can be resolved through a grievance procedure with the college. 9. I try to be fair in all of my dealings with students. Students often feel that others “get away” with a behavior and want to see justice done. There are always consequences for actions even if they are not always readily apparent. Please remember that you do not know all of the circumstances behind a decision for another student and refrain from passing judgment for their unfortunate situation. 10. Should you fail the course for any reason other than exam failure, you will be asked to meet with the faculty at the end of the semester to discuss ways to remedy the problems interfering with your success and be asked to develop a plan to address the problems identified. Upon returning your plan will be reviewed and you will be asked to sign a performance contract for the next year. 11. I would like to express my wish for a successful semester. My door/home/phone is open to students wishing to discuss their concerns. I encourage you to keep the lines of communication open. Academic Freedom: The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus or topical outline as needed to meet the objectives of this course Oko Wanci: Week 1: January 18: Ch. 1,2,3,4 Chapter 1 Through the Door: Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the experience of psyche mental health as a rite of passage in the process of becoming a nurse. 2. Describe the nature of mental health and mental illness 3. Describe basic job descriptions of the various mental health workers. 4. Understand why a person may be hospitalized for mental health care. 5. Understand the goal of mental health care as strengthening the healthy portion of the client. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 3 SLO 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 2: Psyche/Mental Health: Evolution of a Specialty Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the societal changes in attitudes toward mental illness, leading to identification of mental illness as a disease. 2. Discuss the medicalization of mental illness in the 18th and 19th centuries. 3. Identify factors that brought nursing of the physically ill and nursing of the mentally ill together. 4. Describe psychiatric nursing’s role today as a core subject and content of nursing practice. 5. Identify the evolving role of psychiatric nursing in community settings. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 3 SLO 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 3 Theory as Basis for Practice Learning Objectives 1. Discuss the relationship between psychiatric mental health nursing practice and theory. 2. Define terminology related to theory 3. Identify the major components of the various nursing theories 4. Discuss psychosocial theories from other disciplines useful in psychiatric nursing. 5. Consider various theories as a guide to nursing practice NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 4: Neuroscience as a Basis for Practice Learning Objectives 1. Discuss the emerging model of biopsychophysiological theory as an explanation of emotions ad behaviors. 2. Explain the major functions of the cerebral lobes and the diencephalon. 3. Describe modern brain imaging techniques. 4. Explain the role of neurotransmitters, membrane receptors, and messenger signaling systems. 5. Discuss the role of genetics in understanding and possible treatment of mental disorders. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Numpa Week 2: January 25: Ch. 5, 6, 7,8,21 Exam 1, Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4 Chapter 5: Diagnostic Systems Learning Objectives: 1. Explain the ICD-9, DSM, NANDA taxonomy systems 2. Describe how information systems affect psychiatric nursing. NCLEX Category: Management of care PLO 1, 3,4 SLO 7 Chapter 6: Tools of Mental health Nursing Learning Objectives 1. Describe what is meant by therapeutic use of self. 2. Define verbal and non verbal communication, giving examples of each. 3. Utilize skill of therapeutic communication in interactions with clients. 4. Identify various techniques of therapeutic communication and state when each could be helpful in interactions. 5. Evaluate own communication with clients 6. Apply the nursing process in psychiatric settings, emphasizing nursing diagnosis frequently seen in psychiatric settings. 7. Identify phases of the nurse client relationship. 8. Use the nursing process and a therapeutic relationship to establish care. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 7: Cultural Considerations Learning Objectives: 1. Define culture as it applies to psychiatric mental health nursing. 2. Discuss importance of understanding cultural variation when planning and implementing care. 3. Analyze verbal and nonverbal communication factors that affect transcultural interactions between nurse and client. 4. Describe the effect of cultural and ethnic variation on therapeutic management of psychiatric mental health care, including pharmacologic and behavioral elements. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1, 2, 5 SLO 1, 2, 8 Chapter 8: Epidemiology Learning Objectives: 1. Define epidemiology and describe the major types of epidemiological studies related to mental health. 2. Explain the basic tool of epidemiology including research tools of descriptive studies, case controlled studies, and metaanalysis. 3. Describe the development of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual as a means to standardize definition of psychiatric diagnosis. 4. Review the early epidemiological studies and the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study to provide insight regarding the incidence and prevalence of mental disease NCLEX Category Health Promotion/ Health Maintenance PLO, 3,4 SLO 6 Chapter 21: Physically Ill Client Experiencing Emotional Distress Learning Objectives 1. Identify those situations where a physical illness produces emotional stress to the point where a client may present with psychological symptoms. 2. Describe the common reactions clients have to cancer, heart disease, chronic pain, and neurological disorder that may require mental health and psychological adjustment. 3. Describe the role of psychiatric liaison nurse. 4. Describe the role of community mental health nurse in home care settings. 5. Describe the field of mind body medicine and effects on holistic nursing care. 6. Utilize nursing theory to complete holistic nursing assessments and provide interventions in situations where the client is facing both physical and psychiatric symptoms. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity/ Physiological Adaptation PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Yamni Week 3: Feb 1: Ch. 9, 10, 11 Chapter 9: Ethical and Legal Considerations Learning Objectives: 1. Describe legal parameters and nursing responsibilities related to -clients rights-confidentiality -psychological competence -informed consent - right to refuse treatment -involuntary hospitalization -professional negligence -violent, agressive or self destructive patients 2. Describe the ethical theories of utilitarianism and deontology 3. Identify principles that guide practice decisions in psychiatric mental health nursing including autonomy, beneficence, fidelity, justice, and nonmaleficence. 4. Use the Value Analysis Model for evaluation of ethical dilemmas. NCLEX Category: Management of Care/Safety and Infection control PLO 1, 3 SLO 4, 5,8 Chapter 10 Self Care Modalities Learning Objectives 1. The student should be able to define meditation, imagery, and self-hypnosis and understand the difference between the three 2. Explain the importance of self help for psychiatric caregivers. 3. Describe a few means by which support groups can develop. 4. Identify three ways in which humor can produce healing. 5. Employ the use of relaxation and imagery for self care. 6. Identify two reasons for centering prior to entering a psychiatric unit. 7. Use the nursing self-care process to achieve a higher level of personal wellness as a caregiver. NCLEX Category: Health promotion and Health Maintenance PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO 3 Chapter 11 Crisis Learning Objectives: 1. Identify crisis as part of life and identify situation that bring on crisis for many individuals 2. Describe situation, maturational, cultural, and community crisis. 3. Identify four phases of a person’s experience of crisis. 4. Use stress theory to interpret an individual’s response to crisis. 5. Identify daily stressors in modern life that produce personal stress and require adaptive responses. 6. Use caring and interpersonal theories of Watson and Peplau to seek to understand the client’s subjective experience of the crisis event and provide unconditional humanistic care. 7. Use cultural care theory to obtain knowledge of the client’s culture and to understand the meaning of life’s events from within that culture. 8. Apply the nursing process to clients in crisis by: -performing nursing assessment for crisis -analyzing data in terms of nursing and crisis theories. -formulating individual nursing diagnosis -deriving a plan of care -evaluating care based on resolution to the precrisis state NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Topa Week 4: Feb. 9: Ch. 12, 14 EXAM 2: Ch. 5, 6, 7,8,9,10,11, 21 Chapter 12: Anxiety Learning Objectives 1. Understand the subjective experience of the emotion of anxiety. 2. Describe the difference between anxiety and fear. 3. Define and describe the six major anxiety disorders: Generalized anxiety disorder, Panic disorder, Agoraphobia, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 4. Identify the major treatments of clients with anxiety disorders, including psychotherapy, medication therapy and combination treatment. 5. Apply nursing theory and nursing diagnosis in the planning, implementation, and evaluating of nursing care of clients with anxiety disorders. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 14: Depression Learning Objectives 1. Identify mood swings as a normal part of human emotional experience. 2. Employ empathy to understand one’s own experience of depression and to understand the depressive feelings of others. 3. Define depression and differentiate between major and minor depression. 4. Analyze predisposing factors to grief and depression. 5. Describe the concepts of grief and bereavement. 6. Identify the major psychological theories that explain depression. 7. Apply the nursing process to clients who are depressed by -performing nursing assessment for depression -analyzing data in terms of nursing and psychological theories -formulating individual nursing diagnoses -suggesting appropriate outcomes -deriving a plan of care -evaluating nursing care based on outcomes. Learning Activity Assignment: Real Life Senarios: Mood disorder, Anxiety NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Zaptan Week 5: Feb. 15: Ch. 15,16 Chapter 15: Mania Learning Objectives: 1.Define mania and state the behaviors associated with the condition. 1. Describe the cyclical nature of mania and depression. 2. Explain the genetic and inherited nature of manic disease. 3. Describe the clinical course of mania. 4. Safely administer drugs in the treatment of mania. 5. Integrate nursing theory in assessing and understanding clients with mania. 6. Employ empathy in interactions with manic persons. 7. Use the nursing process and nursing diagnosis to plan and evaluate nursing care. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4, SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 16: Suicide Learning Objectives: 8. Explore the meaning of hopelessness and loss of meaning and purpose in life. 2. Identify the conditions and circumstances that make a client high risk for suicide. 3. Describe the means of assessing the suicide potential of clients. 4. Know the means of providing a safe environment for a suicidal client. 5. State the psychiatric and medical conditions that greatly increase the client’s risk of suicide. 6. Use theory to understand and interpret suicidal behaviors. 7. Use nursing theory to develop a therapeutic nurse-client relationship and as a framework to provide care. 8. Apply the nursing process when providing care to individuals at risk for suicide. 9. Administer care to family members who have experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Sakpe Week 6, Febr 22: Ch. 13, 17 EXAM 3: Ch. 12 14, 15, 16 Chapter 13: Schizophrenia Learning Objectives 1. Contrast disturbed thought processes as normal human responses with the psychiatric conditions schizophrenia and psychosis. 2. Empathize with those who have schizophrenia or have a family member with the condition. 3. Recognize the presenting symptoms of schizophrenia. 4. Discuss the epidemiology of schizophrenia. 5. Explain the etiology of schizophrenia as an organic disease. 6. Discuss the genetic factors known with regard to schizophrenia. 7. Explain the role of neuroleptic drugs in management of schizophrenia 8. Engage in psychosocial therapeutic treatment for individuals and their families. 9. Provide nursing care to those suffering with schizophrenia based on nursing theory and nursing process. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 17: Substance Abuse Learning Objective 1. Describe the widespread nature of substance abuse in historical and modern cultures. 2. List the type of substances subject to misuse and abuse. 3. Define and differentiate between the terms tolerance, withdrawal, dependence, craving, and addiction. 4. Identify the effects, withdrawal symptoms, pattern of abuse and means of treatment for nicotine, alcohol, cocaine and opiate abuse. 5. Explain the philosophy and treatment approach of Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12 step program. 6. Explain the relationship between chemical abuse and family dysfunction. 8.Employ nursing theory and diagnoses to plan care for the individual and family unit affected by chemical abuse. Assignment: ATI Real Life Senarios: Alcohol Abuse, Schizophrenia NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Sakowin Week 7: Feb 29: 18,22 Chapter 18: Personality Disorders Learning Objectives: 1. Define personality, personality trait, and personality disorder. 2. Differentiate between a person with eccentric personality traits and a person with a personality disorder. 3. Identify characteristics of specific personality disorders. 4. Describe how early childhood influences can affect personality development. 5. Use nursing theory to understand a client with a personality disorder and to plan appropriate nursing interventions. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 22: Forgotten Populations Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the economic and social factors leading to the number of homeless persons currently in the U.S. 2. Assess the basic needs of the homeless population. 3. Describe nursing services and interventions helpful in meeting the needs of the homeless from and individual and an community nursing perspective. 4. Describe the changing and growing population of prisoners in the United States. 5. Identify the major mental health needs and risks of the prison population. 6. Describe the nursing services and interventions helpful in meeting the needs of the incarcerated. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Saglogan Week 8: March 7: Ch. 19, 20 Exam 4: Ch. 13, 17, 18, 22 Chapter 19: Somatoform and Factitious Disorders Learning Objectives: 1. Define somatoform disorders and distinguish among Somatization Disorder, Hypochondriasis, and Conversion Disorder 2. Define Factitious Disorder (Munchausen’s Syndrome) and Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy. 3. Describe presenting characteristics of a persons with Somatization Disorder who comes to an acute care clinic for diagnosis and treatment. 4. Distinguish between hypochondriasis and Anxiety disorder. 5. Cite the major theoretical explanations for Hypchondriasis: (psychoanalytic, behavioral, and biological). 6. Describe principles for the effective treatment of hypochondriasis. 7. Provide an explanation for treatment of Conversion Disorder through direct explanation of the underlying conflict. 8. Differentiate between factitious disorder and malingering. 9. Utilize nursing process and nursing theory to plan care for clients experiencing a somatoform disorder. 10. Use Techniques of introspection and self-reflection to examine your own feelings with regard to clients whose physical complaints are results of psychiatric illness. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 20: Disorders of Self Regulation Learning Objectives: 1. Describe normal sleep cycles and changes in sleep cycles expected in aging. 2. Assess client for presence of insomnia. 3. Provide a sleep hygiene regimen for clients with disturbed sleep. 4. Define Primary Hypersomnia. 5. Identify parasomnias and provide appropriate nursing interventions and support. 6. Assess clients for presence of Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa. 7. Plan nursing interventions for clients with eating disorders including nutritional rehabilitation, psychotherapy, maintenance, and follow up care. 8. Assess clients for ineffective sexuality pattern, sexual dysfunction, and sexual disorders. 9. Utilize nursing theory and nursing process in planning and providing care for clients with disorders of regulation. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 MARCH 14—March 18: Spring Break Oko Napcinyunka Week 9: March 21: 23,24 Chapter 23: The Child Learning Objectives: 1. Discuss the prevalence of and risk factors for psychiatric disorders in children. 2. Explain how to assess the emotional, social and educational needs and problems of children and families. 3. Describe the common psychiatric disorders of childhood. 4. Apply the nursing process to children with psychiatric disorders through assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification, planning individualized care, and evaluating care based on outcomes. 5. Describe various treatment modalities relevant to the care of children with these disorders. NCLEX Category: Health Promotion and Health Maintenance/ Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 24: The Adolescent Learning Objectives: 1. Differentiate various definitions of adolescent mental health. 2. Identify the physical cognitive, emotional and social transitions of adolescence. 3. Examine concepts and theories about identity formation and social competence. 4. Reflect on our own sense of personal identity and social competence. 5. Identify major mental health needs and concerns of adolescence. 6. Apply the nursing process to the care of adolescent clients. 7. Integrate nursing theories into planning care for the adolescent in need of mental health services. NCLEX Category: Health Promotion and Health Maintenance/ Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Wikcemna Week 10: March 28: Ch. 25, 26 EXAM 5: 20, 19, 23, 24 Chapter 25, The Elderly Learning Objectives: 1. Recognize the interconnected role that physical health and family support systems play in the mental health of older adults. 2. Identify pathological processes that are responsible for the disorders of cognition and affect most commonly seen in the older adult. 3. Analyze how ageist stereotypes and socioeconomic factors affect the occurrence of mental illness in the elderly. 4. Describe the most common physiological causes (risk factors) of delirium and acute confusional states in the elderly. 5. Illustrate ways severe memory loss pose a challenge to selfconcept and human dignity. 6. Propose nursing interventions for demented elders and their caregivers that are derived from a caring framework. 7. Identify environmental and physiological risk factors for depression in the elderly. 8. Explain the basis for treatment modalities of depression in older adults. NCLEX Category: Health Promotion and Health Maintenance/ Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 26: Abuse and violence Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the major theories that explain why interpersonal violence occurs. 2. Identify factors that may contribute to interpersonal violence. 3. Define the general types of family violence: physical, psychological, financial, and sexual abuse and neglect. 4. Identify the typical indicators of abuse and neglect and the characteristics of abusers. 5. Describe the nurse’s legal responsibility in regard to child and elder abuse mandatory reporting laws and clients who have been sexually assaulted. 6. Describe the cycle of domestic violence. 7. Utilize crisis intervention techniques in intervening in cases of family violence and sexual assault. 8. Apply the nursing process to clients who are abused and neglected by: -Performing nursing assessment for abuse and neglect -Analyzing data in terms of nursing crisis theories. -Formulating individual nursing diagnosis -Deriving a care plan -Evaluating care based on resolution of the abuse and neglect NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Ake Wanci Week 11: April 4: Ch. 27 Chapter 27 Pharmacology Learning Objectives: 1. Describe indication, action, side effects, precautions and therapeutic levels of the various psychotropic drugs. NCLEX Category: Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies PLO 1,3,4, SLO: 1, 5, 6, 8 Oko Ake Numpa Week 12: April 11: Ch. 28, 29,31 Exam 6: Ch. 25, 26, 27 Chapter 28: Individual Psychotherapy Learning Objectives: 1. Define psychotherapy. 2. Describe various approaches to therapy: -Psychoanalysis -Psychodynamic therapy -Interpersonal therapy -Cognitive-behavioral therapy -Client centered therapy 3. Suggest ways that psychotherapeutic approaches are used in nursing practice. 4. Relate major psychotherapeutic approaches to nursing theory. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 29: Family therapy Learning Objectives: 1. Define differing nursing approaches to working with families. 2. Apply the concepts of family development and family life cycle to assessments of families. 3. Describe Bowen’s Family theory, and make an assessment of family level of differentiation. 4. Explain structural family theory and describe the nurse therapist’s role of entering into the family interactions and structure. 5. Use communication theory an techniques of therapeutic communication to assist families in improving interfamilial communication. 6. Use NANDA taxonomy to document family nursing diagnoses. 7. Use the nursing process to establish a plan of care for families in the psychiatric mental health setting. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 31: Community Health Learning Objectives 1.Describe the changing focus of care in the field of mental health 2. Explain selected strategies that can be used to improve the health status of population groups (aggregates). 3. Describe nursing practice with aggregates. NCLEX Category: Health Promotion and Health Maintenance PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Ake Yamni Week 13: April 18: Ch 30, 31 Chapter 30 Groups Learning Objectives: 1. Outline the three phases of group work: orientation phase, working phase, and termination phase. 2. Explain the terms group dynamics, group content, and group process. 3. Analyze the dynamics of a groups session. 4. Define nursing roles with groups in the psyche/mental health setting. 5. Explain the major theoretical approaches used in groups therapy. 6. Explain the nursing role in supportive groups. 7. Compare and contrast different type of groups (socialization, recreation, educational, reality orientation, reminiscence, and self-help) in terms of purpose, nursing interventions and evaluation. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Chapter 32 Complementary and Somatic Therapies Learning Objectives 1. Describe the use of six complementary modalities as nursing interventions in psychiatric care: relaxation and guided imagery, hypnosis, massage, energy-based modalities (healing touch and therapeutic touch), music therapy and animal assisted therapy. 2. Intervene to control escalating anger in a client. 3. Describe the use of physical restraints and seclusion in control of violent behavior. 4. Describe the use of light therapy in the use of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). 5. Describe the current indication for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and provide nursing care to a client undergoing the procedure. NCLEX Category: Psychosocial Integrity PLO 1,3,4,5 SLO 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 Oko Ake Topa Week 14: April 25 Exam 7: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, Review for Final Oke Ake Zaptan Week 15: May 2: 9am: Final Exam and 11 am ATI .olc.edu/~wwhitedress/studentservices/Docs/OLC_Handbook.pdf