substance: boron compounds with lanthanides property: properties of lanthanide hexaborides: CeB6 Structure, chemical bond There are three phases in the temperature versus magnetic field diagram [83T2]); (i) high temperature phase characterized by a pronounced Kondo effect [80K, 80T], (ii) an intermediate phase, in which two kinds of hyperfine fields are assumed to be due to an ordering of the higher order multipole moments (antiquadrupolar ordering) of Ce ions, while the the magnetic dipole moment has only the uniform component [83T2], (iii) lowtemperature phase with a long-range magnetic order [82B]. Magnetic field – temperature phase diagram at ambient pressure in Fig. 1 [85B]. For phase diagrams at higher pressures see reference. NMR study of CeB6, temperature dependence of the nuclear relaxation time and correlation time of Ce moments in [83T2]. NMR study of the spin structure in CeB6 [83T1]. Electronic properties Calculation of the electronic band structure (FLAPW method) and positron annihilation in CeB6 (compared with LaB6) [89K]. Electronic band structure in Fig. 2 [89K]. energy gap Eg 45 meV T =13...53 K electron-tunneling 98A Electron-tunneling studies compared with SmB6, EuB6, SrB6 in [98A]. CeB6 possesses a magnetic moment like SmB6 and EuB6 but in contrast to SrB6 [98A]. Richardson plot for CeB6 (and LaB6) with excess B (CeB6.07 and LaB6.06) compared with pure crystals in Fig. 3 [96O1]. Lattice properties anisotropic thermal parameters for the B atom (in Å2) U11 U22 0.00308 0.00312 0.0045 0.0049 T = 100 K T = 300 K T = 100 K T = 300 K from diagram in [93T] 85S1 calculated (one specific model) experimental calculated experimental calculated experimental 85T elastic constants (in 1011 dyn cm−2) c11 c12 c44 40.30 40.6 −8.59 −9.3 9.91 7.8 83G 85S2 Optical properties Differences between LaB6 and CeB6 by means of spectroscopic ellipsometry [86V]. Further properties Entropy in [86B]. Search for rugged, efficient photocathode materials (CeB6 and LaB6) [92B]. melting point Tm 2550 °C 96G Debye temperature ΘD 381 K T = 300 K 85S2 For Einstein temperatures of metal hexaborides, see Fig. 4. microhardness HK 2250 kg mm−2 2150 kg mm−2 T = 300 K cube, average value; load 50 g cube, average value; load 100 g 96G High temperature hardness of single crystals of LaB6, CeB6, PrB6, NdB6 and SmB6 [99O]. Evaporation rates of pure CeB6 and CeB6 with excess B compared with corresponding LaB6 crystals in Fig. 5 [96O1]. Thermionic emission properties of CeB6 (compared with LaB6) in [96O1, 96O2]. Susceptibility vs. magnetic field at different T in Fig. 6 [85B]. Magnetization vs. temperature in Fig. 7 [80K]. Susceptibility vs. temperature in Fig. 8 [80K]. Pressure dependence of Néel and antiferroquadrupolar temperatures in Fig. 9 [85B]. 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Calculated electronic band structure FLAPW (full-potential linearized augmented-plane-wave) method [89K]. Dashed line: Fermi level. 1.2 CeB6 1.0 EF 0.8 Energy E [Ry] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 – 0.2 – 0.4 M Σ Γ ∆ Χ Z M T R S Wavevector k Χ ∆ Γ Λ R Fig. 3. LaB6, CeB6. Richardson plots for LaB6 and CeB6 crystals with excess B compared with pure material [96O1]. Crystal diameter: 0.5 cm. 2⋅10 –6 –6 crystal 8 anode 10 –2 –2 ic / T [A cm K ] 6 A 2 4 2 10 LaB6 LaB6.06 CeB6 CeB6.07 –7 8 6 4⋅10 –8 0.58 0.60 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.70 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 0.72 Fig. 4. Metal hexaborides. Characteristic Einstein temperatures of the Ln atoms vs. atomic number of the Ln element; full circles [94K]; triangles [99T]. 150 LnB6 Ln = La Einstein temperature E [K] 140 130 120 Ce Pr Nd Eu Sm 110 100 90 56 59 Gd 62 65 Ln atomic number Yb 68 71 Fig. 5. LaB6, CeB6 :B. Evaporation rate of pure LaB6 and CeB6 with excess B compared with the corresponding pure crystals [96O1]. 10 1 water-cooled anode –1 Evaporation rate [µ m(100 h) ] crystal –1 10 –2 10 10 LaB6 LaB6.06 CeB6 CeB6.07 –3 4⋅10 –4 1300 1350 1450 1400 Temperature T [°C] 1500 1550 Fig. 6. CeB6.Magnetic susceptibility χ vs. magnetic field H in arbitrary units. Typical curves for specific temperature ranges. For the symbols at the peaks see Fig. 1 [85B]. CeB6 H||[110] T < TN Susceptibility χ H||[100] T < TN H||[100] H||[110] TN < T < TQ H||[100] H||[110] T > TQ Magnetic field H Fig. 7. CeB6. Specific magnetization in 750 Oe vs. T; solid circles, [100]; open circles, [110]; triangles, [111].[80K]. 1.4 3 –1 Spec. magnetization σ [G cm g ] 1.2 CeB6 H = 750 Oe [100] [110] [111] 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.5 3.0 Temperature T [K] 4.0 4.5 Fig. 8. CeB6. Inverse magnetic susceptibility 1/χg (in CGS-emu) vs. T. Circles, experimental results; dotted line, calculated. [80K]. 3.0 0.4 CeB6 –3 Inv. susceptibility χ–1 g [10 g cm ] 2.0 0.3 5 5 –3 Inv. susceptibility χ–1 g [10 g cm ] 2.5 1.5 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.5 0 200 400 600 Temperature T [K] 800 1000 0 20 40 Temperature T [K] 60 80 Fig. 9. CeB6. Néel temperature and antiferro-quadrupolar temperature vs. pressure [85B]. 3.4 CeB6 TQ Transition temperature TN , TQ [K] 3.2 3.0 2.4 2.2 TN 2.0 1.8 0 2 4 6 8 8 Pressure p [10 Pa] 10 12