substance: boron compounds with group IV elements: boron carbide property: transport properties (see also Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4) A review of the state of interpretation of the transport properties of icosahedral boron-rich solids in general is given in LB III/41C ("Boron"). For boron carbide is experimentally proved that at least at lower temperatures hopping is the prevailing transport mechanism. However, the discussion, how these hopping processes can be explained in detail, has remained controversy. Two basically different conceptions are presently used for the interpretation: (i) The hole-bipolaron hypothesis [83E, 84E, 86E1, 87E2, 86H1, 87E2, 87E3, 87H2, 87H3, 87H1, 90E, 93E, 94E, 96E]. It is based on the assumption of hole bipolarons hopping between B11C icosahedra in boron carbide. The only direct experimental basis for this theory is the very low ESR spin density in boron carbide, for which several other less sophisticated reasons are available for explanation as well. Indeed, this model allowed to describe some uncommon electronic properties of boron carbide. However, it is in contrast to numerous other experimental results, even if the formation of small polarons in boron carbide cannot be excluded at all. For example, the conductivity maximum coincides with the minimum concentration of B11C icosahedra in the homogeneity range. In particular, this theory is not able do describe the general contribution of delocalized carriers (~1017...1018 cm−3 at 300 K ) to the electronic transport at lower temperatures because of the high ionization energy (> 5...6 eV) of the bipolarons (1021 cm−3). On the anomalous electronic transport in boron carbides see [84E]. (ii) The semiconductor conception. In agreement with the energy band structure calculations, this conception assumes for boron carbide an energy band structure with flat bands and accordingly high effective masses (m* ≈ 5...10 m0) and low mobilities of the delocalized carriers (µ ≈ 30...330 cm2V−1s−1). The main contribution to the charge transport comes from localized carriers (polarons?) with low mobilities (µ ≈ 3 cm2V−1s−1) hopping between certain localized states in the band gap (see Fig. 5). It has been shown that the localized states in the band gap of boron carbide are evoked by defects in the structure, that are required to compensate the valence electron deficiency, which is theoretically calculated for idealized structures [99S3, 99S4, 99S5]. At least most of the experimental results, which have become known can be consistently described within this conception. A further model proposed to describe the electronic transport in icosahedral boron-rich solids, the "amorphous concept" (see [83G, 87G, 91G] and LB III/41C) is based on the assumption that in the boron-rich solids an amorphization exists, whose degree depends on the number of atoms per unit cell. However, this conception completely fails for boron carbide, whose number of atoms per unit cell is comparably low in the sense of this conception, but whose electronic properties are strongly "amorphous-like". transport theory Small-polaron electronic transport in boron carbides [83E]. Quasi-localization and electronic transport in boron and boron-rich borides [86B]. Small bipolaronic hopping in boron carbides [86E1]. Conduction mechanism in boron carbide [84W3]. Electronic transport in boron carbides [86E1]. Polaron formation in systems of boron icosahedra [86H2]. Electronic transport in icosahedral boron-rich solids (in particular boron carbide) in [87E3]. Bipolarons in boron icosahedra [87H5]. Bipolaron formation in B12 and B11C icosahedra [87H4]. Theory of electronic and thermal transport in boron carbides [90E] . (The paper contains experimental results on electrical conductivity, Hall mobility and thermal diffusivity). Electronic and vibrational transport in boron carbides [91E1]. Effects of disorder on self-trapping and subsequent hopping in boron carbides [94E]. dc conductivity electrical conductivity (in Ω−1cm−1) σ 2.5·10−4 5·10−1 11 T = 77 K T = 290 K T = 295 K single crystal, nearly B4.3C ~ 10 at. % C (see Fig. 6) 87W3 93S 22 12 5 3 3.5 1.4...12 8·10–2...5 T = 300 K T = 100 K ~ 13.2 at. % C ~ 15.5 at. % C ~ 18 at. % C ~ 18.6 at. % C ~ 20 at. % C value depends on C content (cf. Fig. 1) value depends on C content 80W, 81W3 See also [70G2, 79B2, 79T, 79K2]. For temperature dependence, see Fig. 2. Activation energy of the electrical conductivity and Peltier energy: Figs. 7, 8. hopping energy Eh and a2ν for CVD boron carbide (from Hall mobility; (a, hopping distance; ν, hopping frequency) Composition Eh [eV] a2ν [cm2s−1] B4C B5.54C B6.57C B9.62C 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 23.6 15.3 8.0 9.9 94K1 Electrical conductivity vs. B/C relation and temperature in Fig. 9 [90W2, 94K3, 99W]. Electrical conductivity of different compounds within the homogeneity range for temperatures between about 5 and 2200 K plotted in Fig. 10 according to Mott’s law for variable-range hopping: σ = σ0 exp −(T0/T)1/4 with T0 = (2.1)4 α3/N(EF)kB, and σ0 = e2/[2(8π)1/2] . fphonon . [N(EF)/(αkBT)]1/2 with α: reciprocal localization length, fphonon: phonon frequency. High temperature electrical conductivity versus reciprocal temperature in Fig. 11 [86W2. 87W4, 90W2, 91W, 98W, 99W]. According to Abrahams et al. [79A] and Möbius [85M] can be checked, whether a unique conductivity mechanism exists in a system of compounds, even if the determining parameters of the system like e.g. the chemical composition are modified. A scaling behavior of hopping systems is determined by the functional relation between conductivity and microscopic parameters σ ~ σ0 β[T/T0(α, x, R, ...)] (α−1, localization length; x, composition; R, distance between localized states). The plot of d logσ/dT vs. log(σ−1) for numerous boron carbide samples in Fig. 12 [99W, 80W, 81W3, 90N, 91W]: confirms that for boron carbide this is largely the case independent of chemical composition, temperature and preparation technique. Anisotropy of the electrical conductivity in Fig. 13 [86W4]. The small anisotropy disproves the conception of covalent bonding || c and metallic bonding ⊥ c [76W, 79K2, 80K]. Pressure dependence of the electrical conductivity of B4C at 297 and 425 K, B9C at 300 K in Fig. 14 [85S]. Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of boron carbide (B4C) vs. reciprocal T for different pressures in Fig. 15 [85S]. I(U) plot for an approximately B4.3C single crystal (see Fig. 13) in Fig. 16 [86W4]. Dependence of the dc and high frequency electrical conductivity on the carbon content in Fig. 17 [90W2, 80W, 81W3, 86W1, 97S, 98W]. Low temperature dc conductivity and minimum hopping rate in Fig. 18 [91Z]. Electrical resistivity (and ESR) in [80V]. Electrical conductivity, thermoelectric power, Hall mobility, activation energy dependence on composition; metal-semiconductor transition [81W3]. Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity for different compositions [85B]. Anisotropy of the electrical conductivity, activation energy of the electrical conductivity in [86W4]. High temperature resistivity in [86W5]. Effect of thermal cycling on resistivity and Seebeck effect in Fig. 19 [86W5]. Electrical conductivity and Hall mobility in [87E3, 86E3]. Electrical conductivity, Hall effect, Seebeck effect, structure dependence, dependence on thermal cycling in [86W1]. Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of B13C2 in [86W1]. dc conductivity, ac conductivity, Seebeck, dielectric function in [86K]. Resistivity depending on temperature in [87W4]. Heating-cooling cycles of conductivity and Hall effect in [87W4]. Low temperature electrical conductivity according to Mott’s law in [90W1]. High temperature electrical conductivity of BxC (x =3,4, 5) [91M]. Electrical conductivity depending on composition in [94A]. Isothermes of the electrical conductivity dependence. on composition in [94A]. Electrical conductivity of boron carbide depending on temperature and carbon content in [94K3]. Transport properties of boron carbide (conductivity, . Hall constant, Hall mobility vs. 1/T) in [95A]. Comment on the metal-insulator transition in boron carbide (Fig. 1) [80W, 81W3]: The metal-insulator transition was found within the homogeneity range at carbon contents close to the carbon-rich limit, which was assumed to be B4C at that time. Meanwhile is known that the carbon-rich limit of the homogeneity range is B4.3C in reality. Accordingly, the compounds between both compositions contain certain amounts of excess carbon, which is probably responsible for the metal-insulator transition, and may exist in the structure in atomic distribution. Since metal-like conductivity was found at low temperatures only, carbon precipitation in the form of graphitic layers known from higher amounts of excess carbon can be largely excluded. ac conductivity (in Ω−1cm−1) σ 2.4(6) 7.0(10) 2.0(6) 1.0(2) 1.1(2) T = 295 K ~ 10 at. % C, 1010 Hz ~ 13.2 at. % C, 1010 Hz ~ 15.5 at. % C, 1010 Hz ~ 18 at. % C, 1010 Hz ~ 20 at. % C, 1010 Hz 93S ac conductivities of undoped and p-doped boron carbide between 103 and 106 Hz in Fig. 20 [93A]. Electrical conductivity for 1010 Hz compared with dc results vs. carbon concentration in Fig. 21 (=Fig. 6) [93S]. Frequency dependence of the ac conductivity of B4.5C at T = 4 K and B9.0C at T =4,10, and 15 K; temperature dependence of the power-law dependence on frequency for B9C in Fig. 22 [93S]. Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of B4.5C and B9C for frequencies between 103 and 106 Hz in Fig. 23 [93S]. Frequency dependence of the electrical conductivity for B4.3C (8, 22 and 46 K) and B13C2 (4, 10 and 40 K) in Fig. 24 [91Z]. Frequency dependence of the electrical conductivity of B1−xCx (x = 0.2...0.13) at 4.2 K in Fig. 25 [86K]. Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity for frequencies up to 109 Hz in Fig. 26 [86K]. dynamical conductivity In consequence of the dynamical conductivity the reflectivity in the FIR spectral range increases towards lower wave numbers. In earlier investigations ([73B, 79B2, 87W1, 87W2, 90W1] see also Fig. 27) this behavior was attributed to strongly damped Drude-type free carriers. Recent investigations have shown that a satisfactory quantitative description of the experimental results is only possible, when a superposition of hopping-type and Drude-type electronic transport is assumed [96S, 97S, 98S, 99S1]. Indeed, under specific conditions the transport of delocalized Drude-type carriers can be below the detection limit. For spectra see below. Density of delocalized holes vs. reciprocal T derived from the dynamical conductivity of B6.3C and B7.91C (optical spectra) [98S, 99S1] compared with the Hall densities determined from Hall effect and magnetoresistance of B4.3C single crystals [85W, 87W3]. and compared with model calculations (i) taking the density of unoccupied atomic sites in the structure into account and (ii) based on an ideal structure without vacancies in Fig. 28 [98S, 99S1]. photoconductivity Prove of the electron-phonon interaction in B10.37C by the change of the oscillator strength of the ~1080 cm−1 IR-active phonon by the optical excitation of carriers [93W, 94K2]. Drude-type optical absorption of optically excited carriers in B10.37 C [97W]. Interaction of optically excited carriers with intra-icosahedral phonons in Fig. 29 [97W]. Hall effect Hall coefficient (in cm3C−1) RH 0.08 0.06 0.12 (– 4...+ 19) ·10–2 T = 300 K B13C2 B15C2 B∼4.3C (ESK boron carbide) value depends on C content, see Fig. 30 86W1 87W4 37 T = 77 K 87W3 T = 300 K Hall effect, single crystal, B∼4.3C (ESK boron carbide) magnetoresistance, single crystal Hall effect, single crystal magnetoresistance, single crystal B13C2 B15C2 B∼4.3C (ESK boron carbide) Hall effect, ESR, conductivity T = 77 K from Hall effect and el. cond., ~B4.3C T = 290 K T = 300 K (ESK boron carbide) Hall effect, ESR T = 300K 80W hole mobility (in cm2V−1s−1) µΗ,p 20 0.8 1 2.5 ~2 ~2 0.2...1 T = 290K T = 300 K 86W1 87W4 70G2, 77G hole concentration p 2.1·1013 cm−3 3.9·1017 cm−3 (4...9)·1019 cm–3 87W3 70G2, 77G Dependence of the Hall effect on the composition for15, 220, 400, 550 and 700 °C in Fig. 31 [86W5]. Temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient of B4.1C (close to the carbon-rich limit of the homogeneity range), B3.1C (with excess carbon) and B8.3C in Fig. 32 [90W2, 91W]. Temperature dependence of the Hall effect in a heating-cooling cycle in Fig. 33 [86W1, 86W5, 87W4]. Temperature dependence of the Hall mobility of boron carbide in Fig. 34 [70G2, 86W1, 86W5, 87W4, 90W2, 91W, 96C]. Change of sign of the Hall effect (Hall coefficient and Hall mobility) of B 11C prepared by CVD at 140 °C in Fig. 35 [87C]. Temperature dependence of the Hall mobility of CVD boron carbide for B4.00C, B5.54C, B6.57C and B9.62C in Fig. 36 [94K1]. Hall mobility and electrical conductivity in [89A]. Electrical conductivity and Hall mobility in [87E1, 87E2]. Hall effect in [87W4, 90W1]. Linear dependence of the Hall voltage up to B = 15 T in [87W3, 90W1, 91W]. magnetoresistance Dependence of the magnetoresistance on B (B up to 15 T) at 77 and 290 K in Fig. 37 [87W3, 90W1, 91W]. Seebeck effect The amount of the Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power) S of boron carbide (S ~ 300 µV K−1) is typical for semiconductors; however its temperature dependence is very unusual. While in classical semiconductors S decreases towards high temperatures because the contributions of electrons and holes largely cancel one another in the intrinsic region, the Seebeck coefficient of boron carbide remains high, up to temperatures T > 2000 K. This makes boron carbide a very promising candidate for high-efficiency high-temperature thermoelectric energy conversion (see [86W5, 88W, 95W]) because the figure of merit z = S2σ/κ (σ, electrical conductivity; κ, thermal conductivity) is proportional to the square of S. While most of the experimental results indicate that (i) S increases monotonically with T (see below), in others (ii) a maximum around 250 K is followed towards higher temperatures by a somewhat lower minimum at about 700 K [98A]. The behavior (i) has been only qualitatively explained by EF being pinned up to high temperatures in high-density gap states close to the valence band. The slope (ii) was explained by a large enhancement of the Seebeck coefficient of boron carbide through vibrational softening in consequence of the strong electron-phonon interaction [98A, 98E, 99E]. In this case, as shown in Fig. 38 [99E] one enhancement is due to localized carriers inducing an increase in the solid’s vibrational entropy. The other contribution is proportional to the vibrational energy transferred with the carriers as they hop. Overview of typical results of the thermoelectric power as a function of temperature for various chemical compositions B4.1C, B4.3C, B6.2C, B6.9C [91W], B4.3C anisotropy (||c and ⊥c) [86W3, 86W4], see also [95W], B4C, B9C [86W1, 86W5], B69C11Si [94W], 10 % P-doped boron carbide [94A] in Fig. 39. thermoelectric power S 15...160 µV K–1 T = 300 K value depends on C content, cf. Fig. 3 80W, 81W3 Temperature dependence of the thermoelectric power of CVD boron carbide with the compositions B4.00C, B4.95C, B5.54C, B6.57C, B9.62C and B10.67C discussed in relation to the transport properties in general in Fig. 40 [94K1]. Temperature dependence of the Seebeck coefficient of B6.5C; comparison of experimental results and theory, based on the enhancement through vibrational softening in Fig. 41 [98A]. Temperature dependence of the Seebeck cofficient of boron carbide with 13.0, 16.4, 17.5 and 19.5 at.% C in Fig. 42 [98A]. Dependence of the Seebeck coefficient on the carbon concentration in Fig. 43 [98A]. Thermoelectric power in [87E3]. Seebeck effect in context with the transport properties in [87W4]. Thermoelectric power and figure of merit, dependence on composition for different T in [85B]. Review on high-temperature thermoelectric properties in [91A]. Thermoelectric power as a function of T in [89A]. The correlation between the thermoelectric properties and stoichiometry in the boron carbide phase B4C – B10.5C [85B]. High temperature thermoelectric power in [87A]. Seebeck effect vs. T (300...1400 K) in Fig. 19 [86W5]. Calculation of the thermoelectric power of boron carbide as a function of temperature with and without extensive twinning boundaries [87E2]. B4C/C thermocouple for high temperatures [85H, 85A]. Materials for thermoelectric energy conversion [84W1, 84W2, 88W]. Boron-rich solids: a chance for high-efficiency high-temperature thermoelectric energy conversion [95W]. Preparation and verification of boron-carbide-based thermoelectric alloy [86E2]. Refractory semiconductors for high temperature thermoelectric energy conversion [87W5]. Temperature control of inert gas furnace by B4C/C thermocouple [88K]. 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Preliminary band scheme, which is compatible with the experimentally determined transition energies. The donor level has not yet been experimentally proved [98S, 99S3]. Energy values relative to the valence band edge for B4.3C at T = 300 K. Boron carbide B4.3C conduction band 2.1 1.20 range of deep levels Energy E [eV] donor level 0.92 0.77 0.47 0.18 0.065 valence band acceptor level Boron carbide B4.3C 2.1 conduction band 1.20 range of deep levels Energy E [eV] donor level 0.92 0.77 0.47 0.18 0.065 valence band acceptor level Fig. 6. Boron carbide. Electrical conductivity for dc (closed symbols) and 1010 Hz (open symbols) vs. carbon concentration [93S]. Boron carbide 10 dc 10 f = 10 Hz 20 15 6 10 4 5 2 0 10 12 14 16 C content [at%] 18 20 0 –1 –1 –1 –1 Conductivity σdc [Ω cm ] 8 Conductivity σac [Ω cm ] 25 Fig. 7. Boron carbide. Activation energy EA of the electrical conductivity and the Peltier energy Es = e·S·T at 100 K vs. medium distance of the C atoms [80W, 81W3]. Fig. 8. Boron carbide. Activation energy of the electrical conductivity of boron carbide of different composition vs. reciprocal temperature [80W, 81W3]. (Sample compositions: 1) B12.94C2.06; 2) B12.35C2.65; 3) B12.28C2.72; 4) B12.13C2.87; 5) B12.01C2.99; 6) B10.6C4.41; 7, 8) [70G2] unknown composition, accordingly analyzed measurements.). Fig. 9. Boron carbide. Electrical conductivity vs. B/C relation and temperature [90W2, 94K3, 99W]. –1 251 Conductivity σ [Ω cm ] 301 –1 Boron carbide 201 151 101 51 1 19 17 15 Tem per at u 13 11 re T 9 2 [10 7 K] 5 3 2.5 5.0 7.5 B/C relation 10.0 Fig. 10. Boron carbide. Electrical conductivity of different compounds within the homogeneity range for temperatures between about 5 and 2200 K plotted according to Mott’s law for variable-range hopping vs. T−1/4 [99W]. 10 6 104 2000 500 Temperature T [K] 100 20 40 Boron carbide 5 B4.3C B6.4C B7.91C B8.52C B10.37C 102 σT1/2 [K1/2 Ω–1cm–1 ] 10 1 10–2 10–4 10–6 10–8 10–10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 –1/4 –1/4 Inv. temperature T [K ] 0.6 0.7 Fig. 11. Boron carbide. (a) High temperature electrical conductivity vs. reciprocal T for (full circles) B4C [86W1, 86W5, 87W4]; (open circles) B4C, (open triangles) B6.4C, (full triangles) B10.37C [90W2, 94K3, 99W]. (b) B13C2 (experimental results from [86W2, 87W4]). 3 108 Boron carbide 6 B4C B4C B6.4C B10.37C 4 10 –1 –1 Conductivity σ [Ω cm ] 2 2 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 1 a 10 0 1 3 2 3 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 5 B13C2 8 6 4 EA = 0.13 eV –1 Conductivity σ [Ω cm ] 4 –1 2 10 2 8 EA = 0.068 eV 6 4 EA = 0.46 eV 2 10 b 0 0.5 2.0 1.0 1.5 2.5 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 3.0 3.5 Fig. 12. Boron carbide. Scaling behavior of the electrical conductivity of boron carbide, d log σ/dT vs. log(σ−1) [99W]. Molten samples [80W, 81W3]: open squares, B4.01C, open triangles up, B4.23C, open circles, B4.7C, open triangles down, B6.3C; BARC sample [90N]: crosses, B4C; hot-pressed/sintered samples [91W]: full triangles up, B4.3C, pluses, B6.2C, full triangles down, B6.4C, full diamond, B7.91C, full circles, B8.52C, full squares, B10.37C. 10 Boron carbide d log σ/dT [K–1] 8 6 4 2 0 –8 10 –6 10 –4 –2 10 10 1 –1 Inv. conductivity σ [Ω cm] 2 10 10 4 Fig. 13. Boron carbide (B~4.3C) Anisotropy of the electrical conductivity; (a) σ(||c) (b) σ(⊥c) vs. reciprocal T. Several single crystals grown by chance during the industrial production process (Elektroschmelzwerk Kempten). Since the production is aimed for the composition B4C, the composition of the single crystals is expected not essentially to deviate from this composition. (c) anisotropy factor σ (||c)/σ(⊥c) vs. 103/T [86W4]. 10 2 Boron carbide B~4.3C σ II c σ ⊥c 1 –1 –1 10 –2 10 –3 10 –4 10 –5 –1 10 sample 1 sample 2 sample 3 sample 4 1 3 10 5 7 9 11 13 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 15 b 8 Anisotropy coeff. σ(II c )/ σ(⊥ c ) 6 4 2 1 sample 1 sample 2 sample 3 8 6 4 2 10 c –1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 2 10 Conductivity σ [Ω cm ] –1 –1 Conductivity σ [Ω cm ] 10 a 10 15 1 10 –1 10 –2 10 –3 10 –4 10 –5 1 sample 1 sample 2 sample 3 3 5 7 9 11 13 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 15 Fig. 14. –1 –1 Conductivity σ [Ω cm ] Boron carbide (B4C, B9C). Electrical conductivity vs. pressure [85S]. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Boron carbide B4C B9C T = 425 K 297 K 3 2 300 K 1.0 0.8 0.6 0 5 15 10 Pressure p [kbar] 20 25 Fig. 15. Boron carbide (B4C). Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity; σ T vs. reciprocal T for different pressures [85S]. 10 4 Boron carbide 9 8 7 6 B4C –1 –1 Conductivity σT [Ω cm K] 5 4 3 2 10 3 9 8 7 6 5 2 4⋅10 1.7 p= 0 9.94 kbar 19.40 kbar 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 3.1 Fig. 16. Boron carbide. I(V) for a single crystal (approximately B4.3C) [86W4]. –3 10 Boron carbide –4 10 B~4.3C –5 Electrical current I [A] 10 –6 10 –7 10 10 –8 T = 75 K 190 K 300 K 375 K –9 10 –10 10 –4 10 –3 10 –2 10 Voltage V [V] –1 10 1 Fig. 17. Boron carbide. Dependence of the dc and high frequency electrical conductivity of the carbon content. Open circles, dc conductivity σ at 450K [90W2] open triangles down, dc conductivity σ at 300K [80W, 81W3], open squares, dc conductivity σ at 2000K [90W2], open triangles up, dc conductivity σ at 450K [86W1], full circles, ωp2 proportional to the density of Drude-type carriers at 450 K [97K]. Fig. from [97S, 98W]. 4.0 0.10 0.08 2.4 0.06 1.6 0.04 0.8 0.02 2 4 –2 Plasma frequency (ωp /c) [10 cm ] 3.2 0 8 10 12 14 C content [at%] 16 18 20 0 Conductivity σ [rel. units] Boron carbide Fig. 18. Boron carbide. Minimum hopping rate γm (left) and dc conductivity (right) vs. reciprocal T for B4C, B4.3C, B13C2 [91Z]. 10 10 10 6 10 4 10 2 Boron carbide B4C B4.3C B13C2 1 10 –2 0 2 1 –1 8 Hopping rate γm [Hz] 10 10 –1 12 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 –1 –1 Inv. temperature T [K ] 10 –2 10 –4 10 –6 10 –8 Conductivity σ [Ω cm ] 10 0.25 10 –10 10 –12 B4.3C B13C2 B4C 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 –1 –1 Inv. temperature T [K ] 0.25 Fig. 19. Boron carbide (B9C). Effect of thermal cycling on (a) the resistivity and (b) the thermoelectric power [86W5]. B9C 280 Resistivity ρ [Ωcm] –1 0.06 290 Boron carbide Thermoelectric power S [µ V K ] 0.07 0.05 run no. 1 heating run no. 1 cooling run no. 2 heating run no. 2 cooling reannealed run no. 1 heating reannealed run no. 1 cooling 0.04 0.03 0.02 a 260 250 240 230 0.01 0 300 270 500 700 900 1100 Temperature T [K] 1300 1500 b 220 300 500 700 900 1100 Temperature T [K] 1300 1500 Fig. 20. Boron carbide :P. ac conductivity between 103 and 106 Hz vs. temperature. P doped boron carbide (x = 0.05 in the assumed compound (B11C)(CBC)1−x(PB)x) compared with undoped boron carbide (18 at% C, dashed lines) vs. temperature [93A]. σ0 = 1 Ω−1cm−1. –2 Boron carbide (:P) –3 Conductivity ln [σac/σ0] –4 undoped (18 at% C) P-doped (5 at%) –5 –6 6 f = 10 Hz –7 }105 Hz –8 } 10 Hz } 10 Hz 4 –9 3 – 10 – 11 0 50 100 150 200 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 250 Fig. 21. Boron carbide. Electrical conductivity for dc (closed symbols) and 1010 Hz (open symbols) vs. carbon concentration [93S]. Boron carbide 10 dc 10 f = 10 Hz 20 15 6 10 4 5 2 0 10 12 14 16 C content [at%] 18 20 0 –1 –1 –1 –1 Conductivity σdc [Ω cm ] 8 Conductivity σac [Ω cm ] 25 Fig. 22. Boron carbide Frequency dependence of the ac conductivity of B 4.5C at T = 4 K and B9C at T = 4, 10, and 15 K. Insert: temperature dependence of the power-law dependence on frequency for B9C [93S]. σac = σ(ω) – σdc ≅ A1ωs. Power law exponent s = 0.85...0.90 at 4K for the various compositions studied. These values are strongly dependent on temperature, with indications that s → 1 as T →0 K. –6 10 Boron carbide –7 –8 10 0.6 B 9C 0.4 –9 10 1–s –1 –1 Conductivity σ [Ω cm ] 10 0.2 –10 10 B4.5C T = 4 K s = 0.89 4K 0.85 B9.0C 10 K 0.74 B9.0C B9.0C 15 K 0.53 –11 10 10 2 10 3 4 0 10 10 Frequency f [Hz] 4 5 8 T [K] 10 6 12 16 10 7 Fig. 23. Boron carbide. Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of (a) B4.5C and (b) B9C for frequencies between 103 and 106 Hz [93S]. –2 –2 10 10 Boron carbide –3 10 B4.5C –4 –4 –5 10 –1 –1 –1 Conductivity σac [Ω cm ] 10 –1 Conductivity σac [Ω cm ] 10 –6 10 f = 10 Hz –7 10 Hz –8 –9 0 50 100 150 200 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 10 Hz –9 10 Hz 3 10 dc 5 10 Hz –8 10 10 Hz –10 10 6 f = 10 Hz –7 4 10 Hz 10 –6 10 5 10 –5 10 10 6 10 a B 9C –3 10 4 3 dc –10 10 250 b 0 50 100 150 200 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 250 Fig. 24. Boron carbide. log-log plot of the frequency dependence of the electrical conductivity at various temperatures for (a) B4.3C) and (b) B13C2 [91Z]. –2 –2 10 Boron carbide B4.3C –3 10 –1 –1 –5 10 –5 10 22 K –6 10 –6 10 10 K –7 10 –7 10 10 8K –8 a T = 40 K –4 10 Conductivity σac [Ω cm ] –1 –4 10 10 B 13C 2 –3 10 T = 46 K –1 Conductivity σac [Ω cm ] 10 4 10 5 10 6 7 10 10 Frequency f [Hz] 8 10 –9 10 9 10 b 4K –8 10 4 5 10 6 7 10 10 Frequency f [Hz] 8 10 9 10 Fig. 25. Boron carbide (B1−xCx). log-log plot of the absolute conductivity vs. frequency at 4.2 K. Solid line σac = σ0 ω0.9.The prefactor σ0 is 6 times lower at the composition x ≈ 0.13 (2 samples) than x = 0.2 (4 samples) [86K]. 10 10 Boron carbide B1–xCx –4 10 –5 10 –6 10 –7 10 –8 10 –9 Conductivity σac [Ω cm ] –1 –1 –3 x = 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.14 0.13 4 10 10 5 6 7 10 10 Frequency f [Hz] 10 8 10 9 Fig. 26. Boron carbide (B4C). Electrical conductivity vs. reciprocal temperature for dc, 105, 106, 107, 108 and 109 Hz [86K]. 1 –1 10 Boron carbide B 4C –2 10 –3 Conductivity σac [Ω cm ] 10 –1 –1 9 f = 10 Hz –4 10 –5 10 –6 10 8 10 7 10 6 10 –7 10 5 10 Hz –8 10 dc –9 10 –10 10 0 40 80 120 160 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 200 Fig. 27. Boron carbide. (unknown composition; approximately B12C3) IR reflectivity vs. wavenumber. The sample dependent increase of R to wavenumbers < 350 cm–1 is attributed to the plasma resonance of free carriers [79B1]. Fig. 28. Boron carbide. Density of delocalized holes vs. reciprocal T derived from the dynamical conductivity of B6.3C and B7.91C (optical spectra) [98S, 99S1] compared with the Hall densities determined from Hall effect and magnetoresistance of B4.3C single crystals [85W, 87W3]. and compared with model calculations (i) taking the density of unoccupied atomic sites in the structure into account (full line) and (ii) based on an ideal structure without vacancies (broken line) [98S, 99S1]. 500 200 19 10 Temperature T [K] 100 80 Boron carbide 18 10 17 –3 Hole density p [cm ] 10 16 10 15 10 14 10 B4.3C B6.3C B7.91C 13 10 12 10 11 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 14 Fig. 29. Boron carbide (B10.37C). Difference ∆α of the IR phonon spectra with and without optical excitation of carriers vs. wavenumber. Bottom tracing, IR phonon spectrum of boron carbide for orientation [97W]. 500 20 40 60 80 Photon energy hν [meV] 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Boron carbide B10.37C T = 300 K Absorption coeff. ∆α [rel. units] 400 300 100 K 200 80 K 100 0 Intensity I –100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 –1 Wavenumber ν [cm ] 1600 1800 2000 Fig. 30. Boron carbide. Hall coefficient vs. medium distance of the C atoms [81W2]. Fig. 31. B 4C B6.5C Boron carbide –1 Hall coefficient RH [cm C ] 10–1 10–2 1 10–3 10–1 Resistivity ρ [Ωcm] 3 B7.5C 1 B 9C Boron carbide. Hall effect vs. carbon content for 15, 220, 400, 550 and 700 °C [86W5]. 10–2 10–3 3 Hall mobility µH [cm2(Vs)–1] 2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 T = 700 °C 550 °C 400 °C 220 °C 15 °C 0.5 0.4 0.3 10 12 14 16 C content [at%] 18 20 Fig. 32. Boron carbide. Hall coefficient vs. reciprocal T. B4.1C (composition close to the carbon-rich limit of the homogeneity range), B3.1C (with excess carbon), B8.3C [90W2, 91W]. 400 200 5 10 Temperature T [K] 100 80 60 50 40 Boron carbide 4 3 –1 Hall coefficient RH [cm C ] 10 3 10 2 10 10 B3.1C B4.1C B8.3C 1 –1 10 0 5 10 15 20 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 25 Fig. 33. Boron carbide (B13C2). Temperature dependence of the Hall effect in a heating-cooling cycle [86W1, 86W5, 87W4]. 3 10 B13C2 –1 –1 Conductivity σ [Ω cm ] Boron carbide 2 10 –1 Hall mobility µH [cm2(Vs)–1] 10 1 3 –1 heating cooling 10 –2 10 –3 –1 10 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] Hall coefficient RH [cm C ] 10 10 3.5 Fig. 34. Boron carbide. Hall mobility of boron carbide vs. reciprocal temperature. (Open squares) probably ~B4.3C [70G1]; (full squares) B4C; open triangles, (full triangles down), B13C2; (full triangles up), B15C2 [86W1, 86W5, 87W4]; (pluses) B4.1C (crosses) B8.3C [90W2, 91W]; (full circles) boron carbide with 16 at. % C and (open circles) with 18.2 at.% C [96C]. 2 2 ⋅10 10 Boron carbide 2 Hall mobility µH [cm2(Vs)–1] 10 B4.1C B4C 1 B13C2 B8.3C B15C2 –1 10 –2 10 –3 10 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 20.0 22.5 25.0 Fig. 35. Boron carbide (CVD B11C). Hall effect (Hall coefficient and Hall mobility) vs. reciprocal temperature [87C]. 140 °C 2 –RH –1 σ –1 –1 Conductivity σ [Ω cm ] 4 2 2 1 B11C –1 10 10 8 6 3 8 6 Boron carbide 4 2 1 RH –2 10 8 6 4 2 –1 –3 Hall mobility µH [cm2(Vs)–1] 10 18 10 10 6 4 2 –1 10 8 6 4 2 –2 0.8 Hall coefficient RH[cm C ] 2 ⋅10 2 10 p-type 1.2 n-type 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 3.6 Fig. 36. Boron carbide (CVD). Hall mobility vs. reciprocal temperature for B4.00C, B5.54C, B6.57C and B9.62C [94K1]. Hall mobility µH [cm2(Vs)–1] 10 2 9 8 7 6 5 4 Boron carbide 3 2 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.5 B4.00C B5.54C B6.57C B9.62C 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 –1 –3 –1 Inv. temperature T [10 K ] 3.5 Fig. 37. Boron carbide (B4.3C). Magnetoresistance of a single crystal (occasionally obtained from industrial production in ESK) vs. squared magnetic induction at 77 and 290 K [87W3, 90W1, 91W]. Boron carbide B4.3C Magnetoresistance ∆ρ/ρ0 [10–2] 1.0 3.0 2.5 0.8 2.0 T = 77 K 0.6 1.5 290 K 0.4 0.2 0 1.0 0.5 0 40 80 120 160 200 Squared magn. induction B2 [T2] 0 240 Magnetoresistance ∆ρ/ρ0 [10–5] 1.2 Fig. 38. Boron carbide. Theory of the enhancement of the Seebeck coefficient through vibrational softening in consequence of a strong electron-phonon interaction. Fvibrations (ΘT) = [(Θ/2T)/sinh(Θ/2T)] and Ftransport (Θ/T) = (Θ/T)[(Θ/T )/sinh(Θ/T)], Θ = hν/kB are the Einstein frequencies of the interacting phonons [98E, 99E]. 1.2 Boron carbide 1.0 Fvibrations Fvibrations , Ftransport 0.8 0.6 Ftransport 0.4 0.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 Red. temperature T/ 1.6 2.0 Fig. 39. Boron carbide. Overview of typical results of the thermoelectric power as a function of temperature for various chemical compositions (B4.1C, B4.3C, B6.2C, B6.9C [91W], B4.3C (||c and ⊥c) [86W3, 86W4], see also [95W], B4C, B9C [86W1, 86W5], B69C11Si [94W]; 10 % P-doped boron carbide [94A. „Conventional method“ means that thermocouples are used to determine the temperatures at both ends of the sample. If the thermocouples are not put into a sufficiently deep hole in the sample; the measurement can be considerably influenced by the heat flow through the wires of the thermocouple. In the „new method“ this source of error is avoided by deriving the temperatures from the electrical conductivity, that is separately measured with high accuracy. 350 –1 Thermoelectric power S [µ V K ] 300 250 B69C11Si B4.1C (new method) B6.9C B4.3C (conv. method) B4.3C( II c ) 10 % P doped boron carbide B6.2C B9C 200 B4C 150 100 Boron carbide B4.1C B4.3C( ⊥ c ) 50 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Temperature T [K] 1400 1600 1800 2000 Fig. 40. Boron carbide (CVD). Thermoelectric power vs. temperature for B4.00C, B4.95C, B5.54C, B6.57C, B9.62C and B10.67C [94K1]. 250 Boron carbide –1 Thermoelectric power S [µ V K ] 225 200 175 150 125 B4.00C B4.95C B5.54C 100 75 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Temperature T [K] B6.57C B9.62C B10.67C 1100 1200 Fig. 41. Boron carbide (B6.5C). Temperature dependence of the thermoelectric power. Symbols, experimental data obtained in different equipments; solid line, calculated as the sum of contributions from Svibrations and Stransport For the carrier-phonon interaction six low-level modes of 0.01 eV and one higher-energy mode of 0.06 eV were assumed. For details see [98A]. –1 Thermoelectric power S [µ V K ] 250 Boron carbide B6.5C 200 150 100 Svibrations 50 0 Stransport 200 400 600 Temperature T [K] 800 1000 Fig. 42. Boron carbide. Temperature dependence of the thermoelectric power. Circles and crosses, samples held between Cu anvils with Cu leads and type-K thermocouples; triangles and diamonds, samples held between graphite anvils with Pt leads and type-S thermocouples [98A]. Data for B5.1C are indicated by filled symbols. –1 Thermoelectric power S [µ V K ] 350 Boron carbide 300 B4.13C 250 B4.7C 200 B5.1C B6.7C 150 100 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature T [K] 800 900 Fig. 43. Boron carbide. Thermoelectric power vs. carbon concentration at T = 773 K [98A]. Solid line is a guide for the eye. –1 Thermoelectric power S [µ V K ] 275 Boron carbide 250 225 B13C2 200 175 8 10 12 14 16 C content [at%] 18 20