10 Critical Steps That Could Make or Break Your Business

10 Critical Steps That Could Make or Break Your Business
1. Strategic Planning
Define the organizations top five “Core Values” (Principles & Standards by which you live)
Create & share your “Mission Statement” (Answers the question: Why do we exist?)
Create & share your “Vision Statement” (Answers the question: What do we want to become?)
Perform a “S.W.O.T. Analysis” (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats)
Define your “Unique Differentiating Factor” (Tells people why you have no competition)
Set a “S.M.A.R.T. Goal” (Sales, # of locations, quantities produced, people served)
Clearly define “Who, What & When”
2. Written Service Standards & Job Descriptions
a. Create a non-negotiable service culture (not a “program” or “initiative”)
i. Under promise and over deliver
b. Develop non-negotiable in-person & telephone service standards
c. Put job duties in writing for everyone and have them signed and dated
i. The last job duty item should be: “Or any other duties as assigned”
3. Hire the Right People for the Right Job
a. Guerilla recruiting
b. Recognizing red flags on resumes
i. Gaps in employment
ii. Numbers of career changes
iii. Short lengths of employment
iv. Them not asking you questions
v. Are they looking for a “job” or “career”?
vi. Not smiling (You can’t train people to smile)
vii. Lack of eye contact (Low self-worth or confidence)
viii. Other body language or inappropriate behaviors
c. Telephone interview first (If you don’t like their voice, neither will your customers)
d. In-person interview second
e. Challenge them with innovative interview questions
i. What would your past employers say are your greatest strengths?
ii. What would your past employers say are your greatest weaknesses?
iii. Who was the best boss you have worked for and why?
iv. Who was the worst boss you have worked for and why?
v. Who was the most difficult co-worker you have worked with and why?
vi. Tell me about a time when you were criticized at work and how you handled it.
vii. What motivates you to do your best work?
viii. What de-motivates you at work?
ix. What tasks bored you in your last job?
x. What have you done in your career that you look back on and regret?
xi. What one personality trait would you change about yourself?
xii. When I call your previous bosses, what will they tell me that you have not told me?
xiii. Would your previous employers hire you back?
xiv. What have you done in your life that you are the most proud of?
f. Provide prospects with your service standards & job duties during the interview
g. Perform background checks
i. Ask previous employers: “Would you re-hire them?”
ii. Criminal and credit background checks ($40 each at www.researchinc.net)
h. Pre-employment testing before hiring ($10 to $35 each at www.BradWorthley.com)
For assistance with Strategic Planning for your business & customer service or leadership development, contact us.
Brad Worthley International
(425) 957-9696
4. Provide Training for Everyone
a. Focus on the “Profit Chain”
Great leaders
= High Employee Advocacy
= High Customer Advocacy
= High Profits
b. Leadership development is the highest priority
i. Assess current leadership skills ($35 each at www.BradWorthley.com)
ii. Seminar 1: “Turning Managers into Leaders” (4 hours)
iii. Seminar 2: “How to Coach Your Employees, Peers & Supervisor” (4 hours)
iv. Seminar 3: “Increase Communication & Increase Success” (4 hours)
v. Seminar 4: “Reduce Stress & Increase Productivity” (4 hours)
vi. Monthly Coaching to drive the new behaviors (300% increase in productivity)
c. Consistent employee development
i. Don’t assume employees know customer service skills – Train them!
ii. Seminar 1: “Exceeding Customer Expectations” (2 hours)
iii. Seminar 2: “Desire – Success for Life & Business” (4 hours)
d. Train “behavior” as much as “skill”
5. Establish a Coaching Culture
a. Learn the coaching process (Critical to retaining generation “Y”)
b. Schedule coaching sessions weekly or bi-weekly (“Face time” is important)
6. Get Employees Involved
Create a “Customer Service Committee”
Hold “Round Table” discussions with employees
Have employees run your weekly or monthly meetings (Delegate & empower)
Have employees rally for a common cause (United Way, Habitat for Humanity, etc.)
7. Inspect What You Expect
a. Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
i. Employee satisfaction surveys
ii. Customer satisfaction surveys
iii. Mystery shopping (In-person or telephone)
iv. Employee turnover
v. Customer turnover
vi. On-time delivery
vii. Number of units produced
viii. Speed of service
ix. Sales
x. Stock price
xi. Market share
xii. Profitability
8. Praise and Recognition as Motivators
a. What systems do you have in place to motivate employees?
9. People Don’t Fail as Much as Systems
a. Don’t ask who did it, ask how we will keep it from happening again to anyone
b. Your job is to keep employees physically and emotionally safe
10. Prioritize Your Time Properly
a. Become a list maker and prioritize properly
b. Do you and your employees prioritize what is fun or what is important?
For assistance with Strategic Planning for your business & customer service or leadership development, contact us.
Brad Worthley International
(425) 957-9696