Twelfth Night: Dramatization Assignment

Twelfth Night
Twelfth Night: Dramatization Assignment
Assignment Description
For this assignment you will apply all your skills for a final performance of a scene of
your choice from Twelfth Night. In addition you will complete a written analysis of your
scene and character.
Day 1 Wednesday, January6th
1. Select a scene from the list provided.
2. Casting: Read through the scene together and assign roles. Each group
should also choose a director who will plan blocking (stage directions,
gestures, vocal expressions and other movements) with characters.
3. Editing the Scene: Decide on the format of your scene. Will you keep the
original Shakespearean form or will you modernize it?
Read through the scene numerous times so your group understands the scene.
Underline words you do not understand and find out what they mean.
Summarize the scene and its dramatic purpose.
As you re-read, choose lines that you will omit. You can cut whole sections or
speeches, just be sure that the script flows. If you modernize the scene, be
sure your changes are consistent with the original plot and characters.
4. Writing the Script: Re-write your script and ensure each person has a copy
so you can add in prompts (stage directions).
5. Analysis: In order to get a better understanding of your scene and character
complete a written analysis of your scene. This should be completed as a group
before your group begins rehearsing. Note that this should be done individually and
can be done outside class time.(See attached handout)
DAY 2 – 3 Thursday, January 7th and Friday, January 8th
o 6. Rehearse: Each group must be up on your feet putting movement to the
script. Remember to mark up your scripts. Memorize your lines and get busy
bringing the scene to life!
7. “Dressing” up the Scene: Make decisions about costumes, props, scenery,
lighting, music, or any other multi-media. You may make this as simple or
elaborate as you wish, just ensure it does not compromise your scene.
8. Group Responsibilities: Ensure each group member is responsible for an
element of the scene (ex. lighting, music, props, costumes).
9. Keep Rehearsing!
Day 4-5 – Presentations Monday, January 11th and Tuesday, January 12th
Twelfth Night
Written Component: Character and Scene Analysis
Complete this on a separate piece of paper
Promptbook Questions
Scene: Act ____ Scene _____
Scene Analysis
1. What is your rationale for choosing a modern or Shakespearean adaptation of
the scene?
2. In 10 words or less summarize your scene.
3. Where does the scene take place?
4. During the scene, where should the characters be positioned on stage? Are
there any entrances or exits? Are there essential movements or line directions /
delivery needed for the scene that will help it run smoothly?
5. Are there any essential props, costume or lighting choices necessary for the
Character Analysis
Character: ______________________________________________________________
1. Summarize your character’s role in the scene.
2. What is distinctive about the way your character speaks? Do they use plain
language or elaborate language? Explain why. (ex. status) Puns? Riddles?
Sarcasm? Musical? Other? Be sure to explain why your character speaks this
3. What motivates your character to say what they say in the scene?
4. What tone of voice will your character use during the performance of your
scene? Will the tone of voice vary? Why? Are there necessary dramatic
5. What movements and / or facial expressions will your character make during the
performance of your scene?
Each group will submit the following before you present:
1. List of Characters (a list of characters and actors)
2. Script: Include a copy of the final script for evaluation.
3. Scene analysis questions – one per group.
3. Each individual actor must submit their character analysis questions and rubric.
Twelfth Night
Scenes for Performance
Select one of the following scenes for adaptation and performance.
2.3 Maria tries to quiet the late night carousing of Toby, Andrew and Feste.
Malvolio orders them to behave or he will kick them out. In retaliation, the
revelers will plan a trick to humiliate him. (5 actors – Toby, Andrew, Feste/Fool,
Maria and Malvolio)
2.4 Viola-Cesario’s “man to man” talk about women. (4 actors – Orsino, Viola,
Curio, Feste/Fool)
2.5 Malvolio falls for Maria’s trick with Fabian, Toby and Andrew watching from
behind a tree. (5 actors - Malvolio, Maria, Fabian, Toby and Andrew)
3.4 1-204 Malvolio wears cross garters; Toby and Fabian plan to cart him off as a
madman. (7 actors – Olivia, Maria, Malvolio, Servant, Toby, Fabian, Andrew)
3.4.205-416 The duel of Andrew, Viola, Sebastian and Toby. (7 actors- Olivia,
Viola, Fabian, Toby, Andrew, First Officer, Second Officer)
Cut any scene from the chaos of Act 5