Position Paper #1

Position Paper #1
Given: February 9th 2010
Due: February 16th 2010
Points to Remember:
Select only one topic. Take either a positive or a negative stance
to the quote
If you agree why? If you disagree why?
Support your position with your own thoughts, and
understanding of the topic
It should be at least 3-5 pages in length
APA style (if confused please see the guide found on this
1. “There is within human nature an amazing potential for goodness”
Martin Luther King Jr.
“Love, Law and Civil Disobedience”
December 1961
2.”Human beings are so constituted that they act only of self interest, so self
interest is present even in the most unselfish behavior.”
Moritz Schlick
Problems of Ethnics
3. “Where law ends tyranny begins.”
4. “Man is a reasoning animal”
William Pitt
The Elder Pitt
Alexander Hamilton