1 The PROCESS PACKAGE (Sections 2-7) 2 CGR4M – Section 2: Topic Selection & Thesis Proposal Sheet Name: _______________ The selection here is not exclusive, but is offered as a starting point towards completing the formal argumentative essay. JUSTIFICATION FOR TOPIC SELECTION: TOPIC: 1. Give two reasons why you selected this topic. 2. Based on your initial survey of reference material, what are three important themes or issues pertinent to this topic? Explain the relationship of your topic to the Environment. And Resource Management 3. Name two Books and two Journal Articles and one WEBSITE that you have consulted about your topic. (Please reference in complete bibliographic format). 3 CGR4M – Section 2: Topic Selection & Thesis Proposal Sheet Name: ______________ Your Chosen Topic: ______________________________________________ 1. Write down the thesis statement and supporting evidence. Thesis Statement: Evidence 1: Evidence 2: Evidence 3: Example: This is a good essay because it has a clear thesis, strong arguments, and excellent writing style. 2. Please submit your updated list of sources (full bibliographic format) 4 CGR4M – Section 2: Topic Selection and Thesis Proposal Rubric Criteria Grade Topic Selection (THINKING) Level 0 49% or Below Name: _____________________________ Level 1 50% - 55% Level 2 60% -65% Level 3 70% - 75% Level 4 80%-100% Did not meet expectations. less than 3 different resources were consulted information and ideas are arranged with a limited degree of completeness and clarity 4 different resources were consulted information and ideas are arranged with some degree of completeness and clarity 5 different resources were consulted information and ideas are arranged with a considerable degree of completeness and clarity more than 5 different resources were consulted. information and ideas are arranged with a high degree of completeness and clarity Thesis Proposal (THINKING) Did not meet expectations. Student’s thesis is an outline of points; it is not an arguable statement of position Student’s thesis is a clear, arguable statement of position Student’s thesis is a clear and arguable statement of position that answers a why or how question Topic Selection (KNOWLEDGE) Did not meet expectations. -- Limited understanding of topic is demonstrated - Some understanding of topic is demonstrated. - Good understanding of topic is demonstrated. Student’s thesis is a clear, arguable, well developed, and definitive statement of position. It answers a why or how question - Excellent understanding of topic is demonstrated. Thesis Proposal (KNOWLEDGE) Did not meet expectations. - Limited understanding of topic is demonstrated. - Poorly presented evidence to support thesis. - sources are not clear, concise, and properly formatted - Some understanding of topic is demonstrated. - Some evidence is presented to support thesis. - some sources are clear, concise, and properly formatted - Good understanding of topic is demonstrated. - Most evidence is presented to support thesis. - most sources are clear, concise, and properly formatted - Excellent understanding of topic is demonstrated. - All evidence presented to support thesis. - all sources are clear, concise, and properly formatted Mark 5 CGR4M – Section 3: Annotated Bibliography Name: ____________________________ Complete an annotated bibliography of relevant secondary sources. Secondary sources are considered books, C.D. ROMS, Academic Websites, and Newspaper Articles etc. With an annotated bibliography you must describe in a couple sentences for each resource how it will be useful for your research project. Please note that you are limited in the number of sources you can use. I.E. All of your sources CANNOT be internet websites. You MUST go to your local library and research other sources. Type your information directly on the sheet provided and try to locate as many resources as possible. Descriptions do not have to be long but they should demonstrate that you have actually read and used the resource to avoid “padding” your bibliography. Complete the following table. In the first column, provide the Bibliographic information using proper MLA format (name/title of source, author, page numbers, publisher, etc), in the second column, write a short description on what the source is about and how it will be useful to your research. The more sources you have, the easier your research will be plus you will be able to validate and prove your point with greater success. Type of Source Book: Book: Academic Website: Description 6 Academic Website: C.D. Rom or Encyclopedia: Newspaper or Magazine Article: Other: Other: 7 Other: Other: Other: Other: 8 CGR4M – Section 3: Annotated Bibliography Rubric Criteria Grade Content (KNOW) Level 0 49% or Below Did not meet expectations. Relative Importance to Subject (THINK) Did not meet expectations. Annotation (APP) Did not meet expectations. Conventions (COM) Did not meet expectations. Name: _____________________________ Level 1 50% - 55% Level 2 60% -65% Level 3 70% - 75% Level 4 80%-100% Few, if any, of your sources are related to your topic. You seem to have no real interest in your paper. You select mostly one source type (i.e., Internet sites, books, etc.) and few are written at the appropriate level for this project ’s purpose. Quite often the connection is unclear if there is one at all. The time period in which they were written is often outdated or no longer pertains to the issue. You try to summarize your sources, but have trouble focusing on the main idea. You make little or no attempt to connect your sources to your argument. You cite fewer than six sources using your own citation style or use MLA style but there are many errors Your sources cover your topic, but they are less interesting and the relationship to your paper is less clear. The sources you selected are less varied, but most are written at the appropriate level for this project’s purpose. At times the connection between the sources and your topic is unclear. The time period in which they were written is sometimes outdated or does not apply to present day. You clearly summarize the main idea of each of your sources, but their connection to your argument is less apparent. Your sources are interesting and most are clearly related to your topic. Your sources are interesting and they are all clearly related to your topic. You select a variety of research sources and most are written at the appropriate level for this paper’s purpose. In most cases the connection between your source and the topic is clear. The time period in which they were written is for the most part appropriate. You select a variety of research sources that are all written at the appropriate level for this paper’s purpose. The connection between your sources and your topic are clear. The time period in which they were written is appropriate. You clearly summarize the main idea of each of your sources and can make an explicit connection to your argument for most sources. You clearly summarize the main idea of each of your sources and can make an explicit connection to your argument You cite less than six sources and try to use MLA style described in class, but have some difficulty. You correctly cite at least six sources using the MLA style described in class and there are a few errors. You correctly cite at least six sources using the MLA style described in class. Mark 9 CGR4M – Section 4: Rough Notes The key to making effective research notes is to organize your research as you do it. This will save you time and help direct your research towards areas that need more work. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 As soon as you know your topic and have figured out the major argument/points or subtopics of your essay, create a master list and number them. As you discover new ones, add them to your list. Create one research page for each major argument/point. As you research, put the evidence, aruements, quotations, or ideas you find on the appropriate research page. Always summarize what you find in your own words except for a few quoatations you might use. Put the author’s name, source title or web site, and page numbers in the margin so that you can create footnotes for your final copy of your essay. This method has several advantages. First, you will be less likely to copy the same information twice from different sources as you can see what you already have on this major point/argument of your essay. Second, by glancing at the different research pages you can quickly see which need more work and which do not. Third, it give you an ongoing record for future footnoting of your sources of information. Use your completed research notes to do a quick and easy first draft of your project. First examine your final list of major arguments/points and decide what order makes the most sense, then renumber the list. Second, read each research page and arrange your notes in a logical order, then cross out those you do not need. You are now organized and read to write and present your essay. 10 CGR4M – Section 4: Rough Notes Rubric Criteria Grade - variety of research resources consulted - types of research resources consulted (APP) Level 0 49% or Below Did not meet expectations. Name: ________________________________ Level 1 50% - 55% Level 2 60% -65% Level 3 70% - 75% Level 4 80%-100% -less than 3 different - 4 different resources - 5 different resources - more than 5 different resources were were consulted were consulted resources were consulted - 2 different types of - 3-5 different types consulted. - 1 type of resource resources were of resources were - more than 5 different was consulted consulted consulted types of resources were consulted: Primary documents, Secondary documents, Books, Academic Journals, Reference Sources, Elibrary, etc… - identification of sources (THINK) - research notes (KNOW) Did not meet expectations. Did not meet expectations. sources are not clear, some sources are most sources are all sources are clear, concise, and properly clear, concise, and clear, concise, and concise, and properly formatted properly formatted properly formatted formatted makes notes makes notes makes notes makes notes summarizing a few of summarizing some of summarizing and summarizing, the main points and the main points and questioning the main questioning, and supporting details supporting details points and supporting commenting on the and evidence and evidence details and evidence main points and supporting details and evidence - sub-headings and titles - quotations (COMM) Did not meet expectations. - information and - information and - information and - information and ideas are arranged ideas are arranged ideas are arranged ideas are arranged with a limited degree with some degree of with a considerable with a high degree of of completeness and completeness and degree of completeness and clarity clarity completeness and clarity - no referencing of - incomplete clarity - complete quotations and referencing of - some referencing of referencing of statistical information quotations and quotations and quotations and statistical information statistical information statistical information Mark 11 CGR4M – Section 5: Essay Skeleton Outline Name: _____________________ Complete the following Essay Skeleton Template before meeting with your teacher during your conference before proceeding to the next stage of your research essay. Topic: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Thesis: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph 1 Topic: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #1 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #2 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #3 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ 12 Body Paragraph 2 Topic: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #1 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #2 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #3 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph 3 Topic: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #1 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #2 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #3 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Conclusion Restate thesis and summarize major Body Paragraph Point. 13 14 CGR 4M – Essay Skeleton Outline Rubric Criteria Grade Outline Completion (APPLICATION) Outline Continuity (COMMUNICATION) Level 0 49% or Below Name: _____________________________________ Level 1 50% - 55% Level 2 60% -65% Level 3 70% - 75% Did not meet expectations. - Outline is incomplete and missing some information. - outline lacks insight and continuity - information is inconsistent - Student partially fulfills few of the outline requirements. - Outline is somewhat complete and includes some information. - outline possesses insight and continuity - information is somewhat consistent - Student partially fulfills some of the outline requirements. - Outline is complete and includes most information. - outline possesses insight and continuity - information is consistent - Student completely fulfills assignment requirements Did not meet expectations. - limited understanding of topics and subtopics - Student’s outline presents a superficial development of points, many of which do not support the thesis - some understanding of topics and subtopics - Student’s outline demonstrates an adequate development of points that support the thesis - considerable understanding of topics and subtopics - Student’s outline demonstrates adequate development of points that support the thesis Level 4 80%-100% - Outline is very complete and includes all necessary information. - outline possesses tremendous insight and continuity - information is extremely consistent - Student completely fulfills and goes beyond assignment requirements - a thorough understanding of topics and subtopics - Student’s outline demonstrates a logical, mature, and thorough development of points that support the thesis Mark 15 Name: CGR4M – Section 6: Rough Draft ______________________________ The rough draft of your Essay Assignment will not be evaluated by conventional rubric. It is designed for you to formulate your thoughts before you submit your final product. Have someone read it and make comments directly on the page. This portion of the essay writing process should focus more on delivery of content. See the following website for assistance with writing your Rough Draft: http://www.sparknotes.com/college/admissions/page16.html CHA3U – Section 7: Peer Edited The Peer Editors Draft of your Essay Assignment will not be evaluated by a conventional rubric. It is designed for you to get feedback from your peers. Have a classmate read it and make comments directly on the page. The peer editor should be looking for grammatical and mechanical errors as well as proper format for using in-text citations. Name of Writer______________________ Title of Essay____________________________________________________________________________ Peer Editor__________________________ Date______________________________ Use this list to check over your paper before your conference. Mark the column for each item with a after you have checked the paper carefully. Writer Peer Editor Checked for: I followed directions. I read the paper to my partner for understanding. I checked the paper for complete sentences. I used correct grammar. I have spelled all Word Wall Words correctly. All sentences start with a capital letter. Proper nouns are capitalized. Each sentence ends with a proper end mark. Commas and quotation marks are used correctly. I indented the beginning of each paragraph. I followed the writing process. My name is on the paper. 16 CGR4M – Final Essay Evaluation Criteria Grade Content & Accuracy (KNOW) Level 0 49% or Below Name: _____________________________________ Level 1 50% - 55% Level 2 60% -65% Level 3 70% - 75% Level 4 80%-100% Did not meet expectations. - Limited understanding of topic is demonstrated. - Writing lacks clarity and continuity. - Poorly presented evidence to support thesis. - Good understanding of topic is demonstrated. - Writing possesses clarity and continuity. - Most evidence is presented to support thesis. Historical Analysis & Supporting Evidence (THINK) Did not meet expectations. Student’s paper presents a superficial development of points, many of which do not support the thesis - Student’s textual evidence is irrelevant and is not analyzed. Student makes no attempt at synthesis - Some understanding of topic is demonstrated. - Writing possesses some clarity and continuity. - Some evidence is presented to support thesis. Student’s paper demonstrates an adequate development of points that support the thesis - Student presents relevant and partially analyzed textual evidence to support the thesis. Student makes an attempt at synthesis Format (Intro, Body, Conclusion), Mechanics (Use of language, grammar) (COM) Did not meet expectations. - Numerous mechanical errors and problems with spelling and grammar. -Little evidence of use of editor - Did not meet page minimum requirement or other essay requirements -Did not use reference resources appropriately - Some mechanical errors and problems with spelling and grammar. -Some evidence of use of editor - Almost met page minimum requirement and most but not all other essay requirements - Somewhat Referenced resources appropriately - Few mechanical errors and problems with spelling and grammar. -Good evidence of use of editor - Met page minimum requirement and other essay requirements - Excellent understanding of topic is demonstrated. - Writing possesses excellent clarity and continuity. - All evidence presented to support thesis. Student’s paper demonstrates a logical, mature, and thorough development of points that support the thesis - Student presents relevant and fully analyzed textual evidence to support the thesis following the evidence formula. Student synthesizes textual evidence and points back to thesis statement - No mechanical errors or problems with spelling and grammar. -Excellent evidence of use of editor - Went above page minimum requirement and other essay requirements -Effectively referenced resources appropriately Did not meet Persuasiveness & expectations. Interest, Use of Footnotes/Bibliography (APP) Student’s paper demonstrates adequate development of points that support the thesis - Student presents relevant and adequately analyzed textual evidence to support the thesis. Student makes an attempt at synthesis -Properly referenced resources appropriately Mark