IDC 3O1 – Grade 11 African-Canadian History Early African Civilizations Group Project Your Task: In assigned groups of 3-5 people, you will become experts on one particular group of Ancient African Civilizations. Your group will be able to select the Civilization that your members are most interested in from the following list: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Ancient Egypt Kush Axum Ghana Mali Songhai Great Zimbabwe The Swahili City-States OTHER? Your group will be responsible for presenting your research in a creative and informative way to the rest of the class. The overall aim of the project is to provide the class with a snapshot of what exactly life was like for those people living in each of these ancient kingdoms. Each group MUST include information on the following topics: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Significant Leaders/Personalities Religion/Political Views/System of Government Economic Base/Major Industry Demographics/Population characteristics Society/Culture Science and Technology Lasting Legacy Miscellaneous There are several components to this major assignment that you must follow: 1) Handout/Worksheet (25 Marks) - Each group will be responsible for producing a 1 page handout (front and back) that will successfully summarize all the information that you have gathered on your ancient African Civilization. The information should be presented in such a way that it is easy to understand and it includes graphics/illustrations/images/pictures. Handouts must stick to the page minimum. EACH GROUP IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PHOTOCOPYING ENOUGH COPIES SO THAT EACH MEMBER OF THE CLASS HAS A COPY OF THEIR HANDOUT. The handouts will be used as study notes for the test so ensure that it is user-friendly and easy to understand. Be sure to include a TERM LIST and a MAP of your groups’ African Civilization. 2) Group Presentation - Teach the class (25 Marks) - The presentation component will be 10-15 minutes in length and should include the use of visual aids (i.e. Costumes, Props, Video, Overheads, Music, Power Point). All members of the group must play a role during the presentation. Be creative. Do not merely read off of your handout. Think of an interesting way to present your material. Mark Breakdown – Your marks will be comprised of a combination of your group mark (total 50 marks above) in which all members will receive the same mark. This mark will be evaluated by the teacher. The second part of your mark is an individual mark of 50 that will be calculated by determining the average of how your peers assessed you. The total mark for this project will be 100 marks and will be one of the major projects for the first part of the term. Please see the accompanying page to see the teacher component of the evaluation. You will receive time in class to work on the project however it will be in your group’s best interest to exchange contact numbers and meet after school and on your own time to coordinate your project. You must learn to work with your group regardless of who is in it. Use your time wisely. Students who do not show up for the presentation component of the assignment will receive a mark of zero on the presentation section and will be marked accordingly by your peers in the peer evaluation section of your evaluation. DUE DATE: _______________________ IDC3O1: Early African Civilizations Group Assignment – Teacher Evaluation Egypt, Kush, Axum, Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Great Zimbabwe, Swahili City-States, Other: ____________________________________ Group Members: Handout (Knowledge and Understanding) Criteria Assignment Requirements Met: 1 page minimum (front and back), enough copies made for entire class, title of colonies studied clearly presented, all elements of assignment included, work sheet typed Overall Presentation: aesthetics, readability, user friendly, information presented in creative manner, graphics utilized, easy to understand and follow. Content: quality of information, usefulness, pictures and diagrams effective, information accurate, evidence of research, informative and well thought out. Mark 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL (out of 25) /25 Comments: Group Presentation (Communication) Criteria Stage Presence: Awareness of audience, eye contact, use of voice, tone, facing audience, all members contributed equally, confident. Overall Presentation: use of equipment (ie. Overhead, AV equipment), captured audience’s attention, creative use of time allotted, did not merely “read” information, presentation had flow and was well organized and structured. Presentation was INTERESTING. Content: quality of information, information accurate, evidence of research, informative and well thought out, comfortable with information and very knowledgeable, answered questions well. TOTAL (out of 25) Comments: Mark 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 /25 Group Self Evaluation (50 Marks - Application) Ancient African Civilization: _______________________________________________ Answer the following Questions on the back of this sheet: 1) What was your group particularly effective at doing? 2) What did I like about this project? 3) What have I learned? 4) WHO DID NOT PULL THEIR OWN WEIGHT ON THIS PROJECT? PLEASE LIST EXAMPLES… Group Members: #1) ________________________________________ #2) ________________________________________ #3) ________________________________________ #4) ________________________________________ #5) ________________________________________ 5) Who did more than their fair share of the work on this project? Please list examples… Instructions: Write each group members name down in the corresponding box on the graph. Assign a mark from 1-5 for each criterion. An average of all the group members marks will be used to establish a mark for this section. Include yourself in the marking and give yourself a mark from 1-5 according to each criterion. Write comments at the bottom and On the back of the sheet. Criteria Assign mark of 1-5 in each column. #2 #3 #4 #1 1) Contributed ideas and suggestions to the group and brainstormed together. 2) Shared ideas with the group and encouraged one another to be involved. 3) Worked cooperatively with one another. 4) Used time wisely and effectively. Stayed on task. 5) Listened to the ideas of all the group members and were respectful to each other. 6) Helped to make our decision and stated exactly what we were going to do. 7) Contributed materials to the final product. 8) Solved problems in a positive way. 9) Was patient when explaining difficult material to members of our group. #5 10) Shared the workload among all members of the group. Took responsibility for completing work. Total (add all marks together to get a mark out of 50): /50 Mark Breakdown: 5 = Always 4 = Usually 3 = Sometimes 2 = Rarely 1 = Never /50 /50 /50 /50