Given name: ______________________ Family name: ____________________ Application ID: B00:__________________

ESSEC Global BBA Scholarship Form
Applicant Information:
Given name: ______________________
Family name: ____________________
Application ID: B00:__________________
Applying to:
Scholarship Policy:
Tuition fees are paid on an annual basis. The amount of scholarship granted will be
distributed equally over 4 years (official duration of the program). Scholarships are renewed
annually and are dependent upon the student's class attendance and academic
ESSEC Scholarships:
Applicants may apply for a maximum of 2 scholarships. Only 1 will be awarded to each
successful applicant.
Please tick  hereafter the scholarships for which you would like to be considered:
Cergy and Singapore Tracks:
Academic Excellence
Scholarship Financial Aid
Regional Diversity Scholarship
Please complete and attach the Financial Aid Form available on the Financing page of our
Singapore Track only:
Regional Diversity Scholarship
Singapore an Scholarship
Pioneering Spirit Scholarship
Please attach a separate A4 sheet in response to the following in 500 words or less:
"In his address during the opening of the 2nd session of 12th parliament, President Tony Tan urged
Singaporeans to uphold the same pioneering spirit that built the Singapore we see today, and leave
behind a better Singapore than we inherited. Similarly, ESSEC has been characterized by its
pioneering spirit throughout its history, guided by the principles of innovation, involvement and
How would you illustrate your pioneering spirit?"
For more information on eligibility and selection criteria, please visit the Financing page of
our website.
Applicant’s signature
ESSEC B usiness Scho ol – 1 avenue Bernard Hirs ch – CS 501 05 Cergy – 95021 Cergy Po ntoise Cedex – France