Urinary Sulfate can Predict Changes in Bone Resorption During Space Flight 1 Zwart , 2 Heer , 3 Shackelford , 3 Smith Sara R. Martina Linda C. and Scott M. 1Universities Space Research Association, 2University of Bonn, Germany, 3NASA JSC, Houston, TX Abstract Subjects (n=14, 10 male and 4 female) were astronauts on International Space Station Expeditions 22-40 (missions of 124 – 193 d duration, flown between 2009 and 2014). Subjects were 48 ± 6 y at the time of launch. Their average flight duration was 159 ± 20 d. The protocol was reviewed and approved by the NASA Johnson Space Center Institutional Review Board, and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency and the European Space Agency Medical Boards. Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects before they participated in the study. Urinary sulfate was positively associated with urinary NTX excretion for both high and low APro:K menus. The crewmembers were asked to consume prescribed menus for 4-d sessions with either a low (0.3-0.6 g/mEq) or high (1.0-1.3 g/mEq) ratio of animal protein to potassium (APro:K) before and during flight (two 4-d sessions preflight and four 4-d sessions during flight). The menus were alternated, in a randomized crossover fashion, such that there was one high and one low APro:K session before flight and two of each menu during flight. The high and low APro:K menus provided similar intakes of total energy (based on WHO requirements), total protein, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. A research dietitian met with the crews before the controlled dietary sessions to plan menus. 24-h urine samples and fasting blood samples were collected at the end of the 4-d prescribed diet sessions. Urine samples were analyzed for collagen crosslinks, including n-Telopeptide (NTX), C-telopeptide (CTX), and helical peptide (HP) using commercially available kits (Osteomark, Ostex International, Seattle, WA; Osteometer BioTech, Herley, Denmark; and Quidel, San Diego, CA, respectively). Urinary sulfate was measured using ion chromatography as previously described (8). Urinary pH was measured in 24-h urine collections using a standard pH meter. Urinary pH was negatively associated with NTX excretion during flight but not before flight. Mixed-effects linear regression modeling setting 2-tailed α to reject the null hypothesis at 0.05 was used to evaluate the effects of diet and flight on markers of bone resorption (Stata IC software version 12.1, StataCorp, College Station, TX). Data presented are mean ± SD. There is a significant amount of variability in the data. While we continue to evaluate the data set (pending complete data sets for all 17 subjects), there are many potential factors. Dietary factors such as total energy, protein (% of kcal), and sodium are being considered, along with other factors, including atmospheric CO2, exercise, inflammation, and gender. In this study, we sought to determine whether altering the ratio of dietary animal protein to potassium affected markers of bone resorption during space flight. There appears to be more factors during flight that affect urinary pH, which in turn affects bone resorption. A high ratio of dietary animal protein to potassium results in a larger percent change in bone resorption markers and calcium excretion compared to preflight, but raw NTX values were lower when high dietary APro:K diets were consumed. Urinary calcium was higher when high dietary APro:K diets were consumed. P re flig h t 8 In flig h t 40 7 30 20 10 H ig h A p r o /K 7 U r in e p H U r in a r y p H 6 References 6 5 5 4 4 1. Smith SM, Heer MA, Shackelford L, Sibonga JD, Ploutz-Snyder L, Zwart SR. Benefits for bone from resistance exercise and nutrition in long-duration spaceflight: evidence from biochemistry and densitometry. J Bone Miner Res. 2012;27:1896-906. L o w A p ro /K Low Figure 4. The percent change in urinary ntelopeptide (NTX) excretion during flight (FD, flight day) when crewmembers consumed a diet with a higher ratio of animal protein:potassium (Apro/K). P r e f lig h t In f lig h t Figure 5. Urinary pH before and during flight when crewmembers consumed diets with a high or low ratio of animal protein:potassium. 0 H ig h fl D F D F Low 1 8 0 1 2 6 D F H ig h 0 8 5 .2 5 1 0 4. Frassetto LA, Todd KM, Morris RC, Jr., Sebastian A. Estimation of net endogenous noncarbonic acid production in humans from diet potassium and protein contents. Am J Clin Nutr. 1998;68(3):576-83. 7. Zwart SR, Davis-Street JE, Paddon-Jones D, Ferrando AA, Wolfe RR, Smith SM. Amino acid supplementation alters bone metabolism during simulated weightlessness. J Appl Physiol. 2005;99(1):134-40. D 5 .5 0 0 25 0 5 .7 5 5 50 3. Lemann J, Jr., Relman AS. The relation of sulfur metabolism to acid-base balance and electrolyte excretion: the effects of DL-methionine in normal man. J Clin Invest. 1959;38:2215-23. 5 F 6 .0 0 0 75 6 .2 5 2. Smith SM, Zwart SR, Heer M, Hudson EK, Shackelford L, Morgan JL. Men and women in space: bone loss and kidney stone risk after long-duration spaceflight. J Bone Miner Res. 2014;29(7):1639-45. 6. Zwart SR, Hargens AR, Lee SM, Macias BR, Watenpaugh DE, Tse K, et al. Lower body negative pressure treadmill exercise as a countermeasure for bed rest-induced bone loss in female identical twins. Bone. 2007;40(2):529-37. 2 100 6 .5 0 10 1 125 6 .7 5 5 5. Zwart SR, Hargens AR, Smith SM. The ratio of animal protein intake to potassium intake is a predictor of bone resorption in space flight analogues and in ambulatory subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004;80(4):1058-65. 15 D U r in a r y p H 150 Figure 3. Urinary pH is negatively associated with atmospheric CO2 concentration during flight on the International Space Station (p<0.05). F 7 .0 0 4 A tm o s p h e r ic C O 2 ( m m H g ) 0 L o w A p ro /K 3 6 175 2 t 7 .2 5 1 1 h H ig h A p r o /K D 0 Figure 2. Urinary pH is negatively associated with urinary n-telopeptide (NTX) excretion during flight (p<0.001), but not before flight. 200 F 2000 N T X n m o l/d Figure 1. Urinary sulfate positively associated with 24-h urinary n-telopeptide (NTX) excretion during flight when either a high or low ratio of dietary animal protein:potassium (Apro/K) was consumed (p<0.01). re 1500 D N T X n m o l/d 1000 F 500 5 0 1 1500 D 1000 ig 500 re 0 F 0 P U r in r a y s u lf a te (m m o l/d ) All subjects and samples have landed and post-flight data collections and sample analyses are pending for the last 3 subjects. 8 P In bed rest, an analog of space flight, we showed that the ratio of dietary animal protein to potassium was associated with excretion of both calcium and collagen crosslinks (5, 6). This observation was clear after 2-3 weeks of bed rest, but it was not observed in the same subjects before bed rest. This suggests that the impact of diet on bone is more pronounced in individuals whose bone is already in a resorptive state. In a separate study where bed rest subjects were supplemented with essential amino acids including methionine, urine pH was lower and markers of bone resorption were higher in subjects receiving the supplement (7). 50 N T X ( % ∆ f r o m p r e flig h t) Dietary components can influence endogenous acid production due to the presence of acid and base precursors. Endogenous acids include sulfuric acid produced from sulfurcontaining proteins and amino acids. The quantity of sulfuric acid generated is reflected in the amount of urinary sulfate excretion (3). Generally, foods containing animal protein are higher in sulfur-containing amino acids than plant protein sources. Phosphoric acid is another non-volatile acid that can either be ingested or produced endogenously. Anions, including conjugate bases of organic acids, make up the majority of dietary base precursors that the body metabolizes to bicarbonate. Potassium is the predominant intracellular inorganic cation that balances the charge of organic anions; therefore, dietary potassium intake can be used to estimate the content of base precursors in the diet. Frassetto and colleagues developed a model for estimating net endogenous acid production based on the acid and base precursors in the diet (4). According to this model, renal net acid excretion can be predicted from two dietary components: total protein and potassium. Crewmembers consuming a high ratio of dietary animal protein to potassium had lower urinary pH both before flight and during flight. Results Background While bone mineral loss associated with space flight is likely predominantly triggered by the lack of weight bearing, the nature of this loss is multifactorial. Resistive exercise can mitigate decrements in bone mineral density observed after flight (1, 2), and it is likely that diet can be optimized to further protect bone. It is clear from the scientific literature that a suboptimal diet can exacerbate bone loss in healthy subjects. Summary U r in a r y c a lc iu m ( m m o l/d ) Mitigating bone loss is critical for space exploration, and diet can play a major role in this effort. Previous studies showed that dietary composition could influence bone resorption during bed rest. In this study we examined the role of dietary intake patterns in bone mineral loss in astronauts during space flight. Crewmembers were asked to consume, for 4 days at a time, prescribed menus with either a low (0.3-0.6 g/mEq) or high (1.0-1.3 g/mEq) ratio of animal protein to potassium (APro:K). Menus were developed for each crewmember, and were designed to meet both crew preferences and study constraints. Intakes of energy, total protein, calcium, and sodium were held within ± 5% between the 2 diets. The order of the menus was randomized, and crews completed each set (low and high) once before and twice during space flight, for a total of 6 controlled diet sessions. One in-flight session monitored typical dietary intake. On the last day of each of the sessions, 24-h urine samples were collected, along with a fasting blood sample on the morning of the 5th day. We report here preliminary data from 14 crewmembers. Three additional crewmembers’ in-flight samples recently returned from the International Space Station via SpaceX Dragon capsule. Preliminary analyses show that urinary excretion of sulfate (normalized to lean body mass) is a significant predictor of bone resorption, estimated by urinary n-telopeptide (NTX). Dietary sulfate (normalized to lean body mass) is also a significant predictor of urinary NTX. The results from this study will be important to better understand diet and bone interrelationships during space flight as well as on Earth. Funded by the Human Health Countermeasures Element of the NASA Human Research Program. Methods Figure 6. Urinary calcium excretion is higher when crewmembers consume a high ratio of dietary animal protein:potassium (p<0.05). 8. Morgan JL, Heer M, Hargens AR, Macias BR, Hudson EK, Shackelford LC, et al. Sex-specific responses of bone metabolism and renal stone risk during bed rest. Physiological reports. 2014;2(8).