Radiation Limits for Space Exploration F.A. Cucinotta NASA LBJ Space Center Brown-bag Lunch Seminar February 24, 2005 The Space Radiation Problem Tracks Damage Large Numbers of Cells in Integrated Functional Units • Space radiation is comprised of high-energy protons and heavy ions (HZE’s) and secondary protons, neutrons, and heavy ions produced in shielding – Unique damage to biomolecules, cells, and tissues occurs from HZE ions • Protons similar, but not identical to x-rays – No human data to estimate risk – Animal models must be applied or developed to estimate cancer, CNS or other risks – Solar particle events can not be predicted with sufficient warning at this time – Shielding has excessive costs and will not eliminate GCR • SPE’s can be mitigated with shielding • GCR can not (energies too high) Gamma-rays Distribution of DNA breaks HZE’s Unique Damage to DNA Titanium Radiation Risks • Carcinogenesis – Leukemia’s – Solid Cancers • Degenerative Tissue Effects – – – – Potential Outcomes: • Mortality: life-shortening Heart disease Cataracts Respiratory disease Digestive Diseases • Mortality: In-flight-acute from SPE • Damage to the Central Nervous System • Reduced PerformanceMission success? – Motor skills/performance – Accelerated aging • Acute Risks – Death – Vomiting/nausea • Morbidity: post-flight • Purpose of Radiation Limits? – Legal Requirement – Safety goals of the Agency • Health of crew • Mission success – Mission, vehicle, surface habitats, spacesuit design requirements OSHA Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) Supplemental standards. - 1960.18 • In addition to complying with emergency temporary standards issued under section 6 of the Act, an agency head shall adopt such emergency temporary and permanent supplementary standards as necessary and appropriate for application to working conditions of agency employees for which there exists no appropriate OSHA standards. In order to avoid any possible duplication of effort, the agency head should notify the Secretary of the subject matter of such standard when the development of the standard begins. • Implications- NASA Administrator decides on standards (limits) and is held accountable Are acceptable levels of risk arbitrary? We will review National Research Council (NRC) and National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) Guidance as well as others Regis’s Guidance Step 1. Calculate dose for Mars mission Step 2. Set Limits higher than calculated dose Dose and Biological Dose • Physical Dose – Amount of energy deposited in bulk matter – Units of Gray (1 Gy = 100 rad) – Dose = Fluence x LET (linear energy transfer) • Biological Dose Equivalent – Idea is a surrogate quantity to relate exposure to risk – Terrestrial radiation protection uses Dose times quality factor (H= D x Q) – Units of Sievert (1 Sv = 100 rem) – Quality factor approved by Committee using available experimental data • Depends on biological endpoint (cancer, acute risks, etc.) – NASA requires more precise risk assessment tool • Q for Exploration is Undefined (no Committee has approved) Calculation of Risk • q(a) = probability to die for age a to a+1 based on US mortality rate, M (all causes) and exposure dependent cancer rate, m q( E , aE , a) = • M ( a ) + m( E , a E , a ) 1 1 + [ M (a ) + m( E , aE , a )] 2 Probability to survive to age ‘a’ S(E, a E , a) = a −1 ∏[1 − q(E, a E , a)] u=a E • Mortality rate for ion fluence F, of LET, L (ν=transfer model weight) m( E , aE , a ) = [vERR( aE ) M c ( a ) + (1 − v ) EAR( aE , a )] • Excess lifetime risk (ELR) ELR = ∞ ∑ [ M (a) + m( E , a E , a )]S ( E , aE , a ) − a = aE • Q ( L) F ( L) L DDREF ∞ ∑ m( E , a a = aE ∑ M (a)S (0, a a = aE Risk of exposure induced-death (REID) REID = ∞ E , a ) S ( E , aE , a ) E , a) Fatal Cancer Risk Life-loss Projection of life-loss is important for comparison of radiation risks to other Mission risks US Males (1 Sv Acute at age 35-yr) 35 Estimates can be made based on gamma-ray data; however Heavy ions and neutrons will have shortened latency time Type -Leukemia -Solid Cancers: Multiplicative Transfer Model Additive Transfer Model Years 20 12 20 30 Fatal Cancer Risk (%) Estimate of Average Life-loss from radiation cancer death for ages 30-50 yr at exposure: Background no radiation Background competing with IR ELR (Solid Cancer) REID (Solid Cancer) 25 20 15 10 5 0 40 50 60 70 Age, yr 80 90 100 High LET- time shift or increased incidence? Pulmonary Tumors with fission neutrons in B6CF1 mice Cataracts in Astronauts (Fry et al., Env. Int. 1, (1972)) 0.6 100 80 rad (3.3x24 fract.) 0.5 240 rad (10x24 fract.) 10 Controls 1 80 rad (acute) 0.1 250 Probability of Cataract Mortality Rate/ 10,000 Mice/ Day All Cataracts Low-dose Astroanauts High-Dose astronauts 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 450 650 850 1050 Age, days 1250 5 10 15 20 Time after first-mission, yr 25 30 Einstein’s Twins Paradox & Space Travel Degenerative Effects vs. Theory of Relativity ? Radiation induced aging Time Dilation Cancer and Non-cancer data Human Carcinogenesis Data Issues with data -Statistics is significant to low doses (~5 rad) - Problems are in intercomparisons for several reasons -Radiation Type -Whole vs. Partial body -Dose-rate -Genetic background 4-6 crew to lunar surface for extended-duration stay CEV:Earth-moon cruise – 4 days Low lunar orbit (LLO) operations- 1 day Untended lunar orbit operations – 4-14 days Low lunar orbit operations – 1 day Moon-Earth cruise – 4 days Lunar Lander: Lunar surface operations 60-90 days 4-6 crew to lunar surface for long-duration stay Lunar Habitat: Lunar surface operations 60-90 days 2020 2015-2020 2030+ Crew TBD to Mars surface Surface Habitat 2025+ 2014 Crew TBD to Mars Vicinity 4-6 crew to Low Earth Orbit Crew Exploration Vehicle: Launch Environment LEO Environment Earth entry, water (or land) recovery Transit vehicle: Earth-Mars cruise – 6-9 months Mars vicinity operations – 30-90 days Mars-Earth cruise – 9-12 months NASA ESMD GCR and SPE Dose: Materials & Tissue - GCR much higher energy producing secondary radiation No Tissue Shielding With Tissue Shielding 10000 GCR L. Hydrogen GCR Polyethylene GCR Graphite GCR Aluminum GCR Regolith SPE Graphite SPE Regolith 1000 Dose Equivalent, rem/yr Dose Equivalent, rem/yr 10000 100 10 GCR L. Hydrogen GCR Polyethylene GCR Graphite GCR Aluminum GCR Regolith SPE Graphite SPE Regolith 1000 SPE L. Hydrogen 100 10 1 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 Shielding Depth, g/cm2 August 1972 SPE 5 10 15 20 25 Shielding Depth, g/cm2 30 35 Spiral Cancer Risks at Solar Minimum (20 g/cm2 Aluminum Shielding) Spiral D, Gy E, Sv %Risk* 95% CI Males (40-y) 3 0.03 0.071 0.28 [0.09, 0.96] 4 0.36 0.87 3.2 [1.0, 10.5] 5 0.41 0.96 3.4 [1.1, 11.0] Females 3 0.03 0.071 0.34 [0.11, 1.2] 4 0.36 0.87 3.9 [1.2, 12.8] 5 0.41 0.96 4.1 [1.4, 14.4] *Risk = Risk of Exposure Induced Death (REID) (lifetime) Spiral Cancer Risks at Solar Maximum (Males- 40 yr) Spiral D, Gy E, Sv %Risk 95% CI 5 g/cm2 Al 3 0.45 0.69 2.7 [0.92, 7.4] 4 0.63 1.21 4.4 [1.5, 13.3] 5 0.66 1.24 4.4 [1.5, 13.0] 20 g/cm2 Al 3 0.042 0.09 0.35 [0.11,1.2] 4 0.22 0.54 2.0 [0.65, 6.8] 5 0.25 0.60 2.1 [0.69, 7.2] *Phi=1100 MV (solar modulation) with Aug. 1972 SPE in transit Non-cancer Mortality Risks Males (40-yr) H=1 Sv at low dose-rate Females (40-yr) H=1 Sv at low dose-ate 12 15 Cancer Heart Disease Total Probability of Death Probability of Death 15 9 6 3 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Dose, Sv 1.5 2.0 12 Cancer Heart Disease Total 9 6 3 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Dose, Sv 1.5 2.0 National Research Council Guidance • National Research Council report in 1970 provided basis for Radiation Limits from 1970-1989 • Acceptable radiation protection guidelines- “acceptable to who?” – Must conform with Federal Radiation Regulations on basis of riskversus-gain-philosophy – In-line with consensus of the informed Radiobiological and Medical communities – Acceptable in terms of technical and fiscal responsibility to the design and flight engineers and those responsible for Federal appropriations – The judgment of risk-versus-gain requires specific numbers relative to the nations space goals • Outside the scope of NRC panel – ALARA Should be followed NCRP Guidance • 1989 Recommendation (NCRP 98) – It would be inappropriate to allow unrestricted radiation exposures – No exact comparison with other risks can be made • Differential life loss • Mission success criteria – Types of comparisons • Other risks astronauts face • Risks in “less-safe” industries (2-3%) • Radiation limits of ground workers (~3%) – ALARA should be followed • 2000 Recommendation (NCRP 132) – Comparison to “less-safe” industries maybe too restrictive Comparison to Occupational Fatality Rates Table-3. Occupational death rates (National Safety Council) and life-time risks for 40-yr careers for the less-safe and safe industries. Occupation Deaths per 10,000 Workers Life-time Risk (%) of per year Occupational Death 1977 1987 2002 1977 1987 2002 Agriculture 5.4 4.9 2.1 2.2 2.0 Mining 6.3 3.8 2.9 2.5 1.5 0.8 Less-safe 1.2 industries Construction 5.7 3.5 1.3 2.3 1.4 0.6 Transportation 3.1 2.8 1.0 1.2 1.1 0.5 Manufacturing 0.9 0.6 0.28 0.4 0.2 0.1 Government 1.1 0.8 0.26 0.4 0.3 0.1 All 1.4 1.0 0.36 0.6 0.4 0.2 Astronauts Occupation Hazards 1.0 Occupational ~7.5% Survival Probability 0.9 Astronauts 0.8 0.7 US Males 0.6 0.5 30 35 40 45 50 55 Age, yr 60 65 70 75 Comparison to Other NASA Standards • Human Missions Requirements– Cumulative probability safe crew return > 0.99 (1 x 10-2) • Chemical Carcinogen Limits (morbidity) – NASA SMAC’s limit exposure to cancer rate of 1 in 1000 (1x10-3) – EPA limit to cancer rate of 1 in 10,000 (1x10-4) • Radiation Limits for LEO (mortality) – 3% Cancer Mortality (3.3 x 10-2) Equating Risks? • No precise way to equate risks • Considerations – Mission Success – Costs to limit risks – Mortality is equivalent endpoint, however life-loss needs to be considered • Example Risk Limit Ave. Life Loss (yr) Weighted Risk N x Weighted Risk Program Risk Chemical Risk Radiation Risk 0.01 35 0.35 1.4 0.001 15 0.015 0.015 0.0303 15 0.455 0.468 N=no. of crew; Radiation life loss based on gamma ray data Our Recommended Approach • • • • NASA should follows similar approach used in LEO for exploration Chronic limits set at REID of 3 to 5% with uncertainty assessment Acute limits to prevent occurrence of clinically significant risk during mission Revisions to Acute risk limits – Separate limit for CNS effects – Probabilistic interpretation for SPE shielding design • Revisions to Chronic risk limits – Total mortality risks (cancer+ heart + other) weighted by life-loss – Program goals to reduce uncertainties in order to ensure cost-effective counter-measures – Risks be calculated using cross sections rather than dose • Revision to ALARA approach to make Mission focused – Material requirements and realistic cost analysis program – Role of Individual sensitivity Acute Mortality Risks Estimates based on Human and Animal Data (NRC, 1967) Estimates based on Human and Animal Data 50 100 Model Japanese survivors Normal 80 Fisherman Mexican Family 30 Mortality(%) LD50, Gy 40 20 Lower bound (all survived) 60 Patients 40 10 20 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0 Dose Rate, Gy/hr 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Dose, Gy Acute response: Large sparing at low dose-rates Tail of distribution becomes important if response is depressed due to spaceflight Factors (stress, micro-gravity, etc.) Historically Largest SPE’s Range in materialsfew 10’s of cm’s (g/cm2) High E data?? Oct./Nov. 2003 Solar Particle Event Cumulative Dose Equivalent, cSv 1.E+02 Al thickness, g/cm2: Current 30-day limit 1.E+01 0 1 3 5 10 15 20 30 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 0 50 100 150 Time, h 200 250 300 August 1972 Solar Particle Event 1.E+02 Dose Rate, cSv/h 1.E+01 1 rem/h 1.E+00 Al thickness, g/cm2: 1.E-01 0 1 3 5 10 15 20 30 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 BFO Dose, rem (cSv) Depth Alum Poly 5 61.1 39.1 10 20.9 10.7 20 4.57 1.83 1.E-05 0 40 80 120 Time, h 160 200 240 Summary- Acute Mortality Risk CH2 Risk is small for more than 98% of historical SPE’s ¾ Doses to BFO are at low dose-rates (<5 cGy/hr) reducing acute risks ¾ Shielding solution is known (2-3 in thick wall of polyethylene) Requires accurate monitoring/warning especially EVA ¾ Use of average BFO dose is conservative due to protective effects of heterogeneous dose distribution Remaining questions ¾ Characterization of high energy components of large (<2%) of SPE’s (future measurements or data mining) ¾ Is sensitivity increased due to immuno-suppression, stress, etc.? SPE Design Requirement Design to here Backup Material Non-Cancer Risks in A-Bomb Survivors (Shimizu et al., 1999) Stroke ERR/Sv 0.09 P 0.02 0.8 Heart Disease ERR/Sv 0.13 P 0.003 0.4 ERR 0.0 Respiratory ERR/Sv 0.18 P 0.005 Digestive ERR/Sv 0.11 P 0.05 0.8 0.4 0.0 Infectious ERR/Sv -0.01 P > 0.5 0.8 Other ERR/Sv 0.01 P > 0.5 0.4 0.0 0 1 2 0 3 Dose (Sv) ERR: Excess Relative Risk per Sv 1 2 3 NASA Revised Standard for Dose Limits (LEO) ISS Mission Nominal Fatal Cancer Risk Revised standard applies a 95% confidence is conservative ¾ Specific risk probabilities of individuals ¾ Narrows range of increased risk ¾ Uncertainties¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Epidemiology data Dose-rate effects Radiation Quality (QF) Dosimetry/transport codes 0.0150 Risk Distribution D = 100 mGy E = 252 mSv Q = 2.52 R0 = 1.0 % 95% C.I. = [0.41, 3.02%] 0.0125 Probability 95% confidence level to the career limit of 3% additional risk of lifetime fatal cancer ¾ Approved by NASA Medical Policy Board 0.0100 0.0075 0.0050 0.0025 0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 % Fatal Risk per Monte-Carlo simulation of risk estimates Including range of quality factors, dose-rate Factors, epidemiology data, and errors in Dosimetry or transport codes. Other uncertainties in Risk Projections? • Are responses linear at low doses and dose-rates? – Difficult to achieve good statistics in experiments 0.4 Sub-linear dose responses at low dose or dose-rates? 0.3 – Bystander mechanisms – Sensitive sub-populations – Bending due to cell sterilization or competing risks at higher doses masks linearity Incidence • Sensitive sub-population "Normal" population Total 0.2 0.1 0.0 • Importance to NASA – Shielding is less effective if “true” biological response is sub-linear – Countermeasure design impacted by mechanisms of low dose responses 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Dose, Gy 0.8 1.0